Струкрура экзамена TOEFL
Экзамен TOEFL состоит из четырех секций: Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing.
Секции Reading и Listening содержат задания на определение соответствующи навыков (чтение, аудитование).
Секции Speaking и Writing содержат задания на определение соответствующих навыков (горорение, письмо), а также комплексные задания, проверяющие разные языковые навыки. Например, при выполнении комплексного задания в секции Writing экзаменуемый должен написать сочинение на основе прочитанного текста и прослушанного аудиофайла.
После выполнения заданий секций Reading и Listening можно воспользоватьс десятиминутным перерывом.
Секции экзамена могут содержать «экспериментальные» вопросы, ответы на которые не учитываются при определении результата.
TOEFL — аббревиатура расшифровывающаяся как Test of English as Foreign Language. Стандартизированый тест для определения уровня владения английским языком у людей для который английский язык не является родным. Признается многими станами у учебными заведениями. Результаты теста TOEFL могут послужить пропуском в западный университет или колледж, либо шансом получить работу за рубежом.
Как и большинство тестов данного типа TOEFL состоит из четырех частей — аудиование, чтение, устная речь и письмо. Мы даем вам возможность попробовать выполнить пробные варианты теста TOEFL и определить свой уровень готовности к его сдаче в официальных учреждениях. Будет так же не вредно выполнить тест TOEFL как элемент процесса обученияю. На каких бы курсах вы не обучались требования выпускных экзаменов приктически везде схожи. Поэтому выполнение тестов TOEFL это прекрасный способ улучшить и развить какой-либо навык.
- Тест TOEFL по английскому языку №1 4
- Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Аудирование) № 1
- Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Чтение) № 1
- Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Говорение) № 1
- Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Письмо) № 1
- Тест TOEFL по английскому языку №2 4
- Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Аудирование) № 2
- Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Чтение) № 2
- Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Говорение) № 2
- Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Письмо) № 2
- Тест TOEFL по английскому языку №3 4
- Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Аудирование) № 3
- Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Чтение) № 3
- Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Говорение) № 3
- Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Письмо) № 3
- Тест TOEFL по английскому языку №4 4
- Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Аудирование) № 4
- Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Чтение) № 4
- Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Говорение) № 4
- Тест TOEFL по английскому языку (Письмо) № 4
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Operating Systems
- Mac OS Sierra 10.12 and Safari 11 or higher
- Microsoft® Windows® 8.1+ and Microsoft Edge
- Mac®: Safari® 10.1 or higher, Firefox® or Google Chrome
- Windows: Internet Explorer® 11.0 or higher, Microsoft Edge®, Google Chrome or Firefox
Additional Requirements
- Installation of TOEFL Practice Online Browser for Microsoft Windows or Mac OS (this will launch automatically When you start a test)
- A headset and a non-voice activated microphone are recommended for the Speaking section. Mac users may also use the internal speakers and microphone located in the computer.
Buy TOEFL Practice Online Volumes
TOEFL iBT® Free Practice Test
Take a full practice test with all four sections and real past test questions. Practice as often as you like!
- View correct answers in the Reading and Listening sections.
- Listen to sample Speaking responses.
- Read sample Writing responses.
Download (PDF) | File Size: 68.6kb
Launch the TOEFL iBT Free Practice Test
TOEFL iBT® Practice Sets
Practice for each section of the test with free sets of TOEFL iBT questions from previous tests.
- TOEFL iBT Reading Practice Sets (PDF)
- Download TOEFL iBT Listening Practice Sets with audio tracks (zip)
- TOEFL iBT Speaking Practice Sets (PDF)
- TOEFL iBT Writing Practice Sets (PDF)
TOEFL iBT® Paper Edition Practice Test
This free practice test uses real TOEFL iBT past test questions for the Reading, Listening, and Writing sections.
- same paper-delivered format you’ll experience on test day
- includes all audio files and transcripts
Download the TOEFL iBT Paper Edition Practice Test (zip)
You’ll take the Speaking section of the Paper Edition test at home on your computer. You can practice for the Speaking section using the TOEFL iBT Speaking Practice Sets (PDF)
В экзамене TOEFL вам предстоит ответить на вопросы четырех секций: Listening, Reading, Speaking и Writing. В первых двух вам необходимо будет выбрать правильный ответ из предложенных или ответить на вопросы да/нет. Всего таких вопросов может быть около 50. В Speaking нужно за 20 минут ответить на 6 вопросов, связанных с прослушанными текстами. Наконец, в секции Writing будет два небольших эссе.
