Вопросы на английском для экзамена 9 класс


1. School

1. How many lessons do you usually have?

2. What subject do you find the most difficult?

3. What is your favourite week day? Why do you like it?

4. What sport facilities do you have at school?

5. Do you think school uniform is necessary or not? What do you think?

6. What do you recommend to your friend to improve your language?

2. Modern film industry

1. How often do you go to the cinema?

2. What kind of films do you like most?

3. Why do you think many people prefer watching films at home?

4. What do you like to do in your free time?

5. How can films in English help students improve their English?

6. What film do you recommend to see and why?

3. Reading habits

1. What kinds of books do you like to read?

2. Who is your favorite writer?

3. How often do you borrow books from library?

4. Why do you think teenagers are reading less and less nowadays?

5. How can reading books in English help to improve English?

6. What book would you recommend to your friend who wants to read for pleasure and why?

4. Shopping and shopping centers

1. Who usually does shopping in your family?

2. What can you buy in your nearest shopping center?

3. How often do you usually go shopping?

4. Why are shopping centers popular nowadays?

5. Why do some people hate shopping?

6. What time would you recommend the busy people to go shopping to?

5. Free time

1. How much free time do you have on week days?

2. How do you and your fiends usually spend free time?

3. Whom do you prefer to spend your free time with?

4. What after school activities do you take part in?

5. Do you think everyone should find time for doing sport? Why?

6. What hobby would tyou do if you have free time?

6. Holidays

1. What is your favourite season?

2. Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?

3. What do you like to do during your winter holidays?

4. How often do you and your family travel?

5. What type of transport do you find the most convenient? Why?

6. What places in your town would you recommend to your friend to visit? Why?

7. Ecological problems

1. Where would you like to live in a big city or in the country?

2. What are the advantages of living in the country?

3. What is the main ecological problem in the place where you live?

4. Do you and your friends care about ecological problems? Why?

5. Have you ever taken part in ecological projects in school?

6. What would you recommend to a person who wants to improve ecological situations in his or her hometown?

8. School events

1. How many classes do you usually have a day?

2. What sport facilities do you have at school?

3. What clubs and societies can you attend in your school?

4. What school events like concerts and performances do you usually have during your school life?

5. Do you enjoy taking part in these events? Why?

6. What event do you recommend to organize in your school and why?

9. Sport

1. How many lessons of PE (Physical Education) do you have a week?

2. What sport facilities do you have in your school?

3. What sport do you do regularly?

4. What winter sports are popular with you and your friends?

5. Would you like to do any extreme sport? Why or why not?

6. What would you recommend to a teenager who wants to be healthy and fit?

10. Daily routines

1. When do you get up on weekends?

2. What do you prefer to eat for breakfast in the morning?

3. How long does it take you to get to school?

4. What is your favourite part of the day: morning, afternoon, evening? Why do you like it?

5. What do you do to help your parents about the house?

6. What would you recommend to teenagers who are often late for school?

11. Mobile phones

1. How old are you?

2. When did you get your fist mobile phone?

3. What do you usually use your mobile phone for?

4. How do you feel when you forget your mobile at home?

5. Do you think that it is right that mobile phones are not allowed in some schools?

6. In what places would you recommend people switch of or turn down their phones? Why?

12. The Internet

1. How old are you?

2. How much time do you spend on the Internet every day?

3. What do you use the Internet for?

4. What do you do in the Information Technology or Computer Study lessons?

5. Why are computer skills useful for everyone?

6. What would you recommend to a person who spends too much time on the Internet?

13. English language learning

1. What is your favourite school subject?

2. When did you start learning English?

3. What do you do in your English lessons?

4. Do you find learning English easy or difficult? Why?

5. What other foreign language would you like to learn and why?

6. What would you recommend a person do to improve his or her language?

14. TV

1. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

2. How often do you go the cinema of to the theatre?

3. How much time do you usually watch TV every day?

4. What TV programmers are popular in your family?

5. Do you prefer TV or the Internet? Why?

6. What TV programmer would you recommend your friends watch?

15. CityTownVillage

1. How long have you been living in your city, town or village?

2. What it the place where you live famous for?

3. When was your city town founded?

4. What season is the best for visiting your citytownvillage and why?

5. What is your favourite place in your citytownvillage? Why do you like it?

6. What place in your hometown would you recommend visiting?

16. Learning foreign languages

1. What foreign languages can you learn in your school?

2. How many English lessons do you have a week?

3. For what reasons do people learn foreign languages nowadays?

4. What is the most effective way to learn foreign language in your opinion?

5. Do you think English will be useful for you in the future? In what way?

6. What language would you recommend for English-speaking friend learn?

17. School students’ daily routine

1. What time do you usually go to bed in the evening?

2. How much time do you spend doing your homework?

3. What sport do you do regularly?

4. What do you do to help your parents about the house?

5. How do you spend your weekends?

6. What would you like to change in your daily routine?

18. School

1. What grade are you in?

2. How many classes a day do you usually have?

3. What sport facilities are there in your school?

4. What is your school uniform like?

5. What school events do you have during your school life?

6. What would you like to improve in your school?

19. Doing sport

1. How old are you?

2. How many times a week do you do sport?

3. What sport is the most popular with teenagers in your region?

4. What sport facilities are available in the place where you live?

5. Why do you think it is important to keep fit?

6. What would you advise a person who wants to keep fit?

Каждый день мы задаем и отвечаем на самые разнообразные вопросы. Также и при изучении английского языка, задавать вопросы — один из важнейших навыков, который позволяет поддерживать беседу, заводить новые знакомства с иностранцами и вообще чувствовать себя комфортно в англоязычной среде. В нашей статье мы собрали полезные и занимательные вопросы на разные темы.


  • 1 Вопросы другу и о дружбе для беседы и письма
  • 2 Вопросы о доме и семье
  • 3 Вопросы про еду
  • 4 Вопросы про новый год и рождество
  • 5 Вопросы для знакомства и разговора
  • 6 Вопросы про спорт
  • 7 Вопросы по путешествия
  • 8 Вопросы для письма
  • 9 Вопросы о работе
  • 10 Вопросы про страны и города (Англия, США, Россия, Канада, Австралия, Новая Зеландия)
  • 11 Вопросы о внешности человека
  • 12 Вопросы о каникулах
  • 13 Вопросы про животных
  • 14 Вопросы о погоде
  • 15 Разговорники по английскому языку

Вопросы другу и о дружбе для беседы и письма

1. Do you have many friends? У тебя много друзей?
2. Who is your best friend? What is his/her name? Кто твой лучший друг? Как его / ее зовут?
3. When and where do you make friends? Когда и где ты заводишь друзей?
4. Do you like to make new friends? Вам нравится заводить новых друзей?
5. Is it easier to find or to lose a good friend? Легче найти или потерять хорошего друга?
6. Friendship helps people to be more cheerful and self-confident, doesn’t it? Дружба помогает людям быть веселее и увереннее в себе, не так ли?
7. Why do people need friends? Зачем людям нужны друзья?
8. What role does friendship play in your life? Какую роль играет дружба в твоей жизни?
9. Are you friendly? Ты дружелюбный?
10. Do you believe in friendship? Ты веришь в дружбу?
11. Is friendship between a man and a woman possible? Возможна ли дружба между мужчиной и женщиной?
12. Are you a ‘lark’ or an ‘owl’? Вы «жаворонок» или «сова»?
13. When do you usually get up and when do you go to bed? Когда вы обычно встаете и когда ложитесь спать?
14. What do you prefer to do in your spare time? Что вы предпочитаете делать в свободное время?
15. Where would you like to spend the summer time? Где бы вы хотели провести летнее время?
16. Would you like to learn a new foreign language? Which one? Хотите изучить новый иностранный язык? Какой?
17. Which foreign country would you like to visit? Какую зарубежную страну вы хотели бы посетить?
18. What film would you like to see? Какой фильм вы хотели бы увидеть?
19. Where would you like to go on Sunday if you had free time? Куда бы вы хотели поехать в воскресенье, если бы у вас было свободное время?
20. Do you follow a healthy way of life? Вы придерживаетесь здорового образа жизни?
21. Do you find time to do sports? Вы находите время заниматься спортом?
22. Have you decided what to do when you finish school? Вы решили, что делать, когда закончите школу?
23. What present would you like to get for your birthday? Какой подарок вы хотели бы получить на свой день рождения?
24. Are you married? How many children do you have? Ты женат? Сколько у вас детей?
25. How long have you been married? Как долго вы женаты?

