What personality traits are needed to become successful егэ

How To Be Successful: 9 Qualities Required For Success In Life

Do you want to be successful and accomplished in your career or life in general? Maybe you feel that you could succeed more in certain areas of your life and would like to find out how others have achieved success?

To be successful, not only do you need the right skills but you also need the traits of a successful person. So, if you want to find out how to be successful, keep reading for our top 9 tips.

You may find that you give up easily, or feel that you cannot achieve success… and this could be the problem!

If you can learn to believe in yourself and try to develop new habits and traits that successful people have, this could make success a lot easier and more achievable for you.

9 Qualities Required For Success In Life

In order to become successful, it can be very important to have the right mindset for success.

I am going to give you 9 qualities that are required for success in life, and these will be traits that most successful people will have.

1. Ambition

To be successful, you need ambition. Ambitious people will see that they are capable of doing their best and being the best and what they do.

If you feel that you are not good enough, or not capable, then you can be unlikely to try and reach your goals of success.

If you can believe in yourself and try your best, you can become a lot more ambitious. Having a strong desire to succeed is part of the journey to actually succeeding.

If you know what you want to achieve, and you have the determination to go for it; this can really help you.

2. Courage

A lot of the time, most people do not achieve success because of fear. Many people have a fear of failing and this is what can stop them from achieving.

Some of the most successful people will say that failing is key to succeeding and that you need to make mistakes. Having this mindset is a quality required for success.

If you have courage, you can stop being so fearful of failing and instead, focus on what you can achieve.

If you can look at mistakes and failures as lessons to learn from, this can also encourage you to keep going and try to succeed.

Courage is a great trait to have if you want to be successful. It will help you to develop the right mindset when it comes to reaching your goals and you won’t be afraid to try, even after you make a mistake.


3. Commitment

When someone is committed, they will have the determination to achieve what they want and will keep trying to reach that goal.

Success and commitment go hand in hand! Most successful people will believe in themselves and their goals for success, they will become committed to achieving them.

When you believe in what you are trying to succeed, you believe in yourself and what you can do.

Therefore, you are very likely to become committed to proving to yourself that you can succeed.

People who are not committed will find this very hard as they could lose focus on their goals and give up before they reach success.

4. Willpower

Willpower is a great trait to have, especially if you want to succeed in life. Those who have great willpower can focus and strive for their goals, solely focusing on achieving.

When you have a lot of willpower, you are less likely to procrastinate or make excuses, because you will be determined to succeed.

If you have no willpower, you are more likely to give up easily or change what you are doing, as procrastination can become more prominent and you may lose interest in trying to achieve your goals.

5. Integrity

In order to succeed, integrity is an important trait to have. When you are honest, people will believe in you, they can help you and you can also take pride in knowing that you are honest with yourself and others.

Not only is this just a good trait to have in general, but it will also help you to become more successful too! Integrity can help to define who you are and how you act towards others.

This can help you on your journey to success. If you are honest and have good morals, then you can trust yourself and your own success.

6. Drive

Having the drive and determination to work harder, to keep going, and try new things, is an excellent trait to have when it comes to being successful.

Without drive, you are not going to be as passionate about what you are trying to achieve, therefore you are more unlikely to achieve it.

Make sure that you can stay determined and passionate about what it is you want to succeed in so that you have a constant drive to succeed.

7. Patience

If you can be more patient, this can really help you when trying to be successful. Patience will help you when it comes to making any mistakes or having to deal with problems on your journey to success.

If you have little, or no patience, this is going to make things much harder for you. You will not be able to deal with the obstacles very well!

Understanding that things take time, and unfortunately, mistakes can be made, is crucial. You could become successful much quicker if you can accept this!

8. Optimism

If you are an optimist, it’s likely that you will be excited about what you are trying to achieve, and feel good about it too.

Having an optimistic attitude is a great trait to have if you want to be successful, as it can help you to stay positive about what you are doing, and not be disheartened if things go wrong.

Being optimistic can really help you because you will believe those good things can happen! You would expect positive outcomes to come from your journey to success too.

9. Resilience

Even if you get knocked down at the first hurdle, you should always keep going. Resilience is a key trait for success as it is what can help you to continue going, no matter what.

In life, you will face obstacles and things that might hinder your success. However, having resilience can really help you to bounce back from these things quickly.

If you are not resilient, you may run away as soon as you have to face a difficult situation, which will not help you on your journey to becoming successful. Try and become more resilient. Learn to deal with tough situations, so that you can power through and become successful.

Actually knowing and believing that you have the power to succeed can be difficult, but it’s something that can really benefit you. We all have the ability to succeed in life and get what we want! We just need to know how to reach our full potential.

