Technology speaking егэ

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Technology 

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Technology image
IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Technology image

1. What technology do you often use, computers or cellphones?

Sample answer 1: Actually I use both quite often. I use my laptop for many purposes, like taking online courses, working on my assignments and essays, watching movies, and so on. I use my smartphone mostly for social purposes, like chatting with family and friends on wechat, posting photos and short videos on social media, things like that.

Sample answer 2: Well, my answer is both because I use them every day. Cellphone is obviously like the daily necessity for me, and I use it to send voice messages, binge watch video clips and there are so many apps helping me to solve different problems in life. But it’s not so convenient when it comes to word processing, so when I’m at work making an excel spreadsheet, computer is really helpful.

Vocabulary Meaning Example
necessity (n) /nəˈses.ə.ti/ something that you need, especially in order to live.
binge watch (v) /ˈbɪndʒ ˌwɒtʃ/ to watch several episodes (= separate parts) of a television series or programme, one after another. We binge-watched an entire season of “Breaking Bad” on Sunday.
word processing (n) /ˈwɜːd ˌprəʊ.ses.ɪŋ/ the organization of text in electronic form such as on a computer. a word processing program
spreadsheet (n) /ˈspred.ʃiːt/ an electronic document in which information is arranged in rows and columns, and can be used to do financial calculations and plans.

2. What electronic devices have you bought lately?

Sample answer 1: I bought an ipad last month. I used to take my laptop to class for note taking, but it was too bulky. Sometimes I feel like doing some sports after class and it’s really inconvenient to carry something so heavy. Ipad is a perfect alternative, because it’s much lighter and more portable.

Sample answer 2: Well, I’ve bought a video gaming console. I’m actually quite new to gaming and one of my students recommended it to me. And you know what? One of the games called Super Mario has won my heart. I believe it’s gonna be my good company after work in the future.

3. Is there any technology you want to buy?

Sample answer 1: I’ve long set my eyes on a Leica digital camera. I’m really into photography and it’s so fun to capture all these wonderful moments and small details that make up my life. The camera I’m currently using has got a few problems, like the photos can get pretty blurry sometimes, so I’m thinking about getting a new one.

Sample answer 2: Yeah, there’s one I wanna buy. It’s a transparent stereo box, using some kind of technology to allow the lyrics to float on the screen. What’s really amazing is, it can recognize the emotion the music trying to convey, and choose the suitable ways to match the lyrics presenting.

4. Is technology important in your life?

Sample answer 1: Yeah, technology means a lot because it brings much convenience to my life. And the robot vacuum cleaner is one of the domestic appliances that saves me the trouble of doing the cleaning after work. Plus, wearing three dimensional glasses when watching the film make me feel like, I’m completely in the environment and forget the worries in life.

Sample answer 2: Technology has brought tremendous changes to our lives and we also benefit a great deal from its development. For one thing, we are able to contact our family and friends anytime and anywhere on social apps or through phone calls, unlike previous generations who contact others mostly through letters or fax. On top of that, the convenience of life has greatly improved thanks to the proliferation of various apps.

5. Is there any technology you don’t like?

To tell you the truth, I hate the Amazon Kindle. I don’t understand why the company designs a completely separate device just to read books, we can do that on a mobile handset and so much more. To me, it’s a waste of money and a redundant device.

6. What do you think are the trends in technology today compared to when you were young?

Modern technology has paved the way for multi-functional devices. For example, computers are increasingly faster, more portable, and higher-powered than ever before. With all of these revolutions, technology has also made our lives easier, faster, better, and more fun.

Vocabulary Meaning Example
paved the way (idiom) (C2) If something paves the way for/to something else, it makes the other thing possible Scientists hope that data from the probe will pave the way for a more detailed exploration of Mars.

7. What are the benefits of technology? / Do you think technology is important in your life?

Technology has brought tremendous changes to our lives and we also benefit a great deal from its development. For one thing, we are able to contact our family and friends anytime and anywhere on social apps or through phone calls, unlike previous generations who contact others mostly through letters or fax. On top of that, the convenience of life has greatly improved thanks to the proliferation of various apps.

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Technology

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Image : Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

Vocabulary: Cambridge Dictionary

About The Author

Trung tâm luyện thi IELTS uy tín tại Vinhomes Grand Park, quận 9, thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.

Internet safety is a huge concern for parents these days. Computers and the Internet have so many benefits for young people, for their education and for staying in touch with friends and family, but there are some nasty people online who target kids on social media and trick them into creating harmful relationships.

