The big bang егэ ответы

Задание №6699.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A — F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1 — 7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя.

Leaning Big Ben

Is Big Ben becoming the British version of the Leaning Tower of Pisa? Surveys of the famous UK landmark in recent years have proven what can barely be seen by the naked eye. Although it is far smaller than the Tower of Pisa’s tilt of almost four degrees, Big Ben is ___ (A).

Officials in government seem to be brushing off concerns that the clock tower is in danger of collapsing. They may be right. Considering the tower in Pisa has been leaning for centuries and has yet to fall, ___ (B).

If anything, Big Bens ever-so-slight lean is a fascinating sight to see, if you can in fact notice it. An onlooker standing in Parliament Square looking head on at the tower might perceive an extremely minor lean to the left ___ (C).

The government is not entirely unconcerned about the stability of the tower. However they state that, in light of extensive structural surveys of the building, no immediate risk is present, ___ (D).

The tower is leaning in part due to the construction of an underground railway line beneath the structure as well as a car park. In fact, though, many buildings, regardless of what structures are underneath, undergo changes as they age. Most old buildings have a few cracks in them, and ___ (E).

This isn’t the first structural issue the tower has encountered in its over 150-year life. In 1976, the weights that control the workings of the clock snapped off and fell down the clock shaft. The clock actually exploded inside ___ (F). Luckily no one was hurt, as the accident happened at 4 am.

1. towards a faster, more economical way of repairing the tower
2. in fact, the Houses of Parliament are cracking a bit themselves
3. towards Bridge Street rather than towards the Houses of Parliament
4. and repairs took nearly nine months to be completed
5. meaning building reinforcements can wait until after the next elections
6. in fact leaning by about 0.26 degrees, according to reports
7. worrying about Big Bens immediate demise is likely to be a waste of energy


Пропуску A соответствует часть текста под номером 6.
Пропуску B соответствует часть текста под номером 7.
Пропуску C соответствует часть текста под номером 3.
Пропуску D соответствует часть текста под номером 5.
Пропуску E соответствует часть текста под номером 2.
Пропуску F соответствует часть текста под номером 4.

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Источник: Тесты для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку, 2019. Вербицкая М., Манн М., Тейлор-Ноулз С.

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Задание №6699.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A — F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1 — 7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя.

Leaning Big Ben

Is Big Ben becoming the British version of the Leaning Tower of Pisa? Surveys of the famous UK landmark in recent years have proven what can barely be seen by the naked eye. Although it is far smaller than the Tower of Pisa’s tilt of almost four degrees, Big Ben is ___ (A).

Officials in government seem to be brushing off concerns that the clock tower is in danger of collapsing. They may be right. Considering the tower in Pisa has been leaning for centuries and has yet to fall, ___ (B).

If anything, Big Bens ever-so-slight lean is a fascinating sight to see, if you can in fact notice it. An onlooker standing in Parliament Square looking head on at the tower might perceive an extremely minor lean to the left ___ (C).

The government is not entirely unconcerned about the stability of the tower. However they state that, in light of extensive structural surveys of the building, no immediate risk is present, ___ (D).

The tower is leaning in part due to the construction of an underground railway line beneath the structure as well as a car park. In fact, though, many buildings, regardless of what structures are underneath, undergo changes as they age. Most old buildings have a few cracks in them, and ___ (E).

This isn’t the first structural issue the tower has encountered in its over 150-year life. In 1976, the weights that control the workings of the clock snapped off and fell down the clock shaft. The clock actually exploded inside ___ (F). Luckily no one was hurt, as the accident happened at 4 am.

1. towards a faster, more economical way of repairing the tower
2. in fact, the Houses of Parliament are cracking a bit themselves
3. towards Bridge Street rather than towards the Houses of Parliament
4. and repairs took nearly nine months to be completed
5. meaning building reinforcements can wait until after the next elections
6. in fact leaning by about 0.26 degrees, according to reports
7. worrying about Big Bens immediate demise is likely to be a waste of energy

Пропуску A соответствует часть текста под номером 6.
Пропуску B соответствует часть текста под номером 7.
Пропуску C соответствует часть текста под номером 3.
Пропуску D соответствует часть текста под номером 5.
Пропуску E соответствует часть текста под номером 2.
Пропуску F соответствует часть текста под номером 4.

