Вопросы про брата на английском егэ

Задание “Письмо” на ЕГЭ по английскому языку является заданием базового уровня сложности и похоже на аналогичное задание в экзамене ОГЭ, но главное отличие состоит в том, что в письме на ЕГЭ нужно написать три вопроса другу на заданную тему.

Рекомендую выполнять не более 20 минут, а после определенной тренировки ученик сможет писать это письмо сразу в бланк ответа на экзамене, чтобы не терять драгоценное время при переписывании с черновика на чистовик, что я бы и порекомендовала.

Максимум за это задание можно получить 6 баллов, и сделать это легко, если правильно понимать, по каким критериям эксперты оценивают письмо.

А вообще, чтобы написать задание 37 на максимальное количество баллов, советую приобрести учебник по написанию письма.

Критерии оценки

На сайте ФИПИ можно найти следующий документ с критериями оценки письма:

Рекомендую обратить внимание еще на дополнительную схему, беру её с учениками на уроке для наглядности оценивания:

Не будем пугаться многобукаф, а разберем каждый критерий подробнее на примере ответа на вот это письмо-стимул.

Решение коммуникативной задачи (2 балла)

Возьмем первую колонку слева “решение коммуникативной задачи”. Что в этом пункте хотят составители экзамена?! Чтобы он:

    • дал ответы на 3 вопроса (What is the weather like in Russia in summer? What is your favourite season and why this one? What are your plans for the summer?) + задал 3 вопроса по теме (ask 3 questions about his uncle)
    • писал неофициально (В письме использовал сокращения, например, don’t вместо полной формы do not и разговорные фразы, вроде It’s amazing to get news from you!)
    • правильно оформил письмо. То есть, корректно написал вступление и заключение (пример, как их писать правильно, будет ниже)
    • не завысил и не снизил объем письма.

В тексте задания написано, что допустимый объем – 100-140 слов, но экспертами допускается отклонение на 10% в любую сторону, то есть фактически можно написать 90-154 слов. И если будет написано меньше, то письмо не будут проверять вообще (значит ученик получит 0 баллов), а если написано больше – отчеркнут 140 слов, и все, что дальше, проверять не будут. Следовательно, если в эти 140 заветных слов не попали завершающая фраза, или ссылка на дальнейшие контакты, проверяющий просто поставит минусы по этим критериям. Но по факту, если строго следовать образцу ниже, 154+ слов написать затруднительно.

Кстати, про критерии подсчета слов. Считаются все слова, с первого слова по последнее, включая вспомогательные глаголы, предлоги, артикли, частицы. Подпись также подлежат подсчёту. При этом:

         стяжённые (краткие) формы can’t, didn’t, isn’t, I’m и т.п. считаются как одно слово;

         числительные, выраженные цифрами, т.е. 1, 25, 2009, 126 204 и т.п., считаются как одно слово;

         числительные, выраженные цифрами, вместе с условным обозначением процентов, т.е. 25%, 100% и т.п., считаются как одно слово;

         числительные, выраженные словами, считаются как слова;

         сложные слова, такие как good-looking, well-bred, English-speaking, twenty-five, считаются как одно слово;

         сокращения, например USA, e-mail, TV, CD-rom, считаются как одно слово;

         слова, написанные неправильно, например, без дефиса well bread, будут составлять при подсчете 2 слова, а написанные wellbread как одно (т.е. подсчет идет по факту написания).

Вы обратили внимание на примечание под критериями оценки письма?! Надеюсь, обратили, и будете понимать, что если ученик получит 0 за коммуникативный аспект, то и за все письмо поставят 0. Но сделать это может только невменяемый человек, который попал на ЕГЭ по английскому, потому что ошибся дверью, то есть с теми, кто готовится к этому заданию, такое вряд ли случится.

А теперь “скелет” письма, который выдаю своим ученикам. Предлагаю брать его за основу и просто добавлять всю запрашиваемую информацию.

(красная строка) Dear Yoda,   (обращение)

(красная строка) Thank you for your recent letter. I hope you’re ok. (благодарность за письмо)

(красная строка) In your letter you write that … (тут мы реагируем на вести от друга, в нашем примере у него как раз начались летние каникулы, поэтому здесь подойдет “In your letter you write that you’re going to have a long holiday. That’s amazing!”) Далее – ответы на 3 вопроса.

(красная строка) As for your news, I have some questions about … (Плавно переходим к вопросам другу)

(красная строка) Now it’s time to finish my letter. Write back soon. (вежливое завершение письма+упоминание о дальнейших контактах)

(красная строка) All the best, (завершающая фраза)

(красная строка) Luke (подпись)

42 слова.

Нам осталось при ответах на вопросы + в своих вопросах написать еще около 30-45 слов, чтобы попасть в необходимое число слов.

Организация текста (2 балла)

Здесь ученика балуют 2 баллами, если он:

  • логично пишет (в смысле, отвечает на все вопросы последовательно, а не путает местами ответы на вопросы, не начинает отвечать на первый вопрос, потом отвечает на второй и снова перескакивает к ответу на первый) + использует средства логической связи (because, so, and, that’s why, for, however и подобные им)
  • поделил текст на абзацы + написал адрес-дату-вступление-заключение с красной строки (как в скелете письма выше)

Языковое оформление высказывания (2 балла)

Для получения 2 баллов нужно всего лишь сделать не больше 2 негрубых грамматических и лексических ошибок, а также не более 2-ух негрубых пунктуационных ошибок. Если их от 2-4 (лексико-грамматических или пунктуационных), то ученик получит 1 балл, в больше 4-х – 0 баллов за языковое оформление высказывания.

Что это за грубая ошибка такая? Как ее отличить от негрубой?

Это когда 11-классник допускает ошибку в базовой грамматике или лексике – неправильно употребляет время, путает порядок слов в предложении, не может согласовать число и лицо подлежащего и сказуемого, пишет неопределенный артикль перед множественным числом, употребляет существительное вместо прилагательного, не знает значения или написания элементарных слов – в общем, все то, что существенно затрудняет понимание написанного.

Еще я бы хотела рассказать, как классифицировать ошибки в письме.

