What would life be like without art сочинение по английскому языку

What would life be like without art? How can art benefit a society?Помогите написать хотя бы 8 предложений плиз(

Светило науки — 7 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

Science and art are two main streams of knowledge accumulated from ancient times by human beings. They have their own characteristics and provide to the society their contributions, which benefit the world in which we live..out world is full of different art:dance, music, pictures. Absolutely everything that makes people happy is art. In my opinion, there would be nothing interesting and good without art!Life would be boring without music. I can’t live without it. Youtube might not exist.
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A Life Without Art Is No Life At All

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Imagine a life without art.

A colorless, soundless, shapeless, tasteless abyss of what we would call «living». But that, in fact, is not living. It is suffering. A life without art is in reality not a life at all. We all need art in our lives, and we’d be lying by denying it.

Art, in its many forms, is a necessity of life. It is beneath the building structure of anything and everything. A life and a world without art would be quiet and dull. Many people have continued to desensitize art in its many forms because they believe it to be no longer important nor relevant to life. Government and school systems have decreased the funding of the arts gradually more and more to the point where most if not all the funding left is very scarce. Most of the funding now comes from donations and fundraising efforts.

One major problem is that society does not recognize art as a fundamental need but rather, a hobby. When many people hear «art» they immediately resort to fine art such as paintings or drawings. How could just that be such a fundamental element of ourselves? It is essential for those ignorant to art in all of its forms, (not just the kind you do for a hobby) be educated on the variety and its importance.

Art creates variety and difference in the world. It is not just a physical element but also a mental element. Emotions and thought processes are caused by a momentum of creative thought. By desensitizing the arts and causing more emphasis on the lesser important values rather that the processes of art are paralyzing our minds and capability to be original.

Now, I’m not saying that the other factors taught and emphasized by the government and schools should go away. Sports is a great example. The healthy competition that sports teach young people offers great life skills needed later in life. But the arts should be something embraced and endorsed. Not sought as a passing time activity. We should support all forms of art as they are so that we may learn to use it to further our knowledge to better the world. The world without art would be a boring and sad place to live. This is why we must encourage one another to discover a little deeper into the art of life and all that it encompasses.

«The arts are not just a nice thing to have or to do if there is free time or if one can afford it. Rather, paintings and poetry, music, and fashion, design and dialogue, they all define who we are as a people and provide an account of our history for the next generation»

-Michelle Obama

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10 На что была бы похожа жизнь без искусства? Как искусство может принести пользу обществу? Потратьте пять минут на написание нескольких предложений на эту тему. Прочитайте ваши предложения своему другу. Обсудите ваши мнения.

ГДЗ #1

I think life without art would be boring. In my opinion, art brings inspiration to our lives and makes the world beautiful. People get good mood and positive emotions joining to art and they can express themselves in different kinds of it. Moreover, art can show problems of our society in works.

Я думаю, что жизнь без искусства была бы скучной. По моему мнению, искусство приносит вдохновение в нашу жизнь и делает мир прекрасным. Люди обретают хорошее настроение и положительные эмоции, соприкасаясь с искусством и они могут выразить себя в его разных видах. Кроме того, искусство может показать проблемы нашего общества в работах.

ГДЗ #2

In my opinion, life without arts will be bored and nonsensical. Art is a kind of psychologist of a human soul. It helps to share negative and at the same time the lightest emotions of the artist. Art charges us with their energy and helps to self-development to every person.


На мой взгляд, жизнь без искусства будет скучной и бессмысленной. Искусство является своего рода психологом человеческой души. Это помогает делиться отрицательными и в то же время самыми светлыми эмоциями художника. Искусство заряжает нас своей энергией и помогает саморазвитию каждого человека.

ГДЗ #3

Life without art would feel incomplete. Life’s experiences can’t always be expressed through words. Art succeeds where words fail, without it, the world would be a quiet place. Art is connected to culture and society. It gives people the chance to express themselves in different ways.


Жизнь без искусства была бы неполной. Жизненный опыт не всегда может быть выражен через слова. Искусство успешно там, где пусты слова, без него мир был бы тихим местом. Искусство связано с культурой и обществом. Оно дает людям шанс выражать себя разными способами.

10 What would life be like without art? How can art benefit a society? Spend five minutes writing a few sentences on the topic. Read your sentences to your friend. Discuss your opinions.

На этой странице вы сможете найти и списать готовое домешнее задание (ГДЗ) для школьников по предмету Английский язык, которые посещают 9 класс из книги или рабочей тетради под названием/издательством «Spotlight», которая была написана автором/авторами: Дули, Ваулина, Подоляко. ГДЗ представлено для списывания совершенно бесплатно и в открытом доступе.

world without artistsImagine if the world did not have artists. What do you think it would be like? Such works as the Leonardo’s Mona Lisa, Monet’s Water lilies and Van Gogh’s Starry Night would not exist. There would be no art galleries or museums to hold works of art of the past. Forms of artistic expression would not exist. Life would certainly be pretty boring without us artists, wouldn’t it?

Artists have moulded our society. We have changed cultures and even shaped history. Art has had an influence on industries, politics and business – and every aspect of modern life.

But, as you know, the effect of artists reaches much further than just the fine arts. Fine arts includes visual arts, music, theater, writing, architecture, dance, poetry, etc.

Art has an effect on all forms of creative expression and design.

without art quote

This includes movies, television, books, magazines, video games, furniture, product labelling, car manufacturing, hair styling, fashion, tattooing and just about everything one can imagine. Artists are needed nearly everywhere.

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Living on the earth would be a plain, boring existence without artists.

Personally, I don’t think I could live without art. Art for myself has been a form of expression and release of emotions. It is what I am inspired by and write about every day. Everything I do involves art in some way.

What about you? How would you answer this question?

What would the world be like without artists? Could it even exist?

The best answers to this question will be published within this post. Please provide a name and website address so we can properly credit you (optional).


The world without artists would be like this empty box. — Martha Harrell

«I just had this thought..a while ago…..luckily? I’m one of the artists trying to hang in the riddle of maneuvering world out there.» — Asyla Ten Holt

Certainly very dull! — Maurice Van der Speeten

I don’t see how there could possibly be a world that included humans and not have art…  The formation and evolution of the human psyche would never have occurred without imagining…. and creating = ART.  Art is an inescapable part of who we are and how we interpret our world and explore possibilities.   ART IS INEVITABLE. 

Here is a link to a slideshow featuring an artwork titled, «Seasons of the Soul».  It originated as doodles in a sketch pad and it wasn’t until some time later that I realized the stick figure doodles were telling a story….  As it turns out, a very universal story.  Since Seasons of the Soul was published as a lithograph in the early 90s, thousands have connected with it and shared it with others.  I can’t help but wonder if it didn’t just bubble up from the depths of the collective unconsciousness… through me.  Perhaps the figures were originally drawn on a cave wall somewhere in time. — Stephanie E. Robinson

«I think it would be boring, plain, unattractive and unimaginative. Our homes would be stark, bare, the same as everybody else… The walls and tables would be empty, the dishware would be plain, there would be clear glass instead of stained or cut glass. Uck! Thank goodness for art and artists! We need to appreciate artists more. — Rose Stites

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