Задания 32 38 английский язык егэ тренажер

Практическое занятие к уроку об основных ошибках в заданиях 32−38 😎

Похожие слова

Повторим confusing words — слова, которые часто путают ⬇️


Did you have a good … ?


Do you know the … news?


I would love to have an … to meet the Prime Minister


The … around our dacha is just wonderful!


We’re going to have a … to Moscow next month

Отлично справляетесь! Еще блок ⬇️


It is impossible to change the laws of …


She explored the … of studying in the US




This is our … bottle of water


We always … first class


My parents … for an engineering company

Выберите подходящую форму глаголов make, let или allow ⬇️


Jackie wasn’t … to stay with her friends


Jackie wanted to go out, but she was … to stay at home


Don’t … her upset you


Jackie’s parents … her stay in rather than go out


Jackie’s parents didn’t … her to leave the flat


Jackie’s parents didn’t … her leave the flat

Отличная работа! 👍👍

Глаголы для передачи чужой речи

Прочитайте предложения и выберите подходящий глагол ⬇️

Tanya apologised for causing us a problem
Alex suggested carrying Dana’s bag for her
Alex offered to carry Dana’s bag for her
Liza denied breaking a glass and sais that Anna had done it
Liza refused to go out in such a horrible weather
Arina advised Alex not to travel by plane

Great job! Если возникли сложности, вернитесь к предыдущему уроку 😎

Подготовка к Заданиям 32−38. ЕГЭ Английский язык.

Советы по выполнению и основные ошибки в Заданиях 32−38. ЕГЭ Английский язык.

Еще несколько предложений ⬇️

Maria told me that Oksana had bought a beautiful bag Мария сказала мне, что Оксана купила красивую сумку
Maria said that Oksana had bought a beautiful bag Мария сказала, что Оксана купила красивую сумку
Maria asked if Oksana had bought a beautiful bag Мария спросила, купила ли Оксана красивую сумку
Dmitry and Alina warn their son not to play with matches Дмитрий и Алина предостерегают сына от игр со спичками
People in the qovernment suggest doubling pension В правительстве предлагают удвоить пенсию
We encourage everyone to take part in the competition Приглашаем всех принять участие в конкурсе

Отличная работа! Немного отдохните и переходите к следующей части урока 😎

Фразовая лексика

Повторим использование устойчивых комбинаций слов, которые могут встретиться на ЕГЭ по английскому 🤓

Verbs + prepositions — Глаголы с предлогами

Впишите пропущенные предлоги ✍️

accuse someone обвинять кого-либо в
blame someone обвинять кого-то в
compare сравнивать с
depend зависеть от
insist настаивать на
lend одалживать
prepare готовиться к
refer ссылаться на
suffer страдать от
talk someone something поговорить с кем-то о чем-то

Well done! Еще немного ⬇️

apply подать заявку на
borrow занимать у
congratulate поздравлять с
disagree /about быть не согласным с кем-то / по поводу
forgive someone простить кого-то за
listen слушать
prevent someone не давать кому-то сделать что-то
rely полагаться на
smile улыбаться
worry беспокоиться о

🎉🎉 Вы справились с глаголами! При необходимости освежите знания по этой теме ⬇️

Тема «Употребление глаголов с предлогами». ЕГЭ Английский.

Для успешной сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку важно знать устойчивые сочетания глаголов с предлогами. Например: accuse of, agree with, apologise for etc.

Nouns + prepositions — Существительные с предлогами

Впишите пропущенные предлоги ✍️

apology извинение за
belief вера в
congratulations поздравление с
delay задержка в
hope надеемся на
lack недостаток
preparation подготовка к
report /about сообщать о
solution решение
use использование

🎉🎉 Отличная работа! Если нужно, повторите употребление существительных с предлогами ⬇️

Тема «Употребление существительных с предлогами». ЕГЭ Английский.

Для успешной сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку важно знать устойчивые сочетания существительных с предлогами. Например: advantage of, delay in, hope for etc.

Adjectives + prepositions — Прилагательные с предлогами

Впишите пропущенные предлоги ✍️

afraid испуганный чего-то
conscious сознающий
dissatisfied недовольный чем-то
famous известен благодаря
frightened испуганный чего-то
keen сосредоточенный
responsible ответственный за
sick уставший от
tired уставший от
used привыкший к

🎉🎉 Отлично, вы справились! Если понадобится, вы всегда можете вернуться к уроку о прилагательных с предлогами ⬇️

Тема «Употребление прилагательных с предлогами». ЕГЭ Английский.

Для успешной сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку важно знать устойчивые сочетания прилагательных с предлогами. Например: capable of, dependent on, famous for etc.

Phrasal verbs Фразовые глаголы

Выберите подходящий предлог ⬇️


Tony was asking … you and I told him that you were fine


Parents always try to bring their children … in the best traditions


The concert was called … because of the bad weather


Your new hairstyle is great but I doubt that it’ll catch …


All the guests must check … before noon


The government are planning to bring … a law banning hunting


Let’s find … what they are doing at the moment


You have to go … baseball, you’ve got lots of chances to win

Поздравляем! Вы стали еще на шаг ближе к максимальному баллу на ЕГЭ по английскому языку 😎


The theatre has
always been very strong in Britain. Its centre is, of course, London, where
successful plays can   1  
a break for many years. London has several dozens of theatres, most of them
not   2   ____ from Trafalgar
Square.   3   _____ London
even some quite big towns have no public theatre at all, but every town has its
private theatres. British theatre is much admired. There you can   4   ____ the
best of everything – an excellent orchestra, famous conductors, celebrated
actors and a well-dressed   5  
Choose a good play, and you’ll enjoy yourself throughout from the moment the
curtain   6   ____to the end of the last
act. Get your seats beforehand, either at the box-office or at the theatre
itself. You’ll probably want to sit as near to the   7   ____ as

1. А) show Б) perform В) run Г) produce

2. А) far Б) remote В) distant Г) close

3. А) Inside Б) Outside В) In Г) Out

4. А) take Б) give В) hold  
Г) get

5. А) audience Б) auditorium В) authority Г) publicity

6. А) puts up Б) sets up В) makes up Г) goes up

7. А) scene Б) stage В) scenery Г) performance

2) ‘It’s Only Me’

After her husband
had gone to work, Mrs Richards sent her children to school and went
upstairs to her bedroom. She was too excited to do any 
______ that
morning, because in the evening she would be going to a fancy dress party with
her husband. She intended to dress up as a ghost and she had ______ her
costume the night before. Now she was ______ to try it on. Though the costume
consisted only of a sheet, it was very effective. MrsRichards put it ______, looked
in the mirror, smiled and went downstairs. She wanted to find out whether it
would be ______ to

as Mrs Richards was entering the dining-room, there was a  ______ on
the front door. She knew that it must be the baker. She had told him to come
straight in if ever she failed to open the door and to leave the bread on the
kitchen table. Not wanting to ______ the poor man, Mrs Richards
quickly hid in the small store-room under the stairs. She heard the front door
open and heavy footsteps in the hall. Suddenly the door of the store-room was
opened and a man entered. Mrs Richards realized that it must be the
man from the Electricity Board who had come to read the meter. She tried
to ______ the
situation, saying ‘It’s only me’, but it was too late. The man let out a cry
and jumped back several paces. When MrsRichards walked towards him, he ran
away, slamming the door behind him.

1. А)
homework; Б) household; В) housework; Г) housewife

2. А) did; Б)
made; В) built; Г) created

3. А)
nervous; Б) restless; В) ill at ease; Г) impatient

4. А) up; Б)
on; В) over; Г) down

5. А)
attractive; Б) exciting; В) comfortable; Г) cozy

6. А) knock;
Б) kick; В) hit; Г) crash

7. А) fear;
Б) worry; В) disturb; Г) frighten

8. А)
describe; Б) explain; В) interpret; Г) clear

3) Light from the

When you stand and
look at the stars, you are really looking at past history. The light from Alkaid,
the end star in the handle of the Big Dipper, has taken about 210 years
to ______
your eyes. If Alkaid stopped 
today, people on earth would still see it ______ about 210 years. Some of the stars you see
here tonight may have stopped existing several thousand years ago. The light
from some ______
stars right now will not be seen on earth until thousands, or even millions, of
years from now!

It’s ______
breathtaking, and it ______ to the great mystery about the nature of
light. Think about water waves. They get smaller and smaller in amplitude as
they travel. Their energy is lost in friction among the water molecules. Think
of sound waves in air. They too get weaker and weaker because of friction among
the air molecules.

But light waves
stop only if they strike something, and their energy is transferred ______ another
they can go on and on, at the same terrific speed, with no loss of energy,

1. A)
approach; Б) reach; В) hit; Г) achieve

2. A) burning;
Б) flashing; В) blushing; Г) shining

3. A) after;
Б) through; В) for; Г) at

4. A)
farewell; Б) faraway; В) far; Г) fair

5. A) quit;
Б) quick; В) quiet; Г) quite

4) The First Day at School

4) Do you remember
your first day at school?

 It was
probably ____
confusing. Now, to ____ this confusion, many primary schools in England have a
special teacher who welcomes new pupils. She is 3____ a reception class teacher. The children are ____ with the
idea of school and if they have been good, they can’t understand why they have
to go to school. They imagine that school is optional. When the child goes
to school on his first day and watches his mother leaving he thinks that she is
deserting him. The teacher must ____ him that at the end of the day his mother will
be back and take him home. The children are not the only people that are
disturbed by going to school. The teacher sometimes has as much difficulty
in ____
with the mothers. They hang around and dislike leaving the child without their

The best way
to ____
with the situation is to get the child used to the idea of school. Before the
beginning of term, the mother should take her child to see the teacher and to
look ____
the school. The first day should be something to emphasize the
regularity of school.

1. А) enough; Б)
rarely; В) rather; Г) equally

2. A) escape;
Б) defeat; В) beat; Г) avoid

3. A) named;
Б) called; В) said; Г) told

4. A) afraid;
Б) threatened; В) endangered; Г) risked

5. A)
convince; Б) prove; В) explain; Г) announce

6. A)
managing; Б) guiding; В) coping; Г) handling

7. A) face;
Б) deal; В) touch; Г) consider

8. A)
through; Б) about; В) after; Г) round

Your Future World

5) What will you be doing in 2025? 

