White monuments of vladimir and suzdal егэ ответы

Как известно, Задания 26 – 31 на ЕГЭ – это упражнения на словообразование. Как показывает практика, очень многие считают эти задания едва ли не самыми сложными во всем ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Однако, за каждый из 6 правильных ответов вы можете получить 1 балл, а 6 баллов – это не мало, согласитесь. Поэтому сегодня мы решили обратить внимание именно на словообразование в ЕГЭ и подготовили для вас упражнения для подготовки.

Также в конце статьи вы найдете несколько полезных советов для подготовки к этой части ЕГЭ.

ВАЖНО: на сайте также есть материал, призванный помочь в подготовке к устной части ЕГЭ.

Упражнения для подготовки к ЕГЭ (словообразование).

Вы получите балл за каждый правильный ответ.

УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 1. Образуйте подходящее по смыслу однокоренное слово.

White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal

The Kiev Prince Vladimir Monomach founded the ancient city of Vladimir in 1108 by. The city contains an important group of monuments. The Cathedral of the Assumption was intended to be the (1) ______________ center of all Russia.


It was built in the town Kremlin as a single-domed structure with the faсade (2) __________ for its carved reliefs.


Most of the 12th-century frescoes were destroyed by Mongols, but new mural (3) ____________ were added in 1408 by Andrei Rublev and Daniil Chemii, in particular the famous Last Judgment.


Suzdal, which lies some 25 km north of Vladimir, was the site of a (4) ____________ in the 9th and 10th centuries, which became a fortress. A posad, which was housing craftsmen and shopkeepers, developed around it.


Within, dominating the whole town stands the Cathedral of the Nativity with

its five-domed top and Golden Doors. The interior (5) ________________ is important in Russian art.


The buildings in Vladimir and Suzdal have been the center of (6) _____________ tourism for several decades and a good deal of restoration has been carried out.


УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 2. Образуйте подходящее по смыслу однокоренное слово.

Transport in Bangkok

Bangkok is known as the “Venice of the East”. Today, many of the canals have been filled in and paved over to make room for roads, but a massive network of waterways still crosses the city. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Bangkok experienced (1) ____________ influence.


As a result, the city (2) ____________ shifted to a road-based transport system.


Over the last decade, Bangkok has evolved from a humid riverside city into a modern, rapidly growing Asian (3) ___________ center. Business travelers will appreciate the city’s growth in public transportation and its world-class airport


The Suvamabhumi Airport, which is located 25km east of the city center, contributed greatly to Bangkok’s (4) _____________.


A modern, convenient elevated rail link connects the airport to the city in 30 minutes, helping (5) ________ avoid traffic jams.


The city’s modern public transportation system is a (6) __________ of sky trains and underground subways. It has transformed the bustling city center into a futuristic district of street-level roads, elevated roads and sky trains.


УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 3. Образуйте подходящее по смыслу однокоренное слово.

Cyber communication.

The development of cyber communication — email, text messaging, and social networking — has revolutionized the way we communicate. Quick and ______________ communication via the Internet has proved essential to

national governments, and to the individual.


Now, we can send and receive important messages, communicate and clarify statements ____________ within seconds.


Cyber communication is very important in _______________


On a more individual level, cyber communication has transformed the method in which people communicate. In particular, social networking sites have provided access to people in every corner of the globe and their ______________ is growing.


This has helped old friends living far apart to maintain a close ______________


For many people, not just teens, social networking has become an alternative to __________ forms of communication — writing a letter, a face-to-face conversation, or a phone call.


УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 4. Образуйте подходящее по смыслу однокоренное слово.

The history of paper

Writing has been the center of civilization for centuries. Most of our important records are on paper. In fact, putting thoughts down in written form wasn’t always easy or ______________


Early people discovered that they could make simple ___________ the walls of caves.


__________________ , they couldn’t transport it.


Around 4000 B.C., people started scratching messages into heavy clay tablets.

Although this form of written _____________ was now portable, it still

was very heavy.


For centuries, people tried to discover better surfaces on which to record their

thoughts. Almost everything _______________ was tried. Wood, stone,

ceramics, cloth, bark, metal, silk, bamboo, and tree leaves were all used as a writing surface at one time or another.


No major changes in writing materials were to come for about 3,000 years. A Chinese man named Ts’ai Lun Ts’ai Lun, discovered a way to make paper. The importance of this _____________ is hard to overestimate.


УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 5. Образуйте подходящее по смыслу однокоренное слово.

History of fashion.

Different events in history influence how people dressed during those times. For example, during World War II people used the minimum amount of clothing materials to make simple outfits. They were ________ enough for wartime duties.


The profession of _________________ was not popular at the time.


Sometimes social and political changes affect how people dress. For instance, in the 1980s the idea was that you could become as_________ as you believed yourself to be. Therefore, many people “dressed for success”. Many men and women wore suits that would help them move up the career ladder.


Present-day fashion for men is still ____________ . Usually a dark-colored suit is worn with a white shirt and a tie.


Some fashions are classic, meaning that they never go out of style. However, other clothing items are______________ for a short season only.


Sometimes the ____________ of a particular outfit depends upon one person — a film star or a pop-singer.


УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 6. Образуйте подходящее по смыслу однокоренное слово.

Russia at the 2012 London Olympics

There are different opinions as to the results of the Russian team at the London Olympics. In medal-winning terms, Russia’s 2012  ____________ is better than that at the Beijing Olympics in 2008, improving from 23 gold medals to 24 and up from a total of 73 medals to 82.


But the British were more _________ with 29 gold medals, moving Russia into the fourth place.


The reaction in Russia during the first days of the Olympics was largely __________, but then changed as more and more medals were won.


Yet, we have to admit that in some ways our sportsmen were _____________. For example, there were no gold medals in weightlifting this time, though we usually had had a number of them at the Olympics.


Alexander Zhukov, president of the Russian Olympic Committee, explains China’s success in the following way: “They have actually copied the Soviet system of children’s _______________.


He adds: «It is rather difficult for us to return to the Soviet system now and, besides, I doubt whether it is ______________ in this day and age»


УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 7. Образуйте подходящее по смыслу однокоренное слово.

Understanding poetry

Poetry is a language used to form patterns of sound and thought into work of art. Good poems often seem to suggest more than they say, and complete understanding of the poem often depends upon the sensitivity and ____________ of the reader.


Reading poetry in English can be especially ______________ to speakers of other languages because it requires them to think in English.


It also requires them to consider the subtle __________ and connotations of words.


To understand the poem is to understand its images. An image is a detailed ___________ that appeals to the senses.


It is like a picture drawn with words and like words, it can have ______                 meanings.


These images often do more than describe a scene or experience — they try to create an experience for the reader. Poems speak to us in many ways. Poems say to us something that cannot be _________ expressed in any direct or literal way.


Ответы к упражнениям для подготовки к ЕГЭ.

УПР. 1

Religious, remarkable, paintings, settlement, decoration, cultural

УПР. 2

European, slowly, commercial, development, visitors, combination

УПР. 3

Successful, practically, business, popularity, relationship, traditional

УПР. 4

Practical, drawings, unfortunately, communication, imaginable, invention

УПР. 5

Practically, designer, successful, conservative, fashionable, popularity

УПР. 6

Performance, successful, negative, unlucky, training, reasonable

УПР. 7

Imagination, helpful, meanings, description, various, fully

Советы по подготовке к ЕГЭ – словообразование.

Выполняя задания на словообразование в ЕГЭ, ученик фактически сталкивается с двумя проблемами:

  • Необходимо образовать однокоренное слово
  • Необходимо поставить получившееся слова в нужную по контексту грамматическую форму.

Например, если в результате словообразования получается существительное, то необходимо проверить, нет ли необходимости поставить его в форму множественного числа, если глагол – нужно подумать, не нужно ли окончание -s или -ed.

Поэтому, всякий раз, вставляя существительное или глагол, подумайте о форме.

ВАЖНО: очень часто готовясь к словообразованию в ЕГЭ, ученики забывают повторить отрицательные приставки, однако, подобные задания очень часто встречаются, а потому мы рекомендуем вам также следующую статью:

Отрицательные приставки в английском языке. Теория и упражнения

При работе с экзаменационным заданием вначале определите часть речи исходного слова и необходимую часть речи для пропуска. Сделать это можно в опоре на знание словообразовательных элементов и базовой лексики в принципе, с одной стороны, и знание простейшего синтаксиса английского предложения, с другой стороны. Так, например, в позиции между артиклем и существительным может находиться прилагательное.

Если исходное слово и пропущенное слово принадлежат к одной и той же части речи, что является частым случаем для имени прилагательного, учащимся следует подбирать соответствующую отрицательную приставку.

