Вопросы для интервью егэ английский

Звонит телефон, вы отвечаете на звонок, и слышите: “Здравствуйте. Я провожу опрос про кабачковую икру. Мне интересно, сколько ложек икры вы съедаете в день. Участие в нем займет займет у вас не больше 5 минут”. И потом вы не кладёте трубку, а начинаете проходить этот опрос.

Странно звучит, да?

Ну вот на ЕГЭ будет примерно так, да еще на время, и вам потом оценку поставят.


Задание 3 устной части из недавно опубликованной демоверсии:

Все темы, по которым задаются вопросы, есть в кодификаторе, его можно скачать на ФИПИ. В этом интервью из демоверсии года замиксованы сразу 3 темы – страна, семья и школа (а именно каникулы). Предполагаю, что и в задании, которое получите на экзамене, будет то же самое – микс из нескольких тем того самого кодификатора.

В демоверсии нам показали скрипт с вопросами, но на экзамене его НЕ БУДЕТ. Диктор будет читать текст, и после каждого вопроса будет звучать гудок “биииип”, и последует 40 секунд для ответа. Всё это ученик услышит в наушниках ОДИН РАЗ, повтора не будет.

Отвечаем РАЗВЕРНУТО, “Да/Нет/Не знаю” НЕ ПРИНЕСУТ вам баллов. Нужно сказать 2-3 предложения.

Всего вопросов 5, то есть за задание макс можно получить 5 баллов. 

Критерии оценивания

Что такое “элементарные ошибки”:


За каждый правильно данный ответ получите 1 балл.

Для этого следует не допускать:

  • фонетические ошибки (не говорить “thing” как “think”)
  • лексические ошибки (“I want to teach new words in English” вместо “I want to learn new words in English”)
  • грамматические ошибки (“My family big” вместо “My family is big”)

Плюс, отвечать ПО ТЕМЕ. Если вопрос звучит как “What part of Russia do you live in?”, ответ “I live in a small town” будет не корректен.

Пример ответа

Для тех, кого удивляет странный пример ответа на это задание: мне надоело, что мои материалы выдают за свои и перепродают без отсылки к автору (ко мне), поэтому теперь примеры ответов к заданиям на этом сайте будут с юмором, например именно этот – отсылка к Бэтмену, чтобы всяким “коллегам” не повадно было воровать контент.

Как видите, везде сказано по 2-3 фразы, как и требуется в задании.


Купите книгу по устной части – в ней найдете больше упражнений для тренировки этого задания.

Если ваш ученик откровенно слабый, нужно учить его при ответе внимательно слушать вопрос и повторять слова и структуру, чтобы не запутаться в грамматике.

И обращаем внимание, что диктор может задать 2 вопроса сразу, как в нашем примере из демоверсии: “What part of Russia do you live in? What’s the weather like in summer there?”. На них потребуется также ДВА РАЗВЕРНУТЫХ ответа (как у меня в примере).

P.S. Про разделы и стратегии выполнения заданий ЕГЭ можно почитать:

Аудирование, задания 1 — 9
Чтение, задания 10 — 18
Грамматика, задания 19 — 25
Словообразование, задания 26 — 31
Лексика, задания 32 — 38
Личное письмо, задание 39
Проект, задание 40
Устная часть, задание 1
Устная часть, задание 2
Устная часть, задание 4

ELTgram от Ирины Кузнецовой

Пройти тестирование по этим заданиям
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Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer five questions. Give full answers to the questions (2−3 sentences). Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 3

Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss sports. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started.

Interviewer: What region of Russia do you live in? Are there any prominent sports teams there?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: What else could you tell about your region?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: What kinds of sports are popular in Russia? Which aren’t?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: What kind of sports is your favourite? Why?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Are your friends interested in sports? If so, what kinds of sports?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.


Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer five questions. Give full answers to the questions (2−3 sentences). Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 3

Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss hobbies. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started.