Лексические ошибки

Давайте разберем, какие ошибки носят гордое название “Лексические”. Это:

  • неправильно употребленное слово в контексте (I wouldn’t speak so вместо I wouldn’t say so)
  • ошибка в сочетаемости (make homework вместо do homework)
  • пропуск слова, если он не влияет на грамматическую структуру предложения (I am very well familiar (пропущен предлог with) the topic)
  • ошибки в словообразовании, если часть речи не меняется (например, unresponsible вместо irresponsible)
  • ошибка в фразовом глаголе (give in smoking вместо give up smoking)
  • орфографическая ошибка, которая меняет значение слова (thing вместо think, whether вместо weather)

Грамматические ошибки

Эксперт при проверке задания 37 выносит на поля грамматическую ошибку, если ошибка:

  • в любой грамматической форме, будь то форма глагола, множественного числа сущ., степени сравнения и в любой теме из раздела “Грамматические темы” кодификатора
  • в порядке слов в предложении (например, I don’t know what are you talking about. – Во второй части предложения обратный порядок слов, хотя знака вопроса не стоит)
  • есть пропуск слова, влияющий на структуру предложения (например, I fond of summer rather than winter. – Отсутствует глагол-связка “am”)
  • в словообразовании, если меняется часть речи (например, хотели написать “политик” (politician), а написали politic (политический)

Орфографические и пунктуационные ошибки

В письме орфографическими ошибками считаются:

  • Все ошибки, не меняющие значения слова (например, collegue, becouse, languaege)
    (Если ошибка меняет значение слова, она становится лексической – например, thing вместо think, whether вместо weather)
  • Если слово в работе написано один раз правильно, а остальные – неправильно, это считается ошибкой
  • Если буква или слово написаны неразборчиво, слово считается написанным неверно

Во всей письменной части экзамена ученик может выбрать либо британский, либо американский вариант написания слова – favourite/ favorite, colour/ color, drugstore/ pharmacy, crisps/ chips. И придерживаться выбранного варианта до конца. То есть, если в одном предложении написано colour, а в другом – favorite, такая вариативность будет записана в число ошибок.

Теперь про пунктуацию. Не забудьте про сокращения в письме (в отличие от задания 40, где они отнимут у вас баллы) – смело пишите всякие don’t, musnt’t, aren’t и т.п.

Если работа будет написана “как курица лапой” (привет учителям русского языка из моего детства=)) – то есть, в ней много зачеркиваний – эксперт имеет право снизить оценку на полбалла.

На самом деле, получить максимум – 6 баллов – за выполнение этого задания совсем несложно, надо просто хорошо попрактиковаться.


А вот образец письма на максимум 6 баллов, ответ на письмо-стимул про здоровый образ жизни выше:

Dear Ronny,

Thank you for your recent letter. I hope you’re ok.

In your letter you write that you’re going to have a long holiday. That’s amazing! I hope the weather would help you enjoy your holiday. We usually have hot weather in Russia in summer, with occasional thunderstorms. My favourite season is definitely summer because we have really long school holidays in summer and I can go to visit my granny in the countryside and play with my friends. This summer we are going to visit my granny too and after that we’ll go to the seaside.

As for your news, I have some questions about your uncle Keith. How old is he? Does he work or study? Where does he live?

Now it’s time to finish my letter. Write back soon.

All the best,


138 слов

Как писать

Итак, получаете задание, что нужно делать:

  1. Внимательно читаем письмо, смотрим на имя друга и его пишем в начале письма. Будете смеяться, но некоторые как выучили шаблон, так и пишут везде Dear Yoda, не важно, от кого письмо на самом деле – От Леи или Хана Соло.
  2. Изучаем вопросы и думаем, как будем отвечать на них. Обратите внимание, что есть коварные вопросы, которые выглядят как один, а на самом деле их там два! Например, Do you like watching films, why? Надо написать не только да-нет, но еще обосновать точку зрения. Или Where and when do you usually go shopping? Где и когда – два вопросительных слова, и ответа на них тоже должно быть два. Поэтому односложные ответы на такие вопросы ведут к потере баллов.
  3. Смотрим на тему, по которой нужно задать вопросы. Внимание! Она написана не в конце письма, а в задании ниже текста письма! Здесь ученики делают больше всего ляпов – посмотрят, чем заканчивается письмо, и давай спрашивать, на чем друг остановился. А задание-то другое! И поставят им -1 балл за невыполнение коммуникативной задачи. Вот пример такого письма-ловушки:
    … In our city we have an annual competition for teenagers who make their own short films. This year I got the second prize for a film about my grandparents. Do you think it’s important to record family history? Who do you think should do it? How can it be done best? This month is my mom’s birthday and now I am thinking about a gift for her. I want it to be very special…
    Write a letter to Tom. In your letter-
    − answer his questions-
    − ask 3 questions about his mom
    Видите конец письма? Про день рождения мамы и про подарок на него. А вопросы нужно задать про маму! Поэтому вопросы в стиле Where are you going to celebrate your mom’s birthday? What are you planning to present her? Will she invite a lot of people to her party? будут не по теме.
    В тему здесь будет спросить How old is your mom? Where does she work? What does she look like?
  4. Написать письмо, правильно разделив его на абзацы и отступив красную строку (или можно строчку между абзацами пропустить не важно) и проверить себя на ошибки. Наиболее частыми ошибками у учащихся при написании письма являются:
    – артикли (забывают о них вообще, или ставят не те)
    – времена (временной маркер показывает на present perfect, а пишут past simple)
    – правописание (beautifull вместо beautiful или буквы в словах из-за спешки пропускают)
    Anyway, сдающих экзамен всегда вооружаю золотым правилом: Не знаешь или сомневаешься – не пиши! Замени синонимом или вообще убери плохо знакомое слово из текста.
  5. Подсчитайте, сколько слов получилось. Нужно – 100-140. На погрешность 90 – 154 советую не рассчитывать, мало ли, обсчитаетесь из-за спешки, и балл снимут, обидно будет.
  6. Когда будете переписывать свой ответ в экзаменационный бланк, не забудьте в начале написать номер задания – Задание 37. Организуйте свое время так, чтобы на экзамене вы успели переписать все письменное задание в бланк. Сочинение, написанное на черновик, не проверяется.


Подготовка к этому заданию не отнимет много времени и нервов ни у вас, ни у ученика. Объясняете схему написания письма и пишете-пишете-пишете. Еще очень полезно разбирать письма предыдущих лет и давать ученикам самим оценить ту или иную работу. Чтобы сам понимал, за что и сколько баллов могут снять и учился на чужих ошибках. Утопия, конечно, но мало ли, научится. Если не накопилось своих примеров писем учеников, их можно найти здесь наряду с критериями оценки и примерами разбора ошибок.

Письма советую брать в соответствии с лексической темой, которую сейчас проходите. Поможет с рециркуляцией лексики (например, у меня в Плане ЕГЭ так и сделано). Кроме Открытого банка заданий ЕГЭ, который я всегда рекомендую в первую очередь, письма-стимулы можно брать еще и отсюда:  учебник по написанию личного письма.

P.S. Про разделы и стратегии выполнения заданий по ЕГЭ можно почитать:

Аудирование или задания 1 — 9
Чтение или задания 10 — 18
Грамматика или задания 19 — 25
Словообразование или задания 26 — 31
Лексика или задания 32-38
Личное письмо или задание 39
Проект или задание 40
Устная часть. Задание 1
Устная часть, Задание 2
Устная часть, Задание 3
Устная часть, Задание 4

ELTgram от Ирины Кузнецовой

7 июля 2022

В закладки



10 тем для написания письма.