Вопросы о доме и семье

1. Is your family large or small? Ваша семья большая или маленькая?
2. How many people are there in your family? Сколько человек в твоей семье?
3. Have you got a grandmother? У тебя есть бабушка?
4. How old are your parents? Сколько лет твоим родителям?
5. What does your father (mother) do? Что делает твой отец (мать)?
6. Your mother is a housewife, isn’t she? Твоя мама домохозяйка, не так ли?
7. Have you got any brothers or sisters? Есть ли у тебя братья или сестры?
8. How many sisters have you got? Сколько у тебя сестер?
9. Does your brother go to school? Твой брат ходит в школу?
10. What is your sister’s (brother’s)name Как зовут твою сестру (брата)
11. What does your sister do? Что твоя сестра делает?
12. How does she look like? Как она выглядит?
13. Is your family friendly? Ваша семья дружная?
14. What is better: to have a small family or a big family with a lot of children and other relations? Why? Что лучше: иметь маленькую семью или большую семью с большим количеством детей и другими родственниками? Почему?
15. What is an ideal family as you see it? Что такое идеальная семья, какой вы ее видите?
16. What house do you live in? В каком доме ты живешь?
17. Is it a block of flats? Это многоквартирный дом?
18. Is it a many-storied house? Это многоэтажный дом?
19. What floor is your flat on? На каком этаже ваша квартира?
20. What is your flat like? Какая у тебя квартира?
21. What modern conveniences are there in your house? Какие современные удобства есть в вашем доме?
22. What is your favourite room and why? Какая твоя любимая комната и почему?
23. What is the main piece of furniture in your bedroom? Какой основной предмет мебели в вашей спальне?
24. What is there on your bed? Что есть на твоей кровати?
25. Where do you keep your bedding? Где вы храните свои постельные принадлежности?
26. Is there a carpet on the floor? Есть ли ковер на полу?
27. Where do you keep your clothes? Где вы храните свою одежду?
28. What is there on your dressing-table? Что там на вашем туалетном столике?
29. Are there any arm-chairs in your bedroom? Есть ли в вашей спальне кресла?
30. Is your study a simply-furnished room? Ваш кабинет — это по-простому обставленная комната?
31. Is there a writing-table in it?  Там есть письменный стол?
32. What things can be seen on your writing-table? Какие вещи можно увидеть на вашем письменном столе?
33. Is there a bookcase in your study? В вашем кабинете есть книжный шкаф?
34. Are there sliding glass doors in the bookcase? Есть ли раздвижные стеклянные двери в книжном шкафу?
35. Is there a carpet spread on the floor? Есть ли ковер на полу?
36. How is the study lighted? Как освещается исследование?
37. What do you do in the dining-room? Что ты делаешь в столовой?
38. What is there in the middle of the room? Что находится в середине комнаты?
39. Is your dinner-table square or round? Ваш обеденный стол квадратный или круглый?
40. What is it covered with? Чем это покрыто?
41. Where do you keep your tea or dinner things? Где вы храните чай или ужин?
42. Is there a sofa in your dining–room? В вашей столовой есть диван?
43. What is there on the sofa? Что находится на диване?
44. Is there a television-set or a radio-set in your dining-room? В вашей столовой есть телевизор или радиоприемник?
45. What other pieces of furniture can you see in the dining–room? Какие еще предметы мебели вы можете увидеть в столовой?
46. Does the door of your dining room give upon a balcony? Дверь вашей столовой выходит на балкон?
47. Is there a bath-room and a water-closet in your flat? В вашей квартире есть ванная комната и унитаз?
48. Where is the bath-tab with the shower? Где банная вкладка с душем?
49. When do you take a bath? Когда вы принимаете ванну?
50. Is there a mirror above the wash–basin? Есть ли зеркало над умывальником?
51. What else is there in your bath-room? Что еще есть в вашей ванной комнате?
52. Is there running water in your kitchen? Есть ли вода на вашей кухне?
53. Is there a gas-stove in your kitchen? Есть ли газовая плита на вашей кухне?
54. Where do you do the cooking? Где ты готовишь?
55. Where do you keep your kitchen utensils? Где вы храните кухонную утварь?
56. What kitchen utensils have you got? Какие кухонные принадлежности у вас есть?
57. Are there chairs or stools in your kitchen? Есть ли стулья или табуретки на вашей кухне?
58. Is there a refrigerator in your kitchen? Есть ли на вашей кухне холодильник?
59. Where is your washing- machine? Где ваша стиральная машина?
60. When do you do your rooms? Когда вы делаете свои комнаты?
61. What do you begin with? С чего начать?
62. What are the rooms dusted with? Чем запылены комнаты?
63. How are the carpets cleaned? Как чистить ковры?
64. What is the floor swept with? Чем покрыт пол?
65. Do you wash or polish the floor in your rooms? Вы моете или полируете пол в своих комнатах?
66. Who keeps house? Кто убирает дом?

Вопросы про еду

1. Do you like chicken? Ты любишь курицу?
2. Did you eat hamburgers? Вы ели гамбургеры?
3. What do you want to eat? Что ты хочешь съесть?
4. Do you like your breakfast? Тебе нравится твой завтрак?
5. Does your father take his lunch to work? Твой отец берет свой обед на работу?
6. Do you want some bread? Хочешь хлеба?
7. What is your favourite dish? Какое твое любимое блюдо?
8. You have coffee with milk for breakfast, don’t you? Вы пьете кофе с молоком на завтрак?
9. Does your mother like to cook soup or a cake? Ваша мама любит готовить суп или пирог?
10. How can I bake a cake? Как я могу испечь торт?
11. Should I put more salt to this salad? Должен ли я положить больше соли в этот салат?
12. How much does this cocktail cost? Сколько стоит этот коктейль?
13. When are you going to buy fruits? Когда ты собираешься покупать фрукты?
14. Are vegetables useful for the health? Полезны ли овощи для здоровья?
15. Did you find the recipe of pancakes? Ты нашел рецепт блинов?

Вопросы про новый год и рождество

1. Where have you spent New Year and Christmas? Do you like it? Где вы провели Новый год и Рождество? Вам это нравится?
2. What things have you received as a gift? Какие вещи вы получили в подарок?
3. With whom did you decorate a New Year tree? С кем вы украсили новогоднюю елку?
4. How many of your friends and relatives came to you at New Year? Сколько ваших друзей и родственников пришли к вам на Новый год?
5. Is Christmas the most wonderful and amazing holiday? Рождество самый замечательный и удивительный праздник?
6. What dishes are there on the Christmas table? Какие блюда есть на рождественском столе?
7. What resolutions did you make at New Year? Какие решения вы приняли на Новый год?
8. How are you going to celebrate Christmas? Как вы собираетесь праздновать Рождество?

