Write a short composition on the internet use the following plan сочинение

Напишите краткое сочинение об Интернете. Пользуйтесь планом ниже:
1.     Вступление (что вы будете описывать, что такое интернет)
2.     Основная часть:
  1   абзац — почему интернет популярен сегодня
  2     абзац — почему он опасен
  3     абзац — зачем мы его используем
3.     Вывод (ваше отношение к интернету)
Воспользуйтесь следующими выражениями: По моему мнению…, мне кажется…, причина в том, что…, в любом случае…, с одной стороны,…, с другой стороны,…, в заключение…
The Internet is the most popular and multifunctional means of communication today. It seems to me that describe it is not an easy task, however I’ll try.
The Internet is very popular nowadays; the reason for this is big range of opportunities it gives for people of different age.
On one hand it can be dangerous, because it’s a virtual unpredictable world with mysterious people and deceitful manners. On the other hand it develops dependence on it.
In my opinion the best way to use it is to keep in touch with relatives and friends from other countries and to help with studies.
In conclusion I’d like to mention that the Internet became one of the symbols of the 21-st century, as well as our pride and disease.
Интернет — это наиболее популярный и многофункциональный способ связи. Мне кажется, что описать его довольно сложно, но я постараюсь.
Сегодня интернет очень популярен, причиной тому послужил большой круг возможностей, которые он предоставляет людям разных возрастов.
С одной стороны он может быть опасен, так как это виртуальный непредсказуемый мир с таинственными людьми и лживыми манерами. С другой стороны он развивает зависимость.
На вой взгляд лучший способ применения интернета — это поддержка связей с родственниками и друзьями из разных стран и помощь в учебе.
В заключение, я хотела бы отметить, что интернет стал одним из символов 21 ого века, а вместе с тем нашей гордостью и нашей болезнью.

                                          The Internet

The Internet is a worldwide system of computer networks, or a collection of all the world’s computers that are linked together.

The Internet enables global communication. With the Internet we can quickly move information from one place to another. Nowadays people can do business online, send letters, create web-sites, chat with friends, sell and buy lots of things, watch videos, share recipes, listen to music, learn languages… In short,  the Internet saves our time and effort and makes the world much more efficient.

However, we should always be aware of its dangers. People, and especially children, can face threats like cyberbullying and inappropriate content. Besides, using social networks or playing online games can be addictive.

As for me, I use the Internet to study. I look for information needed, do tests, watch educational videos, read books online. I also listen to music, watch films and post to social media.

It is hard for me to imagine my life without the Internet, and I am glad that it was invented, but I am sure that we all should always remember about its good and bad aspects.

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                                          The Internet

The Internet is a worldwide system of computer networks, or a collection of all the world’s computers that are linked together.

The Internet enables global communication. With the Internet we can quickly move information from one place to another. Nowadays people can do business online, send letters, create web-sites, chat with friends, sell and buy lots of things, watch videos, share recipes, listen to music, learn languages… In short,  the Internet saves our time and effort and makes the world much more efficient.

However, we should always be aware of its dangers. People, and especially children, can face threats like cyberbullying and inappropriate content. Besides, using social networks or playing online games can be addictive.

As for me, I use the Internet to study. I look for information needed, do tests, watch educational videos, read books online. I also listen to music, watch films and post to social media.

It is hard for me to imagine my life without the Internet, and I am glad that it was invented, but I am sure that we all should always remember about its good and bad aspects.

I think nowadays everybody knows about internet, even children. But what is it? What is the purpose for using it? Let’s make some conclusion. Now internet is the most popular way of finding information, work, friends, chatting, watching films and listening to music. All the world uses it every day. Workers, teachers, sportsmen and other people use their computers and phones with usual internet or wi-fi. But in spite of all its value, internet can be very dangerous. First of all, for our health and eyes. Also there is so much negative information in the internet, which spoils not only children, but adults too. As for me, I use internet first of all for studying and sometimes for chatting with friends. It’s easy and fast to find something in the internet than in the books or libraries. But I like reading too, not online books, but usual. I think they are alive. I like internet and its help. But I guess, I should use it with certain aim and seldom for play.

to describe.what is the internet) 2.Main part: Paragraph 1:why the internet is so popular nowadays. Paragraph 2:why the internet can be dangerous Paragraph 3:what do you use the internet for 3.Conclusion(your attitude towards the internet _________________________________ Не могли бы вы мне помочь с этим?

Ответы на вопрос

                                          The Internet

The Internet is a worldwide system of computer networks, or a collection of all the world’s computers that are linked together.

The Internet enables global communication. With the Internet we can quickly move information from one place to another. Nowadays people can do business online, send letters, create web-sites, chat with friends, sell and buy lots of things, watch videos, share recipes, listen to music, learn languages… In short,  the Internet saves our time and effort and makes the world much more efficient.

However, we should always be aware of its dangers. People, and especially children, can face threats like cyberbullying and inappropriate content. Besides, using social networks or playing online games can be addictive.

As for me, I use the Internet to study. I look for information needed, do tests, watch educational videos, read books online. I also listen to music, watch films and post to social media.

It is hard for me to imagine my life without the Internet, and I am glad that it was invented, but I am sure that we all should always remember about its good and bad aspects.

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