Задание №6695.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A — F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1 — 7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя.
The Seven Sisters
After the Second World War, officials in the Soviet Union embarked on a building frenzy to add a grand architectural style to Moscow’s skyline. As put by Joseph Stalin, the country’s leader who had led the nation during the war, the Soviet Union was victorious, ___ (A).
The Seven Sisters are a collection of seven buildings that Stalin commissioned to be built between 1947 and 1953. His thinking was to have skyscrapers just like existed in Western cities such as New York and London. It was a matter of prestige for the Soviet nation, he felt, ___ (B).
The idea for the first ever Moscow skyscraper had actually come before the Second World War. The building, the Palace of the Soviets, was never completed. Construction began in 1937, but the German invasion in 1941 halted work ___ (C).
Each of the Seven Sisters has a large base of several floors, with the base size varying from one building to the next. The upper floors are much less wide than the base, ___ (D). The building designs are both elegant and imposing.
The buildings served various purposes, which have not changed since their erection. Some are hotels, such as the Hotel Ukraina, ___ (E). When it opened in 1957, it was the world’s tallest hotel building. Other buildings house government ministries, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Russian Federation.
Strangely, the term ‘Seven Sisters’ is not used by Russians. Rather, they call the buildings ‘Stalinskie Vysotki’, or ‘Stalin’s skyscrapers’. The style was replicated in former USSR and Eastern Bloc countries ___ (F), places that were influenced by Stalinist architecture.
1. and the building materials were removed and used for military defence
2. with the focus on creating the greatest buildings known to man
3. and can be seen in Kiev, Warsaw and Bucharest
4. and it was one of his missions to make that a reality
5. yet its capital had nothing to show for it
6. with the top consisting of a tower which narrows to a point
7. which has since been renamed the Radisson Royal Hotel
A | B | C | D | E | F |
Пропуску A соответствует часть текста под номером 5.
Пропуску B соответствует часть текста под номером 4.
Пропуску C соответствует часть текста под номером 1.
Пропуску D соответствует часть текста под номером 6.
Пропуску E соответствует часть текста под номером 7.
Пропуску F соответствует часть текста под номером 3.
Показать ответ
Источник: Тесты для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку, 2019. Вербицкая М., Манн М., Тейлор-Ноулз С.
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Тест с похожими заданиями
‘Dear Kathy! Chance made us sisters, hearts made us friends. This quote is at the center of a collage of photographs — covering our twenty-something years — that now hangs in my office. My sister, Susie, made it for me as a wedding present. It probably cost very little to make (she is a starving college student, after all), but it means more to me than any of the more ‘traditional’ wedding presents my husband and I received from family and friends last June. Whenever I look at the collage, it reminds me of my sister and what a true friend she is.
Susie and I weren’t always close friends. Far from it, in fact. We shared a room for nearly fifteen years when we were younger, and at the time I thought I couldn’t have asked for a worse roommate. She was always around! If we argued and I wanted to go to my room to be alone, she’d follow me right in. If I told her to go away, she’d say right back, ‘It’s my room, too! And I can be here if I want to.’ I’d consult my mother and she usually agreed with Susie. I suppose being three years younger has its benefits.
When we were kids, she’d ‘borrow’ my dolls without asking. (And no toy was safe in her hands.) When we got older, Susie quit borrowing my toys and started borrowing my clothes. That was the final straw. I couldn’t take it anymore. I begged my parents to let me have a room of my own — preferably one with a lock on the door. The answer was always a resounding ‘no.’ ‘Please?!’ I’d beg. My parents would just shake their heads. They didn’t agree with each other on much, but for some reason they had a united front on this issue.
To crown it all, she had this habit of doing everything I did. Choirs, rock bands, sports teams, dance studios: There was no place where I was safe. ‘She looks up to you,’ my mom would say. I didn’t care. I just wanted a piece of my life that didn’t involve my little sister. When I complained to my mother, she’d just smile and say, ‘One day you’ll want her around.’ Sure.
It’s strange how mothers have this habit of being right about everything. When I was sixteen and my sister was thirteen, we went through a series of life-changing events together that would forever change our relationship. First, my parents announced that they were divorcing. My dad packed up and moved to an apartment in New Hampshire — more than a half hour drive away from our cozy house in Massachusetts. He bought me my first car and I often went with Susie to his place when we missed him a lot. During those trips we started discussing our troubles and making plans about how to reunite the family again. But a year later, our father met his future second wife and moved again; this time to Indiana. This meant we could only see him once or twice a year, as opposed to once every few weeks. That was hard.
Yet those few months changed my relationship with my sister forever. We started having more heart-to-heart talks as opposed to silly fights. Over time, she became my most cherished friend. It’s not uncommon for us to have three-hour-long telephone conversations about everything or about nothing—just laughing over memories from childhood or high school.
She’s the only person who’s been through all of the tough stuff that I’ve been through, and the only person who truly understands me. Susie and I have shared so much. She’s been my roommate, my friend, and my partner in crime. We’ve done plays together, gone to amusement parks, sang, and taken long road trips together. We’ve laughed until our sides hurt, and wiped away each others’ tears.
Even though distance separates us now, we’re closer than ever. Sisters share a special bond. They’ve seen all of your most embarrassing moments. They know your deepest, darkest secrets. Most importantly, they love you unconditionally. I’m lucky to be able to say that my little sister is my best friend. I only wish everyone could be so fortunate.
ВОПРОС 1: Why is the collage of photographs more important for Kathy than the other wedding presents?
1) It reminds Kathy of her wedding.
2) Kathy didn’t like the other wedding presents.
3) It was the most expensive present.
4) Kathy’s sister made it for her.
ВОПРОС 2: Why was Kathy against sharing a room with her sister?
1) They always quarreled.
2) Susie never left her alone.
3) They were of different age.
4) Susie said it was her own room
ВОПРОС 3: What did Kathy call the final straw in paragraph 3?
1) The fact that Susie often borrowed Kathy’s toys.
2) The fact that Susie never asked for the things she borrowed.
3) The fact that Susie began to wear Kathy’s clothes without her permission.
4) The fact that Susie broke all the toys she played with.
ВОПРОС 4: What was Kathy’s greatest wish that she mentioned in paragraph 4?
1) To have a separate life from her sister.
2) To live in peace and safety.
3) To never part with her sister.
4) To have the same hobbies as her sister.
ВОПРОС 5: When did the relationship between Susie and Kathy start to change?
1) When they moved to a new house.
2) After their father married the second time.
3) After their parents divorced.
4) When Kathy’s father bought her a car.
ВОПРОС 6: What are Kathy’s relationships with Susie now?
1) They hate each other.
2) They are close friends.
3) They are business partners.
4) They do not see each other.
ВОПРОС 7: Why do the sisters understand each other?
1) They have got the same hobbies.
2) They have similar sense of humour.
3) They love each other very much.
4) They have similar life experience.
ВОПРОС 1: – 4
ВОПРОС 2: – 2
ВОПРОС 3: – 3
ВОПРОС 4: – 1
ВОПРОС 5: – 3
ВОПРОС 6: – 2
ВОПРОС 7: – 4
Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
1. Education
2. Way of life
3. Public transport
4. Geography
5. Places to stay in
6. Favourite food
7. Hot spots for kids
8. Nightlife
A. Denmark, a small kingdom in northern Europe, has a lot of interesting places for tourists with children. For example, Legoland, a theme park, has become the largest tourist attraction in Denmark outside its capital Copenhagen. And Copenhagen itself is world famous for its Tivoli Gardens amusement park, which opened in 1843 in the heart of the city. The park offers ballet and circus performances, restaurants, concerts, and fireworks displays.
B. Denmark is the smallest Scandinavian country, consisting of the Jutland peninsula, north of Germany, and over 400 islands of various sizes, some inhabited and linked to the mainland by ferry or bridge. Throughout the country, low hills provide a constant change of attractive views; there are also cool and shady forests of beech trees, large areas of open land covered with rough grass, a beautiful lake district, sand dunes and white cliffs on the coast.
C. More than four-fifths of all Danes live in towns. The main cities represent a combination of medieval buildings, such as castles and cathedrals, and modern office buildings and homes. Denmark’s high standard of living and wide-ranging social services guarantee that the cities have no poor districts. Most people in the cities live in flats. But in the suburbs many also live in single-family houses.
D. Denmark’s fine beaches attract many visitors, and there are hotels and pensions in all major seaside resorts. Besides, excellent inns are to be found all over the country. Some are small and only serve local travellers, but others are adapted to the tourist and have established reputations for both international dishes and local specialities. There are also private rooms to let, usually for one night, and chalets all over Denmark.
E. There is a wide selection of places to go out in the evening, particularly in Copenhagen. Jazz and dance clubs in the capital city are top quality and world-famous performers appear regularly. There are numerous cafes, beer gardens and speciality beer bars. Entertainment available includes opera at the recently opened opera house in Copenhagen, ballet and theatre at a number of places in the larger cities, and live music of all kinds.
F. Most Danes eat four meals a day — breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a late-evening supper. Breakfast generally consists of cereal, cheese, or eggs. Dinner, which includes fish or meat, is usually the only hot meal. A traditional Danish dinner consists of roast duckling stuffed with apples, served with red cabbage and boiled potatoes. The other Danish meals consist mostly of sandwiches.
G. Almost all adult Danes can read and write. Danish law requires children to attend nine years of school. Primary school consists of the first seven grades, and secondary school lasts from three to five years. A five-year secondary school student can enter a university. Denmark has three universities. The University of Copenhagen is the oldest and largest. It was founded in 1479 and has about 24,000 students.
Текст | A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
Заголовок |
«Технологии подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ».
«Система упражнений по формированию умения читать,
проверяемого в ЕГЭ по английскому языку в разделе «Чтение».
7 |
§ Газетные/журнальные статьи § Публикации научно-познавательного |
6 |
§ Проспекты, буклеты § Путеводители, § журнальные статьи |
7 |
15 МИНУТ |
§ Журнальные статьи § Отрывки из художественной литературы |
Жанры текстов |
Информационный |
Объявления Вывески Афиши Инструкции Реклама Брошюры Путеводители Радио- Письма Факсы Электронная |
Публицистический |
Газетные |
Научно-популярный |
Статьи Тексты Статьи |
Художественный |
Рассказы Отрывки Сказки Мифы |
заданий, которые используются при обучении
альтернативных ответов
Задание —
множественный выбор
Задание —
установление соответствия
Задание —
заполнение таблицы
Задание —
заполнение пропусков
Задание —
установление последовательности
Задание –
краткий ответ/дополнение
Задание –
краткое изложение прочитанного
Задание –
исправление ошибо
Типология заданий для проверки понимания
альтернативных ответов
Задание — множественный
Задание —
установление соответствия
Задание —
заполнение таблицы
Задание —
заполнение пропусков
Задание —
установление последовательности
Задание – краткий
Тренировочные упражнения
Первое задание раздела «Чтение» ЕГЭ (В2) проверяет
понимание основного содержания текстов (т.е. поисково-просмотровое чтение) и
заключается в установлении соответствий между краткими текстами информационного
и научно-популярного характера и их названиями. При обучении данному виду
чтения следует обратить внимание на то, что языковая форма не является здесь объектом
произвольного внимания. Этот вид чтения требует умения определить тему,
выделить основную мысль, выбрать важные, значимые факты, опуская второстепенные
и выделять в тексте смысловые опоры.
Рекомендации по формированию умения
понимать основное содержание прочитанного.
Внимательно прочитайте инструкцию,
чтобы четко представлять, что и как вы должны делать.
Быстро просмотрите текст, чтобы понять,
о чем текст.
Прочитайте задания к тексту
(заголовки, рубрики, утверждения) и определите тему.
Не забывайте прочитать заголовок,
очень часто он поможет понять тему(основную мысль) текста.
Многие авторы дают тему текста в
самом начале, чтобы читатель следил за тем, как развиваются события. Поэтому
очень часто бывает достаточно прочитать первый и последний абзацы тексты для
того, чтобы понять тему.
Найдите в тексте (микротекстах)
ключевые слова или фразы, выражающие тему, основную мысль.
Не пытайтесь переводить текст
Не паникуйте, если в тексте
встретили много незнакомых слов. Ваша задача – понять основную мысль.
В текстах обычно дается сначала
основная мысль, а затем она подкрепляется дополнительной информацией.
№1. What kind
of film?
reviews 1-4, choose from the list of film categories A-E the kind of film being
reviewed. Use
letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use. You
have 20 minutes to
the texts and do the task.
horror film
action film
Once again, Tom Granger shows in his latest film why audiences find him so
amusing. Playing
usual character, the loveable loser Benny, Granger makes fun of doctors and
hospitals in a
film. Crazy situations and funny dialogues keep you grinning, and the car crash
at the
had me crying for all the right reasons. A real hit!
