Устный экзамен по английскому языку егэ 3 задание

Звонит телефон, вы отвечаете на звонок, и слышите: “Здравствуйте. Я провожу опрос про кабачковую икру. Мне интересно, сколько ложек икры вы съедаете в день. Участие в нем займет займет у вас не больше 5 минут”. И потом вы не кладёте трубку, а начинаете проходить этот опрос.

Странно звучит, да?

Ну вот на ЕГЭ будет примерно так, да еще на время, и вам потом оценку поставят.


Задание 3 устной части из недавно опубликованной демоверсии:

Все темы, по которым задаются вопросы, есть в кодификаторе, его можно скачать на ФИПИ. В этом интервью из демоверсии года замиксованы сразу 3 темы – страна, семья и школа (а именно каникулы). Предполагаю, что и в задании, которое получите на экзамене, будет то же самое – микс из нескольких тем того самого кодификатора.

В демоверсии нам показали скрипт с вопросами, но на экзамене его НЕ БУДЕТ. Диктор будет читать текст, и после каждого вопроса будет звучать гудок “биииип”, и последует 40 секунд для ответа. Всё это ученик услышит в наушниках ОДИН РАЗ, повтора не будет.

Отвечаем РАЗВЕРНУТО, “Да/Нет/Не знаю” НЕ ПРИНЕСУТ вам баллов. Нужно сказать 2-3 предложения.

Всего вопросов 5, то есть за задание макс можно получить 5 баллов. 

Критерии оценивания

Что такое “элементарные ошибки”:


За каждый правильно данный ответ получите 1 балл.

Для этого следует не допускать:

  • фонетические ошибки (не говорить “thing” как “think”)
  • лексические ошибки (“I want to teach new words in English” вместо “I want to learn new words in English”)
  • грамматические ошибки (“My family big” вместо “My family is big”)

Плюс, отвечать ПО ТЕМЕ. Если вопрос звучит как “What part of Russia do you live in?”, ответ “I live in a small town” будет не корректен.

Пример ответа

Для тех, кого удивляет странный пример ответа на это задание: мне надоело, что мои материалы выдают за свои и перепродают без отсылки к автору (ко мне), поэтому теперь примеры ответов к заданиям на этом сайте будут с юмором, например именно этот – отсылка к Бэтмену, чтобы всяким “коллегам” не повадно было воровать контент.

Как видите, везде сказано по 2-3 фразы, как и требуется в задании.


Купите книгу по устной части – в ней найдете больше упражнений для тренировки этого задания.

Если ваш ученик откровенно слабый, нужно учить его при ответе внимательно слушать вопрос и повторять слова и структуру, чтобы не запутаться в грамматике.

И обращаем внимание, что диктор может задать 2 вопроса сразу, как в нашем примере из демоверсии: “What part of Russia do you live in? What’s the weather like in summer there?”. На них потребуется также ДВА РАЗВЕРНУТЫХ ответа (как у меня в примере).

P.S. Про разделы и стратегии выполнения заданий ЕГЭ можно почитать:

Аудирование, задания 1 — 9
Чтение, задания 10 — 18
Грамматика, задания 19 — 25
Словообразование, задания 26 — 31
Лексика, задания 32 — 38
Личное письмо, задание 39
Проект, задание 40
Устная часть, задание 1
Устная часть, задание 2
Устная часть, задание 4

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В устной части ЕГЭ в 2023 году остается задание 3, в котором нужно ответить на вопросы, которые вам задают в интервью. Это задание базового уровня, условный диалог-расспрос. Все вопросы задает electronic assistant. Вы должны понять на слух, какой вопрос Вам задают и ответить на него. Вам дают 40 секунд. чтобы ответить на вопрос.

Количество баллов за это задание – 5 баллов. По одному баллу за вопрос.


