Unhealthy eating habits егэ

метки: Английский, Похудение, Здоровый, Человек, Сочинение, Develop, Жизнь, Придерживаться

To be healthy, it is enough to eat healthy food (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people believe that to stay healthy they just need to follow a healthy diet. Others, however, are sure that proper food is only a part of a healthy lifestyle. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue.

To my mind, it is not enough to be on a healthy diet in order to stay healthy. Firstly, in addition to a healthy diet, the person who wants to be healthy should step out of unhealthy habit patterns. It is impossible to be healthy when you ruin your health every day by smoking or drinking alcohol. Secondly, to be healthy people need to avoid stress and learn how to relax their bodies and improve their emotional well-being. A nervous person cannot be healthy no matter what he eats.

Nevertheless, there is an opinion that healthy food is enough to be healthy and fit.

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According to it, only correcting the diet can help to lose weight and become healthy.

I cannot totally agree with that point of view because despite the fact that food plays a greater role it is impossible to stay healthy without physical activity. Especially nowadays when people have a sedentary lifestyle.

To conclude, I would like to say that it is impossible to be healthy just by eating healthy food. People should also pay attention to their physical activity, emotional well-being and habits.

Некоторые люди считают, что для того, чтобы оставаться здоровыми, нужно просто соблюдать здоровую диету. Другие же уверены, что правильное питание является лишь частью здорового образа жизни. В этом эссе я постараюсь рассмотреть этот вопрос.

На мой взгляд, для того, чтобы оставаться здоровым, недостаточно просто быть на здоровой диете. Во-первых, в дополнение к здоровому питанию, человек, который хочет быть здоровым, должен избавиться от вредных привычек. Невозможно быть здоровым, когда вы каждый день портите себе здоровье курением или употреблением алкоголя. Во-вторых, чтобы быть здоровым, человек должен избегать стрессов и научиться расслаблять свой организм и улучшать эмоциональное самочувствие. Нервный человек не может быть здоровым независимо от того, что он ест.

7 стр., 3079 слов

На английском языке о здоровом образе жизни

… (сочинение) по английскому языку на тему «Здоровый образ жизни / Healthy Lifestyle» «Здоровый образ жизни / Healthy Lifestyle» It is a pleasure to look at a strong, athletic man and slim beautiful lady. It is known that healthy people … will enjoy yourself even more. A diet is also very important. You should eat regularly and choose fresh and healthy food. It is essential to eat enough …

Тем не менее, существует мнение, что здоровой пищи достаточно, чтобы быть здоровым и в хорошей физической форме. Согласно этому мнению, только правильное питание может помочь сбросить вес и стать здоровым.

Я не могу полностью согласиться с этой точкой зрения, потому что, несмотря на то, что пища играет большую роль, невозможно оставаться здоровым без физической активности. Особенно сейчас, когда люди ведут сидячий образ жизни.

В заключение хочу сказать, что невозможно быть здоровым, просто питаясь здоровой пищей. Люди также должны обращать внимание на свою физическую активность, эмоциональное самочувствие и привычки.

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Тема «Диеты» (Diets)

Now it’s very fashionable to have a lean body and to keep a diet. There are many different opinions about it. Some say that diets are harmful and dangerous to health, others consider them useful. There are a lot of different dietary programs. Each of them excludes the certain number of products, due to this, weight loss occurs. There is a special diet menu for athletes, which help to gain muscle mass. People who have diabetes most often need to adhere to a certain diet. Based on the special literature you can develop your own program. Many nutritionists deny the use of restriction in foods, because the body needs nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, sugar, salt. During slimming, a person uses his internal reserves, when they are exhausted, various chronic diseases begin to develop.

Diet is a strong stress for the body. If you still managed to lose weight, then it’s very important not to gain weight. There are two such things as bulimia and anorexia. But they are problems of a psychological nature. The main thing is not to confuse the diet with a hunger strike.

The surest way to get rid of excess weight, eat fractional, balanced, often and in small portions. This eating will help not only to remove extra pounds, but also to avoid the occurrence of various diseases.


Сейчас очень модно иметь худое тело и придерживаться какой-нибудь диете. Очень много споров по этому поводу. Одни говорят, что диеты вредны и опасны для здоровья, другие считают их полезными. Диетических программ очень много и все они разные. Каждая из них исключает из рациона определённый ряд продуктов, за счёт этого происходит снижение веса. Есть специальное диетическое меню для спортсменов, которые помогают набрать мышечную массу. Людям имеющим сахарный диабет более всего нужно придерживаться определенному рациону. Опираясь на специальную литературу можно самому разработать собственную программу. Многие диетологи отрицают пользу ограничения в продуктах, ведь организму нужны питательные вещества: белки, жиры, углеводы, сахар, соль. Во время похудения человек использует свои внутренние запасы, когда они истощаются, начинают развиваться различные хронические заболевания.

