Выпускные экзамены хогвартс

СОВ в 1996 году.

Стандарты Обучения Волшебству (СОВ) (англ. OWLs — Ordinary Wizarding Levels ) — экзамен, который в обязательном порядке сдают все учащиеся в конце 5 курса по всем изучаемым предметам.

Система оценивания

На экзаменах СОВ применяются следующие оценки:

  • Положительные оценки:
    • O = Outstanding (П — Превосходно)
    • E = Exceeds Expectations (В — Выше Ожидаемого)
    • A = Acceptable (У — Удовлетворительно)
  • Отрицательные оценки
    • P = Poor (С — Слабо)
    • D = Dreadful (О — Отвратительно)
    • T = Troll (Т — Тролль) (Рону эта последняя оценка сначала казалась шуткой близнецов Уизли, но потом она оказалась настоящей).

Обратите внимание: в английском оригинале положительные оценки обозначены гласными, отрицательные — согласными.

Результаты экзаменов

Обычно оценки по СОВ выставляются не сразу, а приходят ученикам по почте через месяц.

  • 3 июля 1992 года Перси Уизли получил присланные на дом результаты экзаменов, из которых стало известно, что он получил 12 баллов по СОВ.[1]
  • В июле 1996 года Гарри, Рон и Гермиона получают по почте свои результаты за СОВ.[2]

Однако, результаты могут быть объявлены и сразу.

  • В 1994 году результаты всех экзаменов были объявлены в последний день семестра. Стало известно, что Фред и Джордж Уизли едва наскребли скудные баллы по СОВ.[3]

Влияние СОВ на дальнейшее обучение и карьеру


Для продолжения занятий по определённому предмету необходимо получить за экзамен по нему оценку не ниже «У», хотя некоторые преподаватели требуют «В» (например, профессор Макгонагалл) и даже «П» (профессор Снегг). Некоторые студенты, получившие низкие оценки по определенному предмету, продолжают учить его в последние два года, но на уровне СОВ.

СОВ достаточно для того, чтобы волшебник считался образованным и покинул Хогвартс. Сдача экзамена СОВ даёт что-то вроде неполного среднего образования у нас. Так, после шестого курса школу покинули Гарри Поттер, Рон Уизли, Гермиона Грейнджер и многие маглорождённые студенты, которых в это время застало правление приспешников Волан-де-Морта[4]. Близнецы Уизли ушли из Хогвартса, так и не доучившись седьмой год[5]. При желании, волшебник может вернуться в Школу и получить полное образование. Но на это решаются далеко не все «досрочники». Джоан Роулинг говорит, что только Гермиона Грейнджер вернулась в Хогвартс, чтобы окончить седьмой курс. Также, исходя из того, что Невилл Долгопупс стал профессором и преподавателем травологии в Хогвартс, можно сделать вывод, что он также закончил седьмой курс и сдал ЖАБА.

На экзамене

Также оценки по СОВ имеют значение для овладения какой-либо из магических профессий. Недаром для пятикурсников проводятся специальные консультации, на которых декан их факультета в индивидуальном порядке даёт советы, на какие предметы студенту стоит обратить более пристальное внимание, если он выбрал такую-то профессию. Видимо, если учащийся не набрал необходимых проходных баллов по определённым предметам, его не примут к обучению выбранной специальности.

Студенты, сдавшие 12 экзаменов по СОВ

Студенты, получившие проходные баллы по всем 12-ти экзаменам:

  • Билл Уизли
  • Перси Уизли[1]
  • Барти Крауч (младший) (по словам отца)[6]


Оригинальное имя:
Ordinary Wizarding Levels
Супер отменное волшебство/Стандарты Обучения Волшебству
«народный перевод»:
Стандартизированные Отметки Волшебника
Марии Спивак:
Совершенно Обычный Волшебный Уровень

С английского языка полное название экзамена переводится как «Обычный Волшебный Уровень».

Аббревиатура названия экзамена ( OWL ) совпадает с английским словом «owl» («сова»). В русских переводах учтена эта особенность и аббревиатура созвучна русскому слову «сова».

Интересные факты

  • Реально существующий аналог СОВ в России – ОГЭ (Основной государственный экзамен), ранее известный как ГИА (Государственная итоговая аттестация), который обычно сдают в 9 классе.
  • Также существует аналог СОВ и в Украине – ДПА (Державна підсумкова атестація), которое сдают по окончанию 9 класса.


  • Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната (Первое упоминание)
  • Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана (Только упоминание)
  • Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана (фильм) (Только упоминание)
  • Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня (Только упоминание)
  • Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса
  • Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса (фильм)
  • Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса (игра)
  • Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка (Только упоминание)
  • Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка (фильм) (Только упоминание)
  • Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка (игра) (Только упоминание)
  • Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти (Только в воспоминаниях)
  • Гарри Поттер и проклятое дитя. Части 1 и 2 (Только упоминание)
  • Гарри Поттер и Проклятое дитя (пьеса) (Только упоминание)
  • Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery


  1. 1,0 1,1 «Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната» — Глава 4. Флориш и Блоттс
  2. «Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка» — Глава 5. Слишком много Флегмы
  3. «Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана» — Глава 22. Снова совиная почта
  4. «Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти»
  5. «Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса»
  6. «Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня» — Глава 28. Мистер Крауч сходит с ума


Магическое образование

Магические школы Академия волшебства Шармбатон · Институт Дурмстранг · Кастелобрушу · Колдовстворец · Салемский институт ведьм · Школа магии Махотокоро · Школа магии Уагаду ·
Школа Чародейства и Волшебства Ильверморни ·
Школа Чародейства и Волшебства Хогвартс
Books chapterart hbp 25.jpg
Дополнительное образование Волшебная Академия Драматических Искусств · Академия Полётов на Метле · Школа Заклинаний · Школа неординарных языков Евро-Глиф · Объединённая подводная школа Spellage
Экзамены Экзамены для Первого курса · Экзамены для Второго курса · Экзамены для Третьего курса · Экзамены для Четвёртого курса · Стандарты Обучения Волшебству · Жутко Академическая Блестящая Аттестация
Базовые предметы Трансфигурация · Астрономия · Заклинания · Защита от Тёмных искусств · Травология · История магии · Зельеварение
Дополнительные предметы Алхимия · Нумерология · Уход за магическими существами · Прорицания · Магловедение · Изучение Древних рун

Чаще всего при оценке знаний в Хогвартсе используется стобальная система. Однако это не всегда так. Известно, что за одну из своих работ по магловедению Гермиона получила 320 баллов, а по заклинаниям ей же как то было выставлено 120 баллов.

После пяти лет обучения в школе волшебства проводится экзамен первого уровня, который сокращенно все зовут СОВ. Расшифровывается эта аббревиатура по разному, но чаще всего это звучит как «Стандартное Обучение Волшебству». За экзамен, как в любой школе, здесь тоже выставляются оценки.

Нормальными (хорошими) считаются:

П — Превосходно
У — Удовлетворительно
В — Выше Ожидаемого

Плохими считаются:
С — Слабо
Т — Тролль (иногда ученикам, впервые ее получившим, это кажется розыгрышем, а не реальной оценкой)
О — Отвратительно

Чтобы продолжить изучать предмет последующие два года, оценка должна быть хотя бы У, но для некоторых преподавателей минимально возможной считается В или П. Те студенты, которые не сдали экзамен на хорошие оценки, продолжают учиться следующие два года опять на уровне СОВ.

Через два года после СОВ студенты подходят к сдаче следующего экзаменационного уровня – ЖАБА. Эту аббревиатуру можно расшифровать как «Жутко Академическая Блестящая Аттестация». Чаще всего сдается около трех-четырех предметов. Аналог этому экзамену в мире маглов – ЕГЭ.

После окончания школы волшебники ищут себе род занятий (работу). Для работодателей бывает очень важно какие именно предметы и с какими оценками были сданы на экзаменах в школе, и на ЖАБА, и на СОВ.

Аналогия в системе обучения Великобритании: ЖАБА – подобен A-level, а СОВ как английский экзамен GCSE.

скачать | книги | картинки | постеры | фильмы

К сдаче выпускного экзамена досрочно допущена:

Соланж Деллингхейм

Язык тела

Из вышеперечисленных предметов вы должны выбрать минимум 5, причем два из них — профильные, то есть выдается одно дополнительное задание повышенной сложности. На каждый предмет дается один день. Вы можете взять полный перечень заданий и выполнить его за пять календарных дней, либо выбирать удобные для вас даты, чтобы выполнять задания постепенно. Прошу учесть тот факт, что возможностью выбора дат в разброс лучше не злоупотреблять. Причина, думаю, всем понятна.

Сдавать экзамен можно до 10 ноября 2022. Вы должны определиться с датой и отправить мне в ЛС список предметов. Задания я выдаю вам в то время, на которое мы договоримся.

Когда задания выполнены, вы отправляете их через ЛК, как обычную домашнюю работу, в комментарии подписываете «ЖАБА». Дальше — ждете оценки.

Желаю удачи!

Поздравляем Соланж Деллингхейм, Жутко Академическая Блестящая Аттестация завершена успешно.

Наверняка хоть раз в жизни ты мечтала попасть в школу волшебства и думала, что непременно сдавала бы экзамены на высший балл 😉

26 ноября 2021

В Хогвартсе все предметы ведь такие интересные — не то что в нашем скучном магловском мире 😭 Увы, даже в воображаемом мире есть место для грустной реальности.

Экзамены начинаются, когда на улице прекрасная погода

У нас период важных проверочных и сессии начинается в мае-июне, и это просто невыносимо! Начало лета — лучшая пора для отдыха, а не для зубрежки учебников. Точно так же происходит и в мире волшебников. Каждый видел себя в Роне Уизли, с тоской глядевшем из окна библиотеки на чистое голубое небо.

