There are few visitors to the countryside around aix en provence егэ ответы

The most well-known of the octopus’s defense mechanisms is its
ability to squirt clouds of ink into the water.

Some people say that the best defense is a good offense; an octopus,
however, would disagree.

Another defense mechanism possessed by many octopi is the ability to
change colour, much like a chameleon.

When it wants to get away, the octopus has an impressive arsenal of
tricks at its disposal.

The author claims in paragraph 1 that an octopus would disagree with
the statetment ‘the best defense is a good offense’ because

octopi employ more defensive than offensive capabilities

octopi possess good defensive and offensive capabilities

octopi can protect themselves from teeth, horns, and claws

not all octopi possess the same defense mechanisms

As used in paragraph 4, which of the following is the best synonym
for unfettering?


The final paragraph can best be described as a

prediction conclusion, in which the author looks toward the future

full circle conclusion, in which the author incorporates and builds
on a word or theme from the introduction

solution conclusion, in which the author proposes a solution to a
problem posed earlier in the passage

summary conclusion, in which the author restates the passage’s
main idea


about the last time you visited a museum.

did you go, whom did you go with and what did you see?

was the most impressive exhibit there? Why do you think so?

kind of museum do you find most interesting? Why?

предметної комісії




Л.В. Замула

І.М. Плєшкова

В.І. Бова

Л.М. Клант

Л.В. Магаляс

Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України

вищий навчальний заклад

транспортно-економічний коледж»


Card #21


the text given below. For questions (1–5), choose the answer (A,
B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

are few visitors to the countryside around Aix-en-Provence who do
not see its dramatic forms through the eyes of its most famous
inhabitant, Paul Cézanne. Day after day for the last 20 years of
his life the artist set up his easel to paint Mont Sainte Victoire
and the surrounding countryside.

Cézanne’s efforts frequently left him dissatisfied as he felt he
was not achieving the high artistic goals which he had set himself.
Nor was his dedication appreciated by the townspeople of Aix, where
Cézanne had been born in 1839.

painter was very much disliked, and lived alone and isolated – a
classic case of the misunderstood, awkward and unconventional
artistic genius.

had retired to Aix partly because he had not done well in the
artistic world of Paris. His work took much longer to gain
acceptance than that of the Impressionists – an injustice for
which Cézanne bitterly resented his former artistic colleagues.

had first gone to Paris in 1861. He met Camille Pissarro at the
Academie Suisse, and the violent subjects of his early work gave way
to the subjects and style of Impressionism. But he soon felt the
need to go beyond this, to “make of Impressionism something solid
and lasting, like the art of the museums”. He wanted to add
intellect to the sensations that lay behind the work of artists like

the Impressionists, Cézanne was part of a movement away from the
museums as a source of artistic inspiration and towards the direct
observation of nature. “One must make a vision for oneself,” he
wrote. “One must see nature as no one has seen it before.”

efforts lasted a lifetime. “I must carry on – I simply must
paint from nature,” he wrote in 1906. By this time, his work was
beginning to be recognised. He had had his first successful
exhibition in 1895, and was beginning to attract a few young
followers. Despite this, his death certificate identifies him as a
man of private means and not as an artist.

works were not shown in the town museum until some years after his
death. Aix is now embarrassed by this late acceptance of its
artistic son, and today one can get a map which leads one to
Cézanne’s favourite places for painting. Although much has
changed, you can still see landscapes which are very much the same
as those seen in the paintings. You can also visit Cézanne’s
studio, where objects made famous in Cézanne’s still lifes are on

Cézanne was dissatisfied with his work because…

was not popular.

was disliked by the people of Aix.

did not satisfy his own ambitions.

did not make him much money.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1.  Places to stay in

2.  Public transport

3.  Cultural differences

4.  Nightlife

5.  Camping holidays

6.  Contacts with neighbours

7.  Different landscapes

8.  Eating out

A. Sweden is a land of contrast, from the Danish influence of the southwest to the Laplanders wandering freely with their reindeer in the wild Arctic north. And while Sweden in cities is stylish and modern, the countryside offers many simpler pleasures for those who look for peace and calm. The land and its people have an air of reserved calm, and still the world’s best-selling pop group Abba, which used to attract crowds of hysterical fans, come from Sweden.

