Word building егэ тренажер

                                    WORD-BUILDING (exercises)

Ex. 1. Переведите следующие слова, выделите в них суффиксы и префиксы:

Untrue, prehistoric, ultramodern, postwar, ex-champion, anti-body, decompose, decode, deform, depart, discover, disappearance, reread, reconstruct, coauthor, unequal, misunderstand, undress, disarm, anti-fascist, cooperation, co-existence, interaction, superhuman, ultra-violet.

Ex. 2. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова. Переведите их:

Achievement — achieve, resistance — resistant, assistance — assist — assistant, celebration — celebrate, difference — different, city — citizen, nation — national — nationality, measure — measurement, develop — development, act — active — activity, contain — container, discover — discovery — discoverer, literature — literary, graduate — graduation — undergraduate — post-graduate, educate — education, progress — progressive, act — action — activity — active, govern — governor — government.

Ex. З. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса -ег или -or. Переведите на русский язык:

To lead, to write, to read, to visit, to speak, to sleep, to act, to direct, to conduct, to drive, to fight, to mine, to report, to sing, to skate, to swim, to teach, to travel, to sail, to invent, to found, to compose.

Ex. 4. Образуйте от данных слов существительные с помощью суффикса -ist, -ism, -ian. Переведите на русский язык:

Special, social, art, capital, economy, international, piano, technic, mathematics, statistics, politics, music, electric, Russia, Hungary, Canada, India.

Ex. 5. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса -ment. Переведите на русский язык:

Develop, achieve, move, arrange, treat, state, improve, agree, equip, govern, require, measure, announce, pave.

Ex. 6. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов -ful и -less, переведите их на русский язык:

Beauty, thank, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, shape, fruit, power, thought, harm, colour.

Ex. 7. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов -able, -ible, переведите их на русский язык:

Change, convert, prevent, break, compare, desire, profit, read, comfort, respect, expect.

Ex. 8. Найдите и выделите суффиксы в данных словах и определите, к какой части речи эти слова относятся:

British, foolish, understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experiment, function, musician, socialist, artist, capitalism, professional, fundamental, industrial, doubtful, useful, different, treatment, creative, attractive, peaceful, dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage, marriage, silence, freedom, kingdom.

Ex. 9. Образуйте глаголы с помощью суффикса -en:

Red, tight, soft, deep, short, dark, bright, weak, black, white, sweet, sharp, strength.

Ex. 10. Образуйте наречия с помощью суффикса -1у и переведите их:

Bad, first, part, quick, strong, short, silent, rapid, wide, extreme, cruel, kind, happy.

Ex. 11. Образуйте глаголы от данных существительных. Переведите их:

Turn, smile, smoke, snow, start, stay, step, stop, study, talk, visit, rest, air, paper, cover, handle, cause, watch, act, address, answer, brush, clean, cross, crowd, wave, wish, work, dance, doubt, dress, end, fight, help, hope, joke, laugh, lift, light, love, mind, paper, pencil, place, plan, play, post, reply, report, return, sail, show.

Ex. 12. Переведите на русский язык. Выделите словообразующие элементы. Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова:

React, reaction, reactor, reactivity; science, scientific, scientist; industry, industrial, industrious; cold, coldly, coldness; dark, darkness, darken; happy, happily, happiness, unhappy; equal, equally, unequal, equality; free, freedom, freely; attention, attentive, attentively; sun, sunny, sunless; care, careful, careless, carefully,carelessness; to differ, different, difference, indifferent; England, English, Englishman; fame, famous.

Ex. 13. Переведите следующие сложные слова:

Airport, armchair, bathroom, bedroom, bookcase, bookshelf, classroom, custom-house, dining-room, drawing-room, fireplace, folksong, gentleman, hairbrush, icebox, newspaper, notebook, postcard, post-office, raincoat, sportsman, sunshine, writing-table.

Ex. 14. Прочтите следующие пары слов, соблюдая ударения. Переведите их:

An accent — to accent, a contract — to contract, a content — to content, a contest — to contest, a convoy — to convoy, a convict — to convict, a perfect — to perfect, a record — to record.

Ex. 15. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова:

1. Не works as a teacher. 2. I saw one of his works at the exhibition. 3. I was waiting for your report. 4. They report the results of their experiment every Monday. 5. His report contains some of his thoughts about the experiment. 6. You’ll make progress if you work hard. 7. He thought about his new work. 8. I have a present for you. 9. I am busy at present. 10. He presented me with a book.

Ex. 16. Проанализируйте состав следующих слов. Определите части речи. Дайте начальную форму. Переведите слова:

Powerful, inventor, high-quality, network, demoralize, profitable, dislike, disagree, movement, shorten, incorrect, electricity, fruitful, fruitless, happiness, dangerous, noisy, sunny, rainy, badly, strongly, reading, teaching, rebuild, retell, leader, teacher, unhappy, unusual, translation, cooperation, schoolboy, icebreaker.

Ex. 17. Напишите сложные существительные, исходя из объяснений.

Например: A machine for drying hair – hair drier.

1. A thing for opening tins — … . 2. A machine for playing records — … . 3. A machine for mixing food — … . 4. A thing that times eggs (when they are boiling) — … . 5. Things for warming people’s legs — … . 6. Stuff that kills flies — … . 7. A liquid that removes paint — … . 8. A tool that opens bottles — … . 9. A thing for peeling potatoes — … . 10. A liquid for removing eye makeup — … . 11. Stuff for freshening the air — … .

Ex. 18. Напишите  словосочетания по модели число+ существительное+существительное (! не забывайте что число и первое существительное соединяется дефисом и что это существительное обычно стоит в единственном числе)

Например: a walk lasting for three miles – a three-mile walk.

1. A girl who has just celebrated her sixteenth birthday — … . 2. A flight lasting for ten hours — … . 3. A note that is worth twenty pounds — … . 4. A language course that lasts four weeks — … . 5. A drive that takes three hours — … .  6. A meal that consists of three courses — … . 7. A holiday that lasts two weeks — … . 8. A delay at the airport that went on for two hours — … . 9. A letter that goes on for ten pages — … . 10. A university course that takes three years — … . 11. A prison sentence of ten years — … . 12. A hotel with five stars — … . 13. A speed limit of 30 miles an hour — … . 14. A house that was built two hundred years ago — … .

Ex. 19. Распределите прилагательные по трем группам: 1) люди, 2) места, 3) вещи:

Obstinate, unspoilt, hand-made, waterproof, easy-going, breathtaking, aggressive, deserted, overgrown, overcrowded, cunning, picturesque, arrogant, long-lasting, spoilt, automatic, accurate, artificial.

Ex. 20. Выберите слово с нужным по смыслу префиксом  или суффиксом.

1. I know Jim Kerry is very popular but I find him totally childish / childlike. 2. I couldn’t work out whom the letter was from. The signature was childish / childlike. 3. Sarah is so childish / childlike. She always plays trick on her friends. 4. It was wonderful to watch the tiny lambs playing. I got such childish / childlike pleasure from the experience. 5. Sophie is extremely sensitive / sensible at the moment. Anything you say seems to upset her. 6. Karen is not a very sensitive / sensible person. She wore high-heeled shoes for our four-mile walk. 7. I’ve never known her to tell a lie. She’s a very true / truthful person. 8. I can never watch sad films that are based on true / truthful a story. They always make me cry. 9. Susan is so intolerable / intolerant of other people. She never accepts anyone else’s opinion, and she always thinks she knows best. 10. I find Mark’s behaviour intolerable / intolerant. It’s unfair to be so selfish. 11. We’re having an economic / economical crisis at the moment. James has lost his job and I don’t know how we are going to pay the rent. 12. It’s more economic  / economical to drive slowly. You can do a lot more miles to the gallop.

Ex. 21. Подберите к каждой тройке слов такое, чтобы с его помощью образовать составные существительные, используйте слова: board, green, paper, book, birthday, blood, rain, site, road, sports, ice, water, day, night, hand, case, sun, bag.

Например: camp…, building…, bomb… – campsite, building site, bomb-site.

1. …test, …pressure, …donor. 2. …fall, …melon, …skiing. 3. …house, …grocer, …salad. 4. …club, …mare, …shift. 5. brief…, suit…, book… . 6. paper…, plastic…, shoulder… . 7. …bow, …coat, …drop. 8. …shine, …rise, …set. 9. …works, …sign, …rage. 10. black…, floor…, notice… . 11. …light, …break, …dream. 12. …shake, …writing, …book. 13. …cube, …berg, …rink. 14. …cake, …present, …card. 15. …scape, …lady, …slide. 16. …car, …center, …ground. 17. address…, visitor’s…, note… .

Ex. 22. Дополните предложения сложными существительными в скобках (это могут быть и составные существительные, и существительные в притяжательном падеже в простой или аналитической форме).

