Tourism тема по английскому языку для экзамена

Card 16. Tourism (по ситуации АПО)

1. Let’s talk about tourism. What role does it play in modern life? Nowadays tourism has become very popular and turned into a prosperous business. Today it is the world’s second largest industry.
More and more people travel every year for different reasons. Some people travel to experience a whole new environment, to see new places and meet new people. Others travel on business, trying to get information about the achievements of other companies and make their own business more successful. Some people travel for educational purposes, or they visit their distant relatives and friends.
As an industry, tourism can be very profitable so each country is trying to attract more tourists.
Tourism has bad effects too.  Most popular resorts are becoming polluted. A lot of ancient monuments are being destroyed. Great cities, occupied by tourists, are left by local residents except for the souvenir sellers.
​As for me, I enjoy travelling very much because travelling broadens my mind. It’s always interesting to see other countries and continents, to discover different ways of life, to meet different people and to try foreign food. I don’t travel a lot nowadays but I hope I will travel more in future. In my opinion, we shouldn’t reject tourism because of the bad effects it has. But I am for tourism that minimizes its own environmental impact. 
2. Do you agree that travelling with friends is much more interesting than travelling with parents? Prove your point of view. I should say, travelling with parents is not bad. First of all, it is safe and you don’t need to think about where to stay or which route to choose or where and what to eat. On the other hand, holidays with family can be hard work and there can be many arguments.

Holidays with friends are not usually as cheap as holidays with parents, you have to plan your budget and this inevitably causes problems. Nonetheless, travelling with friends can be incredible fun. When on holiday with friends you do different things than you do with family. From this point of view, if you are looking for adventure, travelling with friends is better.

3. Imagine you are going to another country on holiday. What would you ask a travel agent about? What documents do I need to carry with me when I travel? 
Do I need a passport or visa?
What excursions do you suggest?
What is the best time to travel to this destination?
4. What can you advise a person who doesn’t know where to spend his/her holiday? If I were you, I would spend my holiday travelling.  There are a lot of places to visit in Belarus, such as Mir and Nesvizh castles, Belavezhskaya pushcha, Brest fortress and others. You will learn more about your country, get new impressions and relax at the same time.
5. What opportunities does tourism around Belarus give to foreign tourists? I can’t say that Belarus attracts crowds of foreign tourists. Belarus has plenty of attractions, but ranks near the bottom in terms of tourism. Most tourists come to Belarus from Russia with the aim of having a rest at Belarusian resorts. They can enjoy beautiful Belarusian nature and the hospitality of Belarusian people.

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It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

Топики по английскому языку по теме:

Tourism and travel/ Туризм
и путешествия

Для изъяснения на определенные темы по английскому языку нужно
владеть лексикой по данной теме. Многим студентам приходится сталкиваться с
необходимостью пополнить свой словарный запас по той или иной тематике. Самый
эффективный и простой способ для этого — изучать и разбирать топики.

Цель работы: формирование
навыков чтения с умением извлекать необходимую информацию, отвечать на вопросы;
составление монологических и диалогических высказываний на английском языке в
пределах тематики с использованием изученных лексических единиц.

Что такое туризм и
путешествия? Чем отличается туризм от путешествия

Дать краткое и при этом полное определение понятию
«туризм», из-за многообразия выполняемых им функций и большого числа
форм проявления, довольно сложно. 

Путешествие – это передвижение по какой-либо
территории, акватории с целью их изучения, а также с общеобразовательными,
познавательными,  спортивными и другими целями. До 18—19 вв.
путешествия были одним из основных источников получения сведений о тех или иных
странах (их природе, населении, истории, хозяйстве), общем характере и
очертании поверхности Земли.

Туризм (франц.
tour – тур, прогулка, поездка) – путешествие (поездка, поход) в свободное
время, один из видов активного отдыха. В зависимости от цели путешествий туризм подразделяется
на: познавательный (экскурсионный) – посещение привлекательных мест, осмотр
культурных, исторических, природных и др. достопримечательностей; спортивный
туризм – участие в спортивных мероприятиях; любительский – охота, рыболовство и
прочее; так называемый пригородный туризм – массовые краткосрочные выезды
больших коллективов, отдельных групп и лиц за город, в том числе в специальные
зоны отдыха; туризм с социальными целями – участие в общественных мероприятиях;
религиозный (
паломничество)– посещение «святых» мест и др…

В 1993 году
комиссия ООН приняла следующее определение: туризм – это
деятельность лиц, которые путешествуют и осуществляют пребывание в местах,
находящихся за пределами их обычной среды, в течение периода, не превышающего
одного года подряд, с целью отдыха, деловыми и прочими целями.

Таким образом,
под туризмом понимаются путешествия за пределы постоянного
места жительства с целью отдыха, развлечения и прочими целями.

= путешественник, т.к. TOUR = ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ (перевод с англ.). В последнее время
туристами чаще называют людей, потребляющих услуги туроператоров, а
путешественниками — увлеченных любителей острых ощущений, получаемых от смены
обстановки и преодоления препятствий, чаще всего — ради адреналина, иногда — с
серьезными научными целями.



2. Travelling/ Путешествие

What is travel for me? / Что для меня путешествие?

Travel by train/ Путешествие на поезде.

5. Travelling
by air/ Путешествие по воздуху

6.  At the airport/ В

.  Travelling by car/ Путешествие на машине

8.  Travelling by ship/ Путешествие на корабле

9.  Trip abroad/   Поездка за границу

Staying at a hotel
/ Пребывание в отеле


Разница между
travel, trip
и journey

Travel broadens the mind
(Путешествия расширяют кругозор). Неважно, будет ли это короткая поездка на машине
или большое путешествие с долгим перелетом — выбираться в места, где ты не
бывал, интересно всегда. Особенно, за границу (abroad).

английском языке есть несколько существительных-синонимов, связанных с темой


Travel — наиболее часто
употребляемое слово для обозначения путешествий.
В прямом
переводе глагол «to travel» переводится, как «путешествовать»,
но в зависимости от контекста его значение может трактоваться
и по-другому — «отправиться» или «поехать».

travel gives people a new perspective — Путешествия по миру помогают людям
взглянуть на все по-новому.

travel употребляется в случаях, когда мы говорим о путешествии в целом,
как о явлении. Поэтому в английском языке оно часто употребляется в составе более
сложных существительных:

travel — путешествие самолетом
travel — путешествие на машине
travel — космическое путешествие
travel — путешествие по воде
travel — путешествие во времени
documents — проездные документы
ticket — проездной билет
agent — агент по туризму

того, слово travel является производным для других слов. Так,
путешественник по-английски — traveller, а все, что может быть связано с
путешествиями — travelling. Когда мы говорим о чьих-то путешествиях и
странствиях, то употребляем множественное число travels. Приключенческие
книги о путешествиях также будут называться travels, а вот гид по
какому-то городу или стране называется travel guide.

(поездка, путешествие)

слова journey более узкий спектр применения, чем у слова travel. Journey
обозначает путешествие в один конец или регулярные поездки. Его чаще можно
услышать в британском английском, чем в американском. Так, трехчасовую поездку
на поезде из одного города в другой будет логичнее назвать journey:
A journey from London to Manchester can now be completed in under
hours — Поездка из
Лондона в Манчестер теперь может быть совершена менее чем за 4 часа.

слово journey используется для обозначения длительности поездки или
пройденного расстояния. В русском языке наиболее близкие значения — это «дорога»
или «путь»:
The threeday journey home
— Трехдневная дорога домой.

из известных изречений с использованием слова journey гласит:

journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step —
в тысячу
миль начинается
с одного

словосочетание «жизненный путь» переводится на английский язык как life’s


отличие от journey, trip — это поездка в оба конца. Словосочетание,
которое часто можно встретить — road trip. Мы используем его, когда
говорим о длительном путешествии на машине. Так, находясь в США можно
отправиться в road trip по нескольким штатам, а то и вовсе в Мексику или
Канаду. А вот рабочая командировка — business trip. Другие употребляемые
словосочетания, которые можно встретить в разговоре:

trip — однодневная поездка
trip — кругосветное путешествие
trip — путешествие по воде
trip — поход
trip — свадебное путешествие

словами, trip — это поездка в оба конца с возвращением домой, в отличие
от journey, где путь лежит только в один конец.

примеров слова в предложении: Let’s go on a trip to the mountains next
summer! — Давайте поедем в горы следующим летом!

I went on a day trip to the lakes. We left at 5.30 a.m. and returned around 11
p.m. —
Вчера я
совершил однодневную
поездку на
озера. Мы
уехали в 5:30 утра и вернулись около 11 вечера

вышеупомянутых travel, trip и journey существует еще несколько слов для
обозначения путешествий.

из них — voyage. Чаще всего, его употребляют в контексте морских
путешествий (sea voyage) или когда речь идет об исследовательских
экспедициях (voyage of discovery).

слово voyage употребляется в разговорной речи довольно редко и
встречается, в основном, в специальной литературе и в рассказ о великих
путешественниках и мореплавателях прошлого.

voyages were made to the Indian Ocean during that period —
то время
совершалось много
плаваний к
Индийском океану.

— это tour или просто «экскурсионная поездка». Чаще всего это
короткие поездки в другой город или несколько городов с посещением
достопримечательностей. Так, можно отправиться on tour of America (в тур по
и затем рассказать друзьям, как вы путешествовали по США (were
touring the USA

говоря об отдыхе, мы можем использовать слово vacation, которое будет
обозначать каникулы или короткий отпуск.

на английском, связанные с путешествием — это go, make и take. Мы можем
отправиться в поездку (take a trip), совершить путешествие (make a
или вояж (to go on voyage) или просто попутешествовать (to

Задание: прочитать и перевести текст “Tourism”, составить план
пересказа текста.

People on our planet can’t live without
travelling now.
People travel from the very beginning of their civilization.
Thousands years ago all people were nomads and collectors. They roamed all
their lives looking for food and better life.

So, travelling and
visiting other places are the part of our consciousness. Not so long years ago
many people travelled overseas for their holidays. The majority of people
stayed to have holidays in their country.
Today the situation is
different and the world seems much smaller.
If you like travelling,
you have got to have some money, because it is not a cheap hobby indeed.

Tourism has become a highly developed
The economy of some countries is mainly based on tourism industry. It is possible
to book a holiday to a seaside resort on the other side of the world. Staying
at home, you can book it through the Internet or by phone. The plane takes you
straight there and within some hours of leaving your country, you can be on a
tropical beach, breathing a super clean air and swimming in crystal warm water
of tropical sea.

There are trains, cars
and air jet liners, buses, ships that provide us with comfortable and secure

Nowadays people travel
not only for pleasure but also on business. People have to go to other
countries for taking part in different negotiations, for signing some very
important documents, for participating in different exhibitions, in order to
exhibit the goods of own firm or company. Travelling on business helps people
to get more information about achievements of other companies, which will help
making own business more successful.

There are a lot of means
of travelling: travelling by ship, by plane, by car, walking. It depends on a
person to decide which means of travelling one would prefer.
Tourism has become a highly
developed business.

That is why tourism and
travelling are so popular.

перепишите и запомните
следующие слова и
по теме:

overseas — заграница
majority — большинство
to seem — казаться
to book — заказывать
resort— курорт
a tropical beach — тропический пляж
to breathe — дышать
to hitchhiking — путешествовать
advantage — преимущество
to explore — исследовать
to climb — взбираться, карабкаться
restriction — ограничение
indeed — действительно
curious — любопытный
inquisitive — любознательный
leisure — досуг
jetair liner — реактивный самолет
security — безопасность
variety — разнообразие
citydweller — городской житель
to take pictures — фотографировать
castle — крепость, замок
waterfall — водопад
to remind — напоминать
picturesque — живописный
to broaden ones mind — расширить кругозор
take part in negotiations — принимать участие
в переговорах
exhibition — выставка
in order to — для того чтобы
to push the goods — рекламировать товары
achievement — достижение
successful — успешный
advantages and disadvantages — преимущества и
according to — согласно

ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту:

Did the majority of people leave their country to spend holidays twenty years
2. Can we book a holiday to a seaside resort on the other side of the world
3. Is it possible to book a holiday to a seaside resort on the other side of
the world from home?
4. What means of travelling do you know?
5. What countries depend mainly on tourism?
6. Why does tourism prosper?
7. Where do people like going on vacation?
8. What is the most interesting means of travelling for you? Why?
9. Why do most travelers carry a camera with them?
10. What does travelling give us?
11. How does travelling on business help you?
12. What
are the means of travelling?

Тема 2:
Travelling/ Путешествие

перепишите и запомните
следующие слова и
по теме:




отдых, каникулы, отпуск

to be on
holiday/on one’s holiday 

быть в отпуске, на кани­кулах

to go
somewhere for one’s holiday 

поехать в отпуск

a holiday — maker 

отпускник, отдыхающий


чаще как студенческие каникулы;

AmЕ — длин­ный отпуск, каникулы

to be noted as 

быть знаменитым как

to be noted for 

быть знаменитым чем-либо

to tour 

посещать (как турист)

to sunbathe (Syn.
to tan; to do some sunbathing; to have a sunbathe; to get sunburnt; to take
the sun; to get a tan)




to become tanned 


to splash
about in the sea 

плескаться в море

to laze
around on the beach 

бездельничать на пляже

a spoil
sport syn. killjoy

тот, кто портит удовольствие другим (зану­да) 

/stay-at-home/ a home-stay type  


to fix up 



путешествие автостопом



to arrange 




travel agency/ travel bureau 

Турагентство/ турбюро

to be
travelsick (in any kind of transport)

чувствовать себя плохо в транспорте

Travelling broadens mind.

Путешествия расширяют кругозор.

is an important part of our life.

Путешествия – важная часть нашей жизни.

It brings
new impressions and makes life brighter.

Это приносит новые впечатления и делает жизнь ярче.

lets us discover the world and to see different countries, experience their
cultures and traditions.

Путешествия позволяют нам познать мир и увидеть различные
страны, изучить их культуру и традиции.

is a pleasant and useful experience.

Путешествие – это удовольствие и приятный опыт.

It gives an
opportunity to meet new people.

Это дает возможность познакомиться с новыми людьми.

There are
different ways of travelling.

Есть различные способы путешествовать.

It is a
very popular hobby.

Это очень популярное хобби.

Today there
are many opportunities to travel.

