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  • 02.04.2018
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«Английский язык. Второй иностранный», Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.

«Английский язык. Forward. Часть 2», Вербицкая М.В., Эббс Б., Оралова О.В.

  • 02.04.2018
  • 440
  • 2

«Английский язык. Forward. Часть 2», Вербицкая М.В., Эббс Б., Оралова О.В.

«Английский язык. Forward. Часть 2», Вербицкая М.В., Эббс Б., Оралова О.В.

  • 02.04.2018
  • 1811
  • 12
  • 02.04.2018
  • 778
  • 12

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Представлено сочинение на английском языке Мой любимый сайт/ My Favourite Website с переводом на русский язык.

My Favourite Website Мой любимый сайт
There are tons of websites on the Internet nowadays, which offer a wide range of possibilities. As an advanced user I check out dozens of sites every day. For example, if I want to listen to music, I open online radio sites. When I want to watch a film or a cartoon, I open online cinema sites. When I want to chat with friends, I use instant messengers or social networks. Sometime I use skype to video call my distant pals or relatives. Сейчас в Интернете есть куча сайтов, которые предлагают широкий спектр возможностей. Как продвинутый пользователь, я открываю десятки сайтов каждый день. Например, если я хочу послушать музыку, я открываю сайт онлайн радио. Когда я хочу посмотреть фильм или мультфильм, я открываю сайт онлайн кино. Когда я хочу пообщаться с друзьями, я использую мессенджеры или социальные сети. Иногда я использую Скайп, чтобы позвонить по видео своим приятелям или родственникам, которые находятся далеко.
However, my favourite website is YouTube, because I can watch or download any types of video there. I can also share my favourite videos with the rest of the world. Everybody knows that it is the most popular video site in the world. Тем не менее, мой любимый веб-сайт — это YouTube, потому что я могу смотреть или скачивать там любое видео. Я также могу делиться своими любимыми видео с остальным миром. Всем известно, что это самый популярный видео-сайт в мире.
I like it for three reasons. Firstly, I can listen to the music that I like on this site and watch the video clips of the new songs. Secondly, I can find almost every new movie or cartoon there. Thirdly, on YouTube I see the latest news that happened around the world. Мне он нравится по трем причинам. Во-первых, я могу слушать музыку, которая мне нравится, на этом сайте и смотреть видеоклипы новых песен. Во-вторых, я могу найти там почти любой новый фильм или мультфильм. В-третьих, на YouTube я вижу последние новости, которые происходят в мире.
In fact, in my free time I play in a music band, which was set by my friends. I play the drums, while my friends play the double bass and the guitar. People, who saw and heard our performance, say that we play good rock music. I often download the videos of our performance to YouTube and we get lots of positive feedback. На самом деле, в свое свободное время я играю в музыкальной группе, созданной моими друзьями. Я играю на барабанах, в то время как мои друзья играют на контрабасе и гитаре. Люди, которые видели и слышали нашу работу, говорят, что мы играем отличную рок-музыку. Я часто загружаю видео нашего выступления на YouTube, и мы получаем немало положительных отзывов.
In my opinion, this site has many advantages. One of them is that I can find the videos on any given topic: about pets, about sports, about cars, etc. На мой взгляд, у этого сайта много преимуществ. Одним из них является то, что я могу найти видео на любую заданную тему: о домашних животных, о спорте, об автомобилях и т.д.
The only drawback is the presence of advertising in the videos. Some authors set it too much. Единственным недостатком является наличие рекламы в видео роликах. Некоторые авторы устанавливают её слишком много.

Сочинение на тему «Мой любимый веб-сайт»

на английском языке с переводом на русский язык

My Favorite Website

Мой любимый веб-сайт

Internet is a very important part of the modern world. This global network unites people of different nations and cultures making a great contribution to the globalization. Social networks help us to communicate at any time, in any place, and in any form: text and audio messages, calls, video calls, video conferences useful for the work meetings. Websites with various content (for example, online encyclopedias like Wikipedia or video platforms like YouTube) help us to find any information we need. Different apps simplify our everyday life: a person may buy new jeans or a plane ticket, sign up for an appointment with a doctor or order a taxi, use maps, control his or her diet, find like-minded friends, work with various files and documents, enjoy books, films, and games online.

Интернет – очень важная часть современного мира. Эта глобальная сеть объединяет людей разных наций и культур, способствуя процессу глобализации. Социальные сети помогают нам общаться в любое время, в любом месте и в любой форме: с помощью текстовых сообщений и аудиосообщений, звонков, видеозвонков, видеоконференций, полезных при организации рабочих встреч. Сайты с разным контентом (например, такие онлайн-энциклопедии, как Википедия, или такие видео-платформы, как YouTube) помогают нам находить любую нужную информацию. Различные приложения упрощают нашу повседневную жизнь: в Интернете можно купить новые джинсы или билет на самолёт, записаться на приём к врачу или заказать такси, пользоваться картами, контролировать своё питание, найти друзей-единомышленников, работать с различными файлами и документами, наслаждаться книгами, фильмами и играми.

In this diversity, it is hard to choose one favorite website; but if you asked me to do this, I would choose VKontakte. VK is one of the largest Russian social networks. Now Instagram and TikTok have become as popular as VK (perhaps even more popular among teenagers and young people under 25); besides, there are user-friendly messengers like WhatsApp or Telegram.

В этом разнообразии трудно выбрать один любимый сайт; но, если бы вы попросили меня это сделать, я бы выбрал ВКонтакте. ВК – одна из крупнейших социальных сетей в России. Сейчас Инстаграм и Тик-Ток стали такими же популярными, как ВК (возможно, даже более популярными среди подростков и людей младше 25); кроме того, есть такие простые в использовании мессенджеры, как WhatsApp и Телеграм.

