What people use their smartphones for in zetland егэ

38.1. Imagine that you are doing a project on what book genres are popular among teenagers in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject  — the results of the opinion polls (see the table below).

Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project.

Book genre Number of readers (%)
Adventure 55.4
Detective/war/spy stories 55.3
Sports stories 49.2
Animal stories 27.2
Romance 17.6

Write 200−250 words.

Use the following plan:

— make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

— select and report 2—3 facts;

— make 1—2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

— outline a problem that can arise with reading and suggest a way of solving it;

— conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of reading for teenagers.

38.2. Imagine that you are doing a project on what people use their smartphones for in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject  — the results of the opinion polls (see the diagram below).

Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project.

Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

— make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

— select and report 2−3 facts;

— make 1−2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

— outline a problem that one can face using smartphones and suggest a way of solving it;

— conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the role of smartphones in our life.

Спрятать пояснение


38.1 Nowadays a lot of teenagers spend their free time reading books particularly there is a variety of book genres. The aim of the project I am currently working on is to find out what book genres are popular among teenagers in Zetland. As part of my project, I have found and analyzed some relevant data presented in the table.

According to the data, the teenagers in Zetland have quite a wide range of tastes when it comes to book genres. It is clear, that the vast majority of the respondents enjoy reading adventure novels as well as detective stories (55.4% and 55.3% respectively). Sports stories are also quite popular with the teenage readers (49.2%), whereas romantic novels appear to be at the bottom of the table.

It is worth mentioning that animal stories are two times less preferable than adventure novels. To my mind, books about animals are written mostly for little children, not for teenage readers.

Statistics reveal one problem connected with reading. Obviously, there are no classical books in the table. Thus, teenagers in Zetland prefer reading books for relaxation than broadening their horizons. One solution to this problem is to organize discussing clubs for the adolescents there they can meet professors and theater actors, read together and read serious books. Live communication encourages better than boring lessons.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that reading is significant for teenagers. I hope the adolescents will be able to learn more reading different book genres. (245 words)

38.2 Many people believe that smartphones have become an essential part of modern life. The aim of the project I am working on is to find out what people use their smartphones for in Zetland. As part of my project, I have found and analyzed some relevant data presented in the diagram.

According to the data, there is quite a wide range of reasons when it comes to using smartphones. It is clear, that the vast majority of the respondents enjoy emailing as well as making phone calls (79% and 78% respectively). Surfing the internet is also quite popular with the smartphone users (58%), whereas paying for purchases appears to be at the bottom of the table.

It is worth mentioning that smartphones are used for playing computer games less often than for emailing. To my mind, it is comfortable to be in touch everywhere when it comes to business. At the same time, gaming is the most popular pastimes among teenagers.

One problem that people often face using smartphones is the poor quality of signal in some areas. It is very crucial nowadays due to the internet is necessary for using all options that modern devices provide. One solution to this problem is to create free Wi-Fi zones in public places, such as libraries, railway stations, parks where people can spend their time effectively and gain access to the internet for free.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that smartphones play a significant role in our life. They make our daily life easier but people should use them wisely.

(258 words)

Спрятать критерии

Критерии проверки:

Критерий Критерии оценивания ответа на задание Баллы
K1 Решение коммуникативной задачи

Задание выполнено полностью: содержание отражает полно и точно все аспекты, указанные в задании; стилевое оформление речи выбрано правильно (допускается 1 неполный/неточный аспект и 1 нарушение нейтрального стиля)


Задание выполнено в основном: 1 аспект не раскрыт остальные

раскрыты полно),

ИЛИ 1 аспект не раскрыт, и 1 раскрыт неполно/неточно,

ИЛИ 2–3 аспекта раскрыты неполно/неточно; стилевое оформление речи в основном правильно (допускаются 2–3 нарушения нейтрального стиля)


Задание выполнено не полностью: 1 аспект не раскрыт, и 2–3 раскрыты неполно/неточно,

ИЛИ 2 аспекта не раскрыты (остальные раскрыты полно),

ИЛИ 2 аспекта содержания не раскрыты и 1 раскрыт неполно/ неточно,

ИЛИ 4–5 аспектов раскрыты неполно/неточно; имеются ошибки в стилевом оформлении речи (допускаются 4 нарушения нейтрального стиля)


