The most precious gift of all текст егэ

The night my mother was dying, I made an emergency flight to get out to see her. Problem was, my connection flight, in Love Field in Dallas, arrived several hours late, due to a tornado in Amarillo, where it was coming in from. I arrived home in Tulsa at 1:30 in the morning. I had an old friend from grade school scheduled to pick me up and take me to the hospital, when the plane was still scheduled to arrive on time. Even though it was a weeknight, with regular activities scheduled the next day, she insisted on still picking me up in the middle of the night, and driving me across town to the hospital, where I saw mom just hours before she passed away. Who would have ever dreamed, forty years earlier, when we were back in grade school, that one night, even while living 1200 miles away, my friend would be there to help me in the middle of my worst night ever? 

That night my friend gave me the most precious gift in the universe, which was time. She gave her time in the middle of the night, which gave me one more time with my mother before she fell asleep. 

One night, when I first got to Tampa, I was doing Bible work on the south end of town, when my car broke down. A friend who lived nearby, who had to to work in the wee morning hours drove over and cheerfully helped me get my car fixed. Another case of a friend sacrificing his time for me.

When we talk about stewardship we think mostly of money and possessions. However if you think about it, time is the most precious commodity we can share. Time is the substance of life. When we give someone our time, we are literally giving them our life! 

As if that was not important enough, time is also money. A family may not be able to give $500.00 a month to the church, but they can give their time to clean the church, and save the church from spending $500.00 on a janitor, which in turn is the same as giving $500.00. 

When I lived in the Dallas area, there was a sports coach who was a little rough around the edges and wasn’t the most popular celebrity in the community. After he resigned, a lady wrote in to the newspaper to express her appreciation for the coach. She had attended a social gala with several area celebrities. She brought her 9-year-old son who had a rare disease. She wrote that several of the celebrities patted him on the head, and then went on to their hobnobbing with the other celebrities, but the coach sat down with him and talked to him for over 30 minutes! The coach’s time with her son meant the world to the mother!

While we study stewardship this quarter, lets remember time is the most precious gift we have to share. 


William Earnhardt is currently a pastor in the Florida Adventist Conference. Previously William has served as a Bible Worker for almost 30 years in the Oklahoma, Texas and Florida Adventist conferences. You can visit William’s personal blog at In Light of the Cross

1) Установите соответствие между заголовками 1 — 8 и текстами A — G. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. How we got that mark
2. From a million pounds to thousands of dollars
3. What in a colour
4. Weight of money
5. Size matters
6. Money string changes source
7. Free to choose from
8. Before money comes in

A. In early societies people developed barter as a form of proto-money, when they used the things that everyone agreed to accept in trade. Various items have been used by different societies at different times. Thus, for example, Aztecs used cacao beans, Norwegians used butter, the early U.S. colonists used tobacco leaves, and Roman soldiers were paid a salary of salt. On the island of Nauru, the islanders even used rats for this purpose.

B. The first coins were made in the Kingdom of Lydia, located on the territory of Turkey in the 7th century B.C. The Lydians used weighed lumps of metal and stamped them with pictures to confirm their weight (the shape of the coins was unimportant). The process of stamping was called “minting”. In fact, the stamp on the coin was a seal that identified the person who had guaranteed the weight of that coin.

C. The well-known dollar sign has various explanations. Perhaps one of the most widely accepted is that it was the result of the evolution of the Mexican or Spanish “Ps” which was used for pesos. This theory explains that the “S” gradually came to be written over the “P”, developing a close equivalent to the American dollar “$” mark. It was widely used even before the adoption of the United States dollar in 1785.

D. The largest banknote ever issued by the Bank of England was the £1,000,000 note. Designed for use by the UK government only, the notes were canceled after just a few months, allowing very few to escape into private hands. However, just because the notes are out of service nowadays doesn’t mean that they are valueless. In 2008, one of two known surviving notes was sold at auction for almost $120,000.

E. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the world’s largest banknote is the 100,000-peso note, which is of the size of a standard sheet of paper. It was created by the government of the Philippines in 1998 to celebrate a century of independence from Spanish rule. The note was offered only to collectors, who could purchase one of the limited-edition notes for 180,000 pesos, or about $3,700.

F. American Indians used to have strings of clamshells, which they called wampum and used as money. The process to make wampum was very labor intensive, which increased their value among the European traders. However, the Dutch colonists began to manufacture wampum themselves and eventually became the primary source of wampum, thereby destroying the system which had functioned for centuries.

G. Why are U.S. notes green? No one is really sure. However, in 1929, when the Bureau of Printing and Engraving began making smaller size currency, green continued to be used because its pigment was readily available in large quantities. Green is also relatively high in its resistance to chemical and physical changes, and it has been psychologically identified with the strong and stable credit of the government.


2) Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A — F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1 — 7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя.

The languages of integration

Every year the European Day of Languages is marked on 26 September. The idea behind the event is to raise public awareness of all the languages spoken in Europe and the importance of language learning in ___ (A). The European Day of Languages celebrates linguistic diversity as one of Europe’s strengths, ___ (B) of school.

The European Union is convinced ___ (C) compared with the professional and personal opportunities lost due to inadequate language skills. That is why many national governments encourage people to learn languages at all educational levels and at all ages during their working life.

Many local authorities provide immigrants with language training, familiarization courses on local society and culture, ___ (D). The latter elements are often provided in the immigrants’ own languages.

One example is from the Flemish city of Ghent in Belgium, ___ (E) including 1200 hours of Dutch, plus 75 hours of civic orientation courses. Hungary developed its national integration policy on the basis of a six-month pilot project called Matra ___ (F), 700 hours of cultural and legal orientation, and financial assistance with living expenses. The Finnish education system supports the maintenance and development of the mother tongues of immigrants to ensure what it calls functional bilingualism.

1. and assistance in finding jobs in a new country
2. spreading tolerance and mutual understanding
3. upbringing healthier and more athletic children
4. that the cost of promoting language learning is modest
5. that included 1200 hours of language teaching for immigrants
6. and encourages lifelong language learning in and out
7. where immigrants are offered an introductory programme


3) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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According to the author, the beauty of the exhibited sapphire ring can be fully appreciated
1) in a photograph.
2) at the exhibition.
3) in special light.
4) where it was carved.

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“It” in “It is a perfect example of the exhibition’s purpose” (paragraph 1) refers to the
1) ring.
2) exhibition’s collection.
3) exhibition’sorigin.
4) exhibition’scatalogue.

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Saying “they were never meant to be utilitarian” the author means that the exhibits were supposed to be
1) useful.
2) expensive.
3) decorative.
4) unusual.

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According to the author (paragraph 4), some objects may be seen as
1) common things.
2) poorly manufactured.
3) spoiltin repairs.
4) collected ill-advisedly.

7) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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“Some” in “some may find it difficult to look at these rock-crystal vessels, jewels and perfume flasks as works of art” (paragraph 4) refers to the
1) exhibits.
2) visitors.
3) artists.
4) owners.

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The Monument Trust helped to provide
1) better attendance of the exhibition.
2) better decorated rooms.
3) furniture for the exhibition rooms.
4) better conditions for viewing the exhibits.

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The article was written to
1) advertise Vienna’s Kunsthistoriche Museum.
2) prove that the exhibits are works of art.
3) attract more visitors to the exhibition.
4) describe the treasures of the Hapsburgs.

Bradley Lester

The Most Precious Gift Of All

The most precious gift of all

You gave to me my love

A gift so special and so rare

The purest angel from above

You came into my life

With humble love embraced

And warmed my heart with tears

With joyous peace you graced

No words can quite describe

The way you let me in

With opened gently arms

And let my love begin

The precious gift you gave

Forever I’ll be thankful

And treasure all of you

For this I am most grateful


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