Тексты для экзамена по английскому языку 4 класс

My working day

I usually get up at 7 o’clock on week-days. I make my bed, open the window and
do my morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom where I clean my teeth and
wash myself. After bathroom I go back to my room where I dress myself and brush
my hair. In 10 minutes I’m ready for breakfast. After breakfast I do my
homework. Then I have a short rest.   I have dinner at 11 o’clock. I go to
school at 12 o’clock. Every day                   I have got 4 or 5 lessons.
After lessons I go home and have a rest. Eight o’clock is supper time in our
family. After supper we all go to the living room and watch TV.

At 10 o’clock I go to bed.

My day off

Pupils have only one day off. It is Sunday.  I like this day very much. I wake
up later. When I get up, I make my bed, wash myself, and then             I
have breakfast. I usually have tea with sandwiches. After breakfast I do my
homework and then I can go outside to play with my friends. Sometimes we can go
to the cinema. We like watching films and cartoons. I enjoy my days off very

My family

Our family is not large. It consists of four people. They are: my mother, my
father, my sister and me. My mother’s name is Anna. She is 40.She is tall. She
has got big brown eyes. My mother is a very nice woman. My father’s name is
Boris. He is 42. He is tall. His hair is short and dark. My sister’s name is
Tanya. She is 15.She is a pupil. Tanya likes music and she plays the piano. In
the evening our family likes watching TV. Sometimes we go to the theatre or to
a concert. When the weather is fine, we like to go for a walk.

About myself

Hello, my name is Victor. My surname is Ivanov. I was born on April 7. I am
10. I am in the 4th form. I live in a good flat in Makhachkala. I have got a
mother, a father, a brother and a sister. I am tall. My hair is short. My eyes
are big and brown. I have a straight nose. I learn many interesting subjects at
school. They are: English, Russian, History, Music and others. I like reading
English books. My hobby is swimming. I have got many friends.

My friend

I have got a friend. His name is Kostya. He is 10. His face is round and eyes
are blue. His hair is short and fair. My friend is in the 4th form. He is a
good pupil. He often helps me to do my homework. We go for walks, read and
discuss books together and we go to the cinema. Kostya likes computer games. He
has got many interesting games and sometimes we play together. I like my friend
very much.

My friend

I have got a friend. Her name is Tanya. She is a nice girl. She is short. Her
eyes are brown. Her hair is dark and long. Tanya is 10. She is in the 4th form.
She likes to study at school. Her favourite subject is English. My friend likes
music. She plays the piano well. Tanya likes playing computer games. He has got
many interesting games and sometimes we play together. I like my friend very

At the cinema

I like going to the cinema. There are 4 cinemas in Makhachkala: Druzhba,
Russia, October and Cinema-hall. When I have free time I always go to see a
new film with my friends. But at first I usually look in the Internet what
films are on. Then I phone my friends and we discuss what films to see. At the cinema we buy popcorn, biscuits
and drinks. The last film we saw was ‘The Beauty and The Beast’. We have got good time at the cinema.

The seasons

 Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn are the seasons of
the year.
   December, January and February are winter months. The weather is
cold. Usually it snows. The days are short and the nights are long.
   March, April and May are spring months. Spring is a very nice
season. The weather is fine and it is warm. There are many green trees in the
streets, in the parks and in the yards.

June, July and August are summer months. Summer is usually
hot or warm. The days are long and the nights are short. The pupils don’t go
to school, they have their summer holidays. 

 September, October and November are autumn months. Autumn
is cool. It often rains. The days become shorter and the nights become longer.

Часть 2. Грамматика 

                           Контрольная работа 4 класс.

  1. Прочитай предложения и выбери правильный ответ.

1. My brother _______________ at the hospital six days a week.

a. worked           b. works

2. Steve is a policeman. He _______________ be polite and wear a uniform.

a. must        b. may

3. There is _______________ sugar in the cake.

a. much               b. many

4. Look! She _______________ the piano.

a. plays               b. is playing

5. A dolphin is _______________ than a giraffe.

a. cleverer                       b. the cleverest

6. He is the _______________ student in our school. He always gets only good and excellent marks.

a. best                                  b. better

7. Max and Maya _______________ at the zoo last Sunday.

a. went     b. go

 8. My father and I _______________ to Moscow next week.

a. go                                    b. will go

      2. Составь связные предложения.

c)  likes, in, to, books, the, read, mother, evening, my;


2) computer, Saturdays, on, games, my, plays, sister;


3) you, hands, eat, do, wash, you, your, before;


4) like, football, we, to, play;


5)the, went, to, they, park, yesterday,

        3.Раскрой скобки, употребив глагол в Past Simple.

The Red Cow (1) _____ (live) in the field of beautiful flowers. In the morning she (2) _____ (give) lessons to her daughter. In the afternoon they (3) _____ (eat) sweet green grass. In the evening the Red Cow (4) _____ (think) about her happy life. One night the Red Cow (5) _____ (get) up suddenly and (6) _____ (begin) to dance. There (7) _____ (be) no music but she (8) _____ (dance). Then she (9) _____ (want) to stop but she could not.      

                      4.Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы. 

Unusual school day

It was a beautiful morning on Friday. Fred watched his favourite cartoon on TV. Then he had breakfast with his brother David. After breakfast he said, “Goodbye”, to his family and rode his bike to school. He put his bike next to the wall. He always put his bike there – with all his friends’ bikes.

Fred went into his classroom and put his books on the desk. The room was very quite because no children were there. The teacher was not there too. That was strange. What happened to his classmates? He sat down at his desk and took his pen from his bag. Then he looked around and saw some people outside the window.

Fred saw his teacher with a guitar and all his friends. In front of them there were two clowns. The first clown threw a tomato at the second clown. It went into his mouth. All the children laughed. Fred stood up quickly. “Oh yes!” he said, “It’s our last school day today. It’s the school party!” He ran outside and  sat with his friends.

What day was it? Friday

a) What did Fred do before breakfast? _____________________________

b) How did he go to school? _____________________________

c) Where were his friends and the teacher? _____________________________

d) How many clowns were there? _____________________________

e) Why did they have a party? _____________________________

           5. Напиши ответ, дополнив незаконченные предложения.

My name __________________________________________________________

I live in____________________________________________________________

I am ______________________________________________________________

I live with __________________________________________________________

My favourite school subject ___________________________________________

In my free time____________________________________________________

I can ___________________________________________________________

Form 4

Term I


Schools in Great Britain

I Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 15

соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют

(False) и о чем в тексте несказанно, то есть на основании текста нельзя

дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (Not stated).

Read the text and decide if the statements are true, false or not stated.

1. In Great Britain boys and girls begin to go to school when they are


2. English schools work five days a week.

3. On Saturdays and Sundays pupils have sports competitions at school.

4. There no primary schools in Great Britain.

5. Children go to primary schools till they are 12.

II Прочитайте текст. В заданиях 610 выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Choose the right variant.

6. In Great Britain there are

a) no primary schools.

b) primary and secondary schools.

c) only primary school.

7. English children begin to go to a secondary school

a) when they are 11 or 12.

b) when they are 9 or 10.

c) when they are 5 or 6.

8. In Britain there are secondary schools

a) only for boys.

b) only for girls.

c) only for boys and girls.

9. Some schools prepare pupils

a) for sports and work.

b) for work and university.

c) for university.

10. All schoolchildren wear

a) dark grey uniforms.

b) blouses and skirts.

c) uniforms at schools.

Form 4

Term I


Schools in Great Britain

In Great Britain boys and girls begin to go to school when they are five

years old. Some boys and girls go to school till they are fifteen years old, others

go up to sixteen or eighteen.

English schools are open five days a week. On Saturdays and Sundays there

are no lessons.

There are primary and secondary schools in Great Britain. English children

begin to go to a secondary school when they are eleven or older. There are

different kinds of secondary schools in Britain. Some secondary schools are only

for boys, some are only for girls and some are for boys and girls. Some schools

prepare pupils for work, others for the university.

The pupils of all schools have uniforms. The boys wear dark grey, dark

green or dark blue uniforms. The girls in some schools wear blouses and skirts,

in others they wear dresses.

Form 4

Term II


The Cat and the Mice

I Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 15

соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют

(False) и о чем в тексте несказанно, то есть на основании текста нельзя

дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (Not stated).

