Виды жилья в россии на английском сочинение

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Типичные дома в России/ Typical Houses in Russia с переводом на русский язык.

Typical Houses in Russia Типичные дома в России
“Khrushchyovki”, “stalinki” and “brezhnevki” are informal names for blocks of apartments that every Russian person knows. Lots of people are living in one of those buildings since there are not many new built ones. «Хрущевки», «сталинки» и «брежневки» — это разговорные названия жилых домов, хорошо знакомые каждому русскому человеку. Поскольку процент новостроек в России пока не очень велик, то многие люди имеют жилье в зданиях, относящихся к одному из этих трех типов.
Probably the most spread type is krushchyovki. The reason why is that these blocks of apartments were built everywhere when N.S. Krushchyov was in power during the Soviet time. Наверно, больше всего распространены в нашей стране именно «хрущевки». Связано это с тем, что такие дома в период пребывания на посту руководителя СССР Н. С. Хрущева строились массово.
Generally speaking for the first time this kind of accommodation was built in 1950s and was considered temporary. But some people live there up to this day. Not only senior people but also young families that have good average income. Вообще, когда в начале 50-х годов ХХ стали возводить первые постройки подобного типа, предполагалось, что такое дешевое малогабаритное жилье будет лишь временным. Но как оказалось, многие живут в «хрущевках» и по сей день. И это не только представители пожилого поколения, но и, например, молодые семьи, а также люди среднего достатка.
My parents and I lived in krushchyovka when I was little.I still remember all the peculiarities of that building. Когда я был маленьким, мы с родителями тоже жили в «хрущевке». Поэтому я хорошо помню колорит этой постройки.
What is “krushchyovka”? Usually it is a 5 story panel building but our house was made of bricks. Walk-through rooms, bathroom and toilet are com-bined in one place, a small and short hallway, a pantry and a tiny kitchen with a famous “krushchyov fridge” are some typical features of krushchy-ovka. Что представляет из себя «хрущевка»? В большинстве случаев это пятиэтажный панельный дом, но наш, например, был кирпичным. Типичными чертами такого жилья являются наличие смежных комнат, совмещенного санузла, маленького коридора, кладовки и крошечной кухни, под окном в которой находится знаменитый «хрущевский холодильник».
That is exactly the way it was in our 2 bedroom apartment. We also had a gas water heater because we didn’t have hot water supply. Именно так все и было в нашей скромной двухкомнатной квартире. Кроме того, на кухне у нас еще находилась газовая колонка, поскольку горячего водоснабжения в доме не было.
I lived in “krushchyovka” till I turned 7 years old. We all moved to a new-build after my little sister had been born. В «хрущевке» я прожил до семи лет. Затем, после рождения младшей сестренки, мы всей семьей переехали в просторную новостройку.
I like our new apartment a lot more but up till this day I feel nostalgic for my childhood every time I pass by those gray old buildings. I recall playing football with my friends in the front yard and realize that I was happy with my life. Эта квартира нравится мне гораздо больше предыдущей, но до сих пор порой, когда я проезжаю по спальному району города и вижу там целые кварталы сереньких хрущевских пятиэтажек, у меня возникает чувство ностальгии. Я вспоминаю, как еще совсем недавно играл с ребятами в футбол во дворе одной из них, и, в общем-то, жилось мне тогда совсем не плохо.

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In most cities of the country there are prefabricated houses having II-18 layout. To redesign the apartment buildings Series II-18/12 did not have to face special constraints. Therefore, it is possible to modify the premises, significantly improving the comfort of living.Overlapping of these houses are made of hollow-core slabs and walls made of gypsum concrete. Each room has plenty of comfortable height. This type of building is built mainly on the tower model, which has one entrance, however, can sometimes be found at home with several sections. The entrance of the building has two elevators for passengers.Residential buildings Series II-68 most popular areas of Moscow, they are block-panel houses with 12, 14 and 16 floors. Planning buildings Series II-68 were allowed to redevelop the premises, the wishes of residents.These homes include a number of standard sections or look like a lonely tower. To erect residential buildings Series II-68 until 2000. They have the following advantages — separate rooms, large enough kitchen (at the time) and the presence of the passenger elevator .Надеюсь помогла)

Housing in Russia differs from what you find in Europe or the U.S. The forms of ownership, communal and private spaces, balconies as a luxury, and noisy neighbors behind thin walls – these are just some of the peculiarities of Russian residential living.

If you think an apartment that’s 300 square feet in size is not fit even for a college student, then you’d be amazed to learn that many Russian families often raise children in such tiny properties. Let’s take a look at how Russians make their home in these small spaces.

