Образуйте от слова CONVENIENT однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.
The Vancouver Aquarium
The Vancouver Aquarium is a public aquarium. It is __________________ located in Stanley Park, a popular area.
Образуйте от слова ATTRACT однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.
In addition to being a major __________________ for Vancouver, the aquarium is a centre for marine research and conservation.
Источник: ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2020. Досрочная волна. Вариант 2
Образуйте от слова SCIENCE однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.
It was one of the first facilities to invite __________________ into the galleries to interpret animal behaviour.
Источник: ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2020. Досрочная волна. Вариант 2
Образуйте от слова EDUCATION однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.
So a visit to the aquarium is not only pleasant, but also __________________.
Источник: ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2020. Досрочная волна. Вариант 2
Образуйте от слова OWN однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.
The aquarium remains a nonprofit organisation. Its __________________ is the City of Vancouver.
Источник: ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2020. Досрочная волна. Вариант 2
Образуйте от слова TOUR однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.
The aquarium has been rented for $40,000 a year since 1991. This money and the entrance fees paid by __________________ support the aquarium financially.
Источник: ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2020. Досрочная волна. Вариант 2
Спрятать пояснение
Пропуск стоит перед глаголом ,на месте пропуска, требуется использовать наречие образа действия. В данном случае это делается с помощью суффикса -ly.
Источник: ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2020. Досрочная волна. Вариант 2
1) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
Languages in the USA
The most commonly used language in the United States is English, which is the de facto national language. Nonetheless, many other languages ___ (SPEAK) in the United States.
2) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
___ (THIS) include indigenous languages, languages brought to the country by colonists, enslaved people and immigrants from Europe, Africa and Asia.
3) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
Spanish, of course, is the ___ (TWO) most commonly spoken language in the United States. However, few people realise that after English and Spanish Chinese is spoken regularly in more American homes than any other language.
4) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
The Brownings
On January 10, 1845, Robert Browning, a little-known poet and playwright, sent a letter to Elizabeth Barrett, an internationally renowned poet, an invalid, after reading her volume of poetry. Over the course of the next 20 months, they ___ (WRITE) each other close to 600 letters.
5) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
It is one of the ___ (GREAT) literary correspondences of all time.
6) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
The couple’s last letter was exchanged on September 18, 1846, the night before the two ___ (LEAVE) for a trip to Italy and two weeks after their secret marriage.
7) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
___ (THEY) romance, which Elizabeth credited with saving her life, lasted for 15 years and spawned some of the world’s most beautiful poetry.
Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
The Vancouver Aquarium
The Vancouver Aquarium is a public aquarium. It is ___ (CONVENIENT) located in Stanley Park, a popular area.
9) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
In addition to being a major ___ (ATTRACT) for Vancouver, the aquarium is a centre for marine research and conservation.
10) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
It was one of the first facilities to invite ___ (SCIENCE) into the galleries to interpret animal behaviour.
11) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
So a visit to the aquarium is not only pleasant, but also ___ (EDUCATION).
12) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
The aquarium remains a nonprofit organisation. Its ___ (OWN) is the City of Vancouver.
13) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
The aquarium has been rented for $40,000 a year since 1991. This money and the entrance fees paid by ___ (TOUR) support the aquarium financially.
14) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.
It was April and John Moore was studying for an important examination. As the date of the exam ___ nearer, he decided to go somewhere and read by himself.
1) appeared
2) drew
3) moved
4) entered
15) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.
He did not want the amusements of the seaside, or the beauties of the countryside. He decided to find a quiet, little town and work there undisturbed. He ___ his suitcase with clothes and books.
1) wrapped
2) laid
3) piled
4) packed
16) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.
Then he looked in a railway timetable for a town that he did not know. He found one, and bought a ticket to go there. He did not tell anyone where he was going. After all, he did not want to be ___.
1) bothered
2) intervened
3) interfered
4) helped
17) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.
That is how Moore arrived at Benchurch. It was a market town, and once a week it was quite busy for a few hours. The rest of the time it was a very quiet and sleepy place. Moore spent his first night at the only hotel in the town. The landlady was very kind and helpful, but the hotel was not really quiet enough for him. The second day he started ___ for a house to rent.
1) finding
2) looking
3) skimming
4) exploring
18) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.
There was only one place that he liked. It was more than quiet – it was deserted and very lonely. It was a big, old seventeenth-century house. It had barred windows like a prison, and a high brick wall all around it. It would be hard to ___ a more unwelcoming place. But it suited Moore perfectly. He went to find the local lawyer, who was responsible for the house.
1) understand
2) imagine
3) know
4) seek
19) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.
Mr. Carnford, the lawyer, was very happy to rent the house to him. “I’d be glad to let you have it free,” he said, “. It’s been empty so long that people have started to ___ a lot of foolish stories about it. You’ll be able to prove that the stories are wrong.
1) extend
2) promote
3) gossip
4) spread
20) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.
Moore didn’t think it was necessary to ask the lawyer for more details of the foolish stories. He paid his rent, and Mr. Carnford gave him the name of an old servant to ___ him. He came away from the lawyer with the keys of the house in his pocket.
1) look at
2) look about
3) look after
4) look around
Егэ русский язык 10224
Установите соответствие между грамматическими ошибками и предложениями, в которых они допущены: к каждой позиции первого столбца подберите соответствующую позицию из второго столбца.
А) ошибка в построении предложения с однородными членами
Б) нарушение связи между подлежащим и сказуемым
В) неправильное построение предложения с косвенной речью
Г) нарушение видовременной соотнесённости глагольных форм
Д) ошибка в употреблении имени числительного
1) Кто бы ни изучал биографию Пушкина, подчёркивал, что его поэтический талант необычайно расцветал в осеннюю пору.
2) Поутру обои подруги отправились в институт, чтобы пересдать экзамен.
3) В одном из старинных домов, сохранившихся в центре Москвы, бывали великие русские поэты и писатели, композиторы и художники.
4) Организм человека, в котором работают сложные биохимические механизмы, требуют ежедневного поступления необходимых питательных веществ.
5) Мы взяли с собой нехитрую еду: вымоченная накануне в молоке просоленная рыба, вареная картошка, маринованные огурцы.
6) Древнегреческий философ Платон узнал об Атлантиде от своего деда Крития, который, в свою очередь, прослышал об этом от «мудреца мудрецов» Солона.
7) Незнакомец спросил у прохожего, «как мне добраться к вокзалу.»
Артём очень любит своего четвероногого друга, появившегося в его жизни столь загадочным образом, и позаботится о нём
9) Пьеса Горького «На дне», которая была написана в 1902 году, изображала жизнь «бывших людей».
Запишите в ответ цифры, расположив их в порядке, соответствующем буквам:
A | Б | В | Г | Д |
Установите соответствие между грамматическими ошибками и предложениями, в которых они допущены: к каждой позиции первого столбца подберите соответствующую позицию из второго столбца.
А) неправильное употребление падежной формы существительного с предлогом
Б) нарушение в построении предложения с деепричастным оборотом
В) нарушение связи между подлежащим и сказуемым
Г) нарушение в построении предложения с косвенной речью
Д) ошибка в построении предложения с однородными членами
1) Народ начал действовать незамедлительно: все встали в чинную очередь за призами, и, смеясь от души, по одному подходили к Наталье, получая из её рук кисточки, цветные карандаши или набор красок.
2) Имея в виду всё сказанное ранее, планы России и Мексики в сфере энергетики должны быть исключительно позитивно восприняты не только в наших странах, но и в международном энергетическом сообществе.
3) Однажды мы с Двинятиным, сидя на моей кафедре, выглянули в окно, выходящее во двор филфака, и увидели там Андрея Степанова.
4) Она скорбно кивала, постепенно успокаиваясь, мы ещё немного поговорили о том о сём, она сказала, что переезжает в город.
5) Резюмируя изложенные взгляды, хотелось бы ещё раз обратить внимание на основные различия между подходов к измерению количества информации, содержащейся в сообщениях.
6) Некоторую толику торжества во взгляде можно было объяснить как верой во всесилие медицины, вооружённой средствами науки, так и тщеславием врача, нашедшего то, мимо чего прошли тысячи коллег.
7) По завершении долгой встречи с партнёрами я, к своему удивлению, не столько ощущал усталость, сколько сильное раздражение, хотя обсуждение прошло весьма успешно.
В статье, опубликованной в популярном журнале, автор обратился к читателям со словами о том, что вы должны всерьёз задуматься о разумном потреблении энергии.
9) Местная периодическая печать, в частности газеты, будто боялись онлайн-формата и упорно продолжали выходить только на бумаге.
Запишите в ответ цифры, расположив их в порядке, соответствующем буквам:
A | Б | В | Г | Д |
Установите соответствие между грамматическими ошибками и предложениями, в которых они допущены: к каждой позиции первого столбца подберите соответствующую позицию из второго столбца.
А) нарушение в построении предложения с причастным оборотом
Б) неправильное употребление падежной формы существительного с предлогом
В) ошибка в построении предложения с деепричастным оборотом
Г) нарушение в построении предложения с несогласованным приложением
Д) ошибка в построении сложного предложения
1) Каждую летнюю зарю Герасим, несмотря на слепоту, ходил в поля ловить перепелов.
2) В своих статьях этот журналист поставил вопросы, волнующих многих его современников.
3) Горячо любящим родную культуру предстаёт перед нами Д. С. Лихачёв в книге «Письмах о добром и прекрасном».
4) Вопреки предсказанию моего спутника погода прояснилась.
5) По окончанию института наши выпускники могут рассчитывать на трудоустройство в профильных компаниях.
6) К тишине ожидания уже примешивался не столько слышимый, сколько угадываемый шум неотвратимого движения поезда.
7) Получив начальное домашнее образование в Москве, Радищева зачислили в петербургский Пажеский корпус.
В покинутой корчме, перед которой стояла кибитка доктора, уже собралось человек пять офицеров.
9) Ей снится, что будто бы она идет по снеговой поляне, а вокруг птицы чудные летают.
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Установите соответствие между грамматическими ошибками и предложениями, в которых они допущены: к каждой позиции первого столбца подберите соответствующую позицию из второго столбца.
А) ошибка в построении предложения с однородными членами
Б) нарушение связи между подлежащим и сказуемым
В) неправильное построение предложения с косвенной речью
Г) нарушение видовременной соотнесённости глагольных форм
Д) ошибка в употреблении имени числительного
1) Те, кто думает, что хорошие манеры существуют в отрыве от реальной жизни, ошибаются.
2) У неё браслеты были на обоих руках, а перстнями и кольцами унизаны все пальцы
3) Ч. Айтматов как-то заметил, что бывают дни, когда всё ладится и жизнь прекрасна.
4) Отец, позвонивший вчера поздно вечером, сообщил, что заболел, и сказал, что «я остаюсь дома».
5) Все, кто изучал труды Г. О. Винокура, знают о его исследованиях в области лингвопоэтики.
6) Он надеялся опубликовать и познакомить читателей со своей повестью до начала следующего года.
7) Кто, как не классики литературы, должны быть авторитетом в плане владения русским языком?
Спортсмены, приехавшие на чемпионат, надеялись на победу и верят в неё.
9) Автор статьи рассматривает условия, при которых частица, двигаясь даже равномерно, излучает электромагнитные волны.
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Установите соответствие между грамматическими ошибками и предложениями, в которых они допущены: к каждой позиции первого столбца подберите соответствующую позицию из второго столбца.
А) неправильное построение предложения с деепричастным оборотом
Б) ошибка в построении сложноподчинённого предложения
В) ошибка в построении предложения с однородными членами
Г) неправильное употребление падежной формы существительного с предлогом
Д) нарушение в построении предложения с несогласованным приложением
1) Скрипучий эскалатор, не оставляя надежды, приближает меня к палящему сквозь пыльные толстые стёкла солнцу.
2) В клинике «Вашем здоровье» дипломированные специалисты выслушают ваши жалобы и окажут квалифицированную медицинскую помощь.
3) Николай Сергеевич решил, что по возвращению из-за границы он непременно займётся ремонтом в своём загородном доме.
4) На мальчике был нарядный синий костюмчик, который постучал в нашу дверь, а в руках ребёнок держал большую корзину с цветами — в них была вложена карточка с надписью «Праздник в каждый дом».
5) И вот новая академия выступила сейчас с гипотезой, что черногорцы, вообще говоря, не славяне, а славянизированное население древних Балкан, якобы всегда служившее неким барьером между Востоком и Западом.
6) Толстый слой сухой листвы был на скамейках, газонах, ямах, вырытых для посадки деревьев, клумбах и всех урнах.
7) Наверное, каждый из родителей, опираясь на свой жизненный опыт, а также на знания, полученные из различных источников, старается не повторить своих и чужих ошибок и как можно лучше воспитать собственных детей.
Можно обойтись и вовсе без газона, покрыв весь участок мелким разноцветным гравием и расставив здесь и там разнокалиберные контейнеры и вазоны с выплёскивающимися из них цветочными брызгами.
9) Возникнув из ниоткуда, этим мыслям, таким ясным и чистым, тогда не нашлось достойного места в моём сознании, но спустя несколько лет они вновь возникли в голове, и именно им было суждено стать основой моей новой книги «Вечер в окне».
Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами:
A | Б | В | Г | Д |
Установите соответствие между грамматическими ошибками и предложениями, в которых они допущены: к каждой позиции первого столбца подберите соответствующую позицию из второго столбца.
А) нарушение в построении предложения с причастным оборотом
Б) нарушение в построении предложения с несогласованным приложением
В) нарушение связи между подлежащим и сказуемым
Г) ошибка в построении сложного предложения
Д) нарушение видовременной соотнесённости глагольных форм
1) Из холма, который природа склеила из громадных уродливых камней, сквозь трубочку тонкой струйкой бежала вода.
2) Уподобляя занятия наукой игре, психологи подчёркивают творческое начало в научной работе.
3) В повести ХVII века «Начало царствующего великого града» можно найти одну из гипотез, объясняющих значение слова «Москва».
4) Встречи с выдающимися деятелями искусства и литературы стали традиционными на канале «Культуре».
5) Но с деревом опять произошло несчастье: его ветви обрубили, расположенные низко.
6) Те, кто читал критическую статью Н. А. Добролюбова, знаком с оценкой критика «тёмного царства».
7) В жизни случаются разочарования, и неприятности были – их нужно научиться преодолевать.
Толстой очень хорошо понимал то, что своей «Исповедью» наживёт себе врагов, в том числе и среди священников.
9) Многие из тех, кто читал произведения С. Д. Довлатова, восхищались тонким чувством юмора писателя.
Запишите в ответ цифры, расположив их в порядке, соответствующем буквам:
A | Б | В | Г | Д |
Установите соответствие между грамматическими ошибками и предложениями, в которых они допущены: к каждой позиции первого столбца подберите соответствующую позицию из второго столбца.
А) неправильное употребление падежной формы существительного с предлогом
Б) ошибка в построении предложения с однородными членами
В) нарушение в построении предложения с несогласованным приложением
Г) нарушение в построении сложноподчинённого предложения
Д) нарушение в построении предложения с причастным оборотом
1) Стоять на полу было нельзя, потому что холодный сквознячок дул из-под двери, коварно обходя уложенный на его пути валик из старого одеяла, и мог остудить мои ноги.
2) В комнате пахло сыростью, царили мрак и тишина, которая была расположена в самом конце узкого коридора, по стенам были развешаны вырезки из старых «Ведомостей».
3) Жалея об упущенных возможностях, не будем всё же забывать о том, что индивидуальные характеристики, которые представлены в книге, дали материал для чрезвычайно важных выводов.
4) В этом горном краю камней было много, но каждый из них как-то сам по себе устроился на подходящему для того месте, кроме одного, самого угрожающе огромного.
5) Для выколотки объёмных изделий мастера использовали не только молотки с различной формой бойков, но и специальный опорный инструмент, который выбирался в зависимости от формы обрабатываемого мастером изделия.
6) Я сидел в мягком кресле, прихлёбывал свежий кофе, вдумчиво читал соглашение о задатке, решительно корректируя и улучшая те пункты, что призваны как гарантировать безопасность моих клиентов, так и мою собственную безопасность.
7) Делая выбор, мы редко ощущаем необратимость свершившегося факта; мы принимаем множество решений, порой спотыкаемся, иногда сожалеем о чём-то — словом, живём дальше.
В магазине «Хлопковом поле» был прекрасный выбор хлопчатобумажных тканей, а если какой-то ткани не было в наличии, то её всегда можно было заказать.
9) В этот день баба Шура, вопреки обыкновения, встретила меня молча — она почти не взглянула на нас, когда мы с моим лабрадором вошли в парадную.
Г нарушение в построении предложения с несогласованным приложением.
Rus-ege. sdamgia. ru
23.04.2018 13:54:39
2018-04-23 13:54:39
Https://rus-ege. sdamgia. ru/test? filter=all&category_id=206&ttest=10
Русский язык ВПР 6 класс (задание 2) — Педагогический портал «Тривиум», задание 10224 » /> » /> .keyword { color: red; } Егэ русский язык 10224
Егэ русский язык 10224
# 10224
Выполните обозначенные цифрами в тексте к заданию 1 языковые разборы:
(2) – морфемный и словообразовательный разбор;
(3) – морфологический разбор слова;
(4) – синтаксический разбор предложения.
ВПР6: текст Романовского С.
Я ш..л по пр..сёлоч..ной дорог.. среди лесов и холмов. От дорог.. я св..рнул на какую(то) тр..пинку и она пр(е/и)вела меня в ш..рокий з..лёный дол. (З/С)десь р..сли черёмухи с могуч..ми ств..лами и светлые б..рё(з/с)ки. (4) Одна б..рёза была больше и старше других – мать им или бабушка. Эта ра(з/с)кид..стая б..рёза с пл..куч..ми в..твями выр..стала из (не)высок..го (косо)гора и пр(е/и)падала к к..лодцу с (дву)скатной крыш..й. На в..ршин.. крыш.. с..дела чудес..ная деревя(н, нн)ая птица.
А из-под к..лодца выб..валась река. Да, под колодц..м пролега..т (3) (не)ш..рокая бето(н, нн)ая (2) труба. А (из)неё т..чёт вода. Я умылся ра(з/с)в..зал рю(г/к)зак (до)стал хлеб и отведал воду из к..лодца. Она была чистая и вкус..ная. И устал..сть мою как рукой сняло!
(По С. Романовскому)
Бетон н ая (2)
Пролегает (3)
1. Пролегает (что делает?) – глагол, обозначает действие предмета, н. ф. – пролегать.
2. Пост. – несов. вид, невозвр., непереходн., I спр.; непост. – в форме изъявит. накл., наст. вр., 3-е л., ед. ч.
3. В предложении является сказуемым.
Нареч. | Глаг. | Сущ. | Предл. | Прил. | Сущ. | Союз | Прил. | Сущ. |
Здесь | Росли | Черёмухи | С | Могучими | Стволами | И | Светлые | Берёзки. |
Морфемный и словообразовательный разборы слова
Бетон н ая (2)
Бетон н ая← бетон (суффиксальный способ)
Морфологический разбор слова
Пролегает (3)
1. Пролегает (что делает?) – глагол, обозначает действие предмета, н. ф. – пролегать.
2. Пост. – несов. вид, невозвр., непереходн., I спр.; непост. – в форме изъявит. накл., наст. вр., 3-е л., ед. ч.
3. В предложении является сказуемым.
Синтаксический разбор предложения
Нареч. | Глаг. | Сущ. | Предл. | Прил. | Сущ. | Союз | Прил. | Сущ. |
Здесь | Росли | Черёмухи | С | Могучими | Стволами | И | Светлые | Берёзки. |
Предложение повествовательное, невосклицательное, простое, двусоставное, распространённое, с однородными подлежащими.
Грамматическая основа: черёмухи (и) берёзки (однородные подлежащие, выражены именами существительными) росли (сказуемое, выражено глаголом).
Второстепенные члены предложения: (берёзки) светлые – определение, выражено именем прилагательным; (росли) здесь – обстоятельство, выражено наречием; (черёмухи) с стволами – определение, выражено именем существительным с предлогом (возможно: дополнение); (с стволами) могучими – определение, выражено именем прилагательным.
Вид, невозвр.
Gordeevaln. ru
11.04.2020 4:46:25
2020-04-11 04:46:25
Https://gordeevaln. ru/question/longanswer/10224
Задание №10224. Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста. The Va » /> » /> .keyword { color: red; } Егэ русский язык 10224
Егэ русский язык 10224
Егэ русский язык 10224
Задание №10224.
Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому
Вставьте слово, которое Грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
The Vancouver Aquarium The Vancouver Aquarium is a public aquarium. It is ___ (CONVENIENT) located in Stanley Park, a popular area.
The Vancouver Aquarium The Vancouver Aquarium is a public aquarium. It is CONVENIENTLY located in Stanley Park, a popular area.
Ванкуверский аквариум Ванкуверский аквариум — это общественный аквариум. Он удобно расположен в популярном районе Стэнли-Парк.
Показать ответ
Источник: ФИПИ. Открытый банк тестовых заданий
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Егэ русский язык 10224.
Englishiseasy. ru
05.02.2017 15:43:37
2017-02-05 15:43:37
Https://englishiseasy. ru/task10224/
1) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
Languages in the USA
The most commonly used language in the United States is English, which is the de facto national language. Nonetheless, many other languages ___ (SPEAK) in the United States.
2) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
___ (THIS) include indigenous languages, languages brought to the country by colonists, enslaved people and immigrants from Europe, Africa and Asia.
3) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
Spanish, of course, is the ___ (TWO) most commonly spoken language in the United States. However, few people realise that after English and Spanish Chinese is spoken regularly in more American homes than any other language.
4) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
The Brownings
On January 10, 1845, Robert Browning, a little-known poet and playwright, sent a letter to Elizabeth Barrett, an internationally renowned poet, an invalid, after reading her volume of poetry. Over the course of the next 20 months, they ___ (WRITE) each other close to 600 letters.
5) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
It is one of the ___ (GREAT) literary correspondences of all time.
6) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
The couple’s last letter was exchanged on September 18, 1846, the night before the two ___ (LEAVE) for a trip to Italy and two weeks after their secret marriage.
7) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
___ (THEY) romance, which Elizabeth credited with saving her life, lasted for 15 years and spawned some of the world’s most beautiful poetry.
Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
The Vancouver Aquarium
The Vancouver Aquarium is a public aquarium. It is ___ (CONVENIENT) located in Stanley Park, a popular area.
9) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
In addition to being a major ___ (ATTRACT) for Vancouver, the aquarium is a centre for marine research and conservation.
10) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
It was one of the first facilities to invite ___ (SCIENCE) into the galleries to interpret animal behaviour.
11) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
So a visit to the aquarium is not only pleasant, but also ___ (EDUCATION).
12) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
The aquarium remains a nonprofit organisation. Its ___ (OWN) is the City of Vancouver.
13) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.
The aquarium has been rented for $40,000 a year since 1991. This money and the entrance fees paid by ___ (TOUR) support the aquarium financially.
14) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.
It was April and John Moore was studying for an important examination. As the date of the exam ___ nearer, he decided to go somewhere and read by himself.
1) appeared
2) drew
3) moved
4) entered
15) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.
He did not want the amusements of the seaside, or the beauties of the countryside. He decided to find a quiet, little town and work there undisturbed. He ___ his suitcase with clothes and books.
1) wrapped
2) laid
3) piled
4) packed
16) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.
Then he looked in a railway timetable for a town that he did not know. He found one, and bought a ticket to go there. He did not tell anyone where he was going. After all, he did not want to be ___.
1) bothered
2) intervened
3) interfered
4) helped
17) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.
That is how Moore arrived at Benchurch. It was a market town, and once a week it was quite busy for a few hours. The rest of the time it was a very quiet and sleepy place. Moore spent his first night at the only hotel in the town. The landlady was very kind and helpful, but the hotel was not really quiet enough for him. The second day he started ___ for a house to rent.
1) finding
2) looking
3) skimming
4) exploring
18) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.
There was only one place that he liked. It was more than quiet – it was deserted and very lonely. It was a big, old seventeenth-century house. It had barred windows like a prison, and a high brick wall all around it. It would be hard to ___ a more unwelcoming place. But it suited Moore perfectly. He went to find the local lawyer, who was responsible for the house.
1) understand
2) imagine
3) know
4) seek
19) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.
Mr. Carnford, the lawyer, was very happy to rent the house to him. “I’d be glad to let you have it free,” he said, “. It’s been empty so long that people have started to ___ a lot of foolish stories about it. You’ll be able to prove that the stories are wrong.
1) extend
2) promote
3) gossip
4) spread
20) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.
Moore didn’t think it was necessary to ask the lawyer for more details of the foolish stories. He paid his rent, and Mr. Carnford gave him the name of an old servant to ___ him. He came away from the lawyer with the keys of the house in his pocket.
1) look at
2) look about
3) look after
4) look around
Date opened | June 15, 1956[1] |
Location | 845 Avison Way Vancouver, British Columbia V6G 3E2 |
Coordinates | 49°18′02″N 123°07′52″W / 49.300586°N 123.131053°WCoordinates: 49°18′02″N 123°07′52″W / 49.300586°N 123.131053°W |
Land area | 2.1 acres (0.85 ha)[1] |
Floor space | 100,000 square feet (9,300 m2)[2] |
No. of animals | 65,000[3] |
Total volume of tanks | 9,500,000 litres (2,100,000 imp gal; 2,500,000 US gal) |
Memberships | AZA,[4] CAZA,[5] WAZA,[6] AMMPA |
Public transit access | 19 Stanley Park |
Website | vanaqua.org |
Beluga at the Vancouver Aquarium
The Vancouver Aquarium is a public aquarium located in Stanley Park in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. In addition to being a major tourist attraction for Vancouver, the aquarium is a centre for marine research, ocean literacy education,[7] conservation and marine animal rehabilitation.
The Vancouver Aquarium was one of the first facilities to incorporate professional naturalists into the galleries to interpret animal behaviours.[8]
Prior to this, at the London Zoo Fish House, naturalists James S. Bowerbank, Ray Lankester, David W. Mitchell and Philip H. Gosse (the creator of the word aquarium)[9] had regularly held «open house» events, but the Vancouver Aquarium was the first to employ educational naturalists on a full-time basis. Aquarium research projects extend worldwide, and include marine mammal rescue and rehabilitation.
On August 9, 2010 Prime Minister Stephen Harper and B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell announced capital funding of up to $15 million. The province would donate $10 million in funding over the next three years to help pay for a planned expansion of the 54-year-old facility, Premier Gordon Campbell said. Harper added that Ottawa would hand over up to $5 million to the aquarium for infrastructure upgrades.[10] The aquarium, however, remained nonprofit organization. The property is owned by the City of Vancouver and rented to the aquarium for $40,000 a year since 1991 (prior to which it was $1 per year).
In October 2009 the Vancouver Aquarium was designated as a Coastal America Learning Center by the US Environmental Protection Agency. As the first Learning Center in Canada, this designation is intended to strengthen the Canadian/U.S. partnership for protecting and restoring shared ocean resources.[11]
On August 31, 2020, the non-profit announced on Facebook that due to the financial stresses caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it was pausing its public programming for the time being while it engages in strategic planning for the financial sustainability of its future operations.[12] On April 15, 2021, the Aquarium announced that an agreement had been signed to transfer ownership from the Ocean Wise Conservation Association to Herschend Family Entertainment.[13]
Aquarium history[edit]
Orca statue, Chief of the Undersea World, in front of the aquarium, designed by Bill Reid
The Vancouver Public Aquarium Association was formed in 1950 by UBC fisheries and oceanography professors Murray Newman, Carl Lietze and Wilbert Clemens. After receiving the help of timber baron H.R. MacMillan, alderman and businessman George Cunningham and $100,000 from each of the three levels of government. (City of Vancouver, Province of British Columbia, Federal Government of Canada), it opened on June 15, 1956 with the ribbon being cut by federal Minister of Fisheries James Sinclair. Sinclair’s daughter 7-year-old Margaret was also present at the ribbon cutting ceremony (she would later marry Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau and give birth to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau).
Officially Canada’s first public aquarium, the Vancouver Aquarium has become the largest in Canada and one of the five largest in North America. The Vancouver Aquarium was the second aquarium in the world to capture and display an orca.[14] Other whales and dolphins on display included belugas, narwhals[15] and dolphins.
In 1975, the Vancouver Aquarium was the first aquarium accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). The aquarium is also accredited by the Canadian Association of Zoos and Aquariums (CAZA) and in 1987 was designated Canada’s Pacific National Aquarium by the Canadian Federal Government.
On July 23, 1995, a beluga whale named Qila was born. She was the first beluga to be both conceived and born in a Canadian aquarium. A second calf, Tuvaq, was born on July 30, 2002, but died unexpectedly with no previous sign of illness on July 17, 2005.
In 1996, the Vancouver Park Board instituted a municipal bylaw that prevents the Vancouver Aquarium from capturing cetaceans from the wild for display purposes, and only obtain cetaceans from other facilities if they were born in captivity, captured before 1996 or were rescued and deemed un-releasable after this date.
On June 15, 2006 Canada Post issued a 51 cent domestic rate stamp to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the aquarium.
For many years, the primary attraction for visitors was the orca show. The aquarium was the second to capture a killer whale, Moby Doll, who was displayed for a day at Burrard Dry Dock on July 18, 1964.[16] Subsequently, the public was kept away from him, however.[17] Since then, it was home to Skana (at first called Walter), Hyak II, Finna, Bjossa, and three of Bjossa’s calves. When Finna died and Bjossa was left without other orca companions, the aquarium attempted to acquire one or more female orcas from other marine parks. However, no suitable companions were found, and Bjossa was moved to SeaWorld, San Diego, in April 2001 where she later died due to a chronic respiratory illness. The aquarium has since moved to emphasize the educational aspects of the displays rather than the public spectacle of the shows. They have also highlighted their research, rescue and rehabilitation efforts.
The aquarium has played a significant role in the research of wild orcas in BC. John Ford, a respected researcher who focuses on orca vocalizations, worked there for many years and they still fund a lot of the study. The Wild Killer Whale Adoption Program, which funds research, is also run out of the aquarium.
Spinnaker does a high-jump during dolphin show.
After considerable public discussion and some opposition from an animal rights group, the Vancouver Park Board voted in favour of a proposal to expand the aquarium at a cost of $100 million, funded by the aquarium, private donors, and infrastructure grants. A public consultation process, led by the aquarium and their own consultants, showed 89% of local residents were in favour of the expansion. The proposal will increase the size of the aquarium by 1.5 acres (6,100 m2) and extend its lease by 20 years. Construction was expected to begin in the fall of 2007.[18]
Vancouver Aquarium has not kept any orcas in captivity since 2001 and has pledged not to capture wild animals, but to instead rely on captive animals for breeding.[19]
Temporary closure and sale[edit]
On August 31, 2020, the Aquarium made public via a Facebook update that it would be temporarily pausing public programming after September 7. Despite the fact that the summer season was busy upon reopening, the social distancing requirements of being «COVID-safe» did not allow for the necessary visitor volume – ticket sales were down 80% and the not-for-profit was not able to cover costs. The organization stated that it would continue providing uninterrupted care to the resident animals while working on strategic planning; namely, how to operate in a way that would be financially sustainable in light of current conditions.[12]
On April 15, 2021, the Aquarium announced that an agreement had been signed to transfer ownership from Ocean Wise to Herschend Family Entertainment.[13] The aquarium reopened to the public on August 16, 2021.[20]
Aquarium facility[edit]
The aquarium covers approximately 9,000 square metres (97,000 sq ft) and has a total 9,500,000 litres (2,100,000 imp gal; 2,500,000 US gal) of water in 166 aquatic displays.[citation needed] There are a number of different galleries, several of which were built at different times throughout the aquarium’s history.
Pacific Canada Pavilion[edit]
This central indoor exhibit consists of a 260,000 litres (57,000 imp gal; 69,000 US gal) tank directly adjacent to the entrance. Fish and invertebrates from the Strait of Georgia are displayed in the exhibit.
Steller’s Bay/Canada’s Arctic[edit]
Originally this gallery included the beluga whales along with several non-living displays. In October 2009, a new exhibit opened here[21] displaying several other arctic species, including fishes and invertebrates, along with expanded non-living exhibits as part of the Canada’s Arctic Gallery. In 2016, the two rescued harbour porpoises from the BC Sugar Pool next door, moved to the Canada’s Arctic Gallery. Following the deaths of two belugas in 2016, it has been converted into an active Steller sea lion research station called Steller’s Bay in collaboration with the University of British Columbia. The exhibit reopened as Steller’s Bay on July 1, 2017, while still retaining the Canada’s Arctic portion in the underwater gallery. It is home to four female and two male Steller sea lions. In June 2018, a new «Research Outpost» Exhibit opened as an addition to Steller’s Bay and programs about the aquarium’s research and work regarding walruses, northern fur seals, and Steller sea lions occur.
Penguin Point[edit]
Inspired by Boulders Beach, this exhibit features African penguins bred by the Species Survival Plan.
The Wild Coast[edit]
This is an outdoor gallery that includes several pools, including the Marine Mammal Rescue exhibit in which several pinneped species (harbour seals, Steller’s sea lions, and a California sea lion) are rotated in display. Sea otters are also permanently on display here, along with a «surge pool» where visitors are able to touch British Columbian invertebrates.
Treasures of the B.C. Coast[edit]
This gallery is a series of separate exhibits that simulate the various aquatic environments on the BC coast. A giant pacific octopus, rockfish, sea stars, sea urchins, and anemones are among the animals here. In 2021, the Vancouver Aquarium opened the Marine Rescue Exhibit where visitors can meet ambassador animals from the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre.[22]
Tropics Gallery[edit]
This gallery contains a large display of tropical fish and other animals, including blacktip reef sharks and a green sea turtle named Schoona.
Amazon Rainforest[edit]
A number of fresh water fish, snakes, caimans, sloths, birds, and other creatures from the Amazon inhabit this gallery.
Frogs Forever? Gallery[edit]
This gallery is an exhibit focused on the plight of the world’s frog population which endeavors to show how people can help protect frogs and other amphibians. It contains 26 species of amphibians from around the world.[23]
Canaccord Exploration Gallery[edit]
This gallery is home to jellies, fish, and other animals. The 4D Theatre and the children’s play area known as «Clownfish Cove» are here, along with multiple classrooms for school groups, including the wet lab education room, which contains both conventional teaching methods such as computers, tables, and chairs, along with live animals and various artifacts.
Animals at the aquarium[edit]
This section needs to be updated. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (August 2021) |
The Vancouver Aquarium currently houses around 300 species of fish, almost 30,000 invertebrates, and 56 species of amphibians and reptiles. They also have around 60 mammals and birds.
Currently, the Aquarium no longer houses cetaceans, including Pacific white-sided dolphins. Previous individuals were:
- Helen, a female Pacific white-sided dolphin, was the last cetacean at the Aquarium. She came to the aquarium from the Enoshima Aquarium in Japan, and is also claimed to have been rescued from entanglement in a fishing net. Helen was part of a multi-year and multi-facility research project focusing on metabolic studies while she was at the Enoshima Aquarium, and is part of a pilot project to understand whale echolocation abilities to prevent whales in the future from becoming entangled in fishing nets.[24] She is distinguishable by the fact that her pectoral flippers are partially amputated due to damage from her entanglement. Helen’s tankmate Chester the false killer whale joined her at the Wild Coast on Thursday, June 24, 2015. Since Chester’s death on November 24, 2017, Helen was the only cetacean left at Vancouver Aquarium after her tank mate Chester died earlier that same day. Helen was transferred to SeaWorld San Antonio in April 2021 to be in a social group with other Pacific white-sided dolphins, where she died on April 7 2022 at the approximate age of 36.[25][26][27]
- Laverne came to Vancouver from SeaWorld San Antonio. She died in 2009 due to a twisted intestine.
- Spinnaker came to Vancouver in 2001 from Japan after getting caught in a fishing net. He died in 2012 due to a prolonged illness.
- Hana came to Vancouver with Helen in 2005 from the Enoshima Aquarium in Japan after getting caught in a fixed fishing net. She died in 2015 from gastrointestinal torsion and sepsis following a last attempt to save her life with a «breakthrough» surgery.[28][29]
The aquarium used to house a false killer whale:
- Chester was a young false killer whale that was rescued by the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Mammal Rescue Centre on Chesterman Beach on Vancouver Island in July 2014.[30] In May 2015, Chester was deemed non-releasable by Fisheries and Oceans Canada which based their decision «on the animal’s age at stranding, his lack of social contact and foraging skills in the wild, and his extensive contact with humans».[31] Chester was at the Wild Coast habitat along with Helen the Pacific white-wided dolphin. On November 24, 2017 Chester died of a bacterial infection. He was approximately 3 and a half years old.
Beluga Aurora and her calf Nala, at approximately four weeks old. Nala died unexpectedly June 21, 2010.
Until 2016, the aquarium also housed two beluga whales. Qila was born in captivity, whereas Aurora was captured from the wild in waters near Churchill, Manitoba in 1990.[32]
- Aurora was a female beluga, who gave birth first to Qila, Tuvaq (who died in 2005) and Nala, who died on June 21 at around 10:15 pm due to coins and foreign matter found in her respiratory tract. «Aurora» is named after the famous northern light Aurora borealis. Aurora died on November 25, 2016 at around 30 years of age, and was the last remaining beluga at the aquarium.
- Qila was a female beluga born at the aquarium to mother Aurora and father Nanuq on July 23, 1995 (21 years old). She is the first beluga to be conceived and born in a Canadian aquarium, and is also the first beluga conceived and born in a Canadian aquarium to give birth to a calf. «Qila» derives from the Inuktitut word qilalugaq qualuqtaq, which means «beluga». She gave birth to her first calf Tiqa, who died of heart failure and pneumonia on September 16, 2011. Qila died on November 16, 2016.
Both belugas lived in the Canada’s Arctic enclosure (Now Steller’s Bay).
On breeding loan to SeaWorld, Shedd Aquarium & Georgia Aquarium are the following:
- Allua, a female beluga is around 24 years of age. She was moved to SeaWorld San Diego on a breeding loan in 2005.
- Imaq, a male beluga who is around 21 years of age. He is on breeding loan to SeaWorld San Antonio. Currently he is at the Georgia Aquarium.
- Grayson, a male beluga who is 8 years old living at the Shedd Aquarium. He was born at SeaWorld San Antonio in 2007, but belongs to the Vancouver Aquarium as he was born to Nanuq, who was owned by the aquarium and also fathered Qila. Until early 2016, Grayson was living at the Georgia Aquarium with his half-sister Qinu.
- Qinu, a female beluga born in 2010 who is 7 years of age living at the Georgia Aquarium. She was also born at SeaWorld San Antonio and lived with Grayson until he was moved to the Shedd Aquarium. As with Grayson, she was born to Nanuq and belongs to the Vancouver Aquarium.
Past belugas:
- Kavna was estimated to be around 46 years of age at the time of her death on August 6, 2012. Cancerous lesions found on her reproductive tract may have contributed to her death.[33] She was distinguishable from the other belugas by the fact that she was the whitest, due to her age.
- Nanuq, was around 31 years of age at the time of his death in 2015. Nanuq was Qila’s father and was on breeding loan to SeaWorld since July 1997 when he died of a jaw infection.
- Tuaq was born to Kavna and an unknown wild beluga in 1977 but died 4 months later due to malnutrition and a bacterial infection.
- Tuvaq was born to Aurora and Imaq in 2002 but died unexpectedly in 2005 from a heart arrhythmia.
- Nala was also born to Aurora and Imaq in 2009 but died a year after due to foreign objects found inside her respiratory tract.
- Tiqa was born in 2008 to Qila and Imaq and was the first 3rd generation beluga to be born at the aquarium. Tiqa’s name stands for T-Tuesday, I-Imaq, Q-Qila and A-Aurora. She died in 2011 due to pneumonia and heart failure.
The Vancouver Aquarium used to house two Pacific harbour porpoise rescued by the aquarium’s Marine Mammal Rescue Centre. Daisy was rescued from Gonzolez Beach, B.C. in 2008, and after receiving almost a year of veterinary care and being deemed nonreleasable, was transferred to the Vancouver Aquarium on July 29, 2009. Daisy died on June 16,
2017 [34]
Another Pacific harbour porpoise, Jack, was rescued from Horseshoe Bay, B.C. in September 2011 and transferred to the aquarium on March 15, 2012. Jack died in August 2016.
The aquarium is home to 8 sea otters:
- Katmai is a female sea otter rescued as a pup near Homer, Alaska by the Alaska SeaLife Center on October 17, 2012, when she was only a few weeks old. Shortly thereafter, the Alaska SeaLife Center invited a rotating team of Vancouver Aquarium specialists to help provide intensive 24-hour care and rehabilitation for the pup over the next 17 weeks. After being deemed non-releasable by the U.S. Fisheries and Wildlife Service, she arrived at the Vancouver Aquarium on March 21, 2013. After an online naming contest, on April 2, 2013, the aquarium announced that the pup would be named Katmai after a national park in Alaska.[35]
- Rialto is a male sea otter that was found abandoned as a pup at Rialto Beach in Washington state’s Olympic National Park by the Seattle Aquarium. As U.S. Fisheries and Wildlife Services deemed him non-releasable and the Seattle Aquarium did not have space to accommodate another male sea otter, the decision was made to transfer him to the Vancouver Aquarium after he had recovered. Rialto was permanently moved to Vancouver in September 2016.
- Mak is a male sea otter who was transported to the aquarium from Alaska as a pup in November 2016 with Kunik. Both were treated at the Alaska SeaLife Center and deemed non-releasable by the U.S. Fisheries and Wildlife Services. Mak was found stranded in Kachemak Bay, Alaska by a member of the public. His name derives from his rescue site.[36]
- Kunik is a female sea otter who was transferred to the aquarium as a pup with Mak in November 2016 after both were treated at Alaska SeaLife Center and deemed non-releasable by the U.S. Fisheries and Wildlife Services. She found by the U.S. Coast Guard stranded on Homer Spit, Alaska, and her name is an Inuktitut word for a traditional Inuit greeting, or «kiss.»[36]
- Hardy is a male sea otter who was rescued as a pup in June 2017 at Port Hardy. He was the only Canadian sea otter at the aquarium until the rescue of Joey in July 2020, and Quatse in March 2021.
- Tazlina is a female sea otter who was rescued as a pup by some fishermen trawling for salmon at Alaska’s Anchor Point in April 2019. She was only a day old when she was found by the fishermen, and she got sent to Alaska SeaLife Center by a volunteer. After being taken care of by animal trainers from the Aquarium, she moved to the Aquarium in September 2019.
- Joey is a male sea otter rescued as a pup near Kyuquot, B.C. on July 2, 2020 at about 10 days old. A deceased adult otter nearby was presumed to be the mother. Joey was rescued and transported to the Marine Mammal rescue Centre for treatment. His recovery and care at the centre and the Aquarium was broadcast in a 24-hour live stream. Joey has been deemed non-releasable and will remain at Vancouver Aquarium.[37]
- Quatse is a female sea otter pup who was rescued from Port Hardy in early March 2021. She was estimated to be a few months old when she was found stranded, separated from her mother, leading to her rescue by the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre. After 74 days in care at the centre, she was deemed non-releasable and transferred to the Vancouver Aquarium.[38]
Past otters:
- Tanu was an adult female who was abandoned as a pup, rescued by the Alaska SeaLife Center and later moved to the aquarium.[39]
- Nyac was a female sea otter rescued from the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. She was one of the last surviving sea otters from the incident and was later featured in a viral YouTube video of sea otters «holding hands» recorded by Cynthia Holmes. Nyac died on September 23, 2008 at approximately 20 years of age. Days before her death, she was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, which has been associated with contact with petroleum in other marine species.