Задание не выполнено: все случаи, не указанные в оценивании на 1, 2 и 3 балла, ИЛИ ответ не соответствует требуемому объёму,

ИЛИ более 30% ответа имеет непродуктивный характер (т. е. текстуально совпадает с опубликованным источником)

K2 Организация текста

Высказывание логично, структура текста соответствует предложенному плану, текст правильно разделён на абзацы средства логической связи использованы правильно


Высказывание логично, структура текста соответствует предложенному плану, текст правильно разделён на абзацы, средства логической связи использованы правильно (допускается 1–3 ошибки)

В высказывании имеются 4–5 ошибок в организации текста

И/ИЛИ отсутствует вступление или заключение

В высказывании имеются 6 и более ошибок в организации текста,

И/ИЛИ отсутствует вступление и заключение,

И/ИЛИ предложенный план ответа полностью не соблюдается,

И/ИЛИ отсутствует деление на абзацы

K3 Лексика

Используемый словарный запас соответствует высокому уровню сложности задания, практически нет нарушений использовании лексики (допускается 1 лексическая ошибка)


Используемый словарный запас соответствует высокому уровню сложности задания, однако имеются 2–3 лексические ошибки,

ИЛИ словарный запас ограничен, но лексика использована правильно


Используемый словарный запас не вполне соответствует высокому уровню сложности задания, в тексте имеются 4 лексические ошибки


Используемый словарный запас не соответствует высокому уровню сложности задания, в тексте имеются 5 и более лексических ошибок

K4 Грамматика

Используемые грамматические средства соответствуют высокому уровню сложности задания, нарушений практически нет (допускаются 1–2 неповторяющиеся грамматические ошибки)


Используемые грамматические средства соответствуют высокому уровню сложности задания, однако в тексте имеются 3–4 грамматические ошибки


Используемые грамматические средства не вполне соответствуют высокому уровню сложности задания, в тексте имеются 5–7 грамматических ошибок


Используемые грамматические средства не соответствуют высокому уровню сложности задания, имеются 8 и более грамматических ошибок

K5 Орфография и пунктуация

Орфографические ошибки практически отсутствуют. Текст разделён на предложения с правильным пунктуационным оформлением (допускается 1 орфографическая ##И/ИЛИ 1 пунктуационная ошибка)


В тексте имеются 2–4 орфографические

И/ИЛИ пунктуационные ошибки


В тексте имеются 5 и более орфографических

И/ИЛИ пунктуационных ошибок

Максимальный балл 14

Источник: Демонстрационная версия ЕГЭ—2022 по английскому языку

The smartphone phenomenon has been an area of extensive research recently. As part of my project, I have found a bar diagram that presents some data on what people living in Zetland use their smartphones for. In my essay I will comment on the data and express my opinion on the subject of the project.

The diagram reveals that making phone calls and email access comprise a sizeable proportion of the purposes smartphones are used for (78% and 79% respectively). Two other desirable uses are browsing the Internet (58%) and mobile gaming (48%).

Surprisingly, smartphone shopping is not as widespread as the other smartphone activities the diagram shows. Despite the rise of online shopping and many mobile banking apps which turn a smartphone into a digital wallet, making purchases via a smartphone receives the lowest percentage.

It is worth noting that due to the growing availability of applications and smartphone owners’ temptation to download more apps to their device, a common problem may arise: low or full storage space. The standard solution to improve the memory performance of a smartphone is to delete unneeded downloads and store some in Google Drive.

In conclusion, I am convinced that smartphones play a key role in people’s lives since they have enormous benefits and advanced features. Сonsidering the various uses of smartphones presented in the diagram, it seems reasonable to assume that their computing functions attract people, whatever the problem.

237 words


Imagine that you are doing a project on what pets people prefer to keep. You have collected some data on the subject (see the diagram below). Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project.


