What i will do to help the environment сочинение 10 класс

Everything that surrounds us is defined as the environment; therefore, the natural resource around us on earth is our environment. It sustains life on the planet and provides abundance of resources.

Short and Long Essay on How to Protect the Environment in English

I have given below three essays of varying word lengths of 100 — 120 Words, 250 Words, 400 Words, 500 Words and 600 Words on the theme – ‘How to protect the environment’. Let’s start reading and getting one of yours:

How to Protect the Environment Essay 10 Lines (100 — 150 Words)

1) We can protect the environment by reducing the usage of plastics.

2) Saving natural resources is a way to save the environment.

3) Choosing organic fertilizers instead of chemical pesticides will also be helpful.

4) Banning deforestation is a way to save our environment.

5) Opting bicycles in place of vehicles that produce air pollution.

6) Proper garbage and sewage treatment will be helpful for a good environment.

7) By campaigning and generating awareness among people, you can save the environment.

8) You can save the environment by opting 3Rs that are Recycle, Reduce, and Recycle.

9) Make use of renewable resources instead of limited resources.

10) Save electricity by switching off lights and choosing electric saver bulbs.

Essay 1 (250 Words) — How to Protect the Environment


It is very essential for our environment to stay clean and life-sustaining. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The environment we live in is being damaged by our own deeds. There is an urgent need to take proactive measures for environmental protection and involve the younger generation in it.

Steps for Environmental Protection

Below listed are some vital
points to ensure that our environment stays out of harm’s way –

  • Ban the use of plastic bags and products.
  • Ensure that your household waste is disposed
    through proper channel.
  • Stop littering and also encourage others to stop
    the same.
  • Don’t use chemical fertilizers and pesticides,
    rather go for organic ones.
  • Minimize vehicle use as exhaust gases are the
    greatest pollutants of air.
  • Save forests and plant trees because they are the
    lungs of the environment.
  • Minimize the use of groundwater or surface water.

Role of Students in Environment Protection

Students play a very
significant role in environmental protection. They are sensitive, receptive, and
take any advice, suggestion, generously. There are several schools that
actively take participate in cleanliness campaigns.

Students are filled with energy
and enthusiasm and their contribution to such campaigns is incomparable. Also,
a student who understands the value of the environment will teach the same to
younger and elders in his/her family.


It is very important that we keep our environment safe and free from pollution. Roping in young students for the same will work wonders for the cause.

Essay 2 (400 Words) — How to Improve Environmental Health


Everything that surrounds us is described as our environment. Going by this definition, our natural environment consists of – air, soil, water, forests, plants, hills, oceans, water bodies, etc. It is therefore in our own interest to protect the environment. In this essay, we will discuss on ways to improve the environment and the role of students in environmental protection.

How to Improve Environmental Health

There are many ways to improve the condition of the environment, but the most important ones are listed below –

  • Recycle and Reuse

A lot of waste that pollutes the environment consists of
dumped household materials that are no longer in use, like — plastic and glass
bottles, tin cans, broken computers, or other plastic items, clothes, etc.
These waste materials reach the soil and water and could stay there for years,
polluting them and reducing their quality. If we just take a simple step of
recycling the waste instead of throwing it into the environment, we would be
doing a great job of saving the environment.

  • Save Trees

Trees are the lungs of the
planet; therefore, very essential members of the environment. They act as
filters too and keep the air quality index of a place high. They consume carbon
dioxide and emit life-essential oxygen. No need to mention the millions of life
forms that the trees sustain – birds, insects, reptiles, etc. The more threes
we save, we would be doing a great deal towards improving environmental health.

  • Don’t Litter

How many of you have noticed
plastic bags, bottles, food packages, etc. littered around at places like
beaches, monuments, and market places. The litter is the most damaging to the
environment for it simply rots and pollutes it. The best we can do to save the
environment is to not litter. Make it a habit to dispose of the waste properly
in a dust bin. If you don’t see one around you then wait until you see one.