The first distinct feature of Russian housing is ownership – as of 2016, over 87 percent of families own their place of residence (a result of privatization in the 1990s and 2000s). But much of these Russian houses and flats were built before 1970. The average Russian family, comprised of three to four people, lives in a two-room apartment that is approximately 50 square meters in size.

In fact, 64 percent of Russian families live in apartments smaller than 60 square meters. How do they do it? Let’s take a short tour of a typical Russian apartment.


Most Russians live in apartment buildings. The stairwell is considered public space, and is cleaned by communal services. Thus, most Russians don’t bother keeping it tidy. Not surprisingly, you can’t keep your belongings in the stairwell, which is a violation of fire safety rules. Nevertheless, because of the small size of apartments, items such as bicycles and strollers are sometimes kept there.


In buildings dating to the 1980s and after, many entrances have small corridors with an additional iron railing door. This is because during the 1990s crime rates skyrocketed, and people used the railing to lock their bikes, strollers, sometimes pieces of furniture, stacks of winter clothes and what not.

The original Soviet-era apartment doors were thin and useless, so many people struggled to find money to install a thicker door, which is why many apartments now have double doors. Halls are usually very small, enough for a wardrobe, a mirror, a shoe stand and space to take off one’s coat. Guests must take off their shoes and put on slippers. “The floor is clean, but nevertheless,” – a usual slippers invitation goes.

The hall also has an entressol (a French word familiar to all Russians). These under-the-ceiling shelves, with doors like cupboards, usually offer huge storage spaces that are not so obvious at first glance. Why are they so important and can be found in nearly every apartment? Because Russians LOVE storing things.


The smallest kitchens in Russia start at 4.5 square meters in size. Surprisingly, one can fit  in a fridge, a gas (or electric) stove, a table for three, several cupboards and a sink. As in most countries, the kitchen is a place for cooking and eating, but in Russia it’s also a place for late-night discussions over a bottle of anything, or endless cups of tea.

If you’re not close with the host (for example, you’re a social worker, a doctor, or salesman), you’ll be invited to the living room, but if you’re a family friend, then walk straight into the kitchen where you’ll be offered whatever is in the fridge; (get ready for a lavish meal, a Russian fridge is never empty).

Also, don’t be surprised that a father will kick his wife and kids out of the kitchen if his buddies drop in for a drink. Likewise, the father will be sent away when the wife’s girlfriends gather to cook or have a chat.


In Russia, “dining room” is a concept known only to wealthy people. Today, much like in the Imperial era, only wealthy people can afford a separate room to accommodate guests for dinner or a party. What is called a “dining room,” or a “guest room,” is usually just the largest room in the apartment.

In most cases, the big sofa is a convertible, and at night the ‘dining’ room turns into the ‘master bedroom’ for the parents; while the “small room,” or “children’s room,” is where the kids sleep, play and do their homework – and where drunk guests are allowed to crash, on a blanket on the floor.

When children grow up and leave the nest, this spare room might become the ‘dining’ room; something which usually marks the beginning of retirement.

Another important part of residential life is the balcony, which often doubles as a storage space, a small parlor, a place to hang and dry clothes, a place to smoke if your family is against smoking inside. In short, a balcony is a highly sought-after feature in Russian apartments.

If you thought a separate room forms a private space, then think again. In most Russian apartment buildings, walls are thin (to save space and resources), so you and your neighbors can hear each other very well, which greatly affected the private lives and sex life of Soviet people.


Bathrooms and toilets are often in the same room, but many people prefer them to be separate because in the morning when children are getting ready for school, and parents are getting ready for work, it’s better to have the toilet and bath in separate spaces. Not all apartments, however, enjoy this “privilege.”

On the other hand, combining the toilet and bath saves much space, as well as energy – both spaces are lit with one bulb (notice the small window from the bathroom to the toilet?) Bathrooms, even those that are combined, are usually very small – about 4 square meters. And there’s almost no chance to install a jacuzzi.

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The types of houses. Topic.

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People used to live in caves. Later they lived in castles. We live in houses or blocks of flats.
There a few different types of houses:

  • detached,
  • semi-detached,
  • terraced
  • flats.

I like socialising so my favourite one will be a flat in a huge block of flats.
England has many types of homes. In the large cities, people often live in apartments, which are called flats.

In most towns, there are streets of houses joined together in long rows.