15 стр., 7235 слов

Национальные особенности культуры питания народов мира

… и крупных автодорог. Глава 1. Религия и питания народов мира Религия и проблемы питания … и в вопросах кулинарии. Взаимопроникновение национального и религиозного привело к своеобразию и неповторимости народов и особенностей их питания. 1.1 Культура питание … традиции и другое. В меню народов, проживающих на берегах морей и океанов, естественно, преобладали рыба и … в равных, а иногда и в более высоких …

Самый верный способ избавиться от лишнего веса, питаться дробно, сбалансировано, часто и маленькими порциями. Подобного рода питание поможет не только убрать лишние килограммы, но и избежать возникновения различных болезней.

My meals

Сочинение на тему «Мое питание» на английском языке с переводом на русский язык

My meals

Мое питание

Normally I eat three times a day and have some snack if I feel hungry. Unfortunately, during the working week, I do not have enough time to have a breakfast properly. I have to hurry up, in order not to be late for school. So a just drink tea with a couple of sandwiches. Taking into account that I spend the considerable part of my day at school, I have a lunch there. I either buy something in a school canteen or take a lunch box from home.

Обычно я ем три раза в день и чем-нибудь перекусываю, если чувствую голод. К сожалению, в течение рабочей недели, у меня не хватает времени, чтобы нормально позавтракать. Мне приходится поторопиться, чтобы не опоздать в школу. Поэтому я просто пью чай с парой бутербродов. Учитывая, что я провожу значительную часть моего дня в школе, я обедаю там. Я или покупаю что-то в школьной столовой, или беру обед из дома.

When I come back from school, I have a dinner. My mother is a wonderful cook. She really enjoys cooking and all her dinners are very delicious and various. First of all, I eat some soup. A tomato soup is my favorite. For the main dish, I usually have some meat or chicken with potatoes or vegetables. Sometimes I eat fish or some seafood. Honestly, I do not like at all, but my mother believes that it is of overwhelming importance to eat it from time to time, so as to be healthy. Personally, I like spaghetti with cheese most of all.

Когда я возвращаюсь из школы, я ужинаю. Моя мама — замечательный повар. Она очень любит готовить и все ее ужины очень вкусные и разнообразные. На первое я ем суп. Томатный суп — мой любимый. В качестве основного блюда у меня обычно мясо или курица с картошкой или овощами. Иногда я ем рыбу или морепродукты. Честно говоря, мне это не очень нравится, но мама считает, что очень важно хотя бы иногда это есть, чтобы быть здоровыми. Лично я больше всего люблю спагетти с сыром.

At the weekends we sometimes have a dinner at some café. I really love Italian cuisine, especially pizza and pasta that`s why I always ask my parents to go to the Italian restaurant not far from our home. Sometimes my mother bakes something on Sundays. I always try to help her. I find it really interesting and hope that one day I will cook as well as my mother does.

В выходные дни мы иногда ужинаем в кафе. Я очень люблю итальянскую кухню, особенно пиццу и пасту, поэтому я всегда прошу родителей пойти в итальянский ресторан недалеко от нашего дома. Иногда мама печет что-то по воскресеньям. Я всегда стараюсь помочь ей. Мне это очень интересно, и я надеюсь, что однажды я буду готовить также хорошо, как моя мама.

6 стр., 2736 слов

На английском языке про внешность мамы

… вам понравились эти сочинения про маму на английском языке. Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями! Описание мамы на английском: at your mother’s knee Как бы странно это ни звучало, описание мамы на английском — это … водить машину. Моя мама иногда злится на меня, когда я не хочу учиться. Я люблю свою маму, потому что она лучшая мама в мире. Сочинение на английском MOЯ МАМА #3. My …

Play высказывания

1. I eat little and rather irregularly.
2. I am trying to get used to everyday healthy activities.
3. I feel unable to stop myself from eating.
4. I am afraid of having the same health problems as my relatives do.
5. I am willing to return to a healthy lifestyle despite being tired.
6. I am sure that I exercise enough while carrying out my everyday duties.
7. I feel now like starting a healthy life again.

A – 5
B – 2
C – 7
D – 6
E – 1
F – 4

Speaker A: Right now I’m trying to find a way to regain a healthy lifestyle despite being busy. I’ve completely lost the athleticism that was a large part of my identity and I can’t stand it any more. Now I’m trying to regain general fitness. So I’ve been biking to work (about 20 minutes) for two months now, trying to get more veggies and whole grain in my life, drinking lots of water, and I’m hoping to start walking more although right now I have to work a lot and usually feel too exhausted after work to do anything else.

Speaker B: My name is Katie, I’m 25 years old, and I started making a conscious effort to develop healthy habits about a year ago. The first thing I did was give up smoking. My goals are mainly to exercise regularly, drink enough water, and eat fruits and veggies daily. I do keep track of what I eat with journaling although I’m not a calorie counter, and I don’t own scales or restrict myself in any way. I just want to be stronger and feel better through trying to meet those goals every day. Now I feel I can do it.