Number of respondents (%)

Smartphones Android


Smartphones iOS


Computers Windows 


Computers iOS


Tabs iOS 


Tabs Android 


Essay 2022 Sample 18

ege 2

Comment on the following statement:

A project on what electronic devices are popular in Zetland.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:

  • – make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;

    – select and report 2–3 main facts;

    – make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;

    – outline a problem that can arise with using electronic devices and suggest a way of solving it;

    – conclude by giving your opinion on the role of electronic devices in our life

pir 1

linking words 1

soch 001 001

It goes without saying that electronic devices are widely used nowadays. The purpose of my project is to study different gadgets that are used in Zetland. I have found some relevant data on what electronic gadgets are popular in Zetland and I am going to use them in my project.

soch 001 002

The information provided in the table is about the types of devices people use in Zetland. As it is evident from the pie chart, the majority of the residents, accounting for nearly a half, use Android Smartphones. The figure is 38% respectivelySurprisingly, the table plainly indicates that very few people use tabs android. The figure stands at 4%.

soch 001 003

Comparing the data given in the diagram, it becomes obvious that almost twice more people use Android than iOS. MacBooks seem less popular than Windows computers. The figures are 5% and 15% accordingly. 

soch 001 004

The table clearly illustrates that gadgets are popular with people in Zetland. However, some problems can arise with using electronic devices. One of them is lack of personal communication. It is a serious problem since people start communicating via their devices more and more, forgetting to visit each other personally. One of the probable solutions to the problem is to start to visit each other more often. другие проблемы >>>>

soch 001 005

Having analyzed the data in the table, it can be concluded that using devices  is an integral partof life in Zetland. In my opinion, electronic devices play a notable role in people’s life because they help them in all spheres of life. Nevertheless, people should limit using gadgets and communicate face-to-face more.

241 words

Read by George William Dole


– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;


(вводное предложение)

It goes without saying that electronic devices are widely used nowadays.



The purpose of my project is to study different gadgets that are used in Zetland. 



I have found some relevant data on what electronic gadgets are popular in Zetland and I am going to use them in my project.

– select and report 2–3 main facts;


(1-е предложение — инфо. из таблицы)

The information provided in the table is about the types of devices people use in Zetland.


(2-е предложение — инфо. из таблицы)

As it is evident from the pie chart, the majority of the residents, accounting for nearly a half, use Android Smartphones.


(подтверждение — инфо. из таблицы)

The figure is 38% respectively


(удивление — самое маленькое значение)

Surprisingly, the table plainly indicates that very few people use tabs android. The figure stands at 4%.

– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;


(вводное предложение + сравнительная конструкция)

Comparing the data given in the diagram, it becomes obvious that almost twice more people use Android than iOS. 


(второе предложение + сравнительная конструкция)

MacBooks seem less popular than Windows computers. The figures are 5% and 15% accordingly. 

– outline a problem that can arise due to the leisure activities preferred by senior citizens and suggest a way of solving it;


(вводное предложение + обобщение)

The table clearly illustrates that gadgets are popular with people in Zetland.


(вводное предложение)

However, some problems can arise with using electronic devices.


(сама проблема)

One of them is lack of personal communication. It is a serious problem since people start communicating via their devices more and more, forgetting to visit each other personally. 


(решение проблемы)

One of the probable solutions to the problem is to start to visit each other more often. 

– conclude by giving your opinion on the role of leisure activities in life of senior citizens.


(общая фраза)

Having analyzed the data in the table, it can be concluded that using devices  is an integral partof life in Zetland.


(дать пояснение почему я так думаю)

In my opinion, electronic devices play a notable role in people’s life because they help them in all spheres of life. 



Nevertheless, people should limit using gadgets and communicate face-to-face more.





Типичные ошибки встречающиеся при написании сочинения с элементами рассуждения

В конце января ФИПИ опубликовал методические материалы для председателей и членов предметных комиссий для проверки письменной и устной части ЕГЭ 2022 года. Алексей Конобеев проанализировал, как именно будут оцениваться ответы на новые задания ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2022 года, как дать правильные ответы и получить высший балл за экзамен.

Алексей Конобеев — кандидат педагогических наук, академический директор Skyeng, главный редактор издательства «Титул» и журнала «Английский язык в школе», доцент кафедры лингводидактики МПГУ.

Из этой статьи вы узнаете о письменных заданиях ЕГЭ 2022 — изменения в формате и требования к ответам.

ЕГЭ по английскому 2022. Задание 39

В задании 39 с 2022 года нужно писать не личное письмо, как раньше, а электронное — сообщение по электронной почте. Правила общения для такого формата более гибкие, чем для написания личных писем, — и выполнить задание теперь проще. 