Сегодня есть много возможностей для путешествий.

It is very
interesting to see new places, another towns and countries.

Очень интересно посмотреть новые места, другие города и страны.

it’s rather
easy to travel to any point of the planet.

Довольно легко отправиться в любую точку планеты.

is a very nice activity.

Путешествия – замечательный способ активности.

I`d like to
tell you about my trip to …

Мне хотелось бы рассказать о своей поездке к…

It is my
favourite place.

Это мое любимое место.

and convenient method of travelling

комфортный и удобный метод путешествовать

country has its own unique atmosphere.

У каждой страны есть своя уникальная атмосфера.

like discovering the world by themselves.

Путешественники любят познавать мир самостоятельно.

If you want
to see the place, go on foot.

Если хочешь увидеть местность, ходи пешком.

one of the
best ways to spend a holiday

один из лучших способов провести каникулы (отпуск)

spent there … days

провел там … дней

to take photo

делать фото

have a
chance to enrich the knowledge

шанс улучшить знания

Last summer
I went to…

Прошлым летом я ездил в …

The journey
helped me a lot.

Поездка мне очень помогла.

I had a
fantastic time.

Я фантастически провел время.

I’m happy
that I have traveled a lot during my vacation.

Я счастлив, что я так много путешествовал во время моего

Задание: прочитать и перевести текст “Travelling”,
составить план пересказа текста.

live in times when it’s rather easy to travel to any point of the planet. So no
wonder travelling becomes more popular. What is more, our modern life is
impossible without travelling. And there are many reasons for this.

few decades ago it couldn’t be imagined that we would be able to travel almost
everywhere. Now we can travel by different means of transport: by plane, by
ship, by train, by car and even on foot. Some people like to travel by plane,
because it is the best way to get to a foreign country fast. But others prefer
traveling by train. They say that this method is more convenient and cheaper.
Anyway, we have got something to choose from. And the way of travelling depends
only on our opportunities and preferences.

good thing is that travelling helps us live and enjoy life. When we get tired
of our daily routine, we need to change the surroundings. And travelling is one
of the best ways to break the monotony of our life. We travel, see new
countries and cities, visit historical places, meet new people and taste
different dishes. It brings us new impressions and makes life brighter. And
that’s why millions of people all around the world adore travelling.

finally, it is commonly known that travelling is a very nice activity. It’s the
time for relaxation and thinking. Nothing can give us a great deal positive
emotions and memories as travelling. It is often said that travelling broadens
mind. And personally I believe that it is an undeniable truth.

Answer the

What are the ways of travelling?

What affects the choice of the way of travelling?

What the way of travelling do you prefer and why?

How does travelling affect daily life?

What do you do when travelling?

What does it bring us?

Тема 3. What is travel for me? / Что для
меня путешествие?

Задание: прочитайте
и переведите текст “
What is travel for me?”,
составьте план пересказа

life is impossible without travelling. Thousands of people travel every day
either on business or for pleasure. They can travel by air, by rail, by sea or
by road.

course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is
the most expensive too. Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has
its advantages. You can see much more interesting places of the country you are
travelling through.

trains have very comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining
cars which make even the longest journey enjoyable. Speed, comfort and safety
are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is why many people prefer
them to all other means.

by sea is very popular. Large ships and small river boats can visit foreign
countries and different places of interest within their own country.

for me, I prefer travelling by car. I think it’s very convenient. You needn’t
reserve tour tickets. You needn’t carry heavy suitcases. You can stop wherever
you wish, and spend at any place as much time as you like.

year my friend and I go to the South for holidays. The Black Sea is one of the
most wonderful places which attract holiday-makers all over the world. There
are many rest-homes, sanatoriums and tourist camps there.

it is also possible to rent a room or a furnished house for a couple of weeks
there. Sometimes, we can place ourselves in a tent on the sea shore enjoying
fresh air and the sun all day long.

a rule, I make new friends there. In the day-time we play volley-ball, tennis,
swim in the warm water of the sea and sunbathe.

the evening I like to sit on the beach watching the sea and enjoying the
sunset. I’m fond of mountaineering. So I do a lot of climbing together with my
friends. Time passes quickly and soon we have to make our way back. We return
home sunburnt and full of impressions.

Заданиеответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту:

1. Why is modern life
impossible without travelling?

 2. What is the fastest
and the most convenient way of travelling?

 3. Why is travelling by
sea very popular?

 4. Why is travelling by
car very convenient?

 5. Where do you go every

 6. Where do you make new

 7. Why do people travel?

 8. What is the quickest kind of

 9. What kind of transport do you prefer?

10. Have you ever traveled by air?

11. Have you ever traveled by sea? Did you
like it?

12. What preparations do people usually
make before a journey?

 13. What places would you like to visit?

перепишите и запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

or — либо… либо

rail — по железной дороге

— преимущества, достоинства

— приносящий радость

— безопасность

reserve — резервировать

— тур, поездка

rent — снимать, нанимать

— пара

— альпинизм

— лазанье (по горам)

Travel by train.

1.     Прочитайте,
перепишите и запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

an aisle seat/a window seat —место
рядом с проходом/ме­сто у окна


to board
the train 
сесть в


carriage вагон

cloak-room камера

житель пригорода, работающий в городе и ежедневно ездящий на работу поездом
(автобусом) и т. д. 


confirm (reconfirm) tickets —

спальное место, полка, койка


dining-car steward 
официант вагона-ресторана


brake —

engine локомотив,паровоз


class/standard class 

guard проводник

itinerary спланированный

junction ж/д

leaflet рекламная

a reservation/an enquiry»— 

porter носильщик

pull luggage 

refreshments —закуски
и напитки

season ticket 
билет, позволяющий путешествовать любое количество раз в течение сезона

спальный вагон

smoking/nonsmoking compartment
— купе для курящих/ не­курящих

stationmaster —дежурный
по станции

through train —прямой

inspector / ticket collector 
/ ticket conductor (Am)—

timetable —расписание

tip —чаевые

to tip —давать

to travel/go
first class 

to travel/
go second (standard) class 

Прочитайте и
разыграйте диалог «

Travel agent:
Good afternoon.

Good afternoon. I’d like a rail ticket to Amster­dam, please.

Travel agent: Certainly.
When are you travelling?

I’m taking the four o’clock train today.

Travel agent: First
or second class?

First class, please.

Travel agent: That’s
82.25, please.

Do you accept credit cards?

Travel agent: Certainly.
Thank you. Sign here, please. Thank you very much.

Thank you.


Peter and Mary Almar are in Istanbul, where they are buy­ing goods
for their shop in Zurich. They want to talk to the manager of an export
company, but he is not there at the mo­ment, so the Almars plan to go to Athens
for three days and then back to Istanbul. Peter is enquiring at a travel agency
about travel to Athens.

morning. I want to go to Athens. Could you tell me if there’s a train today or

There’s a train every evening at 22.30.

time does it arrive in Athens, please?

The train leaving today arrives at 11.40
on Wednesday.

much does it cost?

The single fare is TL 848 first class and
TL 567 second class.

accommodation is included, isn’t it?

No, that’s extra.

What sort of accommodation is there?

Well, that depends on whether you travel
first or second class. There are single-berth compart­ments for first-class
passengers and two or three- berth compartments for second-class passengers.

much is a first-class berth?

TL 425 each night.

I book a berth in advance?

Yes, we can book a berth for you, if
there’s space, of course.

I’ll have to think about it first. I’ll call back to book the tickets. Thank

Thank you, sir.

Обратите внимание на фразы,
которые используются для запроса информации. Сравните их с другими подобными,
приведенными ниже.

Will you kindly tell me …, (please)?

  • I
    wonder if you could tell me …
  • Excuse
    me, do you know…?
  • I’d
    like to know…
  • Have
    you got any idea…?

Сопоставьте слова слева с их
определениями справа.


a. a room on a train


b. an empty place not
yet booked

3. fare

c. a place for sleeping

4. compartment

d. money paid for
a journey

5. space

e. a bed in a boat or
in a train

Прочитайте, переведите текст «TRAVELLING

you ask me what kind of transport I like best I’d speak in support of trains.
With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined.

place is more interesting than a big station? There is the movement, the
excitement, the gaiety of the people going away and sorrow of those who are
seeing others off. There are the shouts of the porters as they pull luggage
along the platforms to the waiting trains, the crowd at the booking-office
getting tickets, the children tightly holding on to the skirts of their
mothers, and passengers hurrying to board the train.

last you manage to make your way through the crowd, closely following the
porter, who has taken care of your luggage, and get out on to the platform.
There are many tracks and trains there. No need for you to look round and read
the signs that tell which train you must take. You follow your porter, and here
you are — Car number 2, Train — 64.

show your ticket to the guard and in you go into a most wonderful carriage. All
is bustle and confusion, with people fil­ing in, bumping into each other, and
what not. At last you man­age to stow away your luggage and get out on to the
platform for fresh air and bid farewell to the well-wishers who have come to
see you off.

you have scarcely time to kiss and hug your friends when the station-master on
duty, in a red cap, signals the train. You hear no shrill whistle of the engine
— the train pulls out of the station noiselessly and without a jerk.

are on your way. You start up a conversation with your fellow-passengers
(people take to each other quickly when trav­elling) and soon you get to know
who is who and what. Now that the excitement of the day is over you begin to
feel hungry.

dining-car steward happens to come along and you take bookings for lunch or
dinner, whichever it might be. As you go for the second sitting you have time
to wash. By that time the guard has made your bed. You take your towel and go
to the toilet.

feel tired now, after a hearty meal, so you decide to turn in. You get into
your upper berth and begin to absorb the beau­ty of the changing scenes that
fly past you — the cheerful fields of wheat and com, the meadows under a mantle
of flowers, grass and green moss, the rivers that run through woodland
countries, the forests with their delicious sense of peace, and the moun­tains
ribbed with sharp steep ridges.

drowsiness creeps over you. You close your eyes and soon drift away into that
vast mysterious world which men-call sleep.

Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

have you combined with a train?

is a big station interesting?

do the porters do?

is there on the platform?

do you show your ticket to?

do you manage to do at last?

are the well-wishers?

wears a red cap?

people take to each other quickly when travelling?

does the dining-car steward do?

do you decide to turn in?

do men call sleep?

Phonetic Drill. Transcribe and pronounce

Guard, carriage, bustle, farewell, scarcely, engine, steward, to
absorb, delicious, mysterious.

Найдите русским
словосочетаниям английские эквиваленты из текста.

Тащить багаж по платформе, касса, садиться в поезд, протискиваться
сквозь толпу, железнодорожный путь, по­заботиться о багаже, проводник, сделать
предварительный заказ на обед, ложиться спать.

Travelling by air/ Путешествие по воздуху

Задание: прочитать и перевести текст “Travelling by Plane”, составить план
пересказа текста.

No wonder that one of the
latest means of travelling is travelling by plane. Nowadays people mostly travel
by air. It combines both comfort and speed and you will reach the place of
destination very quickly. No doubt, travelling by air is the most convenient
and comfortable means of travelling. But if you are airsick the flight may seem
not so nice to you. Unfortunately sometimes the flights are delayed because of
unfavourable weather conditions, and one more inconvenience is jet-lag.

Before boarding the plane
you must check in at the airport. Passengers are requested to arrive at the
airport one hour before departure time on international flights and half an
hour on domestic flights. You must register your tickets, weigh in and register
the luggage.

The economy class
limitation is 20 kg. First-class passengers are allowed 30 kg. Excess luggage
must be paid for. Passengers are permitted, to take only some personal
belongings with them into the cabin. These items include handbags, brief-cases
or attaché cases, umbrellas, coats and souvenirs bought at the tax-free shops
at the airport. Each passenger is given a boarding pass to be shown at the
departure gate and again to the stewardess when boarding the plane.

Before the plane takes
off the stewardess gives you all the information about the flight, the speed
and altitude. She asks you to fasten the belts and not to smoke. She will take
care of you during the flight and will help you to get comfortable in your
seat. Inside the cabins the air is always fresh and warm. The captain will
welcome you on board; tell you all about the flight and the interesting places you
are flying over. During the flight you can take a nap or have a chat, you can
read and relax. In some planes you can watch video or listen to the music.

When the plane is landing
or taking off you have an opportunity to enjoy the wonderful scenery and
landscapes. While travelling by plane you fly past various villages and cities
at the sight of which realize how majestic and tremendous our planet is. Do not
forget your personal belongings when leaving the plane.

Landing formalities and
customs regulation are about the same in-all countries. While still onboard the
plane the passenger is given an arrival card to fill in, he fills in (in block
letters) his name in full, country of residence, permanent address, purpose and
length of visit; and address in the country he is visiting. After the passenger
has disembarked, officials will examine (check) his passport and visa (to see
if they are in order).

In some countries they
will check the passenger’s certificate of vaccination. When these formalities
have been completed the passenger goes to the Customs for an examination of his
luggage. The passenger is required to fill in a customs declaration form. He
must list all dutiable articles. Personal belongings may be brought in duty-free.

Here is a partial list of
prohibited articles: firearms, drugs, in some countries — meat products, fresh
fruit and vegetables. The Customs inspector may ask you to open your bags for
inspection. After you are through with all customs formalities he will put a
stamp on each piece of luggage.


