Такой студент знает и язык жестов, и азбуку Морзе. С помощью невербальной коммуникации передаёт сигналы товарищам. Использует жесты, мимику и даже особые позы. К концу учёбы частенько разрабатывает собственный язык. Он достаточно умён и находчив, всегда помогает одногруппникам.
Попрошайка — любитель государственных оценок. Живёт под девизами «Бог любит Троицу» и «Чего не сделаешь ради софинанса». Ради троечки и полы помоет, и огород вскопает, и на колени встанет. На каждом экзамене пытается разжалобить преподавателя, рассказывая о нелёгкой судьбе, но не наглеет. Приведёт 1000 и один аргумент в доказательство того, почему ему нужна эта оценка. Если такому студенту повезло, засыплет комплиментами и благодарностями.
Если одни студенты в ночь перед экзаменом учат до потери пульса, то тусовщики проводят её в своё удовольствие. На экзамен, к которому он, естественно, не готовился, приходит уставший и опухший. С удовольствием возьмёт хвостовку, чтобы уйти домой и нормально поспать.
Про таких, как она говорят: «Ночью разбуди — расскажет». Сочетает в себе усидчивость и высокие умственные способности. Никогда не пропускает пары, добросовестно относится к учёбе. Не представляет, как можно жить без конспектов и дополнительной литературы. В основном, получает автоматы.
Студент, у которого куча дел за стенами университета: работа, волонтёрство, хобби, личная жизнь. Он достаточно умён и энергичен, но на пары практически не ходит. Умеет выкручиваться даже из самых сложных ситуаций. Часто оформляет свободное посещение, а накануне экзамена приносит кучу отработок. Достаточно успешно сдаёт экзамен благодаря лояльности преподавателей и ранее полученных знаний.
Из-за неуверенности в себе этот студент начинает паниковать ещё за месяц до экзамена. Учится прилежно, но боится получить плохую оценку в итоге. В день экзамена не находит себе места, его «колбасит» из стороны в сторону, сердце уходит в пятки, а душа прощается с телом. Лучшие друзья на экзамене у паникёра — вода и успокоительные.
Не учил, а писал шпаргалки. Продумал всё до мелочей: куда спрятать, как достать. Даже выучил расположение шпаргалок в кармане, хотя лучше бы билеты. Во время экзамена на связиста работает вся его семья — от мамы и бабушки до кота и собаки. Пока родители диктуют информацию по телефону, друзья активно отправляют ответы на вопросы в соцсетях. Одним словом, подкованный студент. Зачастую таким людям удаётся остаться незамеченным, конечно, если в аудиторию не зайдёт Светлана Викторовна.
Учится на год дольше остальных и не унывает. Прошёл дополнительный курс по изучению русского языка, но до сих пор путает слова. Готовиться иностранцу к контрольной точке тяжелее всех. Во время экзамена мило улыбается и не понимает происходящего. Научную терминологию воспринимает как заклинание. Частенько такого студента жалеют и ставят троечку автоматом, при условии, если он действительно старался и посещал занятия.
«Не она первая, не она последняя», — считает король пересдач. Человек, которому плевать на исход экзамена. Он всегда готов к пересдаче. Такой студент редко появляется на парах и имеет много задолженностей. Часто экзамены сдаёт с комиссией. Редко доучивается в университете.
Попрошайка — любитель государственных оценок. Живёт под девизами «Бог любит троицу» и «Чего не сделаешь ради софинанса». Ради троечки и полы помоет, и огород вскопает, и на колени встанет. На каждом экзамене пытается разжалобить преподавателя, рассказывая о нелёгкой судьбе, но не наглеет. Приведёт 1000 и 1 аргумент в доказательство того, почему ему нужна эта оценка. Если такому студенту повезло, засыплет комплиментами и благодарностями.
Если одни студенты в ночь перед экзаменом учат до потери пульса, то тусовщики проводят её в своё удовольствие. На экзамен, к которому он, естественно, не готовился, приходит уставший и опухший. С удовольствием возьмёт хвостовку, чтобы уйти домой и нормально поспать.
Такой студент знает и язык жестов, и азбуку Морзе. С помощью невербальной коммуникации, передаёт сигналы товарищам. Использует жесты, мимику и даже особые позы. К концу учёбы частенько разрабатывает собственный язык. Он достаточно умён и находчив, всегда помогает одногруппникам.