However, VK remains the main social network among Russian people of my generation. On VK, you may communicate with friends, share your content (photos, texts, stories), read news, create and join various groups, listen to music, watch films and videos, etc. VK has a simple and clear interface. I use VK every day to deal with some work issues, chat with friends or just scroll news feed and listen to music in my free time.

Однако ВК остаётся главной социальной сетью среди россиян моего поколения. В ВК можно общаться с друзьями, делиться контентом (фотографиями, текстами, сторис), читать новости, создавать различные группы и присоединяться к ним, слушать музыку, смотреть фильмы и видео и т. д. У ВК простой и понятный интерфейс. Я пользуюсь ВК каждый день – решаю рабочие вопросы, общаюсь с друзьями или просто листаю ленту новостей и слушаю музыку в свободное время.

  • сочинения

For my project I am choosing to study the American presidents and their wives. Focusing mainly on their relationships through letters while the husbands are away.  On the site I would like to include copies of the letters so they can be read on my site. They would be placed on a timeline that would include the dates and locations of the letters, significant historic events and the dates of when significant votes were taken in both the continental congress, constitutional conventions and ultimately the presidencies of Washington, Adams and Jefferson. The time line will ideally start in 1775 and go until about 1809 when Jefferson left office. I think tracking the lives of these founding fathers with the events that made them famous will give a better insight as to why they made the decisions that still shape our lives today.

To better determine what I want my site to look like I am looking at several sites that study similar letters between these presidents and their first ladies. I have decided to look at sites of some of these presidents and their first ladies and a second site on the Adams family because their relationship already well documented digitally. Through these searches I hope to find things that I like as well as dislike about existing sites in order to discover what I would like to put into mine.

The first site I reviewed was The Adams Family Papers from the Massachusetts Historical Society. The scope of this site is to include manuscripts and digital transcriptions from the Adams Family. The site includes info on john and Abigail, an autobiography and diary of John Adams, and letters between john and Abigail. These letters go from their stages of courting up through his presidency. The site explains that almost of these letters are on display at the Massachusetts Historical Society.  The site is very easy to peel through. The site includes all the letters broken down into categories of the time in history of which the letters where written in regard to John’s career. Each letter can then be clicked on individually. The picture of the original letter can then be enlarged and explored. However the site does not have the ability to participate with it or add your own historical information.  The layout of the site is very clean and easy to understand. It is easy to find what you need on the site. The layout is simple yet decorative. The image on the homepage is very attractive and attempts to give a true synopsis of what the website has to offer. It is easy to navigate and find the information that one is trying to find and it is easy to fall in love with the transcripts of the letters.

The second site I took a look at was The American Experience by PBS. It is a site about a program they designed around the family and their affairs as the country was founded.  The site gives an overview of the film which chronicled the history of the presidents. The site includes a transcript of the film and copies of the significant documents that where attached to his time in the political spectrum and key letters between the couple such as the, Remember the Ladies, letter. The site contains some extra features as such an interactive poll of whether the alien and sedition act should have been signed. The site also goes through the important people and events of the times as well as their relationship and the pair becoming a couple.  The site also includes maps of the important locations that the pair traveled or were located in for a time. The site is also a site that includes a timeline of events.  There is also a behind the scenes of the film and a guide for teachers who are teaching the film. The site is very easy to navigate and it is very attractive to the eye. The colors are bright and vivid and the painting on the site help keep you engaged in what you are seeing. The user friendly feel is appreciated however the sidebar layout is something I haven’t always been the biggest fan of.

The third website I reviewed was the Martha Washington site. The goal of the site is explore the life of the original first lady. The site includes a biography, a space for teaching materials and an archive of historical resources. The site also includes other recommended sites for further research. This site does not have any way to interact with it of suggest changes to it. There is nothing that I as the user can do, other than explore it and look for information. The site is very basically designed, making it like the others easy to navigate. The site uses a top navigation and the site easily flows downward. It was a basic format that would be interesting to see updated.

Overall looking at these websites have given me an idea of what I would want me site to look like. Ideally I would like to update the format of these sites when making my site. There is so much that we can do with technology these days and these sites seem stuck back 5 years ago. I also would like to include a teaching materials section like the Martha Washington and the American experience site. I would also like the vocal point of the site to include a timeline but ideally I would like the timeline to go across as opposed to the up and down that has been presented. I would also like to apply interactivity techniques added into my site. Reviewing these sites has certainly sparked my imagination and now the sky is the limit.

My favourite Websites

My favourite Websites

My favorite web-site is VK. Most of people use this web-site to stay in

My favorite web-site is VK. Most of people use this web-site to stay in touch with their friends, relatives and other people. I find this site useful, because if your close person is far from you, you can to chat with him in any time. This site is containing texts, images and sound files. It is a well-decorated page.

Another one of my favorite website is You. Tube, because I can watch or

Another one of my favorite website is You. Tube, because I can watch or download any types of video there. Everybody knows that it is the most popular video site in the world. I like it for three reasons. Firstly, I can listen to the music that I like on this site and watch the video clips of the new songs. Secondly, I can find almost every new movie or cartoon there. Thirdly, on You. Tube I see the latest news that happened around the world. In my opinion, this site has many advantages. One of them is that I can find the videos on any given topic: about pets, about sports.

Facebook is supposedly the largest social networking site with over two hundred million active

Facebook is supposedly the largest social networking site with over two hundred million active members across the globe and most interactive amongst all social networks. This site is containing texts, images and sound files. It is a well-decorated page. A common question asked amongst old and young, business executives, organizations and companies in recent days: Are you on Facebook?

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