The terrible storm егэ ответы

Задание №9026.
Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A — F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1 — 7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя.

The life of Pi

“The Life of Pi” published in 2001 is the third book by the Canadian author Yann Martel. It has ___ (A), won several prizes and been translated into forty-one languages.

At the start of the book, we ___ (B) in India. His father owns the city zoo and the family home is in the zoo. When they aren’t at school, Pi and his brother help their father at the zoo and he learns a lot about animals.

When Pi is sixteen, his parents decide to close the zoo and move to Canada. They travel by ship taking the animals with them. On the way, there is ___ (C). Sadly, Pi’s family and the sailors all die in the storm, but Pi lives and finds himself in a lifeboat with a hyena, zebra, orangutan and an enormous tiger. At first, Pi is scared of the animals and jumps into the ocean. Then he remembers there are sharks in the water and decides to climb back into the lifeboat. One by one, the animals in the lifeboat kill and eat each other, till only Pi and the tiger are left alive. Luckily for Pi, there is ___ (D), but he soon needs to start catching fish. He feeds the tiger to stop it killing and eating him. He also uses a whistle and ___ (E) and show it that he’s the boss.

Pi and the tiger spend 227 days in the lifeboat. They live through terrible storms and the burning heat of the Pacific sun. They are often hungry and ill. Finally, they arrive at the coast of Mexico, but you will have to ___ (F) in the end!

1. a terrible storm and the ship sinks
2. received an award for being strong
3. some food and water on the lifeboat
4. sold seven million copies worldwide
5. read the book to find out what happens
6. learn about Pi’s childhood in Pondicherry
7. his knowledge of animals to control the tiger


Пропуску A соответствует часть текста под номером 4.
Пропуску B соответствует часть текста под номером 6.
Пропуску C соответствует часть текста под номером 1.
Пропуску D соответствует часть текста под номером 3.
Пропуску E соответствует часть текста под номером 7.
Пропуску F соответствует часть текста под номером 5.

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Тест с похожими заданиями

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7Одна из частей в списке 1–7 — лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

The life of Pi 

«The Life of Pi» published in 2001 is the third book by the Canadian author Yann Martel. It has A_______________________, won several prizes and been translated into forty-one languages.

At the start of the book, we B_______________________ in India. His father owns the city zoo and the family home is in the zoo. When they aren’t at school, Pi and his brother help their father at the zoo and he learns a lot about animals.

When Pi is sixteen, his parents decide to close the zoo and move to Canada. They travel by ship taking the animals with them. On the way, there is C_______________________. Sadly, Pi’s family and the sailors all die in the storm, but Pi lives and finds himself in a lifeboat with a hyena, zebra, orangutan and an enormous tiger. At first, Pi is scared of the animals and jumps into the ocean. Then he remembers there are sharks in the water and decides to climb back into the lifeboat. One by one, the animals in the lifeboat kill and eat each other, till only Pi and the tiger are left alive. Luckily for Pi, there is D_______________________, but he soon needs to start catching fish. He feeds the tiger to stop it killing and eating him. He also uses a whistle and E_______________________ and show it that he’s the boss.

Pi and the tiger spend 227 days in the lifeboat. They live through terrible storms and the burning heat of the Pacific sun. They are often hungry and ill. Finally, they arrive at the coast of Mexico, but you will have to F_______________________ in the end!

1. read the book to find out what happens

2. some food and water on the lifeboat

3. his knowledge of animals to control the tiger

4. received an award for being strong

5. sold seven million copies worldwide

6. learn about Pi’s childhood in Pondicherry

7. a terrible storm and the ship sinks

Пропуск A B C D E F G
Часть предложения              

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 — лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

The life of Pi

«The Life of Pi» published in 2001 is the third book by the Canadian author Yann Martel. It has A_______________________, won several prizes and been translated into forty-one languages.

At the start of the book, we B_______________________ in India. His father owns the city zoo and the family home is in the zoo. When they aren’t at school, Pi and his brother help their father at the zoo and he learns a lot about animals.

When Pi is sixteen, his parents decide to close the zoo and move to Canada. They travel by ship taking the animals with them. On the way, there is C_______________________. Sadly, Pi’s family and the sailors all die in the storm, but Pi lives and finds himself in a lifeboat with a hyena, zebra, orangutan and an enormous tiger. At first, Pi is scared of the animals and jumps into the ocean. Then he remembers there are sharks in the water and decides to climb back into the lifeboat. One by one, the animals in the lifeboat kill and eat each other, till only Pi and the tiger are left alive. Luckily for Pi, there is D_______________________, but he soon needs to start catching fish. He feeds the tiger to stop it killing and eating him. He also uses a whistle and E_______________________ and show it that he’s the boss.

Pi and the tiger spend 227 days in the lifeboat. They live through terrible storms and the burning heat of the Pacific sun. They are often hungry and ill. Finally, they arrive at the coast of Mexico, but you will have to F_______________________ in the end!

1.  read the book to find out what happens

2.  some food and water on the lifeboat

3.  his knowledge of animals to control the tiger

4.  received an award for being strong

5.  sold seven million copies worldwide

6.  learn about Pi’s childhood in Pondicherry

7.  a terrible storm and the ship sinks

Пропуск A B C D E F
Часть предложения

Задание 1

Прослушайте шесть высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего Aи утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.  Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1.  It’s another time to spend money.
2.  Valentines make a big business.
3.  Its traditions tend to fade.
4.  It’s a traditional Valentine’s Day present and no one should spare money for it.
5.  Even journalists need information about Valentine’s Day.
6.  Writing Valentines has a very long history.
7.  There’s always something against the Day.