B. Historically, Sweden has an interesting story. Its dealings with the outside world began, in fact, during Viking times, when in addition to the well- known surprise attacks of the nearby lands, there was much trading around the Baltic, mostly in furs and weapons. Swedish connections with the other Scandinavian countries, Norway and Denmark, have been strong since the Middle Ages. The monarchies of all three are still closely linked.

C. Sweden’s scenery has a gentler charm than that of neighbouring Norway’s rocky coast. Much of Sweden is forested, and there are thousands lakes, notably large pools near the capital, Stockholm. The lakeside resort in the centre of Sweden is popular with Scandinavians, but most visitors prefer first the Baltic islands. The largest island, Gotland, with its ruined medieval churches, is a particular attraction.

D. Sweden boasts a good range of hotels, covering the full spectrum of prices and standards. Many of them offer discounts in summer and at weekends during the winter. In addition, working farms throughout Sweden offer accommodation, either in the main farmhouse or in a cottage nearby. Forest cabins and chalets are also available throughout the country, generally set in beautiful surroundings, near lakes, in quiet forest glades or on an island in some remote place.

E. Living in a tent or caravan with your family or friends at weekends and on holiday is extremely popular in Sweden and there is a fantastic variety of special places. Most are located on a lakeside or by the sea with free bathing facilities close at hand. There are over 600 campsites in the country. It is often possible to rent boats or bicycles, play mini-golf or tennis, ride a horse or relax in a sauna. It is also possible to camp in areas away from other houses.

F. Swedes like plain meals, simply prepared from the freshest ingredients. As a country with a sea coast and many freshwater lakes, fish dishes are found on all hotel or restaurant menus. Top-class restaurants in Sweden are usually fairly expensive, but even the smallest towns have reasonably priced self-service restaurants and grill bars. Many restaurants all over Sweden offer a special dish of the day at a reduced price that includes main course, salad, soft drink and coffee.

G. Stockholm has a variety of pubs, cafes, clubs, restaurants, cinemas and theatres but in the country evenings tend to be very calm and peaceful. From August to June the Royal Ballet performs in Stockholm. Music and theatre productions take place in many cities during the summer in the open air. Outside Stockholm in the 18th-century palace there are performances of 18th-century opera very popular with tourists.

Говорящий A B C D E F G


2. Fill in the missing word. There are two words you do not need to use.

1. The heavy rain caused the driver to lose control of his car and crash into a tree.

2. What started out as a light breeze soon became a very strong wind.

3. The well-trained lifeguard was able to rescue the drowning swimmer and quickly bring him to safety.

4. The lead actor felt under the  weather and Daniel was asked to replace him in the school play.

5. The big earthquake caused many buildings to collapse and people were left homeless.

6. When the avalanche hit the area, dozens of people were snowed in for many hours.

7. Cars and factories produce toxic fumes that harm the environment.

8. A terrible flood caused by three days of continuous rain has destroyed many houses inthe small fishing village.

9. drought will occur in an area when it hasn’t rained for an unusually long period of time.

10. The terrible fire left dozens of buildings in ruins

Совсем недавно на сайте ФИПИ появился открытый вариант ЕГЭ английский 2021. Это прекрасная возможность оценить уровень сложности предстоящего экзамена и, конечно же, дополнительная практика. А она ой как нужна, ведь экзамен уже не за горами, поэтому мы решили посвятить нашу новую статью детальному разбору ключевых разделов открытого варианта ЕГЭ. Не будем вас больше томить и приступим. 

Читайте, берите на заметку и делитесь со своими друзьями. Поехали!

Грамматика и лексика

Абсолютно точно открытый вариант ЕГЭ английский 2021 порадовал, особенно в части грамматика и лексика, ведь задания 19-25 оказались на редкость простыми. Задания по словообразованию 26-31 и лексике 32-38 тоже сложными не назовешь, если знать алгоритм их выполнения. О нем мы рассказывали в одной из наших статей. Так что если вы еще ее не читали, то советуем обязательно прочесть. 