1. Your coat is on the … (back, chair). 2. You’ve just spilt the … (milk, cat). 3. Can you buy some … (paper, toilet). 4. I never listened to my … (advise, parents). 5. Can you buy a … (wine, bottle) to have with supper? 6. What did that … (road, sigh) say? Did you see it? 7. It’s such a mess in here. There are empty … (wine, bottles) everywhere. 8. The … (Prime Minister, duties) include entertaining heads of the state. 9. The … (my shoe, heel) has come off. 10. Can I borrow your … (brush, hair)? 11. What happened at the … (film, end)? 12. Here is … (today, news). 13. Where is the nearest … (Metro, station)? 14. It’s my … (anniversary, parents, wedding) next week. 15. The … (company, success) is due to its efficiency. 16. I’ve got a … (fortnight, holiday) next month. 17. The … (government, economic policy) is confusing. 18. My children go to the local … (school, state). 19. The annual … (rate, inflation) is about 4 percent. 20. Are there any … (coffee, cups) in your bedroom? There are none in the kitchen. 21. Do you want a … (coffee, cup)?

Ex. 22. Заполните пропуски глаголом или существительным: advice – to advise, use – to use, abuse – to abuse, belief – to believe, relief – to relieve, grief – grieve, excuse – to excuse, breath – to breathe, half – to halve, house – to house, safe – to save, bath – to bathe.

1. It is my personal … that this man is innocent. 2. Let me listen to your chest. Take a deep … and say “Ah”. 3. You should put your valuables in the … .  4. Drug … is a terrible problem all over the world. 5. I know it isn’t good for my skin, but I love sun … . 6. I’ve been so worried about you! It’s such a … to see you at last! 7. “What are we going to do with this cake?” “Cut it in two. You take … and I’ll take … .” 8. Can you show me how to … this new coffee machine? 9. The refugees are … in temporary accommodation. 10. She apologizes for her behavior, and said it was because she’d had a busy day, but that’s no … for breaking all the plates. 11. People need time to … after the death of someone they love. 12. Take my … . Never marry for money. Marry for love.

Ex. 22. Напишите слово противоположное по значению, используя префикс

Kind, honest, credible, appear, fair, equal, pleased, continue, fasten, normal, employed, friendly, trust, professional, known, cover, safe, use, probable, important, emotional.


1. Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова. Переведите их:

Beautiful, function, artist, musician, heartless, economic, worker, badly, act, action, active, basic, fruitless, population, movement, historic, democratic, work, daily, literature, picture, organization, friendship, highly, leader, fight, fighter, national, impressive, hopeful, hopeless, beautiful, special, specialist, define, definition, humanism, humanist, humanistic, use, useful, useless.

2. Переведите слова на русский язык. Определите префикс и его значение:

Coauthor, undress, disarm, postwar, illegal, unkind, reconstruct, deformation, prewar, antibody, ex-champion, superhuman, ultrashort.

3. Образуйте прилагательные от существительных при  помощи следующих  суффиксов: -al, -ful, -ous, -у,  -able, -ible, -ic, -less, -ish. Переведите пары слов.

Reason, beauty, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, desire, boy, success, heart, experiment, form, office, danger, fame, electron, base, nature, cloud, sun, child, Scott, history, home.

4. Переведите предложения. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова. Назовите сложные слова:

1. Many pupils study English. 2. My grandfather has a large study. 3. Who ruled this country? 4. All sportsmen must obey the rules of the game. 5. The Soviet Union is tied by friendship with India in their work for peace. 6. All peace-loving people work for peace for the whole of mankind.

5. Назовите глаголы, от которых образованы следующие существительные:

Protection, show, writer, worker, movement, investigation, achievement, statement, reader, department, equipment, construction, organization, reporter, arrival, improvement, conductor, establishment, development, education, definition, regulation, assistance, agreement.

6. Переведите без словаря. Определите, к какой части речи относятся слова:

a) Specialist, institute, university, culture, central, national, nation, international, organization, Soviet, minister, nature, natural, traditional, progressive, moral, social, socialist, public, programmer, popular, modern, revolution, revolutionary, final, talent, continent, festival, political, experiment, experimentation, electricity, technical, transformation, system, systematically, practice, practical, seminar, lecture, lecturer, period, historic, history, professor, complex, form, acceleration, instrument, philosopher, idea, basic, fundamental, conceptions, mass, class, element, motor, method, problem, energy, radio, text, material, temperature, progress, television.

b) 1. France and England are European countries. 2. In the evening we like to listen to classical music. 3. We saw a comedy at the Drama Theatre last night. 4. Your train leaves from platform two. 5. This jazz orchestra gave several concerts in our town. 6. In 1610 Galileo constructed the first telescope in the world. 7. This was a dangerous experiment.

7. Проанализируйте следующие слова, какие они? Определите их составляющие. Переведите на русский язык:

Ice-hockey, world-wide, bedroom, newspaper, long-term, birthplace, sportsman, apple-pie, peace-loving, schoolchildren, football, highland, television, underground, north-west, sometimes, lowland, landscape, well-known, multinational, network, vice-president.

8. Поставьте слово, указанное в скобках, в нужную форму.

1. My father is very … (act) even though he’s seventy. 2. I’ve always wanted to work in the theatre, but … (act) it isn’t a very secure profession. 3. I … (hope), we’ll soon find a solution to the problem. 4. Look … (care) to the left and to the right before crossing the road. 5. It was very … (care) of you to lose my watch. 6. I take two … (day) newspapers and three Sunday papers. 7. You’ve broken my camera! Look at it! It’s … (use)! 8. Thanks for the advice. It was really … (use). 9. I have some very … (noise) neighbours. 10. She became … (fame) as a result of her invention.

Добрый день, читатели блога grammar-tei.com. Сегодня мы займемся словообразованием и выполним несколько упражнений на словообразование в английском языке. Все упражнения даются с ответами, поэтому Вы сможете проверить себя.

Тема словообразование в английском – очень сложная, поэтому практиковаться нужно много. Всем известно, что задания на словообразования есть в ЕГЭ. Не будем откладывать и выполним упражнения на словообразование в английском.

Задания на словообразование. Word building exercises.

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки. Образуйте существительные.

  1. The study calculated that replacing weekly fruit juice … with whole fruits could bring health benefits. (consume)
  2. For my birthday Mother baked a cake with yellow … . (ice)
  3. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are called … because they provide the fuel your body needs. (nutrition)
  4. Many women have to juggle … and a full-time job. (mother)
  5. … are unavoidable when three … live under one roof. (argue, generate)
  6. Her deep … of her sister was evident. (hate)
  7. Older people who live alone often need help with gardening and house … (maintain)
  8. Positive attitude helps employees to get along with … and managers. (worker)
  9. China’s air… has cut life … by an average of 5.5 years in the north of the country and caused higher rates of lung cancer. (pollute, expect)
  10. It is much safer to use stainless steel or glass … instead of plastic ones. (contain)

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки. Образуйте прилагательные.

  1. My favorite … book is “Appetite” by Nigel Slater. (cooker)
  2. Eating can also make you …, and so can waking up in the morning. (thirst)
  3. You shouldn’t rest on your laurels but try to improve your … performance. (academy)
  4. Highly … gas is naturally found in coal mines. (explode)
  5. An … species is a species of organisms facing a very high risk of extinction. (danger)
  6. The most… earthquake struck in Shanxi, China 1556. (disaster)
  7. … exploitation of nature by man has resulted in the effects we have to deal with now. (thought)
  8. Laos is a landlocked … country, widely covered by tropical forest. (mountain)
  9. I decided to take a walk. It would be too … to wait in the queue. (tire)

Упражнение 3. Используйте отрицательные приставки. Образуйте подходящие по смыслу слова.

  1. The service was slow and the waiter’s familiarity was … , so we left without paying. (accept)
  2. Some children are a challenge, especially when they … in public places. (behaviour)
  3. To my … , the restaurant was overbooked and we had to spend the evening at home. (appoint)
  4. Michael was … about what dessert to order. (decide)
  5. Parents’… of their children’s behaviour and life choices can ruin their lives. (approve)
  6. There is a huge difference between … children and those merely … to listen to their parents’ advice. (obey, will)
  7. Young children mustn’t be left … either at home or at public places. (attention)
  8. She was frequently left alone by her … husband. (faith)
  9. If you describe someone as …, you are criticising them because they are unable to do their job or a task properly or are … to act in this capacity. (competence, qualifications)
  10. Banks are still seen as … and many people keep their savings at home. (security)

Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, образуйте глаголы.

  1. Guar gum also is used in the food industry to … products like ice cream. (thick)
  2. Old Manchester houses are made of red brick… by soot. (black)
  3. David spotted the pink silk lampshade in a shop and thought it would … up the room. (bright)
  4. Do we ever stop to think about the importance of the air we … ? (breath)
  5. I’d like to … this dress for one in a larger size. (change)
  6. They … 100 dollars from a bank account an hour ago. (draw)

Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки. Образуйте подходящие по смыслу слова.