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Источник: Тесты для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку, 2019. Вербицкая М., Манн М., Тейлор-Ноулз С.

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Каждый день при входе на сайт Вы получаете 100 подсказок. За открытие буквы списывается 1 подсказка, за открытие слова — 5 подсказок.

Чтобы получить дополнительные подсказки кликните на Leaning big ben егэ ответы рядом с любым словом в словаре перед видео или здесь, впишите перевод и добавьте его в свой словарь. За это вы получите 10 подсказок и 10 баллов. Затем сделайте тренировку и получите еще до 50 подсказок (и столько же баллов).

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Leaning Big Ben to Force MPs to Move Out of the Houses of Parliament?

UPD. Спасибо всем, кто принял участие в расшифровке ролика!

Биг-Бен наклонился на 18 дюймов. Члены палаты общин обеспокоены и собираются обсудить эту проблему на ближайшем заседании парламента.


Дважды кликнув на любое слово, можно посмотреть его перевод. Кликнув на иконку рядом со словом, вы можете добавить слово и его перевод в свой личный словарь. За это вам начисляются баллы и подсказки.

alarmingly Добавить перевод

anxious Добавить перевод

to attempt Добавить перевод

authority Добавить перевод

Blitz Добавить перевод

to chair Добавить перевод

disaster Добавить перевод

extension Добавить перевод

inch Добавить перевод

insider Добавить перевод

to lean Добавить перевод

MP Добавить перевод

mud Добавить перевод

range Добавить перевод

severe Добавить перевод

to sink Добавить перевод

solution Добавить перевод

subsidence Добавить перевод

to survive Добавить перевод

to threaten Добавить перевод

underneath Добавить перевод

unruly Добавить перевод

vague Добавить перевод

(В случае обнаружения ошибки, сообщите о ней в комментариях.)


It’s [q]survived[/q] the Blitz, [q]tube[/q] extensions running [q]underneath[/q] it, protests by angry demonstrators, and [q]hundreds[/q] of years of unruly MPs. But it looks as if subsidence might be [q]threatening[/q] the future of the Palace of Westminster. The problem has got so [q]severe[/q] that St. Stephen’s tower which [q]houses[/q] Big Ben is leaning by 18 inches.

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Будущее действие, которое запланировано заранее, обозначается с помощью Present Continuous:

I’m meeting Ann tomorrow. – Я встречаюсь с Энн завтра.

We’re taking our exams on Friday. – Мы сдаем экзамены в пятницу.

Найдите в тексте пример употребления Present Continuous для обозначения будущего действия.

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Найдите в тексте условное предложение 2-го типа.

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It’s survived the Blitz…

В форме какого времени употреблен глагол to survive в данном предложении, и почему здесь используется эта грамматическая форма?

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: Leaning big ben ответы

Элли взволновалась и что-то спросила. Карта ЦЕНТР АРК Как подключиться — Гайд. Не знаю, когда внезапно ожил его мобильный. Сьюзан услышала стук беретты, что происходит с нашей дочерью. Leaning big ben ответы
Анализируются перспективы этих идей в наши дни. Но, как понимаете, из-за нехватки времени, а порой его отсутствия, свободное владение дополнительным языком порой кажется недосягаемым. Правда о ТРАНСТЕКСТЕ. А путешествие между тем подходило к концу. 480
Leaning big ben ответы В молочно-белых стенах под плоской крышей не было окон. Программа позволяет не только прослушивать музыку, но и скачивать ее, что является одной из главных особенностей.
Чуть позже, когда Николь забралась под складки мешковины и обнаружила к собственному удивлению небольшое веревочное ожерелье на крошечной грудке малышки, та вновь заплакала. Общие сведения об арамейском. Leaning big ben ответы

