Viral marketing is used to promote егэ ответы

Вы услышите рассказ о современной рекламе. Послушайте запись дважды и выполните нижеприведенные задания.

1) Viral marketing is used to promote

only chocolate, health products and football teams

things that potential buyers really need

all types of goods and products


2) Viral marketing

is inexpensive compared to traditional advertising

is always more successful than “hard sell” advertising

randomly contacts huge numbers of people


3) Viral advertising

makes people ill

is the practice of placing messages on internet sites

only works on teenagers or people with hobbies


4) It is called an epidemic when

huge numbers of people buy what they really need

lots of people become internet friends

huge numbers of people pass on a sales message


5) Many believe that viral marketing is wrong because

it steals peoples secrets

people pretend to be genuinely involved in a group

it puts innocent comments on the internet


6) Astroturfing is about

sharing and discussing political opinions

spontaneous “word of mouth” opinion sharing

falsely creating public opinion


7) The writer believes the best way to get an opinion is to

be cautious about astroturfing techniques

hear it in real conversations

avoid fake messages


Not all foreigners can swallow herring under a fur coat or okroshka, but many Russians also find American food hard to swallow when in the U.S. Would you try deep-fried chewing gum or cucumbers pickled in an energy drink?

1. Cheez Whiz

Cheez Whiz.

In case you don’t know what this is, imagine processed cheese that sprays out of a can and you’re not far off. But the big question remains: Is there actually any cheese inside?

“This is an abuse of cheese,” said Aizhan Kazak. “This thing is telling you: Hello, I have a heart attack for you.”

Cheese or no cheese, this probably won’t be catching on in Russia anytime soon.

2. Potato salad

Homemade Potato Salad with fresh herbs.

Homemade Potato Salad with fresh herbs.

Legion Media

Everyone blames Russian cuisine for weird salads drenched in mayonnaise, but America is also a culprit: They love slathering greens in the white stuff over the Atlantic. Take the U.S. equivalent of the Russian “mimosa” — the potato salad — for example.

“I have never understood that potato salad,” told Yulia Slutskaya. “The combination of potatoes, mayonnaise, and eggs is like a strike on the liver and a carbohydrate bomb. You’d be better off calling it ‘drown in mayonnaise’ salad.”

3. Meatloaf


This is not just a meat quiche. The dish was brought to the U.S. with German immigrants (in Bavaria, meatloaf is called “leberkäse”).

«It’s perfect with potato salad,» notes Yulia. «I think it’s really sickening. Actually, meatloaf looks like somebody ate it already and then returned it to the baking dish…”

4. Pancakes with maple syrup and bacon

Pancakes with maple syrup and bacon.

Pancakes with maple syrup and bacon.

Legion Media

Pancakes with sweet syrup are fine, so too are pancakes with bacon. But why combine them? There are a lot of dishes that mix sweet and salty food, like caramelized bacon and donut burgers that many people just can’t get their head around.  

5. Deep-fried butter

Deep-fried butter.

Deep-fried butter.

Legion Media

Americans fry anything, which surprises many Russians, from sausages to chewing gum — yes, chewing gum!

“It’s like fried butter in fried butter,” stated one Russian.  

“My liver shrinks,” commented another user. 

6. Peanut butter

Peanut butter sandwiches.

Peanut butter sandwiches.

Legion Media

This is not very popular in Russia. Of course, you can find it in some Russian shops, but not everywhere.

“I really don’t understand how they can eat sandwiches with peanut butter,” wrote one Russian Internet user. “It’s impossible to eat this butter without bread, it’s high in calories, and to eat it with bread is the death of the pancreas!” 

“It falls right to the bottom of the stomach and lies there for a long time,” commented another online user in Russia.  

7. Koolickles



Kimberly Vardeman /

There are a lot of pickled vegetables in Russian cuisine, but there is something that really surprises Russian people. Cucumbers pickled in a sweet liquid, a kind of powder drink. Russians called it “cruel red cucumbers.” 

“They are sweet like a compote!” – wrote a Russian man. 

8. Pickled eggs

Homemade pickled eggs.

Homemade pickled eggs.

Legion Media

Another kind of weird picked food that Russians aren’t fond of is pickled eggs. Russians like to pickle food, but only with the intention to preserving it for winter — but eggs!

“The shape of pickled eggs is not appetizing, it seems like there are floating eyes somewhere among them, like in a horror movie,” wrote one Russian Internet user.  

9. Sloppy Joe

Sloppy Joe sandwich.

Burgers are popular in Russia, but people complain about the aftermath when cooking them.

“10 dirty T-shirts from 10,” wrote a Russian housewife after she tried this recipe.   

10. Fruit from the mall

Fruit from the mall.

America has many food malls, and Russians are always surprised by what’s on offer.   

“At the organic food shop there were 25 kinds of apples, but only one of them smelled like apples. And I had to peel it. The other apples looked like a moulage,” complained another user on a popular Russian forum.  

“Fruit in the U.S. is a pain. It is necessary to search all the shops and you may only find something edible once a month, or a season,” agreed another Russian. “This year I found real peaches that smelled and tasted of peach, not like those that you can hammer nails with. I bought 10 kg at once — and delicious cherries in the same place. I also bought them to make jam.”

If using any of Russia Beyond’s content, partly or in full, always provide an active hyperlink to the original material.

Вариант 1.

Раздел 1. Аудирование.

1. Before such tours you should learn how to move and breathe in rapid water.

2. This company ignores tourists’ safety.

3. Rafting can be life-threatening.

4. This kind of tour is for strong and fit people.

5. Professional staff make these difficult tours fun.

6. If you secure your life jacket properly, you’ll come home safely.

7. Team spirit and optimism are important in such tours.

  1. Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

  1. Mary’s mother is not interested in Robin Hood.

1) Тrue 2) False 3) Not stated

B) I A vintage inn is an average countryside pub.

1) Тrue 2) False 3) Not stated

C) Food prices in a vintage inn are rather high.

1) Тrue 2) False 3) Not stated

D) Vintage inns offer only traditional British cuisine.

1) Тrue 2) False 3) Not stated

E) Vintage inns are often close to local sights.