Teenagers are especially vulnerable because they have a lot of freedom in choosing who they hang out with, and they can be overly gullible. Most have mobile devices, so they can access the Internet when they are away from home and their parents cannot see which websites or social media platforms they are browsing. Many young people are forced to post pictures of themselves naked or engage in sexual relations, which is just awful.

I do believe that parents should keep an eye on what websites their teens use, although this is difficult due to the freedom their children have and how easy it is to get online. Laptops and PCs have settings to restrict access to parts of the Internet that parents must activate. I’m not sure if this can be done on mobile devices.

Perhaps the best thing parents can do is to talk to their children about online safety and educate them about the dangers they may face online.

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Sample answers

Sample questions and answers  from speaking part 1, 2 and  3

Key vocabulary

Words and terms frequently used  when talking about work

Word formation

Learn how to use  wide variety of parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives


Find out groups of words that usually used together by native speakers

Useful resources

References to teaching and authentic materials related to this topic: IELTS blogs, podcasts, videos and articles


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Technology: Sample questions and answers for IELTS speaking exam

Part 1

  1. Do you use any gadgets on a daily basis?

-Although, I don’t consider myself an addict, I couldn’t properly function without my laptop and smartphone. All in all, we’re now experiencing the influence of the computer age that has made it impossible to ignore the cutting-edge technologies.

  1. How much time do you spend using a computer at work or at home?

-Daily I spend roughly 4 to 6 hours working on the computer, either doing my home assignments or project work. However, it comes in handy for other extra-hour activities as well, such as watching YouTube, editing my new videos and podcasts, chatting with my friends, that takes up to 2 hours a day.

  1. Have you ever bought anything online?

-Yes, I frequently buy things online. This is mainly because I don’t have time to roam brick-and-mortar stores. I appreciate how fast and easy it is to order anything you can think of online. My last purchase like that was a new set of studio headphones for my boyfriend’s birthday.

  1. Has the Internet made your job/studies easier?

-Indeed, thanks to the Internet, my learning has become quicker and smoother. For one, I can easily access any necessary literature, articles without looking through all the library materials. Second, the Internet tools have made online collaboration with other students possible.

  1. Do you like working online or in the office?

-I actually see benefits in both. However, it is truly very convenient to stay in touch with colleagues anywhere I go. I just need a laptop and the Internet connection. This flexibility allows me to work everywhere – even in the airport or taxi.

Part 2

Talk about some technology that you have started using fairly recently. You should say:

    • What it is and what it does
    • How it makes life better or easier
    • How it is different to other similar technology

And say whether you think you will still be using it in ten years’ time or not, and why

I bought a bicycle two months ago from a shop near our house. At first, I thought of buying a large-sized bike. However, I wanted the other members of my family to use it too so I bought I medium-sized one.

My new bike is very helpful to me. My weekly routine includes going to work, the supermarket, and park. These are short-distance destinations which I can get to without driving a car.

Life is a lot better now that I have a bike. For one thing, I am able to save money. I spend less money now on gas because I don’t have to use my car for short-distance trips. For another, I will also spend less money for car repair because my car’s lifespan will increase for infrequent use. Riding a bike is also a form of aerobic exercise which gives your heart and lungs a good workout. This protects people from diseases like high blood pressure, heart problems, obesity, and arthritis.

A bicycle is different from other vehicles. First, it does not require fuel and therefore helps save the planet by reducing air pollution. Second, finding a parking area is not a problem if you use a bicycle. Third, riding a bike is a form of exercise while driving other vehicles is just a sedentary activity.

I will still be using a bicycle in ten years’ time because the benefits are huge. I am able to save money since I don’t have to buy fuel. I am also able to maintain my good health. Lastly, I am able to get to my short-distance destinations conveniently.

Part 3

  1. Do you think people rely too much on technology today?

Well, in my opinion, travelling by train is the safest. So far, it is the means of transportation that I almost never heard of being in an accident. Since it has its own railway, it does not have much chance to come across with other vehicles that could collide with. I think most accidents that happen with trains are due to mechanical or technical issues which could be avoided if the system is being checked and monitored properly.

  1. What are some great inventions you know about?

Two great inventions that I know of are the wheel and telephone or cellphone. These inventions are so important in daily life that their absence can cause loss of human lives. For example, without the phone it would be very hard to report an accident immediately. Without wheeled motor vehicles it would be impossible to quickly rush victims of an accident to a hospital.

  1. Do you think that the advance of technology has improved standards of education in schools?

Advanced technology such the use of computers and the internet has improved the standards of education in schools. These technologies allow the students and teachers to find answers to their academic questions. For example, they can find the answers to their academic problems from other parts of the world through the internet when no available answers can be found in their locality.