Will you be living
in an undersea research station? Will you be the chief engineer ______ a
bridge across the Atlantic Ocean? Will you be leading an ______ to
the planet Mars? Will you be …?

You can daydream,
of course, but nobody knows exactly what the world will be ______. But scientists
have made some guesses.

Based on the
advances made, they believe people will be healthier. Diphtheria, malaria,
tuberculosis, polio and many other killers are under control now. These
diseases are on the way out, ______ to germ-killing chemicals, new ways of
finding out about our bodies, and new ways of providing clean, safe 5______ and

Healthier people
live longer, so we can expect the world’s population to ______ sharply.
It may double in the next forty years! This brings up a serious problem: how
will we find food, water, and minerals for such a huge population?

Scientists are at
work on some ______.
From the ocean they hope to get new fertilizers to increase the yield of the
soil; new chemicals to kill crop-destroying insects without ______ other
animals, new sources of water or supplies of food.

1. A) inventing; Б)
designing; В) scheming; Г) doing

2. A) exploration; Б) expenditure; В) expedition; Г) exhibit

3. A) like;
Б) alike; В) likely; Г) likable

4. A) as a
result; Б) because; В) on account; Г) thanks

5. A) eat; Б)
feed; В) food; Г) cooking

6. A)
decrease; Б) distract; В) dissolve; Г) increase

7. A)
solutions; Б) alternatives; В) preferences; Г) questions

8. A)
hurting; Б) harming; В) injuring; Г) wounding

6) Alaska

The first
Europeans to visit what is now called Alaska were Russian sailors led
by Captain Bering. The ______ was funded by Russian czar Peter the Great.
In 1728 Bering and his crew ______ through the strait that is now named after him, between
the easternmost part of Asia and the westernmost part of the Americas. Their
journey ______
that Asia was not connected to North America; however, due to the heavy fog,
they never actually saw the nearby land of North America. In 1741 Bering headed
further south, landing on tiny Kayak Island off the ______ of what
is now the southeastern part of the state.

In the 1780s and
1790s Russians began small colonies, first on Kodiak Island and later
on the mainland. In 1799 the Russian-American Company was
established to ______ Russian interests. For the next 68 years the company
provided the only form of government for the European colonists, ______ never
numbered more than a few hundred. The Russians ruled the ______ until
the late 1860s, when they sold it to the United States for $7.2
million dollars.

The ______ of gold
in 1896 in the Yukon Territory started a huge gold rush that brought
thousands of settlers.

1. A) travel;
Б) trip; В) journey; Г) expedition

2. A)
paddled; Б) sailed; В) travelled; Г) rowed

3. A) proved;
Б) convinced; В) persuaded; Г) appeared

4. A) bank;
Б) beach; В) shore; Г) sea-side

5. A) look
after; Б) look at; В) look for; Г) look away

6. A) which;
Б) whose; В) what; Г) who

7. A)
country; Б) area; В) ground; Г) earth

8. A)
discovery; Б) detection; В) exploration; Г) innovation

7) Ordinary

“Ordinary was the
worst word she could find for anything
. She and I would
argue fiercely because I wanted to be ordinary as desperately as my mother
wanted to be 
______ .

I can’t ______ that
hair-do”, she said when I went to the hairdresser with my friend and came back
with a pageboy haircut straight out of Seventeenmagazine, “It’s so terribly
ordinary”. Not ugly, not unsuitable. But ordinary

Her ______ of
ordinariness came out most strongly in her clothes.

you please 
______ something
else?” I asked her when she was dressing for Parents’ Day in tight-fitting
pants and a bright pink sweater, with a Mexican cape.

wrong with my outfit?”

wasn’t wrong with it!

just that I wish it would be something more plain,” I said sheepishly,
“something that people won’t 
______ at.”

looked at me angrily and drew herself 
______ to
her full height of five feet ten inches.

______ of your
own mother? Because if you are, Isadora, I feel 
______ for
you. I really do.”

1. A) uncommon; Б) unusual; В) odd; Г) peculiar

2. A) stand; Б) approve; В) agree; Г) vote

3. A) worry; Б) trouble; В) panic; Г) fear

4. A) dress;
Б) put; В) 
wear; Г) clothe

5. A) watch; Б) stare; В) glance; Г) peep

6. A) up; Б) on; В) over; Г) at

7. A) sorry; Б) shamed; В) ashamed; Г) angry

8. A)
regretful; Б) 
sorry; В) guilty; Г) unhappy

Searching for a New Programme

A healthy
lifestyle can vastly improve your well-being. This is a lifestyle designed for
those who wish to feel more certain about their health and more in control of
what the present and future will bring them in that
important 1 ______ of existence. None of us wants to be sick. None of
us enjoys the idea that we may become a medical statistic. This is a simple,
easy-to-follow health-style that can enable you to get cards very much in
your 2 ______. The doctors were fortunate enough to come
into 3 ______ with a field of study that brought them to healing and
well-being that they so desperately needed. They personally
have 4 ______ thousands of people improve their health using only a
small part of information. Many more people begin to improve their health now.
Embracing the most current information from many health-related fields, the
programme of healthy lifestyle gives you an understanding of the impact of
exercise, breathing, sunshine, sleep and much more on your health. In order for
this programme to work for you, you have to be willing to apply at least some
part of it. Some change will be 5 ______. And as you make those first
modest changes, you will get positive results that encourage you to do more.
Changing is fun. And if you realize that your new healthy
lifestyle 6 ______ the making of new habits, not
the 7 ______ of old ones, you will feel very positive about what the
future holds for you.

1. А) sector Б) region В) area Г) territory

2. А) benefit
Б) advantage В) privilege Г) favour

3. А) touch Б) contact В) view Г) connection

4. А) confessed
Б) witnessed В) determined Г) recognized

5. А) ordered
Б) commanded В) forced Г) required

6. А)
contains Б) consists В) involves Г) encloses

7. А) breaking Б) damaging В) ruining Г) destroying

To the North of London

The Aldenham Country Park is
a large and pleasant area easily reached if you are travelling north out
of London. It is worth visiting if you want a quick breath of fresh air
and a reasonably attractive place for a brief picnic. The most important point
of the park is Aldenham Reservoir. It was built in 1796 to 1 ______
the water level in the river 2 ______ by the newly
constructed Grand Union Canal, and more recently has been used
as a reserve public water supply. Not far from there lies the busy town
of Watford which can be recommended for a brief visit. And in
any 3 ______ much more interesting stretches of the canal are met
further north. And if you make your way through the town you can visit
the Watford Museum in the High Street which has materials on printing
and paper-making on 4 ______. The picture gallery has changing
exhibitions of works by artists who lived or painted in the area. Another
attraction of the neighbourhood is a fascinating complex of Roman buildings,
the 5 ______ of a great city, once the third largest centre of Roman
Britain. The private houses were impressive, many of them furnished with mosaic
floors. The beauty of the mosaics can hardly be described on paper, and it is
best 6 ______ by standing and looking for a while. The other principal
Roman site to be visited is a long stretch of the city wall
which 7 ______ back to the 3rd century.

1. А) remain
Б) support В) hold Г) maintain

2. А)
confused Б) affected В) bothered Г) disturbed

3. А)
condition Б) situation В) circumstance Г) case

4. А)
presentation Б) display В) demonstration Г) exhibition

5. А) remains
Б) wastes В) wreckage Г) reminders

6. А) praised
Б) approved В) appreciated Г) regarded

7. А) dates
Б) returns В) follows Г) comes

10) Sharing music
with friends

Brenda is a
nineteen-year old full-time college student, and she earns money working part
time as a waitress. Brenda loves to listen to music like most young people, but
she can’t 1 _____ the high CD prices that record
companies 2 _____ for popular CDs. Brenda says that the prices of CDs
are ridiculously high at $17 to $20 each and there are only two or three good
songs on each CD.

She 3 _____
an apartment with three other roommates. She pays her own 4 _____ and
she also pays most of her 5 _____. Her solution to expensive CDs is
to download or copy music from the Internet. Brenda and millions of other
people are called “downloaders” because they download free file-sharing
software and music. When Brenda later gives, shares, or trades her music files free
over the Internet, she is also an uploader. She considers herself an active
music uploader, but the music industry considers her a 6 _____. From
2001 on, the Recording Industry Association of America has sued and fined
dozens of file-sharing services, for uploading music files, and hundreds of
people, for 7 _____ the law by downloading music.

1. А) provide Б)
supply В) afford Г) allow

2. А) offer
Б) charge В) suggest Г) propose

3. А) leases
Б) lends В) hires Г) rents

4. А) lessons
Б) classes В) tuition Г) education

5. А) costs
Б) fees В) expenses Г) payments

6. А) thief
Б) cheater В) burglar Г) bandit

7. А)
undermining Б) disobeying В) breaking Г) ruining


When I was a child
I loved visiting my grandmother. I thought her house was as beautiful as a
palace. As I grew older the house and garden seemed smaller, but I still loved
visiting the old lady. There were so many lovely things to look   1   _____ in
the house.

I loved her
paintings and the old clock, but   2  
I loved a big Chinese vase which stood in the hall. It was   3   _____ than
me, and I couldn’t see   4  
I walked round and round it looking at the beautiful ladies and the birds and
flowers and trees, and Grandmother often   5   _____ me
stories about these ladies. She said that her grandfather had brought the vase
with him when he returned from a long   6   _____ to

We live in a
modern house, and I’m afraid my husband and I often nag at the children. “Don’t
make the new carpet dirty, Paul!” “Be careful with the new table, Philip!”

Before she died,
Grandmother gave me the vase I loved so much. It   7   _____ beautiful
in our modern hall.

One day I came
home from the shop. The boys met me at the door. “I’m as strong as George Bes,
Mummy,” said Paul. “I got a goal and I broke the vase.” Philip tried to be more
diplomatic than Paul, “It doesn’t really matter, does it? You told us it wasn’t
new. You aren’t cross, are you?”