1) Тrue 2) False 3) Not stated

F) The level of service can vary in different vintage inns.

1) Тrue 2) False 3) Not stated

G) Mary has a map of vintage inns.

1) Тrue 2) False 3) Not stated









Соответствие диалогу

  1. Вы услышите репортаж дважды. В заданиях 3-9 обведите цифру 1,2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

3. Viral marketing is used to promote

 1) only chocolate, health products and football teams..

2) things that potential buyers need badly.

3) all types of goods, products and other things.

4. What is TRUE about Viral marketing and advertising?

 1) It is inexpensive compared to traditional advertising.

2) It is always more successful than “hard sell” advertising.

3) It randomly contacts huge numbers of people.

5. What is NOT TRUE about Viral advertising and marketing?

 1) It forces people to buy unnecessary things.

2) It only works on teenagers or people with hobbies.

3) It is the practice of placing messages on Internet sites.

6.It is called an epidemic when

 1) huge numbers of people buy what they really need.

2) lots of people become internet friends.

3) huge numbers of people pass on a sales message.

7. Many believe that viral marketing is wrong because

1) it steals peoples secrets.

2) hired people pretend to be members of a chat group.

3) it puts innocent comments on the internet.

8. Astroturfing is about

 1) sharing and discussing political opinions.

2) spontaneous “word of mouth” opinion sharing.

3) falsely creating public opinion.

9. The writer believes the best way to get an opinion is to

 1) be cautious about astroturfing techniques.

2) hear it in real conversations.

3) avoid fake messages.

Раздел 2. Чтение

10.Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Controversies and developments

2. Difficult to find the difference

3. Good for various spheres of life

4. Keeping viewers glued to a TV set

5. Unusual commercials

6 . Time is money

7 . Fairer chances for business

8. The appearance of TV advertising

  1. For about seventy years TV has been used as a vehicle for advertising in some countries . Since the late 1940s, television commercials have become far and away the most effective and most popular method of selling products of all sorts. The radio advertising industry was well-established when television made its debut in the 1940s, and television was developed as a commercial medium, based upon the successful format of the radio.

  1. In the earliest days of television, it was often difficult to understand whether you watch actual television programmes or commercials. Many of the earliest television shows were sponsored by single companies, who inserted their names and products into the shows as much as possible. For example, Texaco employees appeared during the show to perform while the Texaco musical logo would play in the background.

  1. Another important milestone came in the 1960s with the introduction of very short commercial breaks during a TV show. Now it was possible for several companies to use a popular programme as an advertising platform together. It was one of the most efficient ways of marketing, and companies like Tide and Crest took it as an opportunity to expand their ad campaigns.

  1. In the 1970s, the broadcast of television advertisements which promoted cigarettes was banned by the administration. This resulted in a conflict between the government and television networks, as for them these ads constituted a significant portion of the total revenue. The period between the 1970s and the 1990s was marked by the increase of the time of commercial breaks from 9 to 19 minutes or the debut of celebrities advertising brand products.

  1. Today the vast majority of television commercials consist of brief advertising spots, ranging in length from a few seconds to several minutes. Commercials of this sort have been used to sell literally every product imaginable over the years, from household products to goods and services, to political campaigns. It is considered impossible for a politician to wage a successful election campaign without airing a good television commercial.

  1. The brief commercial «breaks» that interrupt shows regularly are the primary reason for the existence of modern-day television networks. The programming is intended to capture the attention of the audience so that they will not want to change the channel; instead, they will (hopefully) watch the commercials while waiting for the next segment of the show. Entire industries exist that focus solely on the task of keeping the viewing audience interested enough to sit through commercials.

  1. The TV commercial is generally considered the most effective mass-market advertising format, and this is reflected by the high prices TV networks charge for commercial aim during popular TV events. The ratings systems determine how successful television shows are, so that they can decide what rates to charge advertisers for their commercial airtime. For example, a single thirty-second TV spot in prime time may cost up to $2 million.










11. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 — лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

People have always looked for adventure. Now, however, a new extreme sport seems to appear every week. What are the latest ways people have found to give themselves the ultimate thrill?

One way is horse boarding. All you need is a skateboard, a horse and two people. The rider of the horse makes the horse run and the person on the skateboard is pulled along. A ________ Well, it isn’t. First of all, a horse can go from standing still to fifty kilometres an hour very quickly, so the increase in speed in very sudden. Secondly, horses are animals. Boats, motorbikes and other machines can be controlled, but horses are much more difficult. B ________ They may stop suddenly, change direction or even decide to jump over something.

If you’re not keen on working with animals, there are other new ideas. How about zorbing? C ________ The sport began back in 2000, but it has recently become more popular. A zorb is a giant plastic ball. You get in and roll down a hill. Zorbing was invented in New Zealand. D ________ Life must be dull in that country to make people come up with all these strange ways of getting excitement in their lives. If zorbing sounds too safe, here’s another idea. Volcano boarding. All you need is a specially made board and protective clothes.  ________ That’s where you can find the Cerro Negro mountain, a live volcano which is perfect for this sport. It’s only 700 metres high, but the surface is covered in loose pieces of lava and rock. This is perfect for reaching speeds of up to eighty kilometres an hour.F ________ That’s why you should make sure you’re wearing a helmet and thick clothes

1.       Oh, and a plane ticket to Nicaragua.

2 .      It sounds easy, doesn’t it?