  • Educate and Inspire

We should educate and make
others aware of the environment and how can it be preserved. Special stress
should be given on teaching the youngsters and the children. When young
children are taught about the value of the environment, they will acknowledge
its significance when they grow up. We should also inspire others by planting
trees and organizing cleanliness campaigns.


The protection of the environment is in the hands of humans. Only humans can take initiative and save the environment, thereby saving lives on the planet.

Essay on How to Protect the Environment

Essay 3 (500 — 600 Words) — Reasons and Ways to Protect the Environment


In simple words, the environment refers to everything that surrounds us. The trees, plants, forests, rivers, and all are our natural environment. Unfortunately, this natural environment of ours is under threat due to human activities. Humans are damaging the environment on a daily basis, pressing the need for its protection. In this essay, we will discuss on why in the first place we need to protect the environment and the ways we can do so.

do we Need to Protect the Environment?

The environment is our home. This is where we live.
In fact, it is the most essential requirement for life. Below listed are some
main reasons of why should we protect the environment.

  • Gives us food

environment is the prime source of food that we eat. Everything from grains,
cereals to fruits, vegetables, etc. is produced in the environment. Will it be
possible for such a huge population to survive without such an abundant food
supply? By damaging the environment we are only impeding our own food supply.

  • Supplies Essential Life Elements (Natural

The environment gives us the two very essential
elements, necessary for life – air and water. We all need air to live, be it
animals, plants, or even aquatic animals need oxygen and fresh air. Water is
another basic life-sustaining element. If we damage our environment, we are
cutting our own supplies of clean air and water.

  • Sustains Livelihood

Billions of people throughout the globe depend on
the environment for their livelihood. They have taken up business out of so
many resources that the environment provides. Farmers, fruit sellers,
fishermen, etc., all depend on the environment for a living.

  • Supports the Complete Eco-System

A balanced and non-damaged environment supports the
complete ecosystem in such a way that the planet becomes supportive of life.
With a balanced ecosystem, life flourishes, and species expand.

can we Protect the Environment – 5 Simple Ways?

Below we will go through five simple ways to protect
the environment —

  • Control Waste

disposal of waste is the main problem that threatens the environment today. The
waste just spreads into the environment, getting into the soil, water, and air
and polluting them. Proper waste disposal techniques must be employed to reduce
environmental damage.

  • Rain Water Harvesting

Water, either surface or underground water, is an
essential resource that impacts the overall health of the environment. If the
water runs dry, so would the environment. Rainwater harvesting is a good option
to save water and the environment as well.

  • Become Eco-Friendly

It would be in the best interest of the environment,
for us to become environment savvy. We can do that by using bio-degradable
carry bags instead of plastic, using paper bags, planting trees, taking part in
cleanliness campaigns, and a lot more.

  • Stay Away from Chemicals

Avoid the use of chemicals as far as possible,
primarily in the agriculture sector. If it cannot be avoided then at least make
sure that no chemical reaches the environment and is neutralized after use.

  • Walk More Drive Less

Vehicles today have become the main source of
environmental pollution. The exhaust emits poisonous and harmful gases into the
environment. If we chose to use vehicles only when it is unavoidable, then we
would be helping the environment become clean and healthy.


The environment is the place where we live in and making it dirty would be the last thing you would like to do. It is our duty to keep the environment clean and safe for life – not our own but also of other living species as well.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on How to Protect the Environment

Q.1 When was the World Environment day established?

Ans. World Environment Day was established by United Nations Assembly in 1972.

Q.2 Who was the starter of the Chipko movement?

Ans. Sunderlal Bahuguna was the starter of the Chipko movement to impose a ban on the cutting of trees.

Q.3 Who was the founder of the Green Belt movement in Africa?

Ans. Wangari Maathai was the founder of the Green Belt movement in Africa.

Q.4 How do rainforests help in mitigating the climate change?

Ans. Rainforests absorb carbon dioxide that is a greenhouse gas and thus helps in reducing climate change.

