Тема по английскому outstanding people языку для экзамена

you ever asked yourself a question what your life would be like today without
the invention of the theory of relativity or without such a masterpiece as
“Romeo and Juliet”? How would have the world history changed but for such
influential figures as Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi? It’s
hard to say but one thing is clear – it wouldn’t be the same. These famous
people contributed a lot to the development of the mankind and changed our
perception of the world to a great extent.

my opinion to be an outstanding person means to possess personality, not to be
like anyone else and it is someone who is not trying to emphasize it. An
outstanding person is the one who wants to do something good in his or her life
and who helps other people and leaves some kind of trace in the life of others.
America has always been achievement-oriented nation. Americans are very proud
of their in «some way national hero» Bill Gates and they consider him an
outstanding person. Why? Because he was able to create something from nothing.
He is not like everyone else, he is one of a kind and that makes him an
outstanding person. A young man who used to work in his garage became famous
all over the world and when you exchange a word with him you’ll never get a message,
that he is better than you are. A true example of devotion and determination on
the way to success is Henry Ford, an American captain of industry and a
business magnate, the founder of the Ford Motor Company. Not many people know
that he failed several times and was broke before succeeding in his start-up
business. He really had an idea of what persistence means! These are examples
of becoming outstanding people, respectable and strong personalities.

country can boast its own outstanding personalities. Great Britain has given
the world many talented scientists, politicians, sportsmen, writers and poets,
painters and musicians. The names of Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Charles
Dickens, John Lennon, Charlie Chaplin speak for themselves. The first British
woman Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, a well-known Scottish writer of
Sherlock Holmes stories Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Alexander Fleming, the
discoverer of penicillin, who relieved more suffering than any other living
man, a former star of the legendary Manchester United David Beckham also
deserve mentioning. 

country has raised a lot of people who can be called outstanding and made a big
contribution to the world’s heritage due to its gifted historic figures and our
contemporaries.  Number one, for sure, is
Francysk Skoryna, a Belarusian legend. He has been remembered and respected for
his contribution to the education and the development of printing. Belarus is
the motherland of such writers as Y. Kolas, Y. Kupala, A. Mitskevich, V. Bykov,
K. Krapiva, I. Shamyakin, M. Tank, V. Korotkevich, M. Bagdanovich and many
others who did a lot for our culture. Among the most prominent Belarusian
Artists are Mark Shagall. Ossip Zadkin, Kazimir Malevich, M. Savitski. They
were involved in renovation of Belarusian culture and they were not afraid to
start everything from the beginning and to tell us about our roots, our
identity. We can be justly proud of our sportsmen Maxim Mirny, Victoria
Azarenka, Darya Domracheva, Alexei Grishin, Melitina Staniouta and many others.

year of 2015 was marked by a significant event. The first writer from Belarus
was awarded Nobel Prize in Literature. This was Svetlana Alexievich, a Belarusian
investigative journalist and non-fiction prose writer. Her books have been
translated into many languages. Her most distinguished  works are “War Does Not Have a Woman’s Face”,
“Boys in Zinc”, “Chernobyl Prayer”.

often wonder whether a genius is born or made. Judging by the numerous examples
we can assume that naturally born talent is the key ingredient of success. But
the way is very often thorny. So such qualities as hard work, determination,
persistence and devotion are a must.

To learn more visit this site:   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_from_Belarus

Let’s talk about outstanding people.

1. What famous people made our life different?

2. Do you think it is important to know the history of your country?

3. You have a chance to interview a celebrity. Whom will you choose and what questions will you ask?

4. My son wants to become a successful businessman in the future. What advice will you give him?

5. Some people say that great minds think alike. What do you think about it?

Write the answers to the questions in comments.

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Выдающийся человек/ Outstanding Person с переводом на русский язык.