Read the text and decide if the statements are true, false or not stated.

1. A cat lives in a big house.

2. The cat eats a lot of mice every day.

3. On her birthday the cat eats only cakes.

4. The cat is glad to see the mice at her birthday.

5. The mice bring presents for the cat.

II Прочитайте текст. В заданиях 610 выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Choose the right variant.

6. Every year … come to the cat’s birthday.

a) one or two mice

b) all the mice

c) some mice

7. They give her parents

a) chocolates.

b) fish.

c) cakes, bottles of milk and interesting toys.

8. Last year he cat got … as birthday present.

a) a ribbon with a small bell

b) a cathouse

c) a book with pictures

9. The cat was glad because

a) the mice came to see her.

b) she liked the ribbon with the bell.

c) the ribbon was nice and pink.

10. The mice were happy because

a) the cat was glad.

b) the ribbon was nice.

c) the cat was going to wear the ribbon with the bell.

Form 4

Term II


Cotton хлопок

Ribbon лента

Bell колокольчик

Heard слышали

The Cat and the Mice

A cat lives in a small house. In the kitchen of the cat’s house live little

mice. The cat is very big and every day she eats one or two mice. But on her

birthday the cat does not eat mice. Every year all the mice in her house come to

the cat’s birthday party. Of course, the cat is very glad to see the mice. They give

her birthday presents: cakes, bottles of milk and interesting toys. The toys are

made of paper and cotton. The cat likes the cakes and milk. She likes the toys


Last year the mice came to the cat’s birthday party and said “Here is blue

ribbon with a small bell for you”. The cat was glad because the ribbon was nice,

it was made of silk. The cat took the ribbon, put it on and said “Thank you. I like

the ribbon with the bell very much. I am going to wear it all the time”. The mice

were happy for they knew when the cat came.

When the mice heard the bell, they ran away from the kitchen.

Form 4

Term III


My Naughty Little Sister at the Birthday Party

I Прочитайте текст. В заданиях 1 5 выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Choose the right variant.

1. Tom was

a) a clever boy.

b) a naughty boy.

c) a talented boy.

2. Tom and my sister liked

a) to read books.

b) to break their toys.

c) to play hide-and-seek.

3. My little sister came to Tom’s birthday party

a) to play in the garden.

b) to dance.

c) to eat a birthday cake.

4. All children

a) didn’t want to play.

b) played in the garden, sang songs and danced.

c) played leap-frog and ran in the garden.

5. My sister doesn’t like

a) roses.

b) birthday parties.

c) chocolate roses.

II Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 6

10 соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют

(False) и о чем в тексте несказанно, то есть на основании текста нельзя

дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (Not stated).

Read the text and decide if the statements are true, false or not stated.

6. Tom and my little sister washed all my dolls in dirty water.

7. Tom’s mother asked Nancy to come to Tom’s birthday party in herbest


8. Nancy gave Tom a nice present for his birthday.

9. Tom and Nancy didn’t want to dance and to play games.

10. Tom’s mother was very happy that Tom and Nancy ate chocolate on

the birthday cake.

Form 4

Term III


Latter письмо

Even даже

My Naughty Little Sister at the Birthday Party

(After Dorothy Edwards)

There was a little boy who lived in our street. His name was Tom. My little

sister liked to play with him. So they often played in our yard and in our


But Tom was a naughty little boy and my sister was a naughty little girl.

They walked all over the flowers and picked green apples and broke their toys

and broke my toys. One day they washed my doll in dirty water and the next

day they put Tom’s Teddy Bear in the middle of the flower-bed.

One day Tom came to our house with a letter for my sister. He said to

Nancy: “This is a letter for you from my mother. Please come to my birthday

party. We shall have tea and a big birthday cake”.

“I like birthday cakes”, said my little sister. She put on her best dress and

her white socks and white shoes.

“Don’t forget to say ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you,’ ” said my mother.

When my little sister came to the birthday party, she said to Tom’s mother:

“How do you do? I want some birthday cake.”

Tom’s mother laughed and said: Soon all the children will come, and then

you can have the birthday cake.”

Then the other children came and they all played in the garden. They played

hide-and-seek. They sang songs and danced. But my little sister did not want

to play. She did not want to dance and she did not want to play.

“I can show you the birthday cake,” she said.

So they went to the dining room, there on the table they saw a beautiful

birthday cake with chocolate roses on it.

“Oh, I like chocolate roses very much”, said my naughty little sister.

“I can give you a little rose,” said Tom. He gave my sister one little rose,

and she ate it up. Then he took one rose and ate it up. My sister ate three roses,

and Tom ate three roses. They took the roses with their hands, and there was

chocolate on their hands and on their faces. Then they went into the garden to

play with other children.

When Tom’s mother saw them, she did not ask any questions. She went to

the dining-room and looked at the birthday cake. She was very angry.

Tom’s mother told Tom to go to bed. And she told my sister to go home.

My sister is not a little girl now, but she does not like chocolate roses even


Form 4

Term IV


The Policeman and the Thief

I Прочитайте текст. В заданиях 1 5 выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Choose the right variant.

1. A man stole some money

a) from a shop.

b) from a house.

c) from a supermarket.

2. The police

a) didn’t find the thief.

b) found a thief.

c) sent a thief into prison.

3. They asked a new policemen

a) to take him to the city.

b) to take him home.

c) to take him to the shop.

4. They had to go there

a) by bus.

b) by car.

c) by train.

5. On their way to the station they came

a) to the baker’s.

b) to the butcher’s.

c) to the fishmonger’s.

II Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 6

10 соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют

(False) и о чем в тексте несказанно, то есть на основании текста нельзя

дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (Not stated).

Read the text and decide if the statements are true, false or not stated.

1. The thief wanted to run from the policeman.

2. The policeman went into the shop with the thief.

3. All the police of the city began to look for the thief and soon found him.

4. The same policeman took the thief to the station.

5. The policeman ran away from the thief.

Form 4


The Policeman and the Thief

In a small town far away, a man stole some money from a house. The police

began to look for the thief, and they found him in two days. They brought him to

the police station and found some of the money in his coat.

There was a new policeman at the police station, and they wanted to gibe him

some work. «Take this thief to the city», said one of them. «You must go there

by train, and it goes very soon. Don’t be late».

The policeman and the thief set out along the road to the station. On their way

they came to a shop. In this shop bread was sold.

«We have no food and we must eat something in the train,» said the thief. «It’s

a long way to the city and it will take a long time. I’ll go into this shop and buy

some bread. Then you and I can eat it in the train. Wait here for me.» The

policeman was glad. «I’ll have some food in the train,» he thought. «Be quick,»

he said to the thief. «We haven’t much time.»

The thief went into the shop, and the policeman waited in the street for a long

time. But then he began to think about the train, and at last he went into the


«Where’s that man who came in here to buy some bread?» asked the


«Oh, he went out of the back door», said the shopkeeper.

The policeman ran out of the back door, but he could not se the thief. He ran

down the road, but he could not find him. So he had to go back to the police

station and tell the others about it. They were very angry with him and he was

very unhappy.

All the police of the town began to look for the thief again, and they soon

caught him. They brought him back to the police station and called the same


«Now,» said one of them angrily, «take him to the city, and don’t lose him


The policeman and the thief set out again along the same road to the station,

and they came to the same shop.

«Wait here,» said the thief. «I want to go into that shop and buy some bread

for our journey.»

«Oh, no,» said the policeman. «You did that before, and you ran away. This

time, I’ll go into the shop and buy the bread, and you must wait here for me.»

Тексты для чтения по английскому языку с заданиями 4 класс

Form 4

Term I


Schools in Great Britain

I Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 1-5 соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False) и о чем в тексте несказанно, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (Not stated).

Read the text and decide if the statements are true, false or not stated.

  1. In Great Britain boys and girls begin to go to school when they are six.

  2. English schools work five days a week.

  3. On Saturdays and Sundays pupils have sports competitions at school.

  4. There no primary schools in Great Britain.

  5. Children go to primary schools till they are 12.

II Прочитайте текст. В заданиях 6- 10 выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Choose the right variant.

  1. In Great Britain there are

  1. no primary schools.

  2. primary and secondary schools.