Про таких, как она говорят: «ночью разбуди, расскажет». Сочетает в себе усидчивость и высокие умственные способности. Никогда не пропускает пары, добросовестно относится к учёбе. Не представляет, как можно жить без конспектов и дополнительной литературы. В основном, получает автоматы.
Из-за неуверенности в себе этот студент начинает паниковать ещё за месяц до экзамена. Учится прилежно, но боится получить плохую оценку по итогу. В день экзамена не находит себе места, его «колбасит» из стороны в сторону, сердце уходит в пятки, а душа прощается с телом. Лучшие друзья на экзамене у паникёра — вода и успокоительные.
Учится на год дольше остальных и не унывает. Прошёл дополнительный курс по изучению русского языка, но до сих пор путает слова. Готовиться иностранцам к контрольной точке тяжелее всех. Во время экзамена мило улыбаются и не понимают происходящего. Научную терминологию воспринимают как заклинание. Частенько таких студентов жалеют и ставят троечку автоматом, при условии, если студент действительно старался и посещал занятия.
«А задания можно делать не по порядку? А словарём пользоваться? А план разбора есть?» — эти и другие вопросы задают уточнялы на экзамене. Самый шумный студент, который не даёт покоя никому. Постоянно что-то уточняет. Задаёт много вопросов не по теме, тем самым раздражая не только студентов, но и преподавателей.
Студент, у которого куча дел за стенами университета — работа, волонтёрство, хобби, личная жизнь. Они достаточно умны и энергичны, но на пары практически не ходят. Умеют выкручиваться даже из самых сложных ситуаций. Часто оформляют свободное посещение, а накануне экзамена приносят кучу отработок. Достаточно успешно сдают экзамен благодаря лояльности преподавателей и ранее полученных знаний.
Не учил, а писал шпаргалки. Продумал всё до мелочей: куда спрятать, как достать. Даже выучил расположение шпаргалок в кармане, (а лучше бы билеты). Во время экзамена на связиста работает вся его семья — от мамы и бабушки до кота и собаки. Пока родители диктуют информацию по телефону, друзья активно отправляют ответы на вопросы в соцсетях. Одним словом, подкованный студент. Зачастую таким людям удаётся остаться незамеченным, конечно, если в аудиторию не зайдёт Светлана Викторовна.
«Не она первая, не она последняя», — считает король пересдач. Человек, которому плевать на исход экзамена. Он всегда готов к пересдаче. Такие студенты редко появляются на парах, имеют много задолженностей. Часто экзамены сдают с комиссией. Редко доучиваются в университете.
Типология студентов на экзамене
«А задания можно делать не по порядку? А словарём пользоваться? А план разбора есть?» — эти и другие вопросы задаёт уточняла на экзамене. Самый шумный студент, который не даёт покоя никому. Постоянно что-то уточняет. Задаёт много вопросов не по теме, тем самым, раздражая не только студентов, но и преподавателей.
Стася Мар
Просмотров: 823 541
Если вам понравилось бесплатно смотреть видео 5 типов учеников на экзамене / контрольной 🤣 как написать экзамен // отличник ❌ двоечник + конкурс онлайн которое загрузил Стася Мар 07 декабря 2019 длительностью 00 ч 10 мин 09 сек в хорошем качестве, то расскажите об этом видео своим друзьям, ведь его посмотрели 823 541 раз.
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Transcript |
Memorable Quotes |
‘ | Kevin, that is very inappropriate! You kiss your mother with that mouth? | ’ |
—JianHao, calling out Kevin for his inappropriate mouth-signalling. |
13 Ways Students Study For Exams is a Season 4 episode from the Titan Academy series. It is the 13th episode in Season 4, and the 43rd episode overall. It was released on 31 October 2021.
Exams are coming and those who fail will get expelled. The students from Class T1-T5 need to pass. How will they study this time?
Episode Summary
Cold Open
The students of Class T1T5 were seen being in school in a weekend.
Miss Sherly reminds Class T1T5 of their final exams next week and encourages them to stay back for the afternoon study session. Some of the students (Ben, Juhi and Jianhao) make excuses to leave class but nevertheless, the students stay for the study session. Miss Sherly also warns that students who fail the exams will be expelled.
