The effect of mass media егэ ответы



Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В11-В16 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 07 (part 2)

The Effects of Mass Media


Nowadays mass media affect the life of all people. They shape, form and influence the buying decisions of the majority through its advertising schemes bombarding our daily existence. As a result, this leads to the invincible effects of the media on our society.



The present effects of mass media are both exciting and dreadful. On the plus side, mass media make our lives easier and more interesting. Along with Information and Communication Technologies, they produce a breakthrough and innovative standard of living for the people to embrace.



Yet for young people, and especially for teens, the influence of the me­dia is rather destructive.



Teenagers generally accept what is shown in the media as a truthful image of the outside world, although in most cases this is not true at all.



Moreover, teens of today are exposed to countless advertising messages, which often contain misleading or unnecessary information.



A life without the presence of mass media would seem improbable to most of us! However, a line has to be drawn between the positive and the neg­ative media in the interests of the younger generation.


esse edit

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The Effects of Mass Media

Nowadays mass media affect the life of all people. They shape, form and influence the buying decisions of the majority through its advertising schemes bombarding our daily __EXIST__. As a result, this leads to the invincible effects of the media on our society.

The present effects of mass media are both exciting and __DREAD__. On the plus side, mass media make our lives easier and more interesting. Along with Information and Communication Technologies, they produce a breakthrough and innovative standard of living for the people to embrace.

Yet for young people, and especially for teens, the influence of the media is rather __DESTROY__.

Teenagers __GENERAL__ accept what is shown in the media as a truthful image of the outside world, although in most cases this is not true at all. Moreover, teens of today are exposed to countless advertising messages, which often contain __LEAD__ or unnecessary information.

A life without the presence of mass media would seem __PROBABLE__ to most of us! However, a line has to be drawn between the positive and the negative media in the interests of the younger generation.

The Effects of Mass Media

Nowadays mass media affect the life of all people. They shape, form and influence the buying decisions of the majority through its advertising schemes bombarding our daily EXISTENCE. As a result, this leads to the invincible effects of the media on our society.

The present effects of mass media are both exciting and DREADFUL. On the plus side, mass media make our lives easier and more interesting. Along with Information and Communication Technologies, they produce a breakthrough and innovative standard of living for the people to embrace.

Yet for young people, and especially for teens, the influence of the media is rather DESTRUCTIVE.

Teenagers GENERALLY accept what is shown in the media as a truthful image of the outside world, although in most cases this is not true at all. Moreover, teens of today are exposed to countless advertising messages, which often contain MISLEADING or unnecessary information.

A life without the presence of mass media would seem IMPROBABLE to most of us! However, a line has to be drawn between the positive and the negative media in the interests of the younger generation.

Card 12. Let’s talk about the mass media

1. What is the role of mass media in the life of contemporary society?

We live in the era of information. It’s impossible to imagine our life without media. The mass media include newspapers, magazines, radio, television and the Internet. These media have become as important for people as food or clothing.Media is the best way to spread knowledge, information and news from one part of the world to the other. It is also a source of entertainment. Companies use the media to promote their company product. The mass media have become one of the main instrument of political change.The mass media has the power to shape our values. They say, “Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.” It means that mass media has a huge impact on our life. We should know about the impact of the mass media and have our own opinion.

2. Do you agree that all means of mass communication are very effective? Prove your point of view.
I disagree. Let’s take television and newspapers, for example. Television can broadcast live while newspapers have to be printed before they reach the reader. As for the Internet news, it is the quickest, the most convenient and thus the most effective means of mass communication.

3. What can you ask a British teenager about the mass media in his/her country?
What mass media are most popular in your country?
What is the main broadcasting company in the UK?
Is it true that The BBC is the most objective in news reporting?
Do people in your country subscribe to or buy newspapers?

4. Give me a piece of advice on how to decide if the information on the Internet is reliable or not.
Don’t rely on public chats, forums or individual blogs. They may be writing their own opinion. Get information from reliable sites. Verify if the site is reliable by checking its domain name and the author’s credentials.