  1. Что НУЖНО делать, чтобы получить один балл за вопрос в устной части ЕГЭ 2023
  2. Что НЕ НУЖНО делать в устной части ЕГЭ 2023
  3. Стратегия ответа на вопрос в устной части ЕГЭ 2023
  4. О чем спрашивают. Какие вопросы бывают на ЕГЭ
  5. На какие вопросы следует обратить внимание

Что НУЖНО делать, чтобы получить один балл за вопрос в устной части ЕГЭ 2023

  • дать ТОЧНЫЙ ответ на заданный вопрос
  • дать ПОЛНЫЙ ответ на вопрос
  • ответы должны содержать не менее двух фраз, т.е. быть развернутыми, полными и точными. Ответы, данные ОДНОЙ  фразой, ОДНИМ словом или словосочетанием, не засчитываются, т.е. не следует использовать в качестве ответа неполные предложения,  эллиптические конструкции типа Not many или Sure. Без продолжения, без развертывания они не будут засчитаны как правильный ответ;
  • некоторые реплики интервьюера могут содержать два-три вопроса, надо ответить на два/три в целом двумя-тремя фразами, т.е. участник экзамена отвечает двумя-тремя фразами на слова интервьюера независимо от того, один или два вопроса содержит реплика интервьюера, после которой следует пауза для ответа.

Что НЕ НУЖНО делать в устной части ЕГЭ 2023

  • перефразировать вопрос;
  • стараться использовать сложную лексику;
  • стараться продемонстрировать богатый словарный запас;
  • стараться говорить больше;
  • переспрашивать, задавать вопросы;
  • здороваться;
  • отвечать отдельными словами;
  • делать слишком большие паузы между предложениями;
  • не делать ЭЛЕМЕНТАРНЫХ лексико-грамматических ошибок и/или фонетических ошибок. Ниже Вы найдете список этих элементарных ошибок.

Список элементов содержания, обязательных к освоению на уровнях А1-А2, владение которыми должен продемонстрировать участник экзамена при выполнении задания 3

Стратегия ответа на вопрос в устной части ЕГЭ 2023

Чтобы получить заветный один балл, используйте такой алгоритм.

  1. Поймите и запомните вопрос. Можете повторить его про себя. Времени будет достаточно.
  2. Если вопрос один, то можно ответить такими же словами и добавить еще одно предложение, чтобы получилось  два предложения, как это требуют критерии оценивания. Можно добавить пример, причину или деталь. Повтор лексики не оценивается. Важен только ответ.


Вопрос: What is your favourite food?

Ответ: My favourite food is chicken. I like fried chicken.

  1. Если 2-3 вопроса, как это было в ЕГЭ 2022, то нужно ответить на все вопросы двумя-тремя предложениями. Самое главное без ошибок и чтобы ответы были четкими и полными.

Например, вопрос из ЕГЭ 2022:

Вопрос: What is your favourite food? Why do you like it so much? Can you cook it?

Ответ: My favourite food is chicken. I like it because it’s tasty. I can cook it.

  1. Не забыть ответить на вопрос why, если есть. Часто бывает, что ребята забывают ответить на этот вопрос. Отвечает на основной, а про why забывают.


Вопрос: Do you think it’s important to know foreign languages? Why yes or no?

Ответ: It’s important to know foreign languages. It broadens the horizons and helps to find a well-paid job.

  1. Если поняли, что дали неверный ответ, то можно исправить ошибку, будет оцениваться последний ответ.
  2. Внимательно следить за тем, в каком времени задан вопрос.


What Russian cities/regions have you visited? и соответственно отвечаем в этом времени. I have visited a lot of Russian cities. I have been to Moscow, St.Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod.

Или, например: вопрос в прошедшем времени Did you travel much when you were a child?

Ответ: I travelled much when I was a child. My parents were fond of it.

О чем спрашивают. Какие вопросы бывают на ЕГЭ

  • О себе;
  • О России;
  • Столица;
  • Свой регион (расположение, достопримечательности);
  • Знаменитые ученые, писатели России;
  • Люди, которые внесли большой вклад.

На какие вопросы следует обратить внимание

  • Бывают вопросы в единственном и множественном числе.

Например: What famous Russian  scientists do you know? Здесь нужно назвать как минимум два ученых, потому что вопрос во множественном числе.

  • Бывают вопросы на предпочтения.

Например: What books by Russian writers would you recommend  to read and why? Здесь можно назвать одну книгу.

  • Также, есть вопросы на факты: что я знаю и вопросы на рассуждения: что я думаю.

Если у Вас возникают сложности при выполнении этого задания, приходите ко мне на уроки, смогу помочь в подготовке к этому заданию и к ЕГЭ в целом.

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к 3 заданию устной части ЕГЭ 2023 по английскому языку

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Cотрудничаем с EGExpert: консультации, курсы, бесплатные вебинары для учителей

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Тип 3 № 17

Вы услышите репортаж дважды. Выберите правильный ответ 1, 2 или 3.

Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

Crispin thinks that his first name

1)  is better than Spin.

2)  sounds awful.

3)  should be Darrell.


Тип 4 № 18

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By saying universities ‘give me the creeps’ Crispin means that universities

1)  give him nothing useful for real life.

2)  make him study hard for the exams.

3)  cause a feeling of anxiety in him.


Тип 5 № 19

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When speaking about himself at the age of 18 Crispin admits that he

1)  worried about the secret parties in his house.

2)  was somewhat interested in communism.

3)  was going to join the Communist Party.


Тип 6 № 20

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Crispin is happy because this year

1)  the band’s music has changed a bit.

2)  his band are going to star in a new Hollywood film.

3)  new people have joined the band.


Тип 7 № 21

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When writing songs Crispin

1)  is inspired by childhood memories.

2)  usually stays at his parents’ house.

3)  needs to be all alone to succeed.


Тип 8 № 22

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Crispin decided to sell his first house and buy a new one because

1)  he was tired of being the centre of attention in his neighbourhood.

2)  the main road near the house made the place too noisy.

3)  the new house was a good way of investing money.


Тип 9 № 23

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Crispin thinks music fans are being reasonable when they

1)  call bad music rubbish.

2)  avoid listening to music which causes health problems.

3)  express their negative feelings openly and honestly.


Тип 3 № 63

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The idea of becoming a photographer

1)  came to Chris after seeing big sculptures.

2)  was the result of his work with sculptures.

3)  made him lose interest in sculptures.


Тип 4 № 64

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Chris assisted the photographer who

1)  had the latest photographic equipment.

2)  gave Chris valuable professional advice.

3)  used to ask Chris challenging questions.


Тип 5 № 65

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According to Chris, working as an assistant is a good way into a career because you can

1)  get a better understanding of the profession.

2)  learn the basic techniques of taking pictures.

3)  make friends with a lot of talented people.


Тип 6 № 66

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The reason for buying a plastic camera was that it

1)  allowed him to take original pictures.

2)  was not very expensive.

3)  was light to carry around.


Тип 7 № 67

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Chris uses the phrase ‘That got the ball rolling’ to say that

1)  he became popular with the dancers.

2)  he suddenly got very rich.

3)  his art became more dance-oriented.


Тип 8 № 68

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Chris goes to the dance performances because

1)  the choreographer recommends him to see the piece.

2)  it is always interesting for him to be at the premiere.

3)  he wants to find the links between them and his work.


Тип 9 № 69

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Chris thinks that dancers are great to work with because they

1)  are lively and enthusiastic.

2)  can cope with any problem.

3)  can work long hours.


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Raymond began to understand the real value of James Bond books after

1)  getting a chance to read them all.

2)  seeing his first Bond movie.

3)  reading them for the second time.


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Thanks to the Internet, today’s Bond fans

1)  have become much more united than they used to be.

2)  can publish more magazines about Bond.

3)  hold conventions devoted to Bond more frequently.


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Raymond is still a Bond fan, but now he

1)  doesn’t like new Bond movies.

2)  writes fewer articles about Bond.

3)  has a wider sphere of interests.


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Raymond believes that Ian Fleming would have

1)  liked recent Bond movies if he had seen them.

2)  been surprised at a long-term success of Bond series.

3)  enjoyed the way James Bond is portrayed now.


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According to Raymond, books and films about spies will

1)  be interesting only to Bond fans.

2)  only be associated with the cold war.

3)  always be attractive to people.


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Now that Raymond has stopped writing about Bond he

1)  still has enough money not to work anymore.

2)  has an opportunity to travel the world.

3)  feels that he has got rid of great pressure.


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Raymond’s advice to the next Bond writer is to

1)  look through all Bond websites.

2)  get ready for some really hard work.

3)  understand what Bond fans want.


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John has to use artificial fur because

1)  it makes clothes look better.

2)  It is less expensive than the real one.

3)  his clients want to wear it.


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Walking down Fifth Avenue one day, John realized that

1)  a lot’of fur people wear was not artificial.

2)  he could hardly see people wearing fur.

3)  clothes with fur trim had gone out of fashion.


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What does John do in his fight for cruelty-free fashion?

1)  He accuses publicly the Scandinavian fur industry of killing animals for fur.

2)  He encourages students to get away from real fur in their designs.