  1. Sometimes one’s … are the only people one can … in. (parental, confidence)
  2. Many people … that getting a spouse can put them out of their…, which later… wrong, because sometimes marriage makes life more difficult. (belief, miserable, proof)
  3. An … Roman … has been discovered in northwest England, (extend, settle)
  4. The dining-room is elegantly … and … carpeted, (furniture, luxury)
  5. Everyone is … of her having the chance to … abroad, (envy, student)
  6. When employers look at… candidates, beyond skills, experience, and training, they look for those who demonstrate … (prospect, enthuse)
  7. In the city the … and … were insufferable, (hot, humid)
  8. Our planet’s… regions, located just north and south of the equator, are known for their… and … (tropic, warm, humid)
  9. Next to Shakespeare, no … gets more love on Broadway than Tennessee Williams, (play)
  10. During Elizabeth’s reign England significantly … its trade … and in 1580 Sir Francis Drake became the first Englishman to successfully … the earth, (expansion, sea, circumnavigation)

Упражнение 6. Образуйте слова от данных. Вставьте слова в текст.



Located in Wiltshire, an outstanding and beautifully __________ (1), late ________ (2) style manor house was built of limestone. Originally it was a much larger property that was mostly ___________ (3). Solid in appearance and structure, it offers _________ (4) and well presented ___________ (5). As one would ___________ (6) there is a grand drawing room with oak _________ (7) walls and a large open fireplace. The large windows __________ (8) a parkland setting.



Home education is when a child is __________ (1) at home rather than at school. It’s perfectly __________ (2) in the UK and one doesn’t need to be a __________ (3) teacher to do so. Children who are home educated receive all their education from their parents, sometimes with the help of outside __________ (4). If you decide to home educate your child you don’t have to follow __________ (5) rules about how you teach or when you teach.



English philosopher, statesman, and jurist who rose to become Lei Chancellor (1618—1621) to James I but is __________ (1) remembered for the status he gave to __________ (2) research in England. Although his name is associated with the method of __________ (3) and the rejection of a priori reasoning in science, the painstaking __________ (4) of miscellaneous facts without any use of error theory which he supported in the Novum Organum has never been __________ (5)  as a practical method of __________ (6). The __________ (7) of the Baconian method was, however, an important object in the __________ (8) of the Royal Society some years later.



We’ve all heard of emotional eating. There’s also such a thing as emotional shopping. In __________ (1), neither of these activities is __________ (2), but in excess both can have serious consequences. The __________ (3) and the affordability of goods make shopping all the more appealing. For many compulsive buyers, a big part of the appeal of shopping is the process of searching out and obtaining that new, better, __________ (4) item. This process is so mesmerising that it often ruins long-term financial plans, leaving shoppers __________ (5) in debt.

Ответы к упражнениям на словообразование. Word building exercises – answers.

Exercise 1.

1 consumption, 2 icing, 3 nutrients, 4 motherhood/maternity, 5 arguments, generations, 6 hatred, 7 maintenance,  8 co-workers, 9 pollution, expectancy

Exercise 2.

1 cookery, 2 thirsty, 3 academic, 4 explosive, 5 endangered, 6 disastrous, 7 thoughtless, 8 mountainous, 9 tiresome

Exercise 3.

1 unacceptable, 2 misbehave, 3 disappointment, 4 indecisive, 5 disapproval, 6 disobedient, unwilling, 7 unattended,  8 unfaithful, 9 incompetent, unqualified, 10 insecure

Exercise 4.

1 thicken, 2 blackened, 3 brighten, 4 breathe, 5 exchange, 6 withdrew

Exercise 5.

1 parents, confide, 2 believe, misery, proves, 3 extensive, settlement, 4 furnished, luxuriously 5 envious, study, 6 prospective, enthusiasm, 7 heat, humidity, 8 tropic (al), warmth, humidity, 9 playwright, 10 expanded, oversea (s), circumnavigate

Exercise 6.


1 restored, 2 gothic, 3 demolished, 4 extensive 5 accommodation, 6 expect, 7 panel (l) ed, 8 overlook


1 educated, 2 legal, 3 qualified, 4 tutors, 5 formal


1 chiefly, 2 scientific, 3 induction,  4 collection, 5 adopted, 6 research, 7 application, 8 foundation


1 moderation, 2 harmful, 3 accessibility, 4 desirable, 5 deeply

Надеюсь, эти упражнения на словообразование помогут Вам в изучении этого непростого раздела английского языка. Word building exercises are very useful!

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

Данная разработка представляет собой тренировочные упражнения по слообразованию для учащихся 9-11 классов. В работе представленя два текста, заданием для которых является преобразовать данные в скобках слова таким образом, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста, и также даны три текста в формате ЕГЭ (раздел «Словообразование»). Ко всем заданиям прилагаются ключи.

Anton Chekhov

The Russian writer Anton Chekhov, who was born in 1860 and died in 1904, made

an enormous (1) to modern literature. His success was a remarkable, and came  


despite the fact  that Chekhov’s family lived in severe poverty for much of  (2)  


his (3). CHILD

Chekhov’s works have had a great influence on 20th century literature                      

in many ways, particularly in terms of  plot and narrative structure, and character (4) .          


Even today, more than a hundred years after his (5) ,  DEAD

Chekhov’s stories are extremely popular all over the world.

The Opening Night

  The Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Mama Mia… They are all stage musicals. The opening night of a new musical is always a (1) event.      MARVEL

  After years of (2) and weeks of rehearsals the production has to be ready for the public and the critics.  PREPARE

 First nights usually start earlier than the regular (3) so that the critics can write their reviews in time to include them in the next morning’s newspapers.   PERFORM

 The critics are the most (4) people on the first night because their opinions will either help make the show a hit or force it to close.    FRIGHT

 The rest of the audience on the first night is usually made up of friends of the cast and famous celebrities. The celebrities attract newspaper (5) and help give the musical maximum publicity.   PHOTOGRAPH

 There will also be some angels there who will (6) be more nervous than the performers.  PROBABLE

 And then after the curtain has come down and the show is over, there’s the opening night party.   

Christmas (the origin)

(1) to a Roman almanac, the Christian festival of   ACCORD

Christmas (2)     in Rome by AD 336. During   CELEBRATE

the 4th century the (3) of Christ’s birth  on December 25 CELEBRATE

was (4) adopted by most Eastern churches.  GRADE

Nowadays  the (5) Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas I

n January 7.   RUSSIA

(6) like this holiday very much.  CHILD  


Anton Chekhov






The Opening Night







Christmas (the origin)







Преобразуйте слова данные в скобках таким образом, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.


The question of (learn) languages is very (importance) today. Foreign languages (need) as the main and the (efficient) means of (inform) exchange between the people of our planet.

Today (England) is the language of the world. It is the language of (progress) (science) and technology, trade and (culture) (relate), commerce and business. It is also the major language of (diploma).

Hundreds and hundreds of books, magazines and newspapers (print) in English and (read) all over the world. Half of the world’s (science) literature (write) in English. English (speak) by more than 350 million people. (Geography), it is the (widespread) language on the earth, second only to (China) in the number of people who speak it.

It is the (office) language of the UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the USA, of Australia and New Zealand. English (use) as one of the (office) language of Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the (Ireland) Republic.

(Learn) English is important for me because I want (know) what is going on ground me in the world. Learning a foreign language you learn the (culture) and the (history) of the native (speak).

Russia is being integrated into the world (commune) and the problem of learning English for the purpose of (communicate) is (especial) urgent today. 





Are needed

most efficient



progressive science

cultural relations


are printed

are read


is written

is spoken


most widespread



is used



to know







Преобразуйте слова данные в скобках таким образом, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.


(Employ) is the condition of one who is capable of (work), (active) seeking work, but (able) to find it.

The problem of the youth (employ) is one of the (importance) ones. The number of the young people (look) for a job is increasing. In our country young people are looking for a job not only for the sake of (earn) money, but because they want to be (depend) from their parents. A job gives the young people a chance to adjust (they) to the real life of adults and stir their (ambit).