  3. only primary school.

  1. English children begin to go to a secondary school

  1. when they are 11 or 12.

  2. when they are 9 or 10.

  3. when they are 5 or 6.

  1. In Britain there are secondary schools

  1. only for boys.

  2. only for girls.

  3. only for boys and girls.

  1. Some schools prepare pupils

  1. for sports and work.

  2. for work and university.

  3. for university.

  1. All schoolchildren wear

  1. dark grey uniforms.

  2. blouses and skirts.

  3. uniforms at schools.

Form 4

Term I


Schools in Great Britain

In Great Britain boys and girls begin to go to school when they are five years old. Some boys and girls go to school till they are fifteen years old, others go up to sixteen or eighteen.

English schools are open five days a week. On Saturdays and Sundays there are no lessons.

There are primary and secondary schools in Great Britain. English children begin to go to a secondary school when they are eleven or older. There are different kinds of secondary schools in Britain. Some secondary schools are only for boys, some are only for girls and some are for boys and girls. Some schools prepare pupils for work, others for the university.

The pupils of all schools have uniforms. The boys wear dark grey, dark green or dark blue uniforms. The girls in some schools wear blouses and skirts, in others they wear dresses.

Form 4

Term II


The Cat and the Mice

I Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 1-5 соответствуют содержанию текста

(True) какие не соответствуют (False) и о чем в тексте несказанно, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (Not stated).

Read the text and decide if the statements are true, false or not stated.

  1. A cat lives in a big house.

  2. The cat eats a lot of mice every day.

  3. On her birthday the cat eats only cakes.

  4. The cat is glad to see the mice at her birthday.

  5. The mice bring presents for the cat.

II Прочитайте текст. В заданиях 6- 10 выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Choose the right variant.

  1. Every year … come to the cat’s birthday.

  1. one or two mice

  2. all the mice

  3. some mice

  1. They give her parents

  1. chocolates.

  2. fish.

  3. cakes, bottles of milk and interesting toys.

  1. Last year he cat got … as birthday present.

  1. a ribbon with a small bell

  2. a cathouse

  3. a book with pictures

  1. The cat was glad because

  1. the mice came to see her.

  2. she liked the ribbon with the bell.

  3. the ribbon was nice and pink.

  1. The mice were happy because

  1. the cat was glad.

  2. the ribbon was nice.

  3. the cat was going to wear the ribbon with the bell.

Form 4

Term II


Cotton – хлопок




The Cat and the Mice

A cat lives in a small house. In the kitchen of the cat’s house live little mice. The cat is very big and every day she eats one or two mice. But on her birthday the cat does not eat mice. Every year all the mice in her house come to the cat’s birthday party. Of course, the cat is very glad to see the mice. They give her birthday presents: cakes, bottles of milk and interesting toys. The toys are made of paper and

cotton. The cat likes the cakes and milk. She likes the toys too.

Last year the mice came to the cat’s birthday party and said “Here is blue ribbon with a small bell for you”. The cat was glad because the ribbon was nice, it was made of silk. The cat took the ribbon, put it on and said “Thank you. I like the ribbon with the bell very much. I am going to wear it all the time”. The mice were happy for they knew when the cat came.

When the mice heard the bell, they ran away from the kitchen.

Form 4

Term III


My Naughty Little Sister at the Birthday Party

I Прочитайте текст. В заданиях 1- 5 выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Choose the right variant.

  1. Tom was

  1. a clever boy.

  2. a naughty boy.

  3. a talented boy.

  1. Tom and my sister liked

  1. to read books.

  2. to break their toys.

  3. to play hide-and-seek.

  1. My little sister came to Tom’s birthday party

  1. to play in the garden.

  2. to dance.

  3. to eat a birthday cake.

  1. All children

  1. didn’t want to play.

  2. played in the garden, sang songs and danced.

  3. played leap-frog and ran in the garden.

  1. My sister doesn’t like

  1. roses.

  2. birthday parties.

  3. chocolate roses.

II Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 6-10 соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False) и о чем в тексте несказанно, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (Not stated).

Read the text and decide if the statements are true, false or not stated.

  1. Tom and my little sister washed all my dolls in dirty water.

  2. Tom’s mother asked Nancy to come to Tom’s birthday party in herbest dress.

  3. Nancy gave Tom a nice present for his birthday.

  4. Tom and Nancy didn’t want to dance and to play games.

  5. Tom’s mother was very happy that Tom and Nancy ate chocolate on the birthday cake.

Form 4

Term III


Latter – письмо

Even – даже

My Naughty Little Sister at the Birthday Party

(After Dorothy Edwards)

There was a little boy who lived in our street. His name was Tom. My little sister liked to play with him. So they often played in our yard and in our garden.

But Tom was a naughty little boy and my sister was a naughty little girl. They walked all over the flowers and picked green apples and broke their toys and broke my toys. One day they washed my doll in dirty water and the next day they put Tom’s Teddy Bear in the middle of the flower-bed.

One day Tom came to our house with a letter for my sister. He said to Nancy: “This is a letter for you from my mother. Please come to my birthday party. We shall have tea and a big birthday cake”.

“I like birthday cakes”, said my little sister. She put on her best dress and her white socks and white shoes.

“Don’t forget to say ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you,’ ” said my mother.

When my little sister came to the birthday party, she said to Tom’s mother: “How do you do? I want some birthday cake.”

Tom’s mother laughed and said: “Soon all the children will come, and then you can have the birthday cake.”

Then the other children came and they all played in the garden. They played hide-and-seek. They sang songs and danced. But my little sister did not want to play. She did not want to dance and she did not want to play.

“I can show you the birthday cake,” she said.

So they went to the dining room, there on the table they saw a beautiful birthday cake with chocolate roses on it.

“Oh, I like chocolate roses very much”, said my naughty little sister.

“I can give you a little rose,” said Tom. He gave my sister one little rose, and she ate it up. Then he took one rose and ate it up. My sister ate three roses, and Tom ate three roses. They took the roses with their hands, and there was chocolate on their hands and on their faces. Then they went into the garden to play with other children.

When Tom’s mother saw them, she did not ask any questions. She went to the dining-room and looked at the birthday cake. She was very angry.

Tom’s mother told Tom to go to bed. And she told my sister to go home.

My sister is not a little girl now, but she does not like chocolate roses even today.

Form 4

Term IV


The Policeman and the Thief

I Прочитайте текст. В заданиях 1- 5 выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Choose the right variant.

  1. A man stole some money

  1. from a shop.

  2. from a house.

  3. from a supermarket.

  1. The police

  1. didn’t find the thief.

  2. found a thief.

  3. sent a thief into prison.

  1. They asked a new policemen

  1. to take him to the city.

  2. to take him home.

  3. to take him to the shop.

  1. They had to go there

  1. by bus.

  2. by car.

  3. by train.

  1. On their way to the station they came

  1. to the baker’s.

  2. to the butcher’s.

  3. to the fishmonger’s.

II Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 6-10 соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False) и о чем в тексте несказанно, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (Not stated).

Read the text and decide if the statements are true, false or not stated.

  1. The thief wanted to run from the policeman.

  2. The policeman went into the shop with the thief.

  3. All the police of the city began to look for the thief and soon found him.

  4. The same policeman took the thief to the station.

  5. The policeman ran away from the thief.

Form 4


The Policeman and the Thief

In a small town far away, a man stole some money from a house. The police began to look for the thief, and they found him in two days. They brought him to the police station and found some of the money in his coat.

There was a new policeman at the police station, and they wanted to gibe him some work. «Take this thief to the city», said one of them. «You must go there by train, and it goes very soon. Don’t be late».

The policeman and the thief set out along the road to the station. On their way they came to a shop. In this shop bread was sold.

«We have no food and we must eat something in the train,» said the thief. «It’s a long way to the city and it will take a long time. I’ll go into this shop and buy some bread. Then you and I can eat it in the train. Wait here for me.» The policeman was glad. «I’ll have some food in the train,» he thought. «Be quick,» he said to the thief. «We haven’t much time.»

The thief went into the shop, and the policeman waited in the street for a long time. But then he began to think about the train, and at last he went into the shop.

«Where’s that man who came in here to buy some bread?» asked the policeman.

«Oh, he went out of the back door», said the shopkeeper.