За каждый правильный ответ экзаменуемый получает один балл, т.е. максимум за полностью верное выполнение заданий на контроль лексико-грамматических (словообразовательных) навыков составляет 6 баллов.

Вероятно, вам также будет полезна статья Словообразование в английском —  упражнения с ответами

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

1) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Christmas trees

One Christmas Eve the trees in a wood were very unhappy. They wished very much to make Christmas stay, but they ___ (NOT KNOW) how to do so. ‘We are so bare,’ complained one tree. ‘If we only had our pretty green summer dresses,’ said other trees.

2) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

‘Hush, children, hush,’ whispered North Wind in a gentle voice, which was unusual for the ___ (BAD) of all winds. ‘Go to sleep.’ While they slept something happened.

3) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

When the trees awoke they found that someone, perhaps North Wind, had cast over each of ___ (THEY) a lovely soft cloak of spotless feathery white.

4) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Seagull problem

The councillors of Dumfries, Scotland, are determined to do something about the seagull problem. Dumfries is the ___ (THREE) town in the region invaded by seagulls which attack people. The birds protect their nests.

5) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Local authorities declared that next spring special anti-gull ‘task-force’ ___ (DESTROY) the gull nests. “Seagulls are a menace to Scottish towns,” said Environment Minister Michael Russell.

6) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

“Recently, they ___ (BECOME) aggressive to other birds, pets and even people.”

7) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Councillor Jack Groom said the time for talk was over, adding that it was time for action before ___ (MANY) people were hurt by the gulls.

8) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

White monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal

The ancient city of Vladimir was founded in 1108 by the Kiev Prince Vladimir Monomach. It contains an important group of monuments. The Cathedral of the Assumption was intended to be the ___ (RELIGION) centre of all Russia.

9) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

It was built in the town Kremlin as a single-domed structure with the façade ___ (REMARK) for its carved reliefs.

10) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Most of the 12th-century frescoes were destroyed by Mongols, but new mural ___ (PAINT) were added in 1408 by Andrei Rublev and Daniil Chernii, in particular the famous Last Judgment.

11) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Suzdal, which lies some 25 km north of Vladimir, was the site of a ___ (SETTLE) in the 9th and 10th centuries, which became a fortress. A posad, which was housing craftsmen and shopkeepers, developed around it.

12) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

Within, dominating the whole town stands the Cathedral of the Nativity with its five-domed top and Golden Doors. The interior ___ (DECORATE) is important in Russian art.

13) Вставьте слово, которое грамматически и лексически будет соответствовать содержанию текста.

The buildings in Vladimir and Suzdal have been the centre of ___ (CULTURE) tourism for several decades and a good deal of restoration has been carried out.

14) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Merrywood Elementary

My mother decided it was time for me to go to school. I was sent to Merrywood Elementary when I was six and I thought it was a complete waste of time. What was the ___ of school when I could learn all I needed at the docks?

1) help
2) goal
3) point
4) aim

15) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

It turned ___ that Mum had other plans for my future which didn’t include joining Uncle Stan in the shipyard.

1) off
2) out
3) in
4) over

16) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Once Mum had dropped me off each morning, I would hang around in the yard until she was out of sight, and then slope off to the docks. I made sure I was always back at the school gates when she returned to pick me up in the afternoon. On the ___ back home, I had to be very inventive.

1) trial
2) path
3) track
4) way

17) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

I would ___ her everything I’d done at school that day.

1) speak
2) say
3) tell
4) talk

18) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

I was good at making up stories. ___, it wasn’t long before she discovered that was all they were: stories.

1) moreover
2) however
3) therefore
4) although

19) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Occasionally Mr. Haskins, the gatekeeper, decided he’d seen me leave the school too often and I’d be ___ to the headmaster. My form master, Mr.Holcombe, never let on if I didn’t show up for his class, but then he was a bit soft.

1) reported
2) remembered
3) reminded
4) required

20) Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

One or two other boys from my school also ___ to hang around the docks but I kept my distance from them. They were older and bigger and never missed a chance to beat me if I got in their way.

1) held
2) kept
3) used
4) had

ЕГЭ 2016  Грамматика и лексика

Тренировочное задание №1

Грамматика и лексикаДанный раздел состоит из трех заданий.

Рекомендуемое время на выполнение данного раздела – 40 минут.

Максимальное количество баллов за верное выполнение всех заданий – 20 баллов.  