Why do people mostly travel by air nowadays?
2. When are passengers requested to arrive at the airport?
3. What is the luggage limitation?
4. What must passengers do in case they have some excess luggage?
5. What are passengers permitted to take with them into the cabin?
6. When is a boarding pass to be shown?
7. What do stewardesses do during the flight?
8. What can you do during the flight?
9. What opportunities do passengers have when the plane is landing or taking
10. What is the passenger given to fill in while still onboard the plane?
11. What are prohibited articles?
12. What will the Customs inspector do after you are through with all customs


nowadays —
в наши дни; теперь; в наше время
to combine —
соединять, сочетать
speed —
скорость; быстрота
destination —
место назначения, пункт назначения
to board —
всходить на борт (любого судна)
to check in —
convenient —
удобный, подходящий; пригодный
comfortable —
уютный, удобный
to be airsick —
страдать воздушной болезнью
flight —
to delay —
откладывать; задерживать, замедлять
unfavorable —
неблагоприятный; неблагосклонный; неутешительный
weather conditions —
погодные условия
jet-lag —
нарушение суточного ритма организма, расстройство биоритмов в связи с перелетом через несколько часовых поясов
to request —
просить, требовать
to weigh —
взвешивать; весить
limitation —
to allow —
позволять, разрешать
excess —
избыточный; превышающий норму
to permit —
позволять, разрешать, давать разрешение
personal belongings —
лично принадлежащие вещи
brief-case —
attaché case —
кожаный ручной плоский чемоданчик (для книг, документов)
umbrella —
зонт, зонтик
boarding pass —
посадочный талон
departure —
отправление, отбытие
altitude —
fasten one’s belts —
пристегнуть ремни
to take care —
to take a nap —
to have a chat —
поболтать, побеседовать
to relax —
to take off —
авиац. взлететь
opportunity —
шанс, возможность
scenery —
вид, пейзаж; ландшафт
landscape —
ландшафт, пейзаж
to realize —
представлять себе; понимать, осознавать
majestic —
величественный, грандиозный, величавый
customs regulations —
таможенные инструкции
to fill in —
country of residence —
страна пребывания
permanent address —
постоянное место жительства
purpose —
назначение, намерение, цель
length —
длина; расстояние
to disembark —
to examine —
vaccination —
to complete —
завершать, заканчивать, кончать, оканчивать
customs declaration —
таможенная декларация
to list —
вносить в список; составлять список; регистрировать
dutiable —
подлежащий обложению (таможенной) пошлиной
article —
вещь, предмет
partial —
частичный, неполный
prohibited —
firearms —
огнестрельное оружие
stamp —
штамп, штемпель, печать

At the airport/
В аэропорту 

1.     Запомнить
слова и выражения по теме:


flight — рейс

check-in — регистрироваться на рейс

delayed — задержан

canceled — отменен

gate — зона выхода на посадку

luggage/baggage — багаж

hand luggage/cabin baggage — ручная кладь

departure — отправление

arrival — прибытие

 layover — пересадка

seat — место в самолете

aisle — проход

boarding time — время посадки пассажиров

boarding pass — посадочный талон

 excess baggage/luggage — перевес багажа

Задание: прочитать и перевести текст “At the airport”

preparing to fly, passengers are requested to arrive at the airport 2 hours
before departure time. They must register their tickets, get a seat assignment,
and weigh and check their luggage. Most airlines have at least 2 classes of
travel, first class and economy class. Economy class tickets are much less
expensive. Each passenger more than 2 years old gets a free luggage allowance.
Generally this weight limit is 20 kg of checked baggage for economy class
passengers and 30 kg for first class passengers. If you check excess luggage
you’ll have to pay a fee calculated by the number of extra pieces and the extra
weight. Every passenger is also allowed one small carry-on bag, for instance a
laptop computer or small suitcase.

rules for passengers who are traveling abroad are similar in most countries but
there are, sometimes, slight differences. Here are some things to remember: if,
for instance, you need to go through Customs, try to fill in the customs
declaration before you talk to the customs officer. He will ask every passenger
the same, routine questions about whether he is carrying anything he wants to
declare: like tobacco, alcohol, presents, and sums of money.

the check-in counter, your ticket is looked at; your things are weighed and
labeled with their destination. The next formality is filling in the
immigration form and going through passport control. Remember to have a black
or blue pen with you because the immigration form has to be filled in block
letters. You write your name, nationality, permanent address and the purpose of
your trip. In most countries there is also a security check when your
carry-on-luggage is inspected.

fulfilling all these formalities you go to the departure lounge where you can
have a snack, read a paper or buy something in the duty-free shop and wait for
the announcement to board the plane.

Ответьте на

Did you go by plane somewhere?

Are you afraid of flying by plane?

What are the main advantages of
taking a plane?

And what about disadvantages?

What stages do you need to go through
at the airport before you get on a plane?

What are the necessary things you
always put in your hand luggage?

What is the weight limitation in the economy class (first class)?

must a passenger show his boarding pass?

Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова из словарного раздела в

1. Nowadays it is usually
possible to ……… online 24 hours prior to flight departure.

2. Of course you need a
…… to get on a plane, you can get it at the check-in desk.

3. Pay attention to the
…………, the boarding usually closes 20 minutes before flight departure.

4. If you don’t have any
……………, I recommend you to choose the cheapest fare.

5. Do you want a window
seat or an ……… one?

6. I’m afraid that the
…………… for your flight was changed, sir. Now you need to proceed to the ……………
number 28.

7. Stephen was supposed
to be at Hamburg yesterday, but his flight was ……… due to the heavy snowstorm,
so he’s still at Dublin.

8. Did you have a direct
flight from Delhi? — No, I had a ………… at Prague airport.

9. If you have any ………
baggage, it’s better to pay for it online, because it will be much more
expensive at the airport.

10. How was your …………………,
dear? — Oh, my! It was really exhausting!

11. It’s better to take a
long stopover, so if your first flight is ………, you’ll be able to get on the
next one in time.

12. I think it isn’t fair
that backpacks aren’t allowed in ………, even though my backpack is really small.

13. Excuse me, ma’am, but
I think this ………… is mine. — Oh, really? But I thought it was 18A. — No, it’s

14. Is anybody meeting
you at the airport? — Yes, my husband is already waiting for me at the
………………… lounge.

15. Airports usually have
two different sections for ……………… and arrivals.

Answers: 1 — check-in; 2 — boarding pass; 3 — boarding time; 4 —
luggage/baggage; 5 — aisle; 6 — gate; 7 — canceled; 8 — layover; 9 — excess; 10
— flight; 11 — delayed; 12 — hand luggage/cabin baggage; 13 — seat; 14 —
arrival; 15 — departures.

 Vocabulary:  arriving and

Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова в пропуски: customs officer; departure lounge; carry-on bag; check in;
immigration officer; baggage; collection; baggage allowance; queue; travel
documents; immigration;  visa

1. When you
arrive in a country from overseas the  ……………..checks your passport.
In some countries you must have a …………. before you can enter. Then you proceed
to the ………….  are to pick-up your bags and then to the
……………… who may, (but not always) check your baggage.

2. When you
leave a country you must first ………………. with the airline to get your
boarding pass. If there are a lot of people you must ………. . Then you go
through …………………, where they check your travel documents and then
to the …………………. to wait for your flight.

3. On most
international flights you have a ………..of 20 kilograms per person. Many
airlines allow you to take one bag on to the aircraft usually a maximum weight
of  7 kg. This is called a ……………. .

предложения с изученными словами:

—  Когда улетает
первый самолёт на Париж?

—  Есть ли места
на рейс в 2.30?

—  Сколько стоит
билет I класса на Эдинбург?

—  Повысила ли
компания цены на билеты?

—  Нужно ли мне
делать пересадку в Манчестере?

—  Из какого
аэропорта улетает самолёт?

—  Есть ли рейс в

—  Задержится ли
этот рейс из-за тумана?

 Can I have your ticket,

– Certainly, here you are.
– How much luggage do you have?
– Two suitcases. This small bag is my hand luggage.
– That’s fine.
– Can I have a seat next to the window?
– I’ll check. Yes, that’s OK. Here’s your boarding pass.
Have a nice flight.

– Thank you. And where is passport control?
– Over there. Follow the signs.

– Can I see your passport,

– Of, course. Here you are.
– Thank you very much. That’s

Прочтите фразы из диалога с переводом и
постарайтесь запомнить их:

Пожалуйста, ваш билет. – Can I have your ticket, please?
Конечно, вот он. – Certainly,
here you are.

Сколько у вас багажа? – How much
luggage do you have?

Два чемодана. Эта маленькая сумкаручная кладь. – Two
– This small bag is my hand luggage.
Хорошо. – That’s

Можно мне место у окна? – Can I
have a seat next to the window?

это возможно. – Yes, that’s OK.
ваш посадочный талон. – Here’s
your boarding pass.

Приятного полёта. – Have a
nice flight.

Спасибо. – Thank

А где паспортный контроль? – And
where is passport control?

Вон там. Следуйте по указателю. – Over
Follow the signs.
Можно ваш паспорт? – Can I
see your passport, please?

Конечно, вот он. – Of,
course. Here you are.

Спасибо, все в порядке. – Thank
you very much.
That’s fine.

Travelling by car/ Путешествие на машине

Задание: прочитать и перевести текст

Travelling is one of the
most pleasant pastimes for me. I love seeing new places, meeting new people and
learning about other cultures. There are many ways to travel, for example, by
train, by plane, by bus, by car, by ship. I prefer travelling by car, because
it gives the freedom of movement.

There is nothing better than travelling by
a fast car.
Travelling by car opens plenty of opportunities from the
comfort of your seat.
It is a more personal experience, for there you can drive
yourself. You just sit down at the steering wheel, start the motor, step on the
accelerator with your foot and off goes the car. You can go as slowly or as
fast as you wish, stop when and where you choose; you park the car on the side
of the road, get out and go wherever you like.
   It is quite true that driving a car has some disadvantages. In
town it is rather a nuisance with all those traffic «jams» or «hold — ups»,
round-abouts, detours and so on. It is not pleasant at all when you ride on a
bumpy road or get a flat tyre, or still worse, when you get stuck in the mud.

 But what can be better than a spin
in a car on a week-end with your friend? As soon as you get out of the crowded
town and see a long wide road in full view, what a thrill it is to feel the car
rush forward at a touch of your foot, to feel the wind in your face, to see
houses, trees find people flash past, to feel the real joy of speed.

   Suppose you are on vacation
and have decided to take a trip in a car. What magnificent views you behold on
your way — green fields, a road winding its way up the mountain with steep,
grey cliffs on one side and a deep precipice on the other, a shining expanse of
the sea wrapped in a blue noonday haze, the woods, the rows of acacia that
stretch along the streets of the towns you pass through. Indeed your
impressions are unforgettable.

Of course, every travel mode has its pros and
cons. Everybody would agree that travelling by car is fast and comfortable. You
don’t have to wait for the right time, as you do with public transport. You
have enough privacy and you don’t have to share space with strangers. You can
listen to your favourite music or radio channel. You can park wherever you
need, which is impossible when travelling by train or plane. However, there are
certain disadvantages. For example, cars are considered to be the most
dangerous means of transport. There are thousands of car accidents on the
roads. Apart from that, petrol is getting more and more expensive.
Unfortunately, modern cars cannot function without it. Last but not the least
the drivers have to change the car wheels depending on the season. Despite all
these disadvantages, I still like travelling by car and find it to be the most
comfortable way of travel. I hope to buy my own car when I’m older.


fast — быстрый, скорый
experience —
опыт; случай, событие; впечатление, переживание
steering wheel —
руль автомашины
start the motor —
заводить мотор, двигатель
to step on the accelerator —
нажать на педаль газа
wherever —
где бы ни; куда бы ни
disadvantage —
nuisance —
досада; неприятность
jam, hold-up — «
пробка», затор (в уличном Движении)
round-about, detour —
окольный путь, обход; объезд
pleasant —
приятный; радостный
bumpy —
ухабистый, тряский (о дороге)
flat tyre —
сдутая шина
to get stuck in the mud —
завязнуть в грязи
spin —
короткая прогулка; быстрая езда (на автомашине, велосипеде, лодке)
to rush forward —
ехать, бежать вперед
to flash —
быстро промелькнуть, пронестись, пробежать
joy —
радость, счастье; восторг
speed —
скорость; темп
magnificent —
великолепный, величественный; производящий впечатление, внушительный
to behold (
прош. вр. — beheld; прич. прош. вр. — beheld) — видеть, замечать, узреть; пристально смотреть, вглядываться, созерцать, рассматривать, наблюдать
steep —
крутой склон, откос; холм; утес
precipice —
обрыв, пропасть
expanse —
простор, (широкое) пространство; ширь и простор
haze —
легкий туман; дымка
wood —
impression —
впечатление; ощущение
unforgettable —
незабвенный; незабываемый, памятный


1. What are advantages of travelling by car?
2. What are disadvantages of driving a car?
3. Why are the impressions of a spin in a car unforgettable?

Travelling by ship/ Путешествие на корабле

Задание: прочитать и перевести текст «Travelling by Sea»  

Human beings
are very inquisitive and like discovering different places. That is why people
all over the world like to travel around the globe. It is not so interesting
for them to see the world on TV today. It is precious to see it by their own.

And when
people come to beautiful beaches and sparkling blue waters, they understand it
is really the amazing thing they wanted to see. There are countless adventures
within reach on cruise vacation. There are many cruise companies in the world,
and each of these companies can provide you a qualified service.

During the
cruise people live in comfortable cabins. During sea days when a cruise liner
is in the open sea, people can take sunbathes, swim in the swimming pools, play
fools in the slide or promenade around the ship visiting different decks. You
can rent a cabin for two, four, six persons.

companies offer different tours during which you can discover the inhabitants
of a coral reef on a glass-bottomed boat, go horseback riding on the beach, go
mountain biking rain forests, explore ancient civilizations as you climb
mysterious pyramids or snorkel with stingrays and dive 800 feet down in a
research submarine. Days onboard are casual but full of joy and new
impressions. But don’t forget your camera and binoculars, so you don’t miss a

Adventures are
endless in this area. People can relax on a cruise surrounded by the white-sand
beaches and beautiful turquoise waters of the most beautiful islands on the
earth, find and visit tropical places where nature brings striking mountains
and pristine beaches.

Such islands
are home to rich culture and complex histories. There are archaic ruins,
beaches, rain forests and many waterfalls. Here you can find new friends and
buy a lot of souvenirs.