- Milo was a male sea otter rescued and brought to the aquarium after being deemed non-releasable. Along with Nyac, he was featured in the viral YouTube video of sea otters «holding hands» by Cynthia Holmes. Milo died on January 12, 2012 at the age of 12 years after being diagnosed with lymphoma. He was the first otter to be treated with chemotherapy as part of a unique chemotherapeutic treatment plan developed by researchers, veterinarians, and pathologists around the world.
- Walter/Wally was found as an injured adult sea otter in Tofino, on the West Coast of Vancouver Island. He had been shot by a shotgun and suffered extensive injuries as a result. After receiving critical care at the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre he became a healthy sea otter who would not survive in the ocean and was therefore moved to the aquarium. He was estimated to be over 10 years old at the time of his rescue.[40] He died on December 9, 2015.
- Elfin was an adult male sea otter who was abandoned as a pup, was rescued by the Alaska SeaLife Center and later moved to the aquarium. Elfin died peacefully on April 1, 2017, at the age of 16. Elfin was distinctively known for his large amount of white fur.[41]
Jack, a harbor porpoise (phocoena phocoena) at the Vancouver Aquarium.
The aquarium is also home to four harbor seals at this time, 2 females and 2 males (Jessica Seal, Donnelly, DaVinci, and Hermes). Jessica Seal was rescued from Kitsilano Beach in 2019 after being discovered to have been shot in the head by birdshot and blinded as a result. Donnelly was rescued after being hit by a boat in Indian Arm in May 2021. She gave birth to a female pup, Dory, the first seal born at the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre. Donnelly was deemed non-releasable due to her injuries which included blindness, and was transferred to the aquarium in October 2021.[42] Dory was released into the wild on October 17, 2021.[43]
The aquarium also houses 6 northern fur seals (Meechi, Tikva, Tuku, Kyoo, Aya, and Ani), and eleven Steller sea lions (Amak, Kenai, Willo, Ashby, Rogue, Bella Bella, Izzy, Hazy, Sitka, Boni, and Yasha). Some of the sea lions actually belong to the University of British Columbia, and are part of a research program aimed at studying the causes for the collapse of the Steller sea lion population in Alaska, while Bella Bella is housed at the aquarium after being rescued as a pup on McInnes Island in June 2017 and being deemed non-releasable. Amak and Kenai are half-siblings who were both born at Ocean Park Hong Kong in 2010 and lived at a Japanese facility before being transferred to the Vancouver Aquarium in May 2017. Hazy, Sitka, Boni, and Yasha were previously housed at the Aquarium’s off-site research facility until its closure.[44]
The aquarium also currently houses an adult male California sea lion (Señor Cinco) who was found with gunshot wounds on Vancouver’s Spanish Banks on May 5, 2017, and blinded as a result. He is their first California sea lion on display and currently lives in the BC Sugar Pool habitat.
On July 1, 2008, Tag, a 15-year-old male sea lion, died due to oral cancer, despite receiving laser surgery and chemotherapy.[24] Tag was a 15-year-old male sea lion who arrived at the aquarium as a 2-week-old pup.[24]
The aquarium has one green sea turtle (Schoona). Schoona is a 16-year-old sea turtle, who has arrived at the aquarium in 2005.
Giselle is a zebra shark who arrived at the Vancouver Aquarium around 2008. Giselle is around 15 years old and has since been relocated.
Mammals at the aquarium[edit]
Vancouver Aquarium Amazon Gallery[edit]
Frogs Forever?[edit]
Conservation and research programs[edit]
The Vancouver Aquarium has created and operates a number of conservation and research programs aimed at understanding and preserving animal species in the wild.
Ocean Wise Seafood[edit]
The Vancouver Aquarium has a program called Ocean Wise Seafood, which is aimed at promoting sustainable seafood in restaurants, markets, and other food service facilities. Its main thrust is to avoid species whose fishing typically causes large bycatches, species from areas where the habitat will degrade if overfished, and species which themselves are overfished.[45] Ocean Wise works directly with food service companies to select sustainable seafood and actively promote them to the general public. The options are highlighted on participating restaurant menus and display cases with the Ocean Wise symbol, to help consumers make environmentally friendly seafood choices. Today, well over 300 restaurants and food stores in Canada are participants in the Ocean Wise sustainable seafood program.[46]
Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup[edit]
The Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup is a program that was initiated by the Vancouver Aquarium by a small group of staff members and volunteers in 1994. These employees had heard about the International Coastal Cleanup and decided to participate in it by picking up garbage at a local beach and submitting the information.[47] The Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup is an annual international initiative aimed to engage people to remove trash and debris from the world’s beaches and waterways, identify the sources of debris, and change the behaviors that cause marine debris in the first place.
Volunteers and sponsors collect and catalogue debris which is then collected for analysis on sources of garbage that enter the ocean.[47] For example, in 2007, 1,240 beach sites with a collective length of 1,772 km were cleaned by 52,263 volunteers bringing in almost 87.5 metric tons of garbage.[47]
Marine Mammal Rescue and Rehabilitation Program[edit]
The Vancouver Aquarium operates a Marine Mammal Rescue program which is aimed at rescuing and rehabilitating marine mammals that are found injured, ill, or abandoned, until they can be re-released into their natural habitats. On average, the Rescue Centre admits approximately 100 distressed marine mammals per year.[48] The vast majority of these are harbour seals, but patients can include sea otters, elephant seals, Steller sea lions, harbour porpoises, and common dolphins.[49][50] The program notably helped rescue Springer, an orphaned killer whale successfully released and reunited with her family pod.[51] Other high-profile rescues include the successful returning of a beached grey whale back to the water in 2005 and the rescue of Schoona, a lost green sea turtle near Prince Rupert, BC. In October 2013, rescued harbour porpoise Levi became the first cetacean to be rehabilitated at the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre and released back into the wild.[52]
B.C. Cetacean Sightings Network[edit]
The B.C. Cetacean Sightings Network is a collaborative conservation and research program between the Vancouver Aquarium and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada aimed at collecting reports and sightings of whales and sea turtles in the wild. The Sightings Network is a network of over 1,800 observers across British Columbia, including whale watching operators, lighthouse keepers, charter boat operators, tugboat captains, BC Ferries personnel, researchers, government employees, recreational boaters and coastal residents. The program aims to solicit reports through the program’s website, a toll-free hotline, email, or through the logbook program.[53]
In 2014, the Vancouver Aquarium’s practice of keeping whales, dolphins and porpoises in captivity and its beluga whale breeding program sparked controversy.
In March 2014, two Park Board Commissioners, Sarah Blyth and Constance Barnes, publicly spoke out against the practice of keeping whales and dolphins in captivity at the aquarium.[54][55] Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson, in an emailed letter to The Georgia Straight, expressed his personal belief that «the Vancouver Aquarium should begin to phase out the holding of whales and dolphins in captivity».[56] Primatologist and ethologist Jane Goodall called for the Park Board to follow through with the proposed «phase out» of cetaceans and end the Vancouver Aquarium’s captive breeding program.[57][58]
The Vancouver Aquarium responded to criticism with an open letter[59] in which they explained that it was their policy not to capture cetaceans from the wild and that the aquarium played a role as a home for rescued cetaceans that cannot be returned to the wild.
The Park Board proceeded to commission an independent report from US wildlife veterinarian and scientist Dr. Joseph Gaydos[60] in which he examined the aquarium’s animal care standards, accreditation and research and compared it to similar facilities in North America. In his report[61] he found that the Vancouver Aquarium «either meets or exceeds North American industry standards». He also concluded that the aquarium had «an active research department that seems to make good use of studying captive cetaceans, not only for being able to provide better care and understanding of captive animals, but to a greater extent […] to benefit our understanding and conservation of cetaceans in the wild.» Dr. Gaydos also made two recommendations. He recommended that the Park Board conduct «a large-scale scientific study on the welfare of captive housed cetaceans» as a way of assessing «the complex societal issue of captive cetaceans». He also suggested that the Park Board require the aquarium to release an annual report on the state of its cetaceans.
In the media, the Gaydos report was widely received as a positive review of the aquarium’s practices[62][63] and the Vancouver Aquarium also received support from prominent philanthropists and politicians, as well as four former Vancouver mayors.[64][65] The Monterey Bay Aquarium and the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, California also spoke out in favour of the Vancouver Aquarium’s cetacean program, citing its importance for scientific research.[66]
After a long public debate that ended with the presentation of the Gaydos report and two days of public hearings,[67] the Vancouver Park Board announced in August 2014 that it intended to enact a by-law to ban breeding of cetaceans at the Vancouver Aquarium, and it tasked its staff with drafting an amendment to the existing by-law regulating cetaceans at the aquarium.[68] Vancouver Aquarium CEO Dr. John Nightingale criticized the decision in a public letter, stating that the decision «was not based on the facts or science presented» and that it did not take into consideration «testimony from dozens of the world’s scientific community, including experts in animal welfare and animal cognition.».[69]
Following a defeat in the elections to Park Board as part of the 2014 civic elections, a majority of the Park Board commissioners, in their last session, voted against enacting an amendment to the by-law.[70]
Federal law banning captivity of cetaceans[edit]
In 2019, the Ending the Captivity of Whales and Dolphins Act became law in Canada.[71][72] Two facilities would be affected, Marineland of Canada and the Vancouver Aquarium. When passed in June 2019, Marineland was reported to have 61 cetaceans, while the Vancouver Aquarium had just one dolphin remaining. The law has a grandfather clause, permitting those cetaceans already in captivity to remain where they are, but breeding and further acquisition of cetaceans is prohibited, subject to limited exceptions.[73]
Animal cruelty investigation[edit]
In 2022, the BC SPCA opened an investigation into the Vancouver Aquarium, following a report by the Vancouver Humane Society in regards to concerning animal behaviour and conditions. Footage obtained by the Vancouver Humane Society showed African penguins in a small enclosure, unable to escape public view, standing for long periods of time huddled around a door; sea otters repeatedly trying to peel back the edges of their tank; and a Steller sea lion abnormally sucking on the ground.[74][75]
In popular culture[edit]
The Vancouver Aquarium was featured frequently in the 1980s Canadian series, Danger Bay, which followed the day to day exploits of the Roberts family, led by Grant «Doc» Roberts, a marine veterinarian and his two children, Nicole and Jonah.
A YouTube video featuring two sea otters «holding hands» was recorded at the Vancouver Aquarium.[76] The two sea otters are Nyac and Milo. Nyac died on September 23, 2008.[77] She was one of the last surviving sea otters of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill.[78] The video has been viewed over 19 million times on YouTube. As a result, the Vancouver Aquarium created a live sea otter cam on their website. The YouTube video was originally recorded by Cynthia Holmes.[79] Milo died on January 12, 2012.[80]
The Vancouver Aquarium was also featured in the family film Andre (1994), and romantic comedy Good Luck Chuck (2007), as Cam’s workplace. Television movie The Suite Life Movie (2011) used the aquarium as the research firm where Cody Martin interns.
On September 5, 2008, Hayden Panettiere appeared on the Late Show with David Letterman and talked about her visit with the rescue dolphins at the Vancouver Aquarium.
The song «Baby Beluga» by Raffi was inspired by Kavna, a beluga that he saw while visiting the Vancouver Aquarium.
- ^ a b «Vancouver Aquarium :: Media Releases». Vancouver Aquarium. Archived from the original on 2003-02-27.
- ^
«The History of Canada’s Largest Aquarium». vanaqua.org. Vancouver Aquarium. Retrieved 15 September 2012. - ^
«Vancouver Aquarium :: Explore». vanaqua.org. Vancouver Aquarium. Retrieved 24 October 2021. - ^
«Currently Accredited Zoos and Aquariums». aza.org. AZA. Retrieved 15 September 2012. - ^
«Members’ Directory, Accredited Institutions». caza.ca.org. CAZA. Retrieved 15 September 2012. - ^
«Zoos and Aquariums of the World». waza.org. WAZA. Retrieved 15 September 2012. - ^ «Education». Vancouver Aquarium. Retrieved 2020-02-10.
- ^ «History of the Aquarium». Vancouver Aquarium. Archived from the original on 2009-01-23. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
was the first facility to incorporate professional naturalists/interpretive specialists into galleries to explain animal behaviors.
- ^ «Philip Henry Gosse». Encyclopædia Britannica.
- ^ «Vancouver Aquarium gets funding infusion». 9 August 2010.
- ^ «10/14/2009: Vancouver, B.C. Aquarium Nets National Recognition as Outstanding Ocean Learning Center».
- ^ a b «Vancouver Aquarium pausing public programming to focus on transformation». Vancouver Aquarium. Retrieved 8 November 2020.
- ^ a b «Vancouver Aquarium’s Future Assured Under New Ownership» (PDF). Vancouver Aquarium. Retrieved 15 April 2021.
- ^ Colby, Jason M. (2018). Orca: how we came to know and love the ocean’s greatest predator. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 62. ISBN 9780190673116.
- ^ «Narwhal (Monodon monoceros)». Archived from the original on 2008-05-26. Retrieved 2008-07-17.
- ^ «Killer Whale to Quit Dock For Jericho Beach Pen». Vancouver Sun. 1964-07-18. p. 7.
- ^ Allgood, Fred (1964-07-20). «Sunday Quiet Day For Killer Whale». Vancouver Sun. p. 2.
- ^ Thomas, Sandra (29 November 2006). «Show us a bit more money De Genova tells aquarium». Vancouver Courier. Archived from the original on September 27, 2007. Retrieved 2006-12-28.
- ^ «Fate of Vancouver Aquarium hangs in the balance: ‘Whale jail’ under public siege for keeping belugas in captivity». 18 July 2014.
- ^ Braich, Baneet (August 16, 2021). «Vancouver Aquarium officially reopens after 17 months of partial or complete closures». CBC News. Retrieved October 24, 2021.
- ^ http://www.visitvanaqua.org/arctic[dead link]
- ^ «Marine Mammal Rescue». vanaqua.org. Vancouver Aquarium. n.d. Retrieved 2021-10-21.
- ^ «Vancouver Aquarium :: Frog Recovery». Vancouver Aquarium.
- ^ a b c «Vancouver Aquarium:: Media Releases». Vancouver Aquarium.
- ^ Li, Wanyee (20 April 2020). «Is SeaWorld the ‘least worst’ option for the Vancouver Aquarium’s last surviving dolphin?». thestar.com. Toronto Star. Retrieved October 21, 2021.
- ^ @kendyjnelly (28 August 2021). «Anyone that frequents SeaWorld San Antonio know how Helen is doing?? Any pics or updates would be appreciated!» (Tweet) – via Twitter.
- ^ «https://twitter.com/dolphin_project/status/1511957623326883842». Twitter. Retrieved 2022-04-07.
- ^ «Vancouver Aquarium dolphin Hana in critical condition after surgery — NEWS 1130». 22 May 2015.
- ^ «Dolphin dies at Vancouver Aquarium despite ‘breakthrough’ surgery».
- ^ «Rare ‘false killer whale’ rescued from Vancouver Island shore (PHOTOS/VIDEO)». 11 July 2014.
- ^ Canada, Service. «News — Canada.ca». news.gc.ca.
- ^ «Captive Belugas (Living): Vancouver Aquarium — Canada».
- ^ «Vancouver Aquarium beluga may have died of cancer». 8 August 2012.
- ^ Ip, Stephanie (16 June 2017). «Harbour porpoise Daisy, rescued in 2008, dies at Vancouver Aquarium». Vancouversun.com. Vancouver Sun. Retrieved 2021-10-21.
- ^ «Vancouver Aquarium :: Rescued Sea Otter Pup». Vancouver Aquarium.
- ^ a b «Meet Mak and Kunik – AquaBlog». www.aquablog.ca. 23 November 2016.
- ^ «Baby Otter Cam (Joey TV) :». Vancouver Aquarium.
- ^ EL2101 Quatse – Marine Mammal Rescue Centre
- ^ «An Update on Beloved Sixteen-Year-Old Rescue Otter Tanu». 15 January 2020.
- ^ «Vancouver Aquarium :: Sea Otters». Vancouver Aquarium.
- ^ http://www.oceancurrents.ca/elfin.htm[dead link]
- ^ «Vancouver Aquarium welcomes newest adorable rescued seal | News». dailyhive.com. Retrieved 2021-10-25.
- ^ «Instagram post on Dory’s release». Vancouver Aquarium Instagram. October 19, 2021. Archived from the original on 2021-12-24. Retrieved 2021-10-25.
- ^ Could Port Moody be home to a world-class marine research and education centre? — Tri-City News
- ^ «Vancouver Aquarium :: Media Releases». Vancouver Aquarium.
- ^ «Perfect prawns are Ocean Wise». Archived from the original on 2008-05-26. Retrieved 2017-03-16.
- ^ a b c «The Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup: Ocean Wise». The Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup: Ocean Wise.
- ^ «Vancouver Aquarium :: Marine Mammal Rescue». Vancouver Aquarium.
- ^ «Vancouver Aquarium :: Marine Mammal Rescue». Vancouver Aquarium.
- ^ «Rescue».
- ^ «Dramatic New Rescue Plans for Whale». KOMO News. 30 August 2006. Retrieved 21 July 2016.
- ^ «Levi the harbour porpoise released back into the wild». Global News.
- ^ «Wild Whales » About Wild Whales».
- ^ Thomas, Sandra. «Central Park: Vision Vancouver’s Sarah Blyth leaving politics for son’s sake».
- ^ Thomas, Sandra. «Vision park board commissioners call for end of whale captivity at Vancouver Aquarium».
- ^ «Mayor Gregor Robertson calls for an end to whale and dolphin captivity at the Vancouver Aquarium». 9 April 2014.
- ^ «Jane Goodall joins calls for an end to whale and dolphin captivity at the Vancouver Aquarium». 26 May 2014.
- ^ «Jane Goodall on aquarium belugas: ‘That’s not right’«.
- ^ «An Open Letter on Cetaceans in Our Care – AquaBlog». www.aquablog.ca.
- ^ «Vancouver Aquarium’s contentious cetaceans to be reviewed». The Globe and Mail. 26 July 2014.
- ^ http://former.vancouver.ca/parks/board/2014/140726/documents/REPORT-ReviewofCaptiveCetaceansinStanleyPark-2014-07-26.pdf[bare URL PDF]
- ^ «Vancouver Aquarium receives a positive report card ahead of July 26 park board meeting». 23 July 2014.
- ^ Sinoski, Kelly. «Study needed on welfare of Vancouver Aquarium’s captive cetaceans, report to park board says».
- ^ «WATCH: 4 former Vancouver mayors throw their support behind the Vancouver Aquarium | Globalnews.ca». Global News.
- ^ «An Open Letter in Support of Vancouver Aquarium – AquaBlog». www.aquablog.ca. 30 July 2014.
- ^ Lee, Jeff. «Whale research at risk if Vancouver Aquarium loses cetaceans: U.S. aquarium heads».
- ^ «Park Board meeting on controversial captive cetaceans decision | Globalnews.ca». Global News.
- ^ Lindsay, Stephanie Ip and Bethany. «Park board bans Vancouver Aquarium from breeding whales and dophins (updated)».
- ^ «Vancouver Aquarium CEO slams breeding ban, compares it to banning sex among humans — NEWS 1130». 1 August 2014.
- ^ «Cetacean breeding ban for Vancouver Aquarium fails to pass at park board».
- ^ Holly Lake (2019-06-12). «An end to the captivity of whales and dolphins». National Magazine. The Canadian Bar Association. Retrieved 2020-06-23.
- ^ «Ending the Captivity of Whales and Dolphins Act» (PDF). Government of Canada. 2019. Retrieved 2020-06-23.
- ^ Laura Howells (2019-06-10). «‘A more humane country’: Canada to ban keeping whales, dolphins in captivity». CBC News. Retrieved 2020-06-23.
- ^ Kotyk, Alyse (2022-03-10). «Allegations of animal cruelty at Vancouver Aquarium, Greater Vancouver Zoo being investigated by SPCA». CTV News.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: url-status (link) - ^ Vancouver Humane Society (2022-03-08). «Footage of Greater Vancouver Zoo and Vancouver Aquarium recorded 2016-2022». YouTube.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: url-status (link) - ^ «Vancouver Aquarium :: Sea Otter Cam». Vancouver Aquarium.
- ^ «Vancouver Aquarium :: Media Releases». Vancouver Aquarium. Archived from the original on 2008-11-20. Retrieved 2008-10-28.
- ^ «Canada.Com | Homepage | Canada.Com».
- ^ «Otters holding hands». YouTube. Archived from the original on 2021-12-12.
- ^ «Famous sea otter Milo dies of cancer». Archived from the original on 2012-01-15.
- Newman, Murray A; Nightingale, John (2005). People, Fish and Whales: The Vancouver Aquarium Story. Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Publishing. ISBN 1-55017-382-0. This is a history of the aquarium as told by the founding and current presidents of the aquarium.
- Waters is a magazine published by Canada Wide Media Limited for the official members of the Vancouver Aquarium. It is published three times a year.
External links[edit]
Media related to Vancouver Aquarium at Wikimedia Commons
- Official website
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4. Перед началом урока отключаем микрофон. (Кнопка в левом нижнем углу экрана) , чтобы избежать фонирования.
5. В чате используем значки: + , если все ясно, — , если что-то непонятно, ?, если возник вопрос.
6. Микрофон включает ТОЛЬКО конкретный ученик, когда учитель задает ему вопрос.
