Ways of spending leisure time егэ

Imagine that you are doing a project «Leisure activities» together with your friend. You have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the friend about the photos:

• give a brief description of the photos, justifying the choice of the photos for the project;

• say in what way the pictures are different, justifying the choice of the photos for the project;

• mention the advantages and disadvantages (1–2) of the two ways of spending spare time;

• express your opinion on the subject of the project – which leisure activity you would prefer?

You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2–3 sentences for every item of the plan, 12–15 sentences total). You have to talk continuously.

Спрятать пояснение


Hey, Kate. You know that? I’ve just found two pictures suitable for our project “Leisure activities”. Let me tell you a bit more about them.

They are relevant to our project because in both pictures we can see people spending their spare time. In the photo there are two men riding their bikes in the picturesque surroundings. They seem to be talking with each other and enjoying the ride. In the photo two there is a lady lying on the sofa looking at the monitor of her laptop. Probably, she is surfing the internet.

There are a few differences to illustrate our project better. While in the first picture the men prefer outdoor activities and active sports, the lady in the second picture chooses to stay inside and spend her free time in front of her gadget. Moreover, the woman spends her time alone, while the bikers are spending time together.

In my opinion, both types of spending spare time have their advantages and disadvantages. For instance, spending the time outside can be more exciting and interesting, as well as healthy, but it can cause fatigue and tiredness. Staying at home is much less involving and less healthy, but it may allow a person to relax more and recover his strength after a long day of work.

Personally, if I had a day off, I’d rather spend it outdoors, preferably in the countryside enjoying the nature, provided the weather is fine. I believe that nowadays people spend too much time in front of computer screens and they should use any opportunity that we they in order to spend more time away from gadgets and appreciate the beauty of the world around them.

So, shall we use these photos in our project? Call me when you’re ready to discuss if we can use them. Bye-bye.

Высказывание должно быть логично; содержать вступительную и заключительную фразы, соответствующие теме. Средства логической связи должны быть использованы верно. Необходимо избегать необоснованных пауз в речи, верно расставлять ударения, правильно использовать интонацию, не нарушать нормы произношения слов.

Спрятать критерии

Критерии проверки:

Критерии оценивания выполнения задания Баллы
Решение коммуникативной задачи (содержание)*

Коммуникативная задача выполнена полностью — содержание полно, точно и развёрнуто отражает все аспекты, указанные в задании (12–15 фраз)


Коммуникативная задача выполнена в основном: 1 аспект не раскрыт (остальные раскрыты полно),

ИЛИ 1–2 аспекта раскрыты неполно/неточно (12–15 фраз)


Коммуникативная задача выполнена не полностью: 1 аспект не раскрыт и 1 раскрыт неполно/неточно,

ИЛИ 3 аспекта раскрыты неполно/неточно (10–11 фраз)


Коммуникативная задача выполнена частично: 1 аспект содержания не раскрыт и 2 раскрыты неполно/неточно,

ИЛИ 2 аспекта не раскрыты (остальные раскрыты полно)

ИЛИ все аспекты раскрыты неполно/неточно (8–9 фраз)


Коммуникативная задача выполнена менее чем на 50%: 3 и более аспекта содержания не раскрыты,

ИЛИ 2 аспекта не раскрыты и 1 и более раскрыты неполно/неточно,

ИЛИ 1 аспект не раскрыт и остальные раскрыты неполно/неточно,

ИЛИ объём высказывания — 7 и менее фраз

Организация высказывания

Высказывание логично; имеет завершённый характер (имеются вступительная с обращением к другу и заключительная фразы); средства логической связи используются правильно


Высказывание в основном логично и имеет достаточно завершённый характер, НО отсутствует вступительная фраза с обращением к другу,

ИЛИ заключительная фраза,

c средства логической связи используются недостаточно


Высказывание не вполне логично и не имеет завершенного характера,

И/ИЛИ отсутствуют вступительная и заключительная фразы,

И/ИЛИ средства логической связи используются недостаточно


Высказывание нелогично

И/ИЛИ не имеет завершенного характера, вступительная и заключительная фразы отсутствуют, средства логической связи практически не используются

Языковое оформление высказывания

Используемый словарный запас, грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление высказывания соответствуют поставленной задаче (допускается не более 3 негрубых лексико-грамматических ошибок

И/ИЛИ не более 3 негрубых фонетических ошибок)


Используемый словарный запас, грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление высказывания в основном соответствуют поставленной задаче (допускается не более 4–5 лексико-грамматических (из них не более 2 грубых)

И/ИЛИ не более 4–5 фонетических ошибок (из них не более 2 грубых))


Языковое оформление частично соответствует поставленной задаче (допускается не более 6–7 лексико-грамматических (из них не более 3 грубых)

И/ИЛИ не более 6–7 фонетических ошибок (из них не более 3 грубых))


Понимание высказывания затруднено из-за многочисленных ошибок (8 и более лексико-грамматических ошибок

ИЛИ 4 и более грубых лексико-грамматических ошибок

И/ИЛИ 8 и более фонетических ошибок

ИЛИ 4 и более грубых фонетических ошибок)

ИЛИ ответ носит характер набора слов

Максимальное количество баллов 10


1. При получении экзаменуемым 0 баллов по критерию «Решение коммуникативной задачи» всё задание оценивается в 0 баллов.

2. Правильное использование средств логической связи предполагает обязательные логические связки-переходы между всеми частями высказывания.

3. Под грубыми ошибками понимаются ошибки элементарного уровня, а также ошибки, ведущие к сбою коммуникации.

Задание № 24463

Imagine that you are doing a project “Ways of Spending Leisure Time” together with your friend. You have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the friend about the photos:

  • give a brief description of the photos, justifying the choice of the photos for the project;
  • say in what way the pictures are different, justifying the choice of the photos for the project;
  • mention the advantages and disadvantages (1-2) of the two ways of spending leisure time;
  • express your opinion on the subject of the project – which way of spending your leisure time you would prefer and why.

You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2-3 sentences for each item of the plan, 12–15 sentences total). You have to talk continuously.