1. Why do people like travelling?
2. What adventures can you have while travelling on a cruise ship?
3. Where do people live during the cruise?
4. Where can you go during sea days?
5. What kind of tours do cruise companies offer?
6. What can you go sightseeing when you are on a cruise vacation?


human beings — человеческие существа
inquisitive —
любознательный, пытливый; любопытный
precious —
большой ценности, важнее всего
sparkling —
блестящий, искрящийся, сверкающий
to provide —
снабжать; доставлять; обеспечивать
cabin —
seaday —
зд. морской день, день когда корабль находится в открытом море
open sea —
открытое море
to take sunbathes —
to play fools —
slide —
слайд; водная горка
to promenade —
прогуливаться; гулять, разгуливать; прохаживаться
deck —
horseback riding —
прогулка верхом на лошади
mountain biking —
прогулка на велосипеде по горам
rain forest —
тропические леса
to climb —
взбираться, влезать, восходить, карабкаться, подниматься
mysterious —
таинственный; загадочный, непостижимый
to snorkel —
плавать под водой с маской и трубкой
stingray —
to dive —
нырять, бросаться в воду
research submarine —
научноисследовательская подводная лодка
casual —
нерегулярный, временный
joy —
радость, счастье; восторг
impression —
впечатление (эффект, в особенности сильный эффект, произведенный на интеллект, сознание или чувства)
binoculars —
to explore —
исследовать, рассматривать, анализировать
to relax —
расслабляться, делать передышку, отдыхать
to stroll —
прогуливаться, бродить, гулять (обычно медленно, праздно)
to surround —
окружать; обступать
turquoise —
бирюзовый цвет
pristine —
древний, первоначальный, изначальный; чистый, нетронутый; неиспорченный
archaic —
архаический, отживший
ruins —
waterfall —

Business trip abroad/   Командировка
за границу

Задание: прочитать и перевести текст «Business trip abroad»  

Business trips are just part
of doing business. A company tries to choose only its best people to represent
it. Trips can happen in or out of the country. And there are as many reasons to
go on a business as there are places to go: to sign contracts, to discuss terms
of delivery, payment or shipment, to have tests, to consult, to improve one’s
professional skills, to provide support. Representatives of the companies
involved usually make preliminary arrangements in order to meet. Whether a
long-term or short-term trip, the itinerary must be carefully planned by the
head of a department or another executive. After the trip, an employee is
ordinarily expected to give a full financial accounting of the trip to his

Sightseeing, cultural events
and just plain relaxing are a regular part of every business trip. And no
businessman would dare forget to buy gifts for relatives, friends and
colleagues while on a business trip to an interesting, new location. These
trips are important because they contribute to the expansion of a company’s business
relationships and help that company succeed in the competitive world market.

Business today is
international in character, and business people often have to travel. On a
business trip people might meet colleagues and business partners for the first
time. Often, colleagues from different countries experience cultural
difficulties, that is, they are surprised by strange, to them, social
conventions in a new place. Different cultures do things differently!
Management styles also differ from country to country. It’s often useful when
doing business in a foreign land, to get some advice from a special agency
which consults on questions of international business. These days business
trips are very important because face to face meetings are more valuable to profitable
business than any other type of strategy.


1. to do business with – заниматься бизнесом

2. to be busy – быть занятым

3. to look through – просматривать

4. price – цена

5. goods – товар

6. term – условие

7. payment – оплата

8. shipment – отгрузка, погрузка, отправка

9. delivery – поставка

10. business matters – деловые вопросы

11. enquiry – запрос

12. equipment – оборудование

13. to sell – продавать

14. to make an appointment – назначать встречу

15. to be interested in – быть заинтересованным в

16. quotation – расценкацена

the following questions:

1.     Being
a businessman what should you do?

2.     Before
you have a business trip  what steps should you do?

3.     How
can people make their travel arrangements?

4.     What
is the fastest way of traveling?

10.   Staying at a hotel
/ Пребывание в отеле

Задание: прочитать и перевести текст «Staying at a hotel»       

A N    M A R I N    H O T E L   *  *  *  *  *

hotel “San Marin” is located in the fashionable neighborhoods with the best
views. It offers the greatest convenience, the best comfort and the widest service
to its guests, including comfortable and luxurious guestrooms. All guestrooms
have excellent furniture, air-conditioning, private bathroom, hair-drier, color
television, telephone, tea and coffee-making facilities. All rooms are spacious
and tastefully decorated. There are some with balcony and beach view, and then
there are a number of rooms with garden view.

“San Marin” has a lot of recreational facilities like swimming-pools, fitness
centers, tennis courts, discos, and fully equipped gymnasiums with weight
training machines, sport grounds. A swimming pool in front of the building is a
trend of recreational facilities of the hotel.  It provides also horseback
riding and shooting to its guests. “San Marin” hotel offers animation
programmers for children.

variety of restaurants and bars cater for the needs of all kinds of visitors.
They are open for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. Casino completes this
wonderful hotel. Casinos, wherever they are legal, are the feature of some
hotels and the real profits come from the casinos.

Front Office of the hotel
consists of the reservation department and
the reception desk. The receptionist works in the front office of a hotel; he meets
and greets guests, registers guests and assigns rooms to them.



beforehand-    заказать

telephone or by telegraph
  —           по

take a single room
 —             взять

a double room
номер на двоих

a suite
номер, состоящий из нескольких комнат

the service
—     обслуживание


tangible and intangible goods
–материальные и нематериальные товары

and signs –
плакаты и


lobby of a hotel
—  вестибюль

guest accounts

на вопросы по тексту:

How can you reserve accommodation?

2. What sort of rooms do
most hotels offer?

 3. What kind of
conveniences has the room in a hotel?

 4. What does hospitality

 5. Where is the front

6.  What kind of services
does the front desk provide?

регистрационный бланк в отеле “
San Marin


Registration Card    



Date of

Place of birth

Passport №_______________________________________________________

Date__________________________Departure Date________________

(Checkout time 12 noon)        






(Guest signature)


Кроссворд по предмету английскому языку - на тему 'Travel'

По горизонтали

4. Люди собираются там во время поездки

5. Озеро

6. Люди ждут, чтобы поехать в другую страну или город

7. Вся водная мантия планеты или ее часть между континентами.

9. В это железо накатывать другое железо

12. Фамилия известного подводного исследователя.

13. Транспорт на земле

14. Устройство для прыжка с самолета.

20. Путешествие или передвижение пешком по дальним странам
или районам.

22. Кусок бумаги

24. Время отправляться в путешествие

По вертикали

1. Машина, которая
возьмет вас за деньги

2. Погода

3. На нем лежат и

6. Они везде, где
есть люди

8. Она красива в
разное время года

10. Автономное
устройство для дыхания человека под водой.

11. Без него в
походе сложно

15. Тот, кто
совершает полеты в космосе.

16. Тот, кто
занимается научными исследованиями.

17. Два колеса они
едут быстро

18. Имеет два
крыла и хвост

19. Палатка

21. Инцидент или
неожиданный случай в жизни.

23. Когда люди
путешествуют пешком

Билет № 16

№ 16


talk about tourism. How do you prefer to travel?

Nowadays travelling is an important part of modern
life. People travel to see other countries and their sights, to discover new
things and other ways of life, to meet different people, taste different food,
visit museums and art galleries. Some people travel for business or just for
pleasure. So, it’s difficult to imagine modern life without travelling.

Nowadays people can travel in different ways: on foot,
by train, by plane, by ship or by car. People choose the way of travelling
according to their likes and financial possibilities. All means of travelling
have their advantages and disadvantages.

Travelling by air is the most convenient but the most
expensive. Travelling by train is slower but you enjoy the comfort and pleasure
of relaxation. Travelling by car you don’t need to buy tickets and you can plan
your trip.

As for me, I like travelling by train. It’s rather
cheap. Trains can be slow, express and long-distance. Trains have comfortable
seats, separate compartments where you can read and sleep or have a cup of tea
or coffee. Travelling by train is safe.


you bring home souvenirs from your trips? Why or why not?

I do. Many people like to take a little
something home with them as a reminder of their travels, something to show for
where they have been. There are so many different types of souvenir ideas to
choose from. From the classics such as a Statue of Liberty replica from New
York, an Eiffel Tower model from Paris, Russian Matryoshka dolls, woolen gloves
from New Zealand.


are going on a trip around England. What questions will you ask your British


places can you recommend me to see in England?


is the capital of England?


Belarusian friend will spend his/ her summer vacation in Great Britain. Give
him/ her a piece of advice on how to organize the trip.

you want to travel to Great Britain you should know the customs and traditions
of this country. You should take your passport with you. You should speak


country should encourage and promote tourism. What do you think about it?

think that countries encouraging tourism promote local culture, making it
popular. For example – carnival in Rio attracts millions of tourists from all
over the world. Everyone wants to be a part of that beautiful event. Lots of
tourists mean lots of money, so it is not surprising that governments invest
huge funds to improve local facilities. It is good news for the visitors and
even better for the people who live there. The locals can benefit from it in
many ways.

Tourism topics ,with all the important information about tourism and its importance and the types of tourism .If you are looking for information on tourism here you will find tourism topics in English.

Tourism topics

Tourism is one of the most important sources of income for some countries. Here you will find tourism topics with all the information you want to know about tourism and its types and everything related to tourism .


When you leave your country and pack up your luggage, you travel in a new land and learn about other people that you do not know in your country.

This is undoubtedly an adventure for many.

Many psychologists advise those who are exposed to diseases of tension and depression to travel to change the psychology of tourism has a positive role in promoting the good side inside you.

Tourism is one of the tributaries of the local economy and is a product of national income.

Many Arab countries, such as Egypt and Lebanon, depend on tourism as a source of economic resources. Tourism comes as an important part of their budgets.

Tourist places are an indispensable source of income.

Tourism is a means to eliminate unemployment and provide employment opportunities for young people.

Many tourist countries employ their citizens in tourist establishments, restaurants and jobs related to tourist services such as guide jobs, tourist guides and tourism promotion functions. .

There are many types of tourism such as:

Sports tourism: It includes the availability of all the facilities for this tourism, whether internal or external, and tourists travel to spend enjoyable times.

 Shopping tourism: This is the tourism undertaken by individuals in some of the countries that set them up so that their products are offered at low prices in order to attract tourists.

 Recreational tourism: Individuals go to places characterized by a comfortable atmosphere, with water and beautiful forests and the purpose of individuals to go to entertainment and enjoyment only so that people exercise their hobbies.

Cultural Tourism: This tourism is concerned with intellectuals and those interested in cultural and historical landmarks such as the Pharaonic civilization of Egypt.

Roaming tourism: This is a modern tourism as individuals walk on foot to the beautiful places of nature rich and picturesque, they enjoy roaming in and live in the wilderness.

 Ecotourism: the movement of individuals and the visit of plant and animal environmental reserves for the study of environmental and environmental secrets.

Adventure tourism: For the oddity of living in some areas, doing mountaineering and cycling, diving in the secrets of valleys, fishing and doing all that is strange.

Car and bicycle tourism: This tourism is monopolized in certain countries only, which has wide and fast ways to communicate with other countries, and in this way all the necessary services are available from ambulance, maintenance and others.

Exhibition tourism: This tourism is mobile among countries that hold different opposition from the arts of plastic, industrial exhibitions, literary and commercial exhibitions and others.

In this way, we have provided you with tourism topic . You can read more topics through the following section:

  • Short English topic

Сочинение на тему “Туризм” на английском языке с переводом на русский язык



People like travelling. It broadens the mind and makes people happy. They make new friends, learn more about foreign cultures and visit different places of interest. Some sights really excite, for example, the Eiffel Tower or the Great Wall of China. Nowadays people have many opportunities to travel. It takes the little time to get some place. Fast and comfortable planes, cars and ships make it possible to have a good time while travelling. People can choose a hotel and book tickets on the Internet. If people lost in the city, they can find a way on the Internet, too. It saves much time.

Люди любят путешествовать. Это расширяет кругозор и делает людей счастливыми. Они находят новых друзей, больше узнают об иностранных культурах и посещают различные достопримечательности. Некоторые достопримечательности действительно восхищают, например, Эйфелева башня или Великая Китайская стена. В наши дни у людей много возможностей путешествовать. Чтобы добраться куда-то нужно совсем немного времени. Быстрые и удобные самолеты, автомобили и корабли позволяют хорошо провести время во время путешествия. Люди могут выбрать отель и забронировать билеты в Интернете. Если люди потерялись в городе, они также могут найти дорогу в Интернете. Это экономит много времени.

There are many ways of travelling. One of the most popular ways of travelling is a hiking trip. Hiking trip means a walking tour of short duration. As a rule, it is a particular route. It can be an excursion with a guide or just walking on your own.

Существует много способов путешествовать. Одним из самых популярных способов путешествий является поход. Пеший туризм представляет собой короткую пешую прогулку. Как правило, существует определенный маршрут. Это может быть экскурсия с гидом или просто самостоятельная прогулка.

Nowadays it is popular to travel around the world. Some people who have a thirst for adventure arrange their own round-the-world route. They visit many countries and almost all continents. I think it is very interesting and exciting but a bit dangerous.

В наши дни популярно путешествовать по всему миру. Некоторые люди, которые жаждут приключений, организуют свой собственный кругосветный маршрут. Они посещают многие страны и бывают почти на всех континентах. Я думаю, что это очень интересно и захватывающе, но немного опасно.

Some people like shopping tour. It means that they visit popular and famous shopping centres in different countries. Of course, it is popular with women though some men also like shopping tours.

Некоторые люди любят совершать поездки за покупками. Это означает, что они посещают популярные и знаменитые торговые центры в разных странах. Конечно, это популярно среди женщин, хотя некоторые мужчины также любят такие поездки.

I think travelling allows people to gain wonderful and unique experience.

Я думаю, что путешествие позволяет людям получить замечательный и уникальный опыт.

Лексика, тексты с заданиями по теме «Travels (путешествия и туризм)», а также тесты для самопроверки.


Travelling. Texts (для разных уровней)

В рамках изучения темы «Travelling» (Путешествия) прочитайте короткие тексты на английском языке. Тексты предназначены для разных уровней (beginner- advanced) и способствуют закреплению пройденной лексики.

Travelling. Список английских слов №2 (intermediate) с упражнениями

Вы уже изучили самые распространенные английские слова по теме «Путешествия» (список №1) и теперь вас ждет список английских слов №2 (intermediate) по теме «Travelling». В этом уроке мы приступаем к выполнению упражнений по данной теме.

travelling topic по английскому языку - слова, готовые фразы и пример

The Story «Seeing People Off» (текст для изучающих английский язык)

travelling topic по английскому языку - слова, готовые фразы и примерДанный текст на английском языке предлагается для изучающих английский язык самостоятельно или с преподавателем. Текст рекомендуется читать после изучения темы «Travelling» (Путешествия). Слова для понимания выделены в рамочки. Слова для изучения даются с примерами. К тексту есть упражнения для закрепления новых слов. Для изучения предлагается грамматическая конструкция с герундием.