Что нужно сделать на экзамене

Написать электронное письмо личного характера. Объем текста — 100–140 слов. С учетом допустимого отклонения от заданного объема в тексте может быть 90–154 слова. Если в тексте меньше 90 слов, то ответ будет оценен в 0 баллов, если в тексте больше 154 слов, то оценят только первые 140 слов. 

Skyeng ищет преподавателей английского. Подробности по ссылке: Skyeng

Что оценивается

ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2022: разбираем письменную часть

Всего за задание 39 можно получить 6 баллов.

Как получить высший балл за задание 39

  • Ответить на три вопроса из письма-стимула.
  • Задать три вопроса об указанном в задании предмете.
  • Поблагодарить за полученное письмо и выразить надежду на дальнейшие контакты.
  • Придерживаться неофициального стиля (правильно выбрать обращение, заключительную фразу и подписать свое сообщение).

Отличия электронного сообщения от личного письма

  1. Не требуется писать адрес друга по переписке и свой адрес, не надо перерисовывать и заполнять рамку шапки электронного сообщения.
  2. Не нужно указывать дату, так как в электронных сообщениях дата проставляется автоматически.
  3. Нет необходимости ссылаться на предыдущие контакты, достаточно просто поблагодарить за полученное сообщение или выразить положительные эмоции от него.

В остальном требования к ответу не изменились по сравнению с личным письмом.

Лайфхаки к заданию 39

Обратите внимание на следующие моменты: 

Все наши материалы по ЕГЭ вы найдете по этой ссылке

ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2022: разбираем письменную часть

В остальном требования к электронному сообщению не отличаются от требований к личному письму.

ЕГЭ по английскому 2022. Задание 40 

В задании 40 нужно написать развернутое письменное высказывание с элементами рассуждения на основе таблицы/диаграммы. Для этого нужно:

  • понять данные в таблице или в графике; 
  • сравнить и сопоставить наиболее важные; 
  • сформулировать возможную проблему в предложенной в задании сфере; 
  • выразить возможное решение этой проблемы; 
  • высказать свое мнение по указанному в задании аспекту проектной работы. 

Что нужно сделать на экзамене

Выбрать один вариант задания из двух предложенных (40.1 или 40.2). В одном варианте нужно будет опираться на информацию в таблице, во втором — на информацию в графике. 

Опираясь на заданную коммуникативную ситуацию, ученики пишут рассуждение на заданную тему и раскрывают все пункты задания, например:

ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2022: разбираем письменную часть

Объем текста — 200–250 слов. С учетом допустимого отклонения от заданного объема в тексте может быть 180–275 слов. Если в тексте менее 180 слов, то ответ будет оценен в 0 баллов, если в тексте больше 275 слов, то оценят только первые 250 слов.

Экономьте время на подготовку к урокам и проверку домашних заданий со Skyeng. Удаленный формат занятий, защита от внезапных отмен и график, который настроен специально под вас. Присоединяйтесь к нашей команде: Skyeng

Что оценивается в задании 40

ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2022: разбираем письменную часть

Как получить высший балл за задание 40

  • Передать коммуникативную ситуацию: ученик работает над проектом и нашел результаты опроса, проведенного в некоей стране.
  • Описать найденные данные, проанализировать и сравнить их.
  • Выявить проблему в исследуемой сфере, предложить способ ее решения.
  • Высказать мнение по тому аспекту проблемы, который указан в задании.

Лайфхаки к заданию 40 

Важно также помнить, что задание 40 — это задание высокого уровня, поэтому и лексика, и грамматика в ответе должны ему соответствовать. При описании таблиц и графиков можно использовать такие выражения, как:

В плане грамматики убедитесь, что в тексте ответа есть сложносочиненные и сложноподчиненные предложения, а заключение состоит из нескольких предложений. Используйте разнообразные грамматические конструкции.

Задание 40. Пример

Как может выглядеть ответ на задание 40? С разрешения авторов серии пособий для подготовки к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ Мадины Гаджиевой, Елены Меджибовской и Николаса Вейн Кумбса приведем написанный ими примерный ответ на следующее задание из демоверсии ЕГЭ:

ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2022: разбираем письменную часть

Примерный ответ к заданию 40 ЕГЭ 2022 года

ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2022: разбираем письменную часть

Надеемся, что информация об изменениях в экзамене, советы по выполнению заданий и примерные ответы помогут учителям эффективно подготовить учеников к новому формату ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2022. Нужны материалы к урокам — преподавайте в Skyeng по онлайн-курсам Skysmart от лучших методистов. 