1. By the way, we are going to Greece this this summer
— Ask 3 questions about his trip to Greece

2. Next week I’m going hiking with my classmates
— Ask 3 questions about his hiking plans

3. I have some good news! My sister had a great birthday party yesterday!
— Ask 3 questions about her sister’s birthday party

4. Last week my Dad organized a picnic for all our family
— Ask 3 questions about the family picnic

5. This month is my mom’s birthday and now I’m thinking about a gift for her. I want it to be very special.
— Ask 3 questions about his mom

6. My younger sister Ann has started taking swimming lessons
— Ask 3 questions about his sister

7. We have 2 new classmates. They have just moved to our town.
— Ask 3 questions about her new classmates

8. Yesterday my friends and I went to the cinema to watch a new film.
— Ask 3 questions about the new film

9. Next week I’m presenting my project in history
— Ask 3 questions about his project

10. I’ve got a wonderful book as a birthday present
— Ask 3 questions about his new book

1. How long is your trip to Greece going to be?
Where are you going to stay in Greece?
Who are you going to travel with?
Is your trip going to be expensive?

2. What are you going to take with you?
How long are you going to be on the hike?
At what time are going to set off?

3. Where did the party take place?
How long did the party last?
Was there a cozy/homely atmosphere at the party?

4. How long was the picnic?
What food did you have at the family picnic?
Was the picnic near the river or in the park?

5. How old is your mother?
What does your mother like?
What does your mother look like?

6. What is your sister like?
What hobbies does your sister have?
Is your sister hardworking or lazy?
How old is your sister?

7. What are your new classmates’ names?
Where are your new classmates from?
What are they like?
Have they already made new friends?

8. What was the film about?
Who was the film directed by?
Was the film exciting?
Was the film a comedy or an action?

9. What sources of information is your project based on?
How many pages are there in your project?
What events are described in your project?
Are there any pictures or illustrations in your project?
What is the topic of your project?

10. What is the book about?
Who is the author of your new book?
Are there many illustrations in the book?
What events are described in the book?
How many pages are there in the book?
How many chapters are there in the book?
Is it easy to read this book?

Автор: Копанева П.Д.


1. List of Active Vocabulary (45-50)

  1. family- семья
  2. mother(mum)-мама
  3. father(dad)-папа
  4. grandmother-бабушка
  5. grandfather-дедушка
  6. great grandmother-прабабушка
  7. great grandfather-прадедушка
  8. grandparents- бабушка и дедушка
  9. sister-сестра
  10. brother-брат

     11. cousin-двоюродный брат/сестра

12 aunt-тетя

13 uncle-дядя

14  household-1)семья, домочадцы; 2) домашнее хозяйство; 3) домашний,                      семейный

15 background-1) задний план, фон; 2) опыт

16 in-low- родственники по мужу/жене

17 childcare- забота о детях

18 extended family- большая семья

19 cosy- уютный

20 caring-забота

21 to share- 1)делить, распределять, 2) владеть совместно,3) иметь долю

22 to respect- уважать

23 security- безопасность

24 comfort- 1) утешение, успокоение;2) покои;3) комфорт;4) удобства

25 privacy- 1) уединение, одиночество;2) тайна, секретность

26 trust-доверие

27 lack of- недостаток чего-либо

28 to treat- 1)обращаться, обходиться 2) рассматривать, трактовать 3) договариваться 4) удовольствие, наслаждение 5) угощение

29 nag-бранить

30 act like-вести себя как..

31 fair share- справедливое распределение (обязанностей)

32 foster parents- приемные родители

33 to run the house-вести хозяйство

34 to feel a bit jealous-чувствовать зависть

35 wife- жена

36 husband -муж

37 individuality- индивидуальность


38 relatives — родственники

39 discipline-дисциплина

40 happy (happiness)- счастье

41 mutual –взаимный, общий

42 Full name — полное имя


44generation gap- непонимание между представителями разных поколений

45 misunderstanding-непонимание

46. fight, quarrel — спорить

  1. take care of-заботиться
  2. care for-заботиться
  3. feel comfortable with- быть спокойным
  4. stand up for- стоять за что-то
  5. share smth- делить что-
  6. to be close with- быть близким с кем-то
  7. let smb down- обижать, расстраивать, разочаровывать
  8. to get along with- жить в дружбе, ладить
  9. to spoil the child-баловать ребенка


2. Word-building (10-15)






















Caring, careful












































2. Vocabulary (exercises)

1. Choose and fill in the appropriate words from key vocabulary.

1. My mother has three sisters, so I have three …

2. I have many uncles and aunts, so I have many…

3. There are only three rooms in our apartment, so I have to …. a room with my brother.

4. Sometimes I …. with my brother about computer time.

5. My father’s father is my ….. He’s got married nearly 50 years ago.  His …. Is my ….

6. My sister Charlotte is married, too.  Peter is her….

7. Charlotte and Peter have a little girl, Elizabeth. She is my….

8. Grandparents, parents, children, uncles, aunts: people live together with a large number of relatives, big families, so-called …..

9. I get along well with my brother. We never ….

10. My…..(mother and father) are my best friends.


1 aunt

2. relatives

3. share

4. quarrel

5. grandfather, wife, grandmother

6. husband

7. cousin

8. extended family

9. fight

10. parents


2. Choose the best alternative to fill in the gaps in each of the following sentences.

  1. We need a family for —- and protection.

a) comfort       b) extended         c) annoying

2. —— is important in extended family

a) happiness   b) privacy     c) discussions

3. —— respect can substitute for love in a family.

a) interdependent   b) mutual    c) general

4. He is always going on his working class ——.

     a) past   b) roots    c) background

     5. The children are being well —— for.

     a) look    b) cared     c) take care

     6) I —— your worries about this.

      a) share      b) trust         c) believe

    7. Living with my —— , is just like living  with my own parents.

    a) relatives    b) friends         c) in-lows

    8. One of the most important problem in families is a problem of generation —-.

     a) gap      b) clap    c) problem

     9)  My —— parents are really kind people.

     a) foster     b) adoptive      c) receiving

     10. Caring and sharing are the main —- in my family.

     a)  custom    b) tradition   c) values  

Keys   1-a, 2- b, 3- b, 4- с, 5- b, 6-a, 7-c, 8- a, 9-a, c.


3.  Fill in the gaps using the appropriate form of the word in the box.

Olga’s family is 1)….  and they spend  a lot of time together.                        1. friend

2)……is not a problem with her, because she does not have to                       2. private  

3)…..her room with anybody. Her parents are very nice to her and they        3. sharing

4)…have problems in 5)…. . Sometimes she want to gain greater 6)……      4. rare

It happens that her parents and she has 7)….views on when she can do         5. understand

some things alone. But on the whole the climate in their family is                  6. independent

8)…..and  they never quarrel with each other.                                                  7. difference                                                                                                                        

                                                                                                                          8. please


Keys: 1) friendly,

          2) privacy

          3) share

          4) rarely

          5) misunderstanding

          6) independence

          7) different

          8) pleasant


                    Grammar to Revise:

Формы глагола в Present Indefinite.


Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма


I/ you ask

he/she/it asks

Do I/you ask?

