Темы для экзаменов по английскому языку

Темы / Топики по английскому языку

На нашем образовательном сайте вы легко найдете море полезного и увлекательного материала для изучения английского языка, а также для его преподавания. Мы с удовольствием делимся с вами нашей уникальной библиотекой английского языка!

Что такое «топик» мы знаем еще со школьной скамьи. На нашем сайте собрана богатая коллекция разговорных топиков, которая постоянно пополняется новыми темами.

Для вашего удобства все темы, рассказы и сочинения сгруппированы по самым популярным и востребованным категориям, освещающим определенные темы. Каждый рассказ сопровождается переводом на русский язык.

Для кого предназначены наши темы и рассказы? Тематика подходит для всех изучающих английский язык: для взрослых, студентов, школьников и детей. А также для их родителей. Топики необходимы для успешной сдачи устных тестов и экзаменов, а также для грамотного написания сочинений и эссе в школе или институте, для подготовки ОГЭ, ЕГЭ.

Для школьников

1 класс 

2 класс 

3 класс

4 класс

5 класс

6 класс

7 класс

8 класс

9 класс

10 класс

11 класс

▷ Тексты для начинающих ◁


«Мой любимый рецепт» (My favourite recipe)

«Мой любимый ресторан» (My favourite café/restaurant)

«Русская кухня» (Russian cuisine)

«Традиционная английская еда» (Traditional English food)


«Фаст-фуд» (Fast food)

«Ожирение» (Obesity)

«Здоровое питание» (Healthy eating)

«Диеты» (Diets)



«Американская кухня»

Волшебный мир сладостей

Овощи — это полезно и вкусно

Фрукты и ягоды



О себе

«Мой характер» (My personality, my character)

«Моя мечта» (My dream)

«Мой город» (My City)

«Моя любимая игрушка» (My favourite toy)

«Распорядок дня» (My daily schedule)

Рассказ о друге / подруге (My Friend) 

Рассказ о себе (About myself) 

Рассказ о своем обычном дне (My daily routine)

Рассказ о домашнем питомце (My favourite pet)

Рассказ о работе (My job)

Интересный рассказ о себе (All about myself)

Моя будущая карьера (My future career)


Мой дом и семья

Рассказ о моей комнате (My room)

Рассказ о семье «My family» (с переводом)

«Моя мама» (My mother)

«Мой дом» (My House)

«Мои домашние обязанности» (My household chores/duties)

«Мои родители» (My parents)


Хобби и отдых

«Моя любимая книга» (My favourite book)

«Мой любимый певец» (My favourite singer)

«Мой любимый актер» (My favourite actor)

«Мое хобби — рисование» (My hobby is drawing)

«Мое хобби — чтение» (My hobby is reading)

«Моя любимая телепередача» (My favourite TV programme)

«Мое хобби — танцы» (My hobby is dancing)

«Мой любимый композитор» (My favourite composer)

«Мой любимый художник» (My favourite painter)

«Мода и мое отношение к ней» (Fashion and my attitude to it)

«Как я собираюсь провести лето» (How I am going to spend my summer)

«Мое хобби — бег» (My hobby is running)

«Как я провел лето» (How I spent my summer vacations)

«Как я провел выходные» (How I spent my last weekend)

Рассказ о фильме (My Favorite Film) 

«Моя любимая сказка» (My favourite fairy-tale)

«Мой любимый мультфильм» (My favourite cartoon) 

«Мои зимние каникулы» (My winter holidays)

«Зимние каникулы в горах»

«Мои летние каникулы» (My summer holidays)

«Хобби собирать камни»

«Моя коллекция камней»

«Библиотеки в нашей жизни»

«Американские горки»




«Образование в России» (Education in Russia)

«Изучение английского языка» (Studying English)

«Выбор профессии» (Choosing a profession)

«Выбор карьеры» (Choosing a Career)

«Образование в Великобритании» (Education in Great Britain)

«Образование в США» (Education in the USA)

«Английский как международный язык» (English as an international language)

«Образование в нашей жизни» (Education in our life)

«Студенческая жизнь» (Student life)

«Мой университет» (My University)

«Русский язык» (The Russian language)

Оксфордский университет

Воспитание в Японии

Школы в Англии и в Уэльсе

Кембриджский университет


Здоровье и спорт

«Спорт в нашей жизни» (Sport in our life)

«Мой любимый вид спорта» (My favourite sport)

«Вредные привычки: курение, алкоголь, наркотики» (Bad habits: smoking, alcohol, drugs)

«Здоровый образ жизни» (Healthy lifestyle)

Рассказ про спорт (Sport in My Life)

«Необычные виды спорта в Великобритании»

Олимпийские игры

Зимние виды спорта

Летние виды спорта

Экстремальные виды спорта

Влияние спорта на человека

Фигурное катание (Figure skating)


Природа и окружающая среда

«Погода» (The Weather)

«Проблемы окружающей среды» (Environmental problems)

«Глобальные проблемы 21 века» (Global problems of 21 century)

«Глобальное потепление» (Global warming)

«Природные катастрофы, стихийные бедствия» (Natural disasters)

«Природные явления (Natural phenomena)»

«Влияние погоды на человека (The influence of weather on humans)»

Экология и человек

Жизнь без растений

Лес — величайшее богатство природы

Мини-рассказы о животных для детей (Wild animals)

Дикие животные

Домашние животные

Собака — верный и надежный друг человека


Времена года






Страны и города мира

«Бакингемский Дворец» (Buckingham Palace)

«Кремль» (Moscow Kremlin)

«Лондон и его достопримечательности» (London and its attractions)

Россия (Russia)

Великобритания (Great Britain)

Австралия (Australia)

Норвегия (Norway)

Канада (Canada)

Япония (Japan)

Франция (France)

Нидерланды (Netherlands)

Китай (China)

«Город Москва» (Moscow City)

«Географическое положение США» (Geographical position of the USA)

«Географическое положение Великобритании» (Geographical position of Great Britain)

«Санкт-Петербург и его достопримечательности» (St. Petersburg and its attractions)

«Политическая система Соединенного Королевства/Великобритании» (Political system in the United Kingdom)

«Политическая система Российской Федерации» (Political system of Russia)

«Флаг Соединённых Штатов Америки»

«Повседневные привычки американцев»

«Американский образ жизни»

«Карта мира (World map)»

«Евразия (Eurasia)»

«Африка (Africa)»

«Северная Америка (North America)»


«Южная Америка (South America)»

«История Земли (History of Earth)»

Океания (Oceania)

Париж город любви




«Путешествия» (Travelling)

«Английские традиции и обычаи» (British traditions and customs)

«Американские традиции и обычаи» (American traditions and customs)

«Английский язык в сфере туризма» 

Британский музей (The British Museum)

Букингемский дворец (Buckingham palace)



«Мой любимый школьный предмет» (My favourite school subject)

«Мой любимый учитель» (My favourite teacher)

«Моя школа» (My School)

Мини-топики для детей 1-4 класса

Рассказ о моем классе и одноклассниках (My class and classmates)

Школа моей мечты 


Наука и культура

«Музыка» (Music)

«Поп музыка» (Pop music)

«Изобретения в нашей жизни» (Inventions in our life)

«Знаменитые люди: Исаак Ньютон»

«Английский юмор»

«Первобытные люди (Primitive people)» 

«Книга рекордов Гиннесса»