В первой части (Reading) проверяется владение кандидатов лексикой. Нередко нужно уметь объяснить значение редкого слова. Вот пример вопроса из этого раздела теста TOEFL:
Deep in the Sierra Nevada, the famous General Grant giant sequoia tree is suffering its loss of stature in silence. What once was the world’s No. 2 biggest tree has been supplanted thanks to the most comprehensive measurements taken of the largest living things on Earth.
1. The word “supplanted” A) inquisitive B) Has a double-meaning both as a pun on the topic of plants and a literal meaning of “to replace” C) Is a synonym for “to plant again” D) Has the same meaning as “to plant,” with extra emphasis
Следующие вопросы могут ожидать вас в секции Writing:
- What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)? Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.
- It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.
Примеры всех заданий можно найти в специализированной литературе и в интернете, в том числе на официальном сайте (www.ets.org/toefl) экзамена.
Типы вопросов секции Reading:
- Слово pose во второй строке текста означает…очему во втором параграфе автор упомянул, что глобальное потепление началось десятки лет назад?
- Какой вывод может быть сделан из параграфа 3 об археологической находке?
- Согласно параграфу 5, как ученые смогли доказать, что собака и волк родственники?
- Все нижеприведенные утверждения верны, за исключением ….?
- Параграф 6 подкрепляет утверждение …?
- Какое из нижеприведенных утверждений лучше всего выражает суть данного высказывания …?
- В какое место в тексте можно вставить данное предложение?
- Составьте короткое summary текста из предложение, размещенных ниже. Вы можете выбрать только 3 предложения из 5 предложенных и расставить их в порядке следования.
Типовые вопросы к секции Listening:
- О чем в целом говорили собеседники?
- Кто покупает новую форму для команды?
- Почему женщина удивилась, что ее взяли в команду (2 ответа верны.)?
- Что имел в виду мужчина, когда говорил, что «семья очень важна»?
- Почему тренер сказал именно так…. ?
- В каком отношении данное произведение отличается от детективов, которые были написаны ранее?
Типовые вопросы к секции Speaking:
- Расскажи о самом приятном и знаменательном событии, которое произошло с тобой, когда ты был в школе. Объясни, почему это событие так значимо для тебя.
- Кто-то считает, что время с друзьями лучше проводить в кафе или ресторане, а кто-то предпочитает встречаться дома. Что подходит именно вам и почему?
- Прочитайте лекцию по биологии и ответьте на вопрос по ней.
- TOEFL Reading Practice
- TOEFL Speaking Practice
- TOEFL Writing Practice
- TOEFL Listening Practice
Content Writer at Study Abroad Exams | Updated On — Feb 1, 2023
TOEFL Sample Papers offer the best ever help to the test-takers with real-exam-like questions. These TOEFL exam question papers are available in PDF for download. Timed practice with these TOEFL question papers helps the candidates to crack TOEFL with a good score. TOEFL sample papers are available for 4 sections (reading, listening, speaking, and writing). TOEFL practice tests assist the candidates to have a strong grip on the TOEFL exam pattern and topics for each section.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.
Practice Papers
TOEFL Independent Writing Practice Paper 13
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 23
TOEFL Speaking Practice Test 20
TOEFL Writing Independent task sample 3.
TOEFL Listening Practice Paper 3
TOEFL Speaking Practice Paper 6
TOEFL Reading Practice Paper 22
TOEFL Speaking Practice Test 27
TOEFL Speaking Integrated Set 1
TOEFL Integrated Writing Practice Paper 10
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 30.pdf
TOEFL ibt Full Length Test 2
TOEFL Reading Practice Paper 13
TOEFL Independent Writing Practice Test 18
TOEFL Independent Writing Practice Test 19
TOEFL Writing Independent Sample 8
TOEFL Listening practice paper 5
TOEFL Listening Practice Paper 9.