1. А) out Б) at В) into Г) about

2. А) mostly Б) great of В) greatly Г) most of

3. А) higher Б) larger В) taller Г) greater

4. А) about Б) around В) inside Г) outside

5. А) said Б) spoke В) talked Г) told

6. А) voyage Б) tour В) hike Г) excursion

7. А) looked Б) viewed В) appeared Г) seemed


It was April and
John Moore was studying for an important examination. As the date of the
exam 1 _______ nearer, he decided to go somewhere and read by

He did not want
the amusements of the seaside, or the beauties of the countryside. He decided
to find a quiet, little town and work there undisturbed.
He2 ______ his suitcase with clothes and books. Then he looked in a
railway timetable for a town that he did not know. He found one, and bought a
ticket to go there. He did not tell anyone where he was going. After all, he
did not want to be 3 ______.

That is how Moore
arrived at Benchurch. It was a market town, and once a week it was quite busy
for a few hours. The rest of the time it was a very quiet and sleepy place.
Moore spent his first night at the only hotel in the town. The landlady was
very kind and helpful, but the hotel was not really quiet enough for him. The
second day he started 4 ______ for a house to rent.

There was only one
place that he liked. It was more than quiet – it was deserted and very lonely.
It was a big, old seventeenth-century house. It had barred windows like a
prison, and a high brick wall all around it. It would be hard
to 5 ______ a more unwelcoming place. But it suited Moore
perfectly. He went to find the local lawyer, who was responsible for the house.

Mr. Carnford, the
lawyer, was very happy to rent the house to him. “I’d be glad to let you have
it free,” he said, “. It’s been empty so long that people have started
to 6 ______ a lot of foolish stories about it. You’ll be able to
prove that the stories are wrong.

Moore didn’t think
it was necessary to ask the lawyer for more details of the foolish stories. He
paid his rent, and Mr. Carnford gave him the name of an old servant
to 7 ______ him. He came away from the lawyer with the keys of
the house in his pocket.
































































14)Looking for a

My new home was a
long way from the center of London but it was becoming essential to find a job,
so 1 ______ I spent a whole morning getting to town and applying
to London Transport for a job on the tube. It turned out that they were looking
for guards, not drivers. This 2 ______ me. I couldn’t drive a
car but I could probably guard a train and perhaps continue to write poems
between stations. “Yes, I would be a tube guard,” I thought. I could see myself
being cheerful, useful, a good man in a crisis.

The next day I sat
down, with almost a hundred other 3 ______, for the intelligence
test. I must have done all right because after half an hour’s wait I was sent
into another room for a psychological test. The examiner sat at a desk. You
were signaled forward to occupy the seat opposite him when the previous
occupant had been 4 ______. Sometimes the person was rejected quickly
and sometimes after quite a while. Obviously the longer interviews were the
most successful ones. Mine was the only one that lasted a minute and a half. I
can remember the questions now: “Why did you leave your last job, “Why did you
leave your job before that? “And the one before?” I
can’t 5 ______ my answers, except they were short at first and
grew shorter as we continued. His closing statement 6 ______ a
lack of sensitivity, which helped to explain why as a psychologist he had risen
no higher than the underground railway. “You have failed this test and we are
unable to offer you a position.” Failing to get that job was my low point. Or
so I thought, believing that the work was easy. Actually, such a job 7 ______ exactly
this sort of elementary responsibility a dreamer like me is unlikely to have.
But, I was still far short of self-understanding as well as short of cash.
































































15) Tracy

Tracy was as
excited as a child about her first trip abroad. Early in the morning, she
stopped at a 1 ______ agency and reserved a suite on the Signal
Deck ofthe Queen Elizabeth II. The next three days she spent buying
clothes and luggage.

On the morning of
the sailing, Tracy hired a limousine to drive her to the pier. When
she 2 ______ at Pier 90, where the Queen Elizabeth II was
docked, it was crowded with photographers and television reporters, and for a
moment Tracy was panic stricken. Then she realized they were interviewing the
two men posturing at the foot of the gangplank. The members of the crew were
helping the passengers with their luggage. On deck, a steward looked at Tracy’s
ticket and 3 ______ her to her stateroom. It was a lovely suite
with a private terrace. It had been ridiculously expensive but
Tracy 4 ______ it was worth it.

She unpacked and
then wandered along the corridor. In almost every cabin there were farewell
parties going on, with laughter and champagne and conversation. She felt a
sudden ache of loneliness. There was no one to see her 5 ______, no
one for her to care about, and no one who cared about her. She was sailing into
a completely unknown future.

Suddenly she felt
the huge ship shudder as the tugs started to pull it out of the harbor, and she
stood 6 ______ the passengers on the boat deck, watching the
Statue of Liberty slide out of 7 ______, and then she went exploring.

































































Let me tell you
what happened once when my dear Uncle Podger decided to hang a picture on the
wall. He told us not to   1 ______ and
just watch him do it. He said he would do it by himself. Well, he came up to
the picture which was waiting to be put up in the dining room and took it. But
suddenly it fell down and the glass   2 ______ into
pieces and he cut his finger. He started to   3 ______ his
handkerchief but couldn’t find it because he had put it in his coat and none of
us knew where his coat was. 
“Six of you!” Uncle Podger exclaimed, “and you cannot find the coat that I put
down only five minutes ago!” But then he got up from his chair and found that
he had been sitting on his coat the whole time. “Oh, you can stop your   4 ______. I’ve found it myself!”
Then after an hour was spent in tying up his finger Uncle Podger wondered where
the hammer had disappeared to. And while everybody was trying to get the hammer
he was standing on the chair saying: “Well, I want to know if you are going
to   5 ______ me here all evening!”
Finally the hammer was found, but we noticed that the nail which he had
prepared was lost. And, of course, Uncle Podger didn’t keep   6 ______ while
he was waiting for another nail to be brought. We heard all he had to say about
our habit of losing all the things he needed.
When the picture was hanging on the wall at last, everybody looked
very   7 ______, all except Uncle Podger, who
was lively as ever. Aunt Maria remarked that if Uncle Podger wanted to do a job
like that again, she would spend a week with her mother until it was over.

1. A) scare  B) disturb 
C) worry  D) fear

2. A) failed B) broke C) ruined D) fell

3. A) look at B) look to C) look after D) look for

4. A) search B) investigation  C) exploration 
D) study

5. A) stay B) keep C) put D) take

6. A) dumb B) cool C) still D) silent

7. A) dull B) tired C) fresh D) boring

17) A

In my early 20s,
after a year and a half in England, and four months in France, I returned to
the United States and got a job at a camp in northern Virginia. My   1 ______ that
summer was Dan from Mississippi, and I am from Rhode Island. We worked together
with a group of boys from 12 to 14 years old. I’ve always been a bit untidy,
but Dan was   2 ______ and
clean, even after a night in the woods with our campers. We could not have been
more different, but we got on because we shared the same   3 ______ of
At the end of the summer, a few of us went to   4 ______ a
cave in West Virginia and got stuck in the cave for the night. It wasn’t as
dramatic as it sounds. The park rangers had told us to stay there if anything
happened. They knew where we were going, and when we should have been back. Dan
hurt his right foot badly. So we had to   5 ______ the night in the cave. Food and water
were not a problem, but we turned off our lights to save power. In the
distance, we could hear the sound of running water.
To   6 ______ the time, we told stories. That night
in the cave we moved from one family story to another. As the night wore on, I
remembered more and more. I was not alone–the cave, the blue light and the
flowing water released stories and memories that we had never revealed to
anyone. It was as if a river of stories had started flowing in each of us. 
When the rangers came the next morning, we didn’t want to   7 ______. «Can’t we just tell a
few more stories?» In the cave, that night, I became a storyteller.

1. A) friend  B) teammate 
C) partner  D) opponent

2. A) clear  B) neat C) exact D)

3. A) feeling B) emotion C) reason D)

4. A) explore B) analyze C) teach D) learn

5. A) lead B) spend C) hold D) waste

6. A) keep B) waste C) spare D) pass

7. A) escape B) leave C) remain D) retire

18) New
York City: Nostalgia for the Old Neighbourhood

Life is made up of
little things: some unimportant memories from childhood that, in fact, shaped
your character. I   1
 on Third Avenue in midtown Manhattan during the
1950s-60s where family life was centred around old   2 ______ of
flats and small stores. Third Avenue was my old neighbourhood and it had
character. It was   3 ______ with
working families of Italian, German and Irish origin. We shopped together with
all those people and their kids played together. Third Avenue influenced the
way our family lived. I absorbed the street life. It gave me an   4 ______ that
I could not have received in any other place. To me, it was home.
In a recent walk around Third Avenue my eyes   5 ______ signs
of the old neighbourhood but couldn’t find any. If I hadn’t been born here and
someone described the area, it would be   6 ______ to
believe. It wasn’t because a few buildings had changed – everything had
changed. The transformation began in the late 1950s and 60s when corporations
replaced the old neighbourhood. In the early 1960s, the houses were pulled
down. Families were forced to   7
, the small stores went out of business and the old
neighbourhood was changed forever. And now there is a lack of character in the
transformed neighbourhood.

1. A)  brought up B)  grew up C)  went up
D) got up

2. A) blocks B) houses C) groups D) sets

3. A) covered B) held C) loaded D) filled

4. A) knowledge B) information C)
education D) training

5. A) looked after B) looked for C) looked through D)
looked at

6. A) hard B) easy C) strange D) heavy

7. A) stay out B) take out C) move out D) go out

19)To Hear A Child

I believe in
patience. I live as a volunteer residential counselor in a small group home.
These boys have brought joy and happiness into my life; they have made me laugh
and made me proud. However, they have also challenged me, made me angry and
tested my patience. 
Each day we start anew, going about a   1 ______ routine.
I drive them to school, pick them up, cook for them and help with homework. We
spend the evenings   2 ______ about
what happened during the day. I meet their teachers and study for tests with
them. They are the last people I see each night and the first ones I hear in
the morning. They have become a   3 ______ of my
life. I am twenty-two and am beginning to understand the love of a parent.
I could not have come this far without patience. They do not think like
miniature adults and it is not fair to expect them to.   4 ______ my
expectations of them are high, I must remember that so much of what they see
and understand is for the first time. First loves, first failed test, first
time feeling the need to break away from the nest. I must have patience with
them, because there is still a child within that comes out when I least expect
This world is a fast-paced, fast food, fast-internet place.   5 ______, no matter how fast things
move, children will be children. I believe they will mature quicker and with
more tools if I am patient. I see it in their eyes. Over time, sad eyes can
glisten again, but only if I am   6 ______ of
the fact that it takes them longer to get somewhere. 
I see around them a world that expects too much of them. They come   7 ______ too
many things that give them too much sadness. They listen to me, respect me and
understand reason but not always when I want them to. This opportunity has
given me wisdom but only when I was patient enough to hear a child.