  • They are several houses joined together and called terraced houses.
  • Detached: it is a house, which is not joined to another house.
  • Semi-detached: it is a house, which is joined to another house on one side; or two houses joined.
  • Flats: they are part of a bigger building where all the flats share a front door; they are called “apartments” in American English.
  • Bungalow: it is a house, which is only on one floor, no stairs. It may be joined to another bungalow or might stand-alone.

The most popular type of home in England is semi-detached (more than 27% of all homes), closely followed by detached then terraced.
My ideal house is a private big three rooms one and some land for kitchen garden and some fruit trees. There will not much furniture which is build in.
In conclusion, I’d like to say that it doesn’t matter what house you live in, it matters how comfortable you made it, feel relaxed and safe.

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Young people usually prefer living in a modern apartment building as they often take consideration of the fashionable things, while more experienced adults would rather live in a traditional house as they like the feel of family and the quiet atmosphere around the traditional house. For my part, I would like to live in a traditional house.

First of all, there must be a variety of old things in the traditional house, owing to many years it has passed by. In my opinion, every old thing has an old story. When you take an old book from the bookshelf which your grandfather has read, when you use the broom your grandmother ever used to clean the house, when you sit on a chair where your mother ever sat to make a sweater for you, I am sure you will feel very warm from the bottom of your heart.

Second, traditional house is often in a quiet district where you can obtain a good chance to relax yourself and think quietly after your work or study. After the temporary relation, you will probably have more energy to put into your job or study.

Third, since it is a traditional house, there must be a good neighborhood around it. If you are in some trouble, the neighbors would help you, and you will feel convenient and joyful living in the traditional house.

On the other hand, if you live in the modern apartment building, the relationship between your neighbor and you is so aloof that you certainly cannot find warm help as you do in the traditional house. Admittedly, living in a modern apartment building has a few positive factors, such as, it may be near your work place, you can save time and money on transportation, you would live closer to modern life, and so on. However, at the same time you will not feel the warmness of the people»s relationship. So if we take a careful consideration, it is not difficult to get he conclusion: living tin the traditional house is your sagacious choice!

Раз мы заговорили о домах, то первое, что хотелось бы отметить, это пара слов: house и home. И дети, и взрослые допускают грубые ошибки, когда используют это слово в одинаковом значении. Почти у всех эта проблема со школы. Многие, запомнив, что house – это дом, слово home воспринимают как синоним. В школе детей просто не исправляют, когда они говорят что-то вроде: «I go to the house after school».

На самом деле оба слова переводятся одинаково, но позвольте уточнить, что.

House – дом: постройка, здание.

Home – дом: место, где вы живете.

Нас путает одинаковый перевод. Как отличить какое слово использовать?

House – это то, что вы видите на улице. Это может быть жилой дом, офисное здание, заброшенный дом. Не в каждом доме живут люди. Иными словами, house – не всегда чей-то home.

This is a new house. It was built last year. – Это новый дом. Его построили в прошлом году.

I saw a lot of beautiful houses in Prague. – Я видел много красивых домов в Праге.

Home – место, где вы живете. Это может быть все что угодно. Если вы живете в квартире, то это ваш home. Если так сложилось и вы проживаете в палатке или в пентхаусе – это все вы называете словом home.

I will stay at home at the weekend. – На выходных я останусь дома.

He had his Birthday party at home. – Он отмечал свой день рождения дома.

Кроме того, слово home, может означать:

– Родина, место где вы родились

I live in Russia but Ukraine is my home. – Я живу в России, но родился в Украине.

– семья, домашний очаг

Many young girls dream of united and loving home. – Многие девушки мечтают о дружной и любящей семье.

Skyscraper [‘skaɪˌskreɪpə] – небоскреб. Назначение небоскреба может быть различным:  высотное жилое здание, адинистративное, офисное здание, бизнес или торговый центр. 

A penthouse [‘penthaus] – очень дорогая квартира на верхнем этаже высотного здания или небоскреба. Обычно занимает весь этаж. Может иметь собственный лифт и отдельный вход.

Tower block [‘tauə blɔk] – современное высотное здание, разделенное на квартиры или отдельные офисы. Этот  термин используется главным образом в британском варианте английского.

Block of flats [blɔk əv flæts] – многоквартирный дом. В американсокм варианте английского используется название apartment building.

High-rise building [haɪ raɪz ‘bɪldɪŋ] – многоэтажное здание.

Multi-storey building [,mʌltıˈstɔːrı  ‘bɪldɪŋ] – многоэтажное здание.

Low-rise building [ləu raɪz ‘bɪldɪŋ] – здание с небольшим количеством этажей.