It’s possible for them to find a job only for a short period. They can be part-time (work), (season) (work), or casual (work). (Certain) to find a job for a student or a graduate is (easy) than foe a school-leaver. (Qualified) jobs can be good for pupils or students. But if you want to get a good job and reach (some) in this life you must continue (educate). I am going to enter the university.  








most important







seasonal workers







1518 результатов для ‘ege wordbuilding’

wordbuilding EGE

wordbuilding EGE
Погоня в лабиринте

от Chayka17

EGE Wordbuilding Adjectives

EGE Wordbuilding Adjectives
Найди пару

от Fidget85

Тренировка перифраза в эссе на основе тем 2018 года

Тренировка перифраза в эссе на основе тем 2018 года
Случайные карты

от Ukos2746


Sport questions

Sport questions
Случайное колесо

от Ukos2746


Word formation 2

Word formation 2

от Ukos2746


Let's talk about family

Let’s talk about family
Случайные карты

от Ukos2746


Word formation 3

Word formation 3

от Ukos2746


Word formation

Word formation

от Ukos2746


Вопросы из писем ЕГЭ

Вопросы из писем ЕГЭ
Случайные карты

от Ukos2746



Групповая сортировка

от Ukos2746


Phrasal verbs #3

Phrasal verbs #3
Найди пару

от Ukos2746


Technology discussion

Technology discussion
Случайные карты

от Ukos2746



Случайные карты

от Ukos2746



Найди пару

от Ukos2746



Случайное колесо

от Ukos2746


Тренировка перифраза на основе тем ЕГЭ для учителей 2019

Тренировка перифраза на основе тем ЕГЭ для учителей 2019
Случайные карты

от Ukos2746




от Ukos2746


Задание №2 УЧ ЕГЭ

Задание №2 УЧ ЕГЭ
Случайное колесо

от Ukos2746


Описание картинок

Описание картинок
Откройте поле

от Ukos2746


Phrasal verbs #2

Phrasal verbs #2

от Ukos2746



Откройте поле

от Ukos2746


Negative prefixes

Negative prefixes
Групповая сортировка

от Ukos2746



Найди пару

от Ukos2746


Sport and keeping fit

Sport and keeping fit
Найди пару

от Ukos2746


Phrasal verbs Дроздова U1,2

Phrasal verbs Дроздова U1,2
Найди пару

от Ukos2746


Word formation 4

Word formation 4

от Ukos2746


ЕГЭ_Speaking_Pros and cons of family celebrations

ЕГЭ_Speaking_Pros and cons of family celebrations
Групповая сортировка

от Englishlearn171

11 класс


Групповая сортировка

от Ukos2746


Grammar and Vocabulary Phrasal verbs Unit 2

Grammar and Vocabulary Phrasal verbs Unit 2

от Matycinamarina9


Easily confused words

Easily confused words

от Lilecheklily


Negative prefixes 2

Negative prefixes 2
Групповая сортировка

от Ukos2746


Speaking task 2.1

Speaking task 2.1
Случайное колесо

от Mcartstoys


Тарновская 6, Say/speak/tell/talk

Тарновская 6, Say/speak/tell/talk

от Gorgeousaisha22


EGE Brush your English 2 Phrases with prepositions_1

EGE Brush your English 2 Phrases with prepositions_1
Случайные карты

от Serbinasa


Moutsou, 1, prepositions

Moutsou, 1, prepositions
Групповая сортировка

от Gorgeousaisha22


Phrasal verbs U 4

Phrasal verbs U 4
Найди пару

от Ukos2746


Food (quizlet)

Food (quizlet)
Найди пару

от Ukos2746


EGE 40

EGE 40
Викторина «Игровое шоу»

от Antonova6

10-й класс
11 класс

Complex Object

Complex Object

от Natakostova


EGE Grammar 3

EGE Grammar 3

от Britanniaclub


Gerund or infinitive 1

Gerund or infinitive 1

от Ukos2746


Confusing verbs fail, miss, take, pass, sit, study, teach

Confusing verbs fail, miss, take, pass, sit, study, teach

от Natakostova


Unit 2 Word Formation

Unit 2 Word Formation

от Matycinamarina9


Вопросы из писем ЕГЭ

Вопросы из писем ЕГЭ
Случайные карты

от Zotova010203


Unit 2. Phrases and collocations Flah cards

Unit 2. Phrases and collocations Flah cards

от Matycinamarina9


ЕГЭ Vocab 40 (1)

ЕГЭ Vocab 40 (1)

от Britanniaclub


Libraries will become obsolete one day

Libraries will become obsolete one day
Пропущенное слово

от Natakostova


Profession EGE

Profession EGE
Случайные карты

от Elenapshenitsyna


Grammar and Vocabulary Present Tenses Usage

Grammar and Vocabulary Present Tenses Usage

от Matycinamarina9


Unit 2 Travel and transport Topic vocabulary in contrast

Unit 2 Travel and transport Topic vocabulary in contrast

от Matycinamarina9



Случайное колесо

от Sweethometeacher

Grammar and Vocabulary Phrasal verbs Unit 4

Grammar and Vocabulary Phrasal verbs Unit 4

от Matycinamarina9


EGE_Multiple Choice_ Do_make

EGE_Multiple Choice_ Do_make
Групповая сортировка

от Englishlearn171




от Burmiki



от Olla76



Случайное колесо

от Tulajane

Linking ideas

Linking ideas
Групповая сортировка

от Lionesssy


Unit 2 Travel and transport Hangman 1/2

Unit 2 Travel and transport Hangman 1/2
Угадай буквы

от Matycinamarina9


sion/tion nouns (wf)

sion/tion nouns (wf)
Случайные карты

от Kaily96


Тарновская 6, Say, tell, talk, speak (rule+examples)

Тарновская 6, Say, tell, talk, speak (rule+examples)

от Gorgeousaisha22


Данные задания на  слоовообразование в английском языке составлены по материалам пособия «Сборник тестов для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку» (М. Вербицкая, Малколм Манн и др.) и входят в цикл «Английский язык. Подготовка к ЕГЭ. СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЕ». Задания на словообразование рекомендуется выполнять после изучения теоретического материала, ссылки на который даны перед упражнениями.

Словообразование. Задания в формате ЕГЭ


  1. Задания на суффиксы существительного
  2. Задания на суффиксы и префиксы прилагательного
  3. Задания на суффиксы и префиксы глагола

* * *

Суффиксы существительного

Задание 1. Измените слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию предложения.


Слово «лексически» означает, что к слову нужно добавить суффикс или префикс.

Слово «грамматически» означает, что к преобразованному слову, возможно, нужно добавить окончание.

ПРИМЕР. Animal __________ will enjoy the performance. love

Animal lovers will enjoy the performance. — Любители животных получат удовольствие от представления.

Здесь требуется поставить существительное — lover во мн. число, исходя из контекста.

  1. This __________ is passed through the generations. able
  2. Stress is the ___________ with which syllables are pronounced. strong
  3. His ______________led him to discovering a lot of information. curious
  4. This book contains _________of the centuries. wise
  5. This film takes me back to my ____________. child
  6. The ___________of this corridor was surprising. long
  7. It will be disastrous for the ___________. human
  8. I appreciate our ___________. friend
  9. I will die of ____________if I live that long. bored
  10. The __________of her feelings was unexpected for me.  warm
  11. The____________is given to particularly bright students. scholar
  12. He was famous for his ___________ . serious
  13. The ___________of this song is incredible. popular
  14. We were surprised at the _________in her speech. differ
  15. It is easy to learn how to do this _________. active
  16. The airplane started to lose __________. high

Задание 2. Form nouns from the words in bold. 

  1. The Hercules was famous for his _________ . strong
  2. The ____________of the swimming pool was about 5 meters. wide
  3. I was surprised by the ______________ of the tablecloth. white
  4. The _________of the Tower and the __________ of the walls made it a perfect prison. high, thick
  5. The ___________was delayed by fog for an hour. fly
  6. Giving alive ___________is quite different from performing on a film. perform
  7. Our ___________to predict the weather depends on the information we have. able
  8. Another major ____________is the shape of the ball. different
  9. The __________of the baseball is very great in America. popular
  10. Much of his ________ Chekhov lived in severe poverty. child
  11. The ______of London since then has been incredible. grow
  12. We moved to our new ______________last spring. resident
  13. Many encyclopedias state with __________that the Nile is the longest river in the world. confident
  14. Her acting is closer to __________. real
  15. The story of the dodo`s ___________is one example of man`s effect on the environment. disappear
  16. He had ____________in finding a job. difficult
  17. Each _____________is worth considering. possible

Задание 3. Form nouns from the words in bold. 

  1. The ______________ of this building took 20 years from start to finish. construct
  2. Famous __________were held in the Tower. prison
  3. Many _____________come to London each year. visit
  4. Before the ____________of the hot air balloon, no human had ever successfully flown into the air. invent
  5. The first successful __________was in 1783. fly
  6. The ___________of the balloon depends on the wind. direct
  7. The _____________and response of the audience can affect how the actor feels and performs. behave
  8. They want to have the opportunity to do some real _____. act
  9. London is an ideal place nightlife ____________. entertain
  10. Special _____________is used to collect weather data. equip
  11. He never seemed to be interested in ____________. educate
  12. An _______________called Clarence went on an expedition to Canada with his family. explore
  13. He is famous for his finding the __________to the problem. solve
  14. His success was an remarkable_______.  achieve
  15. The ____________of its place is unknown. locate
  16. What is your ______________of the performance? impress

Задание 4. Form nouns from the words in bold. 

