Английский язык
›Другие методич. материалы›ЕГЭ по английскому языку, задание 38. Часть 5. Глаголы с предлогами/Verbs + Prepositions — For/Of
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Данный материал является продолжением цикла материалов для подготовки обучающихся к ЕГЭ по английскому языку, задание 38.
Предлагается группа коллокаций — глаголов с предлогами for и of.
Обучающиеся последовательно выполняют задания по семантизации глаголов с предлогами, знакомятся с их применением в контексте на уровне предложений.
Затем выполняется задание на подстановку изученных лексических групп.
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Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков в профессиональном образовании: английский, немецкий, французский»
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Курс повышения квалификации «Информационная этика и право»
Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Управление качеством»
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Test 7. Fill in the correct prepositions to, about, at, from, for, in, into, on, with .
1. I want to talk ___ the group ___ their exams.
2. All last winter he suffered ___ coughs and colds.
3. When will you write ___ Bill ___ your plans?
4. If you don’t understand any of these words, you could refer ___ a dictionary.
5. The accident sadly resulted ___ the death of a man.
6. The police are appealing ___ witnesses to come forward.
7. It wasn’t his car, in fact I don’t know who it belongs ___.
8. Nurses are very badly paid, I think they should insist ___ higher rates of pay.
9. The poor driver. I really sympathize ___ him, it wasn’t his fault.
10. The buses are often late, so you can’t depend ___ them.
11. Do you qualify ___ a state pension when you are 55?
12. Keep enough money to pay ___ your ticket.
13. Have you heard ___ what had happened ___ him? Oh, I don’t care ___ it.
14. I said ___ you I was thinking ___ going to America. I actually dreamt ___ it.
15. She listened ___ me and then told me ___ her problems.
16. The bus ran ___ the wall of a house.
17. People started to shout ___ the driver.
18. Who was the boy you were all laughing ___?
19. I saw somebody staring ___ me from the other side of the road.
20. He was always arguing ___ his brother.
Test 8. Fill in the correct prepositions to, about, from, in, into, on, with, for .
1. I bumped ___ an old friend of mine the other day.
2. I agree ___ you that we should wait a bit longer ___ her.
3. She never apologizes ___ arriving late.
4. I thought we should look ___ someone else to do the job.
5. If you want to travel, that would be a good job to apply ___.
6. The land belongs ___ a rich man.
7. She then referred ___ the Minister’s report.
8. I congratulate her ___ her success in the exams.
9. The boss disagreed ___ me.
10. The match resulted ___ a draw.
11. His failure resulted ___ lack of attention to details.
12. Tonight I’m going to talk ___ my favourite books.
13. You can count ___ me.
14. You can rely ___ him to be polite.
15. They complained ___ me about the noise.
16. Mary turned her head to speak ___ him.
17. The daughters sided ___ their mothers.
18. Can I speak ___ Jane, please?
19. Can you explain this word ___ me?
20. Can you explain ___ me what you mean?
Test 9. Fill in the correct prepositions to, about, at, from, for, in, of, with .
1. He told me his name but I can’t think ___ it now.
2. This house reminds me ___ the one I lived in when I was a child.
3. We called the doctor because Nick was complaining ___ a pain in his stomach.
4. That’s a good idea. Why didn’t I think ___ that?
5. Look at this photograph of Ann. Who does she remind you ___?
6. She left Boston ___ Paris when she was 19.
7. If something is wrong, why don’t you do anything ___ it?
8. Peter likes his job but he doesn’t talk ___ it much.
9. I like to listen ___ the radio while I’m having breakfast.
10. Please don’t shout ___ me!
11. How often do you borrow books ___ the library?
12. Yes, you are right. I agree ___ you.
13. Cheers! Let’s drink ___ your success.
14. My brother is living ___ a French girl.
15. My children are looking forward ___ Christmas.
16. They arrived ___ the party at 8 p.m.
17. What time did you arrive ___ London?
18. I must introduce you ___ my cousin.
19. Something has happened ___ him.
20. Shall we ring ___ a taxi?
Употребление глаголов с предлогами. ЕГЭ Английский.
