Вступительный экзамен в 10 класс по английскому языку

Вступительный тест в 10 класс

Вариант 1

Module 1

1. We started early in  … morning.    

A —       B a       C the

2. Can you play … piano?  

A a       B —       C the

3. My favorite subject at school is … History.  

A the       B a      C —

4. Would you like to be … doctor?  

A a       B an       C the

5.  Who are you waiting …?  

A to       B for       C from

6. Do you really believe … ghosts?  

A on       B for       C in

7. You will not need to worry …… accommodation or food.  

A for       B about       C in

8. Focus ….. the big picture and not the details.    

A at        B on        C in

9. We generally … quite early during the week.  

A  eat       B are eating       C eating

10. –Where is Dickie?  —  He … in the garden.    

A  plays       B  is playing       C will play

11.  It … outside; I do not like to walk in such weather.  

A rains        B  is raining        C is rain                            

12. My colleagues usually … four days a week, and this week they … five days.

A work, work       B are working, are working      C work, are working

13.  Ferdinand (just)  …  to Santa Monica.    

A return        B has returned       C had returned

14. He looks angry. He … his wallet.  

A lost        B has lost       C has been loosing

 15. Why are you late? I … here four two hours.

A have been waiting       B waited       C will have been waiting  

16. This time next week, I … on the beach.  

A be lying        B am lying        C will be lying

17. A. Christie … detective stories.  

A has written        B had written        C wrote

18. When I saw Mary last Sunday he was tired, he … a party the night before.

   A had been to        B was to        C has been to

19. “What are you doing next Friday?” – “I … to Moscow, I have my ticket.”

A flies        B fly        C am flying

20. Flowers die if you … water them.  

A wouldn’t       B doesn’t       C don’t

21. If I … a million dollars, I would buy a house.  

A had        B would have        C will have

22. Daniel is … than Christie.  

A older        B elder        C more older

23. Ann enjoys … to classical music.  

 A listen        B listening        C to listen

24. Would you mind … the door?  

A to close        B close       C closing

25. I hope … see you again very soon.    

A to see        B seeing        C see

26. They’ve decided … shopping.  

A to go       B going       C go

27. You … have been here an hour ago. But you didn’t show up.  

A should        B could        C would

28. When he was 6, he … swim very well.  

A might        B could        C can

29. This is the girl … parents I know.  

A who        B which        C whose

30. The chair, … is in my room, is very old.  

A who        B which        C whose

Module 2

31. Two ….. ago, Rome ruled the Mediterranean.      

A years       B centuries       C millennia

32. Meat and vegetables are…….. into pieces using different methods.  

A made       B cut       C formed

33. Sunday shopping has become very  …. .    

A numerous      B normal       C popular

34. Peter is very …., so if he says he will help you, he will.  

 A bossy       B boastful       C reliable

35. If I had ….. more in class, I’d have got better marks in the test.  

A tried       B did       C concentrated

36. It’s bad for your eyes to …. at a computer screen all day.  

A stare       B watch       C browse

37. We’re all looking ….. to seeing you again soon.  

A ahead       B around       C forward

38. The doctor told him to give ….. smoking.  

A in       B away       C up

39. He went to the airport to see them ….. .  

A of       B off       C out

40. My new car has broken … .  

A up       B down       C on

Module 3

41. He received an excellent _____________. EDUCATE

42. Are you taking part in the school ________________? PERFORM

43. Child actors cannot usually have a normal ______________. CHILD

44. The police found the information he gave them very _____________. USE

45. I’ve made some very important ______________ about my life.  DECIDE

46. You are looking really ____________ in that dress.  GLAMOUR.

47. You can’t hope to win the race without any ______________.  TRAIN

48. He has the best _________________ of ancient Greek coins.  COLLECT

49. He was feeling quite ________________ about the past.  SENTIMENT

50. The oil spill caused massive ____ in the area. POLLUTE

Module 4. Read the article.