Take a look at Joe Vitale’s ebook ‘Awakening To Abundance’ and find out for yourself, just how much you can achieve in life, including success!

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(Last Updated On: September 2, 2021)

What are the personality traits of successful people? Hard work and overall intelligence are obviously important pieces of the puzzle, but that’s clearly not all it takes.

Psychologists, educators, and business organizations have invested a great deal in learning to identify who will succeed in certain situations or settings. In fact, many employers have placed a lot of stock in psychological assessments such as the MBTI in order to hone in the key traits that make people more successful.

Table of Contents

Researchers Ian MacRae and Adrian Furnham of University College London honed in on six key traits that they believe are consistently tied to career success.

Having optimal levels of these traits may help contribute to success in the workplace. It is important to remember that being at either extreme on each trait, either very high or very low, can have drawbacks. And the benefits that come with each trait can also be dependent upon other factors such as the situation, job type, and job role.

According to the research by MacRae and Furnham, the traits of successful people are:


Conscientiousness is one of the core personality dimensions that make up the big five personality traits. Conscientious people tend to think carefully about their actions and the impact they will have. Good amounts of this trait help people plan effectively. Having too much, however, can lead people to be overly rigid and unwilling to accept change.

Research has shown that conscientiousness is the one of the most important predictors of academic success.

Ambiguity Acceptance

People with a high potential for success also tend to have a greater ability to accept ambiguity. Those who are low in this trait prefer clearly defined tasks and value predictability.

When it comes to making decisions, those who are low on this trait like to keep things simple and straightforward. People who are high on this trait, however, are willing to consider multiple perspectives and sources of information before they make any conclusions.

Leaders who are willing to accept ambiguity tend to be more successful because they are able to listen to and weigh all of the options. They are better at dealing with complicated problems and tend to make better decisions.


The ability to adjust and adapt to change is a critical part of success, and research has found that people who are poor at this also tend to perform worse. Success often hinges on the ability to change plans quickly as situations shift. 


Success also often involves being able to take risks. People who have the courage to try new things, take on challenges, and deal with conflicts are more likely to achieve their goals. Those who are averse to risks are less likely to tackle the obstacles that might stand between them and success.


Taking an interest in the world around you is an essential part of maintaining motivation and creativity. Research has found that curiosity is linked to workplace success.


Embracing a moderate sense of competition is one of the key habits of successful people, but it is important to avoid veering into envy, aggression, or jealousy. Looking at others and striving to do as well or better can give you something to which to aspire.

Just be cautious if you find yourself engaging in unhealthy comparisons that are not beneficial to your health or well-being.

How These Traits Promote Success

While more research is needed, the researchers suggest that these traits can be accurate predictors of both objective and subjective measures of success.

  • One study suggested that ambiguity acceptance and competitiveness were the strongest predictors of pay.
  • Conscientiousness was found to be one of the best predictors of self-rated measures of job satisfaction.
  • A 2019 study found that conscientiousness was the most powerful non-cognitive predictor of job performance.

So if you are looking for ways to improve your chances of workplace success, consider cultivating some of these critical traits.

What Can You Do to Foster Success

Developing these qualities takes time, but there are things that you can do to help improve your chances of success. In addition to working on strengthening the traits that are tied to success, you can also:

  • Set specific goals: Successful people tend to make clear goals that are attainable. Instead of having a vague goal like “becoming rich,” for example, they will set a goal of opening a business or starting a new job by a certain date.
  • Keep learning: Another important thing that successful people do is staying open to new information and experiences. They are able to examine their own cognitive biases and avoid only looking for things that confirm what they already believe. Instead, they challenge their own ideas and seek out new information that will help them grow and become more successful.
  • Stay motivated: Successful people are more likely to stick with things over the long run. They may be naturally driven to achieve, but they also know how to motivate themselves to keep going even when they face obstacles and challenges.


Conard MA. Aptitude is not enough: How personality and behavior predict academic performance. Journal of Research in Personality. 2006;40(3):339-346. doi:10.1016/j.jrp.2004.10.003

Teodorescu A, Furnham A, MacRae I. Trait correlates of success at work. International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 2017;25(1):36-42. doi:10.1111/ijsa.12158

Wilmot MP, Ones DS. A century of research on conscientiousness at work. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2019;116(46):23004-23010. doi:10.1073/pnas.1908430116

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Which Characteristics Best Predict Future Success?

Although you can’t exactly up and change your personality just to be successful, there are a few personality traits that you can recognize within yourself and nurture so that you’ll get into a better mindset and increase your odds of eventually achieving career success. 