3.       That’s the same place bungee jumping comes from.

4.       This is not actually very new.

5.        That’s why these special rules for the sport have been introduced.

6.        They don’t always do what we expect.

7.       It is very hard, though, if you fall off.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1,2,3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

The Introduction to a New Biography of Gannibal by the Author

Alexander Pushkin was not only Russia’s greatest poet, but he was also the great-grandson of an African slave. The slave, whose godfather was Peter the Great, claimed to have royal blood of his own. Certainly his Russian descendants believed that he was an African prince. His descendants have included members as well as close friends of the English royal family. So the legend goes on.
Pushkin told the story of his black ancestor in «The Negro of Peter the Great», but this biography tells a different version. The main difference is between fact and fiction. The Russian poet hoped to discover a biographical truth by sticking to the facts, only to discover that facts are slippery and not always true. His biography turned into a novel. Even then, it was left unfinished after six and a half chapters. The scrawled manuscript comes to an end with a line of dialogue — «Sit down, you scoundrel, let’s talk!» — and a line of dots. Pushkin could be speaking to himself. In any case, it’s now time to stand up and carry on with the story. I have tried to join up the dots.
This is a book, then, about a missing link between the storyteller and his subject, an African prince, between the various branches of a family and its roots, between Pushkin and Africa, Africa and Europe, Europe and Russia, black and white. It is the story of a remarkable life and it poses the question: how is such a life to be explained?
My own explanation began in 2001, while I was living in Russia and working there as a journalist. The first draft was written during the war in Afghanistan, on the road to Kabul, but it describes my journey to the frontline of a different war in Africa between the armies of Ethiopia and Eritrea. According to legend, Pushkin’s ancestor was born there, on the northern bank of the River Mareb, where I was arrested for taking photographs and compass readings, on suspicion of being a spy. Understandably my captors didn’t believe that I was only a journalist researching the life of Russia’s greatest writer. At the military camp, where I was held for a number of hours, the commandant looked me up and down when I asked, in my best posh English accent, «I say, my good man, can you tell me, basically, what is going on here?» «Basically,» he replied, with distaste, «you are in prison!» The incident taught me something. Journalists, like biographers, are meant to respect facts, and by retracing Gannibal’s footsteps, I hoped to find a true story.
Some of those journeys lie behind the book, and are used whenever it is helpful to show that the past often retains a physical presence for the biographer — in landscapes, buildings, portraits, and above all in the trace of handwriting on original letters or journals. But my own journeys are not the point of the book. It is Gannibal’s story. I am only following him.
Descriptions of Africa and the slave trade result from my journeys, but this is not a book about a «stolen legacy», nor certainly about the intellectual wars that have been part of black history in recent years. Biographers, like novelists, should tell stories. I have tried to do this. I should, however, point out from the outset that Gannibal was not the only black face to be seen in the center of fashionable St Petersburg at that time. Negro slaves were a common sight in the grand salons of Millionaires’ Street and they appeared in a variety of roles, such as pets, pages, footmen, mascots, mistresses, favourites and adopted children. At the Winter Palace, so-called court Arabs, usually Ethiopians dressed in turbans and baggy trousers stood guard like stage extras in the marble wings.
A12. The slave’s Russian descendants believe that the slave
1) had Russian royal blood in him.
2) was Peter the Great’s godfather.
3) belonged to the royal family in his native land.
4) was a close friend of the English royal family.
A13. According to the narrator, the biography of Pushkin’s ancestor turned into a novel because Pushkin
1) didn’t like the true biographical facts he had discovered.
2) found it impossible to stick to the facts that were doubtful.
3) could not do without describing fictional events.
4) found the true facts of the slave’s biography uninspiring.
A14. The narrator’s objective in writing the book was to
1) write a new version of the novel «The Negro of Peter the Great».
2) continue the story from where it was left unfinished.
3) interpret the storyteller’s attitude to his ancestor.
4) prove that Pushkin’s ancestor was an African prince.
A15. The narrator says that his research for the book
1) brought him to Russia to work as a journalist.
2) made him go to the war in Afghanistan.
3) led him to take part in the war in Africa.
4) brought him to a river bank in Africa.
A16. The lesson that the narrator learnt from his arrest was
1) not to use a camera and compass at the frontline.
2) to avoid speaking to people in his best posh English accent.
3) not to distort information about real events.
4) never to tell people about his research.
A17. The narrator says that his journeys
1) helped him find some traces of the past.
2) extended his sympathy to a «stolen legacy».
3) deepened his understanding of the concept of intellectual wars.
4) turned out to be the main contents of his book.
A18. The narrator points out that at the time of Gannibal
1) negro slaves played a variety of roles in the theatre.
2) black slaves were like stage extras in royal processions.
3) many Africans made a brilliant career at the court.
4) Africans were not a novelty in the capital of Russia.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика.

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст . Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова,

напечатанные заглавными буквами и обозначенные номерами 19-25, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19-25.

Research into the Common Cold

It pays to catch a cold in Cardiff if you 19_______BE a student in the city. The Welsh capital is home to the Common Cold Centre, which claims to be the 20_______WORLD only organization dedicated to researching and testing treatments for colds and influenza. 21___________BASE at the University of Cardiff, the center has a ready source of test subjects for its regular clinical trials: the university’s 22,000 students. Most of 22__________THEY are grateful for any source of income and together they catch 80,000 colds a year. Some of 23___________BIG drug and health care companies in the world pay Cardiff’s students to take part in the research. Researchers recently 24___________CARRY out a study to establish if exposure to cold temperatures really does cause a cold, a common belief that has been difficult to prove. The results of the study appeared to confirm this belief: 25___________STAY warm may help to prevent people from catching cold.

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами и обозначенных номерами 26-31, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 26-31.

St Ives

When the British travel in their country for a holiday, what’s their favourite destination? This topic could lead to a 26__________LENGTH discussion, but one place that often wins awards is St Ives. St Ives is a town in Cornwall, the most south-westerly county in England. It lies on the Celtic Sea at the tip of the Cornish peninsula, and its white-sand beaches and year-round pleasant weather make it seem 27___________TROPICS in comparison to the rest of Britain. The town has a rich past, and some notable buildings date back centuries. A fisherman’s tavern known as the Sloop Inn is believed to have been built in 1312 and has displayed the 28_________PAINT of local artists for many years. Although mostly regarded as a resort town now, St Ives was 29_____________ HISTORY a fishing port, one of the largest in the area. Billions of fish have been exported from the town over the years. Dozens of artists make St Ives their home. They gain much 30____________ INSTIRE from looking out to the open seas or at the lovely landscaped hills on the inland side. The work that the artists of St Ives do is so 31___________ IMPRESS that a Tate gallery has been founded in the town and documentaries have been made to showcase the artists’ lives.

