What a miraculous escape сочинение

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Чудесное спасение/ Miraculous Escape с переводом на русский язык.

Miraculous Escape Чудесное спасение
Many amazing events happen in the world of every day. Often people somehow survive in air crashes and escape from imprisoned buildings. Dolphins push divers from depths to the surface, and dogs find lost people in the mountains and warm them by their warmth. Such stories always impress me. I don’t know how many of them are really truthfully, but I would like to believe that miracles really do exist. В мире ежедневно происходит множество удивительных событий. Часто люди невероятным образом выживают в авиакатастрофах и спасаются из погребенных под завалами зданий. Из морских глубин дельфины выталкивают ныряльщиков на поверхность, а собаки находят потерявшихся в горах и согревают их своим теплом. На меня такие истории всегда производят сильное впечатление. Не знаю, сколько из них действительно правдиво, но хотелось бы верить в то, что чудеса на самом деле существуют.
Most of all I remember the story about the amazing rescue of a geologist Douglas Mawson in the ice of Antarctic Continent. My father told me about that person in my childhood. In the winter of the 1912, a small squad of polar explorers went to the research expedition to the far coast of Antarctica. There were only 3 persons in the group: Mawson, Ninnis and Mertz. On the way back, when there were only 500 km remained before the base, Ninnis with the sledge, food and the tent fell into a deep crevice and died. Mawson and Mertz had to continue their trip together practically not having supplies of food. To survive, the explorers ate meat of sick dogs which traveled with them. That food became deathful for Mertz, and after a while he died. Having buried his friend, Mawson continued his way alone. By that time, he suffered from abdominal pain, got serious frostbitten hands, legs and face, but despite everything, went ahead. When Mawson was already close to reach the base, he fell into a crevasse in the ice. By some miracle, the geologist managed to find way out to the surface. After a few days, being ill and exhausted, he still could return to his camp. Больше всего мне запомнился рассказ об удивительном спасении геолога Дугласа Моусона во льдах Антарктиды. Про этого человека еще в детстве рассказывал мне мой отец. Зимой 1912 года небольшой отряд полярников отправился в исследовательскую экспедицию к дальнему побережью Антарктиды. В группе было всего 3 человека: Моусон, Ниннис и Мерц. На обратном пути, когда до базы оставалось 500 км, Ниннис вместе с санями, провизией и палаткой провалился в глубокую расщелину и погиб. Моусону и Мерцу пришлось продолжить свой путь вдвоем, не имея практически никаких запасов еды. Чтобы выжить, полярники ели мясо путешествовавших с ними больных собак. Такая пища оказалась смертельной для Мерца, и через некоторое время он скончался. Похоронив друга, Моусон продолжил свой путь в одиночестве. К тому времени он сильно страдал от болей в животе, получил серьезное обморожение рук, ног и лица, но, несмотря ни на что, шел вперед. Когда Моусон уже был близок к тому, чтобы дойти до базы, он провалился в трещину на льду. Чудом геологу удалось выбраться на поверхность. Через несколько дней он, больной и измученный, все-таки смог вернуться в свой лагерь.
It seems to me that this story is an example of a truly miraculous salvation, which in many respects was not so much due to coincidence, but thanks to courage, endurance and fortitude of Douglas Mawson. This story shows how many troubles and hardships a person can endure to save the most precious thing he has, which is his life! Мне кажется, что эта история — пример действительно чудесного спасения, которое во многом произошло не столько благодаря удачному стечению обстоятельств, сколько мужеству, выносливости и силе духа Дугласа Моусона. Этот рассказ показывает, сколько бед и лишений может перенести человек ради того, чтобы сохранить самое ценное, что у него есть — свою жизнь!