Чтобы не потерять накопленные перед ЕГЭ знания и умения, важно продолжить изучение английского языка и после школы. В этом помогут онлайн-курсы для взрослых для общих целей, по бизнес-английскому, английскому для путешествий и даже необычные уроки Flip, где половину урока ученик осваивает материал самостоятельно, а вторую половину — с помощью преподавателя.

А если в ваши планы не входит учеба на онлайн-курсах, просто зайдите на наши онлайн-мастер-классы на английском языке, чтобы поддержать свой уровень языка и просто поговорить о чем-то для себя интересном.

Развёрнутое письменное высказывание на основе таблицы/диаграммы.

С 2022 года в устной части ЕГЭ по английскому введено задание на анализ диаграммы. Здесь представляем образец выполнения задания с рядом тренировочных упражнений.


Imagine that you are doing a project on what people use their smartphones for. You have collected some data on the subject (see the diagram below). Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project.

егэ английский, задание на работу с таблицей/диаграммой

Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and report 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise with using smartphones and suggest the way of solving it;
– draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the role of smartphones in our life.

Smartphones have become an integral part of the modern life. People use them for different purposes: sending and receiving email, making pnone calls, surfing the Internet, etc. I have done a project on the use of smartphones and now I am going to comment on the data and give my personal opinion on the subject.

According to the reasearch, sending and receiving electronic letters has a strong lead in using smartphones. Seventy-nine per cent of people consider these devices the best means to be in correspondence with their friends and family. At the same time, making phone calls is ranked number two in the purposes smartphones are used for. Specifically, people speak on the phone in seventy-eight per cent of the cases.

The next top positions are held by surfing the Internet and playing games while differing from each other by ten per cent sharp. In fifty-eight cases people connect to the World Wide Web with their smartphones, and in forty-eight cases they take their above-mentioned devices to start a game.

Cosidering the frequency of using smartphones, sense of sight may take a turn for the worse. To reduce the damage it is highly recommended to buy models with high resolution screen and to make special exercises for the eyes.

In conclusion, I would like to stress the fact that a smartphone is indispensable for everyone because of its functional variety.

  • Упражнение 1
  • Упражнение 2
  • Упражнение 3
  • Упражнение 4

варианты ответов на задания 38 ПЧ и 4 УЧ ЕГЭ

участников группы

English Online


38.1 (задание, возможный ответ и фразы)                                                                                            3

38.2 (задание, возможный ответ и фразы)                                                                                            6

Task 4 (задание, возможный ответ и фразы)                                                                                     9


Задания 38.1 и 38.2 взяты из демоверсии ЕГЭ 2022 и адаптированы под
формат 2023 года, поэтому числовые данные в сумме не равны 100.

Составленные мной тексты даны лишь для примера, числа могли быть
любыми. На экзамене ЕГЭ 2022 и в демоверсии 2023 года сумма чисел уже равна

Данные могут иметь вид таблицы (2022 и 2023), столбчатой диаграммы (2022)
или круговой диаграммы (2023).

38.1 (задание, возможный
ответ и фразы)

that you are doing a project on what book genres are popular among teenagers
in Zetland.
You have found some data on the subject – the results of the
opinion polls (see the table below).

Comment on the data in the table and give your opinion on
the subject of the project.

Book genre

Number of readers (%)



Detective/war/spy stories


Sports stories


Animal stories




Write 200–250 words.

Use the following plan:

make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

select and report 2–3 facts;

make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

outline a problem that can arise with reading and suggest a way
of solving it;

conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance
of reading for teenagers.

Reading has always been a popular
hobby among adolescents. While doing a project on reading, I found a table with
some data showing book genres which are most loved by teenagers living in
Zetland. I am going to analyse the data and express my opinion.

The data in the table reveals
that the most popular book genre among adolescents in Zetland is adventure
(55.4%), with detective, war and spy stories following (55.3%). The least
favoured genre of books is romance with 17.6% of the respondents choosing it.
It is also noticeable that a large proportion of the surveyed teenagers is keen
on sports and animal stories – 49.2% and 27.2% respectively.

Looking more closely at the
table, we can note that sports stories appear to be loved twice as much as
animal stories. It is quite surprising because in Russia most teenagers find
reading about sports extremely boring in comparison with books about animals.