5. Can the Internet replace other mass media? What is your opinion?
Maybe yes, maybe no. The Internet is a great source of information and entertainment for many people. But there are always those who prefer reading a newspaper or watching TV. We’ll live and see.

About Author


It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

«Mass Media» — очень распространенная тема, которая часто встречается на экзамене. Она может встречаться в как в общем виде, так и в своих вариантах. Один из вариантов приведен ниже.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the Internet. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:

  • why using the Internet is so popular;
  • how the Internet can help students in their studies;
  • whether the Internet can be dangerous, and why.

You have to talk continuously.

  1. have both advantages and disadvantages — иметь как преимущества, так и недостатки
  2. provide great opportunities for education — предоставлять большие возможности для образования
  3. find info on the Internet — находить информацию в интернете
  4. have a bad effect on — оказывать плохое воздействие на
  5. have less dangerous influence for health than — менее опасно для здоровья, чем…
  6. while doing something — пока я что-то делаю
  7. prefer to listen …. rather than  — предпочитать слушать,  а не …
  8. the most useful and convenient source — самый полезный и удобный источник информации
  9. the most ancient mass media — самое древнее средство массовой информации
  10. full of wisdom — полный мудрости

Разделы грамматики, которые, возможно, нужно повторить:

  • Gerund (герундий) — выражение 6
  • Preferences (конструкции выражения предпочтения) — выражение 7
  • The Degrees of the Adjective (степени сравнения прилагательных) — выражения 5, 8, 9

Примеры предложений с словами (выражениями) по теме «Mass Media»

  1. Each mass media have both advantages and disadvantages.
  2. The Internet provides great opportunities for education.
  3. The only disadvantage of the radio is that it can’t be broadcasted to some distant places.
  4. I can find all information for my studies on the Internet.
  5. Constant using of the Internet has a bad effect on my eyesight.
  6. Watching TV has less dangerous influence on health than playing computer games.
  7. I prefer listening to music while doing my room.
  8. As for the television, I prefer to watch sports channels rather than other programmes. 
  9. Nowadays it is the Internet that is the most useful and convenient source of information.
  10. Books are the ancient mass media and have always been full of wisdom [9,10].

Вопросы по теме «Mass Media»:

  1. What kinds of mass media do you know?
  2. What kind of mass media do you use in your life?
  3. Which are your favourite TV programmes?
  4. Which newspapers or magazines do you read?
  5. Can you trust all information which you get from the mass media? Give your reason.

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Foreword by the author
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How mass media controls mass mind-0

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Mass Media. Средства массовой информации

Mass Media

The mass media play an important role in our lives. Newspapers, radio and especially TV inform us of what is going on in this world and give us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment. They also influence the way we see the world and shape our views.

Of course, not all newspapers and TV programmes report the events objectively, but serious journalists and TV reporters try to be fair and provide us with reliable information.

It is true that the world today is full of dramatic events and most news seems to be bad news. But people aren’t interested in ordinary events. That is why there are so many programmes and articles about natural disasters, plane crashes, wars, murders and robberies. Good news doesn’t usually make headlines. Bad news does.

Some people say that journalists are given too much freedom. They often intrude in people’s private lives. They follow celebrities and print sensational stories about them which are untrue or half-true. They take photos of them in their most intimate moments. The question is — should this be allowed?

The main source of news for millions of people is television. People like TV news because they can see everything with their own eyes. And that’s an important advantage. Seeing, as we know, is believing. Besides, it’s much more difficult for politicians to lie in front of the cameras than on the pages of newspapers.

Still, many people prefer radio. It’s good to listen to it in the car, or in the open air, or when you do something about the house.

Newspapers don’t react to events as quickly as TV, but they usually provide us with extra details, comments and background information.

The Internet has recently become another important source of information. Its main advantage is that news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life and you don’t have to wait for news time on TV.