Camping. Английские слова по теме «Поход»

travelling topic по английскому языку - слова, готовые фразы и пример

Travelling. Adjectives. Список прилагательных по теме «Travelling»

Этот список прилагательных на английском языке подходит к теме «Travelling», «Travel Books» и «Nature». Как правило, следует избавляться от использования в речи таких прилагательных как good, bad и interesting, заменяя их на более выразительные и эмоциональные. Это особенно важно при написании таких письменных работ как эссе или личное письмо.

Travelling. Полный список английских слов по теме «Путешествия» с упражнениями

Полный список английских слов по теме «Travelling» для изучения. Всего 80 слов. Слова можно скопировать и распечатать. Прилагаются задания для активизации лексики. В конце статьи вы найдете ссылки на другие полезные материалы, в том числе тексты по теме «Travelling» для изучающих английский язык.

Travelling. Английские слова по теме «Путешествия». Список №1 для начинающих

Это самые распространенные английские слова для начинающих по теме «Travelling». Всего около 25 слов. Эти слова рекомендуются на начальном этапе изучения английского языка как с преподавателем, так и самостоятельно.

travelling topic по английскому языку - слова, готовые фразы и пример

Travelling. Список английских выражений для подготовки к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ

Тема «Путешествия» (topic «Travelling») — одна из тем, которая часто встречается на экзаменах по английскому языку. Воспользуйтесь словами и выражениями из списка и составьте свое небольшое тематическое высказывание. Не забудьте показать свои лингвострановедческие знания и расскажите о тех странах, в которых вы побывали.


Travelling topic по английскому языку — тематический словарь, текст с переводом

travelling topic по английскому языку - слова, готовые фразы и пример

Все люди разные: одним легче уловить информацию на слух, а другим проще понять новую тему через картинки или логические схемы. Поэтому для изучения иностранных языков придумано множество разных обучающих методик, причем такое разнообразие значительно помогает повышать эффективность учебного процесса. В частности, по мнению многих преподавателей, для новичков в английском языке эффективной считается методика топиков (иностранных текстов). Предлагаем сегодня испробовать подобный формат работы на примере темы Travelling topic. Путешествовать любят многие люди, тем более что сейчас в мире почти открытые границы и высочайший уровень туризма. Так что тема принадлежит к числу бытовых, а значит обязательных для изучения. Приступаем!

  Путешествие с гордоном рамзи италия

Что такое travelling topic и как с ним работать

Начнем с небольшого описания формата работы. Принцип методики с топиками заключается в том, что ученик самостоятельно работает с иностранным текстом, тем самым улучшая целый ряд речевых навыков.

Судите сами: сначала английский topic необходимо правильно прочесть, в процессе чего отрабатываются правила чтения и ставится верное произношение (при чтении вслух). Далее текст нужно понять и перевести, соответственно, для этого изучаются новые слова и фразы.

И, наконец, для закрепления полученной информации ученики должны ответить на вопросы по содержанию текста. При этом также проверяется и знание грамматики, а если провести это упражнение в письменной форме, то можно улучшить еще и навыки письма.

Таким образом, Travelling топик по английскому языку – это не что иное, как текст на тему путешествий, с помощью которого иностранцы улучшают свои знания и практикуют речевые навыки.

Отметим, что для топиков по английскому темы обычно выбирают простые и часто встречающиеся в речи, поскольку прежде всего новичкам нужно научиться общаться на бытовом уровне (так называемый «уровень выживания», Elementary level).

И вполне соответствует этому критерию тема Travelling, ведь путешествуют сейчас все чаще и чаще. Кстати, свобода перемещения в свою очередь способствует и повышению интереса к изучению иностранных языков. Но это уже другая тема для разговора, поэтому возвратимся к нашему топику.

Тем более что о нем уже все сказано, и пора переходить к практической работе!

Топик о путешествии на английском (travelling topic)

Итак, приводим вашему вниманию пример обучающего материала о путешествиях. Как уже отмечалось выше, состоит он из нескольких частей, которые мы для упрощения работы разберем по отдельности.

Вспомогательная лексика

Начнем с изучения тематических слов, необходимых для понимания текста. Для удобства приведем в таблице лексику не только с переводом, но и с транскрипцией. Она поможет верно прочесть слово и быстрее запомнить его правильное произношение.

Выражение Транскрипция Перевод
travelling [ˈtræv.əl.ɪŋ] путешествие, путешествия
any point [ˈeni pɔɪnt] любая точка
to travel [tə ˈtrævl] путешествовать
no wonder [nəʊ ˈwʌndə(r)] не удивительно, не вызывает удивления
reason [ˈriːzn] причина
decade [ˈdekeɪd] десятилетие
everywhere [ˈevriweə(r)] везде, повсюду
to be imagined [tə bi ɪˈmadʒɪnd] быть вообразимым, воображать
means of transport [miːnz əv ˈtrænspɔːt] транспортные средства
plane [pleɪn] самолет
train [treɪn] поезд
ship [ʃɪp] корабль
car [kɑː(r)] автомобиль
on foot [ɒn fʊt] пешком
the best way [ðə best weɪ] лучший способ
foreign [ˈfɒrən] иностранный, зарубежный
country [ˈkʌntri] страна
convenient [kənˈviːniənt] удобный, комфортный
cheap [tʃiːp] дешевый
have got something to choose from [həv ɡɒt ˈsʌmθɪŋ tə tʃuːz frəm] иметь выбор из чего-л.; есть из чего выбрать
way of travelling [weɪ əv ˈtræv.əl.ɪŋ] способ путешествовать
opportunity [ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti] возможность
preference [ˈprefrəns] предпочтение
enjoy [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ] наслаждаться, получать удовольствие, радоваться
surroundings [səˈraʊndɪŋz] окружение, среда, окружающая обстановка
to visit [tə ˈvɪzɪt] посещать
historical places [hɪˈstɒrɪkl pleɪsɪz] исторические места
impression [ɪmˈpreʃn] впечатление
memories [ˈmemərɪz] воспоминания, памятные моменты
to broaden mind [tə ˈbrɔː.dən maɪnd] расширять кругозор
undeniable truth [ˌʌn.dɪˈnaɪ.ə.bl̩ truːθ] непререкаемая истина, неоспоримое утверждение

Возможно будут интересны и другие темы:


А теперь главный герой материала – topic about travelling собственной персоной. Отметим, что читать текст лучше вслух, чтобы автоматически нарабатывать устную речь и верное произношение.

Если есть такая возможность, то собственное чтение еще советуем и записать на диктофон. Позже с записанным материалом можно будет проработать такой полезный навык, как восприятие английской речи на слух.

Тем более что свой голос воспринимается легче, чем речь незнакомого собеседника.


We live in times when it’s rather easy to travel to any point of the planet. So no wonder travelling becomes more popular. What is more, our modern life is impossible without travelling. And there are many reasons for this.

Путешествие на английском – Travelling (топик -сочинение с переводом)

travelling topic по английскому языку - слова, готовые фразы и примерРазбираем английские топики на разные темы для школьников и студентов. Топик Путешествие на английском – Travelling. Топик можно использовать и как сочинение. В уроке вы найдете английский текст с переводом на русский.


Travelling is very popular nowadays. A lot of people travel to different countries if they have such opportunity.

Travelling allows you to get interesting experience, learn about people’s life in other countries and continents. I think it is very interesting to discover new things, new places and different ways of life.

While on travel, you meet new people, try different meals; see world famous places with your own eyes.

There are many ways of traveling — by train, by plane, by ship, on foot. If you want to visit a far country, you’ll definitely choose a flight. If your aim is to see many countries for a short time, you’ll choose travelling by bus or by car. If you want to be closer to nature, you may choose a trip on foot.

Lots of people nowadays live in big cities. So it’s natural that they want to have a holiday by the sea or in mountains with nothing to do but relaxing. There is other sort of travellers. They want to visit as many countries as possible. So after exploring Europe and North America they go to exotic countries.

People who travel a lot, are very interesting, they always have a good story to tell. Thanks to them you can learn many things which you didn’t know before. They motivate to see something new, to explore the world, which is so easy to do nowadays. Any kind of travelling helps you to understand many things that you would never see or learn at home.

As English people say — A picture is worth a thousand words. And I totally agree with them.

Travelling Путешествия
Travelling is very popular nowadays. A lot of people travel to different countries if they have such opportunity. Travelling allows you to get interesting experience, learn about people’s life in other countries and continents. I think it is very interesting to discover new things, new places and different ways of life. While on travel, you meet new people, try different meals; see world famous places with your own eyes. Путешествия в наше время очень популярны. Много людей путешествуют в другие страны, если у них есть такая возможность. Путешествия позволяют получить новый опыт, узнать о жизни людей в других странах и континентах. Я думаю, что это очень интересно – исследовать что-то новое, новые места и такую разную жизнь. Во время поездки ты встречаешь новых людей, пробуешь новую еду, видишь знаменитые достопримечательности своими глазами.
There are many ways of traveling — by train, by plane, by ship, on foot. If you want to visit a far country, you’ll definitely choose a flight. If your aim is to see many countries for a short time, you’ll choose travelling by bus or by car. If you want to be closer to nature, you may choose a trip on foot. Есть много способов путешествовать – на поезде, на самолете, на корабле, пешком. Если ты хочешь посетить далекую страну, то точно выберешь самолет. Если твоя цель – увидеть много стран за короткое время, то ты выберешь путешествие на автобусе или машине. Если хочешь быть ближе к природе, то, наверное, выберешь пеший поход.
Lots of people nowadays live in big cities. So it’s natural that they want to have a holiday by the sea or in mountains with nothing to do but relaxing. There is other sort of travellers. They want to visit as many countries as possible. So after exploring Europe and North America they go to exotic countries. Многие люди в наше время живут в больших городах. Так что это естественно, что они хотят провести отпуск возле моря или в горах, чтобы ничего не делать и просто отдыхать. Есть другой вид путешественников. Они хотят увидеть как можно больше стран. Так что после исследования Европы и Северной Америки, они ездят в экзотические страны.
People who travel a lot, are very interesting, they always have a good story to tell. Thanks to them you can learn many things which you didn’t know before. They motivate to see something new, to explore the world, which is so easy to do nowadays. Any kind of travelling helps you to understand many things that you would never see or learn at home. Люди, которые путешествуют, очень интересные, у них всегда припасена интересная история. Благодаря им можно узнать много нового. Они мотивируют тебя увидеть что-то новое, исследовать мир, что так легко сделать в наше время. Любое путешествие поможет узнать много нового, чего бы ты точно не узнал дома.
As English people say — A picture is worth a thousand words. And I totally agree with them. Как говорят англичане – Лучше 1 раз увидеть, чем 100 раз услышать. И я полностью с ними соглашусь.

Смотри больше английских топиков и сочинений

Тесты онлайн по теме «Путешествие — Travelling, Tourism». В каждом тесте аудио + картинка. Тесты помогают тренировать понимание на слух, запоминать слово путем ассоциаций, тренировать правописание слова:

1 International Travel. Types of Travel. (Виды путешествий)
2 International Travel. Arriving at a Destination. (Прибытие в пункт назначения)
3 International Travel. Hotel Communication. (Фразы для общения в отеле)
4 International Travel. Tourist Activities. (Чем заняться в турпоездке)
5 International Travel. Tourist Communication. (Полезные фразы для туристов)

Топик travelling: с переводом и полезными фразами

Елизавета Морозова

Рубрика: Топики

travelling topic по английскому языку - слова, готовые фразы и пример

Топик «Travelling» поможет вам обогатить свой словарный запас по теме путешествий и  подготовиться к устной части экзаменов по английскому языку. Много полезных фраз и перевод помогут быстрее усвоить текст. Успехов!

Готовишься к ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?

будут тебе в помощь!  Удачи!

Travelling becomes more and more popular nowadays. Even ten years ago we couldn’t expect that we would be able to travel almost everywhere. Millions of tourists go to different places during the year.

It is said that travelling broadens your mind and it is absolutely true. Even a short trip where you get to know different people and different cultures may change you completely.

It has become a usual thing, for example, for American graduates from school to have so called “gap year” when they don’t go to the university but spend the whole year travelling.

Travelling has become much cheaper now. Thousands of people now decide not to go to the travel agency but to organize the trip by themselves. They book the flight and the hotel, organize the entertainment part and enjoy it.

While there are still people who prefer organized expensive voyages, there are people that prefer low-cost travelling. It is the type of travelling when you find the cheapest tickets on the plane, travel with your backpack, stay at the host family and have someone from the local people show you their culture.

For many people travelling becomes the way of living. They spend months and years travelling without coming home and seeing their family. They work, travel and enjoy their lives. And in my opinion it is the most important thing — live and enjoy your life.


В наши дни путешествия становятся все более и более популярными. Еще десять лет назад мы не могли ожидать, что сможем путешествовать практически везде. Миллионы туристов приезжают в различные места в течение года.

Говорят, что путешествия расширяют твой ум и это абсолютно верно. Даже короткое путешествие, где вы знакомитесь с разными людьми и разными культурами, может полностью изменить вас.

Это уже стало обычным делом, например, для американских выпускников из школы устраивать так называемый “пропущенный год”, когда они не идут в университет, а проводят целый год в путешествиях.

Сейчас путешествовать стало намного дешевле. Тысячи людей решают не идти в туристическую фирму, а организовать поездку самостоятельно. Они бронируют самолет и отель, организуют развлекательную часть и наслаждаются ею.

Есть люди, которые предпочитают организованные дорогие морские путешествия, а есть те, кто предпочитает бюджетные путешествия. Это вид путешествий, когда вы находите самые дешевые билеты на самолет, путешествуете с рюкзаком, останавливаетесь в принимающей семье, и кто-то из местных жителей показывает вам свою культуру.

Для многих туризм становится образом жизни. Они тратят месяцы и годы путешествуя, не приезжая домой, и не видя свои семьи. Они работают, путешествуют и наслаждаются жизнью. И, на мой взгляд, это самое главное — жить и наслаждаться жизнью.

  • Полезные выражения по теме:
  • travelling broadens mind — путешествия расширяют сознание
  • to become a usual thing — стать привычным / обычным делом
  • а gap year — пропущенный год, когда школьники пропускают год перед университетом, чтобы поехать заграницу и найти себя
  • to go to the travel agency — идти в туристическое агентство
  • to organize the trip by oneself — организовать путешествие самому
  • to book the flight / to book the hotel — забронировать билет на самолет / забронировать гостиницу
  • to prefer organized voyages — предпочитать организованные путешествия
  • a low-cost travelling — бюджетное путешествие
  • to go to different places — ездить в разные места

Топики по английскому языку по теме «Туризм и путешествия»

Топики по английскому языку по теме:

Tourismandtravel/Туризм и путешествия

Для изъяснения на определенные темы по английскому языку нужно владеть лексикой по данной теме. Многим студентам приходится сталкиваться с необходимостью пополнить свой словарный запас по той или иной тематике. Самый эффективный и простой способ для этого — изучать и разбирать топики.