Вариант 1

Вариант 1

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Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

The first human carrying flight technology was the hot air balloon. While unmanned balloons have been around in some form for thousands of years, the first flight with people aboard was in 1782. The large balloon on top is called an “envelope”. It holds hot air created by a heat source known a burner. The burner creates an open flame by burning a mix of propane and air. Hot air balloons are capable of floating because the hot air inside the envelope has a lower density than the colder air outside. The top of the balloon usually has a vent which allows the pilot to control the speed of ascent or descent. Passengers typically stand in a basket beneath the envelope. While most envelopes have a standard balloon shape, others are designed to look like animals, cartoon characters and other fun objects.

Task 2. Study the advertisement. You are considering celebrating your birthday at a restaurant and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out about the following:

  1. location
  2. music choice
  3. price per person
  4. discounts for students

Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer five questions. Give full answers to the questions (2-3 sentences). Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 3

Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Future Career Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss his future career. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started.

Interviewer: What two school subjects are the most important for your future job?

Student: _________________________________________

Interviewer: What job would you like to have in the future?

Student: _________________________________________

Interviewer: Do your relatives approve of your career choice?

Student: __________________________________________

Interviewer: What job did you use to like when you were younger?

Student: __________________________________________

Interviewer: Would you like to follow in your parents’ footsteps in choosing a career? Why?

Student: __________________________________________

Interviewer: Thank you very much for the interview!

Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “Types of Shopping” together with your friend. You have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the friend about the photos:

  • explain the choice of the illustrations for the project by briefly describing them and noting the differences;
  • mention the advantages (1-2) of the two types of shopping;
  • mention the disadvantages (1-2) of the two types of shopping;
  • express your opinion on the subject of the project – which type of shopping you would prefer and why.

You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2-3 sentences for each item of the plan, 12–15 sentences total). You have to talk continuously.

  • Photo 1
  • Photo 2


Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

Many lands that had once been swamps were drained or filled in. There are different reasons why people drained swamplands. Some were drained to fight diseases caused by insects that lived in them. Because swamps were considered unpleasant places in which to live and harmful to health, many people thought that unless they were drained the land was worthless.

Other swamps were drained to make new land. As the population grew and more land was needed, people drained swamps or filled them to make room for more farms and factories, more roads and airports.

Few people thought that it might be harmful to get rid of swamps. As swamps disappeared, other things happened. There were both more floods and more droughts than before. There were also more fires, for swamps had acted as firebreaks. Hunters noticed that there was less wild game. Wild life that once lived in the swamps was dying out, because it had no place to live.

Task 2. Study the advertisement. You are going to visit a natural history museum and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out about the following:

  1. opening hours
  2. special exhibitions
  3. transport to the museum
  4. ticket price

Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer five questions. Give full answers to the questions (2-3 sentences). Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 3

Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Holidays and Celebrations Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss holidays and celebrations in Russia. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started.

Interviewer: What public holidays are celebrated in Russia?

Student: _______________________________________

Interviewer: What is your favourite public holiday? Why?

Student: _______________________________________

Interviewer: Do you like public celebrations? Why?

Student: _______________________________________

Interviewer: How did you celebrate last Christmas?

Student: _______________________________________

Interviewer: Where would you like to spend the best New Year holidays in your life? Why?

Student: _______________________________________

Interviewer: Thank you very much for the interview!

Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “Best Ways of Sightseeing” together with your friend. You have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the friend about the photos:

  • explain the choice of the illustrations for the project by briefly describing them and noting the differences;
  • mention the advantages and disadvantages (1-2) of the two ways of sightseeing;
  • mention the disadvantages (1-2) of the two ways of sightseeing;
  • express your opinion on the subject of the project – which way of sightseeing you prefer and why.

You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2-3 sentences for each item of the plan, 12–15 sentences total). You have to talk continuously.

  • Photo 1
  • Photo 2


Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

People have always told stories and legends to explain natural, but mysterious, occurrences such as the Northern Lights. The Vikings believed the Northern Lights were caused by the shining weapons of warriors. The Alaskan people thought the lights were the souls of salmon, deer and other animals. The Indians told the stories of giants living in the North and thought the lights were their torches.

The Northern Lights are actually caused by electrons from solar winds. They are attracted to the poles by the magnetic fields found there. They mix with gases in the atmosphere, which causes the gases to glow. The Northern Lights are most visible in the far north. They are typically green, purple, red or blue.

Task 2. Study the advertisement. You are considering renting a bike and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out about the following:

  1. location of rentals
  2. documents accepted
  3. price per hour
  4. opening hours

Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer five questions. Give full answers to the questions (2-3 sentences). Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 3

Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s School Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss school uniform. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started.

Interviewer: Do you have to wear school uniform?

Student: ___________________________________________

Interviewer: Why is it important to wear school uniform? Why?

Student: ___________________________________________

Interviewer: What clothes do you usually wear to school?

Student: ___________________________________________

Interviewer: Did your parents use to wear school uniform in the past?

Student: ___________________________________________

Interviewer: Should all school students wear uniform in the future? Why?

Student: ___________________________________________

Interviewer: Thank you very much for the interview!

Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “Best Places to Live for a Teenager” together with your friend. You have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the friend about the photos:

  • explain the choice of the illustrations for the project by briefly describing them and noting the differences;
  • mention the advantages (1-2) of the two places for living;
  • mention the disadvantages (1-2) of the two places for living;
  • express your opinion on the subject of the project – which place for living you would prefer and why.

You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2-3 sentences for each item of the plan, 12–15 sentences total). You have to talk continuously.

  • Photo 1
  • Photo 2


Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

Japan is an island nation in East Asia, located in the North Pacific Ocean off the coast of the Asian continent. Japan comprises the four main islands in addition to numerous smaller islands. Tokyo is the country’s capital and largest city. Mountains dominate Japan’s landscape, covering 75 to 80 per cent of the country. Historically, the mountains were barriers to transportation, limiting the economic development of isolated areas. However, with the development of tunnels, bridges, and air transportation in the modern era, the mountains are no longer an obstacle. The Japanese have long celebrated the beauty of their mountains in art and literature, and today many mountain areas are preserved in national parks. Most of Japan’s people live on plains and lowlands found mainly along the lower courses of the country’s major rivers, on the lowest slopes of mountain ranges, and along the sea coast. This concentration of people makes Japan one of the world’s most crowded countries.

Task 2. Study the advertisement. You are considering buying a new smartphone and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out about the following:

  1. price
  2. battery life
  3. image and video quality
  4. number of cameras

Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer five questions. Give full answers to the questions (2-3 sentences). Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 3

Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Languages Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss foreign languages. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started.