The policeman ran out of the back door, but he could not se the thief. He ran down the road, but he could not find him. So he had to go back to the police station and tell the others about it. They were very angry with him and he was very unhappy.

All the police of the town began to look for the thief again, and they soon caught him. They brought him back to the police station and called the same policeman.

«Now,» said one of them angrily, «take him to the city, and don’t lose him again!»

The policeman and the thief set out again along the same road to the station, and they came to the same shop.

«Wait here,» said the thief. «I want to go into that shop and buy some bread for our journey.»

«Oh, no,» said the policeman. «You did that before, and you ran away. This time, I’ll go into the shop and buy the bread, and you must wait here for me.»


Текст для контроля чтения в 4 классе по английскому языку.


Text 3

One little girl had many toys in the box: colourful balls, dolls in beautiful dresses, cars, clowns and a little orange tiger. The tiger didn’t like the dolls because they laughed at him. They told him that he was not a real tiger and that he was just a soft toy. They also said that he should live in the box with oranges in the kitchen because he was of the same colour as oranges. The tiger became very angry. At night, when all people in the house were sleeping, he jumped out of the box and tore all the doll’s dresses with his sharp teeth. In the morning the girl looked around and started crying. “Look! Jemma tore all the doll’s dresses last night! Jemma is so naughty!” Jemma was a black puppy who also lived in the house. Jemma heard the girl’s wards and became very sad. The girl gave her dolls new nice dresses.

The tiger was very happy and the next night he destroyed all of them again. The girl was so displeased that she turned the puppy away. Jemma decided to find out who had spoiled the doll’s clothes. She hid behind a big wardrobe. At night she saw the tiger coming out of the box. She began to bark. The tiger jumped out of the window, became free and ran away to the jungle. The girl thanked Jemma.

  1. Прочитай текст. Выбери правильное окончание предложений согласно информации из текста. Отметь галочкой правильный ответ.

  2. The tiger was …

  1. black

  2. orange

  3. grey

  1. The dolls wanted the tiger to live in ….

  1. the box of sweets

  2. the box of oranges

  3. The mailbox

  1. Jemma was ….

  1. a black kitten

  2. a beautiful doll

  3. a black puppy

  1. In the morning the girl was displeased with ….

  1. the tiger

  2. the puppy

  3. the dolls

  1. Jemma lived ….

  1. In the wood

  2. In the jungle

  3. In the house

2. Прочитай текст. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос согласно информации из текста. Отметь галочкой правильный ответ.

  1. Why didn’t the tiger like the dolls?

  1. The dolls were ugly.

  2. The dolls laughed at the tiger.

  3. The dolls were not clever.

  1. Why did the dolls say that the tiger should live in the kitchen?

  1. The kitchen was large.

  2. A box of oranges was there.

  3. Because Jemma lived there.

  1. Why did the girl call Jemma ‘naughty’?

  1. She thought Jemma had spoiled the doll’s dresses.

  2. She didn’t like the puppy.

  3. Jemma had broken the vase.

  1. Why did Jemma fell sad?

  1. She was hungry.

  2. She decided to run away.

  3. She heard the girl’s words.

  1. Where did Jemma hide herself?

  1. in a bookcase

  2. under the table

  3. behind a wardrobe

3. Прочитай предложения и реши, соответствуют ли они тексту. Напиши T(true) или F(false):

  1. The tiger didn’t like the dolls because they laughed at him.

  2. The tiger became very happy.

  3. The girl was so displeased that she turned the puppy away.

  4. The tiger jumped out of the window, became free and ran away to the jungle.

  5. The girl gave her dolls new nice names.

Text 4

There are a lot of places of interest in London. Among them there are Westminster Abbey, the House of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, St Paul’s Cathedral, London Bridge, the Tower of London. Big Ben is the largest clock of England.

London is situated on the river Thames. Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official London residence.

London has many beautiful squares. One of the central square of the city is Trafalgar Square. St Paul’s Cathedral is the biggest English church. Another famous church is Westminster Abbey. London is also famous for its beautiful parks: Hyde Park is one of the most famous park in the world and Regent’s Park is the home London Zoo.

1. Прочитай текст. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос согласно информации из текста. Отметь галочкой правильный ответ.

  1. What square is the central square of London?

  1. Russel Square

  2. Piccadilly Circus

  3. Trafalgar Square

  1. What is St Paul’s Cathedral?

  1. A farm

  2. A church

  3. A library

  1. What is one of the most famous parks in the world?

  1. Exmoor Park

  2. Regent’s Park

  3. Hyde Park

2. Прочитай текст. Расставь предложения в логическом порядке.

  1. London is also famous for its beautiful parks: Hyde Park is one of the most famous park in the world and Regent’s Park is the home London Zoo.

  2. Hyde Park is one of the most famous park in the world and Regent’s Park is the home London Zoo.

  3. There are a lot of places of interest in London.

  4. Square. St Paul’s Cathedral is the biggest English church.

  5. London has many beautiful squares.

  6. London is situated on the river Thames.

  7. Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official London residence.

  8. Big Ben is the largest clock of England.

  9. Another famous church is Westminster Abbey.

  10. One of the central square of the city is Trafalgar Square.

3.Прочитай текст. Составь словосочетания из слов, данных в колонках. Запиши словосочетания.



Reading test для 4 класса.

Перед вами несложный тест по чтению для 4 класса. Он идеально подойдет в качестве проверки навыков чтения после того, как вы прошли тему Daily routine. Текст можно использовать на любом этапе и в качестве повторения лексики по теме ежедневные занятия, а также для повторения указаний времени на английском.

Reading test “Mike’s daily routine”

Прочитайте внимательно текст.

Mike is an American boy. He lives in Los Angeles, California. He lives with his family in a new house. He is eleven years old and he has got an older brother, David, and a younger sister, Emma.

He starts his day at about half past seven. He gets up, goes to the bathroom, takes a shower, brushes his teeth and gets dressed. Then he has breakfast and at a quarter to eight he leaves home and catches the bus to school.

Classes begin at half past eight. He usually has lunch at the school canteen at half past twelve. After school, at a quarter past five, he goes home. There he does his school homework and when he finishes it he helps his Mum laying the table. At half past seven the family dines together.

   Mike is a very helpful boy, so he helps his mother cleaning up everything after dinner.

   He usually watches TV for a while after dinner and at about ten o’clock the most he brushes his teeth again, puts on his Spider-Man pajamas and goes to bed. His parents always kiss him goodnight before he gets asleep. Mike is a very happy boy!

А теперь выполните предложенные задания.

Exercise 1. True or False?

  1. Mike is an American boy.
  2. He lives in a modern flat.
  3. He is eleven years old.
  4. He has got two brothers.
  5. Mike wakes up at eight o’clock.
  6. He walks to school.
  7. His classes begin at half past eight.
  8. Mike and his family have dinner at half past seven.

Exercise 2. Match antonyms.

















Exercise 2. Answers the questions to the text.

  1. Where does Mike live?
  2. What’s his sister’s name?
  3. What time does he wake up?
  4. Does he have breakfast at home?
  5. What time does Mike leave home?
  6. Where does he have lunch?
  7. When does Mike return home?
  8. Does he do his homework at school or at home?
  9. Is he a helpful boy?
  10. What’s your daily routine like? (5 – 10 sentences)

А теперь ответы к тесту.

Exercise 1.

1 True, 2 false, 3 true, 4 false, 5 false, 6 false, 7 true. 8 true

Exercise 2.

Modern – old-fashioned, older – younger, start – end, leaves – enters, begin – finish, together – alone, helpful – unhelpful, happy – unhappy.

Exercise 3.

  1. Mike lives in Los Angeles, California.
  2. His sister’s name is Emma.
  3. He wakes up at about half past seven.
  4. Yes, he does. He has breakfast at home.
  5. He leaves home at a quarter to eight.
  6. He has lunch at the school canteen.
  7. Mike returns home at a quarter past five.
  8. He does his homework at home.
  9. Yes, he is.
  10. Ваш ответ.

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!


Текст для чтения на английском 4 класс «My family».

My family

Hi! I am Jane. I have got a mother, a father and a sister. We are happy family. We live in a big new house.