Задание 2

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Задания 3-9

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях 3–9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Задание 10

Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1 Perm’s industry
2 City’s cultural life
3 Natural resource as attraction
4 The greatest achievement
5 Traditionally liberal
6 Beneficial location
7 Where the name comes from
8 Too important to be left alone
A The word “Perm” first appeared in the 12th century in the Primary Chronicle,
the main source describing the early history of the Russian people. The Perm
were listed among the people who paid tribute to the Rus. The origin of the
word “Perm” remains unclear. Most likely, the word came from the Finno-
Ugric languages and meant “far land” or “flat, forested place”. But some local
residents say it may have come from Per, a hero and the main character of
many local legends.
B Novgorodian traders were the first to show an interest in Perm. Starting from
the 15th century, the Muscovite princes included the area in their plans to
create a unified Russian state. During this time the first Russian villages
appeared in the northern part of the region. The first industry to appear in the
area was a salt factory, which developed on the Usolka river in the city of
Solikamsk. Rich salt reserves generated great interest on the part of Russia’s
wealthiest merchants, some of whom bought land there.
C The history of the modern city of Perm starts with the development of the Ural
region by Tsar Peter the Great. Perm became the capital of the region in 1781
when the territorial structure of the country was reformed. A special
commission determined that the best place would be at the crossroads of the
Trans-Siberian Railroad, which runs east-west and the Kazan line, which runs
north-south. This choice resulted in Perm becoming a major trade and
industrial centre. The city quickly grew to become one of the biggest in the
D Perm is generally stable and peaceful, so the shocks of 1917 did not reach it
right away. Neither did they have the same bloody results as in Petrograd.
Perm tried to distance itself from the excesses and did not share the enthusiasm
for change of its neighbours. Residents supported more moderate parties. They
voted for the establishment of a west European style democracy in Russia.
Unfortunately, the city could not stay completely unaffected, as both the White
and the Red armies wanted its factories.
E Perm’s desire for stability and self-control made the region seem like a
“swamp” during the democratic reforms of the 1990s. Unlike other regions,
there were no intense social conflicts or strikes. Nevertheless, Perm was always
among the regions that supported the democratic movement. In the 1999
elections, the party that wanted to continue the reforms won a majority in the
region. So the city got an unofficial status of “the capital of civil society” or
even “the capital of Russian liberalism”.
F During the Second World War many factories were moved to Perm Oblast and
continued to work there after it ended. Chemicals, non-ferrous metallurgy, and
oil refining were the key industries after the war. Other factories produced
aircraft engines, equipment for telephones, ships, bicycles, and cable. Perm
press produces about 70 percent of Russia’s currency and stamped envelopes.
Nowadays several major business companies are located in Perm. The biggest
players of Russian aircraft industry are among them.
G Perm has at least a dozen theatres featuring productions that are attracting
audiences from faraway cities, and even from abroad. The broad esplanade
running from the city’s main square has become the site of almost continuous
international art, theatre and music fairs during the summer. Even the former
prison camp with grim walls outside town was converted into a theater last July
for a production of “Fidelio”, Beethoven’s opera about political repression. The
performance was well-reviewed.

Задание 11

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

The life of Pi
“The Life of Pi” published in 2001 is the third book by the Canadian author Yann Martel. It has A_______________________, won several prizes and been translated into forty-one languages. At the start of the book, we B_______________________ in India. His father owns the city zoo and the family home is in the zoo. When they aren’t at school, Pi and his brother help their father at the zoo and he learns a lot about
animals. When Pi is sixteen, his parents decide to close the zoo and move to Canada. They travel by ship taking the animals with them. On the way, there is C_______________________. Sadly, Pi’s family and the sailors all die in the storm, but Pi lives and finds himself in a lifeboat with a hyena, zebra, orangutan and an enormous tiger. At first, Pi is scared of the animals and jumps into the ocean. Then he remembers there are sharks in the water and decides to climb back into the lifeboat. One by one, the animals in the lifeboat kill and eat each other, till only Pi and the tiger are left alive. Luckily for Pi, there is D_______________________, but he soon needs to start catching fish. He feeds the tiger to stop it killing and eating him. He also uses a whistle and E_______________________ and show it that he’s the boss. Pi and the tiger spend 227 days in the lifeboat. They live through terrible storms and the burning heat of the Pacific sun. They are often hungry and ill. Finally, they arrive at the coast of Mexico, but you will have to F_______________________ in the end!

  1. read the book to find out what happens
  2. some food and water on the lifeboat
  3. his knowledge of animals to control the tiger
  4. received an award for being strong
  5. sold seven million copies worldwide
  6. learn about Pi’s childhood in Pondicherry
  7. a terrible storm and the ship sinks

Задания 12-18

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12–18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

The culture shock of being an international student
For any student, moving away from home can be a bit scary. But I did not expect student life in Scotland to be all that different from my home of the Netherlands. After all, we get the same news and TV shows online. Many students find the northwest climate can affect them a lot. You may find the grayness and dampness, especially during the winter months, difficult to get used to. However, when I moved from Amsterdam to study at the University of Stirling, I began to realise that a few minor issues were catching me off balance. I was suffering
a minor cultural shock.

In my first year, I quickly found out my English was not as good as I had assumed. Most of my roommates were born and raised in Scotland, and I constantly found myself having to ask people to repeat themselves. Their Scottish accents did not help and I was mispronouncing names and places all the time. I also got confused about minor cultural things. Much to my flatmates’ amusement, it took me two Christmases to figure out that mince pies are not actually filled with minced beef.

The linguistic barrier meant that public transport was tricky at first. I found the lack of information about bus prices and how and where to get tickets really surprising. It turned a simple 15-minute journey into a daunting task. Then I had to adjust to a new social life. I was surprised by the campus culture in the UK – in the Netherlands, most universities don’t have one main campus where you can attend university, as well as live and exercise all in the same place. But here, you never have to leave campus if you don’t want to. I had to adapt to everyone being so close to each other all the time.

Parties are different here too. In the Netherlands, the less effort you put into getting ready, the better. I’d normally slip on my trusty Converse shoes, along with some clothes I could get away with wearing to class tomorrow, and wear minimal make-up. But, in my experience, partying is more formal in the UK. Your make-up needs to be flawless and your hair needs to be immaculate. You’ll preferably be wearing a dress and heels, too. I was constantly having to borrow clothes off my friends just to fit in. Parties finish early and everyone just wanders off, whereas in my country that would be the time I’d leave the house.

But it is not all early closing times and strange pastries. Social behaviours may also confuse, surprise or offend you. For example, you may find people appear cold, distant or always in a hurry. Cultures are built on deeply-embedded sets of values, norms, assumptions and beliefs. It can be surprising and sometimes distressing to find that people do not share some of your most deeply held ideas, as most of us take our core values and beliefs for granted and assume they are universally held.

However, I have found lots of pleasant surprises in the UK too – and so have many other international students I know. My friend Agnes was taken aback by how sociable people are. She says she was shocked when complete strangers started talking to her at the bus stop. I, personally, was surprised by how smartly male students in Stirling dress compared to my home country. Culture shock can knock your confidence in the beginning. But you are not alone in taking time to adapt, and soon you start to come to grips with all experiences. Studies suggest that taking a gap year or studying abroad can positively influence your brain to make you more outgoing and open to new ideas.
Looking back, most of the ones I experienced made good stories to tell my friends.

