Задания егэ по английскому языку на лексико грамматическую часть тренировочные



  1. Write the plurals


































  1. Write the correct form of the nouns
  1. I need some ____ to light the fire.    

2.The bay has got two new _____.      

3.Alex saw some _____ running across the floor.  

4.If a houseplant is given too much water, its lower____turn yellow.

5.New scientific ____ are made every day                  

 in ______.        

6.In the mountains we saw some_____, _______      ______ and wild ______.

7. I can see trees and _____ outside the window.        







WOLF       FOX



  1. Complete the sentences with the possessive form of the nouns
  1. The ___ hat is red.
  1. The ____hats are red.
  2. The _______toys are all over the floor.
  3. I fixed the ______bike.
  4. This is a _____purse.
  5. That store sells _____clothes.
  6. Do you know my ____husband?








  1. Add apostrophes to the possessive nouns
  1. Jims last name is Smith.
  1. Jim’s last name is Smith.
  2. Bobs cat likes to sleep on the sofa
  3. My teachers names are MS. Rice and MR. Molina.
  4. My mothers first name is Maria.


1.Write the comparative and the superlative forms of the following adjectives.














2.Complete the sentences using the correct form of the  adjectives in brackets .

  1. Jill’s a ________ (intelligent) person than my brother.
  2. Kate was the_________ (practical) of the family.
  3. Greg felt __________ (bad) yesterday than the day before.
  4. This cake is the ____________ (good) I’ve ever tasted.
  5. Jack was the________ (tall) of the two.
  6. Jack is the__________ (clever) of the three brothers.
  7. If you need any ___________ (far) information, please contact our head office.
  8.  The sinking of Titanic is one of _____________ (famous) shipwreck stories of all time.
  9. Please, send the books back without_________ (far) delay.
  10. The deposits of oil in Russia are  the __________ (rich) in the world.
  11. Could you come a bit _______ (early) tomorrow?
  12. I like this song _________ (well) than the previous one.
  13. Which of these two performances did you enjoy ________ (much)?


1. Fill in the gap with the correct object pronoun. 

  1. Who is that lady? — Why are you looking at __________?
  2. Do you know that young handsome man?-Yes, I study with __________.
  3. Please, listen to _______. I want to express my point of view.
  4. These puppies are so nice! Do you want to look at ______.
  5. We like this house. We’re going to buy _________.
  6. He can’t see _______ because we are sitting in the last row.
  7. Where are the keys to our flat? I can’t find _______.
  8. Where is Ann? I want to talk to _________.
  9. This snake is poisonous. I’m very afraid of _______.
  10. Don’t wait for _______ for dinner. I’ll return very late at night.
  11. He left Polotsk long ago. I haven’t seen _______ since.
  12. You can fully rely on _______. We won’t let you down.

2. Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns.

  1. I am angry with __________.
  2. He fell down and hurt __________.
  3. Tell me more about __________.
  4. She believes in __________.
  5. We are sure of __________.
  6. They did everything __________.
  7. Did you translate the text __________.
  8. I saw everything __________.
  9. The knife was sharp, and she cut __________.
  10. They introduced __________.
  11. Can you do many things _________?
  12. Does your friend Nick often talk to you about _________?
  13. Did your mother buy anything for _________ last week?
  14. Are you always sure of _________?
  15. Do you believe in _________?
  16. Did the pupils answer all the questions _________?
  17. Did you make the dress ______________ .

3. Complete the sentences using possessive pronouns.

  1. This is my mum. _________ name’s Jess.
  2. These are my sisters. ________ names are Mary and Dina.
  3. These are my parents. _________ names are Tanya and Bob
  4. This is my cousin. _________ name’s Helen.
  5. This is my cousin. ______ name’s Fred
  6. This is my aunt. _______ name’s Pam.
  1. Insert absolute possessive pronouns.

Jason: Whose sunglasses are these?

Kate They’re Amy’s, I think. Yes, they’re (1) _______.

Paul: Whose baseball cap is this?

Amy: That’s (2) ______  too! Thanks.

Kate: Ugh!  Whose dirty towel is this?

Jason: Ask Paul. I think it’s (3) __________ .

Paul: Yes, it is. Thanks. You’ve got a great T-shirt, Amy!