Speaker С: A year or so ago, I was in pretty good shape and paying a lot of attention to my health. I slipped back into inactivity and unhealthy eating for various reasons. I miss what I had, but I’ve had a hard time finding the motivation to return to my usual healthy lifestyle. Spring is just arriving — sunny sky, warmer weather, longer days, green leaves peeking up from last season’s dead grass. The improvement in the weather is lifting my spirits, so I’ve decided to take advantage of the extra energy and design for myself a spring fitness challenge.

Speaker D: I have just realised that at least six days out of seven, I do the amount of exercise that is recommended for those whose goal is a healthy lifestyle, just by walking during my daily routine. About three times a week, I do more, sometimes considerably more. Despite that, I often do myself down by telling people I don’t exercise at all. I think some part of my brain still believes that because I’m doing it as part of my routine rather than going to any special effort, it can’t be taken into account.

Speaker E: Hi! I’m Alex. I’ve had terribly unhealthy eating habits for the last few years. I never took much time to eat and ended up eating very few meals. I’m trying to develop healthier eating habits, and I wonder what would constitute a balanced meal. For breakfast I eat a bowl of cereal and yogurt. Then grab five pieces of fruit I divide between lunch and dinner. It’s more than I usually eat, but I know there’s still a lot of room for improvement. At the same time I’m worried about going overboard, which can happen very easily for me.

Speaker F: I am 27 years old, and I come from a family of rather overweight people. I’ve been working to live a more healthy and fit lifestyle since last December. Over the past three years, I’ve watched older relatives dealing with serious health problems, and it’s been a wake up call for me to start taking care of myself while I’m young and my state of health hasn’t become worse. I’d like to start a family in the next couple of years, and it would be great to be able to keep up with my children as the years go by.

Imagine that you are doing a project on what healthy diets are popular in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the bar chart below).

Comment on the data in the bar chart and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

  • The Mediterranean Diet – 29%
  • The Flexitarian Diet – 25%
  • The DASH Diet – 22%
  • The Weight Watchers (WW) Diet – 15%
  • The Nordic Diet – 9%

Use the following plan:

– make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

– select and report 2–3 facts;

– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

– outline a problem that can arise with maintaining a healthy diet and suggest a way of solving it;

– conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of a healthy eating lifestyle in people’s lives.


1.1. Подумайте и ответьте на вопросы:

> What good and bad health habits can people have?

> In what way do bad habits affect people?

> What are the main health risks young people face today?

> Is it important to eat healthy food? Why∕why not?

> What is your personal attitude towards health? Give your rea­sons.

1.2. Прочитайте советы экспертов о здоровом образе жизни. Ус­тановите соответствие между заголовками 1—8 и текстами A—G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В Задании Один Заголовок Лишний.

A. There are numerous problems associated with obesity. It is not just a cosmetic problem but also a health hazard. Doctors gen­erally agree that the more obese a person is, the more likely he or she is to have health problems. This is because obesity has been linked to several serious medical conditions. People who are overweight can gain significant health benefits from losing weight.

B. Hey, couch potatoes! Don’t feel guilty indulging in serials or real­ity shows — use the commercials as an excuse to burn calories. There is probably an average of 15 minutes of commercials in an hour-long program. If you exercised through each commercial

Break during just two hours of TV, you’d already have met the recommended amount of daily exercise necessary to reduce health risks.

C. Regular check-ups are a valuable tool in maintaining good health. Taking proper care of your health at the right time can help avoid a lot of problems in the future. The main aim of a check-up is to detect illness at an early stage. It’s good to find out that you have a health problem before it is too late so appropriate tests should be done at the right time.

D. Do you mainly exercise for a few weeks in January before you forget your New Year’s resolution, and then again when you realise your summer holiday is around the corner? You’d not be alone, but keeping fit is something you should do all year round. You might not be particularly bothered about your appearance or your weight, but keeping fit is as much about what’s on the inside as it is what’s on the outside.

E. Pain is our body’s means to indicate that something is wrong and requires immediate attention. Pain for a short time can be taken care of by a painkiller but if the soreness lingers for too long, then it requires proper medical expertise. Sometimes life menac­ing problems have back pain and joint pain as symptoms and can, if neglected, do permanent damage.

F. Think about your car — the higher the grade of the fuel you put in it, the better it runs. Your body works the same way. If you eat healthy foods, you’ll be healthier and feel better. Eating well is easy if you’re aware of what foods are best for you. But don’t worry! Eating healthy food doesn’t mean eliminating every single thing you love from your diet.

подпись: 161G. Do you spend more than 3 hours a day working or maybe playing on a computer? If so, you are at a higher risk than casual com­puter users. Researchers warn that watching a computer screen for six or more hours a day might be linked to a progressive eye disease. This does not mean, however, that people who work on a

6- Английский язык. ЕГЭ учебник

Computer for less than 3 hours a day will not suffer eye complica­tions due to computer use.