After Miss Sherly leaves, Vincent attempts to leave too until Denise offers to revise with JianHao where he quickly returns to take part. Vincent also breaks the fourth wall as he says «Anything for screen time!» and gives a thumbs up to the camera.
The Focused (Denise)
Denise’s pencils break multiple times as she writes her notes intensely while JianHao hands her new pencils that she breaks again. He then gives her a duck-themed pencil, telling her that the pencil won’t «quack».
The Unfocused (Vincent)
On the other hand, Vincent is just slacking off, scratching his ears with his pencil’s bottom. Denise takes the pencil, but changes her mind quickly (not because of hygienic reasons) and gives it back to Vincent. When he puts the pencil’s bottom on his nose, he smells it and becomes aware of how much his pencil smells.
The Needy (Debbie)
Throughout Miss Sherly’s day, she is bombarded with questions from Debbie to the point where Debbie disguises herself as multiple objects (pot tree and broom). When Miss Sherly asks if this is the right place to ask questions, she responds with the same question.
The Analyst (JianHao)
JianHao laments that he should’ve studied earlier and considers cheating, but Denise talks him out of it. As he wonders how he’ll learn the materials in a whole night, Denise pulls out a mountain of papers, explaining that these are results of her analysis on past exam patterns, including repeat questions. The whole class gathers in interest with the exception of Ben and Hakim.
The Defeated (Hakim)
Hakim starts thinking about the calculations of how he performed in exams all while sweating heavily. He failed all but 2, based on the odds of him studying, he only had 0.5% chance of passing, and added with the basketball training later, that’ll deduct his chance by 0.2%. Ben asks if he’s OK, and Hakim answers that he doesn’t think so.
The Tester (Julynn and Jasmine)
Julynn, feeling confident, asks Jasmine to test her. When Jasmine asked her a question, Julynn gets it wrong and complains about the similar words and herself to the point of beating herself with a ruler belonging to Debbie. Julynn thanks her for stopping her from hurting herself but Debbie offers her a baseball bat in return.
This is a reference to the first episode about students before exam, where Denise tests Aurelia about photosynthesis and grabs Debbie’s ruler after not answering the question right.
The Stressed (Julynn)
Julynn sits alone outside, stressed about the exams. Nicole appears and tries to console her. Julynn’s mood goes up, but is brought down again when Nicole mentions that those who fail may get expelled. Julynn tries to assure herself that this is just a ploy to scare the students, to which Nicole agrees, calming her down. But then, Nicole mentions Cleverly’s expulsion (though for reasons unrelated with exam). Nicole tries to comfort her further about the worst to happen if one gets expelled, which includes not being able to see one’s closest friends, favourite teacher, not to mention Julynn has been close friends with Cherylene. Nicole wishes her good luck while giving her some ‘advice’: Long distance never works out. Julynn is once again stressed and Nicole wonders if she said something wrong as she calmly drinks her milk tea.
The Study Group (Ren Yi Xiang, Pei Shi, Kevin and Debbie)
Ren Yi Xiang, Kevin, Pei Shi and Debbie form a study group. Kevin starts with asking about Newton’s Third Law, to which Pei Shi answers with «What goes up must comes down.» Ren Yi Xiang disagrees, though Pei Shi infers that he’s unnecessarily arguing over anything, while Ren Yi Xiang corrects that he’s just saying that the reverse («What goes down must come up») just sounds better. Kevin then suggests switching ‘up’ and ‘down’ with ‘left’ and ‘right’, to which Ren Yi Xiang concurs. Debbie wonders if the Newton’s law is about apples, thus Apple’s Law, and then the idiom «A doctor a day keeps the apple away», which bewilders both JianHao and Nicole outside the group. Pei Shi explains that according to Newton’s law, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. «By pushing someone away from you, you push yourself away from them». Ren Yi Xiang is stunned, since this may describe his conflict with Pei Shi a little too accurately, until Kevin suddenly breaks the tension by offering a break.
The Procrastinator (Kevin)
After finishing an equation, Kevin considers taking a break. Pei Shi tells him to take the study seriously, while Kevin insists that the brain is more rested from frequent breaks. Returning to study, Pei Shi reminds him that for the history exam, they’re covering a civil war in 1961. Kevin mistakes it for the movie «Captain America: Civil War» and then takes another break.
