The strongest sense for dogs is small in comparison егэ ответы


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The strongest sense for dog is smell… 100000 times more acutely than humans

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The strongest sense for dog is smell… 100000 times more acutely than humans

Outgoing the humans

dogs typically live within households… dogs can pick up scents that humans cannot detect… where they perform activities like smelling for drugs and weapons

helpful indeed

there are many different species of canines that live in the wild and are feral.Some examples of feral dogs are coyotes wolves…

distant relatives (дальние родственники)

It is city’s first large-scale park in 50 years,(A)… perhaps transform the international perception of russia s capital

which has brought wild urbanism into moscow to PERHAPS

the amazing 35-acre park, B)… , samples the counties district regional landscapes:…

4) ,which was designed by an international consortium,

Harmonizing urban life and nature, the architects created (E)… .

3) a space where visitors may wander freely

12) which is true about the authors study course?

3) he got mostly excellent marks (academic honors)

the verb «tucking in»

2) squeezing

the empress hired another architect, matvey kazakov, … . Далее идет речь про недостроенный проект

but the project ran out of money

moreover, it was a demonstration of french engineering personified by gustave eiffel, (A)

AND a great monument of the industrial era

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The strongest sense for dogs is smell. In comparison to humans, dogs have almost 25 percent more scent receptors. Furthermore, the scent-detecting part of their brains is 40 larger than in human beings.

Just as many humans rely on their sense of sight to navigate, dogs rely on their sense of smell to understand and explore their surroundings. Dogs can smell scents about 100,000 times more acutely than humans, which makes them adept at many tasks, including hunting. Because of their acute and accurate sense of smell, some breeds of dog are being used for scent-based purposes in fields of medicine, such as detecting cancer. Since dogs can pick up scents that humans cannot detect, they are also valuable additions to law enforcement teams, where they help perform activities like smelling for drugs and weapons. To put dogs’ keen sense of smell into perspective, dogs could see at 3,000 miles what people can see from one-third of a mile away, according to James Walker, who was formerly the director of the Sensory Research Institute at Florida State University. In scientific terms, that means dogs can smell odors at a scale of parts per trillion.

The Science of Canine Scent

Scientists attribute dogs’ powerful sense of smell to their physical composition. Dogs can have millions of olfactory receptors in their noses. In comparison, humans have far fewer. The part of a dog’s brain that processes scent is also 40 times bigger than the same part in humans. Dogs’ noses also work differently from human noses. Humans smell and breathe through the same channel when they inhale, but the two compartments are separated in dogs. When dogs inhale, a piece of tissue in their nostrils folds over so that they inhale oxygen through one passageway and process scents in the other. In people, scents are processed in a small part of the nasal cavity. Essentially, the smells that humans pick up are transient and are released upon exhalation. In dogs, however, 12 percent of the air that is inhaled goes to the back of the nose while the rest of the air is released upon exhalation. The air with the scents filters through structures called turbinates. Turbinates filter and distinguish between odor molecules based on their size, then send electrical signals to the brain to have the scents analyzed and identified. Due to the physical structure of their noses, dogs can also determine what direction a scent is coming from in addition to identifying the scent itself.

Olfactory System

Another factor that creates dogs’ heightened sense of smell is the fact that they have a second olfactory system. In comparison, humans have just one. Dogs’ second olfactory system contains the vomeronasal organ, which is also called the Jacobson’s organ. This organ, which is located near the bottom of a dog’s nasal passage, picks up the scent of pheromones, which are scents produced in animals that indicate their readiness to mate. Although scientists have made many discoveries on dogs’ sense of smell, they continue to learn more about dogs’ impressive scent capacities. Researchers are continuing to study the extent to which dogs use their sense of smell, and they are continuing to explore ways where dogs’ scent powers can help humans make advances in the fields of science, medicine and more.


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. TEST  25 ( part 3)

Bill, Bingo and Bram

   Bill Smith had a A22 way with dogs, a kind of power over them. They would sit in awe of him, would listen to him and would slink away sheepishly if they had growled near him. It was a skill I had cause to be thankful for once or twice. The odd thing was that Bram, the last dog Bill owned, had died in 1925 — fifty years distant.

   Bill was a retired, A23 lifelong bachelor. He lived alone in the small terraced house next door but two from us. A24 On a number of occasions, I visited Bill’s house, and it seemed that it hadn’t really changed much from the 50s. There were hints that some articles had been undisturbed apart A25 from the occasional silverfish or visiting woodlouse, since the 1930s.

   He had a picture of a dog in the small converted kitchen which housed his huge solid pillowed chair, newspapers protruding from beneath its seat cushion. It was among one or two other small photos, which A26 on closer examination were photos of seventeen year old Bill.

   Almost forgotten amid the clutter of pipe cleaners, matches, spills, bits of wire, tea coupons and old Yale keys was a very small dark photo of a black mongrel dog, lying in a backyard. A white stripe down its nose and in between its ears was one of the few ways it was distinguishable from the background gloom. This was Bram, Bill told me, his dog.

   Through the years, my family had a. total of four dogs. We actually had no photographs whatever of the first two. Dogs had only played walk-on parts in my family. As far as I was A27 concerned, the all defining object in a house was a television. There was one in Bill’s house. It stood like a lonely, redundant sentinel in a dank corner of his empty living room and seemed cold and unused. When I asked Bill what he watched, he answered that the set didn’t work, it needed a new plug, and he hadn’t A28 bothered to get it fixed. And what’s more, he didn’t miss it. To me this was unimaginable — how could a person have a TV and not use it?