«Правила дорожного движения (Traffic Laws)»




«Новый год в Великобритании» (New Year in Great Britain)

«День матери в Англии» (Mother’s Day in England)

«День св.Валентина» (St Valentine’s Day)

«International Women’s Day (8 March) / Международный Женский День (8 Марта)»

«Праздники Великобритании» (British holidays)

«Праздники России» (Russian holidays)

«Хэллоуин в США и Европе» (Halloween in the USA and Europe)

«Праздники США» (American holidays)

«Рождество в Великобритании и Америке» (Christmas in Britain and America)

«Мой любимый праздник» (My favourite holiday)

Рассказ о моем Дне рождения (My birthday)

Празднование Нового Года в России


Современные технологии

«Интернет в нашей жизни» (Internet in our life)

«Новые технологии в нашей жизни» (New technologies in our life)

«Компьютерные игры» (Computer games)

«Селфи-революция» (The selfie revolution)

«Интернет – огромная трата времени» (Internet – the greatest time-waster)

«Жизнь без интернета»



«Закупка компонентов» (Buying Components)

«Покупки онлайн: за и против» (Online shopping: pros and cons)

«Деньги в нашей жизни» (Money in our life)




Средства массовой информации

«Люди и телевидение» (People and Television)

«Наша жизнь без телевидения» (Our life without television)

«Реклама на телевидении» (Television advertising)


Общество и люди

«Преступления в нашем обществе» (Crime in our society)

«Глобализация: за и против» (Globalization: pros and cons)

«Проблемы современных подростков» (Teenage problems) 

Этикет в нашей жизни

«Вред компьютерных игр»

Джеймс Кук (James Cook)


Астрономия & Космос


Солнечная система

Что такое астрономия?

Луна — история, полная сюрпризов

Есть ли на Марсе жизнь?

В данной категории нет материалов.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about sports. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say:

  • why a lot of young people do sports nowadays;
  • what sports clubs and teams there are in your school;
  • what you do to keep fit;  
  • what your attitude to doing sports activities is.

 You have to talk continuously.

I want to talk about sports. Nowadays a lot of young people do sports because they want to be fit and look pretty good. It’s also very good for their health. Some young boys and girls take part in sport competitions, than they choose sport as a future profession. That’s why to go in for sport is very popular among young people nowadays.

In our school we have volleyball,football and basketball clubs, and also tennis. There is a gym in our school with modern equipment. Many students of our school attend the it when they have free time. I joined volleyball club two years ago. Very often I take part in competitions. I like it very much.

I think that doing sports is a very good idea for people of any age. To keep fit I attend our school volleyball club and go swimming. Swimming helps me to be in a good mood and to keep myself strong and slim. That’s all I wanted to say about sports.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the seasons and weather. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes
(10-12 sentences).Remembertosay:

  • what season is the best time in the region where you live
  • whether you agree with the proverb «There is no bad weather, there are only bad clothes»
  • what you usually do when it is nasty and cold

 You have to talk continuously.

I would like to tell about weather and seasons. I live in Siberia, that’s why we have cold weather in winter. Winter comes in November and lasts till March. Spring is also not very warm. The best season in the region where I live is winter, I think, because I like skiing, making snowmen and skating.

So, I entirely agree with the proverb “There is no bad weather, there are only bad clothes”. We must wear warm clothes in our region and we won’t freeze, so we will be healthy. Our clothes should be comfortable and should be made of natural cloth.

When the weather is nasty and cold, I usually spend time at home with my family. I read books, watch TV or prepare food with my mum. Also we play table games together and after that drink tea with a pie. Sometimes, I go to the cinema with my friends or my family. Also we go to the shopping center in such cold weather. We buy something and go to the cafe. That’s all I wanted to say about weather and season.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about pets. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (1012 sentences). Remembertosay:

  • whypeoplekeeppets; 
  • what pets are most popular in big cities;
  • whether having pets is a big responsibility, and why;
  • what your attitude to keeping pets is.

 You have to talk continuously.

I am going to tell about pets. I think that people keep pets, because they love them very much or, may be, for a child. Sometimes people keep pets for breeding purebred animals. Pets are very cute and interesting. They are devoted to the master, especially dogs.

The most popular pets are cats, dogs, hamsters,fish, tortoises, guinea pigs, parrots, canaries. Some people keep unusual pets at home, for example, lizards, snakes or spiders.

 Having pets is a big responsibility, I suppose. You need to take your pet to the vet. Also it is necessary to vaccinate your pet and to give him vitamins. The feed for the pet must be balanced, healthy and nutritious. A man must take care of his pet.

Most of all I like cats and dogs. It is fun to play with them. Dogs are real friends and it’s wonderful to have such a real devoted friend. Cats are so lazy, but help to relax after a busy day at work or study. That’s all I wanted to say about pets.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your career plans. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

·         what job you want to do in the future

·         what two subjects you think are the most important for your future job, and why

·         whether your family approve of your career choice or not

You have to talk continuously.

I would like to tell you about my career plans. I have already made up my mind that my future profession will be connected with foreign languages. I want to be an interpreter. I need to learn more languages if I want to be a great professional in my career choice. I am dreaming of learning English, German and Spanish.

Also, I am sure that to become a good interpreter I need to know my native language very well, because my speech must be very literate and educated. So, I find it very important to learn English and Russian.

My family approves of my career choice. My father considers, that I will travel all over the world without any problems and I will be able to understand another people. My mother is a teacher of English. She likes her job and my choice brings her much happiness. My brother is sure, that my choice is right, because my profession is demanded and very interesting. That’s all I wanted to say about my career plans.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your free time. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say:

  • whether you have a lot of free time, and why, or why not;
  • what you enjoy doing in your free time;
  • what your Sunday afternoons are like;
  • what your attitude to planning your free time is. 

You have to talk continuously.

I am going to tell you about my free time. I don’t have a lot of free time every day, because I have been preparing for the exams since September. To pass my exams successfully I must study hard. After my classes at school I go home and spend many hours studying and learning new material.

When I have spare time, I like to go the cinema or to the cafe with my friends. Also I try to go for a walk. Fresh air is very useful for our health. I like to go shopping also. I prefer to spend my weekend with my family.

Sunday afternoon is usually happy, because my mum and I try to prepare something delicious for the dinner. We like lasagna, different pies, meat with vegetables and cakes. My family is very friendly and we like to spend time together talking,laughing and joking. My Sunday is very pleasant, calm and soulful. It helps us to start a new week with a good mood.

Sometimes I plan my free time with my family. For example, if we are going to go the country on the weekend. Also, we try to plan if we are invited to the party or to the friends’ house.That’s all I wanted to say about my free time.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about learning English. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

·         whether it is necessary to speak English nowadays, and why

·         what you do to improve your English

·         what other languages you would like to learn

You have to talk continuously.

I would like to tell you about learning English. I suppose, that it’s necessary to learn English nowadays. To speak English means to develop our mind, first of all. When a person learns by heart new words, word combinations and rules, he enriches his memory. It is very important for everyone to develop their mind. English is one of the most important languages in the modern world. If you go abroad with perfect knowledge of English you are sure to understand a foreigner. Moreover, you will have a chance to meet a new friend abroad. Nowadays, we can see so many interesting books in English. If you learn English, you can read them in the original. When we surf the net, we can see, that a lot of interesting and useful information is written in English. Our knowledge of English will help us to read and to understand it.