Interviewer: Could you tell us what is unusual about Russia?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: What kinds of hobbies do people usually have in your country?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: What is your first hobby? Do you still do it?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: How do you spend your free time now?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: What hobby would you like to pick up in the future? Why?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.


Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer five questions. Give full answers to the questions (2−3 sentences). Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 3

Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss friends. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started.

Interviewer: How do you get along with your peers?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: What are the benefits of friendship?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Where did you meet your best friend? How long have you known each other?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: How do you communicate with your friends?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: How do you spend time together?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.


Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer five questions. Give full answers to the questions (2−3 sentences). Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 3

Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss extreme sports. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started.

Interviewer: What are the dangers of extreme sports?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Which kinds of extreme sports are popular in Russia? Which aren’t?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: If you had to choose, what kind of extreme sports would you try and why?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: What benefits do extreme sports provide?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Are you interested in extreme sports? Why?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.


Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer five questions. Give full answers to the questions (2−3 sentences). Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 3

Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss school. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started.

Interviewer: What subjects do you consider the most important in schools?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: What kind of change would make education in schools better?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: How do schools develop people’s social skills?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: What is the most important role of school?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Is homework important in the education process? Why?

Student: _________________________

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.

Пройти тестирование по этим заданиям

20 июня 2021

В закладки



Возможные вопросы к заданию 3 устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

Задание 3 — условный диалог-интервью, в котором необходимо ответить на 5 вопросов интервьюера на актуальную тему. Ответ участника экзамена должен быть развернутым (2-3 фразы).

Where You Live Now and Your Home Country

• Is it easy to meet new people where you live?
• What’s the best place to spend a free afternoon in your town?
• How expensive is it to go out in the evening where you live?
• Could you tell me something about the area where you grew up?
• Could you describe your family home to me?
• What’s the most interesting place you’ve visited near ….?
• Is there anything you would like to learn about your country?
• Which area of your country would you like to get to know better?
• What do you like about living there?
• Tell us about a festival or celebration in [your home country].

Daily Life

• Tell us about a day you’ve really enjoyed recently.
• Are you planning to do anything special this weekend?
• How much time do you spend at home?
• What did you do on your last birthday?
• Do you like cooking?
• What’s your favourite food?
• What’s your favourite day of the week?
• What’s your favourite part of the day?
• Which time of year is your favourite?

Education and Work

• Do you use the internet to learn new things?
• Do you prefer working on your own or with other people?
• What do you think would be the most interesting job to do?
• Do you find it easy to study where you live?
• What were the most important things you learned at primary school?
• Would you prefer to work for a big or small company?
• What kind of work would you really like to do in the future?
• Are you happier doing mental or physical work?
• Can you remember your first English lessons?

Travel and Holidays

• Where would you most like to go on holiday in future?
• Do you prefer traveling by train or plane?
• Do you plan your holidays or decide everything spontaneously?
• Have you ever used English while traveling?
• Is there a good public transport system in your country?


• Do you ever go to concerts?
• How important is TV to you?
• How much TV do you watch in a week?
• Do you like the same TV programmes as your parents?
• Tell us about a TV programme you’ve seen recently.
• Do you enjoy going to parties?
• How often do you read newspapers?
• Do you like shopping?
• Where do you like listening to music?
• Do you like going to the cinema?
• Tell me about your favourite film star.
• Tell us about a film you really like.
• Do you enjoy playing computer games?
• Do you use the internet much?
• What do you use the internet for?
• Do you ever listen to the radio?

Family and Friends

• Who are the most important people in your life?
• What do you enjoy doing with your friends?
• Who do you spend your free time with
• Have you done anything interesting with your friends recently?
• Who are you most like in your family?
• Do you and your friends share the same ideas?
• Tell me about your best friend.
• Tell me about a good friend of yours.
• Do you normally go out with family or friends?
• Tell me a little about your family.

