Symbolise или symbolize егэ

Упражнение на лексическое преобразование слов. Рекомендуем всем, кто готовится к сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами, однокоренные слова, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.



Organisers of this year’s Peace Month are encouraging ( ART ) schoolchildren and adults to send them drawings, paintings or photographs.

These must ( SYMBOL ) the theme of peace and include the slogan Take A Step For Peace’.

The ( COMPETE ) will include two categories – one for under-18s and a second for adults over 18.

The deadline for entries is 29th July, and the winner of each category will win art ( EQUIP ).

Entries can be any form of art, ( PROVIDE ) it can be reproduced on printed material.

The winning images will also be used in the artwork for all ( PUBLIC ) for Peace Month on posters and on the webside.


Organisers of this year’s Peace Month are encouraging ARTISTIC schoolchildren and adults to send them drawings, paintings or photographs.

These must SYMBOLISE (или SYMBOLIZE) the theme of peace and include the slogan Take A Step For Peace’.

The COMPETITION will include two categories – one for under-18s and a second for adults over 18.

The deadline for entries is 29th July, and the winner of each category will win art EQUIPMENT.

Entries can be any form of art, PROVIDED (или PROVIDING) it can be reproduced on printed material.

The winning images will also be used in the artwork for all PUBLICITY for Peace Month on posters and on the webside.

Суффиксы глаголов, встречающиеся в заданиях ЕГЭ и ОГЭ:

-ate, -en, -ify/fy, -ise/ize, -ish


Служит для образования глаголов от существительных, прилагательных

Значение: делать предмет таким, как указано в корне слова

activate – активировать

create – создавать

celebrate – праздновать

calculate – считать

educate – обучать

renovate – обновлять

translate – переводить

concentrate – концентрироваться

graduate – оканчивать (учебное заведение)

decorate – украшать

originate – происходить


Для образования глаголов от прилагательных

Значение: осуществление действия

short (короткий) – shorten (укорачивать)

soft (мягкий) – soften (смягчать)

length (длина) – lengthen (удлинять)

wide (широкий) – widen (расширять)

deep (глубокий) – deepen (углублять)

sweet (сладкий) – sweeten (подсластить)


Значение: произведение действия, обозначенного основой, корнем слова

to modify (modification) – модифицировать (модификация)

to clarify ( от clear, clarification) – прояснять (от ясный, прояснение)

to identify (identification) – идентифицировать (идентификация)

to satisfy (satisfaction) – удовлетворять (удовлетворение)

to qualify (qualification) – квалифицировать (квалификация)

to classify (classification) – классифицировать (классификация)


Служат для образования глаголов от существительных и прилагательных

Значение: осуществление действия

сritic (критик) – criticise/critisize (критиковать)

advert (реклама) – advertise (рекламировать)

symbol (символ) – symbolize/symbolize (символизировать)

apology (извинение) – apologise/apologize (извиняться)

real (реальный) – realise/realize (реализовывать, осознавать)

special (специальный) – specialize (специализироваться)

Суффикс ize характерен для американского варианта английского языка.

Как часть основы:

exercise – делать физические упражнения

advise – советовать

revise – повторять

surprise – удивлять

organise/organize – организовывать

analyse/analyze – анализировать


to punish (punishment) – наказывать (наказание)

to astonish (astonishment) – удивлять (удивление)

to publish (publishment) – публиковать (публикация)

to diminish (diminishment) – уменьшать (уменьшение)

to establish (establishment) – учреждать (учреждение)

to accomplish (accomplishment) – выполнять (выполнение)

to vanish (vanishing) – исчезать (исчезновение)

to flourish (flourishing) – цвести (процветание)

Итак, мы рассмотрели все основные суффиксы глаголов, которые Вам необходимо знать для успешной подготовки к экзаменам ЕГЭ и ОГЭ по английскому языку.

Авторский курс по написанию эссе

Глагол to symbolize – правильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: символизировать; изображать символически.

Infinitive to symbolize
Simple past symbolized
Past participle symbolized
-s symbolizes
-ing symbolizing

Symbolize in present simple


I symbolize

You symbolize

He symbolizes
She symbolizes
It symbolizes

We symbolize

You symbolize

They symbolize


I do not symbolize

You do not symbolize

He does not symbolize
She does not symbolize
It does not symbolize

We do not symbolize

You do not symbolize

They do not symbolize


Do I symbolize?