Interviewer: Do you like studying foreign languages? Why?

Student: _____________________________________

Interviewer: Why is it important to speak a foreign language?

Student: _____________________________________

Interviewer: How can you improve your language skills?

Student: _____________________________________

Interviewer: Could you speak English when you were five?

Student: ______________________________________

Interviewer: What foreign language would you like to learn in the future? Why?

Student: ______________________________________

Interviewer: Thank you very much for the interview!

Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “Zoos” together with your friend. You have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the friend about the photos:

  • explain the choice of the illustrations for the project by briefly describing them and noting the differences;
  • mention the advantages (1-2) of zoos;
  • mention the disadvantages (1-2) of zoos;
  • express your opinion on the subject of the project – should zoos exist in the future and why.

You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2-3 sentences for each item of the plan, 12–15 sentences total). You have to talk continuously.

  • Photo 1
  • Photo 2


Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

Since ancient times, humans have loved and cherished cats as their pets. Today more than 80 million cats reside in US homes, with an estimated three cats for every dog on the planet. Yet there is still a lot we don’t know about our feline friends – including what they think of their owners. After observing pet cats for several years, scientists have come to an intriguing conclusion: cats don’t really understand people the way dogs do. They tend to feel it is they who own their masters, not vice versa. On the contrary, dogs perceive people as being very different from themselves. As soon as they see a human, they change their behaviour. The way a dog plays with a human is completely different from the way it plays with a dog. Cats are independent creatures and they can easily change their owner without changing their habits.

Task 2. Study the advertisement. You are considering going on a bus tour and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out about the following:

  1. price for a person
  2. audio guide in English
  3. starting point
  4. duration of the tour

Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer five questions. Give full answers to the questions (2-3 sentences). Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 3

Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s IT Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss the Internet. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started.

Interviewer: How often do you use the Internet?

Student: _______________________________________

Interviewer: What do you usually use the Internet for?

Student: _______________________________________

Interviewer: Can the Internet be dangerous? Why?

Student: _______________________________________

Interviewer: Did you use the Internet for studying last year?

Student: ________________________________________

Interviewer: Would you like to study online instead of attending classes at school?

Student: ________________________________________

Interviewer: Thank you very much for the interview!

Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “Ways of Spending Leisure Time” together with your friend. You have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the friend about the photos:

  • explain the choice of the illustrations for the project by briefly describing them and noting the differences;
  • mention the advantagesc(1-2) of the two ways of spending leisure time;
  • mention the disadvantages (1-2) of the two ways of spending leisure time;
  • express your opinion on the subject of the project – which way of spending your leisure time you would prefer and why.

You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2-3 sentences for each item of the plan, 12–15 sentences total). You have to talk continuously.

  • Photo 1
  • Photo 2

Imagine that you are doing a project on what teenagers do in their free time. You have collected some data on the subject (see the diagram below).

Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on

the subject of the project.

другие сочинения формата 2022 года >>>>>


Essay 2022 Sample 01

ege 2

Comment on the following statement:

Project on what teenagers do in their free time (2022)

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
—   make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
—   select and report 2–3 main features;
—   make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
—   outline a problem that can arise with the insufficient physical activity in adolescents and suggest the way of solving it;
—   draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the role of sport in the life of teenagers.

pir 1

linking words 1

soch 001 001

Undoubtedly, leisure time is becoming more and more popular nowadays. I am currently working on the project which focuses on studying popular free time activities that teenagers in Zetland do. I have found some relevant data on the subject and I am going to use them in my project. 

soch 001 002

According to the information provided in the pie chart, the majority of adolescents, accounting for more than one third, surf the Internet.The next popular activities is playing computer games. The figure is 21%. Surprisingly, just few teenagers do sports. The figure stands at 9%.

soch 001 003

Comparing the data given in the pie chart, it becomes obvious that that almost three times more teenagers surf the Internet than those engaged in sports. Hanging out with friends seems less popular than chatting on social networks. 

soch 001 004

The pie chart clearly illustrates that adolescents mostly spend their pastime on sedentary activities. However, some problems can arise with the insufficient physical activity. One of them is obesity.One of the probable solutions to the problem is organizing free recreation centers for youngsters where they can do sports that appeal to them. другие проблемы >>>>

soch 001 005

Having analyzed the data in the pie chartit can be concluded that sedentary activities are in priority with adolescents. In my opinion, sport plays a notable role in teenagers’ life because exercise involved in most sports improves teenagers’ emotional balance, reduces heart disease and diabetes, among other health benefits. All in all, teens should lead a more active life.

245 words

Read by George William Dole


– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;


(вводное предложение)

Undoubtedly, leisure time is becoming more and more popular nowadays.



I am currently working on the project which focuses on studying popular free time activities that teenagers in Zetland do. 



I have found some relevant data on the subject and I am going to use them in my project. 

– select and report 2–3 main facts;


(1-е предложение — инфо. из таблицы)

According to the information provided in the pie chart, the majority of adolescents, accounting for more than one third, surf the Internet.


(2-е предложение — инфо. из таблицы)

The next popular activities is playing computer games. 


(подтверждение — инфо. из таблицы)

The figure is 21%. 


(удивление — самое маленькое значение)

Surprisingly, just few teenagers do sports. The figure stands at 9%.

– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;


(вводное предложение + сравнительная конструкция)

Comparing the data given in the pie chart, it becomes obvious that that almost three times more teenagers surf the Internet than those engaged in sports. 


(второе предложение + сравнительная конструкция)

Hanging out with friends seems less popular than chatting on social networks. 

– outline a problem that can arise due to the leisure activities preferred by senior citizens and suggest a way of solving it;


(вводное предложение + обобщение)

The pie chart clearly illustrates that adolescents mostly spend their pastime on sedentary activities. 


(вводное предложение)

However, some problems can arise with the insufficient physical activity. 


(сама проблема)

One of them is obesity. 


(решение проблемы)

One of the probable solutions to the problem is organizing free recreation centers for youngsters where they can do sports that appeal to them.

– conclude by giving your opinion on the role of leisure activities in life of senior citizens.


(общая фраза)

Having analyzed the data in the pie chartit can be concluded that sedentary activities are in priority with adolescents.


(дать пояснение почему я так думаю)

In my opinion, sport plays a notable role in teenagers’ life because exercise involved in most sports improves teenagers’ emotional balance, reduces heart disease and diabetes, among other health benefits. 