Средства массовой информации

Средства массовой информации играют важную роль в нашей жизни. Газеты, радио и особенно телевидение, сообщают нам о том, что происходит в этом мире и дают прекрасные возможности для обучения и развлечений. Они также влияют на то, как мы видим мир и формируют нашу точку зрения.

Конечно, не все газеты и телевизионные программы освещают события объективно, но серьезные журналисты и тележурналисты стараются быть справедливыми и предоставлять нам достоверную информацию.

Это правда, что сегодня мир полон драматических событий и большинство новостей кажутся плохими. Но люди не заинтересованы в обычных событиях. Поэтому есть так много программ и статей о стихийных бедствиях, авиакатастрофах, войнах, убийствах и грабежах. Хорошие новости как правило, не делают заголовки. Плохие новости делают.

Некоторые люди говорят, что журналистам дается слишком много свободы. Они часто вторгаются в частную жизнь людей. Они преследуют знаменитостей и печатают сенсационные рассказы о них, которые являются ложными или наполовину правдивыми. Они фотографируют их в самые интимные моменты. Вопрос — должно ли это быть разрешено?

Основным источником информации для миллионов людей является телевидение. Людям нравятся телевизионные новости, поскольку они могут увидеть все собственными глазами. И это важное преимущество. Видя, как мы знаем, веришь. Кроме того, для политиков гораздо сложнее врать перед камерами, чем на страницах газет.

Тем не менее, многие люди предпочитают радио. Его хорошо слушать в машине, на открытом воздухе, или когда вы что-то делаете по дому.

Газеты не реагируют на события так быстро, как телевидение, но они обычно дают нам дополнительные подробности, комментарии и справочную информацию.

Интернет в последнее время стал еще одним важным источником информации. Его главное преимущество в том, что новости на экране появляются, как только они происходят в реальной жизни, и вам не придется ждать времени новостей на телевидении.

Mass Effect is a science fiction media franchise set in an alternate universe in the 3rd millennium developed by the Canadian video game company BioWare. Composed of multi-platform video games and associated media, the core of the franchise is an eponymous trilogy of action role-playing third-person shooter video games, released between 2007 and 2012, which follow Commander Shepard’s mission to save the galaxy from a race of mechanical beings known as the Reapers. A fourth main series game, Mass Effect: Andromeda, was released in 2017. The Mass Effect franchise also includes three mobile games, each with a different gameplay style; seven novels, some written by BioWare writers and some by science fiction authors; four art books; ten comic book series or mini-comics and their anthologies; a coloring book; an animated film; a 3D theme park ride; and eleven soundtrack albums or singles.

The video games have had high sales, with the last major game of the original trilogy, Mass Effect 3, shipping over 3.5 million copies in its first week of release.[1] Reception of other media in the franchise has been mixed: the comics, such as Mass Effect: Redemption, have been praised for their writing, and novels such as Mass Effect: Revelation have been recommended to fans of the games; but Mass Effect: Deception was derided as inconsistent with the main trilogy.[2][3][4] The first part of the franchise—the first game—was published in 2007, while the latest game was published in 2017 and the latest piece of media in 2018.

Video games[edit]

Main series[edit]

Other games[edit]

Printed media[edit]