Outstanding Person Выдающийся человек
I think, every person naturally has some talent, but not everybody can become outstanding. Outstanding person is that who made something superior, excellent, better than others or broke through. Я думаю, каждый человек наделен от природы талантом, но не каждый может стать выдающимся. Выдающийся человек – это тот, кто совершил что-то превосходное, отличное, лучшее, чем у других или совершил прорыв в определенной области.
When I hear the combination “outstanding person”, the Steve Jobs portray, the American creator of the first personal computer, arises in my imagination. He proved on his example in order to be outstanding one should be not only smart and talented but have to be enterprising, to work hard, to risk and the key point to love what you do. Когда я слышу сочетание «выдающийся человек», в моем воображении всплывает портрет Стива Джобса, американского создателя первого персонального компьютера. Он на своем примере доказал, чтобы стать выдающимся, надо быть не просто умным и талантливым, но еще быть предприимчивым, много работать, уметь рисковать, а главное любить то, чем ты занимаешься.
He began his business in the parental garage together with the friends. But in the course of time their small gamble turned to a large business, their invention became highly popular and demanded. Он начал свой бизнес в гараже у родителей со своими друзьями. Но со временем их маленькая авантюра превратилась в большой бизнес, изобретение обрело неимоверную популярность и востребованность.
The whole life he worked hard, put his back in different projects but not always everything was magnificent and great. There were some big failures in his life and even close one betrayal but he didn’t give up. When a person loses everything and starts from the very beginning, continues to fight for his favorite work, he deserves respect. За свою жизнь он много работал, вкладывал много сил в разные проекты, но не всегда все было радужно и прекрасно. Были в его жизни и большие неудачи, и даже предательства близких, но он не сдался. Когда человек лишается всего и начинает с самого начала, продолжает бороться за свое любимое дело – это достойно уважения.
Nowadays many people know the name of famous Steve Jobs, the man who presented to the world tablet, IPhone, and studio of animation Pixar. The image of person in scruffy jeans and black roll-neck is known in many countries. Sometimes he is called “father of digital evolution”, his presentations were like a show. Generally he left a mark in the human history. В наше время многим известно имя знаменитого Стива Джобса, человека, который подарил миру планшет, айфон и анимационную студию Pixar. Образ человека в потертых джинсах и черной водолазке узнаваем во многих странах. Его часто называют «отцом цифровой эволюции», его презентации походили на шоу. Он оставил след в истории человечества.

Topic Outstanding people (Топик Выдающиеся личности)

Topic “Outstanding people” (Топик на английском языке «Выдающиеся личности»)

Once in our life we start to consider what actually to be an outstanding person means.
In my opinion to be an outstanding person means to possess personality, not to be like anyone else and it is someone who is not trying to emphasize it. An outstanding person is the one who wants to do something good in his or her life and who likes to help other people and leaves some kind of trace in the life of others, I believe, an outstanding person is not a person who is famous all over the world. A great number of remarkable people surround us and we may not even know about it. So, my slogan for it is — go up and find out people, try to communicate with others and you’ll understand that there are a lot of people who are smart, who are compassionate and who are fun to be with. I know it from my own experience and only communication will help you find friends for yourselves and people who’ll help you to understand that you are one of the kind and you are a personality, you mean a lot to other people and it’s important to know your values, to be confident. If you want to be a success, you have to know who you are and only if you know who you are, if you can define yourself, in some way you may be called an outstanding person.
All famous people we can speak about are outstanding, because to make yourselves known and be spoken about you have to be different in some way and not only people born to famous families, rich families can be called outstanding.
Vice versa, people who have to find their own way in life, people who have to do everything by themselves, they have a chance to become famous, strong, confident. Americans are very proud of their in «some way national hero» Bill Gates and they consider him an outstanding person. Why? Because he was able to create and to create something from nothing. He is not like everyone else, he is one of a kind and that makes him an outstanding person. A young man who used to work in his garage became famous all over the world and when you exchange a word with him you’ll never get a message, that he is better than you are. This is an example of becoming an outstanding person, a respectable and strong person.
We have to live our lives to be respected, we shouldn’t do harm to anyone, we have to help people, that will make an outstanding person from each of us. Our country has raised a lot of people who can be called outstanding, who were famous all over the world. If to speak about people who were famous outside our borders, there were famous scientists, geologists, people who did a lot for other countries. They fought for the independence of the USA, set up a university in Chili, worked as biologists in France, set up a research university in Germany. We can speak about literary works by Kupala, Korotkevich, Orlow, they are my favorites, particularly Korotkevich and Orlow who did a lot for our culture. They were involved in renovation of Byelorussian culture and they were not afraid to start everything from the beginning and to tell us about our roots, our identity.
It’s difficult to speak about Kupala, Scorina, Tadeush Kostyushko. Little message about their biography is not enough to understand what kind of people they were. For me it’s easier to talk about my friends, someone I know and it’s my grandfather. What I know, the person I’m becoming is all thanks to him. He was the person who helped everyone and never asked anything in return, he taught me to love books, never to stop and to go on. That was the main idea he taught me and he gave me the message: you have to do everything in life just to respect yourself and no one will give you more in the world to be desired. These few rules my grandpa passed on to me and I’m a lucky person because I had this kind of man in my life and thanks to him I’m accepting the world as it is.
There is place for heroic deeds, each of us is able to do it, to respect others and to be respected.