Q.5 Which country in the world has imposed the toughest law against plastic bags?

Ans. Kenya is the country that has imposed the toughest law against using plastic bags.

The Earth is a magnificent and precious place. Humans are destroying it with reckless abandon. Read this essay to learn how you can help save our planet for future generations by taking action today, using 〈500 words short essay〉

This essay will be about how to save our environment and why we should do it. It will also explain the word “save” with a story from my life. This is not an easy task so please take your time reading this introduction paragraph, as well as try to absorb what I am saying in the entirety of my 500 words.-The “200 word essay save our environment” is a short, easy-to-read article that discusses how to reduce your carbon footprint. It includes some easy steps you can take in order to help the environment.


The most essential factor in living and growing a life is the environment. We are all acquainted with the term “environment,” which refers to all of the natural elements that surround us, such as air, water, plants, animals, and other living creatures.

It has an impact on our day-to-day lives on the planet. It has a flawless life cycle in order to maintain a healthy equilibrium in the environment.

To live a great life cycle, the environment supplies us with numerous and healthy natural things, however the ecosystem is being harmed as a result of human actions.

Increasing Public AwarenessEnglish-Essay-On-Environment-For-Students-038-Children-In-Simple

This is a subject that has to be discussed since it is both essential and sensitive. More debate will raise human understanding of the need to protect our environment.

What impact does our environment have? As a result of our higher quality of life, we are producing more air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution, and land pollution as a result of cars, manufacturing businesses, construction, and other factors.

Human Responsibilities500-Word-Essay-Save-our-Environment-For-Students-in-Easy

We, as humans, are filthy creatures that toss trash wrappers and empty polythene bags on the streets and in public areas, polluting the environment.

This little item subsequently creates a large quantity of trash, which then breeds germs that harm the lives of humans and other living things. Air pollution is also becoming worse as a result of cars.

This air pollution pollutes the air, which has an impact on human health by increasing illness in the body, as well as the ozone layer.

Manufacture-Related Issues


In this March 10, 2010 file picture, smoke billows from chimneys at a chemical plant in Hefei, Anhui province. The Global Carbon Project study by major research institutions stated on September 21, 2014 that global carbon dioxide emissions would reach a record high this year, propelled by China’s development and putting the world well off track from the substantial cutbacks required to prevent climate change. UN-CLIMATE CHANGE-CARBON/ REUTERS/Stringer/Files (CHINA – Tags: ENVIRONMENT BUSINESS INDUSTRIAL POLITICS) to match UN-CLIMATE CHANGE-CARBON/ REUTERS/Stringer/Files (CHINA – Tags: ENVIRONMENT BUSINESS INDUSTRIAL POLITICS)

Some businesses dump their chemicals into bodies of water. As a result, it pollutes our water, leading to a slew of illnesses. And, by listening to loud music, we are contributing to noise pollution, which is harmful to both our health and the environment.

All of these things make us sick and unhealthy, but in order to live a great life, we must be healthy, which requires a healthy atmosphere. We get awareness through the many street plays, dramas, and films.

Being informed is not enough to preserve the environment; we must also take action to protect the environment. Not only is it possible to safeguard it by just speaking some inspiring words and raising awareness, but everyone should begin doing something.

How Can We Help the Environment?1625967203_451_Essay-On-Importance-Of-Water-Conservation-For-Class-4-Students

We can help the environment by avoiding dumping trash on the highways or in public areas, or by reducing our use of private cars and increasing our usage of public transit.

We should also be mindful of businesses. In addition, we must utilize numerous eco-friendly and recyclable items in our daily lives. We should develop technology that is both environmentally friendly and capable of assisting in environmental protection.

Saving the environment is not a simple task; it will require a lot of time, energy, and effort. A small group of people or one individual cannot make a significant difference.

Everyone should get together and begin working to preserve the environment. It is our duty to keep it clean and healthy, and everyone should remember this. For us, the environment is the most essential thing, and we must protect it.