Цель работы: формирование навыков чтения с умением извлекать необходимую информацию, отвечать на вопросы; составление монологических и диалогических высказываний на английском языке в пределах тематики с использованием изученных лексических единиц.

Что такое туризм и путешествия? Чем отличается туризм от путешествия?

Дать краткое и при этом полное определение понятию «туризм», из-за многообразия выполняемых им функций и большого числа форм проявления, довольно сложно. 

Путешествие – это передвижение по какой-либо территории, акватории с целью их изучения, а также с общеобразовательными, познавательными,  спортивными и другими целями. До 18—19 вв. путешествия были одним из основных источников получения сведений о тех или иных странах (их природе, населении, истории, хозяйстве), общем характере и очертании поверхности Земли.

Туризм (франц. tour – тур, прогулка, поездка) – путешествие (поездка, поход) в свободное время, один из видов активного отдыха. В зависимости от цели путешествий туризм подразделяется на: познавательный (экскурсионный) – посещение привлекательных мест, осмотр культурных, исторических, природных и др.

достопримечательностей; спортивный туризм – участие в спортивных мероприятиях; любительский – охота, рыболовство и прочее; так называемый пригородный туризм – массовые краткосрочные выезды больших коллективов, отдельных групп и лиц за город, в том числе в специальные зоны отдыха; туризм с социальными целями – участие в общественных мероприятиях; религиозный (паломничество)– посещение «святых» мест и др…

В 1993 году комиссия ООН приняла следующее определение: туризм – это деятельность лиц, которые путешествуют и осуществляют пребывание в местах, находящихся за пределами их обычной среды, в течение периода, не превышающего одного года подряд, с целью отдыха, деловыми и прочими целями.

Таким образом, под туризмом понимаются путешествия за пределы постоянного места жительства с целью отдыха, развлечения и прочими целями.

 Турист = путешественник, т.к. TOUR = ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ (перевод с англ.). В последнее время туристами чаще называют людей, потребляющих услуги туроператоров, а путешественниками — увлеченных любителей острых ощущений, получаемых от смены обстановки и преодоления препятствий, чаще всего — ради адреналина, иногда — с серьезными научными целями.

  • Содержание
  • Тема 1. Tourism/ Туризм
  • Тема 2. Travelling/ Путешествие

Тема 3. What is travel for me? / Что для меня путешествие?

Тема 4. Travel by train/ Путешествие на поезде.

  1. Тема 5. Travelling by air/ Путешествие по воздуху
  2. Тема 6. At the airport/ В аэропорту
  3. Тема 7. Travelling by car/ Путешествие на машине
  4. Тема 8. Travelling by ship/ Путешествие на корабле
  5. Тема 9. Trip abroad/ Поездка за границу
  6. Тема 10. Staying at a hotel / Пребывание в отеле 
  7. Тема 1. TOURISM/ ТУРИЗМ
  8. Разницамежду travel, trip и journey

Как известно, Travel broadens the mind (Путешествия расширяют кругозор). Неважно, будет ли это короткая поездка на машине или большое путешествие с долгим перелетом — выбираться в места, где ты не бывал, интересно всегда. Особенно, за границу (abroad).

В английском языке есть несколько существительных-синонимов, связанных с темой путешествий.

Travel (путешествие)

Travel — наиболее часто употребляемое слово для обозначения путешествий. В прямом переводе глагол «to travel» переводится, как «путешествовать», но в зависимости от контекста его значение может трактоваться и по-другому — «отправиться» или «поехать».

  • World travel gives people a new perspective — Путешествия по миру помогают людям взглянуть на все по-новому.
  • Слово travel употребляется в случаях, когда мы говорим о путешествии в целом, как о явлении. Поэтому в английском языке оно часто употребляется в составе более сложных существительных:
  • air travel — путешествие самолетомcar travel — путешествие на машинеspace travel — космическое путешествиеwater travel — путешествие по водеtime travel — путешествие во времениtravel documents — проездные документыtravel ticket — проездной билетtravel agent — агент по туризму

Кроме того, слово travel является производным для других слов. Так, путешественник по-английски — traveller, а все, что может быть связано с путешествиями — travelling.

Когда мы говорим о чьих-то путешествиях и странствиях, то употребляем множественное число travels.

Приключенческие книги о путешествиях также будут называться travels, а вот гид по какому-то городу или стране называется travel guide.

Journey (поездка, путешествие)

У слова journey более узкий спектр применения, чем у слова travel. Journey обозначает путешествие в один конец или регулярные поездки. Его чаще можно услышать в британском английском, чем в американском.

Так, трехчасовую поездку на поезде из одного города в другой будет логичнее назвать journey: AjourneyfromLondontoManchestercannowbecompletedinunder 4 hours — Поездка из Лондона в Манчестер теперь может быть совершена менее чем за 4 часа.

Иногда слово journey используется для обозначения длительности поездки или пройденного расстояния. В русском языке наиболее близкие значения — это «дорога» или «путь»: Thethreedayjourneyhome — Трехдневная дорога домой.

  1. Одно из известных изречений с использованием слова journey гласит:
  2. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step — Путешествиевтысячумильначинаетсясодногошага.
  3. Устойчивое словосочетание «жизненный путь» переводится на английский язык как life’s journey.
  4. Trip (поездка)

В отличие от journey, trip — это поездка в оба конца. Словосочетание, которое часто можно встретить — road trip. Мы используем его, когда говорим о длительном путешествии на машине.

Так, находясь в США можно отправиться в road trip по нескольким штатам, а то и вовсе в Мексику или Канаду. А вот рабочая командировка — business trip.

Другие употребляемые словосочетания, которые можно встретить в разговоре:

day trip — однодневная поездкаround-the-world trip — кругосветное путешествиеboat trip — путешествие по водеcamping trip — походwedding trip — свадебное путешествие

Иными словами, trip — это поездка в оба конца с возвращением домой, в отличие от journey, где путь лежит только в один конец.

Несколько примеров слова в предложении: Let’s go on a trip to the mountains next summer! — Давайте поедем в горы следующим летом!

Yesterday I went on a day trip to the lakes. We left at 5.30 a.m. and returned around 11 p.m. — Вчераясовершилоднодневнуюпоездкунаозера. Мы уехали в 5:30 утра и вернулись около 11 вечера

Помимо вышеупомянутых travel, trip и journey существует еще несколько слов для обозначения путешествий.

Первое из них — voyage. Чаще всего, его употребляют в контексте морских путешествий (sea voyage) или когда речь идет об исследовательских экспедициях (voyage of discovery).

Сегодня слово voyage употребляется в разговорной речи довольно редко и встречается, в основном, в специальной литературе и в рассказ о великих путешественниках и мореплавателях прошлого.

Many voyages were made to the Indian Ocean during that period — ВтовремясовершалосьмногоплаванийкИндийскомокеану.

Второе — это tour или просто «экскурсионная поездка». Чаще всего это короткие поездки в другой город или несколько городов с посещением достопримечательностей. Так, можно отправиться on tour of America (в тур по Америке), и затем рассказать друзьям, как вы путешествовали по США (were touring the USA).

Также, говоря об отдыхе, мы можем использовать слово vacation, которое будет обозначать каникулы или короткий отпуск.

Глаголы на английском, связанные с путешествием — это go, make и take. Мы можем отправиться в поездку (take a trip), совершить путешествие (make a journey) или вояж (to go on voyage) или просто попутешествовать (to travel).

Задание: прочитать и перевести текст “Tourism”, составить план пересказа текста.

People on our planet can’t live without travelling now. People travel from the very beginning of their civilization. Thousands years ago all people were nomads and collectors. They roamed all their lives looking for food and better life.

Travelling – Путешествия | Топик по английскому с переводом

Millions of people all around the world adore travelling. We travel because we wish to see new countries and cities, visit historical places, meet new people and taste different cuisines.

There are different means of transportation. People can travel by ship, airplane, train or car. All means of transportation have their advantages and disadvantages.

I would like to talk briefly about each of them.

Travelling by airplane

Travelling by airplane is the fastest, but the most expensive. A lot of people prefer travelling by airplane, but some people are afraid of heights and that’s why they prefer travelling by train.

Travelling by train

I have to notice that travelling by train is very popular in Russia. Modern trains have very comfortable carriages and seats. There is also the dining-car in each train. You can see many interesting places and enjoy the nature, looking through the window.

Travelling by ship

Trips on cruise ships have a lot of advantages. One of them is the amazing pricing. Most cruise lines are all-inclusive packages. This includes a person’s cruise fare, lodging, food and some onboard entertainment and sightseeing.

Travelling by car 

And, finally, travelling by car is also very popular in Russia. A lot of people choose this means of transportation. They don’t need to buy tickets, book hotels etc. They can stop whenever they wish, rest and stay at the same place as long as they want.


Hiking is a very popular means of travelling, but not as popular in Russia as it is popular abroad. Generally, young people prefer this kind of travelling. Walking tours are very exciting.

My opinion

I prefer travelling by plane. To my mind, it is the most comfortable and fast means of transportation.

And finally, it is commonly known that travelling is a great thing! Nothing can give you so many positive emotions and memories as travelling to some remarkable country or city.

Миллионы людей по всему миру обожают путешествовать. Мы путешествуем, потому что хотим увидеть новые страны и города, посетить исторические места, встретить новых людей и попробовать кухни разных стран. 

Существуют различные средства передвижения. Люди могут путешествовать на корабле, самолете, поезде или на машине. Все средства передвижения имеют как достоинства, так и недостатки.

Я хочу сказать несколько слов о каждом из них.

Путешествия на самолете

Путешествие на самолете самое быстрое, но и самое дорогое. Многие люди предпочитают путешествовать на самолете, но некоторые боятся высоты и поэтому путешествуют на поезде.

Путешествия на поезде

Следует отметить, что в России самым популярным средством передвижения является поезд. У современных поездов очень комфортабельные вагоны и места. Также в каждом поезде есть вагон-ресторан. Вы можете увидеть интересные места через окно вагона и наслаждаться красотой природы.

Путешествия на корабле

Путешествия на круизных лайнерах имеют много преимуществ. Одно из них – выгодная цена. Большинство круизных лайнеров работают по принципу «все включено». В стоимость включены билеты, размещение в каютах, питание, развлечения, посещение достопримечательностей.

Путешествия на машине

И, наконец, путешествовать на машине также очень популярно в России. Многие люди выбирают этот вид транспорта. Им не нужно покупать билеты, бронировать гостиницы и т.д. Они могут останавливаться там, где хотят, отдыхать и проводить в каждом месте столько времени, сколько хочется.

Пеший туризм

Пеший туризм также очень популярный вид путешествия, но в России не такой популярный, как за границей. Его предпочитают в основном молодые люди. Экскурсии пешком очень увлекательные.

Мое мнение

Я предпочитаю путешествовать на самолете. По моему мнению, это самый комфортный и быстрый вид транспорта.

И, в конце концов, общеизвестно, что путешествовать просто замечательно. Ничто не может вам дать столько положительных эмоций и воспоминаний как путешествие в какую-нибудь замечательную страну или город.

Другие полезные материалы

Збираємось у відпустку! Англійські слова та ідіоми, без яких не обійтись у подорожі

Признавайтесь, кому скоро в отпуск? Море, закаты, рассветы, новые города и страны уже заждались. Пора собираться в путь! Только перед этим не забудьте проверить, знаете ли вы все необходимые английские слова, фразы и идиомы.

Кстати, больше с английским всего повезло тем, кто собирается в отпуск только в августе! Ведь вы ещё успеваете пройти идеальные для путешествий курсы английского в нашем центре, которые длятся всего 2 месяца:

  • Курс Brush Up, чтобы освежить знания английского в кратчайшие сроки перед поездкой,
  • Communication Skills – курс разговорного английского, без которого в путешествии никак не обойтись.

Ну, а если ваш отпуск раньше, сохраняйте себе наш словарик путешественника – пригодится!

Собираемся в дорогу на английском

To book online – забронировать онлайн (перелёт, билеты на автобус или поезд, отель, хостел или квартиру)
To make a reservation – забронировать
Travel agency, agent – туристическое агентство, менеджер по туризму
Package tour – пакетный тур, в который включены билеты, проживание, экскурсии, трансферы и страховка
Travel documents – все документы, которые вам пригодятся: паспорт, билеты, подтверждение брони отеля, страховка
Travel insurance – страховка на время путешествия
Long-haul destination – дальнее путешествие
Short weekend break / city break – короткое путешествие на выходные, тур выходного дня
Suitcase – чемодан
Baggage / luggage – багаж
Hand /cabin baggage – ручная кладь
Hold / check-in baggage – зарегистрированный багаж, который летит в багажном отделении
Baggage allowance – нормы провоза багажа (не забудьте ознакомиться на сайте авиакомпании!)
Oversize baggage / luggage – багажа, превышающий нормы по размеру или весу
Handbag – небольшая сумка, которую можно взять с собой в самолёт в дополнение к ручной клади

Money belt – бананка, сумка на поясе

20 английских идиом про погоду

Летим на самолёте

Check in – регистрация на рейс (как и при заселении в отель)
Check-in desk – стойка регистрации
Boarding pass / card – посадочный талон
Security check – проверка пассажиров и багажа системой перед посадкой на рейс
Boarding – посадка на рейс
Boarding time – время посадки
Cabin crew – команда бортпроводников
Flight route, flying altitude – маршрут полёта и высота полёта, иногда объявляются капитаном самолёта или видны на специальных экранах
Baggage carousel – багажная лента, где вы встретите свой чемодан, если сдавали его в багаж
Long-haul flight – дальний перелёт
Connecting flight – рейс с пересадкой

Layover / stop-over – время на пересадку на другой рейс, иногда занимает несколько часов и даёт отличную возможность ненадолго заглянуть в новый город

Едем на поезде, автобусе или машине

Road trip – поездка на авто
To go at your own pace – ехать в удобном для себя темпе
Motorway services – придорожный сервис: заправка с кафе, магазином, туалетом / душем
To travel by rail / train – путешествовать на поезде
To travel by bus – путешествовать на автобусе
Return ticket – билет в обе стороны, чаще стоит дешевле, чем 2 билета по отдельности

On board services – услуги, удобства в автобусе, поезде: вай-фай, туалеты, розетки для зарядки гаджетов, напитки, закуски

Кстати, если собираетесь в Европу, обратите внимание на эти невероятные пейзажи, которыми можно насладиться в путешествии на поезде! Вполне возможно, что вы захотите пересесть с любимого самолёта на такой вот поезд из Осло в Берген, из Лондона в Венецию или даже из Будапешта в Стамбул.