This film proves that you can’t make a great film just by giving a director a
lot of money. The
effects and costumes are wonderful, but the story is about as frightening as a
and graveyards may scare small children, but most of us will yawn through this
one. I,
one, was glad when me monster finally did get the girl. At least it saved us
from her terrible
Director Sarah Howard, best known for her exciting chases and explosions, tries
a new style in
complicated story of two people in New York whose lives are changed when they
are both arrested. The film is full of
suspense as they are passed from the police to the FBI and the CIA.
in a world of spies and secrets, this film will leave you looking over your
shoulder to see
following you.
You’d better bring your tissues if you’re going to see the latest from Sam
Goldberg. From the
beginning he plays with your emotions. Based on a true story, the film follows
the heroine,
through her struggle with cancer and her developing relationship with the young
doctor trying to save her, Goldberg lets us into their hearts as if we had
known them all our lives.
№2 Установите соответствие между текстами
A–G и заголовками 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
Выберите ответ :
A. Youth sub-culture isn’t what it used to
be. In the 1960s, youths who were protesting against their parents or society
dressed a certain way to show their anger, or to feel like they belonged to
something. Nowadays, parents are more accepting of their children, and society
is more accepting of different people. There is less of a need to act out, so
there are fewer sub-cultures as a result.
B. There are still a few youth sub-cultures
these days. One phenomenon is haul girls – teenage girls who shop till they
drop, then come home with a big ‘haul’, usually several bags of clothes. Then
they make a video of what they bought, and not just any old video, either. They
put great effort into it, with editing and a storyline. It’s their way of
showing off what they love to do.
C. In the old days, it took quite a lot of
cash to get the look you desired. If you wanted to be Goth, going out and
buying black boots, black clothes and black jewellery would cost a considerable
amount. It’s all become more affordable now, so you can belong to one youth
sub-culture one week and another the next, more or less.
D. There are fewer differences between
youth sub-cultures than there used to be. In the old days, a hippie looked like
a hippie. A punk looked like a punk, and nothing else. But it seems that the
youth of today sometimes combines looks. One example is seapunk, which is punk
but much more colourful and with a bit of hip-hop added. At least it’s still
very creative!
E. A youth sub-culture is defined by many
things. It’s the need to stand out, or the need to protest, or the need to
belong. These days, kids are quite worried about their future. University has
become very expensive, and the job market isn’t as strong as it used to be. How
can anyone focus on creating a unique style when they’re facing such deep financial
F. Sometimes a youth sub-culture can come
out of nowhere. Take Molly Soda, for example. Molly Soda is a teenage girl who
posted some short films on YouTube that quickly became highly popular. Her
style of dress, with her blue hair and nose piercing, is now copied by
thousands of girls who find it cool. They’re called Molly Soda girls, from a
youth sub-culture born overnight!
G. It is true that youth sub-cultures are
like trends. They are born, they gain popularity, and then soon enough,
everyone’s joined in. At that point, they are finished. This timeline used to
be much longer than it is today. Now, with social media, trends spread much
faster, which means they die a death much faster, too. A sub-culture is lucky
if it lasts a whole year these days!
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Второе задание (В3) оценивает
понимание структурно-смысловых связей текста и заключается в заполнении
пропусков в предложениях в тексте предлагаемыми частями предложений.
№1 Прочитайте текст и
заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна
из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя.
The Seven Sisters
After the Second World War, officials in the Soviet Union embarked on a
building frenzy to add a grand architectural style to Moscow’s skyline. As put
by Joseph Stalin, the country’s leader who had led the nation during the war,
the Soviet Union was victorious, A _______ .
The Seven Sisters are a collection of seven buildings that Stalin commissioned
to be built between 1947 and 1953. His thinking was to have skyscrapers just
like existed in Western cities such as New York and London. It was a matter of
prestige for the Soviet nation, he felt, B _______ .
The idea for the first ever Moscow skyscraper had actually come before the
Second World War. The building, the Palace of the Soviets, was never completed.
Construction began in 1937, but the German invasion in 1941 halted work C _______
Each of the Seven Sisters has a large base of several floors, with the base
size varying from one building to the next. The upper floors are much less wide
than the base, D _______ . The building designs are both
elegant and imposing.
The buildings served various purposes, which have not changed since their
erection. Some are hotels, such as the Hotel Ukraina, E _______
. When it opened in 1957, it was the world’s tallest hotel building. Other
buildings house government ministries, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
for the Russian Federation.
Strangely, the term ‘Seven Sisters’ is not used by Russians. Rather, they call
the buildings ‘Stalinskie Vysotki’, or ‘Stalin’s skyscrapers’. The style was
replicated in former USSR and Eastern Bloc countries F _______
, places that were influenced by Stalinist architecture.
Выберите ответ :
1. and the
building materials were removed and used for military defence
2. with the
focus on creating the greatest buildings known to man
3. and can be
seen in Kiev, Warsaw and Bucharest
4. and it was
one of his missions to make that a reality
5. yet its
capital had nothing to show for it
6. with the top
consisting of a tower which narrows to a point
7. which has
since been renamed the Radisson Royal Hotel
А |
В |
С |
D |
E |
F |
№2 Прочитайте текст и заполните
пропуски A–F частями предложений,
обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части
предложений, в таблицу. Один фрагмент предложения — лишний.
1) which is
often in the form of hills called sand dunes
2) whenever it
rains 3) to find water as far as 25 metres away
4) which can
receive up to 10,000 mm of rain annually
5) to better
distribute their body heat and stay cool
6) even though
the desert environment is very dry and hot
7) that help
them to live in the desert
Surviving in a Desert A desert is defined
as a place that gets less than 250 mm of rain each year. It differs sharply
from the climate of a rain forest, A _________________. Arid desert lands cover
about one third of the earth’s surface. Most deserts are covered with sand, B
__________________. There are also usually a lot of rocky areas. This
combination of sand and rock means that the soil is not very fertile. C
___________________, some living things are able to do well in this setting.
Many plants have changed and developed in ways D ________________. These
changes have become apparent in a number of ways. Some plants are able to grow
very quickly E ______________. They turn green and produce flowers within just
a few days. Other desert plants simply stop growing in very dry weather. They
appear to be dead, but when the rain returns, they come back to life and begin
growing again. Desert animals have also developed many characteristics that
help them to survive in arid environment. Camels can go for a very long time
without drinking. Other animals, such as snakes and rats, find cool places to
sleep during the day and come out only at night. The extremely long ears of
desert rabbits help them F ________________. Changes like these have allowed
some animals and plants to grow and develop successfully in a very challenging
ecological system: the desert. There are countless books in the world, and
whoever you are, whatever you’re feeling, there is definitely a book out there,
just waiting for you to discover it.
А |
В |
С |
D |
E |
F |
задание (А15 – А21) оценивает умение полностью и детально понять смысл текста,
где требуется выбрать один вариант ответа из четырёх предложенных. Данный вид
чтения требует полное и точное понимание всех основных и второстепенных фактов,
содержащихся в тексте
Рекомендации по формированию умения извлекать
необходимую информацию из прочитанного.
Учащимся следует:
Внимательно прочитать задания, для
того чтобы знать, какую информацию
следует искать в тексте
Ограничить время выполнения
задания, так как извлечение необходимой информации не требует внимательного
прочтения всего текста
Быстро просмотреть текст, чтобы
понять, о чем он
Помнить, что задания всегда стоят
перед текстом, и это позволяет рационально тратить время на его выполнение
Знать, что лексическое наполнение
задания и текста не совпадают, поэтому в тексте нужно искать синонимичные
Подчеркнуть ключевые слова в
задании и предположить, какие синонимы искать в тексте
рекомендации по выполнению задания – множественный выбор.
просмотри текст, чтобы понять, о чем он.
текст внимательно, чтобы иметь четко представление о содержании текста.
задания к тексту и продумай ответы, не читая предложенных вариантов ответа.
к тексту и найди отрывок в тексте, который подтвердит твой ответ.
один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
есть сомнения, то прочитай текст еще раз, чтобы быть уверенным, что ответ не
противоречит содержанию текста.
Помни, что:
которые повторяют текст (т.е. предложения, дословно употребленные в тексте)
обычно не бывают правильным ответом.
из предложенных вариантов могут быть правильными по логике, но не соответствуют
содержанию текста, или не отвечают на вопрос.
варианты ответа могли бы быть правильными, если бы в них не было ‘sometimes‘, ‘never‘, ‘always‘.
№1 Read the article carefully. Then read the
statements (1-5) given below the text and decide whether they are true or
false. You have 15 minutes to read the text and do the task.
Since people
first realised that they could travel faster from one place to another using a
means of
transport rather than walking, they have developed an amazing number of ways of
getting around. From camels to the space shuttle, from horses to jets, we love
to travel. Carts pulled by horses once took people lo market and now people
drive to supermarkets in their cars. Boats first took people out to fish and
now submarines float deep beneath the waves with huge cruise ships and stylish
sailboats above them. People first flew in hot-air balloons and now they fly
into space aboard rockets.
We also use
means of transport to move goods and materials from one area to another. Ships
take cargo and
oil tankers take fuel around the world. Trucks, lorries and vans move goods on
the roads while electric trains and diesel trains do it on rails, just like
steam trains used to do.
People are moved
from one place to another every day to work, some of them going by
others by bus, tram or taxi, and some making their own way by bicycle or
They go on
holiday by plane, by ferry, by hydrofoil, or by coach. From the poorest person
home by donkey
to the richest going home by limousine, people’s lives are dependent on many
different means
of transport.
1 The writer
mentions carts and cars to show how transport has changed.
a) true
b) false
2 The writer
thinks submarines are less developed than fishing boats.
a) true
b) false
3 One way
people travel is on oil tankers.
a) true
b) false
4 The writer thinks
trains are generally old-fashioned.
a) true
b) false
5 The writer
thinks people travel for many different reasons.
a) true
b) false
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
рекомендации по выполнению задания – множественный выбор.
просмотри текст, чтобы понять, о чем он.
текст внимательно, чтобы иметь четко представление о содержании текста.
задания к тексту и продумай ответы, не читая предложенных вариантов ответа.
к тексту и найди отрывок в тексте, который подтвердит твой ответ.
один из предложенных вариантов ответа.
есть сомнения, то прочитай текст еще раз, чтобы быть уверенным, что ответ не
противоречит содержанию текста.
Помни, что:
которые повторяют текст (т.е. предложения, дословно употребленные в тексте)
обычно не бывают правильным ответом.
из предложенных вариантов могут быть правильными по логике, но не соответствуют
содержанию текста, или не отвечают на вопрос.
варианты ответа могли бы быть правильными, если бы в них не было ‘sometimes‘, ‘never‘, ‘always‘.
№2 Прочитайте текст. В
каждом задании выберите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту
№3 Прочитайте текст и
выполните задания 12–18. В каждом задании выберите цифру
1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.
Facebook addict
I’ve been a user of Facebook for years, almost since its inception. I should
correct myself, actually: I’ve been a user, abuser and loser of Facebook since
King Mark Zuckerberg bestowed his charming gift upon the world.
I call him a ‘king’ because he virtually rules over my life, and not in the
typical way an actual king would, but in the way I have allowed myself to get
sucked into the phenomenon. Let’s face it: the man has more influence over some
people, me being one of them, than some parents have over their own
I’ve had my ups and downs with Facebook. I’ve gone from having thousands of
friends I’d never met in real life, to deleting my account entirely and
starting again from scratch, adding only real friends, as if that would make my
experience more meaningful.
But why would I need Facebook to add depth to my existence? I’ll tell you why …
it’s because Facebook makes you slightly famous. It’s like having your picture
in the paper with a little news story about you, where you’ve been, what you’re
doing, what you bought today. You’re surrounded by all the trappings of Western
society in your status update photos and they’re right there for the whole, um,
small network of your friends to see.
I know what you’re thinking … I’m sad and hopeless, and you’ll never turn out
like me. But how many of you reading this can honestly say you don’t do the
same things? Maybe you do it to different degrees, and maybe you’re even worse.
You just have to ask yourself … is there anything wrong with that?
I freely admit that I take pleasure from posting amusing pictures of a night
out with friends, or what my dog’s chewed up on my return from work, or the
fantastic rearrangement I did of my living room. There was a time when I
thought ‘There must be something wrong with me. Surely I can find a better way
to spend my time.’ Apparently I can’t, because I haven’t, so my conclusion is
that I never will and I’m better off accepting it than trying to fight
Allow me to present a solid case in favour of Facebook addiction … isn’t it far
better than watching TV for hours on end? Or what about playing video games?
That’s much more harmful and pointless, in my opinion. At least with Facebook,
the things I do are seen by my peers, for better or worse, and my actions are
not completely invisible and meaningless. At least there’s a purpose,
I suppose we find purpose where we want to find it. One could argue that a TV
addiction helps keep you up-to-date with current events. And maybe a computer
game sharpens your physical reflexes. I’ve decided that I’m a Facebook junkie
because I’m a deeply social person. I like sharing opinions, photos, videos,
and links to articles I enjoyed reading. And I’m not ashamed of it!
OK, I admit, I might check my Facebook page 100 times a day too many. I might
get just a little upset when no one clicks ‘like’ on any of the random postings
I make every day. But I did get 70 ‘likes’ for the photo I posted of me with my
cat in front of my chin, which made me look as if I had a beard. You have to
admit, those sorts of pictures are hilarious, and if they make someone laugh,
where’s the harm in that?