Key vocabulary: Definitions and examples



a device, machine, or piece of equipment, especially an electrical one that is used in the house, such as a cooker or washing machine

We have different kinds of appliances at home.


used to describe something that is used in the home

This household appliance is no longer working.


a job or piece of work that is often boring or unpleasant but needs to be done regularly

The whole family cooperate in doing all the household chores.

to operate

to work or cause something to work, be in action, or have an effect

I do not know how to operate this new washing machine.

to repair

to put something that is damaged, broken, or not working correctly, back into good condition or make it work again

My neighbor knows how to repair all kinds of household appliances.


effective; helping you to do or achieve something

She was very happy about the useful appliance she bought.



a vehicle or system of vehicles, such as buses, trains, etc. for getting from one place to another

The Government does not have problems about the city’s transportation.


a way of operating, living, or behaving

This mode of transportation is very slow.


suitable for your purposes and needs and causing the least difficulty

Taking a taxi is the most convenient way to go to the city museum.


the place where someone is going or where something is being sent or taken

Please do not forget to tell me your destination.

to travel

to make a journey, usually over a long distance

He loves to travel by car.


the amount of space between two places

The distance between my house and workplace is very short.

self-driving car

a vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input

Prototype self-driving cars first took to Europe’s public roads in 2013.


the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g., buildings, roads, and power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise

Over the next three years we are committed to the biggest investment in Britain ‘s transport infrastructure in our history.


aircraft without a human pilot aboard

In the past three decades, the world has witnessed an immense evolution in the sphere of drone technologies.



the various methods of sending information between people and places, especially phones, computers, radio, etc.

Young people today are very interested in communications.


a series of electrical or radio waves that are sent to a radio or television in order to produce a sound, picture, or message

I can’t hear her clearly because the phone signal is not powerful enough.


a small device or machine with a particular purpose

I dislike using this gadget because I usually lose small things.


a short piece of information that you give to a person when you cannot speak to them directly

I haven’t read your text message because I left my cellphone at home.

to contact

to communicate with someone by calling or sending them a letter, email, etc.

You can’t contact me at that time because I will be very busy at work.

to receive

to get or be given something

Did you receive my message?

augmented reality

a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world, thus providing a composite view

Nowadays many brands experiment with augmented reality.

machine learning

a field of computer science that uses statistical techniques to give computer systems the ability to “learn”

Every day there seems to be a new way that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning is used to enhance our daily life.

software development

complex process of creating computer programs, libraries, online documentation, digital media and mobile apps

Software development is the process of creating new software solutions.


a “new idea, device or method”, the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs

In recent years the value of innovation has been demonstrated in many sectors.


a new idea, thing, process, word etc that has been invented

He had patented several inventions during the late 1920s.

cloud computing

the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data

Service providers create cloud computing systems to serve common business or research needs.

cutting edge technologies

technologies at the latest or most advanced stage of development; innovative or pioneering technologies

Through the years, scientists have introduced cutting-edge technologies intended to make life a lot more convenient for humans.

cyber security

protection against the criminal or unauthorized use of electronic data

Some people have argued that the threat to cyber security has been somewhat inflated.

game changers

an event, idea, or procedure that effects a significant shift in the current manner of doing or thinking about something

New technologies are big game changers in many industries.

decentralized energy

very large number of small-capacity units that are all connected to the powergrid

Decentralized energy is now recognized as an essential part of the solution to the challenge of ensuring a low-carbon energy future.

artificial intelligence

the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence

The use of artificial intelligence systems requires processor speeds three to four times as high



a device like a box that moves up and down, carrying people or goods from one floor of a building to another or taking people up and down underground in a mine

The elevator can only carry 10 people.


a very tall modern building, usually in a city

Offices are usually found in skyscrapers.

air conditioner

a machine that keeps the air in a building cool

It is hot in here because there is no air conditioner.


an electronic machine that is used for storing, organizing, and finding words, numbers, and pictures, for doing calculations, and for controlling other machines

I cannot work without a computer.


a machine that makes copies of documents using a photographic process

The employees requested the manager to buy a new photocopier.


a room or part of a building in which people work, especially sitting at tables with computers, phones, etc., usually as a part of a business or other organization

The office is noisy because there are 100 employees working in it.

transnational corporations

companies that spread out their operations in many countries to sustain high levels of local responsiveness

The growth in the number and size of transnational corporations since the 1950s has generated controversy because of their economic and political power.