«Strange friend»
Mind is a part of reality. It is exact wording, because I felt it on my own skin in different circumstances. However, reality is unpredictable. 
After long begging I finally can go to the Endy’s house on the weekend. My friend hinted on magical impact of this places, so I started to imagine unusual landscapes with gold sky and sun(дальше я не могу уже просто перевести это предложение). Perhaps, I was never wronger like that. Eaten tasty stakes, which his grandmother left for us. Talking enough about this beautiful places, I went sleep in a small room. There was a small bed, where I had to sleep. Luckily, I wasn’t capricious. Andy was in the other room. When he tried to leave he didn’t told me «Good night», he told me the other words — «Good escape to you». And he closed door. Perhaps, I can understand him in many ways. 
A dream came fast. Maybe it is because I was full and my head was «full» with fresh air. Even right now, when I write this I distinctly remember that night. I walked along the silky road to nowhere. I was surrounded by a thick fog. I wasn’t thinking it was a dream, because all the things were so real I could not be wrong. I just wanted to go and I go…I go on this weak grey light. After a while a saw transparent shapes in ragged clothes. This creatures started to fly through me. On their faces were strange bandages, they whispered something. I tried to listen what they are saying, but I was too frightened to come closer to one of them. But my curiosity was stronger than my fear. When I tried to come closer to one of them, the ground became thick as jelly. It started to swamp me. This strange ghosts, which didn’t see me ten seconds later,  now started to come closer to me. My fear were so strong and I started to scream. I shout. I shout till I woke up at the ground of the dark room. I was frozen from fear. I got up and run to the window to open the curtain. The light from the moon lightened their wrinkled faces. I saw again these ghosts. I can’t understand anymore is it real or not. I ran from the room and tried to find Andy. All windows in this house were gone. There was a wall in this places where were windows. The light was only in Andy’s room. I was very frightened and even fell down. But I reached his room. I only saw his back when I walked in the room. I shook him. He slowly turned his face to me. In place of his green eyes I saw two dark circles. This circles should be called «eyes», but I can’t call them like that. His mouth was frozen in silent fear. I even thought that he tried to say something to me. Squeezing his shoulder I felt that he is fraying. His skin was splitting and finally he disappeared. Whisper in my head increased and I tried to hide. I cried and remembered all my life. Only good moments. I cried and shouted. All was wrong at this night. 
I was awakened by Andy. Telling this story I can’t describe my feelings. I was frightened. Andy told something to me, he said something about escape and went to make coffee. I quickly drank a coffee and told Andy that «I almost forgot about my old granny’s birthday» (I didn’t have grandmother). And I slowly went out of the house and ran to closest bus stop. 
And from that moment I haven’t seen Andy anymore. I haven’t seen him in school. I haven’t seen him on the streets. I haven’t seen him in the town. And one day, I can’t remember why in my head were this strange words: «What a miraculous escape». 
I shivered. I tried but I can’t forget my strange friend, his house and this evil Sunday.Perhaps, this is why I see my invisible neighbors. But I’m already used. 

Охх, ну и крутая же у тебя история бро *.* а есть еще?

Reading Comprehension

The Miraculous Escape

I had been very wealthy and prosperous and was leading a very comfortable life. I had all the worldly pleasures with me. But soon I became bored of my idle life. The urge to go on a voyage became stronger and stronger day by day. It haunted me like anything. So one day I boarded a ship and went trading from island to island with other merchants.

When we started, the weather was fine and the sea was calm. But on the fourth day of our voyage, our ship was caught in a terrific/terrible hurricane and we wandered from our set course. The tempest continued for several days and drove us near an island. The captain of the ship was reluctant to cast anchor at the port as it was a much dreaded place.

The violent waves of the sea had exhausted us. We were all tired and hungry so we went in search of food and water. We were fortunate enough to find fruit trees and a stream of fresh and cool water which gave us strength and energy and relieved us from hunger.

It had started getting dark. As we were tired we went to sleep but were soon startled by a rustling noise which came from a very long and huge python like serpent gliding swiftly towards us. We ran to save our lives but the serpent was quick enough to swallow one of my companions. We kept running till we had covered a good enough distance from the serpent. We felt a bit relieved but at the same time sad as we had lost a friend of ours. We took shelter on the top of a tree and thought ourselves to be safe.

But we were mistaken for we had hardly slept a little time when we heard a hissing sound which alarmed and frightened us. Coiling itself round the tree, the serpent reached my other companion who was positioned somewhat lower than me on the tree. It swallowed him and went away. Terror stricken I clung to the branch of the tree tightly and I did not know when I fell asleep. It was daylight when I awoke. I climbed down. It seemed to me that I had no courage left. It took me no time to realise that if I would not think of a way to escape soon, I would be a dead man. It was just a matter of time when I would also be swallowed like my two other companions. The instinct to prevent one’s life is greater than any fear or frustration.

I thought I should spare no means to save myself. I collected a lot of dry wood and bushes and tied them into a bundle with reeds. I arranged them in a circular structure round the tree and tied some of them with the branches of the tree. In this way I made a tent like structure in which I sat after dusk and securely tied from within. I had the satisfaction that whatever I could do I did it to prevent myself. This time when the serpent arrived he crept round the tree but he could not penetrate the defensive structure I had made around me. It just sat and waited the whole night like a cat that waits for the mouse to emerge out of its hole.