Всегда есть кто-то, кто подготовлен лучше, чем ты

Какой бы отличной студенткой ты ни была, всегда найдется ученик, который лучше тебя, причем намного. Взять хотя бы Гермиону: однажды она наизусть рассказала двенадцать видов использования драконьей крови. А после экзаменов любила с отвращением говорить: «Это было гораздо легче, чем я думала». Ой, знаешь, что…

Экзамены не дадут тебе спать

Гарри пытался сохранять правильный режим сна во время зачетов, но у него плохо выходило. Да, кроме учебы он также думал о противостоянии Темному Лорду, но все же. Когда он мог заснуть, ему снились экзамены. На яву, во снах — везде мысли об учебе… Как сказал один мудрец: «Если ты беспокоишься, то страдаешь дважды».

Некоторые учителя обожают загадочные подсказки

Профессор Трелони театрально заявила, что «судьба» намекнула ей на появление волшебного шара на экзамене по Прорицаниям. Вполне предсказуемо, что Гермиона лишь фыркнула в ответ! Вывод: если ты учитель, и ты говоришь о том, что ждет студентов на экзамене, то либо говори прямо, либо помалкивай. Ходить вокруг да около — неуважение к ученикам.

Нервничать — это (вроде) хорошо

«Ты не сдашь хорошо экзамен, если не будешь хоть капельку волноваться», — утверждает Гермиона. Получается, что нервы выполняют функцию «пинков», которые заставляют учеников заранее открывать учебники? А без травмы для психики никак?

Экзамены могут свести тебя с ума

У Ханны Эббот из Пуффендуйя на занятиях по гербологии произошел нервный срыв из-за стресса. К счастью, мадам Помфри с успокаивающим напитком была рядом и смогла помочь. В нашем мире нет волшебных зелий, зато есть травяной чай и йога :)

Экзамены «съедают» каникулы

У ребят нет свободного времени. Даже на выходных приходится не отдыхать, а ботать. И, как ты понимаешь, пасхальные праздники в Хогвартсе – время для еще большей и усердной подготовки к зачетам, но никак не отдых.

Учеба будто никогда не заканчивается

Гермиона начала готовиться к экзаменам первого курса чуть ли не с начала обучения. Рон в свою очередь предположил, что десяти недель будет вполне достаточно. На что его подруга ответила: «Десять недель – это всего лишь будто секунда для Николаса Фламеля». И знаешь, она права: человек, который прожил более 600 лет, все равно продолжает учиться. Что говорить про нас, смертных…

Произвольные критерии оценки

По крайней мере нам с тобой не приходится ломать голову над причудливой системой оценок «С.О.В». Здесь есть оценки «превосходно», «выше ожидаемого», «удовлетворительно», «слабо», «отвратительно» и «тролль». Последнее — не шутка Фреда и Джорджа: такая оценка означает, что студент по умственному развитию туп, как данный великан. Тем не менее, четких критериев у проверяющих нет, поэтому хороший балл на одном и том же экзамене в разные годы получают студенты с разным уровнем подготовки.

Многие говорят, что экзамены не имеют значения…

Профессор Трелони заявляла, что пропуски или ошибки практически не влияют на результаты ее экзамена. Также некоторые ученики говорят, что есть много людей, которые смогут помочь им исправить оценки, поэтому они могут просто расслабиться, что и тебе советуют. Ну а Гарри Поттер стал известным вообще без школы, так что к чему эта подготовка?

…но они имеют значение

Гарри был абсолютно уверен, что хочет стать мракоборцем. Поэтому профессор МакГонагалл позаботилась о том, чтобы он хорошо понимал, что для этого ему придется не только хорошо сдать финальный экзамен «П.А.У.К.», но и подтянуть свой общий балл. Даже если ученики не уверены насчет будущей профессии, хорошие оценки открывают им больше возможностей.

Не хватает часов в сутках

Большинство экзаменов в Хогвартсе стоят с перерывами в несколько недель друг от друга. Как время приближается к концу семестра, у студентов просто не остается времени на свои дела, потому что приходится готовиться к следующим зачетам. Если у тебя нет маховика времени, как у Гермионы, советуем тебе более детально расписать свой планер.

Все ждут от тебя большего

МакГонагалл сказала, что поможет Гарри сдать экзамены и стать мракоборцем, «даже если это будет последнее, что она сделает». Часто самое трудное в получении более-менее хорошей оценки — общаться с людьми, которые вкладывают в тебя свое время и силы. Приходится работать усерднее!

Злорадство тех, у кого нет экзаменов

Фред Уизли радовался как ребенок, когда учителя сильно гоняли Рона от зачета к зачету. Поэтому все, что остается делать таким бедняжкам, – не обращать внимания и запомнить такое поведение до следующего раза. Тогда они поменяются местами, и месть неминуема!

Страшная практическая часть

Наверное, любой сошел бы с ума, если бы не смог вспомнить, как приготовить зелье забвения на экзамене Снейпа! Возможно, даже выпил бы его, дабы забыть столь позорный момент. Выучить можно многое, а вот показать знания на практике сложнее.

Опустошение после экзамена

Основная масса студентов выходит из кабинета побледневшая и обмякшая. Затем все сравнивают результаты и жалуются на сложные задачи. Очень похоже на нас, правда?

Мучительное ожидание результатов

Когда все закончилось, пришло время нового круга ада – неопределенности. Если ты похожа на Гермиону, то побежишь обсуждать вопросы с другими. Если как Рон, то просто упадешь на ближайшее место с подушкой и больше никогда не заговоришь об этом.

Видишь, как мы похожи на волшебников! Так что не переживай, ты не одна. Удачной подготовки к экзаменам :)

«What you must remember, is that these examinations may influence your futures for many years to come! If you have not already given serious thought to your careers, now is the time to do so. And in the meantime, I’m afraid, we shall be working harder than ever to ensure that you all do yourselves justice!«
— Professor Flitwick on the importance of O.W.L. exams[src]

An Ordinary Wizarding Level (often abbreviated O.W.L.) was a series of subject-specific standardised tests taken during Hogwarts students’ fifth year. These exams were administered by the Wizarding Examinations Authority and had been around since at least the late 1800s.[2]

Each subject had its own O.W.L. exam. The score achieved by a student on a particular O.W.L. determined whether or not that student would be allowed to continue studying in the more advanced classes of that subject in their sixth and seventh years. If students did not score high enough on a subjects O.W.L., then they would not be allowed to take that class anymore. Exam scores also determined what type of job a student could have once they graduated Hogwarts.[3]

As well as referring to the test that students took in their fifth year, the term «O.W.L.» also referred to the type of class, i.e. the level of difficulty of the class the student is taking. In addition, «achieving an O.W.L.» was used to refer to a class in which the student had passed their O.W.L. exam (example: Harry Potter received an O.W.L. in Transfiguration by attaining a passing grade on the O.W.L. exam for that class).[4]


«O.W.L.s are really important, affect the jobs you can apply for and everything.«
— Ron Weasley regarding O.W.L.s’ and their effect on the future[src]

Once a student passed the O.W.L.s, they would be allowed to take the N.E.W.T. -level classes in their sixth and seventh years. In their seventh year, students took the Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test, or N.E.W.T., the scores of which were what potential employers looked at when the student was looking for a career after they completed their education. Some careers required certain subjects to be taken at N.E.W.T. -level and with a passing grade or in some cases top grades. The O.W.L. examinations basically determined what type of career options students would be able to pursue once their education had been completed.[3]

In order to be admitted into a class at N.E.W.T. level, a student first had to achieve an ‘Outstanding’ or ‘Exceeds Expectations’ at O.W.L.-level in order to prove they could cope with the upcoming course work, which would be much more advanced. Minerva McGonagall would not let Neville Longbottom into her N.E.W.T. Transfiguration class, because he did not achieve a high enough grade, which meant that Neville would have not had the skills or knowledge in that field to reasonably keep up with the significantly more challenging coursework.[5] The individual teachers decided what grade was required for a student to take their class at N.E.W.T. level, Severus Snape only accepted students into his advanced potions class if they got an ‘Outstanding’ on the O.W.L. exam, while Horace Slughorn was perfectly willing to accept students with ‘Exceeds Expectations’.

Successfully completing the O.W.L.s was also a sign that the student was trustworthy enough to be a law-abiding citizen who could learn from their mistakes. Thus, any such students who were expelled would be permitted to keep their wands and continue to practise magic, though this would be a sign of disgrace forever tainting their permanent record, as Newton Scamander underwent.[6]

Due to the serious and important nature of the tests, preparation for both O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s was very hard work. Students would generally begin preparing for their O.W.L.s in their fourth year, in order to take them at the end of their fifth.[7] The pressure was enough to make certain students (such as Hannah Abbott) have a panic attack, and it was necessary to give them a Calming Draught to lower their anxiety.[8]


«Now, I must warn you that the most stringent Anti-Cheating Charms have been applied to your examination papers.«
— McGonagall warning students that the exams are charmed to prevent cheating[src]

Cheating was also both highly tempting for the students and highly guarded against by the exam givers. Anti-Cheating Spells were applied to all O.W.L. exam papers. Auto-Answer Quills, Remembralls, Detachable Cribbing Cuffs, and Self-Correcting Ink were all banned from the examination hall as well.[1] Despite this, at least one student attempted to cheat every year, though none known were successful since the year 1896.[9]


«You cannot pass an O.W.L. without serious application, practice, and study. I see no reason why everybody in this class should not achieve an O.W.L. in Transfiguration as long as they put in the work.«
— McGonagall regarding the amount of time and work that is needed to pass an O.W.L.[src]

The intense workload that O.W.L.-level students experience

Students in fourth year received more homework then any of the years prior, in preparation for their upcoming O.W.L.s. Once a student was in their fifth year, the amount of homework being set would drastically increase. During a 1995 Charms lesson, students spent more than an hour reviewing Summoning Charms, which according to Professor Flitwick were bound to come up in their O.W.L. Professor Flitwick then finished the lesson by setting fifth years their largest amount of Charms homework ever.[10]

It was the same, if not worse, in Transfiguration. A Transfiguration lesson on Vanishing Spells ended with everybody, but Hermione Granger being given homework.[10] This was done to prepare students, as Vanishing Spells were some of the most difficult magic they would be tested on during their O.W.L. exams.[10] The amount of homework being set increased with every class, not just a select few. For O.W.L.-level Astronomy, students filled in blank star charts and were expected to complete long and complex essays.[11][12] Astronomy homework became so intensive that some students had to organise meetings to help each other get through it.[13] In Study of Ancient Runes fifth years had homework that involved translating runes. The Astronomy and Ancient Runes homework coincided with the exam material for both classes.[1]

This intense work load, lead to some students panicking about the amount of homework they had to do. For example, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley spent a lunch hour in the library looking up the uses of moonstones in potion-making.[14] It also resulted in some students developing headaches due to the stress, because of the sheer quantity of work being set.[10] Harry was a frequent victim of these headaches, and the pain would stab at him sharply.