All in all, teens should lead a more active life.





Типичные ошибки встречающиеся при написании сочинения с элементами рассуждения

CAE Writing Essay example with teacher’s notes and recommendations

  • helping others
  • learning
  • physical activities

Write an essay for your tutor discussing two of the profitable ways in your notes. You should explain which way is more important, giving reasons. 

People should find different ways to spend their leisure time more


. There are many options to do it. But what should they bear in mind when choosing their activity?

The first option to consider is learning. It is nice to spend time learing (what?) or just reading a book For example, picking up a new language is always a good idea and it come in hand.

Spending your free time reading a book is also a nice activity.

On the other hand, it is not healthy to spend your leisure time sitting, especially if your work is to sit at a computer all day.

People should consider this an important issue

. (too general)

The second alternative would be physical activities. Of course, encouraging people to do sports is a major priority. For instance, childrent should be keen on doing different physical activities. It is well-known that this is good for their health and daily life. Moreover, it is the best way to spend their free time more


. Also, passive activities should be avoided due to the risk of becoming lazy and sick.

In my view, picking up a physical activity is the better option. People should be encouraged to do sports and not only sit all day. Special attention should be paid to children. Their parents should be careful and not let

their children

become lazy.

Teacher’s notes 

  1. The language is too simple
  2. Think of a better conclusion
  3. Run — on sentences. 

Задание подготовлено в соответствие с новым форматом ЕГЭ 2022 года.
В документе содержится 5 заданий по теме “Free time activities”, что позволяет отработать данную тему с разных сторон. Задания не простые, но тренировочные, поэтому ключевые слова в теме выделены разным цветом, также даны словосочетания в помощь для описания картинок.

План ответа и формулировка задания в соответствие с новым проектом 2022 года.
В связи с недостаточным количеством подобных заданий, надеюсь, что предложенный вариант поможет кому-то в их работе и сэкономит наше драгоценное учительское время.
Заранее спасибо за Ваш интерес и Go easy on me :-)  

Просмотр содержимого документа

«ЕГЭ. Блок Speaking. 2022 Задание 4 — монолог «Free-Time Activities»»

Раздел 1. ЧТЕНИЕ

1.1. Подумайте и ответьте на вопросы:

> What sort of things do people usually do when they have free time?

> Have some leisure activities changed over the last years? Why∕why not?

> Will some leisure activities disappear in the future? Why∕why not?

> Do teenagers have enough leisure time? Why∕why not?

> Will people have more free time in the future? Why∕why not?

1.2. Прочитайте информацию о различных занятиях для отдыха. Установите соответствие между заголовками 1—8 и текстами A—G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

5. подпись: 1. time to relax
2. safety first
3. exciting prospect
4. addictive pastime
Positive results

6. Rewarding hobby

7. Discovering the world around you

8. Changing influence

A. Boating can be a very relaxing pastime. It isn’t entirely limited to just cruising around. You can also set up water-skis and enjoy water-skiing. While boating is fun, however, it is also a hobby where you need to be very careful. Too many boaters die each year, mainly by falling overboard and drowning. It is important that you use common sense as well as always take lifejackets with you.

B. Painting is one of the most relaxing pastimes. Most people take up painting in oils or watercolours, others start with acrylics or pastels, but whatever your choice, it will be the beginning of a voyage of discovery. When you look at things that are familiar to you, you’ll see them in a different light. Learning something new almost every day will encourage you to keep going.

C. Fishing can be enjoyed at any age, individually or in groups, with little more investment than a cane pole and a few hooks. Within an hour from most homes, there is usually a place to fish. Perhaps the greatest appeal in fishing is the opportunity to get outdoors and have a rest. It’s an enjoyable pastime that can be used as a way to clear your head and forget about everyday problems.

D. For centuries gardening has been an extremely popular pastime across the British Isles and here you can find some of the most superb garden exhibits in the world. For countless people, garden­ing offers a peaceful and relaxing pastime that can create some very picturesque or beneficial results, depending on the kind of gardening taken up. Caring for your own garden will bring enjoy­ment and save you money at the grocery store.

E. Parents and teachers worry about games having negative effects on children and a great deal has been written about games lead­ing to violent behaviour and addiction. However, not everything about gaming is negative. Games help children who are ill or have injuries. Absorption in a game distracts the mind from pain and discomfort. Many hospitals are encouraging children and others undergoing painful treatments to play games.

F. In these virtual worlds, you can choose an avatar or character that represents you. The latest games offer the ability to customize these characters in unlimited ways; you can change your char­acter’s hairstyle, facial features, size, weight, and clothing. How about the ability to change your voice to match your online per­sonality? That is currently not a standard feature in games but technology will provide a solution.

G. Gaming is enjoying a revolution. Not just in the fact that it is a growing business in itself, but also that it is rapidly becoming a leading means for communication and social interaction among people from all over the world. Young adults are at the forefront of the future for gaming and recent research shows that the role of gaming in young adults’ lives is evolving rapidly.








1.3. Выпишите из текста синонимы к следующим словам и слово­сочетаниям:

подпись: 1.
подпись: 6. useful
7. diverts
8. types of medical care
9. to modify
10. changing
Ability to make sensible decisions well-known



Objects on display

1.4. Выразите свое мнение:

> What leisure activities are relaxing?

> What factors define the choice of leisure activities?

> What do you think is the best leisure activity for you? Why?

1.5. Прочитайте рассказ и выполните задания 1—7. В каждом задании обведите цифру 1, 2, 3 Или 4, Соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Перенесите ответы в таб­лицу.

There were three of them. There were four of us, and April lay on the campsite and on the river. This was Deer Lodge on the Pine River in New Hampshire. Brother Bentley’s father had found this place sometime after the First World War, a foreign affair that had seriously done him no good but he found solitude abounding here. Now we were here, post World War II, post Korean War, Vietnam War on the brink. Peace was everywhere about us, in the riot of young leaves, in the spree of bird confusion and chatter, in the struggle of pre-dawn animals for the start of a new day.

We had pitched our camp in the near darkness, Ed LeBlanc, Brother Bentley, Walter Ruszkowski and myself. A dozen or more years we had been here and seen no one. Now, into our campsite deep in the forest came an old van. Two elderly men sat in the front seat, felt hats at the slouch and decorated with an assortment of tied flies. ‘Morn­ing, been yet?’ one of them said as he pulled his boots up from the folds at his knees. His hands were large, the fingers long and I could picture them in a shop barn working a primal plane across the face of a maple board.