To improve my English I try to study hard. I attend extra English classes, I read a lot of books and watch films and programs in the original, I learn by heart new words and grammar rules, also I try to communicate with English native speakers. I have a very friendly and open minded pen-friend. It is a great pleasure to communicate with him.

I would like to learn French and Spanish. I think, that these languages are very beautiful and interesting. If I speak these languages I will be able to get acquainted with Frenchmen and Spaniards. In the future I am going to learn these languages and to travel all over the world. That’s all I wanted to say about learning English.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the place where you live. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say:

  • what your city, town or village is famous for;
  • what your favourite place in your city, town or village is, and why you like it;
  • whether you are going to stay in your city, town or village after leaving school or move to another place, and why;
  • what your attitude to your city, town or village is.

 You have to talk continuously.

I am going to tell you about the place where I live. I live in Nizhnevartovsk. It is situated in the North of our big beautiful country. Nizhnevartovsk is famous for the largest Russian Samotlor oil field. The field is located at Lake Samotlor. There are a lot of oil and gas wells in the сountry. Our town is often called “The country of Samotlor”.

I have many favorite places in my town: the bank of the river and our Victory park. My family and I like to spend weekends visiting recreation centers, where we can ski, skate or sled. We have a good time there. Also I like to attend our Drama theater.

After leaving school I want to go to our state university. I am going to learn foreign languages there. I would like to stay in my town, because I feel comfortable in Nizhnevartovsk, it is my small homeland. When I go on holidays I miss my town and I am always glad to go back home. That’s all I wanted to say about the place where I live.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the place where you live. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say:

  • what your city, town or village is famous for;
  • what your favourite place in your city, town or village is, and why you like it;
  • whether you are going to stay in your city, town or village after leaving school or move to another place, and why;
  • what your attitude to your city, town or village is.

 You have to talk continuously.

I am going to tell you about the place where I live. I live in Saint Petersburg, it is a port city on the Baltic Sea. Our city is the most beautiful city in our big country, I think. Saint Petersburg is situated on water, it consists of forty-four islands connected to each other with beautiful and famous bridges. These bridges can open at night. It helps ships to cross Saint Petersburg. Our city is famous for its magnificent architecture, museums, theaters, parks, cathedrals, churches, monuments, it’s history.

My favorite place in my city is Saint Isaac’s Cathedral. It is the biggest temple in Russia. From the top of the Isaac cathedral you can enjoy the wonderful view of the city.

After leaving school I am not going to move to another place, because our city is full of opportunities for study and job. It is my home, I love it and I am happy to walk on Nevsky Prospect and to visit our main sights. Saint Petersburg is the most beautiful city in the world, it is the dream of many people. It attracts people from many countries and stays in the heart of every visitor forever. That’s all I wanted to say about Saint Petersburg.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about photography. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (1012 sentences). Remembertosay:

  • why people like taking photos;
  • why taking photos is more popular today than it was in the past;
  • what the best photo you have ever taken is; 
  • what your attitude to taking photos is.

 You have to talk continuously.

Now I want to tell you about photography. Nowadays people like taking pictures. It is one of the best ways of expressing themselves, I think. Usually, people take pictures when they are happy and looks very bright. On some special occasions we also take pictures in order to remember such important or happy moments for us. Taking pictures is also hobby for many people. The amount of girls and boys who enroll in different photography courses increases every day.

In our modern world of social networks it is necessary to have excellent photos to download to our own pages. With the help of photography we show ourselves to another people. That’s why taking pictures is more popular today than it was in the past.

As for me, I have a lot of photos and I like to take photos. The best photo I have ever takes is the photo with my family during our summer holidays. We went to the seaside altogether and swam in the sea. My family and I liked to sunbathe and spend time talking and laughing. It was the best time of the year. That’s all I wanted to say about photography.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about keeping fit. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (1012 sentences). Remember to say:

·         why a healthy lifestyle is popular nowadays;

·         what you do to keep fit;

·         what sports activities are popular with teenagers in your region;

·         what your attitude to a healthy lifestyle is.

You have to talk continuously.

Now I want to give a talk about keeping fit. A healthy lifestyle is very popular and fashionable nowadays. A sporty and healthy body is the aim of modern youth. That’s why they attend the gym, eat healthy food and refuse from bad habits.

To keep fit I try to eat healthy food, to sleep 7-8 hours and to move. Physical activity is necessary for me, that’s why I go swimming three times a week and attend PE lessons at school. Sometimes I play volleyball with my friends.

In my region there are many popular sports activities with teenagers, such as hockey, skiing, skating, volleyball and football. Lots of competitions are held every year and our sportsmen win a victory.

I believe that healthy lifestyle creates our life. A healthy sporty person attracts other people’s attention. Such person is a successful person in many spheres of our life. That’s all I wanted to say about a healthy lifestyle.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your best friend. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say:

  • what people need friends for;
  • how long you and your friend have known each other;
  • what you enjoy doing together;
  • what your attitude to friendship is. 

You have to talk continuously.

I am going to give a talk about my best friend. People need friends for many reasons. The most important is support, I suppose. When you are in trouble, you need to talk with someone who can understand you. This person won’t blame you and will try to help you with a peace of advice. Also fun plays a big role in our relationships with the best friend. When you are in a bad mood, your best friend will be able to cheer up you with pleasure and understanding.

My best girlfriend is Ulyana. We have known each other since our childhood. We got acquainted when we were five years old. Then we studied together in the same class.

Ulyana and I like to read books. Then we discuss problems which are raised in these books. Also we like to go to the swimming pool and to the cinema together. Very often I go shopping with her. After lessons we prefer to walk in the park and to breathe fresh air. We talk and laugh. We like to spend time with each other.

I think that friendship plays a big role in our life. To my mind to find a real friend you should be friendly, kind hearted, polite and cheerful. That’s all I wanted to say about my best friend.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your school holidays. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say:

  • when you have school holidays;
  • what school holidays you would make longer, and why;
  • what you enjoy doing during your school holidays;
  • what your attitude to school holidays is.

 You have to talk continuously.

Now I want to tell you about my school holidays. We usually have holidays four times a year at school. Autumn holidays last a week, than winter holidays are longer — almost two weeks, spring holidays also last a week. Summer holidays are much longer than the others, they last three months.

I like my school life, but if I were a headmaster, I would make autumn and spring holidays longer. I suppose, that a week is too small for the rest. I would make them two weeks. We would have time to relax and to spend time with our family, relatives and friends.

During my school holidays I enjoy having rest at home. In summer my family and I go to the seaside. It’s the happiest time of the year. We like swimming and sunbathing. We prefer to visit new places, countries.

I find it so interesting to get knowledge about new unknown cultures. New cities and landscapes broaden our horizons. It’s so exiting. I like my school holidays. That’s all I wanted to say about my school holidays.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about school homework. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say:

  • how long it takes you to do your homework;
  • what subject you usually start with, and why;
  • whether schoolchildren should be given more or less homework, and why;
  • what your attitude to school homework is.

You have to talk continuously.

I want to give a talk about my school homework. To begin with, I strongly believe, that doing homework is an essential part of studying at school. There is no study without working at home. Usually it takes me four or five hours to do my homework.

I try to start with difficult subjects, such as Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Russian, English. I suppose that these subjects need more concentration, mental activity and time. That’s why they,re always done first of all. After that I do Literature, Geography, History or Biology. Than I study for my exams till the evening.