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Топик Outstanding People of Russia - Выдающиеся люди России

It is necessary to say that great contribution to the development of the world science and culture, literature, music and painting was made by the Russian people.

The names of Russian scientists and writers, poets, composers and painters are world-famous — Pushkin, Lermontov, Chehov, Levitan. This chain can be endless.

It is almost impossible to name a branch of science in the development of which the Russian scientists haven’t played the greatest role. M.Y. Lomonosov, the founder of the Moscow University was an outstanding innovator both in the humanities and sciences.

Mendeleev’s greatest discovery was the Periodic System of Elements. Popov invented radio. Sechenov and Pavlov were the world’s greatest physiologists. Russia is rightly called the mother of aviation and cosmounatics. Names of Tsiolkovsky, Korolov and Gagarin are symbols of new space era.

People in many countries admire paintings, portraits and landscapes created by Surikov, Levitan, Repin. Works of our Russian writes and poets are translated into many languages.

One of the greatest Russians is Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, an outstanding Russian composer, born in Votkinsk in 1840. He was fond of music since his early childhood. His mother sang him beautiful songs and taught him to play the piano.

He graduated from the Petersburg Conservatoire only in 1866 because of his poor living conditions. He was the best pupil of Anton Rubinstein. When the Moscow Conservatoire was founded, Pyotr Ilyich became a professor there.

He created wonderful music: 10 operas, 3 ballets, 6 symphonies, 7 large symphonic poems and many other musical pieces, a new type of opera, which was a great success all over the world.

One more person I deeply admire is Sakharov, an outstanding scientist and public figure. He worked on hydrogen bomb and came to conclusion that any atomic and nuclear weapon should be banned. He protested against the invasion in Afghanistan, against any violation of human rights.

Abroad he was recognised as a civil rights activist and received the Nobel Prize. At home he was persecuted, deprived of all his titles and orders and exiled to the city of Gorky. Only in 1985 he was allowed to come back to Moscow.

He was given back all his titles and was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet. He said that our society should develop in a new direction and foresaw the changes that are taking place now.

Перевод топика: Выдающиеся люди России

Надо сказать, что большой вклад в развитие мировой науки и культуры, литературы, музыки и живописи было сделано русским народом.

Имена русских ученых и писателей, поэтов, композиторов и художников всемирно известны — Пушкин, Лермонтов, Чехов, Левитан. Эта цепочка может быть бесконечной.

Почти невозможно назвать отрасль науки, в развитие которой русские ученые не сыграли большую роль.
М. Ю. Ломоносов — основатель Московского университета, выдающийся новатор и в области гуманитарных и естественных наук. Величайшее открытие Д. Менделеева- Периодическая система элементов.

Попов изобрел радио. И. М. Сеченов и И. П. Павлов были наибольшими физиологами мира. Россию по праву называют матерью авиации и космонавтики. Имена Циолковского, Королёва, Гагарина стали символами новой космической эры.

Люди во многих странах любуются картинами, портретами и пейзажами, созданными Суриковым, Левитаном, Репиным. Работы наших русских поэтов и писателей переведены на многие языки.

Один из величайших русских — Петр Ильич Чайковский, выдающийся русский композитор, родился в городе Воткинске в 1840 году. Он любил музыку с раннего детства. Его мать пела ему красивые песни и учила его играть на пианино.

Окончил Петербургскую консерваторию только в 1866 году из-за плохих жилищных условий. Он был лучшим учеником Антона Рубинштейна. Когда в Московсковская консерватория была создана, Петр Ильич стал профессором.

Он создал замечательную музыку: 10 опер, 3 балета, 6 симфоний, 7 больших симфонических поэм и многие другие музыкальные произведения; новый тип оперы, который имел большой успех во всем мире.

Еще один человек, которым я глубоко восхищаюсь — Сахаров, выдающийся ученый и общественный деятель. Он работал над водородной бомбой и пришел к выводу, что любые виды атомного и ядерного оружия должны быть запрещены. Он протестовал против вторжения в Афганистан, против любого нарушения прав человека.

За границей он был признан в качестве гражданского активиста защиты прав человека и получил Нобелевскую премию. Дома он подвергался преследованиям, был лишен всех титулов и орденов и сослан в город Горький. Только в 1985 ему было разрешено вернуться в Москву.

Он получил обратно все титулы и был избран депутатом Верховного Совета СССР. Он сказал, что наше общество должно развиваться в новом направлении и предвидел те изменения, которые происходят сейчас.