TOEFL Listening Practice Test 17.pdf
TOEFL Listening Practice Test 23
TOEFL Integrated Task 4.pdf
TOEFL Listening Practice Paper 4.pdf
TOEFL Integrated Writing 12
TOEFL Speaking Practice Test 23
TOEFL Reading Practice Set 6
TOEFL Reading Practice Paper 15
TOEFL Speaking Practice Test 15
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 32
TOEFL SPEAKING Practice Paper 13
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 27.pdf
TOEFL Listening Practice Paper 1
TOEFL Practice Paper 8
TOEFL Listening Practice Test 19.pdf
TOEFL Integrated Writing Practice Test 21
TOEFL independent writing sample 7.pdf
TOEFL Practice Paper 4
TOEFL Reading Practice Paper 18
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 24
TOEFL Speaking Practice Test 19
TOEFL Writing Integrated task Sample 1.p
TOEFL Reading Practice Paper 4
TOEFL Reading Practice Paper 17
TOEFL Listening Practice Test 16
TOEFL Speaking Practice Test 26
TOEFL Listening Practice
TOEFL Listening Practice Paper 15
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 29
TOEFL Writing Independent Sample 9
TOEFL Reading Practice Paper 14
Written-TOEFL listening Practice Paper 9
TOEFL Integrated Writing Practice Test 16
TOEFL Independent Writing Practice Test 20
TOEFL Independent Sample Essay — Neighb
TOEFL Practice Paper 5
TOEFL Listening Practice Paper 10.
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TOEFL Listening Practice Test 24
TOEFL Independent Task 4.pdf
TOEFL Reading Practice Paper 8.pdf
TOEFL Independent Writing Practice Test 15
TOEFL Speaking Practice Test 22
TOEFL Writing Independent task sample 1.
TOEFL Reading Pratice Paper 7
TOEFL Reading Practice Paper 16
TOEFL Speaking Practice Test 16
TOEFL Listening Practice Test 20
TOEFL Reading Practice Set 1
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 28.pdf
TOEFL Reading Practice Paper 1
TOEFL Practice Paper 9
TOEFL Independent Writing Practice Test 16
TOEFL Integrated Writing Practice Test 20
TOEFL Writing Integrated Sample 5.pdf
TOEFL practice paper 1
TOEFL Reading Practice Paper 19
Speaking Practice Test 17.pdf
TOEFL Listening Practice Test 21
TOEFL Writing Integrated task Sample 2.p
TOEFL Speaking Practice Paper 4
TOEFL Independent Writing Practice
TOEFL Integrated Writing 14
TOEFL Speaking Practice Test 25
TOEFL Writing Practice for Independent and Integra
TOEFL Integrated Writing Practice Test 11
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 30
TOEFL Writing Independent Sample 10
TOEFL Independent Writing Practice Paper
TOEFL Listening Practice Paper 13
TOEFL Integrated Writing Practice Test 17
TOEFL Independent Writing Practice Test 21
TOEFL Independent Sample Essay — Persona
TOEFL Practice Paper 6
TOEFL Listening Practice Paper 11
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 26.pdf
TOEFL Listening Practice Test 25
TOEFL Independent Task 5.pdf
TOEFL Practice Paper 2
TOEFL Integrated Writing Practice Test 15
TOEFL Speaking Practice Test 21
TOEFL Writing Independent task sample 2.
TOEFL Listening Practice Paper 2
TOEFL Reading Practice Paper 11
TOEFL Reading Practice Paper 21
TOEFL Speaking Practice Test 28
TOEFL Speaking Independent Set 1
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 29.pdf
TOEFL ibt Full Length Test 1
TOEFL Reading Practice Paper 12
TOEFL Independent Writing Practice Test 17
TOEFL Integrated Writing Practice Test 19
TOEFL Writing Integrated Sample 6
TOEFL Reading practice paper 9
TOEFL Reading Practice Paper 20
TOEFL Speaking Practice Test 18.pdf
TOEFL Listening Practice Test 22
TOEFL Integrated Task 3.pdf
TOEFL Speaking Practice Paper 5
TOEFL Independent Writing Practice Paper 12
TOEFL Integrated Writing 13
TOEFL Speaking Practice Test 24
TOEFL Reading Practice Set 5
TOEFL Speaking Practice Test 14
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 31
TOEFL Integrated Sample Essay
TOEFL Listening Practice Paper 5
TOEFL Listening Practice Paper 14
TOEFL Integrated Writing Practice Test 18
Pamela Sharpe Ph.D. — Barron’s How to Pr
TOEFL Practice Paper 7
TOEFL Listening Practice Paper 12.
TOEFL Listening Practice Test 18.pdf
TOEFL Listening Practice Test 26
TOEFL independent writing sample 6.pdf
TOEFL Practice Paper 3
Taking TOEFL practice tests are a great way to prepare for the TOEFL exam. Our TOEFL sample exams are based on the actual questions and answers that you will see on the official exam.