There are many rooms in my house. The living room is big and sunny. There is a sofa, a fireplace and a TV in it. When it is cold and rainy, we like to sit in the armchairs next to the fireplace. We can read books, watch TV or listen to music. Sometimes my mother plays the piano and I sing English songs. My father and my sister like it very much. They say I can sing very well.

There are three bedrooms in our house. I don’t share a room with my sister. I have got my own room. I like my room. There is a bed, a wardrobe, a desk, a chair and many bookshelves. I like to read fairy tales very much. Sometimes I Write fairy tales and give them to my sister or my mother as presents. They like to read them. They say that my fairy tales are very interesting. My father doesn’t like them. He likes it when I sing!

  1. Has Jane got a brother? — ___________________________________

  2. Do Jane and her family live in a flat? — _________________________

  3. Is there a fireplace in the living room? — ________________________

  4. Can Jane read? — __________________________________________

  5. Can Jane’s mother sing very well? — ___________________________

  6. Are there many bookshelves in Jane’s room — ____________________

  7. Can Jane write fairy tales? — __________________________________

  8. Does Jane’s father like fairy tales? _____________________________

My family

Hi! I am Jane. I have got a mother, a father and a sister. We are happy family. We live in a big new house.

There are many rooms in my house. The living room is big and sunny. There is a sofa, a fireplace and a TV in it. When it is cold and rainy, we like to sit in the armchairs next to the fireplace. We can read books, watch TV or listen to music. Sometimes my mother plays the piano and I sing English songs. My father and my sister like it very much. They say I can sing very well.

There are three bedrooms in our house. I don’t share a room with my sister. I have got my own room. I like my room. There is a bed, a wardrobe, a desk, a chair and many bookshelves. I like to read fairy tales very much. Sometimes I Write fairy tales and give them to my sister or my mother as presents. They like to read them. They say that my fairy tales are very interesting. My father doesn’t like them. He likes it when I sing!

  1. Has Jane got a brother? — ___________________________________

  2. Do Jane and her family live in a flat? — _________________________

  3. Is there a fireplace in the living room? — ________________________

  4. Can Jane read? — __________________________________________

  5. Can Jane’s mother sing very well? — ___________________________

  6. Are there many bookshelves in Jane’s room — ____________________

  7. Can Jane write fairy tales? — __________________________________

  8. Does Jane’s father like fairy tales? _____________________________


Тест по чтению (английский язык) для 4 класса

  1. Прочитайте текст.

It is Tuesday. Emma is a pupil but she isn’t at school today. It’s 9 a.m. now. Emma is in her bed because she is ill. She has got a high temperature. She drinks hot tea with lemon and takes medicines. Her mother is at home too. She is cooking breakfast for Emma in the kitchen. Her father is at work. He is a policeman. He usually comes home at 7 p.m. Emma’s brother is at college. He usually comes home at 3 p.m.

  1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

  1. What day is it today?


  1. What is the girl’s name?


  1. Is Emma at school now?


  1. Is Emma’s mother in the office?


  1. What is Emma’s mother doing now?


  1. Has Emma got a brother?


  1. Does Emma take medicines?


  1. Is Emma’s father in the kitchen now?


  1. When does her brother come home?


  1. Is Emma’s father a policeman?


  1. Согласитесь ( true ) или опровергните ( false ) высказывания по тексту.

  1. It is weekend now.

  2. It is evening now.

  3. Emma studies at school.

  4. Emma is at school now.

  5. Emma’s mother is eating breakfast now.

  6. Her father is a policeman.

  7. Emma has got a sister.

  8. Emma has got a high temperature.

  9. She drinks lemonade and tea.

  10. Her brother is a pupil.

  11. Emma’s father is at work now.

  12. Her brother is in the kitchen now.

  1. Дополните предложения.

  1. Emma is a ____________________________________________________.

  2. Emma’s mother is _____________________ breakfast now.

  3. Emma is at ___________________ now.

  4. Her ______________________ works in a police.

  5. She has got a _________________________________________________.

  6. Her brother is at __________________________ now.

  7. He comes home from college at ___________________ .

  8. Emma’s daddy comes home at ___________________ .

  9. Emma takes _______________________ .

  10. She has got a high ______________________________ .


Легкие тексты на английском языке для начинающих, читать с переводом

Чтение на английском языке

Одним из способов изучения английского языка является чтение. Регулярное чтение на английском языке не только позволяет пополнить свой словарный запас самым естественным, приятным и доступным способом, но и наблюдать практическое применение грамматических структур в готовых текстах.

Если вы регулярно читаете художественные произведения англоязычных писателей, вы осваиваете «правильный» английский язык, который отличается от разговорного.

Кроме того, вы приобщаетесь к культуре стран изучаемого языка, имеете возможность «наблюдать» естественное поведение героев книг в различных жизненных ситуациях.

Легкие тексты на английском для начинающих можно условно разделить на два вида:

  • простые художественные тексты;
  • топики – короткие рассказы на определенные темы.

На первых порах, как детям, так и взрослым можно порекомендовать топики на самые простые темы – о себе, о семье, о распорядке дня, о погоде, о праздниках. Детям, скорее всего, будут интересны рассказы об игрушках, о животных.


Вот примеры некоторых таких легких текстов-топиков на английском языке:

My family

Meet my family. There are five of us – my parents, my elder brother, my baby sister and me. First, meet my mum and dad, Jane and Michael. My mum enjoys reading and my dad enjoys playing chess with my brother Ken. My mum is slim and rather tall. She has long red hair and big brown eyes. She has a very pleasant smile and a soft voice. My mother is very kind and understanding. We are real friends. She is a housewife. As she has three children, she is always busy around the house. She takes care of my baby sister Meg, who is only three months old. My sister is very small and funny. She sleeps, eats and sometimes cries. We all help our mother and let her have a rest in the evening. Then she usually reads a book or just watches TV. My father is a doctor. He is tall and handsome. He has short dark hair and gray eyes. He is a very hardworking man. He is rather strict with us, but always fair. My elder brother Ken is thirteen, and he is very clever. He is good at Maths and always helps me with it, because I can hardly understand all these sums and problems. Ken has red hair and brown eyes. My name is Jessica. I am eleven. I have long dark hair and brown eyes. I am not as clever as my brother, though I try to do my best at school too. I am fond of dancing. Our dancing studio won The Best Dancing Studio 2015 competition last month. I am very proud of it. I also like to help my mother with my little sister very much. Our family is very united. We love each other and always try to spend more time together.

Моя семья

Знакомьтесь с моей семьей. Нас пятеро – мои родители, мой старший брат, моя маленькая сестра и я. Сначала познакомьтесь с моими мамой и папой, Джейн и Майклом. Моя мама любит читать, а мой папа любит играть в шахматы с моим братом Кеном. Моя мама стройная и довольно высокая. У нее длинные рыжие волосы и большие карие глаза. У нее очень приятная улыбка и нежный голос. Моя мама очень добрая и понимающая. Мы настоящие друзья. Она домохозяйка. Поскольку у нее трое детей, она всегда занята по дому. Она заботится о моей грудной сестренке Мег, которой только три месяца. Моя сестренка очень маленькая и забавная. Она спит, ест и иногда плачет. Мы все помогаем нашей маме и даем ей отдохнуть вечером. Тогда она обычно читает книгу или просто смотрит телевизор. Мой папа врач. Он высокий и красивый. У него короткие темные волосы и серые глаза. Он очень трудолюбивый человек. Он довольно строг с нами, но всегда справедлив. Моему старшему брату Кену тринадцать и он очень умный. Он хорошо разбирается в математике и всегда помогает мне с ней, потому что я едва понимаю все эти примеры и задачи. У Кена рыжие волосы и карие глаза. Меня зовут Джессика. Мне одиннадцать. У меня длинные темные волосы и карие глаза. Я не такая умная, как мой брат, хотя я очень стараюсь в школе тоже. Я увлекаюсь танцами. Наша танцевальная студия выиграла конкурс на Лучшую Танцевальную Студию 2015 в прошлом месяце. Я очень горжусь этим. Я также очень люблю помогать моей маме с моей маленькой сестренкой. Наша семья очень дружная. Мы любим друг друга и всегда пытаемся проводить больше времени вместе.