Задания 19-25

Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19–25, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19–25.

Задания 26-31

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 26–31, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 26–31.

Задания 32-38

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32–38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32–38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.


I never took Olivia to the theatre, but it was there I met her. I 32___________ the habit now of going every Saturday night, usually alone, sometimes with George. It was George who 33 ___________ me to Olivia Nelson. She was an only child whose father, a cotton merchant, had died and left her all he had. She was not very beautiful but she was tall, very graceful, smartly dressed and 34 ___________ me at once. Olivia got interested when George said that I was a novelist. Novelists were not too common in Cornwell then, though I believe they are now as numerous as knights. Olivia adored famous people. She was delighted to meet me. It turned 35___________ that Olivia had read my books, at least some of them and she liked them. She could 36____________ intelligently about them. She praised them and criticized them with a good deal of common sense. She discussed new plays and new books with me. She developed a habit of being wherever I was to be found. We had a few meals together at restaurants, and I 37______________ that I was dressing with unusual care. She was so excited and happy, so full of good conversation, that I was charmed and captivated by her company. But I couldn’t help thinking that something was wrong. There was no 38____________ to think the worst. However, I couldn’t make myself propose to her.

При выполнении заданий 32-38 вам поможет:

Методичка “Фразовые глаголы”

Задание 39

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Olivia who

… I know it’s often cold in Russia in winter. What do you usually do not to catch a cold? What is a healthy lifestyle for you? How can you catch up with the class if you do fall ill?
My cousins have come to stay with us for the weekend …

Write a letter to Olivia.
In your letter
– answer her questions
– ask 3 questions about her cousins
Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.

Как написать личное письмо на ЕГЭ по английскому языку

Задание 40

Выберите только ОДНО из двух предложенных высказываний (40.1 или 40.2), укажите его номер в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2 и выразите своё мнение по предложенной проблеме согласно данному плану.

Comment on one of the following statements.

40.1 Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world.

40.2 An early choice of a career path is the key to success.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
− make an introduction (state the problem paraphrasing the given statement)
− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion
− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion
− explain why you do not agree with the opposing opinion
− make a conclusion restating your position

Вам помогут:

Методичка: “Примерные темы и аргументы для эссе (с лексикой)”

Курс эссе

Удачи на экзамене!

Рекомендуемое время на выполнение данного раздела — 40 Минут.

Максимально 20 Баллов за верное выполнение всех заданий раздела.

Данный раздел экзамена состоит из Трех заданий. Каждое задание проверяет языковую грамотность, но Не на уровне знания правил Употребления грамматики и лексики, а на уровне способности выбирать нужный языковой материал и грамотно использовать его с учетом специфики коммуникативной ситуации.

Задание В4—BlO Базового уровня(7 Баллов) С кратким ответом проверяет владение грам­матическими навыками в коммуникативном контексте.

ЗаДаниЕ BllВ16 Повышенного уровня(6 Баллов) С кратким ответом проверяет владе­ние способами словообразования в коммуникативном контексте.

Задание А22—А28 Повышенного уровня(7 Баллов) На множественный выбор проверяет способность грамотно использовать слова в конкретном коммуникативном контексте с уче­том их формы, значения и особенностей употребления, принятых в английском языке.

Желательно заранее ознакомиться с форматом данной части экзамена и установками, предлагаемыми к каждому заданию. Установки к заданиям, как правило, формулируются одинаково во всех вариантах ЕГЭ. Это позволит сэкономить время на изучение установки на экзамене.


Электронная копия
никогда не заменит


Образование грамматических форм

В данном задании дается связный текст с семью пропусками. Напротив каждого пропус­ка справа на полях дается слово, написанное ЗАГЛАВНЫМИ БУКВАМИ, от которого надо образовать ту или иную грамматическую форму для правильного заполнения пропуска. За каждый правильно заполненный пропуск дается 1 Балл. Учитывается Не только граммати­ческая. но и Орфографическая точность ответа. За все задание можно получить максималь­но 7 Баллов.

ЦЕЛЬ ЗАДАНИЯ: Проверить владение

Ф Личными (видовременными) глагольными формами;

Ф Неличными глагольными формами (инфинитивом, герундием, причастием);

Ф Использованием активного и пассивного залога с различными видовременными формами глагола;

Ф Способами согласования времен, принятыми в английском языке;

Ф Различными формами местоимений (личные, притяжательные, местоимения от Some/Any / По);

Ф Количественными и порядковыми числительными;

Ф Различными способами образования множественного числа существительных, притя­жательного падежа;

Ф Различными способами образования степеней сравнения прилагательных и наречий; Ф Навыками орфографии и т. д.


Заранее ознакомиться с форматом задания и с требованиями по заполнению бланков для данного задания.

Во время первого прочтения

1. Просмотреть весь текст с пропусками, постараться понять его содержание, последова­тельность описываемых в нем событий и т. д.

2. Определить, в каком времени идет основное повествование (в настоящем или прошед­шем) и есть ли фрагменты текста, где используется будущее время.

3. Есть ли в тексте прямая речь, и если да, то в каком времени там идет повествование и как оно соотносится с остальным текстом.

Во время второго прочтения

При работе с каждым фрагментом текста с пропуском используйте следующую логику и последовательность действий:

♦ прочитайте текст до первого пропуска и слово, написанное ЗАГЛАВНЫМИ БУКВАМИ на полях, и определите, какую грамматическую форму надо вставить в пропуск: Гла­гольную форму (личную/ неличную); Существительное (в единственном или множест­венном числе, в именительном или притяжательном падеже); Прилагательное (в срав­нительной или превосходной степени), Числительное (порядковое или количественное) и т. д.;

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A Scottish Castle

For more than 800 years the castle was a fortress against the

English and rival Scottish clans. It originally on the STAND banks of the river on a hill top overlooking the sea.

For the most part the castle was in a state of neglect since then. About 150 years ago it became a luxurious farm house and thousands of were kept on the surrounding SHEEP, hillsides.

Then in the early part of the twentieth century it became a hunting and fishing lodge. Wealthy visitors paid good money trying to catch Atlantic salmon — Scotland’s STRONG sporting fish.

The inspiration to restore the castle came to John Faulkner when he in the sea on an unusually warm August SWIM afternoon.

Seeing the castle’s walls and towers over the sparkling water, he imagined how it must have looked in glorious far THESE off days.