Вопросы для знакомства и разговора

1. What is your favorite holiday? Какой твой любимый праздник?
2. Which country did you visit first? Какую страну вы посетили в первую очередь?
3. Why do you like traveling? Почему ты любишь путешествовать?
4. What do you do? Чем ты занимаешься? Где работаешь?
5. What are you up to generally? Чем ты вообще занимаешься? Чем интересуешься?
6. Do you have any hobbies or interests? У вас есть хобби или интересы?
7. What do you do for fun? Что вы делаете для удовольствия?
8. What’s your name? Как вас зовут?
9. Where are you from? Откуда ты?
10. What are your hobbies? Какие у тебя хобби?
11. What’s your job? Кем вы работаете?
12. What sports do you like? Какой спорт вы любите?
13. How old are you? Сколько тебе лет?
14. What do you want to talk about? О чем ты хочешь поговорить?
15. How long have you been studying English? Как долго вы изучаете английский?
16. Can you play any musical instrument? Ты умеешь играть на каких-либо музыкальных инструментах?
17. What is your favourite food? Ваше любимое блюдо?
18. Who are you here with? С кем ты здесь?

Вопросы про спорт

1. What is your favourite kind of sport? Какой твой любимый вид спорта?
2. Who is your favourite sportsman? Why? Кто твой любимый спортсмен? Зачем?
3. What is your favourite football team? Какая ваша любимая футбольная команда?
4. Who is your favourite team coach? Кто ваш любимый тренер команды?
5. How often do you go to the gym or train at home to keep fit? Как часто вы ходите в спортзал или тренируетесь дома, чтобы поддерживать себя в форме?
6. What do you prefer to watch : a football game or a hockey game? Что ты предпочитаешь смотреть: футбол или хоккей?
7. How many sports do you know which are related to water? Сколько видов спорта вы знаете, которые связаны с водой?
8. Can you name 5 sports which are done indoors? Можете ли вы назвать 5 видов спорта, которые проводятся в помещении?
9. What sport games do you know which are played with a ball? Какие спортивные игры вы знаете, в которые играют с мячом?
10. In what sport do you have a high risk of being injured? В каком виде спорта у вас высокий риск получения травмы?

Вопросы по путешествия

1. Have you ever been abroad? Ты когда-нибудь был за границей?
2. Are you planning on going anywhere for your next vacation? Планируете ли вы куда-нибудь на следующий отпуск?
3. What was your best/worst trip? Какая была ваша лучшая / худшая поездка?
4. Have you ever hitchhiked? If so, how many times? Вы когда-нибудь путешествовали автостопом? Если так, сколько раз?
5. Do you prefer summer vacations or winter vacations? Вы предпочитаете летние каникулы или зимние каникулы?
6. Do you prefer hot countries or cool countries when you go on holiday? Вы предпочитаете жаркие страны или прохладные страны, когда вы идете в отпуск?
7. Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group? Why? Вы предпочитаете путешествовать в одиночку или в группе? Зачем?
8. Do you prefer to travel by train, bus, plane or ship? Вы предпочитаете путешествовать на поезде, автобусе, самолете или корабле?
9. Do you prefer traveling by car or by plane? Вы предпочитаете путешествовать на машине или самолете?
10. Have you ever been in a difficult situation while traveling? Вы когда-нибудь были в трудной ситуации во время путешествия?
11. Have you ever been on an airplane? Вы когда-нибудь были в самолете?
12. How do you spend your time when you are on holiday and the weather is bad? Как вы проводите время в отпуске в плохую погоду?
13. If you traveled to South America, what countries would like to visit? Если вы побывали в Южной Америке, какие страны хотели бы посетить?
14. If you were going on a camping trip for a week, what 10 things would you bring? Explain why. Если бы вы собирались в поход на неделю, какие 10 вещей вы бы взяли с собой? Объясните почему.
15. What are some things that you always take with you on a trip? Какие вещи вы всегда берете с собой в путешествие?
16. What countries would you like to visit? Why? Какие страны вы хотели бы посетить? Зачем?
17. What are some countries that you would never visit? Why would you not visit them? Какие страны вы бы никогда не посетили? Почему бы вам не посетить их?
18. What do you need before you can travel to another country? Что вам нужно, чтобы отправиться в другую страну?
19. What is the most interesting city to visit in your country? Какой самый интересный город для посещения в вашей стране?
20. What is the most interesting souvenir that you have ever bought on one of your holidays? Какой самый интересный сувенир вы когда-либо покупали в один из своих праздников?
21. What was the most interesting place you have ever visited? Какое было самое интересное место, которое вы когда-либо посещали?
22. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to? Какое самое красивое место, в котором вы когда-либо были?
23. Would you prefer to stay at a hotel/motel or camp while on vacation? Вы бы предпочли остаться в отеле / ​​мотеле или лагере во время отпуска?
24. Would you rather go to a place where there are a lot of people or to a place where there are few people? Вы бы предпочли пойти в место, где много людей, или в место, где мало людей?
25. Do you think the type of vacation one takes reflects one’s social status? Считаете ли вы, что отдых, который вы проводите, отражает ваш социальный статус?
26. Do you prefer active or relaxing holidays? Why? Вы предпочитаете активный или расслабляющий отдых? Зачем?
27. Which is better, package tour or a tour you organize and book yourself? Что лучше, пакетный тур или тур, который вы организуете и бронируете самостоятельно?
28. Is there any difference between young tourists and adult tourists? Есть ли разница между молодыми туристами и взрослыми туристами?
29. Why do people travel? Почему люди путешествуют?
30. Would you like to go back to the same place? Вы хотите вернуться в то же место, где уже бывали?
31. Would you like to take a cruise? Where to? With who? Хотите отправиться в круиз? Куда? С кем?
32. What is the best kind of holiday for different ages of people? Children? Teenagers? Adults? Elderly people? Какой самый лучший вид отдыха для людей разных возрастов? Дети? Подростки? Взрослые? Пожилые люди?
33. Do you think it is a good idea to travel with friends, or alone? How about with your family? Как вы думаете, это хорошая идея путешествовать с друзьями или в одиночку? Как насчет твоей семьи?
34. If you had $100,000, where would you go on holiday? Если бы у вас было 100 000 долларов, куда бы вы отправились в отпуск?

Вопросы для письма

1. What have you been up to recently? Чем ты занимался недавно?
2. How are things in London? Как дела в Лондоне?
3. How are you settling down in your new school in Cork? Как вы устроились в своей новой школе в Корке?
4. What do you usually wear when you go to a birthday party? Что вы обычно надеваете, когда идете на день рождения?
5. By the way, what birthday presents did you get? Кстати, какие подарки на день рождения ты получил?
6. How often do you take active holidays? Как часто вы проводите активный отпуск?
7. What extreme sports would you like to try, if any, and why? Какие экстремальные виды спорта вы хотели бы попробовать, если таковые имеются и почему?

Вопросы о работе

1. How would you describe yourself? Как бы Вы описали себя?
2. What educational background do you have? Какое у вас образование?
3. Could you tell us why you left your last position? Не могли бы вы рассказать нам, почему вы оставили свою прежнюю должность?
4. Tell us about your positive/negative traits, please. Расскажите нам о своих положительных / отрицательных чертах, пожалуйста.
5. What is the main reason you would like to work here? Какова основная причина, по которой вы хотели бы работать здесь?
6. Where do you see yourself in five years from now? Где вы видите себя через пять лет?
7. What kind of salary do you expect? Какую зарплату вы ожидаете?
8. What parts of your education do you see as relevant to this position? Какие части вашего образования вы считаете относящимися к этой должности?
9. Tell me about a significant achievement in your life. Расскажи мне о значительном достижении в твоей жизни.
10. Do you want to work in this position/organization? Вы хотите работать в этой должности / организации?
11. Are you ambitious and keen to succeed? Вы амбициозны и хотите добиться успеха?
12. What are your short term/long term goals? Каковы ваши краткосрочные / долгосрочные цели?
13. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Каковы ваши сильные и слабые стороны?
14. Is there anything you would like to ask us? Есть что-нибудь, что вы хотели бы спросить у нас?