Are the sentences true(T), false(F) ,or don’t you know (?)?

George Franklin married his wartime girlfriend, Betsy Kennedy, last Friday – fifty-five years after they had first met at a dance.

The couple’s romance started after George, an American, had been sent to an army base near Betsy’s home in England. The couple, who were both seventeen at the time, were separated when George was sent to the Pacific. They wrote to each other every day for two years but at the end of the war George returned to the US.

George and Betsy both married other people but they never forgot about each other. In 2002, four years after his wife had died, George decided to search for Betsy through the Internet. It took him six months and at the end of that time he was amazed to get an email from Betsy’s daughter inviting him to visit Britain.

Betsy, who had divorced her husband in the 1980s, said, ‘I was so excited when I heard from George. I had never forgotten him. When we met him at the airport, I was delighted – he looked exactly the same, he hadn’t changed in all those years.’

George told our reporter, ‘I hadn’t seen her for more than half a century but I knew immediately that I wanted to marry her. My only regret is that I hadn’t looked for her sooner. We have both kept all those letters we wrote in the war.’

  • 1  George and Betsy got married fifty-five years ago. __
  • 2  The couple met when they were teenagers. __
  • 3  Betsy was a soldier. __
  • 4  They didn’t write letters after he had left Britain.
  • 5  George went home after the war. __
  • 6  George and Betsy hadn’t forgotten about each other. __
  • 7  Betsy looked for George after her husband had died. __
  • 8  George has a daughter. __
  • 9  Betsy recognized George at the airport. __
  • 10  George wasn’t sure about getting married again. __

Module 5. Translate the sentences.

  1. Никак не ожидал, что холодная погода наступит так рано.
  2. Она не любит, когда я с ней спорю.
  3. Я не могу не думать об этом все время.
  4. Эту красивую картину можно повесить над камином.
  5. Мы знаем друг друга уже 4 года.
  6. Об этом интересном фильме много говорили.
  7. Его поведение оставляет желать лучшего.
  8. Возможно, они сейчас как раз обсуждают этот вопрос.
  9. Хорошо бы у нас сейчас были каникулы.
  10. Если бы я был на вашем месте, я бы посоветовался с вашим другом.

Вступительный тест в 10 класс

Вариант 2

Module 1

1. I have never seen … panda  in the wild.    

A a              B —       C an

2. How do you usually get to … school?  

A a           B an            C —

3. The Moon goes round … Earth every 27 days.  

A a        B the        C an

4. Injured people were taken to … hospital.  

A a          B an             C –

5. We must all learn to deal …. difficulties in life.  

A on       B with       C at

6. The twins differ ….. each other in many ways.  

A from       B for       C at

7. Who are you waiting …?  

A to                B for          C from

8. The meeting is …… progress at the moment.  

A on          B at            C in

9. My parents generally … quite early during the week.    

A  eat       B are eating       C eating

10. –Where is Dickie?  —  He (play) in the garden.  

A  plays       B  is playing       C will play

11. When the phone rang, she … the meal  

A was cooking        B cooked        C has cooked

12. My parents usually … four days a week, and this week they … five days.

 A work, work       B are working, are working      C work, are working

13. Ann (just)  …  to Florida.    

A return       B has returned       C had returned

14. Sam looks angry. He … his wallet.  

A lost        B has lost        C has been loosing

15. He … two foreign languages at school.  

A learned        B has learned        D learning

16. I … here for two hours already.  

 A sit        B will be sitting        C have been sitting

17. Look at the clouds, I think it … .  

A will rain        B is going to rain        C rains

18. When I saw Tom last Monday he was tired, he … a party the night before.

  A had been to        B was to        C has been to

19. “What are you doing next Sunday?” – “I … my grandparents in the country.”