Today companies use highly sophisticated computer systems.


sophisticated, complex, more evolved

Lasers are the latest and the most advanced light sources.


of or relating to genes or heredity

All the cells in the body contain the same genetic information.


relating to the entire world

Social , cultural , economic , global change is rushing at us , propelled by new information technologies.


to evolve

Evolved to the point where you are not involved in the daily decisions.


The impact of technology cannot be overstated.


express or state too strongly; exaggerate

The impact of technology cannot be overstated.


think again about, especially in order to make changes to it

It will be necessary to rethink the strategy and decide what must be done in order to get back on track.


good at thinking up new ideas and clever ways of doing things

I admire him because he is just so creative in his work.


having or showing creativity or inventiveness

Children who enjoy imaginative play have been shown to be more likely to smile.


to give somebody more control over their own life or the situation they are in

Information and education empower people.


happen or make something happen at a faster rate

The growth in IT has accelerated in recent years.

Word Formation






The transporter can carry all the books.



Transporting people is not an easy job.



The housing is made of quality materials.

to house


We need a comfortable place to house the visitors.



The new student is not communicative to his classmates.



Communicating to all employees is a tiring task.



The communicator is silent this time.



The elevator operator is tired of his work.



The machine is already in operation.


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Topic:  Technology

1. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology.

Answer: Modern technology today is an integral part of our lives, and therefore, we will have to live with it whether we like it or not.

Among the advantages of modern technology, I can say that it has made our lives much easier than it used to be ever before a few decades ago. It has revolutionized our production systems in all kinds of businesses and industries by increasing the output, quality and efficiency at all levels. The advancement in the communication technology, with the advent of the internet, has made communication among us so easy and fast that we can actually talk to each other on video even if we are a world apart from each other. Besides, modern technologies also made it pretty easy for us to get access to virtually any kind of information at any time and anywhere through smart gadgets like the iPad, iPhone, Galaxy tablets and etc.  Finally, the use of modern technology has also made it very easy for us to travel long distances really fast. In fact, nowadays, we can travel a 10 miles distance within just a few minutes, if not any lesser, by using electric trains, aeroplanes and fast cars which were almost impossible even a few decades ago.

On the other hand, one of the greatest disadvantages of using modern technology is it makes us “idle” to a point that we don’t even make an effort to do a calculation as simple as adding or subtracting and use a calculator to do it. But the problem with such “inaction” is that we are actually killing some of our memory cells in our brain. Modern technology is also being used to bring deaths and destruction upon this earth as it helps in building such advanced new war weapons that it was even impossible to imagine them even a few decades back. Finally, as most technological discoveries aim to reduce human efforts, it would only mean that more work is done by machines instead of humans. And as a result, more and more people are losing their jobs to machines as processes are becoming automated, and humans just can’t compete with such processes.

2. In what ways has technology changed your society?

Answer: For better or worse, technology has changed our society in the way we are earning our livings and the way we interact with each other. It also has changed our “mobility”. Nowadays, because of technology, we don’t rely on just one source of income, and as a result, society has become more “affluent” than in the past. Another remarkable change, that has taken place in our society for good, is that we can travel to any place at any time without wasting our time. Besides, with the advancement of information technology such as the internet and smartphones, my small society feels like it has suddenly become a part of a “much bigger global community”.

3. How has technology changed the way we communicate?

Answer: Technology pretty much has changed each and every aspect of our lives, but perhaps it is safe to say that it has changed the way we communicate with each other the most with the advent of the internet, mobile phones and smart gadgets.

 Technology has indeed proved the age-old saying “talk is cheap”- so cheap that we talk to each other by using our phones pretty much always, whether we are staying close to each other or far apart, even when we don’t need it. We have also become lazy to walk even 100 feet or a few minutes these days if we are in need to communicate something to our friends or families since we can do the same in seconds just by pushing a button on our phones. But, if we are not in a mood or feel really lazy to “talk” sometimes, we simply leave or send a message on social media networks and “messenger” to inform others about our “status”. Finally, technology has made communication really “personal” as we can see each other on live video while communicating, no matter where we live with the use of the internet.

4. How has technology changed the nature of long-distance relationships?

Answer: Technology has changed the nature of long-distance relationships mostly for the better. In the past, we would have to rely on “postal mails”, or expensive “long-distance” calls from our land phones, to communicate with each other. But even that was not always possible due to the limited “infrastructure” necessary to ensure these services efficiently. But, with the improvement in the communication infrastructure and communication technologies, such as internet and smartphones, we can not only communicate with each other in seconds, but we can actually see each other live on video, even if we live in another corner of the world. So, by the way, we wouldn’t be really very surprised if we see one day that the ‘postal mails” are being preserved in a museum as a “thing of the past”.