‘Barely had coffee,’ Ed LeBlanc said, the most vocal of the four of us, quickest at friendship, at shaking hands. ‘We’ve got a whole pot almost. Have what you want.’ The pot was pointed out sitting on a hunk of grill across the stones of our fire, flames licking lightly at its sides. When we fished the Pine River, coffee was the glue, the morning glue, the late evening glue, even though we’d often unearth our beer from a natural cooler in early evening. Camp coffee has a ritual. It is thick, it is potboiled over a squaw-pine fire, it is strong enough to wake the demon in you. But into that pot has to go fresh eggshells to hold the grounds down, give coffee a taste of history, a sense of place. That means at least one egg must be cracked open for its shells. I suspect that’s where ‘scrambled eggs’ originated, from some camp like ours.

‘You’re early enough for eggs and bacon if you need a start.’ Eddie added, his invitation tossed kindly into the morning air. ‘We have hot cakes and home fries, if you want.’ ‘Been there already,’ the other man said, his weaponry also noted by us, a little more orderly in its presen­tation, including an old Boy Scout sash across his chest and the galaxy of flies in supreme positioning. They were old Yankees, in the face and frame, the pair of them undoubtedly brothers. They were taller than we were, no fat on their frames, wide-shouldered, big-handed, barely coming out of their reserve, but fishermen. That fact alone would win any of us over.

Then the pounding came from inside the truck and the voice of authority from some place in space, some regal spot in the universe. ‘I’m not sitting here the livelong day whilst you boys gab away.’ ‘Com­ing, pa,’ one of them said, the most orderly one. They pulled open the back doors of the van, swung them wide, to show His Venerable Self, ageless, white-bearded, felt hat too loaded with an arsenal of flies, sitting on a white wicker rocker. Across his lap he held three delicate fly rods, old as him, thin, bamboo in colour, probably too slight for a lake’s three-pounder.

Rods were taken from the caring hands and His Venerable Self was lifted from the truck and set by our campfire. The old one looked about the campsite, noted clothes drying from a previous day’s rain, order of equipment and supplies aligned the way we always kept them, the canvas of our tent taut and true in its expanse, our fishing rods off the ground and placed atop the flyleaf so as not to tempt raccoons with smelly cork handles, no garbage in sight. He nodded. We had passed muster.

‘You the ones leave it cleaner than you find it every year. We knew something about you. Never disturbed you before. But we share the good spots.’ He looked closely at Brother Bentley, nodded a kind of recognition. ‘Your daddy ever fish here, son?’ Brother must have passed through the years in a hurry, remembering his father bringing him here as a boy. ‘A ways back,’ Brother said in his clipped North Saugus fashion, outlander, specific, no waste in his words.

(Adapted from ‘The Three Fishermen’ by Tom Sheehan)

1. When Brother Bentley’s father found Deer Lodge, he appreciated that

1) there was no war.

2) he could listen to the birds singing.

3) there were lots of animals to hunt.

4) there were no people there.

2. The narrator thought that the elderly men could have worked as

1) mechanics.

2) carpenters.

3) shop assistants.

4) plumbers.

3. Ed LeBlanc

1) was the most outspoken of the four people.

2) was the most modest of the four people.

3) was the worst at communication.

4) had the best voice in the company.

4. The narrator and his friends

1) drank coffee only in the morning.

2) drank only coffee in the camp.

3) made coffee in a special way

4) always had ‘scrambled eggs’ for breakfast.

5. The four men liked newcomers because

1) they had a notable weaponry.

2) they were friendly.

3) they were fisherman.

4) were old Yankees.

6. In paragraph 6 ‘We had passed muster’ Means that

1) the old man approved of our camp.

2) we were considered to be experienced fishermen.

3) we had to leave our camp in a clean state.

4) we felt a surge of relief.

7. The old fisherman

1) didn’t want to disturb Brother Bentley.

2) did not recognize Brother Bentley.

3) was a friend of Brother Bentley’s father.

4) had already seen Brother Bentley here.








1.6. Выпишите из текста синонимы к следующим словам и слово­сочетаниям:

1.7. Выразите свое мнение:

> Is fishing a good way to relax and have a rest? Why∕why not?

> Would you prefer to spend your spare time alone or with friends? Why?

> Where would you rather go: on a camping holiday or to a hotel at the seaside? Why?


2.1. Подготовка к аудированию. Прочитайте утверждения 1—7 в задании 2.2 И выскажите предположения, о чем этот диалог. Подчеркните ключевые слова, которые могут оказать влияние на выбор правильного ответа.

I Полезные советы: <

Я JПеред началом прослушивания прочитайте вниматель — < I но предложенные вам утверждения. Очень часто ошибки < S возникают из-за того, что учащийся не дочитал до конца < $ утверждение и поэтому сделал неправильный вывод. < I ≠ Следует обратить внимание на наличие в утверждени — < I ях таких слов, как enough, much, lots, often, а также слов I x never, rarely, seldom, barely, scarcely, hardly, которые при — ; x дают утверждению отрицательный характер. ■ s

I JСледует помнить, что вариант «В тексте не сказано» мо-

I жет встречаться не один раз, а несколько. <

2.2. Вы услышите разговор соседей. Определите, какие из приве­денных утверждений 1—7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), Какие не соответствуют (2 — False) И о чём в тек­сте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услы­шите запись дважды.

1. Jameshasgotabigbackyard.

1) True 2) False’ 3) Not stated

2. Fred has got enough money to hir, e a gardener.

3. It doesn’t take much effort and money to make a birdhouse.

Fred regrets having planted so many trees.

1) подпись: 3) not statedTrue 2) False

5. Fred will need a special lawn mower to limit the amount of grass in his backyard.

подпись: 3) not statedподпись: 3) not stated

James has got lots of gardening tools.

1) True 2) False

Fred didn’t take James’s advice seriously.

1) True 2) False

2.3. Обсудите свои ответы с партнером:

> What helped you choose your answers?

> Why are the other options wrong?

> What was the most difficult answer for you? Why?


Вспомните РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ к составлению
диалога-обмена мнениями (см.
2. Раздел ГОВОРЕНИЕ).