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ЕГЭ 2021 – 2022
ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Употребление глаголов с предлогами.
Подготовка к ЕГЭ для 11 класса: устойчивые сочетания глаголов с предлогами в английском языке с переводом
8875 06.04.2022 (обновлена 22.04.2022)
Запомните сочетания глаголов с предлогами, которые часто встречаются на ЕГЭ в заданиях 32−38 раздела «Грамматика и лексика» ⤵️
Aa — Dd
accuse someone of | обвинять кого-либо в | |
agree with | согласен с | |
apologise for | приносить свои извинения за | |
appeal to | апеллировать к | |
apply for | подать заявку на | |
approve of | одобрять | |
argue with/about | спорить с/о | |
arrest someone for | арестовать кого-либо за | |
arrive in/at | прибывать в |
Тренируйте слова по карточкам, чтобы быстрее их запомнить ☝️
believe in | верить в | |
belong to | принадлежать кому-что, чему-то | |
blame someone for | обвинять кого-то в | |
boast about | хвастаться чем-то | |
borrow from | занимать у |
charge someone with | обвинить кого-либо в | |
choose between | выбирать между | |
comment on/about | комментировать о/по поводу | |
compare with | сравнивать с | |
complain about | жаловаться на | |
concentrate on | концентрироваться на | |
congratulate on | поздравлять с | |
consist of | состоять из |
decide about/on | решать о | |
depend on | зависеть от | |
differ from | отличаться от | |
disagree with/about | быть не согласным с кем-то / по поводу | |
divide into | делить на |
Ee — Jj
excuse someone for | извинить кого-то за | |
face up to | примириться с чем-либо | |
forgive someone for | простить кого-то за | |
hear about/of/from | услышать о/о/от | |
insist on | настаивать на | |
interfere with | надоедать кому-то, мешать чему-то | |
joke about | шутить о |
Не старайтесь выучить все слова за один раз! Обязательно делайте перерывы. Сохраните страницу в социальных сетях, и вы всегда сможете вернуться к ней
Ll — Oo
laugh at/about | смеяться над | |
lend to | одалживать | |
listen to | слушать | |
mistake someone for | принять кого-то за | |
object to | возражать |
Pp — Rr
pay for | платить за | |
prepare for | готовиться к | |
prevent someone from | не давать кому-то сделать что-то | |
protest about | протестовать против | |
provide someone with | предоставить кому-либо | |
punish someone for | наказать кого-либо за |
quarrel about | ссориться из-за | |
refer to | ссылаться на | |
rely on | полагаться на | |
result in | привести к |
Ss — Ww
save from | спасти от | |
sentence someone to | приговорить кого-либо к | |
smile at | улыбаться | |
stand for | постоять за | |
succeed in | преуспеть в | |
suffer from | страдать от |
talk to someone about something | поговорить с кем-то о чем-то | |
thank someone for | поблагодарить кого-то за | |
think of/about | думать о | |
wait for | ждать | |
warn someone about | предупредить кого-либо о | |
worry about | беспокоиться о |
Отлично! Теперь вы еще лучше подготовлены к ЕГЭ 🎉🎉
Для тренировки устойчивых сочетаний прилагательных с предлогами переходите на следующую страницу ⬇️
Тема «Употребление прилагательных с предлогами». ЕГЭ Английский.
Для успешной сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку важно знать устойчивые сочетания прилагательных с предлогами. Например: capable of, dependent on, famous for etc.
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Употребление глаголов с предлогами. ЕГЭ Английский.
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Предлоги с глаголами для ЕГЭ по английскому языку
- 01.08.2014
Полный список глаголов с предлогами по английскому языку.
Каждое словосочетание имеет свой точный и верный перевод. Полезный материал для тех, кто будет сдавать ЕГЭ по английскому языку.
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If a verb comes after a preposition (in /at / with / about etc.), the
verb ends in —!vR—
У ou can use -ing with before and after.
Before going out I phoned Ann.
What did you do
after leaving school?