1. A)  daily  B) common  C) 
average  D) traditional

2. A) discussing  B) debating  C) talking 
D) saying

3. A) bit  B) part  C) parcel  D) piece

4. A) also  B) altogether  C) although  D)

5. A) nevertheless  B) nevermore  C)
although  D) therefore

6. A) common  B) familiar  C) aware 
D) acquainted

7. A) through  B) along  C) upon  D)

20) Bo

It was raining.
The rain started early in the morning and it seemed, that it would never stop.
Looking out of the window, Bo was thinking about his telephone conversation.
Raindrops spattered the windshield as the taxi sliced through   1 ______ traffic
on Park Avenue. There were too many cars as usual. When it had skidded to a
halt at the curb, Bo gave a ten-dollar bill to the driver. That included a very
generous tip. He   2 ______ his
point of destination and was ready to take on Frank Ramsey. He had called
Ramsey that morning from the Yale club and demanded the meeting. Ramsey had
tried to avoid it but Bo insisted and Ramsey gave   3 ______.
At the building’s revolving doors, Bo glanced back over his shoulder through
the rain and noticed a woman standing on the sidewalk a short distance away. In
the dim light he could not get a clear picture. She   4 ______ so
much like Tiffany. She was wearing a yellow top and had long blond hair.
Standing absolutely  5 ______ beneath
her umbrella while everything around her moved, she seemed to be gazing sraight
at him. His heart   6 ______,
the way it always did when he saw her. He couldn’t help it. Bo strained
to   7 ______ sight
of her as he was jostled into the doorway. When he cleared the doors, the woman
had already disappeared.

1. A) solid  B) heavy 
C) hard  D) difficult

2. A) achieved  B) arrived  C) entered  D)

3. A) to  B) on  C) in  D) off

4. A) stared  B) gazed  C) looked  D)

5. A) inert  B) static  C) quiet  D) still

6. A) set  B) sank  C) moved  D)

7. A) keep  B) hold  C) take  D) give

21) The secret tunnel

In the middle of
our village, there is a beautiful old church, which dates back to the beginning
of the Middle Ages. It was rebuilt several times, but some of its parts,
including the foundations, are   1 ______.
Well,   2 ______ about
restoration, a while ago they decided to install a heating system there, as it
gets cold in winter. Some of the local boys volunteered to help, including
The benches were connected in stacks, so it was hard work to lift or to push
them away, but we managed it. Most of the church floor was covered with
marble-type slabs, but under some benches there were just some ancient-looking
We got really   3 ______,
as we had heard stories about an old underground passageway leading from a
crypt below the church to the castle in the nearest city. It is twelve
miles   4 ______.
So, a friend of mine and I started to dig down there. It was relatively easy to
pull out the top layer of bricks, and underneath them we found soil, which also
moved easily as it was completely dry. We found that one side of the hole was
so soft that you could just   5 ______ a
stick through it. It was obviously that passageway! Then some workmen came in
and told us to stop. Just fancy that! We had to stop at the most exciting
After a few days, the workmen put a layer of hard cement over the entire floor,
so our find remained a mystery. But I won’t give   6 ______. I still hope to go there
some day and find that secret tunnel. Maybe, that will become the
greatest   7 ______ of
the 21st century.

1. A) natural 
B) original  C) real  D) genuine

2. A) commenting  B) telling  C) saying 
D) speaking

3. A) excited  B) amazed  C) annoyed  D)

4. A) away  B) far  C) off  D) about

5. A) shift  B) pull  C) push  D)

6. A) in  B) up  C) on  D) at

7. A) innovation  B) invention  C)
discovery  D) development

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Ох уж эти мудреные задания 32-38 ЕГЭ! А сколько хлопот они доставляют ученикам. Приступая к их выполнению, они часто задают один и тот же вопрос: « А нет ли единого списка слов и выражений, которые используются в этом задании? И неважно их количество 100 или 3000. Главное, чтобы он был. Ведь тогда ты знаешь, что встретится на экзамене». К сожалению, его просто не существует. Однако не спешите расстраиваться. Сегодня мы разберем, как правильно выполнять задания раздела «Грамматика и лексика», используя простой алгоритм. А в качестве бонуса мы продемонстрируем вам, как он работает на практике.

Важно! С 2020г. уровень сложности заданий 32-38 ЕГЭ изменен с повышенного на высокий. Как поясняют на сайте ФИПИ, это сделано «с целью более точной дифференциации участников экзамена по уровню языков навыков».

Как выглядят и что проверяют задания 32-38

Перед вами будет текст с 7 пропусками, к каждому и которых предложены по 4 варианта ответа. Лишь один — верный. Максимальный балл за выполненное задание — 7.

Задания 32-38 ЕГЭ проверяют знание:

  • синонимов,
  • предложных управлений существительных, прилагательных и глаголов,
  • устойчивых выражений, идиом, слов-связок,
  • фразовых глаголов,
  • лексической сочетаемости слов.

Алгоритм выполнения заданий 32-38 ЕГЭ по английскому языку

Шаг 1. Проанализируйте предложение с пропусками. Посмотрите на слово/несколько слов ДО и ПОСЛЕ пропуска, так как ДО может стоять первая часть устойчивого выражения или идиомы, а ПОСЛЕ, к примеру, предложное управление или послелог, если речь идет о выборе фразового глагола. Также обратите внимание на пунктуацию. Она тоже помогает выбрать правильный вариант ответа.

Шаг 2. Прочтите предложенные варианты ответа к первому пропуску и по одному начните откидывать неподходящие, объясняя почему. Мы рекомендуем начинать рассмотрение с варианта, который выделяется из цепочки, например, своим переводом, (редко) частью речи или словоформой. В большинстве случаев это либо единственно верный ответ или первый, который нужно исключить.

Шаг 3. Прочтите предложение с пропуском целиком и постарайтесь его перевести с учетом выбранного вами ответа. Зачем это стоит делать? Иногда с точки зрения имеющейся структуры предложения, грамматики и соседних слов подходят несколько вариантов (обычно два) и чтобы исключить один из них, нужно понять смысл предложения.

Шаг 4. Если вы не уверены в ответе или просто его не знаете, попытайтесь догадаться. Главное — не оставлять пропуск пустым. Ведь всегда есть шанс угадать.

Как работает алгоритм на практике

задания 32-38 ЕГЭ

Давайте разберем типовые задания 32-38 ЕГЭ. 

Задание 32 проверяет знание предложных управлений. В данном случае глагол involve в неличной форме involved требует предлога in.

Задание 33 проверяет знание лексической сочетаемости слов, а также разницы между синонимичными словами. Как мы рекомендовали во 2 пункте алгоритма, начнем откидывать по одному варианту, начиная с выделяющегося слова. В нашей цепочке это lot. Есть выражение a lot of + исчисляемое сущ. во мн.ч. или неисчисляемое сущ. Смотрим на слова до пропуска «a good…» и после пропуска «money». A good lot of … лексически не сочетаются. Исключаем данный вариант.

Смотрим дальше «a good number of…». Действительно, есть такое сочетание a good number of. Оно синонимично a lot of или many, НО употребляется исключительно с исчисляемыми существительными во мн.ч. (a good number of + исчисляемое сущ. во мн.ч) Проверяем существительное после пропуска — это money, неисчисляемое сущ., следовательно, исключаем данный вариант.

A good quantity of … — нарушена лексическая сочетаемость.

Запомните: a great/ big/ huge/ large/ small quantity + исчисляемое сущ.во мн.ч. или неисчисляемое сущ.

Например, a great quantity of rubbish, a small quantity of parties.

Методом исключения остается «a good deal of…». Это выражение синонимично much, а значит, употребляется также с неисчисляемыми существительными. В нашем случае «a good deal of money». Также можно встретить сочетание «a great deal of…».

Запомните: a good/ great deal of + неисчисляемое сущ.

Задание 34. Анализируем слова до и после пропуска. До пропуска предлог in , а после пропуска запятая, это значит, что мы ищем вводное слово/выражение. Данный предлог сочетается абсолютно со всеми предложенными вариантами, но только в случае с in reality будет обособляться запятой.

— in realism (в натурализме) — философское направление, по контексту не подходит, а также не выделяется запятой, так как не является вводным словом или предложением.

— in reality (на самом деле, в действительности)

— in real terms (жарг. в реале , экон. на практике) — оба варианта нам не подходят

— in real life (в реальной жизни)

Задание 35. После анализа слов до и после пропуска понимаем, что нам нужно прилагательное с предложным управлением to. Все прилагательные могут иметь данное управление to.

При подстановке в контекст варианты valuable и precious отпадают.

be valuable — 1. ценный (to/for) , 2. дорогой (1. то есть заслуживающий уважения, 2.в смысле дорогостоящий)

He is a valuable person to the company.
This car make is valuable.

precious — 1. драгоценный, 2. дорогой, любимый, ценный (to) (для описания высокой ценности, важности кого-то/чего-то для кого-либо)

Diamonds are precious stones.
Memories are precious.
A child is precious to his mom.

be significant for/to – значимый (1. for + неодушевленное сущ., 2. to+одушевленное сущ.) После нашего пропуска стоит неодушевленное существительное effectiveness. Значит исходя из правила употребления с ним предлогов нужно использовать for, а в нашем тексте стоит to. Данный вариант ответа не подходит.

Остается be critical to – иметь решающее значение для. Это и есть верный вариант, подходящий и по значению и , как мы видим, по предложному управлению.

Задание 36. До пропуска стоит depend. Поскольку он не является фразовым, мы вспоминаем его предложное управление depend on.

Задание 37. Слова до и после пропуска помогают нам выбрать правильный ответ: in order to — для того, чтобы. Здесь важно обратить внимание на слово после пропуска to, так как с in начинается еще и вариант in favour, но после него стоит of (in favour of – в пользу).