Полезные советы:

JИспользуйте разнообразные фразы для предложения различных вариантов:

Let’s start photography.

What about collecting….?/How about sailing?

Why don’t we start….?

Why not go to the cinema?

I suggest buying a video-player.

J He забывайте реагировать на реплики собеседника. Чем эмоциональнее и естественнее будет ваша речь, тем лучше.

JВ конце диалога обязательно примите совместное ре­шение.

3.1. Какие способы выражения согласия и несогласия вы помните?

3.2. Вы с другом хотите придумать для себя новое увлечение. У вас есть несколько вариантов для обсуждения. Выберите тот, который подходит вам обоим:

> playing chess

> collecting stamps

> surfing

> photography

Время говорения 3—4 минуты.

3.3. Прочитайте вариант диалога. Выпишите в таблицу аргументы «за» и «против» для каждого занятия.


Arguments ‘for’

Arguments ‘against’

Playing chess

Collecting stamps



‘Well, we have nothing to do. Why don’t we take up a new hobby?’

‘Great idea! Do you have any suggestions?’

‘Let me think! Why not start playing chess? It’s a very interesting and clever game. I think it’s a perfect way to spend our free time and not to feel bored. And perhaps in the future we’ll be able to win some competitions.’

‘I can’t agree with you, Γm afraid. It’s not easy to learn how to play chess well. We need a teacher or at least we should join a chess club. Unfortunately, we have no chess club nearby.’

‘It’s a pity that we have no chess club but I can ask my Dad to teach us. He plays chess rather well.’

‘I don’t think your Dad will have enough free time to teach us. He is a very busy person. What about collecting stamps from differ­ent countries? It’s a very educational hobby because stamps can tell you a lot about the history of the country they are from. Besides, Γve already got several stamps from France and it’s a good start for our collection. I know that you travel a lot so in the future we can have a good collection. What’s your opinion?’

‘Oh, no! I hate collecting. Collections usually take up a lot of space and they collect dust. Besides, collecting stamps doesn’t seem to be an interesting idea because they will soon disappear. Who sends letters now that we have the Internet and e-mail?’

‘That’s not a problem. If stamps go out of use, our collection will be very valuable and we can earn a lot of money if we sell it.’

‘It’s unlikely that we’ll have a large collection of stamps by the time they disappear. Anyway, collecting is boring.’

‘Well, I agree with you. What do you suggest then?’

‘As for me, I prefer active hobbies. How about surfing? There is a good surf club in our town. It’s a very exciting and challenging hobby. Not everyone can cope with it. Besides, it’s a good way to keep fit and to stay healthy, isn’t it?’

. Tm not so sure. In my opinion, it’s a very dangerous hobby and it requires a lot of training. In addition, we’ll need special equipment and it can be rather expensive. I’m afraid I won’t be able to afford it. If you want an active hobby, let’s start photography. My parents gave me a very good camera for my birthday, so we needn’t buy anything else.’

‘However, we’ll need a special place where we can develop films and print our photos.’

‘There’s no need to develop films because my camera is digital. We can watch our photos on my computer, choose the best ones and print them on my printer.’

‘It’s a good idea! Perhaps, we could publish our photos in different magazines and became famous.’

‘You are right! Besides, some of our classmates are fond of pho­tography too, so we can organise a special exhibition at school for our parents.’

‘Great! They will be proud of our abilities!’

‘So what shall we choose?’

‘Let’s agree on photography. It’s the best hobby for us. I think I’ll buy a camera, too.’

3.4. Работа с партнером. Вы с другом планируете вместе провести выходные. Обсудите с партнером, что вы будете делать. У вас есть несколько вариантов, но вам надо выбрать только один, который вам обоим нравится:

> play computer games

> watch a thriller at the cinema

> go to a football match

> go to a music concert

Время говорения 3—4 минуты.

При составлении диалога вы можете использовать аргу­менты «за» и «против», приведенные в таблице, или придумать свои собственные.


Arguments ‘for’

Arguments ‘against’

Play computer games

• Playing computer games is my favourite leisure pastime. It’s so exciting.

• I’ve got a new com­puter game. It is full of puzzles and its graphics is wonderful.

• Playing computer games is rather harmful for our eyesight.

• We won’t be able to play together, so one will have to wait while the other is playing.

Watch a thriller at the cinema

• These films are often full of action and they are really fascinating.

• I’ve seen a trailer and this film has lots of ac­tion and adventures. It’s a masterpiece of sus­pense.

• There are lots of over­whelming special effects and the cast is really brilliant.

• Ihatethrillersbecause there’s always a lot of violence and the plot is usually rather simple.

• At cinemas there are always some people who drink beer, talk and laugh at the very inter­esting moment. We’d better buy a DVD-disk and enjoy watching it at home.

Go to a football match

• I am a great fan of football, This game is going to be really excit­ing,

• I haven’t been to a real football match for ages.

• My favourite team plays this weekend and I can’t miss the game.

• It’s fun to watch a football match at the stadium because there are lots of other fans there.

• It’s really noisy at the stadium because fans are always shouting.

• It is dangerous to go to football matches be­cause fans can be really aggressive if their team loses.

• It may rain at the weekend so we won’t feel comfortable at the sta­dium. We’d better watch the match on TV.

• I am not a football fan. I think this game is rather boring.

Окончание табл.


Arguments ‘for’

Arguments ‘against’

Go to a music concert

• Why not go to a music concert of your favourite rock group? They are playing at our concert hall on Sunday!

• We can meet different celebrities there.

• My aunt works in the box-office of the concert hall and I’ll ask her to buy tickets for us.

• I am afraid we won’t be able to get tickets.

• Music concerts are so noisy.



Перед выполнением заданий изучите раздел

4.1. Употребите ManyИли MuchСо следующими существительны­ми. При необходимости поставьте существительное во мно­жественное число.

I. coal

8. tooth

15. tomato

2. knife

9. truth

16. progress

3. homework

10. toy

17. butter

4. knowledge

11. advice

18. wealth

5. country

12. foot

19. path

6. child

13. evidence

20. sheep

7. rain

14. traffic

21. juice

4.2. Подчеркните правильное слово или фразу, чтобы закончить предложения.

1. As he has (few/а few) books, he is not able to study well.

2. She hasn’t got (much∕many) luggage.

3. He Is very ill so there is (a little∕little) Hope for him.

4. How (many∕much) Does this book cost?

5. (A few∕many) People study English nowadays.

