What does the future hold сочинение

Write an article with the following title: What does the future hold? Use the paragraph plan to help you.

• Introduction (presentation of the topic)

• Viewpoint

• Opposing viewpoint

• Conclusion (your personal opinion)


Английский язык 7 класс рабочая тетрадь Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. 5d. Writing (an opinion article). Номер №3


Перевод задания
Напишите статью со следующим заголовком: Что нас ждет в будущем? Используйте план абзацев, чтобы помочь вам.
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• Заключение (ваше личное мнение)

What does the future hold?

People like making predictions about the future. But of course nobody can know for sure what will be in future with us.

In my opinion technology will help us to make life better and I strongly believe that everybody will have enough food. The way I see it scientists will find cures for most part of dangerous diseases. I also think that technology will let to have more free time and we will be able to travel a lot.

On the other hand, technology can bring some danger to our life. In my opinion, the pollution will keep increasing and people will fight for drinking water.

To sum up, we have to use the opportunities which are given to us and get over all problems with help of technology.

Перевод ответа
Что в будущем?
Людям нравится делать прогнозы на будущее. Но, конечно, никто не может точно знать, что будет с нами в будущем.
На мой взгляд, технологии помогут нам сделать жизнь лучше, и я твердо верю, что у всех будет достаточно еды. На мой взгляд, ученые найдут лекарства от большинства опасных болезней. Я также думаю, что технологии дадут больше свободного времени, и мы сможем много путешествовать.
С другой стороны, технологии могут нести опасность для нашей жизни. На мой взгляд, загрязнение будет расти, и люди будут бороться за питьевую воду.
Подводя итог, мы должны использовать предоставленные нам возможности и преодолевать все проблемы с помощью технологий.

Светило науки — 3 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи

Вопрос о том, что ждет нас в будущем всегда беспокоили человечество. Все мнения можно разделить на две основные перспективы.Во-первых, позитивный взгляд на мир, который человек должен преодолеть войн и голода и восходит к покорению других планет и искать новую жизнь и новые цивилизации, смело идти туда, где не ступала нога человека.Однако, есть и другая возможность, что мы станем грудой праха курят на руинах нашей некогда прекрасной планете.Подводя итог, нет никакого способа, каждый может узнать, что будет в будущем, пока мы не добираемся там, и это становится нашим настоящим, однако, что происходит, затем зависит от того, что мы выбираем сейчас, так это до нас, чтобы определить нашу собственную судьбу.

The question of what awaits us in the future has always bothered the humanity. All views can be divided into two basic outlooks.
First, there is a positive outlook in which the man shall overcome wars and hunger and ascend to conquer other planets and seek out for new life and new civilizations, boldly go where no man has gone before.
However, there is also another possibility that we will end up as a pile of smoking ashes on the ruins of our once beautiful planet.
To sum up, there is no way anyone can find out what the future holds until we get there and it becomes our present, However, what happens then depends on what we choose now, so it is up to us to determine our own destiny.

Вопрос о том, что ждет нас в будущем всегда беспокоили человечество. Все мнения можно разделить на две основные перспективы.Во-первых, позитивный взгляд на мир, который человек должен преодолеть войн и голода и восходит к покорению других планет и искать новую жизнь и новые цивилизации, смело идти туда, где не ступала нога человека.Однако, есть и другая возможность, что мы станем грудой праха курят на руинах нашей некогда прекрасной планете.Подводя итог, нет никакого способа, каждый может узнать, что будет в будущем, пока мы не добираемся там, и это становится нашим настоящим, однако, что происходит, затем зависит от того, что мы выбираем сейчас, так это до нас, чтобы определить нашу собственную судьбу.

The question of what awaits us in the future has always bothered the humanity. All views can be divided into two basic outlooks.
First, there is a positive outlook in which the man shall overcome wars and hunger and ascend to conquer other planets and seek out for new life and new civilizations, boldly go where no man has gone before.
However, there is also another possibility that we will end up as a pile of smoking ashes on the ruins of our once beautiful planet.
To sum up, there is no way anyone can find out what the future holds until we get there and it becomes our present, However, what happens then depends on what we choose now, so it is up to us to determine our own destiny.

Whether technology is to be embraced or if humans should strive for simplicity is constantly in the forefront of the human mind. One hundred and forty-nine years ago, when the first railroad was completed, a new technological era was beginning to start. In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell made the first phone call to his assistant Thomas Watson, an event that changed the course of human history. Shortly after in 1885, Karl Benz took the first drive in his new technological invention, the Three Wheeled Motorwagen. As evidenced by history, technology has been a part of the human life for many years. While technology can in some ways harm the environment and human body, overall, technology can make life simpler, maintain sustainability in the environment, and help the economy. All in all, technology is the answer. Technological advances will continue to develop as time goes on, and will be the future for the world.