3)  He supports designers who participate in cruelty- free design contests.


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John thinks that the main reason why many designers still work with fur is because

1)  it’s a good way to invest money.

2)  people want to show off.

3)  a lot of people are selfish and uncaring.


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What does John mean comparing the fight against racism to that for cruelty-free fashion?

1)  Fighting for justice always involves violence.

2)  People’s outlook on different things changes gradually.

3)  Both problems are equally important.


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John thinks that it would be easier for him to become a vegetarian if

1)  he had been raised in a family of vegetarians.

2)  more vegetarian products were available.

3)  he ate only chicken rather than red meat.


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What is John going to do to protect animals from being killed for their fur?

1)  He is going to persuade his clients not to buy fur clothes.

2)  He is thinking of refusing to use artificial fur in his collections.

3)  He is thinking of heading up some animal protection organization.


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Before moving to the USA Kara’s parents decided to

1)  send her to a bilingual school.

2)  start teaching her English at home.

3)  take a basic English course themselves.


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Kara thinks it’s easier to learn a foreign language at an early age because children

1)  are not afraid to communicate with strangers.

2)  learn it the way they learn their mother tongue.

3)  are highly motivated learners.


Вы услышите репортаж дважды. Выберите правильный ответ 1, 2 или 3.

Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

The main problem the children from immigrant families face in the USA is that they

1)  quickly forget their native language.

2)  have a hard time learning English.

3)  can’t fit into the English-speaking environment.


Вы услышите репортаж дважды. Выберите правильный ответ 1, 2 или 3.

Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

Kara thinks the key element in learning French is

1)  language environment.

2)  a good teacher.

3)  a good textbook.


Вы услышите репортаж дважды. Выберите правильный ответ 1, 2 или 3.

Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

Kara uses Spanglish when she

1)   talks only to the older members of her family.

2)  lacks words to express her thoughts.

3)  talks to the Spanish who are beginners in English.


Вы услышите репортаж дважды. Выберите правильный ответ 1, 2 или 3.

Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

The adults in Kara’s family are against

1)  teaching their children Spanish after they have started school.

2)  making English the only language of communication in the family.

3)  their children speaking English after they are five years old.


Вы услышите репортаж дважды. Выберите правильный ответ 1, 2 или 3.

Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

Kara buys books in English if

1)  she wants to practice and improve her language.

2)  they are not translated into Spanish.

3)  she wants to read them in the original.

Пройти тестирование по этим заданиям

Where You Live Now and Your Home Country

  • Is it easy to meet new people where you live?

  • What’s the best place to spend a free afternoon in your town?

  • How expensive is it to go out in the evening where you live?

  • Could you tell me something about the area where you grew up?

  • Could you describe your family home to me?

  • What’s the most interesting place you’ve visited near ….?

  • Is there anything you would like to learn about your country?

  • Which area of your country would you like to get to know better?

  • What do you like about living there?

  • Tell us about a festival or celebration in [your home country].

Daily Life

  • Tell us about a day you’ve really enjoyed recently.

  • Are you planning to do anything special this weekend?

  • How much time do you spend at home?

  • What did you do on your last birthday?

  • Do you like cooking?

  • What’s your favourite food?

  • What’s your favourite day of the week?

  • What’s your favourite part of the day?

  • Which time of year is your favourite?

Education and Work

  • Do you use the internet to learn new things?

  • Do you prefer working on your own or with other people?

  • What do you think would be the most interesting job to do?

  • Do you find it easy to study where you live?

  • What were the most important things you learned at primary school?

  • Would you prefer to work for a big or small company?

  • What kind of work would you really like to do in the future?

  • Are you happier doing mental or physical work?

  • Can you remember your first English lessons?

Travel and Holidays

  • Where would you most like to go on holiday in future?

  • Do you prefer traveling by train or plane?

  • Do you plan your holidays or decide everything spontaneously?

  • Have you ever used English while traveling?

  • Is there a good public transport system in your country?


  • Do you ever go to concerts?

  • How important is TV to you?

  • How much TV do you watch in a week?

  • Do you like the same TV programmes as your parents?

  • Tell us about a TV programme you’ve seen recently.

  • Do you enjoy going to parties?

  • How often do you read newspapers?

  • Do you like shopping?

  • Where do you like listening to music?

  • Do you like going to the cinema?

  • Tell me about your favourite film star.