5. What are the limitations of technology when it comes to interpersonal relationships?

Answer: Continuing a healthy “interpersonal relationship” is very important for our overall wellbeing. But, unfortunately, modern technology has affected our lives rather negatively by taking the all-important “emotion” away from us to a large extent. In fact, with the advancement of technology, we have become so busy and “robotic” that we don’t even care to say “hello” to the closest members of our families, let alone spending some quality “family time” with them. As a result, the “personal ties and bonds” are becoming very loose with our family members, especially when it comes to the elderly ones, and friends which certainly doesn’t augur well for the wellbeing of our society.

6. How could technology be considered a hindrance for us? Can we overcome it?

Answer: Modern technology can be considered as an impediment for us when we are relying too much on it. In fact, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to suggest that technology is limiting our potentials and growth, as humans, both physically and mentally. For example, before the advancement of modern technology, we used to walk to a local grocery shop, in order to buy our groceries, which was certainly good for our health and minds (since we could feel more closed to our natural surroundings). But, now, we simply ride in our vehicles to do the same task because we just feel too lazy to get out of our comfort zone. The end result of such “laziness”?  The answer is “Obesity” with a big “O”!

However, the greatest, and also the most dangerous at the same time, in my opinion, hindrance is that we have actually started to believe that without technology, we just won’t be able to survive. In other words, we are leaving ourselves to the “mercy” of technology, and if, God forbids, it ever stops working, our very existence, as a human race, will be at stake. So, can we overcome this hindrance? Yes, we sure can if we just reduce our reliance on technology a little and make ourselves a bit more “active” both physically and mentally.


Do you like to use new technology? What technology do you often use? What electronic devices have you bought lately? Is there any technology you want to buy? What are the benefits of using technology?

  • Come/get to grips with something (idiom) — to make an effort to understand and deal with a problem or situation.
  • Touchpad (noun) — a special area on a laptop or other computer that you touch in order to move the cursor or give an instruction.
  • Key (noun) — any of the set of moving parts that you press with your fingers on a computer keyboard, or musical instrument to produce letters, numbers, symbols, or musical notes.
  • To wear down (phrasal verb) — if you wear something down or if it wears down, it becomes flatter or smoother as a result of constantly rubbing against something else.
  • To rub off (phrasal verb) — to remove or be removed by rubbing.
  • Hoover (noun) — a brand name for a vacuum cleaner.
  • Vacuum cleaner (noun) — a machine that cleans floors and other surfaces by sucking up dust and dirt.
  • Sought-after (adj.) — wanted by many people and usually of high quality or rare.
  • Replacement (noun) — the process of replacing something with something else.
  • To wear out (phrasal verb) — to use something so much that it is damaged and cannot be used anymore, or to become damaged in this way.
  • Portability (noun) — the quality of being light and small enough to be easily carried or moved.
  • Efficiency (noun) — the good use of time and energy in a way that does not waste any.

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M: Do you like to use new technology?

R: I think it’s safe to say that technology has always been seen by me as much more of a curse than it is a blessing. I always struggled to get to grips with it.

M: What technology do you often use?

R: I think my laptop has been used so regularly that some of the touchpad keys have started to, well, to wear down, really. Em, I’m just looking at it now, actually, there’s a bit on it that’s begun to get rubbed off. So I’m obviously never away from it, really.

M: What electronic devices have you bought lately?

R: Actually, this was something that was discussed recently at work. I was talking to people about how I bought a microwave and a hoover, or a vacuum cleaner.

M: Is there any technology you want to buy?

R: Not overly, other than the more sought-after items like laptops and phones, those kinds of things that need to be replaced every couple of years. Oh, I also fancy getting some new earphones as well, and a new charger pack, but they’re also just replacements for things which have been worn out over time.

M: What are the benefits of using technology?

R: Well, I suppose the one that is most often mentioned in conversation is the increased access to information. But there’s also things like portability, increased efficiency of work processes, so the benefits are endless. Although, some would argue the disadvantages are as well.

M: Thank you, Rory, for your super answers!

M: So you see, dear listener, Rory is not really into technology. He’s got no ideas about the recent trends and advances, technological advances. So he’s like old school, laptops, smartphones, chargers, earphones, like nothing.

R: What kind of advanced technology are you using other than that then?

M: I’m using? All right. I’m using drones.

R: When are you using drones?

M: Oh, pretty much every day for photographs and stop asking questions.

R: Okay.

M: I’m using virtual reality technology. Okay?

