When men first flew in space they were amazed to discover егэ ответы

1. Future Rescuers
2. Origin of the Superstition
3. Risky Sport
4. Oldest Creatures
5. Discredited Myth
6. Distress Call
7. Visible Obstacle
8. Significant Difference

A. ‘When men first flew in space, they were amazed to discover that the only men-made object visible from orbit was the Great Wall of China.’ This is a nice idea, but it’s not true. The Great Wall is mostly grey stone in a grey landscape and, in fact, is very difficult to see even from an aeroplane flying at a mere 15 kilometres above. What can be seen when orbiting the earth are the fires of African desert people and the lights of fishing boats off Japan.

B. The term ‘Mayday’ is an internationally recognized radio signal which is only used when a ship is in great danger and needs help immediately. The signal is transmitted on a wavelength of 2.182 kHz, which is permanently monitored by rescue services on the shore. The use of this expression has a very straightforward explanation. It came from the French phrase ‘m’aidez’, which means ‘help me’.

C. In 1700, Henri Misson, a Frenchman visiting Britain, asked villagers why they had horseshoes nailed above their doors. They said it was to keep witches away. Horseshoes are made of iron and the strength of the iron was thought to protect from evil. Still today they are thought to bring good luck and many brides carry silver ones at their weddings. The position of the horseshoe is very important. It must point upwards like a cup so that the luck cannot fall out.

D. Women generally live about six years longer than men. Evidence suggests that boys are the weaker sex at birth, which means that more die in infancy. Also women do not have as much heart disease as men. In terms of lifestyle, men smoke more than women and thus more die of smoking-relat-ed diseases. Also, they generally have more dangerous occupations, such as building work.

F. Scientists say that rats can help look for earthquake survivors buried in the ruined buildings. Dogs are already used to search for people, but rats can be even more useful. Like dogs they’ve got a great sense of smell, but scientists still need to train rats to sniff out people and to carry special radio transmitters to let them know when the survivor is found. Rats may also be trained to find bombs or explosives.

G. Dinosaurs roared for about 150 million years before they disappeared. We humans have only been around for about 2 million years. But cockroaches are 350 million years old and still going strong! Cockroaches can survive in extreme conditions. They can be frozen, then thawed, and walk away as if nothing had happened. They can go for an incredibly long time without eating anything. And that is the secret of their success!

H. Founded in 1980, BASE jumping grew out of skydiving. But BASE jumping is much more dangerous than skydiving that is why it is banned in many countries. Legal jumps now happen on specific days and from approved structures. However, like other extreme sports, it’s the risk of disaster that makes BASE jumping so exciting.


Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A—F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1—7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А—G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A The Armoury is situated near the Kremlin.

B Originally the Kremlin was wooden.

C New walls and towers of red brick were built in the 15th century.

D The Trinity Gate leads to Red Square.

E The monument to Minin and Pozharsky is the oldest in Moscow.

F The monument to Alexander Pushkin is not far from the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky.

G You can watch ballets in the Maly Theatre.


Соответствие диалогу

Вы услышите интервью с автором детективных романов. В заданиях 3—9 запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


Which benefit of trees has not been mentioned by the speaker?
1) Protection from flooding.
2) Protection from the sun’s rays.
3) Protection from precipitation.
Ответ: .


The smell of pines in the forest is the result of trees releasing

1) oxygen.

2) carbon dioxide.

3) other gasses.

Ответ: .


Scientists want to study how
1) gasses are released by trees into the atmosphere.
2) organic compounds form tiny particles.
3) these particles influence the climate.
Ответ: .


Cloud droplets are unable to

1) absorb solar radiation.

2) reflect solar radiation.

3) scatter solar radiation.

Ответ: .


According to scientists, cloud droplets influence

1) the size of the cloud.

2) the colour of the cloud.

3) the movement of the cloud.

Ответ: .


The actual formation of the clouds is governed
1) only by the formation of cloud droplets.
2) primarily by the formation of cloud droplets.
3) by several different processes.
Ответ: .


A new way of addressing the problem of global warming is by reducing the amount of
1) greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.
2) the sun’s radiation getting through the atmosphere.
3) the sun’s radiation reflected by the clouds.
Ответ: .

Раздел 2. ЧТЕНИЕ


Установите соответствие между заголовками 1—8 и текстами A—G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Exotic Pets
2. Going Back in Time
3. Small Screen Addiction
4. Body Language

5. Massive Destruction
6. Buried Treasure
7. Reason for Extinction
8. Intelligent Enemies

A. The VLT (Very Large Telescope) is the world’s largest telescope and it is taking scientists further back to the Big Bang than they ever thought possible. In other words, the VLT is a kind of a time machine, giving astronomers detailed views of events that took place in the earliest days of the cosmos. One day, we will have a much clearer picture of how our planet was born.

B. The latest development in the debate amongst scientists about what killed the prehistoric dinosaurs is the suggestion that acid rain was the cause. Some geologists suggest that a large meteor hitting the earth at 65 kilometres per second would have led to strongly acidic rain falling all over the world. This idea is fascinating but it would mean the dinosaurs would all have died within a very short time.

C. In 1948, a British farmer discovered an interesting lump of metal while ploughing his field. At first he thought the metal bits were parts of an old bed. Then more ‘parts of old beds’ turned up and the farmer took them to the local museum. ‘But these bits are priceless!’ exclaimed the keeper of the museum. ‘They are Iron Age jewellery and coins!’ Over the next 40 years, more and more items were found in the same field.

D. Rats may have had a bit of a hard time over the years but these days lots of people are forgetting about guinea-pigs and hamsters and are buying rats instead. Domestic rats aren’t the same as the ones that run around rubbish bins — they’re actually quite cute. They are very intelligent and can be trained like dogs. They come in different colours and — a big bonus — they will eat anything!

E. In Western cultures, people look each other in the eye during a conversation to show interest and trust, but in many Asian countries, it’s rude to look people in the eye, especially a superior such as a teacher. One of the most basic and powerful signals is when a person crosses his or her arms across the chest. This can indicate that a person is putting up an unconscious barrier between themselves and others.

F. Earthquakes happen all the time in all parts of the world but we don’t notice most of them because they are small. However, big earthquakes are really dangerous. They can make buildings fall down, set off landslides and do other deadly things. The highest death toll caused by an earthquake was in China in 1556, when at least 830,000 people died.

G. According to scientists, Americans watch more TV on average than any other nationality. In fact, many people, particularly children, sit for 35 hours or more per week glued to the box. What’s wrong with watching all that TV? Studies have linked it to everything from obesity to aggression in children not to mention that it puts your mind into a sort of sedated state. Habitual television watching, over long periods of time, has been known to cause depression, and anger.


Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A—F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1—7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя. Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

The Man Booker Prize for Fiction is awarded every year for the best original full-length novel written by a writer from the Commonwealth or the Republic of Ireland. It aims to represent the greatest in contemporary literature and promotes the finest in fiction by rewarding the best book of the year. The prize was originally called the Booker-McConnell Prize, A ____________. However, it was better-known as simply the ‘Booker Prize’. In 2002, the Man Group became the sponsor and they chose the new name, keeping ‘Booker’.

Publishers can submit books for consideration for the prize, but the judges can also ask for books to be submitted B ____________. Firstly, the Advisory Committee gives advice if there have been any changes to the rules for the prize. Then it selects the people C ____________. The judging panel changes every year and usually a person is only a judge once.

Great efforts are made to ensure that the judging panel is balanced in terms of gender and professions within the industry. A writer, a critic, an editor and an academic are chosen along with a well-known person from wider society. However, when the panel of judges has been finalized, they are left to make their own decisions D ____________. The Man Booker judges include critics, writers and academics E ____________. The influence of the prize is so great that the winner will almost certainly see the considerable sales increase, in addition to the £50,000 F ____________. In 1992, a Booker Russian Novel Prize was introduced.

  1. without any further interference from the prize sponsor
  2. so as to maintain the consistent quality of the prize
  3. who will judge the books
  4. so as to sell them
  5. which was the name of the company that sponsored it
  6. that comes with the prize
  7. they think should be included

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12—18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

‘Have you written a letter to the Froplinsons?’ asked Egbert.

‘No,’ said Janetta, with a note of tired defiance in her voice; ‘I’ve written eleven letters today expressing surprise and gratitude for sundry unmerited gifts, but I haven’t written to the Froplinsons yet.’

‘Someone will have to do it,’ said Egbert.

‘I don’t dispute the necessity, but I don’t think that someone should be me,’ said Janetta. ‘I wouldn’t mind writing a letter of angry recrimination or heartless satire to some suitable recipient. In fact, I should rather enjoy it, but I’ve come to the end of my capacity for expressing servile amiability. Eleven letters today and nine yesterday, all couched in the same strain of ecstatic thankfulness: really, you can’t expect me to sit down to another. There is such a thing as writing oneself out.’

‘I’ve written nearly as many,’ said Egbert, ‘and I’ve had my usual business correspondence to get through, too. Besides, I don’t know what it was that the Froplinsons sent us.’ ‘A William the Conqueror calendar,’ said Janetta, ‘with a quotation of one of his great thoughts for every day in the year.’

‘Impossible,’ said Egbert; ‘he didn’t have three hundred and sixty-five thoughts in the whole of his life, or, if he did, he kept them to himself.’

‘Well, it was William Wordsworth, then,’ said Janetta; ‘I know William came into it somewhere.’

‘That sounds more probable,’ said Egbert; ‘well, let’s collaborate on this letter and get it done. I’ll dictate, and you can scribble it down. ‘Dear Mrs. Froplinson, thank you and your husband so much for the very pretty calendar you sent us. It was very good of you to think of us.’ ’

‘You can’t possibly say that,’ said Janetta, laying down her pen. ‘We sent them something on the twenty-second,’ said Janetta, ‘so they simply had to think of us. There was no getting away from it.’