Выберите ответ :
№1 The author refers to Mark Zuckerberg as a man who is …
1) parental.
2) generous.
3) powerful.
4) ordinary.
№2 What does
the author think about being Facebook friends with people you don’t know? 1)
It is rather meaningless.
2) It can give
you cause to delete your account.
3) It adds
meaning to your life.
4) It can stop
you having friends in real life
№3 The
expression ‘trappings of Western society’ in paragraph 4 means …
1) things that
hold us hostage.
2) our habits
or belongings.
3) the media’s
effect on people.
4) a person’s
lonely existence.
№4 What
does the author think about other people’s relationship with Facebook?
1) Everyone is
far worse.
2) No one can
be as bad.
3) It varies
from person to person.
4) Most people
aren’t honest about it.
№5 In
paragraph 6, what does the ‘it’ refer to in both instances of ‘I’m better off accepting
it than trying to fight it’?
1) The things
people think about the author.
2) The quality
of things the author posts.
3) The lack of
free time in the author’s life.
4) The
author’s desire to use Facebook often.
№6 What is
the author’s rationale for using Facebook?
1) It is
better than other mindless activities.
2) Everyone
else the author knows is obsessed, too.
3) All the
author’s posts benefit the author’s friends.
4) The author
would be addicted to something else without it.
№7 The last
paragraph demonstrates that the author …
1) is not
ashamed of anything he does on Facebook.
2) plans to
spend less time on Facebook.
3) may have a
slight problem with Facebook.
4) does not
really enjoy Facebook.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
I: №1
А |
В |
С |
D |
E |
F |
G |
7 |
8 |
6 |
1 |
4 |
5 |
3 |
II №1
А |
В |
С |
D |
E |
F |
5 |
4 |
1 |
6 |
7 |
3 |
А |
В |
С |
D |
E |
F |
4 |
1 |
6 |
7 |
2 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
4 |
1 |
6 |
7 |
2 |
5 |
1 |
Задание №6695.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A — F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1 — 7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя.
The Seven Sisters
After the Second World War, officials in the Soviet Union embarked on a building frenzy to add a grand architectural style to Moscow’s skyline. As put by Joseph Stalin, the country’s leader who had led the nation during the war, the Soviet Union was victorious, ___ (A).
The Seven Sisters are a collection of seven buildings that Stalin commissioned to be built between 1947 and 1953. His thinking was to have skyscrapers just like existed in Western cities such as New York and London. It was a matter of prestige for the Soviet nation, he felt, ___ (B).
The idea for the first ever Moscow skyscraper had actually come before the Second World War. The building, the Palace of the Soviets, was never completed. Construction began in 1937, but the German invasion in 1941 halted work ___ (C).
Each of the Seven Sisters has a large base of several floors, with the base size varying from one building to the next. The upper floors are much less wide than the base, ___ (D). The building designs are both elegant and imposing.
The buildings served various purposes, which have not changed since their erection. Some are hotels, such as the Hotel Ukraina, ___ (E). When it opened in 1957, it was the world’s tallest hotel building. Other buildings house government ministries, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Russian Federation.
Strangely, the term ‘Seven Sisters’ is not used by Russians. Rather, they call the buildings ‘Stalinskie Vysotki’, or ‘Stalin’s skyscrapers’. The style was replicated in former USSR and Eastern Bloc countries ___ (F), places that were influenced by Stalinist architecture.
1. and the building materials were removed and used for military defence
2. with the focus on creating the greatest buildings known to man
3. and can be seen in Kiev, Warsaw and Bucharest
4. and it was one of his missions to make that a reality
5. yet its capital had nothing to show for it
6. with the top consisting of a tower which narrows to a point
7. which has since been renamed the Radisson Royal Hotel
Пропуску A соответствует часть текста под номером 5.
Пропуску B соответствует часть текста под номером 4.
Пропуску C соответствует часть текста под номером 1.
Пропуску D соответствует часть текста под номером 6.
Пропуску E соответствует часть текста под номером 7.
Пропуску F соответствует часть текста под номером 3.
Показать ответ
Источник: Тесты для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку, 2019. Вербицкая М., Манн М., Тейлор-Ноулз С.
Сообщить об ошибке
Тест с похожими заданиями
Рекомендуемое время выполнения задания — 8 минут.
Установите соответствие между заголовками А — Н и текстами 1 — 7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
1. Tourists from all over the world will enjoy their time in London if they plan a visit to one of the capital’s famous musicals or plays as an inbuilt part of their holiday in England. The London stage scene has been a big success story for over a hundred years and visitors will appreciate the programme in London theatres which has not changed for years.
2. Robert Sims is the brilliant new author of the comedy play about student life in Scotland at the Round House Theatre in Glasgow. Robert, who is only twenty four, started to write the play immediately after leaving university. He told our reporter that he couldn’t write the play while he was at university, because many of the characters in it were his fellow students or university lecturers. The play is also partly a musical with some very funny songs.
3. The new programme of plays at the Eastbourne Winter Garden Theatre contains a very varied and interesting variety of productions. The summer holiday programme starts with a French comedy, continues with the play «The Three Sisters» by Chekhov and ends with the «Rocky Horror Movie Show». I wonder how the conservative Eastbourne audiences will cope with this surprising mix.
4. The new winter season at the Hippodrome Theatre is a big break with tradition. There are no musicals, no comedies and no Agatha Chistie thrillers. The new management is staging three Shakespeare plays and two plays by the German playwright Bertolt Brecht, in addition to a very modern pantomime which doesn’t have either a Prince Charming or two ugly sisters. We wish the Hippodrome every success in its efforts to bring culture to the masses.
5. Our winter programme of plays and musicals starts on the first of December. We offer special rates to all students and senior citizens and there are also very good reductions for all theatre goers, who join our theatre club and buy tickets for three or more performances in advance. Theatre programmes with details of each performance and the actors are also free for all members of the theatre club, which is another big saving. Support your local theatre again this season.
6. The long running soap opera «Green Wellies», set in the rural south east of England is scheduled to end in August. The directors of Channel 4 point to decreased enthusiasm for the programme over the last year as the major cause for this decision. Many viewers have complained about the weak story lines and the poor acting of some of the main characters. Also a lot of young people are not interested anymore in hearing about agricultural topics.
7. The new boys’ pop group «No Chance» is scheduled to perform at the Liberty Theatre in Clacton. This is part of their journey of England from Bognor in the south to Grimsby in the north. The boys are in big demand after the successful launch of their new CD «Mind over Matter» and it is anticipated that the Clacton venue will be a complete sell out. Buy your tickets now to be sure of a seat.
Задание В3
Рекомендуемое время выполнения задания — 7 минут.
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений А-G. Одна из частей в списке А-G лишняя. Перенесите ответы в таблицу.
A substance produced by disease-transmitting in sects could 1) _______ . Mosquitoes and blackflies transmit malaria and river blindness respec
tively, both of which 2) _______ .
However, scientists have discovered, in some of these insects, a substance called a peptide which can 3) _______ . Recently introduced techniques have allowed researchers to study these minute insects in order to 4) _______ . Professor John Wells said that his team had discovered that the peptides 5) _______ . He pointed out that if they could identify the genes responsible for producing the substance, they could introduce into the world genetically altered mosquitoes which 6) _______ .
In the wake of these exciting developments, it is hoped that science will be able to eradicate some major tropical diseases sooner rather than later.
A. were incapable of spreading the disease.
B. kill the viruses and parasites they carry.
C. provide the key to fighting these same diseases.
D. cause a large number of deaths every year.
E. find out more about the peptides.
F. were active against parasites.
G. were able to spread the disease.
Задания A15-A21
Рекомендуемое время выполнения задания — 15 минут.
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А15 — А21, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.
I think I’m a good librarian. I love books, and the people who read them, and if that makes me intolerant of the video and computer age, it doesn’t matter much in here. Paul was embarrassed by my job. It didn’t fit in with his creative Director image at dinner parties. He’d rather I had either stayed at home, and then he could continue to make jokes about me being the last housewife in captivity; or else that I had found some trendy, highly-paid job in the media. When I pointed out that I did work in the media, it just wasn’t very highly paid, he would look pained.
I’ve always been addicted to the printed word. A former headmistress once said, «If Constance had nothing else to read, she’d read the label on a jam jar!»
She meant to be scathing, and the other girls tittered sycophantically, but I thought she was being silly. You could learn a lot from the labels on jam jars… and besides, the other girls would only gaze into space and moon. Was that supposed to be better?
So my first thought, when Kate started school and I decided I could now take a job with a clear conscience, was something to involve me with books. I would have been quite happy in a bookshop, but the humiliation of having his wife working as a shop assistant was more than Paul could contemplate. I tried to argue that all advertising is only selling. I’d heard him propound the argument often enough at dinner parties, when smart women fresh out of university and burning to write had asked him if it wasn’t an awful come down, when you’d got a First in English, to wind up working in advertising? The moment he heard that contemptuous stress on the first syllable, advertising, aa’man, Paul would assume his patient, sophisticated smile and take them through his catechism about selling. But evidently the same didn’t apply to me and bookshops.
«Not even Hatchards?» I’d said. «Then I’d be near your office and we could meet for lunch sometimes. That would be nice…»
«My dear girl, you wouldn’t stand a chance of getting a job in Hatchards!» Paul had answered.
So I did get a year’s course in librarianship, and started work within a month of completing it. There aren’t that many librarians with a First from Oxford, and although I didn’t tell my colleagues, it showed up on my CV and must have impressed the selection committee. They probably thought I wouldn’t stay, but I have spent nearly nine years now in the same public library. It helped to tide me over the utter disorientation I felt when Paul left me, and my raging sense of pain and injustice over the divorce. My incredulity at the distortion of our marriage as expressed in solicitors’ letters, and later my fury over the court proceedings, were tamed and made bearable by the sweet unvarying routine of the Dewey classifying system and the old ladies, the truanting children and the coffee breaks.
A15 Paul disapproved of his wife’s job because it
1) deprived him of a chance to show off.
2) had nothing to do with computers.
3) made her look like a housewife.
4) was not acceptable in their circles.
A16 According to the text, the narrator was critical of her school environment as
1) the headmistress had disapproved of her love for books.
2) the headmistress had teased her for her obsession.
3) the other girls had never shared her love for reading.
4) it had never been a source of excitement for her.
A17 The narrator decided to take a job in a bookshop because
1) it could offer her vast career opportunities.
2) she knew it would bring her a lot of money.
3) her daughter had grown up and did without her help.
4) it was a great place to meet people who read books.
A18 According to the text, the narrator thought «advertising» to be NOT
1) effective.
2) profitable.
3) successful.
4) creative.
A19 In order to start the work in a library the narrator needed
1) a First from Oxford.
2) a year of job experience.
3) professional qualifications.
4) a reference enclosed in CV.
A20 The narrator felt completely confused because of
1) splitting up with her husband.
2) financial difficulties.
3) injustice on the part of old ladies.
4) the disappointment with her job.
A21 The narrator survived the trauma because
1) she and her husband remained friends.
2) she found satisfaction in her job.
3) the court proceedings were just.
4) her own children supported her.
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Тема: The Seven Sisters (Прочитано 41816 раз)
0 Пользователей и 1 Гость просматривают эту тему.
Ну наконец-то!!! Сколько можно ждать! (Нет, нет, ещё пак не выпущен, хотя бы просто посмотреть на скрины). Это одна из тех миссий, которые я жду как в свое время трепеща ждал Ominous Bequest.
Автор кампании The Seven Sisters, включающая три миссии Night One, Night Two и Night Three, нашумевшая своей FM-кой Rowenas Curse многоуважаемая Lady Rowena.
Первые две миссии сделаны, идет работа над Night Three.
Сообщение Lady Rowena.
Чорт! (то есть Трикстер!) качаю…
clearing, спасибо, что держишь в курсе!
Szybko, szybko, geht der ab!
Посмотрим что госпожа Ровена там наворотила. Надеюсь не зря качал, пак огромный, 92.5мб. Хотя чувствую это из-за Enhancement Pack-a. Почему в последнее время все так настойчиво пытаются сделать T2 похожим на T3.
Хотя чувствую это из-за Enhancement Pack-a.
Не только. Посмотри редми. Чего там только нет. И Enhancement Pack не делает Т2 похожим на Т3.
На работе тормозит. Rowena высосала из движка всё возможное
Вечером дома займусь.
Кстати, в редми написано предупреждение тем, у кого уже стоят всякие «улучшения», навроде EP.
качнула — но играть пока не смогу.
на работах один за другим идут корпоративы на которых надо быть, на обоих.. моя печень не выдержит!
В жизни всегда есть место подвигу. Только надо быть подальше от этого места.
Надо играть… а только хотел SS2 перепройти и Dreamfall осилить. Эх…
Весчь!!! Потрясающая хотя бы по самой атмосфере, не говоря уже о сюжете и качестве исполнения. Я обожаю УЮТНЫЕ миссии, т.е. те, где ты органично сам (а не Гарретт) вписываешься в обстановку по духу.