Detached house [dɪ’tæʧt] – отдельно стоящий жилой дом. Такие дома можно найти в пригороде, сельской  местности. Обычно вокруг находится сад.

Semi-detached house [ˌsemɪdɪ’tæʧt] – дом, имеющий две квартиры с отдельными входами. Квартиры имеют смежную стену и чаще всего имеют зеркальную планировку. Иногда такие дома называют «дом на два хозяина».

Terraced house [‘terəst] – ряд одинаковых или очень похожих домов, примыкающих друг к другу, с отдельными входами в каждую квартиру. Такой тип застройки (линейная застройка) типичен для европейских городов.

Bungalow [‘bʌŋgələu] – жилой одноэтажный дом, дача. Отличительная особенность этого типа жилья в том, что все жилые помещения находятся на первом этаже (ground floor).

Castle [‘kɑːsl] – замок.

Palace [‘pælɪs] – дворец.

Mansion [‘mæn(t)ʃ(ə)n] –особняк, роскошный отдельно стоящий дом, принадлежащий богатой семье.

Manor house [‘mænə] – особняк, барский дом. В Британии так называли главный дом поместья, в котором жила семья хозяина.

Maisonette [ˌmeɪz(ə)’net] – маленький дом или двухуровневая квартира.

Villa [‘vɪlə] – вилла, отдельно стоящий большой загородный дом с садом. Виллы часто сдают в аренды отдыхающим.

Country house [‘kʌntrɪ] – загородный дом. Почти то же самое, что и mansion. Английская аристократия предпочитала проживать в городе, и периодически выезжать в загородный дом. Это большое здание, включающее много комнат.

Cottage [‘kɔtɪʤ] – небольшой загородный дом. Имеет обычно один этаж и чердак. Cottage можно найти в загородной местности, в селе.

Caravan [‘kærəvæn] – трейлер на колесах, фургон на колесах. В американском английском используется слово trailer [‘treɪlə].

Mobile home [‘məubaɪl] – в отличие от предыдущего типа жилища, mobile home – это трейлер, который снят с колес, всегда стоит на одном месте и служит своим хозяевам только в качестве дома.

Log cabin [lɔg ‘kæbɪn] – сруб, дом из бревен. Эти дома, как правило, строятся без использования гвоздей.

Houseboat [‘hausbəut] – дом на воде, судно, приспособленное служить жилищем. Оборудовано необходимой мебелью. Некоторые такие лодки не имеют моторов, потому что все время стоят на одном месте.

Igloo [‘ɪgluː] – куполообразный дом, построенный из ледяных блоков. Традиционное жилище канадских эскимосов.

Stilt house [stɪlt] – дом на сваях. Такие дома типичны для Африки, Азии и других стран и прибрежных районов, в которых возможны затопления.

Wigwam [‘wɪgwæm] – жилище конусообразной формы, используемое коренными американцами.

Chalet [‘ʃæleɪ] – небольшой деревянный домик с покатой крышей. Такие строения типичны для горных районов, особенно Швейцарских Альп.

Tree house – домик на дереве. Используется чаще для детских игр, чем для жилья, но некоторые люди живут в таких домах.


Shanty [‘ʃæntɪ] – хижина, лачуга, хибара.

Hovel [‘hɔvəl ], [‘hʌ vəl] – сарай, амбар, укрытие, навес, шалаш. Кроме того, может выступать синонимом слова shanty.

Shack [ʃæk] – лачуга, хибара. Синоним слова shanty.

Hut [hʌt] – хижина, бедное жилище, барак, временное укрытие, хата, будка.

Tent [tent] –  палатка, навес.

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In most cities of the country there are prefabricated houses having II-18 layout. To redesign the apartment buildings Series II-18/12 did not have to face special constraints. Therefore, it is possible to modify the premises, significantly improving the comfort of living.Overlapping of these houses are made of hollow-core slabs and walls made of gypsum concrete. Each room has plenty of comfortable height. This type of building is built mainly on the tower model, which has one entrance, however, can sometimes be found at home with several sections. The entrance of the building has two elevators for passengers.Residential buildings Series II-68 most popular areas of Moscow, they are block-panel houses with 12, 14 and 16 floors. Planning buildings Series II-68 were allowed to redevelop the premises, the wishes of residents.These homes include a number of standard sections or look like a lonely tower. To erect residential buildings Series II-68 until 2000. They have the following advantages — separate rooms, large enough kitchen (at the time) and the presence of the passenger elevator .Надеюсь помогла)

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