Kate: Thanks. I borrowed it from my big sister. So it’s (4) __________ really.

Jason: What about this umbrella?

Paul: Don’t be silly, Jason! You brought it, so it must be (5) __________.

Kate: Does this beach ball belong to us?

Jason: No, it isn’t (6) __________. Those kids over there were looking for a ball, so it’s (7) _________ probably.


1.Write four forms of the following verbs

  1. smile
  2. run
  3. sleep
  4. stop
  5. write
  6. cut
  7. plan
  8. say
  1. cry
  2. study
  3. lie
  4. get
  5. hit
  6. win
  7. die
  8. come

1. Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Simple PastSimple PresentPresent Continuous or Past Continuous, Present Perfect.

  1. I ________ (listen) to the radio while Mary __________ (cook) dinner.
  2. You __________ (buy) this book yesterday?
  3. Last Friday Jill __________ (go) home early because she __________ (want) to see a film.
  4. When your brother usually __________ (get) home in the evening?
  5. Jane always __________ (bring) us a nice present.
  6. What those people __________ (do) in the middle of the road?
  7. You __________ (read) this book?
  8. While Fred __________ (sleep), Judy __________ (watch) TV.
  9. When I __________ (be) young, I __________ (think) Mary  __________ (be) nice — but now I  __________ (think) she’s fantastic.
  10. Jill __________ (walk) home when she __________ (see) her husband’s car outside the cinema
  11. Look there! Sue and Tim __________ (run) to school.
  12. Jack’s father __________ (not work) in London — he __________ (not speak) English.
  13. Joe __________ (buy) a car yesterday.
  14. Their father often __________ (go) to rock concerts.
  15. While you __________ (sleep), mother __________ (arrive).
  1. Put the following sentences into the correct tense:  Present Perfect, Past

Simple, Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. Today is Thursday, and John ________ (be) late twice this week; he________ (be) late yesterday and on Monday.
  2. I first________ (meet) George a month ago, and I ________ (meet) him several times since then.
  3. It is October now, and we ________ (do) a lot of work this year; we ________ (do) a lot last year too.
  4. She ________ (buy) a coat last winter, but she________ (not / buy) a new dress since 2008.
  5. It’s only the middle of the month, and he________ (spend) (already) most of his salary; he ________ (spend) $60 yesterday,
  6. I ________ (break) my leg in 1991, but I ________ (break) (never) my arm.
  7. He’s over sixty, and he’s still working. He ________ (work) hard all his life. When he ________ (be) a young man, he sometimes ________ (work) all night.
  8. The postman ________ (come) at eight yesterday, but it’s now half past eight and he ________ (not / come) yet.
  9. Today is May 25th. Ted ________ (not / be) absent this month.
  10. He ________ (feel) extremely ill when he went to hospital, but he ________ (feel) much better since he came out of hospital a month ago.

3.Put the verb into the correct form, present simple or past simple, active or passive.

1. It’s a big factory. Five hundred people are employed (employ) there.

2. Water ___________ (cover) most of the Earth’s surface.

3. Most of the Earth’s surface ___________ (cover) by water.

4. The park gates ___________ (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening.

5. The letter __________ (post) a week ago and it ____________ (arrive) yesterday.

6. The boat ________ (sink) quickly but fortunately everybody ________________ (rescue).

7. Jacob’s parents _____________ (die) when he was very young. He and his sister _________ (bring) up by their grandparents.

8. I was born in London but I __________ (grow) up in the north of England.

9. While I was on holiday, my camera ________ (steal) from my hotel room.

10. While I was on holiday, my camera _________ (disappear) from my hotel room.

11. The company is not independent. It ________________ (own) by a much larger company.

12. I saw an accident last night. Somebody __________ (call) an ambulance but nobody ___________ (injure) so the ambulance _____________ (not / need).

  1. Use passive or active voice.

1. Nobody (to see) him yesterday. 2. The telegram (to receive) tomorrow. 3. He (to give) me this book next week. 4. The answer to this question can (to find) in the encyclopedia. 5. We (to show) the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation. 6. You can (to find) interesting information about the life in the USA in this book. 7. Budapest (to divide) into two parts: Buda and Pest. 8. Yuri Dolgoruki (to found) Moscow in 1147. 9. Moscow University (to found) by Lomonosov. 10. We (to call) Zhukovski the father of Russian aviation.