1) way

Have a way with smb/smth — иметь подход к кому-либо/чему-либо; устоявшееся выражение

2) control

3) method

4) skill


1) long-lasting


2) longterm


3) long-life


4) lifelong



1) On

On a number of occasions Врядеслучаев; устоявшеесявыражение

2) At

3) With

4) For


1) for

2) with

3) from

Apart from — порознь от; только from подходит здесь по смыслу и грамматически

4) of


1) in

2) on

On closer examination — при более тщательном рассмотрении; другие три предлога не могут быть здесь употреблены ни по смыслу ни грамматически

3) at

4) by


1) regarded

2) concerned

As far as I (smb) am concerned — насколько мне известно; устоявшееся выражение

3) told

4) asked


1) suggested

Suggest — предлагать

2) succeeded

Succeed — преуспевать

3) bothered

Bother — хлопотать, беспокоиться

4) minded

Mind — возражать

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

1.  Dogs may turn out to be better friends than people.

2.  People love dogs because they look pretty.

3.  Dogs don’t love people as much as you may think.

4.  It’s not a good idea to have a dog as a pet.

5.  Dogs are good pets because they are clever.

6.  There are many advantages of having a dog.

7.  People love dogs because dogs are faithful.

Говорящий A B C D E F

Расшифровка записи

Speaker A. I think people love dogs for many different reasons, but the main one, In my opinion, is that people believe their dogs love them. Unlike cats, dogs seem to be very attached to their owners. Of course, there is some question as to the degree to which dogs actually love their humans or merely are responding to them as effect the dominant member of the pack to which the dog belongs. But in either case, there is a feeling of loyalty.

Speaker B. I have a dog and I’m happy about that. I think dogs are the best pets in the world. To start with, they are loyal and friendly. Dogs take a great interest in the people who own them as pets. Moreover, they seem to protect their owners interests to the extent that they are capable of by driving off an attacker, for example, or waking people up if there is a fire in the house, and so on. There are many more pluses. Dogs are just perfect.

Speaker C. As far as I know, some famous person said something like «people like dogs more than people». Well, sometimes dogs really are better companions than people. Dogs have a certain mental simplicity. For example, they don’t lie to their owners and their motives are relatively simple and understandable, and so they are easier to deal with than human beings are. Dogs do not maneuver for status because they just accept that humans are in charge.

Speaker D. I have a dog and most of my friends have dogs too. When we discuss our pets, we understand that dogs are very clever. Well, of course they are less clever than their owners, so we take care of them, much as we would of our own children. Still, in my opinion, dogs are relatively intelligent in comparison to many other animals, such as tropical fish, frogs, lizards and so on. Sometimes, I think my dog understands every word I say. Isn’t it great?

Speaker E. I don’t have a dog because I’m allergic to fur, but I love looking at them. My favourite films are the ones about dogs. They are such beautiful creatures. They are warm, furry and cute, they have soulful eyes, and in some ways remind people of children. I know lots of people who have photos of dogs as their screensavers, or just like cups or clothes with pictures of charming puppies. Your heart is literally melting when you see dogs or small puppies.

Speaker F. I personally think that dogs are not as charming as one might think they are. In my opinion, every dog is dangerous, even those teacup dogs, which girls like to carry in their handbags and boast of them like of fashionable accessories, even though small creatures can bite you and give you serious injuries, so you must be careful if you see a dog. There are many stories in the news about dogs being aggressive towards people for no reason.

Спрятать пояснение


A  — 7: …but in either case, there is a feeling of loyalty.

B  — 6: …there are many more pluses. Dogs are just perfect.

C  — 1: …sometimes they really are better companions than people.

D  — 5: Still, in my opinioin, dogs are relatively intelligent.

E  — 2: I don’t have a dog, <…> but I love looking at them.

F  — 4: …dogs are not as pretty and charming as one might think they are. <…> In my opinion, every dog is dangerous. Речь не идет об отношении собак к людям, но скорее о проблемах в сосуществовании с ними, поэтому вариант 3 не подходит.

Ответ: 761524.

Источник: ЕГЭ по английскому языку 02.04.2018. Досрочная волна

Задание № 14336

1. Dear to heart

2. Reliable assistant

3. Profitable business

4. Close friends origin

5. Abiliity to treat

6. Reasons for friendship

7. Useful abilities

8. Rescue workers

A. The partnership between humans and dogs began perhaps 14,000 years ago. Our first interactions may have occurred when wild dogs were attracted to human garbage, or humans may have acquired the puppies of wild dogs and trained them to be obedient pets. By means of the careful selection of dog parents, humans have been able to create a wonderful variety of dogs with plenty of talents and many different looks.

B. When did this remarkable partnership start? We know now that the wolf began working with people in the distant past. Over the years, the wolf became the talented domestic pet we know as the dog. There are plenty of theories, but the real reason why humans acquired dogs is still unknown. It might be a hunting partnership, companionship or a type of friendship. For 14000 years the dog has played an important role in human societies. It’s a partnership that’s likely to continue for many years to come.

C. Dogs are often known as man’s best friend. Many societies have them as pets or rely on them to perform a variety of tasks. The story of man and dog is a complex story that goes back thousands of years and will almost certainly go on for thousands more. Dogs interact with humans in a variety of ways. Dogs such as border collies are trained to herd livestock such as sheep. Huskies pull us through some of the coldest and the most dangerous places on Earth.

D. Dogs were probably first attracted to humans by the smell of our garbage. Nowadays, the governments of many countries have a use for those powerful noses that is beneficial to all who fly in airplanes. There are special trains for dogs to smell bombs on planes and in passengers’ luggage. For example, beagles perform their duties at airports, where their sense of smell helps them to find drugs and other illegal items in people’s luggage.

E. Dogs have a sense of smell 1,000 times more powerful than our own. This means they can search for people who are lost under deep snow, or under the debris of a collapsed building or deep in forest. You can find dogs in rescue services of many countries. A lot of lives were saved by dogs after the earthquakes and explosions in different parts of the world.