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32–38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32–38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

How the USA Constitution Began

The USA Constitution was written by fifty-five men who met 32___ Philadelphia Convention in 1787. In four months they wrote the Constitution which has lasted over 200 years!

Many of these men had been leaders during the American Revolution. Most were leaders in their states. Some were rich, but most were not. There were no native Americans 33______ the delegates. There were no women. There were no black men or slaves. Poor farmers were not present 34_____. George Washington, James Madison, and Benjamin Franklin were the three important delegates to the Convention. George Washington 35____ from Virginia. Then he had retired to his plantation and would have liked to 36____ there. However, his friends 37____him he should attend the convention.

They said his support was necessary to get a new constitution accepted by the people. 38____ Washington thought a stronger national government was necessary, he came to Philadelphia.

32 1) at 2) in 3) with 4) on

  1. 1) from 2) among 3) of 4) between

34 1) neither 2) also 3) either 4) yet

35 1) ran 2) arrived 3) went 4) came

36 1) remain 2) continue 3) stay 4) keep

37 1)said 2) told 3) talked 4) spoke

38 1) while 2) then 3) since 4) as

Раздел 4. Письмо

39. You have received a letter from your English pen friend Jane who writes:

…So you see that I enjoy films based on true historic facts. What kinds of films do you like watching? Do you prefer watching films in the cinema or at home ? Why ? Do you agree that it is better to read a book before watching the film based on it ? Why or why not?…

By the way, my sister have started her swimming lessons recently.

Write a letter to Jane and answer her questions

Ask 3 questions about her sister
Write about
100—140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
You have 20 minutes to do the task.

40. Comment on the following statement

Most teachers believe that all subjects at school are equally useful.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? Write 200–250 words. Use the following plan:

make an introduction (state the problem)

express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion

express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion

explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

make a conclusion restating your position


  1. 2 4 7 5 1 3

  2. 3 2 1 3 1 2 1

3) – 3

4) – 1

5) -2

6) -3

7) -2

8) -3

9) -2

10) A B C D E F G

8 2 7 1 3 4 6

11) A B C D E F

2 6 4 3 1 7

12) 3

13) 2

14) 2

15) 4

16) 3

17) 1

18) 4

19) are

20) world’s

21) based

22) them

23) the biggest

24) carried

25) staying

26) lengthy

27) tropical

28) paintings

29) historically

30) inspiration

31) impressive

32) 1

33) 2

34) 3

35) 4

36) 1

37) 2

38) 3

Who can forget the iconic ALS ice bucket challenge back in 2014? In fact, it was the most famous hashtag/trend on Twitter and other social media platforms back then. But, what exactly was the ice bucket challenge? How did it get so viral? Was it the luck factor or something else?

The ice bucket challenge was a marketing campaign to create awareness for a disease- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and raise funds for it. Interestingly, the campaign became so viral that the challenge was accepted by 17 million people all over the world. Most importantly, the campaign was able to collect $115 million in just 8 weeks.

These types of marketing campaigns are categorized under the head “viral marketing,” and yes, these are fully planned marketing campaigns to market a brand, product, or service. In this article, we are going to talk about what is viral marketing, its pros and cons, and tips for developing an effective viral marketing campaign for your brand, product, or service.

What Is Viral Marketing?

Viral marketing is a marketing strategy in which a brand tries to promote its products or services via spreading information quickly. Basically, the idea is to prompt the users to share the content/message themselves. A brand can spread the message through emails, word of mouth, or the internet. One very important thing about virality is that it can take place completely by accident as well.

When we talk about viral marketing via the internet, it is safe to say that social media is the central point or hub of viral marketing. Nowadays, video content, such as funny, emotional, unique, informative, or surprising videos, is the best way to make anything viral on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

However, is viral marketing a safe marketing practice? We will find it out later. First, let’s talk about the characteristics of viral marketing.

Characteristics of Viral Marketing

As mentioned earlier, virality can be accidental as well as intentional. Any brand message may get viral accidentally, or the brand may run a proper marketing campaign to make its message viral. Despite all these facts, there are three core elements in every viral marketing strategy, and if any one of them is missing, your viral marketing campaign won’t work.

Three Core Elements of Viral Marketing

  • The Message. It may contain any type of content related to a brand. For instance, it can be a video, an image, a podcast, a meme, a gif, or any shareable thing.
  • The Messenger. Every person who consumes and shares the message is a messenger. A messenger can be your customer, potential customer, or even those who may not be in your target audience.
  • The Environment. The environment includes everything where the message is consumed and shared. It can be the social media platforms, consumers, potential customers, expectations, attitudes, etc. In fact, even those who are not your potential customers may be a part of the environment.

How Viral Marketing Works?

First things first, viral marketing works in a totally different way as compared to a traditional marketing campaign. There is no specific recipient or target audience in viral marketing. For instance, in the ALS ice bucket challenge, there was no specific target audience. However, a brand can choose a target audience depending on its objectives.

 Moreover, in viral marketing, the user and the consumer work as the advertising medium. It might sound pretty ordinary, but even a non-consumer may act as your advertising medium.

The Virality Process

Generally, the marketing team of a brand creates a message in the form of a video, tweet, image, podcast, or any shareable material. The brand may directly share it on social media platforms or may use social media influencers. The message is received by the users, who then share the content with their friends, family, colleagues, or everyone in their reach. This ultimately builds a chain, and the content keeps getting viral.

Every user in this process plays two roles at the same time.

  1. Passive recipient (consumes the message)
  2. Active promoter (promotes or shares the message)

Apart from social media platforms, brands can use other channels for viral marketing campaigns. Other options include blogs, communities, forums, emails, microblogging, messenger services, etc.

Advantages of Viral Marketing

Viral marketing campaigns can do wonders if a brand can get them right. Here are some worth mentioning advantages of viral marketing.

  • Broader Reach. The term viral means anything that has reached a massive audience. If your message gets viral, it automatically means you have reached a huge number of potential customers already.
  • Cost-Effective. Viral marketing is probably the most cost-effective type of marketing. It doesn’t take big bucks to create something that can get viral. In fact, sometimes, a simple message or idea is well appreciated by people, and the campaign may yield an unexpectedly high ROI.
  • Credibility and Brand Awareness. Credibility depends on how positively you convey your message. If your content gets viral because of good reasons, you can earn brand credibility and create brand awareness within no time.