Вопросы про страны и города (Англия, США, Россия, Канада, Австралия, Новая Зеландия)

Вы можете подставить другие страны и города в эти вопросы вместо имеющихся.

1. What is the capital of Great Britain? Какая столица Великобритании?
2. What language is spoken in the UK? На каком языке говорят в Великобритании?
3. Where is the UK? Где находится Великобритания?
4. How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of? Сколько стран состоит из Соединенного Королевства?
5. What is the symbol of the United Kingdom? Какой символ Соединенного Королевства?
6. What is the London residence of Queen Elizabeth II? Что такое лондонская резиденция королевы Елизаветы II?
7. What’s the political system in great britain? Какова политическая система в Великобритании?
8.  Why is London one of the most important cities in the world? Почему Лондон является одним из самых важных городов в мире?
9. How many people live and work in London? Сколько людей живет и работает в Лондоне?
10. Who built London? Кто построил Лондон?
11. Is London situated on the river Thames? Лондон расположен на реке Темзе?
12. What is the population of London at the moment? Какова численность населения в Лондоне на данный момент?
13. What places of interest are there in London? Какие достопримечательности есть в Лондоне?
14. What is the capital of Russia? Какая столица Россия?
15. Who is the president of Russia? Кто президент России?
16. What are the largest cities of Russia? Какие самые крупные города России?
17. What are the symbols of Russia? Каковы символы России?
18. What famous Russian writers do you know? Каких известных русских писателей вы знаете?
19. What is the national language of Australia? Какой национальный язык в Австралии?
20. What is the largest city of Australia? Какой самый большой город Австралии?
21. Is Australia a continent? Является ли Австралия континентом?
22. What do you know about the unique species of animals of Australia? Что вы знаете об уникальных видах животных Австралии?

Вопросы о внешности человека

1. What do you look like? Как ты выглядишь?
2. What does he/she look like? Как он / она выглядит?
3. How would you describe your physical appearance? Как бы вы описали свою внешность?
4. How tall are you? Какой у вас рост?
5. Have you got straight or curly hair? У тебя прямые или вьющиеся волосы?

Вопросы о каникулах

1. What are you going to do for your vacation? Что вы собираетесь делать для своего отпуска?
2. Do you have any plans for the summer holiday? Есть ли у вас планы на летний отпуск?
3. Do you have a destination in mind? Вы имеете в виду пункт назначения?
4. How was your vacation? Как прошел твой отпуск?
5. How did you spend your summer vacation? Как вы провели летний отпуск?
6. How did you get there? Как ты туда попал?
7. Did you buy any souvenirs? Вы купили какие-нибудь сувениры?
8. Did you eat the local food? Вы ели местную еду?
9. How long were you there? Как долго ты был там?

Вопросы про животных

1. Do you like animals? Ты любишь животных?
2. What is your favourite animal? Какое твое любимое животное?
3. What domestic animals do you know? Каких домашних животных вы знаете?
4. Have you got a pet? У тебя есть домашнее животное?
5. Are you afraid of spiders? Вы боитесь пауков?
6. Have you ever been to the Zoo? Вы когда-нибудь были в зоопарке?

Вопросы о погоде

1. What’s the weather like today? Какая сегодня погода?
2. It’s windy today, isn’t it? Сегодня ветрено, не так ли?
3. What a lovely day, isn’t it? Какой прекрасный день, не правда ли?
4. Do you know the weather forecast for this week? Вы знаете прогноз погоды на эту неделю?
5. Is it hot/cold/rainy/windy/sunny outside? На улице жарко / холодно / дождливо / ветрено / солнечно?
6. What’s the temperature? Какая температура?
7. What is your favourite weather? Какая твоя любимая погода?
8. Is it expected to rain tomorrow? Ожидается ли дождь завтра?

Разговорники по английскому языку

Полезные английские разговорники, которые содержат самые употребительные фразы на каждый день.

Вопросы к экзамену 9 класс


  1. When do you get up on weekdays?

  2. What do you prefer to eat for breakfast in the morning?

  3. How long does it take you to get to school?

  4. What is your favourite part of the day: morning, afternoon or evening? Why do you like it?

  5. What do you do to help your parents about the house?

  6. What would you recommend to teenagers who are often late for school?

Блок 2

  1. How many meals a day do you usually have?

  2. What is your favourite food?

  3. What do you usually have for lunch at school?

  4. Do you prefer fastfood or homemade food? Why?

  5. Would you like to take part in a TV cookery show for example «Cooking your favourite dish in a studio»? Why?

  6. What would you recommend to teenager who wants to keep fit?

Блок 3

  1. What kind if music do you usually listen to?

  2. What musical instrument would you like to learn to play?

  3. What clubs and societies do you attend in your school?

  4. How often do you have school concerts and performances?

  5. What would you prefer: going to the theatre or watching a film at home? Why?

  6. What would you recommend to your friends who want to make their free time more interesting?

Блок 4

  1. How many lessons do you usually have?

  2. What subjects do you find the most difficult?

  3. What is your favourite weekday? Why do you like it?

  4. What sports facilities do you have in your school?

  5. Do you think school uniform is necessary or not? Why do you think so?

  6. What would you recommend your friends do to improve their English?

Блок 5

  1. How often do you go to the cinema?

  2. What kinds of films do you like most?

  3. Why do you think many people prefer watching films at home?

  4. What do you like doing in your free time?

  5. How can films in English help students improve their English?

  6. What film would you recommend your friends see and why?

Блок 6

  1. What kind of books do you like to read?

  2. Who is your favourite writer?

  3. How often do you borrow books from the library?

  4. Why do you think teenagers are reading less and less now?

  5. How can reading English books help students improve their English?

  6. What book would you recommend to your friend who wants to read something for pleasure and why?

Блок 7

  1. Who usually does the shopping in your family?

  2. What can you buy in your nearest shopping centre?

  3. How often do you usually go shopping?

  4. Why are shopping centres so popular nowadays?

  5. Why do some people hate shopping?

  6. What time would you recommend that busy people should go shopping?

Блок 8

  1. How much free time do you have on weekdays?

  2. How do you and your friends usually spend your free time?

  3. Who do you prefer to spend your free time with?

  4. What after-school activities do you take part in?

  5. Do you think everyone should find sometime for doing sports? Why?

  6. What hobby would you do if you had more free time?

Блок 9

  1. What is your favourite season?

  2. Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?

  3. What do you like to do during your winter holidays?

  4. How often do you and your family travel?

  5. What type of transport do you find the most convenient? why?

  6. What place in your country would you recommend to a foreign tourist to visit? Why?

Блок 10

  1. Where would you like to live: in the big city or in the country?

  2. What are the advantages of living in the country?

  3. What is the main ecological problem in the place where you live?

  4. Do you and your friends care about the ecological problems? Why?

  5. Have you ever taken part in any ecological project in school?

  6. What would you recommend to a person who wants to improve the ecological situation in his or her home town?

Блок 11.

How many lessons of PE do you have a week?

What sports fascilities do you have in your school?

What sport do you do regularly?

What winter sports are popular with you and your friends?

Would you like to do any extreme sports? Why or why not?

What would you recommend to a teenager who wants to be healthy and fit?

Блок 12.

When do you get up on weekdays?

What do you prefer to eat for breakfast in the morning?

How long does it take you to get to school?

What is your favourite part if the day: morning, afternoon or evening? Why do you like it?

What do you do to help your parents about the house?

What would you recommend to teenagers who are often late for school?

Блок 13.

How old are you?

When did you get your first mobile phone?