R: When?

M: What?

R: When? Are we just trying to force in some words to get people to talk about technology?

M: No, but like, really, these are the trends. Okay? So these are technological trends.

R: If you’re watching this video, and if you own a drone, then let us know in the comments, and we’ll take a quick poll.

M: Yes, dear listener, if you own a drone, or if you own an electric bike, or something like an e-scooter, or some, you know, fancy headphones like that, you know, this, you know… Like, let us know, like what fancy technology do you personally own in the comments. Okay? Right, and first of all, we pronounce it technology. Tech, technology. And technology is, right? Technology is important?

R: Allegedly, yes.

M: And Rory said that technology has always been seen by me as a curse.

R: So the usual, or, sorry, the regular way of saying that is like it’s more of a blessing than a curse to say, oh, it’s more a positive than a negative thing. But I’ve changed it here to say it’s more of a curse than a blessing. Because I always think it’s like more problematic than it is helpful.

M: Yeah. And then Rory continues with I always struggle to get to grips with technology.

R: Oh, is this idiomatic language?

M: Yes, it’s super idiomatic and super language. I can’t get to grips with technology? I can’t understand technology. I can’t use it. I’m, you know, what’s this microphone? Yeah.

R: You think Maria is joking, but like the journey we had to go on to get me to learn how to use the microphone properly was a long and spectacular journey.

M: Yeah. And to be honest with you, I can’t get to grips with technology myself, because it’s always difficult for me. All these programs, I don’t know, updating stuff, and just using my laptop is sometimes really hard because I don’t know what’s going on inside my laptop. So I can’t get to grips with technology. Yeah, that’s true.

R: But we could talk about what’s on the outside of your laptop like a touchpad or a touchpad key. So the touchpad is, well, if you’ve got a laptop like mine, I’m just looking at it here, it’s the little square that you move around, and it works as a mouse. And the touchpad keys are the two things that are like the buttons of the mouse.

M: And you’ve used the nice phrasal verb, wear down.

R: Yes.

M: So the touchpad keys, they wear down, they become, you know, this shabby. And… So they wear down.

R: And the paint started to get rubbed off or worn out.

M: The paint rubs off, or wears out. So the same as clothes. For example, if you wear… If I wear this sweater for, I don’t know, five years, it’s gonna wear off. And is it the same as wear out?

R: Well, let’s think about this, no. They’ve got different prepositions. So it means different things. Wear out is when you use something so much that it starts to break down. Wear off is when you’re… Well, when something starts to stop working inside you or when you’ve rubbed something so much that it started to come away. And if something gets rubbed off, then it means that you’re doing this, it’s like there’s robbing motion. But they’re all just ways of saying like the thing is falling to pieces, basically. Or being degraded in some way.

M: But we need phrasal verbs. They have very specific. High-level phrasal verbs. Like we need them.

R: And if you like phrasal verbs, then you will love our podcourse, It’s programmed into me now, it’s a Pavlovian response.

M: The link is in the description. Go get this phrasal verb course. Yeah. And could you give us three sentences with three examples? Wear down, rub off and wear out.

R: I guess the paint on my laptop has started to get rubbed off, because it’s old, and it’s been through the wars. Some of the keys are getting worn down, because they’ve been used so much. My laptop’s been used so much that I suppose the circuit boards or the motherboard has started to wear out because, again, it’s just been used so much, the connections are starting to degrade.

M: Do you feel the level of band nine? It’s like in the air with these phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs are idiomatic. Use them. Rory has recently bought a new set of appliances. Appliances, like kitchen appliances, so different technology for the kitchen. And he talked about a hoover. This is a hoover.

R: I should say, a hoover in Scotland is what most people would call a vacuum cleaner.

M: Vacuum cleaner. But dear listener, if for example, you have recently bought an intelligent television, or maybe you bought an autonomous car, or I don’t know, a robot, for example, or virtual reality, I don’t know, set. Yeah? Or 5g technology, for example. Yeah? The latest trends in the world in the next generation of mobile network technology. I’m reading smart words.

R: Oh, I was gonna say you’re definitely reading that from somewhere.

M: But this is cool, right? This is like nice to say, like, oh, yeah, yeah. I’m using the latest innovations in mobile network technology. Hey, yeah, like tech trends. Yeah? Tech, technological, tech. Tech trends for 2022. Whoa. Yeah. Or I prefer to keep up with the latest trends. Yeah? With the latest technological advances, and I want to buy a drone. Even if you don’t want to buy a drone, you can say this just to vary your vocabulary. Oh, yeah, I’ve recently bought a drone. Hey! And because I have drone-friendly airspace. Airspace, yeah? Drone-friendly airspace.