Disadvantages of Viral Marketing

Yes, viral marketing sounds like an excellent way to create brand awareness or boost sales, but it can backfire if you don’t do it right. Here are some major drawbacks of viral marketing.

  • Negative Word Of Mouth. If people are sharing your content with positivity, your brand will be “viral” within no time. However, if they perceive your message in a negative manner, then your brand will be famous in an unwanted manner. Negative buzz can be extremely detrimental for any brand.
  • Results Are Hard To Measure. To date, there is no benchmark to measure the success of a viral marketing campaign. It is simply impossible for a business to measure the increase in sales volume due to a viral marketing campaign.
  • Low Virality. Well, this may sound bizarre, but a viral marketing campaign may fail because of low virality. This usually happens when users refuse to share the content if they are concerned about their security and privacy. It can tarnish a brand’s reputation and will affect the future marketing campaigns of that company as well.

Examples of Viral Marketing Campaigns

Viral marketing campaigns have yielded unimaginable results for many brands. We have already read about the ALS ice bucket challenge; here is another amazing example of viral marketing.

“Real Beauty Sketches” Campaign By Dove

Dove’s Real Beauty Sketches Campaign in 2013 was one of the most viral and utterly effective marketing campaigns ever. The ad featured Gill Zamora (an FBI-trained sketch artist). In the ad, Zamora was shown sketching two portraits of women. He drew one portrait according to the description from a woman (how she perceives herself), while the other portrait was based on how strangers perceive that specific woman.

In the ad, both portraits were placed side-by-side so that the differences can be spotted easily. The portraits he drew on the basis of strangers’ descriptions were more attractive. The basic objective was to convey a simple message (“You are more beautiful than you think.”) to women.

Here are some amazing facts about this ad.

  • In the first month, the video got more than 114 million views on youtube.
  • Dove uploaded this video on its various Youtube channels in 25 different languages.
  • This ad was the most-watched video on the internet in 2013.
  • Dove saw a tremendous rise in its Facebook and Twitter followers as well as Youtube subscribers.

Key Takeaways From This Ad

  • Marketing doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to promote your products or services directly.
  • Connecting with the audience emotionally is very important for any brand.
  • Customer involvement in your marketing campaign is an effective way to develop and strengthen the customer relationship.

Tips for Creating a Successful Viral Marketing Campaign

The truth is, it is not that easy to become viral unless you have sheer luck. Here are some tips for developing an effective viral marketing campaign.

  • Pick your target audience and work on their behaviors, preferences, interests, desires, needs, etc.
  • Be clear about your objectives, i.e., what do you want to achieve?Do you want to boost your sales or looking to create brand awareness?
  • Keep your message visuals/graphics-oriented because people pay more attention to such ads. You can create images, gifs, videos, etc.
  • Trigger people’s emotions because it is impossible to get viral without doing that. Make them laugh or cry (due to good reasons) and inspire them to share your content.
  • Deliver your message effectively and be sure about what your audience should take away from your campaign. You have to communicate an idea or a message clearly. For instance, if you want to show your brand as irreverent and playful, you can choose comedy to convey your message.
  • Keep your content simple and avoid overcomplicating it. Keep it quick and precise, or you might lose people’s interest because people usually skip long videos.
  • Call-to-action should be a mandatory part of the campaign. Any viral content with call-to-action prompts more and more people to search about the brand and engage with it. Don’t forget that your main objective is to create brand awareness, drive more sales, and earn profits.
  • Choose the right platform to maximize your campaign’s visibility. For instance, if you are going to share a video, then Youtube or Vimeo will be the suitable options. Similarly, Instagram, Twitter, Tumbler, Reddit, Facebook, etc., are highly suitable for images, gifs, or even videos. The best way to maximize your visibility is by using multiple channels at the same time.

“Have you checked out that viral video I shared with you?”
“Wow! This viral meme is hilarious!”

Conversations about ‘Viral Marketing’ have become a common part of your communication. But have you ever considered what makes a piece of content go viral? Is there a strategy or is it just a lucky break?

To understand this concept in detail, we have composed this guide that will clear all your doubts. Let’s explore what we’ll learn ahead:

  • What’s Viral Marketing?
  • Characteristics of Viral Marketing?
  • How Viral Marketing Works?
  • Why Use Viral Marketing?
  • Types of Viral Marketing?
  • Key Elements to Include in Viral Marketing?
  • Tactics in Viral Marketing?
  • Advantages of Viral Marketing?
  • Disadvantages of Viral Marketing?
  • How can Viral Marketing Benefit your Brand?
  • How You Can Make Social Media Campaigns Go Viral?
  • Examples Associated with Viral Marketing?
  • Frequently Asked Questions on Viral Marketing (FAQs)

What’s Viral Marketing?

Viral marketing is a type of marketing where businesses or brands endorse their products or services via online methods. This information or content spreads like wildfire throughout the internet. It is also known as ‘V-Marketing’ or ‘Organic Marketing.’ In addition, viral marketing is highly effective, creating a vast amount of traffic and leads.

The campaign’s purpose is to encourage consumers to share content with the greatest number of people via word-of-mouth. According to case studies, videos that deliberately encourage this are more likely to go viral.

Interestingly, the simplicity of many successful viral videos is the key to their popularity. It has grown in popularity as a marketing approach because there is the greatest ever audience all connected and awaiting to distribute content.

Furthermore, it is a relatively new marketing method that has emerged as a result of the advancement of technology, with an increasing number of individuals having access to social media. Its following continues to grow. Your content grows viral as you reach new milestones.

The greatest approach to becoming viral on social networking sites could be achieved in certain ways. It includes creating video content that is amusing, emotional, creative, informative, or surprising. Among the social media platforms listed are Tik Tok, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others.

It was initially dubbed «viral» after surpassing a million views. However, when more videos reach a million views, the threshold for going viral rises—first to two million, then to five million. The number of views required for a video to go viral will continue to rise in the future.