Lunches for school

Every day in elementary school in America begins at 9.20 a.m. Children have classes till 3.15 p.m. At 12 o’clock children have lunch. Many boys and girls bring their lunch from home. But some of them go for lunch to a school cafeteria.
Mrs. Bradley prepares school lunches almost every weekday for her two children. Sometimes she gives the children money and they eat in the school cafeteria. But usually the children prefer to take a lunch from home.
This morning Mrs. Bradley is making peanut butter and cheese sandwiches, the children’s favorite. She puts two bottles of apple juice for the children to drink. She is going to put the sandwiches, some cherry tomatoes and two bananas in their lunchboxes. The lunchbox is easy for the children to carry to school.

Школьные обеды

Каждый день в начальной школе в Америке начинается в 9.30 утра. Уроки у детей длятся до 3.15 дня. В 12 часов у детей обед. Многие мальчики и девочки приносят свой обед с собой. Но некоторые ходят обедать в школьную столовую.
Миссис Брэдли готовит школьные обеды для своих двоих детей почти каждый рабочий день. Иногда она дает детям деньги, и они едят в школьной столовой. Но обычно дети предпочитают брать обед из дома.
Этим утром миссис Брэдли делает бутерброды с арахисовым маслом и сыром, любимые (бутерброды) детей. Она кладет две бутылочки яблочного сока, чтобы дети попили. Она собирается положить бутерброды, несколько помидоров черри и два банана в их ланчбоксы (коробки для завтрака). Детям легко носить ланчбокс в школу.


There are different kinds of animals on our planet, and all of them are very important for it. For example, everybody knows that the sharks are dangerous for people, but they are useful for cleaning seawater. There are two types of animals: domestic (or pets) and wild. People keep pets in their homes. And some wild animals are very dangerous. Domestic animals live next to people, whereas wild animals’ “homes” are forests, jungles, oceans and so on.
Giraffes are very beautiful and unusual animals. They are the tallest land animals in the world. Giraffes can reach a height of 5,5 m and a weight of 900 kg. They are famous for their long necks. But does anybody know, that giraffes have a very long tongue? They even can clean the ears with it! Giraffes are usually yellow or light brown with dark stains. Giraffes live in African savannas. They can live from 20 to 30 years. It is interesting to know, that giraffes sleep only twenty minutes at a time. They sit down on the ground and bend their long neck down.
Giraffes do not hunt. They eat leaves, grass, and fruit. Due to their long neck, they can reach the highest leaves on the trees that other animals cannot eat.
You can often meet giraffes in city Zoos. They are very friendly and all the children like them very much.


На планете много разных видов животных, и все они очень важны для нее. Например, все знают, что акулы опасны для людей, но они полезны для очищения морской воды. Есть два вида животных – домашние (или питомцы) и дикие. Люди держат питомцев в своих домах. А некоторые дикие животные очень опасны. Домашние животные живут рядом с людьми, тогда как «дома» диких животных — это леса, джунгли, океаны и так далее.
Жирафы очень красивые и необычные животные. Они самые высокие сухопутные животные в мире. Жирафы могут достигать в высоту 5.5 метров, и веса 900 кг. Они знамениты своими длинными шеями. Но кто-нибудь знает, что у жирафов очень длинный язык? Они даже могут почистить им уши! Жирафы обычно жёлтые или светло коричневые с тёмными пятнами. Жирафы живут в африканских саваннах. Они могут прожить от 20 до 30 лет. Интересно знать что жирафы спят не более 20 минут за раз. Они садятся на землю и нагибают свою длинную шею.
Жирафы не охотятся. Они едят листья, траву и фрукты. Благодаря своей длинной шее они могут достать до самых верхних листьев на деревьях, которые не могут съесть другие животные.
Вы часто можете встретить жирафов в городских зоопарках. Они очень дружелюбные и их очень любят дети.

Художественные произведения для легкого чтения на английском

Что касается художественных текстов, для начинающих желательно выбирать адаптированные книги. Сейчас можно подобрать художественные произведения для любого уровня владения языком, со словарями, комментариями и переводом. На начальном этапе подойдут короткие и легкие тексты для чтения на английском языке, а так же специально адаптированные книги первых трех уровней сложности (starter, beginner, elementary). Вам не обязательно смотреть в словаре каждое незнакомое слово. Читая рассказ, попытайтесь угадывать по смыслу значение незнакомых слов. Если выбранная вами книга соответствует вашему уровню, то таких слов будет не слишком много, и вы вполне сможете понять смысл прочитанного.

Вот некоторые произведения английских и американских писателей, которые легко найти в адаптированном варианте на английском языке. Все эти книги переведены на русский язык и хорошо знакомы русским читателям, что конечно, окажет дополнительную помощь при чтении их по-английски.

A Dog and Three Dollars. M. Twain (Собака. Марк Твен)
A Day’s Wait. E. Hemingway (День ожидания. Э. Хэмингуэй)
The Green Door. O. Henry (Зеленая дверь. О.Генри)
The Reading Public. S. Leacock (Читающая публика. С Ликок)
The Nightingale and the Rose. O. Wilde (Соловей и роза. О.Уайлд)
Is He Living or Is He Dead? M. Twain (Он жив или мертв? Марк Твен)
As You Like It. After W. Shakespeare (Как вам это понравится. У.Шекспир)
The Banks of the Sacramento. J. London (На берегах Сакраменто. Д.Лондон)
A Service of Love. O. Henry (Из любви к искусству. О.Генри)
Surprise. J. Galsworthy (Сюрприз. Д. Голсуорси)
No Story. O. Henry (Без вымысла. О.Генри)

Как получить наилучший результат от чтения

Итак, вы решили сформировать базу английского путем чтения английских книг. Но найти и читать тексты на английском для начинающих – это еще полдела. Для хорошего результата нужно не только прочитать, но еще и поработать с прочитанным материалом. Вот несколько советов – как это сделать.

  • Ищите английские тексты с аудио сопровождением. Так вы сможете не только увеличить свой словарный запас, но и проконтролируете и улучшите свое произношение.
  • Ищите английские тексты с заданиями после них. Это могут быть вопросы, различные упражнения на выбор слов или правильных вариантов и т.п. Это даст вам дополнительную возможность закрепить новые слова в памяти и отработать грамматические конструкции.
  • Если после текстов упражнений нет, попробуйте метод «Why» -questions. Он заключается в том, что на основании прочитанного, вы сами можете составить для себя несколько вопросов, начинающихся с «Почему?». Причем лучше, если в тексте не будет прямого ответа на ваши вопросы и вам придется порассуждать или что-то домыслить, отвечая на них.
  • Попытайтесь, используя текст, составить краткий пересказ, не более 7-8 предложений. Желательно использовать при этом новые слова. Выучите пересказ наизусть. Проговорите его вслух.

Онлайн упражнение на понимание текста для начинающих

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

The trip to my Granny

Yesterday I visited my Granny in the countryside. We go there every weekend and I enjoy these trips. But not this time. It was raining cats and dogs, our car broke several times and we all were very tired. But when we saw the Granny, I forgot about the difficulties.

Ответьте на вопросы

  • Where does Granny live? …in the cityin the village

  • How often do the family visit Granny? …rarelyoften

  • What kind of weather was the day when family was visiting Granny? …wonderfulawful

Укажите, верны ли утверждения по тексту (true — правильно, false — неправильно)

  • The boy likes to visit his granny. …truefalse

  • It was snowing heavily that day. …truefalse

  • The text is about boy’s parents. …truefalse

Составьте предложение, отражающее основную мысль этого текста

Еще больше простых текстов и онлайн-упражнений Вы найдете в обучающем онлайн сервисе Lim English. Регистрируйтесь по ссылке и приступайте к увлекательному обучению!


Тест (иностранный язык, 4 класс) по теме: Тестовые задания по чтению в формате ЕГЭ. Английский язык. 4 класс

Form 4

Term I


Schools in Great Britain

I Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 1-5 соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False) и о чем в тексте несказанно, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (Not stated). 

Read the text and decide if the statements are true, false or not stated.

  1. In Great Britain boys and girls begin to go to school when they are six.
  2. English schools work five days a week.
  3. On Saturdays and Sundays pupils have sports competitions at school.
  4. There no primary schools in Great Britain.
  5. Children go to primary schools till they are 12.