6. I’ve got (a few/А little) Friends in London who will help me.

7. As he didn’t speak clearly, (a few∕few) People understood what he said.

8. We Must save (little/А little) Money for our journey home.

9. He cannot afford it as he has (little∕much) Money left.

10. There are (few/А few) Apples in the basket, help yourself to some.

4.3. Вставьте Many, much, few, a few, littleИли A little.

1. Most people in this city have jobs — there isn’t un­


2. I live in a very small village. There is a church, a shop and houses — that’s all.

3. How apples are on the table?

4. We are late. We have very time.

5. He is a spendthrift. He spends too Money.

6. effort had been made before the peace treaty was signed.

7. There aren’t chairs in this room. Will you bring some


8. She needs to buy a lot of things but she hasn’t got money.

9. This flat is small so there are very rooms here.

10. I don’t know about these people.

11. ‘Where is Tom?’ ‘He’ll be back in minutes.’

12. Our nature is in danger. We are destroying too trees

And forests.

13. We’ve got an electric cooker, so we use electricity.

14. He eats lots of meat, but he consumes fish.

15. Seas are in danger because people pour too chemicals

Into them.

16. There is very juice left. I must buy some.

17. Wait. I’ll be ready soon.

18. She hasn’t got homework today.

19. Nowadays very teenagers don’t know how to use

A computer.

20. Due to the crisis, people can’t find jobs nowadays.

4.4. Вставьте Many, much, few, a few, littleИли A little.

1. He isn’t very popular. He has friends.

2. Ann is very busy these days. She has free time.

3. Why are you so upset? Have you made mistakes in

Your dictation?

4. I am not very busy today. I haven’t got to do.

5. The museum was very crowded. There were too peo­

Ple there.

6. Most of the town is modern. There are old buildings in it.

7. The weather has been very dry recently. We have had rain.

8. Do you mind if I ask you questions?

9. ‘Would you like milk in your coffee?’ ‘Yes, please..’ 10. This is a very boring place to live. There’s to do.

11. She is worried because she has so problems.

12. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so tourists come here.

13. Would you like cake?

14. Would you like apples?

15. There are lots of boys in our class, but very girls.

16. Don’t eat too sweets before lunch!

17. Eating too fat is bad for your health.

18. He walked further and then turned back.

19. How cups of coffee do you drink a day?

20. Don’t buy any more cheese. We have left.

4.5. Вставьте Many, much, few, a few, littleИли A little.

Playing computer games is one of the most popular leisure activi­ties. There are so (1)new games on the market that teen­agers spend most of their free time exploring them. Playing computer games doesn’t require (2)intelligence but rather some ex­perience. With (3)practice, you can achieve relatively good results. Unfortunately, young people spend too (4)time in front of their computers and too (5)time doing sports. An­other problem is that they read very (6), too. (7) teenagers would prefer to read a book rather than to play a computer game. If this trend continues, in (8)years teens will have (9)Trouble with both their health and education. That is why (10)parents are against computer games.



Перед выполнением заданий изучите раздел

4.6. Заполните пропуски нужными предлогами.

1. advantage_________

2. advice_____________

3. an answer _________

_______ 16. an opinion___________________

_______ 17. an opportunity_______________

_______ 18. (take) pride _________________

4. a comparison_______

_______ 19. a reason____________________

5. a complaint_________

_______ 20. a relationship________________

6. a connection________

_______ 21. a reply _____________________

7. a demand__________

_______ 22. a report ____________________

8. a description________

_______ 23. a rise_______________________

9. a difficulty__________

_______ 24. a search ____________________

10. an exception______

_______ 25. a solution___________________

11. an expert_________

_______ 26. a specialist__________________

12.a hope____________

_______ 27. (feel) sympathy______________

13. an impact_________

_______ 28. a talent____________________

14 1 Яг L

29. a taste_______________

L4τ∙ Lα>vlk

15. a need___________

_______ 30. a threat _____________________

4.7. Вставьте пропущенные существительные в единственном или во множественном числе.

1. Technology has had a serious___________ On Hobbies.

2. Older people usually make Between Modern hobbies

And hobbies in the past.

3. He is a real___________ In Photography.

4. She had an obvious For Music and spent all her free

Time playing the piano.

5. Taking up a hobby is an ideal____________ to your problems.

6. All craftsmen take great____________ In Their work.

7. __________ Of Common sense can lead to serious injuries.

8. Could you explain your for choosing this particular


9. Recent on wargaming show that this hobby is on the


10. Playing computer games for a long time can pose a direct To Children’s health.

4.8. Прочитайте текст и вставьте пропущенные предлоги.

Leisure activities include recreation, sport, tourism and enter­tainment. Demand (1)leisure activities is expected to in­crease as people have more money to spend on leisure. However, not all people take active part (2) leisure pursuits. The rea­sons (3)not engaging in recreational activities are usually lack (4)money or interest. Some people have difficulties (5)finding time for leisure because of their busy schedules.

Leisure is important for our health therefore it is necessary to ensure that all people have equal opportunities (6)leisure. The obvious solution (7)the problem is to make all leisure facilities free of charge. In addition, people should be given advice (8)what kind of leisure activity suits them best. In this case they will take full advantage (9)recreational facilities and we’ll see the expected rise (10)leisure activities.


4.9. Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения и переведите их на русский язык.

After off on over to up (x3)

1. Collecting stamps takes a lot of time.

2. This game has recently caught with young people. They are really crazy about it.

3. It was the hobby that took my life.

4. His singing career has just begun to take.

5. 1 took going for a walk in the morning. It’s so relaxing!

6. They’ve just gone fishing. If you hurry, you’ll catch with them at the bridge.

7. Guess what! Chris has taken photography.

8. Both my sister and 1 take our father. We have the

Same interests and hobbies.


4.10. Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Поставьте, если необходимо, глаголы и су­ществительные в правильную форму.

Opportunity possibility collect pick gather (x2) specially especially

1. We’re money for the homeless.

2. She has a wheelchair that was made for her.

3. One for the weekend is to rent a car and go to the


4. Football fans around the TV in the corner of the


5. Young people, teenagers, enjoy extreme sports.

6. Machines the fruit from the trees.

7. People have more leisure nowadays.

8. I went to several libraries to information about my



4.∏. Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в кон­це строк, так. чтобы они грамматически и лексически соот­ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски 1—6 полученными словами.