Characteristics of Viral Marketing

Viral Marketing includes three core characteristics that build up the strong foundation of viral strategy. Without these three elements— you will miss your chance to get viral. Let’s check them:

1. Content/Message: Your shared content must contain any form of brand-related information. It may be an image, video, gif, podcast, meme, and much more.

2. Messenger: Any individual who hears or distributes the content or message is a messenger. A messenger could be a present or prospective customer, or even someone who does not fit your target demographic.

3. Ecosystem: It includes the social media platforms where the content has been transmitted and received. Among other things, it might include customers, potential customers, expectations, and attitudes. Even people who aren’t potential clients can be influenced by the ecosystem.

How Viral Marketing Works

The working of Viral marketing completely varies from traditional marketing. There is no specified audience or target when it comes to viral marketing.

Surprisingly, viral marketing is an easy and simple approach to implement. Here’s what you need to do— Create an engaging video or other pieces of content for your target audience, post it on the internet, and promote it. Now, all you have to do is to wait for users to share it as much as possible.

Moreover, you may find some cases where luck works for them. For example; if a private user uploads any video and it suddenly becomes a big hit. You can say that virality works with accidents in such cases. On the other hand, a detailed strategy is applied to content to make it go viral.

There are two sorts of dispersion strategies for brand videos: displayed and concealed. When it comes to displaying, the user is well aware that they are viewing advertising or branded content from the outset. In the concealed case— the brand’s involvement is exposed afterward.

Nevertheless, if you utilize hidden marketing strategies, it could backfire and turn your marketing campaign against you. As a result, you must avoid making the user feel fooled, misguided, or deceived.

In addition, avoid choosing spamming or any other excessive way while sharing content. The best technique is to pick a good location and time for the “viral factor» to ignite your posts.

Why Use Viral Marketing?

Viral marketing is even more effective than sponsored advertising. In the long run, it includes minimal or no promotional costs. Moreover, viral marketing’s purpose is to develop content that people want to share by themselves.

Viral marketing plays a critical part in establishing a brand image. It also raises brand awareness by attracting potential buyers to the material you create.

Furthermore, your viral posts might either make an impression on potential buyers or lead to product purchases. It will, interestingly, leave an impression on clients’ perceptions about your product or services.

So, if they decide to purchase those things in the future, you’ll be the first person they might consider. Ultimately, Viral marketing can aid in the growth of your company’s reputation as dependable and trustable in consumers’ minds.

Types of Viral Marketing

Following is the list of types of viral marketing. Let’s learn them:

1. Word-of-Mouth: This is the most effective and highly used marketing technique. Moreover, people love to hear others’ opinions or recommendations. It is because people easily trust what others have to say. This same strategy works for a marketing campaign. It is a simple, inexpensive, and effective tactic utilized by various businesses and brands.

However, you should be extra cautious with this sort of marketing because it is simple to create a rumor, but it is much harder to fix it.

2. Provocation: The best method of influencing the subconscious is to utilize dramatic headlines and shocking news issues to stimulate emotions in the target audience. It is obviously the finest influencing approach to impact customers’ minds and influences them to purchase your product or services.

3. Guerilla Method: One of the most cost-effective ways to promote a product is through word-of-mouth. The idea is that ads are placed on products that are connected to each other. For example; stencil graffiti, publicity stunts, and so on.

4. Sharing information: Essential information is shared regarding your product or services. Further, those individuals receive rewards, charge fees, or receive compensation in return. For example; athlete share their opinions or thoughts on ultra-comfortable clothing.

5. Sharing Opinions: Generally, this kind of marketing is used in blogs. Furthermore, here the goal is to create a favorable impression of the product that will educate and influence customers.

6. Buzz viral marketing: A buzz is generated in this sort of marketing to attract the public’s attention. Furthermore, controversial advertisements or messages are transmitted in order for them to become a heated topic of discussion and spread virally.

Key Elements to Include in Viral Marketing

We have listed some crucial key elements that must be included in viral marketing. Let’s learn:

1. Inspirational

2. Urgency (FOMO)

3. Good Incentive

4. Warnings

5. Humorous or likable quality

6. Worthy cause

7. Strategic Planning

8. Exclusive Content

9. Unique/Distinct/Strange

10. Involvement of Audience

11. Never seen before

12. Low barrier to entry

13. Spoofs/ Satires

14. Controversial

15. Involvement of Celebrities

Tactics in Viral Marketing

Following we have discussed some important tactics associated with viral marketing. Let’s follow:

1. Social Media

This is the primary and strongest influencer source when it comes to viral marketing. The internet and social media platforms such as Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, and Twitter have expanded their reach to every part of the globe.

Furthermore, posting your material on these platforms allows you to reach millions of people all over the world. Moreover, if implemented correctly— your content may go viral and popular.

2. Rewards and Giveaways

Everyone loves gifts and rewards. Moreover, when any brand or business offers rewards or giveaways, then it becomes a hot topic of discussion. It further spreads easily through word-of-mouth.

Without any doubt, people love to discuss received gifts and rewards. In return, they help to share information about your product or services with others.

3. Videos

YouTube allows viewers to interact directly with the product or service. Furthermore, it will get a lot of attention if it is made engaging, intriguing, and entertaining to watch.

When you incorporate emotional content into your material, it elicits emotions like surprise, astonishment, amusement, and more, all of which encourage people to share it with others.

4. Influencer Campaign

Influencer marketing is a really straightforward notion. A social media influencer is somebody who has built a large and dedicated following of a specific target group on social media.

Moreover, Influencer marketing is the practice of discovering the right influencers for your company and working with them on marketing campaigns to boost brand awareness and sales.

5. Media Coverage

A high-traffic news site or a reputed blog recognizing your site or its content as a resource might send tremendous amounts of referred traffic in just one day.

Getting your content or brand noticed on these reputable sites is not straightforward, since you’ll need something noteworthy for your content or brand to be mentioned.

Advantages of Viral Marketing

If executed properly, viral marketing efforts may prove beneficial for a company. Here are a few noteworthy benefits of viral marketing.

1. Massive Reach

The phrase «viral» refers to something that has gone viral. Further, if your message goes viral, it signifies you’ve already reached a large number of potential clients.

