Volunteering can help your academic career егэ аудирование ответы

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1. Volunteering can help your academic career.
2. When you volunteer you gain a more profound understanding of life.
3. If you organize your life, you’ll find time for volunteering.
4. If you do kind things, it’ll return to you.
5. Volunteers sometimes need to be persistent.
6. Volunteering demands too much of your time and energy.
7. Volunteering can expand your world.

A – 4
B – 1
C – 7
D – 3
E – 2
F – 5

Speaker A: My friends say volunteering isn’t a good idea. The thought of doing something for free doesn’t attract them at all. But I think volunteering is absolutely necessary in the modern world. If you help someone today, maybe somebody else will help you when you need it. Or maybe they’ll help your friends or relatives. Kind things are like a boomerang — they come back to the people who do something positive without expecting anything in return.

Speaker B: Volunteering is hard in my opinion. You have to find time in your schedule to do tasks that are often hard, either physically or psychologically. Still, many teenagers, including me, volunteer their time, not only because doing something good invites good karma, but also because it’ll look good on your CV. If you have been a volunteer, your chances to be accepted at a good college or university jump right up. By helping others, you can help yourself.

Speaker С: For me, volunteering is a chance to meet new people and make friends. I take part in international volunteering programs, like youth summer camps that focus on the environment or teach younger kids. I have many friends on Facebook, thanks to my volunteer activities, and now I know much more about the world around me. I’d really like to be a volunteer at the Olympic village in Sochi in 2014, but I hear foreigners can’t do that. It’s such a pity!

Speaker D: I’ve been working as a volunteer for several years already and I enjoy it immensely. I feel socially useful and part of the community I belong to. It might take a lot of my time and energy and be very demanding, but the satisfaction I get in the end is worth it all. Volunteering is so rewarding. And thanks to wise time management, somehow I always find time for everything — studies, leisure and helping others, so it is really great.

Speaker E: I think everyone should try volunteering at some point in their life. And it’s not only about being useful to your community. Volunteering teaches you about yourself and the world around you. You begin to appreciate what you have, but might have been taking for granted, because you see so many people who can’t afford the simplest things that you use every day without noticing it. When you understand the real value of things, you grow up.

Speaker F: I’m a volunteer at the local library and I’m proud of it. My job is to find books for the library. I find old books that people have already read and don’t want anymore. At first, when I knocked on people’s doors, they didn’t understand what I wanted; sometimes they even laughed at me, but I didn’t give up. I organized a fair and a book sale and people began to pay attention. I’ve managed to collect many books for the library — and that’s quite an achievement!

Установите соответствие тем 1 — 8 текстам A — G. Занесите свои ответы в соответствующее поле справа. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

1. The invention of a highlighter

2. For drawing angles

3. Three-ring binder

4. Shaped like breadbaskets

5. An ancient writing tool

6. Important properties

7. Regional differences

8. For carrying textbooks

A. An ancient Roman writing instrument, the stylus, gave rise to the modem pencil. Some early styluses were made of lead. When graphite was documented in Borrowdale, England, in 1564, the mineral replaced the heavy metal. Graphite left a darker mark on papyrus, but it was so soft that it crumbled easily. To protect the graphite, a holder had to be fashioned for it. The first holders were nothing more than string wound around graphite sticks. Later, hollow wooden sticks replaced the string.

B. In the United States and Canada, it’s an eraser. But in the United Kingdom, India, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand, the object used to eradicate pencil or ink marks is known as a rubber. Before 1770, when erasers first appeared, many people used small rubber or wax slabs to rub out their penciled mistakes. To eradicate errors in ink, they employed sandstone or pumice. Japanese writers used soft bread to erase pencil marks.

C. Starting in 1888, when American tanner John Loud patented his version of a ballpoint pen to mark hides, over 350 other inventors began patenting additional designs for a ballpoint pen, but none of them saw production. The viscosity, or thickness, of the ink had to be just right: too thin, and it leaked; too thick, and it clogged. The ink’s viscosity was often at the mercy of the temperature. In 1935, Ladislas and Greg Biro set out to invent a better pen and made their Biro pen.