1.Choose the right participle


1. interesting/interested

This exercise is ________.

2. exciting/excited

On Christmas Eve, many children are so ______ that they stay up all night.

3. annoying/annoyed

My friend has a very ______ habit.

4. tiring/tired

I had such a ______ day I went straight to bed.

5. relaxing/relaxed

We were_________ after our holidays.

6. disgusting/disgusted

Their hamburgers are ________ .

7. satisfying/satisfied

I’m not __________ with my job.

8. boring/bored

George always talks about the same things, he is so __________.

9. disappointing/disappointed

I like this actor but the film was _________.


English grammar can be________.

2.Write the right form of the participles.

1.The people I work with are _____ with their work.


2.John was ______ by the news report.


3.We thought that the instructions were _____


4.It’s an ______little story. You should read it.


5.Working late every day is_____.


6.I’m not really _____ in sport.


7.Do you feel ____about them?


8.All this information is making me ____.


9.I had a ____weekend because of the rain.


10.Young children are often ____of the dark.




  1. write the plurals

































































  1. Write the correct form of the nouns












  1. Complete the sentences with the possessive form of the nouns








  1. Add apostrophes to the possessive nouns
  1. Jims last name is Smith.
  1. Jim’s last name is Smith.
  2. Bob’s cat likes to sleep on the sofa
  3. My teachers’ names are MS. Rice and MR. Molina.
  4. My mother’s first name is Maria.


1.Write the comparative and the superlative forms of the following adjectives.

happy – happier  –  the happiest

young – younger — the youngest

shallow —  shallower/more shallow — shallowest/the most shallow

difficult —  more difficult — the most difficult

dirty  – dirtier — the dirtiest

patient — more patient — the most patient

hot – hotter — the hottest

comfortable — more comfortable — the most comfortable

brave  –  braver — the bravest

friendly – more friendly — the most friendly

ridiculous — more ridiculous – the most ridiculous

late — later – the latest

little – less — the least

2.Complete the sentences using the correct form of the  adjectives in brackets .

  1. more intelligent
  2. most practical
  3. worse
  4. best
  5. tallest
  6. cleverest/the most clever
  7. further
  8. most famous
  9. further
  10. richest
  11. earlier
  12. better
  13. more


  1. Fill in the gap with the correct object pronoun. 
  1. her
  2. him
  3. me
  4. them
  5. it
  6. us
  7. them
  8. her
  9. it
  10. me
  11. him
  12. us
  1. Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns.
  1. Myself
  2. Himself
  3. Youself
  4. Herself
  5. Ourselves
  6. Themselves
  7. Yourself
  8. Myself
  9. Herself
  10. Themselves
  11. Yourself
  12. Himself
  13. Herself
  14. Yourself
  15. Yourself
  16. Themselves
  17. yourself
  1. Complete the sentences using possessive pronouns.
  1. Her
  2. Their
  3. Their
  4. Her
  5. His
  6. her
  1. Insert absolute possessive pronouns.
  1. Hers
  2. Mine
  3. His
  4. Hers
  5. Yours
  6. Mine
  7. Theirs


1.Write four forms of the following verbs

  1. Smile – smile – smiled — smiling
  2. Run – ran – run — running
  3. Sleep – slept – slept — sleeping
  4. stop – stopped – stopped — stopping
  5. write – wrote — -written — writing
  6. cut – cut – cut — cutting
  7. plan – planned – planned — planning
  8. say – said – said — saying
  9. cry – cried – cried — crying
  10. study – studied – studied — studying
  11. lie – lay – lain — lying
  12. get – got – got  — getting
  13. hit – hit – hit — hitting
  14. win – won – won — winning
  15. die – died – died — dying
  16. come – came – come — coming

1. Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Simple PastSimple PresentPresent Continuous or Past Continuous, Present Perfect.

1 was listening / was cooking, 2 did you buy, 3 went / wanted, 4 does your brother usually get, 5  brings, 6 are people doing, 7 have you read, 8 was sleeping / was watching, 9 was /thought / think, 10 was walking / saw, 11 are running, 12 doesn’t work / doesn’t speak, 13 bought, 14 goes, 15 were sleeping / arrived.