What do you usually use your mobile phone for?

How do you feel when you forget your mobile phone at home?

Do you think its right that mobile phomes are not allowed in some schools?

In what places would you recommend to peoplr to switch off or turn down their phones? Why?

Блок 14.

How old are you?

How much time do you spend on the Internet every day?

What do you use the Internet for?

What do you do at IT and Computer Studies lessons?

Why are computer skills useful for everyone?

What would you recommend to a person who spends too much time on the Internet?

Блок 15.

What is your favourite school subject?

When did you start learning English?

What do you do at your English lessons?

Do you find learning English easy or difficult? Why?

What other foreign language would you like to learn? Why?

What would you recommend a person do to improve his or her English?

Блок 16.

1.What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

2.How often do you go to the cinema or to the theatre?

3. How much time do you usually watch TV every day?

4. What TV programmes are popular in your family?

5. Do you prefer TV or the Internet? Why?

6. What TV programm would you recommend your friends watch?

Блок 17.

1. How long have you been living in your city, town or village?

2. What is the place where you live famous for?

3. When was your city, town or village founded?

4. What season is the best for visiting your city, town or village, why?

5. What is your favourite place in your city, town or village? Why do you like it?

6. What place in your home town would you recommend visiting?

Блок 18.

1.What foreign languages can you learn in your school?

2. How many English lessons a week do you have?

3. For what reasons do people learn foreign languages nowadays?

4. What is the most effective way to learn a foreign language in your opinion?

5. Do you think English will be useful for you in your future? In what way?

6. What language would you recommend to your English-speaking friend learn? Why?

Блок 19.

1. What time do you usually go to bed in the evening?

2. How much time do you spend doing your homework?

3. What sports do you do regularly?

4. What do you do to help your paernts about the house?

5. How do you spend your weekends?

6. What would you like to change in your daily routine?

Блок 20.

1. What grade are you in?

2. How many classes a day do you usually have?

3. What spors facilities do you have in your school?

4. What is your school uniform like?

5. What school events do you have during a school year?

6. What would you like to improve in your school?

Блок 21.

1. How old are you?

2.How many times a week do you do sports?

3. What sport is the most popular among teenagers in your region?

4. What sports facilities are available in your region?

5. Why do you think it is important to keep fit?

6. What would you advise to person who wants to keep fit?

Блок 22.

1. How old were you when you first srarted using a computer?

2. In what lessons at school do you use a computer?

3. What do you use your computer for?

4. What do the members of your family use the computer for?

5. Which jobs need computer skills in your view?

6. In what way have computers make people’s life easier?

Блок 23.

1. How old were you when you started reading?

2. What do you like to read about?

3. Who is your favourite writer?

4. What do you usually do in your Literature lessons?

5. What do you like to do in your free time apart reading?

6. What books do you prefer reading: printed books or e-books? Why?

Блок 24.

1.What colour of clothes do you prefer wearing?

2. What clothes do you usually wear?

3. How often do ypu go shopping for clothes?

4. Who do usually go shopping with?

5. Do you have to wear school uniform? If so how does it look like?

6.Does a career as a carreer as a fashion designer attract you or not? Why?

Блок 25.

1. Where is your home town located?

2. What is your home town famous for?

3.What is your favourite place in your home town? Why do you like it?

4. What environmental problems do you have in your home town? If any?

5. Is it better to live in the country or in the city? Why?

6. What would you like to improve in your home town to make it a better place to live?

Блок 26.

1.How many days a week do you go to school?

2. When do you go to bed in the evening?

3. How do you spend your mornings?

4. What means of transport do you use to get to school?

5. What do yoy usually have for lunch?

6. What would you recommend to a teenager who wants to keep fit?

Блок 27.

1. How many lessons do you usually have?

2. What do you usually do after lessons?

3. How much time do you need to do your homework?

4. Who helps you to do your homework?

5. Do you yse the internet to do your homework? What for?

6. What would you recommend to a student who wants to spend less time on homework?

Приветствую, мои дорогие читатели.

Я знаю, что русскоговорящих школьников безумно пугает сдача устных экзаменов. А устная часть ОГЭ по английскому языку кажется совершенно невыполнимой (не говоря уже о ЕГЭ). Но поверьте мне, правильная и своевременная подготовка — все что нужно, чтобы высший балл на тесте вам был беспечен. Поэтому сегодня нас ждет полный разбор устной части, а также примеры заданий с ответами.

Кстати, недавно я начала делать разборы заданий ОГЭ по английскому в видео. Практикуйтесь вместе со мной!


Что это такое и что изменилось за последние годы

Устная часть тестирования на ОГЭ занимает всего 15 минут! Но за 15 минут вы должны показать все, на что способны. Вас проверят на все: на произношение и скорость речи, на способность понимать вопросы и давать быстрый и четкий ответ на них, на ваше умение вести неподготовленную речь на протяжении 2 минут.

Вам придется справляться с целыми тремя заданиями (раньше их было два): нужно будет прочитать текст вслух, ответить на вопросы диалога, а также сделать монолог по теме на основе плана (раньше давали картинку в качестве опоры). Кажется, все совершенно отличается от того, что было всего 6-7 лет назад.

Приступим к разбору устной части

Часть 1

Часть 2

Часть 3

(Кликайте по ссылкам, чтобы перейти к описанию и разбору заданий).

Устная часть состоит, как я уже говорила, из 3 частей, которые суммарно по времени занимают 15 минут, из которых 6 минут идут непосредственно на ответ, а остальное — на подготовку. Все задания идут одним за другим, без пауз. Поэтому важно тренироваться выполнять все три устных задания один за другим. При этом засекая для себя время.

  • Часть 1 — чтение отрывка текста.

Задание кажется несложным, правда? Особенно, если учесть, что предварительно вам дается 1,5 минуты на прочтение. А после этого — еще 2 минуты на прочтение вслух. Читать вы должны четко, понятно, с корректным произношением  звуков и  правильными интонациями. И у вас есть всего 5 шансов на ошибку. После этого — баллы снижают (то есть вы получите 1 или 0 баллов из 2 возможных!).

Давайте разберем пример (щелкните мышкой по картинке для увеличения).

watermarked - oge-chtenie

В первую очередь, обратите внимание на чтение долгих и коротких звуков. Красным цветом я подчеркнула слова с долгим и коротким [i].

different,  lived,   hidden,   — здесь ударные звуки  читаются как короткие

people,  believed, needed,  — а здесь они читаются как долгие

Чувствуете разницу? Пошли дальше

Синим цветом я подчеркнула слова, в которых есть короткий и долгий [u]

room,  tools — здесь звук долгий

could,   put — здесь он короткий

Зеленым цветом я выделила слова, где можно заметить звук [a], но опять же по долготе они будут отличаться:

dark — долгий звук

hunters — короткий звук

Очень важным моментом здесь является правильное произношение межзубных звуков (слова в тексте подчеркнуты желтым), которые дети так часто любят заменять русскими [в, ф] или [c, з].

sympathetic,    they  —  язык зажали зубами и вперед!

В желтые рамки я поместила фразы на которых хочу показать различия в интонациях. В первом случае мы видим специальный вопрос — а в таких типах вопросов интонация должна быть нисходящей, другими словами, она должна падать. Послушайте

Вторая фраза — вводная конструкция, которую, во-первых, необходимо отделить от остальной части предложения паузой, а во-вторых, прочитать с восходящей интонацией. Послушайте.

Надеюсь, вы услышали разницу! Соблюдайте основные правила чтения английских букв в словах , дорогие мои,  и оценивающие ваш ответ с большим удовольствием поставят вам высший балл!

Предлагаю также посмотреть и послушать прочтение отрывка с сайта ФИПИ. Там я также даю комментарии по некоторым словам:

  • Часть 2 — ответы на вопросы.