The Wrong Exam (Vincent)
Vincent seems to be studying more intently. When Denise asks about the progress on the revision, Vincent answers in Spanish, and then goes to the toilet, but instead says «I’m a toilet» in Spanish, as stated by JianHao. Nicole passes by and asks if they should tell him that there is no Spanish language class.
The Sabotager (Terry)
Debbie complains about the difficulty of history since she wasn’t born in those time periods. While wondering who invented the lightbulb, Terry answers with Elon Musk. When Debbie doubts it since he didn’t live in the time period, Terry tells her that he also invented the electric shaver. Debbie thanks him, but Juhi instead chides him for that. Terry explains himself that he’s just taking out competition, with less competition, the teachers will be more lenient on their own grades, not all could pass. Juhi says that there should be another alternative: everyone passing together, which Terry finds funny.
The Distractor (Jasmine, Nicole, Crystal, Sunny and Mr. Mabuhay)
Jasmine approaches Debbie and invites her to get lunch together since she finds the study session boring. Debbie declines, to which Jasmine leaves while muttering «Nerd.» She then approaches Terry and Juhi, asking what are the two lovebirds doing. Juhi answers that they’re just memorizing for their history lessons, but Terry insists that they’re not doing anything, making Jasmine go away. Jasmine then tries to play Class Rush next to Vincent, which he noted. This attracts the attention of Nicole, Crystal, Sunny and Mr. Mabuhay and they all surround Jasmine and Vincent, while JianHao and Denise struggle to have a conversation about exam revision.
The Excuses (Juhi)
Juhi approaches Miss Sherly and asks if she can get an excuse for the exam. Miss Sherly answers that she needs to have a very good reason to be excused. Juhi says her horoscope says it’s not a good day, and then followed with it’s her zodiac that says so, all of them not considered valid reason. Juhi says Miss Sherly said that, which she denied and then ending up saying the line, so Juhi confirms that this is why there shouldn’t be an exam. After telling her to sit down, Miss Sherly checks her phone if the horoscope Aquarius says it’s going to be a bad day.
The Notes Collector (Kevin and Pei Shi)
Kevin laments that he never wrote notes in class. He asks Pei Shi if she can lend him hers, but that instead triggers Pei Shi’s aggressive side, scolding him that she spent all the time writing the notes and now he, who has only himself to blame not to write his own notes, want to just take it away from her. And Kevin bluntly confirms before asking again, but before Pei Shi can get far, he relents and goes away to ask someone else’s. Debbie then asks to borrow the notes instead, and Pei Shi scolds at her all the same.
Kevin then asks for Denise’s notes instead, but she instead tells him that one should make their own ones and she’ll need hers to study in a much polite tone. Kevin gets defensive and accuses Denise to be just afraid that he’ll score higher than her and leaves without taking any.
He then approaches Ben and Hakim, asking for notes, to which Hakim says he was going to ask for Kevin’s notes instead. Ben does have a note… an excuse note. Kevin then tears it apart, complaining that he can’t find anyone reliable and leaves. However, he shortly comes back apologizing and asking if they can still hang out together after school.
Abbey approaches Kevin and says she does have a note, which elates Kevin. But it’s just a birthday note that she put on his pocket. Kevin is annoyed, mentioning that it’s not even his birthday.
The Last Option (Denise)
In the middle of tutoring her friends, Denise receives a call from her mother. She doesn’t seem to be happy about the news but regardless, she ends up having to leave. However, she assures JianHao that she can explain further via texting at night, and she also lends JianHao her notes.
With Denise leaving, Vincent wonders what to do. JianHao says that there’s only one option left… to which Vincent asks if it means ‘drop out’ or ‘give up’. JianHao then corrects that there’s only three options left.
The Schemer (JianHao)
JianHao gathers those who remained in the class and tries to motivate them by saying they all have unique skillsets… but he’ll never find out because it’s a last minute thing. Regardless, he says that they’re all going to practice texting without looking at their phones, so they can all share answers and they pass. Nicole claps at the plan, but Jasmine reminds him that before exams, phones are usually confiscated first. JianHao then changes to Plan B: Morse Code. Ben gives out a different morse code (F instead of B), and then Kevin makes a new Morse Code, and everyone gasps, apparently it translates into something inappropriate and JianHao asks if Kevin kisses his mom with that. Then Debbie points out that making so much noise would be suspicious. JianHao goes to the other plan: Call his butler Walater to hide outside the room and whispering the answers via headphones. Nicole and Vincent doubt that Walater would agree with the plan. To ensure his friends, JianHao directly calls for Walater and asks if he wants to help them to cheat in the exam, but unfortunately Walater put his phone on loudspeaker and Sylvia was near him, so she also heard the plan, causing JianHao to cancel the plan altogether and he’s also being called home.