Do you symbolize?

Does he symbolize?
Does she symbolize?
Does it symbolize?

Do we symbolize?

Do you symbolize?

Do they symbolize?

Symbolize in present continuous


I am symbolizing

You are symbolizing

He is symbolizing
She is symbolizing
It is symbolizing

We are symbolizing

You are symbolizing

They are symbolizing


I am not symbolizing

You are not symbolizing

He is not symbolizing
She is not symbolizing
It is not symbolizing

We are not symbolizing

You are not symbolizing

They are not symbolizing


Am I symbolizing?

Are you symbolizing?

Is he symbolizing?
Is she symbolizing?
Is it symbolizing?

Are we symbolizing?

Are you symbolizing?

Are they symbolizing?

Symbolize in present perfect


I have symbolized

You have symbolized

He has symbolized
She has symbolized
It has symbolized

We have symbolized

You have symbolized

They have symbolized


I have not symbolized

You have not symbolized

He has not symbolized
She has not symbolized
It has not symbolized

We have not symbolized

You have not symbolized

They have not symbolized


Have I symbolized?

Have you symbolized?

Has he symbolized?
Has she symbolized?
Has it symbolized?

Have we symbolized?

Have you symbolized?

Have they symbolized?

Symbolize in present perfect continuous


I have been symbolizing

You have been symbolizing

He has been symbolizing
She has been symbolizing
It has been symbolizing

We have been symbolizing

You have been symbolizing

They have been symbolizing


I have not been symbolizing

You have not been symbolizing

He has not been symbolizing
She has not been symbolizing
It has not been symbolizing

We have not been symbolizing

You have not been symbolizing

They have not been symbolizing


Have I been symbolizing?

Have you been symbolizing?

Has he been symbolizing?
Has she been symbolizing?
Has it been symbolizing?

Have we been symbolizing?

Have you been symbolizing?

Have they been symbolizing?

Symbolize in past simple


I symbolized

You symbolized

He symbolized
She symbolized
It symbolized

We symbolized

You symbolized

They symbolized


I did not symbolize

You did not symbolize

He did not symbolize
She did not symbolize
It did not symbolize

We did not symbolize

You did not symbolize

They did not symbolize


Did I symbolize?

Did you symbolize?

Did he symbolize?
Did she symbolize?
Did it symbolize?

Did we symbolize?

Did you symbolize?

Did they symbolize?

Symbolize in past continuous


I was symbolizing

You were symbolizing

He was symbolizing
She was symbolizing
It was symbolizing

We were symbolizing

You were symbolizing

They were symbolizing


I was not symbolizing

You were not symbolizing

He was not symbolizing
She was not symbolizing
It was not symbolizing

We were not symbolizing

You were not symbolizing

They were not symbolizing


Was I symbolizing?

Were you symbolizing?

Was he symbolizing?
Was she symbolizing?
Was it symbolizing?

Were we symbolizing?

Were you symbolizing?

Were they symbolizing?

Symbolize in past perfect


I had symbolized

You had symbolized

He had symbolized
She had symbolized
It had symbolized

We had symbolized

You had symbolized

They had symbolized


I had not symbolized

You had not symbolized

He had not symbolized
She had not symbolized
It had not symbolized

We had not symbolized

You had not symbolized

They had not symbolized


Had I symbolized?

Had you symbolized?

Had he symbolized?
Had she symbolized?
Had it symbolized?

Had we symbolized?

Had you symbolized?

Had they symbolized?

Symbolize in past perfect continuous


I had been symbolizing

You had been symbolizing

He had been symbolizing
She had been symbolizing
It had been symbolizing

We had been symbolizing

You had been symbolizing

They had been symbolizing


I had not been symbolizing

You had not been symbolizing

He had not been symbolizing
She had not been symbolizing
It had not been symbolizing

We had not been symbolizing

You had not been symbolizing

They had not been symbolizing


Had I been symbolizing?

Had you been symbolizing?

Had he been symbolizing?
Had she been symbolizing?
Had it been symbolizing?

Had we been symbolizing?

Had you been symbolizing?

Had they been symbolizing?