You can use by -ing to sav how something happened.
They got into the house by
breaking a kitchen
window and climbing
You can improve your English by doing a lot of reading.
You can use — я after without.
left without finishing his dinner. She ran five miles without
Some verbs have the
structure verb + preposition + ob.iect. If an object is another verb, it ends in -ing.
Expression |
Example |
to be interested in |
Are you interested in working for us? |
to be very |
I’m not very good |
to be fed |
i’m fed up with studying. |
to be excited about |
The children are |
the advantages of |
What are the |
to be for |
This knife is only for cutting bread. |
in spite of |
John went to work in |
instead of |
I bought a new bicycle |
succeed іп |
Has Tom succeeded in finding a job yet? |
feel like |
I don’tfeef like going out tonight. |
think about/of |
Are you thinking of7about buying a house? |
dream of |
I’ve always dreamed of being rich. |
approve/disapprove |
She doesn’t approve of gambling. |
look forward to |
I’m looking forward |
insist on |
He insisted on buying me a drink. |
decide against |
We decided against |
apologise for |
He apologised for keeping me waiting. |
Some verbs have the structure
verb + object + preposition + —іпц.
accuse of |
They accused me of telling lies. |
suspect of |
Did they suspect the man of being a spy? |
congratulate on |
I congratulated Ann on passing the exam. |
prevent from |
What prevented him from coming to the wedding? |
stop (from) |
We stopped everyone (from) leaving the building. |
thank for |
I thanked her for being so helpful. |
forgive for |
Pleaseforgive me for nor writing to you. |
warn against |
They warned us against buying the car. |
Task 1. Put a verb in its correct form and a preposition into the gaps.
thank |
forgive |
invest |
against |
into |
accuse |
hide |
invite |
at |
of |
brainwash |
hold |
model |
for |
on |
congratulate |
inherit |
remind |
from |
to |
compensate |
insure |
shout |
in |
You me so much your father. You look just like him.
We are going to all our money stocks and shares.
We have our car fire and theft.
Everyone me passing my driving test at the fourth attempt.
She by the insurance
company the injuries she received in the car crash.
My teenage
daughter always herself her latest pop idol. She’s
just had a ring put through her nose, just like him.
Don’t the truth me. I want to know everything.
He picked up the crying baby and her tightly his chest.
We’ve 300 guests our wedding.
I think that TV advertising people buying things that they
don’t really want.
l1. I didn’t а penny my Great uncle when he died.
12.The spectators abuse the referee
when he disallowed the goal.
13. How can I ever him telling me all those lies?
14. I by my employers stealing, which I denied
15. He the nurse all her help.
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verbs with prepositions
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1. Many verbs that are used without an object are normally followed by
a prepositional phrase. Some verbs take a particular preposition:
belong to, consist of, happen to, hint at, hope for, insist on, lead
to, listen to, pay for, qualify for, refer to, relate to, sympathize with.
2. With other verbs that are used without an object, the choice of a
different preposition may alter the meaning of the clause:
agree on/with, apologize for/to, appeal to/for, care about/of,
complain to somebody about/of, conform to/with, remind about/of, result from/in, suffer
from/with, think about/of.
3. With verbs that are used without an object, different prepositions
are used to introduce different types of information:
a. ‘about’ indicates the subject matter:
care, complain, do, dream, explain, hear, know, speak, talk, think,
b. ‘at’ indicates direction:
glance, glare, grin, laugh, look, point, shoot, shout, smile, stare
c. ‘for’ indicates purpose or reason:
apologize, apply, ask, leave, look, search, wait
d. ‘into’ indicates the object involved in a collision:
bump, crash, drive, run
e. ‘of’ indicates facts of information:
hear, know, speak, talk, think
f. ‘on’ indicates confidence or certainty:
congratulate, count, depend, plan, rely
g. ‘to’ indicates the listener or reader:
complain, explain, listen, say, speak, talk, write
h. ‘with’ indicates someone whose opinion is the same or
agree, argue, disagree, side
4. Some verbs have an object, but are also followed by a preposition.
Put in the correct prepositions: to, about, at, from, for, in, into,
of, on, with.