  1. ________will find these products on sale in the supermarkets. shop
  2. In New York he became a ____________at drama school. study
  3. The ship left for New York with a crew of seven professional _________. sail
  4. To the crew’s__________ they discovered that nobody was on the island. astonish
  5. Each flag has its additional _____________. mean
  6. Another ___________started at once. argue
  7. Brighton is an ideal place for____________ . relax
  8. There are eleven ___________in each team in cricket. play
  9. They tried to persuade the ______________to introduce new laws. govern
  10. The road __________must be improved. safe
  11. Finding a good job is uneasy without proper ____________. qualify
  12. Many people consider the ____________of moving away. possible
  13. It is necessary to fill the _______________form. apply
  14. The rate of _________________is very high. employ
  15. You have a great _____________. imagine
  16. To our great ___________, it started to rain. disappoint
  17. The better your education is, the less_____________you will have in finding a job. difficult

Суффиксы и префиксы прилагательного

Задание 5. Form adjectives from the words in bold. 

  1. Huge ___________dinosaurs used to walk on the Earth. power
  2. There are a lot of ______________courses to improve your skills. train
  3. This private boat carried a cargo of _______________products. commerce
  4. The dodo lived on an island where he had no ___________enemies. nature
  5. There are hundreds of ______________hotels in sunny Brighton. comfort
  6. Enjoy delicious dishes in ____________ restaurants. fashion
  7. Taking part in this attraction can be a bit ______. risk
  8. The story describes the ______________action of people. hero
  9. _________plays are staged on Broadway. vary
  10. The road was in ________________condition. excellence
  11. The _____________method is always in great use. help
  12. My father doesn’t buy _____________newspapers. expense
  13. Who is _______________for making changes in our society? response
  14. The Russians are considered to be very _____________. hospitality
  15. The ______________equipment needs to be checked. electricity
  16. I was impressed by French ______________cuisine. delicacy
  17. She is not self- ________________. confidence
  18. The job will give him more _______________freedom. artist
  19. Paul’s Cathedral is an _________________building. impress
  20. In the old days the only ___________means of transport was the horse. person
  21. The trip was very ______________. benefit
  22. Is your answer _______________ from mine? differ

Задание 6. Form adjectives from the words in bold.  Mind the prefix UN-

  1. Two _____________brothers Montgolfier were responsible for designing the first air balloon. France
  2. The design of the balloon was based on ____________________law. science
  3. Some ________________flyers have had an accident. fortunate
  4. The first ________________flight was in 1783. success
  5. You can go on a _______________ride on a horse back. enjoy
  6. He had an ____________________idea. imagine
  7. More ______________visitors can try «The Vampire Ride». adventure
  8. Riding fast high above the park can be a ______________experience . scare
  9. Nature is so ___________________that’s why we cannot forecast more than for a few days. predict
  10. _______ people or things existed in the past are considered to be a part of history. history
  11. ____________baseball began in the USA in 1865. profession
  12. In the USA baseball is considered as a __________sport. nation
  13. It will be an ________________experience for me. forget
  14. He started his own business and became ________________. wealth
  15. The bridge was very ________________. use
  16. It has become the place of _______________importance. globe
  17. At first sight it seems _________________. believe
  18. The situation is becoming more __________________. understand
  19. She is a very _________________woman. effect
  20. Everyone fell _____________in the room. silence
  21. It was the most _________________journey I have ever had. please
  22. It is ___________to drive without seatbelt. legal

 Задания в формате ЕГЭ. Суффиксы и префиксы глагола

Задание 7. Form verbs from the words in bold.

  1. He _______________ and lay on the bed. dress
  2. He could enter the house because the door was ___________. lock
  3. The usual practice at the History lesson is to ___________texts. tell
  4. The exercise must be ________________. write
  5. Teachers sometimes _____________students. understand
  6. When the child ______________ she was unable to cope with him. behave
  7. The parents ____________  the child to go out late at night. allow
  8. When the days begin to ____________then the cold begins to _____________. long/ strong
  9. They’re trying to _____________our name. black
  10. The snow ____________the mountain tops. white
  11. He was ____________by his family to learn music at a young age. courage
  12. The town is ______________by fortified walls. circle
  13. The route was built to ______________trucks to get around a waterfall. able
  14. No argument can __________a war. just
  15. If you ____________ a substance, you make it pure by removing any dirty substances from it. pure
  16. You have ______________him as an ambitious person. character
  17. His mother rarely___________ him or any of her children. critic
  18. I’m sure Rose will _____________many of us. live

Задание 8. Form verbs from the words in bold.

  1. The symptoms of her illness have____________. appear
  2. The student__________the teacher and did the wrong exercise. hear
  3. Last week the government ______________ the citizens about the political situation in the country. inform
  4. His own mind was ___________and ______________by foreign travel. large/rich
  5. Martin ___________all the people in the area. He died at the age of 101. live
  6. The elderly are usually _______________with the young. satisfy
  7. Nowadays the risk of serious illness has________. less
  8. Do you mean to____________ me? threat
  9. Unfortunately, the cooperation between two countries was _______________. organize
  10. The line was ___________, though not dead. connect
  11. I am very ________________ with you. appoint
  12. The students _______________ the teacher. obey
  13. What does the emblem _______________? symbol
  14. If someone_________a word, they spell it wrongly. spell
  15. Don’t let this ______________ you. courage
  16. He recognized her voice and his face ____________.  soft
  17. The men tried to __________ each other in their generosity. do

Готовитесь к ЕГЭ по английскому языку? Читайте далее


Здравствуйте! Для получения доступа к ответам необходимо оформить подписку. Ссылка в боковом меню — ОТВЕТЫ.

Ex. 1. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса ment. Переведите на русский язык:

to develop, to achieve, to move, to arrange, to treat, to state, to improve, to agree, to equip, to govern, to require, to measure, to announce, to pave, to amuse, to argue, to advertise, to invest;

Ex.2.  Составьте из предложенных слов существительные с помощью суффиксов ness, —ship, —ment. Используйте полученные слова в предложениях.  

relation , member, agree , appoint, champion, enjoy, good, excite, friend, entertain, happy, lazy, manage, amuse, partner, retire, sad, scholar, lonely ,develop;

1. The world football ______ will take place in 2 years. 
2. I can’t approve of ______ in people, we should always move forward. 
3. Jill couldn’t describe her ______ when she heard the jury call out her name. 
4. They are very proud of their _____, they have been friends for more than twenty years. 
5. Little puppies and kittens are a constant source of ______ to us. 
6. We hope the close ______ between the two countries will continue. 
7. Samuel is one of the best students, he receives a_______. 
8. Mr. Temple took _______ at the age of 69. 
9. Our sports club is very popular, we have a_________ of 560 people. 

10. I’d like to make an________with the doctor.

11. He doesn’t get any real _________from dancing.

12. There was great ________among people as they waited for the president to arrive.

13. Sit down and be quiet, for ________sake!

14. A jazz band provided the_________.

15. Ann’s childhood was full of pain and ______________.

16. In this company we have a new approach to ___________.

17. She suffers from___________.

18. There is a close________ between poverty and crime.

19. We encourage our staff in their ________of new skills.

20. Many countries signed an________to cut air pollution.

Ex. 3. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с по­мощью суффикса r или or. Переведите на русский язык:

to lead, to write, to investigate, to visit, to speak, to sleep, to act, to direct, to conduct, to drive, to fight, to report, to sing, to skate, to swim, to teach, to travel, to sail, to invent, to found, to compose, to run.

Ex.4. Образуйте от данных слов существительные с помощью суффикса ty. Переведите на русский язык:

popular, national, creative, able, responsible, real, possible, poor;

Ex. 5. Образуйте от данных слов существительные с помощью суффиксов

ist, —ism, —ian. Переведите на русский язык:

special, social, art, capital, economy, international, piano, technic,

ma­thematics, statistics, politics, music, electric, Russia, Hungary, Canada, In­dia, library;

Ex.6. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффиксов ance, —ence. Переведите на русский язык:

to appear, to differ, to prefer, to occur, to attend, to enter, to maintain,

to obey, to perform, to allow, to accept, to exist;

Ex.7. Образуйте существительные от разных частей речи, используя суффиксы –hood , -ence, -ency, -ness, -al , -(er)y, -ment , -ism, -ity, -age

Example : I decided this. It was my decision.