Symbolize in future simple


I will symbolize

You will symbolize

He will symbolize
She will symbolize
It will symbolize

We will symbolize

You will symbolize

They will symbolize


I will not symbolize

You will not symbolize

He will not symbolize
She will not symbolize
It will not symbolize

We will not symbolize

You will not symbolize

They will not symbolize


Will I symbolize?

Will you symbolize?

Will he symbolize?
Will she symbolize?
Will it symbolize?

Will we symbolize?

Will you symbolize?

Will they symbolize?

Symbolize in future continuous


I will be symbolizing

You will be symbolizing

He will be symbolizing
She will be symbolizing
It will be symbolizing

We will be symbolizing

You will be symbolizing

They will be symbolizing


I will not be symbolizing

You will not be symbolizing

He will not be symbolizing
She will not be symbolizing
It will not be symbolizing

We will not be symbolizing

You will not be symbolizing

They will not be symbolizing


Will I be symbolizing?

Will you be symbolizing?

Will he be symbolizing?
Will she be symbolizing?
Will it be symbolizing?

Will we be symbolizing?

Will you be symbolizing?

Will they be symbolizing?

Symbolize in future perfect


I will have symbolized

You will have symbolized

He will have symbolized
She will have symbolized
It will have symbolized

We will have symbolized

You will have symbolized

They will have symbolized


I will not have symbolized

You will not have symbolized

He will not have symbolized
She will not have symbolized
It will not have symbolized

We will not have symbolized

You will not have symbolized

They will not have symbolized


Will I havesymbolized?

Will you havesymbolized?

Will he havesymbolized?
Will she havesymbolized?
Will it havesymbolized?

Will we havesymbolized?

Will you havesymbolized?

Will they havesymbolized?

Symbolize in future perfect continuous


I will have been symbolizing

You will have been symbolizing

He will have been symbolizing
She will have been symbolizing
It will have been symbolizing

We will have been symbolizing

You will have been symbolizing

They will have been symbolizing


I will not have been symbolizing

You will not have been symbolizing

He will not have been symbolizing
She will not have been symbolizing
It will not have been symbolizing

We will not have been symbolizing

You will not have been symbolizing

They will not have been symbolizing


Will I have been symbolizing?

Will you have been symbolizing?

Will he have been symbolizing?
Will she have been symbolizing?
Will it have been symbolizing?

Will we have been symbolizing?

Will you have been symbolizing?

Will they have been symbolizing?

Symbolize in conditional present


I would symbolize

You would symbolize

He would symbolize
She would symbolize
It would symbolize

We would symbolize

You would symbolize

They would symbolize


I would not symbolize

You would not symbolize

He would not symbolize
She would not symbolize
It would not symbolize

We would not symbolize

You would not symbolize

They would not symbolize


Would I symbolize?

Would you symbolize?

Would he symbolize?
Would she symbolize?
Would it symbolize?

Would we symbolize?

Would you symbolize?

Would they symbolize?

Symbolize in conditional present progressive


I would be symbolizing

You would be symbolizing

He would be symbolizing
She would be symbolizing
It would be symbolizing

We would be symbolizing

You would be symbolizing

They would be symbolizing


I would not be symbolizing

You would not be symbolizing

He would not be symbolizing
She would not be symbolizing
It would not be symbolizing

We would not be symbolizing

You would not be symbolizing

They would not be symbolizing


Would I be symbolizing?

Would you be symbolizing?

Would he be symbolizing?
Would she be symbolizing?
Would it be symbolizing?

Would we be symbolizing?

Would you be symbolizing?

Would they be symbolizing?

Symbolize in conditional perfect


I would have symbolized

You would have symbolized

He would have symbolized
She would have symbolized
It would have symbolized

We would have symbolized

You would have symbolized

They would have symbolized


I would not have symbolized

You would not have symbolized

He would not have symbolized
She would not have symbolized
It would not have symbolized

We would not have symbolized

You would not have symbolized

They would not have symbolized


Would I have symbolized?

Would you have symbolized?

Would he have symbolized?
Would she have symbolized?
Would it have symbolized?

Would we have symbolized?

Would you have symbolized?

Would they have symbolized?

Symbolize in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been symbolizing

You would have been symbolizing

He would have been symbolizing
She would have been symbolizing
It would have been symbolizing

We would have been symbolizing

You would have been symbolizing

They would have been symbolizing


I would not have been symbolizing

You would not have been symbolizing

He would not have been symbolizing
She would not have been symbolizing
It would not have been symbolizing

We would not have been symbolizing

You would not have been symbolizing

They would not have been symbolizing


Would I have been symbolizing?