R: Do you have drone-friendly airspace?

M: Yeah, we do. But sometimes, you know, you have these signs with drones, you know, you can’t use drones. So yeah, it’s interesting, like something new in our life. Like I think a year ago we didn’t use to have these signs at all, and now we have them. No drones in this area. It’s prohibited to fly a drone. Phones and computers need to be replaced. And this is our passive structures. Really nicely used by Rory. Well done, Rory. So something needs to be replaced. And you can say like, okay, I want to replace my computer, but passive looks really cool here. And, Rory, you said that I fancy getting a new headset. Yeah? Fancy doing something.

R: I do, which just means that I, well, would like to do something, really. And I quite fancy getting a new laptop and a new phone because both of them are falling to pieces right now. So it’s just another way of saying that I want to do something. But instead of saying I want all the time, I fancy getting.

M: I fancy getting a new MacBook, for example. The benefits of using technology. Can I say there are many benefits to using technology? To.

R: Yes, but there will be a difference between them. But I don’t know what that difference is off the top of my head. Let’s have a look. Because they should know the answer to that. So, the benefit to and the benefit of are to do with getting the benefits, but for the benefit of is to do with it going out.

M: And one of the benefits is portability, right? It’s portable, right? My headphones are portable, I can carry this in my little Gucci bag or Chanel bag. Rory, could you comment on the passive structures?

R: No! No, I can’t talk about the passive structures, because there are many. For example, let us look at the first answer here. When I said it has been seen by me. So, has been seen, oh, it’s perfect aspect with passive voice. So it’s extra complex. And then my laptop has been used. Again, by me. So I didn’t need to say that, because I’m the only person that uses my laptop. And then for the third question, I’m just looking at the note that I made here. Yes, something which was discussed recently at work. So, it’s obvious who does the discussing, the people at work. And also, if something needs to be replaced. So, the only thing that can do the replacing right now is the people involved in the situation.

M: Thank you, Rory! And a couple of more questions for me, Rory and technology. Serious. Rory, would you like a drone to deliver a package for you? For example, you bought a new laptop, and a drone delivers this package.

R: I suppose it depends on how urgently it’s required. Passive voice. I don’t know. I mean, I like the idea that that could be possible. However, I don’t think that’s good for people. It’s just another thing that makes us even more impatient and short-sighted emotionally.

M: Yeah, dear listener, so we can see that we’re likely to see more drones in the future. And they will be used for delivering different goods, you know. And, Rory, would you like to have a robot in your house?

R: Hmm… I’m just trying to work out what it would do in my house, to be honest. I suppose if the house needs to be cleaned, then the robot could do that. Passive voice. Needs to be cleaned.

M: What about a new VR? Virtual reality in Rory’s life. Have you ever done any, like virtual reality things, activities?

R: I did. Yeah. I went to this place with my friends and… I think it was the most popular thing there because it was the thing that was used the most regularly for the whole time we were there. That was used most regularly, passive voice again. But in my own home, like I don’t know where I would put it and I also don’t really have much time to use these things. So it would be kind of a pointless purchase, wouldn’t it?

M: And, dear listener, yeah, even if you don’t enjoy virtual reality, you can just talk about it. You know, yeah, a nice like variety in your answers. And you can say I like virtual reality. It’s immersive. Immersive, you know. Immersive experience. You are inside the game. So playing Spider-man, like jumping from one building to another. Rory, would you like to be a Spider-Man? Batman is a superhero.

R: Let’s answer these things in order. There was only one question. It has been argued that Batman is a superhero but that is incorrect. Passive voice.

M: There we go again. There we go again.

R: But for me being Spider-Man, no, I would rather, I don’t know, I always wonder if I’d be better at flying or swimming in the sea with the fish. So I still haven’t made up my mind about that.

M: Okay, dear listener, thank you very much for listening! We’ve given you passive structures and some nice vocabulary and Rory, who is not so much excited about technology.

R: But I am excited about passive voice and, hopefully, you will be too now.

M: Thank you so much for listening! If you do want to say thank you for this free video, you can make a donation. Any donation is a good donation. The link is in the description. Thank you, we love you, we hug you! Joy and happiness through technology from me to you. Bye!

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This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases.

IELTS Speaking Part 2

Talk about a gadget or a piece of technology that you heavily rely on
You should say:

  • what it is
  • what do you use it for
  • how long you have been using it

and say how you would feel without it.