Now, ten years after that summer swim, he is in the mood for celebration as he finally his biggest ambition. REALISE

All the difficult and expensive restoration was finished, and his guests are due to arrive this evening. ONE


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Restaurant with a Difference

подпись: □⅛]подпись: [b5подпись: locateподпись: largeRapid River Logging Camp four miles north and one mile west of Park Rapids in Hubbard County, Minnesota.

The smaller camps have now mostly disappeared but some of the ones have now become small museums, theme parks or restaurants.

подпись: the rapid river camp is a huge family style restaurant. food is served and even the is done by staff in period costume.
one to choose one of the big, high calorie dishes loved by real forest workers. in fact there is a large menu to suit all tastes and appetites.
on tuesdays and fridays you can see demonstrations of a steam powered saw,up the wood just as it did 100 years ago.
there are other attractions that are less expensive and .to the town centre than the logging camp;
but most people think the journey is well worth making.
i have seen plenty of these themed restaurants for tourists but the rapid river camp is one of the - .
подпись: ∣^bβ
подпись: cook
not need
подпись: ∣^b7
подпись: ∣^b8 подпись: cut
подпись: ∣^b9
подпись: [bio]


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John Lennon

In the early 60’s Liverpool was already well known for its music.

John Lennon centre stage at The Cavern Club, TAKE

I B4 I Liverpool, during a lunch time session on 21st February 1961. The

Group was called the Beatles and the other band members regarded John as the leader.

Although Ringo was the, they all looked up to John OLD

I B5 I— in Paul’s words, “He was the quickest wit, the smartest and all that kind of thing.”

подпись: performance at the impressiveподпись: at exactly the standIt wasn’t John’s __________________________

Cavern and neither was it his first.

He had been there some years before, same place at the centre of the stage.

It was actually there in 1957 that John Lennon introduced his

I B8 I first group, “The Quarry Men” He it quite a challenging FIND


Even then loved him, calling out his name WOMAN over the music.

подпись: [bio]In 1957 they came to hear a particular type of music known as “Skiffle” but John, Elvis, gave them rock and IMPERSONATE roll.


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Two Friends

I B4 I

Most people believe that after the Beatles _____________ up in 1970,

The friendship between John Lennon and Paul McCartney was over. John’s song from 1971 “How can you sleep?” was apparently about Paul.


B5 I

However, Paul has always maintained that he remained on good terms and that he still misses Lennon, who_________________________ tragically in




What is even less well-known is that Paul and John played together again long after The Beatles, arguably the greatest band ever, had played last song. It happened in 1974.



John music in the studio when Paul turned up with


His wife Linda and some other friends.

I B8 I

Apparently the drums___________ by Paul on this informal session

And they sang classic rock-and-roll songs from the 1950’s. Some of it was recorded but the tapes are missing.



One thing for sure is that if the original tapes are ever found they would be worth a fortune — as well as clear proof of the friendship of the two men.


An even and more public proof came in 1997, when


I Bio

Paul named his solo album “Flaming Pie” after a famous joke

Once told to journalists by his old friend.


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Shopping Malls

I think I may be allergic to shopping malls. I am not sure if my condition has ever been recorded officially by medical science but I am sure there are who suffer as I do.

All I have to do is walk inside one of these awful places and within minutes the artificial “day light” from a thousand “soft” lights to give me a headache.

Then there is the piped music which tunes in and out. endlessly from shop to shop, my brain slowly turns into a large vegetable.

Christmas is in July and Valentines’ day is in October in these unreal labyrinths. A Christmas gift, paid for in August seems wrong to.

And surely no one can believe signs that promise the sale

Ever virtually every day of the year.

Shopping should be exciting in my opinion with fresh sites and beautiful goods to buy. Instead it feels much to being in a

Strange parallel universe.

Worst still is trying to leave. I can never find my way out to fresh air and daylight. I wonder if some poor souls remain down there for weeks on end.


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I have a baby sister Emma, who is eight years old. I her

Shopping last week. I was helping her get a present for our Mum’s birthday and at just eight years old; she is too young to go on her own.

Emma is quite small for her age and she is incredibly fast. I

keep telling her to stay close to me as the place was MUST

Really crowded.

It should have been easy to keep an eye on her. She has long blonde hair and that day she a shocking red top, WEAR

A flashy orange skirt and green boots. She looked like a traffic light!

I guess it was inevitable. One moment I looked down and she was gone. I started shouting name and called a security guard SHE

To help me.

After five or ten minutes I was really beginning to panic. Emma’s name was being broadcast every two minutes and lots of shoppers to help. START

Then I spotted an outdoors shop with a tent and camping equipment displayed in the window. I noticed Blonde hair sticking out of the tent the presence of young Emma. ADVERTISE

Of course I told her off but everyone else really nice to BE

Her asking if she was alright. Of course I was relieved and happy but young sisters can be really, really annoying.


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International Summer School in London

Each summer the UK welcomes children from more than 45 different countries and many of them come to Dean Close year after year. Dean Close students from around the EDUCATE

World for more than a century, and has an international reputation for academic and sporting excellence.

summer school provides a safe, stimulating WE environment for international students aged 11 to 16 to learn English, experience life in the UK and make strong friendships.

Every student 15 hours of lessons each week RECEIVE from qualified and imaginative teachers.

In the afternoons two activity sessions take place with up to six different choices in each session. Evening activities give students the opportunity to relax after a long day and get one KNOW another in a relaxed, multi-national environment.

A visit to the UK would not be complete without a trip to London. Students time to see the sights and absorb HAVE the atmosphere as they spend their last night in this fabulous city.

All our students enjoy two day trips each week, visiting cultural sites as well as much attractions. All of the trips last a CHEERFUL

Full day, so there is plenty of time for the students to experience everything.

We also offer a range of fun activities with our English PLUS program — these in the basic course price, but can NOT be a great way to learn new skills while practicing English. INCLUDE


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California Summer Camp for Children

When it comes to California summer camps for kids, Skylake Yosemite Summer Camp is the very best. This year the camp is celebrating 66th season.

If you for a summer camp your kids will love, we invite

You to consider Skylake.

We in the California Sierra National Forest, on Bass Lake, just a few miles from the south gates of Yosemite National Park. Skylake Yosemite is the kind of summer camp kids love.

Our dock on Bass Lake offers a variety of fun-packed waterfront activities, warm-water swimming, waterskiing and tubing, and canoes and kayaks. All staff members are First Aid Certified and have Water Safety Certifications.