F. Special trained dogs help to ease the lives of thousands disabled people. They lead the blind people, for example. At the National Institutes of Health the dogs visit children who are fighting deadly diseases. They brighten patients’ days with love and give children a chance to exercise and help them to stay strong during their long hospitalization.

G. Whether as workers or objects of affection, dogs have certainly proven themselves to be beneficial to humans in many ways. For many, the dog is also an obedient companion and friend. In some families dogs are treated like a child. People carefully prepare special meal; give them the healthiest, most wonderful life possible for as long as possible. For single people, dogs are the best way to escape loneliness. At the same time, their special place as ‘man’s best friend’ has allowed dogs to survive in a human world.



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A — 4 »The partnership between humans and dogs began perhaps 14,000 years ago.»

B — 6 »There are plenty of theories, but the real reason why humans acquired dogs is still unknown. »

C — 2 »Dogs are often known as man’s best friend.»

D — 8 »There are special trains for dogs to smell bombs on planes and in passengers’ luggage».

E — 7 »A lot of lives were saved by dogs after the earthquakes and explosions in different parts of the world.»

F — 5 »They lead the blind people, for example.»

G — 1 »In some families dogs are treated like a child».

Ответ: 4628751

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1) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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Which adjective could best describe Mallaig as presented by the author?
1) Derelict.
2) Beautiful.
3) Abandoned.
4) Unsightly.

2) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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The word mishmash in “A mishmash of car parks” (paragraph 1) means
1) a ruin.
2) a mixture.
3) a sight.
4) a queue.

3) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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Which of the following statements is TRUE about the railway line?
1) It was the last big line constructed in Europe.
2) The traffic on it was busy at the beginning.
3) It finally became profitable.
4) It was closed shortly after its opening.

4) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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The author compares the enthusiasm for trains to philately and butterfly hunting because
1) it turned into a pastime.
2) they all require patience.
3) they all became unpopular.
4) they all are fashionable.

5) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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The author mentions a library and leather armchairs in order to illustrate
1) how important trains were for the country.
2) how successful the Railway Club became.
3) the amount of corruption at the club.
4) the number of members it had.

6) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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The word them in “hundreds of them” (paragraph 6) refers to
1) people.
2) locomotives.
3) train spotters.
4) lines.

7) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

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How does, judging by the last paragraph, the author feel about Glenfinnan remembered through Harry Potter rather than the Bonnie Prince Charlie?
1) Enthusiastic.
2) Indifferent.
3) Sad.
4) Outraged.

Подготовка к заданию ЕГЭ-11 АЯ 40 — «письменное высказывание с элементами рассуждения».


Some people say that genetically modified food is hazardous to health 

Some people think that organic food is healthier than conventional food 

Some people think that we should eat at home 

Some people think that clothes help them show who they really are 

Some people say that there should not be any rules about the clothes people can wear in the workplace 

Some people think that tattoos and piercing make them more attractive 

Some people say that school trips are beneficial for students 

Some people think that the best way to travel in a town or in a city is on foot 

Some people say that travelling by plane is very convenient 

Some people say that hitchhiking is the best way of travelling 

Some people think that international travel has a lot of benefits 

Some people say that the best way to travel is by ship 

Some people say that having friends is important for everyone 

Some people think that only those who have much in common can become friends 

Many people think that love makes a person happy 

Some people think that only those who earn a lot of money can be happy 

Some people say that making money with the Internet is reality 

Some people say that having a hobby is important for everyone 

Some people believe that teenagers should not be given too much free time 

Some people think that collecting various things is a waste of time and money 

Some people think that homeschooling is an excellent alternative to traditional education 

Some people think that if you want to get a good education, you should go abroad 

Some people think that the most important thing for a teacher is to make studying enjoyable for students 

Some people think that computers may replace teachers in the future 

Many people think that homework is essential for every student 

Some people think that grades encourage students to learn 

Some people think that creativity is an essential ability which must be taught at school 

Some people say that having jobs can be of great benefit to teenagers 

Some people think that it is more important to get satisfaction from your work than to earn much money 

Some people think that young people should follow in their parents’ footsteps when choosing a profession 

Some people think that it is better to work abroad 

At present, there is no difficulty in finding a good job 

Many people believe that it is important to develop teamwork in the workplace 

Some people think that modern technologies make life more convenient 

Some people say that using mobile telephones must be prohibited in school 

Some people think that the Internet has more drawbacks than advantages 

Some people say that the Internet has improved the effectiveness of education 

Some people believe that there are real risks to dating via the Internet 

Some people prefer writing traditional paper letters to using e-mail 

Some people are worried about computers and robots doing the same things that people can do 

Some people say that the theatre is likely to disappear 

Some people believe that dancing can be of great benefit to children 

Some people think that rap music has a bad influence on teenagers 

Some people think that watching movies is beneficial to everybody 

Some people prefer watching a film version to reading a book 

Some people say that we do not need public libraries any more 

Some people say that weight loss diets can be very harmful 

Some people say that extreme sports are too risky 

Some people dream of becoming professional athletes 

Some people think that surfing is rather risky 

Some people think that physical attractiveness is important for everyone 

Some people prefer to have only one child 

Some people choose to build a family through adoptions 

Some people believe that adult children should not live with their parents 

Some people say that it is wonderful to have a sibling 

Some people say that overpopulation is a major problem for the human race 

Some people continue smoking in spite of all warnings 

Some people say that capital punishment should be allowed 

Some people say that there is nothing better than watching TV 

Some people think that reality TV shows are enjoyable and bring many benefits to the audience and the actors 

Some people say that print media will disappear in the future 

Some people say that shopping is interesting and enjoyable 

Some people say that our lives would be better if we bought fewer goods 

Many people say that it is important to recycle waste 

Some people prefer hybrid cars to traditional cars 

Some people say that modern teenagers are carefree 

Parents have many concerns about their teenagers dating 

Some people believe that animals should not be taken from their natural surroundings and put into zoos 

Some people think that keeping pets is a waste of time and money 

Some people think that virtual pets can replace real pets 

Some people believe that learning foreign languages is a waste of time 

Many people dream of being famous someday 

Some people do not care whether they buy pirated or legal CDs and DVDs 

Some people say that ambitiousness is the key to success and happiness 

Some people say that nonverbal messages improve communication 

(Юнева С. А. Открывая мир с английским языком. Новые 150 эссе для ЕГЭ.)