Model answer

I am not going to be original about the gadget and like most people I use my phone daily. My generation has been relying on this type of technology since childhood. It’s a thing that does it all, really – it teaches and entertains you, provides information, allows to keep in touch with your nearest and dearest. In addition to that, I often use it to track my jogging routine – it is able to measure my speed as well as the time I spend exercising.

I have had this particular phone for more than three years now. Normally I try to get a newer model only after my phone’s battery is no longer able to keep reasonable amount of charge. Another case when I switch to another one is when it gets heavily damaged, like the screen cracks or there is a firmware malfunction. But if we talk about how long I have been using mobile phones in general then the answer is well more than a decade! I can’t say for sure.

If I were to do without my phone I would feel miserable, isolated, stranded, even helpless! I guess it really makes one think how much reliant we have become to the conveniences of modern technology. After a while though I’m sure I would get over it and find ways to live without one.

IELTS Speaking Part 3

Technology and people

What technological advances have improved people’s lives the most?
The answer really depends on how far back we are willing to move. If we think of the ancient times, then the invention of the wheel was probably the most groundbreaking one as it made transportation of heavy objects possible. This practically kickstarted further technological advances. The creating of the printing press by Gutenberg made, for the first time in human history, books and manuscripts that could be bought for reasonable amount of money by anyone willing and able to read. Finally, the discovery and further adoption of electricity allowed people to use the endless array of electronics available today that otherwise wouldn’t have existed.

Are there any technological discoveries people would be better not making?
Honestly, I believe that the invention of the Internet has done more harm than good. First of all, the World Wide Web has become a platform to parade people’s vanity, ignorance and their contrarian views. Secondly, since the Web is largely uncontrolled and unmoderated it is possible to disseminate all kind of information, including one that is factually wrong and even harmful – such as fake news, for instance. Finally, this invention has made everyone more similar as we all read the same jokes and stories on the same websites. The Internet effectively reduced diversity of thought and ideas in that way.

Progress today and tomorrow

Talking about progress, how much different people’s lives are going to be in twenty years’ time?
It is very likely that thanks to availability of Internet access, people will be moving towards working from home. Another noticeable shift will be phones becoming the most popular form of entertainment, overtaking both personal computers and gaming consoles. As they advance technologically, we will witness the appearance of features such as holographic projections that complement the already existing augmented reality.

Would you say that people were happier in the past than they are now?
If you ask the old-timers how life was back when they were young, you are likely to hear that it indeed had been better. There was the thrill of bumping into a friend instead of messaging him in advance. People wrote actual letter and put them in envelopes. And I see no reason not to believe their experience. Nobody is going to argue that life used to be much simpler – and maybe easier to be happy with. Whether this was down to technological progress alone or due to other factors is another big question.

Is progress always a good thing?
If we once again take a look at human history, almost all of the inventions were aimed at improving general quality of human life. However, some of the discoveries ended up harming some individuals and society on the whole. Namely, some breakthroughs in the pharmaceutical domain made it possible to synthesize substances that are lethal to living things. Such substances can cause a great deal of pain and suffering if they end up in the wrong hands. Another example of progress gone wrong is drugs and I believe any further explanation here would be redundant.

Technology and progress vocabulary

Gadget (n) – a portable, high-tech piece of equipment such as a mobile phone or an mp3 player
Firmware (n) – similar to software (piece of code), but used to control the most essential parts of a device and usually difficult to change
Malfunction (n) – a breakdown in a mechanism or other complex manmade object
Groundbreaking (adj) – very important, influencing other things in its field
Adoption (n) – (here) wider acceptance and usage of something like a device or an idea
Augmented reality – a type of visual effect where you can see real life on the screen together with virtual objects such as player models, monster and so on
Breakthrough (n) – similarly to ‘groundbreaking’ it means an important achievement or a milestone

General vocabulary

Nearest and dearest – usually used to refer to your immediate and extended family as well as your loved ones
Stranded (adj) – lost or stuck somewhere without a chance of escaping, getting out or finding your way back
Kickstart (v) – to set something in motion, to begin something with energy and enthusiasm
Array (n) – a range, a list or a number of something
Parade (v) – to show something in a very easy to see way, conspicuously. Used negatively
Vanity (n) – false feeling of self-importance
Contrarian (adj) – a contrarian view is opposite to that of the common view just for the sake of being opposite
Disseminate (v) – to spread or to share information or knowledge
Complement (v) – if one thing complements another then it matches or goes well with it. Not to be confused with ‘compliment’
Bump into – (here) to meet with someone you know accidentally, without meaning to
Redundant (adj) – unneeded or unnecessary

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