“How to save environment essay spm” is a 500 word essay that provides students with an easy-to-understand introduction to how the Earth’s resources are being used. Reference: how to save environment essay spm.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can students do to save the environment essay?

A: Students can save the environment by recycling newspapers, cans, bottles and plastics. They can also reduce their carbon footprint by using public transportation instead of driving vehicles. Lastly they should plant trees to help prevent global warming

Is a 500 word essay easy?

A: No, it is not easy. 500 words essay takes a lot of time and knowledge to complete. It would be best if you had been taking college-level English classes for at least 2 years before attempting an assignment like this one.

What is the easiest way to write a 500 word essay?

A: I have no idea what an essay is, but you can use wikipedia to look up how many words are in a 500 word essay.

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Человечество слишком долго ведет себя на планете как неразумный хозяин. Создавая удобства для комфортной жизни, мы напрочь забыли о том, что ресурсы природы вовсе не безграничны. Что жить в городах с грязным воздухом, придется нашим детям. Настало время вспомнить о том, что природа не прощает ошибок. Мы должны позаботиться о экологии и сохранить, вспомнить, что мы сами — часть этой природы. So, is it ok to bite the hand that feeds? 

Essay on Environmental Protection

Our planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe, and it is so far the only place where human beings can live.

We always polluted our surroundings. But until now pollution was not such a huge problem. People lived in the countryside and couldn’t produce such amount of pollution that would lead to a dangerous situation on a global scale.

With the development of industrial cities, which create huge amounts of pollutants, the problem has become real. Nowadays our planet is in serious danger. Global warming, acid rains, air and water pollution, overpopulation are the problems that threaten human lives on the Earth.

Every year world industry pollutes the air that we breathe with. A great number of cities suffer from smog. Rainforests are cut down. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result, some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants are extinct. A lot of seas, rivers and lakes are filled with poison like industrial and nuclear wastes, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The pollution of air and the world’s ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man’s careless interaction with nature, a sign of the ecological crisis.

People should consider their attitude to the environment. Some progress has already been made in this direction. Numerous conferences have been held by a lot of agencies to discuss problems facing ecologically poor regions including the Aral Sea, the South Urals, Kuzbass, Donbass and Chernobyl. Greenpeace is also doing much to preserve the environment.

What can we do to save our planet? First of all, people should switch to alternative forms of power, such as solar power or wind power. Secondly, the use of atomic power must be banned. Thirdly, we need to recycle. It’s the art of turning waste into new products. It would be a good idea if people started riding bicycles instead of driving cars. We are obliged to protect nature. If everybody cares, it will make a difference.

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Английский в фитнес-центре

Сочинение на тему Защита окружающей среды

Наша планета Земля —  всего лишь крошечная часть вселенной, и на данный момент это единственное место, где могут жить люди.

Мы всегда загрязняли окружающую среду. Но до сих пор загрязнение не было такой огромной проблемой. Люди жили в сельской местности и не могли создавать такое большое загрязнение, которое могло бы привести к опасной ситуации в глобальном масштабе.

С развитием промышленных городов, которые производят огромное количество загрязняющих веществ, проблема стала реальной. В наши дни планета находится в серьезной опасности. Глобальное потепление, кислотные дожди, загрязнение воздуха и воды, перенаселенность — это проблемы, которые угрожают жизни людей на Земле.

Каждый год мировая промышленность загрязняет воздух, которым мы дышим. Большое число городов страдает от смога. Тропические леса вырубаются. Их исчезновение нарушает баланс кислорода. В результате исчезают редкие виды животных, птиц, рыб и растений. Множество морей, рек и озер заполнены ядом: промышленными и ядерными отходами, химическими удобрениями и пестицидами. Загрязнение воздуха и мирового океана, разрушение озонового слоя является следствием небрежного взаимодействия человека с природой, признаком экологического кризиса.

