Тематические кейсы егэ по английскому

Тематический  кейс для подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ («Говорение» и «Письмо»)

Part 1

Speaking 1.         Answer the questions

1.  Family Life.

  1. What is a happy family in your opinion? Why?
  2. Should a young couple receive help from parents and other relatives? Why/why not?
  3. Conflicts between parents and teenagers are eternal. Do you agree? Why/why not?
  4. Mutual respect is the most important part of relations between parents and children. Do you agree?
  5. Say if you always share your ideas and problems with your parents. Why/why not?
  6. Is it good if three generations (your parents and grandparents) live together in one family? Why/why not?
  7. Young people don’t want to live with their parents. What do you think of it?
  8. Is it good or bad to be an only child in the family? Why?
  9. Do you agree that family life is more important for women than for men?  Why?
  10. Do you think that children should follow their parents’ advice in any situation? Why?
  11. Do you think that parents should be forbidden to hit their children? Why? Give your reasons.

2. Life Style.

  1. What type of house would you prefer to live in? Why?
  2. What place in your house/ flat do you consider the most important ( kitchen, bedroom, sitting-room,…)? Give your reasons.
  3. Do you enjoy the place where you live? Why/why not?
  4. What place would you prefer to live in?
  5. Do you enjoy your neighbourhood? Why/why not?
  6. Has the standard of living changed in Russia? Give some examples.
  7. Household duties (cleaning, washing up…) are relaxing and give us pleasure. Do you agree?

3. Personality. Famous people.

  1. Do you judge people from first impression? Why/why not?
  2. Say what is more important in a person- his character or his appearance. Why?
  3. Some people are respected by everybody, others only by one or two. Why?
  4. A person’s character is usually formed in childhood. Do you agree? Why/or why not?
  5. When we say a woman is beautiful, do we mean her appearance? What else can be beautiful?
  6. We can’t guess the man’s character by his appearance. Why/why not?
  7. Does changing our appearance (hairstyle, clothes, image…) change our personality as well? Why/why not?
  8. Do you agree that person’s character is more important than his appearance? Why?
  9. There are only advantages of being famous. Do you agree?
  10. Does fame change people? Why/why not?
  11. Would you like to be famous? Why/why not?
  12. Do you agree that «a beauty lives an easier life»? Why?
  13. Do you agree that famous people are selfish and boastful? Why/why not?

4. Friends and Friendship.

  1. It’s very important to have a close friend. Why/why not?
  2. It’s difficult to find a good friend. Why/why not?
  3. Do you agree that love is more important in life than friendship? Why/why not?
  4. The best friend is the one who helps you when you need it. Do you agree?
  5. You get to know your real friends when you are in a difficult situation. Do you agree?
  6. Friends are people who have the same interests. Do you agree? Why/why not?
  7. What points do you take into consideration while choosing a friend? Why?

Speaking 2.      Give a one-minute talk on the situation

1.  Family Life. Life Style

  1. What creates a friendly atmosphere at home? Express your own point of view on family values.
  1. What issues do you think cause conflicts between parents and teenagers? Give your reasons.
  2. What role do your relatives play in your life? With whom do you usually share your thoughts, problems, and secrets? Whose advice is the most valuable? Develop these ideas.
  3. Give your opinion about the division of household tasks in the family. Is it still the woman who should actually do most of the household tasks or should the household duties be divided between the man and the woman?
  4. Sometimes three generations with very different attitudes and lifestyles live together in one family home. What are some possible problems, and what can be done to keep them to a minimum?
  5. Would you prefer to be an only child or one of the two or three children? Is it better to be the oldest or the youngest child in the family? Give your reasons.
  6. What happens when people get married? Are there any special activities or customs? Give a portrait of an ideal wife and ideal husband.  What qualities would you like to find in your ideal partner? Give your reasons.
  7. The International Tourism Bureau invites you to take part in the competition «Do You Know the Russian Way of Life? ». The participants are to answer questions on some certain themes:
  • What are marriage statistics in Russia?
  • How many families break up every year?
  • What kind of difficulties do young families have?
  • Why don’t young married people have the necessary experience in family life?
  • How does the state help young families make a start in life?

Prepare a brief speech.

  1. You have got a subject at school « Fundamentals of Family Life». Your teacher cannot come to the lesson. She is ill. She asks you to make a report on «Russian Family».
  1. Make a presentation of a new popular magazine «Family», trying to attract the readers’ attention to its interesting articles on various aspects of family life.
  2. Compare and contrast the American home, the British home and the Russian home.
  3. Speak about your home and neighbourhood.
  4. What are typical features of homes in Russia? (in Britain/the USA)
  5. A foreign visitor wants to know about housing in StPetersburg. What information would you give?
  6. Compare and contrast living in a country cottage and in an apartment.
  7. Speak about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a city and in the countryside.
  8. What are the main changes that have happened to housing in Russia over the last few years? Give some examples.
  9. What type of accommodation do the majority of Russian people like to live in? Can you think of any reasons?
  10. Why do you think there are homeless people in Russia? What could be done to improve the situation?

2. Personality and Famous People. Friends and Friendship.

  1. Do you have a really good friend? Do you think that your friendship will last? What makes you     think so? What must we do not to make mistakes in choosing friends? Give your reasons.
  2. A man’s character may be judged by noticing who his/ her friends and companions are. Do you agree with this   idea? Give your reasons.
  3. The best friend is the one who helps you when you’re really in need of help. You get to know your real friends when you are in a difficult situation. How else can you get to know your real friends? Develop these ideas.
  4. «Friendship is a great human’s treasure». How do you understand these words?
  5. A local radio station is running a «BEST FRIEND» of the year’s competition. To enter, you must write a short composition describing someone you really like. What can you write?
  6. Which of the following do you think are important aspects in a friendship or in a steady   relationship?

To have similar -*  tastes in music; tastes in food; *habits and routines; *hobbies and interests; *opinions;      *backgrounds.

What are chances of people with different tastes and personalities staying together?

  1.  What do you mean if you say about your friend, « her /his friendship means a lot to me»?
  2. Say what you understand by active friendship. What must we do not to make mistakes in choosing friends?
  3. We meet different people during our life. Say what kind of people you like and what kind of people you dislike.  Speak about reasons for your likes and dislikes.
  4. Say what you notice first about a person when you meet him/her for the first time. Say how you judge people from first impression.
  5. Say what is more important in a person- his character or his appearance. Give your reasons. What is easier to change your appearance or your character? Why?
  6. Give examples of nobility of characters taken from works by Russian and foreign writers. Say which character is your favourite and why you like this character. Describe two literary personages   who are antipodes.
  7. Some people are respected by everybody, others only by one or two. Why? Express your opinion.
  8. A person’s character is usually formed in childhood. Do you agree or disagree? Give your reasons.    What are the essential factors that help mould a person’s character: background and environment; educational possibilities; cultural standards; circumstances.
  9. Some people may not be able to see beauty when it is near them. What do we mean when speak about someone’s beauty? What is your idea of physical beauty? Can you name some famous people who are really beautiful?
  10.  One of Chekhov’s characters said that everything must be beautiful in a person- face, dress, spirit and mind. How do you understand it?
  11. What are the traits of an ideal friend / wife / husband? Do you think it’s good to live with an ideal? Give your reasons.
  12. Do you agree that people’s eyes tell you a lot about their personality? How do you understand these words: «You must look into people as well as at them»; «Appearances are deceptive»?
  13. What traits of character in your opinion do pupils appreciate in a teacher? Give your reasons.
  14. Do you think the appearance is important when you want to get a job? Why? In what jobs do you think the appearance is essential? Why?

                                            Speaking 3.         Debates and Discussions

  1. Consider the following: « Being married or being single» .Discuss the differences between them; the advantages and disadvantages they have; say what you would do if you were given the choice.
  2. Speak on the advantages and disadvantages of living with parents and grandparents.
  3. Would you prefer to be an only child or one of the two or three children? Discuss what the advantages / disadvantages are of:
  • being an only child
  • having brothers and sisters
  • being a twin

4.    Read these ideas about friendship and say if you agree or disagree. Give your arguments.

  • Friends are people to have fun with
  • Friends are people who have the same interests
  • Friends have no secrets from each other
  • Friends tolerate each other’s moods and faults
  • It’s a bad idea to have friends who are too close
  • It’s better if a friend has different interests
  • You can’t be a close friend with someone in your own family
  • You should try to get  on well with everyone, not just friends
  •  «The more friends you have, the better». Do you agree?
  • «Tell me who your friend is , and I tell you who you are». Do you agree?
  • «Show me your friend , and  I’ll tell you who you are». Do you agree?
  • «A friend in need is a friend indeed». How do you understand it?
  • When you are good to others, you are best to yourself. How do you understand it?
  • «A person’s character may be judged by noticing who his/ her  friends are». Do you agree?

5.    A stereotype is a fixed set of ideas that is generally held about the characteristics of a particular type of person, which are (wrongly) believed to be shared by all the people of that type. What is your stereotype of a British/ American person, Russian person?

6. Speak about possible people for this year’s title «PERSONALITY OF THE YEAR». They can be from the world of politics, entertainment, sport, the arts or business. Speak about reasons why you think he/she deserves the title.

7. What exactly do you understand by the word ‘IMAGE’? Why is image so important for media figures, like politicians, stars, etc? Is it important for you? Discuss the importance of these qualities, which of them you consider the most important for a political leader, what other qualities, in your opinion, are necessary for a political leader to have.

  • an ability to organise and inspire others
  • an ability to plan a campaign
  • an ability to organise his/her mind
  • great capacity for detail
  • an ability to choose the right person for the right job
  • readiness to accept responsibility
  • willingness to make difficult decisions and stand by them
  • honesty
  • resolute determination
  • enthusiasm
  • high standards of personal conduct

8. In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous? Does fame change people? Have you ever met a famous person or received a letter from someone famous? If not, imagine it. If you saw someone famous in a public place like a restaurant, what would you do? What would you most like and most dislike about being famous? Express your ideas.

9. You are a top model. It’s not easy to be a high-fashion model. What difficulties and surprises do they face? What ridiculous things are there in this profession?  Speak about the advantages and disadvantages of being a model.

                                Speaking 4.      Discussing quotations,  sayings and proverbs.

  1. There are  famous sayings:
  • « A house becomes a home with love inside».
  • «There is no place like home», «East or West, Home is Best».
  • «Men make houses, women make homes».
  •  « A man’s house is his castle» (Edward Coke);
  • «My home is my castle»
  • «Show me your home and I’ll tell you who you are».

        Give your comments.

  1. Agree or disagree with the quotations; your opinion should be followed by some appropriate comment where possible:
  • « All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way» ( Leo  Tolstoy)
  • « Home is the girl’s prison and the woman’s work-house». ( G.B. Shaw)
  1.   Try to explain how you understand these proverbs:
  • « As the baker- so the buns, as the father — so the son» ;
  • «As the tree- so the fruit.
  •  Like father, like  son»
  • «There is a black sheep in every flock»

4)  How do you understand these sayings about friendship:

  • The only way to have a friend is to be one. (Emerson,  «Friendship» , essays: First Series 1841)
  • A true friend is one soul in two bodies. (Aristotle)
  • Friends are like melons. To find one good, you must a hundred try. ( Claude Mermet)
  • Before you look for friends you’d better become your own best friend.
  • Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness. (Euripides, Orestes, 408 BC)
  • One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives. (Euripides, Orestes, 408 BC)
  • Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you. (Elbert Hubbard, The Note Book, 1927)
  • «A friend is  a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud». Confirm or  refute these words of Emerson.