Английский для работников отелей

10 английских идиом про путешествия

Travel broadens the mind. – Путешествия расширяют кругозор.

  • Everyone who gets the chance should go abroad. Travel broadens the mind.

To hit the road – отправиться в путь, путешествие

  • I said my goodbyes and hit the road back to New York.

Itchy feet – чемоданное настроение (дословно: пятки чешутся)

  • I always get itchy feet at this time of year, in summer.

At a good clip – очень быстро

  • Traffic was going across the intersection at a good clip in both directions.

To put the pedal to the metal – прибавить скорости, поднажать

  • It would normally take us three days driving to New York from Colorado, but with my brother putting the pedal to the metal, we made it in two.

To travel light – путешествовать налегке

  • If you’re going to visit many countries you’d better travel light.

Off the beaten track / path – в стороне от популярных туристических мест, маршрутов

  • The most beautiful beaches can be found off the beaten track.

Tourist trap – ловушка для туристов, очень популярное место с завышенными ценами

  • I think Disney World is too much of a tourist trap.

Red-eye flight – ночной перелёт

  • Business travellers frequently take a red-eye flight because they must be reachable during business hours.

Neck of the woods – окрестности, место проживания

  • During my Europe trip I visited your neck of the woods.

20 летних английских идиом

Практическое задание №1 – монологическое высказывание.

Для студентов дневного отделения специальности 43.02.10 «Туризм»



The hotels and catering industry is often treated separately from the tourist industry, and certainly the training for both is very distinct. Its primary function is to provide tourists with accommodation and, to a lesser degree, food. So it is often referred to as the hospitality industry.

In Europe and America, inns and taverns were spaced along the roads at the distance a horse could travel in a day. The traveller usually had to share his bed with another person, and as many as four other persons in some remote areas. The old-fashioned inns, however, did provide food and shelter for both men and horses and therefore became a symbol for hospitality. Indeed, the word inn has been used recently by many modern hotels and motels.

A hotel is a temporary home for people who are travelling. In a hotel the traveller can rest and have meals, either on the premises or nearby.

The word motel was created by combining «motor» and «hotel». When automobiles were first used for travelling, flimsy and inexpensive tourist cabins were built along the roads. Then, as people demanded greater comfort, the cabins were replaced by tourist courts and then by the modern motel, offering services comparable to the traditional hotels.

All hotels do not serve the same clientele, that is, the same kind of guests.
It is possible to place hotels in four broad categories.

The first is the commercial hotel, which provides services essentially for transients, many of them travelling on business.

The second category is resort hotels. They are located in vacation areas and often provide recreational facilities of their own as well.

A third type of hotel aims its services largely at the convention trade. Conventions are meetings of various business or professional groups held on a regular basis.

The fourth category is resident hotels. People who do not wish to keep house themselves can rent accommodations on a seasonal basis or even permanently in many hotels.

At the top are the luxury hotels, which generally offer their guests the greatest comfort and convenience possible.

A system for rating hotels according to quality is widely used in France and other countries. This system puts the top hotels in a special «deluxe» category, with others receiving from five stars to one star.



Many British people have decided that it is not worth spending money on holiday in Britain because the weather is so unreliable. They prefer to spend their money on a package holiday in southern Europe. A package holiday is a cheap form of group travel. You pay a travel agent a sum of money and he arranges a flight, hotel, food and entertainment. All you need is pocket-money when you get to the foreign country. It is sometimes cheaper to go abroad with a package holiday than to stay in England. In spite of this, seaside holidays in Britain are still the most popular and traditional form of holiday for the majority of British people.

Because Britain is quite a small island, no one lives farther than 75 miles from the sea. As soon as the summer weather begins, thousands of people in cars make their way to the coast. Many parents are willing to sit on crowded beaches, in traffic jams, and sometimes even in bad weather to give their children a seaside holiday.

Many of the larger holiday resorts have piers. Brighton has a famous pier. It is a long platform which stretches out into the sea. You have to pay to go on the pier. On the pier you’ll find restaurants, small shops, a theatre or a concert hall, amusements stalls and a fortune-teller. A pier is a very good place when it is too cold to sit on the beach.

A holiday camp is a complete contrast to this kind of independent, outdoor holiday. It’s not a holiday in caravans or tents. It’s a holiday at a special camp where people live in small chalets. Guests never have to leave the gates of the camp.



Should you ask me what kind of transport I like best I’d speak in support of the train. With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. What place is more interesting than a big station? There is the movement, the excitement, the gaiety of the people going away and sorrow of those who are seeing others off. There are the shouts of the porters as they pull luggage along the platforms to the waiting trains, the crowd at the booking-office getting tickets, the children tightly holding on to their mothers, and passengers hurrying to board the train. Its make your way through the crowd, closely following the porter, who has taken care of your luggage, and get out on to the train There are many tracks and trains there. At last you manage to stow away your luggage and get out on to the platform for fresh air and bid farewell to the wishers who have come to see you off. But you have scarcely time to kiss and hug your friends when the station-master on duty, in a red cap, signals the train. You hear no whistle of the engine – the train pulls out of the station noiselessly without a jerk.

You are on your way. You start up a conversation with your fellow passengers. People take to each other quickly when travelling and you get to know who is who and what. Now that the excitement of the day is over you begin to feel hungry.

The dining-car steward happens to come along and you take booking for lunch or dinner, whichever it might be. As you go for the second sitting you have time to wash. By that time the guard has made your bed.

You feel tired now, after a hearty meal, so you decide to turn in. You get into your upper berth and begin to absorb the beauty of the changing scenes that fly past you – the cheerful fields of wheat and corn, meadows under a mantle of flowers, grass and green moss, the rivers the run through woodland countries, the forests with their delicious sense of peace, and the mountains ribbed with sharp steep ridges.



There are four airports in London: Heathrow in the west, Gatwick in the south, Stansted in the north and the city airport in the City of London. Heathrow is the busiest international airport in the world with more than 1000 planes taking off and landing every day. They carry over a hundred thousand people to and from 85 countries. Heathrow airport opened or the 1st of January 1946.

If you are travelling into London, simply catch a Fast Train from Heathrow Junction outside your arrival terminal. You should look out for the posters and bus information boards. The Fast Train service uses brand new, purpose-built trains which feature air-conditioning, ergonomically designed seating, generous luggage space, an on board information system and airline-style customer service. Tickets are available at the ticket offices at Paddington railway station, and at other outlets in London, including Rail, speed link and selected Bureau de Change. Tickets also can be purchased with sterling or credit/debit cards on board on the1st June 1998, Heathrow Express was launched with a dedicated non-stop, high speed service linking London with the world’s leading airport every minute. In addition to the full range of facilities and services already offered on Fast Train, the new service provided an exclusive First Class option with wider seats and tables. Since 1998 there is no faster way to travel between central London and Heathrow.

Within Britain there is a good network of domestic air routes. Flights connect major cities and islands. British Airways operate shuttle flights between London and Edinburgh, Britain, Manchester and Belfast. Passengers on these flights need only check in ten minutes before departure.

A wide range of discount fares is available – travel agents have for example, most airlines offer standby fares, usually restricted to flights on weekdays and on flights at weekends.

The «Europe Air pass» is for travel on British Airways, Deutsch BA, UK direct flights within Europe (including the Channel Islands). It purchased from BA travel offices and their agents, but only in conjunction with scheduled intercontinental flights into Britain and at least ten days prior to arrival. The ticket is not available in Europe, Cyprus, Russia, Turkey, Tunisia, and Morocco. Individual sectors in Europe traveled more than once in each direction, and reservations must be made when the ticket is issued. Just have your travel agent issue a ticket for your complete UK routing and book the first sector before arrival in Europe.



According to the international standards passengers are to arrive at the airport two hours before departure time on international flights and domestic flights. The reason is that passengers should have enough time to complete all necessary airport formalities.

At the airport passengers should check the time of the flight to make sure that it is not delayed, cancelled, or altered. This information is available on the flight information display or at the inquiry office.

Passengers are to fill in customs declarations in one of the international languages or in the language of the country they depart from. They go to the Customs for an examination of their luggage. In some cases the Customs officer may ask you to open your bags and suitcases for inspection. This is done in order to prevent smuggling. After you are through with all Customs formalities the Customs officer puts a stamp on your Customs declaration, or on each piece of luggage, or chalks it off. The particular procedure depends on the country of departure.

Then passengers proceed to the check-in area. There they are to register their tickets, to weigh in and to check-in their luggage.

Most airlines have at least two classes of travel: first or business class and economy or tourist class. Business class is more expensive, while economy class is cheaper. Each passenger above two years of age has a free luggage allowance. As a rule, this limit is 20 kg for economy class passengers and 30 kg for business class passengers.

Excess baggage over 9 kg must be paid for, but some articles can be carried free of charge, such as baby’s food, articles of baby’s care, baby’s prams, chairs of disabled passengers, and some personal effects.

Each passenger is given a boarding pass with his or her seat. Passengers are asked if they want to sit by the window, and in smoking or non-smoking areas. A boarding pass is to be shown at the gate and to the hostess when boarding the plane.

Finally, passengers proceed to the passport control area. Passport control offices will check your passport and visa and put a stamp on them. Customs, checking-in and passport formalities are more or less the same in all countries.



«Yesterday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hiscock left Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, on the first stage of a voy­age round the world in their 30-foot yacht Wanderer III. The voyage is expected to take three years.»

The voice of the В. В. С ‘ announcer, reading the six o’clock news, came clearly from the loud-speaker in the cabin out to where Susan and I sat in Wanderer’s cockpit, watching the faint grey line of the English coast vanishing headland by headland into the distance astern.

This was the great moment for which we had schem­ed and worked and struggled for so long, the moment of our departure.

For a long time Susan and I, who are both well used to the handling of small sailing craft, had want­ed to make a long voyage. This was chiefly for the satisfaction of achieving something by our own unaid­ed efforts and by the practice of such skill as we might have acquired; but also we wished to see a little of the world, which we could not afford to do in any other way, and to gather copy and photographs for the books and articles which are our livelihood. In 1950 we were fortunate enough to be able to make a voyage out to the Azores and back in our previous yacht, the 24-foot cutter Wanderer II. That trip was so success­ful that we decided to go ahead with the plans for a longer voyage, right round the world if we could pos­sibly manage it. We sold our beloved Wanderer II as we considered she was too small to live in for a period of three years, and she had no space needed for the stow­age of all the provisions and photographic equipment we wished to take with us. We also sold other posses­sions, and so amassed sufficient funds to have a 30-foot yacht designed and built especially for this long voyage.

There was then much to do to prepare her for the long voyage ahead.
We took her on a trial cruise to south-west Eire, looking for a gale in which to test her seaworthiness and learn how to handle her in bad weath­er, but all we found were winds so light that they barely stretched our new red-brown sails. After that working to a list which had been long in preparation, we fitted her out with charts, books, and navigational equipment; with tools, wire and hemp rope, and spare parts for all the mechanical gear, such as lamps, galley, stove, w. c, motor and winches, also so that we could develop our films on board and enlarge them to whole plate size in order to supply illustrations for the artic­les I hoped to write as we went along to pay for the venture, we took aboard a large stock of photographic materials and dark-room equipment. But the bulkiest and most important items of all were water and food.

In three separate galvanized steel tanks we carried seventy gallons of fresh water, which should be enough for drinking purposes for ninety days. We were each allowed to take out of England only £ 25 of foreign cur­rency for the first year, and unless we called at Gib­raltar, which we did not wish to do as it was some way off our planned route, we would not reach a ster­ling area until we arrived in the West Indies in No­vember.

Therefore, as we were to start the voyage in July, we filled every available locker and shelf with tinned provisions, and by the time Wanderer was ready to leave, she was a good six inches deeper in the water than even Jack Giles, her designer, had intended.



The tour operator works in a tourist company. He develops tours also known as tour packages. Tour packages include transportation, accommodation, catering, transfers and other services.

To develop a tour package the tour operator works with transportation companies or carriers, hotels, restaurants, museums and other suppliers. The tour operator usually markets the tours. He advertises them in mass media or in brochures. The tour operator is a wholesaler. He sells tour packages to travel agents wholesale and pays commission to them. Sometimes he sells tour packages direct to the public. Tour operators organize tours, so they are the main producers in the tourist industry.


The travel agent works in a travel company. The travel agent like the shop-assistant sells goods to customers. The goods he offers are tour operator’s packages.

The travel agent is a retailer. He sells tour packages retail to the consumers. He gets a commission from the tour operator. The commission is from 5 to 10 per cent of the tour cost.

The travel agent also sells separate services. They are flights, hotel rooms, sightseeing tours, car rentals, travel insurance and so on. The travel agent works directly with the public. Travel agents sell tours, so they are the main sellers in tourist industry.



The tourism manager works in a tourist company. He runs some tourist business. He supervises all kind of operations in a tourist company. He also supervises the tourist company staff. Sometimes the tourism manager is just the head of some department in a large tourists company: sales department or public relations department. Then he reports to the general manager.
The tourism manager plans tourist business: operations, new products, profits. He controls the results.

In a travel company – a tour operator or a travel agency – the tourism manager decides on development and promotion of new tour packages, advertising and sales. He also decides on prices and discounts. The tourism manager hires employees. He selects them and provides their training.


The tour guide handles tour groups. He shows tourists round a city, a sight, or a museum. The tour guide conducts sightseeing tours or tours of museums and exhibitions. The tour guide is also called the tour conductor. The tour guide accompanies tourists during a local tour or during the whole travel. He or she caters to the needs of tourists. During a travel the tour guide deals with all the problems. The tour guide speaks the language of the tourists perfectly well.
He or she usually translates well from one language into another.