  1. Some people are lonely. Some people suffer from_________.

  2. Jill’s a socialist. She believes in__________.

  3. Hurray! We all agree. Hurray! We have come to an __________.

  4. When I was a child, I was very happy. In my ____________ I was very happy.

  5. Two children are absent. Who can explain their_________.

  6. Be more efficient. Improve your _________.

  7. Don’t be so curious. Control your _____________.

  8. They got married. I don’t know anything about their___________.

  9. Ann refused to help them. Her __________was final.

  10. Who discovered this? Who made this____________.

Ex. 8. Образуйте глаголы с помощью суффикса en. Переведие полученные глаголы на русский язык.

red, soft, deep, short, dark, bright, weak, length, strong, broad, wide;

Ex. 9. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов ful и less, переведите их на русский язык:

beauty, thank, hope, doubt, help, use, care, cheer, aim, shape, fruit, power, thought, harm, colour, success;

Ex. 10. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов able,ible. Переведите их на русский язык:

change, prevent, vision, compare, desire, profit, read, comfort, bear, flex, fashion, forget, eat, drink.

Ex.11. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксa ous, Переведите их на русский язык:

fame, nerve, danger, adventure, poison, marvel, courage, luxury, vary, ridicule, humour, industry;

Ex.12. Образуйте прилагательные от существительных при помощи следующих суффиксов: al, —ful, —ous, -у, —able, —ic, —less, —ish.

reason, history, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, desire, success, heart, experiment, office, sun, danger, fame, electron, base, nature, cloud, rain, child, Scott, home;

Ex. 13. Образуйте наречия с помощью суффикса ly и переведи­те их:

personal, first, part, quick, strong, short, silent, rapid, wide, extreme, cruel, kind, happy, beautiful, careful, angry, cheerful, usual, recent.

Ex. 14. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов ous, —al, —ic, ful , используйте полученные слова в предложениях

athlete , centre, danger, drama, education, environment, experiment, harm ,poison , science, tradition, use;

1. It’s very _______ for health to have a well -balanced diet and regular exercise. 
2. Kilt is a ________ Scottish skirt made of tartan, a special material. 
3. Smoking is ________ for health. 
4. Some mushrooms can be _________. 
5. Ronald goes in for sports, he is a tall and very ___________ man. 
6. The laboratory carries out an important _____research.(science) 
7. The writer described these_________ events in his last novel. 
8. The students are involved in the ___________work (experiment) in the field of Physics. 
9. Green house gases are __________ for the ozone layer. 
10. I think the new ___________ programme will be very effective in schooling. 

11. They lived in the _________part of the city.

12. Pollution is one of the most serious ____________problems.

Ex. 15. Распределите следующие слова по их принадлежности к соответствующей части речи, выделите словообразующие приставки и суффиксы.

harmful, movement, waterless, attraction, shortage, slowly, enclose, displace, keeper, passage, difference, industrial, assistant, freedom, ability, measurable, popularity, freedom, beginner, buyer, shortage, wisdom, conductor, specific, beautiful, reality, active, famous, classify, starter, shorten, weightless, flatness, simplify, impossible, reconstruct, helpful, misunderstand, poisonous, evidently, disagree, encourage, fashionable, extraordinary, unluckily, logical, significant, unhappy, logistic, organize, pressure, extremely, lengthen, demonstration, destruction, powerless, brotherhood, partnership, overcook, disorder, prehistoric, childish;









Ex 16. Выберите глагол с отрицательным значением и вставьте его в соответствующее предложение. Поставьте глаголы в нужную грамматическую форму.

disapprove, dislike, unwrap, mislead, disagree, disqualify, disprove, untie, unload, disconnect, misbehave;

Example : John is widely disliked in this neibourhood.

  1. If a child___ ______it means that he behaves badly and annoys or upsets people.

  2. There was no intention ________the public.

3. She strongly ______________ of cheating.

4. Some sportsmen _______________ after a blood test.

5. All children like _______________ parcels at Christmas time.

6. Teenagers and their parents often _____________.

7. They were sure he was lying but it was hard _________ his story.

8. He learnt _____his shoes.

9. It took them almost an hour _____________the things from the van.

10. My phone ______________ because I didn’t pay my last bill.

Ex.17. Образуйте глаголы с отрицательным значением, используя префиксы

mis, —dis. Переведите полученные слова на русский язык.

to understand, to approve, to appear, to satisfy, to lead, to connect, to organize, to obey, to behave, to appoint, to associate, to prove, to take;

Ex.18. Образуйте прилагательные, используя префиксы il, —im, —ir, —un, —dis Переведите полученные прилагательные на русский язык.

comfortable, possible, legal, regular, honest, active, capable, fortunate, secure, correct, certain, valuable, reasonable, qualified, responsible, employed, effective, attractive, expensive, famous, informative, personal, polite, literate, similar, obedient, kind;

Тренировочные тесты по словообразованию.

I. Nearly 90% of ___________(Canada) live within 200 km of the border with the USA, which means that Canada contain vast expanses of____________(wild) to the North. The ________(relation) to its _____________(power) neighbour is a major defining factor for Canada. The US and Canada have the world’s largest_______(trade) relationship.The North American Trade__________(agree), involving Canada, the US and Mexico, has brought a trade boom for Canada.

II. In the 1990s Franco-___________(Germany) _____________(cooperate) was __________(centre) to European __________(integrate). Ties saw a period of some strain at the _________(begin) of the new millennium as a result of ___________(different) over farm subsidies and the ________(policy) in the future of the EU. However, the two countries again proclaimed the bond between them in early 2003 when they celebrated the anniversary of a _________(war) ___________(friend) treaty. This bond further __________(strength) as they joined with Russia to voice __________(strength) opposition to the US-led war with Iraq.

III. The first _________(impress) I got on arriving at my native village was the _______(hot) , that was ________(bear). The people who were waiting to meet at the railway station were all __________(friend). My grandfather looked like my father whose hair __________(recent) started to grey. The village itself which was a three-hour journey from the railway station was ________(simple) stunning.

IV. After the first day she complained that the weather was cold , living conditions were _______(terror) and the people were _________(friend). She wondered why it was always seemed to be _____________(darkness) and if the________(Britain) ever saw the sunshine. In her letter she says she feels_________(excite) to study drama at the university but she finds ________(society) life a bit __________(bore). She wrote that she had made some friends with some _____(Russia). We were ________(please) to hear this and wrote her that it was the best way of not feeling lonely.

V. There is a lot __________(employ) nowadays so it’s getting more and more _________(difficulty) to get the job you _________(real) want. You have to make a _________(decide) what is more __________(importance) for you – good salary or job________(satisfy).

VI. ________(teach) are finding it_________(increase) difficult to control classes of young pupils nowadays. The _________(evident) from the 100 schools which were involved in the study is not _________(encourage). Teachers feel ________(disappoint) not only by the student’s results but by the _________(worry) increase in the ____________(violence) __________(behave) in the class.

VII. Athens is getting more and more _________( attract) to _________(tour). Although the city is big and _______( noise) visitors can still find a lot of quiet places with a ________(romance) atmosphere to enjoy a ________(taste) Greek meal and listen to _________(tradition) music.

VIII. Language is a system of __________(communicate) that consists of sounds and _______(write) symbols. But we can also communicate in other ways by using

________(face) _______(express), our tone of voice and even our body. In many situations non-_________(verb) communication can reveal more _______(accurate) what person is feeling.

IX. Since ancient times, people have practiced the art of physiognomy reading character from physical features. The ancient Greeks compared the human face to _________(vary) animals and birds, such as the eagle and the horse. They believed people shared certain character traits with the animals they resembled. The ___________(personality) with a horse-like face was thought to be _________(loyalty) , ____________(bravery). A person with an eagle-like nose was believed to be bold and ____________(courage).

_______________(science) study such features as the shape of the head, the ________(long) and the ___________(thick) of the nose, mouth, eyes and chin. They believe that round-faced people are _____________(self-confidence). Prominent cheek- bones show the __________(strong) of character while a pointed nose reveals ___________(curious). Heavy, arched eyebrows belong to a ____________(decide) individual while thin, arched eyebrows signal a _____________( no rest) and _____________(act) ___________(person). Almond-shaped eyes belong to __________(dream). Down-turned lips reveal a ___________(pride) character while a long, pointed chin indicates someone who likes to give orders.

X. It’s important to make a good________(impress) when going for a job interview. __________(interview) usually ask a __________(various) of questions, many of which concern_________(qualify). However, they also usually like to ask questions about previous ___________(occupy) as well as _____________(achieve) not connected to the work place. Often, the _________(success) candidate isn’t the one with the most__________(impress) _________(educate) but the one who shoes that he or she has made the most _______(effect) use of their time. Few employers want employees who are _______(able) to think for themselves. The_________(possible) of advancement in any job very ______(rare) depends on the __________(accurate) of work but more on the _______(enthusiastic) and ________(dedicate) of the __________(employ).

Ключи к тренировочным тестам.







II. German









































VII. attractive






VIII. communication






IX. various














X. impression


















“Macmillan English Dictionary”

M.Mann, S.Taylore-Knowles “Grammar and Vocabulary”.