2. Put the following sentences into the correct tense:  Present Perfect, Past Simple, Present Perfect Continuous.

1. has been / was, 2. met /have met, 3. have done / did, 4. bought / hasn’t bought, 5. has already spent / spent, 6. broke / have never broken, 7. has been working hard / was / worked, 8. came / hasn’t come, 9. hasn’t been, 10. felt / has felt

3.Put the verb into the correct form, present simple or past simple, active or passive.


3.is covered

4.are locked

5.was posted/ arrived

6.sank/ was rescued

7.died/were brought up


9.was stolen

10. disappeared

11.is owned

12.called/was injured/wasn’t needed

  1. Use passive or active voice.


2.will be received

3.will give

4.be found

5. showed


7.is divided


9.was founded



  1. Choose the right participle
  2. This exercise is interesting.
  3. On Christmas Eve, many children are so excited that they stay up all night.
  4. My friend has a very annoying habit.
  5. I had such a tiring day I went straight to bed.
  6. We were relaxed after our holidays.
  7. Their hamburgers are disgusting.
  8. I’m not satisfied with my job.
  9. George always talks about the same things, he is so boring.
  10. I like this actor but the film was disappointing.
  11. English grammar can be confusing.

2.Write the right form of the participles.

  1. satisfied
  2. disgusted
  3. confusing
  4. amusing
  5. tiring
  6. interested
  7. worried
  8. confused
  9. boring
  10. scared

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Тип 36 № 37

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  dull

2)  tired

3)  angry

4)  boring

Busy Day

Let me tell you what happened once when my dear Uncle Podger decided to hang a picture on the wall. He told us not to 30 ______ and just watch him do it. He said he would do it by himself. Well, he came up to the picture which was waiting to be put up in the dining room and took it. But suddenly it fell down and the glass 31 ______ into pieces and he cut his finger. He started to 32 ______ his handkerchief but couldn’t find it because he had put it in his coat and none of us knew where his coat was.

‘Six of you!’ Uncle Podger exclaimed, ‘and you cannot find the coat that I put down only five minutes ago!’ But then he got up from his chair and found that he had been sitting on his coat the whole time. ‘Oh, you can stop your 33 ______ . I’ve found it myself!’

Then after an hour was spent in tying up his finger Uncle Podger wondered where the hammer had disappeared to. And while everybody was trying to get the hammer he was standing on the chair saying: ‘Well, I want to know if you are going to 34 ______ me here all evening!’

Finally the hammer was found, but we noticed that the nail which he had prepared was lost. And, of course, Uncle Podger didn’t keep 35 ______ while he was waiting for another nail to be brought. We heard all he had to say about our habit of losing all the things he needed.

When the picture was hanging on the wall at last, everybody looked very 36 ______ , all except Uncle Podg er, who was lively as ever. Aunt Maria remarked that if Uncle Podger wanted to do a job like that again, she would spend a week with her mother until it was over.


Тип 30 № 31

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  scare

2)  disturb

3)  worry

4)  fear


Тип 31 № 32

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  failed

2)  broke

3)  ruined

4)  fell


Тип 32 № 33

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  look at

2)  look to

3)  look after

4)  look for


Тип 33 № 34

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  search

2)  investigation

3)  exploration

4)  study


Тип 34 № 35

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  stay

2)  keep

3)  put

4)  take


Тип 35 № 36

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  dumb

2)  cool

3)  still

4)  silent


Тип 36 № 83

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  escape

2)  leave

3)  retreat

4)  retire

A Storyteller

In my early 20s, after a year and a half in England, and four months in France, I returned to the United States and got a job at a camp in northern Virginia. My 30 ______ that summer was Dan from Mississippi, and I am from Rhode Island. We worked together with a group of boys from 12 to 14 years old. I’ve always been a bit untidy, but Dan was 31 ______ and clean, even after a night in the woods with our campers. We could not have been more different, but we got on because we shared the same 32 ______ of humor.