Регистрироваться необязательно. Поставьте курсор в текстовую область, щелкните по появившемуся полю «Имя», отметьте опцию «Хотел бы написать как гость».




Установите соответствие тем 1 — 8 текстам A — G. Занесите свои ответы в соответствующее поле справа. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

1. Not for children

2. Benefits for poor countries

3. Illegal and unsafe

4. Small size has a great role

5. One is not enough

6. It is better to text

7. Weighing lighter

8. Enjoy a lot of functions

A. A mobile phone (also known as a cell phone) is a device that can make and receive telephone calls while moving around. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing access to the public telephone network. In addition to telephony, modern mobile phones also support a wide variety of other services such as text messaging, MMS, e-mail, Internet access, Bluetooth, business applications, gaming and photography.

B. The first hand-held mobile phone was demonstrated by Dr Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973, using a handset weighing around 1 kg. In 1983, the first commercial cell phone was released. In the twenty years from 1990 to 2010, worldwide mobile phone subscriptions grew from 12.4 million to over 4.6 billion. It got to the developing countries and reached the poorest citizens. The devices themselves have also become smaller and much lighter.

C. The most commonly used data application on mobile phones is SMS text messaging. The first SMS text message was sent from a computer to a mobile phone in 1992 in the UK, while the first per- son-to-person SMS from phone to phone was sent in Finland in 1993.The first mobile news service, delivered via SMS, was launched in Finland in 2000. Mobile news services are expanding with many organizations providing ‘on-demand’ news services by SMS.

D. Mobile phones need a small microchip called a Subscriber Identity Module, or SIM card, to function. The SIM card is approximately the size of a small postage stamp and is usually placed underneath the battery in the rear of the unit. The SIM card does not only store data like telephone numbers but also allows users to change phones by simply removing the SIM card from one mobile phone and inserting it into another mobile phone or broadband telephony device.

E. Mobile phones are used for keeping in touch with family members, conducting business, and having access to a telephone in an emergency. Some people carry more than one cell phone for different purposes, such as for business and personal use. Multiple SIM cards may also be used to take advantage of the benefits of different calling plans — a particular plan might provide cheaper local calls, long-distance calls, international calls, or roaming.

F. Mobile phones have spread more quickly than any other technology and can improve the life of the poorest people in developing countries. They provide access to information in places where landlines or the Internet are not available. In Africa, people travel from village to village to let friends and relatives know about weddings and births. They need not do this if the villages are within coverage. Mobile phones are recharged using a solar panel or motorcycle battery.

G. Mobile phone use while driving is common but dangerous, as it increases the risk of accident. Many countries prohibit it. Some schools also limit or restrict the use of mobile phones because cell phones are used for cheating on tests, harassment and bullying, causing threats to the school’s security. Many mobile phones are banned in school locker room facilities, public restrooms and swimming pools due to the built-in cameras that most phones now have.



Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке лишняя.

1. and continue to influence its present and future

2. that influences the public opinion and lifestyle

3. has changed and evolved to reflect the needs of a growing

4. to one and a half million visitors each year

5. to half a million books and documents that help to inform them

6. that affect the lives of every Canadian

7. to both symbolize and celebrate the great nation it serves

Welcome to Parliament Hill

Parliament Hill is the home of Canadian democracy and a proud national symbol. It is the heart of Canada’s federal government, where representatives from across the country meet to make laws A___________. And it is much more than that. Parliament Hill is where you can explore figures, events and achievements that have shaped the country’s past, В___________. Look closely and you can uncover an image of Canada, its people, history and culture.

The planning and construction of the buildings, monuments and landscapes of Parliament Hill began in 1859. Since then, the Hill C_________and modern country. The Hill is a home to Canada’s federal government, and welcomes close D__________. A place of work, a place to meet and a place of leisure, Canada’s Parliament Hill has come E__________________.

The beautiful structures of Parliament Hill include many historic monuments and stone buildings with copper-tiled roofs. The Centre Block is a home to the Senate, the House of Commons and the Library. The Library of Parliament preserves and protects Canada’s legislative past. It ensures that senators and members of Parliament have immediate access F______________on all matters of parliamentary concern. However, the Library is more than a collection of books alone; it contributes to Canadian democracy by creating and delivering reliable and relevant information to and about Parliament.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12—18, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.

Exactly when was the last time you had someone’s undivided attention? These days, everyone is distracted. Try talking to a fellow human being and their eyes will constantly flick downwards… towards their mobile phone.

God gave us ten fingers and a highly developed sense of touch so we could savour life to the full. Our hands enable us to work, play sport, etc. With them we can create great art, sew beautiful clothes, arrange flowers and write poetry. But what do we increasingly prefer to do with them instead?

Repeatedly stab at a tiny pad hundreds (if not thousands) of times every day to send texts or emails. The device we value above all else: lose it, and we’re reduced to tears and can barely function — it’s a kin to a bereavement. We carry our phones around like priceless jewels. They have their own little shelves in cars and special pockets in our handbags. Phones now dominate our lives; they stand between us and civilised behaviour, reducing us to boorish zombies.