‘What did we send them?’ asked Egbert gloomily.

‘Bridge-markers,’ said Janetta, ‘in a cardboard case, with some inanity about ‘digging for fortune with a royal spade’ emblazoned on the cover. The moment I saw it in the shop I said to myself ‘Froplinsons’ and to the attendant ‘How much?’ When he said ‘Ninepence,’ I gave him their address, jabbed our card in, paid tenpence or elevenpence to cover the postage, and thanked heaven. With less sincerity and infinitely more trouble they eventually thanked me.’

‘The Froplinsons don’t play bridge,’ said Egbert.

‘One is not supposed to notice social deformities of that sort,’ said Janetta; ‘it wouldn’t be polite. Besides, what trouble did they take to find out whether we read Wordsworth with gladness? For all they knew or cared we might be frantically embedded in the belief that all poetry begins and ends with John Masefield, and it might infuriate or depress us to have a daily sample of Wordsworthian products flung at us.’

‘Well, let’s get on with the letter,’ said Egbert. ‘How clever of you to guess that Wordsworth is our favourite poet.’

Again Janetta laid down her pen.

‘Do you realise what that means?’ she asked; ‘a Wordsworth booklet next Christmas, and another calendar the Christmas after, with the same problem of having to write suitable letters of thankfulness. No, the best thing to do is to drop all further allusion to the calendar and switch off on to some other topic.’

‘But what other topic?’

‘Oh, something like this: ‘What do you think of the New Year Honours List? A friend of ours made such a clever remark when he read it.’ Then you can stick in any remark that comes into your head; it needn’t be clever. The Froplinsons won’t know whether it is or isn’t.’

‘We don’t even know on which side they are in politics,’ objected Egbert; ‘and anyhow you can’t suddenly dismiss the subject of the calendar. Surely there must be some intelligent remark that can be made about it.’

‘Well, we can’t think of one,’ said Janetta wearily; ‘the fact is, we’ve both written ourselves out.’

There was a long silence, the forlorn silence of those who are bereft of hope and have almost ceased to care. Then Egbert started from his seat with an air of resolution. The light of battle was in his eyes.

‘Let me come to the writing-table,’ he exclaimed; ‘I’m going to write to the editor of every enlightened and influential newspaper in the Kingdom, I’m going to suggest that there should be a sort of epistolary Truce of God during the festivities of Christmas and New Year. From the twenty-fourth of December to the third or fourth of January it shall be considered an offence against good sense and good feeling to write or expect any letter or communication that does not deal with the necessary events of the moment. Answers to invitations, arrangements about trains, renewal of club subscriptions, and, of course, all the ordinary everyday affairs of business, sickness, engaging new cooks, and so forth, these will be dealt with in the usual manner as something inevitable. But all the devastating accretions of correspondence, incident to the festive season, these should be swept away to give the season a chance of being really festive.’

‘But you would have to make some acknowledgment of presents received,’ objected Janetta; ‘otherwise people would never know whether they had arrived safely.’

‘Of course, I have thought of that,’ said Egbert; ‘every present that was sent off would be accompanied by a ticket bearing the date of dispatch and the signature of the sender, and some conventional hieroglyphic to show that it was intended to be a Christmas or New Year gift; there would be a counterfoil with space for the recipient’s name and the date of arrival, and all you would have to do would be to sign and date the counterfoil, add a conventional hieroglyphic indicating heartfelt thanks and gratified surprise, put the thing into an envelope and post it.’

‘It sounds delightfully simple,’ said Janetta wistfully, ‘but people would consider it too perfunctory.’

‘It is not a bit more perfunctory than the present system,’ said Egbert; ‘I have only the same conventional language of gratitude at my disposal with which to thank dear old Colonel Chuttle for his perfectly delicious Stilton, which we shall devour to the last morsel, and the Froplinsons for their calendar, which we shall never look at. So you see the present system of acknowledgment is just as perfunctory and conventional as the counterfoil business would be, only ten times more tiresome and brain-racking.’

‘Your plan would certainly bring the idea of a Happy Christmas a step nearer realisation,’ said Janetta. ‘Meanwhile, what am I to say to the Froplinsons?’

(Adapted from ‘Down Pens’ by H. H. Munro)


Egbert and Janetta were writing

1) application letters.
2) thank-you letters.

3) letters of recrimination.
4) letters of complaint.

Ответ: .


Egbert and Janetta didn’t want to write a letter to the Froplinsons because they
1) had both written themselves out.
2) didn’t like this couple.
3) didn’t know what the Froplinsons had sent them.
4) had a lot of work to do.
Ответ: .


Janetta liked her present to the Froplinsons because it was

1) expensive and useless.
2) cheap and useless.

3) expensive and useful.
4) cheap and useful.

Ответ: .


Janetta didn’t want to mention that Wordsworth was their favourite poet because
1) she actually didn’t like his poems.
2) her favourite poet was John Masefield.
3) the Froplinsons would send them new Wordsworth-related presents.
4) she didn’t want the Froplinsons to know the truth.
Ответ: .


Janetta considered the Froplisons to be

1) stupid.

2) clever.

3) kind.

4) mean.

Ответ: .


Egbert suggested that at Christmas people should
1) stop writing letters at all.
2) put off all the everyday affairs of business.
3) not make any acknowledgment of received presents.
4) send counterfoils instead of thank-you letters.
Ответ: .


Janetta considered a new system

1) absolutely impossible.
2) too perfunctory.

3) easy to implement.
4) totally unacceptable.

Ответ: .


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19—25, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19—25.

Обратите внимание, что по правилам ЕГЭ ответы нужно писать без пробелов и других знаков, например, правильный ответ ‘have done’ нужно будет записать как ‘havedone’, иначе ваш ответ не засчитается.

Swimming Pools


The first heated swimming pool by Gaius Maecenas of Rome in the first century BC.



Swimming pools became popular in Britain in the beginning of the 19th century. By 1837, London authorities six indoor pools with diving boards.



The surviving swimming club in the world is the Arlington Baths Club in Glasgow. It is still an active club and continues to own its original Victorian building with a large pool.



After the start of modern Olympic Games in 1896, the popularity of swimming pools off. Nowadays there are lots of different swimming pools, both public and private.



Most enjoy swimming and swimming pools with their wave-making machines, water slides and tropical vegetation are something unique for them.



If they could, kids to spend their entire summer in the swimming pool.



However, not everyone their own backyard pool.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 26—31, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 26—31.

Waste Management


Waste affects our environment — everything that surrounds us including the air, water, land, plants, and man-made things. We need a healthy environment for our own health and .



The waste we create has to be controlled to be sure that it does not harm our environment and our health.



So waste management is very important.



Waste reduction and recycling have a wide range of environmental benefits and promote public awareness and personal for the waste we create.



The best place to start making a is our home. Learn how you can reduce, reuse, and recycle materials to decrease household waste.



If we recycle what we can’t use any more, we save resources because the materials replace some of the natural resources including water and energy, which we use to make new products.


Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32—38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32—38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Globalization and Communication Growth

The 21st century has 32____ in a new era in man’s ongoing quest for a better life and a better world. For the first time in history, we can now claim to live in ‘One World.’ Globalization has removed many of the gaps that have existed between and among nations. While the physical divide is still present, the 33____ of the Information Highway on how we communicate and live in the present day is simply staggering. Rapid improvements in information technology have allowed us to exchange information and communicate almost everywhere, anywhere, and anytime.

Globalization, as a general term, is best understood as the spread of ideas about the environment, democracy, human rights, and less complicated issues like fashion and fads. Global exchange is now taking place as the market of ideas, culture, and beliefs expand through the use of technology. The nature of business and how it is done has also improved by 34____ and bounds because of globalization.

An example of the remarkable effects of globalization is the invention of the telephone and the television. Television has enabled young people and adults to have the ability to share cultural and ethnic experiences with others. Telephones have also greatly improved communication. Gone are the weeks and even months of waiting for a letter. Anybody can talk to anyone who has another phone 35____ of distance or location on the planet. With the aid of satellites, 3rd generation phones allow us to make a phone call, send a video, or even receive an e-mail. These 36____ in communication have revolutionized business, commerce, and even the personal lives and relationships of millions of people.

Because of the electronic media, vast amounts of important information can reach any parts of the globe in 37____ time. Business establishments, whether big or small, are using the Internet in many ways to build or expand their company’s growth. With the ever improving technology come new markets, high 38____ for products, and also greater competition. Making investments in information and communication technology is now a must for any business enterprise.


1) started

2) began

3) ushered

4) launched

Ответ: .


1) cause

2) impact

3) consequences

4) result

Ответ: .


1) bonds

2) gaps

3) jumps

4) leaps

Ответ: .


1) regardless

2) despite

3) notwithstanding

4) because

Ответ: .


1) breakbeats

2) breakdowns

3) breakouts

4) breakthroughs

Ответ: .


1) any

2) no

3) none of

4) some

Ответ: .


1) access

2) claim

3) demand

4) rise

Ответ: .

Ваш результат: пока 0.

Далее вы можете набрать еще 40 баллов. Автоматически это проверить нельзя, поэтому сделайте реалистичный прогноз о том, сколько бы вы смогли набрать баллов, и получите ваш итоговый результат ЕГЭ.

Если возник вопрос по ответу, в котором вы ошиблись, можете задать его в комментариях.

Раздел 4. ПИСЬМО

Для ответов на задания 39 и 40 используйте бланк ответов № 2. Черновые пометки можно делать прямо на листе с заданиями, или можно использовать отдельный черновик. При выполнении заданий 39 и 40 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма текста. Тексты недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются. Запишите сначала номер задания (39, 40), а затем ответ на него. Если одной стороны бланка недостаточно, Вы можете использовать другую его сторону.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Jessica who writes:

… By the way, we are doing a project at college on the fashion industry in different countries. It would be nice if you could tell me what clothes are popular with teenagers in Russia. Do you have any special fashion for teens? What kind of clothes do you prefer? Why?