Задания 19-25: детальный разбор и ответы

открытый вариант ЕГЭ английский 2021

19. Сначала посмотрим на структуру предложения.

Many people think snakes enjoy __________________ to music. (listen)

В нем уже есть и подлежащее snakes, и сказуемое enjoy. Это говорит о том, что здесь не нужна личная форма глагола.

Что такое личная форма? Это такая форма, которая используется в качестве сказуемого и связана с выполняющим действие субъектом или, проще говоря, это спрягаемая форма глагола.

В данном предложении нужна неличная форма глагола. К неличным формам глагола относятся герундий (V-ing), Past Participle (V3) и инфинитив.

Чтобы понять, какая из неличных форм потребуется, вернемся к сказуемому в предложении, то есть к глаголу enjoy. По правилу после него ставится герундий (V-ing), поэтому получается listening.

Ответ: listening.

20. Работая с глаголами, первое, на что следует обращать внимание — это маркеры, которые указывают на определенное время. Давайте посмотрим, есть ли в предложении таковой.

People __________________ this myth for a long time. (believe)

Да, в конце предложения видим for a long time. Такой временной маркер характерен для Present Perfect Continuous или Past Perfect Continuous. Но поскольку повествование ведется в настоящем, что видно из предыдущих предложений, то рассматриваем только первый из предложенных вариантов. Но есть еще одно НО. Глагол believe является исключением и не употребляется в аспекте Continuous, поэтому мы выберем просто Present Perfect, где также есть этот маркер for a long time

При выборе между Present Perfect (PP) и Present Perfect Continuous (PPC) руководствуемся следующим правилом:

если глагол показывает процесс, то выбираем PPC, а если это глагол относится к глаголам состояния (stative verbs), то выбираем PP. 

Получаем have believed.

Ответ: have believed

21. Начнем с того, что посмотрим на структуру предложения.

In fact, snakes __________________ music or sounds and react only to your movements. (not hear)

Есть подлежащее во множественном числе — snakes и есть одно из однородных сказуемых после союза and – react. Форма этого глагола подсказывает нам и линейку времен — это Present и аспект — это Simple. Остается вспомнить, как строить отрицательные предложения в Present Simple. Это делается следующим образом: do + not + инфинитив. Получается do not hear.

Ответ: do not hear

22. Если на полях видите количественное числительное, то нужно образовать порядковое.

She was the__________________ woman to become the professor of
mathematics. (one)

Получается first.

Ответ: first

23. Переведем предложение и заодно посмотрим, есть ли маркеры.

However, few people know that Sofia __________________ interested in mathematics at a very early age. (get)

Однако немногие знают, что София начала интересоваться математикой с ранних лет.

Видим, что событие в придаточном предложении происходило в прошлом и есть даже временной указатель at a very early age, поэтому ставим глагол get в Past Simple, для которого как раз важно, когда конкретно произошло событие. Глагол get имеет форму got.

Ответ: got

24. Повествование о детстве Софии Ковалевской продолжается, значит и линейка времен по-прежнему Past, аспект Simple. Число глагола будет единственным.

There __________________ enough wallpaper for her room and her parents put some sheets of paper instead. (not be)

При работе с оборотом there is число глагола определяется по слову, стоящему после него. В данном предложении — это неисчисляемое существительное wallpaper, которое в английском языке употребляется с глаголом в единственном числе. Получается was not.

Ответ: was not

25. Если видите указательное местоимение this или that, нужно поставить их во мн.ч. This – these, that – those.

__________________ sheets turned out to be notes of lectures of a famous Russian mathematician.

Ответ: these

Задания 26-31: детальный разбор и ответы

26. Если на полях стоит certain, то обычно требуется наречие certainly со значением «несомненно, безусловно».

Capilano Suspension Bridge is __________________ one of them. (certain)

Ответ: certainly

27. Начнем с того, что посмотрим, где находится пропуск.