1.3. Выпишите из текста синонимы к следующим словам и слово­сочетаниям:

1. fatness 6. suitable

2. подпись: 7. worried
8. continues
9. threatening
10. cutting out

3. allowing yourself to watch

4. advertisements on television

5. an examination by a doctor

1.4. Выразите свое мнение:> Do you find everyday exercising useful? Why∕why not?

> What do you think is the best way to keep fit?

> Are computers really dangerous for our eyesight?

Why∕why not?

1.5. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-F Частями предло­жений, обозначенными цифрами 1—7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя. Перенесите ответы в таблицу.

The health and fitness of the UK population is a regular top­ic on national news and many of us are strongly aware of the need to adopt a healthy lifestyle. From eating the right things including our five pieces of fruit or vegetables a day to getting enough exercise, A.

Those in the health professions make continuous pleas to us to ‘exercise more’ and ‘cook healthy, nutritious meals’. Yet the public replies that B. Work and family commitments take priority and if there’s any time ‘spare’ then going to a gym is often the last thing on people’s minds.

‘Health spa’ is a term that surely appeals greatly and with the ris­ing popularity of spa amongst men and women it would seem that the industry has come up with a winning combination. Statistics reveal that the spa industry is growing faster C. It offers so much opportunity that many are diving in with both feet to make the most of this market.

But why is spa so popular? With today’s hectic lifestyles, the idea of retreating to a haven of peace and relaxation sounds like total luxu­ry. Professional, friendly therapists are ready to greet you and listen to your needs D. Add to this our desire to hold back the years and look forever young, it’s no doubt we’re booking and staying at more spa resorts E.

Choosing what treatments to have during your spa visit can be a tricky choice. Like reading a menu in a 5-star restaurant you’ll find the choices staggering as words such as relaxing, revitalising, refresh­ing and moisturising jump out from all over the pages with promises of soothing away all aches, pains and wrinkles. Location is also an important consideration and many independent hotels have excellent spa facilities F.

1. that you can’t miss this opportunity

2. while also benefiting from superb positions

3. than ever before

4. there is no time within their already overloaded schedules

5. as you discuss the very tempting treatment menu

6. there are a whole host of things to do to keep us healthy

7. than the fitness industry







1.6. Выпишите из текста синонимы к следующим словам и слово­сочетаниям:


To accept

6. a refuge



7. difficult



8. extremely surprising



9. making something disappear


Full of busy activity

10. factor

1.7. Выразите свое мнение:

> Is visiting a health spa the best way to relax and to keep fit? Why/ why not?

> Are health spas popular in your city? Why∕why not?

> Would you like to visit a health spa? Why∕why not?


2.1. Подготовка к аудированию. Прочитайте утверждения A-G В задании 2.2 И подчеркните ключевые слова, определяющие различия между утверждениями.

S Полезный совет: <

I ≠ Перед каждым заданием по аудированию дается пауза, 5

I чтобы вы смогли ознакомиться с заданием. Используйте это 5 $ время продуктивно: постарайтесь не только проанализиро — S В вать различия между утверждениями, но и запомнить их. s

2.2. Вы услышите мнения 6 Людей об идеальном способе похудения. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого го­ворящего 1—6 и утверждениями, данными в списке A—G. Ис­пользуйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании одно утверждение лишнее. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

A. Starving is the most important aspect of losing weight.

B. Getting enough exercise is essential.

C. Divide your food intake.

D. If you want to lose weight, change your lifestyle.

E. Set small realistic goals.

F. Count the amount of calories you take in.

G. Drinking water will speed your weight loss.









2.3. Обсудите свои ответы с партнером:

> What helped you choose your answers?

> What was the most difficult answer for you? Why?

> Whose opinion do you agree with?


3.1. Разминка. Вспомните и выпишите слова, относящиеся к сле­дующим тематическим рубрикам:

1. bad health habits — smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, overeating…

2. health problems — illness, disease, headache, toothache, insom­nia…

3. healthy food — fruit, vegetables, dairy products…

4. junk food — crisps, hamburgers, sweets…

5. doctors — a dentist, a surgeon, a general practitioner (GP) …

3.2. Сделайте аргументированное сообщение по теме GOOD HEALTH.

Не забудьте обсудить следующие вопросы:

> why it is important to think about your health when you are young

> whether we are healthier today than people were fifty years ago, why∕why not

> what people should∕should not do to be healthy

> why it is necessary to visit the dentist twice a year Время говорения 1,5—2 минуты.

3.3. Прочитайте вариант ответа учащегося. Выделите в каждом абзаце аргументы, которые учащийся использовал для обос­нования своего ответа.

I believe it’s important to think about your health when you are young because this is the age when your body is being formed. So if you don’t care about your health, you are likely to have dif­ferent diseases when you get older. Besides, the earlier you acquire good health habits, the better. For example, you should get used to cleaning your teeth and doing morning exercises from the very early age.