At dawn the serpent crept back but I dared not come out of my fortress. I lay there half dead and almost suffocated. When the Sun began to shine, I came out of my wooden fortress. I was so desperate that I ran towards the seashore. When I was about to jump into the sea, I saw a ship sailing at some distance. I shouted wildly, I took off my shirt and waved it too, which attracted the sailors on the ship and a rescue boat was immediately sent for me. This was my miraculous escape from the deadly serpent.

Discuss what effect did the story have an you? What would you have done, if you were in the narrator’s place? Does it teach you how to save yourself from danger? Now based on your reading of the story, answer the questions that follow. You may read the story again.

  1. What made the narrator go on a voyage?
    1. He was rich and satisfied with his life.
    1. He felt bored of his life.
    2. He had urge to go on a voyage.
    3. He was adventurous.
  2. How did the narrator and his friends feed themselves?
    1. They ate fish.
    2. They could not find anything to eat.
    3. They ate fruits to survive.
    4. They ate the food they had brought with themselves.
  3. The narrator and his companions were on the tree. The serpent swallowed his companion but not the narrator. Why?
  4. How did the narrator save himself from the serpent?
  5. Find the words in the story which mean the nearest to the words given below.
    1. rich (First para)
    2. moved (Second para)
    3. tired (Third para)
    4. scared (Fifth para)
    5. urge (Fifth para)
  6. Now find words in the story which mean the opposite of the given words.
    1. poor (First para)
    2. weak (Third para)
    3. enforce (Third para)
    4. insecurely (Sixth para)
    5. offensive (Sixth para)


  1. He was adventurous.
  2. They ate fruits to survive.
  3. The serpent swallowed his companion but not the narrator because, his companion was positioned somewhat lower than him on the tree.
  4. The narrator collected a lot of dry wood and bushes and tied them into a bundle with reeds. He arranged them in a circular structure round the tree and tied some of them with the branches of the tree. It was a tent like structure I which he confined himself throughout the night. When the serpent arrived, it crept round the tree but could not penetrate the defensive structure. Thus, the narrator saved himself from the serpent.
  5. Words are:
    1. wealthy
    2. wandered
    3. exhausted
    4. frightened
    5. instinct
  6. Opposite Words are:
    1. prosperous
    2. strength
    3. relieved
    4. securely
    5. defensive

“Miracles do not happen in contradiction to nature, but only in contradiction to that which is known to us of nature.”

We got a few snow showers in the last few weeks which were an indication of the advent of winter season. It’s not that I don’t like snow or winter but just the fact that it brought back to memory a chilling incident that happened to us 2 years back.
That dreadful day, we were returning from Escanaba, MI to Chicago, after having spent the long weekend of President’s Day traveling around Lake Michigan. We had a great time skiing at Treetop ski resort. We also visited the Mackinaw City and the frozen Tahquamenon falls. The weather forecast had warned travelers on that route of a snowstorm the previous night. However, that morning, as we left our hotel, the weather seemed to be quite pleasant. Just before reaching highway 41, following the google map, I directed my husband to take a wrong route (of course unknowingly). Soon I realized the mistake but we were almost 15/20 miles away. As we drove back, the weather seemed to turn gloomy.

 the doomed car

the road mistaken

Unfortunately for us, this was the first time hubby was driving on snow and had no knowledge of the hazards of snow till then. When we had left Chicago, the weather forecast showed a pleasant weekend ahead and no signs of snowfall anywhere along our route. To add to our gloom, we had not seen the forecast for green bay area that day.

snowfall on the way

the dreary road

There wasn’t much traffic on the way and so hubby confidently set the car on the cruise control mode (never do it on icy roads…a lesson well learnt). I was feeling a little uneasy for reasons unknown but I put my thoughts back and decided to take a nap. Hardly did I close my eyes when the car swirled to the left and as I opened my eyes to enquire what was happening, the car swiftly swirled to the right again and skid off the road to the ditch by the side. Were we lucky that the ditch was filled with fresh snow? Can’t say at all…

For the first time in my life I was glad I had my seat belts on when I found myself hanging upside down in the car. Dazed at the quick turn of events I looked around at hubby and found him in a similar position (seems so funny now). I was in a shock and so was hubby. However, he quickly searched for the mobile and tried to call 911. We tried to get out of the car but the snow seemed to have blocked the door. Luckily, we heard someone outside and found a man helping us out. He quickly led us away from our car and was generous enough to let us wait in his car till the police and ambulance arrived. I was shivering like hell not just because of the incident but also because I had my jacket off while inside the car. It was freezing outside. The Good Samaritan, who was just behind us, had immediately called 911 when he saw our car topple off the road. In about 10 mins the police and an ambulance arrived and we thanked the man and his wife for the kind gesture and shifted to the police car.