Write a letter to Jessica.
In your letter
— answer her questions
— ask 3 questions about her tastes in clothes
Write 100 — 140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.

За это задание вы можете получить 6 баллов максимум.

Comment on the following statement.

Lots of people enjoy celebrating holidays. However, for some people a holiday is just a day off.

What is your attitude to celebrations? Which way of celebrating holidays do you find more enjoyable?

Write 200 — 250 words.

— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2—3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1—2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position

За это задание вы можете получить 14 баллов максимум.


— За 1,5 минуты нужно подготовиться и в следующие 1,5 минуты выразительно прочитать текст вслух — 1 балл.
— Составление 5 вопросов на основе ключевых слов. На подготовку отводится 1,5 минуты, затем каждый вопрос надо сформулировать в течение 20 секунд — 5 баллов.
— 3 фотографии. Нужно выбрать 1 и описать ее по предложенному тут же в задании плану за 3,5 минуты — 7 баллов.
— 2 картинки. Нужно сравнить их, описать сходства и различия, объяснить, почему выбранная тематика близка выпускнику, за 3,5 минуты — 7 баллов.

Материалы пробного ЕГЭ по английскому языку, состоявшегося на базе историко-филологического факультета ПГУ 12 мая 2013 г.

Раздел 1. Аудирование

B 1 Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего AF и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-7 . Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. Free university education should be offered only to a certain group of people.

2. It would be expensive for governments to give scholarships to many students.

3. Getting higher education free makes people irresponsible and lazy.

4. Free university education gives more chances for the right career choice.

5. Part of countries’ budget should be given to pay for people’s higher education.

6. You give more weight to university education if you pay much for it.

7. Fees paid by students for university education should be reasonable.

Говорящий A B C D E F
Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А1-А7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1-True), какие не соответствуют (2False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3- Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A1 The population of Oregon (US) is small.

  1. True 2) False 3) Not stated

A2 Mary did some outdoor sports when visiting the state of Oregon.

  1. True 2) False 3) Not stated

A3 Tim seems to feel comfortable in a hut underground while snow camping.

  1. True 2) False 3) Not stated

A4 Tim would like to learn to build igloos.

  1. True 2) False 3) Not stated

A5 Big storms are quite common in the mountains in Oregon.

  1. True 2) False 3) Not stated

A6 Snow from the storm kept Tim and his friends inside their car.

  1. True 2) False 3) Not stated

A7 While snow camping, Tim trusts in modern gadgets to get information about his location.

  1. True 2) False 3) Not stated
Вы услышите рассказ радиоведущего о новых экстремальных видах спорта. В заданиях А8 – А14 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A8 Watching the displays at the exhibition the speaker was eager to test personally

  1. only some of them.
  2. the first twelve.
  3. all of them.

A9 The speaker came to the exhibition

  1. alone.
  2. with James.
  3. with a group of friends.

A10 The speaker managed to do well in the

  1. brush boarding.
  2. roller skating
  3. land yachting.

A11 The speaker didn’t do well in the Aquathlon because

  1. he didn’t take it seriously.
  2. he was saving energy for kite surfing.
  3. it was technically tricky.

A12 The secret of successful kite surfing lies in

  1. choosing the largest possible kite.
  2. jumping and landing smoothly.
  3. avoiding getting dragged in the air.

A13 The speaker stopped kite surfing after 30 minutes because

  1. of extreme tiredness.
  2. there was an offshore wind.
  3. the instructor suggested it.

A14 All the displays were

  1. experimental models with designers used as instructors.
  2. real practiced sports.
  3. computer installations of real sports.
По окончании выполнения заданий В1 и А1-А14 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в бланк ответов №1! Обратите внимание, что ответы на задания В1, А1-А14 располагаются в разных частях бланка. При переносе ответов в задании В1 буквы записываются без пробелов и знаков препинания.

Раздел 2. Чтение

B 2 Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами А-G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
  1. Future rescuers 5. Discredited myth
  2. Origin of the superstition 6. Distress call
  3. Risky sport 7. Visible obstacle
  4. Oldest creatures 8. Significant difference
  1. ‘When men first flew in space, they were amazed to discover that the only men-made object visible from orbit was the Great Wall of China.’ This is a nice idea, but it’s not true. The Great Wall is mostly grey stone in a grey landscape and, in fact, is very difficult to see even from an airplane flying at a mere 15 kilometres above.
  2. The term ‘Mayday’ is an internationally recognized radio signal which is only used when a ship is in great danger and needs help immediately. The signal is transmitted on a wavelength of 2.182 kHz, which is permanently monitored by rescue services on the shore. The use of this expression has a very straightforward explanation. It came from the French phrase ‘m’aidez’, which means ‘help me’.
  3. In 1700, Henri Mission, a Frenchman visiting Britain, asked villagers why they had horseshoes nailed above their doors. They said it was to keep witches away. Horseshoes are made of iron and the strength of the iron was thought to protect from evil. Still today they are thought to bring good luck and many brides carry silver ones at their weddings. The position of the horseshoe is very important. It must point upwards like a cup so that the luck cannot fall out.
  4. Women generally live about six years longer than men. Evidence suggests that boys are the weaker sex at birth, which means that more die in infancy. Also women do not have as much heart disease as men. In terms of lifestyle, men smoke more than women and thus more die of smoking-related diseases. Also, they generally have more dangerous occupations, such as building work.
  5. Scientists say that rats can help look for earthquake survivors buried in the ruined buildings. Dogs are already used to search for people, but rats can be even more useful. Like dogs they’ve got a great sense of smell, but scientists still need to train rats to sniff out people and to carry special radio transmitters to let them know when the survivor is found. Rats may also be trained to find bombs or explosives.
  6. Dinosaurs roared for about 150 million years before they disappeared. We, humans, have only been around for about 2 million years. But cockroaches are 350 million years old and still going strong! Cockroaches can survive in extreme conditions. They can be frozen, then thawed, and walk away as if nothing had happened. They can go for incredibly long time without eating anything. And that is the secret of their success!
  7. Founded in 1980, base jumping grew out of skydiving. But base jumping is much more dangerous than skydiving that is why it is banned in many countries. Legal jumps now happen on specific days and from approved structures. However, like other extreme sports, it’s the risk of disaster that makes base jumping so exciting.
B 3 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски А-F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке 1-7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

It was during a radar-related research project around 1946 that Dr. Percy Spencer, while working for Raytheon Corporation, noticed that a candy bar in his pocket melted during the testing of a new vacuum tube called a magnetron. This intrigued Dr. Spencer, A _______________ . This time he placed some popcorn kernels near the tube and watched B _______________ .

The next morning Spencer decided to put the magnetron tube near an egg. Spencer and a colleague both watched C _______________ . Spencer’s colleague moved in for a closer look just as the egg splattered yolk all over his face. Dr. Spencer concluded that if you can cook an egg that quickly, D _______________ . He began experimenting. Dr. Spencer enclosed the food to be cooked in a metal box that he fed the microwaves into. He had invented what was to revolutionize cooking and form the basis of a multimillion dollar industry – the microwave oven.

In 1947, Raytheon demonstrated the world’s first microwave oven and called it a Radarange. The first microwave ovens cost between $ 2,000 and $ 3,000. Around 1952 – 55, Tappan introduced the first home model priced at $ 1295. In 1967 Raytheon owned Amana Refrigeration introduced the first countertop microwave oven, E _______________ .

By 1975, sales of microwave ovens had, for the first time, exceeded those of gas ranges. In 1976, the microwave oven became a more commonly owned kitchen appliance than the dishwasher, F _______________ . America’s cooking habits were being dramatically changed by the convenience of the microwave oven. Once considered a luxury, the microwave oven has developed into a practical necessity for a fast-paced world of today.

  1. as the popcorn sputtered, cracked and popped
  2. so he decided to ask for help
  3. so he tried another experiment
  4. reaching nearly about 52 million US households
  5. which was smaller, safer and more reliable than previous models
  6. as the egg began to tremor and shake
  7. then you could cook other foods as well
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А15-А21. В каждом задании обведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа.

The Slate Quarry

Bethesda used to be at the heart of the Welsh slate industry. The famous dark blue-green stone, used for roof and floor tiles, had been exported all over the world during the 19th century. The nearby quarry, now deserted, had been the world’s biggest at nearly a mile long and 1,200 feet deep. It was a spectacular sight, a man-made Grand Canyon. The area still provided a source of income for the residents of Bethesda, as numerous outdoor activity centres had been set up around the town.

David’s speciality was rock-climbing. Climbing had become more popular recently, along with other so-called ‘extreme sports’. David believed this was because of television. The advanced cameras used by the television companies could show spectacular images of hang-gliders taking off from the tops of mountains or climbers hanging from a cliff by their fingertips. David worried that these sports, which actually required years of dedicated practice, were shown as being deceptively easy. Annoyingly, because of this, he had to spend the first morning of each course lecturing the participants on the dangers involved.

North Wales is one of the most beautiful regions of Britain. However, it rains regularly, even throughout the summer. Slate becomes dangerously slippery in the rain, and David made sure that his climbers used safety ropes and harnesses at all times. That day he was leading a group of seven teenagers from a town near London. As he tried to demonstrate the equipment, they continually mocked his accent and whispered to one another. At times, David muttered angrily to himself in his native Welsh language, knowing that they wouldn’t understand a word.