During the same point in time, some fifth year students had to write three essays, practise Vanishing Spells for McGonagall, work out a counter-charm for Flitwick, finish a bowtruckle drawing, and start a dream diary for Professor Trelawney.[10] Apparently, O.W.L.-level Divination had such an increase in coursework that homework meetings between students were common.[13] Essays were issued in both Herbology and History of Magic as well. The History of Magic essay on Giant Wars was considered long.[14] These essays most likely reflected questions that would be asked on the theory portions of the O.W.L exams. This trend in homework continued for the majority of the school year of fifth years.


«Ginny’s O.W.L.s were approaching and she was therefore forced to study for hours into the night.«
— Harry Potter commenting on a typical O.W.L. study routine[src]

The trio studying for their O.W.L. exams

Students such as Ernie Macmillan studied eight or nine hours a day in order to ensure good results’. The day before exams, fifth year students in Gryffindor spent the entire day reviewing subject content that could appear in their exams. Harry Potter quizzed Hermione Granger by asking her question from the book Achievements in Charming. Hermione became so agitated that she accidentally hit Harry in the nose with the sharp corner of the book, after having snatched it back in order to check her answers.[1]

Ron Weasley spent his time reading two years’ worth of Charms notes with his fingers in his ears, his lips moving soundlessly. Seamus Finnigan laid flat on his back on the floor, reciting the definition of a Substantive Charm while Dean Thomas checked it against The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 5. Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown practised basic Locomotion Charms, by making their pencil-cases race each other around the edge of a table.[1]

Achievements in Charming an O.WL. textbook

The evening before the exam was uncomfortable. Every fifth year was trying to do last-minute revising, but nobody seemed to be getting very far. All the fifth year boys were lying awake, but no one in the dormitory spoke. None of the fifth-years talked very much at breakfast the next day, either. Parvati was practising incantations under her breath. Hermione was rereading Achievements in Charming so fast that her eyes appeared blurred. Neville Longbottom kept dropping his knife and fork and knocking over the marmalade.[1]

Students also studied in between exams, practising wand movements and whispering incantations under their breath. Students also went straight to their common rooms after meals and submerged themselves in revision for whatever exams they had the next day.[1] Ginny Weasley was also forced to study for hours into the night and spend much time within the Hogwarts Library.[15]


«I think it appropriate to remind you that next June you will be sitting a important examination, during which you will prove how much you have learned about the composition and use of magical potions. Moronic though some of this class undoubtedly are, I expect you to scrape an ‘Acceptable’ in your O.W.L., or suffer my… displeasure.«
— Professor Snape regarding the potions exam[src]

A Theory of Charms O.W.L. exam paper

Most O.W.L.s were divided into written exams and practical exams.[1] The O.W.L. was comparable to the Muggle «O level» given at the same stage of education (the «O» standing for Ordinary). In 1988, this examination was replaced by the G.C.S.E. in England and Wales and the Standard Certificate level in Scotland, though in recent years the Standard Certificate has been replaced by National 5s in Scotland, but wizards were under no obligation to change their examinations when Muggles did.

Strict measures, such as Anti-Cheating Quills and Anti-Cheating spells, were used to prevent academic dishonesty. Among the examiners were Griselda Marchbanks and Professor Tofty. When a practical examination started, students would be called in alphabetically, by either first or last name.[1]


O.W.L. exams were administered over a period of two successive weeks at the end of fifth year. Most exams were divided into two parts: students will sit the theory portion in the morning and the practical portion in the afternoon, with the exception of the Astronomy practical exam, which occurs at night.[1]


The exact days for the O.W.L.s was unknown, but it was known that seven of the O.W.L.s were held in this order.[16]

  1. Potions
  2. Charms
  3. Transfiguration
  4. Herbology
  5. Care of Magical Creatures
  6. History of Magic
  7. Defence Against the Dark Arts

It is unknown when the Astronomy, Divination, Arithmancy, Muggle Studies and Study of Ancient Runes O.W.L.s took place.


First week
Subject Time Exam info
Charms Monday
«Well, it wasn’t too bad, was it?… I’m not sure I did myself justice on Cheering Charms, I just ran out of time. Did you put in the counter-charm for hiccoughs?«
— Hermione Granger regarding the written portion[src]

Written: Levitation Charm, Cheering Charm, and Counter-charm for hiccoughs.[1]

«On the whole, Harry thought it went rather well. His Levitation Charm was certainly much better than Malfoy’s had been, though he wished he had not mixed up the incantations for Colour Change and Growth Charms, so that the rat he was supposed to be turning orange swelled shockingly and was the size of a badger before Harry could rectify his mistake…«
— Charms practical[src]

Practical: Take an egg cup and make it do some cartwheels, Levitation Charm, Colour Change, and Growth Charms.[1]

Transfiguration Tuesday
«He forgot the definition of a Switching Spell during his written paper next morning but thought his practical could have been a lot worse.«
— Harry Potter’s Transformation written exam[src]

Written: One of the questions was the definition of a Switching Spell.[1]

«At least he managed to Vanish the whole of his iguana, whereas poor Hannah Abbott lost her head completely at the next table and somehow managed to multiply her ferret into a flock of flamingos, causing the examination to be halted for ten minutes; while the birds were captured and carried out of the Hall.«
— Transfiguration practical[src]

Practical: Vanishing Spell[1] (one of the most complicated spells taught at O.W.L[17])

Herbology Wednesday Written: Unknown
«They had their Herbology exam on Wednesday (other than a small bite from a Fanged Geranium, Harry felt he had done reasonably well).«
— Herbology practical[src]

Practical: Fanged Geranium and other plants.[1]

Defence Against the Dark Arts Thursday
«Here, for the first time, Harry felt sure he had passed. He had no problem with any of the written questions…«
— DADA written exam[src]

Written: Question ten — name five signs that identify the werewolf.[18]

«…took particular pleasure, during the practical examination, in performing all the counter-jinxes and defensive spells right in front of Umbridge, who was watching coolly from near the doors into the Entrance Hall.«
— Harry Potter’s DADA practical exam[src]

Practical: Counter-jinxes, Defensive Spells, Boggart-Banishing Spell, and the Patronus Charm for bonus points.[1]

Ancient Runes Friday
«I mistranslated ehwaz… It means partnership, not defence; I mixed it up with eihwaz.«
— Two translations from the Ancient Runes O.W.L.[src]

Written: Translation of runes like «ehwaz» and «eihwaz»[1]

Practical: Unknown; given the highly theoretical nature of this discipline, its exam may consist solely of a written section. Although it could be that the practical section may consist of oral and reporting parts and recognising certain Runes with the naked eye.
Second week
Subject Time Exam info
Potions Monday
«Sure enough, he found the written paper difficult, though he thought he might have got full marks on the question about Polyjuice Potion; he could describe its effects accurately, having taken it illegally in his second year.«
— Harry Potter’s Potions written exam[src]

Written: Contains a question about Polyjuice Potion (it is noted that the written exam is quite difficult)[1]

«The afternoon practical was not as dreadful as he had expected, it to be. With Snape absent from the proceedings, he found that he was much more relaxed than he usually was while making potions. Neville, who was sitting very near Harry, also looked happier than Harry had ever seen him during a Potions class.«
— Potions practical[src]

Practical: The making of certain potions, although few details are known.[1]

Care of Magical Creatures Tuesday Written: Unknown
«The practical examination took place in the afternoon on the lawn on the edge of the Forbidden Forest… «
— 1996 practical exam[src]

Practical: Identify a Knarl hidden among a dozen hedgehogs; Demonstrate correct handling of a Bowtruckle; Feed and clean out a Fire crab without sustaining serious burns; Choose from a wide selection of food the diet they would give a sick Unicorn.[1]

Astronomy Wednesday
«The Astronomy theory paper on Wednesday morning went well enough.«
— Harry Potter’s written Astronomy exam[src]

Written: Identify all of Jupiter’s moons (among other questions, presumably).[1]

Practical: Look at the telescope and fill in the blank star‐chart with the precise positions of the stars and planets they were observing.[1]
Books chapterart ootp 31.jpg
Divination Wednesday Written: Unknown; possibly contains questions of describing various methods of divination, mind and concentration techniques and practical theory; it is presumably generally easier than the practical part of the exam.
«He might as well have tried to see moving pictures on the desktop as in the stubbornly blank crystal ball; he lost his head completely during tea-leaf reading, saying it looked to him as though Professor Marchbanks would shortly be meeting a round, dark, soggy stranger, and rounded off the whole fiasco by mixing up the life and head lines on her palm and informing her that she ought to have died the previous Tuesday.«
— Harry Potter’s Divination practical[src]

Practical: Crystal ball reading, tea-leaf reading, palm-reading.[1]

Arithmancy Wednesday Written: Unknown
Practical: Unknown; given the highly theoretical nature of this discipline, its exam may consist solely of a written section. Although it could be that the practical section may consist of application methods and calculations of several magical forces and devices including numbers and numerology.
History of Magic Thursday
«He was finding it very difficult to remember names and kept confusing dates. He simply skipped question four… thinking that he would go back to it if he had time at the end. He had a stab at question five… but had a nagging suspicion that he had missed several important points; he had a feeling vampires had come into the story somewhere.«
— Harry Potter’s History of Magic exam[src]

Written: Wand legislation; Goblin riots of the eighteenth century; Statute of Secrecy breach; Formation of the International Confederation of Wizards and explain why the Warlocks of Liechtenstein refused to join.[1]

  • Muggle Studies – It was not specified when this exam was taken, or what components it included.