2. Low Cost

Viral marketing is the most cost-effective approach. You don’t have to invest tons of money for your content to go viral. Once you launch your post then it disperses quickly from one person to another without any extra effort. Also, it results in an unexpectedly huge return on investment (ROI).

3. Brand Awareness and Credibility

Your message’s trustworthiness is determined by how positively you deliver it. Moreover, if your content goes viral for the right reasons, you may quickly establish brand trust and raise brand awareness.

4. Faster and Effective Growth

The introduction of social media platforms has immensely aided viral marketing. It has a much broader and more rapid reach now that sharing is easy.

As a result, it is a very effective and quicker method of reaching a broader audience. Moreover, a company’s ability to grow steadily and consistently will put it ahead of the competition.

5. Attract and Engages younger audience

Traditional marketing strategies have a hard time attracting the younger population. However, the best part about viral marketing is that it has a strong foundation because it has found a niche among young people who are tech-savvy and interested in everything viral.

6. Receives Media Exposure

Mainstream media is a very powerful tool and if implemented in the right manner then it can help you to obtain maximum exposure from the global audience. It will further significantly boost your audience and revenue as well.

7. Boost Lead Generation

While we normally concentrate on the sales generated by viral marketing, we must not neglect the fact that virality has a huge impact on the lead generation system. People are frequently lured to what is currently popular.

While not everyone will be able to buy from you right now, if you cultivate enough awareness, they will remember you when they can. Logic dictates that if you’re a B2B brand or a service-based business, viral marketing will create more leads than revenues, but the effort is well worth it.

Disadvantages of Viral Marketing?

Following is the list of disadvantages of viral marketing. Let’s check:

1. Uncontrollable

Viral campaigns are uncontrollable after they’ve been released by their sheer nature. They can’t be turned off because they’re governed by the public. It can occasionally be highly damaging for the organization.

2. Low Virality

Due to low virality, a viral marketing effort may fail. This is what happens when customers refuse to contribute content because they are apprehensive about their security and privacy. It can ruin a business ’ reputation and have an impact on the company’s future marketing strategies and campaigns.

3. Tough to Measure

There is no standard by which a viral marketing campaign’s success can be measured. A company’s ability to measure the rise in sales volume as a result of a viral marketing campaign is just impossible.

4. Non-repetitive

Viral marketing is not one of the many promotional tactics that may be replicated over time. Moreover, reworked versions and even follow-up campaigns may work effectively, but they should not be repeated because the public will reject them quickly.

5. Hard to Create

The most critical aspect of a viral campaign is that it must be a unique creation. However, it is hard to generate a relevant campaign that strikes the right mix between commercial message and brand image.

6. Word-Of-Mouth (Negative)

If people share your material positively, then your brand will automatically become viral. However, if they interpret your message negatively, your brand will become infamous in an unfavorable way. Moreover, negative publicity can be immensely damaging to a company’s reputation.

How can Viral Marketing Benefit your Brand?

Following we have listed points that will help you understand how viral marketing can benefit your brand. Let’s learn:

1. Right Audience

You must first establish your target demographic in order to make your brand go viral. Only when viral information reaches people who can relate to it is it effective.

Demographics, psychographics data, and social media usage will all be included (content preferences). Moreover, if you know what your target audience appreciates, your team will be able to create content that is relevant to them and has the potential to be shared and become viral.

2. Relevant Social Media Platform

Most viral marketing strategies concentrate around social media sites, thus being on major social media platforms is a must for your business to go viral.

You must decide which social sites you will use based on your target demographic. Starting a viral marketing campaign on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook is a brilliant idea.

Keep in mind, however, that depending on the platforms you choose, you will need to develop content. For Instagram, for example, you’ll need to make stories, feed posts, and reels. Also, keep your tweets succinct and to the point when using Twitter.

3. Grab Attention

The attention span is dwindling every day as a result of the ever-growing pool of content. You must curate posts that attract people’s attention at first glance in order to get them to stop scrolling and look at your material.

You need to send a message that comes out as bold, hilarious, wild, inspiring, or somewhere in the middle. In addition, you must adapt to new kinds of material. Owing to Instagram reels, TikTok videos, Facebook watch, and YouTube shorts, video content is the only way to be successful right now.

4. Launch your Post at Perfect Time

You should time the publication of your material to ensure that it reaches as many individuals as feasible. That is, you must determine the optimal times to publish on social media in order to reach your target audience when they are most engaged.

However, the best time to post will be determined by the social network as well as your target audience’s habits and preferences.

Also, you may discover your own personal best times by running A/B tests across all social platforms and analyzing the results.

5. Invoke Emotions

The effectiveness of all viral initiatives is determined by how they make people feel. People are more inclined to interact with content that elicits an emotional response.

Consider some of your favorite social media posts. Did they make you laugh, cry, reminisce, or become enraged? Any marketing initiatives that come to mind could have influenced your perceptions. In order for people to remember your campaign, you must do the same.

Check the following points that will guide you on how you can make social media campaign go viral:

1. Perfect Timing

Consider when you’ll share your work and how often you’ll share it. Marketers take advantage of important holidays.

Note that between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. EST is the optimal time to post on Instagram.

It has been proven that scheduling your social media posts for optimal times increases the number of followers and activity on your posts. Choose the time zone where the bulk of your followers are situated for most of your postings. If your material receives a lot of engagement immediately after it’s posted, Instagram will show it to more people.

If you want your material to go viral, you must upload it at the right time, when more people are likely to view it. You can automate your social media posts.

2. Relevant Audience

This process occurs prior to the creation of content. Before you start developing anything, bear in mind who you’re trying to reach. Create content that is as generic as feasible. Moreover, it’s excellent if it’s not too pretentious and accessible to the general public. As a result, more shares may be generated.

You’ll know who you’re writing for if you know who your audience is. If you know what they’re looking for, you’ll never run out of things to write about. If you know where people look for information, you’ll be able to share it with them.

Keeping track of your target market’s demographic data is necessary for knowing who they are. Moreover, before you create any material, think about your audience’s age, gender, geography, and preferences.