Would you have been symbolizing?

Would he have been symbolizing?
Would she have been symbolizing?
Would it have been symbolizing?

Would we have been symbolizing?

Would you have been symbolizing?

Would they have been symbolizing?

нет оценок

Задание №11498.
Грамматика и лексика. ОГЭ по английскому

Преобразуйте слово, написанное заглавными буквами, так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Pumpkins also ___ (SYMBOL) Halloween.

Pumpkins also SYMBOLISE Halloween.
Тыквы также символизируют Хэллоуин.

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Обновлено на

16 дек. 2019

  • Упрощенный китайский (Китай)
  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Японский

  • Традиционный китайский (Гонконг)

Вопрос про Английский (американский вариант)

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  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Английский (британский вариант)

I am fairly sure it’s just America spelling and European spelling. America use the z

  • Английский (американский вариант)

Symbolize = USA
Symbolise = UK

  • Упрощенный китайский (Китай)

@Rivellana: This is really a clear explanation, let I suddenly remember the difference between them
thank u !

[News] Эй, привет! Тот, кто учит язык!

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В чем разница между symbolize и symbolise ?

  • В чем разница между icon и idol ?


    Icon can also be a thing/symbol/representation, whereas idol is generally a person.

    Icon = 电脑或手机app的小图案也叫做icon
    Idol = 一个特别被崇拜的人

  • В чем разница между represent и symbolize ?


    Represent/symbolize are sort of like «it shows that/it basically means this» like, a wedding ring symbolizes that you are married or engaged….

  • В чем разница между icon и idol ?


    «Icon» is like symbol or representation. While «idol» is someone you look up to.

    The logo is an icon for the company.

    She is m…

  • В чем разница между stand for и symbolize ?


    In general and commonly:

    «Stand for» is used for acronyms. E.g. «USA stands for The United States of America.»

    «Symbolize» means «represent…

  • В чем разница между symbolize и represent ?

    See the two pictures below

  • Покажите мне примеры предложений с emblematic.


    @mofuri Emblematic is a bit like “symbolic” or “representative of〜.”

    The many empty shops are emblematic of the economic downturn.

    The fai…

  • В чем разница между icon и idol ?


    icon = is more about something/someone being recognizable, an emblem or symbol for something. It can be good, bad or neutral. The main thing …

  • В чем разница между an attribute и a character ?


    an ATTRIBUTE is something noteable, like «one of her attributes is, she has brown hair».

    you might mean a CHARACTER TRAIT. that refers to t…

  • В чем разница между symbol и symbolize ?


    Symbol is a noun
    Symbolize or symbolise (British) is a verb
    These mean represent.
    For example:
    This white color symbolizes peace.
    The col…

  • В чем разница между symbolize и represent и stand for ?
  • Как сказать на Английский (американский вариант)? symbolize
  • Just as mooncakes symbolize China’s Mid-Autumn Festival, turkeys symbolize Thanksgiving Day. это …
  • В чем разница между woman и women ?
  • В чем разница между Okay и Okey ?
  • В чем разница между man и men ?
  • В чем разница между I’m down for it и I’m up for it ?
  • В чем разница между studying и studing ?
  • В чем разница между опасаться и бояться ?
  • В чем разница между грусть и печаль ?
  • В чем разница между ненавидеть и возненавидеть ?
  • В чем разница между ещё и пока ?
  • В чем разница между сердиться и гневаться ?
  • В чем разница между опасаться и бояться ?
  • В чем разница между грусть и печаль ?
  • В чем разница между ненавидеть и возненавидеть ?
  • В чем разница между ещё и пока ?
  • В чем разница между сердиться и гневаться ?

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  • Please correct my sentences:

    1-We should find a friend for her so that she won’t be lonely.

    2- …

  • 「何かいますか」とは、文法的に正しいのですか?「誰か」ではないか?そのフレーズは私の日本語の本にありますけど。

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  • Понимаю ответы любой длины и сложности.

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3 формы глагола symbolize

Английский глагол symbolize [ˈsɪmbəlʌɪz], переводится как: символизировать, изображать символически.
Входит в группы:
правильные глаголы.

