Статград пробник егэ английский

Пробный тренировочный вариант АЯ2210101 статград по английскому языку 11 класс в формате ЕГЭ 2023 года письменная и устная часть заданий, официальная дата проведения работы 30 ноября 2022 год.


Устная часть заданий ЕГЭ 2023 по английскому языку 11 класс


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3. Dan Welch created

  • 1) the Pittsburg Symphony Orchestra.
  • 2) Pittsburg City anti-poverty program.
  • 3) a program of teaching music to kids.

4. MusicKids accepts children

  • 1) who are most musically talented.
  • 2) from most disadvantaged families.
  • 3) who want to participate in competitions.

5. The word “disparate” in “in music seemingly disparate things come together” is closest in its meaning to

  • 1) “different”.
  • 2) “opposite”.
  • 3) “similar”.

6. When Dan Welch says that music is «a metaphor for life» and «a great place to be» he means

  • 1) living in peace and harmony with others.
  • 2) the importance of being like others.
  • 3) being around people who share your views.

7. Which of the following does Dan Welch NOT mention as one of the things that classical music teaches you?

  • 1) to be patient
  • 2) to be hard-working
  • 3) to be sociable

8. When Dan Welch calls music «preventative medicine» he wants to stress that music

  • 1) should be taught from an early age.
  • 2) can cure some existing diseases.
  • 3) helps to keep your body fit.

9. According to Dan Welch, the tuba is

  • 1) too heavy.
  • 2) boring.
  • 3) lovable.

12. According to the author, people usually consider a white lie

  • 1) tricky.
  • 2) foolish.
  • 3) helpful.
  • 4) wrong.

13. The example of a situation with a sister in the second paragraph shows how

  • 1) a joke is different from a white lie.
  • 2) absurd and funny white lies are.
  • 3) easy it is not to believe a white lie.
  • 4) innocent a typical white lie is.

14. The word blatanty in “Why is it okay to lie blatantly” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to

  • 1) absurdly.
  • 2) properly.
  • 3) politely.
  • 4) openly.

15. The main aim of the example about a husband and wife in the 5th paragraph is to show

  • 1) that a white lie makes the wife suspicious and unhappy in marriage.
  • 2) what kinds of white lies are often told by spouses in a marriage.
  • 3) that a white lie enables the husband to be untruthful in general.
  • 4) how a white lie can have a disastrous effect on a relationship.

16. Which verb does the verb do in “We all do” in the last paragraph refer to?

  • 1) Tell
  • 2) Mean
  • 3) Propose
  • 4) Condemn

17. According to the author, which one is NOT one of the reasons why we tell white lies?

  • 1) Because we want to sound nice and polite.
  • 2) Because we live in a corrupt and evil society.
  • 3) Because we want to avoid an awkward situation.
  • 4) Because everyone else around us tells white lies

18. The goal of the author of the text is to convince the reader that the white lie

  • 1) should be made socially unacceptable.
  • 2) is not as harmless as it seems at first glance.
  • 3) is necessary in order to live without conflicts.
  • 4) is acceptable and common in our society.

19. «Orlando, are you hungry yet?» Mom asked my older brother again. He always wears headphones on road trips, and we have to repeat whatever we say to him because he never it the first time.

20. It is so annoying. When I try to tell him stuff, he can’t wait to put his headphones back on. So I chat with my parents, my dog and even

21. I shouldn’t be expected to stay silent, should I? I couldn’t be silent even if I

22. Wilbur and Orville Wright read everything they could find about flying machines. They began building their own airplane in 1900. They carefully made and tested every part of the airplane. Finally, the airplane

23. On a cold, windy day in December 1903, they their plane for the first time. Orville was the pilot as the plane lifted into the air. It stayed in the air for only 12 seconds and travelled just 120 feet the first time.

24. After three more tries that same day, the plane’s  trip was almost a full minute and more than 850 feet.

Работы статград для подготовки к ЕГЭ и ОГЭ



Тренировочная работа №1 статград пробный ЕГЭ 2022 по английскому языку 11 класс задания и ответы для варианта АЯ2110101. Официальная дата проведения работы: 6.12.2021 (6 декабря 2021 год).