Задание этой части  — диалог, где вам придется ответить на 6 вопросов. Эта часть теста создана для того, чтобы проверить, насколько быстро, правильно и грамотно студент может использовать иностранную речь.

За каждый ответ на вопрос вы можете получить по 1 баллу. Если же вы отвечаете слишком коротко там, где требуются раскрытые ответы, или делаете много лексических или грамматических ошибок — вы не получаете свой балл за ответ.

Что я могу вам посоветовать — так это выучить парочку клише для тех ответов, где потребуется выразить свое мнение или дать совет. Например:

In my opinion… — По моему мнению…

From my point of view… — C моей точки зрения

I believe…  — Я считаю …

I would recommend… — Я бы посоветовал(а)…

Youd better do… — Вам лучше сделать…

You should do.…  Вам стоит делать…

Кроме этого, важно — отвечать четко на поставленный вопрос, не уходя в дебри и соблюдать грамматические правила!

Итак, пример задания в формате вопрос-ответ:

How old are you?

—   I’m 15 years old.

What’s your hobby and why are you interested in it?

 — My hobby is swimming. I’m interested in it because I adore swimming — it makes me cheerful and confident.

How much time a week do you spend on your hobby?

 —  As a rule, I spend on it about 4 hours a week.

What hobbies are the most popular with teenagers nowadays?

 — From my point of view the most popular hobbies with teenagers now are computer games and some extreme sports like snowboarding.

Why do you think people take up hobbies?

 — In my opinion people take up hobbies in order to find new friends, to get some new skills and just to feel happier.

What would you advise a person who wants to start a hobby?

You should find a hobby which will give you pleasure. If I were you I would go to the nearest sports club and find out what they offer…

В данном видео я очень подробно разбираю задание с сайта ФИПИ: 6 вопросов и возможные ответы на них в устной части ОГЭ по английскому. Рекомендую тем, кто готовится:

  • Часть 3 — монолог с опорой на пункты плана.

На подготовку этого задания вам дадут 1,5 минуты, а на выполнение — 2 минуты. Перед глазами у вас будет план, состоящий из 4-х пунктов, которые требуется раскрыть. Это задание сложное, скажу честно, но и оценивается оно в целых 7 баллов.

Кстати, совсем недавно к этому заданию предлагалась картинка — для наглядности. Но ее решили убрать. Теперь вам в помощь только пункты плана и воображение.

Давайте посмотрим пример:

-Why people like travelling.

-What way of travelling you prefer and why.

-Whether you prefer to be a package tourist or to be a backpacking traveler. Why.

-What travelling gives you.

Мой ответ был бы следующим:

«And now I am going to talk about travelling.

People may travel for different reasons. For one group of people it may be the chance  to spend their vacation at a completely different place from the one they are used to. For others it may be the way of living — their lifestyle.

Personally I prefer sight-seeing type of travelling. As I am keen on history I cannot stand the idea of not visiting all the historical places in Europe or Asia. What is more, I prefer travelling by bus as it allows me to spend a lot of time on the road and think about everything I need. Besides, it is much cheaper than travelling by plane.

According to this I may conclude that I am an absolutely backpacking traveler. The idea that you can spend one day in one city and move to another part of the country the following day appeals to me very much.

In the end I would like to say, that travelling broadens our minds and gives us an amazing experience we will never forget. Besides, you will be left with unforgettable  memories. What can be better?»

У меня для вас есть еще и видео разбор монолога. Кроме этого, в данном видео я рассказываю о том, по каким критериям оценивают ответ учащегося. В описании к видео (на сайте YouTube) есть ссылки на нужные места, чтобы вы могли без труда переходить на них.

Как готовиться

Подготовка к устному экзамену — дело сложное. Но вот найти тренажер по нему будет не так уж сложно. Могу посоветовать вам следующих помощников:

  • «Английский язык. ОГЭ. Устная часть». Автор — Радислав Мильруд.
  • Пособие серии Forward, посвященное практики этой части экзамена.

Тренировочные задания в этих учебниках подобраны специально под уровень, а их количества вам хватит для практики. Что еще важно — так это то, что купить их можно в любом книжном магазине (в том числе и интернет-магазинах).

Вариант полегче и, конечно, поэффективнее — использовать помощь профессионалов воочию — например, в школе Foxford. Там можно найти действительно отличного преподавателя, который сможет подготовить учащегося к экзамену индивидуально или в мини-группе на специальной онлайн платформе. Все как в школе — теория, практика, домашка и ее проверка — только здесь подход более индивидуальный! Ни один вопрос не останется без ответа.

Не забывайте, мои хорошие, что я постоянно делюсь новыми советами, как улучшить свой английский и как лучше подготовиться к экзамену. Подписывайтесь на рассылку моего блога и первыми получайте информацию, как преуспеть на тесте. А если у вас возникли вопросы, смело задавайте их в комментариях!

Кроме этого, могу оказать вам помощь и на платной основе — подробнее на страничке Мои Услуги

А пока я прощаюсь.

До новых встреч.

I have taught TOEFL in MOSCOW for more than 11 years. I have learned many tips and techniques about how to earn a high TOEFL score. One of the most difficult parts in every TOELF test is its speaking part. It consists of 6 questions. It is not enough just to speak English well to get the maximum points possible on the test.

- George

Обучаю разговорному английскому. Помогу Вам подготовиться к TOEFL или ЕГЭ.

За полгода вывожу ученика начального уровня на уровень уверенного общения, свободного выражения своих мыслей. Специализируюсь на экспресс-методах обучения.

- Игорь


  • 1 Видеоурок
  • 2 Вопросы из открытого банка заданий ФИПИ
    • 2.1 Mobile phones [2DB1DA]
    • 2.2 School holidays [03A791]
    • 2.3 CityTownVillage you live in [3C01C7]
    • 2.4 Holidays and special days [3ED331]
    • 2.5 School [5F4DF5]
    • 2.6 Spending holidays [5F7BAA]
    • 2.7 Learning foreign languages [6A5902]
    • 2.8 Holidays and special days [7B169B]
    • 2.9 TV and TV programmes [7B0352]
    • 2.10 Eating habits [7CDF59]
    • 2.11 Mobile phones [8C71BB]
    • 2.12 School events [16BE35]
    • 2.13 English language learning [52D5FC]
    • 2.14 City/Town/Village [62C267]
    • 2.15 Shopping and shopping centres [66C0FF]
    • 2.16 Using the Internet and spending time online [90A165]
    • 2.17 Your best friend [789EE0]
    • 2.18 Spending free time [04143E]
    • 2.19 Spending weekends  [7183F5]
    • 2.20 Teenagers reading habits [8583F1]
    • 2.21 TV [72473F]
    • 2.22  Homework [82689C]
    • 2.23 Doing sports [767913]
    • 2.24 Teenagers’ daily routines [A0A10F]
    • 2.25 Sports [A1FE75]
    • 2.26 Reading [A47BB9]
    • 2.27 Computers [A84B18]
    • 2.28 Shopping and clothes  [A899F5]
    • 2.29 Ecological problems [A6169B]
    • 2.30 Pets and animals [A9451A]
    • 2.31 Sports at school [B68168]
    • 2.32 Future career [BA3F1A]
    • 2.33 Mass Media [CC4D52]
    • 2.34  Teenagers’ daily routine [CD3132]
    • 2.35 Teenagers’ eating habits[D024B1]
    • 2.36 Sports [DE0708]
    • 2.37 School [DE8560]
    • 2.38 Modern film industry [EFE3AB]
    • 2.39 School students’ daily routines [F00BDE]
    • 2.40 School [F431EF]
    • 2.41 Music and the other arts[274F2C]
  • 3 Материалы для загрузки


Устная часть экзамена  проходит с помощью компьютера, куда записываются ваши ответы. Вам предлагается ответить на 6 заранее записанных вопросов в рамках определенной темы.  Вопросы не повторяются, на экране компьютера не отображаются. Вы воспринимаете их только на слух.  При этом во вступлении к заданию будет названа организация проводящая опрос и его  тема. 