Though reading seems to be
growing in popularity, in the modern world people tend to avoid book genres
evolving empathy, and this may result in a lack of emotional intelligence.
However, there is a solution to this problem. Schools and public libraries
should organise reading and discussion clubs in order to make children and
adults understand various emotions and feelings, thus helping them to empathise
with book characters and people around.

In conclusion, I believe that reading is crucial for
everyone, especially adolescents, because it broadens their horizons, expands
their vocabulary and develops empathy, which will be very helpful in adult

260 words

Reading has always been a popular hobby among adolescents. While doing a project on reading, I found a table
with some data showing
book genres which are most loved by teenagers
living in Zetland. I am going to analyse the
data and express my opinion.

data in the table reveals that the most popular book genre among adolescents in
Zetland is
adventure (55.4%), with detective, war and spy stories
following (55.3%). The least favoured genre
of books is romance with 17.6% of the
choosing it. It is also
noticeable that a large proportion of the surveyed teenagers
is keen on
sports and animal stories – 49.2% and 27.2% respectively.

more closely at the table, we can note that
sports stories appear to be loved twice as much as animal
stories. It is quite surprising because in
Russia most teenagers find reading about sports extremely boring in comparison
with books about animals.

reading seems to be growing in popularity,
in the modern world people
tend to avoid book genres evolving empathy, and
this may result in
a lack of emotional intelligence. However, there is a solution to this problem. Schools
and public libraries should organise reading and discussion clubs in order to
make children and adults understand various emotions and feelings, thus helping
them to empathise with book characters and people around.

In conclusion, I believe
reading is crucial for everyone,
especially adolescents, because
it broadens their horizons, expands
their vocabulary and develops empathy, which will be very helpful in adult

260 words

38.2 (задание, возможный ответ и фразы)

that you are doing a project on what people use their smartphones for in
You have found some data on the subject – the results of the
opinion polls (see the diagram below).

Comment on the data in the diagram and give your opinion
on the subject of the project.

Write 200–250 words.

Use the following plan:

make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

select and report 2–3 facts;

make 1–2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

a problem that can arise with using smartphones and suggest a way of solving

conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the role of
smartphones in our life.

Nowadays almost everyone has a
smartphone. While doing a project on smartphones, I found a diagram with some
data showing how people in Zetland use their smartphones. I am going to comment
on the data and express my opinion.

As can be seen in the diagram,
most respondents in Zetland use their smartphones to send and receive emails
and to make phone calls – 79% and 78% respectively. It is also clear that the
least popular purpose of using smartphones is paying for purchases (just 15%).

Based on the diagram, surfing the
Internet, which was named by 58% of the respondents, is 10% more popular than
playing games, which is popular with 48% of the surveyed. It demonstrates that
more people tend to look for necessary information for their work or studies
rather than waste time on useless activities.

Despite the fact that smartphones
are really helpful, people can face several problems connected with using them.
The most serious one is that people become too dependent on their devices. I
think that reducing time spent on the smartphone is the best solution to this
problem. For example, people should opt for face-to-face communication instead
of emailing because it is faster and does not result in losing communication

In conclusion, I believe that despite our growing
overdependence on smartphones, they are an integral part of our life because
they help us cope with everyday tasks.

234 words

Nowadays almost everyone has a smartphone. While doing a project on smartphones, I found a diagram with some data showing how people
in Zetland use their smartphones. I am going
to comment on the data and express my opinion.

can be seen in the diagram, most respondents
in Zetland use their
smartphones to send and receive emails and to make phone calls – 79% and 78% respectively. It is also clear that the least popular purpose of using
smartphones is paying for purchases (just 15%).

on the diagram,
surfing the Internet, which was named by 58% of the
respondents, is 10% more popular than playing
games, which is popular with 48% of the surveyed. It
demonstrates that more people tend to
look for necessary information for
their work or studies rather than waste
time on useless activities.

the fact that
smartphones are really helpful, people can face several problems connected with using them. The most
serious one is that
people become too dependent on their devices. I think that reducing time spent on the
smartphone is the best solution to this
. For example, people
should opt for face-to-face communication instead of emailing because it is
faster and does not result in losing communication skills.

In conclusion, I believe
despite our growing overdependence on smartphones, they are an integral part of our life because they
help us cope with everyday tasks.