II Прочитайте текст. В заданиях 6- 10 выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Choose the right variant.

  1. In Great Britain there are
  1. no primary schools.
  2. primary and secondary schools.
  3. only primary school.
  1. English children begin to go to a secondary school
  1. when they are 11 or 12.
  2. when they are 9 or 10.
  3. when they are 5 or 6.
  1. In Britain there are secondary schools
  1. only for boys.
  2. only for girls.
  3. only for boys and girls.
  1. Some schools prepare pupils
  1. for sports and work.
  2. for work and university.
  3. for university.
  1.  All  schoolchildren wear
  1. dark grey uniforms.
  2. blouses and skirts.
  3. uniforms at schools.

Form 4

Term I


Schools in Great Britain

        In Great Britain boys and girls begin to go to school when they are five years old. Some boys and girls go to school till they are fifteen years old, others go up to sixteen or eighteen.

        English schools are open five days a week. On Saturdays and Sundays there are no lessons.

        There are primary and secondary schools in Great Britain. English children begin to go to a secondary school when they are eleven or older. There are different kinds of secondary schools in Britain. Some secondary schools are only for boys, some are only for girls and some are for boys and girls. Some schools prepare pupils for work, others for the university.

        The pupils of all schools have uniforms. The boys wear dark grey, dark green or dark blue uniforms. The girls in some schools wear blouses and skirts, in others they wear dresses.

Form 4

Term II


The Cat and the Mice

I Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 1-5 соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False) и о чем в тексте несказанно, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (Not stated). 

Read the text and decide if the statements are true, false or not stated.

  1. A cat lives in a big house.
  2. The cat eats a lot of mice every day.
  3. On her birthday the cat eats only cakes.
  4. The cat is glad to see the mice at her birthday.
  5. The mice bring presents for the cat.

II Прочитайте текст. В заданиях 6- 10 выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Choose the right variant.

  1. Every year … come to the cat’s birthday.
  1. one or two mice
  2. all the mice
  3. some mice
  1. They give her parents
  1. chocolates.
  2. fish.
  3. cakes, bottles of milk and interesting toys.
  1. Last year he cat got … as birthday present.
  1. a ribbon with a small bell
  2. a cathouse
  3. a book with pictures
  1. The cat was glad because
  1. the mice came to see her.
  2. she liked the ribbon with the bell.
  3. the ribbon was nice and pink.
  1.  The mice were happy because
  1. the cat was glad.
  2. the ribbon was nice.
  3. the cat was going to wear the ribbon with the bell.

Form 4

Term II


Cotton – хлопок

Ribbon – лента

Bell – колокольчик

Heard – слышали

The Cat and the Mice

A cat lives in a small house. In the kitchen of the cat’s house live little mice. The cat is very big and every day she eats one or two mice. But on her birthday the cat does not eat mice. Every year all the mice in her house come to the cat’s birthday party. Of course, the cat is very glad to see the mice. They give her birthday presents: cakes, bottles of milk and interesting toys. The toys are made of paper and cotton. The cat likes the cakes and milk. She likes the toys too.

        Last year  the mice came to the cat’s birthday party and said “Here is blue ribbon with a small bell for you”. The cat was glad because the ribbon was nice, it was made of silk. The cat took the ribbon, put it on and said “Thank you. I like the ribbon with the bell very much. I am going to wear it all the time”. The mice were happy for they knew when the cat came.

        When the mice heard the bell, they ran away from the kitchen.

Form 4

Term III


My Naughty Little Sister at the Birthday Party

I Прочитайте текст. В заданиях 1- 5 выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Choose the right variant.

  1. Tom was
  1. a clever boy.
  2. a naughty boy.
  3. a talented boy.
  1. Tom and my sister liked
  1. to read books.
  2. to break their toys.
  3. to play hide-and-seek.
  1. My little sister came to Tom’s birthday party
  1. to play in the garden.
  2. to dance.
  3. to eat a birthday cake.
  1. All children
  1. didn’t want to play.
  2. played in the garden, sang songs and danced.
  3. played leap-frog and ran in the garden.
  1. My sister doesn’t like
  1. roses.
  2. birthday parties.
  3. chocolate roses.

II Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 6-10 соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False) и о чем в тексте несказанно, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (Not stated). 

Read the text and decide if the statements are true, false or not stated.

  1. Tom and my little sister washed all my dolls in dirty water.
  2. Tom’s mother asked Nancy to come to Tom’s birthday party in herbest dress.
  3. Nancy gave Tom a nice present for his birthday.
  4. Tom and Nancy didn’t want to dance and to play games.
  5.  Tom’s mother was very happy that Tom and Nancy ate chocolate on the birthday cake.

Form 4

Term III


Latter – письмо

Even – даже

My Naughty Little Sister at the Birthday Party

(After Dorothy Edwards)

There was a little boy who lived in our street. His name was Tom. My little sister liked to play with him. So they often played in our yard and in our garden.

But Tom was a naughty little boy and my sister was a naughty little girl. They walked all over the flowers and picked green apples and broke their toys and broke my toys. One day they washed my doll in dirty water and the next day they put Tom’s Teddy Bear in the middle of the flower-bed.

One day Tom came to our house with a letter for my sister. He said to Nancy: “This is a letter for you from my mother. Please come to my birthday party. We shall have tea and a big birthday cake”.

“I like birthday cakes”, said my little sister. She put on her best dress and her white socks and white shoes.

“Don’t forget to say ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you,’ ” said my mother.

When my little sister came to the birthday party, she said to Tom’s mother: “How do you do? I want some birthday cake.”

Tom’s mother laughed and said: “Soon all the children will come, and then you can have the birthday cake.”

Then the other children came and they all played in the garden. They played hide-and-seek. They sang songs and danced. But my little sister did not want to play. She did not want to dance and she did not want to play.

“I can show you the birthday cake,” she said.

So they went to the dining room, there on the table they saw a beautiful birthday cake with chocolate roses on it.

“Oh, I like chocolate roses very much”, said my naughty little sister.

“I can give you a little rose,” said Tom. He gave my sister one little rose, and she ate it up. Then he took one rose and ate it up. My sister ate three roses, and Tom ate three roses. They took the roses with their hands, and there was chocolate on their hands and on their faces. Then they went into the garden to play with other children.

When Tom’s mother saw them, she did not ask any questions. She went to the dining-room and looked at the birthday cake. She was very angry.

Tom’s mother told Tom to go to bed. And she told my sister to go home.

My sister is not a little girl now, but she does not like chocolate roses even today.

Form 4

Term IV


The Policeman and the Thief

I Прочитайте текст. В заданиях 1- 5 выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Choose the right variant.

  1. A man stole some money
  1. from a shop.
  2. from a house.
  3. from a supermarket.
  1. The police
  1. didn’t find the thief.
  2. found a thief.
  3. sent a thief into prison.
  1. They asked a new policemen
  1. to take him to the city.
  2. to take him home.
  3. to take him to the shop.
  1. They had to go there
  1. by bus.
  2. by car.
  3. by train.
  1. On their way to the station they came
  1. to the baker’s.
  2. to the butcher’s.
  3. to the fishmonger’s.

II Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 6-10 соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False) и о чем в тексте несказанно, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (Not stated). 

Read the text and decide if the statements are true, false or not stated.

  1. The thief wanted to run from the policeman.
  2. The policeman went into the shop with the thief.
  3. All the police of the city began to look for the thief and soon found him.
  4. The same policeman took the thief to the station.
  5. The policeman ran away from the thief.

Form 4

Term IV


The Policeman and the Thief

In a small town far away, a man stole some money from a house.  The police began to look for the thief, and they found him in two days.  They brought him to the police station and found some of the money in his coat.

There was a new policeman at the police station, and they wanted to gibe him some work.  «Take this thief to the city», said one of them.  «You must go there by train, and it goes very soon.  Don’t be late».

The policeman and the thief set out along the road to the station.  On their way they came to a shop.  In this shop bread was sold.

«We have no food and we must eat something in the train,» said the thief.  «It’s a long way to the city and it will take a long time.  I’ll go into this shop and buy some bread.   Then you and I can eat it in the train.  Wait here for me.»  The policeman was glad.  «I’ll have some food in the train,» he thought.  «Be quick,» he said to the thief.  «We haven’t much time.»