   A will visit        B visit        C am visiting

20. If I had a million pounds, I … buy a house.  

A Will       B can        C would

21. I would tell you his name, if I … it.  

A would known        B know        C knew

22. Max is … than Christie.  

 A older        B elder        C more older

23. He offered ….. dinner for us.  

A making       B to make       C make

24. They’ve decided … shopping.  

A to go       B going       C go

25. We are looking forward to … this film.  

A seeing       B see        C sees

26. Mathew is really good at … .  

 A cooking        B cook        C to cook

27. You … have been here an hour ago. But you didn’t show up.  

A should        B could        C would

28.  You … return the bike, if you use it.  

A can        B must         C should

29. This the actor … won Academy award.  

A who        B which        C whom

30. This is the girl … parents I know.  

A who        B which        C whose

Module 2

31. The operator told Ben to …. the line while she connected his call.  

A take       B hold       C connect

32. There was no ….. that he had committed the crime.  

A evidence       B point       C problem

33. It’s bad for your eyes to …. at a computer screen all day.  

A stare            B watch       C browse

34. As people get more health-conscious, ….  food is gaining in popularity.  

A exclusive        B cold       C organic

35. I can’t carry the bag. The strap is … .  

A injured        B broken        C cracked

36. This book is a … of time.  

A loss        B pass        C waste

37. My hosts … me very well.  

A behaved        B treated        C moved

38. Do you get … well with  Alex?  

 A on       B over       C at

39. My aunt brought ….. four children.  

A in       B up       C about

40. I couldn’t remember a fairy story to tell the children so I made it ….. as I went along!

  A up       B over       C over

Module 3

41. A lot of people buy a newspaper to read about their ____ sport. FAVOUR

42. Young people like to listen to ___  news nowadays. POLITICS

43. Some people are interested in reading about ____ lives of stars. PERSON

44. He drove fast cars and liked  ___ driving. DANGER

45. This advice is very  ___. USE

46. I’m not sure she has a ___ character. STRENGTH

47. Nowadays young people like films with plenty of ___. ACT

48. They’ve made an amazing archaeological ___ in the Lebanon. DISCOVER

49. The children went to bed early but they were too ___ to sleep. EXCITE

50. We saw a wonderful ___ of the ballet Swan Lake. PERFORM

Module 4. Read the three texts about films and answer the questions.

 А GroundhogDay Comedian Bill Murray plays the part of a TV weatherman who is sent to report on Groundhog Day in a small, boring town. He doesn’t like the town but bad weather traps him there. When he wakes up the next day he finds that it is Groundhog Day – again. Time doesn’t move forward and the reporter has to live through Groundhog Day again and again and again.

B Peggy Sue Got Married Peggy Sue is a 43-year-old housewife who goes to see her old school friends at a party. At the party, she falls down and when she wakes up it is 1960 again. Peggy Sue has a seventeen-year-old body but the ideas of a forty-three-year-old. The film asks the Big Question: if you lived your life again, would you do it differently?

C TheTimeMachine This is another film of H G Wells’19th century science-fiction novel. A scientist builds a machine to prove that time travel is possible. He wants to go back in time to change the past but his machine takes him 800,000 years into the future. He discovers that the human race is divided into two groups of people: one that lives above the ground and the other that lives under the ground.

In which film A, B, or C…

  • 1  does time stand still? __
  • 2  does the character want to travel through time? __
  • 3  does time go backwards? __
  • 4  does the character travel the wrong way through time? __
  • 5  can’t the character escape from the town? __
  • 6  has been made before? __
  • 7  does time go forwards? __

  • Module 5. Translate the sentences.
  1. Никак не ожидал, что холодная погода наступит так рано.
  2. Она не любит, когда я с ней спорю.
  3. Я не могу не думать об этом все время.
  4. Эту красивую картину можно повесить над камином.
  5. Мы знаем друг друга уже 4 года.
  6. Об этом интересном фильме много говорили.
  7. Его поведение оставляет желать лучшего.
  8. Возможно, они сейчас как раз обсуждают этот вопрос.
  9. Хорошо бы у нас сейчас были каникулы.
  10. Если бы я был на вашем месте, я бы посоветовался с вашим другом.

