What is the longest river in europe егэ ответы

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What is the longest river in Europe?

The Volga River, which flows entirely within Russia, is the longest river in Europe. From its source in the hills northwest of Moscow, the Volga travels almost 2,300 miles (3,700 km) to the Caspian Sea. Much of Russia’s freight ___ (CARRY) on barges on this river.


What is the longest river in Europe?

The Volga River, which flows entirely within Russia, is the longest river in Europe. From its source in the hills northwest of Moscow, the Volga travels almost 2,300 miles (3,700 km) to the Caspian Sea. Much of Russia’s freight IS CARRIED on barges on this river.

Какая самая длинная река в Европе?

Волга, протекающая полностью по территории России, является самой длинной рекой в ​​Европе. От своего истока на холмах к северо-западу от Москвы Волга проходит почти 2300 миль (3700 км) до Каспийского моря. Большая часть российских грузов перевозится на баржах по этой реке.

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Longest River in EuropeNumerous rivers wind through the landscape of Europe, but there are actually two that compete for the top spot as “longest European river.”

Determining the true winner is difficult because the boundaries of “Europe” can be interpreted in two ways. First, many people consider Europe as the western half of Eurasia. This includes the British Isles and Western, Central, and Eastern Europe as well as the western half of Russia. On the other hand, some regard present-day Europe as only the countries that are included in the European Union political alliance.

As a result of this, scholars generally consider there to be two longest rivers in Europe. The Volga is the longest river in continental Europe, and the Danube is the longest river in the European Union.

Danube-Volga River Map

An interactive version of this map available on Google Maps

The Volga: Longest River in Continental Europe

The Volga River is one of the greatest rivers in the world. And though it’s just the 18th longest river in the world, it is by far the longest in continental Europe.

The Volga starts and ends in Russia. It extends for 2,193 miles or 3,530 kilometers and is fed mostly by melted snow, rainwater, and groundwater. Its source is northwest of Moscow in the Valdai Hills, where it begins at a height above sea level of approximately 740 feat or 225 meters. It empties into the Caspian Sea.

As the major waterway flowing through a country with little ocean coastline, it’s no wonder that over half of the largest 20 cities in Russia are located in the watershed of the Volga. These cities include Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Gorodets, and Rzhev among others. As a result of this particular population dispersion, approximately 40 percent of Russians have settled along the Volga River and its various tributaries.

In the last two centuries, Russians have built dams, reservoirs, and canals along the Volga in order to extend the area in which large boats can pass and therefore promote commerce. This has contributed greatly to Russia’s economy, but along with pollution, it has had negative ecological effects on the region.

The word “Volga” is Slavic and means “moisture” or “wetness.” In Russian, the River Volga has significant meaning. Known as Volga-Matushka or “Mother Volga,” it is often a central part of Russian folklore and literature.

The  Danube: Longest River in the European Union

The Danube River is predominantly contained in Eastern and Central Europe. It begins in Germany in Donaueschingen in the Black Forest Mountains and runs for 1,770 miles or 2,850 kilometers along the European continent before emptying into the Black Sea in Romania.

Like the Volga, the Danube played a large role in how Eastern and Central Europe was settled. Its length runs through ten countries, which is more than any other river in the world. These countries are Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova, and Romania. Numerous major cities and capitals are likewise positioned along its banks. These include Vienna (capital of Austria), Bratislava (capital of Slovakia), Budapest (capital of Hungary), Belgrade (capital of Serbia), and numerous other large municipalities.

Historically, the Danube was an exceptionally important river to the Greeks and Romans. When Roman rule was at its height during the reign of Julius Caesar, it acted as the northern boundary for the empire. This meant that Roman ships guarded its waters, and various Roman cities eventually cropped up along the banks. Many of them became important current-day cities that we know today. For example, Budapest began as the Roman city of Aquincum, Belgrade was originally Singidunum, and Vienna was Vindobona. The Romans called the Danube “Danuvius.”

Before and during the industrial revolution, the Danube was a key mode of transportation and acted as a highway for commerce. Today, you’ll still see the banks of the Danube lined with fortresses and castles from bygone powers of the region, like Charlemagne, first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and Maria Theresa, queen of Bohemia and Hungary in the 1700s . In 1867, a famous waltz was written by Johann Strauss about the river. It was entitled “An der schönen blauen Donau,” (“On the Beautiful Blue Danube”).