Recently, I wrote that restaurants should ban disruptive small children in the evenings — and you wrote in your thousands to say you agreed. So, even though I admit to over-use of my Blackberry, I’m willing to add another item to the banned list: the smartphone. Nowadays, when this phone-obsessed generation arrive at a cafd or pub, restaurant or dining room, what is the first thing they do? They don’t ask for the menu, they lay down their precious gadget on the table, right next to them, with the screen facing up so they can monitor emails, incoming texts or calls.

And conventional manners have gone out of the window. These days, the person sitting opposite you is guaranteed to interrupt you by peering down at their precious plastic pal, mumbling: “Just ignore me, I must reply to this” before tapping away for several minutes. The result? You’re left feeling far less important than what’s happening on their phone.

Back when a telephone was something that lived on a small table in the hall and which was used only for emergencies or weekly chats with far flung relatives, my mum would decree that when in company, I should pay attention and look interested. I should never speak when others were talking. I should speak only when spoken to. Ha, ha, ha! Those basic rules have vanished forever as we carry on cyber conversations while eating, on dates, in the cinema, theatre and while watching TV.

Children, teenagers, mums, dads, tourists and businessmen and women were all fixated on their tiny screens, ignoring the subtle lighting, luxurious surroundings and delicious food a top chef had taken hours to prepare. It wouldn’t be so bad if all this over-communication resulted in a more productive society. The phone has become a barrier to direct, simple conversations and primary experiences. Selfies scream: “Look at me, I must be important, because I’ve photographed myself.” Of course, phones have their uses, but when did they become something we couldn’t live without? Why is a phone more important than a face-to-face chat?

An endless flow of tweets, emails, texts and images is a substitute for real conversation and feedback, interaction that involves letting the other person speak and responding in real time. By allowing teenagers to take their devices into class we are ensuring the next generation will be so dependent on these addictive props they will lack any social skills and be even more unemployable. How can children learn to hold a meaningful conversation in the real world if all their experiences are via a phone? Not that I’m pretending to be any more immune to the lure of the lit screen.

Now, I’m trying hard not to touch my phone for a couple of hours at a time, but it’s proving far more difficult than giving up booze. Have we all gone mad?



According to the author, nowadays the main activity which is realized with our hands is …

1) working or playing sports.

2) creating art works.

3) using a mobile.

4) writing a poetry.



What comparison does the author use to describe people’s attitude towards their mobile phones?

1) He compares them with precious things.

2) He compares them with expensive pleasures.

3) He compares them with distracted sources.

4) He compares them with entertaining facilities.



Which two things does the author recommend to ban in restaurants?

1) Bad-mannered people and wi-fi access.

2) Texting people and game facilities.

3) Chatting teenagers and their mobiles.

4) Screaming toddlers and priceless gadgets.



What example does the author give proving that rules of politeness disappeared?

1) He tells about the habit of interrupting people to answer phone calls.

2) He shows people who text messages when they come to a restaurant.

3) He describes the situation when people argue in a restaurant.

4) He doesn’t understand why people lay their telephones near the menu on the table.



According to author, when a telephone was something that lived on a small table in the hall…

1) people used it for dangerous occurrences or regular conversations with relatives.

2) people used it for congratulating dearest relatives or important conversations.

3) people used it to find important information and conserve it.

4) people used it to carry conversation while different activities.



According to the author, the phone has become a

1) a factor to personal development.

2) a factor to effective face-to-face communication.

3) a real obstacle.

4) an obstacle to personal development.



What leads to lack of social skills and dependence of young generation?

1) When teachers use their own phone during lessons.

2) When pupils left phones at home.

3) When teachers ask pupils to bring their telephones to school.

4) When pupils use mobiles in class.

Dogs are the closest friend of humans from an early age. They are one of the most honest domestic animal and gentle creatures in this world. They are carnivore animals that belong to the Canidae family.

Dogs also have different types of breeds. There are a total of 360 breeds of dogs recognized in this world till now. Their breeds are classified according to their specific characteristics, body size and appearance, and ability of their work.

Different breeds of dogs have different types of capability for doing certain tasks. Somehow you may have also seen some of the below breed in movies too as a movie stars.

However, most people brought dogs due to their friendly, faithful companion nature and protectiveness towards their prospective owners.

Among all breeds of dogs, few of the breeds of dogs are more popular among people. Today, we are going to discuss the list of the most popular dog breeds 2022.  

Here is the list of the top 10 most popular dog breeds in the world 2022:

10. German Shorthaired Pointer

German Shorthaired Pointer

German Shorthaired Pointer is a medium to large size dog breed which was developed for hunting in the nineteenth century in Germany and was popular too much those days.

It is the versatile hunting breed of the dog that can be used for other purposes and is also suitable for both land and water. The common nicknames of these dogs are GSP and DK. 

The color of these dogs can be dark brown with some light brown colors or black colors. They are streamlined but powerful with strong legs.

They come with long floppy ears. They also have high intelligence and a strong sense of smell. The breed of dog is easy to groom and take care of it.

You need to brush them regularly along with a bath and ears should be checked and cleaned regularly along their feet to maintain hygiene.

9. Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier is one of the smallest terrier breed dog similar to that of Border Terrier. This breed of dog was developed in Yorkshire, England in the 19th century.

The weight of these dogs is about 3.2 Kg (7 Pounds). This breed of dogs has an average height of 8 to 9 inches. 

Yorkshire Terrier has an average life span of 12 to 15 years. These dogs are energetic and playful. Most people brought this pet because of the playful nature of this breed of dogs.

The dogs of this breed have straight, silky, fine, and glossy hair. They are generally dark grey or black in color. 

8. Rottweiler


Rottweiler is one of the oldest breeds of dogs and also known as a breed of domestic dogs.

These dogs are medium to large in size and their main use is to herd livestock and also used to pull carts. They are also used for meat in the market but nowadays, they are mostly used for narcotics detector, search, guard dogs, rescue dogs, and police dogs. 