1. I want to talk _____ the group _____ their exams.
2. All last winter he suffered ______ coughs and colds.
3. When will you write _____ Bill _____ your plans?
4. If you don’t understand any of these words, you could refer _____
a dictionary.
5. The accident sadly resulted _____ the death of a man.
6. The police are appealing _____ witnesses to come forward.
7. It wasn’t his car, in fact I don’t know who it belongs _____.
8. Nurses are very badly paid, I think they should insist _____ higher
rates of pay.
9. The poor driver – I really sympathize _____ him, it wasn’t his
10. The buses are often late, so you can’t depend _____ them.
11. Do you qualify _____ a state pension when you are 55?
12. Keep enough money to pay _____ your ticket.
13. Have you heard _____ what had happened _____ him? Oh, I don’t
care _____ him.
14. I said _____ you I was thinking _____ going to America. I actually
dreamt _____ it.
15. She listened _____ me and then told me _____ her problems.
16. The bus ran _____ the wall of a house.
17. People started to shout _____ the driver.
18. Who was the boy you were all laughing _____?
19. I saw somebody staring _____ me from the other side of the road.
20. He was always arguing _____ his brother.
21. I bumped _____ an old friend the other day.
22. I agree _____ you that we should wait a bit longer _____ her.
23. She never apologizes _____ arriving late.
24. I thought we should look _____ someone else to do the job.
25. If you want to travel, that would be a good job to apply _____.
26. The land belongs _____ a rich man.
27. She then referred _____ the Minister’s report.
28. I congratulated her _____ her success in the exams.
29. The boss disagreed _____ me.
30. The match resulted _____ a draw.
31. His failure resulted _____ lack of attention to details.
32. Tonight I’m going to talk _____ engines.
33. You can count _____ me.
34. You can rely _____ him to be polite.
35. They complained _____ me about the noise.
36. Mary turned her head to speak _____ him.
37. The daughters sided _____ their mothers.
38. Can I speak _____ Jane, please?
39. Can you explain this word _____ me?
40. Can you explain _____ me what you mean?
41. He told me his name but I can’t think ________ it now.
42. This house reminds me _____ the one I lived in when I was a child.
43. We called the doctor because Nick was complaining _____ a pain in
his stomach.
44. That’s a good idea. Why didn’t I think _____ that?
45. Look at this photograph of Ann. Who does she remind you _____?
46. She left Boston _____ Paris when she was 19.
47. If something is wrong, why don’t you do something _____ it?
48. Peter likes his job but he doesn’t talk _____ it much.
49. I like to listen _____ the radio while I’m having breakfast.
50. Please don’t shout _____ me!
KEYS: 1. to, about; 2. from; 3. to, about; 4. to; 5. in; 6. to/
for; 7. to; 8. on; 9. with; 10. on; 11. for; 12. for; 13. about, to, about; 14. to, about,
about/of; 15. to, about; 16. into; 17. at; 18. with/at; 19. at; 20. with; 21. into; 22.
with, for; 23. for; 24. for; 25. for; 26. to; 27. to; 28. on; 29. with; 30. in; 31. from;
32. about; 33. on; 34. on; 35. to; 36. to; 37. with; 38. to/with; 39. to; 40. to; 41. of;
42. of; 43. of; 44. of; 45. of; 46. for; 47. about; 48. about; 49. to; 50. at.
1. When you use an adjective after a link verb, you can often use the
adjective on its own or followed by a prepositional phrase.
2. Some adjectives cannot be used alone after a link verb, if they are
followed by a prepositional phrase, they must have a particular preposition:
aware of, accustomed to, fond of, unaware of, unaccustomed to, used
to, different from/to, sorry about/for.
