Travelling in the city by bike сочинение

Ну пиши: Я люблю путешествия на велосипеде. Этот транспорт очень легкий и необычный, на нем удобно и комфортно, не так, как на машине, но тоже вполне прилично. Когда я еду на велосипеде, я ощущаю, что словно лечу на нем: ветер у ушах, ноги сами крутят педали, я лишь управляю руль. Главное-не задуматься и не врезаться в столб или дерево. Велосипед не требует прав или каких-либо документов, но правила дорожного движения лучше соблюдать. Только вот минус в том, что ноги устают крутить педали, если проезжаешь длительное расстояние, так что больше 50-70 километров ехать сложно. Велосипед для удобств, он не требует затрат для бензин, в этом его плюс. Я считаю, что такие поездки на велосипеде полезные для здоровья. Велосипед рекомендую использовать для поездки в сад, а также на речку, озеро или простую прогулку.

I love to travel by bike. This vehicle is very light and unusual, it is convenient and comfortable, not like a car, but too pretty well. When I’m on my bike, I feel that I am flying on it: the wind in the ears, feet pedaling, I only control the steering wheel. The main thing is not to think and not to crash into a tree or pole. The bike does not require rights or any documentation, but the rules of the road better comply. Here only drawback is that legs get tired of pedaling, if passing a long distance, so 50-70 miles more to go is difficult. Bike for features, it requires no costs for gasoline, this is its plus. I think these bike rides are good for health. I recommend the bike be used for trips to the garden and to the river, lake or a simple walk.

Travelling in the city by bike

There are a lot of different ways to get around the city. Some of them are faster, some ways are more convenient than others, but I love cycling.

Cycling has a few advantages. Firstly, it can be enjoyed by almost everyone, regardless of your age or physical ability. Secondly, there are so many types of bicycles to choose from: smaller bikes for kids and teenagers, portable (or folding) bicycles that are relatively small and light enough to be easily carried, road bikes for fast rides, touring bikes which can be ridden on pavement and many others. As far as I know the best bike for casual riding around the neighborhood or bike paths and short-distance commuting is a hybrid bicycle. Thirdly, cycling improves your fitness, muscle flexibility and body coordination. It also decreases stress levels. Fourthly, cycling is an environment-friendly mode of transportation since it reduces pollution and the emission of greenhouse gases. Besides, cycling reduces noise pollution which is a big problem in our cities. Another thing to keep in mind is that you do not have to waste your time in traffic jams. However, there are a few disadvantages. The first one is high risk of getting injured by cars. Even wearing a helmet and a warn vest is not helpful. The second disadvantage is dependency on weather conditions. Riding a bicycle is not recommended in icy, snowy or rainy weather. The third one is that when riding your bike in traffic you inhale the air polluted by petrol and diesel fumes. But the scientists say that the health benefits of cycling still outweigh the risks caused by air pollution.

I think there are enough convincing reasons to prefer cycling to other ways of travelling, but it is important to follow basic safety rules and always be careful.

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Travelling in the city by bike

There are a lot of different ways to get around the city. Some of them are faster, some ways are more convenient than others, but I love cycling.

Cycling has a few advantages. Firstly, it can be enjoyed by almost everyone, regardless of your age or physical ability. Secondly, there are so many types of bicycles to choose from: smaller bikes for kids and teenagers, portable (or folding) bicycles that are relatively small and light enough to be easily carried, road bikes for fast rides, touring bikes which can be ridden on pavement and many others. As far as I know the best bike for casual riding around the neighborhood or bike paths and short-distance commuting is a hybrid bicycle. Thirdly, cycling improves your fitness, muscle flexibility and body coordination. It also decreases stress levels. Fourthly, cycling is an environment-friendly mode of transportation since it reduces pollution and the emission of greenhouse gases. Besides, cycling reduces noise pollution which is a big problem in our cities. Another thing to keep in mind is that you do not have to waste your time in traffic jams. However, there are a few disadvantages. The first one is high risk of getting injured by cars. Even wearing a helmet and a warn vest is not helpful. The second disadvantage is dependency on weather conditions. Riding a bicycle is not recommended in icy, snowy or rainy weather. The third one is that when riding your bike in traffic you inhale the air polluted by petrol and diesel fumes. But the scientists say that the health benefits of cycling still outweigh the risks caused by air pollution.

I think there are enough convincing reasons to prefer cycling to other ways of travelling, but it is important to follow basic safety rules and always be careful.

Ну пиши: Я люблю путешествия на велосипеде. Этот транспорт очень легкий и необычный, на нем удобно и комфортно, не так,как на машине, но тоже вполне прилично. Когда я еду на велосипеде, я ощущаю, что словно лечу на нем: ветер у ушах, ноги сами крутят педали, я лишь управляю руль. Главное-не задуматься и не врезаться в столб или дерево. Велосипед не требует прав или каких-либо документов, но правила дорожного движения лучше соблюдать. Только вот минус в том, что ноги устают крутить педали, если проезжаешь длительное расстояние, так что больше 50-70 километров ехать сложно. Велосипед для удобств, он не требует затрат для бензин,в этом его плюс. Я считаю, что такие поездки на велосипеде полезные для здоровья. Велосипед рекомендую использовать для поездки в сад,  а также на речку, озеро или простую прогулку.