Английский язык, Planet of english, учебник для нач. и

средне.проф. образования

Introductory Unit. Welcome to the Planet of English!

Вопрос №1

1.Suddenly he saw … man standing at … bus stop.

A) an

B) the the

C) a a

D) a the

Вопрос №2

2.There … ….. in the next room.

A) are nobod

B) is somebody

C) am somebody

D) aren’t anybody

Вопрос №3

3.Don’t put … sugar in my coffee.

A) many

B) much

C) muny

D) few

Вопрос №4

4.Today the weather is … than it was yesterday

A) the best

B) better

C) goodder

D) the goodest

Вопрос №5

5.How much money do you spend ….. food every month?

A) at

B) on

C) for

D) in

Вопрос №6

6.Not far from our house two … … are being built.

A) news schools

B) new schooles

C) new schools

D) news schooles

Вопрос №7

7.There … seven …. in the yard.

A) was; children

B) were children

Вопрос №8

8.Look! The cat …. with the ball!

A) is playing

B) plays

C) is play

Вопрос №9

9.I think Fred ….. the rule yet.

A) didn’t understood

B) hasn’t understood

C) didn’t understand

Вопрос №10

10.What time … now? 5p.m –Oh! I ….. for the bus for an hour!

A) is it; have waited

B) is it; have been waiting

C) it is; am waiting

Вопрос №11

11.Mrs. Williams …. our teacher of English. She ….. Mrs. Smith who …. for America.

A) isn’t; is substituting; left

B) don’t is; substitutes; left

C) doesn’t is; substitutes; is leaving

D) aren’t; substitute; leave

Вопрос №12

12.She said she had got the letter …

A) the day before

B) yesterday

C) last day

D) the following day

Вопрос №13

13.We…. to the country tomorrow unless it …..

A) shall go; rains

B) go; will rain

C) shall go; rain

D) will go; will rain

Вопрос №14

14.Harry didn’t know that that …. to him the following day.

A) would happen

B) happened

C) will happen

Вопрос №15

15. If I ….. that the traffic lights were red …

A) had realized; would have stopped

B) realized; would have stop

C) realized; would stopped

D) had realized; would stop

Вопрос №16

16.We … … students and we … at … College now.

A) are; -; are; —

B) is; the; is; an

C) are; a; are; the

D) — ; am; at; am;

Вопрос №17

17.I was surprised to see so … people there.

A) many

B) few

C) much

Вопрос №18

18. It’s too dark in the room. I can see …

A) nothing

B) everything

C) anything

D) something

Вопрос №19

19… red dress is … than ….

A) this; more expensive; that

B) this; most expensive; that

C) these; expensiver; that

D) that; the expensivest; that

Вопрос №20

20.Have you heard …. news?

A) later

B) the latest

C) the least

D) the last

Правильные ответы, решения к тесту:

Вопрос №1

Правильный ответ — D

Вопрос №2

Правильный ответ — B

Вопрос №3

Правильный ответ — B

Вопрос №4

Правильный ответ — B

Вопрос №5

Правильный ответ — B

Вопрос №6

Правильный ответ — C

Вопрос №7

Правильный ответ — B

Вопрос №8

Правильный ответ — A

Вопрос №9

Правильный ответ — B

Вопрос №10

Правильный ответ — B

Вопрос №11

Правильный ответ — A

Вопрос №12

Правильный ответ — A

Вопрос №13

Правильный ответ — A

Вопрос №14

Правильный ответ — A

Вопрос №15

Правильный ответ — A

Вопрос №16

Правильный ответ — A

Вопрос №17

Правильный ответ — A

Вопрос №18

Правильный ответ — A

Вопрос №19

Правильный ответ — A

Вопрос №20

Правильный ответ — B

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