O.W.L. scores

If a student failed an O.W.L. and still wished to retake it, they were presumably held back in that class. Professor Severus Snape remarked in 1996 that Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle needed to pass their Defence Against the Dark Arts O.W.L.s, and that he gave them detention for this.[19]

O.W.L.s achieved

Subject Recipients Notes
Study of Ancient Runes Hermione Granger,[4] Bill Weasley, Percy Weasley,[20] Bartemius Crouch Junior (most likely),[21] Bathsheda Babbling[22]
Arithmancy Hermione Granger,[4] Bill Weasley, Percy Weasley,[20] Bartemius Crouch Junior,[21] Septima Vector[23]
Astronomy Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley,[4] Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley,[20] Bartemius Crouch Junior (most likely),[21] Aurora Sinistra Harry and Ron’s O.W.L.s may or may not have allowed them to continue to N.E.W.T.-level, though it is unknown as neither of them chose to apply for the subject in either case.[4]
Care of Magical Creatures Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley,[5] Charlie Weasley, Angelina Johnson,[1] Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley,[20] Bartemius Crouch Junior,[21] Silvanus Kettleburn, Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank, Jacob’s sibling (possibly), Luna Lovegood (possibly), Jae Kim[24]

It was never mentioned that Charlie earned a pass, but it seems likely since he worked directly with magical creatures.

It is unknown whether Luna Lovegood achieved an O.W.L. in this subject, but seeing as she became a professional Magizoologist in her adult life, it was very likely.
It was also very possible that Luna’s husband Rolf Scamander achieved an O.W.L. in this subject as well, considering he was also a Magizoologist.

Seamus Finnigan,[25] Hermione Granger,[4] Neville Longbottom,[5] Harry Potter,[4] Dean Thomas,[25] Ron Weasley, Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley,[20] Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Alicia Spinnet,[26] Lee Jordan,[citation needed] Cedric Diggory,[27] Bartemius Crouch Junior,[21] Filius Flitwick, Nymphadora Tonks, Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Isobel Ross,[28] Jacob’s sibling (possibly), Ben Copper (possibly), Talbott Winger, Luna Lovegood (possibly), Jae Kim[24]

Augusta Longbottom failed her Charms O.W.L.[5]
Isobel Ross, the mother of Minerva McGonagall, most likely achieved an O.W.L. in this subject, as she excelled in Charms and graduated top of her class in the subject.[28]
It is one of the subjects in which students are required to pass an O.W.L. with a grade of E or O in order to have prospects of becoming an Auror.[3]
It’s possible that Ben Copper gained an O.W.L. with an Outstanding in this subject, because charms normally reserved in the subject was merged into Charms class, and he was well-versed in Charms and Martial magic. It was his best subject.
Defence Against the Dark Arts Lavender Brown,[29] Seamus Finnigan,[5][29] Hermione Granger,[4] Neville Longbottom, Ernie Macmillan, Draco Malfoy, Parvati Patil,[5] Harry Potter,[4] Dean Thomas,[5] Ron Weasley,[4] Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley,[20] Fred Weasley, George Weasley,[30] Lee Jordan,[31] Bartemius Crouch Junior,[21] Quirinus Quirrell, Remus Lupin, Alastor Moody, Nymphadora Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Pansy Parkinson, Jacob’s sibling (possibly), Talbott Winger, Ben Copper (possibly), Luna Lovegood (possibly), Jae Kim[24] Most of these were members of Dumbledore’s Army, which contributed to their high scores.[5]
This was the only course Harry Potter received an ‘Outstanding’ in and Hermione Granger did not.[4]
It was possible that Lyall Lupin achieved a O.W.L. in this subject, as he was world-renowned authority on Non-Human Spirituous Apparitions.[32]
It was one of the subjects in which students were required to pass an O.W.L. with a grade of E or O in order to have prospects of becoming an Auror.[3]
It was possible that Ben Copper gained a O.W.L. in this subject, because charms normally reserved in the subject was merged into Charms class, and he is well-versed in Charms and Martial magic.
Divination Parvati Patil,[5] Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley, Sybill Trelawney Lavender Brown may also have achieved an O.W.L. in this subject, given that she and Parvati are usually mentioned as being the most enthusiastic, interested and diligent in this class.
Harry Potter failed this exam, given that it was his worst subject. Ron Weasley also failed this exam.[4]
Herbology Hannah Abbott,[33] Hermione Granger,[4] Neville Longbottom,[5] Harry Potter, Ron Weasley,[4] Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley,[20] Fred Weasley, George Weasley,[14] Bartemius Crouch Junior (possibly),[21] Pomona Sprout, Herbert Beery, Jacob’s sibling (possibly), Talbott Winger, Nymphadora Tonks, Jae Kim[24] Neville Longbottom achieved an ‘Outstanding’ O.W.L.;[5] Herbology was noted to be his best subject,[30][5] and he later worked as a Professor of the subject himself.[34]
It is one of the subjects in which students are required to pass an O.W.L. with a grade of E or O in order to have prospects of becoming an Auror.[3]
History of Magic Hermione Granger,[4] Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley,[20] Bartemius Crouch Junior (possibly),[21] Cuthbert Binns, Jacob’s sibling (possibly), Talbott Winger, Rowan Khanna (possibly), Nymphadora Tonks, Ismelda Murk (possibly), Jae Kim[24] As this was known to be an extremely boring subject, given Professor Binns’ droning lecture style, most students found it impossible to pay any attention in this class, and thus almost impossible to get a good O.W.L. score in.[14]
It was one of the subjects which Talbott Winger was required to pass with O.W.L. an with a grade of E or O in order to have prospects of becoming an Auror, oddly enough.
It was likely that Rowan Khanna and Ismelda Murk gained top marks in their O.W.L.s in this subject, as it was their best subject.
Harry Potter received a ‘Dreadful’ on this O.W.L.,[4] as he passed out halfway through the exam.[1]
Muggle Studies Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley, Arthur Weasley (possibly), Quirinus Quirrell, Charity Burbage, Bartemius Crouch Junior (most likely) Although it was unknown if Arthur Weasley gained any qualifications in this subject, it is likely due to his fascination of Muggles and his work in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office.
This was a class that Hermione Granger wanted to study due to her Muggle status, but was dropped due to conflicting schedules.[35]
Potions Terry Boot, Michael Corner,[5] Hermione Granger,[4] Ernie Macmillan, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott,[5] Harry Potter, Ron Weasley,[4] Blaise Zabini,[5] Pansy Parkinson,[36] Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley,[20] Bartemius Crouch Junior,[21] Severus Snape, Horace Slughorn, Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Nymphadora Tonks, Padma Patil,[36] Jacob’s sibling (possibly), Penny Haywood (possibly), Talbott Winger, Merula Snyde (possibly), Jae Kim[24]

Professor Snape’s favouritism of Slytherin students may have been part of the reason Slytherin students tended to do well in this subject.

This was said to be a rather difficult subject to achieve an high O.W.L. score in. Only twelve students were able to make it to N.E.W.T.-level in 1996; four Ravenclaws, four Slytherins, three Gryffindors, and one Hufflepuff.[5]
It was one of the subjects in which students are required to pass an O.W.L. with a grade of E or O in order to have prospects of becoming an Auror.[3]
Lily Evans most likely achieved an high O.W.L. score in this subject, given that she had an instinctual understanding of potion-making (according to Horace Slughorn.[5]
Transfiguration Lavender Brown,[19] Seamus Finnigan,[37] Hermione Granger,[4] Neville Longbottom,[5] Parvati Patil,[19] Harry Potter,[4] Dean Thomas, Ron Weasley,[4] Draco Malfoy,[38] Katie Bell,[39] Cedric Diggory,[27] Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley,[20] Bartemius Crouch Junior,[21] Albus Dumbledore,[1] Minerva McGonagall, Nymphadora Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Alastor Moody, Jacob’s sibling (possibly), Talbott Winger, Jae Kim[24]

Neville’s ‘Acceptable’ O.W.L. did not qualify him for the N.E.W.T.-level.[5]

It is likely that the Marauders progressed to N.E.W.T.-level in this subject considering; Sirius Black and Remus Lupin were able to perform Untransfiguration on Peter Pettigrew, James Potter’s wand was excellent for Transfiguration, and Pettigrew was able to perform conjuration, which is taught at N.E.W.T.-level.
It is one of the subjects in which Talbott Winger was required to pass an O.W.L. with a grade of E or O in order to have prospects of becoming an Auror.[3]
It is possible that Augusta Longbottom received a high O.W.L. score in this subject, considering that she wanted her grandson Neville to take it at N.E.W.T.-level.[5]

See also

  • N.E.W.T.
  • W.O.M.B.A.T.

