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На чтение 2 мин Обновлено 28 июня, 2022

Рассказ про утконоса на английском языке

Platypus is one of the strangest mammals that look like a weird combination of duck, beaver and otter. This animal can be found in the Eastern Australia and Tasmania. Platypus lives near and in the freshwater lakes and streams.
It is not big, it is as long as a cat. It is furry like a cat too!
The average length of a male platypus is 50 cm, the smaller females average 43 cm in length. Platypus weigh 1 to 2.4 kg.
The platypus is an excellent swimmer, diving under water on average for around 30 seconds to forage for food before coming up for air.
The platypus sleeps on average up to 14 hours per day.
Platypuses can live more than 12 years in the wild.

утконос сообщениеУтконос — одно из самых странных млекопитающих, которые выглядят как странная комбинация утки, бобра и выдры. Это животное можно встретить в Восточной Австралии и Тасмании. Утконос обитает вблизи и в пресноводных озерах и ручьях. Он не большой, длиной с кошку. Он тоже пушистый, как кошка! Средняя длина самца утконоса составляет 50 см, более мелкие самки в среднем имеют длину 43 см. Утконосы весят от 1 до 2,4 кг. Утконос — отличный пловец, ныряющий под воду в среднем около 30 секунд в поисках пищи, прежде чем всплыть на воздух. Утконос спит в среднем до 14 часов в сутки. Утконосы могут жить более 12 лет в дикой природе.

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Platypus (lat. Ornithorhynchus anatinus) — aquatic mammals monotremes living in Australia. It is the only contemporary representative of the family utkonosovka (Ornithorhynchidae); together with echidnas forms the monotremes (Monotremata) — animals, on a number of grounds close to the reptiles. This unique animal is one of the symbols of Australia; it is depicted on the reverse of the Australian coins of 20 cents.Body length platypus 30-40 cm, tail — 10-15 cm, and weighs up to 2 kg Males about a third larger than females. Body with platypus stocky, short-legged; flattened tail similar to tail beaver, but covered with hair, which markedly with age thins out. At the tail of the platypus, as the Tasmanian devil, deposited fat reserves. The fur of his thick, soft, usually dark brown on the back and reddish or gray on the bottom. The head is round. Ahead of the facial region stretches in a flat beak length about 65 mm, width 50 mm, the Bill is not as tough as in birds, and soft, covered elastic bare skin, which stretched into two thin, long, curved bone.
Утконо́с (лат. Ornithorhynchus anatinus) — водоплавающее млекопитающее отряда однопроходных, обитающее в Австралии. Это единственный современный представитель семейства утконосовых (Ornithorhynchidae); вместе с ехиднами образует отряд однопроходных (Monotremata) — животных, по ряду признаков близких к рептилиям. Это уникальное животное является одним из символов Австралии; оно изображено на реверсе австралийской монеты в 20 центов.Длина тела утконоса 30—40 см, хвоста — 10—15 см, весит он до 2 кг. Самцы примерно на треть крупнее самок. Тело у утконоса приземистое, коротконогое; хвост уплощённый, похож на хвост бобра, но покрыт шерстью, которая с возрастом заметно редеет. В хвосте утконоса, как у тасманского дьявола, откладываются запасы жира. Мех у него густой, мягкий, обычно тёмно-коричневый на спине и рыжеватый или серый на брюхе. Голова круглая. Впереди лицевой отдел вытянут в плоский клюв длиной около 65 мм, шириной 50 мм. Клюв не жёсткий как у птиц, а мягкий, покрытый эластичной голой кожей, которая натянута на две тонкие, длинные, дугообразные косточки.

most unusual animal.

Главатских Елена

most amazing animal is the platypus. If you look at it for the first time, it
will seem that it has absorbed several parts of other animals at once. When it
was discovered in the XVIII century on the coast of eastern Australia, it was
immediately given several names – duck flat-nosed, water mole, bird-beak. And
all because scientists were very surprised by the structure of the platypus
body.  A disproportionately large beak is located on the head with fluffy fur,
paws are placed on the sides like crocodiles, and a platypus swims using a
massive tail like a beaver.

length of the platypus is up to 30 cm, and together with the tail – up to half
a meter. Weight – about 2 kg. Body temperature also surprises scientists – in
all warm-blooded animals, it is usually above 35 °C. And only in platypus it
rarely exceeds 32 °C.

are five webbed fingers on each paw of the animal. This allows him to dig, run
and swim with equal success. The platypus leads a secretive lifestyle and tries
once again not to appear in an open area. He feeds on worms, larvae, which he
hides in bags behind his cheeks, as hamsters do. On the hind legs, males have
small claws covered with poison, with which the platypus can kill its main
enemy – the dingo dog.

platypus is an experienced hunter. To find prey, he has to hunt for up to 12
hours a day. And he needs a lot of food – he eats up to 20% of his weight a
day. For the winter, the platypus stores fat, which it stores in the tail, and
not under the skin of the whole body, as the others do. In addition, such an
unusual animal has another feature – it has a very toxic saliva. In this way,
he is similar to his species brothers – shrews and schelezubov.

of its unusual structure and good fur, the platypus is now on the verge of
extinction. The individuals are carefully monitored by groups of scientists and
their population is monitored.

Platypus (lat. Ornithorhynchus anatinus) — aquatic mammals monotremes living in Australia. It is the only contemporary representative of the family utkonosovka (Ornithorhynchidae) ; together with echidnas forms the monotremes (Monotremata) — animals, on a number of grounds close to the reptiles. This unique animal is one of the symbols of Australia; it is depicted on the reverse of the Australian coins of 20 cents. Body length platypus 30-40 cm, tail — 10-15 cm, and weighs up to 2 kg Males about a third larger than females. Body with platypus stocky, short-legged; flattened tail similar to tail beaver, but covered with hair, which markedly with age thins out. At the tail of the platypus, as the Tasmanian devil, deposited fat reserves. The fur of his thick, soft, usually dark brown on the back and reddish or gray on the bottom. The head is round. Ahead of the facial region stretches in a flat beak length about 65 mm, width 50 mm, the Bill is not as tough as in birds, and soft, covered elastic bare skin, which stretched into two thin, long, curved bone.

The platypus was discovered in the XVIII century during the colonization of New South Wales. A report issued in 1802, the list of animals of the colony referred to «animal amphibian of the family of moles. The most interesting quality of it — is that it has, instead of the usual mouth duck’s beak, which allows him to eat in the mud, like a bird. «First platypus pelt was sent to England in 1797. Her appearance has generated fierce debate among the scientific community. First, the skin felt the product of a taxidermist, sew the duck’s beak to the skin of the animal, like a beaver. Dispel this suspicion succeeded George Shaw, who came to study the package and concluded that it is not a fake (for this show even notched skin in search of stitches). The question arose as to which group of animals include the platypus. Even after he had received his scientific name, the first animals were brought to England, and found that the female platypus no visible breasts, but this animal, like birds, a cloaca. A quarter of a century, scientists could not decide where to put the platypus — mammals, birds, reptiles, or even to a particular class, until he discovered in 1824 by German biologist Meckel that the platypus still has female breasts and brings up cubs milk. The fact that the platypus lays eggs, has been proven only in 1884.

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