The life span of these dogs is about 8-10 years. The average weight of these dogs is 50-60 kg for males and 35-48kg for female dogs along with an average height of about 61-69 cm for males and 56-63 for females.

The dogs are generally found in Black, tan, and mahogany. They are relatively healthier and disease-free breeds as compared to other breeds of dogs. 

7. Poodle


A poodle is the kind of dog breeds that has three varieties. The three varieties of this breed are Standard Poodle, Miniature Poodle, and Toy Poodle.

Poodle are considered as the second most intelligent breeds after the Border Collie. The origin of this breed of dogs is still disputed between Germany and France.

They are skillful in many dog sports and in others many activities. These dogs have oval and very dark eyes and ears are folded over close to the head. The coat of these dogs is naturally curly and dense.

The sizes of these dogs are found in different varieties and heights among varieties of dogs in this breed vary from country to country.  

Unique dogs brain training courses

6. Beagle


Beagle is one of the small size breeds of a dog whose appearance is very much similar to the larger foxhound. The origin of this breed of dogs is not known.

This breed of dogs are intelligent and have a great sense of smell. These dogs are superior in tracking instincts. The modern breed of these dogs was developed in England around the 18300s. 

The life span of this breed of dogs is about 12 to 15 years. They are the primary breed of dogs used for the detection of prohibited agricultural imports and foodstuffs.

The weight of this breed of dogs is about 10 to 11.3 kg for male dogs and 9.1 to 10.4 kg for females. The height of these breeds of dogs is about 13-16 inches.

The coat of these dogs is a short-haired, hard coat of tricolor or white in combination with black and tan/black color in medium length.   

5. Bulldog


Bulldogs are a medium-sized breed of dogs. They are also known as British Bulldog or English Bulldog .

These are the muscular, hefty dog with a wrinkled face with a distinctive pushed-in nose. They are one of the most popular dog breeds all over the world.

This breed of dogs originates from England. In the past, these dogs are also used for bull-baiting from which its name was generated as Bulldogs.

Bulldogs have wide heads and have thick folds of skin in the brow. The coats of these dogs are short, flat, and sleek in red, fawn, white, brindle, and piebald color.

The average of this breed of dogs is generally 25 kg for males and 23 Kg for females. Bulldogs are recognized as the best family pets because of their nature to form great and strong bonds with the children.   

4. French Bulldog

French Bulldog

French Bulldogs are very similar to the Bulldogs and this breed is achieved from the result of a cross between Toy Bulldogs and local ratters. This popular breed of dog originated from France.

The other name of this breed is Bouledogue français and the common nickname is Frenchies. These breeds of dogs are one of the most rated breeds of dogs all over the world. 

This breed of dog is stocky and compact with a friendly, mild-mannered temperament nature. The life span of these dogs is about 11 to 13 years.

These breeds of dogs have only a single short coat. This breed of dogs also required regular nail trimmings, daily brushing ,clear cleaning, and occasional bathing.

3. Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever is a medium to large hunting dog breeds. This breed of dog is originated in the mid-nineteenth century in Scotland. But in the twentieth century, it becomes the most popular dog that everyone wants in their houses.

The name ‘retriever’ means and refers to the ability to retrieve shot game undamaged due to the soft mouth of this breed. This breed has a love of water and they are easy to train. 

The life span of these breeds of dogs is generally 10 -12 years on average. These breeds of dogs have silky coat along with long and dense which provides adequate warmth to the body of dogs.

The average weight of this dog breed is about 29 to 34 kg for males and 25 to 29 kg for females. The color of this breed is mostly shades of gold or cream color.

Unique dogs brain training courses

2. German Shepherd

German Shepherd

German Shepherd is a medium to large size working dog breed which is also known as Alsatian Wolf Dog. They are also considered as herding breed.

This breed of dogs are mainly originated from Germany. But nowadays it can be found all over the world with different variety such as American Shepherd, Australian Shepherd, Anatolian Shepherd, etc.

The looks of these dog breeds look like wolves. These dogs are preferred for many types of work including search and rescue, disability assistance, and police or military roles.

The average lifespan of a German Shepherd is about 9 to 13 years. The average weight of this dog breed is 30 to 40 kg for make and 22 to 32 kg for females and the height is about 60 to 65 cm for males and 55 to 60 for females.

The bread has double coat hair in different colors. Generally, they are found in tan with a black saddle, sable, solid black, or bi- color.

1. Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever is a medium to large-sized hunting breed of dog. This is one of the most popular breeds of dogs in the world and this popular breed originates from the United Kingdom in the 1830s. It is also considered as the most popular dog breeds in the US.

This breed is also known as Lab or Labrador. It is mainly used for disability assistance in many countries. They are also used for performing screening and detection work for official agencies.

The average weight of a Labrador is about 29 to 36 kg for males and 25 to 32 kg for females. The coat of this dog is short and dense and is water-resistant.

The head of these breeds of dogs are broad and have slightly pronounced eyebrows. The body of this dog has a powerful and muscular build. These breeds of dogs are generally found in black, yellow, and chocolate color.

Final Words

Hope! You get the essential info about the most popular dog breeds in the world and their characters after reading this article. These are the famous and most loved dogs breed from all over the world which has influence their breed popularity throughout the world.

The information above are provided with a lot of research and comparison among different article of popular sites such as American Kennel Club. So feel free about that.

At last which breeds you like the most? And which breeds of dogs, you want to buy as a pet in the future? Leave comments in the comment box. Hope! You enjoyed this article. Have a nice day!


  1. How many dog breeds are there in the world 2021?

    There are around 380 to 400 dog breeds in the world recognized according to the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI). The fluctuation depends on the new dog breeds being recognized and some dog breeds getting deleted from the list.