Behind the scenes

  • O.W.L.s are comparable to the formerly used Ordinary Levels (known as «O-Levels») that these exams appear to be named after, being taken around the same age and studied for two years before examination.
  • In the film adaptations, «O.W.L» is pronounced as an acronym, but in the UK audiobooks every letter is enunciated individually, presumably to avoid ambiguity.
  • In their Charms exam, students are called in order by last name, alphabetically. However, Harry Potter and Hannah Abbott are called at the same time for their Transfiguration exam, which may mean Transfiguration O.W.Ls are called in order of first name.
  • The only known characters to receive all twelve O.W.L.s are Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley, and Bartemius Crouch Junior. However, in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, it is revealed that attempting this would cause a timetable clash during that year; Minerva McGonagall had to write several letters to the Ministry in order to obtain a Time-Turner for Hermione Granger so that she would be able to attend all her classes when she attempted to take all twelve subjects in her third year (although she ultimately dropped two when she was not able to cope with so many subjects). It is unclear how Percy, Bill, and Barty Crouch Jnr were able to make a similar accomplishment as Hermione’s was the only Time-Turner to ever enter Hogwarts according to J.K. Rowling.[40] It should be noted that Barty Crouch Jnr obtaining twelve O.W.L.s was mentioned by his father during a bout of insane rambling due to the damage to his mind from fighting the Imperius Curse and could have been a delusional mistake on the part of Bartemius Crouch Senior. On the other hand, all three had parents connected in some way with the Ministry, so this is fairly plausible.
  • Harry Potter and his year all begin studying for their O.W.L.S as early as the beginning of fourth year. It is unknown whether this is the case with other years at Hogwarts or if it was a precaution so students didn’t forget their work whilst the Triwizard Tournament was being held.
  • In early editions of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Hermione Granger is said to receive eleven O.W.L.s, scoring ten O’s and one E. However, after the events of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hermione shrunk her class load from twelve subjects to ten, dropping both Divination and Muggle Studies. This was corrected in the Scholastic edition, where Ron instead states the she received nine O’s and one E, giving her a total of ten O.W.L.s.
  • It is interesting to note that the passing grades of O.W.L. exams are vowels (A, E, and O), while the failing grades are consonants (P, D, and T).
  • In the film version of HalfBlood Prince, many more students are seen studying N.E.W.T. level Potions. Interestingly, both Romilda Vane and Katie Bell are seen in this class, despite the fact that Romilda is a fourth year and Katie is a seventh year.
  • In Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, players can guide Jacob’s sibling to gain at least an A in 7 subjects:
    • Charms
    • Potions
    • Transfiguration
    • Care of Magical Creatures
    • Herbology
    • History of Magic
    • Defence Against the Dark Arts
    • It is likely Jacob’s sibling also got a passing grade in Astronomy and Divination, as these classes are unlocked in Year 6.


  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (First mentioned)
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (film) (Mentioned only) (Not Danish)
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (First appearance)
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film)
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (video game)
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (film) (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (video game) (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Appears in flashback(s))
  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (play) (Mentioned only)
  • Pottermore (Mentioned only)
  • Wizarding World (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery
  • Harry Potter: Wizards Unite (Mentioned only)
  • Hogwarts Legacy (Mentioned only)

Notes and references

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 31 (O.W.L.s)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 29 (Careers Advice)
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 5 (An Excess of Phlegm)
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 9 (The Half-Blood Prince)
  6. «EXCLUSIVE: J.K. Rowling tells SnitchSeeker about Newt’s expulsion from Hogwarts, more»
  7. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 15 (Beauxbatons and Durmstrang)
  8. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 27 (The Centaur and the Sneak)
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 13 (Detention with Dolores)
  11. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 26 (Seen and Unforeseen)
  12. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 14 (Percy and Padfoot)
  13. 13.0 13.1 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (video game)
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 12 (Professor Umbridge)
  15. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 25 (The Seer Overheard)
  16. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 5, «Ordinary Wizarding Levels» Achievement
  17. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 13 (Detention with Dolores)
  18. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 28 (Snape’s Worst Memory)
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 15 (The Unbreakable Vow)
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 20.8 20.9 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 4 (At Flourish and Blotts) — It is said that both Percy and Bill Weasley earned twelve O.W.L.s each, meaning they must have gained an O.W.L. in every possible subject on offer at Hogwarts.
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 21.7 21.8 21.9 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 28 (The Madness of Mr Crouch) — Barty Crouch Senior remarks that his son (Barty Crouch Junior) had «recently gained twelve O.W.L.s, most satisfactory, yes, thank you, yes, very proud indeed» in a state of delirium, which is therefore possibly a truthful statement, but his mental instability renders the statement not entirely verifiable.
  22. J. K. Rowling’s official site — As Babbling was the professor of Ancient Runes at Hogwarts.
  23. J. K. Rowling’s official site — As Vector was the professor of Arithmancy at Hogwarts.
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery (see this image)
  25. 25.0 25.1 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 17 (A Sluggish Memory)
  26. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 15 (The Hogwarts High Inquisitor)
  27. 27.0 27.1 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 20 (The First Task)
  28. 28.0 28.1 Writing by J. K. Rowling: «Professor McGonagall» at Wizarding World
  29. 29.0 29.1 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 21 (The Unknowable Room)
  30. 30.0 30.1 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 14 (The Unforgivable Curses)
  31. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 30 (Grawp)
  32. Writing by J. K. Rowling: «Remus Lupin» at Wizarding World
  33. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 11 (Hermione’s Helping Hand)
  34. Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsEpilogue (Nineteen Years Later)
  35. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 22 (Owl Post Again)
  36. 36.0 36.1 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (film) — Chapter 8 (The Half-Blood Prince)
  37. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 14 (Felix Felicis)
  38. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 12 (Silver and Opals)
  39. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 24 (Sectumsempra)
  40. Writing by J. K. Rowling: «Time-Turner» at Wizarding World
Hogwarts subjects
Core classes Astronomy · Charms · Defence Against the Dark Arts · Herbology · History of Magic · Potions · Transfiguration


Elective classes Alchemy · Arithmancy · Care of Magical Creatures · Divination · Muggle Studies · Study of Ancient Runes
Extracurricular classes Apparition · Advanced Arithmancy Studies · Ancient Studies · Art · Flying · Ghoul Studies · Magical Theory · Muggle Art · Muggle Music · Music · Xylomancy
First year exams · Second year exams · Third year exams · Fourth year exams ·
Ordinary Wizarding Level · Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test
«What you must remember, is that these examinations may influence your futures for many years to come! If you have not already given serious thought to your careers, now is the time to do so. And in the meantime, I’m afraid, we shall be working harder than ever to ensure that you all do yourselves justice!«
— Professor Flitwick on the importance of O.W.L. exams[src]

An Ordinary Wizarding Level (often abbreviated O.W.L.) was a series of subject-specific standardised tests taken during Hogwarts students’ fifth year. These exams were administered by the Wizarding Examinations Authority and had been around since at least the late 1800s.[2]

Each subject had its own O.W.L. exam. The score achieved by a student on a particular O.W.L. determined whether or not that student would be allowed to continue studying in the more advanced classes of that subject in their sixth and seventh years. If students did not score high enough on a subjects O.W.L., then they would not be allowed to take that class anymore. Exam scores also determined what type of job a student could have once they graduated Hogwarts.[3]

As well as referring to the test that students took in their fifth year, the term «O.W.L.» also referred to the type of class, i.e. the level of difficulty of the class the student is taking. In addition, «achieving an O.W.L.» was used to refer to a class in which the student had passed their O.W.L. exam (example: Harry Potter received an O.W.L. in Transfiguration by attaining a passing grade on the O.W.L. exam for that class).[4]


«O.W.L.s are really important, affect the jobs you can apply for and everything.«
— Ron Weasley regarding O.W.L.s’ and their effect on the future[src]

Once a student passed the O.W.L.s, they would be allowed to take the N.E.W.T. -level classes in their sixth and seventh years. In their seventh year, students took the Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test, or N.E.W.T., the scores of which were what potential employers looked at when the student was looking for a career after they completed their education. Some careers required certain subjects to be taken at N.E.W.T. -level and with a passing grade or in some cases top grades. The O.W.L. examinations basically determined what type of career options students would be able to pursue once their education had been completed.[3]

In order to be admitted into a class at N.E.W.T. level, a student first had to achieve an ‘Outstanding’ or ‘Exceeds Expectations’ at O.W.L.-level in order to prove they could cope with the upcoming course work, which would be much more advanced. Minerva McGonagall would not let Neville Longbottom into her N.E.W.T. Transfiguration class, because he did not achieve a high enough grade, which meant that Neville would have not had the skills or knowledge in that field to reasonably keep up with the significantly more challenging coursework.[5] The individual teachers decided what grade was required for a student to take their class at N.E.W.T. level, Severus Snape only accepted students into his advanced potions class if they got an ‘Outstanding’ on the O.W.L. exam, while Horace Slughorn was perfectly willing to accept students with ‘Exceeds Expectations’.