The pine forest surrounding the camp plenty of beautiful open land to accommodate horseback riding, a challenging ropes course, sand volleyball court, tennis courts, arts and crafts building and much more.

Day trips and backpack trips into Yosemite National Park are scheduled almost daily. camp-meal menus are creatively varied, always with lots of fresh ingredients.

To camp is easy, because we offer charter bus service from Northern and Southern California and provide complimentary pick up at the Fresno Yosemite International Airport, located only one hour from camp.









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Last year I started a new school. We have lots of clubs and at our school and we are supposed to be involved in SOCIETY quite a few after school.

Some of them are pretty boring but it could be. At least BAD there is a lot of choice and it can make a nice change from the unnatural quantities of homework or even from natural quantities of computer games and TV!

My favourite is the Drama Society. It is currently the FAST growing as our next production is “Much Ado About Nothing” and someone will get the chance to kiss Kim White on stage.

That really is a strong motive! I shall be doing best to I

Impress the casting director (Mr Corner — the maths teacher) with amazing acting skills of mine.

If that doesn’t work I am almost sure I the part. NOT GET Tragically enough only myself (and possibly my Mum) might argue I have the good looks needed for a romantic hero.

But a good idea to my mind suddenly. I am going to COME

Join the chess club instead! Chess! What a marvellous game. It is a battle of wits and intellectual strategy.

Please don’t get the wrong idea. It is nothing to do with the fact I just learned that Kim White the chess club! JOIN


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Church Calendar

Almost everyone uses calendars. The most common use actually is to mark the passing days and seasons. Quite a few people also mark them as or use them to remember birthdays, appointments or other important occasions.

The same is true of calendars based on religious experience and religions have annual festivals on different dates, to remember those things that are most important to them.

Those of Jewish Faith follow events that revolve around the Exodus. This was the journey of the Israelites out of Egypt to the new land that they God had promised them.

Although the Christian Church has many different “branches”, most of them have calendars based on the life and ministry of Jesus. The Calendar helps believers to remember throughout the year the most important aspects of faith.

In the UK, the festivals of the Christian Church are Christmas and Easter. The most popular by far is Christmas and huge numbers visit Church on Dec24th (Christmas Eve) each year to sing carols and remember the birth of Jesus.

Some dates in the Church are fixed — others vary. The date for Easter, for example, typically between late March and late

April (Western Christianity) and early April to early May (Eastern Orthodox). The date is set by a Iunisolar calendar, following the cycle of the moon.

As a congregation moves through the church calendar, events in an organized way with the opportunity to talk about different faith confessions. This also helps children to visualise and learn about their religion, history and culture.

подпись: в4подпись: в5подпись: в6подпись: в7подпись: ∣^b8подпись: b9^∣подпись: blo]


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Vitus Jonassen Bering

Vitus Jonassen Bering, 1681 to 1741, was a Danish navigator in the service of the Russian Navy. Known by Russian sailors as Ivan Ivanovich, he is recognized as the European ONE to discover Alaska, the Bering Strait and their islands.

He joined the Russian Navy in 1703 and served in the Baltic Fleet throughout the Great Northern War. His involvement for the next ten years was not inconsiderable. His work


In 1715 he in love and became engaged to a Russian FALL

Woman. But Vitus had an unimaginable passion for adventure and discovery.

1728-30 he crossed Asia, sailed north from the Kamchatka peninsula and through the strait that now his name. BEAR

The journey was spoiled by unspeakable tragedy as eventually five of his children died.

In 1740, with Aleksei Chirikov, he set sail on the Great Northern Expedition. They in two ships — the St Peter and the St SAIL


After the establishment of Petropavlovsk, they thoroughly explored the region. On December 19th, 1741, Bering died on an uninhabited island alongside 28 of i men. HE

Although he himself it at the time, Bering was NOT REALIZE

The first explorer to prove that Asia and North America were separate continents.


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Weather in the UK

подпись: c≡]подпись: ∏bβThe UK lies on a boundary between warm tropical air and cold polar air. Large temperature variations create instability and this is the major reason for the UK’s often unsettled weather. In the UK many types of weather can in a single day.

Regional climates in the UK are influenced by latitude and the Atlantic Ocean. The western regions, being closest to the Ocean, are the mildest, wettest and parts of the country.

Eastern areas are generally drier, cooler, and windy but subject to greater temperature variations. Northern areas are cooler, wetter and have a smaller temperature range than southern areas.

The UK is a relatively small landmass with an awful lot of weather! Officially it “enjoys” a climate of mixed status — Oceanic, Temperate and Temperate Maritime. Is it any wonder that the British enjoy the weather?

Can you imagine a February afternoon in Novisibirsk with people discussing over tea whether there sunshine or rain during

The evening? A continental climate is generally very predictable.

Everybody in the UK about Siberian winters. So much so that many wrongly believe that there is no such thing as a Siberian Summer.

подпись: experience
The idea of “sunbathing” and Siberia” in the same sentence is nonsense to them! Then again, many Russians seem to believe the myth that the UK is always shrouded in rain and fog. Possibly Dickens is to blame for this delusion! But it is true that the British like talking about the weather. Well — at least we do have something to talk about.


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The Terrible Storm

The wind tore at the sails as the ship shook on waves like mountains. I struggled along the deck to my cabin.

The deck by icy sea water making it slippery and I slid across the deck several times as I searched for the door.

It was particularly dangerous because the deck rails hadn’t been fitted and locked properly and the storm had shaken them loose. Finally I reached the door, which was mysteriously tied open, and into a chair facing Jim.

A swaying lantern — a type of bright lamp often in

Rough weather — was throwing light and shadow around the small cabin.

It was then that I noticed that the normally happy and cheerful Jim was stricken with panic. He suddenly hold of me. He did look frightened!

For a few moments, neither of spoke. We didn’t need

To. It was clear that this storm would sink our ship within an hour or two.

Even in the dim light I noticed that Jim

. “Follow me” I ordered my unhappy friend. “If we stick together, we can still make it to land. We need to go to the life boat now. If we tie ourselves to the boat we still stand a chance.








подпись: b5^∣подпись: [в6подпись: [bio^∣подпись: include


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Dr Who

“Dr Who” is the longest running science fiction TV show in the world. It is broadcast in 42 countries around the world, Russia, but it is in the UK that it has made the biggest impact.

The show in a virtually unbroken run since 1963 and has had a clear impact on British Culture, social history and fashion.