The three girls in the group had soon understood the technical procedures and David was pleasantly surprised at how well they worked as a team. The boys were a different kettle of fish entirely. They argued over who would go first and then over who had done the best. By the time David and the boys returned to the quarry floor, they were running almost an hour late. David announced that they were going back to the hostel immediately, despite loud complaints from the girls. The original plan had been to stop off in the town for a bit of shopping on the way back.

David was too irritated to argue, and stormed off towards the hostel. He phoned a couple of friends, in an attempt to drown out the teenagers’ complaining. Suddenly, one of the boys was pulling at his arm. ‘Sir, Sir! The girls, Sir, they’ve run off!’ The girls, it seemed, had decided to arrange their own shopping trip. David was immediately gripped by a sense of panic. It was easy to get lost in these hills, and now it was beginning to get dark.

As the group marched on, the weather steadily worsened. Within minutes a light drizzle had turned into driving rain, which didn’t surprise David at all. He knew that one minute the sun could be shining in these hills and the next the sky could be covered with big, black clouds. He had no choice but to alert the Mountain Rescue Team.

David tried to prepare himself for the inevitable questioning, and of course the deserved criticism. He spoke to the operator in Welsh as the boys looked on. Suddenly, David sighed with relief. The operator had informed him that the girls were safe and well. They had already reached the town centre safely and had stopped a policeman to ask where to catch the bus back to the hostel.

A15 The writer tells us that the residents of the town of Bethesda

  1. couldn’t survive without the slate industry.
  2. were starting to move away from the area.
  3. now arranged sight-seeing trips around the slate quarry.
  4. were continuing to benefit from the slate quarry.

A16 David suggests that his job had been made more challenging because of

  1. the higher numbers of people in his classes now.
  2. the way the media presented extreme sports.
  3. the new, stricter safety rules he had to follow.
  4. the very difficult climbs around Bethesda.

A17 David got annoyed while teaching the teens because

  1. they were making fun of him.
  2. they didn’t seem to understand him.
  3. the weather was so wet and miserable.
  4. they didn’t follow his safety instructions.

A18 David cancelled the shopping trip because

  1. the boys’ bad behavior had wasted too much time.
  2. he was fed up of the girls’ complaining.
  3. the boys didn’t want to go shopping.
  4. he hadn’t finished the teens’ lesson.

A19 David didn’t notice the girls leave because

  1. they had told him they were going back to the hostel.
  2. he had decided not to pay attention to them for a while.
  3. the sun was setting and it was difficult to see anything.
  4. he was busy helping some of the boys.

A20 The weather in the area was generally

  1. very wet.
  2. mild.
  3. severe.
  4. unpredictable.

A21 In the final paragraph, the writer suggests that David

  1. was more angry about the incident than worried.
  2. was surprised the girls were found so quickly.
  3. thought people would say the incident was his fault.
  4. wished he hadn’t phoned the Mountain Rescue Team.
По окончании выполнения заданий В2, В3 и А15-А21 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в бланк ответов №1! Обратите внимание, что ответы на задания В2, В3, А15-А21 располагаются в разных частях бланка. При переносе ответов в заданиях В2 и В3 цифры записываются без пробелов и знаков препинания.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами В4-В10 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных справа от каждого предложения.

A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign

B4 _____________ the pups and set about nailing it to a post on the advertise

edge of his yard.

B5 While he _____________ the last nail into the post, he felt a tug drive

on his overalls and saw a little boy.

B6 ‘Mister,’ he said, ‘ _______________ (you) to sell your puppies? want

I would like to choose one.’

B7 As the dogs made their way to the fence, the little boy ___________ choose

a small puppy hobbling behind the others.

B8 ‘Son,’ said the farmer, ‘if you buy that puppy, he ___________ able not be

to run and play with you like these other dogs.’

The little boy rolled up one leg of his trousers and showed the farmer

B9 a steel brace running down both sides of his leg, which ___________ attach

to a specially made shoe.

B10 He said, ‘You see sir, I ____________ run well myself, and he will not can

need someone who understands.’

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами после номеров В11-В16 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В11-В16.

‘All things come to those who wait.’ It’s a traditional phrase that has

B11 kept the British patiently in line for years. For ___________ , they’ve GENERATION

B12 been waiting their turn. This may sometimes have led to __________ ANGRY

abroad, when foreigners haven’t always respected the rules of the

B13 orderly queue. But at home they have ____________ enjoyed their SECRET

B14 reputation. It’s rather ____________, though, isn’t it? Today’s highly FASHION

B15 developed culture of ____________ to the public seems to have more SERVE

in common with the American ‘I want it and I want it now’ philosophy.

B16 But their ____________ seems to be growing. They may wait with less PATIENT

politeness than they used to – you only have to observe the frustrated

shoppers in a supermarket queue. But wait they still do.

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22-А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22-А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.


Many adults in America and increasing numbers elsewhere take part in mentoring schemes. A

mentor is an adult who provides support and friendship to a young person. There are numerous

different A22 ___________ of mentoring: passing on skills, sharing experiences, offering

guidance. Sometimes the most helpful thing to do is just listen. Mentoring is open to anybody –

no particular A23 __________ experience is required, just a desire to make a difference to the

life of a young person who needs help. This may seem a difficult thing at first, but many people

find they have a real A24 __________ for it.

The support of a mentor can play an important A25 ___________ in a child’s development

and can often make up for a lack of guidance in a young person’s life. It can also improve

young people’s A26 ___________ towards society and build up their confidence in dealing with

life’s challenges. For the mentor, it can be incredibly rewarding to know that they have had a

significant A27 ___________ on a child and helped to give them the best possible chance in

life. Indeed, it is not only adults who are capable of taking on this role. There is now an

increasing A28 ___________ for teenagers to mentor younger children, for example by helping

them with reading or other school work.

A22 1) approaches 2) means 3) manners 4) ways

A23 1) trained 2) expert 3) professional 4) skilled

A24 1) ability 2) skill 3) strength 4) talent

A25 1) piece 2) part 3) role 4) section

A26 1) attitude 2) impression 3) approach 4) conduct

A27 1) change 2) result 3) factor 4) influence

A28 1) want 2) wish 3) demand 4) lack

По окончании выполнения заданий В4-В16, А22-А28 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в бланк ответов №1! Обратите внимание, что ответы на задания В4-В16 и А22-А28 располагаются в разных частях бланка. В4-В16 расположены в нижней части бланка. При переносе ответов в заданиях В4-В16 буквы записываются без пробелов и знаков препинания.

Раздел 4. Письмо

Для ответов на задания С1 и С2 используйте бланк ответов №2. При выполнении заданий С1 и С2 особое внимание обратите на то, что ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в бланке ответов №2. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объема текста. Тексты недостаточного объема, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объем – не оцениваются. Запишите сначала номер задания (С1, С2), а затем ответ на него. Если одной стороны бланка недостаточно, вы можете использовать его другую сторону.


You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Andrea who writes:

Guess what! I’m going to have my tooth out. It’s awful! Have you ever had any teeth out? Is it painful? My parents say I need to go to the dentist at least twice a year but I’m really afraid of doctors and hospitals and I don’t understand the necessity of going there if you have no pains or aches. What do you think of it? Do you visit your dentist regularly?

By the way, I’m going to join a yoga class.

Write soon.

Best wishes,


  • Write back to Andrea answering her questions.
  • Ask 3 questions about her yoga class.

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.


You have 40 minutes to do this task.

Comment on the following statement.

Generally the future of mankind looks bright. Those who argue otherwise are being unnecessarily pessimistic.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write 200- 250 words.

Use the following plan:

  • make an introduction ( state the problem)
  • express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
  • express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
  • explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
  • make a conclusion restating your position


Раздел № 1


Раздел № 2


Раздел № 3

Грамматика и лексика

№ задания Ответ № задания Ответ № задания Ответ
А1 1 А15 4 А22 4
А2 3 А16 2 А23 3
А3 2 А17 1 А24 4
А4 3 А18 1 А25 2
А5 3 А19 2 А26 1
А6 2 А20 4 А27 4
А7 1 А21 3 А28 3
А8 1
А9 3
А10 1
А11 1
А12 2
А13 1
А14 2


В1 347651
В2 5628143
В3 316754
Грамматика и лексика
В4 advertising
В5 wasdriving
В6 doyouwant
В7 chose
В8 willnotbe
В9 wasattached
В10 cannot
В11 generations
В12 anger
В13 secretly
В14 unfashionable
В15 service
В16 patience

Тренировочные задания в формате егэ по английскому языку

Подобный материал:

  • Подготовки к егэ по английскому языку, 321.2kb.
  • Программа элективного курса по английскому языку «Подготовка к егэ по английскому языку:, 241.24kb.
  • Методические рекомендации по английскому языку для учащихся 11-12 классов, 144kb.
  • Программа вступительного экзамена по английскому языку (устно), 20.4kb.
  • Стратегии подготовки к егэ по английскому языку: раздел «Аудирование», 419.39kb.
  • Рекомендации для учащихся по подготовке к егэ по английскому языку автор-составитель:, 428.85kb.
  • Методические рекомендации по разработке заданий для школьного и муниципального этапов, 1455.35kb.
  • Тесты в формате гиа, письменные работы Успешная сдача гиа по русскому языку, 26.38kb.
  • Экзаменационные материалы по английскому языку 8 класс 2010 переводной экзамен по английскому, 105.15kb.
  • «Общие стратегии подготовки учащихся к егэ по иностранным языкам», 78.64kb.


Во время выполнения теста по аудированию перед каждым заданием дана пауза с тем, чтобы вы смогли просмотреть воп­росы к заданию, а также паузы после первичного и повторного предъявления аудиотекста для внесения ответов. По окончании выполнения всего раздела «Аудирование» перенесите свои отве­ты в бланк ответов.

