What does the future hold егэ ответы



Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. TEST  29  ( part 3)

What Does the Future Hold?

   Have you ever thought about the future? One of the most amazing predictions I have heard about the twenty-first century is that we will be living longer and longer. Scientists will have A22 comeup with a cure for a lot of the most common diseases that people die of at the moment. They say that by the year 2050, the average person’s lifespan will have A23 risen to one hundred years.

  They also predict that work will take A24 up less of our lives and we will have more free time to spend. Robots, which will look more and more like human beings, will have taken A25 over a lot of the boring everyday jobs we do today. In the next ten years, the Japanese will have A26 invented a robot that understands human speech. This is not science fiction: the optimists say that by the year 2020 we will have created humanoids with brains similar to those of an adult human being. This will A27 bring about a big change in the way we live.

 However, many experts feel pessimistic about the future. They predict that people themselves will look like robots. They will have microchips in various parts of their body, which will connect them to a wide variety of gadgets. Some experts even see robots as a A28 threat to human freedom. They are afraid that we will not be able to control them and that in the end, they will control us.


l) turned

2) made

3) come

Come up with smth — придумывать, разрабатывать; три других слова не могут быть употреблены в такой конструкции

4) found


1) gone

2) risen

Rise to *number* — подняться к какой-то цифре. Три других слова не могут быть здесь употреблены ни по смыслу, ни грамматически

3) turned

4) come


1) on

Take on smth — брать на себя

2) up

Take up smth — занимать (время, место)

3) over

Take over smthпринимать (руководство, должность, работу и т. д.)

4) away

Take smth awayзабирать


1) up

Take up smth — занимать (время, место)

2) off

Take off smth — снимать что-либо

3) over

Take over smthпринимать (руководство, должность, работу и т. д.)

4) in

Take in smth — понимать, осознавать,  усваивать; ушивать


1) discovered


2) found


3) done

не может быть здесь употреблено

4) invented



1) bring

Bring about (big) changes/a change — порождать перемены; устоявшееся выражение

2) turn

3) take

4) come


1) damage


2) dream


3) threat


4) problem


Задание 51 на подготовку к ЕГЭ по английскому. В тексте имеются пропуски слов. Для каждого пропуска даны несколько вариантов. Определите, какой вариант верный.


What Does the Future Hold?

Have you ever thought about the future? One of the most amazing predictions I have heard about the twenty-first century is that we will be living longer and longer. Scientists will have TURNED / MADE / COME / FOUND up with a cure for a lot of diseases that people die of at the moment. They say that by the year 2050, the average person’s life-span will have GONE / RISEN / TURNED / COME to one hundred years.

They also predict that work will take ON / UP / OVER / AWAY less of our lives and we will have more free time to spend. Robots, which will look more and more like human beings, will have taken UP / OFF / OVER / IN a lot of the boring everyday jobs we do today. In the next ten years, the

Japanese will have DISCOVERED / FOUND / DONE / INVENTED a robot that understands human speech. This is not science fiction: the optimists say that by the year 2020 we will have created humanoids with brains similar to those of an adult human being. This will BRING / TURN / TAKE / COME about a big change in the way we live.

However, many experts feel pessimistic about the future. They predict that people themselves will look like robots. They will have microchips in various parts of their body, which will connect them to a wide variety of gadgets. Some experts even see robots as a DAMAGE / DREAM / THREAT / PROBLEM to human freedom. They are afraid that we will not be able to control them and that in the end, they will control us.

What Does the Future Hold?

Have you ever thought about the future? One of the most amazing predictions I have heard about the twenty-first century is that we will be living longer and longer. Scientists will have COME up with a cure for a lot of diseases that people die of at the moment. They say that by the year 2050, the average person’s life-span will have RISEN to one hundred years.