Задание 38. Анализируем слова до пропуска. Одного слова much здесь недостаточно, чтобы подобрать подходящий ответ. Мы имеем «do as much …». Наше существительное должно сочетаться с глаголом do. Начинаем проверять (вы это можете делать, например, при помощи любого электронного словаря).

Discovery не употребляется с do. Нужно запомнить устойчивое выражение — make a discovery.

Investigation может сочетаться с глаголом do (to do investigation — проводить расследование), а также с рядом других глаголов. Например, conduct/carry out/launch an investigation. Однако слово означает «расследование» и не подходит к нашему контексту.

Search может сочетаться с глаголом do (to do a search for smth — искать что-то). Обратите внимание на предложное управление. Давайте посмотрим на слово после пропуска, там мы видим about. Данное выражение нам не подходит, так как его исконное управление for, а не about.

Research сочетается с глаголом do (to do research – проводить исследование). Это и будет правильным ответом.

Как вы видите, задания 32-38 ЕГЭ не случайно относятся к заданиям высокого уровня, ведь нужно учитывать множество нюансов при выборе правильного ответа.


1. решайте как можно больше типовых заданий 32-38 ЕГЭ, выписывайте устойчивые выражения, синонимичные ряды слов с пояснениями и учите их наизусть. Последние вы можете найти в разделе «Лексика»

2. выучите наизусть слова с предложными управлениями (их список можно найти, например, в учебнике New Round-Up 6)

3. выучите всевозможные linking words: 1 тип, 2 тип (1 часть, 2 часть, 3 часть), 3 тип (вводные слова, союзы итд)

4. выучите фразовые глаголы (см. New Round-Up 6, Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia: Grammar and Vocabulary)

5. не переводите слова, предложенные в вариантах ответа, отдельно от контекста. Это связано с тем, что во-первых, английские слова могут быть разными частями речи, поэтому только подставив их в пропуск, можно понять, какая это часть речь: существительное, прилагательное, наречие или глагол. Во-вторых, они имеют множество значений, и именно контекст помогает нам выбрать их правильный перевод.

Следите за обновлениями и совершенствуйте свой английский вместе с ABC.

Пройти тестирование по этим заданиям
Вернуться к каталогу заданий

Версия для печати и копирования в MS Word


Тип 32 № 33

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  look at

2)  look to

3)  look after

4)  look for

Busy Day

Let me tell you what happened once when my dear Uncle Podger decided to hang a picture on the wall. He told us not to 30 ______ and just watch him do it. He said he would do it by himself. Well, he came up to the picture which was waiting to be put up in the dining room and took it. But suddenly it fell down and the glass 31 ______ into pieces and he cut his finger. He started to 32 ______ his handkerchief but couldn’t find it because he had put it in his coat and none of us knew where his coat was.

‘Six of you!’ Uncle Podger exclaimed, ‘and you cannot find the coat that I put down only five minutes ago!’ But then he got up from his chair and found that he had been sitting on his coat the whole time. ‘Oh, you can stop your 33 ______ . I’ve found it myself!’

Then after an hour was spent in tying up his finger Uncle Podger wondered where the hammer had disappeared to. And while everybody was trying to get the hammer he was standing on the chair saying: ‘Well, I want to know if you are going to 34 ______ me here all evening!’

Finally the hammer was found, but we noticed that the nail which he had prepared was lost. And, of course, Uncle Podger didn’t keep 35 ______ while he was waiting for another nail to be brought. We heard all he had to say about our habit of losing all the things he needed.

When the picture was hanging on the wall at last, everybody looked very 36 ______ , all except Uncle Podg er, who was lively as ever. Aunt Maria remarked that if Uncle Podger wanted to do a job like that again, she would spend a week with her mother until it was over.


Тип 30 № 31

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  scare

2)  disturb

3)  worry

4)  fear


Тип 31 № 32

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  failed

2)  broke

3)  ruined

4)  fell


Тип 33 № 34

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  search

2)  investigation

3)  exploration

4)  study


Тип 34 № 35

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  stay

2)  keep

3)  put

4)  take


Тип 35 № 36

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  dumb

2)  cool

3)  still

4)  silent


Тип 36 № 37

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  dull

2)  tired

3)  angry

4)  boring


Тип 32 № 79

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  feeling

2)  emotion

3)  reason

4)  sense

A Storyteller

In my early 20s, after a year and a half in England, and four months in France, I returned to the United States and got a job at a camp in northern Virginia. My 30 ______ that summer was Dan from Mississippi, and I am from Rhode Island. We worked together with a group of boys from 12 to 14 years old. I’ve always been a bit untidy, but Dan was 31 ______ and clean, even after a night in the woods with our campers. We could not have been more different, but we got on because we shared the same 32 ______ of humor.

At the end of the summer, a few of us went to 33 ______ a cave in West Virginia and got stuck in the cave for the night. It wasn’t as dramatic as it sounds. The park rangers had told us to stay there if anything happened. They knew where we were going, and when we should have been back. Dan hurt his right foot badly. So we had to 34 ______ the night in the cave. Food and water were not a problem, but we turned off our lights to save power. In the distance, we could hear the sound of running water.

To 35 ______ the time, we told stories. That night in the cave we moved from one family story to another. As the night wore on, I remembered more and more. I was not alone—the cave, the blue light and the flowing water released stories and memories that we had never revealed to anyone. It was as if a river of stories had started flowing in each of us.

When the rangers came the next morning, we didn’t want to 36 ______ . ‘Can’t we just tell a few more stories?’ In the cave, that night, I became a storyteller.


Тип 30 № 77

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  friend

2)  teammate

3)  partner

4)  opponent


Тип 31 № 78

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  clear

2)  neat

3)  exact

4)  careful


Тип 33 № 80

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  explore

2)  analyze

3)  teach

4)  learn


Тип 34 № 81

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  lead

2)  spend

3)  hold

4)  waste


Тип 35 № 82

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  keep

2)  waste

3)  spare

4)  pass


Тип 36 № 83

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  escape

2)  leave

3)  retreat

4)  retire


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  covered

2)  held

3)  loaded

4)  filled

New York City:

Nostalgia for the Old Neighbourhood

Life is made up of little things: some unimportant memories from childhood that, in fact, shaped your character. I 30 ______ on Third Avenue in midtown Manhattan during the 1950s-60s where family life was centred around old 31 ______ of flats and small stores. Third Avenue was my old neighbourhood and it had character. It was 32 ______ with working families of Italian, German and Irish origin. We shopped together with all those people and their kids played together. Third Avenue influenced the way our family lived. I absorbed the street life. It gave me an 33 ______ that I could not have received in any other place. To me, it was home.

In a recent walk around Third Avenue my eyes 34 ______ signs of the old neighbourhood but couldn’t find any. If I hadn’t been born here and someone described the area, it would be 35 ______ to believe. It wasn’t because a few buildings had changed  — everything had changed. The transformation began in the late 1950s and 60s when corporations replaced the old neighbourhood. In the early 1960s, the houses were pulled down. Families were forced to 36 ______ , the small stores went out of business and the old neighbourhood was changed forever. And now there is a lack of character in the transformed neighbourhood.


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  brought up

2)  grew up

3)  went up

4)  got up


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  blocks

2)  houses

3)  groups

4)  sets


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  knowledge

2)  information

3)  education

4)  training


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  looked after

2)  looked for

3)  looked through

4)  looked at


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  hard

2)  rough

3)  strange

4)  heavy


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  stay out

2)  take out

3)  move out

4)  go out


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  bit

2)  part

3)  parcel

4)  piece

То Hear a Child

I believe in patience. I live as a volunteer residential counselor in a small group home. These boys have brought joy and happiness into my life; they have made me laugh and made me proud. However, they have also challenged me, made me angry and tested my patience.

Each day we start anew, going about a 30 ______ routine. I drive them to school, pick them up, cook for them and help with homework. We spend the evenings 31 ______ about what happened during the day. I meet their teachers and study for tests with them. They are the last people I see each night and the first ones I hear in the morning. They have become a 32 ______ of my life. I am twenty-two and am beginning to understand the love of a parent.

I could not have come this far without patience. They do not think like miniature adults and it is not fair to expect them to. 33 ______ my expectations of them are high, I must remember that so much of what they see and understand is for the first time. First loves, first failed test, first time feeling the need to break away from the nest. I must have patience with them, because there is still a child within that comes out when I least expect it.

This world is a fast-paced, fast food, fast-internet place. 34 ______ , no matter how fast things move, children will be children. I believe they will mature quicker and with more tools if I am patient. I see it in their eyes. Over time, sad eyes can glisten again, but only if I am 35 ______ of the fact that it takes them longer to get somewhere.

I see around them a world that expects too much of them. They come 36 ______ too many things that give them too much sadness. They listen to me, respect me and understand reason but not always when I want them to. This opportunity has given me wisdom but only when I was patient enough to hear a child.


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  daily

2)  common

3)  average

4)  traditional


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  discussing

2)  debating

3)  talking

4)  saying


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  also

2)  altogether

3)  although

4)  thus


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  Nevertheless

2)  Nevermore

3)  Although

4)  Therefore


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  common

2)  familiar

3)  aware

4)  acquainted


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  through

2)  along

3)  around

4)  across


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  to

2)  on

3)  in

4)  off


It was raining. The rain started early in the morning and it seemed, that it would never stop. Looking out of the window, Bo was thinking about his telephone conversation. Raindrops spattered the windshield as the taxi sliced through 30 ______ traffic on Park Avenue. There were too many cars as usual. When it had skidded to a halt at the curb, Bo gave a ten-dollar bill to the driver. That included a very generous tip. He 31 ______ his point of destination and was ready to take on Frank Ramsey. He had called Ramsey that morning from the Yale club and demanded the meeting. Ramsey had tried to avoid it but Bo insisted and Ramsey gave 32 ______ . At the building’s revolving doors, Bo glanced back over his shoulder through the rain and noticed a woman standing on the sidewalk a short distance away. In the dim light he could not get a clear picture. She 33 ______ so much like Tiffany. She was wearing a yellow top and had long blond hair. Standing absolutely 34 ______ beneath her umbrella while everything around her moved, she seemed to be gazing straight at him. His heart 35 ______ , the way it always did when he saw her. He couldn’t help it. Bo strained to 36 ______ sight of her as he was jostled into the doorway. When he cleared the doors, the woman had already disappeared.