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1—6 и ут­верждениями, данными в списке A—G. Используйте каж­дое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утвержде­ние. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

A. The speaker can study long hours,

B. The speaker is helped by others.

C. The speaker pays attention to what his teachers say.

D. The speaker reads extra materials.

E. The speaker studies only what is important.

F. The speaker has a good memory.

G. The speaker is well organized.

Говорящий 1 2 3′ 4 5 6

Вы услышите интервью со знаменитым фотографом. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А1—А7 соответствуют содер­жанию текста (1 True), какие не соответствуют (2 False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы ус­лышите запись дважды.

I А1 |

Ella thinks travelling is an unpleasant part of her job.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

А2 |

Ella’s problems are often caused by insensitive editors.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A3 |

In Mauritius, Ella had no time to take all the planned photos.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A4 I

A problem at the airport prevented the plane from landing at Nairobi.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A5 |

After the landing in Uganda some of the luggage was lost.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A6 |

The experience at Nairobi made Ella change some of her opinions.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A7 |

At present, Ella is thinking about whether to change jobs.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Вы услышите рассказ инструктора по глубоководному погружению о своей карьере. В заданиях А8—А14 обведите цифру 1, 2 или J, со­ответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А8 |

The narrator considered a full-time career as a diving instructor because

  1. he had always liked teaching.
  2. his trainees were pleased with him.
  3. it was a chance to earn more money.

A9 I

The narrator says instructors must

  1. understand weather conditions.
  2. know the best diving areas.
  3. be patient with their trainees.


The narrator becomes nervous

  1. when students become aggressive.
  2. when his students leave the group.
  3. when other divers get close to his group.

3- Английский язык
I All |

What mistake did the girl called Elaine make?

  1. She did not get on well with her group.
  2. She went off alone.
  3. She mistook the narrator for somebody else.




After the conversation with Mr and Mrs Jones the narrator felt
1) embarrassed. 2) upset. 3) impatient.

The narrator finds it boring

  1. to allow students time for photos.
  2. to repeat instructions for students.
  3. to follow the same routine.

In the future the narrator would like to be

1) a photographer. 2) a secretary. 3) a manager.

По окончании выполнения заданий В1 и А1—А14 НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ПЕРЕНЕСТИ СВОИ ОТВЕТЫ В БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ 1! ОБРА­ТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ, что ответы на задания Bl, А1—А14 распо­лагаются в разных частях бланка. В1 расположено в нижней час­ти бланка. При переносе ответов в задании В1 буквы записыва­ются без пробелов и знаков препинания.



Установите соответствие между заголовками А—Н и текстами 1—7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Исполь­зуйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один за­головок лишний.

A. Future Rescuers Е. Discredited Myth

B. Origin of the Superstition F. Distress Call

C. Risky Sport G. Visible Obstacle

D. Oldest Creatures H. Significant Difference

1. ‘When men first flew in space, they were amazed to discover that the only men-made object visible from orbit was the Great Wall of China.’ This is a nice idea, but it’s not true. The Great Wall is mostly-grey stone in a grey landscape and, in fact, is very difficult to see even from an aeroplane flying at a mere 15 kilometres above. What

can be seen when orbiting the earth are the fires of African desert people and the lights of fishing boats off Japan.

  1. The term ‘Mayday’ is an internationally recognized radio signal which is only used when a ship is in great danger and needs help immedi­ately. The signal is transmitted on a wavelength of 2.182 kHz, which is permanently monitored by rescue services on the shore. The use of this expression has a very straightforward explanation. It came from the French phrase ‘m’aidez’, which means ‘help me’.
  2. In 1700, Henri Misson, a Frenchman visiting Britain, asked villag­ers why they had horseshoes nailed above their doors. They said it was to keep witches away. Horseshoes are made of iron and the strength of the iron was thought to protect from evil. Still today they are thought to bring good luck and many brides carry silver ones at their weddings. The position of the horseshoe is very important. It must point upwards like a cup so that the luck cannot fall out.
  3. Women generally live about six years longer than men. Evidence suggests that boys are the weaker sex at birth, which means that more die in infancy. Also women do not have as much heart disease as men. In terms of lifestyle, men smoke more than women and thus more die of smoking-related diseases. Also, they generally have more dangerous occupations, such as building work.
  4. Scientists say that rats can help look for earthquake survivors buried in the ruined buildings. Dogs are already used to search for people, but rats can be even more useful. Like dogs they’ve got a great sense of smell, but scientists still need to train rats to sniff out people and to carry special radio transmitters to let them know when the survivor is found. Rats may also be trained to find bombs or explosives.
  5. Dinosaurs roared for about 150 million years before they disappeared. We humans have only been around for about 2 million years. But cock­roaches are 350 million years old and still going strong! Cockroaches can survive in extreme conditions. They can be frozen, then thawed, and walk away as if nothing had happened. They can go for incredibly long time’ without eating anything. And that is the secret of their success!
  6. Founded in 1980, BASE jumping grew out of skydiving. But BASE jumping is much more dangerous than skydiving that is why it is banned in many countries. Legal jumps now happen on specific days and from approved structures. However, like other extreme sports, it’s the risk of disaster that makes BASE jumping so exciting.
1 2 . 3 4 5 6 7

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1—6 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами A—G. Одна из час­тей в списке A—G лишняя. Перенесите ответы в таблицу.

On 25 October, 1881 a little boy was born in Malaga, Spain. It was a difficult birth and to help him breathe, cigar smoke was blown into his nose! But despite being the youngest ever smoker, this baby grew up to be one of the 20th century’s greatest painters — Pablo Picasso.

Picasso showed his truly exceptional talent from a very young age. His first word was lapiz (Spanish for pencil) and he learned to draw before he could talk.

He was the only son in the family and very good-looking,
1 . He hated school and often refused to go unless his do­
ting parents allowed him to take one of his father’s pet pigeons with him!

Apart from pigeons, his great love was art, and when in 1891 his father, who was an amateur artist, got a job as a drawing teacher at a college, Pablo went with him to the college. He often watched his father paint and sometimes was allowed to help. One evening his

father was painting a picture of their pigeons 2 .

He returned to find that Pablo had completed the picture, and it was so amazingly beautiful and lifelike that he gave his son his own palette and brushes and never painted again. Pablo was just 13.

From then onwards there was no stopping him. Many people rea­
lized that he was a genius but he disappointed those 3 .

He was always breaking the rules of artistic tradition and shocked the public with his strange and powerful pictures. He is probably best

known for his ‘Cubist’ pictures, 4 . His

paintings of people were often made up of triangles and squares with their features in the wrong place. His work changed our ideas about

art 5 . Guernica, which he painted in 1937, records

the bombing of that little Basque town during the Spanish Civil War, and is undisputedly one of the masterpieces of modern painting.

Picasso died of heart failure during an attack of influenza in 1973.
The artist created over 6,000 paintings, drawings and sculptures.
Today a ‘Picasso’ costs several million pounds, 6 .

A. which used only simple geometric shapes.

B. so he was thoroughly spoilt.

C. which is not surprising.

D. that is why he was very hard-working.

E. when he had to leave the room.

F. who wanted him to become a traditional painter.

G. that is why to millions of people modern art means the
work of Picasso.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Прочитайте рассказ и выполните задания А15—А21. В каждом задании обведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбран­ному вами варианту ответа,

Most children at the tender age of six or so are full of most imprac­tical scheme for becoming policemen, firemen or train drivers when they grow up. But when I was that age, I could not be bothered with such mundane ambitions. I knew exactly what I wanted to do, 1 was going to have my own zoo. At the time, this did not seem to me, and still does not seem, a very unreasonable idea. My friends and relatives, who had long found me strange because I showed little interest in anything that did not have fur or feathers, accepted this as just another manifestation of my strangeness. They felt that, if they ignored my often-repeated re­marks about owning my own zoo, I would eventually grow out of it.

As the years passed, however, to the bewilderment of those friends and relatives, my resolve to have my own zoo grew greater and greater and eventually, after going on a number of exhibitions to bring back animals for other zoos, I felt the time was ripe to acquire my own.

From my latest trip to West Africa, I had brought back a consid­erable collection of animals which were living, temporarily I assured her, in my sister’s suburban garden in Bournemouth. But after a number of unsuccessful attempts to convince local councils in various areas to support my plans, I began to investigate the possibility of starting my zoo on the island of Jersey in the English Channel.

I was given an introduction to a man named Hugh Fraser who, I was told, was a broad-minded, kindly soul. He would show me around the island and point out suitable sites. So, I flew to Jersey and was met by Hugh Fraser who drove us to his family home, probably one of the most beautiful old houses on the island. There was a huge walled garden with lots of outbuildings all built in the beautiful local stone which was the colour of autumn leaves glowing in the sunshine. Turning to my wife, I said: ‘What a marvellous place for a zoo.’

If my host had promptly fainted on the spot, I could not have blamed him. The thought of creating the average person’s idea of a zoo, with all the grey cement and iron bars, in such a lovely spot was horrible. To my astonishment, however, Hugh Fraser did not faint, but merely cocked an enquiring eyebrow at me and asked whether I really meant what I said. Slightly embarrassed, I replied that I had meant it, but added hastily that I realised that it was impossible. Hugh said he did not think it was as impossible as all that.

He went on to explain that the house and grounds were too big for him to keep up as a private individual, and so he wanted to move to a smaller place in England. Would I care to consider renting the property for the purpose of establishing my zoo? I could not imagine more attractive surroundings for my purpose, and by the time lunch was over, the bargain had been sealed.

The alarm displayed by all who knew me when this was announced can be imagined. The only exception to the general chorus of disap­proval was my sister. Although she thought it a mad scheme, at least it would rid her back garden of the assorted jungle creatures that were be­ginning to put a great strain on her relationship with her neighbours.








The writer’s friends and family

  1. encouraged him in his childhood ambition.
  2. took no notice of his childhood ambition.
  3. tried to talk him out of his childhood ambition.
  4. tried to interest him in other things.