Suddenly Mr. Dan enters the room, turns on the light and questions what are the kids doing. JianHao then turns off the light, exits the room. And when Mr. Dan turns on the light again, everyone has left. Confused, Mr. Dan turns off and on the light again, and this time, Miss Siti stands in front of him. She berates Mr. Dan for making the electrical bill expensive again as if wanting to get another pay cut, and as she leaves, Mr. Dan reveals that he didn’t even get paid, always sleeping in the storeroom and not even getting light after 7 pm. The light goes out again, leaving Mr. Dan in complete darkness. Luckily, he manages to light a candle, until the wind blows the candle away. Mr. Dan laments that the fire within him has left
Unlike other episodes, this episode actually gives a sneak peek of 17 Students on the Day Before Exams. Denise is at home, scolded by her mother regarding her last exam where she got 99 and warns that she’ll be sent to boarding school if she fails to get a 100.
Titan Academy Staff
- Madam Soot Beng
- Miss Sherly
- Mr. Mabuhay
The Organisation
- Mrs. Regna
- Unlike most of the other episodes, this episode actually gives a sneak peek of the next episode.
- Vincent mispronounces his Spanish lines, although this may be intentional.
- The music for Class Rush plays when the Class N4-T1 students (and Mr. Mabuhay) gather behind Jasmine.
- The 1961 civil war that Kevin mistook as the Captain America movie actually referred to the American Civil War Cennential at 1961.
- Vincent breaks the fourth wall, saying «Anything for screen time!», while giving a thumbs up at the camera.
- Miss Sherly checks if it is a good day for Aquarius, suggesting that either Juhi or Miss Sherly is an Aquarius.
- This episode is later renamed from «13 Types of Students Studying for Exams» to «13 Ways Students Study for Exams».
- The video was released on Halloween.
- The subtitle for when the wind blew away the light from Mr. Dan’s lantern uses a different font than the rest of the video.
- Julynn answers the question given to her with ‘hypopotamus’, when the correct answer was ‘hypotenuse’, which is the same question thrown around in 13 Types of Students on Exam Day, although the referred episode spelled it as ‘hipopotaneus’.
- Julynn grabs Debbie’s ruler after she got the question wrong, which is similar to 12 Types of Students Before Exams where Denise tests Aurelia about photosynthesis, and grabs Debbie’s ruler after not answering the question right.
- Debbie mentions the wrong idiom, «A doctor a day keeps an apple away», which bewilders both JianHao and Nicole, similarly to 12 Types of Reactions to Exam Results where both JianHao and Nicole attempted to console Julynn with the same idiom after she cries over her exam paper being crumpled, giving her no points.
- Kevin trying to get on Ben and Hakim’s good graces is a call back to multiple episodes in Seasons 1-2 where Kevin tried to get into the good graces of the ‘popular boys’ clique (which Ben was part of) and was made fun of as a result, which was retired for a long time as Kevin’s plot/arc became more about his relationship with Ren Yi Xiang.
- SpongeBob SquarePants — Kevin utters something inappropriate using morse code, and to their shock, JianHao responds with «You kiss your mother with that mouth?» This is a reference to the SpongeBob SquarePants episode «Sailor Mouth», where SpongeBob utters an inappropriate word bleeped by a dolphin chirp, in which a garbage man says the aforementioned line. However, there is no such actual use of morse in this episode.
Click here to view the gallery. |
v • e Titan Academy Series | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Transcript |
Memorable Quotes |
‘ | Kevin, that is very inappropriate! You kiss your mother with that mouth? | ’ |
—JianHao, calling out Kevin for his inappropriate mouth-signalling. |
13 Ways Students Study For Exams is a Season 4 episode from the Titan Academy series. It is the 13th episode in Season 4, and the 43rd episode overall. It was released on 31 October 2021.
Exams are coming and those who fail will get expelled. The students from Class T1-T5 need to pass. How will they study this time?