Задания письменной части

Задания устной части

Ответы, аудио и скрипты

Тренировочный вариант статград АЯ2110101 ЕГЭ 2022 по английскому языку 11 класс:

Устная часть:

Сложные задания и ответы с варианта:

3)According to Patricia, North American college graduates prefer 1) to live in major cities. 2) to work in big corporations. 3) to live away from parents.

4)Patricia mentions a tradition in North America. Judging by her words, she 1) considers it to be old-fashioned. 2) wants it to continue in the future. 3) believes that it creates problems.

5)Patricia lives in 1) the USA. 2) Canada. 3) the UK.

6)Patricia paid for the house 1) 65 thousand dollars. 2) 150 thousand dollars. 3) 300 thousand dollars.

7)When the presenter exclaims “But you are forgetting the state it is in!”, he means that 1) the house is in a very bad condition. 2) the location of the house is horrible. 3) the house still needs to be paid for.

8)Patricia earns her living by being 1) a youtuber. 2) an electrician. 3) an artist.

9)What is the presenter’s general attitude towards Patricia’s project? 1) highly enthusiastic 2) somewhat skeptical 3) completely indifferent

12)What is the main idea in the first paragraph? 1) Development of human physiology needs to be researched. 2) The fact that a human can outrun a horse isn’t that surprising. 3) Running machines can help train for long-distance running. 4) There is a special marathon for people vs horses held in Wales.

13)The word “far-fetched” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to 1) easy. 2) stupid. 3) hard. 4) usual.

14)According to the 2nd paragraph, 1) in pre-historic societies families were started by good runners. 2) sharing was an important tradition in all pre-historic societies. 3) prehistoric humans were better runners than people are today. 4) prehistoric humans could easily outrun four-legged animals.

15)Learning to throw sharp weapons at animals did NOT enable people 1) to run faster. 2) to be safer. 3) to run slower. 4) to run less.

16)Halsey and Bryce found out that the effect hot weather had on the ability of humans and horses to run was 1) equally little for both humans and horses. 2) equally strong for both humans and horses. 3) more negative for horses than for humans. 4) more negative for humans than for horses.

17)Which of the following does NOT help humans to be great long-distance runners? 1) A straight big toe. 2) A narrow waste. 3) Ability to sweat. 4) Ability to pant.

18)What makes the best long-distance runner? 1) Most efficient leg bones structure. 2) Advanced body-cooling system. 3) Ability to run gracefully. 4) Efficient use of energy.

19)How much do we know about Henry VIII that is true? The  thing that anyone would mention is probably the fact that he was the King of England who broke away from the Catholic Church and started the Church of England.

20)Another well-known fact is that he had six . All of this is true.

21)But there is also a misconception that the famous song Greensleeves  by him for his future wife Anne Boleyn.

22)Although Henry VIII was a skilled lute-player and wrote a number of songs, Greensleeves is based on an Italian style of composition that reached England a lot, during the reign of his daughter Elizabeth I.

23)When Peter came home from work he immediately felt that something was wrong. He was sure that somebody in his house in his absence.

24)He could see that in the careless way his scarf from the hook of a coat rack and the fact that the light in the bathroom was on.

25)But more than anything else, all of his pets – two little dogs, three cats and an old parrot – desperately wanted to tell him something. All of them were barking and meowing and screeching and  stop.

26)At her 82 years of age, Grandma Thelma could certainly be considered old. But it was not her age that defined her

27)Grandma Thelma was a . Had always been.

28)She still remembered her first time on the river, Dad teaching her how to paddle. She was five back then, but  other children, Thelma wasn’t interested in just splashing around and jumping in the water.

29)Thelma  wanted to swim. And she did! By age ten, she could swim almost as fast and as well as her dad.

30)Even though she never became a sportswoman, swimming accompanied Thelma all her life.

31)In many ways, it made her life more . It was one of the first things she taught her children. Now, being old, Thelma was happy that she managed to pass on her skill and love for swimming to her grandchildren as well.

40.1)Imagine that you are doing a project on what social networks are used by teenagers in Zetland for communication. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the table below). Comment on the data in the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Другие тренировочные варианты ЕГЭ по английскому языку 11 класс:

Вариант АЯ2010101 тренировочной работы №1 статград по английскому языку 11 класс ответы и задания 4 декабря 2020

СТАТГРАД работы по английскому языку задания и ответы

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Метки: английский язык 11 классЕГЭ 2022заданияответыстатградтренировочная работа


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  • Всё о ЕГЭ 2023 + что изменилось + демоверсии
  • Тренировочные работы ЕГЭ 2023 по всем предметам
  • Работы Статград за прошлый год

Ниже представлены даты НА ВЕСЬ учебный год 2022-20213


20.09.2022, вторник, Тренировочная работа №1 по химии 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

22.09.2022, четверг, Тренировочная работа №1 по русскому языку 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

28.09.2022, среда, Тренировочная работа №1 по математике 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.