In my opinion, we are healthier today than people were fifty years ago because we are more health-conscious than they used to be. Everybody understands that good health is above wealth. Firstly, we have a better diet. People eat healthy food, which contains less fat and more fibre and is rich in vitamins. They eat more fruit and vegetables than people did fifty years ago. Secondly, doctors have learned how to cure serious diseases, so people nowadays live longer.

To be healthy, it is very important to do sports or at least morning exercises as well as to spend a lot of time in the open air. In addition, we ought to avoid different bad habits that can af­fect our health. As for me, I don’t smoke, because I don’t want to have unhealthy skin and teeth. Finally, if we want to stay healthy, we should eat only healthy food, and we should not skip meals or overeat. If we eat too much, we’ll become obese, and obesity leads to serious diseases.

Teeth are very important for our health so it’s necessary to visit the dentist at least twice a year to have a thorough check-up. Tooth decay generally doesn’t cause pain until it is in more ad­vanced stages. Regular visits allow your dentist to find the signs of decay and treat problems at a manageable stage. Besides, if you don’t consult the dentist regularly, you’ll have lots of cavities, and the infection may get into your body. Finally, you’ll end up losing all your teeth. To avoid this, we should brush our teeth twice a day, eat healthy food and pay regular visits to the dentist.

3.4. Сделайте аргументированное сообщение по теме NUTRITION.

Не забудьте обсудить следующие вопросы:

> why it is important to eat healthy food

> whether eating habits have changed in recent years, why∕why not > whether it is good to follow a special diet, why∕why not > what your eating preferences are

Время говорения 1,5—2 минуты.

Вы можете воспользоваться аргументами, приведенными в таблице, или придумать свои собственные. Не забудьте логи­чески связать свои аргументы вводными словами, а также упот­ребить фразы-клише для выражения собственного мнения.

Why it is im­portant to eat healthy food

• Food is the main source of energy for our body. Healthy food contains the right balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates and is rich in vitamins.

• Not all kinds of food are equally useful and junk food can even do harm to your health. For example, fast food makes you fat and fat is believed to be one of the major causes of obesity and heart disease.

Whether eating habits have changed in recent years, why∕why not

• In recent years eating habits have changed be­cause people are now more health-conscious than they used to be. The fashion for healthy food is growing all the time. People are encouraged to eat less fat and more fibre. High fibre foods and low fat foods can now be found in all shops, and supermarkets.

Окончание табл.

Whether eating habits have changed in recent years, why∕why not

• Now we have an opportunity to eat healthy dishes from international cuisine. Dishes from China, for instance, use very little oil and are much healthier than the usual way of frying. Another example is spicy foods from India, which clean out the body’s system and help fight illnesses.

Whether it is good to follow a special diet, why∕why not

• It is good if you cut out snacks and desserts and cut down on fat. You’ll lose weight and improve your health.

• It is believed that a vegetarian diet reduces the risk of cancer and vegetarians live longer than others.

• Excessive dieting may be dangerous, because people cut out foods which are necessary for their health. For example, some people refuse to eat meat as they consider it harmful. However, meat is an excellent source of good nutrition. It’s wrong to put down a food simply because excessive amounts can cause health problems.

What your eat­ing preferences are

• Γm not enthusiastic about strict dieting but I try to eat only low-fat food, fruit and vegetables, which are rich in vitamins.

• I don’t have a sweet tooth so Γm indifferent to chocolates and cakes. Besides, I want to have healthy teeth.

• My favourite dish is fish and potatoes. Fish is very tasty and it is an excellent source of phosphorus. • I enjoy eating meat because I think that consumed in moderate amounts, it is perfectly good for our health.

> .4. Дайте аргументированные ответы на следующие вопросы:

> Do you often go to McDonads? Why∕why not?

> Do you follow any healthy diet? Why∕why not?

> Do you think that following a diet is the only way to stay healthy? Why∕why not?

> What are the most popular ways to avoid gaining weight? Which one is the best? Why?

> What is a healthy way of life?




• Перед выполнением заданий изучите раздел


4.1. Напишите две степени сравнения следующих наречий:



9. badly



10. nicely



11. fast



12. urgently



13. mildly



14. late



15. little



4.2. Употребите сравнительную или превосходную степень наре­чия в скобках.