Many successful people have already recognized these traits within themselves and worked on cultivating these traits to optimize their ability to succeed in the business world, allowing them to accomplish great things. 

To improve your chances of becoming a success in any industry, be sure to study this list of characteristics of successful people, then work on improving your ability to reflect each of these personality traits.

The more you can exhibit each of the following five traits, the better off you’ll be!


Even when things are at their darkest – when your business has yet to profit, when your workload just keeps mounting – smile! If you’re going through the worst of times, then the best of times is yet to come. 

Furthermore, learning to get through every day with a smile on your face will also help you motivate your coworkers, in addition to yourself. 

Instead of being pessimistic, be optimistic and face every challenge head on – see your failures as opportunities to learn and tackle the self-doubt.


“No one becomes a millionaire from being unprepared and disorganized; it’s a simple fact.” Laura Moxley, a lifestyle blogger at My Writing Way and SimpleGrad, says. 

“If you want to become successful, you need to start being on top of your work and home life, perhaps by introducing checklists of what you need to do every day or a rota system for the housework.” 

Becoming organized might be the easiest trait to develop because of the sheer amount of resources available (from diaries to apps) to help you become organized. By freeing yourself from constant admin work and disorganization, you can focus on success.


Many successful people didn’t make it big with their first attempt: some created products or founded organizations that ended up being complete failures. 

They had to pick themselves up and try again – and again, and again, and again – before they got it right and struck gold. 

Don’t expect achievements and accomplishments to come easily just because you’ve got a new attitude and work ethic; obstacles will still be there between you and success. Work, work, work, and never give up.


If you’re going to be successful in business, then you’ll most likely have to network and form connections with other people at some point. 

For those who are gifted with great people skills, utilize them in order to appeal to future employers or other business people with whom you want to connect. 

However, for many individuals, it can be difficult to strike up an easy conversation with a stranger – especially when your future is riding on it. While it will still be helpful to work on developing better people skills at your own pace, it is no longer necessary. 

Thanks to the digital age we are now living in, it is easier than ever to communicate with employers and business people through online mediums. There are countless resources available to facilitate communication in the business world without ever having to even meet. 

Whether you’re an outgoing person or not, it has never been easier to make connections and network effectively.


You’ll never get anywhere if you “play it safe.” Entrepreneurs – generally, the most successful people in the world, due to their amazing business, investment and people skills — have to serve as thought leaders and execute on their ideas. 

If you do what is expected of you and fit in with the people around you, you’ll never be noticed or inspired to do anything new and different. 

When society says no, you have to break down barriers and turn that ‘no’ into a ‘yes’ all by yourself, developing your risk-taking attitudes and standing out in a business environment. 

Whether you’re called eccentric or innovative, it all means the same thing: you have a willingness to let loose and do the opposite of what is expected of you, all in the name of amazing results and business opportunities.

What Else Can You Do to Improve Your Odds of Success?

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Over at my other website, TED-IELTS, I create IELTS materials based on TED talks. As such, it was natural that I soon used the super-popular 8 Secrets of Success, by Richard St. John. I’ve used it many times over the past few years in my classes, for various reasons:

  • it’s short (only 3 mins)
  • it’s funny
  • it’s interesting
  • it’s educational

and so on. In short, it’s a great video that will actually help your students in their life, and not just a video to test listening skill.


To begin with, I explain the meaning of the word “trait,” which will probably be unfamiliar to most English learners:


  • / treɪt /
  • noun
  • a distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one belonging to a person.

Example: We’re looking for an employee with several key personality traits: honesty, loyalty, and integrity.

Then I tell my students that we’ll be thinking about traits as they relate to success.

I give them these discussion questions to start with:

  1. What do you think are the traits that are mostly to lead to success in business?
  2. Describe a successful person you know. What personality traits do they have?


Next, it’s time to pre-teach some blocking vocabulary from the video:

What makes someone tick – an idiom; means what makes a person behave a certain way

Privilege – a special right or advantage

Workaholic – a person who works too much

Crap – junk, stuff, annoyances

Asshole – someone you dislike (this is a swear word)

Buck – slang for a dollar

I often make a PPT to teach vocab, using pictures, and then test my students. In this instance, however, I didn’t. I just explained it and gave some examples.


For our first listening exercise, I give the following instructions:

You will listen to a TED talk by a man named Richard St. John. He is going to list 8 traits of successful people in 3 minutes. Note down the traits that he mentions.

I get students to note down the eight traits. This is important because it helps them with later exercises, and acts as a nice introductory listen before doing a more challenging exercise.