В.А. Миловидов “Английский язык, Полный справочник для подготовки к ЕГЭ”, Москва, “Астрель”, 2009

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

средняя школа № 2


составитель: учитель английского языка

1 категории Звонкова Татьяна Юрьевна

Смоленск 2021

Пояснительная записка

Как известно, Задания 26 – 31 на ЕГЭ – это упражнения на словообразование. Как показывает практика, очень многие считают эти задания едва ли не самыми сложными во всем ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Данное методическое пособие содержит 6 аутентичных статей из известной газеты The Gardian, адаптированных под формат упражнений 26-31 ЕГЭ.

Task № 1

Young people need to value and enjoy nature –

here’s how we’re doing our bit

The Country Diary is a little-known corner of the Guardian, but it is in fact thought to be the longest-running newspaper column in the world, first appearing in 1904. Back then it was the work of just one writer, a bird fanatic called Thomas Coward, writing 1) _______ (DAY) despatches about “country life” from rural Cheshire.

The biodiversity loss Britain has suffered since then is 2) __________ (CALCULATE), but suffice to say that Coward had vastly greater numbers of flora and fauna to write about than today’s diarists. Another 3) _______________(GENERATION) change has been children’s interaction with the natural world, or lack thereof. A 2015 YouGov survey found that fewer than one in 10 British children had access to 4) _________ (NATURE) areas, compared with 40% of adults when they were younger.

With all this in mind, and with the climate crisis growing ever more urgent, we decided to do our bit. In spring 2020, an offshoot of the Country Diary for junior writers – the Young Country Diary – was launched. It has been a huge success, with hundreds of submissions, and children aged 8 to 14 now 5) _____________ (REGULAR) writing for the Guardian about the natural world. Our two most recent diaries show how wildlife can inspire, and how much talent is out there. Eight-year-old Orla wrote a highly 6) ___________ (ENTHUSIASM) and fact-filled piece on seeing a bullfinch in North Yorkshire, while 12-year-old James submitted an atmospheric, compelling diary about finding fossils on the Dorset coast. We’ve also had entries on a city farm in south London, discovering a newt in Wales, and the bugs living inside a composter in the Midlands.

The need for young people to value and engage with nature, in this way and others, is clear: the more people who care about the environment, the more we can preserve it, and the benefits to children of being in nature are well documented. The green shoots are there: the mass climate marches by schoolchildren in March 2019 were 7) _____________ (PRECEDE) and hopeful, even if they were interrupted by the pandemic, while according to a government survey published last autumn, 78% of 8 to 15-year-olds in the UK believe in the importance of protecting the environment. I’m particularly 8) ____________ (EXCITEMENT) by the idea of a natural history GCSE, which is currently under consideration by the Department for Education. This would not only provide a springboard for budding 9) ____________ (NATURE), it may also turn the heads of children who have never heard the term “natural history”.

As for the diary entries, there is something particularly 10) _____________ (VALUE), about recording what you have seen and done in nature, whether it’s for a Guardian column or just for your own personal pleasure. Nicola Chester, a Country Diary regular and longtime environmental 11) _____________ (ACT), says we must “Write it all down (or just some of it!) with the joy and curiosity of an explorer. It may be a record that no one else has thought to keep. It’s both a 12) ______________ (CELEBRATE) of what you’ve seen, and a way to build resistance to what is being lost.”

by Paul Fleckney

Down to Earth, The GARDIAN, January 2022

Task № 2

It’s code red for our climate as we end 2021 –

but at least we have a clear to-do list

Ever since Cop26 I’ve had Martha and the Vandellas playing, the lyrics “nowhere to run to baby, nowhere to hide” summing up the current moment. These are words which set the tone for the year ahead, with their sense of upbeat panic. The last year has 1) _________ (DEFINE) contained many moments of reckoning, not least the publication of the very severely worded IPCC report representing code red for humanity. It seems like that 2) ____________ (AWARE), now out of the box, can’t be shut back up. The stark situation we find ourselves in with regard to the environment is obvious.

In many ways we have a clear to-do list, even if that is freighted with last-chance-saloon 3) ___________ (EXPECT). Given 89% of CO2 emissions are from fossil fuels and industry, we know where to focus. Top of the to-do list has to be stop extracting fossil fuels, stop burning them, stop subsidising them. Just stop!

In many ways, the investor and finance sector had already started to make that call and this year that will probably accelerate. 4) ___________ (POLITICS) can obfuscate and, in the words of Greta Thunberg, ‘blah blah blah’ all they like, but the money is heading away from fossil fuels. One of my favourite ‘overheard at Cop26’ moments was an expert referring to politicians as «lagging indicators».

That seemed to be the case for the Cambo oilfield project (at least for now). The brilliant work of Client Earth, using not just legal angles but diplomatic ones to push for the end of coal, will continue to be really 5) _________ (SIGN) next year. Comfortingly, that extends far beyond Europe to very-hard-to-read China, where Client Earth claims to have trained 1,000 judges and prosecutors on regional pollution laws.

We’ve also become reliant on the global youth 6) __________ (MOVE) to apply pressure and hold power to account. This coming year, they need full support (including financial, as many youth activists pay their own way). This youth movement has moved on from school strikes, and now needs to play a proper role. We cannot have another Cop that holds them at arms length. Cop27 in Egypt must have proper 7) __________ (PRESENT) built into the structure (in 2018 UN protocols were changed to allow youth leaders to participate in more of the process, but they still don’t have a seat in 8) ____________(NEGOTIATE). We can’t rely on the pressure of protest either, because there is every chance that it will not be allowed in Egypt (there is every chance they will be tricky here too, thanks to the police and crime act).

One vital sign that we should take huge comfort from is that we are 9) ___________ (FINAL) talking about a dual crisis in climate and nature. The two are inextricably linked and yet the UN process (which I keep banging on about because it is the process we have, however 9) __________(PERFECT) as sought to keep them apart in about four different and very complicated channels and processes separating biodiversity and climate regimes. This has proved a huge headache for smaller countries, many of which are climate vulnerable and 10) _______________ (DIVERSE) hotspots. In Glasgow, attempts were made to bring nature and climate together, and the often-neglected so-called Cinderella subjects – including land use and agriculture – took part in Nature Day. Could Cop27 mark the point at which Cinderella gets to go to the ball?

by Lucy Siegle

Down to Earth, The GARDIAN, January 2022

Task № 3

Pesticides have polluted our rivers and lakes

and there’s no quick fix

I have been reporting on pesticides for more than a decade, but some 1) ___________ (REVEAL) really stick in my mind. One was the discovery in 2013 of insecticide pollution in the ditches by Dutch fields that was so bad the water itself could have been used as an 2) __________ (EFFECT) pest killer. Not surprisingly the impact on dragonflies, snails and other wild water creatures was devastating. The situation does not appear to have improved. New research by the European Environment 3) _________ (AGENT) showed excessive levels of pesticides in about a quarter of rivers and lakes across the EU, with the Netherlands the worst affected. More than half of all Dutch water bodies – 56% – had high levels of pesticides, including 62% of lakes.

Agriculture is 4) ____________ (PART) intensive in the Netherlands, but it is far from alone in dousing its landscapes in pesticides. In Italy, Belgium, the Czech Republic and Finland, about half of water bodies were heavily polluted, as well as 38% in Germany, 33% in Ireland, and 26% in France. The EEA also reported excess pesticides in groundwater in about 5% of sites. The striking aspect of this was that the most common 5) ___________ (POLLUTE) was atrazine, which was banned in the EU in 2007. “It is very persistent,” said the EEA, which also noted that, unlike most pollutants, pesticides are 6) _____________ (SPECIFIC) designed to kill living things.

The data analysed by the EEA was taken from more than 20,000 monitoring sites across the EU between 2013 and 2019, but it is far from the full picture. Only half the pesticides detected have exceeded limits set by Europe – the other half could not be included in the study.

The data is also reported voluntarily by countries, meaning considerable gaps remain, but there is no 7) __________ (INDICATE) of an improving situation. The UK is no longer an EU member, so was not included in the EEA analysis, but insecticides were revealed to be polluting rivers in England in 2017.The number of different pesticides reported in EU rivers and lakes was more than 100 in Germany and Italy. France detected 215 8) ________ (DIFFER) pesticides in groundwater. That reminded me of another striking finding from France, from a study I reported in 2017: virtually all farms could significantly cut their pesticide use while still producing as much food. Most pesticides are applied “just in case”, the work showed, doing little other than harming nature. Only a few months after that, another 9) ______________ (MEMORY) study laid out the big picture: the assumption by regulators around the world that it is safe to use pesticides at industrial scales across landscapes is false, said senior scientists. With no limit on the total amount of pesticides used, and virtually no monitoring of their effects in the environment, the damage is done before it is detected.