Successfully completing the O.W.L.s was also a sign that the student was trustworthy enough to be a law-abiding citizen who could learn from their mistakes. Thus, any such students who were expelled would be permitted to keep their wands and continue to practise magic, though this would be a sign of disgrace forever tainting their permanent record, as Newton Scamander underwent.[6]

Due to the serious and important nature of the tests, preparation for both O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s was very hard work. Students would generally begin preparing for their O.W.L.s in their fourth year, in order to take them at the end of their fifth.[7] The pressure was enough to make certain students (such as Hannah Abbott) have a panic attack, and it was necessary to give them a Calming Draught to lower their anxiety.[8]


«Now, I must warn you that the most stringent Anti-Cheating Charms have been applied to your examination papers.«
— McGonagall warning students that the exams are charmed to prevent cheating[src]

Cheating was also both highly tempting for the students and highly guarded against by the exam givers. Anti-Cheating Spells were applied to all O.W.L. exam papers. Auto-Answer Quills, Remembralls, Detachable Cribbing Cuffs, and Self-Correcting Ink were all banned from the examination hall as well.[1] Despite this, at least one student attempted to cheat every year, though none known were successful since the year 1896.[9]


«You cannot pass an O.W.L. without serious application, practice, and study. I see no reason why everybody in this class should not achieve an O.W.L. in Transfiguration as long as they put in the work.«
— McGonagall regarding the amount of time and work that is needed to pass an O.W.L.[src]

The intense workload that O.W.L.-level students experience

Students in fourth year received more homework then any of the years prior, in preparation for their upcoming O.W.L.s. Once a student was in their fifth year, the amount of homework being set would drastically increase. During a 1995 Charms lesson, students spent more than an hour reviewing Summoning Charms, which according to Professor Flitwick were bound to come up in their O.W.L. Professor Flitwick then finished the lesson by setting fifth years their largest amount of Charms homework ever.[10]

It was the same, if not worse, in Transfiguration. A Transfiguration lesson on Vanishing Spells ended with everybody, but Hermione Granger being given homework.[10] This was done to prepare students, as Vanishing Spells were some of the most difficult magic they would be tested on during their O.W.L. exams.[10] The amount of homework being set increased with every class, not just a select few. For O.W.L.-level Astronomy, students filled in blank star charts and were expected to complete long and complex essays.[11][12] Astronomy homework became so intensive that some students had to organise meetings to help each other get through it.[13] In Study of Ancient Runes fifth years had homework that involved translating runes. The Astronomy and Ancient Runes homework coincided with the exam material for both classes.[1]

This intense work load, lead to some students panicking about the amount of homework they had to do. For example, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley spent a lunch hour in the library looking up the uses of moonstones in potion-making.[14] It also resulted in some students developing headaches due to the stress, because of the sheer quantity of work being set.[10] Harry was a frequent victim of these headaches, and the pain would stab at him sharply.

During the same point in time, some fifth year students had to write three essays, practise Vanishing Spells for McGonagall, work out a counter-charm for Flitwick, finish a bowtruckle drawing, and start a dream diary for Professor Trelawney.[10] Apparently, O.W.L.-level Divination had such an increase in coursework that homework meetings between students were common.[13] Essays were issued in both Herbology and History of Magic as well. The History of Magic essay on Giant Wars was considered long.[14] These essays most likely reflected questions that would be asked on the theory portions of the O.W.L exams. This trend in homework continued for the majority of the school year of fifth years.


«Ginny’s O.W.L.s were approaching and she was therefore forced to study for hours into the night.«
— Harry Potter commenting on a typical O.W.L. study routine[src]

The trio studying for their O.W.L. exams

Students such as Ernie Macmillan studied eight or nine hours a day in order to ensure good results’. The day before exams, fifth year students in Gryffindor spent the entire day reviewing subject content that could appear in their exams. Harry Potter quizzed Hermione Granger by asking her question from the book Achievements in Charming. Hermione became so agitated that she accidentally hit Harry in the nose with the sharp corner of the book, after having snatched it back in order to check her answers.[1]

Ron Weasley spent his time reading two years’ worth of Charms notes with his fingers in his ears, his lips moving soundlessly. Seamus Finnigan laid flat on his back on the floor, reciting the definition of a Substantive Charm while Dean Thomas checked it against The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 5. Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown practised basic Locomotion Charms, by making their pencil-cases race each other around the edge of a table.[1]

Achievements in Charming an O.WL. textbook

The evening before the exam was uncomfortable. Every fifth year was trying to do last-minute revising, but nobody seemed to be getting very far. All the fifth year boys were lying awake, but no one in the dormitory spoke. None of the fifth-years talked very much at breakfast the next day, either. Parvati was practising incantations under her breath. Hermione was rereading Achievements in Charming so fast that her eyes appeared blurred. Neville Longbottom kept dropping his knife and fork and knocking over the marmalade.[1]

Students also studied in between exams, practising wand movements and whispering incantations under their breath. Students also went straight to their common rooms after meals and submerged themselves in revision for whatever exams they had the next day.[1] Ginny Weasley was also forced to study for hours into the night and spend much time within the Hogwarts Library.[15]


«I think it appropriate to remind you that next June you will be sitting a important examination, during which you will prove how much you have learned about the composition and use of magical potions. Moronic though some of this class undoubtedly are, I expect you to scrape an ‘Acceptable’ in your O.W.L., or suffer my… displeasure.«
— Professor Snape regarding the potions exam[src]

A Theory of Charms O.W.L. exam paper

Most O.W.L.s were divided into written exams and practical exams.[1] The O.W.L. was comparable to the Muggle «O level» given at the same stage of education (the «O» standing for Ordinary). In 1988, this examination was replaced by the G.C.S.E. in England and Wales and the Standard Certificate level in Scotland, though in recent years the Standard Certificate has been replaced by National 5s in Scotland, but wizards were under no obligation to change their examinations when Muggles did.

Strict measures, such as Anti-Cheating Quills and Anti-Cheating spells, were used to prevent academic dishonesty. Among the examiners were Griselda Marchbanks and Professor Tofty. When a practical examination started, students would be called in alphabetically, by either first or last name.[1]


O.W.L. exams were administered over a period of two successive weeks at the end of fifth year. Most exams were divided into two parts: students will sit the theory portion in the morning and the practical portion in the afternoon, with the exception of the Astronomy practical exam, which occurs at night.[1]


The exact days for the O.W.L.s was unknown, but it was known that seven of the O.W.L.s were held in this order.[16]

  1. Potions
  2. Charms
  3. Transfiguration
  4. Herbology
  5. Care of Magical Creatures
  6. History of Magic
  7. Defence Against the Dark Arts

It is unknown when the Astronomy, Divination, Arithmancy, Muggle Studies and Study of Ancient Runes O.W.L.s took place.


First week
Subject Time Exam info
Charms Monday
«Well, it wasn’t too bad, was it?… I’m not sure I did myself justice on Cheering Charms, I just ran out of time. Did you put in the counter-charm for hiccoughs?«
— Hermione Granger regarding the written portion[src]

Written: Levitation Charm, Cheering Charm, and Counter-charm for hiccoughs.[1]

«On the whole, Harry thought it went rather well. His Levitation Charm was certainly much better than Malfoy’s had been, though he wished he had not mixed up the incantations for Colour Change and Growth Charms, so that the rat he was supposed to be turning orange swelled shockingly and was the size of a badger before Harry could rectify his mistake…«
— Charms practical[src]

Practical: Take an egg cup and make it do some cartwheels, Levitation Charm, Colour Change, and Growth Charms.[1]

Transfiguration Tuesday
«He forgot the definition of a Switching Spell during his written paper next morning but thought his practical could have been a lot worse.«
— Harry Potter’s Transformation written exam[src]

Written: One of the questions was the definition of a Switching Spell.[1]

«At least he managed to Vanish the whole of his iguana, whereas poor Hannah Abbott lost her head completely at the next table and somehow managed to multiply her ferret into a flock of flamingos, causing the examination to be halted for ten minutes; while the birds were captured and carried out of the Hall.«
— Transfiguration practical[src]

Practical: Vanishing Spell[1] (one of the most complicated spells taught at O.W.L[17])

Herbology Wednesday Written: Unknown
«They had their Herbology exam on Wednesday (other than a small bite from a Fanged Geranium, Harry felt he had done reasonably well).«
— Herbology practical[src]

Practical: Fanged Geranium and other plants.[1]

Defence Against the Dark Arts Thursday
«Here, for the first time, Harry felt sure he had passed. He had no problem with any of the written questions…«
— DADA written exam[src]

Written: Question ten — name five signs that identify the werewolf.[18]

«…took particular pleasure, during the practical examination, in performing all the counter-jinxes and defensive spells right in front of Umbridge, who was watching coolly from near the doors into the Entrance Hall.«
— Harry Potter’s DADA practical exam[src]

Practical: Counter-jinxes, Defensive Spells, Boggart-Banishing Spell, and the Patronus Charm for bonus points.[1]

Ancient Runes Friday
«I mistranslated ehwaz… It means partnership, not defence; I mixed it up with eihwaz.«
— Two translations from the Ancient Runes O.W.L.[src]

Written: Translation of runes like «ehwaz» and «eihwaz»[1]

Practical: Unknown; given the highly theoretical nature of this discipline, its exam may consist solely of a written section. Although it could be that the practical section may consist of oral and reporting parts and recognising certain Runes with the naked eye.
Second week
Subject Time Exam info
Potions Monday
«Sure enough, he found the written paper difficult, though he thought he might have got full marks on the question about Polyjuice Potion; he could describe its effects accurately, having taken it illegally in his second year.«
— Harry Potter’s Potions written exam[src]

Written: Contains a question about Polyjuice Potion (it is noted that the written exam is quite difficult)[1]

«The afternoon practical was not as dreadful as he had expected, it to be. With Snape absent from the proceedings, he found that he was much more relaxed than he usually was while making potions. Neville, who was sitting very near Harry, also looked happier than Harry had ever seen him during a Potions class.«
— Potions practical[src]

Practical: The making of certain potions, although few details are known.[1]

Care of Magical Creatures Tuesday Written: Unknown
«The practical examination took place in the afternoon on the lawn on the edge of the Forbidden Forest… «
— 1996 practical exam[src]

Practical: Identify a Knarl hidden among a dozen hedgehogs; Demonstrate correct handling of a Bowtruckle; Feed and clean out a Fire crab without sustaining serious burns; Choose from a wide selection of food the diet they would give a sick Unicorn.[1]