234 words

Task 4 (задание, возможный ответ и фразы)

Imagine that you and your friend are doing a project “Life
without gadgets”. You have found some illustrations and want to share the news.
Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to:

the choice of the illustrations for the project by briefly describing them and
noting the differences;

mention the advantages (12) of the two types of books;

mention the advantages (12) of the two types of books;

your opinion on the subject of the project — whether you would like to live without
gadgets and why.

You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (12–15
sentences). You have to talk continuously.

Hi, Vasya! I’ve just found two
photos for our project «Life without gadgets» and I’d like to tell
you about them and share my ideas.

The first photo shows a girl
standing in a library and holding a book in her hand. She might be looking for
some information for her research. The second photo depicts a girl sitting on a
sofa at home. She is holding an e-reader in her hands and probably doing some
research, too. In my opinion, these photos will perfectly suit our project
because they show two different kinds of life. In the first picture the girl is
doing without any gadgets in a library surrounded by other people who are
working together without any gadgets too, while in the second picture the girl
is looking for some information via her gadget and she is studying the material
alone in a comfortable atmosphere.

I think that both types of books
presented in the photos have their merits. For example, printed books do not do
any harm to people’s eyesight when used for several hours on end and this is a
real benefit. As for electronic books, they have a considerable advantage – it
is very convenient to search for specific information within a document.

Speaking of disadvantages of the
two types of books, I reckon that printed books are too heavy, especially when
one needs several books at once. Electronic books have a drawback, too – they
are not accessible if the e-reader or other gadget is broken or its battery is

If you ask me, I wouldn’t like to live without gadgets
because they help me a lot in all spheres of my life. For instance, I use them
to do my homework, chat with friends who live in other cities, listen to music
and watch series. Life without gadgets is my idea of hell.

all for now. I hope you like the photos and my ideas!

Hi, Vasya! I’ve just found
two photos for our project
«Life without gadgets» and I’d like to tell you about them and share my

first photo shows
a girl standing in a library and holding a book in her
hand. She might be looking for some
information for her research. The second photo
a girl sitting on a sofa at home. She is holding an e-reader in
her hands and probably doing some research, too. In
my opinion, these photos will perfectly suit our project because they show two
kinds of life. In the first
the girl is doing without any gadgets in a library surrounded by
other people who are working together without any gadgets too, while in the second picture the girl is
looking for some information via her gadget and she is studying the material
alone in a comfortable atmosphere.

think that both types of
books presented
in the photos have their merits. For example,
printed books do not do
any harm to people’s eyesight when used for several hours on end and this is a real benefit. As for electronic
books, they have a considerable advantage
it is very convenient to search for specific information within a document.

of disadvantages of the two types of
books, I reckon that printed books
are too heavy, especially when one needs several books at once. Electronic
books have a drawback, too – they are
not accessible if the e-reader or other gadget is broken or its battery is

If you ask me, I
wouldn’t like to live without gadgets because they
help me a lot in all spheres of my life. For
I use them to do my homework, chat with friends who live in
other cities, listen to music and watch series. Life without gadgets is my idea
of hell.

That’s all for now. I hope
you like the photos and my ideas!

Imagine that you are doing a project on what devices to access the Internet are popular in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject — the results of the opinion polls (seethe bar chart below).Comment on the data in the bar chart and give your opinion on the subject of theproject.Use the following plan:- make an opening statement on the subject of the project;- select and report 2-3 facts;- make 1-2 comparisons where relevant;- outline a problem that can arise with using the Internet and suggest a way of solving it;- conclude by giving your opinion on the role of the Internet in our life.

Показать текст целиком

Nowadays people have a lot of ways to access the Internet because of big amount of different devices for this aim. According to the data I have found for my project, there are some devices which are used more often than others in Zetland. 

Overall, as can be seen from the bar chart, smartphone is the most common device to access the Internet. Laptop is also popular way for this aim, whereas desktop computer and smartwatch are used the least commonly. 

Unsurprisingly, people use smartphone (35%) more often than laptop (30%) to access the Internet. There is no significant difference between the number of users who prefer tablet and desktop computer (19% and 14% respectively). What stands out is the lowest rate of people who access the Internet b

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  • 2 из 3К2Организация текста
  • 1 из 3К3Лексика
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  • 1 из 2К5Орфография и пунктуация
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