Although the show is called “Dr Who” the hero

Simply as “The Doctor”. He (there has never been a lady doctor) is a travelling “Time Lord” who constantly rescues planet earth from alien attack.

So far there have been 11 Doctors and each has made an impact on British style and fashion. Frock coats and cravats, stylish hats and over long scarves by Time Lords and copied by teenagers.

The Doctors have always been accompanied by glamorous young assistants some of who also made their mark on fashion.

Some of the Doctors’ became equally famous — especially the Daleks: alien organisms from the planet Skoro that live inside a robot like casing.

The show, arguably, has made a contribution to the English language than any other and has been colourful, inventive and dramatic for over five decades.


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Typical School Day (Tuesdays)

I B4 I

9.00 am is Assembly time. This____________ our being counted, told

To be good and fifteen minutes of mind numbing boredom.



On Tuesdays we begin with double biology. We have to learn about various species of tiny organisms wriggling on a microscope slide. But I have started to enjoy ____________________________________ double lessons (or

Periods as we call them).


I Вб I

This means 90 minutes instead of 45. You feel as if you actually _________ something if you have a bit more time.



Then follows a 20 minute (too short) break and two single periods on History and French which leave my head spinning and the every part of more than ready for the lunch break.


Lunch lasts an hour. We spend about 10 minutes on


I B8 I

And then have 50 minutes for football (actually kicking around a tennis ball).


One time a tournament____________ between two classes. We got so

Involved in the game we failed to notice the bell and got into terrible trouble for being late for class.


Three more lessons (Chemistry, Geography and Maths) and our day finishes at 3.40 pm. It is generally not too bad and Tuesday is


Certainly not the most difficult day. The last period — Maths with Mr Corner — is the toughest but at least when it________________________________

Over we get to go home.



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Famous British?

подпись: 0≡подпись: ∣~b5подпись: в6подпись: [b8^∣подпись: гв9подпись: [вйг]A recent international survey on the most important British people of all time yielded some interesting results. It turns out that three of the top ten Brits probably never even FAMOUS

Existed! This result has rather disappointed some.

They think it a shame that the people of the world have recognised as real, historical characters, three fictional characters as being among nation’s top ten most well — WE

Known and influential.

So who are these three, who denied Henry VIII and David

Beckham a top 10 place? Who over John Lennon and STEP Guy Fawkes in world esteem? Which 3 stand head and shoulders in fame above Margaret Thatcher and Queen Victoria?

Nottingham exists and so does Sherwood Forest but, People of the World, please understand that Mr R. Hood never existed! Of course there are stories and legends of various robber HERO but the story of Robin Hood is as historically accurate as that of Father Christmas.

Finally who could be so important, in world opinion, to HOLD in fame above Sir Issac Newton and Mr Bean (sorry — Rowan Atkinson)? The answer of course is that romantic, sword twirling, nation saving monarch with a round table — King Arthur.

You could of course read lots of books that argue for and against King Arthur. Or you could take my word for it — he never existed! Certainly he a top ten place. Neither in my NOT DESERVE opinion does Princess Diana, who is also in the top 10.

In my opinion it is similar to the world on the all time VOTE

Most famous Americans and the list including Mickey Mouse, Superman and Indiana Jones! If it did, I wonder if the American people would be pleased with the result.


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I had heard about “Space Mountain” — Disney’s most famous attraction and joined the eager queue. Unfortunately, it me feel sick. I spent the next thirty minutes lying quietly and waiting for my head to stop spinning!

Jimmy thought it was hilarious and unhelpfully suggested a hot dog. I stared back at trying not to show how ill I felt.

For the time that evening I thought about going home

Shortly afterwards I noticed that Jim out “Space Mountain” himself. I got in position at the end of the ride to see him climb out of “the pod”.

Another friend who I fun.

On the ride before joined me for the

Finally Jimmy staggered out of “the pod” looking a peculiar shade of green. “Fancy a hot dog Jim?” I shouted as Jimmy as fast as he could towards the toilet block.

Soon enough our evening at Disney World was over. There was time for just one more ride. “Space Mountain” is one of the rides in the world. Regardless of how we felt before we joined the queue for one last ride.








подпись: ≡)подпись: b7∏подпись: i blo iподпись: work


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John and Joan

John and Joan Lane are fond of in the garden, deners.

Each Saturday and Sunday, without fail, they devote to gardening.

Ability to grow especially large and delicious vegetables is held in high regard by their neighbours.

The Lanes are also very generous and can often

I B6 IDropping off packets of vegetables on their neighbours’ door steps.

They have a large garden into three equal parts: for fruit trees, vegetables and astonishing colourful flowers. Neighbours joke that you need sun glasses to look at their flower garden in spring.

Unfortunately John was stung several times by bees and I B8 IA dangerous allergic reaction to bee stings since then.

If he Joan’s advice he would avoid gardens (and

The danger of bees) and take up sailing or swimming.

But John is set in his weekend gardening routine and a fear of bees is not going to stop him. His love of gardening is than his fear of hospitals


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напеча­танные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В4—В10, так чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полу­ченными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В4-В10.

Our school used to have a ritual day of torture, embarrassment and humiliation for the less athletic pupils at the school. It Sports Day.

Traditionally we were treated to this day of horrors two days before the end of the school year. Even now I remember well the awful practice afternoons up to this inglorious spectacle!

And indeed there were many spectators: parents, teachers and classmates were all there to cheer and applaud the, fastest and most successful athletes in the school.

For useless athletes like me, these were the worst days of our school.

However, I eventually developed a strategy that made it a little. I took up throwing the hammer. The Hammer throw demanded little energy. A fast spin and then letting the thing go at the right moment (and hopefully not killing any innocent spectator) was all that was needed.

Amazingly I quite good at it. At least I was no longer

The poor, red faced fool coming in last on the race track!

Finally, on my last Sports Day — two days before my last ever school day — I came in the Hammer Throw, stood on a

Podium and was presented with a bronze medal!









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The best place for me


I am so lucky to live where I live. I “need” in my life to enjoy BOTH country and city life. I could not manage my whole life in just one or the other. I sometimes need company and noise; sometimes just peace and quiet.



My small village _____________ Ovingdean. It is in East Sussex,

England. It has an 11th Century Church and probably has been a settlement for more than 2000 years. We live at the edge of the village, next to a working farm.


But just 2 miles away and______________ by a low hill, is the lively,

Modern city of Brighton. Brighton is a fantastic place to shop.