  • Tell us about a film you really like.

  • Do you enjoy playing computer games?

  • Do you use the internet much?

  • What do you use the internet for?

  • Do you ever listen to the radio?

Family and Friends

  • Who are the most important people in your life?

  • What do you enjoy doing with your friends?

  • Who do you spend your free time with

  • Have you done anything interesting with your friends recently?

  • Who are you most like in your family?

  • Do you and your friends share the same ideas?

  • Tell me about your best friend.

  • Tell me about a good friend of yours.

  • Do you normally go out with family or friends?

  • Tell me a little about your family.

Free Time

  • How much time do you spend at home nowadays?

  • Do you have a favourite newspaper or magazine?

  • What’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever done?

  • Tell us about a TV programme you’ve seen recently?

  • What’s the difference between reading the news in the newspaper and watching it on TV?

  • Who do you spend your free time with?

  • Do you prefer to be outside or inside when you have free time?

  • What do you most enjoy doing when you’re at home?

  • Is your routine at weekends different from your daily routine?

  • What do you spend your time doing?

  • Do you enjoy reading?

  • What sort of books do you read?

  • Does anyone you know have an interesting hobby?


  • Are you interested in sport?

  • Is there a sport or hobby you enjoy doing?

  • Is there a sport you’d really like to try?

  • What sports do people play most in your country?

  • How much exercise do you take each week?

  • Do you like to be physically active or do you prefer relaxing?

The Future

  • Is there anything you’d love to be able to do in the future?

  • Do you plan to study anything in the future?

  • What are you going to do this weekend?

  • Are you going to do anything special this weekend?

  • Do you think computers will replace newspapers and TV in the future?

  • Which country would you most like to visit in the future?

  • Do you think you’ll go there one day?

  • Do you think you have to spend a lot of money to have a good holiday?

  • Some people say we travel too much these days and shouldn’t go on so many holidays. What do you think? Why do you think people like to go away on holiday?

  • What do you think is the biggest advantage of living in a place where there are a lot of tourists?

  • What can people do to have a good holiday in your country?

  • What’s good about living in cities in your country?

  • Which is the best city for people to visit in your country?

  • If you could choose to visit a city you’ve never been to, which one would you choose?

  • Would you prefer to live in a modern city or a city with lots of history?

  • Are there advantages to living in a small town rather than in a big city?

  • Do you think it is better for children to grow up in the city or in the countryside?

  • What do you think makes a good museum?

  • How do you think the teaching of history in schools could be improved?

  • Do you agree that learning about our past is important for our future?

  • What was the most important moment in the history of the twentieth century?

  • What has been the most important moment in your life so far?

  • What items from our lives today will be in the history museums of the future?

  • If you could change one thing about your life, what would you change?

  • Many people say life’s too busy these days.

  • Why do you think they say this?

  • Many people want to become famous nowadays. Why do you think this is?

  • Is it important to enjoy a job or do you think it’s enough to be paid well?

  • How important is it to go on holiday every year?

  • Some people say we don’t spend enough time talking to each other these days. What do you think?

  • Some people say there will be no need for shops in the future because we’ll buy everything online. What do you think?

  • Do you think it’s true that we buy a lot of things we don’t really need these days?

  • Do you think that out of town shopping centres are a good idea?

  • Is it better to go shopping with friends or alone?

  • Some people say that shopping ins a leisure activity nowadays. What do you think?

  • Do you think that advertising encourages people to spend too much money?

  • Is watching TV the best way for people to spend their free time?

  • What kind of TV programmes do you like best?

  • Some people have more than one television in their home. Do you think this is a good idea?

  • Do you think children generally watch too much television in your country?

  • Is television the best way of following the news in the world?

  • Do you think watching TV is a good way to learn a language?

  • What sort of films do you never watch?

  • Are there any films that you’d like to see again?

  • Would you prefer to be in a film or behind the camera?

  • How important do you think it is to watch films in English?

  • What can you learn about a country’s culture by watching films from that country?


20 июня 2021

В закладки



Возможные вопросы к заданию 3 устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

Задание 3 — условный диалог-интервью, в котором необходимо ответить на 5 вопросов интервьюера на актуальную тему. Ответ участника экзамена должен быть развернутым (2-3 фразы).