Люди должны обдумать свое отношение к окружающей среде. В этом направлении уже достигнут определенный прогресс. Различные организации проводят многочисленные конференции для обсуждения проблем, с которыми сталкиваются экологически бедные регионы, включая Аральское море, Южный Урал, Кузбасс, Донбасс и Чернобыль. Организация «Гринпис» также прикладывает много усилий для сохранения окружающей среды.

Что мы можем сделать, чтобы спасти нашу планету? Прежде всего, люди должны переключиться на альтернативные формы энергии, такие как солнечная энергия или энергия ветра. Во–вторых, использование атомной энергии должно быть запрещено. В–третьих, необходимо заниматься утилизацией и переработкой материалов. Это искусство превращения отходов в новые продукты. Было бы неплохо, если бы люди начали кататься на велосипедах, а не водить автомобили. Мы обязаны защищать природу. Если все будут заботится, это изменит ситуацию.

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» 2013 » Май » 23 » Many people think that individuals can do much to help the environment. Сочинение C2 (английский язык) в формате ЕГЭ-2014


Many people think that individuals can do much to help the environment. Сочинение C2 (английский язык) в формате ЕГЭ-2014

Many people think that individuals can do much to help the environment

          Nowadays not all people are aware of the ecological problems that humanity faces. Some people think that individuals can do much to help the environment. Others believe that we do a lot for saving the nature of Earth.
          In my opinion, people really should do more for the environment. To begin with, we need to build more recycling plants, which can take into camp lots of waste made by people. Secondly, humanity has to attract its mind to industries which make hazardous emissions into the atmosphere. Such factories should use purifying systems to prevent environmental pollution.
          On the other hand, there are those who think that we are doing everything we can. They say that we are spending lots of money on recycling and purifying, using rechargeable batteries instead of disposable ones, reading books made from recycled paper, buying goods the packaging of which are made from wastepaper. We don’t need to do more, as they are convinced.
          I totally disagree with them. I think that we can do much more to help the environment. We need to change our attitude to the environment. For example, people should use public transport instead of cars when it is possible, because air pollution caused by cars in cities is the most acute environmental issue. But our actions have to be considerate, because the problem is global and can be solved only by consolidating our efforts.
          In conclusion, I am strongly convinced that we should do more for the environment. Our future depends on our actions in present that is why we cannot close our eyes to ecological problems and have to deal with them now.

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Представлено сочинение на английском языке Защита окружающей среды/ Environmental Protection с переводом на русский язык.

Environmental Protection Защита окружающей среды
We live in a world full of different types of pollution. Wanting to make their lives easier people have invented so many new devices and factories, that nature is in danger. Unfortunately, environment is not the unlimited source of resources. Мы живем в мире, полном различных видов загрязнения. Желая облегчить свою жизнь, люди придумали так много новых устройств и заводов, что природа находится в опасности. К сожалению, окружающая среда не является неограниченным источником ресурсов.
At the moment, our planet suffers from numerous problems and damages. For example, acid rain, which is the result of waste gases from power stations. Such rains cause forest damages. Other big problems are water shortage and the destroying ozone layer. It is all the result of pollution that comes from factories and plants. На данный момент, наша планета страдает от многочисленных проблем и ущербов. Так, например, кислотные дожди, которые является результатом отходящих газов электростанций. Такие дожди наносят ущерб лесам. К другим крупным проблемам относятся нехватка воды и разрушение озонового слоя. Это все результат загрязнения, который происходит от фабрик и заводов.
Wildlife suffers as well. Many species of animals and plants start to disappear. Another big issue is global warming and green house effect. Дикий мир также страдает. Многие виды животных и растений начинают исчезать. Другой большой проблемой является глобальное потепление и парниковый эффект.
As you can see, there is a long list of environmental problems, which need to be solved. Otherwise, our planet Earth may get fully destroyed. People should start dealing with these problems immediately. The most important thing they can do is to change their attitude towards the environment. First of all, people should switch to alternative forms of power, such as wind power or solar energy. Secondly, the use of nuclear power should be banned. Thirdly, we should start to recycle. It’s the art of turning waste into new products. Other than that, the number of harmful plants should be reduced because they pollute the air and water greatly. It would be a good idea if people started using bicycles instead of cars. Как видно, список экологических проблем, которые необходимо решить, длинный. В противном случае, наша планета Земля может быть полностью уничтожена. Люди должны начать решать эти проблемы немедленно. Самое главное, что они могут сделать, это изменить свое отношение к окружающей среде. Прежде всего, люди должны перейти на альтернативные формы энергии, такие как энергия ветра или солнечная энергия. Во-вторых, использование атомной энергии должно быть запрещено. В-третьих, мы должны начать переработку отходов. Это искусство превращения отходов в новую продукцию. Кроме того, количество вредных заводов должно быть уменьшено, потому что они сильно загрязняют воздух и воду. Было бы неплохо, если бы люди начали использовать велосипеды вместо машин.
We are obliged to protect nature. If everybody cares, it would make difference. Мы обязаны беречь природу. Если бы все проявляли заботу, это бы возымело результат.