D. Before the 1960s, when Japanese inventor Yukio Horie invented a felt-tip pen that used water-based ink, students kept track of important textbook information by making marginal notes and underlining key words and passages. In 1963, Carter’s Ink produced the Hi-Liter, a marker similar to Horie’s pen. Both instruments rely on capillary action to draw ink into their tips. Fluorescent colours were introduced in 1978. Since then, polyethylene beads molded into porous heads have replaced felt tips, and there are retractable and scented models.

E. The protractor has been measuring angles for 500 years. Mapma- ker Thomas Blundeville first described the instrument in his 1589 monograph. By the early 17th century, protractors were commonly used by maritime navigators. By the 20th century, their use among students in elementary and intermediate schools became prevalent. The variety of uses for protractors dictates their range of shapes. Protractors made of brass, steel, ivory, and plastic appear in the forms of circles, rectangles, squares, semicircles and quarter-circles.

F. German inventor and office supplier Friedrich Soennecken invented the ring binder in 1886. Later, two holes in the side of the binder were added, 80 millimeters apart from one another, setting the standard distance between these openings. When loose-leaf paper appeared in 1854, Henry T. Sisson invented the two- and three- ring binders, but they weren’t mass-produced until 1899, when the Chicago Binder and File Company began to sell the product. The three-ring version remains the most favoured by today’s students.

G. Backpacks haven’t been around for very long. Before their advent, students strapped stacks of books together and carried them at the end of leather or cloth thongs. Alternatively, they carried them by hand, boys slung under their arms, girls cradling them as though they were babes in arms. In 1938, outdoor clothing and gear retailer Gerry Outdoors invented the first zippered backpack, but students weren’t interested in them at the time. They sold mostly to campers, hikers, and skiers. Students stuck with straps or used small briefcases called satchels.


Среднее общее образование

Английский язык

Предлагаем вашему вниманию разбор 1 задания ЕГЭ-2019 года по английскому языку. Аудирование.
Этот материал содержит пояснения и подробный алгоритм решения, а также рекомендации по использованию справочников и пособий, которые могут понадобиться при подготовке к ЕГЭ.

27 сентября 2018


2.German isn’t as difficult as you may think

Speaker A

I’d like to debunk the myth that German is especially hard. Despite all the jokes that are being made about it being an impossible language, if you are an English speaker, you are actually already quite advantaged because German and English share the same roots. Consequently, there are many thousands of words which are closely related. Besides, there’s no new alphabet to learn, unlike in Chinese or Japanese. So it’s not that hard after all.

7.German is almost an impossible language to learn.

Speaker B

I honestly don’t understand why some people might want to learn German. Isn’t there a more comfortable and fun way to pass your time than studying this complex language? I mean there are four noun cases, endless verb conjugations, umlauts and grammar rules with more exceptions than rules. Mark Twain said a person who has not studied German can form no idea of what a perplexing language it is and I agree with him here.

4.Writers, philosophers and scientists need to learn German.

Speaker C

They say Germany is the country of poets and thinkers. I’m definitely not a poet but I’d like to become a scientist in the future. That’s why I learn German. You see a large percentage of the world’s most impressive achievements belong to Germany. Over one hundred Nobel Prizes have gone to Germans for accomplishments in physics, medicine, chemistry and other areas. I’d love to read their famous publications in their native language.

6.Some unique academic books exist only in German.

ЕГЭ-2020. Английский язык. Сборник заданий: 400 заданий с ответами

ЕГЭ-2020. Английский язык. Сборник заданий: 400 заданий с ответами

Книга содержит задания разных типов и уровней сложности по темам, знание которых проверяется на ЕГЭ, а также краткие теоретические сведения. Ко всем заданиям приводятся ответы. Поможет потренироваться в выполнении заданий, повторить пройденный материал и эффективно подготовиться к сдаче ЕГЭ.


Speaker D

I guess everybody knows that there are a lot of award-winning scientists born in Germany, so it doesn’t come as a surprise that German is very important in the academic community. As far as I know, it ranks second as the most commonly used scientific language. The German book market is the third largest in the world. Few of these books are translated into other languages, so knowing German will give me access to them.

1.Knowing German offers you more career opportunities.

Speaker E

My friends and I attend courses of German at our local linguistic centre. I’m a rather ambitious person and I hope knowing German will help me go up the career ladder faster. You know, Germany is the biggest economy within the European Union and the fourth largest worldwide. Knowing the language of your German business partners can greatly improve your chances for effective communication and successful professional relationships.