Where You Live Now and Your Home Country

• Is it easy to meet new people where you live?
• What’s the best place to spend a free afternoon in your town?
• How expensive is it to go out in the evening where you live?
• Could you tell me something about the area where you grew up?
• Could you describe your family home to me?
• What’s the most interesting place you’ve visited near ….?
• Is there anything you would like to learn about your country?
• Which area of your country would you like to get to know better?
• What do you like about living there?
• Tell us about a festival or celebration in [your home country].

Daily Life

• Tell us about a day you’ve really enjoyed recently.
• Are you planning to do anything special this weekend?
• How much time do you spend at home?
• What did you do on your last birthday?
• Do you like cooking?
• What’s your favourite food?
• What’s your favourite day of the week?
• What’s your favourite part of the day?
• Which time of year is your favourite?

Education and Work

• Do you use the internet to learn new things?
• Do you prefer working on your own or with other people?
• What do you think would be the most interesting job to do?
• Do you find it easy to study where you live?
• What were the most important things you learned at primary school?
• Would you prefer to work for a big or small company?
• What kind of work would you really like to do in the future?
• Are you happier doing mental or physical work?
• Can you remember your first English lessons?

Travel and Holidays

• Where would you most like to go on holiday in future?
• Do you prefer traveling by train or plane?
• Do you plan your holidays or decide everything spontaneously?
• Have you ever used English while traveling?
• Is there a good public transport system in your country?


• Do you ever go to concerts?
• How important is TV to you?
• How much TV do you watch in a week?
• Do you like the same TV programmes as your parents?
• Tell us about a TV programme you’ve seen recently.
• Do you enjoy going to parties?
• How often do you read newspapers?
• Do you like shopping?
• Where do you like listening to music?
• Do you like going to the cinema?
• Tell me about your favourite film star.
• Tell us about a film you really like.
• Do you enjoy playing computer games?
• Do you use the internet much?
• What do you use the internet for?
• Do you ever listen to the radio?

Family and Friends

• Who are the most important people in your life?
• What do you enjoy doing with your friends?
• Who do you spend your free time with
• Have you done anything interesting with your friends recently?
• Who are you most like in your family?
• Do you and your friends share the same ideas?
• Tell me about your best friend.
• Tell me about a good friend of yours.
• Do you normally go out with family or friends?
• Tell me a little about your family.

Free Time

• How much time do you spend at home nowadays?
• Do you have a favourite newspaper or magazine?
• What’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever done?
• Tell us about a TV programme you’ve seen recently?
• What’s the difference between reading the news in the newspaper and watching it on TV?
• Who do you spend your free time with?
• Do you prefer to be outside or inside when you have free time?
• What do you most enjoy doing when you’re at home?
• Is your routine at weekends different from your daily routine?
• What do you spend your time doing?
• Do you enjoy reading?
• What sort of books do you read?
• Does anyone you know have an interesting hobby?


• Are you interested in sport?
• Is there a sport or hobby you enjoy doing?
• Is there a sport you’d really like to try?
• What sports do people play most in your country?
• How much exercise do you take each week?
• Do you like to be physically active or do you prefer relaxing?

The Future

• Is there anything you’d love to be able to do in the future?
• Do you plan to study anything in the future?
• What are you going to do this weekend?
• Are you going to do anything special this weekend?
• Do you think computers will replace newspapers and TV in the future?
• Which country would you most like to visit in the future?
• Do you think you’ll go there one day?

В данной статье разберем наиболее подробно, как успешно сдать задание 3 из раздела Говорение в ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Во-первых, как и для любого задания необходимо иметь четкий план, который всегда поможет сориентироваться при сдаче экзамена. Во-вторых, выучить наизусть выражения, которые приведены ниже.

Примечание: Подробнее ознакомиться с критериями оценивания, стратегиями выполнения задания 3 ЕГЭ по английскому языку можно здесь.

План описания одного фото из трех

Не забывайте, для описания фотографии необходимо будет представить ту ситуацию, которая изображена. Даже если такого случая в Вашей жизни не происходило, выдумывайте и мечтайте! Придумайте историю, где Вы были в этот момент и с кем. Придумайте родственников и друзей (в зависимости от того, что изображено на картинке). Самое главное – уложиться вовремя и все успеть.

Итак, план описания фотографии должен быть следующим:

  1. Вступительные фразы.
  2. Where and when the photo was taken (когда и где было сделано фото).
  3. What/who is in the photo (кто/что изображен(о)).
  4. What is happening (что происходит).
  5. Why you keep the photo in your album (почему была снята эта фотография).
  6. Why you decided to show the picture to your friend (почему решили показать).
  7. Заключение.