Free Time

• How much time do you spend at home nowadays?
• Do you have a favourite newspaper or magazine?
• What’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever done?
• Tell us about a TV programme you’ve seen recently?
• What’s the difference between reading the news in the newspaper and watching it on TV?
• Who do you spend your free time with?
• Do you prefer to be outside or inside when you have free time?
• What do you most enjoy doing when you’re at home?
• Is your routine at weekends different from your daily routine?
• What do you spend your time doing?
• Do you enjoy reading?
• What sort of books do you read?
• Does anyone you know have an interesting hobby?


• Are you interested in sport?
• Is there a sport or hobby you enjoy doing?
• Is there a sport you’d really like to try?
• What sports do people play most in your country?
• How much exercise do you take each week?
• Do you like to be physically active or do you prefer relaxing?

The Future

• Is there anything you’d love to be able to do in the future?
• Do you plan to study anything in the future?
• What are you going to do this weekend?
• Are you going to do anything special this weekend?
• Do you think computers will replace newspapers and TV in the future?
• Which country would you most like to visit in the future?
• Do you think you’ll go there one day?

Where You Live Now and Your Home Country

  • Is it easy to meet new people where you live?

  • What’s the best place to spend a free afternoon in your town?

  • How expensive is it to go out in the evening where you live?

  • Could you tell me something about the area where you grew up?

  • Could you describe your family home to me?

  • What’s the most interesting place you’ve visited near ….?

  • Is there anything you would like to learn about your country?

  • Which area of your country would you like to get to know better?

  • What do you like about living there?

  • Tell us about a festival or celebration in [your home country].

Daily Life

  • Tell us about a day you’ve really enjoyed recently.

  • Are you planning to do anything special this weekend?

  • How much time do you spend at home?

  • What did you do on your last birthday?

  • Do you like cooking?

  • What’s your favourite food?

  • What’s your favourite day of the week?

  • What’s your favourite part of the day?

  • Which time of year is your favourite?

Education and Work

  • Do you use the internet to learn new things?

  • Do you prefer working on your own or with other people?

  • What do you think would be the most interesting job to do?

  • Do you find it easy to study where you live?

  • What were the most important things you learned at primary school?

  • Would you prefer to work for a big or small company?

  • What kind of work would you really like to do in the future?

  • Are you happier doing mental or physical work?

  • Can you remember your first English lessons?

Travel and Holidays

  • Where would you most like to go on holiday in future?

  • Do you prefer traveling by train or plane?

  • Do you plan your holidays or decide everything spontaneously?

  • Have you ever used English while traveling?

  • Is there a good public transport system in your country?


  • Do you ever go to concerts?

  • How important is TV to you?

  • How much TV do you watch in a week?

  • Do you like the same TV programmes as your parents?

  • Tell us about a TV programme you’ve seen recently.

  • Do you enjoy going to parties?

  • How often do you read newspapers?

  • Do you like shopping?

  • Where do you like listening to music?

  • Do you like going to the cinema?

  • Tell me about your favourite film star.

  • Tell us about a film you really like.

  • Do you enjoy playing computer games?

  • Do you use the internet much?

  • What do you use the internet for?

  • Do you ever listen to the radio?

Family and Friends

  • Who are the most important people in your life?

  • What do you enjoy doing with your friends?

  • Who do you spend your free time with

  • Have you done anything interesting with your friends recently?

  • Who are you most like in your family?

  • Do you and your friends share the same ideas?

  • Tell me about your best friend.

  • Tell me about a good friend of yours.

  • Do you normally go out with family or friends?

  • Tell me a little about your family.

Free Time

  • How much time do you spend at home nowadays?

  • Do you have a favourite newspaper or magazine?

  • What’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever done?

  • Tell us about a TV programme you’ve seen recently?

  • What’s the difference between reading the news in the newspaper and watching it on TV?

  • Who do you spend your free time with?

  • Do you prefer to be outside or inside when you have free time?

  • What do you most enjoy doing when you’re at home?

  • Is your routine at weekends different from your daily routine?

  • What do you spend your time doing?

  • Do you enjoy reading?