Luckily, I must say, we have different teachers. Some teachers don’t give us so much home tasks, because we manage to do almost everything during the lesson. Some teachers give us a lot of homework. I don’t prefer to get bad marks, that’s why I try to do everything. But it would be better if our teachers gave us less homework. We could have a rest and attend some extra interesting classes. In conclusion, I want to say that education makes us stronger and more literate and I am going to get good education in the future.That’s all I wanted to say about school homework.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about holidays. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

·         what holidays are most popular in your country

·         what your favourite holiday is and how you celebrate it

·         if you prefer to give presents or to get presents, and why

You have to talk continuously.

I want to tell you about holidays which are celebrated in our country. We have a lot of holidays in Russia: New Year’s Day, Christmas, Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women’s Day, Spring and Labour Day, Victory Day, Russia Day and Unity Day. These holidays are very popular among people in our country and they celebrate them in different ways.

My favorite holiday is New Year’s Day. I like this holiday so much. The weather is usually cold and there is a lot of snow everywhere. I have winter holidays. New Year’s Day is considered to be a family holiday, we prefer to celebrate it at home. We begin preparations in advance. My parents and I decorate our house. We decorate a New Year’s tree with beautiful toys, lights and sweets. Also we prepare tasty and delicious food with my mom and dad. At 12 o’clock we meet Nee Year and wish each other health, wealth and happiness.

I like both to give and to get presents. It’s so pleasant to give handmade presents to my relatives. They always like them. To get presents from my father and mother is a real pleasure for me. They always know what I am dreaming about. I love my family. That’s all I wanted to say about holidays in Russia.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about school life. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say:

  • what your weekday is like;
  • what you like about your school most of all;
  • whether you prefer classroom learning or online learning, and why;
  • what your attitude to your school life is.

You have to talk continuously.

I want to tell you about my school life. My typical school day lasts seven or eight hours. It begins at nine o’clock in the morning. I usually have six or seven classes a day. Moreover, four times a week I have extra classes. I have Russian, Maths, English and Biology.

My favorite subject is English, of course. To speak English fluently is my main aim. I will be able to communicate with native speakers, to travel around the world and to see new countries if I learn English perfectly. My school is very big and beautiful. I like to attend my school. I like my school life because I like my classmates, my friends and my teachers. It is a pleasure to spend so much time among them. I find them friendly, open minded, clever, educated and kind. School life is an important part of every person’s life. We learn to be in society, to communicate with people of different ages. It prepares us for our adulthood. My school is very important for me for it’s knowledge that I get there every day from my teachers and books. That’s all I wanted to say about my school.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the Internet. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say:

  • why today’s teenagers use the Internet so much; 
  • how the Internet makes long-distance communication easier;
  • what dangers teenagers can face when they use the Internet;
  • what your attitude to the Internet is. 

You have to talk continuously.

Now I want to tell you about the internet. Nowadays teenagers can’t imagine their lives without the internet. First of all, we can stay in touch with our friends, relatives and colleagues. Also, the internet always helps us to find any information we need and like. We are lucky to find lots of internet sites with useful information about everything: science, history, psychology, sports, beauty, fashion, cooking and music. Moreover we can download movies, music and also it is interesting to play games on-line. The internet makes long-distance communication easier with the help of chatting on-line. It makes no difference how far we are from each other.

But in spite of this teenagers can face a lot of dangers. The main danger is our health: vision and posture. Less of movements can lead to the obesity. The next danger is the internet-addiction, when teenagers can’t take away their gadgets, because they wait for a message from someone or just want look for something interesting. Also viewing inappropriate content is a danger. I think that parents must control this point. And ,of course , chatting with strangers is a big problem in the net nowadays. Teenagers can be deceived by criminals. I think, that the internet is very useful for us, but anyway, we must be reasonable users of the net and in this case the internet will be our assistant. That’s all I wanted to say about the internet.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about films. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (1012 sentences). Remember to say:

·         what kinds of films modern teenagers enjoy;

·         where you prefer watching films: on TV, on the Internet or in the cinema, and why;

·         what film you have seen recently, what  it was about;

·         what your attitude to watching films as a way to spend your free time is.

You have to talk continuously.

Now I want to give you a small talk about films. Modern teenagers enjoy different kinds of films. We have different opportunities to watch any film we like. The internet helps us with it and we can download or watch any film online. I find it very comfortable.

I like to watch new films in the cinema. I like to meet with my friends and to enjoy watching a new film. My favorite films I like to watch at home on TV or on the internet. I’ve seen the film from the Harry Potter series recently, it is called “Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows”. It is a fantasy. This film is about the war between wizards. I find this chapter serious, cold, sometimes sad and fantastic. The winner of this war is Harry Potter, of course, I am proud of him. As for me, I suppose, that watching films is a very interesting way to spend my free time. I like to know new actors and interesting breathtaking plots. That’s all I wanted to say about films.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about TV. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say:

  • why people spend time watching TV;
  • what most teenagers prefer: watching TV or  browsing the Internet, and why;
  • whether there is a TV programme you really like;
  • what your attitude to watching TV as a way to spend your free time  is.

You have to talk continuously.

I am going to tell you about television. I find it really important in our everyday life. Looking at my father, who can’t live without the news on TV, I always understand, that the internet won’t displace the television. A lot of people spend really much time watching TV programs, shows and films. They do it to relax after the working day, to know new interesting information about something and, of course, they want to know what is happening in the world at the present moment. It’s so important, I suppose.

Teenagers are young and modern, so they prefer browsing the internet using their different gadgets. They don’t like to wait, it is much easier to download films and to watch them any time they can and like. Also, if they aren’t at home, they can watch any program or film online using the internet. It’s so comfortable.

As for me, I like to watch educational TV programs in English, because I am going to be an interpreter in the future. But to tell you the truth, I like to watch cartoons on TV with my little brother. It’s so funny and relaxing. That’s all I wanted to say about television.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about animals. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (1012 sentences). Remember to say:

  • what wild animals live in your region;
  • whether it is a good idea to keep a wild animal as a pet, and why;
  • why people build zoos in cities and towns;
  • what your attitude to zoos is.

You have to talk continuously.

Let me give a talk about animals. In my region live about sixty wild animals, sixteen of them considered to be hunters. Deers, moose, martens,boars, arctic foxes, sables, hares, otters, weasel animals, foxes, squirrels, stoats, brown bears and many other animals live in Siberia. Some animals are included in the Red book, such as wolverines, minks and also river beavers. The biggest and the most dangerous is the brown bear. It is thought to be the master of the taiga.  

Everybody knows that people build zoos. Animals are kept in the zoos to show children and adults how different kinds of animals look and behave. It is interesting. Very often people meet sick wild animals in the wood and then they live in the zoo, because recovered animals have poor health and won’t be able to live among the other wild strong animals. They are kept in the zoo to stay alive. I don’t think that to keep a wild animal as a pet is a good idea. It is dangerous and not so humanely. Wild animals should live in the wild nature, because only there they will be able to live in the freedom. That’s all I wanted to say about animals.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about travelling. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (1012 sentences). Remember to say:

  • why most people like travelling;
  • which season is the best for travelling in your opinion;
  • what means of transport is the best for travelling, and why;
  • what your attitude to travelling is.