It also has a famously varied and exciting nightlife. There are cinemas, restaurants and an unbelievable array of


And live music venues.


In the village I “feel” the seasons. Every day I wake to birdsong and the nearby lowing of cattle. In Spring we see fox cubs, wildflowers and nests full of chicks. In the autumn the fields and trees turn golden. We particularly enjoy the local wildlife and have learned when and where if we want to see an


Owl, a badger or even a grass snake.

But I would only feel half human if I, several


I B9 I

Times a week, make the 7 minute drive to the centre of our bustling city. In Brighton — the lights are always bright. In Brighton you are never alone.

Leaves and twigs or restaurants and cinemas? Quiet fields or noisy markets? City fumes or country air? In life most people have to make a choice. I do realise how lucky I am because this particular question me, never ever.



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The apple trees ______BE in blossom when a terrible storm _____START

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  • blossom
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  • storm
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  • 5 — 9 классы
  • английский язык

The terrible storm егэ ответы


12 Апр, 18


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The terrible storm егэ ответы


12 Апр, 18


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The terrible storm егэ ответы


12 Апр, 18


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The apple trees  were in blossom when a terrible storm was started.

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You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Ryan, who writes:

We had a terrible storm last night. I thought it would never stop raining! I was wondering what the weather is like in your country? What’s the worst kind of weather that you’ve experienced? What do you do to prepare for a really bad storm? Which part of your country has the best weather?

I’ve got some good news: my sister has just got a place at university…

Write a letter to Ryan. In your letter:

-answer his questions;

-ask 3 questions about his sister’s university place.

Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

 39.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Moscow



         Dear Ryan,

         Thanks a lot for your letter. I should apologize for not writing earlier as I was really busy with my school.

         In your letter, you asked me about the weather in my country. Well, in Russia, weather is rather unpredictable. The worst kind of the weather I’ve experienced was the storm wind and heavy hail. Frankly speaking, we only close windows to prepare for a really bad storm. I suppose the south of Russia has the best weather.

         I’d like you to tell me more about your sister’s university place. How has she got it? Has she got it for free or paid anything? What university has she got the place in?

         Unfortunately, I have to finish my letter. Loads of  homework.

         Write soon!





Установите соответствие тем 1 — 8 текстам A — G. Занесите свои ответы в соответствующее поле справа. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

1. То take from home

2. Evening drinks

3. Food for relaxation

4. Skipping the meal

5. Foreign cuisine

6. Unusual meals

7. Traditional morning meal

8. Take it ready to eat

A. If you go to a hotel in Britain and ask for a typical English breakfast, you will probably get bacon and eggs, sausage, mushrooms, baked beans, tea and toast. When porridge juice are offered as well, the meal is sometimes advertised as a «full Engilsh breakfast». Many years ago people couldn’t imagine their breakfast without a bowl of cerea or usual bacon and eggs.

B. But how many people in England actually eat an English breakfast? Only one person in ten. One in five people say all they have for breakfast is a cup of coffee, and many children go to school without eating anything. That is happening because people lack time. They are always in a hurry and prefer to choose something light and ready-made, especially in the morning.

C. If in Britain you stay with a family, you will almost certainly be given a «packed lunch» to eat for your midday meal. Some factories and schools have canteens where a packed lunch is the most common thing to eat. A packed lunch usually consists of some sandwiches, a packet of crisps, an apple, and a can of something to drink, for example, Coca-Cola. The quality of the packed lunch can vary.

D. Fish and chips is the classic English takeaway food. It is usually bought ready cooked at special shops — fish and chip shops, or «chippies» as they are sometimes called. This takeaway food is wrapped in paper to be eaten at home or outside. If you go to a fish and chip shop, you’ll be asked if you want salt and vinegar to be sprinkled over your chips. Be careful because sometimes they give you too much.

E. If you have trouble getting off to sleep, don’t panic. There are plenty of healthy, low fat alternatives to pills to help you nod off. Why not try a glass of warm skimmed milk, or even a cup of camomile tea? These natural and low-fat drinks will help you to get asleep. They can also relax you after a difficult day.

F. Every British town has Indian or Chinese restaurants. There are more Chinese takeaways than there are fish and chips shops in the UK. But most people are eating curry Curry is now Britain’s most popular meal because the majority of British people like spicy food. But British people like food from other countries, too. They say it allows them to understand other cultures better.

G. Eating carbohydrate-rich foods like bread, cereal, rice and pasta causes the production of serotonin, which makes us feel calm. Fruit and vegetables also set off the production of this chemical. Milk and cheese are also useful. The next time you feel stressed, try a little piece of bread and a glass of milk and you’ll feel better in no time.



Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке лишняя.

1. depending on the survey and the time of year

2. rotating disk with holes arranged in a spiral pattern

3. could be measured in the thousands

4. could capture moving images

5. funding a number of research programmes

6. transmitting images 16 years before

7. had lived in a house without electricity


Few inventions have had as much effect on contemporary society, especially American society, as television. Before 1947 the number of U.S. homes with television sets A ______ . By the late 1990s, 98 percent of U.S. homes had at least one television set, and those sets were on for an average of more than seven hours a day. The typical American spends (B ______ ) from two-and-a-half to almost five hours a day watching television.

The invention of TV is not credited to one single person. Vladimir Zworykin and Philo Farnsworth both played instrumental roles. Electronic television was first successfully demonstrated in San Francisco on Sept. 7, 1927. The system was designed by Philo Taylor Farnsworth, a 21-year-old inventor who C ______ until he was 14. While still in high school, Farnsworth had begun to think of a system that D ______ in a form that could be coded onto radio waves and then transformed back into a picture on a screen. Boris Rosing and Vladimir Zvorykin in Russia had conducted some experiments in E ______ Farnsworth’s first success.

Also, a mechanical television system, which scanned images using a F ______ , had been demonstrated by John Logic Baird in England and Charles Francis Jenkins in the United States earlier in the 1920s. However, Farnsworth’s invention and Vladimir Zvorykin’s electronic TV system are the direct ancestors of modern television.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12—18, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.

Lesson in humility

I was nine when this started. That was in 1964, the year my mother left us. Chess led me to Horatio — chess and my father and my absent mother and the fact that on that day, I broke the rule about not showing what you feel. My form-master of that year at the private day-school I went to was a chess enthusiast. He explained the rules to us, he encouraged us to play. He was kind to me and I admired him, more than admired: I wanted to be where he was. I suppose I was more than usually responsive to kindness just at that time. To please him I tried hard to be good at chess and I discovered that I was good. I had a natural talent, the master said.