Does he/she/it ask?

I/you do not ask

He/she/it does not ask


We/you/they ask

Do we/you/they ask?

We/you/they ask.

Формы глагола в Past Indefinite.


Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

Ед. и Мн.

I/you/he/she/it/we/they asked

Did I/you he/she/it/ we/they/ask?

I/you/he/she/it/we/they did not ask

Формы глагола в Future indefinite


Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма


I/we shall ask

Shall I/we ask?

I/we shall not ask

You /he/she/it/they

You will ask

Will you ask?

You will not ask.

2.Неличные формы глагола – инфинитив и герундий.

To finish          оканчивать

To dislike        не нравится

To go on         продолжать

To give up       отказываться

To can not stand   не могу выносить

To do not mind      не возражать

To be worth  стоить

   To relay   полагаться

To insist on  настаивать

to object to  возражать против                                     doing something

to agree to    соглашаться

to hear of       слышать

to think of     думать о

to thank for   благодарить за

to prevent from   помешать

to be fond of        любить

to be sure of   быть уверенным

to be pleased at /with   быть довольным

to be surprised at          удивляться  

to be interested at          интересоваться

to be afraid of                бояться

to look forward to         ждать с нетерпением


to enjoy                         получать удовольствие

to begin/ to start  начинать

to like                   нравится

to hate                   ненавидеть

to prefer                 предпочитать                 doing

to love                   любить                             to do

to stop                    прекращать

to continue             продолжать

3. Объектный падеж с инфинитивом complex object.

Сложное дополнение состоит из существительного в именительном падеже или местоимения в объектном падеже, за которым следует инфинитив.

Mother wants Peter to do it.

Mother wants him to do it.

После глаголов восприятия to hear, to see, to watch, to feel и глаголов to make (заставлять) и to let (позволять) инфинитив употребляется без частицы to.

He watches them play.

She makes her son clean the room every day.


Grammar Exercises:

1. Correct the mistakes.

1 Generation gap will always exist not only because teenagers and their

2 parents  enjoy listen different kinds of music. A lot of things are

3 different: tastes, manners, behavior and the stuff like that. Teens

4 often think that their parents make fun on them. They do not let

5 them to hang out with friends.

6 They always nagging when their children do badly at school.

7 They make them to do their homework, though sometimes it is

8 unnecessary. Teens often feel a lack of privacy because their parents

9 want know what they are up to. More then that –it is impossible

10 for them to keep anything in secret.

11 But I often wonder if we will also have do the same when we are

12 adults for our children’s security and success? And our children will

13 complain to others on their boring parents.  

Keys: 1.-

2. listening

3. –

4. of

5. them hang out

6. nag

7. them do


9. want to know

10. anything secret

11.have to do

12. –

13. others about their


  1. Choose the proper preposition.
  1. A family is a group of human beings who care (for| of| about) each other and feel comfortable ( — | for| with) each other and who will stand up ( for| to| -) each other.
  2. A family shares (with|-|about) things.
  3. Families take care (about |for| of) us when we need it, and give us a sweet kick in the behind when we need it.
  4. A family is a group sitting and watching (at| — | on) a good TV show together.
  5. For still others, family has more to do (about| — | with)  friends than it does ( about| -| with) bloodiness.

Keys: 1. for    with    for


3.     of | about


   5. with    with


Sample Questions:

  1. Different families have different problems. What is special about your family?
  1. Speak about advantages and disadvantages of extended families.
  1.  How do you think if Russian young people have problems in their families. Do you have the same problems in your family?
  1. Imagine that you are making a report about a background of your family. Introduce the members of your family.
  1. Create your idea of what people have to do to overcome problems in families.



Give a 2 minutes talk about you family

Remember to:

  1. Describe the members of your family
  2. say about the relations between the members of your family
  3. explain why you think it is important to have family traditions and customs

After you have finished the teacher will ask you some questions.

Sample answer:

My family.

        Let me introduce myself. My name is Irene, Ira for short. My full name is Irina Ivanovna Petrova. On the tenth of September I will be 17.   I am leaving school this year, and I would like to enter Vladimir University.

        My family is not very large: my mother, my father, my married sister and her husband and my grandparents. Every night the whole of the extended family sits down to eat together round the table in the bright and cosy kitchen. We discuss our problems. As far as I know, a household of three or four generations is typical nowadays. I think living in multi-generation home quite normal, we help each others, and our grandparents are getting older and they can be looked after. Plenty of families will soon find themselves forced into this lifestyle by rising house prices, the cost of childcare, and the cost of caring for elderly relatives.

          My mother’s name is Marina Pavlovna. She is 40. My mother is good-natured, cheerful and careful. She teaches English and she is devoted to her work. My mother also keeps the house for us. Even though we all try to help her, she has a lot of work to do about the house. My mum likes gardening, I wish I had more time to spend weekends out-of-town with my mum. Also she likes cooking. Her pies are really delicious. I have never tasted better pies in my life! I am very close with my mum. I can always turn to my mum for comfort.

            My father’s name is Pavel Andreevich. He is strong, handsome man of middle age. He is an architect, he works hard, but he takes care of his elderly parents. Also my dad likes sport. He is a great football fan. He never misses interesting games on TV. If he had more time, he would spend long hours watching sport, I am sure. He is fond of reading, listening to music. He prefers The Beatles, and I know a lot of their songs , my favorite is «Yesterday».

          My great grandmother is still alive. She lives in the village, she is in poor health and asks us to come and see her more often.  She took part in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, my granny was awarded with two orders of Red Star  and one order  of the Great Patriotic War. Every year on the 9th of may on Victory Day we visit her.


 I am close with my sister Olga. The advantage of having a sister is that you always have a person to talk to and you can share personal secrets with her. Not long ago  she got married. Her husband Anton has Ukraine background; he is very hospitable and friendly. He lives with in-lows and he is happy. Olga and Anton study in the University.

              Our parents teach us some values and principles .We have things together sharing like dreams and hopes. With so many people in one house you don’t have a chance to be alone, unseen but I have privacy. All members of my family have mutual respect, we trust each others. We take care of our grandfather and grandmother. So, caring, sharing, respect, security, privacy and trust are the main values in my family. We remember about the golden rules «Do unto others as you would have them do unto you», «put ourselves in the other’s shoes».Members of my family don’t have problems of misunderstanding. I know my parents would never let me down, it is easy to get along with them. Sometimes it happens that my parents and I have different views on when I can do some things alone: go shopping, choose what to eat and wear, what time to come home, with whom to go out, etc. But on the whole the climate  in our family is pleasant and calm.

          I love my relatives very much and we are happy when we are together. I am sure that a family is the most important thing in the life of every person . It is a place where all members can enjoy the dignity of there own personalities. We need a family for comfort and protection.