At the end of the summer, a few of us went to 33 ______ a cave in West Virginia and got stuck in the cave for the night. It wasn’t as dramatic as it sounds. The park rangers had told us to stay there if anything happened. They knew where we were going, and when we should have been back. Dan hurt his right foot badly. So we had to 34 ______ the night in the cave. Food and water were not a problem, but we turned off our lights to save power. In the distance, we could hear the sound of running water.

To 35 ______ the time, we told stories. That night in the cave we moved from one family story to another. As the night wore on, I remembered more and more. I was not alone—the cave, the blue light and the flowing water released stories and memories that we had never revealed to anyone. It was as if a river of stories had started flowing in each of us.

When the rangers came the next morning, we didn’t want to 36 ______ . ‘Can’t we just tell a few more stories?’ In the cave, that night, I became a storyteller.


Тип 30 № 77

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  friend

2)  teammate

3)  partner

4)  opponent


Тип 31 № 78

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  clear

2)  neat

3)  exact

4)  careful


Тип 32 № 79

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  feeling

2)  emotion

3)  reason

4)  sense


Тип 33 № 80

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  explore

2)  analyze

3)  teach

4)  learn


Тип 34 № 81

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  lead

2)  spend

3)  hold

4)  waste


Тип 35 № 82

Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  keep

2)  waste

3)  spare

4)  pass


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  stay out

2)  take out

3)  move out

4)  go out

New York City:

Nostalgia for the Old Neighbourhood

Life is made up of little things: some unimportant memories from childhood that, in fact, shaped your character. I 30 ______ on Third Avenue in midtown Manhattan during the 1950s-60s where family life was centred around old 31 ______ of flats and small stores. Third Avenue was my old neighbourhood and it had character. It was 32 ______ with working families of Italian, German and Irish origin. We shopped together with all those people and their kids played together. Third Avenue influenced the way our family lived. I absorbed the street life. It gave me an 33 ______ that I could not have received in any other place. To me, it was home.

In a recent walk around Third Avenue my eyes 34 ______ signs of the old neighbourhood but couldn’t find any. If I hadn’t been born here and someone described the area, it would be 35 ______ to believe. It wasn’t because a few buildings had changed  — everything had changed. The transformation began in the late 1950s and 60s when corporations replaced the old neighbourhood. In the early 1960s, the houses were pulled down. Families were forced to 36 ______ , the small stores went out of business and the old neighbourhood was changed forever. And now there is a lack of character in the transformed neighbourhood.


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  brought up

2)  grew up

3)  went up

4)  got up


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  blocks

2)  houses

3)  groups

4)  sets


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  covered

2)  held

3)  loaded

4)  filled


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  knowledge

2)  information

3)  education

4)  training


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  looked after

2)  looked for

3)  looked through

4)  looked at


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  hard

2)  rough

3)  strange

4)  heavy


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  through

2)  along

3)  around

4)  across

То Hear a Child

I believe in patience. I live as a volunteer residential counselor in a small group home. These boys have brought joy and happiness into my life; they have made me laugh and made me proud. However, they have also challenged me, made me angry and tested my patience.

Each day we start anew, going about a 30 ______ routine. I drive them to school, pick them up, cook for them and help with homework. We spend the evenings 31 ______ about what happened during the day. I meet their teachers and study for tests with them. They are the last people I see each night and the first ones I hear in the morning. They have become a 32 ______ of my life. I am twenty-two and am beginning to understand the love of a parent.

I could not have come this far without patience. They do not think like miniature adults and it is not fair to expect them to. 33 ______ my expectations of them are high, I must remember that so much of what they see and understand is for the first time. First loves, first failed test, first time feeling the need to break away from the nest. I must have patience with them, because there is still a child within that comes out when I least expect it.

This world is a fast-paced, fast food, fast-internet place. 34 ______ , no matter how fast things move, children will be children. I believe they will mature quicker and with more tools if I am patient. I see it in their eyes. Over time, sad eyes can glisten again, but only if I am 35 ______ of the fact that it takes them longer to get somewhere.

I see around them a world that expects too much of them. They come 36 ______ too many things that give them too much sadness. They listen to me, respect me and understand reason but not always when I want them to. This opportunity has given me wisdom but only when I was patient enough to hear a child.