Фразы-клише для описания фото на ЕГЭ

Рассмотрим каждый пункт плана описания фотографии на ЕГЭ подробнее.

Примечание: Обязательно для описания фото не забывайте использовать Present Continuous. Повторить грамматическое правило Present Continuous можно в разделе «Грамматика».

1. Вступительные фразы

Начать ответ следует с фразы: «I’ve chosen photo number… –  Я выбрал(а) фото номер…», которая нужна для того, чтобы эксперт понял, какую картинку выбрал участник экзамена.

I’ve chosen photo number 3.

Далее следует вступительная фраза, которая должна соответствовать выбранной картинке.


  • As you know, I took up photography last year. Since then I’ve taken lots of pictures. I keep the best of them in my album. Here is one of them.
  • As you know, I have just come back from holiday. I took lots of photos while I was on holiday. I’d like to show you one of them.
  • I’d really like you to see one photo. Here it is.
  • I’ve got a photo to show you. Please, have a look.
  • I would like to tell you more about this photo.

Примечание: Другие варианты вступительных фраз в задание 3 устной части можно посмотреть здесь.

2. Когда и где была сделана фотография 

– I took it a month ago when I was …ing … (walking along the street, walking in the park, travelling abroad) + обязательно указать конкретное место (in the centre of the city where I was staying; in one of the local parks; at the stadium that is not far from my place; at the railway station; on the train; in my bedroom).
– I had a camera in my hand and I took a photo.
– I remember that day very well.


  • I took it  last summer when I was travelling abroad in the centre of the city where I was staying. I remember that day very well.

3. Кто, что изображено (назвать общую картину + перечислить 2-3 самых важных объекта) + что происходит

– In this photo you can see … (a street, a city, a forest, an animal, a person, …)
– This is a picture of (a street, a city, a forest, an animal, a person, …)

– I make this photo occasionally but I keep it because it reminds me … .
– I make this photo because I like such unusual scenes.
– I make this photo to keep memory.
– I adore …
– I love doing it.
– It looks great.
– It makes me want to try it.
– It makes me want to go there.
– It makes me think about life.
– It’s not a very common situation.

– In the foreground/center of the photo there is/are … .
– In the background one can see a … .
– On the left/right … .
– Up/down the photo … .

  • He/she is wearing …
  • He/she has got … (a tattoo, piercing, an umbrella, …)
  • He/she is carrying … (a bag, a suitcase, …)
  • He/she looks … (happy, sad, serious, angry, tired, bored, …)


  • In this photo you can see people who are having fun together. I don’t know their names. They seemed to be very nice people. In the foreground of the photo there is a women with your children who are finding near a museum. They were very friendly.  In the background of the photo you can see me. I am making some photos my friends. The weather on that day was fantastic.

4. Почему была снята эта фотография


  • I keep this picture in my album because it reminds me of the wonderful holiday. I think it was really amaizng (terrible, awesome).
  • I keep the photo in my album because it illustrates the beauty of nature. And, moreover, I consider it as one of my best shots.

5. Почему решили показать

– I want you to see this photo because …
– I would like you to see this photo because …
– … you are interested in … .
– … you like …, too.
– I decided to show you this photo…

  • because you like unusual objects.
  • because you like romantic situations like these.
  • because I want you to smile.
  • because I want your mood to rise.
  • because I wanna raise you mood.
  • because I want you to remember our previous holidays.
  • because I want to demonstrate you my skills of a photographer.


  • I want you to see this photo because it was an interesting moment and I wanted to share it.

6. Заключение

Обязательно свой монолог следует завершить следующими предложениями:


  • Now you realize why I’m fond of this photo. I hope you like it too. That’s all I wanted to say.
  •  I hope you enjoyed my story about this photo. Maybe next time you’ll show me yours. That’s all I wanted to say.
  • Well, as you can see, this photo is my favourite because it’s connected with such good memories. That’s all I wanted to say.

Примечание: Ознакомиться с стратегиями выполнения других заданий в ЕГЭ по английскому языку можно в разделе “ГИА (экзамены)“

действующих экспертов по английскому языку
за помощь в написании данного материала: Светлану Рудкевич и Евгению Сергеевну.

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