7. После окончания занятия в течение 15 минут, фотографируем то, что сделали на уроке и присылаем фотографию через ВК, What’s up, Viber или е-mail (conveniences2009@mail.ru)
8. Домашнее задание присылается ДО начала следующего урока.
9. ПОМНИМ, что занимаемся по обычному расписанию НЕЗАВИСИМО, от того был ли урок в zoom или нет.
10. После окончания урока видео с объяснением выкладывается на блоге для того, чтобы ученик мог посмотреть объяснение еще раз.
11. Если не было урока в zoom, то на блоге будет расписано, какие упражнения и задания ученик должен сделать ПРЕЖДЕ, чем приступить к выполнению домашнего задания.
ВАЖНО!!! Видеоконсультация для сдающих английский, главный эксперт КО:
Write a letter (choose 1):
Task 1
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Mary who writes:
... It was great to hear that you went to Italy during your spring holidays. I have always wanted to visit this wonderful country. Did you enjoy your journey? Did you like your hotel? What places of interest did you visit? What places of interest did you visit? What impressed you most of all?
As for me, I am awfully tired because we’ve got too many tests at school. Can’t wait for the summer break…
Write a letter to Mary.
In your letter
— tell her about your journey to Italy;
— ask her 3 questions about her plans for the summer.
Write 100-140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
Task 2
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend David who writes:
… At school we are doing projects on teenagers in different countries. What is your idea of a typical Russian teenager? You will help me a lot if you could tell me about Russian teenagers. What do they enjoy? What are their most popular leisure activities?
Anyway, the weather is fine today and I’m going to try my new skateboard…
Write a letter to David.
In your letter
— tell him about Russian teenagers
— ask 3 questions about his hobbies
Write 100-140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
Task 3
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Tom who writes:
Last summer my parents and I went hiking to the mountains. We spent the whole week together and enjoyed it very much. How often do you take active holidays? Who do you think is the best company for you? What extreme sports would you like ti try, if any, and why?
Last month our English class got an interesting project. We wrote a paper about interesting events in the past of our country…
Write a letter to Tom.
In your letter
— answer his questions
— ask 3 questions about his project paper
Write 100-140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
The Declaration of Human Rights
Watch the videos+ex 1, 2 p 58 and speak about the UDHR:
Speaking Task 4 (H/t for 28/10)
Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “Life without gadgets” together
with your friend. You have found some illustrations and want to share the
news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the
friend about the photos:
• give a brief description of the photos (2 features connected with the subject of
the project in each photo minimum);
• say in what way the pictures are different (2 features connected with the
subject of the project minimum);
• mention the advantages and disadvantages (1–2) of the two types of books;
• explain how these photos illustrate the project “Life without gadgets”;
• express your opinion on the subject of the project – whether you would like to
live without gadgets and why yes or no.
You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2–3 sentences for every item of
the plan, 12–15 sentences total). You have to talk continuously.
Speaking Tasks 1-4 (RNE)
Task 1.
Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some
interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to
your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to
read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.
Six of Earth’s seven continents are inhabited on a large
scale. Asia is the most populated continent, with its 4.3 billion
inhabitants. This accounts for 60% of the world’s population. The two most
populated countries of the world are China and India. These countries
together constitute about 37% of the whole population of our planet. Africa
is the second most populated continent. It is home for about one billion people.
This makes 15% of the world’s population. Europe has 733 million people and
this makes up 12%. Latin American and Caribbean regions are home to around
600 million people (9%). Northern America, primarily consisting of the United
States and Canada, has a population of around 352 million (5%), and Oceania,
the least populated region, has about 35 million inhabitants (0.5%).
Task 2. Study the
Visit the most unusual museum in the city “Haunted
You are considering visiting this museum and now you’d
like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct
questions to find out about the following:
1) kinds of exhibits
2) available
3) age
4) working hours
have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Task 3. You are
going to give an interview. You have to answer five questions.
Give full answers to the questions (2–3
Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer
each question.
Tapescript for Task 3
Interviewer: Hello
everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today is
a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss environment. We’d like to
know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions.
So, let’s get started.
Interviewer: What part
of Russia do you live in? What are the ecological problems in your region?
Student: _________________________
Interviewer: What is
done in your region to improve the ecological situation?
Student: _________________________
Interviewer: What do
you think is the biggest problem facing the environment? Why?
Student: _________________________
Interviewer: What have you personally done so far to be
Student: _________________________
Interviewer: In your opinion how will the ecological situation
change in 10 years?
Student: _________________________
Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.
Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “Ways of shopping” together
with your friend. You have found some illustrations and want to share the news.
Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the
friend about the photos:
• give a brief description of the photos (2 features connected with the
subject of the project in each photo minimum);
• say in what way the pictures are different (2 features connected with
the subject of the project minimum);
• mention the advantages and disadvantages
(1–2) of the two types of shopping;
• explain how these photos illustrate the
project “Ways of shopping”;
• express your opinion on the subject of the project – whether you
prefer online shopping, why or why not.
You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2–3 sentences for every item
of the plan, 12–15 sentences total). You have to talk continuously.
What is stress?
How does it influence you?
What should you do to cope with stress? Watch the video:
Stress Management (press the link )
24.06.20 Письменная часть ЕГЭ:
1. Лексика, грамматика:
•Задание 39
•You have received a letter from
your English-speaking pen-friend Bill who writes:
school we are doing projects on famous people of different countries. If I
choose Russia whom should I write about? What is this person famous for and
what do you know about him/her? Why do you think people in other countries
should know about this person?
just watched an interesting wildlife TV programme…
•Write a letter to Bill. In your
letter answer her questions, ask 3 questions about his favourite TV programmes. Write 100—140 words. Remember the
rules of letter writing. You have 20 minutes to do this task.
•Задание 40
Comment on one of the following
•1. Friendship increases in visiting friends, but in visiting them seldom.
•2. Modern TV series are better than blockbuster films.
•What is your opinion? Do you agree
with this statement? Write 200–250 words. Use the following plan:
•− make an introduction (state the
•− express your personal opinion and
give 2–3 reasons for your opinion
•− express an opposing opinion and
give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion
•− explain why you don’t agree with
the opposing opinion
•− make a conclusion restating your
17.06.2020 Устная часть ЕГЭ (сравнение фотографий):
Презентация к консультации (слайды 23,24 сравнить фото)
Презентация к консультации (describe, compare the pictures, do the tasks (essay)
Task 1 1.Virtual Internet communication results in losing real-life social skills.
2. It’s not
right to be strict with little children.
•What is your opinion? Do you agree
with this statement? (Сhoose one):
•Write 200–250 words.
•Use the following plan:
•− make an introduction (state
the problem)
•− express your personal
opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion
•− express an opposing opinion
and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion
•− explain why you don’t agree
with the opposing opinion
•− make a conclusion restating
your position
Task 2 Compare the pictures:
Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
· give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
· say what the pictures have in common
· say in what way the pictures are different
· say which kind of transport presented in the pictures you prefer
· explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (1215 sentences). You have to talk continuously.
Task 3 Ask questions:
You are considering visiting Louvre museum and you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:
1) available exhibitions
2) duration of the tour
3) if they are open at weekends
4) if they provide the multilingual guide service
5) contact information
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
You are considering buying a skateboard and you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to fin
d out the following:
1) if there are extra wheels in the kit
2) a free delivery service
3) country producer
4) availability of other colors of the skateboard
5) warranty period
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
You are considering visiting the tattoo shop and you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:
1) location of the shop
2) if they have discount cards
3) working hours
4) house call service
5) most popular tattoos among clients
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
You are considering staying one night at the hotel and you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:
1) if they have available rooms
2) services they provide
3) sights nearby the hotel
4) special offers
5) discount for regular customers
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
You are considering staying a night at the hotel and you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:
1) number of available rooms
2) Russian speaking staff
3) entertainment programs
4) museums and theatres nearby the hotel
5) if they take credit cards
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
You are considering going to the mountains and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:
1) departure dates
2) duration of the trip
3) size of the group
4) accommodation
5) price
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
You are considering visiting Universal Studios while travelling to Los Angeles with a group of friends of yours, and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:
1) working hours
2) ticket cost for a group of teenagers
3) discounts on the weekdays
4) chance to meet famous actors
5) getting to Universal Studios by public transportation
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Task 4 Read the text and do the task:
How Harry Potter saved one small town Mallaig is far from the prettiest of Highland settlements, even when the weather is fine. Several rows of what could be prewar council houses stretch across the hill beyond the harbour. A mishmash of car parks, jetties and workaday buildings squats close to the railway terminus. When I last stayed in Mallaig, it was known as the biggest herring port in Europe . Today, the herring have vanished, and yet Mallaig remains a busy place. Ferries come and go and fishing boats land shellfish, which is driven away in lorries to the markets of France and Spain . None of this activity, however, explains the hundreds of people who can be seen roaming Mallaig’s few streets every afternoon between the beginning of May and the end of October, or the presence of so many restaurants. What do explain them are two enthusiasms, one for low fact and the other for high fiction, which are kindled in childhood and among many adults never entirely disappear. The railway reached Mallaig from Fort William and the south in 1901. It was among the last big lines to be built in Britain , late enough to have its viaducts built of concrete. It traversed one of Europe ’s most spectacular and emptiest landscapes, with hardly anything large enough to be called a village along its 40-mile length. The construction needed a large government subsidy, but the traffic never grew much beyond the two or three trains a day that carried fish boxes and a few dozen travellers to and from the Hebrides . It made little economic sense. Only 60 years after the line opened, it began to be threatened with closure. Few people would have guessed then that its commercial salvation would be owed to a novel and a film, and first of all, to a hobby. Railways became an amateur pastime as well as a means of transport during the last decades of the 19th century. Then professional men such as vicars and lawyers began to see the large variety of trains and their technical progress as a hobby offering a similar kind of pleasure to philately and butterfly-hunting. By the end of the century they had their own magazine and their own club, the Railway Club, the world’s first society for railway enthusiasts. It was founded in London in 1899 and had its own premises with a library and leather armchairs. It was from these elite beginnings that the 20th century’s great cult of trainspotting spread, reinforcing a more general fondness for steam locomotives that many people had without knowing quite why. So a sense of loss ran through Britain when, in the 1960s, it became clear that their day was nearly done. Hundreds of them were saved from the scrapyards and restored to working order; dozens of branch lines repaired and reopened so that in the holidays Britain could be charmed by how it once was. It’s hard to think that anywhere in the world has seen a more popular or successful preservation movement, or at least one run and largely funded by volunteers. Out of this business grew the West Coast Railway Company, which hires out engines, coaches and crew for steam excursions. A film producer looking to shoot a fantastical train in a dramatic location would naturally turn to such a company, and so in three Harry Potter films the train to Hogwarts is seen crossing Glenfinnan’s viaduct. Today, the Jacobite Express fills with Potter fans from all parts of the globe and always stops for a photo opportunity at Glenfinnan, which is where the real Bonnie Prince Charlie really raised his standard in ’45 and marked as such by a real memorial. All of which reality is cast into shadow by the film of a modern fairytale. Which adjective could best describe Mallaig as presented by the author? |
The word mishmash in “A mishmash of car parks …” (paragraph 1) means … |
Which of the following statements is TRUE about the railway line? |
The author compares the enthusiasm for trains to philately and butterfly hunting because … |
The author mentions a library and leather armchairs in order to illustrate … |
The word them in “hundreds of them …” (paragraph 6) refers to … |
How does, judging by the last paragraph, the author feel about Glenfinnan remembered through Harry Potter rather than the Bonnie Prince Charlie? |
Консультация ЕГЭ (письмо, эссе)
Презентация к консультации (describe, compare the pictures, do the tasks (essay)
Write an essay — It is wrong to make pupils read a lot in
Follow the plan:
Use the following plan:
− make an introduction (state the problem)
− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion
− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion
− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
− make a conclusion restating your position
Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
• give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
• say what the pictures have in common
• say in what way the pictures are different
• say what kind of fishing presented in the photos you’d prefer
• explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.
Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
• give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
• say what the pictures have in common
• say in what way the pictures are different
• say what kind of pastime presented in the photos you’ prefer
• explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.
Extra word
word formation
where and when the photo was taken
· what/who is in the photo
· what is happening
· why you keep the photo in your album
· why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”
Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
• give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
• say what the pictures have in common
• say in what way the pictures are different
• say what kind of celebration presented in the photos you prefer
• explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.
26.05.20 H/t Groups 1, 2 + linguists
Read the extract aloud, record (What’s up, Viber) — deadline Monday 25.05
There is an established stereotype among foreigners that Russia is a country of eternal frost and snow-covered streets. This is all because for many years foreigners have been frightened by the phrase «Russian winter». But it’s not all that simple, Russia is a vast country and the weather in different areas can be completely different. Russia consists of several continental zones. For example, in the north winters are long and harsh, in some places there is lots of snow and temperatures fall below -40 degrees Celsius . These winters are normal, not only in the northern regions of the country but even in the Far East. Summers in these areas don’t even see three warm months out of the year.
The closer you get to the south the warmer the Russian climate gets. In the central part of the country summer becomes warm—even hot—which makes it possible for a good harvest of grain, fruit and vegetables. Winters here are not extremely cold and the average winter temperature does not fall below -15 degrees Celsius. By the way, in Russia the real warmth does not start until the middle of April. And only at the end of May does everything start to bloom and people go without their warm clothing.
Group 1+ linguists — write an essay (email):
education is essential for young people
20.05.20 (H/T) Group 2 Write a letter, remember the structure of a letter/an essay:
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Peter
who writes:
… Reading books is my
favourite pastime. Is reading important to you? Why? How do you like to spend
your leisure time? What is your parents’ attitude to your hobbies and
Yesterday was my father’s birthday …
Write a
letter to Peter.
In your
3 questions about his father’s birthday
Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
19.05.20 Group1 +Linguists
Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
• give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
• say what the pictures have in common
• say in what way the pictures are different
• say what kind of activities presented in the photos you prefer
• explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.
Describe the picture:
where and when the photo was taken
· what/who is in the photo
· what is happening
· why you keep the photo in your album
· why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”
•Решу ЕГЭ вариант 1250478
Compare the pictures:
•Study the two photographs. In 1.5
minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
•• give a brief description of the
photos (action, location)
•• say what the pictures have in
•• say in what way the pictures are
•• say what kind of activities
presented in the photos you’d prefer
•• explain why
•You will speak for not more than 2
minutes (12–15 sentences).
• You have to talk continuously.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
· where and when the photo was taken
· what/who is in the photo
· what is happening
· why you keep the photo in your album
· why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”
07.05.20 Письмо ЕГЭ (a private letter)
Презентация к уроку (личное письмо)
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Jane who writes:
… I went shopping with my parents yesterday. Do you prefer to shop online or in regular stores? Why
do you think many people like to spend their week-ends in big shopping malls? Do you like to go
shopping on your own or with friends and why?
You know, I celebrated my birthday last week …
Write a letter to Jane.
In your letter
answer her questions
ask 3 questions about her birthday celebration
Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
Список синонимов:
H/t 06/05/20 (group 2)
Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.
People all over the world love Christmas. In English-speaking |
25th of December. It is a time for buying and giving |
being |
People start to get ready for Christmas in late October or early |
Shop keepers decorate their shops with lights. They do it because |
start to look for presents. Shops are very busy at this time and |
People with family and friends in other countries often send them |
presents. Everyone begins to make plans for the coming holiday. |
buy Christmas trees |
decorations on them. They also sing carols. Children enjoy Advent |
with little doors for each day until |
and see |
H/t 05/05/20
(Group 1 +linguists)
Commment on the following statement:
•Task 40.
holidays in the countryside are best for teenagers.
•Write 200 – 250 words.
•Use the following plan:
•− make an introduction (state the problem)
•− express your personal opinion and give 2–3
reasons for your opinion
•− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2
reasons for this opposing opinion
•− explain why you don’t agree with the opposing
•− make a conclusion restating your position
•Task 2. (Groups 1,2 and linguists)
Describe the picture (the
one which you haven’t described ):
H/t 29/04/20 a letter (group 2)
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Nick who writes:
… My elder brother has just come back from Peru and brought lots of souvenirs. Most of them are quite useless. What kind of things do you consider nice souvenirs? Why do you think people buy souvenirs at all? What do you do with the ones you don’t like?
I have finished translating a book …
Write a letter to Nick.
In your letter
— answer his questions
— ask 3 questions about his translation
Write 100140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
H/t 29/04/20 an essay (group 1 + linguists)
40. Studying online is more interesting than studying at school.
Task 1 Fill in the table:
introduction (state the problem) |
your personal opinion and reasons |
an opposing opinion and 1–2 reasons for this |
why you do not agree with the |
conclusion restating your position |
Task 2 Write an essay
28.04.20 (in class)
Read the text, choose one variant out of four suggested
H/t 27/04/20 (все группы)
Task 1 Read the text, do the task, explain your choice in 1-2 phrases:
State History Museum
The State History Museum is
the largest historical museum in Russia. It is situated at the northern end of
Red Square in the heart of Moscow. What once was the Principal Medicine Store
now houses a huge collection A_______________________the Stone
Age. It was founded in 1872 and opened to the public in 1883. The museum is
housed in a neo-Russian style building, B______________________________._______________________.
It is one of the most prominent buildings in Red Square. Each room is in
the style of a different period or region. The walls in some rooms are
decorated in the style of Russian churches.
The impressive collection of
the State History Museum includes relics of prehistoric tribes C_______________________
present-day Russia. The exhibits
about medieval Russia are excellent. Several rooms of this period cover the
Mongol invasions D_______________________.
The 2nd floor is dedicated to
the Imperial period. The exhibits include personal items of the royal family
members, furniture and decoration from the palace interiors. There are also
various pieces of artworks and documents from the era. Specific rooms are
dedicated to the reigns of various tsars. An unexpected highlight is an
exhibition E_______________________ by examining the growing network of roads and how people travelled in
the past. The State History Museum has also the country’s largest coin
collection, the 6th-century manuscripts and artworks F_______________________
during their reign.
and the consolidation of the
Russian state
that were collected by the
Romanov dynasty
which is an attraction in its
own right
covering Russian history since
the time of
and cave paintings of
prehistoric times
addressing the expansion of
the Russian Empire
that once inhabited the big
territory of
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
Task 2 Speaking (audiofile) only for group 1 and linguists:
You are considering visiting the fair and now you are calling to find out more information.
Ask direct questions:
— location
— duration
— car parking
— if the fair is a regular event
— entertainment
— organic products
— if it is an indoor fair
— things to buy
— number of stalls
— local products
— a possibility to lunch at the fair
— handmade gifts
— if fun and safety are guarantee
H/t 24.04.20 (группа 1+ lingua)
Sum up the information from the Listening Task 3 (10-12 sentences), send audiofile: Listening Tasks 1,2,3 (досрочный этап)
(группа 1,2 + lingua)
Раздел 3.
Грамматика и лексика
Прочитайте приведённые ниже
тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в
конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19–25, так, чтобы они грамматически
соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19–25.
Languages |
The most commonly |
English, which is |
19 |
many other languages |
States. |
20 |
__________________ |
include |
indigenous |
languages, |
languages brought to |
and immigrants from |
21 |
Spanish, of |
commonly spoken |
people realise that |
regularly in more |
The |
On January 10, 1845, |
and playwright, |
internationally |
volume of poetry. |
22 |
__________________ each other close to 600 letters. |
23 |
It is one of the __________________ |
of all time. |
The couple’s last |
24 |
the night before the |
Italy and two weeks |
25 |
__________________ romance, which Elizabeth credited with |
saving her life, |
world’s most |
Прочитайте приведённый ниже
текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 26–31, однокоренные слова,
так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.
Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному
заданию из группы 26–31.
The Vancouver Aquarium |
The Vancouver |
is |
__________________ located in |
In |
for |
Vancouver, |
conservation. |
It was one of the first facilities |
into the galleries to interpret |
So a visit to the aquarium is not |
__________________. |
The aquarium |
Its |
__________________ is the City of |
The aquarium has been rented for |
This money |
by |
__________________ |
H/t на пятницу 24.04.20 (группа 1+ lingua)
Sum up the information from the Listening Task 3 (10-12 sentences), send audiofile: Listening Tasks 1,2,3 (досрочный этап)
H/t на среду 22.04.20 (группа 1+ lingua)
письмо досрочный этап Deadline Wednesday 9-30
■You have received a letter from
your English-speaking pen-friend Jasper who writes:
… My friends have just come back from a
trip to Africa. It’s been my dream for years! What
is your dream trip, where would you like to go and why? Whom would you like to
take with you? What is the most difficult thing for you when you travel? My sister is getting married …
Write a letter to Jasper. In your letter:
− answer his questions;
− ask 3 questions about his sister.
Write 100–140 words. Remember the rules
of letter writing.
Домашнее задание (группа 2) на среду 22.04.20
Домашнее задание (группа 1+ lingua) на понедельник 20.04.20
Лексика, грамматика —
Ссылки на аудирование
Первое аудирование Pets
1. Pets
make your life more difficult.
2. Not
having pets makes me unhappy.
3. Getting
a pet is a serious decision to make.
4. Having
many pets is part of my life.
5. Nobody
understands me better than my pet.
6. Having
pets is good for personal development.
7. One
needs a lot of money to take care of a pet.
Говорящий |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
Утверждение |
Второе аудирование Vacation
1. Vacation is the best time for
2. Books can help you be a better
3. There is more than one way to be
a reader.
4. I only read the best of the best.
5. No need to do something you are
bad at.
6. Nothing is perfect in this world.
7. I love living in the world of
Говорящий |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
Утверждение |
17/04/20 (Group 1 and linguists)
17/04/20 (Group 2)
These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
• where and when the photo was taken
• what/who is in the photo
• what is happening
• why you keep the photo in your album
• why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: «I’ve chosen photo number … «.