They also predict that work will take UP less of our lives and we will have more free time to spend. Robots, which will look more and more like human beings, will have taken OVER a lot of the boring everyday jobs we do today. In the next ten years, the

Japanese will have INVENTED a robot that understands human speech. This is not science fiction: the optimists say that by the year 2020 we will have created humanoids with brains similar to those of an adult human being. This will BRING about a big change in the way we live.

However, many experts feel pessimistic about the future. They predict that people themselves will look like robots. They will have microchips in various parts of their body, which will connect them to a wide variety of gadgets. Some experts even see robots as a THREAT to human freedom. They are afraid that we will not be able to control them and that in the end, they will control us.

Автор Евгений Марченко задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Write an article with the following title: What does the future gold? сочинение на тему что будет содержать будущее и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Leo Ramirez[гуру]
вы утверждаете или задаёте вопрос?

Ответ от SanJuan[гуру]
The question of what awaits us in the future has always bothered the humanity. All views can be divided into two basic outlooks.
First, there is a positive outlook in which the man shall overcome wars and hunger and ascend to conquer other planets and seek out for new life and new civilizations, boldly go where no man has gone before.
However, there is also another possibility that we will end up as a pile of smoking ashes on the ruins of our once beautiful planet.
To sum up, there is no way anyone can find out what the future holds until we get there and it becomes our present, However, what happens then depends on what we choose now, so it is up to us to determine our own destiny.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]

Привет! Вот подборка тем с похожими вопросами и ответами на Ваш вопрос: Write an article with the following title: What does the future gold? сочинение на тему что будет содержать будущее

What does the future hold егэ ответы

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What does the future hold егэ ответы

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What does the future hold егэ ответы

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Katya Galstyan



3 года назад

Памагите ответить на этот вапрос по анлиский. Чтобы можно было говорить 3-4 мтнуты. Заране спастбо)

What does the future hold?
Of course its impossible to know what will really happen in the future, but I think its important to think about the direction in which we seem to be heading.
I think that technology will help us to improve the lives of most people and I believe that everybody will have enough to eat. My opinion is that doctors will find cures for most diseases and that technological progress will also affect how we spend our free — time. In my opinion, people will go on holiday to space and we will see things that people today can only dream about.
Unfortunately, there is also the danger that some unpleasant things will happen, too. The way I see it, people will work until they are much older and some people think that people will fight for clean drinking water. I also fear that air pollution will make people very ill.
I think that the future will present us with many opportunities as well as some difficult challenges. However, humanity has survived well so far, so I am optimistic about the future.

Что хранит будущее?
Конечно, невероятно точно знать, что действительно произойдет в будущем, но я размышляю главно думать о направлении, в котором мы движемся.
Я думаю, что технологии посодействуют сделать лучше жизнь большинства людей, и каждый будет иметь довольно пищи. По моему мнению, лекари отыщут лекарства от большинства болезней, и технический прогресс также воздействует на провождение свободного медли. По моему воззрению,
люди будут летать в космос на каникулы и увидят то, о чем сейчас люди могут только мечтать.
К раскаянью, также есть опасность, что некие досадные вещи тоже произойдут. Мне кажется, люди буду работать до самой старости, а некие размышляют, что люди будут бороться за чистую питьевую воду. Я также опасаюсь, что из-за загрязнения воздуха люди будут хворать.
Я размышляю, будущее предоставит нам много возможностей, одинаково как и тяжелых препятствий.
Однако, население земли выживало так долго, так что я оптимистична насчет будущего.

Warming up

(3 мин)



(1 мин)

Class work

(37 мин)


(2 мин)


(2 мин)

Today we will start a new topic.

What did I say? Can you repeat it?

Why did I used the word “will”?

Can you answer? What does it mean?

You are right, it means Мы БУДЕМ изучать новую тему. It is Future Tense.

Look at the board please. We have three tenses in our world: past, present and future.

But when I tell you something how do you understand what I said? Was it future, present or past? How do you know it?

Ok, you are right. Look at the board, you see three words: I, to go and school. You should say: Я ходил в школу, Я хожу в школу, Я буду ходить в школу. How will you say Я ходил в школу?