Here is the video:


Here is his list:

  1. Passion: Love what you do.
  2. Work: Really hard.
  3. Focus: On one thing, not everything.
  4. Push: And keep on pushing yourself.
  5. Ideas: Come up with some good ones.
  6. Improve: Keep improving yourself and what you do.
  7. Serve: Serve others something of value.
  8. Persist: Because there is no overnight success.

After checking that the students noted down the correct answers, I ask them:

Is there anything you would add or remove from this list? What do you think is the most important trait?

Listen Again

Next, we are going to do a multiple choice activity. Tell the students that for this exercise they need to be thinking in terms of synonyms, i.e. words in the questions that have similar but different words in the passage. Let the students listen again (I let them watch the video the first time and just listen the second) and give them the questions from this page.

If you want, you can get more listening activities from the video here. This includes comprehension questions and a gap-fill, whereas the first link is just multiple choice.


If you go to Richard St. John’s website, you’ll find an interesting PDF that you can have your students work through. It asks people to rates themselves in terms of each of the 8 traits. I find it very useful for actually getting students talking and using the material they’ve learned. There are a million different ways you could spin this for your own group of students, but for me I just let mine talk about their own selections.

Part 2

Ok, my classes are 90 minutes and that means I need a lot of material. For this lesson, I then moved over to another video by the same man, Richard St. John. This tackles the same topic in a completely different way. For my purposes, this was perfect. They are both quite easy to understand videos with good visuals, and both funny in a very accessible way. This second video builds upon the ideas from the first, allowing me to come around to a nice productive ending, which we’ll get to later.


This time, pre-teach the following words, if necessary:

Out of the blue:   If something happens out of the blue, it is completely unexpected

Summit:   the highest point of a mountain

Puke:   to vomit/ be sick

Improve:   to get better

Persist:   to try to do or continue doing something in a determined but often unreasonable way


Next, do the multiple choice questions from this link. Draw your students attention to the fact that these questions require TWO LETTERS as an answer, whereas the previous exercise required this. Remember that in IELTS, it’s very important to read the instructions before answering.


Finally, it’s time for your students to do a productive activity to put into use all the ideas they’ve heard throughout this lesson. Now if you’re doing a purely IELTS-focused lesson, you might want to have them do an IELTS writing question (or, for that matter, an IELTS speaking question), but I just wanted my students writing on this topic.

So here was my task for them:

Imagine you are on a train or airplane. A young student beside you asks for advice on becoming a successful person. What would you tell him/her.

I get them to write for about 5-10 mins and then go around giving feedback. If you like, you can have a few students read out their answers.

most important contribution that psychology has made to the field of
business over the past years has been in determining the key traits
of acknowledged lead­ers. Psychological tests have been used to
determine what charac­teristics are most commonly noted among
successful leaders. This list of characteristics can be used for
developmental purposes to help managers gain insight and develop
their leadership skills.

The increasing rate of
change in the business environment is a ma­jor factor in this
new emphasis on leadership. Whereas in the past, managers were
expected to main­tain the status quo in order to move ahead, new
forces in the marketplace have made it neces­sary to expand this
narrow focus. The new leaders of tomorrow are visionaries. They are
both learn­ers and teachers. Not only do they foresee important
changes in soci­ety, but they also have high ethical qualities
and work to build integrity in their organizations.

traits of an effective leader include the following:

  1. Emotional
    leaders must be able to tolerate frustration
    and stress. Overall, they
    must be well-adjusted and have
    the psychological maturity to
    deal with any arising problem.

are often times competitive and decisive and usually enjoy
overcoming ob­stacles. Overall, they are assertive in their
thinking style as well as
their attitude in dealing with oth­ers.

are usu­ally seen as active, expressive, and energetic. They are
often very op­timistic and open to change. Overall, they
are generally quick and alert and tend to be uninhib­ited.

often dominated by a sense of duty
and tend to be very exacting in
character. They usually have a
very high standard of excellence and
an inward desire to do one’s best.
They also have a need for or­der
and tend to be very self-disci­plined.

tend to be spontaneous risk-takers. They are usually socially
aggres­sive and generally thick-skinned. Nevertheless, they are
responsive to others and have high emotional stamina.

leaders are practical, logical, and to-the-point. They tend to
be low in sen­timental attachments, and com­fortable with
criticism. They are usually insensitive to hardship and are very

Self-confi­dence and resilience are common traits among
leaders. They tend to be free of guilt and have little or no need
for approval. They are generally secure and free from guilt and are
usually unaffected by prior mistakes or failures.