It is a __________________ bridge in Canada, located near Vancouver. (beauty)

Он — между неопределенным артиклем «a» и существительным «bridge». В этом случае нужно прилагательное, а именно beautiful.

Ответ: beautiful

28. Смотрим на место пропуска и что до него.

Going over this bridge is quite an adventure for __________________. (tour)

Перед ним стоит предлог, следовательно нужно существительное. А так как мы не видим неопределенного артикля после предлога, то скорее всего нам нужно будет существительное во множественном числе. Реже это может быть неисчисляемое существительное в единственном числе.

Остается вспомнить, какие существительные можно образовать от слова tour. Это tourism и tourist. Подставив оба варианта в пропуск, видим, что подходит tourist, но как мы говорили выше, оно должно быть во мн.ч. — tourists.

Going over this bridge is quite an adventure for tourism/tourists. — Пройти по мосту — это самое настоящее приключение для туризма/для туристов.

Ответ: tourists

29. От существительного wind можно образовать только прилагательное windy. Именно это и будет правильным ответом.

If the weather is __________________, the bridge sways from side to side. (wind)

Ответ: windy.

30. Как обычно смотрим на место пропуска и на слово после него. Это поможет определить необходимую часть речи.

People come here for the fresh and clean air, the scent of pine needles and __________________ attractions on the other side of the bridge. (vary)

Пропуск перед существительным, значит нужно прилагательное. От глагола vary – это various.

Ответ: various

31. Так как пропуск — это последнее слово в предложении, следовательно смотрим, что перед ним.

There is a park there with all sorts of entertainment and great boutiques for enthusiastic __________________.

Там стоит прилагательное, значит после него должно быть существительное. Поскольку артикля перед прилагательным нет, то нам нужно либо существительное во мн.ч. — shoppers, либо неисчисляемое существительное shopping.

Чтобы понять, какое из них будет правильным, посмотрим на прилагательное перед пропуском. Это enthusiastic — восторженный, увлеченный. Такое прилагательное, исходя из его перевода, может употребляться исключительно с одушевленным существительным, поэтому выбираем shoppers.

Переведем последнее словосочетание, чтобы все-таки убедиться в правильности выбранного слова.

…great boutiques for enthusiastic shoppers – великолепные магазины для страстных шопоголиков

Ответ: shoppers

Задания 32-38: детальный разбор и ответы

32. Среди предложенных глаголов есть только один, после которого предложение строится таким образом и имеет управление of.

It was a masterpiece, and he could see that it 32 ______ William of Lily and Emily.


  • reviewed
  • reminded
  • recorded
  • remembered

Это reminded.

remind smb of smb/smth — напоминать кому-то о ком-то/чем-то

Более подробно о разнице между remind и remember мы рассказываем здесь. А если вы уже ее знаете, то вам не помешает практика. Специально для этого мы приготовили для вас тест.

Ответ: reminded

33. Приступим к следующему заданию и посмотрим на предложенные варианты ответов.

Lincoln had told William he needed to speak to him privately, and they had 33 ______ to meet here.


  • arranged
  • managed
  • coordinated
  • established

Начнем с глагола coordinated. Обычно говорят coordinate smth with smb — согласовать что-то с кем-то. К данному контексту он не подойдет

Теперь посмотрим на established.

establish smth — учреждать что-то, устанавливать

Также не подходит.

На заметку: если среди вариантов ответа предлагают managed, то он обычно и является правильным.

Чтобы это проверить, достаточно взглянуть на слова после пропуска, где мы видим to + инфинитив. Глагол managed как раз требует после себя инфинитива с частицей to:

managed to do smth — удалось что-то сделать

Но все же стоит проанализировать и остальные глаголы. Возможно, составители дадут еще один или несколько глаголов, которые так же как и managed требуют инфинитива с частицей to.

Среди предложенных вариантов есть и еще один arranged, который как и managed, может употребляться с to+инфинитивом. 

arranged to do smth — договориться что-то сделать

Остается подставить в контекст, чтобы посмотреть, что подойдет по смыслу.