1. You speak English (well) of all in our group.

2. Planes travel (fast) than trains.

3. This question is asked (often).

4. He came (regularly) Than 1 had expected.

5. Today trains are running 15 minutes (late) than yesterday.

6. Love is what these children need (much).

7. You need to push (hard) If you want to open this door.

8. John is the best swimmer in the class. He swims (fast) of all.

9. On Sundays Mum gets up even (early) Than on weekdays.

10. The children were too tired to walk any (far).

11. She spoke (quiet) Than usual.

12. The areas (badly) Hit by Monday’s heavy rain are Cheshire and Oxfordshire.

13. This machine will work (well) if you change the oil.

14. How did Jack know? And, (importantly), What did he know?

15. Spring is the time when farmers work (hard) Of all.

16. His leg seemed to be hurting (badly) Than ever.

17. Now my sister learns new words much (easily).

18. In the second half, they played even (successfully).

19. People are living (long) Nowadays.

20. His work was the thing he loved (little) Of all.

4.3. Прилагательное или наречие? Подчеркните нужное слово.

1. I’m going to tell you something very important, so please listen (careful∕carefully).

2. Why are you (angry∕angrily)? I Haven’t done anything.

3. Our teacher always explains the rules (clear∕clearly).

4. He was driving (dangerous∕dangerously).

5. Come on, Dave! Why are you so (slow∕slowly)?

6. Jane is studying (hard∕hardly) For her exam.

7. ‘Where is Tom?’ ‘He was here but he left (sudden/suddenly).’

8. Her ideas are very (useful∕usefuily).

9. He can understand people (easy∕easily).

10. Olga speaks English (perfect∕perfectly).

11. These jeans are very (expensive∕expensively).

12. Yesterday I came home very (late∕lately).

13. He always does his homework (good∕well).

14. We visit our relatives (regular∕regularly).

15. She always dresses (nice∕nicely).

4.4. Прилагательное или наречие? Подчеркните нужное слово.

1. The boys played (quiet∕quietly).

2. It was snowing (heavy∕heavily) The day before yesterday.

3. He gave it a (careful∕carefully) Look.

4. He speaks (perfect∕perfectly) English.

5. Have you seen your friend (recent∕recently)?

6. She’s a (slow∕slowly) Runner.

7. She draws (good∕well).

8. They bought a (nice∕nicely) car.

9. She likes sitting (near∕nearly) The fire.

10. She left too (late∕lately) To catch the bus.

11. Have you seen Ann (late∕lately)?

12. He tries very (hard∕hardly) To make his family happy.

13. She (hard∕hardly) Plays the piano.

14. Computers are (wide∕widely) Used in schools nowadays.

15. I think she’s a (pretty∕prettily) Good singer.

4.5. Прилагательное или наречие? Подчеркните нужное слово.

1. Use this chair if you want to sit (comfortable∕comfortabiy).

2. It’s not (easy∕easily) To play football.

3. These flowers smell so (strange∕strangely).

4. He talked so Polite∕politely and danced so (beautiful∕beautifully).

5. The apples taste (sweet∕sweetly). Help yourself!

6. I always feel (happy∕happily) When the sun is shining.

7. Let’s discuss this idea (serious∕seriously).

8. ‘How are you?’ ‘I am very (good∕well), Thank you.’

9. His English is Perfect∕perfectly. He always speaks (correct∕cor — rectly).

10. You look (upset∕upsetly). What’s the matter?

11. The driver was driving too (fast∕fastly).

12. ‘I feel like going to a disco tonight.’ ‘That sounds (great∕greatly)! Let’s go.’

13. It rained very (heavy∕heavily) In London last night.

14. (Quiet/Quietly) He opened the door.

15. Those oranges look (nice∕nicely). Can I have one?

4.6. Вставьте в предложения слова из рамки. Подумайте, что вы­брать: прилагательное или наречие.

Bright(ly) nice(Iy) happy∕happily good∕well Smart(Iy)
quick(ly) great(ly) beautiful(ly)

Nervous(Iy) short(ly) quiet(ly) Complete(Iy) dif∏cult(ly)

1. Mary sangat the concert last night. She is a very


2. Our holiday was too. The time passed very.

3. What flowers! They smell very too!

4. He asked me to ring back but I forgot about it.

5. The children played in the garden. We could hear them


6. You’re speaking very. I can’t hear you.

7. Linda likes wearing clothes. She always looks!

8. It is a warm day and the sun is shining.

9. The exam was very and I felt very.

10. This little boy can’t ride a bicycle very. He is just learn­ing.



4.7. Образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных и разбейте их по группам в зависимости от способа образования:

Hard, probable, slow, happy, friendly, beautiful, fantastic, late, silly, possible, easy, bright, scientific, true, simple, historic, angry, additional, practical, terrible, fast, rare, energetic, early, lucky, chilly, surprising, comfortable, brotherly, fortunate, good, magic, guilty.




E → У

У → i +ly

In А… way




4.8. Образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных:



9. fast



10. easy



11. hard



12. terrible



13. healthy



14. early



15. occasion



4.9. Прочитайте текст о здоровом образе жизни. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски по­лученными словами.

Healthy Lifestyle

подпись: dramatic
То be healthy we should avoid different bad habits that can affect our health. It’s common knowledge that smoking and drinking can shorten our lives (1). Smoking, for instance, can lead to serious lung diseases. (2)in recent years smoking has been banned in most public places and people smoke (3)nowadays.