were found to
be controlled and very precise in
their social interactions. Over­all,
they are very protective of their
integrity and reputation and consequently tend to be aware of what
happens. They are careful and abundant in foresight. They make
decisions and come to spe­cific
actions only after consider­ing

aforesaid basic traits, leaders
of today have to be able to motivate
others and lead them in new
directions. Leaders of the fu­ture
must be able to envision the future
and convince others that their
vision is worth following. To do
this, they must have the fol­lowing
personality traits:

High energy.
hours and some
travel are usually a prerequi­site
for leadership positions, espe­cially
as your company grows. Re­maining
alert and staying focused are
two of the greatest obstacles you
will have to face as a leader.

changes in the world today combined with information overload result
in an inability to «know» everything. In
other words, reasoning and logic
will not get you through all situations.
In fact, more and more leaders
are using their intuition and
trusting it when making deci­sions.

be a good leader, personal power and recog­nition must be
secondary to the development of your employees. In other words,
maturity is based on recognizing that more can be accomplished by
empowering others than can be by ruling others.

Team orientation.
leaders today put a strong empha­sis on team work. Instead of
pro­moting an adult/child relation­ship with their
employees, leaders create an adult/adult relation­ship, which
fosters team cohesive-ness.

able to «put yourself
in the other person’s shoes»
is a key trait of leaders to­day.
Without empathy, you can’t
build trust. And without trust,
you will never be able to get
the best effort from your em­ployees.

usually perceive leaders as special people. Charisma plays a large
part in this perception. Leaders who have charisma are able to
arouse strong emotions in their employees. Such leaders motivate
employees to reach toward a future goal by ty­ing the goal to
substantial per­sonal rewards and values.

leaders are larger than life in many
ways. Personal traits play a ma­jor
role in determining who will and who
will not be able to lead others. However,
it’s important to remember that
people are forever learning and changing.

are rarely (if ever) born. Circumstances
and persistence are
major components in the de­velopmental
process of any leader. So
if your goal is to become a
leader, work on developing those
areas of your personality that
you feel are not up to» leader standard».


Exercise 1. Give
definitions to the following personal traits of successful leaders
(in written):

Emotional stability.




Social boldness.




High energy.





the English traits of an effective leader with their Russian

  1. Emotional stability

  1. Dominance

  2. Enthusiasm

  3. Conscientiousness

  4. Social boldness

  5. Practicality

  6. Self-assurance

  7. Prudence

  8. High energy

  9. Intuitiveness

  10. Maturity

  11. Team orientation

  12. Empathy

  13. Charisma

    1. Харизма (обаяние,
      умение стать лидером, снискать

    2. Сопереживание

    3. Преобладание

    4. Ориентация на

    5. Энтузиазм

    6. Добросовестность

    7. Практичность

    8. Зрелость

    9. Общественная

    10. Предусмотрительность(даль­новидность)

    11. Энергичность

    12. Уверенность в

    13. Уравновешенность

    14. Интуиция

3. Which characteristics of senior business people do you think are
essential, useful, not useful and dangerous? In pairs, discuss your

4. Revision of modal verbs of obligation. Look at the following

climb to the top of the corporate ladder one
have the strength of personality and the ability to outmanoeuvre

This is
where independent directors

play a part.

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Everybody wants to be a successful person. A lot of people are interested in what they should do to succeed in life. First of all, success in life has a different meaning for everybody. Someone wants to make a brilliant career and to be rich, someone wants to have a large happy family, someone’s understanding of success is to be famous and popular. But to achieve all of these different goals a person should have almost the same qualities and personality traits.
What do you need to be successful?

A successful person is a positive person. When your thoughts are positive and you are in a good mood it is easier for you to reach your goals and move in the right direction.
To be successful it is important to be ambitious. Ambitious people never forget that they are the winners in life. They always know what they want. Everyday successful people do some maybe small but important steps just to become closer to the aim. And they never give up whatever happens.
Successful people are usually very active. Can you imagine a successful person lying on the sofa in front of TV-set during the whole day? Of course successful people don’t waste their time, they always do something useful.
If you want to be successful sociability is a very important feature. For almost all purposes that people have in their life sociability is extremely necessary. You need to be communicative to get along well with the other people. So the chances that they will help you will rise.
It goes without saying that successful person should be educative. Education will make the understanding of many things easier. It is also very good to know a foreign language or even a couple of them.
How to develop your personal qualities?
Maybe not everybody who wants to be successful possesses all of these personal traits. But it is not a big problem. You can develop your lacking qualities by yourself. Some experts thing that if you want to develop something good in your personality you need to devote time to this thing every day during one month. Sticking to this rule not being lazy you will have necessary person qualities very soon. Maybe it will be hard for you, but of course you will become a successful person and be very happy and proud of yourself.

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