You have to talk continuously.

I would like to tell about travelling. Lots of people like to travel, because it’s interesting, it develops our mind and imagination. It so exciting to see new places, to meet new people and to make new friends all over the world.

In my opinion, there is no best season for travelling. There are many interesting places to see with different climate in our planet. And I think that any weather is good in its own way. When it is cold in my region, it is hot in another country.

I consider that it is wonderful to travel by plane or by train. If the distance between destinations is big, it is better to choose a plane, cause it is fast and comfortable. If the distance isn’t too big, I prefer to travel by train. I like to see new towns and different nature during my trip.

As for me, I like to travel very much. I choose the places where there is the sea. There is no sea in our region that’s why I prefer warm countries for the rest. Also I like to visit big cities — capitals of different countries, because they always attract traveller’s attention by their novelty, beauty and power. That’s all I wanted to say about travelling.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about holidays. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

·         what holidays are most popular in your country

·         what your favourite holiday is and how you celebrate it

·         if you prefer to give presents or to get presents, and why

You have to talk continuously.

I am going to tell you about holidays which are the most popular in my country. We have a lot of holidays in Russia: New Year, Christmas, Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women’s Day, Spring and Labour Day, Victory Day, Russia Day and Unity Day. These holidays are very famous among people in my country and they celebrate them in different ways.

My favorite holiday is my birthday. I was born on the 22nd of May. It’s spring and the weather is usually wonderful. I like this holiday so much, because it’s my day when my parents, friends and relatives come to our house and congratulate me. My parents and I always prepare so much tasty food: meat with potatoes, salads and, of course, a very tasty cake. We dance, sing songs, play different games and laugh, joke and tell funny stories during my birthday party.

I always get many presents, I like to get them. Most of all I like to get flowers. They are so beautiful. But I must say, that I also like to give presents. It is always so pleasant to give someone happiness and joy. That’s all I wanted to say about holidays.

Вот прошли новогодние праздники и всем, кто учится в 9 и 11 классах, уже пора задуматься о предстоящих экзаменах. Самое время начать готовиться к ним уже в феврале. Давайте разберемся, как готовиться к ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Первое, что нужно сделать — это повторить изученную лексику, то есть пройденные темы по английскому языку.

Итак, основная задача на ближайшие полгода весь словарный запас, который пассивно лежит в голове, превратить из пассивного в активный.

Пассивный словарный запас – слова, которые вы понимаете, читая тексты и слушая аудиозаписи.
Активный словарный запас – слова, которые вы умеете употреблять в устной и письменной речи.

Как готовиться к ЕГЭ по английскому языку

Вашему вниманию предлагаются темы по английскому языку для подготовке к ЕГЭ и лексику по этим темам надо СРОЧНО активизировать, чтобы хорошо сдать экзамен. Хотя с 2015 года формат устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку изменился (см. ЕГЭ по английскому языку в новом формате. Устная часть), но суть осталась прежней: надо знать слова и уметь говорить на заданные темы: задавать вопросы, описывать фотографии, анализировать, сравнивать, находить различия, аргументировать и т.д.

Презентации ниже содержат задания по всем видам речевой деятельности и помогут вам подготовиться и успешно сдать экзамен ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

Содержание статьи:

  1. Общий список тем для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку
  2. Темы личного письма по английскому языку — Презентация по теме «Личное письмо» (20 заданий)
  3. Темы эссе по английскому языку — Презентация по теме «Эссе» (20 заданий)
  4. Устная часть ЕГЭ по английскому языку в новом формате (описание картинок)

Темы по английскому языку в 11 классе в заданиях устной и письменной части ЕГЭ (по материалам ФИПИ)

Обозначение в скобках (например, письмо — 13, 18)  означает, что соответствующую тему можно повторить, написав письмо (задание №13, 18), которые даны в презентации «Личное письмо«.

A Повседневная жизнь и быт, распределение домашних обязанностей в семье. (письмо — 13, 18 ) Покупки (письмо -5, говорение -3 )

Б Жизнь в городе и сельской местности. Проблемы города и села (говорение- 23)

В Общение в семье и школе (письмо -11), семейные традиции (говорение -18) , межличностные отношения с друзьями и знакомыми (письмо — 8,14, 16,17,20, говорение -21)

Г Здоровье и забота о нем (письмо — 10, эссе — 3) самочувствие, медицинские услуги. Здоровый образ жизни (письмо -7, говорение — 6, 22)

Д Роль молодежи в современном обществе (эссе-7), ее интересы и увлечения (говорение -6, 10, письмо-4, 6, 12)

Е Досуг молодежи: посещение кружков, спортивных секций, клубов по интересам (эссе -15, говорение -9, ). Переписка

Ж Родная страна (говорение -11) и страны изучаемого языка: географическое положение, климат, население, города и села, достопримечательности

З Путешествие по своей стране и за рубежом, осмотр достопримечательностей (эссе — 16)

И Природа и проблемы экологии (эссе -9)

К Культурно-исторические особенности своей страны и стран изучаемого языка

Л Вклад России и стран изучаемого языка в развитие науки (эссе-1) и мировой культуры (говорение -13)

М Современный мир профессий, рынок труда (говорение-19)

Н Возможности продолжения образования в высшей школе (эссе — 10)

О Планы на будущее, проблема выбора профессии (говорение -19, письмо -19)

П Роль владения иностранными языками в современном мире (письмо-9)

Р Школьное образование (эссе-11). Изучаемые предметы, отношение к ним. Каникулы (говорение -5, 20)

С Научно-технический прогресс, его перспективы и последствия (эссе -20)

Т Новые информационные технологии (эссе -20)

У Праздники и знаменательные даты в различных странах мира (говорение -4, 14)

Источник: Кодификатор элементов содержания и требований к уровню подготовки выпускников образовательных организаций для проведения единого государственного экзамена по АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ в 11 классе в 2015 году

Личное письмо по английскому языку в 11 классе. Темы

Ниже предлагаем 20 тем, которые соответствуют спецификации с сайта ФИПИ. Особенно обратите внимание на выделенные темы, которые входят в содержание предметной речи. Задания к данным темам вы найдете в презентации «Личное письмо».

  1. Teenage Jobs
  2. Fashion
  3. Hobbies. Music
  4. Pets
  5. Clothes
  6. Parties
  7. Keeping Fit
  8. Family Relations
  9. Learning English
  10. Health
  11. Teenage Problems with parents
  12. Birthday Party
  13. Household Chores
  14. Teenage Problems with friends
  15. Exams
  16. Teenage Problems with friends
  17. Teenage Problems
  18. Household Chores
  19. Future Profession
  20. Teenage Problems with parents

Презентация «Личное письмо по английскому языку в 11 классе. Задания»

Эссе по английскому языку в 11 классе. Темы

Ниже предлагаем 20 тем, которые соответствуют спецификации с сайта ФИПИ. Эти темы вы найдете в презентации «Эссе по английскому языку». Особенно обратите внимание на выделенные темы, которые входят в содержание предметной речи:

  1. Space Exploration
  2. Teenagers Today
  3. Healthy and Unhealthy food
  4. Watching TV
  5. School Trips
  6. Stray Animals
  7. School Management
  8. Car as a means of transport
  9. Environmental Problems
  10. Higher Education
  11. School Education
  12. Teenage Jobs
  13. Appearance and Fashion
  14. Pocket Money
  15. Free Time
  16. Travelling
  17. School Magazine
  18. Homework
  19. Experiments on Animals
  20. Technology and Science

Стрелка вниз

Презентация «Эссе по английскому языку. Задания»

Таким образом, вы можете письменно (в форме письма или эссе) повторить изученную лексику по всем темам и успешно подготовиться к ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Успехов на экзамене!