(H/T for Wednesday (group 1 + linguists) — Решу ЕГЭ вариант 1113877)
Most commonly misused:
Incident, occasion, accident, event
wonder, wonder, guess, inform
push, pull, turn, stop
journey, trip, travel, tour
many, much, little, few
basides, apart, though, moreover, although, therefore
Разница между remind, remember, recall, recollect, memorize
Глаголы remind, remember, recall, recollect, memorise так или иначе связаны с запоминанием информации.
Слово remember встречается чаще других синонимов.
По данным Cambridge Dictionary, глагол remember означает «возможность восстановить или хранить в своей памяти какую-либо информацию».
Remember употребляется, когда нужно:
1. сказать о том, что вы помните какое-то действие — to remember doing smth
I remember walking into the pub. — Я помню, как заходил в бар.
уточнить, что помните какой-то факт — to remember (that)
I remember that I ordered a cup of tea. — Я помню, что я заказал чашку чая.
2. сказать, что вы точно что-то помните — to remember rightly/correctly
It was August, 2nd, if I remember correctly. — Это было 2 августа, если я правильно помню.
3. рассказать о точных, ярких воспоминаниях — clearly/vividly/distinctly remember или не очень четких — vaguely/dimly remember
I clearly remember whiskey was Johnny Walker. — Я четко помню, виски был Джонни Уокер.
I dimly remember what was happening next. — Я с трудом помню, что происходило дальше.
4. рассказать о деталях какого-то воспоминания — to remember when/where/how
I even remember when I got home! — Я даже помню, когда я пришел домой.
сказать о чем-то, что вы обещали сделать, попросить кого-то не забыть о чем-то — to remember to do something
Moreover, I remembered to lock the front door. — Более того, я не забыл закрыть входную дверь.
Здесь важно подчеркнуть, что после глагола remember может стоять как инфинитив (глагол в начальной форме), так и герундий (глагол с окончанием —ing).
Смысл сказанного будет зависеть от формы глагола, например:
I remember to visit my grandmother. — Я помню, что нужно навестить бабушку.
I remember visiting my grandmother. — Я помню, как навещал бабушку.
В первом предложении мы говорим о том, что нужно не забыть выполнить действие в будущем, а во втором примере мы вспоминаем, как уже выполнили действие.
Глагол remind переводится как «напоминать».
Отличие remind от remember заключается в том, что remind означает «побудить кого-то вспомнить информацию», а remember — «помнить какую-либо информацию».
Рассмотрим наиболее популярные случаи употребления глагола remind:
1. напомнить кому—то сделать что—то — to remind someone to do something, to remind (somebody) that, to remind somebody about something
My mom always reminds me to put my hat on. — Моя мама постоянно напоминает мне надевать шапку.
Dustin reminded me that I forgot my laptop at his house. — Дастин напомнил мне, что я забыл свой ноутбук у него дома.
Can you remind me about your plans for the weekend? — Можешь напомнить мне о своих планах на выходные?
2. когда одна ситуация/предмет/человек напоминают другую ситуацию/предмет/человека — to remind somebody of, to remind someone what/when/where/how
My colleague reminds me of my classmate. — Мой коллега напоминает мне моего одноклассника.
Mary reminded me how I acted at the restaurant. — Мэри напомнила мне, как я вел себя в ресторане
Recall означает «восстанавливать в памяти какие-либо события или факты, чтобы этим поделиться».
I can still recall how Margareth entered the room. — Я до сих пор помню, как Маргарет зашла в комнату.
Recall используется:
1. когда что-то вызывает определенную ассоциацию
This building recalls the baroque style. — Это здание напоминает стиль барокко.
2. когда какие-то события или предметы вызывают определенные воспоминания
This song recalls that wonderful evening. — Эта песня напоминает мне тот чудесный вечер.
Recollect и recall — синонимичные слова, но стоит учесть, что recollect чаще используется в формальной беседе.
I can hardly recollect the events of that evening. — Я с трудом могу восстановить в памяти события того вечера.
Memorize переводится как «запоминать», «заучивать».
Этот глагол предполагает проделывание определенных усилий для запоминания чего-либо наизусть.
Sally memorized all her coworkers’ names just in a week! — Салли запомнила имена всех своих коллег только через неделю!
1. Напомни мне, пожалуйста, удалить мои сообщения из Facebook.
a. Please remember me to delete my messages from Facebook.
b. Please remind me to delete my messages from Facebook.
c. Please recall me to delete my messages from Facebook.
2. На уроках актерского мастерства нам приходилось заучивать длинные монологи.
a. During the acting class we had to memorize long monologues.
b. During the acting class we had to recall long monologues.
c. During the acting class we had to recollect long monologues.
3. Мозговой штурм был напрасен. Я не могу вспомнить ни одной из идей.
a. Brainstorming has been in vain. I can’t remind any of the ideas.
b. Brainstorming has been in vain. I can’t recollect any of the ideas.
c. Brainstorming has been in vain. I can’t memorize any of the ideas.
4. Я просила тебя больше не устраивать драку в театре, ты помнишь?
a. I asked you not to pick a fight in the theatre anymore, do you remind?
b. I asked you not to pick a fight in the theatre anymore, do you memorize?
c. I asked you not to pick a fight in the theatre anymore, do you remember?
5. Это пугало напоминает мне фильм «Джиперс Криперс»!
a. This scarecrow recalls me Jeepers Creepers movie!
b. This scarecrow remembers me of Jeepers Creepers movie!
c. This scarecrow reminds me of Jeepers Creepers movie!
6. Его новая песня напоминает один из хитов the Beatles.
a. His new song remembers one of the Beatles hit songs.
b. His new song memorize one of the Beatles hit songs.
c. His new song recalls one of the Beatles hit songs.
7. Даже не пытайся запомнить мой пароль. Я завтра его поменяю.
a. Don’t even try to remind my password. I’ll change it tomorrow.
b. Don’t even try to memorize my password. I’ll change it tomorrow.
c. Don’t even try to recall my password. I’ll change it tomorrow.
8. Я до сих пор помню каждую деталь его костюма.
a. I can still recollect every single detail of his costume.
b. I can still remind about every single detail of his costume.
c. I can still memorize every single detail of his costume.
9. Мое мобильное приложение напоминает мне придерживаться диеты.
a. My mobile app recalls me to stick to the diet.
b. My mobile app reminds me to stick to the diet.
c. My mobile app remembers me to stick to the diet.
10. Я четко помню, как сохранил документ на диске.
a. I can clearly remember how I saved the document on the hard drive.
b. I can clearly remind about how I saved the document on the hard drive.
c. I can clearly memorize how I saved the document on the hard drive.
11. Ты помнишь о том, что надо проверять почту каждый день?
a. Do you remember to check your mail every day?
b. Do you memorize to check your mail every day?
c. Do you recall to check your mail every day?
12. Можешь мне напомнить о нашей поездке?
a. Can you remember me about our trip?
b. Can you remind me of our trip?
c. Can you remind me about our trip?
However means ‘but’.
However is normally used at the beginning of a sentence, before a comma (,) and after a full stop (.) or a semicolon (;).
- We didn’t like the hotel. However, we had a good time.
- I would like to have a dog; however, my husband is allergic to dogs.
Although means ‘despite the fact that’, or ‘but’.
Although can be used at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence. We do NOT use a comma after although; we use although + subject + verb.
- Although he had a bad leg, he still won the game.
- I passed the exam, although I hadn’t studied.
1. We need to buy a new car. _____, we can’t afford it right now.
2. ______ he is very rich and famous, he lives a very normal life.
3. They had to cancel the concert _____ the bad weather.
b.because of
4. We’ll go out ______ it stops raining.
c.as soon as
5. He didn’t have his car, _____ he had to take a taxi.
14/04/20 (профиль)
•Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:• give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
• say what the pictures have in common
• say in what way the pictures are different
• say which way of keeping fit presented in the pictures you’d prefer
• explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.
•Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
• say what the pictures have in common
• say in what way the pictures are different
• say which way of travelling presented in the pictures you preferred
• explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.
10/04/20 (группа 2 -не сдающие)
Read the text.
Record a short summary of it ( not more than 10 sentences)-запись краткого пересказа присылаем в What’s up
Deadline Tuesday 20:00
A Missing Street
Mark had worked in the Сity Hall for more than twenty years. He registered the files with the names of all the streets in Montreal. Mark lived near the City Hall and rarely walked round the city, but he knew the location of the streets very well. He knew Montreal better than the policemen or taxi drivers.
His job was pretty dull and monotonous, but Mark preferred the office to his flat in Oven Street anyway. His neighbours were noisy and unpleasant. Every time he tried to explain the importance of his work, they looked down on him as a low-level clerk. They failed to understand that they got their mail only because Oven Street had its postal index in one of the files in the City Hall.
Once Mark’s peaceful life was disturbed. He opened one of the drawers in his study and found an index card stuck at the back. He drew it out carefully. Green Bottle Street it said. Mark stared at it in wonder. He could not remember any street with that name. He searched all the files but could not find anything. It was not on the list.
Mark examined the card once more. There was no mistake. The paper was old and yellow. The last inspection date marked on the card was more than fifteen years before. Mark was frozen with horror. It was a lost, forgotten street! For so many years it had existed a mile away from the Hall, and nobody knew about it.
Deep in his heart, Mark sometimes had thought of such a possibility. There were so many winding streets in the city that it looked like a labyrinth. But with all these files it simply could not happen. Vaguely he remembered that at the beginning of his career his office had moved to another floor and all the cards were made afresh. Maybe at that time one of the cards had got stuck in the drawer.
Mark slept badly that night. In the morning he put the card in his pocket and went looking for Green Bottle Street. Though he knew its location, he passed it twice. Finally, he came up to a wooden door, behind which a narrow street started. He opened the door and stepped inside. Green Bottle Street lay before him.
It was named after its shape. On either side of the street there were three well-kept houses with nice, small gardens in front. At the end of the street there was a brick wall, which separated it from the rest of the world. Everything there was quiet and safe. An old woman was watering roses in one of the gardens.
She told Mark that they used to pay taxes and get the mail until they were forgotten. Then they built a wooden door with a lock to protect their tiny peaceful area from passers-by and officials. They helped people who got tired of the busy city and wanted to take a break for a while. Some rooms in the houses were for rent.
Mark understood that the yellow card he had found in the drawer could break people’s peaceful but fragile world. He sighed and tore the card to pieces. For all he cared, Green Bottle Street could remain lost forever.
Mark’s responsibility was to invent names for the city’s streets.
08/04/20 (группа 2 — не сдающие)
Письмо присылаем на почту conveniences2009@mail.ru
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Richard who writes:
…I’m currently studying for my exams and hope to do well at my finals. I wish I could have more free time now as I love going out with my friends, meeting new people, making new acquaintances. Do you like hanging out with friends in your free time or are you a stay-at-home type? How do you usually spend the weekend? What are your hobbies or interests?
A friend of mine is coming to see me this weekend…
Write a letter to Richard. In your letter answer his questions, ask 3 questions about his friend’s visit. Write
words. Remember the rules of letter writing. You have 20 minutes to do this task.
06/04/20 Describe the pictures (choose one) — сдающие:
Task 3. These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes
(1215 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
· where and when the photo was taken
· what/who is in the photo
· what is happening
· why you keep the photo in your album
· why you decided to show the picture to your friend
Compare the pictures:
Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
· give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
· say what the pictures have in common
· say in what way the pictures are different
· say which of the ways of spending free time presented in the pictures you’d prefer
· explain why
Deadline 07/04/20 20-00
20/03/20 Видеоурок (Д/з) — условный диалог-расспрос
Ask questions, record 4 audiofiles (What’s up)
Deadline Saturday 18-00:
19/03/20 Д/з (sent to What’s Up)
deadline: TODAY 18.00
audiofiles sent later will not be checked
Human evolution is a lengthy process of change by which people originated from their apelike
ancestors. The traits that we today recognize as human evolved over a period of approximately
six million years. One of the earliest human traits was the ability to walk on two legs. This ability
evolved some four million years ago. A large and complex brain, the ability to use tools and the
capacity for language have developed more recently. Some studies lead us to believe that humans
have some relationship to another group of primate species, the apes. Scientists say that humans
and the great apes of Africa — chimpanzees and gorillas — share a common ancestor who lived
between 8 and 6 million years ago. However, researchers do not all agree about how these
species are related to the modern human. Genetic research into this relationship has produced
some controversial results and more discoveries, perhaps sensational ones, are to be expected.
deadline: TODAY 18.00
audiofiles sent later will not be checked
Human evolution is a lengthy process of change by which people originated from their apelike
ancestors. The traits that we today recognize as human evolved over a period of approximately
six million years. One of the earliest human traits was the ability to walk on two legs. This ability
evolved some four million years ago. A large and complex brain, the ability to use tools and the
capacity for language have developed more recently. Some studies lead us to believe that humans
have some relationship to another group of primate species, the apes. Scientists say that humans
and the great apes of Africa — chimpanzees and gorillas — share a common ancestor who lived
between 8 and 6 million years ago. However, researchers do not all agree about how these
species are related to the modern human. Genetic research into this relationship has produced
some controversial results and more discoveries, perhaps sensational ones, are to be expected.
17.03.2020 Видеоурок (Д/з) — чтение текста вслух (ЕГЭ)
H/t (deadline Wednesday 10-00)
Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.
Islands that appear and disappear are certainly part of the world’s legends. But in 1963, with the aid of cameras and scientific observers, some of those legends were given a solid basis of fact. For example, on November 13, 1963, a kind of miracle occured. An island was born.
On that day a fishing boat sailed into waters that were boiling and rolling and foul with a strong smell. The world still had a hard time believing the miracle that was to occur. It was the first time that scientists were to witness the unexpected birth of an underwater island.
First the engineer, then the captain, and at last the cook were aware of awful smell and the peculiar roll of the sea. But it was the cook who first noticed the smoke. He thought there was a ship in trouble somewhere on the seas.
•Neither Roman spectators calling
for the death of a gladiator, nor Roman Emperors authorizing one, ever gave a
thumbs down. In fact, the Romans didn’t use a thumbs down sign at all. If death
was desired, the thumb was stuck up – like a drawn sword. For a loser’s life to
be spared, the thumb was tucked away inside the closed fist – as with a
sheathed weapon. If further proof were needed, in 1997 a Roman medallion of the
second or third century AD was discovered in southern France. It shows two
gladiators at the end of a battle and a referee pressing his thumb against a
closed fist. The inscription reads: Those standing should be released.
•This has been problematic in Iraq,
where American soldiers are unsure whether locals are welcoming them or about
to blow them up. Desmond Morris traces the positive connotations of the thumbs
up in Britain to the Middle Ages, where it was used to close business deals. It
found a new lease of life in World War Two when US airforce pilots adopted it
as a signal to ground crews before take-off.
11/12.03.20 Getting ready for the RNE:
Task 3. These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes
(1215 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
· where and when the photo was taken
· what/who is in the photo
· what is happening
· why you keep the photo in your album
· why you decided to show the picture to your friend
Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
· give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
· say what the pictures have in common
· say in what way the pictures are different
· say which of the ways of spending free time presented in the pictures you’d prefer
· explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (1215 sentences). You have to talk continuously.
06/03/20 Listening comprehension
Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений АG соответствуют содержанию текста (1 True), какие не соответствуют (2 False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды. (Fipi 5) |
Список прилагательных для выполнения заданий
39, 40, 43, 44 ЕГЭ
С положительным значением | С отрицательным значением | С нейтральным значением |
perfect — идеальный, совершенный charming — очаровательный fantastic — фантастический awesome – крутой, классный gorgeous — непревзойденный magnificent — величественный fascinating – обворожительный, пленительный glamorous — гламурный brilliant — блистательный amazing — изумительный smart – находчивый, нарядный, умный marvelous – чудный, удивительный remarkable – замечательный, выдающийся unforgettable — незабываемый incredible — невероятный pleasant — приятный enjoyable — приятный cheerful — радостный exciting — захватывающий grateful — благодарный successful — успешный romantic — романтический impressive — впечатляющий stunning — ошеломляющий spectacular — зрелищный ideal — идеальный confident — уверенный luxurious — шикарный reliable — надежный unique — уникальный well-built – хорошо сложенный creative — творческий artistic — артистичный sporty — спортивный sympathetic — сочувственный energetic — энергичный |
boisterous — неистовый suspicious — подозрительный stressful – стрессовый, напряженный rebellious – непослушный dramatic- разительный disastrous — бедственный exhausting — истощенный miserable – жалкий, несчастный boring — скучный scary — страшный frightening — пугающий devastated — опустошенный selfish — эгоистичный outrageous — неистовый tedious — утомительный disgusting — отвратительный untidy — неопрятный terrible – ужасный, страшный awful — ужасный horrible – ужасный, противный annoying — надоедливый tiring — изнурительный embarrassing — стеснительный mischievous – озорной, вредный alarming — тревожный exhausted — истощенный wrinkled — сморщенный |
responsible — ответственный suitable — подходящий skillful — умелый determined — решительный decisive — решительный typical — типичный simple — простой ordinary – обычный, ординарный potential — потенциальный expensive — дорогой valuable — ценный priceless — бесценный mature – зрелый, матерый confused — смущенный casual – случайный, небрежный persuasive — убедительный active — активный independent — независимый freckled — веснушчатый weird — странный bizarre — причудливый peculiar — особенный significant — существенный enormous — огромный predictable — предсказуемый huge — огромный tiny — крошечный massive — массивный extraordinary — экстраординарный surprising — поразительный hilarious – веселый, шумный emotional — эмоциональный touching — трогательный |
Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.
Nicotine is colourless. In theory, cigarettes can be made out of potato or tomato leaves. Some programmes designed to help people stop smoking also advise giving up potatoes and tomatoes in order to eliminate low-level nicotine intake completely. In small doses, the nicotine compound that is present in all these plants produces feelings of pleasure. That’s why tobacco is more addictive than either cocaine or heroin. But it’s also why we sometimes find ourselves craving chips or pizza.
In large doses, however, nicotine is as deadly as the nightshade whose relative it is. The nicotine in a single cigarette, if taken direct into the bloodstream, would be fatal. Eating one cigarette could make you severely ill. Swallowing a packet of ten would definitely kill you. In 1976, the Department of Health urged pregnant mothers to wear rubber gloves when peeling potatoes. More than a kilogram of potatoes eaten at a single sitting would be certain death.
Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.
For crocodiles an ordinary rubber band should be sufficient for you to make your escape. The muscles that close the jaws of a crocodile or alligator are strong. They have the same downward force of a truck falling off a cliff. But the muscles that open their jaws are weak enough for you to hold their mouths shut with one hand. The technical difference between alligators and crocodiles is that crocs have a longer, narrower snout, eyes further forward.
Also, some crocodiles live in salty water. Alligators generally live in fresh water. Crocodile means lizard. Neither animal cries as it savages you to death. Crocodile tears are a myth from medieval times. The origin of the legend may be in the proximity of the throat to the glands which lubricate the eye. These can cause the eye to water a little from the effort of swallowing something large or reluctant. They can’t smile either: crocodiles and alligators have no lips.
Study the advertisement.
Adopt a pet from our animal shelter today!
You are considering adopting a dog from an animal shelter and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:
1) adoption process
2) if dogs are already vaccinated
3) possibility of taking the dog home the same day
4) breeds available now
5) adoption fees
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
• where and when the photo was taken
• what/who is in the photo
• what is happening
• why you keep the photo in your album
• why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: «I’ve chosen photo number … «.
Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
· give a brief description (action, location)
· say what the pictures have in common
· say in what way the pictures are different
· say which way of spending your free time you’d prefer
· explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously.
complete the test to check your knowledge
Other, another, the other, others, the others:
All, the Whole:
Little, a little, few, a few:
1. Выберите правильную форму пропущенного местоимения.
1. Whose dog is that? ……………… is always in our garden.
a) she b) he c) it d) one
2. He is much taller than ………………. but I am much stronger.
a) I b) me c) my d) mine
3. He was the eldest in the family. He had good advice for ……………… of us.
a) each b) every c) either d) no
4. He enjoyed ……………… minute of his holiday.
a) each b) all c) either d) every
5. The guests sat on ……………… side of a long table.
a) neither b) each c) either d) every
6. I didn’t like the sisters, though they seemed nice. It was a pity I liked …. of them.
a) neither b) every c) either d) each
7. I’d like to try one of ……………… shirts on.
a) this b) these c) that d) those
8. I’ve known him for many years. He is an old friend of …..
a) me b) I c) my d) mine
2. Вставьте возвратное местоимение, где нужно: myself, himself, yourself, herself, -.
1. He came in and introduced ………………………
2. She cut……………………..so badly that she had to be taken to hospital.
3. I even didn’t know how to behave…………………….. in his presence.
4. She isn’t feeling……………………..well. She can’t talk to you now.
5. Wash and dress…………………….., you are not a child any more.
6. Don’t worry, I can take care of…………………….. .
3. Вставьте местоимения: a) all; b) the whole; c) everything; d) everybody; e) both
1. She believed that……………………was watching her.
2……………………. city is being reconstructed.
3. You and I, we …………………… know the truth.
4. He reads a lot and remembers……………………the details.
5. How was……………………the information collected?
6. I told you ……………………There is hardly anything to add.
4. Вставьте местоимения: a) much; b) many; c) little; d) few; e) a little; f) a few
1. I tried to keep it a secret. Very …………………… people know about it.
2. Leave the child alone. There is …………………… harm in it.
3. My sister spends so …………………… money on her clothes. It costs her husband
4. Ann has had ……………………visitors lately. She looks tired.
5. Why don’t you eat? Try …………………… of everything.
6. The station looked almost deserted. There were …………………. people waiting for the last train, a woman and three men.
5. Вставьте местоимения: a) some; b) any; c) no; d) none; e) no one
1. I wanted to find some coffee but there was………………….. in the house.
2. He is here all day. You can find him …………………..time between nine and six.
3. You are expecting …………………..to call, are you?
4. Would you have………………….. more tea? — Thank you.
5. I see………………….. cucumbers in the salad; why haven’t you added any?
6. There isn’t ………………….. milk left. Will you buy some?
7. Why are………………….. people so boring?
8. That’s the only way out. There is ………………….. other choice.
6. Переведите выделенные слова в предложениях, используя слова: other, another, the other, others, the others.