Many people say that without technology a person’s life would be easier and simpler, when really technology was created to make ones daily life less complicated. For example, the smartphone was created to have all the communication necessities such as, texting, calling, and video chat, all in one appliance. In ¨Less Stuff, More Happiness¨ Graham Hill mentions his project ¨Life Edited¨. His point to this project was to buy less space and have more room by combining furniture into one solo appliance, the ¨moving wall¨. As this wall does create a more simplistic option, it needs the technology to make it successful. A dining table will not become a bed in a single press with using only two fingers without a source of power. Thanks to Benjamin Franklin, who discovered electricity, it is now possible to do so. Basically, technology is what is making less space and simpler living styles possible for the human race. If one were to get rid of technology, they would be living a much more intricate and complex life.

The environment provides the world’s natural resources and services. Without these resources, humans could be in danger. Technology is needed in the ecosystem to decrease material inputs and minimize waste disposal problems. Ralph Waldo Emerson believed that life revolved around nature and that nature itself alters the human brain. However, he did see a use for technology to be helpful. He blatantly states in an excerpt from one of his works ¨Nature¨, ¨Yet it is certain that the power to produce this delight, does not reside in nature, but in man… It is necessary to use these pleasures with great restraint¨ (Emerson 390). Ralph Waldo Emerson is providing his opinion on how nature is the most important aspect of life, but to get to the ¨greatest delight¨ an influence of moderated human pleasure is needed. The term, pleasure, is loosely left to be discovered by oneself. For people now living in the twenty-first century, their pleasure is technology. So, future should allow for technology to continue to develop, to guarantee that nature will continue to grow. As aforementioned nature is an important factor in a healthy lifestyle for people and without technology, where would nature be? Unhealthy, unaesthetic, useless, and lost are the key characteristics of an uninfluenced environment.

Another reason as to why, technology is to be a part of human future is because it has already been introduced into the daily life of people all around the world. According to the Pew Research Center, nearly 95% of all Americans own a cellphone of some kind (¨Mobile Fact Sheet¨). This goes to show how dependent the economy is on technological advancements. Progress and Service are two of the most important factors when it comes to economy. In ¨Walden: Ballad of Thoreau¨ Rachel, the girl brought in to show the opposing side of living all alone in the woods, brings the topic of question to the table. Rachel points out that Thoreau is using his father’s pencil as he is writing, expressing his feelings for progress when her lines read ¨You’re blind to destruction¨ (Michael Johnathon). She is trying to prove that destruction is beneficial and not all harm. Technology has allowed for grand amounts of progress for the economy and provided multiple jobs as well. If people were to try to get rid of the use of technology, the economy would start to fail. A failed economy cannot only fail the conflicted area by having less job opportunities, but it can also cause a major increase of taxes or price on necessities. Parting with technology over a long period may cause a possibility of job loss because machinery could achieve the goal of success, but in the long run the technology has been greatly beneficial for the economy and can only continue to grow from this point forward.

Over the past one hundred years, the growth, and spread of technology has increased. Even though technology itself is not a man, man and technology together have created a world that is strong economically, eco-friendly, and straightforward. Living close to nature gave all transcendental writers a feel of confidence and an eye opening for what was to come. However, some did give into industrialization at some point. Thoreau did leave his trip to Walden Pond two years, two months, and two days later to go work at his dad’s business. There are pros and cons to technology, just as there are pros and cons to living closer with nature. As reasoned above technology has proven to be highly valuable and profitable, rather than less productive and harmful. There are clearly two sides to this argument. The question is, what is yours? 

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what will the world do now, –what does the future hold

Humans need to balance the over all population with the energy and food producing capabilities of the planet, so many keep saying not mind about population levels the science and engineering will find new ways to cope, may be they will but the planet earth is a finite resource and will eventually be exhausted, and far more important ; we should be aiming to improve the lives of every human, not just ensure their survival, that is not enough. We need to get to a balance where every single human has the security and material needs that allows confidence to stretch their minds and their creativity to improve the world, to add to the universal knowledge, for every single human to add to the the total level of well-being.

Just ensuring increasing numbers survive is simply NOT the target, increasing everyone’s ability to contribute to universal well-being, to universal knowledge and understanding THAT is the target

Humans need challengers, they need achievement beyond expectations.

Expectations get lowered by bureaucracy, in order to enhance their own claims to be in control

We need to remove the twin curses of politics and bureaucracy from governance. Let people be free, catch them when they fail and fall so they may try again, if these curses are not removed they will smother all humanity into a great thick blanket of stagnation and then all dies, everything dies when it stagnates. Bureaucrats like things to stay the same, then they can “succeed” with the minimum of effort and innovation; but this is the stagnation that kills everything.