Lincoln had told William he needed to speak to him privately, and they had 33 ______ to meet here. — Линкольн сказала Уильяму, что ему нужно поговорить с ним с глазу на глаз, и поэтому они договорились встретиться здесь/им удалось встретиться здесь.

По контексту видим, что ранее эти герои не встречались, поэтому выбираем вариант arranged.

Ответ: arranged

34. Посмотрим на следующее предложение с пропуском и варианты ответа.

Suddenly William entered the room and apologized for 34 ______ him waiting.


  • holding
  • keeping
  • fixing
  • carrying

Здесь проверяется знание выражения keep waiting. Оно переводится как «заставлять ждать».

Ответ: keep

35. Нам предстоит выбрать один глагол из синонимичного ряда. Чтобы это сделать правильно, посмотрим на слова после пропуска.

«You 35 ______ rather serious, even sad,» William said.


  • watch
  • glance
  • see
  • look

Там словосочетание rather serious «довольно серьезный». Возникает вопрос: после какого глагола может стоять прилагательное? Ведь мы знаем, что обычно наречие характеризует глагол. Ответ прост — это глагол look в значении «выглядеть». Он является исключением и, как и глагол be, требует после себя прилагательного.

Ответ: look

36. Перейдем к следующему заданию.

In 36 ______, he tried several times with no success. 


  • fact
  • time
  • place
  • point

В данном задании проверяется знание вводной фразы in fact «в действительности».

Ответ: fact

37. Снова составители хотят подловить нас на устойчивом выражении get in touch with «связаться с кем-либо». Единственно, в предложении глагол стоит в Past Simple.

That’s why he finally got 37 ______ touch with me. 


  • by
  • at
  • on
  • in

Ответ: in

38. При выполнении этого задания важна лексическая сочетаемость: a car accident – ДТП.

He said that there was a terrible car 38 ______ sometime last night.


  • incident
  • occasion
  • accident
  • event

Ответ: accident

Множество тематических тестовых заданий из раздела 32-38 вы можете найти в нашей рубрике «Задания 32-38». А еще больше подобных разборов ищите в нашей новой рубрике «ФИПИ ответы».

Следите за обновлениями и совершенствуйте свой английский вместе с ABC.

Вербицкая ЕГЭ-2017, Чтение (часть 1)    

Установите соответствие между текстами AG и заголовками 1-8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишнийTEST 04

1. Expenses G

2. Ways of behavior F

3. Nightlife D

4. Favourite food C

5. Place to stay in B

6. Eating out E

7. National languages

8. Great outdoors A

A. Norway is first of all a land for those who love nature. The breathtaking fjords in the southwest of the country and Europe’s largest glacier are Norway’s most attractive places, but there are many other reasons to visit this country in the north of Europe. There are wonderful opportunities to enjoy skiing, fishing and rock-climbing. Others can take pleasure in the charm of the Norwegian countryside, with its countless valleys, high mountain lakes and unbelievable views.

Норвегия для любителей природы и спорта. Great outdoors

B. Many tourists coming to Norway in the summer prefer to stay in a cottage used by northern Norwegian fishermen during the winter cod-fishing season. Equipped with all the necessary facilities, these cottages are leased to holidaymakers, providing an attractive form of accommodation. They will often be actually over the water. Catching your own fish and cooking it on the fire will add a few pleasant moments to your holiday.

Норвегия рыбалка летом, коттеджи, отдых. Place to stay in

C. Norway has a long history of fishing, although much of the high quality shellfish and other species caught off the coast are exported. However, fish remains a common dish, along with meat, potatoes and other root vegetables, although tastes have changed in recent years to involve a wider international choice, including pizzas and burgers. The most popular traditional hot snack is a form of sausage, sold at numerous outlets.

К рыбе добавились пицца и хотдоги. Favourite food

D. Traditionally entertainment in the country is largely home-based, but this has been changing in recent years. Most Norwegians tend to go out only on Fridays and Saturdays, the rest of the week being fairly quiet. This is in no small part due to the high prices of food and drink, and the fact that the working day starts early. And at weekends, it is normal for the Norwegians to enjoy drinks at home before leaving it as late as 11.00 p.m.