  • What sort of books do you read?

  • Does anyone you know have an interesting hobby?


  • Are you interested in sport?

  • Is there a sport or hobby you enjoy doing?

  • Is there a sport you’d really like to try?

  • What sports do people play most in your country?

  • How much exercise do you take each week?

  • Do you like to be physically active or do you prefer relaxing?

The Future

  • Is there anything you’d love to be able to do in the future?

  • Do you plan to study anything in the future?

  • What are you going to do this weekend?

  • Are you going to do anything special this weekend?

  • Do you think computers will replace newspapers and TV in the future?

  • Which country would you most like to visit in the future?

  • Do you think you’ll go there one day?

  • Do you think you have to spend a lot of money to have a good holiday?

  • Some people say we travel too much these days and shouldn’t go on so many holidays. What do you think? Why do you think people like to go away on holiday?

  • What do you think is the biggest advantage of living in a place where there are a lot of tourists?

  • What can people do to have a good holiday in your country?

  • What’s good about living in cities in your country?

  • Which is the best city for people to visit in your country?

  • If you could choose to visit a city you’ve never been to, which one would you choose?

  • Would you prefer to live in a modern city or a city with lots of history?

  • Are there advantages to living in a small town rather than in a big city?

  • Do you think it is better for children to grow up in the city or in the countryside?

  • What do you think makes a good museum?

  • How do you think the teaching of history in schools could be improved?

  • Do you agree that learning about our past is important for our future?

  • What was the most important moment in the history of the twentieth century?

  • What has been the most important moment in your life so far?

  • What items from our lives today will be in the history museums of the future?

  • If you could change one thing about your life, what would you change?

  • Many people say life’s too busy these days.

  • Why do you think they say this?

  • Many people want to become famous nowadays. Why do you think this is?

  • Is it important to enjoy a job or do you think it’s enough to be paid well?

  • How important is it to go on holiday every year?

  • Some people say we don’t spend enough time talking to each other these days. What do you think?

  • Some people say there will be no need for shops in the future because we’ll buy everything online. What do you think?

  • Do you think it’s true that we buy a lot of things we don’t really need these days?

  • Do you think that out of town shopping centres are a good idea?

  • Is it better to go shopping with friends or alone?

  • Some people say that shopping ins a leisure activity nowadays. What do you think?

  • Do you think that advertising encourages people to spend too much money?

  • Is watching TV the best way for people to spend their free time?

  • What kind of TV programmes do you like best?

  • Some people have more than one television in their home. Do you think this is a good idea?

  • Do you think children generally watch too much television in your country?

  • Is television the best way of following the news in the world?

  • Do you think watching TV is a good way to learn a language?

  • What sort of films do you never watch?

  • Are there any films that you’d like to see again?

  • Would you prefer to be in a film or behind the camera?

  • How important do you think it is to watch films in English?

  • What can you learn about a country’s culture by watching films from that country?


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В устной части ЕГЭ в 2023 году остается задание 3, в котором нужно ответить на вопросы, которые вам задают в интервью. Это задание базового уровня, условный диалог-расспрос. Все вопросы задает electronic assistant. Вы должны понять на слух, какой вопрос Вам задают и ответить на него. Вам дают 40 секунд. чтобы ответить на вопрос.

Количество баллов за это задание – 5 баллов. По одному баллу за вопрос.


  1. Что НУЖНО делать, чтобы получить один балл за вопрос в устной части ЕГЭ 2023
  2. Что НЕ НУЖНО делать в устной части ЕГЭ 2023
  3. Стратегия ответа на вопрос в устной части ЕГЭ 2023
  4. О чем спрашивают. Какие вопросы бывают на ЕГЭ
  5. На какие вопросы следует обратить внимание