Как сдать ОГЭ и ЕГЭ на максимальный балл ?

Чеклист для тех, кто хочет сдать ЕГЭ по английскому языку на максимальный балл. 

В данном чек-листе мы собрали все темы, которые вы встретите в ЕГЭ по английскому языку. А чуть ниже вы найдете литературу для подготовки по ним.


1. Порядок слов в предложениях:

  • утвердительный
  • вопросительный
  • отрицательный
  • побудительный.

2. Порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях:

  • общий вопрос
  • разделительный вопрос
  • специальный вопрос
  • альтернативный вопрос
  • вопрос к подлежащему.

3. Видовременные формы глагола:

  • Past Simple + Passive
  • Past Continuous + Passive
  • Past Perfect + Passive
  • Past Perfect Continuous
  • Present Simple + Passive
  • Present Continuous + Passive
  • Present Perfect + Passive
  • Present Perfect Continuous
  • Future Simple + Passive
  • Future Perfect + Passive
  • Present Simple после if and when для выражения будущего времени.

4. Выражения будущего времени через:

  • Future Simple
  • to be going to
  • Present Continous

5. Неличные формы глагола:

  • инфинитив
  • герундий
  • причастие I, II.

6. Согласование времён

7. Косвенная речь

8. Предложения с конструкциями:

  • as…as; not so…as; …nor; either…or
  • I wish
  • sosuch
  • it takes me…to do something.

9. Эмфатические конструкции типа it’s him who… it’s time you did something

10. Предложения с начальным it

11. Предложения с there isare

12. Сложносочинённые предложения с союзами and, but, or

13. Сложноподчинённые предложения с союзами what, when, why, which, that, who, if, because, that’s why, than, so, for, since, during, so that, unless

14. Средства связи (firstly, finally, at last, in the end, however)

15. Имя существительное. Образование множественного числа по правилу + исключения

16. Определённые, неопределённый, нулевой артикли

17. Местоимения:

  • личные
  • притяжательные
  • указательные
  • неопределённые
  • относительные
  • вопросительные.

18. Имя прилагательное и наречия

  • степени сравнения + исключения
  • наречия muchmany, fewa few, littlea little.

19. Числительные

  • количественные
  • порядковые.

20. Предлоги:

  • места
  • направления
  • времени.

21. Фразовые глаголы

22. Модальные глаголы

  • may
  • can
  • be able to
  • must
  • have to
  • should
  • need
  • shall
  • could
  • might
  • would.

23. Словообразование

  • аффиксы глаголов re-, dis-, mis, izeise
  • аффиксы существительных eror, -ness, -ist, -ship, -ing, -siontion, -anceence, -ment, -ity
  • аффиксы прилагательных -y, -ic, -ful, -al, -ly, -ianan, -ing, -ous, -ibleable, -less, -ive, inter-
  • суффикс наречий -ly
  • отрицательные префиксы un-, in-im-.


  • Повседневная жизнь и быт, распределение домашних обязанностей в семье. Покупки
  • Жизнь в городе и сельской местности. Проблемы города и села
  • Общение в семье и школе. Семейные традиции. Межличностные отношения с друзьями и знакомыми
  • Здоровье и забота о нём. Самочувствие. Медицинские услуги. Здоровый образ жизни
  • Роль молодёжи в современном обществе. Её интересы и увлечения
  • Досуг молодёжи: посещение кружков, спортивных секций, клубов по интересам. Переписка
  • Родная страна и страны изучаемого языка. Их географическое положение, климат, население, города и сёла, достопримечательности
  • Путешествия по своей стране и за рубежом. Осмотр достопримечательностей
  • Природа и проблемы экологии
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Let s talk about accommodation.

What types of houses do people live in?

There are different types of houses. People can live in a detached house, which is a house that is not joined to any other. It can be a mansion which is a very large expensive house, a bungalow (a house which has only one floor), a cottage (a house in the country usually with a garden). Some people live in a semi-detached house, which is two houses joined together; others live in a flat in a block of flats.

Each type of housing has its own advantages and disadvantages. Living in a detached house gives you privacy but all repairs in the house should be made by the owner, you need more time to clean the house. To my mind those people, who prefer to live in a cottage adore nature: they want to wake up to songs of birds, to enjoy beautiful landscapes, to breathe fresh air or in other words they want to have a calm and measured rhythm of life. Usually such people keep the poultry and the cattle. One of the advantages of living in such a house is that you have your own land where you can grow fruit and vegetables, make flowerbeds and plant beautiful flowers, lay out an orchard, etc. You can also build some outhouses like a green-house, a garage, a tool shed or an arbor. But the greatest disadvantage of living in a farmhouse or in a cottage, in my opinion, is that it takes much time to get to the nearest town, but if you have a car it isn’t a problem for you. That’s why I think living in a cottage is the best option for farmers and retired people.


Let’s talk about the education.

Let’s talk about your school. What’s your school like?

It’s one of the best educational establishments in Minsk that is famous for its high-quality teaching and good equipment. I want to say that our school is one of the modem schools in Belarus. It provides eleven years of education which offers a general course of academic and non-academic sub­jects. Besides it offers a number of courses giving a profound knowledge in a variety of fields: humanities, natural sciences, mathematics, etc.

The building itself is of typical design with the same layout and the distribu­tion of classrooms, administrative offices, canteens, gyms and libraries as you can see in most other schools. But when you come in through the front door you find yourself in a spacious hall with comfortable sofas and large windows.

School has become an integral part of my life. Our social and cultural life is well organized; both teachers and classmates are so friendly and easy to get along with. I am on good terms with my classmates, as all of them are interesting and enigmatic persons. We often spend our free time together and I think I will never forget these years and I will regret that everything has finished.


Let’s talk about the environment.

People say that our planet is in danger. Do you share this opinion?

Environment is the nature around us: air, water, trees, flowers, animals, birds and insects. Nature has served people for many years, but people’s in­terference in nature has increased and the results are dramatic. Nowadays mankind faces numerous problems which threaten our environment.

Among the most urgent problems are the ozone layer destruction, acid rains, global warming, air pollution, soil pollution, contamination of under­ground waters by chemical elements, disappearance of forests, animal extinc­tion, etc.

The poisoning of the world’s land, air, and water is the fastest-spreading disease of civilization. It probably produces fewer headlines than wars, earth­quakes and floods, but it is potentially one of history’s greatest dangers to human life on earth. If present trends continue for the next several decades, our planet will become uninhabitable.


Let s talk about Belarus.

Let’s talk about our country. What can you tell me about our Motherland?