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  daily

2)  common

3)  average

4)  traditional


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  discussing

2)  debating

3)  talking

4)  saying


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  bit

2)  part

3)  parcel

4)  piece


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  also

2)  altogether

3)  although

4)  thus


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  Nevertheless

2)  Nevermore

3)  Although

4)  Therefore


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  common

2)  familiar

3)  aware

4)  acquainted


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  keep

2)  hold

3)  take

4)  give


It was raining. The rain started early in the morning and it seemed, that it would never stop. Looking out of the window, Bo was thinking about his telephone conversation. Raindrops spattered the windshield as the taxi sliced through 30 ______ traffic on Park Avenue. There were too many cars as usual. When it had skidded to a halt at the curb, Bo gave a ten-dollar bill to the driver. That included a very generous tip. He 31 ______ his point of destination and was ready to take on Frank Ramsey. He had called Ramsey that morning from the Yale club and demanded the meeting. Ramsey had tried to avoid it but Bo insisted and Ramsey gave 32 ______ . At the building’s revolving doors, Bo glanced back over his shoulder through the rain and noticed a woman standing on the sidewalk a short distance away. In the dim light he could not get a clear picture. She 33 ______ so much like Tiffany. She was wearing a yellow top and had long blond hair. Standing absolutely 34 ______ beneath her umbrella while everything around her moved, she seemed to be gazing straight at him. His heart 35 ______ , the way it always did when he saw her. He couldn’t help it. Bo strained to 36 ______ sight of her as he was jostled into the doorway. When he cleared the doors, the woman had already disappeared.


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  solid

2)  heavy

3)  hard

4)  difficult


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  achieved

2)  arrived

3)  entered

4)  reached


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  to

2)  on

3)  in

4)  off


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  stared

2)  gazed

3)  looked

4)  glanced


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  inert

2)  static

3)  quiet

4)  still


Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1)  set

2)  sank

3)  moved

4)  dropped

Пройти тестирование по этим заданиям


▫ Тест 1. Аудирование. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 2. Аудирование. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 3. Аудирование. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 4. Аудирование. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 5. Аудирование. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 6. Аудирование. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 7. Аудирование. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 8. Аудирование. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 9. Аудирование. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 10. Аудирование. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 11. Аудирование. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

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▫ Тест 1. Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 2. Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 3. Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 4. Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 5. Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 6. Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 7. Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 8. Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 9. Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 10. Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 11. Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 12. Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 13. Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 14. Чтение. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

Показать все ⇓

Грамматика и лексика

▫ Тест 1. Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 2. Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 3. Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 4. Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 5. Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 6. Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 7. Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 8. Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 9. Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 10. Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 11. Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 12. Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 13. Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 14. Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 15. Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

Показать все ⇓

Письмо и эссе

▫ Тест 1. Письмо и эссе. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 2. Письмо и эссе. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 3. Письмо и эссе. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 4. Письмо и эссе. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 5. Письмо и эссе. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 6. Письмо и эссе. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 7. Письмо и эссе. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 8. Письмо и эссе. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 9. Письмо и эссе. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 10. Письмо и эссе. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 11. Письмо и эссе. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 12. Письмо и эссе. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 13. Письмо и эссе. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 14. Письмо и эссе. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 15. Письмо и эссе. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

Показать все ⇓

Устная часть

▫ Тест 1. Устная часть. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 2. Устная часть. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 3. Устная часть. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 4. Устная часть. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 5. Устная часть. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 6. Устная часть. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 7. Устная часть. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 8. Устная часть. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 9. Устная часть. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 10. Устная часть. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 11. Устная часть. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 12. Устная часть. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 13. Устная часть. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 14. Устная часть. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

▫ Тест 15. Устная часть. ЕГЭ по английскому языку

Показать все ⇓

7.Раздел 3. Грамматика (часть 1)  (Вербицкая М.В., 2015, 2016 годы)

Вербицкая М.В.
Вербицкая М.В.


1.Раздел 3. Грамматика (часть 1)  (Елена Клековкина, Малколм Манн, Стив Тейлор-Ноулз, 2004-2005 годы)

img324 s
Клековкина Е., Манн М., Тейлор-Н. С.

2.Раздел 3. Грамматика (часть 1)  (Музланова Е.С., 2013 год)

Музланова Е. С.
Музланова Е. С.