Taking practice exams will help you identify what you already know, and what you need to work on. We’ve also included a directory of other free TOEFL study resources to help you prepare.
Summary: Try a free TOEFL practice test to see what you need to work on.
TOEFL Reading
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 1
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 2
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 3
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 4
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 5
TOEFL Reading Practice Test 6
See the Top TOEFL Prep Courses
- BestMyTest — Test-Guide Recommended
- Magoosh — Test-Guide Recommended
See Our Reviews & Rankings of Top TOEFL Prep Courses.
TOEFL Structure
TOEFL Structure Practice Test 1
TOEFL Structure Practice Test 2
TOEFL Structure Practice Test 3
TOEFL Structure Practice Test 4
TOEFL Speaking
Coming Soon!
Other Practice Tests
English Grammar Practice Tests
TOEFL Overview
While it may not be relevant for native English speakers, the TOEFL, or Test of English as a Foreign Language, is an extremely important exam for non-native speakers. In order to gain entrance to many universities in an English-speaking country, students must take and pass the TOEFL. This standardized test is not mandatory for every school in English-speaking countries, but it is accepted and even required by most major universities.
Since 1964, the Educational Testing Service (ETS) has designed and administered the TOEFL. ETS is a private non-profit organization that sends official scores and reports directly to universities on behalf of each student. The TOEFL is one of two major English proficiency tests (along with the IELTS) that are widely accepted around the world.
How to Study for the TOEFL
When it comes to studying, everyone has different needs, timelines, and study habits. That said, there are plenty of great TOEFL resources to get you started out on the right foot. If you’re searching for ways to prepare for the TOEFL, check out some of the following resources:
Official TOEFL Resources
One of the best ways to prepare for an exam is to get information directly from the test administrators. For the TOEFL, this means consulting the Educational Testing Service (ETS), which has been testing and scoring students for nearly a decade. Here are a few helpful links provided by the ETS:
- TOEFL Test Prep Planner
- TOEFL Official App
- TOEFL Bulletin
Free TOEFL Practice Tests — Questions and Answers
Use TOEFL practice tests to help you prepare for the exam. TOEFL practice tests will help you become more familiar with the exam before you take it. You will also find out which subjects you know and which subjects you don’t know.
TOEFL Prep Courses
TOEFL prep courses are another great way to prepare for the TOEFL exam. These prep courses will help you stay on track and study efficiently. You can review some of the best TOEFL prep courses to see which one is the best fit for you.
Exam Outline — What’s On the TOEFL iBT?
Needless to say, there are plenty of ways to prepare for the TOEFL, but it is extremely important that you know what to expect on the day of the test. In addition to knowing the types of questions on the test, you will also want to know how the TOEFL is administered, your allotted time, and all of the DO’s and DON’Ts for the test day.
There are technically two different forms of the TOEFL: the TOEFL iBT and TOEFL PBT. The latter is a paper-based exam that has mostly been phased out, though it is still offered at many ETS testing centers. However, the vast majority of students end up taking the TOEFL iBT, which is administered online via testing centers.
Though each version of the TOEFL is administered in a different format, both tests are largely the same. The TOEFL is comprised of 4 distinct sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. Let’s take a closer look at each section to better understand the structure of the exam.
Like any exam that tests your linguistic abilities, the TOEFL includes a reading section to analyze your reading comprehension abilities. This section includes passages of reading material from a wide variety of sources and topics, ranging from literature to science. Following each passage, you will need to answer questions to ensure that you understood the reading material.
Allotted Time: 60-80 minutes
Number of Questions: 36-56
Type of Questions: Multiple-choice
The listening section is often considered one of the most challenging parts of the TOEFL. Listening comprehension is particularly difficult in a second language, and this section consists of 4-6 lectures and 2-3 conversations, each followed by comprehension questions. The material generally covers academic topics, ranging from the arts to life sciences.
Allotted Time: 60-90 minutes
Number of Questions: 34-51
Type of Questions: Multiple-choice
In the speaking section, students must respond to questions, speak on a predetermined topic, and read passages aloud. This section tests your ability to communicate effectively on a variety of academic topics. Though it is certainly a challenging section, it is also the shortest in terms of time allotment.
Allotted Time: 20 minutes
Number of Tasks: 6
Type of Questions: Spoken
The writing section tests your ability to use correct grammar, vocabulary, and writing structure. Additionally, you must construct a coherent argument in two distinct essays. One essay is based on a reading passage, while the other is based on a writing prompt. The speaking and writing sections are the only ones that do not include multiple-choice questions.