Belarus is my Homeland. It is a country with unique history and rich cultural heritage. Officially it is called the Republic of Belarus, a sovereign independent state with its own government, constitution, state emblem, flag and anthem. Belarus is situated nearly in the centre of Europe and borders on Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and the Ukraine. The territory of Be­larus is 207.6 thousand square kilometres. Its population is about 10 million people. The largest cities are Minsk, the capital, Gomel, Vitebsk, Mogilev, Grodno and Brest. Belarus is a country of rivers, lakes and forests. The long­est river is the Dnieper. The largest lake is Lake Naroch. The largest forest is Belovezhskaya Pushcha. The climate of Belarus is temperate and mild. My country is a developed industrial state. Its enterprises produce tractors and automobiles, motor-cycles, TV-sets and many other goods. Beautiful Belaru­sian scenery and unique history attract a lot of tourists. There are a lot of famous people among Belarusians: writers and poets, politicians and cosmo­nauts, artists and sportsmen. They are historic figures and our contemporaries whom we are proud of.


Let’s speak about Great Britain.

Let’s talk about Great Britain. What can you tell me about Great Britain?

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The country consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The capital of the UK is London. The population of the country is over 64 million people. Britain is a small, beautiful and densely populated country, separated from the continent by the English Chan­nel and the Straight of Dover.

The UK is inhabited by the English, the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish who constitute the British nation. English is the official language, but it is not the only language spoken in the UK, Gaelic and Welsh are also used in some parts of the country.

The UK is a parliamentary monarchy and the Queen is the head of the state. But in practice it is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head.

The national anthem is «God Save the Queen.» The national currency is pound. The flag of the UK is known as the Union Jack. It has its history. It all began in 1603 when Scotland was joined to England and Wales. The flag is made up of 3 crosses.


Let’s talk about science and modem technologies.

What role does science play in our life?

We live in the age of science and technology. The life of every one of us highly depends on the scientific inventions and modem technologies. Science has changed the lives of people to a great extent. It has made life easy, simple and fast. In the new era, the science development has become a necessity to finish the era of bullock cart and bring the trend of motorized vehicles. Sci­ence and technologies have been implemented to every aspect of moderniza­tion in every nation. Modem gadgets have been introduced to every walk of life and have solved many problems in such sectors as medicine, education, infrastructure, electricity, aviation, information technology and other fields.

Some examples of the advancement in the technologies are establishment of railway system, metro system, railway reservation system, super computers, mobiles, smart phones, online access of people in almost every area, etc.


Let s talk about art.

How important is art in our lives?

It is human to admire beauty around us, we are often stmck when we see a painting or read a beautiful poem, or listen to soothing music. Art is every­where around us in many forms and holds a significant value in our lives. It is difficult to describe «art» in literal terms, but broadly it is understood as a form to express one’s feelings through any object or medium like paper, music, colours, technology, magic, photography, etc. It can be abstract, real­istic, naturalistic, conceptual and inspirational.

We are surrounded by art and also rely on it in our daily routine. When we enter someone’s home, it is difficult to stop ourselves to appreciate the way the living-room is decorated. It’s also art. One doesn’t have to be a painter, every individual expresses himself/herself, uses imagination and cre­ative energy to embellish and decorate the surrounding.


Let’s talk about your future career.

Let’s talk about your future career. What kind of job would you like to have in future?

I must say that when you leave school you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It’s not an easy task to make the right choice of a job. People choose profession according to their own inter­ests and abilities. And the most important thing is to understand what ex­actly you want to do and enter the university according to the sphere of your choice: whether it is medicine, economy, machinery or humanities.

When choosing a future career, we should consider different factors. In my opinion, money is one of the most important factors when you make a choice. There are highly paid jobs and low-paid jobs. I think everybody wants to earn as much money as possible. Training, promotional prospects and conditions should be also taken into account.


Let s talk about your family.

What is family for you?

Family is very important for every person, because it gives you a sense of stability and tradition, a feeling of having support and understanding. You feel secure when there’s a family behind you. They are people whom you can trust and rely on, people who won’t let you down and who share your joys and sor­rows. In happy families parents are honest with their children, they treat their children with respect without bossing them, and children in their turn learn how to treat other people and how to form relationship with their peers.

Are you on good terms with your parents and grandparents?

Yes, I am. I enjoy honest and open relationship in my family. I like it when parents trust their children, give them enough freedom and respect them. I think these things make family relations warm and pleasant. There is no so-called «generation gap» in our family, though we may argue and dis­agree on certain issues. For example, my parents don’t always approve of my tastes, views and clothes.


Let’s talk about youth and society.

Who can be considered youth?

Each age group in society has its own role and this is important in many different ways. Youth as a description of a sector of society has many definitions depending on the perspective being used. For the purposes of this dis­cussion youth will be considered to be the stage of life involving transition into adulthood: approximately age 15 to 25.

Young people are often considered to represent the future as they bring new ideas and energy to add to the pool of knowledge that currently exists. They can bring enthusiasm and vitality which can lead to new discoveries and developments that can benefit society or even the world at large. Al­though not the only drivers of social change, young people are seen to be one the key drivers engendering change. Whether this is inherent in the beliefs of young people or the hope for the future is placed upon them by older gene­rations is not clear. However, there are many new opportunities becoming available that can provide very different futures for today’s youth that were not available to previous generations.


Let s talk about the mass media.

What do mass media involve? How important are they?

The means of communicating news and information is termed as mass media. Mass media is classified in two categories: one is print media and the other is electronic media. Print media include newspapers, magazines, jour­nals and other printed materials, while electronic media include radio, televi­sion, satellite channels, internet, cinema etc.

It goes without saying that mass media has become an integral part of modem people’s life. The Internet, newspapers, magazines, journals, TV and radio keep us always informed about all the spheres of our life. Mass media offer us a great range of opportunities for education and entertainment. How­ever, I’d like to point out the fact that we can benefit from mass-media sourc­es only possessing critical thinking. The information attacks us all the time and we undoubtedly need to filter it in order to save our sharp mind, creative thinking and bright personality.


Let’s talk about the mass media.

Let’s talk about mass media. What types of mass media do you know? Which of them are the most popular?

Nowadays information communication is an important part of our life. It goes without saying that mass media has become an integral part of modem people’s life. People live with a constant necessity of getting new informa­tion. How can they satisfy their need? They may communicate with one another or just use the huge space of means of communication. People need information in order to keep up with the whole world around them — with vogue, new trends of life, discoveries and inventions. We live to leam news; we breathe and live with this.

Mass media play an important role in the life of society. Mass media include various types of media such as television, radio, newspapers and magazines. Reading newspapers and magazines, watching TV, listening to the news on the radio are our main means of getting information.


Let s talk about international cooperation.

Let’s talk about international cooperation. What is international cooperation promoted for?

International relations are an exceptionally important aspect of citizenship in a global society. As our world becomes smaller and smaller through communication technology, rapid air transportation and a complex international economy, the value of peaceful and cooperative relationships between nations is increasingly important.

Historically, one of the oldest expressions of international relations was the establishment of treaties and agreements between nations. Maintenance of these treaties ensured that ordinary people could go about their everyday tasks of earning a living and raising their families rather than dedicating themselves to armed conflict with neighbors. This function of international relations remains just as relevant today.

Positive international relations also promote effective trade policies bet­ween nations in terms of importing natural resources and finished products not available in the country.


Let’s talk about national character and stereotypes.

How do foreigners picture a typical Englishman?

Almost every nation has a reputation of some kind. The English are reputed to be cold, reserved, rather haughty people who do not yell in the street, make love in public or change their governments as often as they change their underclothes. They are steady, easy-going, and fond of sport.