В общем, снял шляпу и стою с непокрытой головой.
И, кстати, так, невзначай спрашиваю, а где раздобыть вторую отмычку? Или я что-то важное снова пропустил в самом начале? Тем более, что на TTLG этим вопросом никто не задается.
Поясните, кто может…
zanuda а вторая отмычка будет судя по всему во второй миссии… так как одно из заданий первой миссии звучит так : несмотря на то что сегодня ночью у вас только одна отмычка, поработайте ей как следует…
а меня больше интересует как забраться на колокольню в соборе…
сорри… уже не актуально — залез… но это же додуматься нужно
балки выглядят как металлические… я случайно в них выстрелил… просто потому что ничего другого не оставалось…
[Исправлено: snowworm, 25 дек. 2007 1:12]
Сенкс. Я уже тоже понял, что двери, не открывающиеся в первой, откроются во второй (часть в первой, но, если проникнуть иначе, чем через дверь)))).Еще несколько вопросов:
1. На кой ляд Сердце Майи?
2. На кой ляд Каменный ключ?
3. Как нейтрализовать силу 7 сестры?
4. Самое главное, где, блин, найти четверых больных? Нашел трех, одного замочил по неосторожности.
5. На кой ляд зеленые яйца, взятые под собором с такой радостью Гарретта?P.S. Залез (не удержался) в начала второй и третьей ночи. Писаю кипятком… Шедевр!!!
Про вторую отмычку написано специально в редми.
Насчет других ответов пока не знаю.
Надо переводить миссию.
Переводить. Не, лично я сейчас не возьмусь, у меня еще 2 штуки недоделанных лежат, Фабрика лорда Алана и Ranstall Keep тоже.
Если кто возьмется, могу технически все это оформить.
Szybko, szybko, geht der ab!
SSiamsky я могу помочь с переводом — только объясните как это делать ))) где текст взять…
Добавлено позже
миссия конечно супер… просто хочется в этом городе жить… после того как вылечить больных конечно ))))))))
Все книги:
booksEnglish — файлы str, открываются хоть блокнотом.
Задания миссий:
То же самое, файлы str (обычные текстовые файлы).
Если будет готова основная масса текстов, я все это потом оформлю надлежащим образом.
Szybko, szybko, geht der ab!
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Расширенный поиск
11303 викторины, 1068 кроссвордов, 906 пазлов и многое другое…
Test 1
Задание | Ответы |
B1 | 1:C 2:G 3:B 4:A 5:D 6:E |
A1-7 | A1:1 A2:2 A3:3 A4:2 A5:1 A6:2 A7:3 |
A8-14 | A8:3 A9:1 A10:2 A11:1 A12:1 A13:3 A14:2 |
B2 | 1F 2B 3D 4H 5G 6A 7C |
B3 | 1:B 2:F 3:A 4:G 5:D 6:C |
A15-21 | A15:3 A16:1 A17:2 A18:4 A19:2 A20:1 A21:2 |
B4-10 | B4:strangest B5:exists B6:thought B7:had never seen B8:second B9:lives B10:dirtier |
B11-16 | B11:construction B12:height B13:prisoners B14:buildings B15:visitors B16:interesting |
A22-28 | A22:4 A23:1 A24:1 A25:3 A26:4 A27:2 A28:1 |
Test 2
Задание | Ответы |
B1 | 1:G 2:E 3:F 4:A 5:B 6:D |
A1-7 | A1:3 A2:1 A3:1 A4:2 A5:2 A6:3 A7:1 |
A8-14 | A8:2 A9:1 A10:3 A11:1 A12:1 A13:2 A14:1 |
B2 | 1H 2D 3C 4G 5A 6E 7B |
B3 | 1:G 2:B 3:D 4:F 5:E 6:C |
A15-21 | A15:2 A16:2 A17:1 A18:4 A19:2 A20:4 A21:3 |
B4-10 | B4:isn’t / is not B5:have eaten / have been eating B6:arrived B7:had ever seen B8:first B9:were thought B10:them |
B11-16 | B11:invention B12:French B13:flight B14:famous B15:scientific B16:direction |
A22-28 | A21:1 A22:3 A23:2 A24:2 A25:4 A26:1 A27:2 A28:3 |
Test 3
Задание | Ответы |
B1 | 1:E 2:B 3:F 4:D 5:A 6:C |
A1-7 | A1:3 A2:2 A3:1 A4:2 A5:2 A6:1 A7:3 |
A8-14 | A8:2 A9:1 A10:3 A11:2 A12:2 A13:2 A14:1 |
B2 | 1G 2F 3A 4C 5H 6B 7E |
B3 | 1:C 2:A 3:G 4:B 5:E 6:D |
A15-21 | A15:2 A16:4 A17:2 A18:1 A19:2 A20:3 A21:4 |
B4-10 | B4:wrote B5:receiving B6:had not produced / hadn’t produced B7:later B8:has appeared B9:starring B10:perform |
B11-16 | B11:lovers B12:attractions B13:enjoyable B14:adventurous B15:nervous B16:scary |
A22-28 | A22:3 A23:1 A24:2 A25:1 A26:3 A27:2 A28:4 |
Test 4
Задание | Ответы |
B1 | 1:C 2:G 3:F 4:E 5:В 6:A |
A1-7 | Al:2 A2:2 A3:3 A4:1 A5:2 A6:3 A7:1 |
A8-14 | A8:3 A9:1 A10:3 All:3 A12:1 A13:3 A14:2 |
B2 | 1:C 2:F 3:H 4:D 5:E 6:В 7:G |
B3 | 1:C 2:G 3:A 4:В 5:E 6:D |
A15-21 | A15:4 A16:l A17:3 A18:3 A19:1 A20:2 A21:3 |
B4-10 | B4:mine B5:singing B6:have been B7:warmer B8:looks B9:leave B10:doesn’t / does not burn |
B11-16 | B11:acting B12:performance B13:dangerous B14:director B15:behaviour B16:boring |
A22-28 | A22:4 A23:1 A24:1 A25:3 A26:4 A27:3 A28:2 |
Test 5
Задание | Ответы |
B1 | 1:G 2:F 3:С 4:A 5:E 6:В |
A1-7 | A1:2 A2:3 A3:2 A4:2 A5:2 A6:3 A7:1 |
A8-14 | A8:3 A9:2 A10:1 All:3 A12:2 A13:1 A14:1 |
B2 | 1:D 2:С 3:E 4:H 5:A 6:G 7:В |
B3 | 1:D 2:С 3:E 4:В 5:G 6:A |
A15-21 | A15:2 A16:4 A17:1 A18:2 A19:4 A20:2 A21:1 |
B4-10 | B4:was invented B5:got B6:stopping B7:faster B8:would change B9:have built B10:biggest |
B11-16 | B11:ability B12:equipment B13:comparison B14:historical B15:detailed B16:unpredictable |
A22-28 | A22:2 A23:1 A24:1 A25:3 A26:2 A27:4 A28:2 |
Test 6
Задание | Ответы |
B1 | 1:D 2:A 3:G 4:В 5:С 6:F |
A1-7 | А1:3 А2:2 A3:1 А4:2 А5:3 А6:1 А7:2 |
A8-14 | A8:3 A9:2 A10:1 All:1 A12:3 A13:2 A14:1 |
B2 | 1:G 2:D 3:H 4:С 5:E 6:В 7:A |
B3 | 1:G 2:F 3:A 4:E 5:В 6:D |
A15-21 | A15:3 A16:4 A17:1 A18:2 A19:3 A20:1 A21:4 |
B4-10 | B4:his B5:has B6:haven’t / have not existed B7:don’t / do not wear B8:carrying B9:their B10:is called |
B11-16 | B11:players B12:difference B13:Professional B14:particularly B15:national B16:popularity |
A22-28 | A22:1 A23:4 A24:3 A25:3 A26:1 A27:4 A28:2 |
Test 7
Задание | Ответы |
B1 | 1:D 2:С 3:A 4:F 5:G 6:E |
A1-7 | Al:1 A2:3 A3:2 A4:3 A5:2 A6:1 A7:2 |
A8-14 | A8:1 A9:l A10:3 All:2 A12:2 A13:1 A14:1 |
B2 | 1:E 2:G 3:В 4:F 5:H 6:D 7:С |
B3 | 1:B 2:F 3:D 4:G 5:E 6:С |
A15-21 | A15:2 A16:4 A17:1 A18:1 A19:4 A20:2 A21:3 |
B4-10 | B4:are flying B5:had never heard B6:looking B7:have told B8:our B9:began B10:sitting |
B11-16 | B11:explorer B12:unable B13:successfully B14:wealthy B15:solution B16:shoppers |
A22-28 | A22:4 A23:1 A24:1 A25:3 A26:1 A27:4 A28:3 |
Test 8
Задание | Ответы |
B1 | 1:G 2:D 3:В 4:С 5:E 6:F |
A1-7 | Al:2 A2:3 A3:1 A4:1 A5:2 A6:2 A7:3 |
A8-14 | A8:2 A9:3 A10:3 All:2 A12:3 A13:3 A14:1 |
B2 | 1:C 2:E 3:A 4:G 5:В 6:H 7:D |
B3 | 1:C 2:A 3:F 4:D 5:G 6:E |
A15-21 | A15:4 A16:3 A17:3 A18:1 A19:2 A20:4 A21:3 |
B4-10 | B4:us B5:smaller B6:goes B7:had never been B8:landed B9:walked B10:have visited |
B11-16 | B11:achievement B12:childhood B13:emotional B14:development B15:extremely B16:productions |
A22-28 | A22:2 A23:3 A24:1 A25:2 A26:4 A27:1 A28:1 |
Test 9
Задание | Ответы |
B1 | 1:D 2:E 3:A 4:G 5:С 6:В |
A1-7 | A1:3 A2:1 A3:2 A4:1 A5:2 A6:1 A7:3 |
A8-14 | A8:1 A9:1 A10:3 A11:2 A12:1 A13:3 A14:1 |
B2 | 1:G 2:H 3:A 4:В 5:С 6:F 7:Е |
B3 | 1:D 2:А 3:Е 4:G 5:С 6:F |
A15-21 | А15:2 А16:3 А17:1 А18:1 А19:4 А20:2 А21:4 |
B4-10 | B4:have tried B5:were made B6:ours B7:had B8:kept B9:less B10:could not / couldn’t |
B11-16 | B11:prehistoric B12:arrival B13:useful B14:growth B15:inhabitants B16:global |
A22-28 | A22:4 A23:3 A24:4 A25:1 A26:2 A27:2 A28:3 |
Test 20
Задание | Ответы |
B1 | 1C 2B 3F 4G 5A 6D |
A1-7 | A1:2 A2:1 A3:1 A4:2 A5:3 A6:2 A7:2 |
A8-14 | A8:1 A9:2 A10:3 A11:3 A12:2 A13:2 A14:1 |
B2 | 1D 2F 3G 4B 5H 6E 7C |
B3 | 1:A 2:F 3:G 4:E 5:B 6:C |
A15-21 | A15:1 A16:4 A17:3 A18:2 A19:3 A20:4 A21:1 |
B4-10 | B4:kills B5:died / had died B6:studied B7:helping B8:made B9:did not / didn’t understand B10:took |
B11-16 | B11:performer B12:assistant B13:beginning B14:European B15:celebration B16:dramatic |
A22-28 | A22:3 A23:4 A24:3 A25:1 A26:1 A27:3 A28:2 |
(Copyright © 2009 Macmillan Publishers Ltd)
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After the Second World War, officials in the Soviet Union embarked on a building frenzy to add a grand
architectural style to Moscow’s skyline. As put by Joseph Stalin, the country’s leader who had led the
nation during the war, the Soviet Union was victorious, A _______ .
The Seven Sisters are a collection of seven buildings that Stalin commissioned to be built between 1947
and 1953. His thinking was to have skyscrapers just like existed in Western cities such as New York and
London. It was a matter of prestige for the Soviet nation, he felt, B _______ .
The idea for the first ever Moscow skyscraper had actually come before the Second World War. The
building, the Palace of the Soviets, was never completed. Construction began in 1937, but the German
invasion in 1941 halted work C _______ .
Each of the Seven Sisters has a large base of several floors, with the base size varying from one building
to the next. The upper floors are much less wide than the base, D _______ . The building designs are both
elegant and imposing.
The buildings served various purposes, which have not changed since their erection. Some are hotels,
such as the Hotel Ukraina, E _______ . When it opened in 1957, it was the world’s tallest hotel building.
Other buildings house government ministries, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Russian
Strangely, the term ‘Seven Sisters’ is not used by Russians. Rather, they call the buildings ‘Stalinskie Vysotki’,
or ‘Stalin’s skyscrapers’. The style was replicated in former USSR and Eastern Bloc countries F _______ ,
places that were influenced by Stalinist architecture.