Задания 19 – 25 (базовый уровень)

Задание на образование грамматических форм.

За каждый правильный ответ вы получите 1 балл.

Максимальное количество баллов – 7 баллов.

Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19 — 25, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19 – 25.

                                    Christmas trees

19 One Christmas Eve the trees in а wood were very unhappy. They wished

very much to make Christmas stay, but they _____________ how to do so.         NOT KNOW

“We are so bare,” complained one tree. “If we only had our pretty green

summer dresses,” said other trees.

20 “Hush, children, hush,” whispered North Wind in а gentle voice, which

was unusual for the ___________ of all winds. “Go to sleep.” While they             BAD

slept something happened.

21 When the trees awoke they found that someone, perhaps North Wind,

had cast over each of _________ а lovely soft cloak of spotless feathery             ТНЕУ


                                 Seagull problem

22 The councillors of Dumfries, Scotland, are determined to do something

about the seagull problem. Dumfries is the  _________ town in the region          THREE

invaded bу seagulls which attack people. The birds protect their nests.

23 Local authorities declared that next spring special anti-gull “task-force”

________ the gull nests. “Seagulls are а menace to Scottish towns,” said              DESTROY

Environment Minister Michael Russell.

24 Recently, they ________ aggressive to other birds, pets and even                  BECOME


25  Councillor Jack Groom said the time for talk was over, adding that it

was time for action before ___________  people were hurt bу the gulls.                   MANY

Ответы к заданиям 19 – 25 запишите в поле ответа в тексте работы, а затем перенесите в бланк ответов № 1. Ответы записываются в виде слова или нескольких слов БЕЗ пробела, например: WASINVENTED.

Советы по выполнению данного задания:

— во время первого прочтения просмотрите весь текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание;

— определите, в каком времени идет повествование (настоящем, прошедшем или будущем)

— обратите внимание, есть ли в тексте прямая речь, для того чтобы правильно применить правило согласования времен в английском языке;

— во время второго прочтения определите, какую грамматическую форму надо вставить в пропуск:

  • существительное (ед. / мн. число, притяжательный падеж)
  • глагол (личная /неличная форма)
  • прилагательное (сравнительная степень –  сигналом будет наличие в тексте слов than, much, far   или превосходная степень – сигналом будет наличие артикля the)
  • числительное (количественное или порядковое – сигналом будет наличие артикля the)

— обратите внимание на особенности правописания выбранной вами формы слова, например, one – the first; happy – the happiest, etc.

Работа над лексикой:

spotless – без единого пятнышка, чистый, безупречный (spot+less)

feathery [´feðəri] – легкий, как перо, воздушный, тонкий

councillor (council+lor – BrEng; council+or – AmEng) – советник

Dumfries [dʌm´fri:s] – Дамфрис (город в Шотландии)

menace [´menis] – угроза, опасность

Задания 26 – 31 (повышенный уровень сложности)

Задания на контроль лексико-грамматических (словообразовательных) навыков.

Максимальный балл – 6 баллов.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 26 – 31, однокоренные слова, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 26 – 31.

                         White monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal

26 Тhе ancient city of Vladimir was founded in 1108 bу the Kiev Prince

Vladimir Monomach. It contains an important group of monuments.

The Cathedral of the Assumption was intended to bе the _________                RELIGION

centre of all Russia.

27 It was built in the town Kremlin as а single-domed structure with the

façade __________ for its carved reliefs.                                                            REMARK

28 Most of the 12th-century frescoes were destroyed bу Mongols, but new

mural __________ were added in 1408 bу Andrei Rublev and Daniil                  PAINT

Chernii, in particular the famous Last Judgment.

29 Suzdal, which lies some 25 km north of Vladimir, was the site of а

_________ in the 9th  and 10th centuries, which became а fortress. А posad,     SETTLE

which was housing craftsmen and shopkeepers, developed around it.

30 Within, dominating the whole town stands the Cathedral of the Nativity

with its five-domed top and Golden Doors. The interior  __________  is             DECORATE

important in Russian art.

31 The buildings in Vladimir and Suzdal have been the centre of ________         CULTURE

tourism for several decades and а good deal of restoration has been carried


Ответы к заданиям 26 — 31 запишите в виде слова в поле ответа в тексте работы, а затем не забудьте перенести их в бланк  ответов № 1.