The foreigner’s view of the English is often based on the type of Englishman he has met travelling abroad. Since these are largely members of the upper and middle classes, it is obvious that their behaviour cannot be taken as general for the whole people. There are, however, certain kinds of behaviour, manners and customs which are peculiar to England.

The English are a nation of stay-at-homes. There is no place like home, they say. And when the man is not working he withdraws from the world to the company of his wife and children and busies himself with the affairs of the home. «The Englishman’s home is his castle» is a saying known all over the world; and it is true that English people prefer small houses, built to house one family, perhaps with a small garden. But nowadays the shortage of building land and inflated land values mean that more and more blocks of flats are being built.


Let’s talk about outstanding people.

What is to be outstanding, to your mind?

Once in our life we start to consider what actually to be an outstanding person means.

In my opinion to be an outstanding person means to possess personality, not to be like anyone else and it is someone who is not trying to emphasize it. An outstanding person is the one who wants to do something good in his or her life and who likes to help other people and leaves some kind of trace in the life of others, I believe, an outstanding person is not a person who is famous all over the world. A great number of remarkable people surround us and we may not even know about it.

All famous people we can speak about are outstanding, because to make yourselves known and be spoken about you have to be different in some way and not only people bom to famous and rich families can be called outstanding.


Let’s talk about tourism.

Let’s talk about travelling. Why do people travel?

I must admit that nowadays tourism has become very popular and turned into a prosperous business. More and more people travel every year though the motivation for this is different. If you want to experience a whole new environment, to see new places and meet new people, travelling is the right way. Travelling on business allows people to get more information about achievements of other companies and helps them make their own business more successful. Some people travel for educational purposes, or they visit their distant relatives and Mends.

Today more and more people would prefer to spend their holidays travelling. Rich or poor, old or young they strive to leave the place where they live or work and move to another spot of our planet at least for a week.


Let s talk about accommodation.

Tell me about the place you live in.

I live in Minsk, the capital of the Republic of Belarus and it’s my native city. I’m proud to be its citizen. It’s an ancient city with a rich history. Minsk is 950 years old. It’s the country’s major industrial and cultural centre and one of its most beautiful places. The city has acquired its peculiar look and coloring thanks to the well-planned avenues and squares, to the green parks and gardens stretching along the Svisloch river, to the historical monuments and newly built underground stations.

The Upper Town, a vast area of the old Minsk with the centre in Cathedral Square, which was the most important part of the city, was built in the 16th century, the City Hall, the men’s and women’s St Bernard and St Basil monasteries, the 17th—18th centuries Catholic Church are also situated there.


Let’s talk about your family.

Let’s talk about family traditions. How often does your entire family gather together?

Every summer we go to the seaside together, where we relax, and have fun. But to put our entire family together is hard enough just because one of my grannies lives far away and we can’t meet as often as we want. As for the rest of my family, my uncles and aunts, they are also involved into their own family life routine but we try to arrange our big meetings at least once or twice a year, mostly in summer, at my grandparents’ dacha to have barbeque and to enjoy the time all together.

Is it hard to maintain good family relations?

In my opinion if you want to have a tight-knit family you should respect and support your partner, you should be understanding, friendly, tolerant, polite, sympathetic. Both parents should be involved in childcare. The members of the family should always communicate with each other. If they don’t see eye to eye on some things they should talk it over. Moreover, the members of the family should share joys and sorrows as well as domestic chores. It goes without saying they should help each other in a difficult situation and try to spend a lot of time together. If you form and keep your family traditions it will do your family a lot of good. The members of the family should appreciate what they do for each other and be grateful to each other.


Let’s talk about your future career.

Managers are in demand nowadays. What is the role of a manager in a company?

A person who performs the unique work of management is called a manager. That is, a manager plans, organizes, directs, and controls a company’s business. An important characteristic of managers is that they do their jobs by working with and through other people.

There is a statement: «Management is getting work done through people.» Most of achievements in any society take place because groups of people get involved in joint effort. Almost everyone is, was, or someday will be a manager, i.e. the person who coordinates human, information, physical, and financial resources of an organization. In order to perform their functions adequately, managers need interpersonal, organizational, and technical skills.

Regardless of the specific job, most managers perform five basic functions.


Let s talk about Belarus.

What celebrations in Belarus are your favourite?

The life of each of us is full of «high days:» exciting days which we look forward to like school trips, visits to the circus or theatre and «holidays» which are printed red in the calendar.

I’d like to tell you about my most favourite holidays. First comes New Year. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that New Year is the greatest holiday in Belams and no other holiday is celebrated as wholeheartedly as New Year.

Throughout our country the preparations for greeting New Year start long before the 31 st of December. People send and get thousands of New Year cards, prepare presents for their families and friends and decorate their houses and a New Year tree with shining bells, colorful balls and bright lights. The tradition of decorating a New Year tree is by the way most popular with any Belarusian family. On New Year’s Eve the homes are full of great atmosphere of expectation. Air is filled with fresh smell of New Year tree and delicious smells of great variety of dishes prepared for the holiday meal. People carry on the celebration with their friends dancing, singing and making fireworks.


Let’s talk about any Enlglish-speaking country.

What English-speaking countries do you know? Tell me about any of them.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are English speaking countries. They are situated in different parts of the world and differ in many ways. The nature of these countries, their weather and climate and way of life of their people differ. Each country has its own history, customs, traditions, its own national holidays. But they all share a common language. English is the language of the people who left England to make their names in new countries. But I would like to tell you about The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


Let s talk about national character and stereotypes.

Let’s talk about national characters. They say every nation has got its national traits. What about Belarusians? What are our national traits?

Belarusian traditions and features of the national character were formed in the course of complex history. The country was engulfed by many military conflicts, World Wars, national liberation revolts, revolutions and repressions. So our extraordinary history cultivated special character traits of our people, the main of them are tolerance and diligence.

Different from anyone else, Belarusians are able to adapt to any circumstances — not to change the circumstances but to change themselves, to accept these circumstances, to live them naturally, in harmony and even with pleasure.


Let’s talk about youth and society.

Is it easy to be young?

It’s about time somebody exploded that old myth about childhood being the happiest period of your life. Childhood may certainly be fairly happy, but even the greatest moments can’t be compared with the sheer joy of being an adult. Mostly adults choose the clothes their children wear, the books to read, the friends to have. Mother and father are kindly but dictators. This is an adult world and though children may be deeply loved, they have to be manipulated so as not to interfere too seriously with the lives of their elders. The essential difference between manhood and childhood is the same as the difference between independence and subjection.


Let’s talk about education.

What can you tell about the system of education in Belarus?

Education is the main people’s wealth and lots of them consider it the sense of living. They get education from early childhood and leam until their hair is grey. To my mind, education plays an important role in people’s lives, that’s why a great attention is paid to it.

Education in Belarus is free and compulsory from age 6 to 15 and the system is well administered. The academic year begins on the 1st of September and lasts till the end of May. It is divided into 4 terms and has 4 vocation periods: autumn, winter, spring and summer ones. There are two official languages within the education system in Belarus: Russian and Belarusian.


Let’s talk about tourism.

What are positive and negative effects of tourism? How to reduce the negative ones?

On the positive side, tourism provides employment for local inhabitants. What is more, the extra income means that local councils have more money to spend on expanding and improving their facilities, thus making them better for both visitors and residents. On the other hand, tourism can do a great deal of harm. For example, pollution is caused both by the increase in traffic and the litter that visitors leave behind.


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