Astronomy Wednesday
«The Astronomy theory paper on Wednesday morning went well enough.«
— Harry Potter’s written Astronomy exam[src]

Written: Identify all of Jupiter’s moons (among other questions, presumably).[1]

Practical: Look at the telescope and fill in the blank star‐chart with the precise positions of the stars and planets they were observing.[1]
Books chapterart ootp 31.jpg
Divination Wednesday Written: Unknown; possibly contains questions of describing various methods of divination, mind and concentration techniques and practical theory; it is presumably generally easier than the practical part of the exam.
«He might as well have tried to see moving pictures on the desktop as in the stubbornly blank crystal ball; he lost his head completely during tea-leaf reading, saying it looked to him as though Professor Marchbanks would shortly be meeting a round, dark, soggy stranger, and rounded off the whole fiasco by mixing up the life and head lines on her palm and informing her that she ought to have died the previous Tuesday.«
— Harry Potter’s Divination practical[src]

Practical: Crystal ball reading, tea-leaf reading, palm-reading.[1]

Arithmancy Wednesday Written: Unknown
Practical: Unknown; given the highly theoretical nature of this discipline, its exam may consist solely of a written section. Although it could be that the practical section may consist of application methods and calculations of several magical forces and devices including numbers and numerology.
History of Magic Thursday
«He was finding it very difficult to remember names and kept confusing dates. He simply skipped question four… thinking that he would go back to it if he had time at the end. He had a stab at question five… but had a nagging suspicion that he had missed several important points; he had a feeling vampires had come into the story somewhere.«
— Harry Potter’s History of Magic exam[src]

Written: Wand legislation; Goblin riots of the eighteenth century; Statute of Secrecy breach; Formation of the International Confederation of Wizards and explain why the Warlocks of Liechtenstein refused to join.[1]

  • Muggle Studies – It was not specified when this exam was taken, or what components it included.

O.W.L. scores

If a student failed an O.W.L. and still wished to retake it, they were presumably held back in that class. Professor Severus Snape remarked in 1996 that Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle needed to pass their Defence Against the Dark Arts O.W.L.s, and that he gave them detention for this.[19]

O.W.L.s achieved

Subject Recipients Notes
Study of Ancient Runes Hermione Granger,[4] Bill Weasley, Percy Weasley,[20] Bartemius Crouch Junior (most likely),[21] Bathsheda Babbling[22]
Arithmancy Hermione Granger,[4] Bill Weasley, Percy Weasley,[20] Bartemius Crouch Junior,[21] Septima Vector[23]
Astronomy Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley,[4] Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley,[20] Bartemius Crouch Junior (most likely),[21] Aurora Sinistra Harry and Ron’s O.W.L.s may or may not have allowed them to continue to N.E.W.T.-level, though it is unknown as neither of them chose to apply for the subject in either case.[4]
Care of Magical Creatures Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley,[5] Charlie Weasley, Angelina Johnson,[1] Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley,[20] Bartemius Crouch Junior,[21] Silvanus Kettleburn, Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank, Jacob’s sibling (possibly), Luna Lovegood (possibly), Jae Kim[24]

It was never mentioned that Charlie earned a pass, but it seems likely since he worked directly with magical creatures.

It is unknown whether Luna Lovegood achieved an O.W.L. in this subject, but seeing as she became a professional Magizoologist in her adult life, it was very likely.
It was also very possible that Luna’s husband Rolf Scamander achieved an O.W.L. in this subject as well, considering he was also a Magizoologist.

Seamus Finnigan,[25] Hermione Granger,[4] Neville Longbottom,[5] Harry Potter,[4] Dean Thomas,[25] Ron Weasley, Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley,[20] Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Alicia Spinnet,[26] Lee Jordan,[citation needed] Cedric Diggory,[27] Bartemius Crouch Junior,[21] Filius Flitwick, Nymphadora Tonks, Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Isobel Ross,[28] Jacob’s sibling (possibly), Ben Copper (possibly), Talbott Winger, Luna Lovegood (possibly), Jae Kim[24]

Augusta Longbottom failed her Charms O.W.L.[5]
Isobel Ross, the mother of Minerva McGonagall, most likely achieved an O.W.L. in this subject, as she excelled in Charms and graduated top of her class in the subject.[28]
It is one of the subjects in which students are required to pass an O.W.L. with a grade of E or O in order to have prospects of becoming an Auror.[3]
It’s possible that Ben Copper gained an O.W.L. with an Outstanding in this subject, because charms normally reserved in the subject was merged into Charms class, and he was well-versed in Charms and Martial magic. It was his best subject.
Defence Against the Dark Arts Lavender Brown,[29] Seamus Finnigan,[5][29] Hermione Granger,[4] Neville Longbottom, Ernie Macmillan, Draco Malfoy, Parvati Patil,[5] Harry Potter,[4] Dean Thomas,[5] Ron Weasley,[4] Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley,[20] Fred Weasley, George Weasley,[30] Lee Jordan,[31] Bartemius Crouch Junior,[21] Quirinus Quirrell, Remus Lupin, Alastor Moody, Nymphadora Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Pansy Parkinson, Jacob’s sibling (possibly), Talbott Winger, Ben Copper (possibly), Luna Lovegood (possibly), Jae Kim[24] Most of these were members of Dumbledore’s Army, which contributed to their high scores.[5]
This was the only course Harry Potter received an ‘Outstanding’ in and Hermione Granger did not.[4]
It was possible that Lyall Lupin achieved a O.W.L. in this subject, as he was world-renowned authority on Non-Human Spirituous Apparitions.[32]
It was one of the subjects in which students were required to pass an O.W.L. with a grade of E or O in order to have prospects of becoming an Auror.[3]
It was possible that Ben Copper gained a O.W.L. in this subject, because charms normally reserved in the subject was merged into Charms class, and he is well-versed in Charms and Martial magic.
Divination Parvati Patil,[5] Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley, Sybill Trelawney Lavender Brown may also have achieved an O.W.L. in this subject, given that she and Parvati are usually mentioned as being the most enthusiastic, interested and diligent in this class.
Harry Potter failed this exam, given that it was his worst subject. Ron Weasley also failed this exam.[4]
Herbology Hannah Abbott,[33] Hermione Granger,[4] Neville Longbottom,[5] Harry Potter, Ron Weasley,[4] Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley,[20] Fred Weasley, George Weasley,[14] Bartemius Crouch Junior (possibly),[21] Pomona Sprout, Herbert Beery, Jacob’s sibling (possibly), Talbott Winger, Nymphadora Tonks, Jae Kim[24] Neville Longbottom achieved an ‘Outstanding’ O.W.L.;[5] Herbology was noted to be his best subject,[30][5] and he later worked as a Professor of the subject himself.[34]
It is one of the subjects in which students are required to pass an O.W.L. with a grade of E or O in order to have prospects of becoming an Auror.[3]
History of Magic Hermione Granger,[4] Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley,[20] Bartemius Crouch Junior (possibly),[21] Cuthbert Binns, Jacob’s sibling (possibly), Talbott Winger, Rowan Khanna (possibly), Nymphadora Tonks, Ismelda Murk (possibly), Jae Kim[24] As this was known to be an extremely boring subject, given Professor Binns’ droning lecture style, most students found it impossible to pay any attention in this class, and thus almost impossible to get a good O.W.L. score in.[14]
It was one of the subjects which Talbott Winger was required to pass with O.W.L. an with a grade of E or O in order to have prospects of becoming an Auror, oddly enough.
It was likely that Rowan Khanna and Ismelda Murk gained top marks in their O.W.L.s in this subject, as it was their best subject.
Harry Potter received a ‘Dreadful’ on this O.W.L.,[4] as he passed out halfway through the exam.[1]
Muggle Studies Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley, Arthur Weasley (possibly), Quirinus Quirrell, Charity Burbage, Bartemius Crouch Junior (most likely) Although it was unknown if Arthur Weasley gained any qualifications in this subject, it is likely due to his fascination of Muggles and his work in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office.
This was a class that Hermione Granger wanted to study due to her Muggle status, but was dropped due to conflicting schedules.[35]
Potions Terry Boot, Michael Corner,[5] Hermione Granger,[4] Ernie Macmillan, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott,[5] Harry Potter, Ron Weasley,[4] Blaise Zabini,[5] Pansy Parkinson,[36] Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley,[20] Bartemius Crouch Junior,[21] Severus Snape, Horace Slughorn, Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Nymphadora Tonks, Padma Patil,[36] Jacob’s sibling (possibly), Penny Haywood (possibly), Talbott Winger, Merula Snyde (possibly), Jae Kim[24]

Professor Snape’s favouritism of Slytherin students may have been part of the reason Slytherin students tended to do well in this subject.

This was said to be a rather difficult subject to achieve an high O.W.L. score in. Only twelve students were able to make it to N.E.W.T.-level in 1996; four Ravenclaws, four Slytherins, three Gryffindors, and one Hufflepuff.[5]
It was one of the subjects in which students are required to pass an O.W.L. with a grade of E or O in order to have prospects of becoming an Auror.[3]
Lily Evans most likely achieved an high O.W.L. score in this subject, given that she had an instinctual understanding of potion-making (according to Horace Slughorn.[5]
Transfiguration Lavender Brown,[19] Seamus Finnigan,[37] Hermione Granger,[4] Neville Longbottom,[5] Parvati Patil,[19] Harry Potter,[4] Dean Thomas, Ron Weasley,[4] Draco Malfoy,[38] Katie Bell,[39] Cedric Diggory,[27] Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley,[20] Bartemius Crouch Junior,[21] Albus Dumbledore,[1] Minerva McGonagall, Nymphadora Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Alastor Moody, Jacob’s sibling (possibly), Talbott Winger, Jae Kim[24]

Neville’s ‘Acceptable’ O.W.L. did not qualify him for the N.E.W.T.-level.[5]

It is likely that the Marauders progressed to N.E.W.T.-level in this subject considering; Sirius Black and Remus Lupin were able to perform Untransfiguration on Peter Pettigrew, James Potter’s wand was excellent for Transfiguration, and Pettigrew was able to perform conjuration, which is taught at N.E.W.T.-level.
It is one of the subjects in which Talbott Winger was required to pass an O.W.L. with a grade of E or O in order to have prospects of becoming an Auror.[3]
It is possible that Augusta Longbottom received a high O.W.L. score in this subject, considering that she wanted her grandson Neville to take it at N.E.W.T.-level.[5]

See also

  • N.E.W.T.
  • W.O.M.B.A.T.