The thief went into the shop, and the policeman waited in the street for a long time.  But then he began to think about the train, and at last he went into the shop.

«Where’s that man who came in here to buy some bread?» asked the policeman.

«Oh, he went out of the back door», said the shopkeeper.

The policeman ran out of the back door, but he could not se the thief.  He ran down the road, but he could not find him.  So he had to go back to the police station and tell the others about it.  They were very angry with him and he was very unhappy.

All the police of the town began to look for the thief again, and they soon caught him.  They brought him back to the police station and called the same policeman.

«Now,» said one of them angrily, «take him to the city, and don’t lose him again!»

The policeman and the thief set out again along the same road to the station, and they came to the same shop.

«Wait here,» said the thief.  «I want to go into that shop and buy some bread for our journey.»

«Oh, no,» said the policeman.  «You did that before, and you ran away.  This time, I’ll go into the shop and buy the bread, and you must wait here for me.»


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Данный материал подходит для учащихся третьего года обучения английскому языку по УМК «Spotlight» в качестве выпускного экзамена в 4 классе.

Цель проведения экзамена по английскому языку в 4 классе: оценка уровня сформированности коммуникативной компетенции выпускников начальной школы, установление соответствия между реальным уровнем сформированности иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся с требованиями современных образовательных стандартов по английскому языку.

Задачи проведения экзамена по английскому языку за курс начальной школы:

  • установить факт освоения учащимися программы по английскому языку за курс начальной школы;
  • показать достижения учащихся, их готовность продолжать обучение в средней школе;
  • определить уровень владения учащихся английским языком для дальнейшего распределения учеников на подгруппы в зависимости от этого уровня.

Работа состоит из двух частей: письменной и устной. В данной статье мы рассмотрим письменную часть экзамена.

Письменная часть экзамена состоит из трех разделов, которые идут в следующей последовательности: «Аудирование», «Грамматика и лексика», «Чтение и письмо».

  • Раздел «Аудирование» включает в себя 5 заданий, проверяющих умение понимать запрашиваемую информацию в прослушанном тексте.
  • Раздел «Грамматика и лексика» включает в себя 20 заданий с выбором ответа на контроль языковых навыков.
  • Раздел «Чтение и письмо» состоит из двух заданий (чтение письма и письменный ответ на него), выполнение которых требует демонстрации умений чтения и письменной речи.

На выполнение заданий раздела письменной части отводится 45 минут. За успешно выполненную работу учащийся может получить максимально 100 баллов.

Вариант I

I. Аудирование

Задание 1. Сейчас ты будешь выполнять задания по аудированию. Прослушай текст и обведи правильный вариант ответа. Ты услышишь текст дважды.

1) Sandrine is….

A) ten B) twelve C) twenty

2) She is in Year …. at school.

A) six B) eight C) five

3) She has got … subjects at school.

A) thirteen B) fifteen C) fourteen

4) Her favourite subjects are…

A) English and PE B) English and Maths C) English and History

5) There are … students in Sandrine’s class.

A) twenty-three B) ten C) thirteen

II. Грамматика и лексика

Задание 2. Выбери лишнее слово и зачеркни его:

  1. mobile phone, lizard, watch, hairbrush, keys
  2. scared, angry, tired, bored, guitar
  3. baker, mechanic, theatre, waiter, greengrocer
  4. butter, badminton, baseball, hockey, volleyball
  5. beans, coconut, pepper, helmet, olive oil

Задание 3. Выбери правильный ответ и запиши букву ответа в пропуске.

1) Maxim ______ in the country next year.

A) leaves B) will leave C) leaved

2) Gary is the _____ singer in our class.

A) best B) good C) better

3) Cindy _____ the race yesterday.

A) win B) won C) winned

4) How _____ butter do you need?

A) much B) a lot of C) many

5) He _____ shopping every Friday.

A) goes B) go C) went

6) There _____seven flowers in the vase.

A) is B) are C) have

7) Kate’s skirt is _____ than Anna’s skirt.

A) beautiful B) beautifuler C) more beautiful

8) Look! I _____ the tree.

A) am climbing B) climbed C) climb

9) _____ go to the seaside tomorrow?

A) Ann is going to B) Does Ann C) Is Ann going to

10) Have you got _____books about dinosaurs?

A) some B) any C) much

Задание 4. Подбери правильный ответ на вопрос и запиши букву ответа в скобочках.

1) What’s he like? (____)

A) He’s tall and fat.

2) Where do you work? (____)

B) Here you are.

3) Can I have a can of Coke? (____)

C) At the post office.

4) What does he look like? ( ____ )

D) I’m painting a picture.

5) What are you doing? (____)

E) He’s kind and friendly.

III. Чтение и письмо

Задание 5. Прочитай письмо, полученное от нового друга по переписке.

Dear friend,

My name is Wendy. I live in London, England. I am ten years old. My birthday is on the 12th of May. I live with my mum and dad. I haven’t got any sisters or brothers.

I go to Hillside School. My school is great but it isn’t very big. I’m in year3 at school. There are twenty pupils in my class. I like my classmates. They are very friendly. My favourite subjects are English and Music. I don’t like Maths because I’m not very good at it. What’s your favourite subject?

I like reading books in my free time. I can sing and dance quite well. What about you?

Write back soon.



Напиши ответ, дополнив незаконченные предложения.

Dear 1) ______________,

I was glad to get your letter.

My name 2) _______________________________

I live in 3) _________________________________

I am 4) ___________________________________

I live with 5) _______________________________

There are 6) _______________________________in my class.

My favourite school subject 7) __________________

In my free time 8) ____________________________

I can 9) ___________________________________


10) _______________

Вариант II

Ключи к работе

Список литературы

  1. Федеральный государственный стандарт начального общего образования / Министерство образования и науки РФ — М.: Просвещение, 2011
  2. Примерные программы начального общего образования. В 2 ч. Ч. 2.- М.: Просвещение, 2011. — (Стандарты второго поколения).
  3. Быкова Н., Дули Д., Поспелова М., Эванс В. УМК «Английский в фокусе» для 2 класса. — М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2016.
  4. Colin Grander. Hot Spot 1 Student’s Book (+CD) — Macmillan, 2009, СD1, tape 64

English speaking world

Добро пожаловать в «Англоговорящий мир»! В этом разделе вы найдете информацию о таких англоговорящих странах, как Великобритания, Канада, США, Австралия и Новая Зеландия. Вашему вниманию предлагаются
-справочные материалы


-интерактивные плакаты
тесты и викторины

Шаблоны презентаций

Здесь можно скачать бесплатно авторские шаблоны на разные темы детям и взрослым для

-праздников  -фотоальбомов

-внеклассных мероприятий


Вы сможете рассказать иностранцу о своей стране на английском языке?


Известная всем Своя игра на разные темы по английскому языку теперь на сайте в онлайн режиме. Смотрите, выбирайте, играйте. В школе и дома, командами или по одному.   Подробнее


Собираетесь принять участие в олимпиаде школьников по английскому языку? Готовите к олимпиаде учеников? Хотите проверить свои знания на более высоком уровне? Этот раздел для вас. Далее

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Образец для подготовки к экзамену по английскому языку в 4 классе для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, обучающихся по программе Верещагиной, Афанасьевой.


Экзамен по английскому языку в 4-м классе состоит из 3-х частей: аудирование, чтение, лексико-грамматический текст.

I. Аудирование

Ученики прослушивают 2 раза аудиотекст. Он содержит несколько диалогов примерно такого содержания:

— А как зовут ту девочку, которая сидит на диване?

— Ее зовут Сэлли.

— А что за мальчик читает книгу?

— Какой мальчик? Тот, который сидит на стуле?

— Нет, тот, который стоит возле книжного шкафа.

— Это Макс.

и т.д

аудирование 4 класс

Задание такое: на картинке, которая есть в экзаменационном листочке, нужно подписать имена детей. Всего изображено 6 детей.

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Тексты для чтения на устном экзамене по русскому языку в 9 классе
  • Тексты для чтения на английском экзамен
  • Тексты для чтения к экзамену по немецкому языку
  • Тексты для чтения егэ по английскому языку устная часть
  • Тексты для чтения для устного экзамена по русскому языку 9 класс