Норвежцы стали больше выходить их дома для отдыха. Nightlife

E. Restaurants tend to be concentrated in city centres, while in recent years the pub culture has been gradually arriving in Norway. Cities are nowadays well supplied with a wide choice of bars, many of which offer food that has a lower price compared to the restaurants. Most villages of any size have at least one cafe or restaurant where it is possible to drink and eat out.

Стали появляться пабы. Eating out

F. Norwegians are generally sincere and polite, though communication doesn’t often come easy — it is usually up to you to break the ice and establish contact. They can be very direct and rarely say ‘please’, which may seem rude, but it’s due to the fact that the Norwegian language rarely uses the word. On the other hand, they say ‘thank you’ for almost everything. They also tend to address people by their first name even on many formal occasions.

Норвежцы культурные, хотя могут такими не казаться. Ways of behaviour

G. Norway is an expensive country. As labour is costly here, anything that can be seen as a ‘service’ will generally be more expensive than you expect. Transport costs can also be a killer, because the country is large and distances are long. But there is one good point: Norway has a high quality of tap water. So buying bottled drinking water is usually unnecessary and this will save your budget.

Норвегия – дорогая страна. Expenses

№ текста A B C D E F G
тема 8 5 4 3 6 2 1


К содержанию


Раздел 3 — Языковой материал (задания по Грамматике и Лексике)

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18-26, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 18-26.

18 Dana Miller was a bus driver in the city of Philadelphia. Her working hours __________________ from 10.00 pm till 6.00 am. BE
Ответ: were
19 It was a hard job and very few __________________ worked as bus drivers in those days but Dana loved her job very much. WOMAN
Ответ: women
20 One of her regular passengers was a guitar player. Every Friday night he got on the bus carrying his guitar. The guitar __________________ of wood, not plastic, and Dana liked the way it sounded. MAKE
Ответ: was made
21 “You should come to see our show,” the guitarist kept saying to Dana.
“I __________________ it one day,” Dana promised each time,
Ответ: will see / ‘ll see
22 but she never said when exactly she __________________. Another passenger who often used Dana’s bus was a Biscuit Lady. GO
Ответ: would go / ‘d go
23 She worked at the biscuit factory and often __________________ Dana a small bag of biscuits. GIVE
Ответ: gave
24 Dana __________________ sweets and pastries very much, but she could never resist those biscuits – they were so fresh and tasty. NOT/LIKE
Ответ: did not like / didn’t like
25 “How was __________________ night?” Dana’s husband liked to ask her when she came home.
“Good music, good food and a great view of the city,” she cheerfully answered.
Ответ: your
26 “I wish I __________________ my work as much as you enjoy yours,” her husband said, “ but I’m going to have just another boring day at the office.” ENJOY
Ответ: enjoyed


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27-32, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 27-32.

27 Many tourists don’t like staying in city hotels. They prefer to avoid __________________ cities completely. NOISE
Ответ: noisy
28 They are attracted instead to dramatic views of mountains and __________________ valleys. PEACE
Ответ: peaceful
29 If you like this sort of tourism, Mountain View Camp is for you. You’ll have an __________________ vacation there. FORGETTABLE
Ответ: unforgettable
30 The Camp has a view over the __________________ Hampson Valley. IMPRESS
Ответ: most impressive / impressive
31 In the camp, tourists can rent either tents or bungalows. All the guests have free access to different facilities such as kitchens, bathrooms and playgrounds for children. The camp is a successful __________________ of both comfort and a green environment. COMBINE
Ответ: combination
32 The tourists can also have lunch in one of the many restaurants and try different __________________ cuisines. NATION
Ответ: national


MODULE TEST 3 (GRADE 10 — Starlight)

1. Fill in:
weaved * hive * pursue * hustle * prolong * renovated * quaint * cover *distracted * footsteps

1. The Costa del Sol is a _____ of activity during the summer months.
2. Life is terribly hectic in the city, all _____ and bustle.
3. It started raining so we ran for _____ to avoid getting wet.
4. The holiday was so much fun that we decided to _____ our stay.
5. Many students can’t concentrate in a noisy room as they are easily _____ .
6. He followed in his father’s _____ and became a lawyer too.
7. The couple _____ their old house and put it up for sale.
8. The police car _____ in and out of traffic to get to the scene of the accident.
9. In the future, he hopes to _____ a career in film-making.
10. There are a lot of _____ cottages in this village.