3 формы глагола symbolize: Infinitive (symbolize), Past Simple — (symbolized), Past Participle — (symbolized).

📚 Глагол symbolize имеет значения: символизировать, изображать символически.

👉 Формы глагола symbolize в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет symbolize в прошедшем времени past simple.

Три формы глагола symbolize

Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Перевод
symbolize [ˈsɪmbəlʌɪz]

symbolized [ˈsɪmbəˌlaɪzd]

symbolized [ˈsɪmbəˌlaɪzd]

символизировать, изображать символически

Как поставить symbolize во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

🎓 Как поставить глагол symbolize в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?

👉 Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

  • First form (V1) — symbolize. (Present simple, Future Simple)
  • Second form (V2) —

    (Past simple)

  • Third form (V3) —

    (Present perfect, Past perfect)

Как поставить symbolize в past simple?

Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для symbolize нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет:
symbolize в past simple — symbolized.

What is the past tense of symbolize?

The past tense of symbolize is symbolized.

The past participle of symbolize is symbolized.

Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

Past simple — symbolize в past simple, будет symbolized.

Future simple — symbolize в future simple будет symbolize. (will + V1)

Present Perfect — symbolize в present perfect будет
(havehas + V3)

Past Perfect — symbolize в past perfect будет

(had + V3)

Правильный или неправильный глагол symbolize?

👉 Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол symbolize это правильный глагол.

Примеры применения глагола symbolize

    Discovered hieroglyphs could symbolize the desire for freedom — Обнаруженные иероглифы могли символизировать стремление к свободе.
    (Present Simple)

    We all wanted to know what it symbolized — Мы все хотели знать, что это символизирует.
    (Present Simple)

    The flag symbolizes our country. — Этот флаг является символом нашей страны. 
    (Present Simple)

    The owl symbolizes wisdom and learning. — Сова символизирует мудрость и ученость.
    (Present Simple)

    What does the lion symbolize? — Что символизирует лев?
    (Present Simple)

    Squares symbolize stability, foundation. — Squares symbolize stability, foundation.
    (Present Simple)

    Roses symbolize pure love. — Розы символизируют чистую любовь.
    (Present Simple)

    This poem symbolizes liberty. — Это стихотворение символизирует свободу.
    (Present Simple)

    It symbolizes the battle between good and evil. — Оно обозначает борьбу между добром и злом.
    (Present Simple)

    In ancient Greece the butterfly symbolized the soul. — В древней Греции бабочка была символом души.
    (Past Simple)

Вместе с symbolize, часто смотрят глаголы

head back

and let up.

Глаголы на букву:

























symbolize | symbolise | Alternative forms |

Symbolise is a alternative form of symbolize.

As verbs the difference between symbolize and symbolise

is that symbolize is to be symbolic of; to represent while symbolise is to be symbolic of; to represent.

Other Comparisons: What’s the difference?



Alternative forms

* symbolise (UK )



  • To be symbolic of; to represent.
  • * {{quote-book, year=2006, author=, title=Internal Combustion
    , chapter=2 citation
    , passage=The popular late Middle Ages fictional character Robin Hood, dressed in green to symbolize the forest, dodged fines for forest offenses and stole from the rich to give to the poor. But his appeal was painfully real and embodied the struggle over wood.}}
  • To use symbols; to represent ideas symbolically.
  • (obsolete) To resemble each other in qualities or properties; to correspond; to harmonize.
  • * Francis Bacon
    The pleasing of colour symbolizeth‘ with the pleasing of any single tone to the ear; but the pleasing of order doth ‘ symbolize with harmony.
  • * Howell
    They both symbolize in this, that they love to look upon themselves through multiplying glasses.
  • (obsolete) To hold the same faith; to agree.
  • * G. S. Faber
    The believers in pretended miracles have always previously symbolized with the performers of them.
  • Derived terms

    * nonsymbolizing



    Alternative forms

    * symbolize (US )



  • To be symbolic of; to represent.
    The crossed hammer and sickle symbolise the union of workers and peasantry in their fight for their rights.
  • * 1852 CE: William and Robert Chambers, Chambers’ Edinburgh Journal
    [H]is heart swelled within him, as he sat at the head of his own table, on the occasion of the house-warming, dispensing with no niggard hand the gratuitous viands and unlimited beer, which were at once to symbolise and inaugurate the hospitality of his mansion.
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