3. Some adjectives can be used alone or followed by a particular
a. Used alone or with ‘of’ to specify the cause of a
afraid, ashamed, convinced, critical, envious, frightened, jealous,
proud, scared, suspicious, terrified, tired.
b. Used alone or with ‘of’ to specify the person who
has a quality:
brave, careless, clever, generous, good, intelligent, kind, nice,
polite, sensible, silly, stupid, thoughtful, unkind, unreasonable, wrong.
c. Used alone or with ‘to’, usually referring to:
similarity: close, equal, identical, related, similar;
marriage: married, engaged;
loyalty: dedicated, devoted, loyal, and their opposites;
rank: junior, senior.
d. Used alone or followed by ‘with’ to specify the
cause of a feeling:
bored, content, displeased, dissatisfied, impatient, impressed,
pleased, satisfied.
e. Used alone or with ‘at’, usually referring to:
strong reaction: amazed, astonished, shocked, surprised;
ability: bad, excellent, good, hopeless, useless.
f. Used alone or with ‘for’ to specify the person or
the thing that quality relates to:
common, difficult, easy, essential, important, necessary, possible,
unnecessary, unusual, usual.
4. Some adjectives can be used alone or with different
a. Used alone or with an impersonal subject and ‘of’ and
the subject of the action, or with a personal subject and ‘to’ and the object
of the action:
cruel, friendly, generous, good, kind, mean, nasty, nice, polite,
rude, unfriendly, unkind.
b. Used alone, with ‘about’ to specify a thing or ‘with’
to specify a person:
angry, annoyed, delighted, disappointed, fed up, furious, happy,
Put in the correct prepositions: of, to, with, at, about, for, from.
1. He was afraid _____ his enemies.
2. I’ve always been terribly fond _____ you.
3. He is unaccustomed _____ the heat.
4. They may feel jealous _____ your success.
5. I was terrified _____ her.
6. That was clever _____ you.
7. I turned the job down, which was stupid ________ me.
8. My problems are very similar _____ yours.
9. He was dedicated _____ his job.
10. I could never be bored _____ football.
11. He was very pleased _____ her.
12. He was shocked _____ the hatred they had shown.
13. She had always been bad _____ languages.
14. It’s difficult _____ young people to be on their own.
15. It was unusual _____ them to go away at the weekend.
16. It was rude _____ him to leave so suddenly.
17. She was rude _____ him for no reason.
18. She was still angry _____ the results.
19. They’re getting pretty fed up _____ him.
20. If you continue to support someone who is in trouble you are loyal
_____ them.
21. If two things are almost the same, one is similar _____ the other.
22. Someone who is a fine athlete is good _____ games.
23. I was proud _____ my brother.
24. I’m very much surprised _____ you. I can’t understand the way
you behave.
25. Life is very different _____ what it used to be.
26. Who is responsible _____ this mess?
27. I’m delighted _______ the result. It’s exactly what I wanted.
28. In the army, a sergeant is senior _____ a corporal.
29. If two things are exactly the same one is identical _____ the
30. If something makes you very unhappy, you are very upset _____ it.
31. If someone makes you very angry, you are furious _____ him.
32. If you feel that you do not trust someone, you are suspicious _____
33. If you treat someone very well, you are being kind _____ him.
34. If you have agreed to marry someone, you are engaged _____ him.
35. Everyone was very critical _________ the way he behaved.
36. We were very happy _____ the way they treated us.
37. I was very displeased _____ the way they looked.
38. I feel sorry _____ Nick. He has a lot of problems.
39. I’m sorry _____ the noise last night. We were having a party.
40. That was not very polite _____ you.
41. Why are you always so rude _____ your parents?
42. Were you disappointed _____ your exam results?
KEYS: 1. of; 2. of; 3. to; 4. of; 5. of; 6. of; 7. of; 8. to; 9.
to; 10. with/by; 11. with; 12. at; 13. at; 14. for; 15. for; 16. of; 17. to; 18. about/at;
19. with; 20. to; 21. to; 22. at; 23. of; 24. at; 25. from; 26. for; 27. with/by; 28. to;
29. to; 30. about; 31. with/at; 32. of; 33. to; 34. to; 35. of; 36. about/with; 37.
about/with; 38. for; 39. about; 40. of; 41. to; 42. with/by
Compiled by Helen Kisunko,