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    Капица развил общую теорию электронных приборов магнетронного типа, получил генераторы непрерывного действия — планотрон и ниготрон.
    В 1959 г. экспериментально обнаружил образование высокотемпературной плазмы в высокочастотном разряде, предложил схему термоядерного реактора. Заслуги учёного были высоко оценены советским и мировым научным сообществом.Капица дважды стал Героем Социалистического Труда (1945,1974 гг.) и дважды — лауреатом Государственной премии СССР (1941,1943 гг.).В 1978 г. ему была вручена Нобелевская премия по физике.
    Умер 8 апреля 1984 г. в Москве.

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    Mikhail Lomonosov

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    As he was 19 years old, he decided to study in Moscow. He went there on foot. In Moscow he entered the Slavic- Greek-Latin Academy. After his graduation from Academy he was sent abroad to complete his knowledge in chemistry and mining. After he had returned from abroad, he became the first Russian professor of chemistry in 1745.
    At first he was engaged in research in physics and chemistry. Since 1748 he had conducted works in the first Russian chemical research laboratory, which was built at his request.
    Since 1753 he was engaged in research in many fields of natural and applied sciences. He wrote works on physics, astronomy, geography, history. Besides scientific works, he wrote poems as well. He is the author of the first scientifical grammar of the Russian language.
    He founded the factory producing colored glass. He created some mosaics using the glass produced at the factory.
    Lomonosov was the founder of the first Russian university. This university is situated in Moscow and still carries his name.
    Mikhail Lomonosov died in 1765. But he is still known as the father of the Russian science, an outstanding poet, the founder of Russian literature.

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1. When was Lomonosov born? 
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«Английский язык», Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.

«Английский язык», Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.

«Английский язык», Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.

«Английский язык», Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.

«Английский язык», Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.

«Английский язык», Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.

«Английский язык», Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.

«Английский язык», Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.

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Билет № 15

№ 15


talk about outstanding people. Tell me about some Belarusians who are well
known all around the world.

is a talented nation. Belarusian land gave birth
to many famous people whose names are known all over the world. Francisk
Scoryna is the first translator and publisher of the Bible in the Belarusian
language. He was an outstanding scientist and humanist interested in
literature, law and medicine. His activities gave a power impulse to the
development of all Slavonic states. Among other outstanding people we can
mention Euphrosynia Polotskaya, Kirill Turovsky and Symon Budny.

 The names of Y.
Kupala and Y. Kolas, M. Bagdanovich, K. Krapiva, V. Korotkevich, V. Bykov are
world famous. Their works are translated into many European languages. Many
streets are named af­ter the Belarusian writers.

As for Belarusian art the names of K. Malevich, Mark
Shagal, M. Savitsky and others are known far beyond the borders of our country.
Marc Chagall was born in a poor family in Vitebsk. He started his career here
in our country but then he went to Russia and began studying art. Then he went
to Paris where he continued his studies. Marc Chagall created a new trend in
painting. He used strong and bright colours to mix fantasy and religion.

It’s also a pleasure to mention the names of such fa­mous
Belarusian composers as N. Churkin, I. Luchenok, A. Bogatyrev, N. Aladov. The
Belarusian vo­cal groups “Pesnyary” and dance group “Khoroshky” have been a
great success in Europe.

Belarusian sportsmen are also known in the world.
Among the sports stars are an athlete Olga Korbut, a tennis-player Maxim Mirny,
a wrestler Alexandr Medvedev and many others. Belarus can be proud of its people.


you think a genius is born or made?

I think you have
to be born with some sort of talent, but you also have to be brought up
correctly and taught well. Success consists of only 1% of a person’s talent and
99% of practice and hard work. I believe that only hard-working people can get
better results in any sphere of life.


friend has just read an article about the latest scientific and technological
achievements in Britain. What questions will you ask him/ her?

Do you like this article?

What are the latest scientific achievements in Britain?

What are the latest technological achievements in Britain?

Do you know any outstanding people in Britain?

Was the article interesting?


me on how to encourage my students to be more curious and hardworking.

should give them good marks. You shouldn’t give them a lot of hometask. You
should give your students individual tasks.


do you think is more important: IQ, hard work, persistence or a solid
upbringing on the way to success?

Without a doubt, hard work is a much better predictor
of success than natural ability. In my experience, I have seen this at work in
sports, school, and work.

Many athletes have a natural
ability to run the fastest mile or kick the ball the most accurately. Unless
they work hard though, they will not be stars. They need to train daily, eat
properly, live correctly. It takes hard work to be Number One.

Презентация по теме «Outstanding British People». Выполнена учениками 11 класса.

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«Презентация «Outstanding British People».»