5)  Explain your understanding of the proverbs:

  •  «Show me your friend, and I’ll tell you who you are».
  •  « Friendship cannot stand always on one side»
  • «Actions speak louder than words»
  •  «A friend in need is a friend indeed»
  • «A friend is never known till a man has need»
  • «A good friend is as sun in winter»
  • When you are good to others, you are best to yourself»

6) Explain your understanding of the poem:

Friendship is a thing for two,                   Friend are people who share,

Three or four, even more,                         Friends are people who care.

Like a song that is made to sing                 they try to understand.

Friendship is a doing thing.                       They give a helping hand.

7)  Henry Longfellow, a famous American poet of the XIX century wrote, « Be noble in every thought    and in every deed! »  Did Longfellow want his readers to be honest to themselves and to other people? Discuss what the poet meant by these words.

8) Here are English proverbs: « Doing is better than saying», «Actions speak louder than words».

     Give your own explanation of them.

  9) How can you explain the sayings:  «When you are good to others, you are best to yourself». Give  

       examples from books and from your own life.

10) How can you explain these words?

  • Men and melons are hard to know.
  • The same man cannot be both friend and flatterer.
  • He that cannot obey cannot command.
  • A lie stands on one leg, truth on two.  ( Benjamin Franklin )

11)  Explain the proverb: When wealth is lost, nothing is lost;

                                            When health is lost, something is lost;

                                                     When character is lost, all is lost.                 

12) Do you think that the saying «A beauty lives an easier life» is correct? Prove your point.

Speaking 5.  Dramatizing and role-play

1) You are a top model and you meet a friend of yours in the airport. Give him/her your news and find    out where  he/she has been and what he/she has done recently.

  1. You saw a film yesterday. You liked the play of an actress/actor who is well-known but you can’t remember her/his name. Describe her/his appearance to your friend, may be she/he will remember the actress’s /actor’s name. Act out a conversation.
  1. You’re members of a beauty contest jury. Discuss the participants and choose the most beautiful girl. Dramatize the situation.
  2. You witnessed a bank robbery. Describe the criminals for the policemen. Dramatize the situation.
  3. Role-play.

Card A.  You have two friends you like very much, but one of the friends does not like the other   one. You plan  to invite both of them to your birthday party. Speak to the first friend to  invite  her/him.

     Card B.   You like your friend and want to go to her/his birthday party. However, your  friend  will   probably    invite someone else you dislike very much. You think that being in the same  room with this person   will ruin the party for you, so you decide not to go if that person is   going.

               When your friend invites you, tell him /her your feelings.

  1. You’ve read an advertisement in a magazine and now you dream of becoming a model. You ring up to the agency and have a talk with an administrator. Act out a conversation.
  2. Your family is going to receive guests or give a party. You are discussing what should be done to make the house  look better. Everyone is giving his/her suggestions. Act out a conversation.
  3. The husband thinks the 17-year-old daughter is too young to go out on dates. The wife disagrees. Act out a conversation.
  4. Dramatize a short play in which the members of the family greet the elder daughter who has just arrived and she is talking to her mother about her trip.
  5. Act out a scene in which the family is planning a day out (or holiday) and discussing various ideas. Each member of the family suggests ideas of where to go; trying to convince the others that his/her idea is the best.

Speaking 6.  Give a two-minute talk on the topic

Task 1.        Give a 2-minute talk on family life.

Remember to say:

  • what creates a friendly atmosphere at home
  • which family values are most important for you and why
  • what issues cause conflicts between parents and teenagers

Task 2.         Give a 2-minute talk on family life.

Remember to say:

  • who is in your family and what they do
  • what things you like to do together
  • who you are close to in your family, and why

Task 3.      Give a 2-minute talk on your life style

Remember to say:

  • about living in a country cottage and in an apartment. What are the advantages and disadvantages of it?
  • what type of house would you prefer to live in? Give your reasons.
  • about your home and neighbourhood

Task 4.  Give a 2-minute talk on where you live

Remember to say:

  • what kind of building (house, flat, etc.) you live in
  • what neighbourhood is like
  • whether you like where you live ; why /why not

Task 5.             Give a 2-minute talk on personality 

Remember to say:

  • what kind of people are liked and respected by all members of society, why;
  • if it is good to trust your first impressions,  why/ why not
  • if there are stereotypes of people of different professions, give your examples;

Task 6       Give a 2-minute talk on famous people.

Remember to say:

  • what makes people famous (writers, singers, politicians, etc.)
  • where you prefer to get information about famous people from, and why;
  • if the life of a famous person is easy, and why/ why not.

Task 7       Give a 2-minute talk on your best friend

Remember to say:

  • what your best friend looks like and why you like him/her
  • when and how you met
  • what you enjoy doing together, why

Speaking 7. Role Play

Task 1- an Interview

A famous star/ singer is giving an interview about his/ her life.  You are a reporter who is interested in her/his private life and asks her questions:

  • about his/her career
  • why he/she decided to choose this job
  • about the future plans

  Remember to:

  • Be polite and active
  • Ask all the questions
  • Find out as much information as possible
  • Finish the conversation properly

Task 2 -an Interview

A famous star is giving an interview about her life.   One student is a famous cinema star who is giving an interview. The   second   student is a    reporter who is interested in her/his private life and asks her questions about:

  • Her/ his childhood
  • Her/his marriage
  • Her/his relations with children
  • Her/his family celebrations

  Remember to:

  • Be polite and active
  • Ask all the questions
  • Find out as much information as possible
  • Finish the conversation properly

Task 3. -Giving some advice

Your friend is in a bad mood today. Try to talk to him:

  • ask him why he is in a mood;
  • give him some advice how to change the situation;
  • try to help him

Remember to:

  • Be polite and active
  • Find out as much information as possible
  • Finish the conversation properly

Speaking 8. Simulated Situation

Task 1.  -How to be successful in life

You and your friend are discussing what to do to be successful in life.  You have three options for discussion:

  • to be talented
  • to marry successfully
  • to graduate from a prestigious  university

Remember to:

  • be active and polite
  • discuss all the options
  • give good reasons
  • ask for your partner’s point of view

Task 2. —   Family celebrations

   You and your friend have a task to write a report about a family   celebration. You are given 4    options for discussion:

A holiday celebration      A wedding reception    Christening     A birthday party 

Discuss all these options and choose one you both like most of all. Give reasons for your choice

Remember to:

  • Ask for your partner’s point of view
  • Give reasons for your choice
  • Be active and polite
  • Take turns
  • Come to an agreement

Task 3  — Discussing a new coming baby in your family

You and your sister/ brother are discussing a new coming baby in your family. Discuss  the following options and  choose one you both like most of all. Give reasons for your choice.

            Troubles                   Duties                             Fun                        Happiness

Remember to:

  • Ask for your partner’s point of view
  • Give reasons for your choice
  • Be active and polite
  • Take turns
  • Come to an agreement

 Task 4.  — Discussing a birthday party

You and your relative (sister, brother, cousin…) are discussing your birthday party.  There are 4  options to choose from. You have to decide on one of them:

*Home party with relatives     *Home party with your friends      *Going to a disco bar    

  *    A barbecue  party in the countryside                         

                         Remember to:

  • Discuss all the options
  • Take an active part in the conversation and be polite
  • Come up with suggestions
  • Agree or disagree with your partner and give reasons
  • Come to an agreement

Task 5.     — Discussing a birthday party

You and your relative (sister, brother, cousin…) are discussing your birthday party.  There are 4  options to choose from. You have to decide on one of them:

  • Home party with relatives
  • Home party with your friends
  • Going to a disco bar
  • A barbecue  party in the countryside                         

                    Remember to:

  • Discuss all the options
  • Take an active part in the conversation and be polite
  • Come up with suggestions
  • Agree or disagree with your partner and give reasons
  • Come to an agreement

Task 6.         —  Choosing a present

You and your sister/brother are thinking of what  you can present your mum.  Discuss  the following options and  choose one you both like most of all:

        Vase                     Candy                  Flowers                    Self-made pie

                              Remember to:

  • Discuss all the options
  • Take an active part in the conversation and be polite
  • Come up with suggestions
  • Agree or disagree with your partner and give reasons
  • Come to an agreement

Task 7.         —   Choosing a present

It’s March 7th. You want to make a pleasant surprise for your Mum tomorrow. You can:

  • Cook a holiday dinner
  • Tidy up the flat
  • Make a self-made present
  • Arrange a congratulation speech on the radio

 Discuss it with your sister/brother and choose one activity you both prefer.

                             Remember to:

  • Discuss all the options
  • Take an active part in the conversation and be polite
  • Come up with suggestions
  • Agree or disagree with your partner and give reasons
  • Come to an agreement 

 Useful Vocabulary

  • Next Friday is …..’s birthday and we’ve got to think of a present  for her/him.
  • Well, why not present her/him with a……..because……
  •  Quite right. Isn’t it a lucky idea?
  • I’m breaking the promise, but Father is going to present you with a …… for your birthday.
  • How nice! My dreams are coming true.

Task 8.        — Choosing a present

You and your mother / sister/brother are discussing a present you are going to give to your Granny’s 50th anniversary.  Discuss  the following options and choose one you both like most of all:

         A watch              A TV set               A dress                A necklace

                         Remember to:

  • Discuss all the options
  • Take an active part in the conversation and be polite
  • Come up with suggestions
  • Agree or disagree with your partner and give reasons
  • Come to an agreement

Тематические кейсы для подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ

(“Говорение” и “Письмо”)

continued from No. 1

В последнее время много говорят и спорят
о путях и формах подготовки учащихся школ к ЕГЭ.
Важной задачей является разработка и освоение
технологий обучения, позволяющих выпускникам
достигать хороших результатов на экзамене.

Многие учебники и учебные пособия
предлагают готовые задания для учащихся в
формате ЕГЭ и не дают методики, этапов, а также
форм работы для подготовки учащихся к выполнению
этих заданий. Большинство заданий, предлагаемых
другими учебными пособиями, не отвечают задаче
развития навыков разговорной речи с точки зрения
использования изучаемых иностранных языков для
решения жизненных проблем. Это привело к
необходимости создания серии заданий
коммуникативной направленности.

Многие учащиеся, обладая хорошими
навыками разговорной речи, демонстрируют
недостаток знаний фактического материала, что
затрудняет коммуникацию. В связи с этим возникла
необходимость составления тематических кейсов
(англ. case – чемодан), содержащих информацию,
необходимую для осуществления коммуникативных

Работа с тематическими кейсами
позволяет учителю:

1. Расширить возможности урока, повысить
его эффективность и коммуникативную
направленность путём:

  • использования современных технологий
    (работа в парах и группах, создание учебных
    дискуссий и дебатов, модулированной ситуации,
    нетрадиционных форм урока);

  • расширения содержания обучения
    (использование учащимися тщательно отобранной и
    логически выстроенной информации, являющейся
    базой для решения учеником поставленной перед
    ним коммуникативной задачи);

  • усовершенствования организации
    учебного процесса (эффективное использование
    коллективных форм работы, большое количество
    заданий творческого характера, увеличение
    объема самостоятельной работы).