Что НУЖНО делать, чтобы получить один балл за вопрос в устной части ЕГЭ 2023

  • дать ТОЧНЫЙ ответ на заданный вопрос
  • дать ПОЛНЫЙ ответ на вопрос
  • ответы должны содержать не менее двух фраз, т.е. быть развернутыми, полными и точными. Ответы, данные ОДНОЙ  фразой, ОДНИМ словом или словосочетанием, не засчитываются, т.е. не следует использовать в качестве ответа неполные предложения,  эллиптические конструкции типа Not many или Sure. Без продолжения, без развертывания они не будут засчитаны как правильный ответ;
  • некоторые реплики интервьюера могут содержать два-три вопроса, надо ответить на два/три в целом двумя-тремя фразами, т.е. участник экзамена отвечает двумя-тремя фразами на слова интервьюера независимо от того, один или два вопроса содержит реплика интервьюера, после которой следует пауза для ответа.

Что НЕ НУЖНО делать в устной части ЕГЭ 2023

  • перефразировать вопрос;
  • стараться использовать сложную лексику;
  • стараться продемонстрировать богатый словарный запас;
  • стараться говорить больше;
  • переспрашивать, задавать вопросы;
  • здороваться;
  • отвечать отдельными словами;
  • делать слишком большие паузы между предложениями;
  • не делать ЭЛЕМЕНТАРНЫХ лексико-грамматических ошибок и/или фонетических ошибок. Ниже Вы найдете список этих элементарных ошибок.

Список элементов содержания, обязательных к освоению на уровнях А1-А2, владение которыми должен продемонстрировать участник экзамена при выполнении задания 3

Стратегия ответа на вопрос в устной части ЕГЭ 2023

Чтобы получить заветный один балл, используйте такой алгоритм.

  1. Поймите и запомните вопрос. Можете повторить его про себя. Времени будет достаточно.
  2. Если вопрос один, то можно ответить такими же словами и добавить еще одно предложение, чтобы получилось  два предложения, как это требуют критерии оценивания. Можно добавить пример, причину или деталь. Повтор лексики не оценивается. Важен только ответ.


Вопрос: What is your favourite food?

Ответ: My favourite food is chicken. I like fried chicken.

  1. Если 2-3 вопроса, как это было в ЕГЭ 2022, то нужно ответить на все вопросы двумя-тремя предложениями. Самое главное без ошибок и чтобы ответы были четкими и полными.

Например, вопрос из ЕГЭ 2022:

Вопрос: What is your favourite food? Why do you like it so much? Can you cook it?

Ответ: My favourite food is chicken. I like it because it’s tasty. I can cook it.

  1. Не забыть ответить на вопрос why, если есть. Часто бывает, что ребята забывают ответить на этот вопрос. Отвечает на основной, а про why забывают.


Вопрос: Do you think it’s important to know foreign languages? Why yes or no?

Ответ: It’s important to know foreign languages. It broadens the horizons and helps to find a well-paid job.

  1. Если поняли, что дали неверный ответ, то можно исправить ошибку, будет оцениваться последний ответ.
  2. Внимательно следить за тем, в каком времени задан вопрос.


What Russian cities/regions have you visited? и соответственно отвечаем в этом времени. I have visited a lot of Russian cities. I have been to Moscow, St.Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod.

Или, например: вопрос в прошедшем времени Did you travel much when you were a child?

Ответ: I travelled much when I was a child. My parents were fond of it.

О чем спрашивают. Какие вопросы бывают на ЕГЭ

  • О себе;
  • О России;
  • Столица;
  • Свой регион (расположение, достопримечательности);
  • Знаменитые ученые, писатели России;
  • Люди, которые внесли большой вклад.

На какие вопросы следует обратить внимание

  • Бывают вопросы в единственном и множественном числе.

Например: What famous Russian  scientists do you know? Здесь нужно назвать как минимум два ученых, потому что вопрос во множественном числе.

  • Бывают вопросы на предпочтения.

Например: What books by Russian writers would you recommend  to read and why? Здесь можно назвать одну книгу.

  • Также, есть вопросы на факты: что я знаю и вопросы на рассуждения: что я думаю.