Полезные советы:

≠ Не забудьте, что существительные могут стоять как в единственном, так и во множественном числе, поэ­тому обращайте внимание на форму глагола, а также на наличие или отсутствие артикля перед существи­тельным.

≠ Если слово оканчивается на букву «у», перед которой стоит согласная, то она меняется на букву «1» при прибав­лении любого суффикса, кроме «ing».


подпись: surpriseподпись: psychology easy
happy accomplish
подпись: satisfyTime has never been as compressed as it is today. (1), there are still people who understand that life is much more than work and they try to enlarge their spare time and take full advantage of it. (2)state the following theory, which can be (3)proved: having hobbies makes your life quality grow by enhancing the level of (4). If you have a hobby and you succeed in its (5), you have a sense of fulfilment, which eventually makes you happier. Further on, if you turn the job you have into your hobby, you will have the chance to get a double (6): do your job and fulfil your hobby. Another advantage of having a hobby is that you develop skills connected with it.

4.12. Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1—7. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1—7, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.

Leisure Activities in Japan

The — use of leisure time has become an ever greater focus of at­tention in Japan, as a result of higher (1), expanding lei­sure time and a growing interest in nature. This trend is reflected in the increasing popularity of sports and recreational activities. Ex­amples of recently developed leisure activities include boating, yacht­ing and marine sports on Lake Inawashiro and off the Pacific Coast, paragliding and family auto-camping in the mountains of the Aizu region.

Japanese (2)nature, combined with extensive leisure fa­cilities, attracts sports and leisure-minded people all year round. There are three national parks in Fukushima, providing excellent opportuni­ties for sports and leisure activities. A number of golf (3) take full advantage of extensive land areas and superb natural settings. Each year this region sees a rise (4)the number of ski re­sorts, featuring resort hotels and other facilities. And, as one of the most attractive hot spring areas in Japan, Fukushima (5) A large number of visitors from around the country.

Fukushima is upgrading and enlarging its high-quality resort fa­cilities to meet the demand (6)increased leisure opportu­nities, while at the same time giving full consideration to nature pres­ervation. It is hoped that this rapid development can be (7) In the future.

1. 1) perks 2) incomes 3) outcomes

2. ħ enormous 2) abandoned 3) redundant

3. 1) courts 2) courses 3) pitches

4. 1) at 2) of 3) in

5. 1) collects 2) drags 3) draws

6. 1) for 2) in 3) of

7. 1) abstained 2) obtained 3) contained

4) taxes

4) abundant

4) fields

4) between

4) picks

4) on

4) maintained

Раздел 5. ПИСЬМО


; Перед выполнением заданий вспомните •

• РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ к составлению сочинения *


5.1. Прочитайте экзаменационное задание и ответ на него. От­ветьте на вопросы и выполните задания после сочинения.

Comment on the following statement.

TV viewing is one of the most popular leisure pastimes among children. However, many parents believe that their children watch too much TV.

Do you agree or disagree? What is your opinion?

Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

— make an introduction (state the problem)

— express your personal opinion and give reasons for it

— give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it

— draw a conclusion

Most kids plug into the world of television long before J

They enter school. No wonder that their parents are wor — J

Ried about the consequences of excessive TV viewing and I J

Completely agree with them. J

In my opinion, children are too addicted to watching J

Television nowadays. On average, kids spend several hours J

In front of a TV screen every day. As a result, TV can get )

In the way of studying, playing and interacting with parents J

And friends. In addition, excessive TV viewing can result )

In obesity as kids are inactive and tend to snack while )

Watching TV. What is more, there is a lot of violence on /

Television, which can set a bad example for children. )

Nevertheless, kids need entertainment and they con — ) sider TV one of thp best ways of spending their free time. ? They also say that TV helps them to learn about the world. / I cannot totally agree with them. Although TV can be an ( excellent entertainer and educator, there are lots of active / ways of entertainment such as playing games or doing sports, / which are actually much healthier. Moreover, we should not / forget about the educational value of reading a good book. /

To sum up, I agree that television, in moderation, can be a good thing. However, if children watch TV all day long ( without choosing programmes, then it is really harmful. c That is why I believe parents should set viewing limits to ( ensure their kids do not spend too much time watching TV.

> How many paragraphs are there in the essay? What is the purpose of each paragraph?

> Find arguments in favour of the author’s opinion. How many have you found?

> Find arguments for the other point of view. Whose point of view is this? > Is the language of the essay formal or informal? Give examples. >Underline linking words used in the essay.

> What words can you use instead of ‘To sum up,?

5.2. Прочитайте экзаменационное задание.

Comment on the following statement. .

Lots of teenagers are keen on playing computer games. However, adults are sure that computer games teach us nothing and young people should avoid them.

What is your opinion? Do you agree or disagree? Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

— make an introduction (state the problem)

— express your personal opinion and give reasons for it

— give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it

— draw a conclusion

You have 40 minutes to do this task.

5.3. Спланируйте свой ответ.

>Определите свою точку зрения и постарайтесь найти как можно больше аргументов в ее поддержку.

>Какие аргументы можно придумать в защиту проти­воположной точки зрения?

>Как можно перефразировать тему сочинения? Постарайтесь найти синонимы к словам темы.

>Как вы закончите своё сочинение? Не забудьте учесть в выводе противоположную точку зрения.

>Подберите нужные слова-связки.

5.4. Теперь напишите сочинение.

Убедитесь, что вы:

JРазбили сочинение на 4 абзаца

JИспользовали формальный язык

JИспользовали слова-связки как в начале, так и внутри абзацев

/ во введении перефразировали тему сочинения

/ в 2 абзаце привели не менее двух развернутых аргу­ментов в пользу своей точки зрения

/ в 3 абзаце сослались на мнение других людей и ска­зали, почему вы с ней не согласны

≠ в заключении сделали общий вывод и окончательно сформулировали свою точку зрения

JПроверили грамматику, орфографию и пунктуацию / уложились в заданный объем 200—250 слов

5.5. Поменяйтесь сочинениями с партнером. Проверьте сочинения и поставьте друг другу баллы, используя схему и бланк оцени­вания сочинения (см. СПРАВОЧНИК ПО ПИСЬМУ).

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