1. and the building materials were removed and used for military defence
2. with the focus on creating the greatest buildings known to man
3. and can be seen in Kiev, Warsaw and Bucharest
4. and it was one of his missions to make that a reality
5. yet its capital had nothing to show for it
6. with the top consisting of a tower which narrows to a point
7. which has since been renamed the Radisson Royal Hotel
Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
После второй мировой войны чиновники в Советском Союзе начал исступлении здания для добавления Гранд Архитектурный стиль Москвы на фоне линии горизонта. Как Иосиф Сталин, лидер страны, который возглавлял нация во время войны, советский союз был победоносен, ___. Семь сестер представляют собой набор из семи зданий, которые Сталин поручил построить между 1947 и 1953. Его мышление в том, чтобы иметь небоскребы так же, как в западных городах, как Нью-Йорк и Лондон. Это вопрос престижа для советского народа, он чувствовал, B ___.Идея для первой в истории, Московский небоскреб на самом деле прийти до второй мировой войны. В здание дворца советов, никогда не была завершена. Строительство началось в 1937 году, но немецкий вторжение в 1941 году остановить работу C ___.Каждый из семи сестер имеет большую базу нескольких этажей, с базовым размером от одного здания к следующему. Верхние этажи являются гораздо менее широкими, чем база, D ___. Строительные конструкции являются элегантные и внушительной.Здания служили различного назначения, которые не изменились с момента их возведения. Некоторые из них Гостиницы, Например, отель Украина, E ___. Когда он был открыт в 1957 году, он был в мире самое высокое здание отеля. Другие здания Дома министерств, таких, как Министерство иностранных дел Российской Федерации Федерация. Как ни странно русских не используется термин «Семь сестер». Скорее они называют здания «Stalinskie высотки», или «Сталинских небоскребов». Стиль был воспроизведен в бывшем СССР и Восточного блока стран F ___, места, которые находились под влиянием сталинской архитектуры.1. и строительные материалы были удалены и используются для военной обороны2. с акцентом на создание больших зданий, известных человеку3. и можно увидеть в Киеве, Варшаве и Бухарест4. и это был один из своих миссий, чтобы сделать реальностью5. пока ее столица не имеет ничего, чтобы показать его6. с верхней частью, состоящей из башни, которая сужается до точки7. который впоследствии был переименован в Radisson Royal Hotel
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
После Второй мировой войны, чиновники в Советском Союзе приступили к строительным исступления , чтобы добавить грандиозный
архитектурный стиль архитектурный ансамбль Москвы. Как сказал Иосиф Сталин, лидер страны , который привел к
нации во время войны, Советский Союз был победителем, А _______.
Семь Сестер представляют собой набор из семи зданий , что Сталин поручил быть построен между 1947
и 1953 годах Его мышление было иметь небоскребы так же , как существует в западных городах , таких как Нью — Йорк и
Лондон. Это был вопрос престижа для советского народа, он чувствовал, B _______.
Идея первого в истории московского небоскреба фактически пришел до начала Второй мировой войны.
Здание, Дворец Советов, никогда не была завершена. Строительство началось в 1937 году, но немецкое
вторжение в 1941 году остановил работы C _______.
Каждый из семи сестер имеет большую базу из нескольких этажей, с базовым размером варьируется от одного здания
к другому. Верхние этажи гораздо менее широк , чем основание, D _______. Конструкции здания являются
элегантным и внушительным.
Здания служили различные цели, которые не изменились с момента их возведения. Некоторые отели,
такие как гостиницы, Украина E _______. Когда он был открыт в 1957 году, это было самое высокое здание в мире отель.
Другие здания дома правительственные министерства, такие как Министерство иностранных дел для Российской
Федерации. Как
ни странно, термин «Семь сестер» не используется русскими. Скорее всего , они называют зданий «Stalinskie высотки»,
или «сталинских высоток». Стиль был повторен в странах бывшего СССР и Восточного блока F _______,
места , которые находились под влиянием сталинской архитектуры.
1. и строительные материалы были удалены и использованы для военной обороны
2. с акцентом на создание величайших зданий , известных человеку
3. и их можно увидеть в Киеве, Варшаве и Бухаресте
4. и это была одна из его миссий , чтобы сделать это реальностью
5. пока его капитал не имел ничего , чтобы показать его
6. с вершиной , состоящей из башни , которая сужается к точке
7. который впоследствии был переименован в Radisson Royal Отель
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
после второй мировой войны, чиновники в ссср начали строительство Frenzy добавить штукархитектурный стиль для москвы горизонт.как поставить сталина, лидера страны, которые привелинации во время войны советский союз победил, а _______.семь сестер являются сбор семь зданий, что сталин поручил построить между 1947и в 1953 году.его мысли на небоскребы, как существует в западной такие города, как нью — йорк ив лондоне.это вопрос престижа для советского народа, он считает, что, в _______.идея, впервые в москве небоскреб действительно пришел до второй мировой войны.советздание дворца советов, никогда не была завершена.строительство началось в 1937 году, но немецкийвторжение в 1941 году остановить работу с _______.каждой из семи сестер имеет большую базу несколько этажей, с базы разной из одного зданияк следующей.верхние этажи гораздо менее широким, чем базовый, d _______.строительные конструкции какэлегантный и навязывания.здания, работал в различных целей, которые не изменились со времени их установку.в некоторых отелях,таких, как гостиница «украина», E _______.когда он открыл в 1957 году, было в мире самое высокое здание.другие здания дома правительства, министерств, например министерства иностранных дел российскойфедерация.как ни странно, термин «семи сестер» не используется россиянами.скорее, они называют зданий stalinskie vysotki «,или «сталинской высотки».стиль был воспроизведен в бывшем ссср и стран восточного блока F _______,места, которые были под влиянием сталинской архитектуры.1.и строительные материалы, были сняты, и использоваться для военных2.с упором на создание больших зданий, известный человеку3.и можно увидеть в киев, варшава и бухарест4.и это был один из его миссии, чтобы сделать это реальностью5.тем не менее его капитала не было ничего, чтобы показать это6.с верхом из башни, которые сужается к точке7.с тех пор переименованной Radisson Royal Hotel
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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- концентрированным
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- Oficiul stare civilă
В данном задании дается связный текст с семью пропусками. В данной части экзамена это самое сложное задание. Для каждого пропуска предлагаются четыре варианта ответа, из которых только один является правильным. За каждый правильно выбранный ответ дается 1 Балл. За все задание можно получить максимально 7 Баллов.
ЦЕЛЬ ЗАДАНИЯ: Проверить умение использовать лексику в коммуникативном контексте с учетом специфики:
Форм одного слова и слов, близких по написанию и звучанию;
Ф Значений одного слова и его синонимов, антонимов, омонимов;
Ф Норм лексической сочетаемости, принятых в английском языке, и т. д.
Заранее ознакомиться с форматом задания и с требованиями по заполнению бланков для данного задания.
Во время первого прочтения
Просмотреть текст с пропусками, постараться понять его содержание.
Во время второго прочтения
1. Читать текст до пропуска. При работе с каждым фрагментом текста с пропуском использовать следующую логику:
♦ читать внимательно весь фрагмент, но особое внимание уделить предложению с пропущенным словом;
♦ внимательно изучить все предложенные варианты ответа, выбрать наиболее подходящий с учетом значения и норм лексической сочетаемости пропущенного слова. ОСОБОЕ ВНИМАНИЕ уделить Синонимам (у них могут Быть разные оттенки значения, они могут иметь Различия в управлении и сочетаемости с другими словами), а также Созвучным словам или словам Со сходным написанием (у них могут быть разные значения).
♦ прочитать предложение с пропуском еще раз, убедиться, что выбранное слово является наиболее корректным для заполнения пропуска. ОБОСНОВАТЬ СВОЙ ВЫБОР, определив, почему другие варианты неверны в данном случае. Если задание выполняется Не на экзамене, проверить правильность сделанного выбора По словарю.
2. Обвести/ записать окончательный вариант ответа в тексте задания.
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22—А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите Номер Выбранного Вами Варианта Ответа.
A New Family Member
Tracey and her sister had always wanted their own horse. And although neither of them had much spare money, they were about to ∣A22∣Their dream. The tricky part was not getting a horse but actually finding somewhere to keep one. But eventually Mrs Richards aGreed to let the girls ∣A23∣A small field at the far end of the farm. This was going to ∣A24∣Them J500 a year but it would work out at just over J20 per month each which was OK. The horse himself was coming from the Horse Rescue Charity. They would need to make a small donation every year to cover the cost of an animal welfare inspector who would visit twice a year. The ∣A25∣ Expenses after this would be for food and vet bills. But the two girls were
∣A26∣That they could manage and were committed to going ahead. And it was a big commitment. They were getting an eighteen month old skewbald colt named Domino. Horses often live over twenty years and the sisters were taking him on A27∣Life. Actually they had plans to get another horse as a friend for Domino. But first of all Domino would need to settle down. He had been badly treated by his previous owners and was still a bit nervous and difficult to ∣A28∣.
A22 I |
1) realise |
2) consider |
3) have |
4) believe |
A23∣ |
1) borrow |
2) pay |
3) rent |
4) lend |
A24 I |
1) charge |
2) fee |
3) pay |
4) cost |
A25 I |
1) longest |
2) biggest |
3) hugest |
4) tallest |
A26∣ |
1) assured |
2) comfortable |
3) thoughtful |
4) confident |
A27∣ |
1) for |
2) during |
3) at |
4) to |
A28∣ |
1) deal |
2) agree |
3) handle |
4) cope |
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22-А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите Номер Выбранного Вами Варианта Ответа.
Unlucky Travellers
Susan sat down, switched on her computer and was just about to read Her overnight emails when the door flew open. “Valerie! What are you doing here? You are A22∣ to be on holiday in Italy!”
Susan was astonished. She and Val worked together as receptionists at the hospital. Because she had expected to be on her own and working twice as hard, she was quite pleased to see Val. On the other hand she knew that Val was really looking ∣A23∣To her holiday. What could possibly have gone wrong? Val walked in but she didn’t say a ∣A24∣ word. It was clear that she was upset and tired. “What is it? What’s happened?” Susan continued. “Is everything OK?” Valerie was silent for some moments but eventually A25__________________________ . “You clearly haven’t
Heard the news. Our travel company went bankrupt on Friday. We didn’t know and so went to the airport on Saturday morning. Actually we have spent the whole weekend at the airport hoping still to get a flight. In the end we gave ∣A26 and came home”. “Oh you poor thing,” Susan gushed. “Let me make you a cup of tea but then you should go home. You still have two weeks holiday to A27[ Is certainly nice enough at the moment.
To Italy still. We had travel insurance and it seems we will get all our money ∣A28[ We’ll try again in the autumn with a different travel company.”
A22 I |
1) proposed |
2) suggested |
3) wanted |
4) supposed |
A23∣ |
1) for |
2) around |
3) forward |
4) after |
A24∣ |
1)separate |
2) single |
3) one |
4) certain |
A25∣ |
1) asked |
2) said |
3) ) spoke |
4) told |
A26 I |
1) up |
2) on |
3) to |
4) at |
A27∣ |
1) make |
2) take |
3) manage |
4) do |
A28∣ |
1) back |
2) still |
3) agreed |
4) together |
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22-А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите Номер Выбранного Вами Варианта Ответа.
The Tower of London
‘Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress’, ‘The Tower’ and ‘The White Tower’ are all names for the building most commonly known as The Tower of London. Construction began in 1078 but work ∣A22∣, on and off, over a period of two hundred years or more.
The Tower was essentially a fortress whose functions eventually extended to that of royal palace, prison, armoury, zoo, Royal Mint and observatory. Since 1303 it has also been used ∣A23∣Storing the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom. Today, however, The Tower is cared for by an independent charity and receives no funding from the governmEnt or the crown.
The Tower is probably best known for the famous prisoners who were ∣A24∣, and sometimes executed, there. In 1483 the 13-year-old King Edward 5ffi and his 10-year-old brother Richard were murdered there; apparently on the orders of their uncle, the Duke of Gloucester. ∣A25∣The most famous victim of The Tower was Anne Boleyn, the unfortunate second wife of Henry 8th. But Guy Fawkes, Thomas Moore, Sir Walter Raleigh and even the future Queen Elizabeth 1st were all imprisoned behind those fearsome walls.
Most people know the A26∣Legend that if the ravens ever leave The Tower — then the British Monarchy will be doomed. Possibly less people know however that the Tower was also one of the ∣A27∣Zoos. Lions, tigers and large ∣A28∣Of rare and exotic species lived
In the Tower gardens over 800 years ago. |
∣A22∣ |
1) lengthened |
2) continued |
3) prolonged |
4) increased |
A23∣ |
1) as |
2) with |
3) for |
‘∖ |
4) to |
A24∣ |
1) captured |
2) maintained |
3) found |
4) held |
A25 I |
1) Thus |
2) Consequently |
3) Probably |
4) Although |
A26∣ |
1) ancient |
2) prehistoric |
3) antique |
4) aged |
A27 I |
1) newest |
2) youngest |
3) earliest |
4) soonest |
A28 I |
1) figures |
2) groups |
3) herds |
4) numbers |
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22-А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите Номер Выбранного Вами Варианта Ответа.