подпись: easy virtual
healthy increasing
personal real
There are other dangerous habits such as eating unhealthy food or even overeating. If you eat too much, you can (4) become obese. (5), being fat can cause real problems. It is harder for fat people to get a good job, or even to make friends. If you want to do (6), you must be thin. In recent years people are encour­aged to eat (7)and to lose weight. That is why manufacturers are (8)produc­ing special foods with fewer calories for slimmers. (9)I Believe that regular meals, a healthy diet and going in for sports are (10)A good way to live.


4.10. Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения и переведите их на русский язык.

At down off (x2) on out to up (x2)

1. If you want to lose weight, you should cut chocolate and

Sweets and cut on salt.

2. We had to hurry to keep with her.

3. The secret of dieting is to keep it.

4. John kept smoking despite the doctor’s advice to give it


5. Γm trying to keep fatty foods.

6. They cut electricity yesterday so I couldn’t cook any­thing.

7. Professional sportsmen keep a strict diet.

8. Now we’re going to peel and cut cucumbers for our



4.11. Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Поставьте, если необходимо, глаголы в пра­вильную форму.

Prescription recipe human humane cure heal treat (x2)

1. My parents us all the same when we were kids.

2. A brain is much bigger than that of a chimpan­


3. Doctors have learned to many formerly fatal dis­


4. Could you give me a for your apple pie?

5. I don’t support the death penalty because it is not to

Kill people.

6. In this hospital patients are with a combination

Of medication and exercise.

7. The doctor gave me a for a new medicine.

8. My wound has already . .


4.12. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в кон­це строк, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски 1-7 Полученными словами.

The National Health Service in GB

подпись: organize
become difficulty
The NHS (the national health service) in GB (1)Centrally and medical insurance is compulsory. There are a number of private medical insurance schemes in the country. These days such schemes (2)increasingly popular as be­ing more convenient. The modern (3) Of the NHS are the same as those faced by equiv­alent systems in other countries. The number of old people needing medical care (4) Dramatically since 1998. But the country spends (5)Money per person on health care than any other country in the western world. One possible reason for this is the way that GPs (6). The money which they get from the government (7) On the number — NOT DEPEND Of consultations they perform, it depends on the number of registered patients.

4.13. Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1—7. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1—7, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.

I Полезный совет: г

Я JПри выборе ответа особое внимание надо обратить на 1

R слова, прилегающие к пропуску, так как очень часто имен — >

Я но они определяют правильный ответ. Выбор правильного $

$ слова из двух подходящих может, например, зависеть от |

S предлога, стоящего после пропуска. $

What is the Benefit of Eating Healthy?

There are some benefits of consuming healthy and nutritious food. The main advantage of eating healthily is that you can make your im­mune system strong and (1)of viral, bacterial and other health related issues like heart or blood pressure problems. Stronger immune system is the most basic requirement of any human body for efficient performance.

Besides, eating the right kind of food at the right time will defi­nitely (2)you from getting obese. Obesity leads to other diseases, too. So if you are not obese yet, then it’s better to start taking care of your own body by eating healthy and nutritious food. This will ensure that your body weight is maintained according to your height and you will not have to look (3)weight loss diet plans or fitness centers.

What is more, eating healthy and nutritious food will make your entire day full of energy. You will feel energetic and fresh and will be able to work for more time, which will indirectly increase your per­formance at school or in the office.

However, in today’s advanced world you may not have enough time to follow a routine and you may (4)up eating food at irregular time. And (5)to this you may not get time to prepare yourself a healthy meal and eat at the right time.

As your work gets harder and tougher, your body needs healthy and nutritious food. No one else except you can (6)sure

That your body is getting healthy food. Last but not (7)we would like to mention is to do a regular workout. With healthy and nutritious food, it is essential that you do regular workout so that your weight is maintained and you are active and fit.

Раздел 5. ПИСЬМО


Перед выполнением заданий вспомните
РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ к составлению сочинения

5.1. Прочитайте экзаменационное задание и ответ на него. От­ветьте на вопросы и выполните задания после сочинения.

Comment on the following statement.

It is believed that young people today are not as healthy as they were fifty years ago.

What is your opinion?

Write 200 — 250 words.