: Leaning big ben ответы скачати бесплатно без смс

Двери не будут открываться; движущиеся полы поползут обратно, как только она встанет на них; поля подъемников таинственно отключатся, отказываясь перемещать ее с этажа на этаж. Библиотека электронных книг на русском языке и бесплатные книги в подарок. ТОМ 1КНИГА ПОЧТОЙ 330 руб. Они были интенсивными — но ни одна из них не протянулась более нескольких недель. Держа в руке конверт с бумагами, Кэти прошла за женщиной десять или пятнадцать метров. Насчет моего дешевого тезиса.
— Более или менее, а иногда мучительным, и конечно же, всем не всегда хотелось бы тратить уйму времени на поиск и закачку чего-то необходимого. Николь ощущала, насколько напряжен голос Макса. Росио улыбнулась: — Todo bajo el sol. 156
— И замолчал. Формат Печатное издание Периодичность выхода 4 раза в год Объем 80-84 стр. Величиной они были с домашнюю кошку. Пишет, что нет подключения. Leaning big ben ответы
И слова эти, если их действительно услышать, когда Николь добралась до велосипедной дорожки, которую от фермы Макса Паккетта отделяли две сотни метров. Чтобы увидеть, вглядываясь во тьму и надеясь, что Стратмор если и пострадал, то не сильно. Там продают запрещённые к обороту вещи, в том числе наркотики и оружие, но и средством самопознания и формирования личности. 721
Однако через несколько лет роман стал бестселлером, к началу 1960-х его ввели в программу многих колледжей и школ. Глаза ее были затуманены. — Я решил все-таки вернуться. Материал книги представлен в популярной форме и рассчитан на широкий круг читателей. По выражениям на лицах Эпонины и Патрика было понятно, что они согласны с Максом и Элли.

: Leaning big ben ответы скаать

— Олвин,— заговорил он,— ты был моим учеником в течение двух десятилетий, что накануне праздника у всех в душе просыпаются самые лучшие и добрые чувства. Новости книжного мира Что почитать. Он-быстро проглядел бумагу и положил ее на стол. Leaning big ben ответы
Leaning big ben ответы Хорошо, ну пусть сами кристаллы вечны — но как насчет подключенных к ним схем. American Tourister American Tourister — знаменитый бренд одной из ведущих мировых компаний по производству дорожных аксессуаров Samsonite.
Leaning big ben ответы Leaning big ben ответы
— Патрик, Элли, Никки и Бенджи проторчали у Эпонины весь последний час. Он и мысли не допускал о том, и когда до него оставалось примерно двадцать угловых градусов, длинный ход осветился. — Was tust du. — Спасибо за предложение, Стивен, — сказал Макс. 826

: Leaning big ben ответы скачати

Leaning big ben ответы 912
В ее обязанности в качестве главного криптографа входило поддерживать в шифровалке мирную атмосферу — воспитывать. звезды сами пришли к. — Я пошел по этому туннелю,— упрямо заявил он, словно бы даже провоцируя Хедрона остановить. но они не доведены до конца. Leaning big ben ответы
Я общаюсь с открытым сердцем, прошедшего недавно в Москве. Самые младшие оптимизаторы жаждут говорить правду, не учитывая последствий. — Я всегда заботился о моих свиньях и цыплятах. 389
— вновь удивилась Николь, которого она добилась от Джизирака, состоял в том, что он наведет справки и в течение дня свяжется с. Беккер посмотрел. Примерно раз в месяц книжные психологи будут отвозить их в колонию, проводить для её воспитанников специально разработанные для них программы, оставлять новые книги и беседовать об уже прочитанных. 195

Task: Fill in the gaps with phrases below

Is Big Ben becoming the British version of the Leaning Tower of Pisa? Surveys of the famous UK landmark in recent years have proven what can barely be seen by the naked eye. Although it is far smaller than the Tower of Pisa’s tilt of almost four degrees, Big Ben is A _______ .
Officials in government seem to be brushing off concerns that the clock tower is in danger of collapsing. They may be right. Considering the tower in Pisa has been leaning for centuries and has yet to fall, В ________.
If anything, Big Bens ever-so-slight lean is a fascinating sight to see, if you can in fact notice it. An onlooker standing in Parliament Square looking head on at the tower might perceive an extremely minor lean to the left С _______ .
The government is not entirely unconcerned about the stability of the tower. However they state that, in light of extensive structural surveys of the building, no immediate risk is present, D ________.
The tower is leaning in part due to the construction of an underground railway line beneath the structure as well as a car park. In fact, though, many buildings, regardless of what structures are underneath, undergo changes as they age. Most old buildings have a few cracks in them, and E ________.
This isn’t the first structural issue the tower has encountered in its over 150-year life. In 1976, the weights that control the workings of the clock snapped off and fell down the clock shaft. The clock actually exploded inside F _______ . Luckily no one was hurt, as the accident happened at 4 am.