2. Развивать и совершенствовать
коммуникативные навыки учащихся и во внеурочной
деятельности путём:

  • использования
    научно-исследовательской деятельности учащихся;

  • совершенствования навыков ораторского
    искусства на английском языке;

  • совершенствования
    умений письменной речи (писать различные типы
    писем: личные и деловые, заполнять анкеты,
    работать с e-mail, писать различные типы сочинений с
    аргументацией высказывания, писать
    научно-исследовательские работы).

3. Совершенствовать воспитательный
процесс путём:

  • формирования идей, взглядов и
    убеждений по обсуждаемым темам на актуальном для
    молодого человека материале;

  • формирования самооценки и оценки
    суждений и действий окружающих, а также событий и
    фактов, приобретения опыта адекватного
    поведения в обществе;

  • развития критического мышления,
    уважения к оппонентам, умения слушать и слышать
    других, умения самостоятельно и коллективно
    принимать решения.

Работа с кейсами также позволяет

1. формировать, расширять и углублять у
обучаемых содержательные знания (о чем можно
говорить на изучаемом языке), что позволяет им
более эффективно участвовать в иноязычном
общении и повысить их осведомленность в
различных областях деятельности;
2. совершенствовать все уровни компетенции
(лингвистической, социо-культурной,
стратегической и дискурсивной);
3. повышать мотивацию и вызывать у учащихся
желание говорить на иностранном языке;
4. организовать учебное сотрудничество;
5. рационально использовать время урока.

Структурное построение каждого кейса

Часть 1. Cовершенствование разговорных

1. Беседа по тематическим вопросам в
режиме “Учитель–Ученик” или “Ученик–Ученик”.
2. Монологическое высказывание по ситуации в
течение 1 минуты – (организация “круглого
3. Дискуссии и диспуты по ситуации.
4. Обсуждение высказываний, пословиц и поговорок
по данной теме.
5. Драматизация ситуаций и ролевая игра (по
6. Монологическое высказывание в формате ЕГЭ (2
7. Ролевая игра (диалог с обменом фактической
8. Модулированная ситуация в формате ЕГЭ (диалог с
обменом оценочной информацией).

Часть 2. Совершенствование навыков
письменных заданий

1. Варианты заданий для написания
личного письма и эссе в формате ЕГЭ.
2. Необходимый лексический материал для
выполнения заданий.

Часть 3. Нетрадиционные формы работы с
использованием современных технологий

При составлении кейсов были
использованы пособия:

1. Practice Tests for the Russian State Exam. Е. Клековкина,
Малколм Манн, Стив Тейлор-Ноулз, Macmillan. 2005
2. Пособия и разработки автора Киреевой Т.В.


Кейс 1: Topic 1. Family Life. Life Style. Personality.
Famous People. Friends and Friendship

Speaking 1. Answer the questions.

1. Family Life

1. What is a happy family in your opinion? Why?
2. Should a young couple receive help from their parents and other relatives? Why/why not?
3. Conflicts between parents and teenagers are eternal. Do you agree? Why/why not?
4. Mutual respect is the most important part of relations between parents and children. Do
you agree?
5. Say if you always share your ideas and problems with your parents. Why/why not?
6. Is it good if three generations (your parents and grandparents) live together in one
household? Why/why not?
7. Young people don’t want to live with their parents. What do you think of that?
8. Is it good or bad to be an only child in the family? Why?
9. Do you agree that family life is more important for women than for men? Why?
10. Do you think that children should follow their parents’ advice in any situation?
11. Do you think that parents should never hit their children? Why? Give your reasons.

2. Life Style

1. What type of house would you prefer to live in? Why?
2. What place in your house/flat do you consider the most important (kitchen, bedroom,
sitting-room, etc.)? Give your reasons.
3. Do you enjoy where you live? Why/why not?
4. What place would you prefer to live in?
5. Do you enjoy your neighbourhood? Why/why not?
6. Has the standard of living changed in Russia? Give some examples.
7. Household duties (cleaning, washing up…) are relaxing and give us pleasure. Do you

3. Personality. Famous People

1. Do you judge people from first impressions? Why/why not?
2. Say what is more important in a person – his character or his appearance. Why?
3. Some people are respected by everybody, others only by one or two people. Why?
4. A person’s character is usually formed in childhood. Do you agree? Why/or why not?
5. When we say a woman is beautiful, do we mean her appearance? What else can be
6. We can’t guess a man’s character only by his appearance. Why/why not?
7. Does changing our appearance (hairstyle, clothes, image…) change our personality as
well? Why/why not?
8. Do you agree that a person’s character is more important than his appearance? Why?
9. There are only advantages to being famous. Do you agree?
10. Does fame change people? Why/why not?
11. Would you like to be famous? Why/why not?
12. Do you agree that “a beauty lives an easier life”? Why?
13. Do you agree that famous people are selfish and boastful? Why/why not?

4. Friends and Friendship

1. It’s very important to have a close friend. Why/why not?
2. It’s difficult to find a good friend. Why/why not?
3. Do you agree that love is more important in life than friendship? Why/why not?
4. The best friend is the one who helps you when you need it. Do you agree?
5. You get to know your real friends when you are in a difficult situation. Do you agree?
6. Friends are people who have the same interests. Do you agree? Why/why not?
7. What points do you take into consideration when choosing a friend? Why?

Speaking 2. Give a one-minute talk on the situation.

1. Family Life. Life Style

1. What creates a warm atmosphere at home? Express your own point of view
on family values.
2. What issues do you think cause conflicts between parents and teenagers? Give your
3. What role do your relatives play in your life? With whom do you usually share your
thoughts, problems, and secrets? Whose advice is the most valuable? Develop these ideas.
4. Give your opinion about the division of household tasks in the family. Is it still the
woman who should do most of the household tasks or should the household duties be divided
between the man and the woman?
5. Sometimes three generations with very different attitudes and lifestyles live together
in one household. What are some possible problems, and what can be done to keep them to a
6. Would you prefer to be an only child or one of two or three children? Is it better to
be the oldest or the youngest child in the family? Give your reasons.
7. What happens when people get married? Are there any special activities or customs? Give
a portrait of an ideal wife and ideal husband. What qualities would you like to have in
your ideal partner? Give your reasons.
8. The International Tourism Bureau invites you to take part in the competition “Do You
Know the Russian Way of Life?” The participants are to answer questions on some certain

  • What are marriage statistics in Russia?

  • How many families break up every year?

  • What kind of difficulties do young families have?

  • Why don’t young married people have the necessary experience in family

  • How does the state help young families make a start in life? Prepare a
    brief speech.

9. You have got a subject at school “Fundamentals of Family Life”.
Your teacher cannot come to the lesson. She is ill. She asks you to make a report on the
“Russian Family”.
10. Make a presentation of a new popular magazine “Family”, trying to attract the
readers’ attention to its interesting articles on various aspects of family life.
11. Compare and contrast the American home, the British home and the Russian home.
12. Speak about your home and neighbourhood.
13. What are the typical features of homes in Russia? (in Britain/the USA)
14. A foreign visitor wants to know about housing in St. Petersburg. What information
would you give?
15. Compare and contrast living in a country cottage and in an apartment.
16. Speak about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a city and in the
17. What are the main changes that have happened in housing in Russia over the last few
years? Give some examples.
18. What type of accommodation do the majority of Russian people like to live in? Can you
think of reasons? Why?
19. Why do you think there are homeless people in Russia? What could be done to improve
the situation?

2. Personality and Famous People. Friends and Friendship

1. Do you have a really good friend? Do you think that your friendship
will last? What makes you think so? What must we do in order to not make mistakes in
choosing friends? Give your reasons.
2. A man’s character may be judged by observing who his/her friends and companions are.
Do you agree with this idea? Give your reasons.
3. A best friend is the one who helps you when you’re really in need of help. You get to
know your real friends when you are in a difficult situation. How else can you get to know
your real friends? Develop these ideas.
4. “Friendship is a great human’s treasure”. How do you understand these words?
5. A local radio station is running a “Best Friend of the Year” competition. To enter,
you must write a short composition describing someone you really like. What can you write?
6. Which of the following do you think are important aspects in a friendship or in a
steady relationship? To have similar – tastes in music; tastes in food; habits and
routines; hobbies and interests; opinions; backgrounds. What are chances of people with
different tastes and personalities staying together?
7. What do you mean if you say about your friend, “her/his friendship means a lot to
8. Say what you understand by “active friendship”. What must we do in order to not
make mistakes in choosing friends?
9. We meet different people during our lives. Say what kind of people you like and what
kind of people you dislike. Speak about reasons for your likes and dislikes.
10. Say what you first notice about a person when you meet him/her for the first time. How
do you judge people from first impressions?
11. Say what is more important in a person – his character or his appearance. Give your
reasons. What is easier to change – your appearance or your character? Why?
12. Give examples of nobility of character taken from works by Russian and foreign
writers. Say which character is your favourite and why you like this character. Describe
two literary personages who are antipodes.
13. Some people are respected by everybody, others only by one or two. Why? Express your
14. A person’s character is usually formed in childhood. Do you agree or disagree? Give
your reasons. What are the essential factors that help mould a person’s character:
background and environment; educational possibilities; cultural standards; or
15. Some people may not be able to see beauty when it is near them. What do we mean when
speak about someone’s beauty? What is your idea of physical beauty? Can you name some
famous people who are really beautiful?
16. One of Chekhov’s characters said that everything must be beautiful in a person –
face, dress, spirit and mind. How do you understand this?
17. What are the traits of an ideal friend/wife/husband? Do you think it’s good to live
with an ideal? Give your reasons.
18. Do you agree that people’s eyes tell you a lot about their personality? How do you
understand these words: “You must look into people as well as at them”; “Appearances
are deceptive”?
19. What traits of character, in your opinion, do pupils appreciate in a teacher? Give
your reasons.
20. Do you think one’s appearance is important when you want to get a job? Why? In what
jobs do you think appearance is most essential? Why?

Speaking 3. Debates and Discussions

1. Consider the following: “Being married or being single”. Discuss
the differences between them; the advantages and disadvantages they have; say what you
would do if you were given the choice.
2. Speak on the advantages and disadvantages of living with parents and grandparents.
3. Would you prefer to be an only child or one of two or three children? Discuss what the
advantages/disadvantages are of:

  • being an only child

  • having brothers and sisters

  • being a twin

4. Read these ideas about friendship and say if you agree or disagree.
Give your arguments.

  • Friends are people to have fun with.

  • Friends are people who have the same interests.

  • Friends have no secrets from each other.

  • Friends tolerate each other’s moods and faults.

  • It’s a bad idea to have friends who are too close.

  • It’s better if a friend has different interests.

  • You can’t be a close friend with someone in your own family.

  • You should try to get on well with everyone, not just your friends.

  • “The more friends you have, the better”. Do you agree?

  • “Tell me who your friend is, and I tell you who you are”. Do you

  • “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. How do you understand it?

  • When you are good to others, you are best to yourself. How do you
    understand it?

  • “A person’s character may be judged by noticing who his/her friends
    are”. Do you agree?

5. A stereotype is a fixed set of ideas that is generally held about the
characteristics of a particular type of person/group, which are (wrongly) believed to be
shared by all the people of that type. What is your stereotype of a British/American
person, Russian person?
6. Speak about possible people for this year’s title “PERSONALITY OF THE YEAR”. They
can be from the world of politics, entertainment, sport, the arts or business. Speak about
reasons why you think he/she deserves the title.
7. What do you understand by the word “IMAGE”? Why is image so important for media
figures, like politicians, stars, etc? Is it important for you? Discuss the importance of
these qualities. Which of them you consider the most important for a political leader?
What other qualities, in your opinion, are necessary for a political leader to have?