No, the verb “to go” is irregular, so you should use the second form “WENT”. And you will have: I WENT to school.

How will you say Я хожу в школу?

Yes, you are right. We don’t use anything if we have “I, we, you, they”. So, it’ll be: I go to school, We go to school, You go to school, They go to school.

But if we use “he, she, it” what should we do?

Good! –s or –es. And it’ll be:

He goes to school, She goes to school, It goes to school.

(Пишу на интерактивной доске на отдельных слайдах формулы прошедшего настоящего и будущего времени. На примерах положительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений)

Well now we will speak about the future. How do you think will we have the same things in the future or better? Why?

Ok, open your books at page 95. Ex. 2a. Do you see 10 sentences? Well, you should translate them. First raw – 123, second raw – 456, third raw – 789. And I will translate the last one. 5 minutes then we will check.

Time is up. Let’s translate. And write translations in the books because you will need it.

How do you think is it true?

People will live on the moon?

Ok, let’s listen to the text and you will hear the answers. You should tick the right answer.

Ok, first one: people will live on the moon. Why?

Will all transport be underground? Why?

Will families spend all time together? Why?

Will new animals appear? Why?

Will people have food tablets? Why?

Ok, your home task will be to write about yourself. Make a prediction. What do you think you will do in the future? What will you have? Where will you live? How many kids will you have? You can write anything you want.

Tell me please what did you know on this lesson? And what exactly about future tense?

Very well. Thank you for the lesson, you may be free.

Today we will start a new topic.

Это значит будущее время.

Используете слова: did, do, will…

I go to school.

I go to school.

Окончание S.

Better. Потому что всё время что-то придумывают новое.


True. It’s not true.

Слушают текст.

Tick. Because…

No, because…

Yes, because…

No, because…

Yes, because…

Про будущее время.

Что надо говорить Will be, а если вопрос, то will ставится на первое место.

What does the future hold?
Of course it’s impossible to know what will really happen in the future, but I think it’s important to think about the direction in which we seem to be heading.
I think that technology will help us to improve the lives of most people and I believe that everybody will have enough to eat. My opinion is that doctors will find cures for most diseases and that technological progress will also affect how we spend our free — time. In my opinion, people will go on holiday to space and we will see things that people today can only dream about.
Unfortunately, there is also the danger that some unpleasant things will happen, too. The way I see it, people will work until they are much older and some people think that people will fight for clean drinking water. I also fear that air pollution will make people very ill.
I think that the future will present us with many opportunities as well as some difficult challenges. However, humanity has survived well so far, so I am optimistic about the future.

Что хранит будущее?
Конечно, невозможно точно знать, что действительно произойдет в будущем, но я думаю важно думать о направлении, в котором мы движемся.
Я думаю, что технологии помогут улучшить жизнь большинства людей, и каждый будет иметь достаточно еды. По моему мнению, врачи найдут лекарства от большинства болезней, и технический прогресс также повлияет на провождение свободного времени. По моему мнению,
люди будут летать в космос на каникулы и увидят то, о чем сегодня люди могут только мечтать.
К сожалению, также есть опасность, что некоторые неприятные вещи тоже произойдут. Мне кажется, люди буду работать до самой старости, а некоторые думают, что люди будут бороться за чистую питьевую воду. Я также боюсь, что из-за загрязнения воздуха люди будут болеть.
Я думаю, будущее предоставит нам много возможностей, равно как и трудных препятствий.
Однако, человечество выживало так долго, так что я оптимистична насчет будущего.

Write an article with the following title: What does the future hold? Use the paragraph plan to help you.

• Introduction (presentation of the topic)

• Viewpoint

• Opposing viewpoint

• Conclusion (your personal opinion)


Английский язык 7 класс рабочая тетрадь Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. 5d. Writing (an opinion article). Номер №3


Перевод задания
Напишите статью со следующим заголовком: Что нас ждет в будущем? Используйте план абзацев, чтобы помочь вам.
• Введение (изложение темы)
• Точка зрения
• Противоположная точка зрения
• Заключение (ваше личное мнение)

What does the future hold?