После звукового сигнала у Вас будет 40 секунд на то, чтобы дать ответ. Вам не обязательно начинать сразу же после того, как прозвучал вопрос. Говорить все 40 секунд не нужно. Вы вполне можете позволить себе сделать небольшую паузу для обдумывания ответа. Контролируйте оставшееся у вас время, следя за таймером на экране компьютера.

Каждый правильно данный ответ оценивается в 1 балл, т. е. за успешное выполнение данного задания можно получить максимум 6 баллов.

Вопросы из открытого банка заданий ФИПИ

Mobile phones [2DB1DA]

Список вопросов

1. How old were you when you got your mobile phone?
2. What do you use your mobile phone for, apart from talking?
3. Who do you usually send SMS-s to?
4. How can you use mobile phones to learn foreign languages?
5. Where do you usually switch off your mobile phone?
6. Why are most teachers against using mobile phones at school?

School holidays [03A791]

Список вопросов

1. What grade are you in?
2. How many school holidays do you have?
3. What school holidays do you like best of all?
4. Why do most teenagers enjoy school holidays so much?
5. What do you usually do during your summer holidays?
6. Do you think it is a good idea for a teenager to take a part-time job during the summer holidays? Why?

CityTownVillage you live in [3C01C7]

Список вопросов

1. Where is your hometown located?
2. What is your hometown famous for?
3. What is your favorite place in your hometown? Why do you like it?
4. What environmental problems do you have in your hometown, if any?
5. Is it better to live in the country or in the city? Why?
6. What would you like to improve in your hometown, to make it a better place to live?

Holidays and special days [3ED331]

Список вопросов

1. How old are you?
2. In what season do you have your birthday?
3. How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
4. What is the best birthday present you have ever had?
5. What other holidays and special days are celebrated in your family?
6. What, from your point of view, is the best birthday present for a teenager?

School [5F4DF5]

Список вопросов

1. How many lessons do you usually have?
2. What subject do you find the most difficult?
3. What is your favorite weekday? Why do you like it?
4. What sports facilities do you have in your school?
5. Do you think school uniform is necessary or not? Why do you think so?
6. What would you recommend your friends do to improve their English?

Spending holidays [5F7BAA]

Список вопросов

1. What is your favourite season?
2. Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?
3. What do you like to do during your winter holidays?
4. How often do you and your family travel?
5. What type of transport do you find the most convenient? Why?
6. What place in your country would you recommend a foreign tourist to visit? Why?

Learning foreign languages [6A5902]

Список вопросов

1. What foreign languages can you learn at your school?
2. How many English lessons a week do you have?
3. For what reasons do people learn foreign languages nowadays?
4. What is the most effective way to learn a foreign language in your opinion?
5. Do you think English will be useful for you in the future? In what way?
6. What language would you recommend your English-speaking friend learn? Why?

Holidays and special days [7B169B]

Список вопросов

1. What is your favorite season? Why do you like it?
2. There are a lot of different holidays during the year. What holidays are the most popular in Russia?
3. What is your favorite holiday? Why do you like it?
4. How do you usually celebrate your favorite holiday?
5. What season is the best for visiting the place where you live? Why?
6. What would you recommend to a person who has got a present he or she doesn’t need?

TV and TV programmes [7B0352]

Список вопросов

1. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
2. How often do you go to the cinema or to the theater?
3. How much time do you usually watch TV every day?
4. What TV programmes are popular in your family?
5. Do you prefer TV or the Internet? Why?
6. What TV programme would you recommend your friends watch?

Eating habits [7CDF59]

Список вопросов

1. What is your favorite fruit?
2. What do you usually have for breakfast?
3. Where do you usually have lunch on weekdays?
4. Is there any food you do not like?
5. What dishes can you cook?
6. What food would you recommend to a teenager who wants to be healthy?

Mobile phones [8C71BB]

Список вопросов

1. How old are you?
2. When did you get your first mobile phone?
3. What do you usually use your mobile phone for?
4. How do you feel when you forget your mobile phone at home?
5. Do you think it’s right that mobile phones are not allowed in some schools?
6. In what places would you recommend people switch off or turn down their phones? Why?

School events [16BE35]

Список вопросов

1. How many classes do you usually have a day?
2. What sports facilities do you have in your school?
3. What clubs and societies can you attend in your school?
4. What school events like concerts and performances do you usually have during the school year?
5. Do you enjoy taking part in these school events? Why?
6. What event would you recommend organizing in your school and why?

English language learning [52D5FC]

Список вопросов

1. What is your favorite school subject?
2. When did you start learning English?
3. What do you do in your English lessons?
4. Do you find learning English easy or difficult? Why?
5. What other foreign language would you like to learn and why?
6. What would you recommend a person do to improve his or her English?

City/Town/Village [62C267]

Список вопросов

1. How long have you been living in your city, town or village?
2. What is the place where you live famous for?
3. When was your city, town or village founded?
4. What season is the best for visiting your city, town or village and why?
5. What is your favorite place in your city, town or village? Why do you like it?
6. What place in your hometown would you recommend visiting?

Shopping and shopping centres [66C0FF]

Список вопросов

1. Who usually does the shopping in your family?
2. What can you buy in your nearest shopping centre?
3. How often do you usually go shopping?
4. Why are shopping centres so popular nowadays?
5. Why do some people hate shopping?
6. What time would you recommend for busy people should go shopping?

Using the Internet and spending time online [90A165]

Список вопросов

1. How old are you?
2. How much time do you spend on the Internet every day?
3. What do you use the Internet for?
4. What do you do in Information Technology or Computer Study lessons?
5. Why are computer skills useful for everyone?
6. What would you recommend to a person who spends too much time on the Internet?

Your best friend [789EE0]

Список вопросов

1. What is your best friend like?
2. Where did you and your friend meet for the first time?
3. How often do you see each other?
4. What do you like to do together?
5. What career is your best friend going to follow?
6. What would you recommend to a teenager who wants to be a good friend?

Spending free time [04143E]

Список вопросов

1. How much free time do you have on weekdays?
2. How do you and your friends usually spend your free time?
3. Who do you prefer to spend your free time with?
4. What after-school activities do you take part in?
5. Do you think everyone should find some time for doing sports? Why?
6. What hobby would you do if you had more free time?

Spending weekends  [7183F5]

Список вопросов

1. How old are you?
2. What is your favourite day of the week? Why do you like it?
3. When do you usually get up at weekends?
4. How do you usually spend your weekends?
5. What sport or hobby do you think you might like to try in the future?
6. What would you recommend to a student who wants to make his or her weekends more interesting?

Teenagers reading habits [8583F1]

Список вопросов

1. What kind of books do you like to read?
2. Who is your favourite writer?
3. How often do you borrow books from the library?
4. Why do you think teenagers are reading less and less now?
5. How can reading English books help students to improve their English?
6. What book would you recommend to your friend who wants to read something for pleasure and why?

TV [72473F]

Список вопросов

1. How many TV sets are there in your house?
2. Who watches most TV in your family?
3. How much time a day do you spend watching TV?
4. What kinds of TV programmes do you like?
5. Would you like to take part in a TV show, for example in a quiz show? Why?
6. Does a career on TV attract you or not? Why?

 Homework [82689C]

Список вопросов

1. How many lessons do you usually have?
2. What do you usually do after lessons?
3. How much time do you need to do your homework?
4. Who helps you to do your homework?
5. Do you use the Internet when you do your homework? What for?
6. What would you recommend to a student who wants to spend less time on his or her homework?