2. Fill in:
of * off * on * in * down

1. He has always been interested _____ Greek mythology.
2. Turn the volume _____ a little bit — it’s too loud.
3. They put _____ their wedding for another three months.
4. He is going to keep _____ practising until he learns how to play the guitar.
5. My diet consists _____ cereal and fruit for breakfast.

3. Choose the correct word.
1. She’s pretty / quite a nice person.
2. Bill is rather / pretty more experienced than Andrew.
3. It’s pretty / rather a cold winter.
4. The teacher was surprised to find out that Mary has finished her essay quite / rather well.
5. Being a doctor is quite / pretty a stressful job.

4. Choose the correct answer.
1. I like it now, but I ____.
· didn’t use to
· didn’t used to
2. I find it hard _____ to the dark evenings in winter.
· used
· to get used
3. It took me a while to get used to ____ on my new keyboard.
· type
· typing
4. I _____ to being spoken to like that!
· am not used
· don’t get used
5. I ____ play football on Saturdays at our PE lessons.
· was used to
· used to
6. Before I started cycling, I _____ go to work by bus.
· used to
· got used to
7. I haven’t studied for ages and I’m finding it hard to get used to _____ every day.
· study
· studying
8. I couldn’t _____ used to the food.
· getting
· get
9. He never _____ behave like that.
· used
· used to
10. It’s taking me a long time to ____ speaking Norwegian.
· used to
· get used to

5. Read and choose the correct derivative for each gap:
The National Eisteddfod of Wales, which can trace its history back as far as 1176, is a 1)_____ festival held annually in early August. Its purpose is to celebrate the traditions and culture of this small principality.
The festivities are conducted in the nation’s mother tongue, Welsh, but people of all nationalities are welcome to experience the country’s rich heritage and the 2)_____ of its people.
The Eisteddfod is located in a different part of Wales each year, making it a 3)_____ occasion. This is the perfect way for regular visitors to explore different parts of the countryside and enjoy the hospitality of the 4)_____ locals. At the festival, there are hundreds of stalls that sell local arts and crafts, 5)_____ dishes such as lava bread, and picture books that walk you through the principality’s history — from the Celtic tribes to modern rural and urban life. Consequently, the festival offers a wide 6)_____ of activities.







6. Choose the word to complete each gap:
The Edinburgh Festival was established in 1947 and has grown to 1)(develop / change / exist / become) the largest outdoor international arts and culture event in the world.
Its name is slightly misleading, though. It is used as a collective term for a wide number of events, performances and festivals that last throughout the month of August.
The organisers have ensured that there is something for everyone in Edinburgh. If you are interested 2)(in / with / on / for) music, film, reading, politics, books, dance, comedy, theatre or more, then there is surely something for you.
Of all the many celebrations, the Edinburgh Fringe is most popular 3)(along / within / in / among) festival-goers. Every possible aspect of the performing arts is covered. If you like to be around others, you can watch the 4)(road / street / lane / highway) performers, jugglers, mime artists as they perform in the city’s crowded streets. If you prefer a slower 5)(speed / step / pace / walk)of life, stop by one of the many small cafés or side-street theatres where you can sit and enjoy « play. Whether it is « new independent production or one of the 6)(aged / ancient / antique / elderly) Greek classics, you’ll find something to tickle your fancy!
The good 7)(story / report / history / news) is that there are no tickets to buy in order to attend the festival. However, you should note that some events might demand a small payment for entry. But don’t worry; it’s worth every penny!

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