Title Release date ISBN Media type Ref.
Mass Effect: Revelation May 1, 2007 978-0-345-49816-8 Novelization [41]
  • Written by Drew Karpyshyn
  • Published by Del Rey Books
  • A prequel story to Mass Effect
The Art of Mass Effect November 20, 2007 978-0-76155-851-4 Concept art [42]
  • Edited by Fernando Bueno
  • Published by Prima Games
  • Concept art and BioWare commentary on Mass Effect
Mass Effect: Ascension July 29, 2008 978-0-345-49852-6 Novelization [43]
  • Written by Drew Karpyshyn
  • Published by Del Rey Books
  • A sequel story to Mass Effect
Mass Effect: Retribution July 27, 2010 978-0-345-52072-2 Novelization [44]
  • Written by Drew Karpyshyn
  • Published by Del Rey Books
  • A sequel story to Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect: Deception January 31, 2012 978-0-345-52073-9 Novelization [45]
  • Written by William C. Dietz
  • Published by Del Rey Books
  • A sequel story to Mass Effect: Retribution
The Art of the Mass Effect Universe February 8, 2012 978-1-59582-768-5 Concept art [46]
  • Written by Casey Hudson and Derek Watts
  • Artwork by BioWare
  • Published by Dark Horse Comics
  • Concept art and BioWare commentary on the Mass Effect game trilogy
Mass Effect: The Poster Collection August 12, 2015 978-1-61655-742-3 Concept art [47]
  • Artwork by BioWare
  • Published by Dark Horse Comics
  • Concept art, with each page detachable for use as a poster
Mass Effect — Andromeda: Nexus Uprising March 21, 2017 978-1-78565-156-4 Tie-in book to Mass Effect: Andromeda [48]
  • Written by Jason M. Hough and K. C. Alexander
  • Published by Titan Books
  • A prequel story to Mass Effect: Andromeda
Mass Effect Adult Coloring Book March 1, 2017 978-1-50670-287-2 Coloring book [49]
  • Artwork by Juann Cabal, Ron Chan, Gabriel Guzman, Andres Ponce, and Martin Tunica
  • Published by Dark Horse Comics
  • Adult coloring book, including images from the original trilogy and Mass Effect: Andromeda
The Art of Mass Effect: Andromeda March 21, 2017 978-1-50670-075-5 Concept art [50]
  • Artwork by Bioware
  • Published by Dark Horse Comics
  • Concept art from Mass Effect: Andromeda
Mass Effect — Andromeda: Annihilation November 6, 2017 978-1-78565-158-8 Tie-in book to Mass Effect: Andromeda [51]
  • Written by Catherynne M. Valente
  • Published by Titan Books
  • A prequel story to Mass Effect: Andromeda
Mass Effect — Andromeda: Initiation November 28, 2017 978-1-78565-160-1 Tie-in book to Mass Effect: Andromeda [52]
  • Written by N. K. Jemisin and Mac Walters
  • Published by Titan Books
  • A prequel story to Mass Effect: Andromeda
The Art of the Mass Effect Trilogy: Expanded Edition February 23, 2021 978-1-50672-163-7 Concept art [53]
  • Artwork by BioWare
  • Published by Dark Horse Comics
  • Concept art and commentary on the original trilogy and its DLC