I joined the school chess club. I took part in tournaments and distinguished myself. Shining at few things, for a brief season I shone at chess. I studied the game, I read the accounts of historic encounters, the ploys of long-dead masters, and I played them out alone. I would set out the pieces at random, then sweep them off and try to replace them from memory. At night, I would picture the chess board, go through the moves of some legendary end-game and find consolation.

A colleague of my father was there one Sunday afternoon — my father was a senior official at the Treasury. «Your father tells me you are quite a chess-player.” On his reddish face an indulgent look. «At least by his own report,” my father said with a sarcastic smile. He seemed to suggest I had boasted. Perhaps I had. “Not up to your level, Henry, not yet.» Henry, Harry, Humphrey. A chessplayer ot note. Fancy a game, young man?

We played and I won. He still had half his pieces on the board when l checkmated him. I leasure in victory, expectation of praise — face and voice were not yet practiced enough, I suppose I showed my feelings too clearly. My father looked at me, but uttered no word. He went out, came back with a book from his study, brought it over for me to see. “Look here,” he said, the colleague meanwhile looking on. “Look at these people here.”

He had opened the book roughly in the middle. There were two faces, one on either side: William Pitt the Younger and Horatio Nelson. Neither name meant anything to me at the time. Later, ot course, I knew them tor close contemporaries -Horatio was a year older and died three months earlier.

“Take a good look,” my father said. “These two men saved our country, they had reason to be pleased with themselves.”

He meant it for my benefit or so I like to think. He did not want me to be jubilant in victory, to overrate small achievements. He wanted to inspire me with worthy ambitions. But in his mannei and tone I sensed displeasure; he was not pleased at my success, it had disturbed his sense of the natural order.

My interest in chess did not long survive that day, the lesson in humility proved the death-blow to it. I continued to play during what was left of the term, but my heart was not in it, I lost the appetite for victory, my game fell off. In the autumn, Monty and I were sent away to boarding school and I never played chess again.



The narrator started playing chess because of the encouragement from …

1. his father.

2. his mother.

3. his teacher.

4. Horatio.



In paragraph 2 the words “shining at few things” mean that the boy …

1. did not have many achievements.

2. won a few tournaments.

3. perfected his chess skills.

4. devoted himself to many activities.



The father spoke about his son’s chess talent …

1. enthusiastically.

2. boastfully.

3. happily.

4. ironically.



The father was displeased with his son because …

1. his colleague was hurt by the defeat.

2. the boy couldn’t hide his pleasure.

3. he had hoped for his loss.

4. the boy broke the rules of the game.



What did the boy think about William Pitt and Horatio Nelson?

1. They were models for the boy.

2. He didn’t want to be like them.

3. He knew nothing about them at the time.

4. He liked William Pitt but disposed Horatio Nelson.



The father’s words were meant to …

1. teach his son some history.

2. show his son how wrong he was.

3. show his son how to celebrate a victory.

4. teach his son to evaluate one’s achievements.



The boy stopped playing chess because …

1. he had to leave his school.

2. he lost interest.

3. his father wouldn’t let him play.

4. he had started losing games.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Ryan, who writes:

We had a terrible storm last night. I thought it would never stop raining! I was wondering what the weather is like in your country? What’s the worst kind of weather that you’ve experienced? What do you do to prepare for a really bad storm? Which part of your country has the best weather?

I’ve got some good news: my sister has just got a place at university…

Write a letter to Ryan. In your letter:

-answer his questions;

-ask 3 questions about his sister’s university place.

Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

 39.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Moscow



         Dear Ryan,

         Thanks a lot for your letter. I should apologize for not writing earlier as I was really busy with my school.

         In your letter, you asked me about the weather in my country. Well, in Russia, weather is rather unpredictable. The worst kind of the weather I’ve experienced was the storm wind and heavy hail. Frankly speaking, we only close windows to prepare for a really bad storm. I suppose the south of Russia has the best weather.

         I’d like you to tell me more about your sister’s university place. How has she got it? Has she got it for free or paid anything? What university has she got the place in?

         Unfortunately, I have to finish my letter. Loads of  homework.

         Write soon!







На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

ужасный шторм

жуткий шторм

страшная буря

ужасная гроза

страшную бурю

But there was a terrible storm and the boat sank.

Aunt, there was a terrible storm yesterday

I got into a terrible storm off Cape Horn.

There’s a terrible storm out there.

It was like a terrible storm had lifted.

A terrible storm hangs over Russia.

That’s because of the terrible storm we experienced there.

But, all of a sudden, they were caught in a terrible storm.

New Orleans was washed away in that terrible storm.

Then… there was this terrible storm, a deluge.

There is a terrible storm over the Atlantic that has delayed their trip.

Над Атлантикой ужасный ураган, так что их поездка отложена.

Then… there was this terrible storm, a deluge.

There is a terrible storm over the Atlantic that has delayed their trip.

You braved this terrible storm out of fear you might lose your cardinalate?

Ты бросил вызов этому ужасающему шторму из страха потерять свой сан кардинала?

There was a terrible storm, and we took shelter with your father and his friends in a trench dug by archeologists.

Был сильный шторм, и мы нашли убежище с вашим отцом и его друзьями в траншее, вырытой археологами.

Unfortunately, what had seemed to be only a small cloud had become a terrible storm that had dismantled civil society and had already left millions dead.

К сожалению, то, что представлялось лишь маленьким облаком, обернулось жестокой бурей, которая смела гражданское общество и уже унесла миллионы жизней.

Wasn’t that where there was a terrible storm?

Very windy. It’s a terrible storm.

Сильный ветер — это буря.

That was one terrible storm!

But alas, there was a terrible storm.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 26. Точных совпадений: 26. Затраченное время: 44 мс


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You have
received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Ryan, who writes:

We had a terrible storm last night. I thought it
would never stop raining! I was wondering what the weather is like in your
country? What’s the worst kind of weather that you’ve
experienced? What do you do to prepare for a really bad storm? Which part of
your country has the best weather?

got some good news: my sister has just got a place at university…

Write a
letter to Ryan. In your letter:

-answer his questions;

-ask 3 questions about his sister’s university place.

100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

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 39.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Moscow



         Dear Ryan,

         Thanks a lot for your letter. I should apologize for not writing earlier as I was really busy with my school.

         In your letter, you asked me about the wea

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