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  solid

2)  heavy

3)  hard

4)  difficult


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  achieved

2)  arrived

3)  entered

4)  reached


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  stared

2)  gazed

3)  looked

4)  glanced


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  inert

2)  static

3)  quiet

4)  still


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  set

2)  sank

3)  moved

4)  dropped


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  keep

2)  hold

3)  take

4)  give

Пройти тестирование по этим заданиям


(раздел 4. Грамматика и лексика,

к.ф.н. Нечепоренко Н.М.

ст. Кущевская, 2019

Задания 32 – 38 – относятся к повышенному уровню сложности и, как правило, вызывают немалые затруднения у учащихся. В этой части экзамена предлагается связный текст с пропусками, в которые нужно вставить правильный вариант из предложенных четырех. Пропущенные слова должны подходить по смыслу, сочетаемости или грамматическому оформлению к своему окружению. В этом задании проверяется знание:

Представленный материал призван систематизировать слова по смысловым группам и представить это в виде таблицы, чтобы облегчить подготовку к данному виду заданий.

Confusable words

General meaning



EndlessНе имея конца. (вы можете выиграть бесконечный запас шоколада.)

Unlimited — неограниченный. (ни одному правителю не следует давать неограниченную власть.)

Everlasting — (их любовь была вечной.)


Endless – continual — unlimited — everlasting

еndlessне имеет конца. ( an endless line);

сontinual— постоянный, непрерывный, продолжительный. (continual flashes of lightning.);

unlimitedнеограниченный. (an unlimited field for talents.);

everlasting— вечный или прочный, существующий или продолжающийся без конца, бессмертный. (an everlasting possession);


Faith – trust – a belief – a credit

faith — слепая вера во что-либо без использования своей логики, разума (безрассудная вера во что-то, что противоречит всем доказательствам и фактам) trust — крепкая/укрепившаяся вера во что-либо посредством логики и сердца/внутренних убеждений

a belief — неокрепшая, слабая вера во что-либо посредством логики/разума (вера, что нечто истинно, без всяких реальных для этого доказательств и фактов)

a credit — доверие

Враг, соперник

An opponent — a contestant — a foe — an enemy

an opponenttпротивник, (человек или группа, которая является конкурентом другого)

a contestant — участник конкурса, конкурент

a foe — недоброжелатель (испытывает ненависть, противостоит интересам или намеревается нанести вред кому-то еще)

an enemy — враг



Worship – Поклонение

Admire — Восхищаться (примеры, которыми нужно восхищаться, а не подражать).

Fancу — Любовь или любовная привязанность.


ide- edge- rim- border- boundary

side — сторона ( правая, левая, другая)

edge — край (перед обрывом вниз)

rim — ободок круглого предмета (стакана, ведра)

border — граница между странами

boundary — граница земельных участков



manage + (инф) = смочь сделать что-то нелегкое

achieve + (сущ) = достигнуть цель или место назначения через усилие, преодолевая препятствия

succeed in + (сущ/ герундий) = преуспеть в карьере, зарабатывании денег как было запланировано заранее

to complete=доводить что-либо до полного завершения (напр: закончить работу, завершить задание)

Играть, притворяться

act- imitate- pretend- display

act + ( прямое доп) — играть кого-то (как актер)

imitate + (прямое доп) — копировать чьи-то манеры

display + (прямое доп) — выставлять на всеобщее обозрение

pretend + (инф) — притворяться, что что-то делаешь


A variation – a change – an adaptation

a variationчастичное изменение формы, положения, состояния или качества вещи

a changeпроцесс становления другим

an adaptionприспособление к существующим условиям: как, приспособление органа чувств к интенсивности или качеству стимуляции; модификация некоторой вещи или ее частей, которая делает ее более пригодной для существования в условиях ее нынешнего окружения

a versionконкретная форма или вариация чего-либо



Discover — подразумевает, что вы что-то нашли. (Я открыл для себя нового художника.)

Research — прилежное расследование или экспертиза для поиска или пересмотра фактов, принципов, теорий. Трудоемкий или продолжающийся поиск истины.

Explore — это поиск неизвестных предметов, таких как земля, информация, чтение.

Искусственный, поддельный

false- faked- forged- artificial

false — ошибочное, неверное (дело, решение)

fake = forged — поддельная, фальшивая (вещь)

artificial — синтетический, ненатуральный (шелк, мрамор)

Личное, индивидуальное


private — частное противоположно общественному-например, частная комната, частная собственность (ваш дом против парка)

personal — это больше чьи-то характеристики (личность) или другое слово для упомянутого лица в единственном числе (этот индивид виновен в преступлении)

individual — личное может означать то, что влияет на вас глубже, чем другие (личные чувства к кому-то)



Unfilled — Не заполнено, когда речь идет о пустых , незаполненных темах

Blank — Свободный от письма, печати или отметок; наличие пустого места для заполнения; как чистый лист бумаги; незаполненный чек; пустой бюллетень



Detected — обнаружить что-то, зная, что там может быть что-то (хотелось бы обнаружить, что под песком есть монета.)

Identified — взять монету и узнать, серебряная это монета или золотая.

Обычный, типичный


ordinaryЗаурядный, ничем не примечательный, посредственный, повседневный, банальный. (Her new dress made her a beauty despite her ordinary looks.);

standardнорма, образец. (This is a standard set for a tourist.);

common-Повсюду часто встречающийся, ничего особенного из себя не представляющий. (The most common criticism was that he was often late.);

regularПроисходящий через равные промежутки времени. (It is very important to take regular exercise.)



Refuse — это когда тебе что-то предлагают. (Он отказался взять деньги)

Reject — когда вы не согласны с идеей (например, идеология, инакомыслие). Она отвергла эту идею.


Refuse – object- dismiss — reject

refuseНе давать разрешения. I want you to have it, I’ll be insulted if you refuse. 

objectвозражать, протестовать, выдвигать. (I object to being treated like this.)

dismissувольнять, прогонять, удалять. (To dismiss from work.);

rejectНе принимать того, что предлагают или отказаться сделать что-либо. (The Council rejected the proposal for building a new station.).



Bow — Кланяться кому-то, поклон.

Nod — кивать головой. (Когда ты с чем-то соглашаешься, то киваешь головой).

Wave — Махать. (Я помахала своему другу рукой.)

Bent — Сгибаться. (Твои пальцы могут сгибаться).



help — участвовать в чем-нибудь, делая это более легким для другого человека. (He can help me fix my car.);

aid— используется, когда что-то помогает нашему телу лучше выполнять что-либо. (Coffee can aid concentration.);

assist— используется, когда помогают кому-то, делая часть работы за этого человека, особенно те вещи, которые не являются особо сложными. Это слово является формальным. (The students assisted professor in the research.);

supportподдержка, опора. (He supported me before the performance).



Spread — покрывать поверхность комнаты бумагой, журналами (пола, стены, офиса); намазать на хлеб, еду что-то, приклеить что-то;

Covered — покрывать краской, снегом, секрет;



overlook наблюдать; осматривать; не замечать;

neglect — не заботиться о чем-то; пренебрегать

ommit — исключить или исключить, не выполнить, пренебрегать или не обращать внимания



tripпроцесс путешествия в оба конца, поездка туда и обратно, которая совершается с определенной целью. Часто цель, с которой совершается поездка, указывается непосредственно перед словом trip (business trip)

journey — «одно путешествие», «поездка в один конец», «регулярные поездки», обычно на небольшие расстояния, например, на работу или в школу

travelcлово наиболее широкого значения. Оно означает перемещение с места на место, обычно на большие расстояния. Данное слово употребляется, когда мы говорим о процессе путешествия в общем

voyageморское путешествие

Положение, работа

Position occupation- job- career

position  — более официальные версии слова работа (job), когда речь идет о работе в компании или организации

occupation — занятие; род занятий; профессия; (напр. basic occupation – основное занятие)

job — должность, место, служба, на которую мы ходим каждый день и получаем деньги (напр. to offer a job – предлагать работу)

career — карьера; занятие; профессия; дело жизни(напр.switch your career – cменить карьеру)

Путь, способ

way- system- method- route

way — способ (в общем)

method — способ достижения цели, состоящий из нескольких последовательных шагов

system — способ достижения цели, состоящий из опр. специфич. шагов

route — маршрут транспорта, пешехода


Sparefree handy  available

spare свободныйлишнийзапасной 

(не используемый в данный момент)

free свободныйнезанятый (обычно не употребляется перед существительными)

handy — удобный, полезный, по смыслу это слово похоже на русское “сподручный”

available свободный; имеющий время, доступный

Соответствовать подходить

fit- suit- go with

fit — соответствовать физическому размеру, быть впору

go with— сочетаться по цвету, гармонировать, подходить

suit — психологически уместный, соответствующий, подходящий


Able capable suitable- possible 

able — кто-то, имеющий физич. или умств. способность что-то сделать

capable (of) — кто-то компетентный в чем-то

suitable — психологически уместный, соответствующий, подходящий

possible — реализуемый, осуществимый (план, ход событий)



Side — край или конец чего-то, используется во фразе «сторона С», что означает «присоединиться к чьей-то команде.

Aspect — То, как что-то появляется, если смотреть с определенного направления или перспективы.

То, как что-то появляется при рассмотрении с определенной точки зрения.

Фаза или частичное, но существенное представление или описание чего-либо.

Section — используется в более конкретных ситуациях (что означает подчеркнутое слово в пункте 2 раздела 1 страницы 3? письменной части страницы.)

Feature — Состав или структура чего-либо, или любой части вещи, как пейзаж, картина, договор или эссе; как, особенность ландшафта.



centralбыть самым важным.

Наличие или удержание центра чего-либо.

Быть очень важным или ключом к чему-то. (Центральный банк, центральное отопление, центральный замок.)

essential — быть в основной форме; показывая свою суть (незаменимая пища).