Episode Summary
Cold Open
The students of Class T1T5 were seen being in school in a weekend.
Miss Sherly reminds Class T1T5 of their final exams next week and encourages them to stay back for the afternoon study session. Some of the students (Ben, Juhi and Jianhao) make excuses to leave class but nevertheless, the students stay for the study session. Miss Sherly also warns that students who fail the exams will be expelled.
After Miss Sherly leaves, Vincent attempts to leave too until Denise offers to revise with JianHao where he quickly returns to take part. Vincent also breaks the fourth wall as he says «Anything for screen time!» and gives a thumbs up to the camera.
The Focused (Denise)
Denise’s pencils break multiple times as she writes her notes intensely while JianHao hands her new pencils that she breaks again. He then gives her a duck-themed pencil, telling her that the pencil won’t «quack».
The Unfocused (Vincent)
On the other hand, Vincent is just slacking off, scratching his ears with his pencil’s bottom. Denise takes the pencil, but changes her mind quickly (not because of hygienic reasons) and gives it back to Vincent. When he puts the pencil’s bottom on his nose, he smells it and becomes aware of how much his pencil smells.
The Needy (Debbie)
Throughout Miss Sherly’s day, she is bombarded with questions from Debbie to the point where Debbie disguises herself as multiple objects (pot tree and broom). When Miss Sherly asks if this is the right place to ask questions, she responds with the same question.
The Analyst (JianHao)
JianHao laments that he should’ve studied earlier and considers cheating, but Denise talks him out of it. As he wonders how he’ll learn the materials in a whole night, Denise pulls out a mountain of papers, explaining that these are results of her analysis on past exam patterns, including repeat questions. The whole class gathers in interest with the exception of Ben and Hakim.
The Defeated (Hakim)
Hakim starts thinking about the calculations of how he performed in exams all while sweating heavily. He failed all but 2, based on the odds of him studying, he only had 0.5% chance of passing, and added with the basketball training later, that’ll deduct his chance by 0.2%. Ben asks if he’s OK, and Hakim answers that he doesn’t think so.
The Tester (Julynn and Jasmine)
Julynn, feeling confident, asks Jasmine to test her. When Jasmine asked her a question, Julynn gets it wrong and complains about the similar words and herself to the point of beating herself with a ruler belonging to Debbie. Julynn thanks her for stopping her from hurting herself but Debbie offers her a baseball bat in return.
This is a reference to the first episode about students before exam, where Denise tests Aurelia about photosynthesis and grabs Debbie’s ruler after not answering the question right.
The Stressed (Julynn)
Julynn sits alone outside, stressed about the exams. Nicole appears and tries to console her. Julynn’s mood goes up, but is brought down again when Nicole mentions that those who fail may get expelled. Julynn tries to assure herself that this is just a ploy to scare the students, to which Nicole agrees, calming her down. But then, Nicole mentions Cleverly’s expulsion (though for reasons unrelated with exam). Nicole tries to comfort her further about the worst to happen if one gets expelled, which includes not being able to see one’s closest friends, favourite teacher, not to mention Julynn has been close friends with Cherylene. Nicole wishes her good luck while giving her some ‘advice’: Long distance never works out. Julynn is once again stressed and Nicole wonders if she said something wrong as she calmly drinks her milk tea.
The Study Group (Ren Yi Xiang, Pei Shi, Kevin and Debbie)
Ren Yi Xiang, Kevin, Pei Shi and Debbie form a study group. Kevin starts with asking about Newton’s Third Law, to which Pei Shi answers with «What goes up must comes down.» Ren Yi Xiang disagrees, though Pei Shi infers that he’s unnecessarily arguing over anything, while Ren Yi Xiang corrects that he’s just saying that the reverse («What goes down must come up») just sounds better. Kevin then suggests switching ‘up’ and ‘down’ with ‘left’ and ‘right’, to which Ren Yi Xiang concurs. Debbie wonders if the Newton’s law is about apples, thus Apple’s Law, and then the idiom «A doctor a day keeps the apple away», which bewilders both JianHao and Nicole outside the group. Pei Shi explains that according to Newton’s law, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. «By pushing someone away from you, you push yourself away from them». Ren Yi Xiang is stunned, since this may describe his conflict with Pei Shi a little too accurately, until Kevin suddenly breaks the tension by offering a break.