Title Release date(s) Media type Ref.
Mass Effect: Redemption January 6, 2010—April 7, 2010 Comic book series [54][55][56][57]
  • Written by Mac Walters and John Jackson Miller, art by Omar Francia
  • Published by Dark Horse Comics
  • A four-part mini-series set shortly before Mass Effect 2 featuring Liara T’Soni
  • Released as a single book by Dark Horse Comics on June 9, 2010 (ISBN 978-1-59582-481-3)[58]
Mass Effect: Incursion June 21, 2010 Mini-comic [59]
  • Written by Mac Walters, art by Eduardo Francisco
  • Published by Dark Horse Comics for free online
  • An eight-page mini-comic set shortly before Mass Effect 2 featuring Aria T’Loak
Mass Effect: Inquisition October 24, 2010 Mini-comic [60]
  • Written by Mac Walters, art by Jean Diaz
  • Published by Dark Horse Comics for free online
  • An eight-page mini-comic set shortly after Mass Effect 2 featuring Armando-Owen Bailey
Mass Effect: Evolution January 19, 2011—April 20, 2011 Comic book series [61][62][63][64]
  • Written by Mac Walters and John Jackson Miller, art by Omar Francia
  • Published by Dark Horse Comics
  • A four-part mini-series prequel story to Mass Effect featuring Jack Harper (Illusive Man)
  • Released as a single book by Dark Horse Comics on September 21, 2011 (ISBN 978-1-59582-759-3)[65]
Mass Effect: Conviction September 1, 2011 Mini-comic [66]
  • Written by Mac Walters, art by Eduardo Francisco
  • Published by Dark Horse Comics for free digitally through select retailers
  • A ten-page mini-comic set before Mass Effect 3 featuring James Vega
Mass Effect: Invasion October 19, 2011—January 18, 2012 Comic book series [67][68][69][70]
  • Written by Mac Walters and John Jackson Miller, art by Omar Francia
  • Published by Dark Horse Comics
  • A four-part mini-series set after Mass Effect 2 featuring Aria T’Loak
  • Released as a single book by Dark Horse Comics on April 18, 2012 (ISBN 978-1-59582-867-5)[71]
Mass Effect: Homeworlds April 25, 2012—August 29, 2012 Comic book series [72][73][74][75]
  • Written by Mac Walters, art by Eduardo Francisco
  • Published by Dark Horse Comics
  • A four-part mini-series with each issue featuring backstory for a different Mass Effect 3 character
  • Released as a single book by Dark Horse Comics on November 7, 2012 (ISBN 978-1-59582-955-9)[76]
Mass Effect: Blasto — Eternity is Forever November 7, 2012 Mini-comic [77]
  • Written by Mac Walters, art by Omar Francia
  • Published by Dark Horse Comics
  • A fourteen-page mini-comic featuring Blasto, a fictional character featured in media inside the Mass Effect games
Mass Effect: He Who Laughs Best May 4, 2013 Mini-comic [78]
  • Written by Mac Walters, art by Garry Brown
  • Published by Dark Horse Comics as one section of their 2013 Free Comic Book Day comic
  • A ten-page mini-comic set before Mass Effect featuring Jeff «Joker» Moreau
Mass Effect Library Edition Volume 1 May 15, 2013 Anthology [79]
  • Written by Mac Walters, John Jackson Miller, Jeremy Barlow, Patrick Weekes, John Dombrow, and Sylvia Feketekuty
  • Art by Omar Francia, Eduardo Francisco, Chris Staggs, Garry Brown, and Jean Diaz
  • Published by Dark Horse Comics (ISBN 978-1-61655-111-7)
  • An anthology collection of almost all the comics to date, as well as several short stories
  • Includes Redemption, Incursion, Inquisition, Evolution, Conviction, Invasion, and Homeworlds
  • Republished as Mass Effect Omnibus Volume 1 on November 16, 2016 (ISBN 978-1-50670-276-6)[80]
Mass Effect: Foundation July 24, 2013—July 23, 2014 Comic book series [81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93]
  • Written by Mac Walters (1–13) and Jeremy Barlow (11–13), art by Omar Francia (1), Tony Parker (2–4, 8–13), Matthew Clark (5, 6), and Garry Brown (7)
  • Published by Dark Horse Comics
  • A thirteen-part series with each issue featuring side events and perspectives to the main Mass Effect trilogy
  • Collected into three books by Dark Horse Comics, released on February 5, 2014 (ISBN 978-1-61655-270-1),[94] June 4, 2014 (ISBN 978-1-61655-349-4),[95] and November 5, 2014 (ISBN 978-1-61655-488-0)[96]
Mass Effect Library Edition Volume 2 May 6, 2015 Anthology [97]
  • Written by Mac Walters and Jeremy Barlow
  • Art by Omar Francia, Tony Parker, Garry Brown, and Benjamin Carre
  • Published by Dark Horse Comics (ISBN 978-1-61655-636-5)
  • An anthology collection of comics since the first Library Edition anthology, plus additional artwork
  • Includes Foundation, He Who Laughs Best, and Blasto — Eternity is Forever
  • Republished as Mass Effect Omnibus Volume 2 on February 8, 2017 (ISBN 978-1-50670-277-3)[98]
Mass Effect: Discovery May 24, 2017—October 25, 2017 Comic book series [99][100][101][102]
  • Written by Jeremy Barlow and John Dombrow, art by Gabriel Guzman
  • Published by Dark Horse Comics
  • A four-part mini-series set around the events of Mass Effect: Andromeda
  • Released as a single book by Dark Horse Comics on January 17, 2018 (ISBN 978-1-50670-074-8)[103]
Mass Effect: The Complete Comics October 21, 2020 Anthology [104]
  • Published by Dark Horse Comics (ISBN 978-1-50671-919-1)
  • Collects all Mass Effect comics released to date including Redemption, Evolution, Invasion, Homeworlds, Foundation, Discovery, Incursion, Inquisition, Conviction, He Who Laughs Best, and Blasto — Eternity is Forever