  • an ability to organise and inspire others

  • an ability to plan a campaign

  • an ability to organise his/her mind

  • great capacity for detail

  • an ability to choose the right person for the right job

  • readiness to accept responsibility

  • willingness to make difficult decisions and stand by them

  • honesty

  • resolute determination

  • enthusiasm

  • high standards of personal conduct

8. In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of being
famous? Does fame change people? Have you ever met a famous person or received a letter
from someone famous? If not, imagine it. If you saw someone famous in a public place like
a restaurant, what would you do? What would you most like and most dislike about being
famous? Express your ideas.
9. You are a top model. It’s not easy to be a high-fashion model. What difficulties and
challenges do they face? What ridiculous things are there in this profession? Speak about
the advantages and disadvantages of being a model.

Speaking 4. Discussing Quotations, Sayings and Proverbs

1. There are famous sayings:

  • “A house becomes a home when love dwells there”.

  • “There is no place like home”, “East or West, Home is Best”.

  • “Men make houses, women make homes”.

  • “My home is my castle”.

  • “Show me your home and I’ll tell you who you are”. Give your

2. Agree or disagree with these quotations; your opinion should be
followed by some appropriate comment where possible:

  • “All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is
    unhappy in its own way.” (Leo Tolstoy)

  • “Home is the girl’s prison and the woman’s work-house.” (G.B.

3. Try to explain how you understand these proverbs:

  • “As the baker – so the buns, as the father – so the son”;

  • “As the tree – so the fruit”;

  • “There is a black sheep in every famly”.

4. How do you understand these sayings about friendship:

  • The only way to have a friend is to be one. (Emerson, “Friendship”,
    essays: First Series 1841)

  • A true friend is one soul in two bodies. (Aristotle)

  • Friends are like melons. To find one good, you must a hundred try.
    (Claude Mermet)

  • Before you look for friends you’d better become your own best friend.

  • Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness.
    (Euripides, Orestes, 408 ВС)

  • One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives. (Euripides, Orestes,
    408 ВС)

  • Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you.
    (Elbert Hubbard, The Note Book, 1927)

  • “A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may
    think aloud”. Confirm or refute these words of Emerson.

5. Explain your understanding of the proverbs:

  • “Show me your friend, and I’ll tell you who you are.”

  • “Friendship cannot stand always on one side.”

  • “Actions speak louder than words.”

  • “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

  • “A friend is never known till a man has need.”

  • “A good friend is as sun in winter.”

  • “When you are good to others, you are best to yourself.”

6. Explain your understanding of the poem:

Friendship is a thing for two,
Three or four, even more,
Like a song that is made to sing
Friendship is a doing thing.
Friends are people who share,
Friends are people who care.
They try to understand.
They give a helping hand.

7. Henry Longfellow, a famous American poet of the 19th century wrote,
“Be noble in every thought and in every deed!”
Did Longfellow want his readers to be honest with themselves and with other people?
Discuss what the poet meant by these words.
8. Here are English proverbs:

“Doing is better than saying”;
“Actions speak louder than words.”
Give your own explanation of them.

9. How can you explain the sayings: “When you are good to others, you
are best to yourself.” Give examples from books and from your own life.
10. How can you explain these words?

  • Men and melons are hard to know.

  • The same man cannot be both friend and flatterer.

  • He that cannot obey, cannot command.

  • A lie stands on one leg, truth on two. (Benjamin Franklin)

11. Explain the proverb:

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost;
When health is lost, something is lost;
When character is lost, all is lost.

12. Do you think that the saying “A beauty lives an easier life” is
correct? Prove your point.

Speaking 5. Dramatizing and Role-play

1. You are a top model and you meet a friend of yours in the airport. Give
him/her your news and find out where he/she has been and what he/she has done recently.
2. You saw a film yesterday. You liked the play of an actress/actor who is well-known but
you can’t remember her/his name. Describe her/his appearance to your friend, maybe
she/he will remember the actress’s/actor’s name. Act out a conversation.
3. You’re members of a beauty contest jury. Discuss the participants and choose the most
beautiful girl. Dramatize the situation.
4. You witnessed a bank robbery. Describe the criminals for the policemen. Dramatize the
5. Role-play.

Card A. You have two friends you like very much, but one of the
friends does not like the other one. You plan to invite both of them to your birthday
party. Speak to the first friend to invite her/him.

Card B. You like your friend and want to go to her/his birthday
party. However, your friend will probably invite someone else you dislike very much. You
think that being in the same room with this person will ruin the party for you, so you
decide not to go if that person is going. When your friend invites you, tell him/her your

6. You’ve read an advertisement in a magazine and now you dream of
becoming a model. You ring up the agency and have a talk with an administrator. Act out a
7. Your family is going to receive guests or give a party. You are discussing what should
be done to make the house look better. Everyone is giving his/her suggestions. Act out a
8. The husband thinks his 17-year-old daughter is too young to go out on dates. The wife
disagrees. Act out a conversation.
9. Dramatize a short play in which the members of the family greet the elder daughter who
has just arrived and she is talking to her mother about her trip.
10. Act out a scene in which the family is planning a day out (or holiday) and discussing
various ideas. Each member of the family suggests ideas of where to go, trying to convince
the others that his/her idea is the best.

Speaking 6. Give a two-minute talk on the topic.

Task 1. Give a 2-minute talk on family life.

Remember to discuss:

  • what creates a friendly atmosphere at home

  • which family values are most important to you and why

  • what issues cause conflicts between parents and teenagers

Task 2. Give a 2-minute talk on family life.

Remember to discuss:

  • who is in your family and what they do

  • what things you like to do together

  • who you are close to in your family, and why

Task 3. Give a 2-minute talk on your life style.

Remember to discuss:

  • living in a country cottage and in an apartment. What are the advantages
    and disadvantages of it?

  • what type of house you would prefer to live in. Give your reasons.

  • about your home and neighbourhood

Task 4. Give a 2-minute talk on where you live.

Remember to discuss:

  • what kind of building (house, flat, etc.) you live in

  • what your neighbourhood is like

  • whether you like where you live; why/why not

Task 5. Give a 2-minute talk on personality.

Remember to discuss:

  • what kind of people are liked and respected by all members of society,
    and why

  • if it is good to trust your first impressions, why/why not

  • if there are stereotypes of people of different professions, and give
    your examples

Task 6. Give a 2-minute talk on famous people.

Remember to discuss:

  • what makes people famous (writers, singers, politicians, etc.)

  • where you prefer to get your information about famous people from, and

  • if the life of a famous person is easy, and why/why not.

Task 7. Give a 2-minute talk on your best friend.

Remember to discuss:

  • what your best friend looks like and why you like him/her

  • when and how you met

  • what you enjoy doing together, and why

Speaking 7. Role-play

Task 1. An Interview

A famous star/singer is giving an interview about his/her life. You are a
reporter who is interested in her/his private life and asks her questions:

  • about his/her career

  • why he/she decided to choose this job

  • about his/her future plans

Remember to:

  • Be polite and active

  • Ask all the questions

  • Find out as much information as possible

  • Finish the conversation properly

Task 2. An Interview

One student is a famous cinema star who is giving an interview. The second
student is a reporter who is interested in her/his private life and asks her questions

  • Her/his childhood

  • Her/his marriage

  • Her/his relations with children

  • Her/his family celebrations

Remember to:

  • Be polite and active

  • Ask all the questions

  • Find out as much information as possible

  • Finish the conversation properly

Task 3. Giving Some Advice

Your friend is in a bad mood today. Try to talk to him:

  • ask him why he is in a mood

  • give him some advice on how to change the situation

  • try to help him

Remember to:

  • Be polite and active

  • Find out as much information as possible

  • Finish the conversation properly

Speaking 8. Simulated Situation

Task 1. How to be successful in life

You and your friend are discussing what to do to be successful in life.
You have three options for discussion:

  • to be talented

  • to marry successfully

  • to graduate from a prestigious university

Remember to:

  • be active and polite

  • discuss all the options

  • give good reasons

  • ask for your partner’s point of view

Task 2. Family Celebrations

You and your friend have a task to write a report about a family
celebration. You are given 4 options for discussion:A holiday celebration; A wedding
reception; A christening; A birthday party

Discuss all these options and choose one you both like most of all. Give
reasons for your choice.

Remember to:

  • Ask for your partner’s point of view

  • Give reasons for your choice

  • Be active and polite

  • Take turns

  • Come to an agreement

Task 3. Discussing a New Baby in Your Family

You and your sister/brother are discussing the arrival of a new baby in
your family. Discuss the following options and choose one you both like most of
all. Give reasons for your choice.

Troubles; Duties; Fun; Happiness

Remember to:

  • Ask for your partner’s point of view

  • Give reasons for your choice

  • Be active and polite

  • Take turns

  • Come to an agreement

Task 4. Discussing a Birthday Party

You and your relative (sister, brother, cousin…) are discussing your
birthday party. There are 4 options to choose from. You have to decide on one of

*Home party with relatives
*Home party with your friends
*Going to a disco bar
*A barbecue party in the countryside

Remember to:

  • Discuss all the options

  • Take an active part in the conversation and be polite

  • Come up with suggestions

  • Agree or disagree with your partner and give reasons

  • Come to an agreement

Task 5. Choosing a Present

You and your sister/brother are thinking of what you can present your mum.
Discuss the following options and choose one you both like most of all: Vase;
Candy; Flowers; Home-made pie

Remember to:

  • Discuss all the options

  • Take an active part in the conversation and be polite

  • Come up with suggestions

  • Agree or disagree with your partner and give reasons

  • Come to an agreement

Task 6. Choosing a Present

It’s March 7th. You want to make a pleasant surprise for your Mum
tomorrow. You can:

  • Cook her a holiday dinner

  • Tidy up the flat

  • Make a home-made present

  • Arrange a congratulation speech on the radio

Discuss it with your sister/brother and choose one activity you both

Remember to:

  • Discuss all the options

  • Take an active part in the conversation and be polite

  • Come up with suggestions

  • Agree or disagree with your partner and give reasons

  • Come to an agreement

Useful Vocabulary

  • Next Friday is ’s birthday and we’ve got to think of a
    present for her/him.

  • Well, why not present her/him with a because

  • Quite right. Isn’t it a great idea?

  • I’m breaking my promise, but father is going to present you with a
    for your birthday.

  • How nice! My dreams are coming true.

Task 7. Choosing a Present

You and your mother/sister/brother are discussing a present you are going
to give to your Granny’s 50th birthday. Discuss the following options and choose one you
both like most of all: A watch; A TV set; A dress; A necklace

Remember to:

  • Discuss all the options

  • Take an active part in the conversation and be polite

  • Come up with suggestions

  • Agree or disagree with your partner and give reasons

  • Come to an agreement

to be continued

By Tatyana Kireeva ,
Gymnasium No. 2, Saint-Petersburg

Тематический кейс представляет задания для подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ (разделы Говорение и Письмо). Кейс представлен в 3х частях. Задания кейса совершенствуют разговорные навыки. Аналогичные кейсы есть и по другим темам.

Уважаемая, Татьяна Викторовна!