In paragraph 2 the word ‘bewilderment’ means that the writer’s friends and relatives

  1. were pleasantly surprised by him.
  2. became increasingly angry with him.
  3. were shown to be right about his ideas.
  4. didn’t really understand his ambitions.

The writer didn’t start a zoo in England because

  1. nobody wanted to help him.
  2. he’ had too many animals.
  3. his sister was against it.
  4. he couldn’t get permission.

The writer was introduced to Hugh Fraser because

  1. Hugh knew a lot about zoos.
  2. Hugh owned a number of houses.
  3. Hugh knew the island very well.
  4. Hugh had offered land for rent.

When the writer made a comment about the walled garden, Hugh

  1. was horrified at the prospect.
  2. was surprised by the suggestion.
  3. was too embarrassed to reply.
  4. was interested in the idea.

The writer particularly liked the place he chose for the zoo because of

  1. its size. 3) its setting.
  2. its price. 4) its facilities.

When the writer’s sister learned about the establishment of the zoo in Jersey, she felt

  1. alarmed. 3) supportive.
  2. relieved. 4) disappointed.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необ­ходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В4—В10 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полу­ченными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному за­данию из группы В4—В10.

The Bald Eagle


In 1782, soon after the United States won

its independence, the bald eagle

as the national bird of the new country. American leaders wanted the eagle to be a symbol of their country because it is one of the strongest birds.



Today the bald eagle almost from the country.










In 1972 there
only 3,000 bald BE

eagles in the entire United States. The reason for the bird’s

ulation was pollution of rivers by pesticides.

Pesticides poison the fish. Eagles eat these
fish and then the eggs eagles lay have very
thin shells and .

Today, the American government and the
American people to pro­
tect the bald eagle.

We are sure that the American national bird

a symbol of strength and

courage for many years to come.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необ­ходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В11—В16, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В11—В16.

New York — the ‘Big Apple’



in New York was ARRIVE

spectacular. Its skyscrapers and the Statue of Liberty make a beautiful sight.

New York has a population of over seven million and it is probably the world’s

most famous city. The of

the ‘Big Apple’ come from many different countries.







There are more

York than in any other place on earth.

It also has more tourists than any other

city except London,

in the summer.

Visitors come from all over the world and
have a time.

There are so many sights for them to get

about — whether it’s

some of the best museums in the world or the charming little streets of Greenwich Village.

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22— А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22—А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер вы­бранного вами варианта ответа.


After more than fifty years of television, it might seem only obvious to conclude that it is here to stay. There have been many

objections to it during this time and

grounds. Did it cause eye-strain? Was the screen bombarding us with radioactivity?

Did the advertisements messages, persuading us to buy more? Did children turn to violence through watching it, either because so many programmes taught them how to shoot, rob, and kill, or because they had to do something to

counteract the hours they had


glued to the tiny screen?

Or did it simply create a vast passive audience, drugged by glamorous

serials and inane situation A25

On the other hand, did it increase anxiety by sensationalising the news and filling our living rooms with war and political unrest? All in all, television proved to be the all-purpose scapegoat for the second

half of the century,

| A261

for everything, but above all,

eagerly watched. For no


how much we despised it,

were bored by it, or felt that it took us away from the old paradise of family conversation and hobbies such as collecting stamps, we never


staring at the screen, aware that our

own tiny reflection was in it if we looked carefully.
turned it off. We

1) comedies 2) programmes 3) perhaps

A26| l) accused 2) looking
A22| l) with 2) over

1) contain 2) of 1) almost 2) spent

3)by 4) on
3) take 4) having
3) quite 4) madly
3) perhaps 4) consequently
3) blamed 4) ready


1) one

2) matter

3) difference 4) reason


l) refused 2) received 3) turned 4) kept

Установите соответствие между заголовками A-H И текстами 1—7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

A. Necessary Components

B. Important Conclusion

C. Useful Advice

D. Significant Difference

E. Health Risks

F. Moderation Is the Key!

G. Diet and Exercise

H. Benefits of Good Nutrition

I. Developing healthy eating habits is simpler and easier than you might think. You will look and feel better if you make a habit of eating healthfully. You will have more energy and your immune system will be stronger. When you eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables you are lowering your risk of heart dis­ease, cancers and many other serious health ailments. Healthy eating habits are your ticket to a healthier body and mind.

J. A Four-week clinical trial that tested the new regimen found that overweight adults who consumed a high-protein, entirely vegan diet were able to lose about the same amount

Of weight as a comparison group of dieters on a high-carbo — hydrate, low-fat vegetarian dairy diet. But while those on the high-carbohydrate dairy diet experienced drops of 12 percent in their cholesterol, those on the high-protein vegan diet saw cholesterol reductions of 20 percent.

K. ‘The idea preyed on me for a long time. If the Atkins Diet looks good, and it’s got so much saturated fat and cho­lesterol in it, suppose we took that out and put vegetarian protein sources in, which may lower cholesterol,’ Dr. Jen­kins said. ‘We know that nuts lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease, and soy is eaten in the Far East, where they don’t get much heart disease. So we put these foods togeth­er as protein and fat sources.’

L. The first official warning about the dangers of the Atkins diet was issued by the government amid concern about the rising number of people opting for the high-fat, high-protein diet. Cutting out starchy foods can be bad for your health be­cause you could be missing out on a range of nutrients. Low — Carbohydrate diets tend to be high in fat, and this could in­crease your chances of developing coronary heart disease.

S. Earlier this year, a large study that compared different kinds of diets — including low-fat and Iow-Carbohydrate plans — found that the method didn’t matter as long as people cut calories. That study also found that after two years, most people had regained at least some of the weight they had lost. Dr. Tuttle said that while different weight loss plans offer people different ‘tricks’ and strategies, ultimately, ‘It really comes down to calories in and calories out.’

T. When you think about nutrition, be aware of serving sizes. Many people will eat everything on their plate, regardless of how hungry they actually are. If you know you tend to clean your plate, make an effort to reduce your serving size. If you’re eating out or dining at a friend’s house, don’t be shy about asking for smaller portion sizes. Too much of any one food is a bad thing. There are no bad foods, just bad eating habits.

U. Your body has to stay well hydrated to perform at its best and to properly process all the nutrients in the food you eat. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. You may need even more water if you are in a hot environment or if you are exercising. If you are trying to lose weight, add plenty of ice to each glass of water. Your body will bum energy to warm the water up to body temperature.





’ 5



Задание 1.17

Установите соответствие между заголовками A-H И текстами 1—7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

A. Staying in Contact

B. Internet Security

C. Digital Divide

D. Obvious Benefits

E. Floating City

F. Contrary to Popular Belief

G. Unknown Sailor

H. Varied Community

I. When the Oasis of the Seas sets sail later this year, it will claim the record for the biggest passenger ship, with space for 6,300 passengers, 2,000 more than any other ship. But it will also claim the most rooms with balconies, the biggest onboard swimming pool, and the first at-sea, tree-filled, outdoor park. Those features were possible because of the ship’s unique design.

J. More and more people are getting broadband, and high speed net is available almost everywhere, but there are still a significant number of people who refuse to take the first step. As the cost of getting online is going down and Inter­net speeds are increasing, the gap between those who use the Internet and those without access continues to widen. That means these people will get left behind and miss out on many opportunities, especially in their careers.

K. There are more than 40 research projects being carried out at Davis Station in Antarctica. It is home to physicists, biologists, weather observers, mechanics, communication technicians, electricians, carpenters, plumbers, a doctor and A chef. There is also a station leader whose job is to keep everyone happy and productive and to look after all the pa­perwork. They have good food, comfortable buildings, tele­phone, entertainment, the internet, but for many months at a time no chance ofleaving.

L. The term ‘bird brain* has long been a common means of expressing doubts about a person’s intelligence. In reality, birds may actually be a great deal, more intelligent than hu­mans have given them credit for. Now scientists understand that birds actually use a different part of their brain for in­telligence. Observations of different Species af birds, both in the wild and in captivity, have shown a great deal of evi­dence of high Ievek of avian intelligence.

S. Today cyber cafds are part of the cultural scene in the same way that cinemas and supermarkets are. Home com­puters are no good if you are out and about or happen to be on holiday somewhere. The cyber cafd is the obvious place to go if you want to keep in touch with friends and family. These cafds are also popular with foreign students studying abroad. These students feel it’s important to keep in touch with everyone At home and e-mail is cheaper than the telephone.

T. When computers and the Internet entered the world of education, it has truly experienced a profound revolution. The information found on books remains static but the available information on the Internet is updated all the time. Plus, children are very much drawn to electronic. gadgets and are learning the medium at a pretty fast pace. The use of computers in addition to books as a learning resource definitely boosts learning»

U. Ellen MacArthur became front page news when, in 2001, she came second in the Vendee Globe round-the-world yacht race, Up until that point most people had never heard of her, even though at one stage during^ the race it looked as if she might win. EUen MacAtthur spent three months at sea on her own and succeeded where many others, far older and more experienced, had failed.





5 .


7 . ‘.

Задаяне 1.18

Установите, соответствие между заголовками AHu ТекстамиJZ Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задания один заголовок лшнкнй.

A. Health Probtem

В; Significant Difference


-~ D. New Weapon

1. The Price of Success

2. Holiday Regalatioes

3. Strong Competitor

4. Psychological Barrier

5. Nowadays, potatoes are the ‘in’ thing so fax ’as health is concerned. In the 60s and 70s wc were told to avoid them at all costs for fear of getting fat, but now they have been reinvented by the dieticians as a source of fibre and vita­mins. Sensible people, like you and me, have always eaten them because they taste so good.