The new EEA analysis comes at an important time. The European Green Deal plan is aiming to reduce the use of, and risks from, chemical pesticides by 50% by 2030. Addressing the risks, as well as the volume, of pesticides is vital – the amount being used is falling, but the 10) __________ (INCREASE) toxicity of the chemicals is outpacing that fall. But cutting pesticide use it is not going to be easy. Last week, the website DeSmog published an investigation into the powerful companies and lobby groups working to water down the EU’s targets for more 11) ___________ (SUSTAIN) farming. These companies and groups spent €45m lobbying EU decision-makers between 2019 and 2020, DeSmog reported, and held hundreds of meetings with relevant bodies.

Natacha Cingotti, at the Brussels-based Health and Environmental Alliance, said: “When working on pesticide-related policies, the imbalance of stakeholders in favour of industry interests is striking. The dominating actors are those very companies set to profit from the sale of 12) _________ (HARM) chemicals, not those who stand for health and environment protection.”

by Damian Carrington

Down to Earth, The GARDIAN, January 2022

Task № 4

Activism is the driving force behind America’s healthier highways

As 2021 enters its final stages, the year will 1) __________ (VARY) be reflected upon as one marred by pandemic, disinformation and a worsening climate crisis. But it may also be considered the year when a 2) ___________ (FUND) rethink started to blossom over the role of roads in our cities and towns. Some of this has been marked by direct confrontation, such as the Insulate Britain protests that blocked the M25 and M56 motorways, while in other places it’s seen the gleeful embrace of cycling over driving, such as in Paris. Perhaps the most profound shift is stirring in the US, a country with a seemingly insatiable thirst for large SUVs, an often desultory attitude to public transport and a 3) ___________ (PROBLEM) history of carving highways through the hearts of its cities.

The huge expansion of the interstate highway system from the 1950s onwards saw the widespread razing of black 4) ____________ (NEIGHBOUR) to make way for the new roads. It’s left a legacy of air pollution that has blighted the health of those left behind and a car dependence that has been disastrous for the climate. It also caused community 5) ____________ (LOCATE) that hurts to this day. “It was a space where you could buy a pie, where you could go to see jazz music,” said activist Qannani Omar about the vibrant area flattened to make way for Highway 55 in the north side of Minneapolis. “It had walkability. People were able to live in this community and walk to their needs.”

Minneapolis is just one city – Rochester, New York and Oakland, California are notable other examples – where resident groups are pushing for such highways, which 6) _____________ (PROPORTION) cleaved apart communities of colour, to be removed. And now they have an ally in the US government, which has acknowledged the need to make amends for a racist past that imperils the climatic future. The recently passed infrastructure bill designates $1bn to “reconnecting” communities across the US, which will involve tearing down harmful highways, creating new pedestrian-friendly trails and providing better links to bus and train lines. The lay-out of America’s highways “obviously reflects racism that went into those design choices”, Pete Buttigieg, the transport secretary, has 7) ___________ (KNOW). “We have nothing to lose by confronting that obvious reality.”

Already, there are signs of what this 8) ____________ (TRANSFORM) would look like. A new plan for the CrossBronx Expressway, one of the busiest and most polluting freeways in New York City, is to be devised, ‘capping’ it with greenery and providing nearby residents with a better barrier from the pollution and noise it generates. Advocates say much more needs to be done – removing highways rather than just lessening their impact and far more funding is required to make a 9) ____________ (SIGN) dent in America’s tangle of roadways – but a new vision for urban areas is starting to take hold, fuelled by open streets initiatives that saw pedestrians, skateboarders and playing children ushered into places previously the sole domain of cars pre-pandemic.

The hope is that not only will America’s cities start to feel a bit more connected and 10) ____________ (LIVE) but that planet-heating emissions will drop off, too.

by Oliver Milman

Down to Earth, The GARDIAN, December 2021

Task № 5

Activism is the driving force behind America’s healthier highways

Let’s be honest about the climate crisis – and that means being 1) ___________ (HOPE) too. Let’s start with the big picture, the bad news first, and then the good: the environment is the world and everything in it. It is the air, water and food we need to survive and the 2) _________ (NATURE) wonders that leave us awestruck. Ultimately, we rely on the environment for everything. But we are destroying and polluting it. The Great Acceleration of 3) ____________ (CONSUME) and population growth of the last 70 years has brought us into the Anthropocene, where 4) ____________ (HUMAN) dominates the planet, and to a triple crisis. The climate crisis, with its wildfires and floods, is upon us. The carbon dioxide from our relentless burning of fossil fuels is trapping ever more heat and pushing the gentle weather that nurtured the growth of 5) ____________ (CIVIL) to new extremes. The biodiversity crisis has put us on the verge of the first mass 6) ____________ (EXTINCT) of species ever faced by Homo sapiens. The razing of forests, ploughing up of grasslands and plundering of the seas is pushing the wild world to the margins. The 7) ____________ (POLLUTE) crisis is killing millions of people a year with dirty air, foul water and toxic soils. It is decimating wildlife too, not least the myriad insects without which we will not survive. But it is not too late. We have the 8) ______________ (KNOW) and tools to restore the land, water and air and create a sustainable future. It is happening in 9) _____________ (NEW) energy, electric cars and plant-based alternatives to meat. Science, technology, economics, politics, social justice and more will all 10) _________ (ACT) as the future unfolds.

by Damian Carrington

Down to Earth, The GARDIAN, December 2021

Task № 6

10 beautiful winter birds to spot in UK towns and cities

From the streetwise crow to the 1) __________ (COLOUR) goldfinch, the co-founder of Flock Together reveals the birds he loves to look out for in winter. As a co-founder of Flock Together, a London-based birdwatching collective for people of colour that organises walks across the south of England all year round, the question I am asked most often is: “Are there even any birds in winter?”

It’s fair enough. Birdsong declines 2) __________ (SHARP) in winter, as birds do not need to attract mates outside the breeding season; many summer visitors will have left, and there is less need to mark territory, so there is more space. However, birds wintering here are frantically looking for food. This, along with 3) _________ (LEAF) winter trees, means plenty of opportunities for good sightings, wherever you are. Here are some of my favourite birds to watch in winter. Some are in the UK year-round, others migrate in for the season, and the good news is that they are all 4) ____________ (SPREAD) in the UK – even if you live in a city, you shouldn’t have to go far to see them.

Carrion crow

My favourite bird to watch! Gangs of these glossy all-black birds rule the streets. Living in numbers helps them ward off 5) ___________ (COMPETE) and establish strongholds. An “everyday” bird? Yes. Unimpressive? Absolutely not.


This tiny brown bird can be identified by its cocked-up tail. They often hide under thick hedges, singing their loud, melodic song. I like to spot them in Hackney Marshes but they can be seen everywhere.

Grey heron

Grey herons exude a pterodactyl-like energy in flight – 6) ____________ (SPECIAL) when they let out their loud squawks. Standing by water, hunting for amphibians and fish, they can sometimes be so still that you question whether you’re looking at a statue. We once received a video of one spinning a rat by its tail.

Long-tailed tit

These crazy cute, pink, black and white birds are so tiny that you might miss them – but their long tails make them easy to recognise. They are hardly ever seen alone and flocks will hop from one garden to the next, looking for hanging 7) __________ (FEED).

Short-eared owl

These owls hunt by day, so you might spot them flying low above open ground. Lots arrive from Scandinavia and show themselves for the winter year after year. I like to watch them at the RSPB Rainham Marshes reserve in Essex, but they can be seen in 8) __________ (SUIT) habitats from Scotland to Cornwall.


A true winter bird of the UK, this is a type of thrush distinguished by a red patch under its wings and an eyestripe. Thousands 9) _________ (ARRIVAL) in the UK from colder climates in late October. They feed mainly on berries and worms. The ones on my balcony came for the sliced oranges and apples I left out.

by Nadeem Perera

The GARDIAN, December 2021


Task № 1: 1) daily, 2) incalculable, 3) generational, 4) natural, 5) regularly, 6) enthusiastic, 7) unprecedented, 8) excited, 9) naturalist, 10) valuable, 11) activist, 12) celebration

Task № 2: 1) definitely, 2) awareness, 3) expectation, 4) politicians, 5) significant, 6) movement, 7) representation, 8) negotiation, 9) finally, 10) imperfect, 11) biodiversity

Task № 3: 1) revelation, 2) effective, 3) agency, 4) particularly, 5) pollution, 6) specifically, 7) indicate, 8) different, 9) memorable, 10) increasing, 11) sustainable, 12) harm

Task № 4: 1) invariably, 2) fundamental, 3) problematic, 4) neighborhood, 5) dislocation, 6) disproportionally, 7) acknowledge, 8) transformation, 9) significant, 10) liveable

Task № 5: 1) hopeful, 2) natural, 3) consumption, 4) humanity, 5) civilization, 6) extinction,

7) pollution, 8) knowledge, 9) renewable, 10) interact

Task № 6: 1) colourful, 2) sharply, 3) leafless, 4) widespread, 5) competitors, 6) especially, 7) feeders, 8) suitable, 9) arrival


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