Ваши кейсы — копилки учительского таланта и опыта. Приводят в священный трепет :D

У меня вот какой вопрос. Как известно учебный процесс двусторонний — обучение и учение, т е работа учителя и ученика. Ваши кейсы предназначены для учителя. А как выглядят работы ученика по сбору такого тематического клада? Понятно, уч-ся не могут полагаться только на свою память. Как они записывают тематический материал? тетрадях ?собирают тематические папки? Вы правильно говорите, что начинать готовить к ЕГЭ надо класса с 7го. Кейсы как я поняла для обобщения и шлифовки в старших классах. А какие материалы у детей накапливаются к старшим классам (не говорю о их светлых головах ;) ). Мне интересно именно, что ведут дети, чтобы накопить материал. Наверняка, это не тематические словари? Записывают ли они у Вас темы (сейчас это очень осуждается, но может в виде своих набросков?), реплики, опорные схемы, блоки или получают в виде печатного раздаточного? тогда где хранят?

Единый Государственный Экзамен по английскому языку или ЕГЭ вызывает у преподавателей и студентов страх. Возможно, пока не такой сильный, так как английский язык можно сдавать по желанию.

Однако, уже в 2020 году его обещают сделать обязательным для всех. Стоит ли паниковать? Конечно, нет, но нужно начинать подготовку как можно раньше, так как освоение языка — это навык, которым ученик должен полноценно владеть. Прочитать за неделю конспекты и вспомнить важные вещи абсолютно недостаточно.

Если у вас в запасе еще пара лет, лучше всего один год посвятить языковой подготовке, а второй год — подготовке и тренировке формата экзамена. Языковая часть включает изучение, повторение, отработку языковых навыков, таких как восприятие речи на слух, чтение, говорение и письмо, а также увеличение словарного запаса, работу с грамматикой и произношением. Снять стресс поможет многократное решение заданий в формате экзамена, с жесткими рамками и применением специальных техник для ускорения и облегчения их выполнения. Это также поможет учащемуся сдать тест легче и повысить балл примерно на 20-50% лучше, чем просто при языковой подготовке.

В соответствии со шкалой CEFR, для получения высокой оценки необходим уровень студента уверенный Upper-Intermediate, но и при уровне Elementary с подготовкой к формату можно получить минимальный проходной балл.

Сравнительная таблица* показывает, что ЕГЭ по английскому с каждым годом становится понятнее ученикам и учителям, и результаты улучшаются, а процент успешной сдачи по сравнению с остальными предметами самый высокий.

В 2018 году никаких кардинальных изменений в формате заданий не произошло. На сегодняшний момент сдача экзамена выглядит более, чем реальной и несложной.

Год Средний балл Не сдали (ниже 20/22 баллов), % Количество высокобальников (81-100) Количество выбравших предмет, %
2009 59,4 5,2
2010 55,87 5,5 14,5 8
2011 61,19 3,1 19 9
2012 60,8 3,3 20,5 9,5
2013 73 1,8 44,1
2014 61,25 8,7
2015 65,9 1,5 27,8 9,3
2016 1,98 35,6 9,4
2017 1,5 12,32

* По данным документов Рособрнадзора, прочерк при отсутствии официальной информации

В идеальной ситуации, ученик и его родители начинают подготовку заблаговременно, и мы готовим ребенка планомерно. Однако бывают случаи, когда родители спохватились поздно, времени совсем не осталось, и нет возможности изменить предмет. Давайте рассмотрим два типичных случая, с которыми сталкиваются учителя.

Кейс 1: Начальные данные

Уровень Upper-Intermediate
До экзамена остался месяц-два
Готовность заниматься — высокая
Минимальный желаемый балл — 80

Пройти полный курс тренировки к форматной части экзамена времени не остается, однако, 8-16 занятий — это достаточно количество для однократной или двукратной тренировки разных навыков по требуемым критериям.

Выбор тренируемых навыков вам нужно осуществить самостоятельно в зависимости от ситуации студента.

Можно подтянуть самые слабые навыки (например, аудирование или анализ текста), используя приемы для повышения результата в короткие сроки, о которых мы расскажем в следующей статье.

Либо, наоборот, можете сосредоточиться на хорошо развитых навыках для получения по ним максимального результата, который вытянет безнадежные навыки. Например, получить максимальные баллы за грамматику и чтение, письмо, если аудирование и говорение не поддаются улучшению в короткий срок.

Кейс 2: Начальные данные

Уровень Pre-Intermediate
До экзамена остался один-два месяца
Готовность заниматься — высокая
Балл, который хотелось бы получить — 80

В данном случае, как правило, несмотря на повышенную мотивацию ученика и родителей, способностей данного ребенка и времени на отработку требуемых навыков в большом объеме, не хватит. Более того, понимания сложности задачи у родителей нет. Но, если ЕГЭ по английскому им жизненно необходим, то начнем работу с ожиданий родителей и ученика.

Покажите, насколько цель реальна, и что возможно сделать в текущих условиях.
Для этого вам достаточно ознакомиться с составными частями экзамена, баллами за каждую часть и уровнем владения языком.
ege1 Skyteach

Мы видим, что минимальный балл для получения аттестата — 22, что вполне достижимо для нашего ученика, учитывая, что задания базового уровня рассчитаны на уровень А2+, повышенного — на В1+, и высокого — на В2.

Для этого даже можно опустить устную часть, так как нужное количество баллов можно набрать только при помощи письменной части.
ege2 Skyteach
А вот и распределение баллов по частям.
ege3 Skyteach
И для полного представления, ознакомьтесь со временем, которое выделяется на каждую часть.
ege4 Skyteach

А теперь давайте вернемся к нашему студенту. Мы уже понимаем, что сдача на минимальный проходной уровень 22-58 для ученика вполне осуществима. Этого достаточно для получения аттестата.

Однако, заявленным целевым баллом клиент видит 80. Для начала давайте выясним, действительно ли они так необходимы. Все зависит от направления учебного учреждения, куда будет поступать ребенок, от баллов, набранных за другие предметы и типа отделения (бюджетное или платное).

Рассчитать, в какое учреждение с какой оценкой ученик может поступать, и в какое отделение, можно на калькуляторе. Вполне достаточным может оказаться 50-60 баллов по английскому.

И, хотя 60 баллов соответствуют уровню В1+ (Intermediate +), а у нашего студента Pre-Intermediate, не паникуйте.

Не стоит обещать золотые горы. Однако есть шанс поднять результат в короткий срок, поработав с форматом экзамена и психологической составляющей. Для этого нужно знать критерии оценки ответов и натренировать ребенка их учитывать при написании теста.

В следующей статье мы расскажем о лайфхаках, которые помогут значительно поднять балл в частях по аудированию, чтению, лексике, грамматике, письму и говорению. Они не поднимут уровень языка за короткий срок на качественно новый уровень, но справиться с тестом будет гораздо проще.

Любовь Александровна

СОШ №160


английского языка

кейсы и моделирование ситуации как способы развития навыков разговорной речи
при подготовке к ЕГЭ

Тематические кейсы
и моделирование ситуации
– это этапы популярного
сегодня кейс-метода, который активно используется в изучении различных

Кейс-метод представляет собой технику активного обучения, которая заключается в
рассмотрении или розыгрыше ситуации, с предшествующим подготовительным этапом,
то есть сбором необходимого материала по заданной теме.

Исследователи выделяют следующие виды кейсов.

1.  Практические кейсы, являющиеся реальными
жизненными ситуациями, которые отражены в учебном процессе. Их целью
является  закрепление знаний, умений и навыков поведения в заданной
ситуации. Также немаловажным является здесь высказывание собственного мнения и
поиск решений заданных проблем.

2. Обучающие кейсы, отражающие типовые ситуации,
которые возможны в жизни, то есть ситуация в данном виде кейсов не
реальная, я такая, какой она могла бы быть в жизни.

3. Научно-исследовательские кейсы – нацеленные на
ведение исследовательской работы

Кейс-метод может быть успешно использован на
занятиях по иностранному языку,
поскольку данный метод содержит все виды речевой
деятельности: чтение, говорение, письмо и аудирование.

У учащихся появляется реальная возможность общения на
иностранном языке в процессе взаимодействия с другими участниками
группы и учителем

Поскольку уровень языковой подготовки у всех обучающихся
разный, данная техника предполагает масштабный подготовительный этап, то есть
уроку с использованием кейс-метода должны предшествовать уроки работы над
лексикой и грамматикой по данной теме. То есть задачей учителя и ученика
становится сбор тематического кейса или языкового портфеля по заданной теме и
получение  необходимых инструментов для дальнейшего моделирования ситуации. 

Тематические кейсы
– языковые портфели (составляющие тематического словаря) представляют собой
списки лексических единиц на заданную тему, которые в свою очередь можно
разделить в группы по частям речи.

Данные кейсы могут
быть как масштабными, так и иметь узкую направленность.

Например, учащиеся
младших классов могут составить узконаправленный кейс «Кухня», а позднее он
станет частью масштабного кейса «Моя квартира».

Или же
старшеклассник сделает подборку специальной лексики по теме «Виртуальная
реальность», что в свою очередь станет составляющей частью кейса «Проблемы
большого города».

Так учащиеся 3-4
классов выполняют, а точнее сказать собирают узконаправленные кейсы, например
по теме «Моя комната».

Группа обучающихся
делится на пары, каждая из которых получает свое задание. Например, группа 3
класса была разделена на 5 пар, каждая пара получила свое задание: «Стол»,
«Кровать», «Шкаф», «Телевизор», «Компьютер».

Задачей детей было
составить список «живых» слов, которые они сами активно употребляют в связи с
данными предметами, а также представить свою работу перед классом, используя
изображение своего предмета.






Прилагат- е






















в шкаф












в комп.игры

домашнее задание








в Интернете
























Так после
выступления всех пар группа обучающихся собрала проект «Моя комната», который
представлял собой наглядное пособие из нескольких рисунков с проработанной
лексикой, которая была употреблена в письменной и устной речи.

Здесь можно
сказать о взаимодействии проектной деятельности с созданием тематического
кейса. Иными словами – проект можно воспринимать как реальный продукт
проработки лексического портфеля по заданной теме.

Опыты публичного
выступления, работа в команде, взаимопомощь, воспитание чувства ответственности
за выполнение работы и за своего напарника, самостоятельный поиск и проработка
лексических единиц, все это не только развивает навыки письменной и устной
речи, но и мотивирует ученика на дальнейшее изучение иностранного языка, а
атмосферу группы делает положительной и доброжелательной.

Чем старше
ученики, тем серьезнее темы, задачи и соответственно сложнее становится

В 11 классах
учащиеся проходили  такие темы как «Глобальное потепление» и «Планета в
опасности: проблемы окружающей среды».

В ходе рассмотрения
данных тем учащимся предлагались темы для мини-сочинений, например «Загрязнение
воды» или «Вымирающие виды животных». Целью данного задания была проработка
изученной специальной лексики, а также расширение своего тематического кейса за
счет самостоятельного поиска полезного материала, также целью данного задания 
было повторение стандартов написания сочинения в формате Единого
Государственного Экзамена. Необходимым условием было не только осветить
проблему, но и предложить возможные варианты ее решения.