1. Дома на другой стороне реки были построены из белого камня.
2. Почему ты один? Где остальные?
3. Служитель открыл дверь и впустил еще одного посетителя.
4. Щенок пил молоко, но отказывался от другой пищи.
5. Она часто получала письма, они приходили одно за другим.
6. Я потеряла ручку, нужно купить другую.
7. Один мальчик ушел, а другие мальчики продолжали работать.
8. Другие люди рассказывали мне ту же историю.
ВПР — 11 английский язык
These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
• where and when the photo was taken
• what/who is in the photo
• what is happening
• why you keep the photo in your album
• why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: «I’ve chosen photo number … «.
These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
• where and when the photo was taken
• what/who is in the photo
• what is happening
• why you keep the photo in your album
• why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: «I’ve chosen photo number … «.
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are considering going to the new book store and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:
A new book store now in your area! |
1) location
2) opening hours
3) kinds of books sold
4) electronic books
5) meeting with writers
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Когда задаем вопросы, в первом обязательно упоминаем место, обозначенное в задании.
17.02.20 11А
Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.
1. Despite its status as a proverbial fact, a goldfish’s memory isn’t a few seconds long. Research demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that goldfish have a memory-span of at least three months and can distinguish between different shapes, colours and sounds. They were trained to push a lever to earn a food reward; when the lever was fixed to work only for an hour a day, the fish soon learned to activate it at the correct time. A number of similar studies have shown that farmed fish can easily be trained to feed at particular times and places in response to an audible signal.
Goldfish don’t swim into the side of the bowl, not because they can see it, but because they are using a pressure-sensing system called the lateral line. Certain species of blind cave fish are able to navigate perfectly well in their lightless environment by using their lateral line system alone.
2. Is French toast from France? Yes and no. Dipping bread in eggs and frying it is a pretty universal solution to making stale bread go further. The French certainly had a medieval version and this later became a name that has been enthusiastically adopted for the de luxe versions. The earliest recorded recipe for the dish occurs in the work of the Roman cook in the first century AD. In his book The Art of Cooking, he writes, rather casually, that it’s just another sweet dish.
However, the dish was also sometimes referred to as ‘Poor Knights of Windsor’. One theory offered in explanation is that the most expensive part of a medieval banquet was dessert – spices and nuts were costly imports. Although titled, not all knights were rich, so a dish of fried eggy-bread served with jam or honey would have fulfilled the requirements of etiquette without breaking the bank.
12, 13 /02/20
11b,v (1), 11a
Task 1. Study the advertisement.
You are considering going to the new fast food restaurant and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:
A new fast food restaurant now in your area! |
1) location
2) opening hours
3) price of a standard lunch
4) vegetarian dishes
5) free Wi-Fi
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Task 2 Describe the picture (Task 1 ), follow the plan.
Task 3 Compare the pictures:
These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (1215 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
· where and when the photo was taken
· what/who is in the photo
· what is happening
· why you keep the photo in your album
· why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”
Photo 1. |
Photo 2. |
Photo 3. |
11b,v (2)
Read the texts, think of the headings which will suit them best, write them down (use the key words):
A. |
Diwali is a five-day festival that is celebrated in October or November, depending on the cycle of the moon. It represents the start of the Hindu New Year and honors the victory of good over evil, and brightness over darkness. It also marks the start of winter. Diwali is actually celebrated in honor of Lord Rama and his wife Sita. One of the best places to experience Diwali is in the «pink city» of Jaipur, in Rajasthan. Each year there’s a competition for the best decorated and most brilliantly lit up market that attracts visitors from all over India. |
B. |
The Blossom Kite Festival, previously named the Smithsonian Kite Festival, is an annual event that is traditionally a part of the festivities at the National Cherry Blossom Festival on the National Mall in Washington, DC . Kite enthusiasts show off their stunt skills and compete for awards in over 36 categories including aerodynamics and beauty. The Kite Festival is one of the most popular annual events in Washington, DC and features kite fliers from across the U.S. and the world. |
C. |
The annual Ostrich Festival has been recognized as one of the «Top 10 Unique Festivals in the United States » with its lanky ostriches, multiple entertainment bands and many special gift and food vendors. It is truly a unique festival, and suitable for the entire family. The Festival usually holds Ostrich Races, an Exotic Zoo, Pig Races, a Sea Lion Show, a Hot Rod Show, Amateur Boxing and a Thrill Circus. |
D. |
‘s Viking Festival takes place in mid-June every year and lasts 6 days, no matter what the weather in Iceland may be. It’s one of the most popular annual events in Iceland where you can see Viking-style costumes, musical instruments, jewelry and crafts at the Viking Village . Visitors at the Viking Festival see sword fighting by professional Vikings and demonstrations of marksmanship with bows and muscle power. They can listen to Viking songs and lectures at the festival, or grab a bite at the Viking Restaurant nearby. |
E. |
Dragon Boat Festival is one of the major holidays in Chinese culture. This summer festival was originally a time to ward off bad spirits, but now it is a celebration of the life of Qu Yuan, who was a Chinese poet of ancient period. Dragon boat festival has been an important holiday for centuries for Chinese culture, but in recent years dragon boat racing has become an international sport. |
F. |
The Mangalica Festival is held in early February at Vajdahunyad Castle in Budapest . It offers the opportunity to experience Hungarian food, music, and other aspects of Hungarian culture. The festival is named for a furry pig indigenous to the region of Hungary and the Balkans. A mangalica is a breed of pig recognizable by its curly hair and known for its fatty flesh. Sausage, cheese and other dishes made with pork can be sampled at the festival. |
G. |
Hanami is an important Japanese custom and is held all over Japan in spring. Hanami literally means «viewing flowers», but now it is a cherry blossom viewing. The origin of hanami dates back to more than one thousand years ago when aristocrats enjoyed looking at beautiful cherry blossoms and wrote poems. Nowadays, people in Japan have fun viewing cherry blossoms, drinking and eating. People bring home-cooked meals, do BBQ, or buy take-out food for hanami. |
12/02/20 Remember the way we read numbers in English:
Negative prefixes
We add a prefix such as in- or un- or dis-, im-, il-, non, ir- etc. to the beginning of adjectives, adverbs and verbs to give them the opposite meaning.
For example,
➢ Before «r» one has to use «ir» irreparable;
➢ Before «l»,use «il» illogical;
➢ Before «t», use «dis» distrust; distasteful
➢ Before «c, b or s» use «un or in» uncomfortable/unbelievable and incomplete/incredible/insanity;
➢ Before «p», use «im» impossible
➢ Before «m», use «im» immature, immortal
➢ Before «h or f», use «un» unhappy/unfettered;
➢ Before a noun, use «non» non-smoker, etc.
Exercise 1
Write the negative form of these words by adding a negative prefix: «un-«, «dis-«, «ir-«, «il-«, «in-«, or «im-«.
1 ____comfortable 2 ____patient 3 ____honest 4 ____ lucky
5 ____formal 6 ____possible 7 ____popular 8 ____lock
9 ____appear 10 ____agree 11 ____legal 12 ____polite
13 ____like 14 ____logical 15 ____convenient
Exercise 2: Write the negative form of these words by adding a negative prefix:
«un-«, «dis-«, «ir-«, «il-«, «in-«, or «im-«.
1 ____frequent 6 ____believable 11 ____relevant
2 ____mature 7 ____approve 12 ____dependent
3 ____legible 8 ____curable 13 ____responsible
4 ____moral 9 ____familiar 14 ____accurate
5 ____regular 10 ____grateful 15 ____resistible
Exercise 3: Fill in negative prefixes to form the OPPOSITE of each of the adjectives below. In some cases, more than one pre-fix is possible.
___acceptable ___accurate ___adequate ___agreeable ___approachable ___appropriate ___bearable ___compatible ___complete ___conscious ___contented ___convenient ___credible ___decisive ___desirable ___discreet ___excusable ___experienced ___faithful ___flexible ___frequent ___grateful ___healthy ___helpful ___hospitable ___legal ___legible ___legitimate ___literate ___logical ___mature ___moral ___mortal ___obedient ___organised ___passive ___patient ___perfect ___personal ___polite ___probable ___readable ___regular ___resolute ___responsible ___respectful ___sane ___satisfactory ___satisfied ___sociable ___sufficient ___variable ___visible ___willing
Exercise 4: Complete the sentences by adding the correct pre-fix for each word.
1 It’s rather ___polite if you don’t say ‘Please’ a lot in English.
2 My parents are extremely generous with their time and money. They are very ___selfish.
3 If the traffic is bad, it’ll be ___possible to get to the match on time.
4 It’s ___legal to drive along that street; it’s for pedestrians only.
5 My mum thought a burglar had been in my bedroom, but it’s always really ___tidy.
6 It was completely ___responsible of you to go away for the weekend without telling us.
7 Mike’s pretty ___happy about going on holiday with his girlfriend’s parents.
8 I never know when to expect the post. It’s so ___regular.
9 Taking a large suitcase on a waling holiday is a bit ___practical
Fill in the gaps with the words denoting ways to move (fumble, crawl, creep, dawdle, sprint, wander, stomp, stumble, falter, halt, hobble, misstep):
1. With the final burst of energy, Mike … towards the finish line.
2. Tom turned around and … angrily out of the room.
3. Sue’s baby is … already, She’ll be walking soon.
4. Don’t .., Jane! We’ll be late.
5. I … out of the room so that I didn’t wake Sam up.
6. After the lights went out, I had to … my way across the room.
7. I love … around flea markets, you never knows what you will find.
How do we call people who watch:
Task 3. These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (1215 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
· where and when the photo was taken
· what/who is in the photo
· what is happening
· why you keep the photo in your album
· why you decided to show the picture to your friend
Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
· give a brief description (action, location)
· say what the pictures have in common
· say in what way the pictures are different
· say which way of spending your free time you’d prefer
· explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously.
5.02.20 (2)
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Pete who writes:
… My younger brother makes unbelievable things with his LEGO blocks. What kind of toys did you play with when you were young? What amazes you most in young kids today? How do you and your friends get along with younger brothers and sisters?
I had a wonderful trip to Florida …
Write a letter to Pete.
In your letter
answer his questions
ask 3 questions about his trip
Write 100140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
Task 3. These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (1215 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
· where and when the photo was taken
· what/who is in the photo
· what is happening
· why you keep the photo in your album
· why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”
H/T (05/02/20)
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Pete who writes:
… My younger brother makes unbelievable things with his LEGO blocks. What kind of toys did you play with when you were young? What amazes you most in young kids today? How do you and your friends get along with younger brothers and sisters?
I had a wonderful trip to Florida …
Write a letter to Pete.
In your letter
answer his questions
ask 3 questions about his trip
Write 100140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
29/01/20 Word Formation
Untrue, prehistoric, ultramodern, postwar, ex-champion, anti-body, decompose, decode, deform, depart, discover, disappearance, reread, reconstruct, coauthor, unequal, misunderstand, undress, disarm, anti-fascist, cooperation, co-existence, interaction, superhuman, ultra-violet.
Ex. 2. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова. Переведите их:
Achievement — achieve, resistance — resistant, assistance — assist — assistant, celebration — celebrate, difference — different, city — citizen, nation — national — nationality, measure — measurement, develop — development, act — active — activity, contain — container, discover — discovery — discoverer, literature — literary, graduate — graduation — undergraduate — post-graduate, educate — education, progress — progressive, act — action — activity — active, govern — governor — government.
Ex. З. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса-ег или -or. Переведите на русский язык:
To lead, to write, to read, to visit, to speak, to sleep, to act, to direct, to conduct, to drive, to fight, to mine, to report, to sing, to skate, to swim, to teach, to travel, to sail, to invent, to found, to compose.
Ex. 4. Образуйте от данных слов существительные с помощью суффикса -ist, -ism, -ian. Переведите на русский язык:
Special, social, art, capital, economy, international, piano, technic, mathematics, statistics, politics, music, electric, Russia, Hungary, Canada, India.
Ex. 8. Найдите и выделите суффиксы в данных словах и определите, к какой части речи эти слова относятся:
British, foolish, understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experiment, function, musician, socialist, artist, capitalism, professional, fundamental, industrial, doubtful, useful, different, treatment, creative, attractive, peaceful, dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage, marriage, silence, freedom, kingdom.
Red, tight, soft, deep, short, dark, bright, weak, black, white, sweet, sharp, strength.
Bad, first, part, quick, strong, short, silent, rapid, wide, extreme, cruel, kind, happy.
Ex. 11. Образуйте глаголы от данных существительных. Переведите их:
Turn, smile, smoke, snow, start, stay, step, stop, study, talk, visit, rest, air, paper, cover, handle, cause, watch, act, address, answer, brush, clean, cross, crowd, wave, wish, work, dance, doubt, dress, end, fight, help, hope, joke, laugh, lift, light, love, mind, paper, pencil, place, plan, play, post, reply, report, return, sail, show.
React, reaction, reactor, reactivity; science, scientific, scientist; industry, industrial, industrious; cold, coldly, coldness; dark, darkness, darken; happy, happily, happiness, unhappy; equal, equally, unequal, equality; free, freedom, freely; attention, attentive, attentively; sun, sunny, sunless; care, careful, careless, carefully, carelessness; to differ, different, difference, indifferent; England, English, Englishman; fame, famous.
Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В11–В16. Впишите слова в поле ответа.
When was the parachute invented?
Have you ever felt like jumping out of a plane? Plenty of people have, but __________________ most of them did it after parachutes had been invented. |
Leonardo da Vinci made the first real studies of flight in the 1480s. He had over 100 __________________ that illustrated his theories on flight. |
He designed a parachute in the 1480s, though he didn’t try it out. Another __________________ , Faust Vrande, jumped using a similar design in 1617. |
In 1783, around the same time as the first hot-air balloon, Sebastien Lenormand invented a parachute, which he demonstrated by jumping from a tree, but it was only four meters high. A few years later, having refined his design, he made a __________________ jump from a taller tower. |
In 1785, Jean Pierre Blanchard used a dog to test his parachute design. The dog was fine, and so was Blanchard when he used the parachute in 1793 to escape a balloon accident. These early parachutes didn’t catch on because there weren’t any flying machines around to make them __________________ useful. |
The invention of airplanes has made parachutes important. Since then, their __________________ has been proved many times. |
Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В11–В16. Впишите слова в поле ответа.
2012 London Olympics
How has London 2012 changed the sporting map of the world? The United States won the highest number of gold medals and the most medals in total, with China dropping to second place on the medals table after unprecedented __________________ at their home Olympics in Beijing four years ago. |
The third place for Great Britain exceeded all __________________. |
Previously, 2008 Beijing Olympics were considered the most __________________ for the British with only the fourth place. |
In 2008, Russia took the third place. This year, Russia fell out of the top three __________________ for the first time since the end of the Soviet era. |
South Korea
improved to the fifth, their best finish since hosting the Games in Seoul 24 years ago. For Australia it was a __________________ miserable Olympics, where it took the tenth place. |
It was their worst __________________ in two decades. |
Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В11–В16. Впишите слова в поле ответа.
Cyberspace communication
Nowadays most of us go to our computers to connect with friends instead of using our phones. Cyberspace relationships have become the norm for many people, even the most __________________ ones. |
The convenience and __________________ of the Web is amazing. If we want to see a movie, find a place to eat or get in touch with a friend, we go to the Web before we call on the phone. |
Critics, however, say that cyberspace communication loses some important factors of the social atmosphere. Most Web __________________ don’t understand that when we talk to someone, we get many messages from them just by their tone of voice and body language. |
A tender __________________ and eye contact cannot possibly be experienced over the Internet. |
As with anything we do, without regular practice the act can become unfamiliar and__________________. |
There is a possibility that much can be __________________lost when we communicate via the Internet. |
Task 3. Imagine that these are photos from you album. Choose one photo to present to your friend. You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12
15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
· when you took the photo
· what/who is in the photo
· what is happening
· why you took the photo
· why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with:
“I’ve chosen photo number …”.
Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
· give a brief description (action, location)
· say what the pictures have in common
· say in what way the pictures are different
· say which way of spending your free time you’d prefer
· explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously.
Let’s recollect negative prefixes:
Passive Voice
16/01/20 (Advanced)
Pros and Cons of Home Education
What is Homeschooling?
In the simplest of terms, homeschooling is simply schooling your children at home. Homeschooling has become quite the progressive movement in recent years with more and more parents choosing to homeschool instead of sending their children to public school. There are a number of reasons why a parent might choose to homeschool their child – here are a few:
- The family might have different religious beliefs that those taught (or not taught) in public school. Homeschooling allows you to choose whether to incorporate religion or not.
- Homeschool might offer more specialized educational attention for special needs children.
- Parents may have different educational philosophies than public school administrators and teachers. With homeschool, you choose what philosophies to follow.
- Children may progress faster in a homeschool setting than in public school.
- Schooling at home may promote a closer familiar relationship – many parents find that they enjoy spending extra time with their kids in homeschool.
- Public school options in the area may not offer the preferred degree of educational quality.
- Homeschool can save time since you don’t have to transport your children to and from school every day. The school day can actually be shortened for children.
The homeschool movement really started to gain speed in the 1970s when authors like Raymond Moore and John Holt began writing about educational reform. Homeschooling as a new option in alternative education at the time but, according to the National Home Education Research Institute, there are now more than 2 million children being homeschooled in the United States each year. And that number increases by as much as 7% to 15% each year.
The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling Your Kids
Homeschooling is legal in all fifty states, but there are some requirements you have to meet. Parents are required to choose or create an educational curriculum that meets certain educational standards set forth by the state. As long as those standards are met, however, parents have more educational liberty with homeschooling than with public school. Students may have more opportunities to choose what they learn with homeschooling, and they can learn at their own pace without having to keep up with more advanced students. Homeschool gives parents the opportunity to incorporate religion into their child’s education and it may promote a closer family atmosphere as well.
One of the major downsides of homeschooling is that it takes a lot of time to plan and to implement educational strategies. In most families, one parent needs to make homeschooling the children their full-time concern – it can be very challenging for a single parent to succeed with homeschool. Because one parent may not be able to work, homeschool may put a financial strain on the family finances. Homeschooled children may also have more limited access to extracurricular activities including sports, and they may not have the same level of social interaction as they would in public school. There are, of course, workarounds for these things but they are still challenges associated with homeschool.
The Benefits of Public School vs. Homeschool
Now that you know a little more about homeschool and its associated pros and cons, you may be wondering how public school stacks up. Each child is an individual with individual needs, so the public school may or may not be the best option. However, the only way you’ll know this to be the case is to take time to learn about the potential benefits of public school versus homeschool. Here are some of the top benefits you should consider:
- Public school has a built-in structure. Children, particularly young children, thrive on routine and they require a lot of attention and care. If you are trying to homeschool your children while also being a stay-at-home mom, you may find it more challenging than you imagine.
- Many public schools offer sports and elective options like art and music – these programs may not be available to homeschool students.
- A public school teaches children a certain degree of independence. Depending on the grade, children need to keep track of their own class schedules, find their way from one class to another, purchase their own lunch, and make it to and from the bus every day.
- Teachers are public schools are required to carry education degrees and they may have more experience working with and teaching children. Teaching a child is different from parenting a child and many parents struggle to do both.
- Public school is typically cheaper than homeschool. You could spend $1,000 or more on a homeschool curriculum alone, not to mention supplies. For a public school, you have to buy supplies once or twice a year and you can pack your child’s lunch to save money.
- Children who attend public school have more opportunities for social interaction than many homeschool students. There are homeschool co-ops that can be helpful, but a public school has built-in social benefits.
- Sending your children to public school frees you up to just be a parent. Doing double-duty as both teacher and parent can be both grueling and frustrating at times – especially if you have other non-school-age children to care for.
- Public school gives you and your child some much-needed time apart which helps to foster your child’s independence and gives you a break as well. There is no harm in needing a break from your kids once in a while.
- In addition to the benefits listed above, there are some downsides to public school. For example, public school has a more rigorous and regimented schedule than most homeschool programs and students may not have the same degree of freedom and flexibility to customize their education. But unless you can fully commit yourself to creating and implementing a strong homeschool curriculum, your child may be better off in public school anyway.
While there are many benefits of private school versus homeschool, every situation is different. A public school could very well be the best choice for your child while homeschool is a better option for another child. You may even find that one of your children does better in one environment and another child does better in a separate environment. Your job as a parent is to provide for your child’s needs to the best of your ability. This often means making compromises or making the best of a bad situation. As long as you keep your child’s best interests in mind, you will make the right choice.
Attending public school comes with its own challenges, but homeschool is not always the better option. Before you decide to homeschool your child, take the time to thoroughly consider your options and explore them from all angles. You may just find that public school is a better option than you previously realized – it is up to you to make the most of it.
Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
· give a brief description (action, location)
· say what the pictures have in common
· say in what way the pictures are different
· say which kind of getting education you’d prefer
· explain whу
Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
· give a brief description (action, location)
· say what the pictures have in common
· say in what way the pictures are different
· say which kind of getting education you’d prefer
· explain why
10/01/20 Watch the video about the Universal Declaration of Human RIGHTS
43. Задание 43 № 2757
These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
• where and when the photo was taken
• what/who is in the photo
• what is happening
• why you keep the photo in your album
• why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: «I’ve chosen photo number … «.