6.Раздел 3. Грамматика (часть 1)  (Фоменко Е.А., Бодоньи М.А., 2015 год)

Фоменко Е.А.
Фоменко Е.А.,
Бодоньи М.А.

8.Раздел 3. Грамматика (часть 1)  (Афанасьева О., Эванс В., Копылова В., 2010 год)

Афанасьева О.
Афанасьева О.,
Эванс В.,
Копылова В.

3.Раздел 3. Грамматика (часть 1)  (Соловова Е.Н., Парсонс Джон, Маркова Е.С., 2015 год)

Соловова Е.Н.
Соловова Е.Н., Парсонс Джон, Маркова Е.С.

4.Раздел 3. Грамматика (часть 1)  (Вербицкая М.В., 2015 год)

Вербицкая М.В.
Вербицкая М.В.

5.Раздел 3. Грамматика (часть 1)  (Вербицкая М.В., 2014 год)

Вербицкая М.В.
Вербицкая М.В.

9.Раздел 3. Грамматика (часть 1)  (Фоменко Е.А., Бодоньи М.А. и др., 2014 год)

Фоменко Е.А.
Фоменко Е.А.,
Бодоньи М.А.

10.Раздел 3. Грамматика (часть 1)  (Authors и др., 201x год)


11.Раздел 3. Грамматика (часть 1)  (Authors и др., 201x год)


12.Раздел 3. Грамматика (часть 1)  (Authors и др., 201x год)


anglijskij testy ege grammatika 1

Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

«Калмыцкая национальная гимназия им. Кичикова А.Ш.»

Сборник грамматических упражнений

по подготовке

к Единому государственному экзамену

по английскому языку


Аджаева Валентина Мучаевна,

учитель английского языка

Высшая квалификационная категория



1. Present Tenses

    1. Use of Present Simple Tense

    2. Use of Present Continuous Tense

    3. Use of State and Activity Verbs

    4. Grammar exercises (Present Simple and Present Continuous)

    5. Use of Present Perfect Tense

    6. Use of Present Perfect Continuous Tense

    7. Grammar exercises (All Present Tenses)

2. Past Tenses

2.1. Use of Past Simple Tense

2.2. Grammar exercises (Past Simple and Present Perfect)

2.2. Use of Past Continuous Tense

2.3. Use of Past Perfect Tense

2.5. Use of Past Perfect Continuous Tense

2.6. Grammar exercises (All Past Tenses)

3. Future Tenses

3.1. Use of Future Simple Tense

3.2. Use of Future Continuous Tense

3.3 Use of Future Perfect Tense

3.4. Use of Future Perfect Continuous Tense

3.5. Use of Going to — Future

3.6. Grammar exercises (All Future Tenses)

4. Conditionals

Grammar exercises

5. Passive Voice

5.1. Table of the verbs

5.2. Grammar exercises

6. Reported Speech

6.1. Table of the verbs

6.2. Grammar exercises

7. Gerund and Infinitive

7.1. List Table of the verbs

7.2. Grammar exercises

8. Articles

8.1. Grammar exercises

9. Miscellaneous

9.1. Grammar and Vocabulary exercises

Present Tenses

1.1Present Simple Tense is used for permanent situations;

for repeated actions in the present;

for facts which are permanently true;

for timetables or programs.

Adverbs of frequency: every day, often, always, sometimes, never, rarely, seldom 1.2. Present Continuous Tense is used for temporary situations; for actions happening at or around the time of speaking; for fixed arrangements in the near future. Am/is/are+ Ving Adverbs of frequency: now, at the moment, at present, Look! Listen!

1.3. Use of State and Activity Verbs

There are verbs that are not normally used in the Continuous Tense, because they describe rather state than an action. They are called state verb (non-progressive verbs). The verbs that can be used in the Continuous Tense are called action verbs (dynamic verbs).

State Verb List

look (seem), love, matter, mean, measure, mind, need, owe, own, possess, promise, realize, recognize, remember, resemble, satisfy, see, smell, sound, adore, agree, appear (seem), appreciate, be (exist), believe, belong to, concern, consist of, contain, cost, deny, depend on, deserve, detest, disagree, dislike, doubt, equal, feel, hate, have (possession), hear, imagine, include, involve, know, lack, like, loathe, suppose, surprise, taste, think (opinion), understand, want, weigh, wish.