Вы спросите, зачем
я это все говорю, ведь, по сути, описываю часть С. На самом деле же, каждое из
подобных сочинений детям пришлось представить устно. Почему пришлось? Потому
что их никто не предупредил. Стрессовая ситуация, спонтанное говорение,
импровизация – на самом же деле демонстрируют не столько наше умение
реагировать и адаптироваться к ситуации, сколько нашу подготовленность, наши
знания, владение лексическим и грамматическим материалом. Мы, безусловно,
тренируем навыки ораторского мастерства и учимся раскрепощено выступать и
выражать свои мысли и свое мнение.

Задача ученика –
это уже не просто пересказать свое сочинение, это высказать свое мнение,
используя изученный лексико-грамматический материал, более того сделать это в
формате экзаменационного сочинения.

остается момент личного анализа проблемы, а также предложения различных
вариантов ее решения. Здесь формируются не только речевые техники учащегося и 
происходит демонстрация владения материалом, но и воспитывается характер и
умение логически мыслить.

Ученик будет не
задумываясь использовать собранный тематическими кейсами материал, будет
говорить пылко, принимать активное участие в беседе, если предложить ему
смоделировать ситуацию и дать конкретную роль.

ситуации – увлекательное занятие, которое может вовлечь в игру даже самых
тихих, замкнутых или попросту ленивых учеников.

На финальном уроке
темы «Планета в опасности» ученикам 11-х классов было предложено разыграть

компания выкупила у государства право на строительство своей вышки на
территории заповедника, в котором проживают внесенные в Красную книгу белки. У
стройки собралась толпа митингующих из Общества Защиты Животных, множество


1) выяснить у
представителей власти  и глав нефтяной компании, каким образом заповедник был

2) Взять интервью
у бастующих

3) осветить
проблему вымирающих животных и загрязнения окружающей среды
нефтеперерабатывающими заводами

Всем учащимся были
назначены роли: 2- нефтяных короля, 2-представителя власти, 3 – бастующих, 4 –
журналистов с разных телеканалов.

расстановка ролей кого-то заинтересует, кому-то повысит самооценку, кого-то
повеселит, но в целом все это сыграет вам на руку – дети заговорят. Кстати,
лично мне повезло с кабинетом,  поскольку парты стояли квадратом, все ученики
видели друг друга, что концентрировало внимание на работе.

Из личного опыта
могу сказать, что такая беседа вместо 15 минут заняла весь урок, так как дети
не могли остановиться, каждый высказывал свое мнение, задавал вопросы, ученики
спорили и искали решения проблемы. Они не тянули время, они были увлечены.

В заключение,
хотелось бы сказать, что любой метод подразумевает колоссальную
подготовительную работу как педагогическую, так и психологическую. Задача
учителя не только научить и показать как, но и самим учиться заинтересовывать
детей и стараться говорить с ними на одном языке.


Тематические Кейсы учителям|English|ОГЭ|ЕГЭ|ВПР


Всё по темам кодификаторов ОГЭ/ЕГЭ и не только… в одном месте!


В этом сообществе

— вы найдете готовые материалы, собранные в ТЕМАТИЧЕСКИЕ КЕЙСЫ (отдельно по всем темам кодификаторов экзаменов: спорт, школа, экология и пр);
— вы получите подробные инструкции по работе с нашими материалами (в том числе и интерактивными);
— мы будем обсуждать готовые разработки и предлагать варианты их улучшения;
— вы сможете делиться своими наработками и опытом их применения.

Наша фишка — РЕЦИРКУЛЯЦИЯ активной ЛЕКСИКИ в рамках каждого тематического кейса + выработка практических НАВЫКОВ владения определенными лексико-грамматическими КОНСТРУКЦИЯМИ английского языка в устной и письменной речи.

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Рукодитель проекта: [id497035392|Марина Зотова]
Автор-разработчик материалов, эксперт ОГЭ/ЕГЭ: [id5210700|Юлия Старовойтова]

Автор разработки:

ФИО: Фирсина Елена Николаевна

ОУ: МБОУ СОШ №13 г.Владимир

Должность: учитель английского языка

Тема: Дом, жильё.


  1. Список слов по теме

  2. Упражнения на закрепление лексики и словообразованию

  3. Грамматика для повторения

  4. Упражнения по грамматике

  5. Вопросы по теме

  6. Пример устного высказывания по теме

  7. Примеры заданий по устной монологической речи

  8. Пример диалогического высказывания

  9. Примеры заданий по устной диалогической речи

  10. Художественный или научно-популярный текст по теме

  11. Упражнения по тексту для улучшения усвоения лексики грамматики

  12. Сочинение по теме с планом и рекомендациями

  13. Темы сочинений по теме для самостоятельной работы

  14. Личное письмо по теме с комментариями

  15. Задания для написания письма по теме

  16. Высказывания великих людей по теме

  17. Пословицы по теме

1. armchair кресло,

balcony, балкон

bathroom ванная комната

bedroom спальная

bedside table тумбочка

bedspread покрывало

block of flats многоквартирный дом

bookcase книжный шкаф

building здание

building society строительное общество

bunk bed двухъярусная кровать

camp bed раскладушка

carpet ковёр

ceiling потолок

cellar подвал

central heating центральное отопление

chair стул

chest of drawers комод

closet стенной шкаф

coat rack вешалка

communal flat коммунальная квартира

cosy уютный

cooker плита

cooker hood вытяжка

corridor коридор

cottage коттедж

cover with dust sheets покрыть чехлами

cover покрывало

curtain занавеска

curtain rail карниз

detached house отдельный дом

dining room столовая

dish-drainer сушилка для посуды

drawing room гостиная

dressing-table туалетный столик

dwelling жилище

fitted carpet палас

fireplace камин

freezer морозильная камера

farnish меблировать

furniture мебель

hall прихожая

houseplant комнатное растение

linoleum линолеум

modem accommodations современные удобства

oven духовка

papered оклеенный обоями

parquet паркет

radiator батарея центрального управления

refrigerator холодильник

refuse-chute мусоропровод

semi-detached house один из двух домов под общей крышей

stereo system стерео система

stool табурет

storeroom кладовая

stove печь

tap кран

tea set чайный сервиз

tiled покрытый кафельной плиткой

upholstered furniture мягкая мебель

vacuum cleaner пылесос

wall-paper обои

wall units стенка

wardrobe шкаф

washing machine стиральная машина

yard двор


To design — design — designing

To reflect — reflection — reflective

To study — study — studious

— — convenience — convenient

To comfort — comfort — comfortable

To space — space — spacious

To furnish — furniture, furnishing(s)

To hand — hanger

To clean — cleaner, cleaning — cleany

To brush — brush

To wash — dishwasher — washing (machine)

To sweep — sweeper

To lock — lock, locker — locked

To lighten — light — lit, enlighten

To decorate — decoration — decorated

To dine — dinner — dining — room

To dwell — dwelling — dwelling

To wallpaper — wallpaper -wallpapered

Grammar to revise

Предложениея , начинающиеся с конструкций типа there is /there are

В английском языке есть предложения, начинающиеся со слов there is (имеется), there are (имеются), there was (имелся), there were (имелись), there will be (будет, будут). В таких предложениях подлежащее, которое обычно выражено существительным, стоит после глагола to be (т. е. после is, are, was, were).

Основная схема предложения

12 3 4

There is an apple on the plate. На тарелке (имеется) яблоко.

1 2 3 4

There are apples on the plate. На тарелке (имеются) яблоки.

Вопросительном предложении глагол to be ставится перед словом there; в отрицательном предложении после глагола to be обычно ставится отрицание nо.

There is a lamp on the table.

На столе (имеется) лампа. (Утвердительное предложение.)

Is there a lamp on the table?

На столе есть (имеется) лампа? (Вопросительное предложение.)

There is no lamp on the table.

На столе нет (не имеется) лампы. (Отрицательное предложение.)

Если подлежащее такого предложения выражено существительным в единственном числе, глагол to be также стоит в единственном числе.

There is one thing. Something I do remember. (Stv.)

Есть (имеется) одна вещь. Нечто, что я действительно помню.

Если подлежащее выражено словосочетанием двух существительных, соединенных союзом and, то глагол to be стоит в единственном числе.

There was a table and a bookcase in the room.

В комнате были стол и книжный шкаф.

Если одно из существительных стоит в единственном числе, а другое — во множественном, то глагол to be должен быть в единственном числе, если первое из существительных стоит в единственном числе.

There was a table and several chairs in the room.

В комнате был (имелся) стол и несколько стульев.

Предложения начинаются со слов there is/there are, когда устанавливается наличие в данной ситуации какого-либо предмета или лица (группы предметов или лиц), которые называются в данной ситуации впервые и к которым привлекается внимание слушающего (читающего). В предложении существительное, называющее такой предмет или лицо (группу предметов или лиц), следует за конструкцией there is/there are. Эти предложения часто употребляются в ответ на вопрос: What is there? (Что там находится?).

There is an apple on the plate (and not a pear). На тарелке яблоко (а не груша).

There were newspapers in the letterbox, not magazines. В почтовом ящике были газеты, а не журналы.

Эта конструкция не употребляется, если привлекается внимание не к самому предмету, а к тому, какой он, где он находится и т. д. В таких предложениях слово, обозначающее предмет (группу предметов), ставится обычно в начале предложения. Эти предложения часто употребляются в ответ на вопрос What kind of thing is it? (Каков этот предмет?), Where is it? (Где он?) и т. д.

The newspapers are in the letterbox.

Газеты в почтовом ящике.

There was a heavy silence in the room. (Br.)

В комнате царило тяжелое молчание.

The silence in the room was oppressive. (M.) Молчание, царившее в комнате, было угнетающим.

Grammar Exercises

L Составьте предложения с оборотом there is, there are.

  1. в настоящем времени

Образец: There is a table in the corner of the room. There are flowers in the room, (a history faculty, economics department, a hostel, several colleges, laboratories, clas­srooms, playgrounds, a blackboard, a few tables, a lot of boys, much light, many pic­tures).

  1. в прошедшем времени

Образец: There were students (there was a car) here.

(a new chair, a long corridor, a high tree, a bus stop, an old house, a big forest, a small lake;

much milk).

  1. в будущем времени

Образец: There will be a new shop in our street.

(a big stadium, a good park, a metro station, beautiful houses, green trees, a lot of flowers,

many people, a new university, a lot of apples, a cinema).

  1. с отрицанием no (not any)

Образец: There is no English class to-day.

There were no classes yesterday. There will be no lecture to-morrow, (meeting to-day;

concert at our club; students in the lecture room; conference on Monday; dance to-night;

trees here; magazines on the sheif; pictures In this room).


-ast summer I spent ten of days at a fantastic




lotel on the island of Jamaica.



The Jamaica is an exotic island in




the Carribean. The name of the



hotel was called «Island Fun». It certainly




was fun. I met a lot of young people. We



went for swimming every day and dancing




every night. My room was as large and




decorated in a typical island style.



The walls were painted with white, the window




and door frames were being painted a magnificent




blue and all the furniture was made up




of hand-carved wood. The hotel also had



a lovely dining room, delicious food on.




and a bar on the roof. It



was the most best holiday I ever had and I’m




planning to go to Jamaica again the next summer too.



Задание по лексике и грамматике.

Выпишите лишние слова в соответствующую строку. Бели ошибка отсутствует, оставте прочерк. Обратите внимание на образец

1. Complete the following sentences choosing the appropriate word or phrase from the list. Change the form of the words if necessary. Translate the sen­tences into Russian.

to be lined to be full of to be covered

to be pinned up to lie in heaps to be concealed

to be lost beneath to stand open to be pasted

to lead to be arranged to be tiled

to be separated to be painted to be papered

  1. If the floor one can easily hear footsteps on it.

  2. Other walls with white bookshelves from which books

overflow to the floor.