This was the first time I got a look at our car. I was horrified at the condition it was in and thanked god we got out of it without a scratch. The policeman took about 20/25 minutes to prepare the report and then he dropped us at a nearby gas station. Our car was towed away as it was in no condition to be driven.

Our misfortune continued further when even after several calls at our car agency, hubby couldn’t manage to get another car for rent. Because of the bad weather in that area, many flights were cancelled and it seemed people had taken rental cars to drive to their destinations. It was getting dark and we were stuck at the gas station for nearly 2 hrs now. The girl at the counter sensed our distress and like an angel from nowhere came to help us out. She went out of the way to call a cab for us to take us to a nearby hotel. We accepted her suggestion and decided to stay there for the night.
It was only when we reached the hotel room did we realize the dreadful situation we came out of. I burst into tears and was uncontrollable for some time. Hubby too was feeling sorry and guilty of having put me into such danger. But I consoled him saying that we were lucky to have got away so easily and for some unknown reasons, both of us had not a single scratch.
Next day, we went to the grey hound bus station in the hotel shuttle and headed back for Chicago. Once home we again thanked our fortunes of having lived to see another day even after such a harrowing accident. It was a miracle indeed.

After this incident, we try to abstain from driving during snow but for unavoidable circumstances hubby has made a thorough study of such situations. Its always better to stay prepared than wait for miracles to happen.

“To be alive, to be able to see, to walk…it’s all a miracle.”

Once upon a time, little boy, that was at the age of five decided to be a captain of a ship. His name was Bob. He had got a friend, that was also five. Bob called him Rex, though his name was Tom. So, Bob told to Rex his plans, and they decided to go to sea next morning. They found a boat near the seaside. Rex promised to take a lot of food and Bob said, that he would take some clothes with him. After all the preparations on next morning the boys sat in the boat and swam on it to the sea. The weather was clear and sunny. Two boys were swimming in such way for two days. They couldn’t sea the land, because they were very far from it. On the second day Rex began cry, as he wanted to go home. «Ok!», — said Bob. «Tomorrow we will swim to the land». But at knight the weather became cloudly, there was no sun on the sky and it began raining. The children were very funky. The waves washed away their food and clothes. Boys understood, that if any ship wouldn’t find them, they will die. All next day they didn’t sea any ships. The children were very hungry and wanted home. Even in the evening, they saw little spot on the horizon. It was a ship. The ship took boys on the board. The boys slept at ones. On the next morning, they told to the captain their story. The captain promised them, that in two hours they would be at home. And he let Bob to be a captain for these two hours. Bob’s dream came in life to be a captain. The children thanked the captain for theirs escape very much. They went home and told everything to theirs parents, that couldn’t believe them at once. Than the parents said to their children «What a miraculous escape!»


Yasak Alina, the 11th Form

You have decided to enter a shot story competition in a magazine. the story must end with the sentence: ‘what a miraculous escape!’ write your entry for the competition (120-180 words).


Предварительный просмотр:

Yasak Alina, the 11th Form


It was an unusual day. As always cat Bo caught flies in the little summer house where old winter clothes were left. The sun faintly shone through the dusty window.

As Bo jumped on an old coat a lot of dust rose up into the air. The room looked like a foggy coast in the early morning. Clinging to a coat pocket, Bo looked around in fright.

In fact, cats can see well enough in unusual conditions. And Bo could easily navigate in this dusty expanse, but… Bo began to sneeze. The cat swung very hard and hanger, than the coat was hanging on, fell on the floor.

It was a terrible crash. Someone turned off the sunlight and Bo was in horror. Like a burnt the cat rushed along the dark expanse.

Suddenly, Bo saw a light at the end of that terrified tunnel. The cat dashed to its target like a rocket.

Bo shut its eyes because of the painful bright sunlight outside the window. The cat got out of the agonizing captivity.

What a miraculous escape!

Задали написать рассказ на английском,заканчивающийся фразой «What a miracolus escape!». В общем,с написанием рассказов заморочек никогда не было,а вот с переводом все очень туго. Переведите,сколько можете,пожалуйста. Заблаговременно спасибо.