3. Social Media Platform

Keep in mind that only the correct social media platform can help you make your marketing effort go viral. All platforms are different, as is the type of content they provide. You should select a platform based on your target audience and content.

Starting a viral marketing campaign on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram is a great place to start.

For example, while developing material for Instagram, keep in mind Instagram Stories, which are a terrific method to get others to share your work. Because Instagram stories are simple to publish and consume, all you need for a good tale is a relevant and engaging caption.

4. Unique Content

Viral content isn’t only popular; it’s also valuable. Furthermore, to increase conversions, your content must encourage them to engage in it without pleading. When it comes to traditional marketing strategies, think beyond the box. You have a 10% chance of going viral if you include satire and emotional appeal.

5. Specific Influencers

It’s a good idea to use the correct people to promote a particular campaign.

Your message becomes viral when more and more influencers recommend your company to their peers and close associates. This increases your credibility score. Collaborate with people not only in your field of business but also from other industries.

6. Features

Utilize all of the capabilities available on social media. People are drawn to audio-visual material in a way that no other medium can. Make use of films that can convey a lot of information. Use infographics, memes, long-form content, and posters, among other things.

Use the fact that videos erupt like no other type of material to your advantage. Video marketing can be done on a variety of platforms. You don’t have to confine yourself to YouTube.Video content is also actively promoted on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms.

Examples Associated with Viral Marketing?

With comprehensive research, we have listed the best viral marketing campaigns of all time here. Let’s check the following examples and get inspired for the next project:

1. The ICE BUCKET Challenge

The ALS ice bucket challenge was a marketing initiative to generate funds and awareness for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).  Further, it promoted awareness of the disease as well as funding for medical research. In addition, the task was to film oneself pouring ice water over your head and then nominate three other people to do the same.

ice bucket challenge

Surprisingly, the ad went viral to the point where the challenge was accepted by 17 million individuals worldwide. Most notably, the campaign raised $115 million in under eight weeks.

2. Dove’s — “Pass the Crown Campaign”

In the summer of 2021, Dove, a beauty brand, became viral for its «Pass the Crown» campaign. Interestingly, it didn’t even promote a single product. Advocates are instead advocating the C.R.O.W.N. Act (Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair). Dove and California State Senator Holly J. Mitchell worked together to pass The C.R.O.W.N. Act, which prohibits hair discrimination.

Dove image

While the majority of the company’s films receive a few thousand views, the one seen below has received over 130,000 views in just three months. Video is one of the best platforms for viral marketing because people spend an average of 100 minutes per day watching and scrolling videos on the internet.

3. Apple’s #ShotoniPhone

Want to persuade people that your product is the best, increase sales, and avoid having to create your own content? Start a contest that your current customers will want to participate in, and then publish the winning entries.

#ShotoniPhone, Apple’s viral marketing campaign, allowed consumers to showcase the iPhone 12 Pro’s features. Moreover, it was stated that the winning images will be showcased on certain platforms. It includes Apple’s company website,  Apple’s Instagram account, and billboards throughout the world.

User-generated content campaigns have a number of advantages. Your company’s brand and product recognition improve, resulting in higher sales. In addition, you’ll have a huge fan following and user-generated material to share on social media.

4.  Hyundai Collaboration With BTS

It can be challenging to reach out to a new audience. You may need to locate an odd but high-profile partner who has a common objective or passion to have the best chance of success. Relationship marketing is a term used to describe this type of marketing.

However, hardly everyone has the connections or money to meet up with celebrities, let alone a global phenomenon like BTS from South Korea.

Hyundai BTS

Hyundai, on the other hand, does, and when it partnered up with BTS to commemorate World Environment Day, it was able to capitalize on the boy band’s popularity. And it worked: the 60-second video commercial went completely viral on YouTube, with over 105 million views (one of the biggest counts of these recent viral marketing examples).

BTS fans may be more aware of the Hyundai brand, and more Hyundai fans may be listening to BTS’ songs. However, the core message was received by both audiences: raising awareness of hydrogen-powered energy and its environmental impact.

Frequently Asked Questions on Viral Marketing (FAQs)

Check some important frequently asked questions associated with viral marketing:

Q1: What Does «Seeding» Mean in the Context of Viral Marketing?

Ans: Seeding is a marketing strategy in which businesses deliver viral information or material to a small group of consumers that they believe will effectively share the campaign. Most of the time, social media influencers are picked as seeds to help spread the word about a product and solicit feedback.

Q2: What Are Some Effective Viral Marketing Tools?

Ans: Companies can employ a variety of methods in their viral marketing initiatives. Companies can sponsor and create communities to promote their products and services. To generate buzz and captivate a wide audience, create and advertise sweepstakes, contests, and prizes. Sponsored messages and chat blasts are two other tools.

Q3: If your video goes viral, how do you make money?

Ans: To profit from a viral video, you must monetize it. It could be implemented either by charging subscribers to watch it or by allowing corporations to advertise to your audience for a price. Furthermore, companies either pay the producer to mention their products or services. Also, they can show ads created by the firm.

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Final Takeaways

Yay! You finally reached the end of this guide. Here we have summarized some final takeaways for your reference. Let’s revise:

  • Viral marketing is a type of marketing where businesses or brands endorse their products or services via online platforms.
  • There are two sorts of dispersion strategies for brand videos: displayed and concealed.
  • Viral marketing plays a critical part in establishing a brand image. It also raises brand awareness by attracting potential buyers to the material you create.
  • Viral marketing is even more effective than sponsored advertising. In the long run, it includes minimal or no promotional costs.
  • The best method of influencing the subconscious is to utilize dramatic headlines and shocking news issues to stimulate emotions in the target audience.
  • When you incorporate emotional content into your material, it elicits emotions like surprise, astonishment, amusement, and more, all of which encourage people to share it with others.
  • It has been proven that scheduling your social media posts for optimal times increases the number of followers and activity on your posts.
  • Before you create any material, think about your audience’s age, gender, geography, and preferences.
  • Starting a viral marketing campaign on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram is a great place to start.
  • Seeding is a marketing strategy in which businesses deliver viral information or material to a small group of consumers that they believe will effectively share the campaign

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