Schools for gifted and talented: view of American scholars
Gifted programs often provoke controversy because there is no standard definition of what a gifted student is. There are six ∣A22 of ability often evaluated in order to determine
∣A23∣A child is gifted: general intellectual ability, specific academic aptitude, creative thinking, leadership ability, visual and performing arts, and psychomotor ability. They are ∣A24∣ by combinations of standardized tests, plus peer and teacher evaluations.
On the one hand schools for gifted and talented may ∣A25∣The emotional stress of isolation and peer rejection often experienced by gifted students in a traditional school. On the other hand — social development of a child may be impeded as a result of isolation from the general population.
We can’t deny the fact that gifted programs offer personalized instruction and enriched curriculum suited to the needs of students gifted in this or that area. Such programs allow students to learn at a highly ∣A26 rate according to their ability. School administrators in such schools hire gifted teaching staff and select teachers who can be a source of instructional innovation.
Such schools normally have smaller classes and in general these schools for the gifted are few. Access ∣A27∣ them may be physically difficult because of their location. Besides, they may be not available for families with limited income asthey may be expensive. If such schools are publicly funded, they may be opposed as elitist and money that might go to traditional schools.
A22 I |
1) districts |
2) regions |
3) parts |
4) areas |
A23j |
1) whether |
2) wherever |
3) whenever |
4) whereas |
A24 I |
1) calculated |
2) quantified |
3) determined |
4) measured |
A25∣ |
1) treat |
2) relieve |
3) simplify |
4) improve |
A26∣ |
1) hasty |
2) prompt |
3) accelerated |
4) hurried |
A27∣ |
1) to |
2) for |
3) at |
4) in |
A28∣ |
1) blamed |
2) charged |
3) accused |
4) claimed |
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From High School to University Students
Some students find transition from secondary school to tertiary education painful. Well- known life is left ∣A22∣ with familiar home and community environment, parents, siblings, friends. Anticipation of unpredictable academic responsibilities and fear of failure, together with fear of disappointing one’s parents and friends ∣A23∣To the stress. They are both ∣A24∣ and afraid of new social responsibilities like dealing with roommates, instructors, male and female student friends. There is fear of not being accepted; fear of loneliness; anxiety and guilt about breaking with the past. They are on the edge of redefining themselves as adults, finding a satisfactory career, abandoning old friends and finding new.
What can be done to ∣A25∣ this stress? Firstly, it’s important to become ∣A26∣ with the university’s scholastic and non-scholastic programs: check the university’s website and request informational brochures. You can also visit the campus and introduce yourself at the Departmental office; talk to students majoring in the Department. If the university can provide the names of roommates, become acquainted in person or by ∣A27∣Prior to classes. Most Universities have orientation programs — first year student assemble on campus for a week before the start of classes. Orientation can be led by Departmental deans, instructors, and majors, introducing new students to academic procedures and standards, enrolling students in their first term classes, assigning ∣A28∣. each new student an upperclassman as mentor to help them adjust to their first year at the university.
I A22∣ |
1) back |
2) behind |
3) apart |
4) aside |
I A23∣ |
1) multiply |
2) raise |
3) rise |
4) add |
I A24∣ |
1) eager |
2) liking |
3) wanting |
4) keen |
I A25 I |
1) shorten |
2) eliminate |
3) refuse |
4) release |
I A26∣ |
1) aware |
2) conscious |
3) acquainted |
4) sensitive |
I A27 I |
1) correspondence |
2) communication |
3) interaction |
4) post |
I A28∣ |
1) to |
2) for |
3) at |
4) — |
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Education in the UK: Pages of History
Prior to 1944 the British secondary education system was rather haphazard. Schools were created by local governments, private charities, and religious foundations. Schools varied greatly by region. ∣A2¾ Was not available to all, and secondary schools were mainly for the upper and middle classes.
In 1944, secondary education was A23∣ as a right for all children, and universal, free education was introduced. From 1944 to 1976 state-funded secondary education of three types of schools (the Tripartite System): Grammar School, Secondary
Technical School and Secondary Modern School. The basic assumption of the Tripartite System was that all should be entitled to an education appropriate to their nEeds and abilities. It also assumed that students with different abilities should have a different ∣A25∣. Pupils were assigned to one of the three types of school according to their performance in an examination taken at age eleven, the Eleven Plus examination.
Grammar Schools were intended to A26∣A highly academic curriculum. There was a strong focus on intellectual subjects, such as literature, classics and complex mathematics, aimed A27 developing students’ ability to deal with abstract concepts. Secondary Technical Schools were designed to train children with ability in mechanical and scientific subjects. The focus of the schools was on providing scientists, engineers and technicians. Secondary Modern Schools would train pupils in practical skills, equipping them for less skilled jobs and home management.
Due to the expense of building facilities for three types of schools, very few Technical Schools were built, and education in the UK retained its class character: the upper class children attended Grammar School which received the lion’s share of funding, lower class children attended Modern Schools which were largely neglected. Only children who |А28|_ to Grammar Schools had a real chance of getting into a university.
I A22 |
1) Access |
2) Attendance |
3) Entrance |
4) Reception |
I A23 |
1) recognized |
2) recalled |
3) found |
4) realised |
I A24 |
1) inserted |
2) included |
3) contained |
4) consisted |
I A25 |
1) agenda |
2) curriculum |
3) courses |
4) plan |
I A26 |
1) instruct |
2)learn |
3) teach |
4) study |
I A27 |
1) on |
2) at |
3) to |
4) for |
I A28 |
1) attended |
2) admitted |
3) went |
4) graduated |
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Globalisation is good and bad and inevitable. It is good or at least useful economically because it lowers ∣A22∣To trade and increases the flow of goods, labour and services. It has both ∣A23∣In and encouraged legal migration, and tourism. It has shared the best of the world’s musical culture, sport, TV and films, fashion and dance. It has made the world both familiar and strange. In any main Street from Moscow to Los Angeles or London to Sydney — one can eat Chinese, Indian, Italian or Thai cuisine and it seems perfectly normal. Globalisation has reduced (many argue) the ∣A24∣Of global conflict and it has aided the development of world health policies and humanitarian aid. The charity concert “Live Aid” was watched by 400 million viewers in 60 countries.
But Globalisation is also dark. The process began through “discovery” and colonization. It demanded integration ∣A25∣The expense of local independence, colour and “difference”. It grew out of monstrous transnational corporations that became so powerful that neither trade unions nor governments had the power to hinder. It came with the opportunity to produce goods on an unprecedented scale at previously unimagined prices. Globalization ∣A26∣ to the independent manufacturers of the world — “grow with us, or die”.
And Globalization is inevitable. Elements of the late 20th century phenomenon can be seen throughout history in the rise and fall of every empire: where dress, cuisine, culture and even language were ∣A27∣ across continents. Many believe that it is now US culture that has displaced traditional diversity, local uniqueness and identity. Personally I am unable to argue for or against globalisation. It is truly ∣A28∣And utterly terrible and completely inevitable.
I A22∣ |
1) obstructions |
2) blockades |
3) difficulties |
4) barriers |
I A23∣ |
1) caused |
2) affected |
3)founded |
4) resulted |
I |
I A24 I |
1) opportunity |
2) occasion |
3) likelihood |
4) reason |
I A25 I |
1) at |
2) for |
3) on |
4) by |
I A26 I |
1)spoke |
2) told |
3) said |
4) talked |
I A27∣ |
1) exposed |
2) imposed |
3) imported |
4) obliged |
I A28∣ |
1) well |
2) good |
3) nice |
4) superior |
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Quarrelling Neighbours
England and France are neighbours and have a famous 1000 year old, love-hate ∣A22∣. An early milestone was 1066, when William of Normandy conquered England. As any English football fan will ∣A23∣You “It’s their fault, they started it!” and ever since there has been conflict; both “teams” selecting their own highlights! The English generally choose the Battle of Agincourt (1415) and of course the ∣A24∣ of Napoleon (conveniently forgetting that several other nations were actually involved). A more recent low occurred wHen Churchill ordered the sinking of the French Fleet after France surrendered to Germany. ∣A25∣ many claim the UK’s role in the liberation of France rather made up for this!
English-French rivalry continues to the present time — in sport, language and culture. In any big sporting tournament (especially football or rugby) the French become “Frogs” — a nickname derived ∣A26∣The (inexplicable to English taste) French inclusion of frogs, snails and other unmentionables in their cuisine.
In the last decades the French have even battled against the invasion of the English language — “Le weekend”, “Le sandwich” and so forth. But it seems that the English language is a ∣A27∣Opponent. The rivalry recently flared up again most recently when London narrowly beat Paris in the bid to A28∣ the 2012 Olympics. But in fairness, since William “kicked-off” in 1066 there have been plenty of French victories as well, and in reality the nations are the best of friends as much as “best” enemies and their rivalry is often quite witty and entertaining.
A22j |
1) relationship |
2) rapport |
3) acquaintance |
4) connection |
A23 I |
1) talk |
2) speak |
3) say |
4) tell |
A24 I |
1) loss ; |
2) defeat |
3) failure |
4) collapse |
A25 I |
1) Thus |
2) Although |
3) Therefore |
4) Nevertheless |
A26∣ |
1) of |
2) for |
3) from |
4) off |
A27∣ |
1) tough |
2) solid |
3) heavy |
4) hard |
A28∣ |
1) accommodate |
2) host |
3) settle |
4) contain |
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22—А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.
A Night at the Museum
Friday 6th March 2010, was special for Laura, and me — our sleep over at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH). I am guessing you’ve seen the movie? A22∣ in 2006 and called “A Night at the Museum” with Ben Stiller starring. It’s a kicking comedy about a night guard who ∣A23∣An ancient curse that makes the animals on display come to life every night and trash the place. ___
I am not sure if the night Laura and I spent at the museum was ∣A24∣By the film, but it was way cool. Fact, fact, fact! AMNH is one of the largest Museums in the world. There are 25 buildings and 46 ∣A25∣Exhibition halls set in fab grounds near Central Park, New York. There is a famous library, research labs and a totally awesome 32 million specimens. The night costs $129 per person. Grandma paid for us as early birthday presents.
It began at 5.45pm and ∣A26∣All the way to 9.00am on the 7th. It was real creepy as the doors swung closed and locked and the lights dimmed away. We switched on torches — and so our first mission began: Looking for fossil facts. I can ∣A27∣Describe to you walking through those dark halls, our torches cutting beams through the inky black. There was a way scary moment when a huge buffalo head lit up and made me jump like a wuss.
After some bites and coolin’ we settled down to sleep — directly ‘neath a 94 foot blue whale and next to a mighty fine Brown Bear. Luckily no animals came to ∣A28∣And we slept like babies. Wicked!
A22 |
1) Made |
2) Done |
3) Issued |
4) Screened |
A23 |
1)learns |
2) opens |
3) discovers |
4) investigates |
A24 |
1) aroused |
2) encouraged |
3) pushed |
4) inspired |
A25 |
1) constant |
2) permanent |
3) stable |
4) steady |
A26 |
1) ended |
2) lasted |
3) went |
4) carried |
A27 |
1) hardly |
2) obviously |
3) fairly |
4) apparently |
A28 |
1) alive |
2) reality |
3) real |
4) life |
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Blue Whale Watching
For years I have had the same dream about a blue whale. I see the sea darken as the gigantic mammal comes to the surface. Then I see the monster ∣A22∣At me through the clear green water.
But finally I am about to see my dream come true. Several months of planning had brought me to the warm waters off the southern tip of Sri Lanka. Less than an hour after leaving the harbour we A23∣At the location whales had been seen the day before.
Blue Whales are the largest creatures that have ever lived. Compared to the big“Blue” — elephants, hippos and the biggest great white sharks are tiny. My fellOw tOurists ∣A24∣The deck — all of us breathless with anticipation. Each of us A25 first to see the darkening of the sea.
I heard a shout behind me and suddenly the boat engines roared noisily as the my life’s ∣A28∣, to the realization of beautiful sight I have ever seen.
A22 I |
1) watch |
2) stare |
3) see |
4) observe |
A23∣ |
1) arrived |
2) reached |
3) entered |
4) achieved |
A24 I |
1) among |
2) between |
3) besides |
4) along |
A25 I |
1) persuaded |
2) convinced |
3) determined |
4) assured |
A26∣ |
1) directed |
2) set |
3) pulled |
4) parked |
A27 I |
1) after |
2) to |
3) forward |
4) off |
A28∣ |
1) trip |
2)journey |
3) travel |
4) destination |
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The Best Breakfast in the World?
The “Greasy Spoon” cafe on Arundel Road offers the best full English breakfast on the planet. Of course people ∣A22∣ about what “full English” should consist of but I think there is a small clue in the word “full”. This is a breakfast that knows no modesty. This is not a breakfast for those on a diet. It is the breakfast of Kings; it should be enjoyed ∣A23∣ leisure and last for the day.