04.10.2022, вторник, Тренировочная работа №1 по истории 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

07.10.2022, пятница, Тренировочная работа №1 по географии 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

17.10.2022, понедельник, Тренировочная работа №1 по биологии 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

19.10.2022, среда, Тренировочная работа №1 по обществознанию 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

20.10.2022, четверг, Тренировочная работа №1 по физике 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

20.10.2022, четверг, Тематическая тренировочная работа №1 по физике 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

21.10.2022, пятница, Тематическая тренировочная работа №1 по физике 10 класс 2022-2023 гг.

21.10.2022, пятница, Тренировочная работа №1 по литературе 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

25.10.2022, вторник, Тренировочная работа №1 по информатике 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

27.10.2022, четверг, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №2 по русскому языку 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.


09.11.2022, среда, Тренировочная работа №2 по химии 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

09.11.2022, среда, По заявкам. Тематическая тренировочная работа №2 по химии 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

14.11.2022, понедельник, Тренировочная работа №2 по обществознанию 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

16.11.2022, среда, По заявкам. Диагностическая работа №3 по русскому языку 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

30.11.2022, среда, Тренировочная работа №1 по английскому языку 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.


06.12.2022, вторник, Тренировочная работа №2 по географии 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

07.12.2022, среда, По заявкам. Диагностическая работа №1 по китайскому языку 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

09.12.2022, пятница, Тренировочная работа №2 по физике 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

09.12.2022, пятница, По заявкам. Тематическая тренировочная работа №2 по физике 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

09.12.2022, пятница, Тематическая тренировочная работа №2 по физике 10 класс 2022-2023 гг.

12.12.2022, понедельник, Тренировочная работа №3 по обществознанию 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

13.12.2022, вторник, Тренировочная работа №2 по математике 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

14.12.2022, среда, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №2 по литературе 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

15.12.2022, четверг, Тренировочная работа №2 по информатике 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

15.12.2022, четверг, Тренировочная работа №2 по информатике 11 класс в г. Москве 2022-2023 гг.

20.12.2022, вторник, Тренировочная работа №2 по биологии 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

22.12.2022, четверг, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №2 по истории 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

22.12.2022, четверг, По заявкам. Тематическая тренировочная работа №2 по истории 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.


11.01.2023, среда, Тренировочная работа №3 по химии 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

17.01.2023, вторник, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №3 по физике 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

19.01.2023, четверг, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №4 по русскому языку 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

25.01.2023, среда, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №3 по географии 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

30.01.2023, понедельник, По заявкам. Диагностическая работа №1 по немецкому языку 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

30.01.2023, понедельник, По заявкам. Диагностическая работа №1 по французскому языку 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

30.01.2023, понедельник, По заявкам. Диагностическая работа №1 по испанскому языку 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.


01.02.2023, среда, Тренировочная работа №4 по обществознанию 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

03.02.2023, пятница, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №3 по литературе 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

06.02.2023, понедельник, Тренировочная работа №3 по химии 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

07.02.2023, вторник, По заявкам. Диагностическая работа №2 по английскому языку 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

08.02.2023, среда, Тренировочная работа №1 по математике 10 класс 2022-2023 гг.

09.02.2023, четверг, Тренировочная работа №3 по истории 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

13.02.2023, понедельник, Тренировочная работа №3 по биологии 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

14.02.2023, вторник, Тренировочная работа №3 по информатике 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

16.02.2023, четверг, Диагностическая работа №2 по русскому языку 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

28.02.2023, вторник, Тренировочная работа №3 по математике 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.


02.03.2023, четверг, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №4 по географии 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

03.03.2023, пятница, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №4 по химии 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

07.03.2023, вторник, Тренировочная работа №4 по физике 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

09.03.2023, четверг, Тренировочная работа №5 по обществознанию 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

14.03.2023, вторник, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №4 по истории 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

16.03.2023, четверг, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №6 по русскому языку 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

17.03.2023, пятница, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №4 по биологии 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

28.03.2023, вторник, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №4 по информатике 11 в г. Москве класс 2022-2023 гг.