Советы по выполнению данного задания:

определите, какой частью речи должно быть слово, пропущенное в тексте;

— подумайте, нужно ли его употребить в положительном или отрицательном значении на месте пропуска;

— вспомните типичные для данной части речи аффиксы и преобразуйте написанное ЗАГЛАВНЫМИ буквами слово;

— запишите полученное слово, обращая внимание на орфографические особенности его написания.

Работа над лексикой:

craftsman – ремесленник

shopkeeper – лавочник

façade [fə´sɑ:d] – фасад здания

dome – купол

carved relief – резной рельеф

mural = fresco – настенная живопись, фреска

the Cathedral of Assumption [ə´sʌmpʃən] – Успенский Собор

the Cathedral of the Nativity [nə´tivəti] – Храм Рождества Христова

Last Judgment [´ʤʌʤment] – Страшный Суд

Задания 32 – 38 (повышенный уровень сложности)

Лексическое задание на множественный выбор

Максимальный балл – 7 баллов

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32 – 38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32 – 38 , в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианта ответа.

                                                   Childhood memories

I was told my father was killed in the war. Whenever I questioned my mother about his death, she didn’t 32 _______ any more than that he had been killed fighting on the Western Front only days before the peace treaty with Germany was signed. Grandma said my dad had been а brave man, and once when we were 33 ________ in the house she showed me his medals. My grandpa rarely 34 ________ an opinion on anything, but then he was hard of hearing so he might not have heard the question in the first place.

The only man I can 35 ________ was my uncle Stan who used to sit at the top of the table at breakfast time. When he left in the morning, I 36 _______ to follow him to the city docks where he worked. Every day I spent at the dockyard was an adventure. Cargo ships came from distant lands and unloaded their wares: rice, sugar, bananas and many other things I’d never heard of. Once the holds had been emptied, the dockers would load them with salt, tin, 37 _______ coal (my least favourite because it was an obvious clue to what I’ve been doing all day and annoyed my mother), before they set off again. I always wanted to help my uncle Stan unload 38 _______ ship had docked that morning but he just laughed, saying “All in good time, my lad.” It couldn’t bе soon enough for me.

32 1) talk            2) speak            3) tell            4) say


33 1) single        2) only              3) lonely        4) alone


34 1) offered      2) proposed      3) requested    4) invited


35 1) recover      2) repeat          3) remember    4) remind


36 1) used           2) kept            3) held             4) made


37 1) still            2) even            3) just              4) yet


38 1) whatever    2) wherever   3) whenever     4) whoever


Ответы к заданиям 32 – 38  запишите в виде одной цифры в поле ответа в тексте работы, а затем не забудьте перенести их в бланк  ответов № 1.

Советы по выполнению данного задания:

— во время первого прочтения прочитайте весь текст до конца, чтобы уловить его общее содержание;

— во время второго прочтения особое внимание обратите на сочетаемость лексических единиц характерную в английском языке, поэтому во время подготовки к экзамену учите как можно больше идиом, устойчивых словосочетаний и фразовых глаголов, типичных для английского языка;

— помните, что грамматическая конструкция влияет на выбор правильного варианта ответа;

— при выполнении заданий 32 – 38 нужно помнить о различиях в значении и употреблении синонимов;

— во время подготовки к экзамену выписывайте и изучайте все предложенные варианты ответа, увеличивая тем самым свой словарный запас.

Работа над лексикой:

to talk – говорить, беседовать, вести переговоры

to speak – говорить, разговаривать, выступать с речью/докладом, владеть языками

to tell – рассказывать, сказать кому-то (tell smb – этот глагол всегда требует дополнения)

to say – сказать (say to smb – этот глагол требует предложного дополнения); так же употребляется во фразах типа: He said (that) he would go to the theatre with Julie.

single  – единственный, единый, холостой

оnly – единственный, исключительный, выдающийся

lonely – одинокий, малолюдный, пустынный

alone – один, единственный, без посторонней помощи

to offer – предлагать кому-либо что-либо; to offer an opinion – выражать мнение

to propose smb – предлагать, намереваться (to form a plan for)

to request (formal; stronger than ask) – просить, требовать

to invite – приглашать

to recover – выздоравливать, восстанавливать

to repeat – повторять

to remember – помнить

to remind – напоминать, уведомлять (It reminds me of …)

used to do smth – иметь привычку (обыкновение) делать что-либо в прошлом

keep (kept, kept) – хранить (keep doing smth – продолжать какое-либо действие)

hold (held, held) – держать, сохранять, праздновать, проводить собрание

make (made, made) – делать, производить

still – все еще

even – даже

just – только что

yet – уже (в вопросах); нет еще (в отрицаниях)

e.g. Have you done your room yet? – Ты уже убрал свою комнату?