44. Задание 44 № 2866
Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
• give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
• say what the pictures have in common
• say in what way the pictures are different
• say which car, presented on the photos you’d like to ride
• explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.
20/12/19 Dependent prepositions:
dependent prepositions
13/12/19 Great Expectations (by Ch. Dickens)
Watch the trailers:
What is the story about? Who are the main characters?
Great Expectations is the story of Pip, an orphan boy adopted by a blacksmith’s family, who has good luck and great expectations, and then loses both his luck and his expectations. Through this rise and fall, however, Pip learns how to find happiness. He learns the meaning of friendship and the meaning of love and, of course, becomes a better person for it.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend James who writes:
… My parents want me to follow in their footsteps and become a doctor. But my dream is to study maths. What would you advise me to do? What are your plans after you leave school? Do your parents support you in your decision?
My parents bought me a puppy for my birthday! …
Write a letter to James.
In your letter
— answer his questions
— ask 3 questions about the puppy
Write 100140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
Региональный конкурс школьников 9-11 класс:
What is Parkour?
Watch the video and answer the questions:
1. What is parkour? Is it a challenge?
2. Why are repetition and training important in this kind of sport?
3. Why do people do it?
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12–18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Turning As an Obstacle When I first read about a sport called parkour, I thought it was about fluid, elegant, and graceful motions. But in practice, parkour is considered an “extreme” sport; as its participants dash around a city, they may vault over fences, run up walls, and even jump from rooftop to rooftop. So you won’t see senior citizens doing it in the park on Sunday mornings, but if you do witness it, you may think you’re watching a stunt person on a movie set. Le parkour is a French term, related to the verb parcourir, “to run over or through”. It was created by David Belle, Sebastien Foucan, and a group of their friends when they were teenagers living in the Paris suburb in the late 1980s. Belle’s father had been a soldier in Vietnam, and his preparatory programme included navigating obstacle courses. Belle picked up many of the moves from his father and, along with his friends, developed them into an art form. Parkour combines elements of running, gymnastics, dance, and martial arts into a breathtaking way of moving from place to place. The general idea is to move quickly and gracefully, treating buildings, walls, handrails, rocks, and whatever objects you come across as elements in an obstacle course. The only real rule is that you should not move backwards and that you should do it with as much efficiency and style as possible. The only equipment required for parkour is a good pair of shoes. Participants, who call themselves traceurs, wear no protective gear but typically invest a great deal of time in training and preparation in order to execute the necessary moves safely. The first thing any participant learns is how to cushion the impact of a jump by rolling. Although parkour is ultimately about clever improvisation rather than choreographed moves, there are a couple dozen or so standard maneuvers that almost all traceurs learn, including several methods for getting over tall walls. Some traceurs participate merely for the fun or the challenge, but others treat parkour as a more serious art, similar to some martial arts. As a philosophy, the movements metaphorically represent becoming one with your environment, learning how to overcome obstacles without effort, and finding creative paths – all things with practical value outside the sport. Even though parkour has reached international popularity, there is already an offshoot sport that has led to a great deal of bitterness and division among parkour proponents. Co-founder Sebastien Foucan, in a 2003 BBC documentary called “Jump London,” referred to the sport as “free-running” and that term caught on in the media. However, parkour purists feel that the direction in which Foucan has taken the activity is entirely different from what he and Belle had originally developed. The biggest difference has to do with theatrics. Free-running involves a lot of trick moves, particularly mid-air flips and spins. Because these moves are merely showy, not economical, they’re considered contrary to the nature of parkour. A free-runner may also move backwards in order to make a move as flashy as possible. But it’s not simply a matter of differing styles. Manufacturers are capitalizing on the growing interest in parkour and free-running by introducing special shoes, designer clothing, and so on; free-running competitions are also beginning to appear. The author claims that parkour … |
The origins of parkour moves could be found in … |
According to the author, the rules of parkour are … |
According to the author, a parkour participant begins with … |
According to the author, for some participants parkour expresses … |
According to the text, the introduction of free-running … |
Comparing parkour and free-running, the author claims that … |
29/11/19 Compare the pictures according to the plan:
Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
· give a brief description (action, location)
· say what the pictures have in common
· say in what way the pictures are different
· saywhat consequences of natural disasters may be
· explain why natural disasters are dangerous
27/11/19 Write down the questions:
Study the advertisement.
You are going to visit Japan this summer and you’d like to have more information about the flights to Japan. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five questions to find out the following:
1) departure dates 2) travel time 3) return ticket price 4) discounts for students 5) buying the ticket online You have 20 seconds to ask each question. |
Study the advertisement.
Visit our new fitness club! |
You are considering visiting the fitness club and now you’d like
to get more information. In
1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:
1) location
2) opening hours
3) price of the season ticket
4) if individual sessions are possible
5) swimming pool
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Most commonly used prefixes and suffixes:
Negative prefixes:
DO or MAKE ???
13.11.19 Write a letter :
11A, B, C (choose 1)
You have 20 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Tom who writes:
Last summer my parents and I went hiking to the mountains. We spent the whole week together and enjoyed it very much. How often do you take active holidays? Who do you think is the best company for you? What extreme sports would you like to try, if any, and why?
Last month our English class got an interesting project. We wrote a paper about interesting events in the past of our country …
Write a letter to Tom.
In your letter
— answer his questions
— ask 3 questions about his project paper
Write 100 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Jerald who writes:
… This summer we’ve had two tornadoes. Why do you think some people “hunt” them, instead of hiding from them? What natural phenomena would you call the most dangerous for people, and why? Will we ever learn to protect ourselves from them?
Yesterday I spent the whole evening watching a basketball game …
Write a letter to Jerald.
In your letter
answer his questions
ask 3 questions about the basketball game
Write 100140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
Describe the picture:
Task 3. Imagine that these are photos from you album. Choose one photo to present to your friend. You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12
15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
· when you took the photo
· what/who is in the photo
· what is happening
· why you took the photo
· why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with:
“I’ve chosen photo number …”.
Compare the pictures:
Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
· give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
· say what the pictures have in common
· say in what way the pictures are different
· say which of the activities presented in the pictures you’d prefer
· explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (1215 sentences). You have to talk continuously.
At Home:
Practice Relative clause
Придаточные причины, цели, следствия, образа действия
Relative Clauses
Придаточные предложения следствия
Есть много способов показать результат в речи, и один из них – это использование придаточных предложений. Придаточные предложения следствия помогают нам сообщить о результате какого-либо действия или о последствиях какой-либо ситуации. Такие предложения вводятся при помощи союзов so,so…that (для прилагательных и наречий), such…that (для существительных)
Nina had a stomach ache so she went to the doctor. – У Нины болел живот, поэтому она пошла к доктору.
There was so much soup that John wasn’t able to eat it. – Супа было так много, что Джон не мог его съесть.
Рассмотрим ситуации, в которых используется конструкция such…that.
Первая схема описывает оборот с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе:
Схема 1.
It was such a beautiful dress that I bought it. – Платье было такое красивое, что я его купила.
Вторая схема описывает оборот с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе либо неисчисляемыми существительными:
Схема 2.
They were such clever people that it was pleasant to speak to them. – Они были такими умными, что с ними было приятно поговорить.
It was such nice weather that we went to the countryside. – Погода была такая хорошая, что мы поехали за город.
Обратите внимание, что когда мы используем существительное во множественном числе или неисчисляемое существительное, артикль не используется
Особенности употребления конструкции so…that
В придаточных предложениях следствия также употребляется конструкция so…that. Эту конструкцию очень часто сопровождают следующие оценочные местоимения (рис. 3):
- much
- many
- few
- little
Рассмотрим схему:
Схема 3.
There was so much water in the bucket that the boy couldn’t carry it alone. – В ведре было так много воды, что мальчик не мог один его унести.
There was so little food in the fridge that I still feel hungry. – В холодильнике было так мало еды, что я все еще голодна.
Не забывайте, чтоmuch иlittle употребляются с неисчисляемыми существительными, а many и few – с исчисляемыми (см. схему 4).
Схема 4.
We had so many books at home that mother decided to take some of them to the library. – Дома было так много книг, что мама решила отнести некоторые из них в библиотеку.
I have so few T-shirts that I need to buy some. – У меня так мало футболок, что мне нужно купить несколько.
I. Составьте из двух предложений одно, используя the Clause of Result
- The book was dull. I couldn’t read it to the end.
- There was much work. Mary didn’t know where to begin.
- The water in the sea was cold. The children didn’t want to swim.
- I had little money. I couldn’t buy a new dress.
Придаточные предложения причины – это такие предложения, которые помогают объяснить, почему происходят те или иные события или совершаются те или иные действия. Одним словом, такие предложения отвечают на вопрос почему
Особенности употребления союзов because и as
Придаточные предложения причины присоединяются к главному предложению при помощи союзов :
- as
- since
- because
- because of
- due to
- Nina went to the seaside in summer because she wanted to swim in the sea. – Нина поехала на побережье летом, потому что хотела искупаться в море.
Второе предложение начинается с because и поясняет главное предложение.
- As Mike didn’t want to be late for school he caught the bus. – Так как Майк не хотел опоздать в школу, он сел на автобус.
Придаточное предложение (As Mike didn’t want to be late for school) присоединяется к главному при помощи союза as и поясняет его.
Особенности употребления союзов because of и due to
Союзы because of и due to обычно стоят перед существительным.
- He didn’t pass his exam because of illness. – Он не сдал экзамен из-за болезни.
- She couldn’t make a report due to the problems with computer. – Она не могла сделать доклад из-за проблем с компьютером.
После союзов because of и due to часто употребляется выражение the fact that, после которого следует придаточное выражение.
We couldn’t get to London due to the fact that all the flights were delayed because of the weather. – Мы не могли попасть в Лондон из-за того, что все рейсы были отложены из-за погодных условий.
Чтобы лучше понять и усвоить особенности употребления придаточных предложений причины, необходимо выполнить следующее упражнение.
- Сделайте из двух предложений одно, используя the Clause of reason
- Nick was good at swimming. He won the first prize at camp competition.
- The flight was delayed. There was storm.
- Ann bought a car. She had a lot of money.
- Bob spent two weeks at the hospital. He had broken his leg.
Придаточные предложения цели – это такие предложения, которые отвечают на вопрос “Why?” («Зачем?») (рис. 1), то есть они используются, когда нужно сказать, с какой целью совершается действие, описанное в главном предложении. На русский язык переводятся союзом чтобы, а отрицательные предложения – чтобы не.
You study English every day in order to speak it fluently. – Вы изучаете английский язык каждый день, чтобы свободно на нем говорить.
You do your morning exercises to be healthy. – Вы делаете зарядку утром, чтобы быть здоровыми.
You go outside with your friends so as to have fun. – Вы идете гулять со своими друзьями, чтобы развлечься.
You buy new clothing so that you can look nice. – Вы покупаете новую одежду, чтобы хорошо выглядеть.
Особенности употребления союзов in order to, so as to и конструкции to + infinitive
Можно заметить, что в приведенных примерах главное и придаточное предложения соединены следующими союзами :
- in order to
- so as to
- so that
- to + (infinitive)
Слова in order to, so as to и to + infinitive используются, когда в главном и придаточном предложениях одно и то же подлежащее. В разговорном английском конструкция to + infinitive является более употребительной, в то время как in order to и so as to звучат официальнее.
Tom learns Chinese to work in China. – Том изучает китайский, чтобы работать в Китае.
You can take this medicine in order to feel better. – Вы можете принять это лекарство, чтобы чувствовать себя лучше.
The pupils must learn this poem by heart so as to get an excellent mark. – Ученики должны выучить это стихотворение наизусть, чтобы получить отличную оценку.
Для того чтобы образовать отрицание в придаточных предложениях цели, необходимо добавить отрицательную частицу not перед to (в таких союзах как in order to и so as to), чтобы получилось: in order not to/ so as not to. Обратите внимание, что форма not to do не используется!
Take your umbrella in order not to get wet. – Возьми зонт, чтобы не промокнуть.
You have to be hurry so as not to be late. – Тебе нужно поторопиться, чтобы не опоздать.
Особенности употребления союза so that
Как уже было сказано, придаточные предложения цели могут также использоваться с союзом so that. Этот союз используется, когда подлежащее в главном предложении отличается от подлежащего в придаточном предложении.
Обратите внимание, что so that часто используется с модальными глаголами can/could/will/would.
Tim gave his girlfriend red roses so that she would forgive him. – Тим подарил своей девушке красные розы, чтобы она простила его.
Dan gave his sister some money so that she could buy a new dress. – Дэн дал своей сестре немного денег, чтобы она купила себе новое платье.
Когда мы используем настоящее (thePresent Tense) и будущее (theFutureTense) времена в главном предложении, мы используем so that + can/will в придаточном предложении.
I have given Alice a book so that she can be ready for the lesson. – Я дал Алисе книгу, чтобы она была готова к уроку.
He will study hard so that his teacher will give him a good mark. – Он будет упорно трудиться, чтобы учитель поставил ему хорошую оценку.
Если же в главном предложении используется прошедшее время (the Past Tense), мы используем so that + could/would в придаточном предложении.
Mother woke up her children early so that they could be in time. – Мама разбудила детей рано, чтобы они успели вовремя.
He bought some tickets so that they would go to the cinema. – Он купил несколько билетов, чтобы они пошли в кино.
Когда придаточное предложение цели отрицательное, мы используем so that +can’t/couldn’t/won’t/wouldn’t.
They were whispering so that their neighbours couldn’t hear their conversation. – Они шептались, чтобы их соседи не могли слышать их разговор.
We keep our food in the fridge so that it won’t go bad. – Мы держим нашу еду в холодильнике, чтобы она не испортилась.
The taxi driver hurried so that she wouldn’t be late. – Таксист спешил, чтобы она не опоздала.
More ways to express purpose
Есть еще несколько способов выразить цель:
For + Noun – expressing individual purpose
I came here for a talk with you. – Я пришел сюда, чтобы поговорить с тобой.
I decided I would save up for a new computer. – Я решил, что буду копить на новый
- For + Gerund – describing the function of an object
They use this tool for digging. – Они используют этот инструмент, чтобы копать.
I bought it foropening bottles. – Я купил это, чтобы открывать бутылки.
Чтобы лучше понять и усвоить особенности употребления придаточных предложений цели, необходимо выполнить следующие упражнения.
Составьте из двух предложений одно, используя the Clause of Purpose
Пример: He studied really hard. He wanted to get better marks. (in order to) – He studied really hard in order to get better marks.
- Ann is putting on her warm jacket. She doesn’t want to catch a cold. (so as not to)
- Alex is borrowing some English books. He wants to learn more of this language. (to)
- Sandy has lent her brother some money. He wants to buy a new CD. (so that)
- They are going on holiday soon. They want to have a rest. (so as to)
- He spoke in a low voice. He didn’t want to wake her up. (in order not to)
- Mother packed her camera. She wanted her son to take photos. (so that)
Переведите с английского на русский
- We didn’t tell her the news so that she wouldn’t worry.
- I have saved up enough money to buy a car.
- Linda turned on the lights so that we could see well.
- We are going to the cinema so as to watch a new film.
- He sets his alarm in order not to be late for work.
- Заполните пропуски союзами in order to, so as to, so that или частицей to:
а) They went to the hospital see their friend.
б) The car stopped a woman could walk.
в) My father turned on the television watch the latest news.
г) My sister is going to study French leave London for Paris.
д) We bought a laptop our son could work anywhere.
е) Our teacher asks simple questions all the pupils can answer them.
- Дополните предложения по смыслу:
а) She took several books in order to .
б) He bought a new car so that .
в) My parents called my tutor so as to .
г) I called for Jane to .
д) She read those articles in order to .
е) I’ll attend his lectures so that .
ж) They borrowed some money so as to .
з) We will stop to .
- Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на особенности употребления союзов в придаточных предложениях цели:
а) Я позвонил ему, чтобы поздравить с днем рождения.
б) Мы вызвали такси, чтобы успеть на самолет.
в) Она записалась на дополнительные курсы, чтобы лучше знать свой предмет.
г) В библиотеке нужно читать про себя, чтобы не отвлекать других.
д) Я долго готовилась к экзаменам, чтобы сдать их на отлично.
е) Она подменила его на работе, чтобы он смог погулять с сыном в парке.
ж) Мы решили рассказать всю правду, чтобы они не заявили в полицию.
з) Директор подпишет бумаги завтра, чтобы вы могли передать их старшему менеджеру.
Придаточные предложения образа действия. Clauses of Manner
Придаточные предложения образа действия в английском языке вводятся при помощи союзов as if/as though, описывающих в какой манере производится действие. В таких предложениях встречаются глаголы act, appear, be, behave, feel, look, seem, smell, sound, taste и т.п.
As if и as though
Мы употребляем as if/as though с глаголами в форме прошедшего времени для описания ситуаций, нереальных с точки зрения настоящего момента.
He gives orders as if/as though he was the boss Он раздает указания, как если бы он был начальником
He is acting as if/as though nothing had happened Он ведет себя, как если бы ничего не произошло
Вероятность в настоящий момент
Мы употребляем as if/as though с глаголами в форме настоящего времени (включая настоящее совершенное) для описания ситуаций, кажущихся вполне вероятными на настоящий момент.
He looks as if/as though he knows what he’s dong Кажется, он знает, что делает (он выглядит так, как будто знает)
She looks as if/as though she hasn’t had a good night’s sleeps for weeks Она выглядит так, как будто не спала несколько недель
As, like и the way
Помимо союзов as if/as though в придаточных образа действия также употребляются союзы аs, like и the way.
I always drink tea without milk, just as they do on the continent Я всегда пью чай без молока, точно также как они делают на континенте
She needs the money, like I do, so she works in a bar in the evenings Ей нужны деньги, как и мне, поэтому она по вечерам подрабатывает в баре
I was never allowed to do things the way I wanted to do them Мне никогда не позволяли поступать так, как я хотел
Match the following clauses with the appropriate manner clause:
1. He spends his money | A. like his father does. |
2. Your face is white. You look | B. as the the Romans do. |
3. He walked straight past me | C. as if you’d seen a ghost. |
4. He behaves just | D. as if I hadn’t slept for weeks. |
5. I’m so tired. I feel | E. as though I were invisible. |
6. When in Rome, do | F. as if he were a millionaire. |
Fill the gaps in the following text with although, despite, even though, as though.
I sometimes have difficulty getting to sleep at night. 1.____________ I’m often tired after a long day’s work, I lie in bed and can’t relax. It’s 2.____________ my brain can’t switch itself off. 3.____________ I know I need to get to sleep to be fresh for the next day, I find myself worrying about all the little problems the day has brought. 4.____________ the fact that I can’t solve any of these problems in the middle of the night, I try to find solutions there and then. The clock keeps ticking away until eventually I realise that 5.____________ there are only two more hours until my alarm goes off, I still haven’t slept at all. Then, as the sun starts to come up, my eyes finally feel 6.____________ they are going to close…
Complete the sentences in the exercise below with an appropriate manner clause:
1. He’s so thin and pale; he looks as if ___________________.
2. I’m so tired; I feel as though___________________.
3. This pizza doesn’t taste as___________________.
4. He walked straight past me as if___________________.
5. Why didn’t you do as ____________________________?
6. Your doors are creaking. They sound as if___________________.
7. She walks around the office telling everyone what to do as though ___________________.
8. You don’t study hard enough. You behave like ___________________.
20/10/19 What is a volcano?
Watch the video and do the task:
the sentences. Speak about volcanoes:
1. Volcanoes eject
… high into the atmosphere.
2. Pressure builds up, then releases suddenly, causing
the magma to explode. It’s a … .
3. Magma which reaches the Earth’s surface is called
… .
4. Lava eventually cools to form … . After more
eruptions the mount of rocks build up and form … .
5. Volcanoes have the same structure:
6. Eruptions occur when … .
7. Hot lava can destroy … .
7. Volcanoes are essential for … .They formed … .
8. They may be … , but they may also become … .
Eventually they may become … and never … .
9/10/19 Spotlight 11
Give a talk on the advantages and disadvantages of foreign travel.
Remember to discuss:
— how travelling abroad can broaden the mind (learning about other cultures, etc.).
— how foreign travel is easier and cheaper than in the past.
— what the effects of mass tourism are on the environment.
— the benefits of travelling in your own country.
Useful phrases:
Iwould like to say that…
I think it’s fair to say …
One thing that should be mentioned is …
There is no doubt in my mind that …
A (serious) downside of … is …
Listen to the model answer (https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B6_lvJ4FI95HM2dvVExBTVV4S2s&usp=sharing — Speaking Skills Task 1 p 21)
Match the headings to the paragraphs: A personality and justifications, B comments and feelings, C name and how met D physical appearance, E interests:
Descriptive writing (people):
1. We met on the 1st day of secondary school on a warm autumn day. After class I told her that her name Sunny described the weather perfectly on that day. She smiled, and we became friends.
2. Sunny is an attractive girl in her late teens. She is tall, slender and dark-skinned and she usually wears her shoulder-lenght brown hair in a ponytail, which highlights her high cheekbones and long oval face. When she smiles, her almond-shaped eyes sparkle and her whole face lights up. She wears light makeup and fashionable clothes.
3. Sunny has an incredibly warm personality. She is supportive and knows how to encourage people when they are feeling down. However, she tends to be very stubbon and determined. Once she’s made up her mind about something, no one can make her change it.
4. Sunny always live life to the full. In fact, she finds it difficult to sit still for long. She’s always humming her favourite songs, too. She’s adventurous and loves discovering things about people and places.
5. Sunny is a marvellous friend.who really lives up to her name. I find it hard to imagine what my life would be without her.
Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
· give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
· say what the pictures have in common
· say in what way the pictures are different
· say which of the places presented in the pictures you’d prefer to live in
· explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (1215 sentences). You have to talk continuously.