28.03.2023, вторник, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №4 по информатике 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

30.03.2023, четверг, Тренировочная работа №4 по математике 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.


04.04.2023, вторник, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №5 по географии 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

05.04.2023, среда, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №3 по английскому языку 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

06.04.2023, четверг, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №5 по химии 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

07.04.2023, пятница, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №4 по литературе 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

18.04.2023, вторник, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №5 по истории 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

19.04.2023, среда, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №1 по русскому языку 10-11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

20.04.2023, четверг, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №5 по физике 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

21.04.2023, пятница, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №6 по обществознанию 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

24.04.2023, понедельник, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №4 по биологии 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

25.04.2023, вторник, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №5 по информатике 11 в г. Москве класс 2022-2023 гг.

25.04.2023, вторник, По заявкам. Тренировочная работа №4 по информатике 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

27.04.2023, четверг, Тренировочная работа №5 по математике 11 класс 2022-2023 гг.


11.05.2023, четверг, Тренировочная работа №2 по математике 10-11 класс 2022-2023 гг.

Пробные и тренировочные варианты по английскому языку в формате ЕГЭ 2022 из различных источников.

 Тренировочные варианты ЕГЭ 2022 по английскому языку

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Продолжительность ЕГЭ по иностранным языкам

Время выполнения заданий четырёх письменных разделов экзаменационной работы – 3 часа 10 минут (190 минут).

Устная часть экзамена выполняется в отдельный день; время выполнения заданий, включая время подготовки, – 17 минут.

Общее время выполнения заданий всех разделов экзаменационной работы – 3 часа 27 минут (207 минут).

Рекомендуемое время выполнения заданий по разделам:

«Аудирование» – 30 минут;

«Чтение» – 30 минут;

«Грамматика и лексика» – 40 минут;

«Письменная речь» – 90 минут;

«Говорение» (устная часть экзамена) – 17 минут. 

Смотрите также:

Английский язык 11 класс пробный ЕГЭ

Скачать варианты ответы и аудио

3.  What do we learn
about Dr. Laura Hopgood at the beginning of theinterview?

1) She studied at the University of Denver.

2) Her first book became a best seller. 3) She is the author of several books.

4.  The presenter finds
it shocking that the Colorado River is dyingbecause

1) it is so big and well-known.

2) its death will cause problems.

3) it’s human activity that causes it.

5.  The examples of
«ambitious new developments» that Dr Hopgoodgives are the examples of
irresponsible use of water for

1) entertainment.

2) agriculture. 3)

6.  Dr. Hopgood believes
that states that have deserts

1) should encourage economic growth.

2) have natural limitations to growth.

3) can use deserts for agricultural purposes.

7.  According
to Dr. Hopgood, ground water is NOT

1) used by farmers.

2) connected to rivers.

3) protected well enough

8.  Dr. Hopgood believes
that to solve the problem of the Colorado


1) people should use only as much water as they really need.

2) icebergs should be brought from the South and North Poles.

3) water can be redirected from bigger rivers like the

9.  When saying good-bye
to Dr. Hopgood, the presenter wants toexpress that he

1) is sad that they do not have more time for the interview. 2) would prefer the interview to end in a
more joyful way.

3) doesn’t like to make his listeners upset by his program.

12.  According to the
article, the way the word ‘friend’ is used in socialnetworks

1) illustrates Aristotle’s understanding of friendship.

2) is the opposite of Aristotle’s ideas on friendship.

3) corresponds to its common dictionary meaning. 4) has created a new meaning of the word

13.  According to the
article, advance of electronic technology

1) helps us find true friends and start new deep relationships.

2) gives one a chance to share problems with more people.

3) helps people to better understand their own personalities.

4) results in knowing more people but losing close friends.

14.  The word effectively
in the 5th paragraph is closest in meaning to

1) in actual fact.

2) for an effect.

3) with a result.

4) successfully.

15.  According to the
article, social networking makes people

1) sociable.

2) lonely.

3) popular. 4) ironic.

16.  According to the
article, today people tend to share their problemswith

1) people they hardly know.

2) members of their families.

3) friends on social networks.
4) their colleagues at work.