Sample tasks:

  1. Give a 2-minute talk about quarrels between parents and teenagers. Why do parents and teenagers argue?

Remember to say about:

— fighting with brothers and sisters

— cleaning up bedroom

— possession

— their own space

— helping around the house

— doing homework

— bedtime

— time to come home

-household chores

— friends and responsibilities  

  1. Give a 2-minute talk about the number of children in the family.

 Would you prefer to be the only child or one of two or three children?

Remember to say about :

  1. The disadvantages of being the only child
  2. To get along well with brothers and sisters
  3. The  advantages of having brothers and sisters
  4. Fighting with brothers and sisters
  5. Parents are tired of conflicts


Sample Dialogues:

You need to speak about your family

Don’t forget to:

— speak about the members of your family

— Traditions and customs

— Relations between the members of your family

You begin the conversation. Your examiner will play the role of an interviewer

Remember to be active and polite.

-ask all the questions

-consider your interests


  1. What is «family»? ( I think, family is a place where all members can enjoy  the dignity of there own personalities. We need a family for comfort and protection).
  2.  Do the young people have problems in there families? (Yes,  and one of them is generation gap. Adults always complain that the young are not they were. Adults always teach the young how to live. The young know what they want. They prefer to make there own mistakes rather then to listen to the warnings of the adults.)
  3.  Do you have the same problem in your family? ( My mum and dad treat me like a baby. They do not let me out at night during the week, they always ask me about the boys, my father thinks I am being lazy when I sit watching the telly at night.)
  4. Can you see the solution of the problem? ( Certainly. I think that the only way  to solve the problem both the young people and adults should be tolerant and patient, because there are no clashes of values in our family and my parents are my best friends.)
  5. Do your parents help you to solve your problems? ( I feel relaxed and happy with my family, My parents understand me and help me when I need their help. They support me when I need it. they help me to overcome my difficulties and to cope with my problems.)
  6. Do you have a brother or a sister? ( Yes, I have a sister. Her name is——, she is ———)
  7. Do you want to have an older brother? ( It is great. My friend has the older brother he pushes her around a lot and is always making nasty little comments about her, but  they love each other)
  8. Do you want to have a younger brother? ( My friend has the younger brother. He is just a geek. He asks her embarrassing questions about boys and stuff, and


always shows her in front of her  mates. If she is on the phone to one of her           friends, he picks up the extension and listens in.)

  1. Do you have grandparents? ( I have a grandmother . She is very old , she is unable to look after herself properly, and we take care of her. Putting her to a house for elderly people is out of the questions. I think families becomes less close when they do not take care of one another).
  2.  What do you want to change in your family? ( Nothing. I love them and they love me, I am sure).



  1. You and your friend are discussing your brothers and sisters.

Do not forget to speak about

-Advantages of having   brothers and sisters

— Disadvantages of having them

— About your relation with brothers and sisters

Remember to:

  1. discuss all the options
  2. take an active part in the conversation and be polite
  3. come up with ideas
  4. give good reasons
  5. find out your friend’s attitude and take them into account
  6. invite your friend to come up with suggestions
  7. come to an agreement
  1. You and your friend are discussing the problem of generation gap.

Discus the relations in you family. Have you got a problem of generation gap? Find out the solution of the problem.

Remember to :

-discuss all the options

-take an active part in the conversation and be polite

-come up with ideas

-give your reason-find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account

-invite your friend to come up with suggestions

-come to an agreement


Read the text:

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. В каждом задании обведите цифру 1,2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.


     « Dear Kathy! Chance made us sisters, hearts made us friends.»  This quote is at the center of a collage of photographs- covering our twenty- something years – that now hangs in my office. My sister, Susie, made it for me as a wedding present. It probably cost very little to make ( she is starving college student, after all), but it means more to me than any of the more  « traditional»  wedding presents my husband and I received from family and friends last June. Whenever I look at the collage, it reminds me of my sister and what a true friend she is.

     Susie and I were not always close friends. Far from it, in fact. We shared a room for nearly fifteen years when we were younger, and at the time I thought I could not have asked for a worse roommate.  She was always around! If we argued and I wanted to go to my room to be alone, she’d follow me right in. If I told her to go away, she’d say right back, « it is my room. Too! And I can be here if I want to!» I `d consult my mother and she usually agreed with Susie.  I suppose being three years younger has its benefits.

     When we were kids, she’d borrow my dolls without asking. (And no toy was safe in her hands). When we got older, Susie quit borrowing my toys and started borrowing my clothes. That was the final straw. I couldn’t take anymore. I begged my parents to let me have a room of my own – preferably one with a lock on the door. The answer was always a resolution «no». «Please?!» I’d beg. My parents would just shake their heads. They didn’t agree with each other on much, but for some reason they had a united front on this issue.

     To crown it all, she had this habit of doing everything. I did. Choirs, rock bands, sport teams, dance studios: There was no place where I was safe. « She looks up to you”, my mom would say. I didn’t care. I just wanted a piece of my life that didn’t involve my little sister. When I complained to my mother, she’d just smile and say, «one day you’ll want her around. » Sure.

    It’s strange how mothers have their habit of being right about everything. When I was sixteen and my sister was thirteen, we went through a series of life- changing events together that would forever change our relationship. First, my parents announced that they were divorcing. My dad packed up and moved to an apartment in New Hampshire- more than a half hour drive away from a cozy house in Massachusetts. He bought me my first car and I often went with Susie to his place when we missed him a lot. During those trips we started discussing our troubles and making plans about how to return the family again. But a year later, our father


met his future second wife and moved again; this time to Indiana. This meant we could only see him once or twice a year, as opposed to once every few weeks. That was hard.

      Yet those few months changed my relationship with my sister forever. We started having more heart- to- heart talks as opposed to silly fights. Over time, she became my most cherished friend. It’s not uncommon for us to have three-hour long telephone conversations about everything or about nothing- just laughing over memories from childhood or high school.

      She’d the only person who’s been through all of the tough stuff that I’ve been through, and the only person who truly understands me. Susie and I have shared so much. She’d been my roommate, my   friend, and my partner in crime. We’ve done plays together, gone to amusement parks, sang, and taken long road trips together. We’ve laughed until our sides hurt, and wiped away each others` tears.

Even though distance separates us now, we’re closer than ever. Sisters share a special bond. They’ve seen all of your most embarrassing moments. They know your deepest, darkest secrets. Most importantly, they love you unconditionally. I’m lucky to be able to say that my little sister is my best friend. I only wish everyone could be so fortunate.

  1. Why is the collage of photographs more important for Kathy than the other wedding presents?

      1) It reminds Kathy of her wedding.

      2) Kathy didn’t like the other wedding presents.

      3)  It was the most expensive present.

      4) Kathy’s sister made it for her.

  1. Why was Kathy against sharing a room with her sister?
  1. They always quarreled.
  2. Susie never left her alone
  3. They were of different age.
  4. Susie said it was her own room.
  1. What did Kathy call the last straw in paragraph 3?
  1. The fact that Susie often borrowed Kathy’s toys.
  2. The fact that Susie never asked for the things she borrowed.
  3. The fact that Susie began to wear Kathy’s clothes without her permission.
  4. The fact that Susie broke all her toys she played with.
  1. What was Kathy’s greatest wish that she mentions in paragraph 4?
  1. To have a separate life from her sister.