«Strange friend»
Мысль сочиняет действительность. Очень четкая формулировка,в истинности которой мне пришлось убедиться при достаточно неясных обстоятельствах. Вобщем, реальность воспринимает непредсказуемые формы.
После длинного упрашивания,я,наконец-то,сумел поехать к Энди в пригородный домик на выходные. Мой друг все намекал на магическое воздействие тех мест,и я теснее вырисовывал в собственной голове диковинные пейзажи с небом,окрашенным в золотистые цвета и солнцем,отводящим свое всевидящее око от стыдливого домика моего друга,медлительно погружая во тьму необыкновенные формы уютного сада,подстриженную траву и сверкающую речку. Наверно,я никогда очень еще так не заблуждался.
Поужинав сочными мясными стейками,которые оставила его бабушка,уходя ночевать к собственной давнешней знакомой и вволю наговорившись о красах местных мест,я отправился дремать в маленькую комнату,где стоял диванчик небольших размеров,на котором мне и пришлось расположиться. К счастью,я был непривередлив. Энди ночевал в гдругой комнате. Перед уходом,заместо очевидной фразы «Безмятежной ночи», он пожелал мне «Чудесного избавления» и,улыбнувшись,шаркнул в гостиную,закрыв за собой дверь. Наверное,во многом я не мог его понять.
Сон пришел прытко. Сказывались свежайший воздух и аппетитная пища. Даже на данный момент,когда я пишу этот рассказ,я отчетливо помню ту ночь. Я шел по шелковистой дороге,тянувшейся сквозь бесконечность в неосторожную даль. Меня окружал густой туман,его капли отпечатывались на моем теле,врезаясь в память необычными ощущениями. Я не понимал,что это был сон,но все,что меня окружало,было так реальным,что я просто не мог засомневаться. Мне хотелось идти,и я просто шел вперед на слабо сияющий сероватым светом огонек впереди. Через некое время,шагая вперед,через меня начали парить тела,одетые в оборванные ткани,бредущие через туман.На их лицах были повязки,они что-то шептали. Напрягая всеми мощами собственный слух,я пробовал расслышать хоть что-нибудь,но подойти к одному из их боялся. Любопытство всегда пересиливает ужас. То же случилось и со мной. Сойдя со собственного пути,я ощутил,что меня засасывает трясина — земля становилась сходственной густому желе,и чем больше я сопротивлялся,тем посильнее меня тащило вовнутрь. Призраки,не подмечавшие меня до этого момента,начали медлительно парить ко мне. Страх овладел мной стопроцентно,и все,что мне оставалось — это горланить. И я голосил. Звучно кричал,пока,в конце концов,не очнулся на полу в черной комнате. Окаменев от кошмара,я преодолел кратковременный паралич и рванул к окну,раздвигая занавески. Свет полной луны осенил морщинистые личика витавших по комнате тайных жителей. Поначалу я не мог завладеть собой,я закончил разуметь,где кончается граница сна и начинается действительность. Я вырвался из комнаты и принялся отыскивать Энди. Все окна в доме пропали — на их месте оставалась каменная стенка. Свет был только в его комнате. Не помня себя от испуга,я,несколько раз упав,добрался до него. Мой друг стоял ко мне спиной,я очень тряс его,звал к себе. Он медлительно повернул ко мне лицо. На месте глаз заместо бирюзовых,полных жизни глаз — две темные пучины,две темные дыры с тесными зрачками в виде полной луны. Его рот застыл в немом страхе,кажется,он что-то пробовал мне проорать,но не мог — я понимал,что его теснее нет. Сдавливая посильнее его плечи,я чувствовал,как он начинал сыпаться. Шкура потрескалась и с тихим шорохом песком упала вниз. Шепот в моей голове усилился,я забился в темный угол и,полный слез, увидел всю свою краткую жизнь перед глазами со всеми её ясными моментами,и мне казалось,что закат темными солнцем неизбежно двигался ко мне. Я плакал и вопил,все переплелось в эту ночь.
Меня разбудил Энди. Описывая эту историю,я не могу передать свои чувства. Как минимум,я был испуган. Энди проговорил что-то непонятно,какую-то неведомую мне философию,поздравил меня с избавлением и ушел,по-видимому,за кофе. Опьянев впопыхах сильный напиток,я быстро собрался,и,под предлогом того,что я совершенно забыл о деньке рождения собственной возлюбленной прабабушки (которой,к слову,у меня не было), постарался неторопливо выйти на улицу и побежал к наиблежайшей автобусной остановке.
С тех пор я не лицезрел Энди. Ни в школе,ни на улице,ни в городке. И как-то незаметно,как-то вскользь тихим ветром пролетела фраза в моей голове: «What a miracolus escape».
Я дрогнул,и,как не пробовал,не мог пренебрегать собственного необычного друга, стыдливый пригородный домик и наизловещее воскресенье.Наверное,конкретно поэтому я периодически вижу своих мимолетных соседей. Вобщем,я теснее привык.

Пересмотрел объем.Стало неловко ._.
Сколько можете,пожалуйста.

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