That the “full English” (FE) contains both bacon and eggs is A24_____________ dispute. After this
There are different schools of thought. Sausage, mushrooms, beans, black pudding, fried tomatoes and toast are often ∣A25[ in different line ups and combinations competing for the best, all time classic FE. These are ∣A26∣ in different portions and styles and a decent breakfast is the almost guaranteed outcome. But an FE on Arundel Road beats all contenders for the best FE in the world because it includes ALL of these ingredients in ∣A27∣Quantities! They also serve hot toast on traditional toast racks with real butter. But best of all, each customer is served their own pot of traditional English tea (with tea cosy) which may be drunk with milk or cream. And all of this is offered for just J5 per person — and with a newspaper included! The Greasy Spoon is popular with working people and students alike. It opens early during the week for the lorry drivers and on Sunday mornings ∣A28∣ families come in and spend half the day there.
I A22 I |
1) discuss |
2) debate |
3) quarrel |
4) argue |
I A23 I |
1) for |
2) at |
3) on |
4) in |
I A24 I |
1) beyond |
2) behind |
3) besides |
4) below |
J |
I A25 I |
1) contained |
2) included |
3) held |
4) enclosed |
I A26∣ |
1) suggested |
2) advised |
3) offered |
4) intended |
∣A27∣ |
1) generous |
2) rich |
3) luxurious |
4) multiple |
I A28∣ |
1) full |
2) complete |
3) total |
4) whole |
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A night at the Museum
Anna and Ira are best friends. They are both Russian but ∣A22⅛ the Southbank International School as their parents both work in London. They are fifteen now and are studying hard for their International Baccalaureate.
Every Saturday they love to visit museums and galleries in London and so now they have visited A23∣All of them. But, above all, their absolute favourite is The Natural History Museum in South Kensington.
They filled in an online A24∣Form and became “members”. This means they get free magazines called “Evolve” and “Second Nature”, get fast track entry to special exhibitions and they get invited to previews, workshops, talks and special A25____________________________________________________ . They even get to use the
Special member’s room where there are free refreshments, magazines and internet access. It ∣A26∣Them J56 For the year but they felt it was really good value for money.
Last weekend they took part in “Dino snores” — an event A27∣By the film “A Night at the Museum”. They were given a talk about bugs by TV nature presenter Nick Baker, explored the Dinosaur gallery in the dark on a torch-lit tour, watched films and played games, and then slept in sleeping bags under the shadow of the huge Diplodocus in the Museum’s iconic Central Hall. It was a night they’ll never forget. Although Ira and Anna are both interested in Dinosaurs — they are more interested in present day wildlife and most interested of all in ≡— Russian wildlife. When they go back to Moscow both want to study and eventually
Become wildlife research scientists.
A22 |
1) attend |
2) visit |
3) go |
4) enroll |
A23 |
1) about |
2) almost |
3) already |
4) approximately |
A24 |
1) application |
2) admission |
3) entrance |
4) request |
A25 |
1) dealings |
2) actions |
3) procedures |
4) events |
A26 |
1) cost |
2) charged |
3) priced |
4) spent |
A27 |
1) inspired |
2) motivated |
3) stimulated |
4) encouraged |
A28 |
1) struggling |
2) preserving |
3) securing |
4) supporting |
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Day schools VS Boarding schools
The majority of modern public schools in the UK and state schools in the USA — schools that offer free education— are со-educational day schools. Children that attend these schools remain in family settings with family support and nurture that helps to reduce the stress of ∣A22∣Any school for a child. They are able to retain contacts with friends and neighbours.
Being less expensive, these schools offer a wider ∣A23∣Of courses and activities. On the other hand, these schools have larger classes and lower academic standards as compared to more selective schools.
Pupils there have a greater ∣A24∣ of encountering bad social trends: drug culture, gangs, anti-intellectualism. Of course, much depends on the regional location and the administrative policy of each school.
Boarding or recreational schools have smaller classes with more individualized iNstruCtion; can often (though not always) boast higher academic standards that are focused ∣A25 making students more independent thinkers; encourage them to make many decisions on their own. Graduates of such schools may have an advantage when applying at more popular universities.
Students of such schools ∣A26∣Lifetime friendships and the so-called ‘old school tie’ — the system of after school, lifelong support and lobbying former schoolmates — can be truly applied in this case.
But there is the ∣A27[ Side of the medal: missed opportunities for parents to educate their children on values; disruption of family: homesick kids, parents missing their children; narrower and less-diverse ∣A28∣Contacts; expensive tuition.
A22 |
1) entering |
2) starting |
3) going |
4) getting |
A23 |
1) group |
2) collection |
3) mixture |
4) selection |
A24 |
1) ability |
2) opportunity |
3) chance |
4) prospect |
A25 |
1) on |
2) at |
3) for |
4) to |
A26 |
1) assemble |
2) build |
3) construct |
4) design |
A27 |
1) another |
2) other |
3) different |
4) optional |
A28 |
1) social |
2) sociable |
3) society |
4) civil |
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Times are Changing
I grew up in tiny village in East Anglia — population 210 people. Everybody knew each other and seemed to know everyone else’s business. What strikes me now — looking back ∣A22∣ 40 years ago — is that the village contained several social groups and there were clear distinctions and unspoken (and certainly unwritten) rules of engagement.
We had two ∣A23∣Class families living in the village: The Brandings, who lived in the manor house, and the very honourable Archer family. The Brandings were well ∣A24∣But certainly not rich. They were extremely posh and so were the Archers who — on the contrary — were fabulously wealthy. But socially — the Brandings and Archers were ∣A25∣. They could socialise with the vicar and my family (because my Dad was an RAF Officer) but their contact with the other villagers was ∣A26∣To friendly but polite greetings. Then we had 8 or 10 middle class families; teachers, a scientist, a factory director and so on. In so small a village we knew each other well and socialised a lot.
The ∣A27∣ comprised of the true working class. They worked in shops, or on the farms. We had also had quite a few elderly couples who in their young days had been “in service”. We didn’t socialise but relations were friendly and we greeted on first name terms.
It’s all changed now of course. Our village is a small town — far too large to be anything like the community of my youth. I may be wrong, but it seems like society has contracted into featureless ∣A28∣And that nowadays people often don’t even know their neighbours’ names.
A22 I |
1) above |
2) over |
3) beyond |
4) behind |
A23∣ |
1) upper |
2) aristocratic |
3) high |
4) noble |
A24∣ |
1) allied |
2) associated |
3) linked |
4) connected |
A25 I |
1) commoners |
2) equivalents |
3) equals |
4) parallels |
A26∣ |
1) restricted |
2) framed |
3) enclosed |
4) narrowed |
A27∣ |
1) remnants |
2) reminders |
3) remain |
4) remainder |
A28∣ |
1) likelihood |
2) sameness |
3) neutrality |
4) equality |
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Education in the UK: Modern schools
The 1976 Education Act abolished the Tripartite System in favour of a system of free Comprehensive Schools that were ∣A22∣ to provide Grammar School education for all. In the UK today, schools reflect elements of both the Tripartite and the Comprehensive models.
The UK system of state schools is complex and ∣A23∣ the following types: Primary Schools (ages 4-11), Secondary Schools (ages 11-16), Sixth Form Colleges (non-compulsory, ages 16-18), Special Schools for children with physical, emotional and behavioral learning needs, City Technology Colleges (CTCs) and City Colleges for the Technology of the Arts (CCTAs) (ages 11-18). These schools provide a broad secondary education with special emphasis on science and technology and offer a ≡— _ range of vocational qualifications.
Grammar Schools remain and continue to select almost all of their pupils ∣A25∣ reference to high academic ability. Independent Schools are private schools that obtain most of their finances from ∣A26 paid by parents and income from investments. Some of them are
Selective but many are not. Some of the larger independent schools are ∣A27∣ as Public Schools. Most Independent Schools are Church Schools.
Most state schools (primary and secondary) are со-educational day schools, but some secondary schools accept boarders. Independent Schools include day and boarding schools and are mostly single-sex, although an increasing number of junior and some senior schools are coeducational. There has been a sharp increase in the number of children ∣A28∣Independent Schools, owing to the increasing dissatisfaction with academic standards at State Comprehensive Schools.
I A22 I |
1) intended |
2) aimed |
3) offered |
4) proposed |
I A23 I |
1) fits |
2) includes |
3) engages |
4) composes |
I A24 I |
1) high |
2) intensive |
3) extensive |
4) wide |
I A25 I |
1) by |
2) at |
3) for |
4) about |
I A26 I |
1) costs |
2) bills |
3) fees |
4) taxes |
I A27∣ |
1) famous |
2) known |
3) notorious |
4) familiar |
I A28∣ |
1) accepting |
2) entering |
3) going |
4) attending |
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Mining in Australia
Australia is the “mainland” of the world’s smallest continent. It is mostly very flat and much of it is inhospitable desert. ∣A22∣Of the population lives in the South East and South West where there is a ∣A23∣Climate. But the weather played only a relatively minor part in establishing population centres. Many argue that the real story was about mining.
The early colonies in South Australia had a terrible struggle economically. But after significant silver, lead and copper ∣A24j were discovered in Southern Australia, the local
Populations began to grow. In 1841 silver and lead were discovered at Glen Osmond — now a suburb of Adelaide: Then came the discovery of copper at Kapunda in 1845.
But the big story was gold! The first “strike” was at Ophir, New South Wales in 1851. ∣A25∣Weeks more gold was found in the colony of Victoria. The Australian gold rushes had a major impact ∣A26∣, Victoria and Australia as a whole. They coloured every aspect of Australian society and elements of it are still clearly visible today. Victoria became the richest colony and Melbourne Australia’s largest city.
The population of Australia changed dramatically ∣A27∣Of the discovery of gold. In 1851 the population was just 437,655. 10 years later it was 1,151,947. The rapid growth came from “new chums” — recent immigrants from the UK and British Commonwealth. As a lot of Australians will be quick to tell you, much of the new wealth was “stolen” back to England. But enough wealth remained to fund substantial development in industry and infrastructure and to ∣A28∣The foundations for building modern Australia.
A22 I |
1) Most |
2) Many |
3) Mainly |
4) Main |
I A23 I |
1) temperature |
2) temperate |
3) tempered |
4) temporal |
L⅛24J |
1) riches |
2) stores |
3) deposits |
4) treasures |
A25 I |
1) Throughout |
2) During |
3) While |
4) Within |
[A2βJ |
1) at |
2) on |
3) for |
4) in |
I A27∣ |
1) because |
2) due |
3) as |
4)thanks |
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The storybook wolf
Josii Luis Rodriguez of Spain is the overall winner of The Wildlife Photographer of the — a wolf jumping over a gate! He visualized his photo many years ago, when Iberian wolves first returned to Bvila in the Castilla у Leyn region of northern Spain, and cattle
Ranchers ∣A23∣ war on them. His idea was a picture that would symbolize the ancient conflict ∣A24∣ humans and wolves, while showing the beauty and strength of this fabled
Animal. But it took a long time to find the ideal ∣A25∣, let alone a wolf that would jump a gate. His chance came when he found a landowner who was happy to have both the wolves and Josfi Luis on his property, and also had the ideal setting: a copse and an ancient, disused cattle corral.
Josfi Luis started by placing meat in the corral. Once he knew a male wolf was visiting regularly, jumping the gate, he began to introduce the bits of equipment needed to up a camera trap. At first, the wolf didn’t like the flash triggered by the trip beam, but after a few weeks he ∣A27 no notice of the light or the clicks of the hidden digital camera. Now that the wolf was happy and the camera ∣A28∣ was right, it was time to take the final picture with a medium-format camera. When the first transparencies arrived back from the lab, Josfi Luis was overjoyed to find he finally had the picture he had dreamt of.
A22 |
1) tournament |
2) competition |
3) test |
4) race |
A23 |
1) pronounced |
2) revealed |
3) broadcasted |
4) declared |
A24 |
1) between |
2) among |
3) within |
4) amongst |
A2δ |
1) situation |
2) sight |
3) location |
4) destination |
A26 |
1) put |
2) place |
3) set |
4) build |
A27 |
1)took |
2) received |
3) gave |
4) paid |
A28 |
1) posture |
2) positioning |
3) posing |
4) pose |
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As a small child I loved almost everything about Christmas. The excitement of Christmas Eve was almost unbearable. We’d go from house to house singing Christmas carols and be given hot mince pies and other ∣A22∣.
Before bed our parents would read us stories and eventualLy puT us to bed with warnings that Santa Claus would not come if we stayed awake. Before ∣A23∣Into bed we would leave out a mince pie for Santa and something for his reindeers as a “thank you”: For me Santa was the great hero and I never ∣A24∣That he would come down our chimney to deliver my presents.
I loved, as I mentioned before, “almost everything”. Immediately after ChristMas I was told by my parents that I had to write “thank you letters”. As a six your old, writing ∣A25∣One letter was a task, but several made a mountain — pressing down on my small world. “Why” I argued to my Mum “should I write to grandparents, aunts and uncles? Santa brought me all my presents”. ___
And my mother would lie to her son. ∣A26Lies of how Santa helped Granddad choose my toy car and with the help of elves and reindeer delivered it for Granddad — but that still I should thank Granddad for the small part he played in it. The following year her lies were even more devious as she tried to ∣A27∣Me convinced. As I eventually solved this annual mystery, I of course lost all A28∣For not writing the “Thank you letters” as the realisation dawned that Granddad had managed everything by himself.