  1. To live in peace and safety.
  2. To never part with her sister.
  3. To have the same hobbies as her sister.

             5. When did the relationship between Susie and Kathy start to change?

                           1) When they moved to a new house.

                           2) After their father married for the second time.

                           3) After their parents divorced.

                           4) When Kathy’s father bought her a car.

           6. What are Kathy’s relationships with Susie now?

                            1) They hate each other.

                            2) They are close friends.

                            3) They are busyness partner.

                            4) They don’t see each other.

           7. Why do the sisters understand each other?

                            1) They have got the same hobbies.

                            2) They have similar sense of humor.

                            3) They love each other very much.

                            4) They have similar life experience.

Keys: 1-4,  2-2,  3- 3,  4- 1, 5- 3, 6- 2, 7- 4.


Comment on the following quotations:

  1. A mother never realized that her children are no longer children.

                                                                           ( Holbrook Jackson)

  1. Children are born to be happy.

                                                                       ( Jose Morti)

  1. Children are children. Do not expect too much. Everything comes with time.

                                                                       ( Genevieve Roth)

  1. Like father, like son.

Like mother, like daughter.                       (Proverb)

     5. Spare the rod, and   spoil the child.        

                                                                                            ( S. Butlerv)

I. Introduction ( state the topic/ problem ; you may ask a question or start with a quotation; state your opinion)
• state the topic /problem
-Is too much emphasis placed on……?
— Nowadays, we are often told …… Every day… There is no doubt that……..
— Over the past few years,……. Are you among those who……..? Why has……become…?
-The British poet…once said that “….”
— There are various facts that support this opinion.
• To express opinion
— In my opinion……… I believe………. It seems to me…… The way I see it……..
II. Main Body (each paragraph should present a separate viewpoint supported by your reason, another
paragraph should present the opposing viewpoint)
• To list points
— In the first place… First of all……… To start with… To begin with…
— Secondly… Thirdly…… Finally……… Last but not least………
• To add more points to the same topic
— What is more… Furthermore ……. Moreover………
— In addition to this…. Besides……… Apart from this……….
• To introduce contrasting viewpoints
— It is argued that……. People argue that……. Opponents of this view say ………
— There are people who oppose……… Contrary to what most believe……….
• To introduce examples
— for example……… for instance… such as…….. in particular…………
III. Conclusion  you restate your opinion using different words)
• To conclude
— to sum up…….. all in all ……….. all things considered……. on the whole……….
— in conclusion ……… taking everything into account………/ as was previously stated
— All in all, I still feel that the benefits of ……..outweigh the disadvantages.
в «FOR and AGAINST» эссе мы даём своё мнение только в ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИИ в «Opinion» эссе мы даём своё мнение дважды- в начале и в конце сочинения.

                   Вводные фразы

                Заключительные фразы

  1. It was great to get your letter….      
  2. Thanks for your letter.  It was great / lovely  to hear from you.
  3. Thanks for your long letter. It was really  great to hear all your news, after not hearing from you for ages…..
  4. Sorry I haven’t written for so long but…..
  5. I’m very sorry about not replying to your letter sooner but I’ve been extremely busy.
  6. Sorry for not writing earlier but I’ve………
  7. How are things with you? I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long, but ……
  8. I was really pleased to hear that….
  9. I thought I’d better write and tell you about….
  1. I would really like you to visit me this summer. Write to me and tell me your plans.
  2. Thanks for sending me… Please write to me again soon, and tell me all your news.
  3. Please give/send my regards (love) to your…. And write and tell me your plans for….
  4. I would really love to see you. Why don’t you come and visit me this….. Write back soon! 
  5. If you want to know anything else, just drop me a line.
  6. Well, that’s all for now. Do write back soon.
  7. That’s all my news for now…

Useful Vocabulary

                Письма с просьбой дать совет.           Asking for   advice

                          Вводные фразы

               Заключительные фразы


  1. I would appreciate it if you could give me some advice about…
  2. I am writing to ask  if  you could help me with…
  3. I am writing to ask for your advice.
  4. Could you possibly offer your advice?
  5. Could you please give me your advice?
  6. I am writing to request some advice concerning…
  7. I would be grateful if you could offer your advice.
  8. I wonder if you could help me with a problem…


  1. I am writing  to ask for your advice.
  1. Can  you give me your advice?
  2. Give me your advice about….
  3. Can you think of anything that…?
  4. I’ve got a problem and I need your advice
  5. I’ve got a problem, and I think you can help.


  1. I would be grateful  if you could give me your advice as soon as possible
  2. I look forward to receiving your advice.
  3. It would be of great help if you could advise me.
  4. I would greatly appreciate your assistance in this matter.
  5. I would appreciate it if you could give me your advice as soon as possible.


  1. What do you think I should do?
  2. Give me  /  Send me  your advice soon.
  3. Do you think I should…?
  4. Do you have any idea about…?
  5. Please let me know what to do
  6. Please let me know what you think I should do
  7. I’d like to know what you think about…
  8. Write back soon and tell me what you think.
  9. Your advice would help me a lot.

Письма-советы.                        Giving  advice

    Вводные фразы

 Фразы  основной части

Заключительные фразы


  1. Thank you for your letter requesting….
  2. I am writing in reply to your letter asking for advice about……..
  3. I am writing with regard to your letter requesting advice concerning….


  1. I ‘m sorry to hear ..…and I think I can help.
  2. Cheer up / Don’t worry too much.
  3. Don’t let it get you down
  4. I’m only too glad to help.
  5. I just got your letter and I think……
  6. Here’s what I think you should do.


  1. I strongly recommend that…….
  2. I would suggest that………
  3. I believe the best course of action is….
  4. I would advise you to………
  5. You should / ought to……..
  6. If I were you I would………


  1. Why don’t you……….?
  2. If I were you / in your position, I’d…../ I wouldn’t…..
  3. Have you thought of / about ……+ Ving?
  4. Don’t forget to….
  5. It would be a good idea to………
  6. What you should do is…
  7. How about + Ving………?  What about + Ving…..?
  8. I think you should……
  9. The best advice I can give you is………
  10. Another good idea is to……


  1. I trust you will accept  this advice
  2. I hope this advice will be of help
  3. I hope to have been of assistance to you/
  4. I would  very much like to know if this advice was helpful  /  has been of some use.


  1. I hope that this / my advice helps.
  2. Let me know what happens.
  3. Let me know how it went.
  4. Let’s hope that things get better
  5. Let’s hope that everything turns out all right.
  6. Hope this helped.
  7. If you do this, you would…….




                                                                              14 November 2009

     Dear Colin,

     Thank you for your letter. I was so glad to receive it.