5.I learn German because I’m attracted by the culture.

Speaker F

I learn German because I’m interested in art and literature. Though Germans have a reputation for being left-brained and analytical, the German-speaking world has also produced some of the greatest literary, musical, artistic and philosophical minds in human history. For instance, it is the language of Goethe, Kafka, Brecht and Mann. I want the real thing – I want to read my favourite authors in the original, so I learn German with pleasure.

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1. Volunteering can help your academic career

2. Volunteering can help your academic career егэ

3. Volunteering can help your academic career аудирование

4. Volunteering can help your academic

5. Volunteering can help your academic career егэ ответы

6. Volunteering can help your

7. Volunteering can help your academic career егэ вариант 17

8. Volunteering can help your academic career ответы

9. Volunteering can help your academic career аудирование ответы

10. Volunteering can help your academic career аудирование слушать

11. Volunteering can help your academic career when you volunteer you

12. Volunteering can help your academic career егэ аудирование ответы

13. Volunteering can help your academic career. 2 when you volunteer

14. Volunteering can help your academic career егэ аудирование

15. Volunteering can help your academic career аудирование ответы вариант 11

16. Volunteering can help your career

17. How can volunteering your time help

Volunteering can help your

Volunteering can help your

Volunteering can help your

Volunteering can help your

Volunteering can help your
Volunteering can help your

Volunteering can help your
Volunteering can help your
Volunteering can help your
Volunteering can help your
Volunteering can help your
Volunteering can help your

  • Volunteering can help your
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    Volunteering can help your
    Volunteering can help your
    Volunteering can help your

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    This post is by Sarah Landrum, founder of Punched Clocks, a site dedicated to sharing advice on navigating the work world.

    “It’s easy to make a buck. It’s tougher to make a difference.”
         – Tom Brokaw, journalist


    Volunteering for a good cause changes lives and doesn’t just benefit the people you’re helping. Beyond the obvious benefits of helping out in the community and making a difference, volunteering can both further your career and improve your life. Everybody wins.

    Here’s how volunteering can help boost your career and your personal branding in ways you might not have expected.

    1. It’s a Chance to Network

    By volunteering, you’ll meet people you otherwise never would have met. The bonds formed between volunteers are strong, and friendships quickly form. These friendships could be a big benefit by expanding your network of contacts. It’s a nice side effect of the work you’ll be doing.

    2. You Could Discover Your Passion

    Barbara Abbot was out of work for almost a decade when she decided to start working again. Instead of focusing on corporate management again, she volunteered at the San Francisco Food Bank. Her diligent work lead to a full-time position. She never expected that to happen.

    “The first day I volunteered here, I never thought I’d end up with a full-time job,” she told Monster.com. “Looking back, though, it seems that was a sensible way to make an impression and get in.”

    Abbot’s story isn’t uncommon. There are countless examples of people who have turned their volunteer experience into a satisfying job.

    3. Hiring Managers Value Volunteers

    Even if your volunteer work is unrelated to your desired job, hiring managers take notice. A LinkedIn survey found 41 percent of hiring managers view volunteer work as equal to a paid job. This is especially beneficial to anyone who has been unemployed but volunteered while searching for a job.

    More importantly, potential employees who volunteer have a 27 percent better chance of being hired than people who don’t volunteer, according to the Corporation for National and Community Service.

    There’s a disconnect between applicants and hiring managers based on how they value volunteering. Eighty-one percent of hiring managers feel volunteer experience is valuable, according to the Deloitte Volunteer Impact Survey. Despite that, only 46 percent of college students felt volunteering would help them land a job.

    It turns out volunteers aren’t sharing their experience in their resumes. Another LinkedIn survey found 89 percent of people volunteered, yet only 45 percent listed it on their resume. Talk about a missed opportunity.

    4. You’ll Learn New Skills

    Employers also value volunteering efforts because they engage employees and help them build new skills. There are no shortages of nonprofit organizations in any city, and their missions can range from education to advocacy to animals. With many nonprofits short-staffed and lacking resources, there are a number of potential tasks out there.

    You could work on the website, track donations using special products or organize large-scale events. If you’re interested in trying anything, local organizations will welcome you on board. Every new skill you pick up is a chance to improve and expand your personal branding. You won’t be paid, but you’ll receive valuable hands-on experience that you can take ownership in.