Allotted Time: 50 minutes
Number of Tasks: 2
Type of Questions: Essay
TOEFL Administration — What You Need to Know to Register
The TOEFL is administered on specific dates throughout the year. Most years, there are more than 50 dates on which you can take the exam, so it is pretty easy to find a test day that works for your schedule. Additionally, the ETS gives you three ways to register: online, by phone, or by mail. You can learn more about the registration process and fees on the ETS website.
What Happens During the TOEFL?
TOEFL tests must be taken at an authorized ETS testing center. Generally, you should expect to spend between 4-5 hours at the testing center on the day of the test. You should try to show up at least 30 minutes prior to your test time, as you will need to sign in and show your I.D. to the test administrator.
You will spend between 120-170 minutes on the first two sections (Reading and Listening) before taking a 10 minute break. The allotted time and number of questions varies for the first two sections, as some of the questions are experimental and do not count toward your final score. The number of experimental questions varies for each test.
After the 10 minute break, you will move on to the final two sections (Speaking and Writing). You are allowed to take notes during the test, however you cannot speak to anyone else. Like most standardized tests, you will need to notify a test administrator if you have any questions or problems.
Who is Eligible to Take the TOEFL?
The ETS requires all students to show a valid form of ID in order to register and take the TOEFL. You can learn about the exact requirements for identification right here. Generally, you are eligible for the TOEFL as long as you can present an unexpired, government-issued ID with a recent picture. For students who are under 18, it is recommended that you bring your parent or guardian with you on the day of the test. If you are 15 or under, both you and your parent/guardian must present valid ID at the test center.
TOEFL Scores — How Are They Calculated?
Each section is scored individually out of 30. Then, the scores are combined for a final score out of 120. For the speaking and writing sections, each task is scored on a scale from 0-4 (speaking) or 0-5 (writing).
Internationally, the average TOEFL score is 82. Most universities set a minimum acceptable score, which varies for each school. The minimum acceptable scores are significantly higher for graduate level applicants. Though your target score will largely depend on the type of university you want to attend, a score of 94 or higher will put you in the top 25% of all test takers.
What is a good TOEFL score?
TOEFL scores range from 0 to 120. The four sections are each given scores on a scale from 0 to 30. The four sections include reading, listening, speaking, and writing.
What are the best TOEFL prep courses?
Are TOEFL prep courses worth the money?
TOEFL prep courses are great for students who want to freshen up on material and learn test taking strategies for the TOEFL. A prep course is a great investment and will help you get into your dream school.
How much does it cost to take the TOEFL?
The fees will depend on a variety of factors, including the location of your testing center. That said, you can generally expect to pay around $200 USD every time you take the test. Make sure you are ready for the TOEFL by taking our free practice tests!
How long does it take to receive my TOEFL score?
You can see your TOEFL score online approximately 10 days after taking the test. Your score will also be sent to the universities of your choice around the same time that they are posted online, though the delivery time will vary based on your desired school’s location. For more information, see our guide to TOEFL scores.
The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) Exam is intended to measure a student’s ability to understand and use English at a college level. Over 6,000 colleges, government organizations, and businesses accept TOEFL test scores worldwide. The TOEFL Test serves a similar function to other standardized tests (such as SAT and ACT Tests) in that they used by colleges and universities as a factor in admissions.
Different institutions place varying degrees of importance on TOEFL Scores, and use them along with other factors such as GPA, class rank, community service, recommendations and extracurricular activities. The TOEFL Test is only one factor that colleges use in their admissions processes, but it can be an important factor – so you should prepare and strive to do well on the test.
215_1- Official TOEFL iBT Tests. Vol.1_2015, 2nd -466p.pdf
215_2- Official 2nd -Audio.zip
215_4- Official Vol.2_2016 -Audio.zip
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Ace the TOEFL Essay (TWE) — xiaoma.com ( PDFDrive.com ).pdf
Barron’s TOEFL iBT (14th Ed)(gnv64).pdf
CliffsTestPrep TOEFL CBT_2.pdf
Note Full — Video Classes With Strategies-20190729T132002Z-001.zip
Note Full — Video Classes With Strategies-20190729T180739Z-001.zip
Official Guide TOEFL 5th Edition.pdf
Official TOEFL iBT Tests Volume 2 by www.superingenious.com- DVD-ROM 2nd.rar
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TOEFL_ Structure and Written Expression ( PDFDrive.com ).pdf
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