     You want to know about the problems of Russian teenagers. I know that the most important problem is a generation gap. The young prefer to make their own mistakes rather then listen to the warnings of the adults. I don’t have a problem of generation gap. Sometimes my father teaches me how to live, my mum treat me like a baby, but I am sure that I can always turn to my mum for comfort and she would never let me down.  There are some rules that we follow. Having supper we discuss our problems. Celebrating holidays with all relatives is a good tradition. We always take care of our grandparents.

      How old are your grandparents? How often do your visit them? Would you like to live with them?

     Write back soon.

     Best wishes,


You have received a letter from your English pen friend Colin who asks you:

Do Russian young people have problems in their families?

Do you have the same problem in your family?

Can you see the solution of the problem?

Write a letter to Colin

In your letter

-answer all his questions

— ask 3 questions about his family

Write 100-140 words

Remember the rules of letter writing.




                                                                                 1 December 2009

   Dear Sam,

   Thank you for your letter. I was glad to receive it.

   You ask me about children’s homes. Well, I can’t remember ever having a normal family life. My parents couldn’t look after me properly as they drink quite a bit. So I have to stay with in the children’s home. Although the children’s homes are okay, they are not the best place to live. The staff are nice and friendly, but you are surrounded by strangers.  I have to share my room and keep my stuff in a suitcase under the bed. When I leave school, I’m going to have my own family and a flat to live in.

   Do you know anything about your parents? Did they look after you in your childhood? Do you want to live with them?

   Write back soon.

   Best wishes,


You have received a letter from your English pen friend Sam who asks you:

Why do children live in children1s homes?

What do you know about children’s homes?

Do the children dream about their own family and flat?  

Write a letter to Sam

In your letter

-answer all his questions

-ask three questions about his parents

Write 100-140 words

Remember the rules of letter writing.




                                                                                           1 December 2009.

   Dear Kelly,

   Thank you for your letter. I was glad to receive it.

   You ask me about my brothers and sisters. Well, I have a little sister. I have to share my room with her. I can’t just shut the door, and keep everyone out. She is always complaining that it’s her room, too.  I guess she goes through all my stuff and eats the sweets I keep in my room. If I want to keep anything secret, I have to use a lock and key on my cupboard. I’m going to leave home as soon as I’m old enough. I wish I had one tiny room of my own.

   Do you have brothers or sisters?  Do you share your room with them?  Do you want to be the only child in the family?

   Write back soon.

   Best wishes,


You have received a letter from your English pen friend Kelly who asks you:

Do you have brothers or sisters?

Do you have problems with them?

Can you find a solution of the problem?

Write a letter to Kelly

In your letter

-answer all her questions

-ask three questions about her brothers and sisters

Write 100-140 words

Remember the rules of letter writing.




                                                                                      6 December 2009

   Dear Jane,

   Thank you for your letter. I was glad to receive it.

   You asked me about my grandparents. I have got a grandmother. Her name is Vera Ivanovna. She is 75. She is a pensioner, but she is still very active and energetic. She has told me a lot about my grandfather and my great grandparents. They had died before I was born. She told that my great grand father had taken part in the Great Patriotic War, and had been awarded with two orders of Red Star. Every year on the 9th of May we go to the cemetery and put flowers on the tomb of my hero-great-grandfather. It is a tradition in our family.

   Have you got grandparents? How old are they? Do you take care of them?

   Write back soon.

   Best wishes,


You have received a letter from your English pen friend Jane who asks you:

— Have you got grandparents?

— Have you got great grandparents?

— What do you know about their lives?

Write a letter to Jane

In your letter

-answer all her questions

-ask three questions about her grandparents

Write 100-140 words

Remember the rules of letter writing.


Do you want to have brothers and sisters? Many people don’t know the answer.

Write about advantages and disadvantages of having brothers and sisters.

What is your opinion?

Write 200-250 words.

Use the following plan:

-make an introduction (state the problem)

— express your personal opinion and give reasons for it

-give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it.

— draw a conclusion.

      Do you want to have brothers and sisters? It is an ordinary question. Many people think it is good to have brothers and sisters, others do not agree. Let us consider what the advantages and disadvantages of them are.

   First of all, sisters and brothers are very close to each other. As for me, I have a sister and I have a person to talk to and I can share my personal secrets with her. Another good thing is that brothers and sisters look after their parents when they become old. It is really difficult to take care of an old person, who is sometimes mentally handicapped, but it is easier to overcome difficulties together, for example my mother’s brother always helps her to take care of my old granny, because my granny is 81, and she  really needs it.

    Other people think that younger brothers and sisters are a problem. They have to share their rooms. I suppose, they interfere in the life of each other and it means nothing is safe, but my sister always understands me. There is one more opinion about it. Sometimes parents don’t have enough money to satisfy their children’s needs. In my family we always decide together how to spend money.

    In conclusion, I believe brothers and sisters make our life more comfortable and calm. People who have them are lucky, because brothers and sisters change our life for the better.


Вы услышите интервью. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста(1-true), какие не соответствуют (2- false), и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3- not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.

           Interviewer: So Mike, you mentioned your family , do you have a big family?

Mike: No, I have a fairly small family, actually, including me there are only four people in my family.

Int: So it’s your mother, your father , you…

M:  And my sister

Int: Oh, and your sister. OK, is your sister younger or older than you?

M:  She is younger. She is just started university actually

Int: OK, that’s nice. So where does your family live right now?

M:  Ah, my mother and my father live in Victoria in Canada and my sister is on the other side of Canada in Montréal in Quebec and I live in the capital.

Int: Well, tell me about your father. What’s your father like?

M:  My father is pretty much the most interesting person I know. He tells different kinds of stories about his childhood, and his growing up.

Int: Did he grow up in Canada?

M:  No, he grew up in Liverpool, in England.

Int: OK, nice, and what does your father do?

M:  Ah, he was a pilot until five years ago. It was kind of tragic, he had a heart attack and he wasn’t allowed to fly anymore.

Int: Oh, I’m sorry

M:  He’s fine now, yeh.

Int: OK, what about your mother? Does she work?

M:  No, she doesn’t. she used to work. They both work for Cathay Pacific airline. My mother was a stewardess and my father was a pilot. She was first introduced to him as a new member of the crew when they flew together to Osaka.

Int:  Oh, What a story. OK and what about your sister? You said that she`s a student.

M:  She’s a student. She’s in her first year in Mc Gill University which is in Quebec I haven’t spoken to her lately so I don’t know how she’s doing.

Int:  So you and your sister, are you similar or quite different?

M:  Oh, we are definitely quite different.

Int : How so?


M:  I was a rebellious type. I pretty much laid the foundation for my sister to get all the freedoms that she has – Mum and Dad treat her differently now. But she doesn’t appreciate any of those things. Another way that we’re different is that she is really into arts and drawings and paintings and making music whereas I am more into the technical side of things , like computer making, fixing cars.

Int:  So it sounds like you are quite different. Well, maybe she’ll listen to this and she’ll appreciate you more

M: I hope so.  