Doing sports [767913]

Список вопросов

1. How old are you?
2. How many times a week do you do sports?
3. What sport is the most popular with teenagers in your region?
4. What sports facilities are available in the place where you live?
5. Why do you think it is important to keep fit?
6. What would you advise a person who wants to keep fit?

Teenagers’ daily routines [A0A10F]

Список вопросов

1. When do you get up on weekdays?
2. What do you prefer to eat for breakfast in the morning?
3. How long does it take you to get to school?
4. What is your favourite part of the day: morning, afternoon or evening? Why do you like it?
5. What do you do to help your parents about the house?
6. What would you recommend to teenagers who are often late for school?

Sports [A1FE75]

Список вопросов

1. How many lessons of P.E. (Physical Education) do you have a week?
2. What sports facilities do you have in your school?
3. What sport do you do regularly?
4. What winter sports are popular with you and your friends?
5. Would you like to do any extreme sports? Why or why not?
6. What would you recommend to a teenager who wants to be healthy and fit?

Reading [A47BB9]

Список вопросов

1. How old were you when you learn to read?
2. What do you like to read about?
3. Who is your favourite writer?
4. What do you usually do in Literature lessons?
5. What do you like to do in your free time apart from reading?
6. What books do you prefer: printed books or e-books? Why?

Computers [A84B18]

Список вопросов

1. How old were you when you started using the computer?
2. In what lessons at school do you use computers?
3. What do you use your computer for?
4. What do the members of your family use computers for?
5. Which jobs need good computer skills in your view?
6. In what way have computers made people’s life easier?

Shopping and clothes  [A899F5]

Список вопросов

1. What colour of clothes do you prefer wearing?
2. What clothes do you usually wear?
3. How often do you go shopping for clothes?
4. Who do you usually go shopping with?
5. Do you have to wear a school uniform? If so, what is it like?
6. Does a career as a fashion designer attract you or not? Why?

Ecological problems [A6169B]

Список вопросов

1. Where would you like to live: in a big city or in the country?
2. What are the advantages of living in the country?
3. What is the main ecological problem in the place where you live?
4. Do you and your friends care about ecological problems? Why?
5. Have you ever taken part in any ecological projects at school?
6. What would you recommend to a person who wants to improve the ecological situation in his or her hometown?

Pets and animals [A9451A]

Список вопросов

1. What is your favourite animal? Why do you like it?
2. What pets are the most popular in Russia in your view?
3. Is it right for people to keep exotic animals as pets? Why?
4. What can people do to help homeless animals?
5. Why do you think most children like visiting zoos?
6. Does a career as a vet attract you or not? Why?

Sports at school [B68168]

Список вопросов

1. How many Physical Education lessons a week do you have?
2. What sports facilities do you have at school?
3. What do you do in your Physical Education lessons?
4. What sports do you do regularly?
5. Do you think the winter is a good season for doing sports or not? Why?
6. What would you recommend to a teenager who wants to stay fit and healthy?

Future career [BA3F1A]

Список вопросов

1. What is your favourite school subject?
2. What do you like to do in your free time?
3. What part-time job would you like to do during the school holidays, if any?
4. What career would you like to choose after finishing school? Why?
5. Do you think English will be useful for you in the future? In what way?
6. What would you recommend to a teenager who can’t choose a career?

Mass Media [CC4D52]

Список вопросов

1. Where do you prefer to get news from: radio, newspapers, the Internet or some other source?
2. Who listens to the radio in your family?
3. What kind of TV programmes do you like to watch?
4. How often do you buy a newspaper or a magazine?
5. For what purposes do you use the Internet?
6. Why, in your opinion, do a lot of people prefer learning the news from the Internet?

 Teenagers’ daily routine [CD3132]

Список вопросов

1. How many days a week do you go to school?
2. When do you go to bed in the evening?
3. How do you spend your mornings?
4. What means of transport do you use to get to school?
5. What do you usually have for lunch?
6. What would you recommend to a teenager who wants to stay fit and healthy?

Teenagers’ eating habits[D024B1]

Список вопросов

1. How many meals a day do you usually have?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What do you usually have for lunch at school?
4. Do you prefer fast food or home made food? Why?
5. Would you like to take part in a TV cookery show? For example, cooking your favorite dish in a TV studio? Why?
6. What would you recommend to a teenager who wants to keep fit?

Sports [DE0708]

Список вопросов

1. What do you do in your Physical Education lessons at school?
2. Do you do your morning exercises or not? Why?
3. What sports do you like playing?
4. What sports competitions do you enjoy watching?
5. Is there any sport you would like to play professionally? Why?
6. What would you recommend to a teenager who wants to stay fit and healthy?

School [DE8560]

Список вопросов

1. How many days a week do you go to school?
2. What subjects are you good at?
3. What sports facilities do you have in your school?
4. What after-school activities does your school offer?
5. What do you like most about your school?
6. What would you recommend to a student who wants to improve his or her school results?

Modern film industry [EFE3AB]

Список вопросов

1. How often do you go to the cinema?
2. What kinds of films do you like most?
3. Why do you think many people prefer watching films at home?
4. What do you like to do in your free time?
5. How can films in English help students improve their English?
6. What film would you recommend your friends see and why?

School students’ daily routines [F00BDE]

Список вопросов

1. What time do you usually go to bed in the evening?
2. How much time do you spend doing your homework?
3. What sports do you do regularly?
4. What do you do to help your parents about the house?
5. How do you spend your weekends?
6. What would you like to change in your daily routine?

School [F431EF]

Список вопросов

1. What grade are you in?
2. How many classes a day do you usually have?
3. What sports facilities are there in your school?
4. What is your school uniform like?
5. What school events do you have during your school year?
6. What would you like to improve in your school?

Music and the other arts[274F2C]

Список вопросов

1. What kind of music do you usually listen to?
2. What musical instrument would you like to learn to play?
3. What clubs or societies can you attend in your school?
4. How often do you have school concerts and performances?
5. What would you prefer: going to the theatre or watching a film at home? Why?
6. What would you recommend to your friends who want to make their free time more interesting?

Материалы для загрузки

Вопросы из условного диалога-расспроса по темам из открытого банка заданий ФИПИ (файл Microsoft Word)

Условный диалог-расспрос с введением

Условный диалог-расспрос без введения

Пройти тестирование по этим заданиям
Вернуться к каталогу заданий

Версия для печати и копирования в MS Word


You are going to give a talk about travelling. You will have to start in 1,5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences). Remember to say:

— what people travel for;

— why people choose different means of transport;

— why some people are afraid to fly;

— what your attitude to travelling is.

You have to talk continuously.


You are going to give a talk about sports in Russia. You will have to start in 1,5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences). Remember to say:

— what sports are popular in Russia;

— why people choose different kinds of sport;

— what famous Russian sportsman you know;

— what your attitude to sport is.

You have to talk continuously.


You are going to give a talk about national food in Russia. You will have to start in 1,5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences). Remember to say:

— what national food is popular in Russia;

— what Russian food can be really specific for foreigners;

— what the traditional dishes in your family are;

— what your attitude to national food is.

You have to talk continuously.


You are going to give a talk about choosing a career. You will have to start in 1,5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences). Remember to say:

— how people choose a career;

— when people usually begin making plans for the future;

— how we can prepare for the future profession;

— what your choice of future profession is.

You have to talk continuously.


You are going to give a talk about education. You will have to start in 1,5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences). Remember to say:

— why education is important;

— how long compulsory education in Russia is;

— what your favourite subject is;

— what your ideas of your future job are.

You have to talk continuously.

Пройти тестирование по этим заданиям

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