  1. The door between the office and a small dark room at the back always

  2. The floors downstairs with Indian carpets.

  3. The walls with pictures of aircrafts.

  4. A staircase … from the ground floor to the first floor.

  5. The notice and became the centre of attention.

  6. A typewriter, some writing paper, pens and pencils — everything … carefully …

on top of the bookcase.

  1. The walls in the sitting-room but not painted, which

made the room look a lot cosier.

  1. The room dark expensive furniture. Oriental carpets, smart lamps,

everything first-class.

  1. The incident and nobody ever learned anything.

  2. A sick child … nearly the heap of blankets.

  3. Books, papers, manuscripts, stacks of letters all

around the study.

  1. The dining room from the rest of the house by a narrow passage.

  2. As the tiny house green, it was almost lost on the green

background of the garden.

2 задание. Вставьте глаголы в нужной форме:

1 . Some people the house next door last week.(buy)

  1. We into new apartments recently.(move)

  2. This room as a study.(design)

  3. The old castle to him.(belong)

  4. We decided here, in a small country house.(stay)

  5. There a kitten table ,an oven and a set of chairs.(be)

  6. The carpet wants .(clean)

8 . the room in older, you?(set)

    1. Wet the glass, dust it and let it -(dry)

    2. You know she looking at that picture for the last twenty minutes.(stand)

      1. When I entered the sitting-room they it with flowers.(decorate)

      2. He lives in a house that about forty years ago.(build)

      3. It took a lot of time but I to repair my granny’s settee.(manage)

      4. If she more sense, she the car and the garage years ago.( have, sell)

        1. Where is she? She can’ out the doo’s locked.(go)

        2. You in London, don’t you?(live)

        3. I speak French really well when I lived in Paris.(can)

        4. The curtains with the furniture.(not harmonize)


          1. bought

          2. have moved 3 .is designed

          3. is designed belongs

          4. belongs

          5. to stay

          6. is

          7. cleaning

          8. set, will

          9. dry

            1. has been standing

            2. will be able to

12. were decorating

13. was built

  1. managed

  2. had had, would have sold

  1. was

  2. have gone

  3. live

  4. could

  1. don’t harmonize


    1. They said we could not look the house.

    2. We have a flat two rooms.

3.1 live in a small house whitewashed the outside.

4.0ur apartment is the sunny side of the house.

5.The building is exposed the south.

6.1 can’t boast my flat.

      1. The room was so small that he often found himself his own way.

      2. We are going to move new quarters.

      3. There is a kitchen garden the back of the shed.

      4. The house is good repair.

11 .All the windows look into the yard

        1. Give me the key the door.

        2. Can you switch the light. It’s too dark in the room.

14.lt comes out very cheap using these lamps.

15.Have you ever laked a gas stove?

16.1 don’t like the variety colours this carpet.

17.Wipe your feet the doormat!

18.1 intend to stay them about a month.

19.1 wish to take the house a lease of five years.

20. Your love order is indeed great.




11 .out








15. with






18. with, for



10. in


Обведите кружком правильные ответы:

There are many superstitions in Britain, but one of the most

widely-held is that it is (A51 ) to walk under a ladder — even if

it means stepping off the (A52 ) into a busy street!

If you must pass under a ladder you (A53 ) avoid bad luck by

crossing your fingers and keeping them crossed until you (A54) seen a dog.

Alternatively, you must lick your finger and make a cross on the

toe of (A55 ) shoe, and not look again at the shoe until the

mark has dried.

Another common (A56 ) is that it is unlucky to open an

umbrella in the house — it will either bring (A57 ) to the person

that opened it or to the household. Anyone opening an umbrella in fine weather is (A58 ), as it inevitably (A59 ) rain!


The number 13 is said to be unlucky for some, and when the 13 day of the month falls on a Friday, anyone wishing to avoid a bad event had better stay (A60 ).

The (A61 ) misfortune can be brought upon yourself by

breaking a mirror, as it brings seven years of bad luck! The

superstition is (A62 ) to have originated in ancient times, when

mirrors were considered to be tools of the (A63__________).

Black cats are generally (A64 ) lucky in Britain, (A65 )

they are associated with witchcraft — a witch’s animal-familiar is usually a black cat. A51

1 unfamiliar 2 unlucky 3 unhappy 4 unusual



1 have to

2 must

3 should

4 can


1 are

2 have


4 had


1 your

2 his


4 its


1 belief

2 fear


4 superstition


1 mistrust

2 misbehavior

3 mistake

4 misfortune


1 unpopular

2 unhappy

3 unkind



1 comes

2 happens

3 brings



1 indoors

2 outdoors

3 in the garden

4 in the church


1 best

2 highest

3 worst

4 slightest


1 felt

2 supposed

3 announced

4 admitted


1 spirits

2 enemies

3 ancestors

4 gods


1 considered

2 mentioned

3 reported

4 discussed


1 so as

2 as if

3 so that

4 even though

Вопросы по теме.

Answer the following questions.

  1. What place are you from? Have you a flat or a house? How many rooms are there in your flat (house)? What floor is your flat on? Is it convenient to live on the ground floor? (on the top floor?). Is there a lift in your house?

  2. What modem conveniences are there in your flat? Is there a chute for refuse? Have you got a gas or an electric stove? Does it take much time to cook breakfast (to boil the kettle) on a gas stove? What furniture is there in the kitchen? Do you have your meals in the kitchen or in the dining-room?

  3. Which is the largest room in your flat? Whose room is it? What is there in this room? Is there much furniture in this room? What is there in the centre of the room? Are there any pictures on the walls? What is there on the floor?

4. You have a room of your own, haven’t you? Is it warm and light? It is not very large, is it? What pieces of furniture are there in your room? Where do you keep your books? There is a wardrobe in your room, isn’t there? What colour curtains are there on the windows? What colour is the wallpaper in your room? Where do you sleep? Are there any arm-chairs in your room?

Примеры заданий по устной речи.


Task 1

Give a talk on the life in the city.

Remember to discuss:

-why people prefer to live in the city

-why some people choose to live in the countryside

-whether it is possible to solve all the problems of big cities, why

-where would you prefer to live, why

Lots of people prefer living in cities rather than in the countryside because it is often easier to get good education and find a well-paid job. Besides, there is usually a wide choice of public transport, so you donft need to own a car, which is necessary when you live in the countryside. What is more, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. If you live in the village, you have almost nowhere to go, but if you live in the city, you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, and go to the theatre and to concerts. All in all, city life is full of bustle and variety, and you will never feel bored.

However, some people choose to live in the countryside because living in a city is often very expensive. It is particularly difficult to find good cheap accommodation. What is more, public transport is sometimes crowded and dirty, particularly in the rush hour, and even the parks can become very crowded, especially on Sundays when it seems that every city-dweller is looking for some open space or green grass. On the contrary, the air in the countryside is very clean and there are no noisy crowds, so living in the country can be useful for your health. Last of all, despite all the crowds, it is still possible to feel very lonely in a city because people often don’t know their neighbours whereas in the countryside people know each other and you have lots of friends.

In my opinion it’s possible to solve most of the problems of big cities, for example, the problem of pollution. Cutting down on emissions from large combustion

plants and exhaust fumes from vehicles would help solve the problem. I think we should try and use alternative energy such as solar energy and wind energy and design plants and cars that run on electricity, a much cleaner fuel than petrol. In addition, I think the government should ban cars from city centres. We can also improve the situation with traffic if the government encourages people to use the underground more. I would argue that if the underground was made cheaper, many people would decide to leave their cars at home.

As for me, I would prefer city life because I am keen on visiting theatres, cinemas, museums and galleries and don’t mind noise and pollution. Besides, my city offers me good opportunities to continue my education and I hope to find a prestigious job in the future. However, I enjoy the peace and fresh air of the countryside and in summer I usually go to my country house where I have a good time with my friends.


  1. Is the city life stressful? Why?

  2. How would you improve the living conditions in the place where you live?

  3. Why do young people tend to live in cities?

  4. Where do you think people will live in the future, in cities or in the countryside? Why?

  5. Would you like to change the place where you live? Why?



You and your friend are discussing where both of you would like to live in the future. There are several options but you may choose only one of them:

  • in a city

  • in the countryside

  • in the mountains

  • at the seaside

‘If you had an opportunity to choose, where would you live?’ ‘If I could choose, I would prefer to live in a big city like London. It’s a wonderful city with lots of museums to visit and sights to enjoy. I’ll be able to walk in beautiful parks and spend my free time in a pub.1

‘I don’t think it’s a good idea to live in a big city. Well, it’s great to come to London as a tourist but if you live there all the time, I’m sure you will be fed up with all these sights and museums. Just think about noise, pollution and traffic jams during rush hours. Besides, accommodation in big cities is rather expensive because there aren’t enough houses for everybody.’

‘As for me, I don’t mind noise and pollution. But if I live in a city, I’ll be able to find an interesting job and earn a lot of money.’

‘I can’t agree with you. It’s difficult to find a job in a big city. You might not be able to find a job in the area that you enjoy and you’ll have problems with getting to work. As for me, I would prefer to work for myself and live somewhere in the countryside.’

‘Why?’ .

‘First of all, the air in the countryside is fresh and there is no pollution. I’ll be able to grow fruit and vegetables for my family and we will enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Besides, I’ll live in my own house with lots of rooms. I think it’s better than living in a small stuffy flat in the city.’

‘I would agree with you but, in my opinion, there is nothing to do in the countryside. You’ll soon get bored with such a lifestyle. In addition. I think it’s very

hard to grow fruit and vegetables. You’ll have to work hard all day long. And in case of bad weather, you can lose all your crops. Farming is definitely not my cup of tea.’

‘OK. What about living in the mountains? The air and water in the mountains are exceptionally clean and we would be able to enjoy magnificent mountain views.’

‘But what shall we do for a living? 1 think it’s impossible to find any work in the mountains.’

‘Not exactly. We could work as tourist guides in summer and in winter we could teach tourists downhill skiing. Our life will be easy and exciting!’

‘On the contrary, it will be rather boring: only work and absolutely no entertainment. There are no cinemas and theatres .in the mountains. Besides, it’s always cold there and life can be really dangerous because of severe weather conditions. Let’s live in a small town at the seaside. The climate is warm and nice there. We could open a small hotel near the sea and have lots of tourists. It’s not hard to run a private hotel. Besides, we’ll have an opportunity to communicate with people from all over the world. It’s exciting!’

‘Great idea! There is no pollution at the seaside and we can enjoy a healthy lifestyle. We could go to the beach early in the morning or late in the evening and swim in the sea. And we could eat lots of fruit and vegetables.’

‘And if we get bored with the sea and the sun we could go to the cinema or to a disco with our friends. So, what place do you think we should choose?’

‘If you agree, we’ll choose to live at the seaside.’

‘1 completely agree with you.’

I. Прочитайте текст и выполните предложенные задания. Обведите кружком правильные ответы.


How would you like to live in a castle, a tree house or even underground? This might not be as unusual as you might think. It seems that these days more and more people want to live somewhere special out of the ordinary, and if they can’t buy what they want they are quite prepared to build it from scratch.