Тема, смысл

subject- theme- topic- point

subject — предмет обсуждения ( напр: книга «Война и мир»

theme = topic — тема обсуждения (напр: роль личности в истории)

point — смысл обсуждения (напр: понять, подвластно ли личности изменить ход истории)



Extended — означает что-то вроде удлинения, расширения, достижения. (Она расширила свой потенциал благодаря профессиональной подготовке.)

Lengthened — удлинить означает увеличить длину.

Успех, победа


success — успех,результат или следствие чего-либо

victory — победа в соревнованиях или битве

feat — редкое,трудное достижение

triumphуспех после усилий, конфликтов

Цена, стоимость

Receipt- Bill- Chargе

receipt чек; квитанция(напр. Дайте мне чек, пожалуйста)

bill — счет (напр. Она оплатила счет за электричество)

chargе — цена; расходы, издержки(напр. назначать цену, просить, требовать (цену)

Ценить, оценить

To calculate – to estimate – to value – to assesse

to calculate — подсчитывать, чтобы определить ценность чего-либо или решение чего-либо с помощью математического процесса;

to estimate — дать ПРИБЛИЗИТЕЛЬНУЮ оценку в цифрах, прикинуть (догадаться) на основе имеющейся ситуации;

to value — ценить, оценивать, дорожить, давать оценку

to assesse — оценить человека / ситуацию после долгого и тщательного обдумывания, определять ТОЧНУЮ сумму (налога, штрафа, ущерба, имущества)



Delicate — Есть некоторые вещи, слишком деликатные и слишком священные, чтобы обращаться с ними грубо, не нанося вреда истине.

Sensitive — В смысле личности или чувств (эмоций)

Tender Чувствительный или болезненный.

ЕГЭ — Каталог  заданий № 32-38 (лексико-грамматические навыки)

32. Задание 32 № 1733

1) held                                                                  2) took

3) used                                                                  4) kept


It wasn’t unusual for Amos to go to Deravenels on Saturday, even though the offices were closed over the weekend. He 32 ______ to go to tidy up his paperwork and do other small jobs he couldn’t attend to during the week. But on this Saturday morning he had a specific purpose when he arrived at the grand old building on the Strand. The uniformed doorman 33 ______ Amos close his umbrella and take off his raincoat. Then he touched his cap and said, “Good morning, Mr. Finnister”.

Amos had come to the office to 34 ______ a few telephone calls. His first call was to the Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel, where he quickly discovered the records office was not open on weekends. He then dialed Ravenscar and was put through to Edward Deravenel.

“Good morning, Amos,” Edward said. “I’m assuming you have some news for me.” Amos then relayed all the information he had gathered the night before.

“Well done, Amos!” Edward exclaimed. “Thank you for going into all this 35 ______ . I knew I could depend 36 ______ you. My wife will be happy as I am to know everything; it’s been such a mystery all these years. To 37 ______ the truth, I think that Grace Rose should also know what happened to her mother. It will finally put her mind at rest.”

“I agree, sir. I will telephone you on Monday”. Amos walked home, 38 ______ no attention to the heavy rain. He felt happy.

33. Задание 33 № 1734

1) looked

2) gazed

3) stared

4) watched

34. Задание 34 № 1735

1) take

2) do

3) make

4) give

35. Задание 35 № 1736

1) worry

2) trouble

3) bother

4) mess

36. Задание 36 № 1737

1) at

2) on

3) in

4) of

37. Задание 37 № 1738

1) tell

2) speak

3) say

4) talk

38. Задание 38 № 1739

1) turning                                                           2) paying

3) drawing                                                         4) bringing

32. Задание 32 № 2689

1) although

2) therefore

3) moreover

4) however

After the war

When the war ended I returned to Trinity College and was granted an extra year to complete my degree. 32 _______ my father and mother considered my grant at Trinity the highlight of the year, I thought Dad’s receiving an award from the Queen was more important.

The ceremony turned 33 _______ to be a double delight, because I was able to witness my old tutor, Professor Bradford, receive his award for the role he had played in the field of breaking German military codes 34 _______ the war. I was proud of our little team working under Professor Bradford – as Churchill stated in the House of Commons, we had probably cut the length of the war by a year.

We all met up afterwards for tea at the Ritz, and not unnaturally at some 35 _______ during the afternoon the conversation switched to what career I proposed to follow now the war was over. To my father’s credit he had never once 36 _______ that I should join him at the family company, especially as I knew how much he had longed for another son who might eventually 37 _______ his place. In fact, during the summer vacation I became even more conscious of my good fortune, as Father seemed to be preoccupied with the business and Mother was unable to hide her own anxiety about the future of the company. But whenever I asked if I could help all she would 38 _______ was, “Don’t worry, it will all work out in the end.”

33. Задание 33 № 2690

1) off

2) into

3) out

4) over

34. Задание 34 № 2691

1) until

2) unless

3) during

4) while

35. Задание 35 № 2692

1) event

2) occasion

3) case

4) point

36. Задание 36 № 2693

1) offered

2) proposed

3) suggested

4) presented

37. Задание 37 № 2694

1) take

2) hold

3) keep

4) make

38. Задание 38 № 2695

1) tell                                                         2) speak

3) talk                                                        4) say

32. Задание 32 № 1641

1) realise

2) consider

3) have

4) believe

New Family Member

Tracey and her sister had always wanted their own horse. And although neither of them had much spare money, they were about to 32 ______ their dream. The tricky part was not getting a horse but actually finding somewhere to keep one. But eventually Mrs. Richards agreed to let the girls 33 ______ a small field at the far end of the farm. This was going to 34 ______ them £500 a year but it would work out at just over 20 pounds per month each which was OK. The horse himself was coming from the Horse Rescue Charity. They would need to make a small donation

every year to cover the cost of an animal welfare inspector who would visit twice a year. The 35 ______ expenses after this would be for food and vet bills. But the two girls were 36 ______ that they could manage and were committed to going ahead. And it was a big commitment. They were getting an eighteen month old skewbald colt named Domino. Horses often live over twenty years and the sisters were taking him on 37 ______ life. Actually they had plans to get another horse as a friend for Domino. But first of all Domino would need to settle down. He had been badly treated by his previous owners and was still a bit nervous and difficult to 38 ______ .

33. Задание 33 № 1642

1) borrow

2) pay

3) rent

4) lend

34. Задание 34 № 1643

1) charge

2) fee

3) pay

4) cost

35. Задание 35 № 1644

1) longest

2) biggest

3) hugest

4) tallest

36. Задание 36 № 1645

1) assured

2) comfortable

3) thoughtful

4) confident

37. Задание 37 № 1646

     1) for

2) during

3) at

4) to

38. Задание 38 № 1647

1) deal

2) agree

3) handle

4) cope

32. Задание 32 № 2147

1) view

2) sight

3) look

4) glimpse

Daniel and Diana

Daniel and Diana were good friends. They had majored in economics at Bristol University in the early 1980s. Then Daniel met Rachel, who had arrived a year after them, and fell in love with her at first 32 ______. In Rachel he found everything he was looking 33 ______ in a wife. They married the day he graduated, and after they returned from their honeymoon, David took over the management of his father’s farm in Bedfordshire. Three children followed in quick succession, and Diana was proud when she was asked to be godmother to Sophie, the eldest. Daniel and Rachel had been married for twelve years; they 34 ______ ever quarelled. 35 ______ married couples were so happy.

36 ______ Diane was regularly asked to spend the weekend with them in the country, she only accepted one invitation out of three. She would have liked to join them more often, but since her divorce she had no desire to take advantage of their hospitality.

Diane felt tired. She 37 ______ her work, but it had been an awful week. Two contracts had fallen through, her son had been dropped from the school soccer team, and her daughter had never stopped 38 ______ her that her father didn’t mind her watching television when she ought to be doing her homework. «I will survive.» Diana smiled and thought about Daniel’s birthday. She had forgotten to get him a present.

33. Задание 33 № 2148

1) at

2) after

3) into

4) fo

34. Задание 34 № 2149

1) nearly

2) closely

3) merely

4) hardly

35. Задание 35 № 2150

1) Few

2) Little

3) Much

4) Many

36. Задание 36 № 2151

1) Nevertheless

2) Although

3) However

4) Therefore

37. Задание 37 № 2152

1) admired

2) pleased

3) enjoyed

4) approved

38. Задание 38 № 2153

1) telling

2) saying

3) speaking

4) talking

32. Задание 32 № 1917

1) specialized

2) focused

3) concentrated

4) devoted

My company

In 1978 I was chairman of Cooper’s, a company which ran 127 vehicles of various weights and sizes. We 32 ______ in transporting goods by road.

My father had founded the firm in 1931, starting out with three vehicles — two of them driven by horses. By the time we became Cooper & Son in 1967, the company had 33 ______ in obtaining seventeen big trucks and delivered goods all over the north of England. 

My father insisted that I leave school the moment I passed my О levels. «I’ll teach you more about the real world in a month than you’d learn from any of those university types in a lifetime,» he 34 ______ to say. I followed his advice and never 35 ______ it. I left school a few weeks after my sixteenth birthday. The next morning I joined Cooper’s as an apprentice, and spent my first three years at the depot under the watchful eye of Buster Jackson, the works manager. He taught me how to take the company’s trucks 36 ______ and, more important, how to put them back together again.

After graduating from the workshop, I spent five years in different departments. When my father retired in 1977 — at the age of seventy  — I took over as chairman. Then I began to set in motion some ideas I’d been working on for the past decade, 37 ______ I knew my father didn’t approve of them. I never 38 ______ him, but Europe was only the beginning of my plans for the company s expansion.

33. Задание 33 № 1918

1) managed

2) achieved

3) succeeded

4) fulfilled

34. Задание 34 № 1919

1) used

2) held

3) kept

4) took

35. Задание 35 № 1920

1) disappointed

2) displeased

3) regretted

4) dissatisfied

36. Задание 36 № 1921

1) along

2) apart

3) away

4) among

37. Задание 37 № 1922

1) therefore

2) moreover

3) although

4) however

38. Задание 38 № 1923

1) spoke                                                                 2) told

3) said                                                                    4) talked

32. Задание 32 № 491

1) meeting        

2) greeting

3) keeping

4) holding

Kent 1926

Uncle Will arrived at Kent at 5 p.m. ”What’s wrong with your father, Bess? Will asked after 32 ______ her with an affectionate embrace. Bess was his favorite niece and he came as quickly as he could after her call. She sounded desperate. Stepping back, Will peered into her face. It was pale and filled with 33 ______.