Use the following plan:

— make an introduction (state the problem)

— express your personal opinion and give reasons for it

— give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it

— draw a conclusion

We can often hear from our grandparents that the ‘ health of modern teenagers is much worse than that of their ‘ counterparts fifty years ago and I think they are right. (

In my opinion, young people today are not as healthy ι

As they used to be. To begin with, they eat lots of geneti- ι

Cally modified and junk food, which is definitely harmful. 1

Besides, modern teenagers often smoke, drink alcohol or 1

Even take drugs, which leads to serious diseases. More — J

Over, lots of teens play computer games or watch TV all day J

Long instead of walking and doing sports. As a result, many J

Young people are overweight and suffer from heart diseases. >

However, many people ignore these facts claiming that J

Teenagers’ health is steadily improving due to modern health )

Care and better nutrition. Of course, young people do not J

Die today of such diseases as pneumonia or tuberculosis. )

Yet I am sure that their health is definitely getting worse /

Because they breathe polluted air, drink polluted water /

And eat food with harmful additives. Additionally, teenag — /

Ers usually ignore their parents’ advice to eat healthy food and eat whatever they want or even skip meals. I should ( also add that today we are threatened by such incurable ( diseases as AIDS or hepatitis. (

In conclusion, I want to say that teenagers’ health is ( the basis of our future development and it is not as good as ( it may seem. I strongly believe that our society should pay ( more attention to the health of a younger generation. (

> How many paragraphs are there in the essay? What is the purpose of each paragraph?

> Find arguments in favour of the author’s opinion. How many have you found?

> Find arguments for the other point of view. Whose point of view is this?

> Is the language of the essay formal or informal? Give exam­ples.

>Underline linking words used in the essay.

> What words can you use instead of IHoweveFrI

5.2. Прочитайте экзаменационное задание.

Comment on the following statement.

Fast food is very popular among teenagers. However, many experts consider fast food harmful to our health.

What kind of food do you prefer? Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

— make an introduction (state the problem)

— express your personal opinion and give reasons for it

— give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it

— draw a conclusion

You have 40 minutes to do this task.

5.3. Спланируйте свой ответ.

>Определите свою точку зрения и постарайтесь найти как можно больше аргументов в её поддержку.

>Какие аргументы можно придумать в защиту противопо­ложной точки зрения?

>Как можно перефразировать тему сочинения? Постарай­тесь найти синонимы к словам темы.

>Как вы закончите своё сочинение? Не забудьте учесть в вы­воде противоположную точку зрения.

>Подберите нужные слова-связки.

5.4. Теперь напишите сочинение.

Убедитесь, что вы:

≠ разбили сочинение на 4 абзаца

JИспользовали формальный язык

JИспользовали слова-связки как в начале, так и внутри абзацев

<во введении перефразировали тему сочинения

/ в 2 абзаце привели не менее двух развернутых аргу­ментов в пользу своей точки зрения

JВ 3 абзаце сослались на мнение других людей и сказа­ли, почему вы с ней не согласны

JВ заключении сделали общий вывод и окончательно сформулировали свою точку зрения

≠ проверили грамматику, орфографию и пунктуацию

JУложились в заданный объем 200—250 слов

5.5. Поменяйтесь сочинениями с партнером. Проверьте сочинения и поставьте друг другу баллы, используя схему и бланк оцени­вания сочинения (см. СПРАВОЧНИК ПО ПИСЬМУ).

Задание №7261.
Аудирование. ЕГЭ по английскому

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A—F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1—7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Прослушайте запись дважды.

1. I eat a lot trying to forget my problems.
2. I cannot lose weight as I combine exercising and eating unhealthy food.
3. I have gained weight after changing my habits.
4. I would like to lose weight without changing my habits radically.
5. I feel very unhappy because I cannot help eating unhealthy food.
6. I expected to gain weight but in fact I haven’t.
7. I don’t have any weight problems in spite of eating whatever I want.

Говорящий A B C D E F

Утверждение 2 (I cannot lose weight as I combine exercising and eating unhealthy food. — Я не могу похудеть, так как совмещаю занятия спортом и нездоровую пищу) соответствует высказыванию спикера A: «I still go to the gym 3-4 times a week, but I eat a lot of unhealthy snacks…»

Утверждение 1 (I eat a lot trying to forget my problems. — Я много ем, пытаясь забыть о своих проблемах) соответствует высказыванию спикера B: «I had some problems that made me very depressed, so I ate all the time…»

Утверждение 5 (I feel very unhappy because I cannot help eating unhealthy food. — Я чувствую себя очень несчастным, потому что не могу не есть нездоровую пищу) соответствует высказыванию спикера C: «Which is not surprising since I just can’t resist food, especially unhealthy food.»

Утверждение 6 (I expected to gain weight but in fact I haven’t. — Я ожидал набрать вес, но на самом деле этого не случилось) соответствует высказыванию спикера D: «However, I’ve managed to stay at the same weight, and am at my lowest weight on my mom’s scale!»

Утверждение 3 (I have gained weight after changing my habits. — Я набрала вес после того, как изменила свои привычки) соответствует высказыванию спикера E: «My weight has steadily increased since then because of my eating and exercise habits alone…»

Утверждение 4 (I would like to lose weight without changing my habits radically. — Хочу похудеть, не меняя кардинально своих привычек) соответствует высказыванию спикера F: «I cannot starve myself, and also, I don’t want to. Still, I want to lose weight…»

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Источник: ЕГЭ. Английский язык: типовые экзаменационные варианты. Под ред. М.В. Вербицкой

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