6. Organizing a holiday isn’t the easiest task in the world; there are so many things to think about. Let’s keep it simple’ by assuming that there’s no overseas travel to arrange. That doesn’t mean that you can also forget about injections and other health precautions entirely. What about sun blocker? What about regular medication prescribed by your doctor? My point, quite frankly, is that planning a holiday can be a real pain although a well-planned holiday can more titan re­ward the pains you go to before you’set out.

7. Symantec, McAfee and Trend Micro have the US market for anti-virus software sewed up between them. But here comes Russia’s Kasperskyr Lab trying to gain a foothold. The Moscow-based company opened a sales office outside of Boston in February and has signed up about 40 resellers. Kaspersky reacts quicker than the giants to new viruses and other forms of malware, and gets fixes out fast.

8. Sitting in the office armchairs all-day long has become the norm for many of us. Stress and rush make us forget about regular food and stuff our stomachs with cheesebur-

2* ‘ . ‘ .’ 35
Gers and sodas, which don’t do any good to our bodies. As a result, we rarely find time for exercises, gyms or balanced nutrition and it’s one of the reasons why a lot of people are overweight nowadays. However, it is possible to change your lifestyle and lose your weight if you are willing to.

9. The Internet is a very effective medium for spreading ideas or news. It eliminates geographical boundaries, and Green­peace is aware of it, and benefits from it. For instance, in 1995, Greenpeace utilised its site to publicise a route that the French use to send nuclear shipments to Japan. They also in­cluded the fax number of the French Embassy and of the newspaper Le Monde so that letters of protest could be sent.

10. The biggest problem most people face in learning a new language is their own fear, like Stage Fear. They worry that they won’t say things correctly or that they will look stupid so they don’t talk at all. Don’t do this. Actually, the fastest way to Ieam anything is to do it — again and again until you get it right. Like anything, learning English requires practice. Don’t let your fear stop you from getting what you want.


подпись: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fuel cells are similar to a battery except unlike batteries, they don’t need to be recharged. Fuel causes air pollution and noise, while fuel cells do not cause either. Fuel cells don’t cause pollution because they don’t create waste like fuel. Fuel cells are also very efficient, so efficient that fuel cells have been providing energy on spacecrafts for a very long time.

Установите соответствие между заголовками A-H И текстами 1—7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

A. Circles on the Water

B. Ancient Ancestor

C. Different Explanations

D. Unexpected Invention

36 I


1. Sohitioa to Ae Problem

2. Hidden Menace

3. Artificial Eye

4. Signfficaat Beaefits

5. Chocolate chip cookies were actually a mistake! One day in 1903, Ruth WakefieM, while baking a batch of cookies, noticed she was out of bakers’ chocolate! As a substitute she broke some semi-sweetened chocolate into small pieces and put them in the dough. She thought that the chocolate would melt in the dough and the dough would absorb it. When she opened up the oven, she realized she had invent­ed the tasty treat called chocolate chip cookies!

6. Computers originally began as calculators. The first cal­culator was madeby Blaise Pascal. It only had eight but­tons, and it could only do addition and subtraction. There was a set of wheels, and all of the wheels had the numbers zero through nine on them. The wheels were connected by gears and each turn of one wheel wouM turn the next wheel one-tenth of a turn. This machine Was completed in 1642 when Blaise was twenty-one years old.

7. A helicopter has a big advantage over an airplane, espe­cially when people might be trapped in’a tight place like on a mountain, where there is not much space to land, or Од the water. They are also used for rescuing people from burning buildings or from trees when there are floods. With­out the helicopter as a rescue vehicle, many people would lose their lives because the rescuers would be unable to reach them if they were in a difficult area.

8. Cars have always caused air pollution. In the past, there was. a lot more air pollution created by cars than there is today. In die future, there will probably be even less. Two good ways fof pursuing the dream of less air pollution are cars that run on solar energy and cars that run on fuel cells. Solar energy and fuel cells don’t cause pollution because they do not give off any exhaust.

9. Reporter: Rob Spence is planning to have a camera em­bedded in his eye socket and become a tbionic reporter’. Spence, who lost one of his eyes when he was young, says he has a prototype in development and that one day the Replacement of even healthy eyes with bionic ones may be­come commonplace. ‘It seems shocking now, but it will be­come more and more normal,’ he said.

10. Crop circles have been appearing in fields all over the world for the past 30 years. There have been suggestions that they are made by flying saucers landing and flattening the crops, or even that they are messages left by visiting aliens. Others think they are created by microwave beams from sat­ellites orbiting the Earth. Other more rational suggestions are that crop circles are man-made hoaxes, attempting to con­vince the public of extra-terrestrial life on Earth.

11. The Egyptian Pyramids have always been surrounded by mystery. When Egyptologists began to open the tombs of the pharaohs, rumours abounded that anyone who raided them would be cursed. Many think a curse was to blame for the death of Lx>rd Carnarvon, who funded the expedition to open King Tutankhamen’s tomb in 1923. He died of pneu­monia after being bitten by a mosquito a few weeks after the tomb was opened.








Задание 1.20

Установите соответствие между заголовками A-H И текстами 1—7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

A. Unsolved Mystery

B. Meteorological Phenomenon

C. Curious Conclusion

D. Group Builders

E. Clever Camouflage

F. Friendly but Dangerous

G. Animal Diseases

H. Feeding to Death

1. Tree squirrels are quite used to humans and many will come close to people hoping they will be fed. However, squirrels deserve our respectful distance. They have very Shaιp teeth ‘and sharp claws and defend themselves by biting and scratching if they, are startled. However, they are fun to observe. So treat them with gentle respect… and they can be wonderful ‘wild friends’.

2. Elephants display ‘right-handedness’, not in their limbs, but in the tusks. Close examination of an elephant’s tusks will reveal that one tusk has a blunter tip and is thicker than its less favoured counterpart. The reason for this differ­ence is that in their natural habitat elephants use their tusks for gathering food, and digging for water. Conseciuently the tusk on their favourite side becomes more developed, but blunter, √

3. In October 1987, an attempt to find a famous Loch Ness monster was made with 20 cruisers that swept the loch using sonar equipment, electronically recording all contacts. While the cruisers caught enough salmon to feed an army, there was no sign of Nessie. Most scientists would bet that there is no monster, yet they do seem to hedge themselves and keep an open mind as they await conclusive proof in the form of skeletal evidence or the capture of the monster.

4. Birds used for the production of Foie Gras are trapped in tiny cages, where they hardly have any place to move or flap their wings. Miechanized feeders come at regular inter­vals to feed them and metal pipes are forced’ down their gullets several times a day. The over-fed birds have difficulty breathing and acquire a range of diseases. Once these birds have reached a point of near-death, they are. slaughtered, and their livers end up in restaurants! :

5. Animals adapt over time to their environments, some so much so that they begin to look Uke their Surroundings — a helpful evolutionary advantage in the face of potential pred­ators (or while stalking prey). There are octσpi that blend in perfectly with sandy ocean floors, insects that Iook just like leaves and fish that resemble oceanic plants. There is even an octopus that can mimic nearly twenty other oceanic spe­cies to scare off.

6. Humans work together all the time to build incredible structures we could never have dreamed up, let alone con­struct, on our own — but some animal architecture is argu­ably even more impressive. There is a spider web built by a

Variety of species working together that spans much of a public park, an ant colony that extendsfor thousands of miles and birds nests built by entire flocks living together Underonethatchedroof,

7. Raining animals … it sounds ridiculous, right? Nonethe­less, it happens — although rarely. Fisħ> frogs and birds are the most common forms of animal rain. Sometimes the creatures land relatively unscathed but in other cases they are frozen or shredded to pieces. Theories vary in their de­tails but generally, it is assumed, that certain kinds of strong winds lift up the animals with a volume of water (fish and frogs from ponds, for example) or sweep them out of the sky in the case of buds and then deposit them, often right before a major storm.









Установите соответствие между заголовками AH И текстами 1—7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только адмJMX В задами один заголовок лаяяи».

A. Behind the Wbed

B. PessinBstic Predictioas

C. IatelIigent House

D. New Possibilities for Business..

E. Permanent People


1. Easy Shopping

2. Futnre Entertainment

3. The smart fridge will be connected to the Internet as part of a home network that runs your domestic life, interacting with the barcodes on your food, and re-ordering them on­line as you Use them. Virtually all domestic appliances will be linked by computer, so that the fridge can communicate with the cooker and rubbish bin, coordinating complex tasks SuchascookingameaL,

4. Children of the future will never be able to complain that there’s no one to play with. Equipped with virtual reality headsets, they will be taking part in global games, for example, in medieval jousting tournaments. Their opponents, selected by the computer, will probably live on the other side of the world.

5. Caris of the future will take much of the strain out of driv­ing. The intelligent navigation system will be able to choose the best route for you by monitoring an online traffic data­base for hold-ups, while. the cruise control keeps a constant distance from the car in front. And if you exceed the speed limit, the speedometer will give apolitewarningto you.

6. Holographic conferencing and virtual reality meetings will allow people to interact with colleagues and clients via com­puter, without needing to leave the comfort of their own homes. This will also mean that a lot more people will either work freelance from home, or on flexible short-term contracts. The old concept ‘jobs for life’ will be a thing of the past.

7. In the future it will become harder to tell the difference between the human and the machine. All body parts will be replaceable. A computer will function like the human brain with the ability to recognize feelings and respond in a feel­ing way. We will then be able to create a machine duplicate of ourselves and transfer our spirit so we will be able to live for as long as we want.

8. There will be great changes to the environment particu­larly because of the rising sea levels. Global wanning is ex­pected to cause oceans to rise by one meter, which will in­crease the risk of flooding. It will happen regardless of any future actions to curb greenhouse gases. Projected climate change will also tend to degrade water quality through high­er water temperatures.’