For John Mew and his wife Josephine their home really is a castle. They have built their own English castle in the Sussex countryside. The building is brand new with all the luxuries you would expect from a house that cost more than 350,000 pounds to build. However, when you first see it from the outside it would be easy to think that you are looking at an ancient monument. The building has a lot of the features of a traditional castle, including a tower, a moat and a drawbridge. «My choice of house is somewhat eccentric and building it was very hard work, but we’ve got the perfect place to live,» Mew says. Although some would say that the building is impractical and

may be cold in harsh British winters, he certainly has got a unique and spacious home.

If you don’t look carefully, you might not even see the home that Jonathan Ridley-Jones and Shannon Ridd built at all! That’s because the house is a converted water tank. The only thing that could be seen from the surface is a door leading into the hillside. «We’ve never wanted to live in an ordinary house,» Shanon says. «Living below ground means that our home is quiet and very cosy — none of the usual draughts. It doesn’t damage the local surroundings and has very low fuel bills. Some of our friends find it dark and feel shut

in when they first visit, they soon get used to it!»

If an underground home doesn’t appeal to you, how about living in the treetops? Dan Garner, a tree surgeon from Gloucestershire, certainly thinks that this is the way to go up the world.

«When our family became short of space at home our solution was to build a luxury tree house in the garden. The tree house is built into a spruce tree six metres above the ground. It has one main room, a bedroom and a balcony running around two sides.» Gamer is so happy with this practical extension to his home that he thinks he can convince more people of the benefits of living in the trees. He wants to set up his own enterprise making more of the deluxe tree dwellings, saying,, «The trees are airy, secure and comfortable and the only disadvantage is that they might not be suitable for people who suffer from hay fever or a fear of heights!»

Even people who live in more ordinary settings sometimes can’t resist doing something to make them stand out from the crowd. One extreme example of this is Bill Heines’ house in Headington, Oxfordshire. Until one morning in 1986, his house looked much like all the others in his street, when suddenly overnight a 7.5 m long fiberglass shark appeared to have crashed through the roof. The shark was a sculpture by local artist John Buckley. At first some people complained that it might be dangerous or that it spoiled the look of the neibourhood, but engineers checked that the sculpture was safe and the !Headington shark1 has become well-known and popular landmark. It seems that no matter where you live, you can always do something to make sure your house says something about who you are.

A1. More and more people build their own home

1. so that they can live underground.

2. so that they can have exactly the home they want.

3. because it is cheaper than buying a new house.

4. because they want all the modern luxuries you find in a new home.

A2. John and Josephine Mew

1. know that their choice of home is unusual.

2. found that creating their dream home was easy.

3. wanted to live like people would have in traditional castles.

4. converted an ancient building into a modern home.

A3. What do Jonathan Ridley-Jones and Shannon Ridd say about their home?

1. It’s just an ordinary house.

2. They always wanted to live underground.

3. It doesn’t harm the environment.

4. They don’t pay anything for heating and lighting

A4. Why did Dan build a tree house in his garden?

    1. He wants to persuade people to buy one.

    2. His family wanted to live in a tree house.

    3. He builds them for a living.

    4. His family needed more room.

A5. The fHeadington shark1

      1. was created by Bill Heines.

      2. crashed into the roof of Bill Heines1 house one night.

      3. was immediately popular with everyone in the town.

      4. was built without any warning.

A6. Why can’t people sometimes resist the desire to have an unusual home?

        1. They want their home to stand out from the others.

        2. They don’t have enough space for a big house.

        3. They can’t afford paying high electricity bills.

        4. They prefer to build it with their own hands.

A7. According to the text, even people who live in ordinary settings

          1. must think how to renovate their houses.

          2. can build a home to his liking.

          3. must try and build a perfect place to live.

          4. can have cheap deluxe dwellings.

А8. What is the best synonym for the word harsh

1 .mild

2. rainy

3. severe

4. foggy

A9. What does the word spacious mean?

    1. having a lot of room

    2. having a lot of air

    3. having several halls

    4. having all the luxuries

A10. What does the phrase out of the ordinary mean?

      1. usual

      2. impractical

      3. unique

4. popular


Comment on the following statement.

Some people enjoy living in big cities whereas others find such a lifestyle really


What is your opinion? Which way of life do you find more satisfying?

Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

  • make an introduction (state the problem)

  • express your personal opinion and give reasons for it

  • give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it

  • draw a conclusion Сочинение:

Nowadays many adults consider city life quite dangerous. On the contrary, lots of young people tend to move to big cities in search of better life and I can understand their point of view.

In my opinion, life in a big city has lots of advantages. For example, it is often easier to get prestigious education and to find a well-paid job. Besides, there is a wider choice of shops, sports facilities and health centers. What is more, if you live in the city, you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums or go to the theatre. All in all, city lifestyle is full of variety so you will never feel bored.

However, many people argue that city life is rather unsafe as there is a lot of crime and violence. In addition, they claim that city dwellers have more problems with their health owing to pollution. I don’t consider these arguments really crucial because much is done by the government to eliminate crime in cities. I think that we must all do our best to make our city a safer place. As for pollution, there are lots of parks in cities and the restrictions on harmful emissions are tougher nowadays.

In conclusion, I believe that if we try and solve the problems of crime and pollution, city life will be really enjoyable. As for me, I would prefer to live in the city because I am keen on visiting theatres and don’t mind noise and pollution.



Home, sweet home. It does not matter what your home is like — a country mansion, a more modest detached or semi-detached house, a flat in a block of flats or even a room in a communal flat. Anyway, it is the place where you once move in and start to furnish and decorate it to your own taste. It becomes your second «ego».

Your second «ego» is very big and disquieting if you have a house. There is enough space for everything: a hall, a kitchen with an adjacent dining-room, a living-room or a lounge, a couple of bedrooms and closets (storerooms), a toilet and a bathroom. You can walk slowly around the house thinking what else you can do to renovate it. In the hall you cast a glance at the coatrack and a chest of drawers for shoes. Probably, nothing needs to be changed here.

You come to the kitchen: kitchen furniture, kitchen utensils, a refridgerator (fridge) with a freezer, a dishdrainer, an electric or gas cooker with an oven. Maybe, it needs a cookerhood?

The dining-room is lovely? A big dining table with chairs in the centre, a cupboard with tea sets and dinner sets. There is enough place to keep all cutlery and crockery in. You know pretty well where things go.

The spacious living-room is the heart of the house. It is the place where you can have a chance to see the rest of your family. They come in the evening to sit around the coffee table in soft armchairs and on the sofa. You look at the wall units, stuffed with china, crys­tal and books. Some place is left for a stereo system and a TV set. A fireplace and houseplants make the living-room really cosy.

Your bedroom is your private area though most bedrooms are alike: a single or a double bed, a wardrobe, one or two bedside tables and a-dressing-table.

You look inside the bathroom: a sink, hot and cold taps and a bath. There is nothing to see in the toilet except a flush-toilet.

You are quite satisfied with what you have seen, buf still doubt

disturbs you: fIs there anything to change?’ Yes! The walls of the rooms should be papered, and in the bathroom and toilet — tiled! Instead of linoleum there should be parquet floors. Instead of patterned curtains it is better to put darker plain ones, so that they might not show the dirt. You do it all, but doubt does not leave you. Then you start moving the furniture around in the bedroom, because the dressing-table blocks out the light. You are ready to give a sigh of relief, but… suddenly find out that the lounge is too crammed up with furniture.

Those who live in one-room or two-room flats may feel pity for those who live in houses. They do not have such problems. At the same time they have a lot of privileges: central heating, running water, a refuse-chute and… nice neighbours who like to play music at midnight. Owners of small flats are happy to have small problems and they love their homes no less than those who live in three- storeyed palaces. Home, sweet home.

Write a composition or an essay on one of the topics:

  1. My Dream House.

  2. Home Sweet Home.

  3. One ‘Character Shows in His or Her Home.

  4. Why There Is Always a Mess in my Room.

I like to Stay at My Grandma’s Place


This is part of a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend.

… Could you spare a few hours one Sunday next month to go out to Park Green with us iook at the house? You would to know what colour the walls are before thinking about curtains and ruds, wouldn’t you? The inside decoration will be finished early next month.

Jack tells me he is going to write to David about the garden.

Best wishes,

Yours, Ann

Ana To Mavis

17a Carlyie Street

Chelsea* S.W.3.

3. September 1992

My dear Mavis,

Our new house has its roof on now, so Jack and I are getting very excited about it. We’re busy choosing furniture. Luckily we have wardrobes built in, and even к sideboard, so we haven’t to spend a fortune. We haven’t a fortune to spend.

I’d very much like your advice about curtains and rugs. I’m sure you know much better than I do what colour schemes would look well.

Could you Spare a few hours one Sunday next month to go out to Park Green with us arid look at the house? You’d want to know what colour the walls are before thinking about curtains and rugs, wouldn’t you? The inside decoration will be finished early next month.

Jack tells me he is going to write to David about the garden.

Yours, Ann.

Mavis To Ann

32 Parkway, Hampstead, N.W.S 5 September 1992

My dear Ann,

Of course I’d be delighted to help you, if you think my advice useful, in choosing curtains and rugs. It’ll be almost as exciting as choosing them for my own house. You are lucky having a house built for you: David and I will probably have to wait five years before we can many, unless we can get a building society to help us.

I’m Very fond of reds — they make a room look warm. Blues and greens are rather cold colours, don’t you think? Yellows and creams are good for walls, but not very suitable for rugs.

I’m very much looking forward to seeing the house. Do let me know when the inside decoration is finished, and we’ll fix a date. I hope David can join us, though he’s not really an expert gardener.


Proverbs and idioms

1. Match the idioms in the left column with their Russian equivalents in the right column.


to build one’s castle upon the sand

А. выступать (перед аудиторией)


to build castles in the air

В. указать ком-либо на дверь


room at the top

С. припереть кого-либо к стенке


to do something under the table

D. создавать что-либо непрочное


to be in the chair

Е. ковёр-самолёт


to take the floor

F. захлопнуть дверь перед носом


a windows on the world

G. председательствовать


to camp on somebody’s doorstep

Н. верхняя ступенька социальной лестницы


to shut the door in somebody the face

L ломиться в открытую дверь


to show somebody the door

J. строить воздушные замки


to force an open door

К. окно в мир


to call somebody on the carpet

L. у стен есть уши


a magic carpet

M. дать кому-либо нагоняй


walls have ears

N. делать что-либо секретно


to drive somebody to the wall

О. обивать пороги

2. Think of the situations where you can use these idioms.

Highlight the meanings of the proverbs, making up short situations. Tell them in class.

1. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

2. Do not burn your house t get rid of the mice.

3. As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.

4. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

5. Charity begins at home.

6. Home is where the heart is.

7. East or West — home is best.

Translate the following quotions and comment upon them.

«A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it. George Moore

«A house is not a home» . Polly Adler

Francis Bacon

«Houses are built to live in and not to look on; therefore let use be

preferred before uniformity, except where both may be had.»

Francis Bacon

«Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home.» John Howard Payne


«Английский язык.Сдаем без проблем» Л.Н.Иванова Издательство «Эксмо» Москва


«Английский язык» А.П.Пупынина Издательство «Лицей» Саратов «2002г.;

«Английский язык.Экспресс-репетитор» Е.С.Музланова, Е.И.Кисунько.Издатель-

ство «АСТ»Москва 2008г.

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