The Procrastinator (Kevin)
After finishing an equation, Kevin considers taking a break. Pei Shi tells him to take the study seriously, while Kevin insists that the brain is more rested from frequent breaks. Returning to study, Pei Shi reminds him that for the history exam, they’re covering a civil war in 1961. Kevin mistakes it for the movie «Captain America: Civil War» and then takes another break.
The Wrong Exam (Vincent)
Vincent seems to be studying more intently. When Denise asks about the progress on the revision, Vincent answers in Spanish, and then goes to the toilet, but instead says «I’m a toilet» in Spanish, as stated by JianHao. Nicole passes by and asks if they should tell him that there is no Spanish language class.
The Sabotager (Terry)
Debbie complains about the difficulty of history since she wasn’t born in those time periods. While wondering who invented the lightbulb, Terry answers with Elon Musk. When Debbie doubts it since he didn’t live in the time period, Terry tells her that he also invented the electric shaver. Debbie thanks him, but Juhi instead chides him for that. Terry explains himself that he’s just taking out competition, with less competition, the teachers will be more lenient on their own grades, not all could pass. Juhi says that there should be another alternative: everyone passing together, which Terry finds funny.
The Distractor (Jasmine, Nicole, Crystal, Sunny and Mr. Mabuhay)
Jasmine approaches Debbie and invites her to get lunch together since she finds the study session boring. Debbie declines, to which Jasmine leaves while muttering «Nerd.» She then approaches Terry and Juhi, asking what are the two lovebirds doing. Juhi answers that they’re just memorizing for their history lessons, but Terry insists that they’re not doing anything, making Jasmine go away. Jasmine then tries to play Class Rush next to Vincent, which he noted. This attracts the attention of Nicole, Crystal, Sunny and Mr. Mabuhay and they all surround Jasmine and Vincent, while JianHao and Denise struggle to have a conversation about exam revision.
The Excuses (Juhi)
Juhi approaches Miss Sherly and asks if she can get an excuse for the exam. Miss Sherly answers that she needs to have a very good reason to be excused. Juhi says her horoscope says it’s not a good day, and then followed with it’s her zodiac that says so, all of them not considered valid reason. Juhi says Miss Sherly said that, which she denied and then ending up saying the line, so Juhi confirms that this is why there shouldn’t be an exam. After telling her to sit down, Miss Sherly checks her phone if the horoscope Aquarius says it’s going to be a bad day.
The Notes Collector (Kevin and Pei Shi)
Kevin laments that he never wrote notes in class. He asks Pei Shi if she can lend him hers, but that instead triggers Pei Shi’s aggressive side, scolding him that she spent all the time writing the notes and now he, who has only himself to blame not to write his own notes, want to just take it away from her. And Kevin bluntly confirms before asking again, but before Pei Shi can get far, he relents and goes away to ask someone else’s. Debbie then asks to borrow the notes instead, and Pei Shi scolds at her all the same.
Kevin then asks for Denise’s notes instead, but she instead tells him that one should make their own ones and she’ll need hers to study in a much polite tone. Kevin gets defensive and accuses Denise to be just afraid that he’ll score higher than her and leaves without taking any.
He then approaches Ben and Hakim, asking for notes, to which Hakim says he was going to ask for Kevin’s notes instead. Ben does have a note… an excuse note. Kevin then tears it apart, complaining that he can’t find anyone reliable and leaves. However, he shortly comes back apologizing and asking if they can still hang out together after school.
Abbey approaches Kevin and says she does have a note, which elates Kevin. But it’s just a birthday note that she put on his pocket. Kevin is annoyed, mentioning that it’s not even his birthday.
The Last Option (Denise)
In the middle of tutoring her friends, Denise receives a call from her mother. She doesn’t seem to be happy about the news but regardless, she ends up having to leave. However, she assures JianHao that she can explain further via texting at night, and she also lends JianHao her notes.
With Denise leaving, Vincent wonders what to do. JianHao says that there’s only one option left… to which Vincent asks if it means ‘drop out’ or ‘give up’. JianHao then corrects that there’s only three options left.