Title Release date Media type
Mass Effect: Paragon Lost November 29, 2012 Animation
  • Written by Henry Gilroy and directed by Atsushi Takeuchi
  • Animated by Production I.G
  • Produced by BioWare, Funimation, and T.O Entertainment
  • Animated film set before Mass Effect 2
  • Released in select theaters on November 29, 2012,[105] via digital download on Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, and iTunes on December 14, 2012,[106] and on DVD and Blu-ray on December 28, 2012[107]

Amusement park[edit]



Title Release date Release type Ref.
Mass Effect: Original Soundtrack November 20, 2007 Album [109]
  • Composed by Jack Wall, Sam Hulick, Richard Jacques, and David Kates
  • Published by Sumthing Distribution
  • 37 tracks on a single disc with a duration of 1:15:56
Mass Effect 2: Original Video Game Score January 19, 2010 Album [110]
  • Composed by Jack Wall, Sam Hulick, David Kates, Jimmy Hinson, Brian DiDomenico
  • Published by Electronic Arts
  • 27 tracks on two discs with a duration of 2:55:59
Mass Effect 2: Atmospheric September 7, 2010 Mini-album (digital only) [111]
  • Composed by Jack Wall
  • Published by Electronic Arts
  • 9 tracks on a single disc with a duration of 20:45
Mass Effect 2: Combat October 5, 2010 Mini-album (digital only) [112]
  • Composed by Jack Wall
  • Published by Electronic Arts
  • 14 tracks on a single disc with a duration of 33:48
Mass Effect 2: Kasumi’s Stolen Memory November 30, 2010 Mini-album (digital only) [113]
  • Composed by Sacha Dikiciyan and Cris Velasco
  • Published by Electronic Arts
  • 4 tracks on a single disc with a duration of 10:21
Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker December 14, 2010 Mini-album (digital only) [114]
  • Composed by Chris Lennertz
  • Published by Electronic Arts
  • 7 tracks on a single disc with a duration of 12:33
Mass Effect 2: Overlord December 14, 2010 Mini-album (digital only) [115]
  • Composed by Chris Lennertz
  • Published by Electronic Arts
  • 4 tracks on a single disc with a duration of 6:30
Mass Effect 3: Original Soundtrack April 24, 2012 Album [116]
  • Composed by Sam Hulick, Clint Mansell, Chris Lennertz, Cris Velasco, Sascha Dikiciyan, and Faunts
  • Published by Electronic Arts
  • 23 tracks on a single disc with a duration of 1:03:24
Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut August 12, 2012 Mini-album (digital only) [117]
  • Composed by Sam Hulick and Clint Mansell
  • Published by Electronic Arts
  • 7 tracks on a single disc with a duration of 16:57
Mass Effect: Paragon Lost Original Motion Picture Score November 13, 2012 Album [118]
  • Composed by Joshua Mosley and David Kates
  • Published by Funimation
  • 27 tracks on a single disc with a duration of 1:09:28
Mass Effect 3: Citadel August 8, 2013 Mini-album (digital only) [119]
  • Composed by Sam Hulick, Cris Velasco, and Sascha Dikiciyan
  • Published by Electronic Arts
  • 20 tracks on a single disc with a duration of 31:05
Mass Effect Trilogy Vinyl Soundtrack November 29, 2016 Box set [120]
  • Box set of selections from the Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3 soundtracks, as well as a bonus LP of songs
  • Published by Electronic Arts
  • Approximately 50 tracks on four vinyl records