What can people do to help protect the environment? 25NYk

One of the things that worries people most nowadays is the environment. In the last few decades, humans have been polluting way too much, which has had a negative effect on the environment. For this reason, we must protect it from now on.
First, we ought to start paying attention to the 3 Rs: reduce, reuse and recycle. By doing so, we will reduce the quantity of rubbish, we will not throw away so many things and we will be able to recycle most of our waste.
Second, a very good idea is to stop using cars so much and start cycling or walking a little more. For example, instead of commuting by car, we can try to do it on foot or by bike.
Finally, if we really want to change things, we should teach young pupils about the dangers of contamination and pollution. It’s the only way to change the future, because they are the future citizens of the world.
In conclusion, I believe that if we do these three things, we can still prevent humans from destroying the environment.

One of the things that worries

most nowadays is the environment. In the last few decades, humans have been polluting way too much, which has had a

effect on the environment.

For this reason

, we

protect it from



, we ought to

paying attention to the 3 Rs:

, reuse and recycle. By doing

, we will

the quantity of rubbish, we will not throw away

we will be able to recycle most of our waste.

Second, a

is to

using cars

much and

cycling or walking a


For example



of commuting by car, we can try to do it on foot or by bike.


, if we


want to

things, we should teach young pupils about the

of contamination and pollution. It’s the

way to

the future,

they are the future citizens of the world.

In conclusion

, I believe that if we do these three things, we can


humans from destroying the environment.

We should learn languages because language is the only thing worth knowing even poorly.

Kató Lomb

IELTS essay What can people do to help protect the environment?

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    Hollywood movies are the most popular movies in the world; furthermore, the popularity of these films all over the world keeps increasing. The popularity of Hollywood films all over the world stems from some reasons such as bigger budgets, the reputation of the actors, and advertisements.
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  • Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.

    Rita Mae Brown

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In your English class, you have been talking different ways to protect the environment

Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay.

Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

Essay question 

What can young people do to help protect and improve their local environment?


Write about:

  1. recycling things
  2. cycling or walking instead of using cars
  3. ………(your own idea)

Write your essay

Essay was written by Ekaterina Sosnihina

Improving the environment is becoming a more and more important issue nowadays. All people, including children and teenagers, should do everything possible to prevent their local environment from pollution as well as make it a better place for living.

First of all, young people can organise recycling process of rubbish in their own house. Step by step, they can start separating litter sending old things to reprocessing rather than to the dump. As a result, creating zero — waste life for themselves and their families becomes possible.

Taking care of the atmosphere, which is really sensitive to exhaust fumes, young people are able to choose bicycles or kick scooters instead of private cars. What is more, using public transport for longer journeys or even walking on foot reduces their carbon footprint.

For all those reasons, I believe that young people have a great variety of possibilities to enhance their local environment and create a better future with fresh air and water for the new generation.

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