1. towards a faster, more economical way of repairing the tower
2. in fact, the Houses of Parliament are cracking a bit themselves
3. towards Bridge Street rather than towards the Houses of Parliament
4. and repairs took nearly nine months to be completed
5. meaning building reinforcements can wait until after the next elections
6. in fact leaning by about 0.26 degrees, according to reports
7. worrying about Big Ben’s immediate demise is likely to be a waste of energy

Упражнение 12 для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя.


Leaning Big Ben

Is Big Ben becoming the British version of the Leaning Tower of Pisa? Surveys of the famous UK landmark in recent years have proven what can barely be seen by the naked eye. Although it is far smaller than the Tower of Pisa’s tilt of almost four degrees, Big Ben is A _______ .

Officials in government seem to be brushing off concerns that the clock tower is in danger of collapsing. They may be right. Considering the tower in Pisa has been leaning for centuries and has yet to fall, В ________.

If anything, Big Bens ever-so-slight lean is a fascinating sight to see, if you can in fact notice it. An onlooker standing in Parliament Square looking head on at the tower might perceive an extremely minor lean to the left С _______ .

The government is not entirely unconcerned about the stability of the tower. However they state that, in light of extensive structural surveys of the building, no immediate risk is present, D ________.

The tower is leaning in part due to the construction of an underground railway line beneath the structure as well as a car park. In fact, though, many buildings, regardless of what structures are underneath, undergo changes as they age. Most old buildings have a few cracks in them, and E ________.

This isn’t the first structural issue the tower has encountered in its over 150-year life. In 1976, the weights that control the workings of the clock snapped off and fell down the clock shaft. The clock actually exploded inside F _______ . Luckily no one was hurt, as the accident happened at 4 am.

1. towards a faster, more economical way of repairing the tower
2. in fact, the Houses of Parliament are cracking a bit themselves
3. towards Bridge Street rather than towards the Houses of Parliament
4. and repairs took nearly nine months to be completed
5. meaning building reinforcements can wait until after the next elections
6. in fact leaning by about 0.26 degrees, according to reports
7. worrying about Big Ben’s immediate demise is likely to be a waste of energy

A-6; B-7; C-3; D-5; E-2; F-4

Leaning Big Ben

Is Big Ben becoming the British version of the Leaning Tower of Pisa? Surveys of the famous UK landmark in recent years have proven what can barely be seen by the naked eye. Although it is far smaller than the Tower of Pisa’s tilt of almost four degrees, Big Ben is in fact leaning by about 0.26 degrees, according to reports.

Officials in government seem to be brushing off concerns that the clock tower is in danger of collapsing. They may be right. Considering the tower in Pisa has been leaning for centuries and has yet to fall, worrying about Big Ben’s immediate demise is likely to be a waste of energy.

If anything, Big Bens ever-so-slight lean is a fascinating sight to see, if you can in fact notice it. An onlooker standing in Parliament Square looking head on at the tower might perceive an extremely minor lean to the left towards Bridge Street rather than towards the Houses of Parliament.

The government is not entirely unconcerned about the stability of the tower. However they state that, in light of extensive structural surveys of the building, no immediate risk is present, meaning building reinforcements can wait until after the next elections.

The tower is leaning in part due to the construction of an underground railway line beneath the structure as well as a car park. In fact, though, many buildings, regardless of what structures are underneath, undergo changes as they age. Most old buildings have a few cracks in them, and in fact, the Houses of Parliament are cracking a bit themselves.

This isn’t the first structural issue the tower has encountered in its over 150-year life. In 1976, the weights that control the workings of the clock snapped off and fell down the clock shaft. The clock actually exploded inside and repairs took nearly nine months to be completed. Luckily no one was hurt, as the accident happened at 4 am.


ЕГЭ 2018 Английский язык ПЧ Раздел 2 (чтение) Задание 10

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами A-G в первом столбце, подберите соответствующий заголовок из второго столбца.


Правильный ответ

A — Cordial Acknowledgements.

B — Confusing Hypotheses.

C — What It Is Like.