Progress means bad things happen faster, it also means more bad things happen. The other side of that coin is that progress can be liberating and it can feed the hungry not just with food but with ideas and inspiration.

Free of the smothering need to achieve very short term “profit” and cost effective results, science could obtain a controlled unleashing of the latent energy that exists in most materials, human kind would have energy without limit, energy that could take humans far beyond this tiny solar system.

The universe is so vast and the amount of matter in it, is so unimaginably great, that some place in it will contain a replication of earth and of us humans. We should seek them out.

What does the future hold? What is our life going to be like in the 21st century?
Some people are rather optimistic about the future, others predict the end of the world.
Here is what pessimists say
• Our planet will be invaded by aliens. Those who survive will become their slaves.
• There will be a nuclear war and our planet will become uninhabitable.
• Atmospheric pollution will be so awful that people will have to live in underground cities.
• People will be replaced by robots. There will be more unemployed. Life will be harder.
• There will be more criminals. Terrorist groups will be more powerful. It will be dangerous to go out. People will be killed by remote control.
• Our simple pleasures will become a thing of the past. We’ll take food in the form of capsules, tablets and pills.
Here is what optimists say
• People will be able to travel in space. They will be able to spend their holidays on other planets.
• We’ll be stronger and healthier. Scientists will invent anti-ageing pills and people will live much longer than now.
• Air pollution will be stopped. Special underground pipes will carry smoke and fumes from factories to air-cleaning plants.
• Robots will do all the dangerous and dirty jobs. Our working hours will be shorter and our holidays will be longer.
• There will be no more wars, no more criminals. The world will become more democratic.
• Our daily life will become easier. Everything will be automated. We’ll shop, pay our bills and even cook with the help of computers.

And what do you think of the future?
(from Speak Out, abridged)

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Что будет в будущем?/ What Will The Future Be Like? с переводом на русский язык.

What Will The Future Be Like? Что будет в будущем?
My name is Darina and I’m 16 years old. When I think about the future changes on our planet, I feel rather optimistic. As the technology rapidly progresses, many new things might come to use. Меня зовут Дарина и мне 16 лет. Задумываясь о грядущих изменениях на нашей планете, я довольно оптимистична. Поскольку технологии быстро прогрессируют, может появиться много новинок.
For example, the space telescopes will soon send photographs of distant planets to Earth. The skyscrapers will become like separate cities, having all the necessary facilities in one building. People will be able to participate in space flights. Online romances will become more common. Robots will perform most household duties. They will also replace lots of professions. Например, космические телескопы скоро будут отправлять фотографии далеких планет на землю. Небоскребы станут отдельными городами, имеющими все необходимые условия в одном здании. Люди смогут участвовать в космических полетах. Онлайн отношения станут более распространенными. Роботы будут выполнять большинство домашних обязанностей. Они также смогут заменить много профессий.
All these changes sound realistic, but nobody thinks about nature. Scientific and technologic advances can easily lead to natural collapses. The growing number of factories, their waste into the World Ocean and atmosphere are rather harmful. This means, while people will be enjoying life in smart houses and flats, animals will be dying out. The air will become so polluted that we’ll have to stay in our houses all the time and do everything from there. Все эти изменения кажутся реалистичными, но никто не думает о природе. Научные и технологические достижения могут легко привести к природным проблемам. Растущее число заводов, их отходы в Мировой океан и атмосферу довольно вредны. Это означает, что в то время как люди будут наслаждаться жизнью в своих «умных» домах и квартирах, животные будут вымирать. Воздух станет настолько загрязненным, что придется не выходить из домов и делать все оттуда.
As I see it, life in the future will remind a real vacuum. People will work from their homes. They will buy fruit and vegetables grown only at the greenhouses. They will communicate with their relatives and friends via skype or other similar programs. If people continue leading such life, they will end up being lonely. Как мне кажется, жизнь в будущем будет напоминать реальный вакуум. Люди будут работать из дома. Они будут покупать фрукты и овощи, выращенные только в теплицах. Они будут общаться со своими родственниками и друзьями через скайп или другие подобные программы. Если люди продолжат вести такую жизнь, они в итоге станут одинокими.
On the other hand, I know that a growing number of people move to the countryside and create their own communities there. They build houses, that save energy. They try to use all natural resources reasonably. Hopefully, they will make life better on our planet. С другой стороны, я знаю, что все большее число людей перебирается в сельскую местность и создает там свои собственные сообщества. Они строят дома, которые экономят энергию. Они пытаются использовать все природные ресурсы разумно. Будем надеяться, что они сделают жизнь лучше на нашей планете.

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