The Schemer (JianHao)
JianHao gathers those who remained in the class and tries to motivate them by saying they all have unique skillsets… but he’ll never find out because it’s a last minute thing. Regardless, he says that they’re all going to practice texting without looking at their phones, so they can all share answers and they pass. Nicole claps at the plan, but Jasmine reminds him that before exams, phones are usually confiscated first. JianHao then changes to Plan B: Morse Code. Ben gives out a different morse code (F instead of B), and then Kevin makes a new Morse Code, and everyone gasps, apparently it translates into something inappropriate and JianHao asks if Kevin kisses his mom with that. Then Debbie points out that making so much noise would be suspicious. JianHao goes to the other plan: Call his butler Walater to hide outside the room and whispering the answers via headphones. Nicole and Vincent doubt that Walater would agree with the plan. To ensure his friends, JianHao directly calls for Walater and asks if he wants to help them to cheat in the exam, but unfortunately Walater put his phone on loudspeaker and Sylvia was near him, so she also heard the plan, causing JianHao to cancel the plan altogether and he’s also being called home.
Suddenly Mr. Dan enters the room, turns on the light and questions what are the kids doing. JianHao then turns off the light, exits the room. And when Mr. Dan turns on the light again, everyone has left. Confused, Mr. Dan turns off and on the light again, and this time, Miss Siti stands in front of him. She berates Mr. Dan for making the electrical bill expensive again as if wanting to get another pay cut, and as she leaves, Mr. Dan reveals that he didn’t even get paid, always sleeping in the storeroom and not even getting light after 7 pm. The light goes out again, leaving Mr. Dan in complete darkness. Luckily, he manages to light a candle, until the wind blows the candle away. Mr. Dan laments that the fire within him has left
Unlike other episodes, this episode actually gives a sneak peek of 17 Students on the Day Before Exams. Denise is at home, scolded by her mother regarding her last exam where she got 99 and warns that she’ll be sent to boarding school if she fails to get a 100.
Titan Academy Staff
- Madam Soot Beng
- Miss Sherly
- Mr. Mabuhay
The Organisation
- Mrs. Regna
- Unlike most of the other episodes, this episode actually gives a sneak peek of the next episode.
- Vincent mispronounces his Spanish lines, although this may be intentional.
- The music for Class Rush plays when the Class N4-T1 students (and Mr. Mabuhay) gather behind Jasmine.
- The 1961 civil war that Kevin mistook as the Captain America movie actually referred to the American Civil War Cennential at 1961.
- Vincent breaks the fourth wall, saying «Anything for screen time!», while giving a thumbs up at the camera.
- Miss Sherly checks if it is a good day for Aquarius, suggesting that either Juhi or Miss Sherly is an Aquarius.
- This episode is later renamed from «13 Types of Students Studying for Exams» to «13 Ways Students Study for Exams».
- The video was released on Halloween.
- The subtitle for when the wind blew away the light from Mr. Dan’s lantern uses a different font than the rest of the video.
- Julynn answers the question given to her with ‘hypopotamus’, when the correct answer was ‘hypotenuse’, which is the same question thrown around in 13 Types of Students on Exam Day, although the referred episode spelled it as ‘hipopotaneus’.
- Julynn grabs Debbie’s ruler after she got the question wrong, which is similar to 12 Types of Students Before Exams where Denise tests Aurelia about photosynthesis, and grabs Debbie’s ruler after not answering the question right.
- Debbie mentions the wrong idiom, «A doctor a day keeps an apple away», which bewilders both JianHao and Nicole, similarly to 12 Types of Reactions to Exam Results where both JianHao and Nicole attempted to console Julynn with the same idiom after she cries over her exam paper being crumpled, giving her no points.
- Kevin trying to get on Ben and Hakim’s good graces is a call back to multiple episodes in Seasons 1-2 where Kevin tried to get into the good graces of the ‘popular boys’ clique (which Ben was part of) and was made fun of as a result, which was retired for a long time as Kevin’s plot/arc became more about his relationship with Ren Yi Xiang.
- SpongeBob SquarePants — Kevin utters something inappropriate using morse code, and to their shock, JianHao responds with «You kiss your mother with that mouth?» This is a reference to the SpongeBob SquarePants episode «Sailor Mouth», where SpongeBob utters an inappropriate word bleeped by a dolphin chirp, in which a garbage man says the aforementioned line. However, there is no such actual use of morse in this episode.
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Типы Учеников На Экзамене
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Типы Учеников На Экзамене
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