I love to travel by bike. This vehicle is very light and unusual, it is convenient and comfortable, not like a car, but too pretty well. When I’m on my bike, I feel that I am flying on it: the wind in the ears, feet pedaling, I only control the steering wheel. The main thing is not to think and not to crash into a tree or pole. The bike does not require rights or any documentation, but the rules of the road better comply. Here only drawback is that legs get tired of pedaling, if passing a long distance, so 50-70 miles more to go is difficult. Bike for features, it requires no costs for gasoline,this is its plus. I think these bike rides are good for health. I recommend the bike be used for trips to the garden and to the river, lake or a simple walk.

Ну пиши: Я люблю путешествия на велосипеде. Этот транспорт очень легкий и необычный, на нем удобно и комфортно, не так,как на машине, но тоже вполне прилично. Когда я еду на велосипеде, я ощущаю, что словно лечу на нем: ветер у ушах, ноги сами крутят педали, я лишь управляю руль. Главное-не задуматься и не врезаться в столб или дерево. Велосипед не требует прав или каких-либо документов, но правила дорожного движения лучше соблюдать. Только вот минус в том, что ноги устают крутить педали, если проезжаешь длительное расстояние, так что больше 50-70 километров ехать сложно. Велосипед для удобств, он не требует затрат для бензин,в этом его плюс. Я считаю, что такие поездки на велосипеде полезные для здоровья. Велосипед рекомендую использовать для поездки в сад,  а также на речку, озеро или простую прогулку.
I love to travel by bike. This vehicle is very light and unusual, it is convenient and comfortable, not like a car, but too pretty well. When Im on my bike, I feel that I am flying on it: the wind in the ears, feet pedaling, I only control the steering wheel. The main thing is not to think and not to crash into a tree or pole. The bike does not require rights or any documentation, but the rules of the road better comply. Here only drawback is that legs get tired of pedaling, if passing a long distance, so 50-70 miles more to go is difficult. Bike for features, it requires no costs for gasoline,this is its plus. I think these bike rides are good for health. I recommend the bike be used for trips to the garden and to the river, lake or a simple walk.

Оцени ответ

In the contemporary world more and more people are employing bicycles as a means of transportation in travelling.




phenomenon possesses not only

pros but


cons which will be discussed


One of the main positives of using


in travelling is time. Everyone can determine their own timetable and no need in getting out of the bed to catch the 5 or 6 a.m.


or bus,


of it, they can get up when they want, leave when they are ready, of course, stop to rest when they are tired.
Another benefit of using


is exploring every inch of the world. It allows to discover the lay of the land kilometre by kilometre. It is better than sitting sedentary for epic 8 or 10 hours bus journeys and not to mention, we can miss the awesome view while taking a nap.
Turning to the other side of the argument, extensive planning is required. It is not as easy as taking some clothes and other necessary gears, if it is

long term


tour, covering the basis of what you need for you as well as your wheels can be an arduous task.
Another issue is that like all machines, bicycles can break down and wear out. If you are


that kind of situation you have to know how to fix,

in other words

, before travelling by


we should have

fair understanding

of bikes.
In conclusion, some appealing side of travelling by


could arouse the sense of taking


and makes us head off into the journey.


, it is not appropriate for everyone, especially, for those who is faint-hearted. There


are some experiences that nothing compares to the satisfaction of knowing that your travel experiences are powered by your own body.

Mon Apr 06 2020

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 — Introduction
    • Sentence 1 — Background statement
    • Sentence 2 — Detailed background statement
    • Sentence 3 — Thesis
    • Sentence 4 — Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 — First supporting paragraph
    • Sentence 1 — Topic sentence
    • Sentence 2 — Example
    • Sentence 3 — Discussion
    • Sentence 4 — Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 — Second supporting paragraph
    • Sentence 1 — Topic sentence
    • Sentence 2 — Example
    • Sentence 3 — Discussion
    • Sentence 4 — Conclusion
  • Paragraph 4 — Conclusion
    • Sentence 1 — Summary
    • Sentence 2 — Restatement of thesis
    • Sentence 3 — Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

What to do next:

Look at other essays:

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Verified answer

Travelling in the city by bike

There are a lot of different ways to get around the city. Some of them are faster, some ways are more convenient than others, but I love cycling.

Cycling has a few advantages. Firstly, it can be enjoyed by almost everyone, regardless of your age or physical ability. Secondly, there are so many types of bicycles to choose from: smaller bikes for kids and teenagers, portable (or folding) bicycles that are relatively small and light enough to be easily carried, road bikes for fast rides, touring bikes which can be ridden on pavement and many others. As far as I know the best bike for casual riding around the neighborhood or bike paths and short-distance commuting is a hybrid bicycle. Thirdly, cycling improves your fitness, muscle flexibility and body coordination. It also decreases stress levels. Fourthly, cycling is an environment-friendly mode of transportation since it reduces pollution and the emission of greenhouse gases. Besides, cycling reduces noise pollution which is a big problem in our cities. Another thing to keep in mind is that you do not have to waste your time in traffic jams. However, there are a few disadvantages. The first one is high risk of getting injured by cars. Even wearing a helmet and a warn vest is not helpful. The second disadvantage is dependency on weather conditions. Riding a bicycle is not recommended in icy, snowy or rainy weather. The third one is that when riding your bike in traffic you inhale the air polluted by petrol and diesel fumes. But the scientists say that the health benefits of cycling still outweigh the risks caused by air pollution.

I think there are enough convincing reasons to prefer cycling to other ways of travelling, but it is important to follow basic safety rules and always be careful.

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