  2. Which dog has the highest IQ?

    Border Collie is considered as the dog which has the highest IQ. Then comes Poodle, German Shepherd and Golden Retriever who have the highest level of intelligence respectively.

  3. Which is the strongest dog breed in the world?

    Tibetan Mastiff is the strongest dog breed in the world due to its gentle and calm behavior around the house and aggressive behavior with strangers. German Shepherds are also not behind when it comes to strength.

For the majority of people around the world, vision is the number one way we get information about the world. While our other senses can have a lot of importance, we primarily describe things based on how they look first and foremost. Consider how you give directions – “Take a left by the big tree with the broken trunk”, not “Take a left by the house that always smells like pie.” But if you have ever been on the receiving end of a curious dog nose, you know that for our canine friends, it’s a bit different.

Dog’s Products On Amazon

Soldier Dogs: The Untold Story of America’s Canine Heroes

Custom silver pet nose pendant kit

Retractable Dog Leash, 360° Tangle-Free Heavy Duty Dog Walking Leash with 16ft Strong Reflective Nylon Tape/Anti-Slip Handle/One-Handed Brake,Pause,Lock for Dogs/Cats/Pets up to 110lbs

Soldier Dogs: The Untold Story of America's Canine Heroes

Soldier Dogs: The Untold Story of America’s Canine Heroes

Custom silver pet nose pendant kit

Custom silver pet nose pendant kit

Retractable Dog Leash, 360° Tangle-Free Heavy Duty Dog Walking Leash with 16ft Strong Reflective Nylon Tape/Anti-Slip Handle/One-Handed Brake,Pause,Lock for Dogs/Cats/Pets up to 110lbs

Retractable Dog Leash, 360° Tangle-Free Heavy Duty Dog Walking Leash with 16ft Strong Reflective Nylon Tape/Anti-Slip Handle/One-Handed Brake,Pause,Lock for Dogs/Cats/Pets up to 110lbs

Last update on 2021-08-24 at 01:53 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

From investigating new things to communicating desire, our dogs’ noses are pretty amazing things that they use to understand the world, navigate, and much more. The sense of smell is a dog’s number one way to experience the world, and I’ve rounded up a few facts about it for today’s post.

Why Dog Noses Are Better Than Human Noses

Think of the tip of a dog’s nose as basically the equivalent of the inside of a human nose. Dogs gather scent with the outside of their nose as well as the inside, and the way that they go about taking in scent is very fascinating.

First, dogs smell scents more than once. Have you ever noticed that dogs have slits on the outsides of their nostrils? That is where dogs exhale. So they inhale through the nostrils, and then exhale through those slits, which causes there to be a sort of circulation of the scent molecules. In effect, dogs smell things once when they inhale, and then again when their exhalations circulate back around to the front of the nose.

Second, dogs’ nostrils work separately. Each nostril is smelling something different at all times, and dogs are able to comprehend both sensory inputs simultaneously. This means that dogs can not only identify what a smell is, but it’s what allows them to locate where a smell is coming from at the same time. This is very similar to the way our eyes give us a field of depth, so that we can judge how far away something is from us by looking at it.

Dog noses have 300 million cells that work to understand a scent. Human noses have just five million, in comparison – so your dog’s nose is 60 times more powerful than your own. And to add to that, dog brains work in such a way that they can understand information from smells 100 million times better than human brains are able to. So as you can see, dogs are truly built to use their noses better than any other sense they have. So now let’s get into some fun dog nose facts.

Fact 1: Dogs Can Smell Invisible Messages

So, you’ve probably heard about dogs that can sniff out cancer, or dogs that seemed to know when their owner was pregnant. This is due to a dog’s amazing sense of smell. Dogs have a secondary receptor in their noses called a vomeronasal organ, which sniffs out things that are invisible. Basically, this organ can detect pheromones and hormones, things that tell the dog a lot of information. They can sense when another animal is friendly or dangerous through this receptor, for example. This is why your dog likes to spend a lot of time sniffing specific spots in the neighborhood. It tells them all about other dogs that have passed by, and in a way is almost like doggie Facebook – through the pheromones left behind, dogs can know if other dogs in the area are stressed out, if they are healthy, and so on. It’s also why you can’t seem to fool your dog when you are sad or stressed out – they can smell the uncontrollable hormones in your body that you produce when feeling certain emotions.

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Fact 2: Dogs Tell Time with Scent

Did you ever wonder how your childhood pet always knew when it was time to wait for you at the bus stop? Part of it may have been simple routine, but dogs can actually tell time in a way. Have you ever realized, just based on the way your home looked with the deepening light, that it was suddenly late afternoon? Well, just like light travels through our homes alerting us to the passing of time, so do smells. As the air currents in your home move, smells move with them, and your dog becomes used to the way the house smells at specific times of the day. When the house’s smell changes to just the right scent, they can remember that a specific thing is about to happen – such as a kid coming home from school. Pretty neat, huh? So when your dog brings you the leash, you might want to listen – chances are they know it’s about time to get going.

Fact 3: The Length of the Dog’s Nose Matters

Did you know that dogs with longer snouts have better senses of smell than dogs with shorter muzzles? For example, a German Shepherd has about 300 million scent receptors in its nose, making it great for drug detecting and tracking. A Chihuahua on the other hand, will have fewer scent receptors in the nose because there’s just not enough physical room in their tiny muzzles for so many cells. That’s why you only see certain breeds of dogs as rescue or service dogs. This is also why some small dogs, like Pekinese or Maltese dogs, have much bigger, rounder eyes than larger dogs. These dogs rely more on their sense of sight than bigger dogs with more scent receptors might.