Behind the scenes

  • O.W.L.s are comparable to the formerly used Ordinary Levels (known as «O-Levels») that these exams appear to be named after, being taken around the same age and studied for two years before examination.
  • In the film adaptations, «O.W.L» is pronounced as an acronym, but in the UK audiobooks every letter is enunciated individually, presumably to avoid ambiguity.
  • In their Charms exam, students are called in order by last name, alphabetically. However, Harry Potter and Hannah Abbott are called at the same time for their Transfiguration exam, which may mean Transfiguration O.W.Ls are called in order of first name.
  • The only known characters to receive all twelve O.W.L.s are Percy Weasley, Bill Weasley, and Bartemius Crouch Junior. However, in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, it is revealed that attempting this would cause a timetable clash during that year; Minerva McGonagall had to write several letters to the Ministry in order to obtain a Time-Turner for Hermione Granger so that she would be able to attend all her classes when she attempted to take all twelve subjects in her third year (although she ultimately dropped two when she was not able to cope with so many subjects). It is unclear how Percy, Bill, and Barty Crouch Jnr were able to make a similar accomplishment as Hermione’s was the only Time-Turner to ever enter Hogwarts according to J.K. Rowling.[40] It should be noted that Barty Crouch Jnr obtaining twelve O.W.L.s was mentioned by his father during a bout of insane rambling due to the damage to his mind from fighting the Imperius Curse and could have been a delusional mistake on the part of Bartemius Crouch Senior. On the other hand, all three had parents connected in some way with the Ministry, so this is fairly plausible.
  • Harry Potter and his year all begin studying for their O.W.L.S as early as the beginning of fourth year. It is unknown whether this is the case with other years at Hogwarts or if it was a precaution so students didn’t forget their work whilst the Triwizard Tournament was being held.
  • In early editions of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Hermione Granger is said to receive eleven O.W.L.s, scoring ten O’s and one E. However, after the events of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hermione shrunk her class load from twelve subjects to ten, dropping both Divination and Muggle Studies. This was corrected in the Scholastic edition, where Ron instead states the she received nine O’s and one E, giving her a total of ten O.W.L.s.
  • It is interesting to note that the passing grades of O.W.L. exams are vowels (A, E, and O), while the failing grades are consonants (P, D, and T).
  • In the film version of HalfBlood Prince, many more students are seen studying N.E.W.T. level Potions. Interestingly, both Romilda Vane and Katie Bell are seen in this class, despite the fact that Romilda is a fourth year and Katie is a seventh year.
  • In Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, players can guide Jacob’s sibling to gain at least an A in 7 subjects:
    • Charms
    • Potions
    • Transfiguration
    • Care of Magical Creatures
    • Herbology
    • History of Magic
    • Defence Against the Dark Arts
    • It is likely Jacob’s sibling also got a passing grade in Astronomy and Divination, as these classes are unlocked in Year 6.


  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (First mentioned)
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (film) (Mentioned only) (Not Danish)
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (First appearance)
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film)
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (video game)
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (film) (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (video game) (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Appears in flashback(s))
  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (play) (Mentioned only)
  • Pottermore (Mentioned only)
  • Wizarding World (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery
  • Harry Potter: Wizards Unite (Mentioned only)
  • Hogwarts Legacy (Mentioned only)

Notes and references

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 31 (O.W.L.s)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 29 (Careers Advice)
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 5 (An Excess of Phlegm)
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 9 (The Half-Blood Prince)
  6. «EXCLUSIVE: J.K. Rowling tells SnitchSeeker about Newt’s expulsion from Hogwarts, more»
  7. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 15 (Beauxbatons and Durmstrang)
  8. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 27 (The Centaur and the Sneak)
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 13 (Detention with Dolores)
  11. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 26 (Seen and Unforeseen)
  12. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 14 (Percy and Padfoot)
  13. 13.0 13.1 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (video game)
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 12 (Professor Umbridge)
  15. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 25 (The Seer Overheard)
  16. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 5, «Ordinary Wizarding Levels» Achievement
  17. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 13 (Detention with Dolores)
  18. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 28 (Snape’s Worst Memory)
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 15 (The Unbreakable Vow)
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 20.8 20.9 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 4 (At Flourish and Blotts) — It is said that both Percy and Bill Weasley earned twelve O.W.L.s each, meaning they must have gained an O.W.L. in every possible subject on offer at Hogwarts.
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 21.7 21.8 21.9 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 28 (The Madness of Mr Crouch) — Barty Crouch Senior remarks that his son (Barty Crouch Junior) had «recently gained twelve O.W.L.s, most satisfactory, yes, thank you, yes, very proud indeed» in a state of delirium, which is therefore possibly a truthful statement, but his mental instability renders the statement not entirely verifiable.
  22. J. K. Rowling’s official site — As Babbling was the professor of Ancient Runes at Hogwarts.
  23. J. K. Rowling’s official site — As Vector was the professor of Arithmancy at Hogwarts.
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery (see this image)
  25. 25.0 25.1 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 17 (A Sluggish Memory)
  26. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 15 (The Hogwarts High Inquisitor)
  27. 27.0 27.1 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 20 (The First Task)
  28. 28.0 28.1 Writing by J. K. Rowling: «Professor McGonagall» at Wizarding World
  29. 29.0 29.1 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 21 (The Unknowable Room)
  30. 30.0 30.1 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 14 (The Unforgivable Curses)
  31. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 30 (Grawp)
  32. Writing by J. K. Rowling: «Remus Lupin» at Wizarding World
  33. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 11 (Hermione’s Helping Hand)
  34. Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsEpilogue (Nineteen Years Later)
  35. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 22 (Owl Post Again)
  36. 36.0 36.1 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (film) — Chapter 8 (The Half-Blood Prince)
  37. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 14 (Felix Felicis)
  38. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 12 (Silver and Opals)
  39. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 24 (Sectumsempra)
  40. Writing by J. K. Rowling: «Time-Turner» at Wizarding World
Hogwarts subjects
Core classes Astronomy · Charms · Defence Against the Dark Arts · Herbology · History of Magic · Potions · Transfiguration


Elective classes Alchemy · Arithmancy · Care of Magical Creatures · Divination · Muggle Studies · Study of Ancient Runes
Extracurricular classes Apparition · Advanced Arithmancy Studies · Ancient Studies · Art · Flying · Ghoul Studies · Magical Theory · Muggle Art · Muggle Music · Music · Xylomancy
First year exams · Second year exams · Third year exams · Fourth year exams ·
Ordinary Wizarding Level · Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test

Экзамены в Хогвартсе

Вопрос, когда в Хогвартсе пора летних экзаменов, вызывает у меня много вопросов. И вот почему.
В «ГП и УА» указано, что последний день экзаменов – 6 июня, причем не только у 3-го курса, а у всех, т.к. на следующий день был назначен поход в Хогсмид по случаю окончания этих самых экзаменов.
На втором курсе, кстати говоря, экзамены тоже должны были начаться 1 июня, но их отменили.
Однако уже на четвертом курсе («ГП и КО») говорится, что экзамены оканчиваются в первый день третьего тура турнира, т.е. 24 июня. Откуда такая разница?
Пятая книга запутала меня еще больше. У 5 и 7 курса уже были экзамены (СОВ и ПАУК (ЖАБА)), тогда как остальные все еще учились. «В пятницу у Гарри и Рона был день отдыха, пока Гермиона сидела на экзамене по Старинным Рунам, и так как перед ними был целый уикенд, они позволили себе перерыв… Гарри видел, как недалеко Хагрид учил класс на краю Леса.»
Причем только у них экзамены длились 2 недели и начались не в самый первый день лета: «Только что наступил июнь, но для пятикурсников это означало лишь одно: надвигались экзамены СОВ».
Надвигались, но еще не начались. Следовательно и окончиться должны где-то после 20-ого.
Кстати, про СОВ и ПАУК. На втором курсе, как известно, экзамены были отменены (которые, кстати говоря, должны были начаться первого июня). А как же пяти- и семикурсники? Они тоже не сдавали экзамен? Странно и нелогично. Как им устраиваться на работу?
То же самое касается и шестой книги, но там хоть понятно – после смерти Дамблдора все уроки и экзамены были отменены, а сама школа вообще находится на грани закрытия, тут уж не до экзаменов.
И еще про экзамены на СОВ… В третьей книге говорится, что Перси получил высший балл за ПАУК, а Фред и Джордж «едва наскребли скудные баллы».
А когда СОВ был у курса Гарри, то результаты ребята должны были получить только в июле. Почему?
Но вернусь к «Узнику Азкабана». По всему выходит, что третья книга – единственная, где экзамены проходят в первую неделю (вторая – не считается, а про первый курс ничего не могу сказать). С другой стороны, в 1994 году полнолуние было 22 июня, а не 6-ого, как у Роулинг, то есть более вероятно, что именно тогда и окончились экзамены. К тому же эта дата больше похожа на дату окончания экзаменов на четвертом и пятом курсе.

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