The tour guide knows a lot on history, geography, art and culture. He or she knows all sights in the destination. The tour guide answers a lot of questions.

The tour guide is an easy-going person. Tourists always tip their guides if they like them.



The animator organizes and provides entertainment for guests in a hotel or a holiday resort. He also arranges entertainment programmes for passengers on a cruise ship. The animator organizes and conducts parties, shows, sports or arts contests, games for children and grown-ups. He involves guests in action: games and shows. The chief animator is also called the social director.
He communicates with guests a lot. The animator speaks a few foreign languages. He communicates with guests in their native languages.
The animator not only speaks well. He is very artistic. He usually dances well, sings well and acts like an actor. The animator is an easy-going person. He is a pretty good mixer. The animator is the main entertainer in the tourist industry.


Tourist information offices have got office clerks who give advice to customers on car hire, sightseeing and other coach tours, accommodations, flights and so on. The clerks also give city orientations to guests. Tourist information office clerks answer a lot of phone calls and give information on passports and visas, the Customs and luggage, weather and climate, city public transport and food service. The office clerks speak foreign languages fluently because they deal with many international travellers.

There are usually shelves full of city maps and guide books, booklets and folders, brochures and schedules in tourist information offices. Travellers get most of them free of charge.



There are people in tourism who work for themselves. They an called free-lancers. They don’t work full-time for any tourist company. They work part-time or in high season only. They don’t work in low and off-season.

Among free-lancers there are guides, guides-interpreters, animators, travel writers. Tourist companies employ them for seasonal work. Cruising companies, resort hotels and holiday centers employ animators for summer high season. Travel agencies which deal with in-coming tourism employ guides, guides-interpreters, escorts. Travel writers offer their articles to magazines and newspapers when they wish to.

Free-lancers are registered. It means that, on the one hand, they have got licenses. Licenses prove their qualifications and give them permission to work. On the other hand, if they are registered, they pay taxes. Free-lancers are as a rule members of professional associations.

In high season free-lancers earn a lot of money. In low and off-season they don’t earn any money at all or do some other job. Teachers work as free-lance guides, students work as escorts, actors Work as animators. Travel writers are often permanent free­lancers.



The hotel manager is the head of a hotel. He may have the name of the general manager or the managing director. The hotel manager may hold a management position in an individual hotel. Or he may work in a hotel chain. In a small hotel the manager may be the owner of the hotel. But in a large hotel he is just a professional hotelier.

For the hotel guests the hotel manager is the host who must offer hospitality to his guests. For the hotel staff the hotel manager is the person who must establish the policy of the hotel and its operations. The hotel manager has to plan and control the hotel business. He has to check up how different hotel departments carry out their functions. Often he has to deal with hotel guests in person. He has to handle their problems and complaints.


In addition to being a source of income and employ­ment, tourism is frequently a source of amenities for the resi­dent population of the tourist destination. Because of visitor traffic, residents may enjoy a higher standard of public trans­port, shopping, and entertainment facilities than they would be able to support otherwise. The provision of incomes, jobs, and amenities for the resident population may therefore be regarded as the three main beneficial effects of tourism which apply to a greater or lesser extent to any tourist desti­nation.

They are of particular significance to developing countries and to underdeveloped regions of a country. In comparison with other forms of economic development, an improvement in living standards may be generated through tourist traffic and its expenditure relatively quickly. No so­phisticated technology is required to establish the basic fa­cilities. As much of the industry is labour intensive, tourism can absorb unemployed labour resources, which is particu­larly valuable in areas with surplus unskilled labour. Many operational skills are relatively simple and can usually be imported. To say this is not to minimize the amount and qual­ity of planning required to establish a tourist industry in a new area, but rather to indicate some of the advantages and attractions it may have as compared with other types of development. In some locations tourism may provide an infrastruc­ture, which in its turn forms the base and the stimulus for the diversification of the economy and for the development of other industries. Tourism itself may be expected to create some demand for goods and services necessary for the cre­ation and expansion of some local industries — to maintain the facilities, to meet the requirements for supplies, and to meet the requirements of the visitors directly.



Tourist information offices are also called tourist information centres. Sometimes they are called visitor information centres. There are tourist information offices at major airports, railway stations, hotels, holiday or leisure centres and many tourist attractions. Tourist information offices have got office clerks who give advice to customers on car hire, sightseeing and other coach tours, accommodations, flights and so on. The clerks also give city orientations to guests.

Tourist information office clerks answer a lot of phone calls and give information on passports and visas, the customs and luggage, weather and climate, city public transport and food service.

The office clerks speak foreign languages fluently because they deal with many international travellers.

There are usually racks full of city maps and guide books, booklets and folders, posters and timetables in tourist information offices. Travellers get most of them free of charge.



Many travel companies branch out and have got a lot of outlets a city, a region, a country or throughout the world. There are outlets of travel agencies, car hire companies, coaching companies.

There are travel agency outlets in hotels, airport terminals, railway stations, big department stores, at large factories and plants and office sites. If a travel company has got an outlet at a factory or in an office building, it serves employees of those companies. Such an outlet provides the same services as other outlets and the head office of the travel company. It means that offers and prices are the same in all outlets.

There is usually just one travel clerk at a sales outlet. He or she does all the work. He or she answers phone calls, meets customer] in person, works on the computer, does paperwork. This clerk makes bookings, sells and issues tickets, collects money and give; receipts. Of course the clerk keeps in touch with the head office and knows all up-to-date information on tours and tickets.



Economic flows generated by international tourism have become essential factors of economic growth and international economic relations for a great many countries. With currently more than half a billion international tourist arrivals, the tourism sector has experienced rapid growth.

Yet, it is apparent that is not the case in all the world’s regions. Indeed, the primary feature of world tourism trends is the distribution of international travel flows to the different regions of the world.

Travel flows are concentrated towards a few regions and are mainly between countries within the same region. Although demand for travel to developing countries is growing, the Third World only attracts one-third of the world’s international visitors.

Furthermore, the already considerable differences in travel flows between world regions are growing.

Europe is the largest receptor region and attracts 59.3 per cent of the world’s tourists. Three-quarters of the international visits in the region are by European inhabitants.

Europe therefore owes its dominant position to the concentration of travel flows to certain destinations in the region.

Demand for world tourism is undergoing considerable quantitative and qualitative changes which are directly influencing the world tourism market.



People started travelling long ago. The first travellers were nomads and pilgrims, merchants and traders. They travelled along rivers, lakes and seas. The first travellers used simple means of travelling: boats and ferries on the water and camels in the desert.

The most famous travellers were explorers. Among them were Marco Polo from Venice in the 13th century, Afanasy Nikitin from Russia, Christopher Columbus and Vasco de Gama from Portugal in the 15th century, Magellan from Spain Amerigo Vespucci from Italy in the 16th century, James Cook from England in the 18th century and other adventurers from Spain, Italy, Portugal, France, England and Holland. They made journeys to Asia, Africa and America.

Travel grew and developed as long as means of transport kept on growing.

With the 19th century the age of modern trains came. In the late 19th century the first motor-cars appeared. The age of airplanes changed travel crucially.

In the early 20th century jet planes emerged. They made air travel available to all people. Air travel is the fastest and the most convenient mode of travelling. No place in the world is more than 24 hours away by jet. Passengers eat, sleep, watch movies, listen to music on airplanes.



Thomas Cook Company is the oldest travel company in the world. As a matter of fact, Thomas Cook from England opened the age of organized tourism.

It started in 1841 when Thomas Cook arranged the first trip for 570 Englishmen by railway.

In 1843 Thomas Cook organized the first group tour by train. This time he provided tourists with meals and tickets for the races. So it was the first package tour.

Later on Thomas Cook made arrangements for organized visits to the First International Industrial Exhibition. The Exhibition opened in London in 1851. The tourists came from different parts of England.

All those were domestic tours. However, Thomas Cook decided not to stick to domestic tourism within his country only. Four years later, in 1855 he arranged the first overseas trip. It was a tour to the Exhibition in Paris. After that regular tourist trips started to other countries of Europe.

Thomas Cook continued expanding his travel business. In 1866 he arranged the first trip of two groups of Englishmen to the USA.

Thomas Cook set up the first travel agency.

Thomas Cook Company is still very active on the travel market. It is both a tour operator and a travel agency. But now two German companies own it.



Leisure tourism is also called pleasure tourism or holiday tourism. It is a type of tourism when a person is going on holiday and is not travelling on business. So the purpose of tourism in this case is recreation.

Leisure travellers look for sun, sea and sand. They want to go sunbathing and swimming. So this kind of travellers go to sea resorts or holiday camps and stay at resort hotels.

Leisure travellers enjoy organized entertainment and sport. In a resort hotel there are always swimming-pools, fitting-centres, tennis courts, discos. A resort hotel offers its customers contests, concerts, shows, animation programmes for children. Usually it offers tours and visits to different tourist attractions: local sights or theme parks.

Holiday-makers normally travel with their families and children.

There are other ways to travel for pleasure: cruising and coaching, motoring and hiking.



Sports tourism is a type of active holiday. The purpose of a sporting tour is to exercise and to keep physically fit. At the same time travellers enjoy natural surroundings, fresh air and clean water.

Travellers combine action and relaxation during a sporting holiday.

Very often sporting tours require preparation and special training. First the tour instructors will plan the itinerary. Then they will train tourists how to use sporting equipment. They will explain all the details of the route. They will define means of transportation, provision of meals and overnight accommodation.

During some tours travellers carry their luggage and sporting equipment themselves. During some other tours special carriers transfer the luggage for them. It depends on the difficulty of the tour, on the tourist destination and the local practice.

Sports tourism is popular all year round.



Business tourism is a travel for business purposes.

Business travellers are businessmen and government officials. They travel on different missions. They often travel to attend a convention. Convention tourism is a part of business tourism. It involves taking part in a conference or a seminar.

Business travellers often travel to attend an international exhibition or a trade fair. They can conduct negotiations, conclude agreements or make some other business arrangements.

There are tourist companies that provide business services. Those are fax, telex and telephone communications, secretarial services, answering service, business meeting arrangements. There are business facilities for business travellers at hotels, airports, on airplanes.

Some companies organize business trips for the special training of their staff. People get training and relaxing within the same period of time.

Business travel will develop faster than other types of tourism in future. There will be more business tourists and more tourist companies which deal with business tourism. They will provide more services in future. They will collect information on markets and trade-partners, provide economic data on monitors, arrange negotiations, offer pre-convention and post-convention tours.


The expensive hotel is also called the 3-star hotel according to the European classification.

According to the standards two thirds of bedrooms contain a private bathroom or a shower with a lavatory.

All rooms are fitted with a telephone, a radio and a TV-set. Many expensive hotels offer private parking.

In resort or beach hotels in hot countries bedrooms are fitted with air-conditioning which is a great advantage. Often bedrooms in resort or beach hotels are not fitted with TV-sets.

Fuller meal facilities are provided for the guests. All expensive hotels have got a restaurant and a bar. Meals are provided on a half board basis. Hot tea in the morning and hot evening meals are always offered in the expensive hotels.

The expensive hotels usually have a rather good location. Good transportation is also available.


The deluxe hotel is also called the 4-star hotel.

A private bathroom or a shower with a lavatory are provided in all bedrooms.

All bedrooms are fitted with a telephone, a colour TV-set, a radio.

The deluxe hotels offer a 24-hour access and a lounge service to the guests until midnight.

All deluxe hotels contain a variety of bars and restaurants. Meals are provided on a full board basis: hot breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The resort or beach hotels in hot countries offer private swimming-pools. The rooms are fitted with air-conditioning and mini-bars. Saunas and solariums are also provided.

The deluxe hotels have excellent locations in beautiful neighbourhoods and convenient transportation means.

The prices are rather high but the guests get their money’s worth.



The superdeluxe hotel is usually called the luxury hotel. Such hotels are also known under the name of the 5-star hotels.

These are exceptionally luxurious hotels. Extremely comfortable and luxurious guestrooms are offered to the guests. Perfectly appointed public rooms are provided for the needs of the guests: lounges, banquet halls, conference rooms.

The superdeluxe hotels offer the greatest convenience, the best comfort and the widest service to their guests.

All guestrooms include private bathrooms. All guestrooms are fitted with up-to-date equipment and amenities: room telephones, colour TV-sets, home videos, background music, mini-bars, full-length mirrors, excellent furniture.

A variety of recreational facilities is provided for the guests: swimming-pools, health clubs and fitting centres, saunas, solariums, beauty parlours. Where gambling is allowed, the superdeluxe hotels contain casinos and night-clubs.

The superdeluxe hotels provide all-night lounge service and all-night room service. Private parking lots are provided for the guests.

A variety of restaurants and bars cater for the needs of all kinds of visitors. They are open for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner and supper.

The superdeluxe hotels have got a very high proportion of employees to guests and guestrooms. It means that a large number of people are employed to serve the guests. The proportion may be three employees to one guestroom. The employees are perfectly trained to meet the high standards of service.

The superdeluxe hotels are built and designed to provide service for wealthy and important guests. Such hotels are located in fashionable neighbourhoods with the best views and convenient connections.



Normally people plan their holidays in advance. For holiday-making people, as a rule, prefer to stick to the same travel agency they have already used before and got their money’s worth. On the one hand, they trust the travel agency they’ve got to know earlier, on the other, they expect to purchase a tour package at a reduced price as regular customers.

Suppose you are not an experienced holiday-maker. You are at a loss which travel agency to choose out of a large amount of agencies offering similar services. You want an enjoyable holiday at some reasonable price, or at least you don’t want to be trapped.

Here are some hints for you. Out of the travel agencies offering similar destinations and tours pick out 4 or 5. Their names should be familiar to you: their ads regularly appear in travel catalogues and in mass media. Compare the prices: they should be neither too high, nor too low. All the ad information should be clear to you: nothing should seem odd.

Call the travel agencies you have picked out, and if you lack some information or advice, don’t hesitate to ask questions.

Responding to the callers’ queries is a part of travel agents’ duty.

If you are still not disappointed, make an appointment with the travel clerk at the agency office.

Efficient travel clerk will always help you to make a decision where to go or where to stay. Travel agents are sure to have the most comprehensive information at hand about the destination they offer. There are usually lots of brochures, tourist’s guides and maps available for customers.



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