Запятая в английском языке (https://skyeng.ru/articles/zapyatye-v-anglijskom-i-russkom-6-otlichij)
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Tom who writes:
… Last month our class went to Washington to visit the National Museum of American History. It was my first visit there and it was fun. How often do you go to museums with your class, if at all? Which Museum is your favourite or what museum would you like to visit? Why do you think people should go there?
This summer we plan to go hiking with my parents …
Write a letter toTom.
In your letter
— answer his questions
— ask 3 questions about his summer plans
Write 100140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.
A hobby is an activity you enjoy doing, it is something of your choice, something unique to your taste and talent. A hobby can improve our well-being; it can give more meaning to our life. Just as physical exercise is important for the body, relaxation of the mind is also essential. In fact, studies reveal that people who cultivate themselves through such activities are less likely to suffer from anxieties, depression and other negative feelings. A hobby is the easiest way to restore your balance whenever you are over-worked or stressed. Since it is an activity of your choosing, it will always give you pleasure and help you to relax. Even if you indulge in your hobby for a short period of time, you still can feel the difference in your energy level and spirit. When you have a hobby, you will always find time for it.
Task 2. Study the advertisement.
Visit our new fitness club! |
You are considering visiting the fitness club and now you’d like
to get more information. In
1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:
1) location
2) opening hours
3) price of the season ticket
4) if individual sessions are possible
5) swimming pool
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Task 3. These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (1215 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:
· where and when the photo was taken
· what/who is in the photo
· what is happening
· why you keep the photo in your album
· why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”
Photo 1. |
Photo 2. |
Photo 3. |
English Tenses:
Form 11 A
Listen and watch about body language, get ready to speak on the point (use the video and the text in your Student’s book):
Past Tenses
Разница между used to, would, be used to и get used to
Конструкция used to do smth
Конструкция used to в английском языке используется, чтобы рассказать о действии, которое происходило или часто повторялось в прошлом, но на данный момент уже не происходит. При переводе предложений на русский язык обычно добавляют слово «раньше» или «бывало».
I used to have an MP3 player. Now I just listen to music online. — У меня раньше был MP3-плеер. Теперь я просто слушаю музыку онлайн.
I used to believe in the tooth fairy. — Я раньше верил в Зубную фею.
Brian used to steal from the shops. — Брайан раньше воровал в магазинах.
С помощью конструкции used to мы рассказываем о привычках, которые были в прошлом.
Tony used to drink much coffee. — Тони раньше пил много кофе.
I used to bite my fingernails when I was five. — Когда мне было пять, я грыз ногти.
Для описания состояний в прошлом.
Gaby used to be overweight. But now she looks fit. — Раньше у Гэби был лишний вес. Но сейчас она выглядит подтянуто.
Detroit used to be densely populated city. But now a few people live in it. — Детройт раньше былгустонаселенным городом. Но сейчас там мало кто живет.
Вопросительные предложения с used to строятся с помощью вспомогательного глагола did, а в отрицательных предложениях к вспомогательному глаголу did добавляется частица not (did not, didn’t).
Why did you use to collect chocolate wrappers? — Почему ты собирала обертки от шоколадок?
Where did Henry use to go fishing? — Куда Генри ходил рыбачить?
I did not use to sing in the shower. — Раньше я не пел в душе.
Debbie didn’t use to smoke. — Дэбби раньше не курила.
Допускается образование отрицания без вспомогательного глагола did. Такое предложение будет уместно в официальной ситуации.
Our company used not to carry out corporate trainings. — Наша компания раньше не проводилакорпоративных тренингов.
Глагол would
Глагол would, как и конструкция used to, выражает повторяющееся действие в прошлом. Однако would употребляется только в том случае, когда есть привязка к какому-то конкретному времени.
Every time Sarah came, we would play X-box for hours. — Каждый раз, когда приходила Сара, мы часами играли в X-box.
We would used to play X-box for hours with Sarah. — Мы часами играли в X-box вместе с Сарой.
Разница между used to и would заключается еще и в том, что would не используется, если речь идет о привычках или о состоянии в прошлом.
Tony would used to eat too much sweets. — Тони раньше ел слишком много сладкого.
Travis would used to be a polite person a few years ago. — Трэвис был вежливым человеком пару лет назад.
Глагол would добавляет оттенок ностальгии в теплые воспоминания о прошлом.
Every summer I would live in a country house with my grandmother. In the early morning I would gofishing at the lake. After that I would climb the tall old oak near the house. I would sit in the tree andread a book almost all day long. — Каждое лето я жил в домике у своей бабушки. Рано утром яходил рыбачить на озеро. После этого я забирался на большой старый дуб возле дома. Ясидел на дереве и целый день читал книжку.
Чтобы задать вопрос, поставьте глагол would в начало предложения.
Would you play hide-and-seek when you were a kid? — Ты играл в прятки, когда был маленьким?
Конструкции to be used to и to get used to
Конструкция be used to описывает привычку, которая уже сформировалась, а get used to — процесс приобретения привычки. После конструкций be used to и get used to используется глагол с окончанием -ing, существительное или местоимение.
They are used to sleeping outdoors. — Они привыкли спать на улице.
I find it hard to get used to new conditions. — Мне трудно привыкать к новым условиям.
Привычка сформировалась — используем be used to:
I am already used to driving on the left. It was rather hard when I first came to England. — Я ужепривык ездить по левой стороне дороги. Это было довольно сложно, когда я впервые приехал в Англию.
Tony is used to sleeping with the lights on. — Тони привык спать с включенным светом.
We are used to carrying out ambitious projects. — Мы привыкли выполнять амбициозные проекты.
опросительные и отрицательные предложения строятся с помощью глагола to be.
Debora hates going to Chinese restaurants. She isn’t used to eating with chopsticks. — Дебора ненавидит ходить в китайские рестораны. Она не привыкла есть палочками.
Are you used to commuting to work every day? — Ты привык ездить на работу в город?
Если вы хотите рассказать о процессе формирования привычки, используйте конструкцию get used to.
I am getting used to my new flat. — Я привыкаю к своей новой квартире.
Harry has been getting used to Android for so long after using iOS! — Гарри так долго привыкает к Android после iOS!
ля построения отрицательных и вопросительных предложений, используйте вспомогательные глаголы: для Present Simple — do, для Past Simple — did, для Future Simple — will и т. д.
Sam didn’t get used to southern climate. He has moved to Canada. — Сэм не привык к южномуклимату. Он переехал в Канаду.
Kate still can’t walk after receiving an injury. Will she get used to it? — Кейт до сих пор не может ходить после того, как получила травму. Она привыкнет к этому?
Get used to (в прошедшей форме) и be used to (в настоящей форме) взаимозаменяемы, если мы говорим о привычке, которая уже сформировалась.
I got used to wearing this stupid uniform. = I am used to wearing this stupid uniform. — Я привык носить эту дурацкую форму.
Sally works very slowly. But we got used to it. = But we are used to it. — Салли работает очень медленно. Но мы привыкли к этому.
(for a test see https://englex.ru/difference-between-used-to-would-be-used-to-and-get-used-to/)
1. Задание 1
Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды.
1. Before such tours you should learn how to move and breathe in rapid water.
2. This company ignores tourists’ safety.
3. Rafting can be life-threatening.
4. This kind of tour is for strong and fit people.
5. Professional staff make these difficult tours fun.
6. If you secure your life jacket properly, you’ll come home safely.
7. Team spirit and optimism are important in such tours.
Говорящий |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
Утверждение |
2. Задание 2
Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.
A) Every year Betsy spends the New Year abroad.
B) Betsy thinks that the trip was not worth the money.
C) There is an active volcano on the island.
D) Betsy led an active life on the island.
E) The zoo had more than a hundred species of wild birds.
F) There are no snow-capped mountains on the island.
G) Foreigners are not allowed to own property on the island.
Запишите в ответ цифры, расположив их в порядке, соответствующем буквам:
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
3. Задание 3-9
Вы услышите репортаж дважды. Выберите правильный ответ 1, 2 или 3.
Why did Helen change her original name?
1) She wanted to break her tribe traditions.
2) People found it difficult to pronounce it.
3) She did not like its meaning.
Which tradition, according to Helen, is still alive in Navaho lifestyle?
1) Horse riding.
2) Clothes.
3) Houses.
How does Helen characterize her family?
1) They stick to the reservation area.
2) It tries to preserve old traditions.
3) It is unusually big for Navaho tribes.
What is Helen’s opinion about keeping Navaho traditions?
1) Navaho people must assimilate into white culture.
2) Traditional lifestyle is appropriate only in reservations.
3) There should be a balance in accepting white culture.
What does Helen say about her knowledge of the Navaho language?
1) She used to be better at it.
2) She still has an excellent command of it.
3) Her speaking skills are better than her writing.
Which of the following weekend activities does Helen NOT mention as her habit?
1) Watching films.
2) Taking part in traditional ceremonies.
3) Meeting peers.
What does Helen dream of visiting?
1) Local places of interest.
2) American cities.
3) Countries on other continents.
10. Задание 10 № 4554
Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
1. A good investment
2. How it all began
3. Multi-purpose constructions
4. All is well that ends well
5. A vertical marathon
6. Breathtaking athletic events
7. 21st century technology
8. Once number one globally
A. Radio and television towers are tall structures designed to transmit radio or television signals. However, besides serving their main function they often become tourist attractions, as a lot of them are true architectural wonders. Among some of the most famous — and tallest — towers in the world are the Tokyo Skytree, the Canton Tower in China, the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada, and the Ostankino Tower in Moscow, Russia.
B. The Ostankino Tower is 540 meters tall which makes it the tallest tower in Europe. When it was built in 1968, it was the tallest structure in the world, which it remained until 1975. The Ostankino Tower radio and television signal covers the area with the population of over 15 million people. The Tower also has an observation platform and a restaurant about 330 meters in the air which you can reach on one of the lifts in just 58 seconds.
C. The first Radio Tower in Moscow was built during the Civil War in 1922 by the outstanding Russian architect Vladimir Shukhov and is a hyperboloid structure. In fact, it was Shukhov who first invented the hyperboloid metal structure in the 1890s, inspired by the weaving of peasant baskets. Vladimir Lenin himself approved the construction of this tower which today is considered a historic and architectural monument of Soviet Constructivism.
D. Yet another use of television towers is holding sports events. Some of the most common ones are base-jumping, an extreme sport where participants jump off high structures with parachutes; and bungee jumping, where the jumpers are attached to a tall structure with a large elastic cord. Among the more traditional competitions is racing up the tower staircase, which was held in the Ostankino Tower up until 2000, when the tower was damaged by the fire.
E. The fire broke out at a height of 458 m on 27 August, 2000. It took over 300 firefighters, more than 24 hours and a lot of effort to stop it. Many people were afraid that the tower would not be able to survive and would collapse. Luckily it didn’t happen. But almost all TV channels and some radio channels stopped working for several days. The reconstruction of the tower that followed lasted until 2007. In 2009 the tower reopened its doors to tourists.
F. And not only to them. On July 21, 2018, Ostankino Tower was open again to 28 sportsmen from 12 countries who raced up its winding staircase. The staircase is very narrow, so the sportsmen had to run one by one with a 30 second interval between them. Only professional runners were allowed to participate. It was a German athlete Christian Riedl who made it to the top in just 9 minutes and 51 seconds, setting a new record.
G. It would be logical to assume that television towers are the tallest structures in the world. In fact, it had been true until 2009 when the Burj Khalifa, the tallest sky-scraper in the world, was built in Dubai. It cost about $1.5 billion to complete the construction of this building, but it paid off: office and apartment space pricing is over $40,000 per m2, and over 90% of all the apartments and offices are now occupied!
Текст |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
Заголовок |
11. Задание 11 № 1512
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 — лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.
Chocolate is made from a number of raw and processed foods produced from the seeds of tropical cacao trees. Cacao has been cultivated in A ______ at least 3000 years. For most of this time it was made into a drink called, in translation — “bitter water”. This is because В ______ to be fermented to develop a palatable flavour. After fermentation the beans are dried and roasted and the shell is removed to produce cacao nibs. These are then ground and liquefied into chocolate liquor. The liquor is then processed into cocoa solids or cocoa butter. Pure chocolate contains primarily cocoa solids and butter in different proportions. Much of С ______ with added sugar. Milk chocolate is sweetened chocolate that additionally contains either milk powder or condensed milk. White chocolate on the other D ______ is therefore not a true chocolate. Chocolate contains theobromine and phenethylamine which have physiological effects on the body. It is similar to serotonin levels in the brain. Scientists claim E ______ , can lower blood pressure. Recently, dark chocolate has also been promoted for its health benefits. But pet owners should remember that the presence of theobromine makes it toxic to cats and dogs. Chocolate is now one F ______ , although 16 of the top 20 chocolate consuming countries are in Europe. Also interesting is that 66% of world chocolate is consumed between meals.
1. the chocolate consumed today is made
2. that chocolate, eaten in moderation
3. central and southern America for
4. of the world’s most popular flavours
5. hand contains no cocoa solids and
6. cacao seeds are intensely bitter and have
7. many countries worldwide at
Moscow’s ‘Universal Provider’
Teatralnaya Square in Moscow is dominated by three imposing buildings: the Bolshoi Theatre, the Maly Theatre and TsUM — Central Universal Department Store. All of them have a rich and fascinating history.
The building that has been known for almost 100 years as TsUM was built in 1908 as the famous Muir & Mirrielees Dpartment Store and is celebrating its 110th anniversary this year. Back at the turn of the 20th century, the building was owned by a Scottish family which was very well-known in Moscow.
Archibald Mirrielees was a 25-year-old ambitious Scotsman when he came to St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1822 to gain fame and fortune. Having started as a representative of a British company, in 1843 he founded a business under his own name. In 1852 he was joined by his young brother-in-law Andrew Muir, and so the Muir & Mirrielees company was born.
At first, the company was operating in St. Petersburg as a whole-sale business. Andrew Muir traveled all over Europe choosing the best fabrics, clothes and other fashionable goods which were then imported into Russia and sold to local shops. In 1867 the firm opened its first office in Moscow, which had played second fiddle to St. Petersburg from the time of Peter the Great, but now was rapidly developing its industries. By that time Archibald Mirrielees had already been retired for ten years and lived in England. Now his sons Archie and Fred were helping Andrew Muir to run the company.
In the middle of the 19th century the first Department stores appeared in Europe: first, The Bon Marché in Paris, and then, Whiteley’s in London. At the time when most shops were small, this was an innovation that was characterized by fixed prices, the possibility to exchange goods or get a refund, seasonal sales and daily deliveries to every part of the city. William Whiteley, who was first to open such a store in London, called his shop a ‘Universal Provider’ and indeed managed to find anything a client could ever fancy to buy.
This was the example that Muir & Mirrielees in Moscow were going to follow. In 1885, they bought a three-storey building in Petrovka, across the street from the Bolshoi. By 1892 the store had 25 departments, and in 1891 Muir & Mirrielees gave up wholesale trading and focused entirely on their Department store — Moscow’s true ‘Universal Provider’.
Nobody knows how the big fire started. Some believe that it was jealous rivals from the smaller shops that set Muir & Mirrielees on fire. In any case, early in the evening on November 24, 1900, while Feodor Shalyapin was singing one of his leading roles across the street, the famous store went up in flames. By midnight, to the audience of both Bolshoi and Maly theatres’s spectators who’d deserted their performances in favour of a more dramatic spectacle, the building burnt down completely.
In 1908, the new Muir & Mirrielees store with 80 departments was erected in the same place, designed by the well-known architect Roman Klein. It was the first building in Russia to use walls of reinforced concrete — a technique invented in America for sky-scrapers. It allowed for thinner walls and bigger windows. Moscow had never seen a building quite like this before. One of the attractions of the new store were two lifts that held 8 passengers each. This was also a novelty in Moscow, and not everyone trusted them.
Among the loyal customers of Muir & Mirrielees were Anton Chekhov, Leo Tolstoy’s wife and daughter, the Tsvetayev family and many more.
12. Задание 12
The word ‘ambitious’ in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to the word
1) determined.
2) aggressive.
3) arrogant.
4) hopeful.
13. Задание 13
Archibald Mirrielees lived in
1) Moscow at the beginning of the 20th century.
2) Moscow in the second half of the 19th century.
3) St Petersburg in the first half of the 19th century.
4) St Petersburg at the beginning of the 20th century.
14. Задание 14
According to the 4th paragraph, Andrew Muir
1) was responsible for the quality of imported goods.
2) started selling musical instruments in Moscow.
3) spent his holidays in different European countries.
4) had two grown-up sons who were helping him.
15. Задание 15
According to the article, which of the following was NOT a novelty that made a Department store different from an ordinary small shop?
1) Clients could order goods from stores to be delivered to their homes.
2) Clients could return goods to the store and get their money back.
3) Client could pay much less if they negotiated the price at the store.
4) Clients could buy things cheaper at the store at certain seasons.
16. Задание 16
William Whiteley called his store a ‘Universal Provider’ because
1) he sold his goods all over the country.
2) of the variety of goods that were sold there.
3) his clients came from all social classes.
4) he provided many smaller shops with goods.
17. Задание 17
According to paragraph 7, on November 24, 1900
1) Feodor Shalyapin was watching the fire from across the street.
2) Feodor Shalyapin had fewer admirers listening to him than usually.
3) there was a drama played at the Bolshoi, rather than an opera.
4) performances in the Bolshoi and Maly theatres ended at midnight.
18. Задание 18
The new Muir & Mirrielees building seemed unusual to Muscovites because
1) from the outside it looked like a sky-scraper.
2) of the modern technologies that were used in it.
3) it was designed by an American architect.
4) of the attractive decorations on the lifts.
19. Задание 19
Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Languages in the USA
The most commonly used language in the United States is English, which is the de facto national language. Nonetheless, many other languages __________________ 19.SPEAK in the United States.
__________________ 20. THIS include indigenous languages, languages brought to the country by colonists, enslaved people
and immigrants from Europe, Africa and Asia.
Spanish, of course, is the __________________ 21. TWO most commonly spoken language in the United States. However, few
people realise that after English and Spanish Chinese is spoken regularly in more American homes than any other language.
The Brownings
On January 10, 1845, Robert Browning, a little-known poet and playwright, sent a letter to Elizabeth Barrett, an internationally renowned poet, an invalid, after reading her volume of poetry. Over the course of the next 20 months, they __________________22. WRITE each other close to 600 letters.
It is one of the __________________ 23. GREAT literary correspondences of all time.
24. Задание 24 № 6861
Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово LEAVE так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
The couple’s last letter was exchanged on September 18, 1846, the night before the two __________________24. LEAVE for a trip to Italy and two weeks after their secret marriage.
__________________25. THEY romance, which Elizabeth credited with saving her life, lasted for 15 years and spawned some of the world’s most beautiful poetry.
The Vancouver Aquarium
The Vancouver Aquarium is a public aquarium. It is __________________ 26. CONVENIENT located in Stanley Park, a popular area.
In addition to being a major __________________27. ATTRACT for Vancouver, the aquarium is a centre for marine research and conservation.
It was one of the first facilities to invite __________________28. SCIENCE into the galleries to interpret animal behaviour.
So a visit to the aquarium is not only pleasant, but also __________________29. EDUCATION.
The aquarium remains a nonprofit organisation. Its __________________30.OWN is the City of Vancouver.
The aquarium has been rented for $40,000 a year since 1991. This money and the entrance fees paid by __________________31. TOUR support the aquarium financially.
Two years in a hut
Henry Thompson, a writer, built a hut on the shore of the pond and lived there all alone for two years. He did this for two reasons: because he wanted to 32 ______ that people spend too much time and money on food and clothes and because he wanted a perfectly quiet chance to write more books. 33 ______ to the writer, he spent only one hundred dollars a year while he lived in this hut. He raised beans on his land, ate wild berries, caught fish and “went visiting” his friends and neighbours now and then. To buy his woodsman’s clothes and a few necessities, he planted gardens, painted houses, and cut wood for his friends.
This period influenced Henry’s creative work a lot. He wrote a book called “The Wood” which 34 ______ all about these seven or eight hundred days he lived in his hut. Several other books also describe the time when he 35 ______ to live all by himself. These sold very well. In all of them Henry was boasting that he had found the only sensible way to live. “I am for simple living, and I 36 ______ being alone!” he would declare in his books. He 37 ______ you feel, when you read his books, that it is fine to walk around the fields, sniffing the wild grape and the green grass, and that no one can find pleasure like the man who rows, and skates, and swims. 38 ______, people passing by the pond used to hear him whistling old ballads, or playing very softly and beautifully on a flute, and they thought he sounded lonely and sad.
32. Задание 32
Вставьте пропущенное слово:
1) prove
2) ensure
3) agree
4) secure
33. Задание 33
Вставьте пропущенное слово:
1) According
2) Regarding
3) Including
4) Concerning
34. Задание 34
Вставьте пропущенное слово:
1) speaks
2) tells
3) says
4) talks
35. Задание 35
Вставьте пропущенное слово:
1) used
2) made
3) kept
4) held
36. Задание 36
Вставьте пропущенное слово:
1) amuse
2) please
3) satisfy
4) enjoy
37. Задание 37
Вставьте пропущенное слово:
1) makes
2) gives
3) turns
4) takes
38. Задание 38
Вставьте пропущенное слово:
1) Although
2) Otherwise
3) Moreover
4) However
Read the passage entitled «The American Invasion,» one of Oscar Wilde’s many astute observations of life during the Victorian period. The famous satirist and dramatist comments on the spread of American culture to London, including such elements as Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show and the appearance of Cora Brown-Potter, an American of high society, who abandoned class expectations to become an actress.
Choose the best answer to the question.
In England, a vestry was a committee that managed the property or business attached to a church or public area. The vestry mentioned in the passage probably resemble a
A. trade union.
B. town council.
C. university lecture.
D. Congressional hearing.
E. tailor shop.