Если у Вас возникают сложности при выполнении этого задания, приходите ко мне на уроки, смогу помочь в подготовке к этому заданию и к ЕГЭ в целом.

Урусова Татьяна

Учитель высшей категории. Индивидуальный и групповой онлайн репетитор. Эксперт ОГЭ по английскому языку.

Оцените автора

( 5 оценок, среднее 4.6 из 5 )

по подготовке учащихся к выполнению задания номер 3 (Интервью) устной части ЕГЭ
по английскому языку (11 класс)

действий ученика и условия выполнения задания:

1) Внимательно
прослушайте вопрос (см. задание на фото вверху);

2) Дайте на него полный
(развёрнутый) ответ (2-3 предложения);

ответы (Да/Нет/Не знаю! и т.п.) оцениваются в 0 баллов!

3) На каждый ответ у
Вас есть 40 секунд. Всего нужно ответить на 5 вопросов.

Фразы, которые можно использовать в начале ответов:

Well, let me see…- Ну, дайте (мне) подумать….

Well, it’s hard to say …-Ну, трудно сказать

It depends! — Как
сказать! It depends on…- Это зависит от…

You know, …-Знаете, …

Firstly (secondly/thirdly), …- Во-первых (во-вторых/в-третьих),

To be honest, …- Честно говоря, …

    To tell the
По правде говоря, …

7) Unfortunately,…- К сожалению, …

демонстрационный вариант ЕГЭ 2022.

ответов на вопросы из приведённого выше интервью.

1)      I live
in European Russia. The weather in summer is pretty warm there. The temperature
can be over 30 degrees in July. (3 предложения)

2)      Well,
my region is famous for beautiful architecture and some sports. Our athletes
regularly go to the Olympics and win medals there. I’m really proud of my small
motherland. (3 предложения)

3)      Unfortunately,
I’m an only child in the family. My mother is a housewife, my father is a
doctor. We get along very well. (3 предложения)

When I was 7, I used to spend my summer
holidays in the countryside. My friends and I played different games outdoors,
swam in the river, went to the woods with grown-ups… It was a lot of fun!
(3 предложения)

5)      To
tell the truth, it’s hard to say right now… I’ve always loved traveling, so I
think I’d like to visit a country I haven’t been to yet. (2 предложения)

             В качестве тренировки дайте
развёрнутые ответы на следующие вопросы:

1) What do you do to stay healthy?

2) What was your favourite school subject? Why
did you like it?

3) How do you prefer to spend your free time?

4) Why do you find it important to know
foreign languages?

5) What is your attitude towards new information

6)   What are your plans for the New Year?

                                                    Примеры ответов:

1) To be honest, I don’t do anything special. I try to
eat healthy foods, get enough sleep and work out more.

2) My favourite school subject was geography. You
know, I liked studying the map and learning interesting facts about other

3) In winter, I usually go skiing or skating. In
summer, I play badminton outdoors and go swimming. As for indoor activities,
I’m fond of reading novels and watching comedies.

4) Well, the knowledge of foreign languages gives a
lot of opportunities to a modern person.

You can travel without difficulties, get a job abroad, read
books in the original…At last, the process of
learning is a perfect training for the brain!

5) I think they have changed our lives for the
better. The technologies have made many things much easier than they used to
be. We’ll never be able to refuse the advantages they provide for us.

6) I’m going to learn to dance and cook. Besides, it
would be great to buy a professional camera to take excellent pictures while

Интервью и вопросы к нему

На этой странице расположены текстовые задания ЕГЭ по английскому на аудирование – интервью с выбором правильного ответа к вопросам.

Это третье (и последнее) задание в разделе аудирования ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Считается, что данное задание является самым трудным, рассчитанным на детальное понимание звучащего текста. И на самом деле, для его успешного выполнения требуется особая тренировка. На этой странице находится целый ряд интервью и заданий к ним. Проработайте их все и радикально улучшите шансы на получение хороших баллов за раздел аудирования.

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