I havent done my room yet. – Я еще не убрал свою комнату.

whatever – какой бы ни, любой

wherever – где бы ни

whenever – когда бы ни

whoever – кто бы ни

Предварительно выполнив задания, проверьте себя по ключам:

Задания 19 — 25 

19 didnotknow (или didn’tknow)

20 worst

21 them

22 third

23 woulddestroy

24 havebecome

25 more

Задания 25 — 31

26 religious

27 remarkable

28 paintings

29 settlement

30 decoration

31 cultural

Задания 32 — 38 

32   4

33   4

34   1

35   3

36   1

37   2

38   1

Данная статья написана с использованием материалов пособия  «ФИПИ Единый Государственный Экзамен. Английский язык. Комплекс материалов для подготовки учащихся под редакцией М.В.Вербицкой», Москва «Интеллект-Центр» 2016

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Задания на контроль грамматических навыков

Задание 1

Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1—7, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из данной группы.

Christmas trees

[1] One Christmas Eve the trees in a wood were very unhappy. They wished very much to make Christmas stay, but they _____________ how to do so. ‘We are so bare,’ complained one tree. ‘If we only had our pretty green summer dresses,’ said other trees.

[2] ‘Hush, children, hush,’ whispered North Wind in a gentle voice, which was unusual for the _____________ of all winds. ‘Go to sleep.’ While they slept something happened.

[3] When the trees awoke they found that someone, perhaps North Wind, had cast over each of _____________ a lovely soft cloak of spotless feathery white.




Seagull problem

[4] The councillors of Dumfries, Scotland, are determined to do something about the seagull problem. Dumfries is the _____________ town in the region invaded by seagulls which attack people. The birds protect their nests.

[5] Local authorities declared that next spring special anti-gull ‘task-force’ _____________ the gull nests. “Seagulls are a menace to Scottish, towns,” said Environment Minister Michael Russell.

[6] “Recently, they _____________ aggressive to other birds, pets and even people.”

[7] Councillor Jack Groom said the time for talk was over, adding that it was time for action before _____________ people were hurt by the gulls.





Задание 2

Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1—7, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из данной группы.

A lesson on efficiency

[1] I remember my last year at school very well. There were three boys _____________ William in my class.

[2] Miss Fisher, one of the teachers, called them all William, and sometimes we _____________ guess which one she was talking to.

[3] One day, during a lesson on efficiency, she thundered, “William, put that gum you _____________ in the wastepaper bin at once!” All three of them started to rise, paused, then walked to the front of the class to dispose of their gum. The teacher beamed. “Three for one! Now that’s efficiency.”




Monet’s Garden

[4] Monet’s Garden was created in 1883 in the Valley of the River Epte by Claude Monet, the leader of the Impressionist painters. Monet liked _____________ a subject in the open air and planned that his future garden would inspire artists and photographers.

[5] With the support of the local authorities, Monet had a small pond dug, even though his peasant neighbours _____________ it.

[6] They were afraid that his strange plants _____________ the water. Near the pond, there is a water-garden with its famous willows and water-lilies, which still appear to await the eye of the master for a final canvas.

[7] This wonderful play of light and shadow inspired _____________ for the immortal paintings.





Задания на контроль лексико-грамматических (словообразовательных) навыков

Задание 3

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1—6, однокоренные слова, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 1—6.

White monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal

[1] The ancient city of Vladimir was founded in 1108 by the Kiev Prince Vladimir Monomach. It contains an important group of monuments. The Cathedral of the Assumption was intended to be the _____________ centre of all Russia.

[2] It was built in the town Kremlin as a single-domed structure with the facade _____________ for its carved reliefs.

[3] Most of the 12th-century frescoes were destroyed by Mongols, but new mural _____________ were added in 1408 by Andrei Rublev and Daniil Chemii, in particular the famous Last Judgment.

[4] Suzdal, which lies some 25 km north of Vladimir, was the site of a _____________ in the 9th and 10th centuries, which became a fortress. A posad, which was housing craftsmen and shopkeepers, developed around it.

[5] Within, dominating the whole town stands the Cathedral of the Nativity with its five-domed top and Golden Doors. The interior _____________ is important in Russian art.