9. We will not rely so much on cash as we do now. .It will mainly be digital money, the inevitable medium Of exchange for an increasingly wired world. We will no longer need to carry a wad of bills or fumble for exact change. Supermar­kets will have iris recognition systems so the money for. our groceries will automatically be transferred from our bank ac­counts as we’re standing at the checkout.








Установите соответствие между заголовками A-Hu Текстами 1—7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

A. Struggle for Survival

B. Ancient Wonder

C. Great Beginning

D. Important Event

E. Tourist Boom

F. Agriculture Success

G. Practical Invention

H. Living Longer

I. Computers have already revolutionized the way we live and work. But it is early days for computers. We do not know how much they are still changing the world. Already, Internet users can buy things and study holiday offers. It’s much easier to edit and print documents using a PC. More computer wonders are yet to come.

J. Only a few years before men were walking on the moon, reputable scientists declared that it was impossible. But in 1969 Neii Armstrong stepped out of his space capsule and made his famous statement, ‘That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.’ However, progress in this area is slower now. Not as much money goes into research as in the 1960s.

K. Surely nothing has done more for the comfort and hap­piness of mankind than the advance of medical knowledge! Lots of people have benefited from the aspirin and lots of lives have been saved by penicillin. Suigeons can perform the most amazing operations. Average life expectancy in Europe has risen dramatically over the last hundred years.

L. In the past, a holiday used to mean simply a day when you did not work. Now millions of holidaymakers travel to all parts of the world. Perhaps, not all people like to see lots of tourists in their countries, but we must admit that a phe­nomenon which sees the population of Greece treble is a wonder of the world.

S. It is true that the Olympic Games are now commercial­ized and there is greed and drug abuse. However, it is a competition in which every country of the world takes part. Every four years, for a brief moment, we see these countries come together in peace and friendship. We see people from warring countries shake hands. We feel hope again for the future of mankind.

T. In 1724, Jonathan Swift wrote, ‘Whoever makes two blades of grass or two ears of com grow where only one grew before serves mankind better than the whole race of politicians.’ In Europe farmers have done it andwe produce enough food to feed the world. Ifonly politicians could find a way to share it with those parts of the world where there is still famine.

U. The greatest wonder of the modem world is simply that we are still here. We have bombs that could destroy the world but we try our best not to use them. Because of peo­ple’s effort no government dares to use such weapons. The year 2001 marked the IOOth anniversary of the Nobel Peace Prize, the most famous attempt to raise awareness of the is­sues of war and peace.








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Установите соответствие между заголовками AJB И текстами 1—7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один риз. В задают один заголовок лишний.

A. Future Rescuers

B. Origiu Of the Superstitiou

C. Rfcky Sport

D. OMest Creatures «

E. Discredited Myth

F. Distress Call

G. Visible Obstacle

H. Significant Difference

1. ‘When men first flew in space, they were amazed to dis­cover that the only men-made object visible from orbit was the Great Wall of China.’ This is a nice idea, but it’s not true. The Great Wall is mostly grey stone in a grey land­scape and, in fact, is very difficult to see even from an aeroplane flying at a mere 15 kilometres above. What can be seen when orbiting the earth are the fires of African desert people and the lights of fishing boats off Japan.

2. The term ‘Mayday’ is an internationally recognized radio signal which is only used when a ship is in great danger and needs help immediately. The signal is transmitted on a wavelength of 2.182 kHz, which is permanently monitored by rescue services on the shore. The use of this expression has a very straightforward explanation. It came from the French phrase ‘m’aidez’, which means ‘help me’.

3. In 1700, Henri Misson, a Frenchman visiting Britain, asked villagers why they had horseshoes nailed above their doors. They said it was to keep witches away. Horseshoes are made of iron and the strength of the iron was thought to pro­tect from evil. Still today they are thought to bring good luck and many brides carry silver ones at their weddings. The po­sition of the horseshoe is very important. It must point up­wards like a cup so that the luck cannot fall out.

4. Women generally live about six years longer than men. Evidence suggests that boys are the weaker sex at birth, which means that more die in infancy. Also women do not have as much heart disease as men. In terms of lifestyle, men smoke more than women and thus more die of smok­ing-related diseases. Also, they generally have more danger­ous occupations, such as building work.

5. Scientists say that rats can help look for earthquake sur­vivors buried in the ruined buildings. Dogs are already used to search for people, but rats can be even more useful. Like dogs they’ve got a great sense of smell, but scientists still need to train rats to sniff out people and to carry special radio transmitters to let them know when the survivor is found. Rats may also be trained to find bombs or explosives.

6. Dinosaurs roared for about 150 million years before they disappeared. We humans have only been around for about 2 million years. But cockroaches are 350 million years old And still going strong! Cockroacties can survive in extreme conditions. They can be frozen, then thawed, and walk away as if nothing had happened. They can go for incredi­bly k>nβ time without eating anything. And that is the secret Oftheirsuccesst

7. Founded in 1980, BASE jumping grew out of skydiving. But BASE jumping is much more dangerous titan skydiving that is why it is banned in many countries. Legal jumps now happen on specific days and from approved structures. However, like other extreme sports, it’s the risk Of disaster that’ makes BASE jumping so exciting.






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Задание 1.24

L._. J Установите соответствие между Заголовками AH И текстами 1— 7 Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву июли» один раз. В задании один заголовок лажмий.

A Exotic Ptts

8. Going Back to Tinre

9. SmaH Screes Addiction

10. Body Language

11. Massive Destntctioa

12. Buried Treasure

13. Reasoa For Extinction

14. IateOigent Eaemies

Would have led to strongly acidic tain tailing all over the world. Ibis idea is fascinating but it would mean the dino­saurs would all have died within a very short time.

3. In 1948, a British farmer discovered an interesting lump of metal while ploughing his field. At first he thought the metal bits were parts of an old bed. Then more ‘parts of old beds’ turned up and the farmer took them to the local museum. ‘But these bits are priceless!’ exclaimed the keeper of the mu­seum. ‘They are Iron Age jewellery and coins!’ Over the next 40 years, more and more Itemswere found in the same field.

4. Rats may have had a bit of a hard time over the years but these days lots of people are forgetting about guinea-pigs and hamsters and are buying rats instead. Domestic rats aren’t the same as the ones that run around rubbish bins — they’re actually quite cute. Thfcy are very intelligent and can be trained like dogs. They come in different colours and — a big bonus — they will eat anything!.

5. In Western cultures, people look each other in the eye during a ConyersatitHi to show interest and trust, but in many Asaan countries^ it’s rude to look people in die eye, especially a superior such as a teacher, One of die most basic and pow­erful signals is when a person crosses his or her arms across the chest. Thia can indicate’that a person is putting up an UnconsciousbarrierbetweenthemaeIvesandothers.

4. Earthquakes happen all the time in all parts of the world but we don’t notice most of them because they are small However, big earthquakes are really dangerous. They can make buildings fell down, set off landslides and do other deadly things. The highest death toll caused by an earthquake was in China in 1556, when at least 830,000 people died.

7. According to scientists, Americans watch more TV on av­erage than any other nationality. In fact, many people, par­ticularly children, sit for 35 hours or more per week glued to die box. What’s wrong with watching all that TV? Studies have finked it to everything from obesity to aggression in children not to mention that it puts your mind into a sort of sedated state. Habitual television watching, over long periods of time, has been known to cause depression, and anger.




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Установите соответствие между заголовками AFf И текстами 1—7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую буквутелысо один раз. В Заданна один заголовок мнений.

A. Space Research

B. A Touch of Magkr

C. Great Expectations

D. M-Learniug RevoIotioa

E. Wey Birds

F. ViaMe Alternative

G. OW Custom : HZAttractiveDestinatfoa

1. The Hebrides, a group of islands off the Scottish coast, of­fers tourists a diversity of wildlife and scenery with few equals in the UK. And in the waters around them you can find not only dolphins but whales and the mighty sea eagle as well. In places it is possible to see such marine animals from the shore, but to have the best views you need to be on a boat

2. Mostly it’s about hot air — for without that, balloons are just big empty bags with baskets on the bottom. The Mont­golfier brothers had great hopes when they made the first manned fright. They thought balloons Would take off as a viable means of commercial flight. Instead, they have re­mained the province of sport, adventure and enjoyment. Yet they still retain the essential characteristics which make them so attractive.

3. Many people still think that to. get the chance to go to space you have got to tty to become an astronaut Unfortu­nately, the Chances of succeeding are tiny, simply because there are so few astronauts and there is no prospect of a lot more being employed. However, you need not despair be­cause you will be able to go as a visitor. But the first thing you should do is to save up because the demand is expected to be strong and prices wfll be high.

4. The natural cautiousness is usual in. herons. They prefer to spend the day in areas where they can hunt for fish in peace. They seldom allow close approach and are quick to Take to the air when they sense humans are about. Such nervousness is understandable, given that they have suffered from persecution from fish farmers.

5. Crop circles are large circular patterns which have been turning up mysteriously in cornfields all over southern En­gland, and in other parts of the world, since the 1980s. Many people believe they could not have been done by hu­man beings — they say only visitors from outer space could have created such circles. Although scientists are trying to solve this mystery, the scientific explanation has not been found yet.

6. Teachers are used to asking students to turn off their mo­bile phones but soon they could be a major classroom aid for teaching and learning. Three schools in the Richmond area are taking part in an innovative project in which stu­dents will use their mobile phones. Students can use the phones to get access to learning materials as more phones nowadays have links to the Internet.

7. Every year, large crowds of people gather at Cooper’s Hill to watch the Cheese Rolling Championship. A group of brave people roll a Iaige cheese down the hill, and then run down after it. In theory, competitors must catch the cheese, but as it can reach speeds up to 70 miles an hour, this rarely happens. Cheese Rolling has been going on for hundreds of years and nobody knows for sure when it first started.









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