Fact 4: A Nose Print Is Like a Fingerprint

Did you know that your dog’s nose is uniquely shaped? Every single dog in the world has a totally unique nose print, just like humans have a totally unique fingerprint. There are even companies that have started registering nose prints into a database that can be used if a dog gets lost. Some kennels have started using this as a way to provide extra security for dogs. If you want to do a cool art project and have a unique wall hanging that honors your best buddy, you can use food-grade food coloring on his nose, press it into some paper, and frame! Your dog will be safe licking away the food coloring should they happen to, and you can get something really fun out of it with patience. There are even companies that will take that print and turn it into a metal necklace pendant for a special gift.

Fact 5: Tracking and Trailing Are Two Different Things

When you think of a dog’s amazing nose, chances are you immediately picture a dog with their nose to the ground, following a scent trail to find a missing person or hidden items. You may have seen shows where a dog is given a piece of clothing, and then immediately starts to follow a scent trail to find the person who wore that clothing. What you are picturing is called trailing, which is when a dog tracks down a specific scent across a distance. In trailing, a dog is literally just following an existing scent trail and nothing more.

However, there is another nose-based activity that dogs do called tracking, which is different from trailing. Tracking dogs don’t work by picking up the trail of scent after being introduced to it by a piece of clothing. Instead, they find a fresh track – which includes both a smell and visual clues of ground disturbance – and follow it. This is more like hunting. A dog is trained to hunt raccoons, for example, so when they go into the woods, they simply find the smell of a raccoon, look for evidence of an animal walking through an area, and follow those tracks. In tracking, a dog is using logic plus scent information to find the most likely place where the object, animal, or person may be.

Fact 6: Some Dogs Use Their Ears to Smell

Did you know that the ears are a big part of the sense of smell for some dogs? Think about a classic hound dog, like a Basset Hound. They have long, floppy ears that drag the ground. This is actually a desirable trait in a hunting dog, because it means they’ll be able to pick up on scent trails easier. The ears fan the aroma from the ground up to the nose in more detail, making it easier for the nose to get more information. That’s pretty cool! (Just make sure you keep those ears clean – dragging the ground like that can result in a lot of dirt getting into the ear folds, which can cause infection.)

Fact 7: Dry Noses Aren’t a Sign of Illness

There’s a myth going around that dogs have a dry, hot nose when they are sick. This is true, sometimes. But a dry nose doesn’t automatically mean a dog is sick. In fact, the moisture that they produce on the nose can change based on the weather, their environment, or even the time of day. Sick dogs can still have a wet nose as well.

Dogs have wet noses for different purposes, which may help you understand better why this isn’t necessarily a sign of illness. One reason they have wet noses is that the mucous they secrete is used to help pick up on odors better. Another reason is because dogs clean their noses frequently to get rid of dust or food that may be blocking their ability to smell other things. And finally, dogs’ noses get wet when they are hot because it helps them cool down.

Letting Your Dog Smell Their Way Around

One thing that many dog owners realize with some embarrassment is that their dogs like to sniff at delicate areas on strangers as well as people they know. The fact is that the human groin, as well as the armpits, mouths, and shoes, are the best places to get information about that person. It’s where we have the most scent due to the way our biology works, or where we’ve picked up the most scent from the outside world in the case of our shoes. Other places that dogs really like to smell that may seem odd to us humans aretrash cans, the litter box, and other dogs’ bums.

The bum greeting is something that has baffled humans forever, but we now know a little more about what this greeting does for dogs. Whereas humans will meet and chat about the weather, work, or something else to start learning about each other, dogs immediately go for the “good” information. They want to know if the other dog is healthy, what they ate that day, and how old they are – information like this tells them all about how friendly the other dog may be. This is why it’s a good idea to simply let your dog have his way and smell his world the way he wants to.

Of course, if having a dog nose in your groin makes you uncomfortable, like most people, it’s pretty easy to distract a dog. Just offer him a new scent, such as your hand, and he’ll move on. One thing to note for owners: If you always pull your dog away from good smells, like a tree that they seem really intent on checking out, you could actually cause them to lose some of their ability to smell. They need to continually practice smelling in order to keep this sense sharp.

Dog’s Products On Amazon

Soldier Dogs: The Untold Story of America’s Canine Heroes

Custom silver pet nose pendant kit

Retractable Dog Leash, 360° Tangle-Free Heavy Duty Dog Walking Leash with 16ft Strong Reflective Nylon Tape/Anti-Slip Handle/One-Handed Brake,Pause,Lock for Dogs/Cats/Pets up to 110lbs

Soldier Dogs: The Untold Story of America's Canine Heroes

Soldier Dogs: The Untold Story of America’s Canine Heroes

Custom silver pet nose pendant kit

Custom silver pet nose pendant kit

Retractable Dog Leash, 360° Tangle-Free Heavy Duty Dog Walking Leash with 16ft Strong Reflective Nylon Tape/Anti-Slip Handle/One-Handed Brake,Pause,Lock for Dogs/Cats/Pets up to 110lbs

Retractable Dog Leash, 360° Tangle-Free Heavy Duty Dog Walking Leash with 16ft Strong Reflective Nylon Tape/Anti-Slip Handle/One-Handed Brake,Pause,Lock for Dogs/Cats/Pets up to 110lbs

Last update on 2021-08-24 at 01:53 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

The Final Word

Because there is a lot of pressure for dogs to communicate visually, by responding to our cues like pointing, they can start to repress their own instinct to smell first. If you want your dog to keep their real superpower of smelling, letting them have lots of time to smell, and taking them to scent-heavy areas, are great ideas. It keeps them happy and interested in the world, and you’ll be letting your dog live up to his true nature. That’s a really wonderful thing to do for an animal who does so much for you.

It’s always neat to me to see Janice and Leroy checking something out in a way that I could never fathom with my sad human nose. Together they’ve discovered all kinds of things through just scent alone. Next time you’re wondering what your dog is up to when his nose is going, you can remember these seven facts about dog noses!

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