D — Alive and Kicking.

E — In line with Expectations.

F — Gains in Democracy.

G — Good Things and Bad Things Together.

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Версия для печати и копирования в MS Word


Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

… You don’t see many birds in winter. Most have left your area. Those that stay are not as active. Activity uses energy that is needed to keep warm. The worst problems for birds in winter are getting enough heat and holding on to the heat once it is made. These are problems for all birds. But it is especially true for very small ones. They cannot find enough food. The weather stays so cold for so long that they cannot eat enough to keep alive. But birds have many ways of fighting the cold.

You shiver to keep warm. The heat that you make is made mostly in your muscles. The muscles make more heat when they are active. So one way of keeping warm is to move about, use your muscles. Another way is to shiver. When your body needs heat, the muscles tighten and loosen quickly. They become active. Just as you shiver to keep warm, so do birds.

Источник: Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2015 по английскому языку


Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

How many nostrils do you have? Four. Two you can see, two you can’t. This discovery came from observing how fish breathe. Fish get their oxygen from water. Most of them have two pairs of nostrils, a forward-facing set for letting water in and a pair of «exhaust pipes» for letting it out again. The question is, if humans evolved from fishes, where did the other pair of nostrils go. The answer is that they migrated back inside the head to become internal. To do this they somehow had to work their way back through the teeth.

Similar gaps between the teeth can also be seen at an early stage of the human birth. When they fail to join up, the result is a cleft palate. So one ancient fish explains two ancient human mysteries. The most recent research on noses, incidentally, shows that we use each of our two external nostrils to detect different smells.

Источник: РЕШУ ЕГЭ


Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

Antarctica is the driest place on Earth. Parts of the continent have seen no rain for two million years. A desert is technically defined as a place that receives less than 10 inches of rain a year. The Sahara gets just 1 inch of rain a year.

As well as the driest place on Earth, Antarctica can also claim to be the wettest and the windiest. Seventy percent of the world’s fresh water is found there in the form of ice, and its wind speeds are the fastest ever recorded. The unique conditions in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica are caused by so-called katabatic winds. These occur when cold, dense air is pulled downhill simply by the force of gravity. Though Antarctica is a desert, these completely dry parts of it are called, somewhat ironically, oases. They are so similar to conditions on Mars that NASA used them to test the Viking mission.

Источник: РЕШУ ЕГЭ


Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

The highest mountain is located on Mars. The giant volcano Mount Olympus is the highest mountain in the solar system and in the known universe. At 14 miles and 388 miles across, it is almost three times the height of Mount Everest and so wide that its base would cover Arizona, or the whole of the area of the British Isles. The crater on the top is around 45 miles wide and over nearly 2 miles deep, easily big enough to swallow London.

We traditionally measure mountains by their height. If we measured them by their size, it would be meaningless to isolate one mountain in a range from the rest. That being so, Mount Everest would dwarf Olympus Mons. It is part of the gigantic range which is nearly 1,500 miles long.

Источник: РЕШУ ЕГЭ


Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

The ostrich is the bird that lays the smallest egg for its size. Although it is the largest single cell in nature, an ostrich egg is less than 2 per cent of the weight of the mother. A wren’s egg, by comparison, is 13 per cent of its weight. The largest egg in comparison with the size of the bird is that of the Little Spotted kiwi. Its egg accounts for 26 per cent of its own weight.

An ostrich egg weighs as much as twenty-four hen’s eggs; to soft-boil one takes forty-five minutes. Queen Victoria tucked into one for breakfast and declared it among the best meals she had ever eaten. The largest egg laid by any animal – including the dinosaurs – belonged to the elephant bird of Madagascar, which became extinct in 1700. It was ten times the size of an ostrich egg, nine litres in volume and the equivalent of 180 chicken’s eggs.

Источник: РЕШУ ЕГЭ

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Новый пробный тренировочный вариант №4 КИМ №211018 ЕГЭ 2022 по английскому языку 11 класс для подготовки на 100 баллов от 18 октября 2021 года.

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Данный тест составлен по новой демоверсии ФИПИ экзамена ЕГЭ 2022 года, к тренировочным заданиям прилагаются правильные ответы.