I A22 I |
1) surprises |
2) treats |
3) presents |
4) souvenirs |
I A23 I |
1) getting |
2) going |
3) putting |
4) lying |
I A24 I |
1) hesitated |
2) suspected |
3) mistrusted |
4) doubted |
I A25∣ |
1) only |
2) yet |
3) even |
4) still |
I A26 I |
1) Vague |
2) Elaborate |
3) Complete |
4) Formless |
• |
A27 I |
1) hold |
2) stay |
3) keep |
4) remain |
A28∣ |
1) reasons |
2) defenses |
3) motives |
4) excuses |
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The Magnificent Six
This is a real life story. When I was about eight, I [A22∣An organization called the “Cub Scouts”. We met once a week and learned basic first aid and were trained ∣A23∣ various techniques related to camping and the outdoor life. For each skill learned, there would be a test — which if passed would result in earning a badge. These badges were cArefulLy sewn on our uniforms; green caps with yellow piping, green shirts with a type of scarf ∣A24j a
Neckerchief and short trousers. Our leader was called Akela — after the wolf pack____________ leader in
Rudyard Kipling’s “The Jungle Book” and we were formed in units of six boys — called a “Six” and led by a “Sixer”.
I can ∣A25∣ remember our Six. We were nicknamed “the dwarves” after the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves”. This was nothing to do with our height (and we were of course six rather than seven) but rather it was to do with our ∣A26∣. We were “Sneezy” (real name Richard), “Bashful” (OLiver), “Grumpy” (Jim), “Doc” (Henry), “Sleepy” (Rupert) and I was “Happy”. Only “Dopey” was ∣A27∣From the original seven! And really that was what we were like. Richard always seemed to have a cold, Oliver was shy, Jim always in a bad mood and so forth. But we all, without fail, had enormous fun — especially on our annual camping ∣A28∣ to the Lake District. Every day was filled with adventure and discovery and the reality was — we werd all truly happy.
I A22∣ |
1) entered |
2) enrolled |
3)joined |
4) registered |
I A23∣ |
1) in |
2) on |
3) at |
4) for |
I A24 I |
1) pronounced |
2) named |
3) entitled |
4) called |
I A25 I |
1) always |
2) forever |
3) ever |
4) still |
I A26∣ |
1) characters |
2) features |
3) dispositions |
4) persons |
I A27 I |
1) away |
2) missing |
3) gone |
4) absent |
I A28∣ |
1) excursion |
2) trip |
3) travel |
4)journey |
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David Bowie
British Singer David Bowie was always famous for changing his appearance and his musical styles throughout his career. At the beginning, in the late 1960’s — he was compared ∣A22∣ fifties singers like Tommy Steele and Anthony Newley. Then he grew his hair and became “Major Tom” — a weird, futuristic space traveller — for his number one album called “Space Oddity”: His appearance made more remarkable for having one eye blue and one brown (the result of a childhood A23∣).
As the years passed he continued to change his appearance — often with fabulous and dramatic costumes that A24∣Each new stage character. After the “space phase” he created the character “Ziggy Stardust”. At this stage Bowie was the most important artist in the early 70’s glam rock era: His costumes sparkling in silvers, reds and golds and his bright orange hair feathered out like a flaming ∣A25∣. Then he became “Aladdin Sane” with a bizarre lightening flash motif painted on his face. Soon after this his hair was again short but wavy, he wore ∣A26Size suits and became an “American” soul singer before transforming again into
Yet another character — a central European “Thin White Duke”.
Probably of all British pop stars — he has become the one most A27[ with change and transformation. Even now after 40 years in the business, he continues to ∣A28∣Strange and original music for his countless fans worldwide. Some believe his 1972 hit song “Changes” predicted all this. It is a song about change and time and the inevitable conflict between one generation and the next.
A22 |
1) to |
2) for |
3) on |
4) at |
A23 |
1) incident |
2) event |
3) thing |
4) accident |
A24 |
1) described |
2) named |
3) defined |
4) recognized |
A25 |
1) lamp |
2) torch |
3)lantern |
4) light |
A26 |
1) above |
2) over |
3) extreme |
4) upper |
A27 |
1) related |
2) fixed |
3) combined |
4) associated |
A28 |
1) shape |
2) form |
3) make |
4) do |
Первое задание (В4-В10).
Образование грамматических форм
Тренировочное задание № 1 |
Тренировочное задание № 2 |
Тренировочное задание № 3 |
В4 |
Stood |
Islocated |
Took |
В5 |
Sheep |
Larger |
Eldest / oldest |
BG |
Strongest |
Cooking |
Mostimpressiυe |
В7 |
Was swimming |
Doesn’t/does not need |
Standing |
В8 |
Those |
Cutting |
Found |
В9 |
Hasrealized |
Nearer |
Women |
BlO |
One |
Best |
Impersonating |
Тренировочное задание № 4 |
Тренировочное задание № 5 |
Тренировочное задание № 6 |
B4 |
Broke |
Others |
Took |
B5 |
Wasmurdered |
Begins |
Hadto |
B6 |
Their |
Walking |
Waswearing |
B7 |
Wasrecording |
Me |
Her |
B8 |
Wereplayed |
Biggest |
Started |
B9 |
Lasting |
Closer |
Advertising |
BlO |
Bigger |
Trapped |
Was |
Тренировочное задание № 7 |
Тренировочное задание № 8 |
Тренировочное задание № 9 |
B4 |
Hasbeeneducating |
Its |
Societies |
B5 |
Our |
Arelooking |
Worse |
B6 |
Receives |
Ar elocated |
Fastest |
B7 |
Toknow |
Including |
My |
B8 |
Willhave∕have |
Offers |
Won, tget/Willnotget |
Тренировочное задание № 7 |
Тренировочное задание № 8 |
Тренировочное задание № 9 |
B9 |
Tnorecheerful |
Оиг |
Hascoτne/сате |
BlO |
Arenot/aren’ Hncluded |
Getting |
Has joined |
Тренировочное задание № 10 |
Тренировочное задание № 11 |
Тренировочное задание № 12 |
B4 |
Diaries |
First |
Beexperienced |
B5 |
Most |
Wasacknowledged |
Windest |
B6 |
Believed |
Fell |
Less |
B7 |
Their |
Bears |
Discussing |
B8 |
Biggest |
Sailed |
Willbe |
B9 |
Falls |
His |
Knows |
BlO |
Arepresented |
Didn’t Zdidnotrealized |
Appearing |
Тренировочное задание № 13 |
Тренировочное задание № 14 |
Тренировочное задание № 15 |
B4 |
Friend’s |
Including |
Involves |
B5 |
Was covered |
Hascontinued |
These |
B6 |
Fell |
Isknown |
Arelearning |
B7 |
Used |
Wereworn |
Me |
B8 |
Caught |
Women |
Eating |
B9 |
Us |
Enemies |
Wasorganised |
BlO |
WascryingZhadbeencrying |
Greater |
Is |
Тренировочное задание № 16 |
Тренировочное задание № 17 |
Тренировочное задание № 18 |
B4 |
Mostfamous |
Made |
Working |
B5 |
Our |
Him |
Their |
B6 |
Stepped |
First |
Their |
B7 |
Heroes |
Wastrying |
Divided |
B8 |
Beheld |
Hadseen |
Hasdeveloped |
B9 |
Doesn’t / doesnotdeserve |
Ran |
Followed |
BlO |
Voting |
Mostfamous |
Greater |
Тренировочное задание № 19 |
Тренировочное задание № 20 |
B4 |
Wascalled |
Living |
B5 |
Leading |
Iscalled |
B6 |
Fittest |
Hidden |
B7 |
Lives |
Nightclubs |
B8 |
Better |
Togo |
B9 |
Became |
Couldnot/couldn’t |
BlO |
Third |
Hasn’t/hasnottroubled |
Второе задание (В11-В16).
Тренировочное задание № 1 |
Тренировочное задание № 2 |
Тренировочное задание № 3 |
Bll |
Unpopular |
Environmental |
Fruitless |
В12 |
Commercial |
Preservation |
Adventurous |
В13 |
Mainly |
Development |
Significant |
В14 |
Addition |
Responsible |
Generally |
В15 |
Anxious |
Politicians |
Managerial |
В16 |
Reality |
Economic |
Reality |
Тренировочное задание № 4 |
Тренировочное задание № 5 |
Тренировочное задание № 6 |
Bll |
Unpopular |
Environmental |
Tricky |
B12 |
Commercial |
Imagination |
Impossible |
B13 |
Daily |
Responsible |
Unpredictable |
B14 |
Addition |
Establishment |
Resourceful |
B15 |
Anxious |
Visitors |
Expensive |
B16 |
Difference |
Lives |
Disagree |
Тренировочное задание № 7 |
Тренировочное задание № 8 |
Тренировочное задание № 9 |
Bll |
Necessarily |
Educators |
Feelings |
B12 |
Activity |
Independently |
Hardship |
B13 |
Highly |
Inappropriate |
Formation |
B14 |
Routinely |
Necessity |
Unattractive |
B15 |
Independence |
Membership |
Personality |
B16 |
Academic |
Easily |
Impression |
Тренировочное задание № 10 |
Тренировочное задание № 11 |
Тренировочное задание № 12 |
Bll |
French |
Artist |
Believable |
B12 |
Psychological |
Notable |
Connection |
B13 |
Discouraged |
Smoky |
Indicators |
B14 |
Ambitious |
Violent |
Remarkably |
B15 |
European |
Sadly |
Investigations |
B16 |
Tension |
Surroundings |
Distinctive |
Тренировочное задание № 13 |
Тренировочное задание № 14 |
Тренировочное задание № 15 |
Bll |
Greatness |
Originally |
Scientist |
B12 |
Adventurous |
Honestly |
Achievements |
B13 |
Important |
Visitors |
Scientific |
B14 |
Generally |
Certainly |
Additional |
B15 |
Industrial |
Occasionally |
Equipment |
B16 |
Reality |
Disagree |
Subscriptions / subscription |
Тренировочное задание № 16 |
Тренировочное задание № 17 |
Тренировочное задание № 18 |
Bll |
Impossible |
Certainly |
Dramatically |
B12 |
Indistinguishable |
Invisible |
Additional |
B13 |
Buildings |
Kingdom |
Dangerous |
B14 |
Realistically |
Wonderful |
Passionate |
B15 |
Cultural |
Expensive |
Government |
B16 |
Impressive |
Disagree |
Helpful |
Тренировочное задание № 19 |
Тренировочное задание № 20 |
Bll |
Residential |
Physicist |
B12 |
Permission |
Achievements |
B13 |
Responsibility |
Unreasonable |
B14 |
Accountability |
Enthusiastic |
B15 |
Healthy |
Indignation |
B16 |
Relaxation / relaxing |
National |
Третье (A22-A28).
Лексическое задание на множественный выбор
А22 |
А23 |
А24 |
А25 |
А26 |
А27 |
А28 |
Тренировочное задание № 1 |
1 |
3 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
1 |
3 |
Тренировочное задание № 2 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
Тренировочное задание № 3 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
4 |
Тренировочное задание № 4 |
4 |
1 |
4 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
Тренировочное задание № 5 |
2 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
4 |
Тренировочное задание № 6 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
3 |
Тренировочное задание № 7 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
Тренировочное задание № 8 |
1 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Тренировочное задание № 9 |
1 |
3 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
4 |
Тренировочное задание № 10 |
2 |
1 |
4 |
3 |
1 |
4 |
2 |
А22 |
А23 |
А24 |
А25 |
А26 |
А27 |
А28 |
Тренировочное задание № 11 |
4 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
4 |
Тренировочное задание № 12 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
Тренировочное задание № 13 |
2 |
4 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
Тренировочное задание № 14 |
K 2 |
1 |
4 |
3 |
1 |
4 |
2 |
Тренировочное задание № 15 |
1 |
2 |
4 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
4 |
Тренировочное задание № 16 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
2 |
1 |
3 |
Тренировочное задание № 17 |
2 |
4 |
1 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Тренировочное задание № 18 |
2 |
1 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Тренировочное задание № 19 |
3 |
1 |
4 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
Тренировочное задание № 20 |
1 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
4 |
3 |
Справочное издание
Соловова Елена Николаевна
John Parsons
[1] Общеевропейские компетенции владения языком: Изучение, преподавание, оценка. МГЛУ, 2003.
[2] Поскольку весь возможный спектр уровней владения иностранным языком представлен в документе Совета Европы лишь шестью уровнями, очевидно, что внутри каждого из них можно выделять определенные подуровни. Обозначение базового уровня ЕГЭ как А2+ означает, что из описания уровня А2 для подготовки заданий базового уровня разработчики ориентируются на дескрипторы, лежащие ближе к уровню Bl, а не к Al.