Vlada Kobylyatskaya

Darina Polyakova

Ilya Osovik

Albert Berezin

Form 11-A

Презентация "Outstanding British People".


A British scientist who laid the foundations of the theory of evolution and transformed the way we think about the natural world.

Considered the “father of evolutionary theory”, Darwin made two contributions of enormous impact to the idea of evolution. First, Darwin marshaled substantial evidence for the theory of descent with modification, a kinematic theory. Secondly, Darwin proposed a mechanism for that observed pattern, the theory of natural selection.

Charles Darwin was awarded with numerous awards by academic societies of Great Britain and other European countries.

February 12, 1809- April 19, 1882




Презентация "Outstanding British People".


T he world will not be inherited by the strongest, it will be inherited by those most able to change .

Charles Darwin

Презентация "Outstanding British People".


Many of Shakespeare’s greatest plays were written in the last half of his career. These included Hamlet», «Othello», «King Lear» and «Macbeth».




April 26, 1564 –

April 23, 1616

William Shakespeare, the greatest and most famous of English writers.

Some of Shakespeare’s early plays include «Richard III», «Romeo and Juliet» and A Midsummer Night’s Dream».

Shakespeare also became famous for his poetry. His most famous poem of the time was «Venus and Adonis». He also wrote poems called sonnets. A book of 154 of Shakespeare’s sonnets was published in 1609.

Презентация "Outstanding British People".


N ever play with the feelings of others, because you may win the game but the risk is that you will surely lose the person for life time

William Shakespeare

Презентация "Outstanding British People".

Outstanding British people

The Beatles were an English rock band, formed in Liverpool in 1960, that comprised John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr.

They are regarded as the most influential band of all time and were integral to the development of 1960s. Their sound incorporated elements of classical music and traditional pop in innovative ways; the band also explored music styles ranging from folk and Indian music to psychedelia and hard rock.

The Beatles revolutionised many aspects of the music industry and were often publicised as leaders of the era’s youth and sociocultural movements.

The Beatles

Musical group

Презентация "Outstanding British People".


A nd when the broken-hearted people

Living in the world agree,

There will be an answer: let it be.

For though they may be parted,

There is still a chance that they will see –

There will be an answer: let it be.


Презентация "Outstanding British People".

Winston Churchill was one of the greatest politicians of the last century.  Apart from being a well-known public figure, Churchill was highly talented and even got a Noble prize in Literature in 1901.

During World War I he was the First Lord of the Admiralty and was responsible for the mobilization of the Fleet.

Later Churchill was Minister of Munitions and Minister of War. Churhill became Prime Minister soon after the outbreak of World War II. He was considered to be one of the greatest orators of all times who inspired the nation by his energy and insistence.

In 1953 Churchill was made a knight by Queen Elizabeth. The great politician died in 1965, one year after retiring from Parliament.




November 30, 1874 — January 24, 1965

Outstanding British people

Презентация "Outstanding British People".


T he problems of victory are more agreeable than those of defeat, but they are no less difficult.

S tudy history. In history lies all the secrets of statecraft.

Winston Churchill

Презентация "Outstanding British People".

Outstanding British people



Elizabeth «Beth» Kimberly Tweddle (born 1 April 1985) is an English gymnast. Tweddle is a three time world champion having won the 2010 World Championships and 2006 World Championships on the uneven bars and the 2009 World Championships on the floor.


Tweddle was the first gymnast from Britain ever to win a medal at the World and European Championships, and is considered to be the most successful British gymnast of all time. She is also a seven-time British National Champion, having won the title every year between 2001 and 2007.

Away gymnastics Beth has a company called Total Gymnastics which works with schools, leisure centres and gymnastics clubs to help develop the sport. Beth enjoys working with children to encourage and support their future sporting careers.

Презентация "Outstanding British People".


I don’t care about the color of the medal, the main thing is that I have it.

Elizabeth Twiddle

Презентация "Outstanding British People".

Outstanding British people

Emma Watson became a world-famous actress after playing the role of Hermione in the Harry Potter film series.

Emma continues to act in films. In 2017, she played a lead role in the «Beauty and the Beast» movie.

Watson also worked as a model. She supports the idea of sustainable fashion and responsible use of natural resources. In 2020, she joined the board of directors of Kering company to help bring this vision to life.

The actress is a UN goodwill ambassador. She stands for equal rights and opportunities for men and women.

Emma Watson is a person with an active life position. She tries to change the world for the better and inspires other people to do so.




Презентация "Outstanding British People".


T here’s nothing wrong with being afraid. It’s not the absence of fear, it’s overcoming it. Sometimes you’ve got to blast through and have faith.

Emma Watson

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