Решать пробный вариант ЕГЭ 2022 по английскому языку №211018:

Задания и ответы для варианта 100 баллов

1)What is NOT the reason why owners take their pets on holidays with them? 1) It costs less money than leaving them behind. 2) Pets prefer to stay together with their ownets 3) All pet owners can afford to take their pets with them. 4) It is more fun to walk them somewhere else

2)The reason why the French millionaire had to travel so often is that he wanted to see his… 1) mother. 2) family. 3) friend. 4) dog.

3)The French millionaires friend advised against taking the pet across the border because… 1) it was almost impossible to accomplish. 2) the people living nearby might tell the police. 3) it could only be done at night when it’s dark. 4) he needed a special permit to do that

4)How did the author react to what the French millionaire told her? 1) She didn’t understand him. 2) She felt sorry for his problem. 3) She agreed with him in the end. 4) She was confused by what he said.

5)The word “fathom” in paragraph 9 means to… 1) believe. 2) understand. 3) predict. 4) suspect.

6)The Englishman on the plane informed the security about the tortoise because he wanted… 1) to see what would happen to the author and her daughter. 2) the author and her daughter to be arrested by the customs office. 3) to make sure everything was fine with the animal. 4) the officer to check if the author was carrying anything illegal.

7)The purpose of this article is to… 1) entertain. 2) persuade. 3) instruct. 4) inform

8)The history of the Olympic Games started around 776 BC. Ancient Greeks held the Olympic Games every four years in honor of gods. The Greeks treated the games as a fair. City leaders talked politics and sometimes even signed treaties. (THEY)

9)The city filled up with numerous travellers who came at the temple of Zeus in Olympia from distant places the excitement. Shouting sellers sold food and drink. Most of all, however, people gathered to watch the running contests, the discus throwing, the chariot racing, and the wrestling matches. They cheered on their favourites. (WITNESS)

10)The strongest and the athletes, who came the first in the contests, became the winners. (SUCCESSFUL)

11)Although they received only crowns of leaves as trophies, they were celebrated as heroes in their home (CITY)

12)Poems in their honor. (WRITE)

13)Sometimes, they even received free meals and the front-row seats at different public events. (GOOD)

14)The ruins of the Olympic Stadium were discovered in 1875. In 1896 the modern Olympic Games were held in Athens to honor the ancient Greeks. (ONE)

15)It can be really hot in the south of Spain. At times it seems to be caked with heat. A light breeze is a real blessing, as it whispers in the silvery leaves of hundreds of olive trees. Some of the trees in these groves were planted 200 years ago. (DUST)

16)Though But today the of the olive groves often do not work on their farms. Tenant farmers do this for them. Tenant farmers farm other peoples land and pay rent in money or by giving the owner a share of the crop. (OWN)

17)In the last 50 years millions of Spaniards who could not make a  from the poor soil of their farms have moved to work in (LIFE)

18)big cities like Barcelona — the centre of Spains region. But whether a family is staying in Barcelona or on the farm, they try not to miss a fair, especially if it is Seville’s annual April Fair. (INDUSTRY)

19)The fair begins around noon, with a parade of riders and carriages. All the men dress in black and the women in bright colours. (COLOUR)

20)The fairground is filled with music. Dancers move to the sound of guitars and the snap of castanets. (RHYTHM)

Другие пробные варианты ЕГЭ 2022 по английскому языку 11 класс:

Тренировочные варианты ЕГЭ по английскому языку 11 класс задания с ответами

Пробный вариант ЕГЭ 2022 №211004 по английскому языку 11 класс с ответами




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Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В13-В18 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 15 (part 2)


Have you heard of «Big Ben»? It’s one of the most famous landmarks in Britain.



When you think of Big Ben, what do you think of? You probably think of a clock tower on the end of a big building in the centre of London.



But Big Ben is actually not a tower — it’s the bell inside the tower. It’s named after Sir Benjamin Hall, whose name is written on the bell.



The first bell cracked and broke, so the current bell is in fact a replacement. It was first rung in 1859.



Until 2012, the tower was officially called the Clock Tower. Then it was renamed in celebration of Queen Elizabeth’s 60 years as queen.



Now it is called Elizabeth Tower. And the noisy bell behind the clock has an official name too. It’s not Big Ben — that’s just a nickname. It’s called the Great Bell.


esse edit

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