People like making predictions about the future. But of course nobody can know for sure what will be in future with us.

In my opinion technology will help us to make life better and I strongly believe that everybody will have enough food. The way I see it scientists will find cures for most part of dangerous diseases. I also think that technology will let to have more free time and we will be able to travel a lot.

On the other hand, technology can bring some danger to our life. In my opinion, the pollution will keep increasing and people will fight for drinking water.

To sum up, we have to use the opportunities which are given to us and get over all problems with help of technology.

Перевод ответа
Что в будущем?
Людям нравится делать прогнозы на будущее. Но, конечно, никто не может точно знать, что будет с нами в будущем.
На мой взгляд, технологии помогут нам сделать жизнь лучше, и я твердо верю, что у всех будет достаточно еды. На мой взгляд, ученые найдут лекарства от большинства опасных болезней. Я также думаю, что технологии дадут больше свободного времени, и мы сможем много путешествовать.
С другой стороны, технологии могут нести опасность для нашей жизни. На мой взгляд, загрязнение будет расти, и люди будут бороться за питьевую воду.
Подводя итог, мы должны использовать предоставленные нам возможности и преодолевать все проблемы с помощью технологий.

What does the future hold?
Of course its impossible to know what will really happen in the future, but I think its important to think about the direction in which we seem to be heading.
I think that technology will help us to improve the lives of most people and I believe that everybody will have enough to eat. My opinion is that doctors will find cures for most diseases and that technological progress will also affect how we spend our free — time. In my opinion, people will go on holiday to space and we will see things that people today can only dream about.
Unfortunately, there is also the danger that some unpleasant things will happen, too. The way I see it, people will work until they are much older and some people think that people will fight for clean drinking water. I also fear that air pollution will make people very ill.
I think that the future will present us with many opportunities as well as some difficult challenges. However, humanity has survived well so far, so I am optimistic about the future.

Что хранит будущее?
Конечно, невероятно точно знать, что действительно произойдет в будущем, но я размышляю главно думать о направлении, в котором мы движемся.
Я думаю, что технологии посодействуют сделать лучше жизнь большинства людей, и каждый будет иметь довольно пищи. По моему мнению, лекари отыщут лекарства от большинства болезней, и технический прогресс также воздействует на провождение свободного медли. По моему воззрению,
люди будут летать в космос на каникулы и увидят то, о чем сейчас люди могут только мечтать.
К раскаянью, также есть опасность, что некие досадные вещи тоже произойдут. Мне кажется, люди буду работать до самой старости, а некие размышляют, что люди будут бороться за чистую питьевую воду. Я также опасаюсь, что из-за загрязнения воздуха люди будут хворать.
Я размышляю, будущее предоставит нам много возможностей, одинаково как и тяжелых препятствий.
Однако, население земли выживало так долго, так что я оптимистична насчет будущего.

Have you ever thought about the future? One of the most amazing predictions I have heard about the twenty-first century is that we will be living longer and longer. Scientists will have  comeup with a cure for a lot of the most common diseases that people die of at the moment. They say that by the year 2050, the average person’s lifespan will have  risen to one hundred years.

  They also predict that work will take  up less of our lives and we will have more free time to spend. Robots, which will look more and more like human beings, will have taken  over a lot of the boring everyday jobs we do today. In the next ten years, the Japanese will have  invented a robot that understands human speech. This is not science fiction: the optimists say that by the year 2020 we will have created humanoids with brains similar to those of an adult human being. This will  bring about a big change in the way we live.

 However, many experts feel pessimistic about the future. They predict that people themselves will look like robots. They will have microchips in various parts of their body, which will connect them to a wide variety of gadgets. Some experts even see robots as a  threat to human freedom. They are afraid that we will not be able to control them and that in the end, they will control us.

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