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What is the longest river in Europe?

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The longest river in Europe is the Volga

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1. What is the longest river in Europe? How long is it? — The Volga is the longest river in Europe. It’s 3,531 kilometres long. — Какая самая длинная река в Европе? Насколько она длинная? — Волга является самой длинной рекой в Европе. Она 3,531 километр в длину.
2. What is the longest river in Siberia? How long is it? — The Lena River. It’s 4,400 kilometres long. — Какова самая длинная река в Сибири? Насколько она длинная? — Река Лена. Она 4.400 километров в длину.
3. What is the deepest lake in the world? How deep is it? — Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. It’s 1642 meters deep. — Какое самое глубокое озеро в мире? Насколько оно глубоко? — Байкал является самым глубоким озером в мире. Он 1642 метра глубиной.
4. What is the highest mountain in Russia and in Europe? How high is it? — Elbrus is the highest mountain in Russia and in the whole of Europe. It’s 5642 meters high. — Какая самая высокая гора в России и в Европе? Насколько она высока? — Эльбрус самая высокая гора в России, так и во всей Европе. Она высотой 5642 метра.
5. What is the population of Russia’s capital? — 11.7 million people live in Moscow. — Каково население столицы России? — 11,7 миллионов человек живут в Москве.










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The Volga River is the longest river in Europe.

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What is the longest river in Europe?

Английский язык


(12 баллов)

02 Апр, 18

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The longest river in Europe is the Volga


02 Апр, 18

The Volga  River Near Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

The Volga River Near Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Rivers are freshwater sources that drain into other rivers, lakes, ground reservoirs and ocean. The longer the river’s length, the more land areas it irrigates along its banks. Conversely, it can also negatively affect the population along its banks. Throughout human history, rivers have been sources of water, food, transport, hydropower, and defense for people in its vicinity. Fast-flowing rivers also produce waterfalls that in turn generate enough power for hydroelectric generation.

Europe’s Economic and Hydrological Lifelines

A large number of rivers snake their way through the countries of the European continent. Among these rivers, the Volga River is considered as the longest European River, flowing for a distance of 2,294 miles. It travels the length of Russia in a southerly direction and empties into the Caspian Sea. It has double large canal locks that enable big ships to enter to its upstream end. Next is the Danube at 1,777 miles. It is the longest river in the EU region flowing through 10 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Romania and Germany use it for drinking water. The Ural River at 1,508 miles, is the third longest river in Europe and flows through Russia and Kazakhstan. Its waters are used for irrigation and as a fishing source. The Dnieper River at 1,422 miles flows through Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. Dams and hydroelectric power are located in its span. The Don River at 1,211 miles flows through five regions in Russia receiving its waters from 17 tributaries. It has dams and canals. The Pechora River at 1,124 miles flows in northwest Russia and empties into the Arctic Ocean. Most of it is in the Komi Republic. The Pechora-Kama Canal is an important waterway in its waters. The Kama River at 1,121 miles flows through the Udmurt Republic, Republic of Tatarstan, and Russia where it joins the Volga River. It has three dams and reservoirs. The Northern Dvina-Vychekda River in northern Russia at 1,102 miles flows through three regions then empties into the Arctic Ocean. It has an unused canal and the river is mainly used for timber rafting during summer. The Oka River at 932 miles flows through eight regions in central Russia. It has 13 tributaries. In the mid-19th century, the river was used as a transportation waterway to Moscow from the Volga river. The Belaya River at 888 miles flows through Bashkortostan, Russian Federation from the Ural Mountains. It is the Kama River’s largest tributary and drains into the Kama in Neftekamsk, Russia.

Conservation Issues of Europe’s Rivers

The condition of a river and its ecosystem is a great predictor of human health. While many believe that a river will eventually clean itself with its flow and water turnover, experts believe that is not the case. The last century has been a tough time in river conservation due to industrialization and human population growth. Urban and economic development have greatly reduced the sustainability of Europe’s rivers. The identification of these environmental stressors could lead to future success in the conservation of Europe’s rivers.

The Longest Rivers of Europe

Rank River Length (in km)
1 Volga 3,692
2 Danube 2,860
3 Ural 2,428
4 Dnieper 2,290
5 Don 1,950
6 Pechora 1,809
7 Kama 1,805
8 Northern Dvina-Vychekda 1,774
9 Oka 1,500
10 Belaya 1,430
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