1. Mike is five years older than his sister.

  1) True     2) False     3) Not stated

2. The family members live in different parts of the country.

   1) True     2) False    3) Not stated

3. Mike’s father had a very happy childhood.

1) True    2) False    3) Not stated

4.  Mike’s father retired because of his poor health.

 1) True    2) False     3) Not stated

5. Mike’s mother and father first met each other being on holidays.

  1) True      2) False     3) Not stated

6. Mike and his sister do not seem to be very close.

1) True     2) False    3) Not stated

 7. Mike and his sister were brought up in the same way.

    1) True     2) False     3) Not stated

Keys: 1-3,   2-1,  3-3,   4-1,   5-2,    6-1,    7-2.


Автор разработки:

ФИО: Вилкова Елена Николаевна

ОУ:   МОУ СОШ №36

Должность: учитель английского языка

Тема: « Семья»


  1. Список слов по теме.(можно однокоренные слова  для усвоения словообразования)
  2. Упражнения на закрепление лексики и словообразование.
  3. Грамматика для повторения (теория)
  4. Упражнения по грамматике.
  5. Вопросы по теме.(15-20)
  6. Пример устного высказывания по теме.
  7. Примеры заданий по устной монологической речи (3-4)
  8. Пример диалогического высказывания.(7-10)
  9. Примеры заданий по устной диалогической речи (с планом высказывания и рекомендуемой лексикой)(2))
  10. (Художественный или научно-популярный текст по теме.(для расширения лексики)
  11.  Упражнения по тексту для лучшего усвоения лексики и грамматики.
  1. Сочинение по теме с планом и рекомендациями (сочинение-мнение)
  2. Темы сочинений по теме для самостоятельной работы.(3)
  3. Личное письмо по теме с комментариями.
  4. Задания для написания письма по теме (3)
  5. Стихи по теме (для лучшего запоминания лексики и грамматики)
  6. Высказывании великих людей по теме
  7. Пословицы по теме.
  8.  Тексты(3) для чтения в формате ЕГЭ.
  9. Дополнительные тексты.

1 Is your family large or small?
2 How many people are there in your family?
3 Have you got a grandmother?
4 How old are your parents?
5 What does your father (mother) do?
6 Your mother is a housewife, isn’t she?
7 Have you got any brothers or sisters?
8 How many sisters have you got?
9 Does your brother go to school?
10 What is your sister’s (brother’s)name?
11 What does your sister do?
12 How does she look like?
13 Is your family friendly?
1 Твоя семья большая или маленькая?
2 Сколько человек в вашей семье?
3 У тебя есть бабушка?
4 Сколько лет твоим родителям?
5 Что делает твой папа (мама)?
6 Ваша мама — домохозяйка, не так ли?
7 У тебя есть братья или сестры?
8 Сколько сестер у тебя?
9 Твой брат ходит в школу?
10 Как имя сестры (брата)?
11 Чем занимается ваша сестра?
12 Как она выглядит?
13 Ваша семья дружная?

Примечание: Подробнее о разделе “Устная часть” ЕГЭ по английскому языку можно прочитать здесь.

В ЕГЭ по английскому языку в задании 2 предлагается ознакомиться с рекламным объявлением и задать пять прямых вопросов на основе ключевых слов и предложенного рекламного объявления.

Формат задания – условный диалог-расспрос.
Время на подготовку – 1.5 минуты.
Время на выполнение задания – 1 минута
Максимальный балл – 5 баллов.

На экране компьютера поочередно будут появляться каждый из пяти пунктов задания. У Вас будет всего 20 секунд, для того чтобы построить один вопрос.

Пример задания 2 (задаем вопросы) на ЕГЭ по английскому языку

Пример задания 2 (задаем вопросы) на ЕГЭ по английскому языку

Критерии оценивания задания 2 на ЕГЭ

Максимальное количество баллов, которое можно получить в задании 2  – 5 баллов. Таким образом, если в задание просят озвучить 5 вопросов, то и оценивается каждый вопрос в 1 балл.

1 балл 0 баллов
— вопрос по содержанию отвечает поставленной задаче;
— вопрос имеет правильную грамматическую форму прямого вопроса;
— возможные фонетические и лексические погрешности не затрудняют восприятия.
— вопрос не задан, или заданный вопрос по содержанию не отвечает поставленной задаче;
— И/ИЛИ вопрос не имеет правильной грамматической формы прямого вопроса;
— И/ИЛИ фонетические и лексические ошибки препятствуют коммуникации.

Обратите внимание!
Время, которое отводится за каждый вопрос достаточно для того, чтобы успеть исправить ошибку. То есть если экзаменуемый задал вопрос и понял, что допустил ошибку, то он может успеть в отведенное время задать тот же вопрос правильно. Не забывайте, оценивается один вопрос – последний из прозвучавших.

Типичные ошибки на экзамене по английскому языку  в задании 2 (ЕГЭ)


  • использовать преимущественно общие и специальные вопросы;
  • употреблять простое настоящее и простое будущее время активного и пассивного залога;
  • в данном задание самое главное – верно задать вопрос, не надо что-то выдумывать и вспоминать сложную лексику.
  • соблюдать интонацию: общий вопрос произносится с восходящей интонацией, а специальный – с нисходящей.

Не рекомендуется:

  • задавать косвенные вопросы;
  • задавать несколько вопросов к одному и тому же пункту:
  • не забывать схему каждого типа вопроса (не путать вспомогательные вопросы, порядок слов и т.д. и т.п.)

Типы вопросов в английском языке

Умение задавать вопросы является важным при изучении английского языка. Соотвественно, чтобы выполнить данное задание на высший балл экзаменуемому, необходимо знать все типы вопросов английского языка.

Примечание: О типах вопросов в английском языке можно прочитать здесь.

Примечание: Ознакомиться с подсказками как научить ребенка составлять вопросы на английском языке.

Обратите внимание!
Не рекомендуется задавать вопрос начиная со слов “Could you tell me…”, так как ошибочно можно задать не вопрос, а сказать просьбу. Например,
Could you tell me price? – это просьба (ошибка!)
Could you tell me how many

Не забывай про интонацию в вопросительных предложениях. Интонация должна повышаться в общем вопросе и понижаться в специальном.

Клише для успешной сдачи задания 2 в устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку

Предлагаем несколько таблиц наиболее часто встречающихся вопросов (клише и шаблоны вопросов на разные темы). Для себя вы можете выбрать тот вариант, который наиболее удобный для обучения.

Вариант 1. Клише для задания 2 в части “Говорение” по английскому языку

31. Recommendations – рекомендации.
Do you have any recommendations?

32. Services that they provide during the trip – обслуживание, которое они предоставляют во время поездки.
What services do you provide during the trip?

33. Tours that they have – Туры, которые имеются.
How many tours do you have?

34. Free Wi-Fi / website.
Is there access to free Wi-Fi?
Is there a website of your shop?

35. Functions of the device / advantages of the device
What functions does that device have?
What advantages does that device have?


Вариант 2. Таблицы для задания 2 в части “Говорение” по английскому языку

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