“What happened?” Uncle Will placed his hand on Bessy’s.

“Pa took my brothers fishing at Ravenscar last weekend and 34 ______ a cold then. It was chilly out on the North Sea, and very windy, and it poured with rain, they got drenched. His cold 35 ______ into bronchitis, as it often does with him. I think it’s a family weakness, a weak chest, I mean. His face is white and he is feverish. I have never seen Pa look as ill as this. That’s why I telephoned you.”

“I am glad you did, and I’m certainly glad I decided to come down to Kent last night”.

As they walked across the entrance foyer of Waverley Court, heading toward the staircase, Bess went 36 ______, “I think you know that my mother went to Rome for Easter. Her former college mate invited her. She took Cecily and the two boys with her. The boys were so happy. I didn’t want to go with them, and now I’m relieved I stayed here, so that I can look 37 ______ my father”.

”I’m assuming you’ve telephoned the doctor?”

“Yes, he will be here very soon. It’s Dr. Earnest Lessing. He is the local doctor we use when we are residing in Kent. Meanwhile Faxton and I have been 38 ______ Father the best we can. He’s been inhaling Frier’s Balsam and taking his cough mixture. I do think that’s helped.” At this moment the door opened and Dr. Lessing came in.

33. Задание 33 № 492

1) depression

2) stress

3) trouble

4) worry

34. Задание 34 № 493

1) caught

2) had

3) received

4) appeared

35. Задание 35 № 494

1) turned

2) seemed

3) appeared

4) was

36. Задание 36 № 495

1) out                                                                2) up

3) on                                                                 4) off

37. Задание 37 № 496

1) up                                                                   2) for

3) after                                                               4) at

38. Задание 38 № 497

1) curing                                                             2) treating

3) inhaling                                                          4) prescribing

32. Задание 32 № 3255

1) for

2) to

3) on

4) from

The Chameleon Stone

That morning Tanon, a young farmer’s boy, discovered a strange stone in the cattle shed. It felt cold 32 ______the touch. Well, not exactly cold, more cool and smooth. It was fashioned like no other stone that Tanon had ever seen. He was fascinated by it and it 33 ______ his gaze like a venomous snake did its prey, just before making its lethal strike. Yet there was no strike – just the beautiful curves of this most precious of objects. At least, Tanon presumed it was precious, but now he had a decision to 34 ______. Should he take it immediately to his master or could he hold 35 ______ to its smoothness for just a little longer? A clap of thunder broke his daydream and he turned his gaze heavenwards. Dark clouds were forming 36 ______ smoke billowing from an open fire and Tanon knew he had not much time before the rain came. He had to get the cattle inside before the full force of the storm came to bear down on the farm. 37 ______ as he was standing up, his prize started to change. Swirling mists and patterns drifted over its outer layer and a pale pulsing light seemed to throb from its core. Tanon 38 ______ in wonder – was this some sort of magical object?

33. Задание 33 № 3256

1) held

2) kept

3) took

4) grabbed

34. Задание 34 № 3257

1) do

2) make

3) have

4) get

35. Задание 35 № 3258

1) over

2) on

3) in

4) out

36. Задание 36 № 3259

1) as

2) as if

3) like

4) alike

37. Задание 37 № 3260

1) only

2) quite

3) almost

4) just

38. Задание 38 № 3261

1) viewed

2) stared

3) glimpsed

4) saw

32. Задание 32 № 445

1) incident                                                           2) accident

3) event                                                               4) occasion

The Fruitcake Special

I was a chemist at the Amos Cosmetics factory in New Jersey, USA, trying to design a new perfume when it happened. I never thought I would discover something quite so amazing by 32 ______. Not me. I was only 23 and it was my second year at the factory. I liked my job very much but I was not a lucky person. I had come straight from the university then, but now I was a chemist in one of the biggest factories in New Jersey. It was an important position to have and meant lots of work.

I was 33 ______ out all the usual mixes of flowers and things- just as I always did — when I decided to throw in a 34 ______ of the fruitcake Mummy had packed for my lunch. I don’t know why I did it –just did it. I put it into the mix with all the other things.

I thought it 35 ______ nice, but there was nothing special about it, so I put the bottle into my handbag. I couldn’t give something like that to my boss. After all, I was a chemist and my job was to make perfumes in the proper 36 ______.

If I told him how I made this one he would tell me not to be a silly girl. Later, he would probably 37 ______a joke about it to his friends at the golf club.


It was my boss, David Amos. He happened to be walking past where I worked. I couldn’t 38 ______ being nervous. He was fairly sure of his good looks and never spoke to ordinary-looking girls like me. I was thrilled.

33. Задание 33 № 446

1) producing

2) making

3) trying

4) doing

34. Задание 34 № 447

1) piece

2) lump

3) bunch

4) pinch

35. Задание 35 № 448

1) heard

2) touched

3) tasted

4) smelled

36. Задание 36 № 449

1) way

2) road

3) path

4) method

37. Задание 37 № 450

1) Do

2) produce

3) make

4) have

38. Задание 38 № 451

1) hold                                                                 2) feel

3) keep                                                                4) help

32. Задание 32 № 3607

1) speak                                                       2) talk

3) tell                                                           4) say

How to become a good leader

Being a good leader takes work. It is not hard at all to 32 ______ the difference between a good and a bad boss. Exceptional leaders – those who are respected and 33 ______ by their team – have a lot of secret skills that they put to use every day.

Firstly, building relationships – both with your team and your partners – is crucial in leading a team. That means your success depends greatly 34 ______ interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our emotions, as well as understand the emotions of others. It’s a part of how we navigate social situations and then make decisions to 35 ______ goals. Several studies have found that a strong emotional intelligence is a top factor for a leader’s success. 36 ______ to the research, managers with the strongest emotional intelligence were much more likely to succeed.

Exceptional leaders are ones who regularly 37 ______ employees of the main goal. A team needs to know what they’re marching toward. With a larger vision in mind, their day-to-day work has more purpose.

Great leaders 38 ______ sure their daily behavior is a model for their team. They’re reliable (meaning they always follow through on what they’ve promised), they respect people’s time (meaning they don’t make others wait unnecessarily), and they retain a thoughtful, objective approach to problems or issues.

33. Задание 33 № 3608

1) amazed

2) impressed

3) enjoyed

4) admired

34. Задание 34 № 3609

1) in

2) on

3) from

4) for

35. Задание 35 № 3610

1) achieve

2) manage

3) complete

4) master

36. Задание 36 № 3611

1) Regarding

2) Concerning

3) Including

4) According

37. Задание 37 № 3612

1) review

2) revise

3) recall

4) remind

38. Задание 38 № 3613

1) hold

2) make

3) take

4) keep

32. Задание 32 № 3458

1) inclined

2) involved

3) included

4) inspired

The dream bridge

This is a real life story of engineer John Roebling building the Brooklyn Bridge in New York, USA back in 1870. The bridge was completed in 1883, after 13 years. In 1869, a creative engineer named John Roebling was 32 ______ by an idea to build a spectacular bridge connecting New York with the Long Island. 33 ______, bridge building experts throughout the world thought that this was an impossible task. They 34 ______ Roebling to forget the idea, as it just could not be done and it was not practical. It had never been done before.

Roebling could not ignore the vision he had in his mind of this bridge. He thought about it all the time and he knew 35 ______ in his heart that it could be done. He just had to 36 ______ the dream with someone else. After much discussion and persuasion he 37 ______ to convince his son Washington, an up and coming engineer, that the bridge in fact could be constructed.

Roeblling had never had any projects with his son before. Working together 38 ______ the first time, the father and son developed concepts of how it could be accomplished and how the obstacles could be overcome. With great excitement and enthusiasm, and the headiness of a wild challenge before them, they hired their crew and began to build their dream bridge.

33. Задание 33 № 3459

1) However

2) Although

3) Moreover

4) Therefore

34. Задание 34 № 3460

1) talked

2) told

3) said

4) spoke

35. Задание 35 № 3461

1) deep

2) far

3) full

4) long

36. Задание 36 № 3462

1) join

2) unite

3) share

4) divide

37. Задание 37 № 3463

1) succeeded

2) handled

3) maintained

4) managed

38. Задание 38 № 3464

1) in

2) on

3) at

4) for

32. Задание 32 № 2009

1) look                                               2) sight

3) glimpse                                         4) view


Victor Rosenheim, an American banker, was Consuela’s third husband. At first 32 ______ they looked happy. The gossip columns, however, were suggesting that the former Colombian model was already searching for the next husband. The Rosenheims flew into London from their home in New York. The purpose of their trip was twofold. There was always the chance that Mr. Rosenheim would take over a small merchant bank, while Mrs. Rosenheim intended to occupy her time looking 33 ______ a suitable birthday present — for herself. 34 ______ people have been able to discover exactly which birthday Consuela would officially be celebrating.

After a sleepless night, Victor Rosenheim 35 ______ to get up early for an important meeting in the City, while Consuela remained in bed toying with her breakfast. After breakfast Consuela 36 ______ a couple of phone calls and then she disappeared into the bathroom.

Fifty minutes later she emerged from her suite dressed in a pink Chanel suit. She stepped out of the hotel and into the morning sun to begin her search for the birthday present.

She spent some time in Asprey’s considering the latest slimline watches, a gold statue of a tiger with jade eyes and a Faberge egg. She 37 ______ that her close friend, Tina, was not with her, she needed her advice badly. From there she walked to a 38 ______ shop, which despite a determined salesman who showed her almost everything the shop had to offer, she still left empty-handed.

33. Задание 33 № 2010

1) for

2) after

3) into

4) at

34. Задание 34 № 2011

1) Many

2) Much

3) Little

4) Few

35. Задание 35 № 2012

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1) achieved

2) managed

3) fulfilled

4) succeeded

36. Задание 36 № 2013

1) took

2) did

3) made

4) held

37. Задание 37 № 2014

2) disappointed

3) apologized

4) dissatisfied

38. Задание 38 № 2015

1) next

2) close

3) near

4) nearb

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