    5. You’ll Grow as a Person

    Volunteering makes most people happier in life and improves their mental health. A study found volunteers have a 20 percent lower risk of death than people who don’t volunteer. Being happier in life can have a huge impact in your “real” job and ensure you don’t get burned out.

    Your disposition and energy levels will improve, while the risk of burnout decreases. Happiness makes the day-to-day work more enjoyable.

    Self-confidence goes a long way in furthering your career, and volunteering provides the outlet to improve this valuable trait. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing as long as it gives you a sense of purpose and satisfaction.

    Make Volunteering Work

    The most important thing when choosing how and where to volunteer is to find something you’re passionate about. Keep an eye on Facebook and check with your friends about any volunteering opportunities. Sites like AllforGood.org and Idealist.org can also lead you to some promising volunteering options. When you find something you enjoy doing, all the above benefits will come to fruition.

    Now go out there and find what you love.

    This post originally appeared on the Personal Branding Blog.


    A woman came to President Abraham Lincoln and told him with a commanding air: “Mr. President, you must make my son a general. Sir, I demand it not as a favor, but as a right. My grandfather fought at Lexington.
    (past simple, т.к. действие произошло в определённое время в прошлом.)



    My father was the only man who did not run / didn’t run away at Bladensburg.
    (past simple, т.к. действие произошло в определённое время в прошлом.)



    My husband was killed at Monterrey.”
    (past simple passive, он был убит, а не убил)



    “I guess, madam,” said Lincoln, “your family has done have done enough for the country. It is time to give somebody else a chance.”
    (present perfect, т.к. цитата. Твоя семья сделала “уже” достаточно, есть результат)


    1) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

    Показать текст. ⇓

    The author was chosen for her current position because of
    1) her passion for volunteering.
    2) the advice she gave others.
    3) her volunteering background.
    4) her leadership skills.

    2) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

    Показать текст. ⇓

    Why did the author enjoy her work in community development?
    1) She took part in interesting events.
    2) She became part of the community.
    3) She developed her skills.
    4) She saw the results of her work.

    3) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

    Показать текст. ⇓

    Why did the author have difficulties when volunteering?
    1) People did not understand the purpose of volunteering.
    2) Employers did not want to pay volunteers.
    3) She spent too much time volunteering.
    4) Her family did not approve of her work.

    4) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

    Показать текст. ⇓

    The main idea expressed in paragraphs 4 and 5 is that volunteering
    1) develops creativity and talent.
    2) becomes more adaptive and flexible.
    3) helps build closer relations with locals.
    4) helps understand other cultures and lifestyles.

    5) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

    Показать текст. ⇓

    The pronoun this in “I was so happy to hear this …” (paragraph 6) refers to the
    1) offer to study together.
    2) young men’s gratitude.
    3) surprising information.
    4) advice on how to change her life.

    6) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

    Показать текст. ⇓

    The word profound in “volunteer work can have such a profound impact” (paragraph 6) means
    1) significant.
    2) instant.
    3) severe.
    4) visual.

    7) Прочитайте текст и запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

    Показать текст. ⇓

    Which piece of advice about volunteering does the author NOT give to her peers?
    1) Do not to expect quick results.
    2) Develop through volunteering.
    3) Become part of a social group.
    4) Do not count on earning money.




    Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4-В10 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами справа от каждого предложения. TEST 09 (part 1)

    New Zealand: geography


    New Zealand consists of two main islands and a number of smaller islands so scattered that they range from the tropical to the Antarctic. New Zealand ……………………… about 2,012 km southeast of Australia.



    The two main islands are the North Island and the South Island, ……………………… by Cook Strait. The North Island is 829 km long and volcanic in its south-central part.



    South Island has the Southern Alps along its west coast, with Mount Cook being the ……………………… point. Other inhabited islands include Stewart Island, the Chatham Islands, and Great Barrier Island.


    Enough is enough


    A woman came to President Abraham Lincoln and told him with a commanding air: “Mr. President, you must make my son a general. Sir, I demand it not as a favor, but as a right. My grandfather ……………………… at Lexington.



    My father was the only man who ……………………… away at Bladensburg.

     NOT RUN


    My husband ……………………… at Monterrey.”



    “I guess, madam,” said Lincoln, “your family ……………………… enough for the country. It is time to give somebody else a chance.”



    esse edit

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