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  113. ^ Miller, Kyle E. (2012-08-03). «Mass Effect 2: Kasumi’s Stolen Memory Original Score». RPGFan. Archived from the original on 2014-02-22. Retrieved 2014-02-12.
  114. ^ Miller, Kyle E. (2012-08-03). «Mass Effect 2: Lair Of The Shadow Broker Original Videogame Score». RPGFan. Archived from the original on 2014-02-22. Retrieved 2014-02-12.
  115. ^ Miller, Kyle E. (2012-08-03). «Mass Effect 2: Overlord Original Videogame Score». RPGFan. Archived from the original on 2014-02-22. Retrieved 2014-02-12.
  116. ^ Meyerink, Stephan (2012-05-27). «Mass Effect 3 OST». RPGFan. Archived from the original on 2014-02-22. Retrieved 2014-02-12.
  117. ^ Maas, Liz (2012-08-03). «Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut OST». RPGFan. Archived from the original on 2014-02-22. Retrieved 2014-02-12.
  118. ^ «Mass Effect Paragon Lost Original Motion Picture Soundtrack». Amazon. 2012-08-03. Archived from the original on 2014-05-05. Retrieved 2014-04-03.
  119. ^ Petitte, Omri (2013-03-11). «Mass Effect 3 Citadel soundtrack available for free, download Shepard’s last musical hurrah». PC Gamer. Future plc. Archived from the original on 2014-03-03. Retrieved 2014-02-12.
  120. ^ Wilkes, Briana (2016-11-14). «Mass Effect Trilogy Vinyl Soundtrack Pre-Order Now Available». Original Sound Version. Archived from the original on 2016-11-15. Retrieved 2016-11-14.

External links[edit]

  • Official website

Данный текст «The Role of Mass Media» не является образцом для письменной работы, например, такой как эссе, и, тем более, топиком для заучивания. Однако он содержит много аргументов и полезных выражений по теме «Средства массовой информации», некоторые из которых вы вполне можете использовать в своем собственном высказывании.

Text «The Role of Mass Media»

It has always been impossible to imagine our life without the mass media. The most ancient mass media are books. Nowadays the most important mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet.

All mass media are supposed to inform, educate and entertain people. Subconsciously they influence the way people look at the world and make them change their views. They even help to mould public opinion.

Let us consider the advantages and disadvantages of different mass media.

On the one hand, radio, television and the press are valuable because they help to get the latest news, including the weather forecast. We can get information from the Internet in a few minutes. Besides, listening to the radio, watching films on TV, reading the press or navigating the Internet is a good way to relax.

On the other hand, the mass media usually focus on negative information. Watching news programs we primarily learn about war, crimes, disasters, and accidents. Negative information causes stress and bad mood. Some children may become aggressive if they watch violent programmes. What is more, there is a lot of gossip in the press and on TV. The latter is also abounds in stupid chat shows, endless daily soap operas and terrible action films.

Some people are complaining that nowadays the media are full of violence and advertising. On the whole, it is true.  But nobody makes you to watch it. You have a choice and you are free to choose.

The situation is the same with the Internet, which is considered to be the newest kind of mass media. It’s a powerful means of communication and a great source of information which helps in school studies. As for me, I use the Internet for finding information and for communicating with my mates. I also download music and films.

To sum up, the mass media are an essential part of modern society. We are able to benefit from their advantages and have to copy with their disadvantages.

Some more facts:

  • Some young people can’t do without a mobile, even in the underground or during the lunch break. …..
  • There are dozens of radio stations in Russia. Most of them broadcast music of a definite style, for example Radio Chanson broadcasts Russian chanson.
  • There are talk shows and intellectual quizzes on many radio stations. Radio has another advantage: you can do something and listen to the radio at the same time.
  • Nowadays many families have several TV sets. Both television and the Internet give people a chance to learn about the world.

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