[6] The buildings in Vladimir and Suzdal have been the centre of _____________ tourism for several decades and a good deal of restoration has been carried out.







Задание 4

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1-6, однокоренные слова, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 1-6.

Transport in Bangkok

[1] Bangkok is known as the “Venice of the East”. Today, many of the canals have been filled in and paved over to make room for roads, but a massive network of waterways still crosses the city. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries Bangkok experienced _____________ influence.

[2] As a result, the city _____________ shifted to a road-based transport system.

[3] Over the last decade, Bangkok has evolved from a humid riverside city into a modem, rapidly growing Asian _____________ centre. Business travellers will appreciate the city’s growth in public transportation and its world-class airport.

[4] The Suvarnabhumi Airport, which is located 25km east of the city centre, contributed greatly to Bangkok’s _____________.

[5] A modern, convenient elevated rail link connects the airport to the city in 30 minutes, helping _____________ avoid traffic jams.

[6] The city’s modem public transportation system is a _____________ of sky trains and underground subways. It has transformed the bustling city centre into a futuristic district of street-level roads, elevated roads and sky trains.







Задания на контроль лексико-грамматических навыков

Задание 5

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1—7. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1—7, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианта ответа.

Childhood memories

I was told my father was killed in the war. Whenever I questioned my mother about his death, she didn’t [1] _____ any more than that he had been killed fighting on the Western Front only days before the peace treaty with Germany was signed. Grandma said my dad had been a brave man, and once when we were [2] _____ in the house she showed me his medals. My grandpa rarely [3] _____ an opinion on anything, but then he was hard of hearing so he might not have heard the question in the first place.

The only man I can [4] _____ was my uncle Stan who used to sit at the top of the table at breakfast time. When he left in the morning, I [5] _____ to follow him to the city docks where he worked. Every day I spent at the dockyard was an adventure. Cargo ships came from distant lands and unloaded their wares: rice, sugar, bananas and many other things I’d never heard of. Once the holds had been emptied, the dockers would load them with salt, tin, [6] _____ coal (my least favourite because it was an obvious clue to what I’ve been doing all day and annoyed my mother), before they set off again. I always wanted to help my uncle Stan unload [7] _____ ship had docked that morning but he just laughed, saying “All in good time, my lad.” It couldn’t be soon enough for me.


1) talk

2) speak

3) tell

4) say

Ответ: I 1


1) single

2) only

3) lonely

4) alone

Ответ: [ ]


1) offered

2) proposed

3) requested

4) invited

Ответ: [ ]


1) recover

2) repeat

3) remember

4) remind

Ответ: [ ]


1) used

2) kept

3) held

4) made

Ответ: [ ]


1) still

2) even

3) just

4) yet

Ответ: [ ]


1) whatever

2) wherever

3) whenever

4) whoever

Ответ: [ ]

Задание 6

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1—7. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1—7, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианта ответа.

Merrywood Elementary

My mother decided it was time for me to go to school. I was sent to Merrywood Elementary when I was six and I thought it was a complete waste of time. What was the [1] _____ of school when I could learn all I needed at the docks? It turned [2] _____ that Mum had other plans for my future which didn’t include joining Uncle Stan in the shipyard.

Once Mum had dropped me off each morning, I would hang around in the yard until she was out of sight, and then slope off to the docks. I made sure I was always back at the school gates when she returned to pick me up in the afternoon. On the [3] _____ back home, I had to be very inventive. I would [4] _____ her everything I’d done at school that day. I was good at making up stories. [5] _____ it wasn’t long before she discovered that was all they were: stories.

Occasionally Mr. Haskins, the gatekeeper, decided he’d seen me leave the school too often and I’d be [6] _____ to the headmaster. My form master, Mr. Holcombe, never let on if I didn’t show up for his class, but then he was a bit soft.

One or two other boys from my school also [7] _____ to hang around the docks but I kept my distance from them. They were older and bigger and never missed a chance to beat me if I got in their way.


1) help

2) goal

3) aim

4) point

Ответ: [ ]


1) off

2) out

3) in

4) over

Ответ: [ ]


1) path

2) track

3) trial

4) way

Ответ: [ ]


1) speak

2) tell

3) talk

4) say

Ответ: [ ]


1) therefore

2) although

3) however

4) moreover

Ответ: [ ]


1) reminded

2) remembered

3) reported

4) required

Ответ: [ ]


1) kept

2) used

3) held

4) had

Ответ: [ ]

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