17.  There are 3 quotes
from Aristotle used in the text. Which of thefollowing ideas is NOT expressed
in them?

1) Friends are two spiritually similar people.

2) It is easy and natural to want to have a friend.

3) Friends come quickly when help is needed.

4) Making a true friend requires time and work.

18.  The goal of the
author of the article is to

1) analyze Aristotle’s ideas about friends.

2) analyze the principles of social networks.

3) convince readers to have true friends again.

4) convince readers to use social networks less.

19.  The Great Dane is a
dog breed known as «the gentle giant». Theyare gentle with and make good family
pets. CHILD

20.  They are one of the
largest breeds of dog in the world. Originally,they for hunting, but now they
are mainly pets. USE

21.  Males are between 54
and 91 kilograms, while females are 45 to 59 kilograms. ears are naturally
floppy, but they are sometimes cropped so they stand up to a point. THEY

22.  Today, many people
are interested in taking care of theenvironment, and their answer is solar
energy. Unlike traditional energy sources, solar energy any pollution. NOT

23.  It is a clean,
renewable resource, which means it for a long time –as long as the sun shines!

24.  Solar panels are
quite expensive to install, but they are gettingevery year, and besides, users
save a lot of money later – once the equipment has been installed, there is no
operating cost because sunlight is free. EXPENSIVE

25.  When Leo moved to
Utah, he saw snowboarders for the first time.He wanted to learn how to
snowboard too. He asked his mom about the equipment. «That stuff is expensive!»
she exclaimed, but she let him take lessons. IMMEDIATE

26.  As the oldest student
among other in his class, he sometimes feltembarrassed, but he never gave up.
He made new friends. BEGIN

27.  He
fell down over and over, and each time he felt like he was at thebeginning. Leo
read articles online that were written by snowboarders to learn the moves. Most
of all, he wanted to do a flip. PROFESSION

28.  Between lessons and
studying, he was working very hard. Afterseveral lessons, he finally had a
clean run down the mountain. To him this seemed . BELIEVABLE

29.  «This is awesome!» he
yelled as he enjoyed his amazing .


Выберите только ОДНО из двух
предложенных заданий (38.1 или 38.2), укажите его номер на чистом листе и
выполните согласно данному плану. В ответе на задание 38 числительные пишите

38.1 Imagine that you are doing
a project on what kinds of drinks parents in Zetland consider best for
children. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion
polls (see the table below). Comment on the data in the table and give your
opinion on the subject of the project.

38.2. Imaginе that you arе
doing a projеct on what teenages in Zetland enjoy eating for breakfast. You
havе found somе data on thе subjеct – thе rеsults of thе opinion polls (sее thе
diagram bеlow). Comment on the data in the diagram and give your opinion on the
subject of the project.

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ЕГЭ по английскому языку 11 класс 2022. Новый типовой тренировочный вариант №7 - №211129 (задания и ответы)ЕГЭ 2022. Экзаменационная работа по английскому языку состоит из четырёх разделов («Аудирование», «Чтение», «Грамматика и лексика», «Письмо»), включающих в себя 40 заданий.

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Интересные задания

12. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
1) Career counseling is reviving after a period of neglect.
2) Career counseling is becoming more available.
3) Career counseling is taking up a new social function.
4) Career counseling is becoming less popular.

13. Peer-pressure, as described by the author, is …
1) a strong factor which can predetermine a student’s career choice.
2) a fashion with teens who are choosing a career path.
3) a temporary phenomenon which ends with school without any further effect.
4) a serious problem when a student suffers bullying from their peers.

14. The author warns students against …
1) having role-models.
2) relying on themselves.
3) being demanding to their parents.
4) blindly following authoritative advice

15. The aim of a psychometric test is …
1) to suggest a range of interests for the student to choose from.
2) to give a general psychological portrait of the student.
3) to match the student’s abilities and interests.
4) to place the student into the right kind of job.

16. By ‘anti-propaganda’ the author means that a career counselor has the right …
1) to label some jobs as less preferable.
2) to show the downside of the students’ hasty decisions.
3) to point to ill-advised choices.
4) to forbid the students to dream about a certain job.

Вам будет интересно:

ЕГЭ по английскому языку 11 класс 2022. Новый типовой тренировочный вариант №6 — №211115 (задания и ответы)

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* Готовые контрольные работы
* Работы СтатГрад
* Официальные ВПР


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