There are some verbs that can be both state and action verbs depending on their meaning.

Have, be, see, taste, smell, think, weigh, feel, look

1.4. Grammar exercises (Present Simple and Present Continuous)

Task 1

Put the verbs into the present simple and present continuous.

  1. Hurry up! The train (leave). I (not want) to miss it.

  2. My friend (not belong) to the theatre society.

  3. The Neva River (flow) into the Baltic Sea. It (flow) very slow today — slower than usual.

  4. You can (borrow) my car, I (not drive) this week.

  5. My granny usually (grow) flower in the garden but this year she (grow) vegetables.

  6. Ken is in Paris and he (stay) at the Hilton hotel but usually he (stay) with his friends.

  7. This soup (taste) terrible. I think I forgot to put the salt in it.

  8. The kids (make) lots of noise, because Sarah is having a party.

  9. Sorry, but I (not understand) what you are talking about.

  10. Would you like some coffee? Yes, please, I (like) it much.

Task 2

Put the verbs into the present simple and present continuous.

  1. This train (not arrive) at 9 o’clock.

  2. I (to visit) a doctor tomorrow morning.

  3. Kate (not know) English very well. She (to want) to know it better.

  4. I can’t play the guitar but I (to learn) it now.

  5. Kurt (live) very far from school but he (to be) never late.

  6. The river (to flow) very fast today. It usually (flow) slower.

  7. His mother is worried because the number of his poor marks (to increase).

  8. Hurry! The bus (to come) and I (not want) to miss it.

  9. I (get) thirsty! Let’s have a drink!

  10. Tom and James (to have) a conversation. Do not disturb them!

  11. Housewives (to have) to work very hard.

  12. The sun (to rise) in the east and (to set) in the west.

  13. Can you hear? Someone (to knock) at the door?

  14. These workers are never satisfied. They always (complain).

  15. This dress (not fit) you anymore.

  16. You (to look) wonderful today.

  17. I am sorry but I (not understand) what he (to mean).

  18. What you (to look) at?

  19. She (to seem) to be very busy right now.

  20. Rubbish! I (not believe) you!

Task 3

Put the verbs into the present simple and present continuous.

  1. This soup (taste) terrible. I think I forgot to put the salt in it.

  2. The kids (make) lots of noise, because Sarah is having a party.

  3. Sorry, but I (not understand) what you are talking about.

  4. If it (rain) on weekend we’ll stay at home.

  5. Would you like some coffee? Yes, please, I (like) it much.

  6. What are you doing? I (fill) his forehead to see if it is hot.

  7. She (look) very pretty today in her new hair dress.

  8. What you (look) at? The picture I painted two years ago.

  9. I (think) about visiting my grandparents this summer.

  10. It (look) like it’s going to snow.

  11. What you (weigh) on the scales?

  12. She (smell) roses in the garden now.

  13. Shame on you! You always (come) late for school.

  14. I (think) he is really very clever.

  15. Will you call me as soon as you (come) home?

  16. Can you wait? I (have) a dinner right now.

  17. The book is big and heavy. It (weigh) too much.

  18. She (like) the film they (watch) now.

  19. I (not believe) him anymore.

  20. I used to eat fat food but I (prefer) healthier food.

  21. Everything is fixed. I (see) my boss tomorrow.

  22. Do you understand what he (mean) now?

  23. Everyone (know) that the climate on the Earth (get) warmer.

  24. Do not disturb me, I (work).

  25. Look! What they (do)?

  26. Although I (not believe) you, I will do it.

  27. How often she (go) to the gym?

  28. She always (listen) to her friend’s advice.

  29. Who he (speak) to now?

  30. They (play) the concert next week.

Task 4

Put the verbs into the present simple and present continuous.

  1. What are you doing? I (fill) his forehead to see if it is hot.

  2. She (look) very pretty today in her new hairdo.

  3. What you (look) at? The picture I painted two years ago.

  4. She (to eat) it every day.

  5. The climate here (to become) colder.

  6. Your friend (not feel) well. Can you call him?

  7. She (not go) out very often.

  8. My granny’s hair (to get) grey.

  9. What a noise! What you (to do) here?

  10. Your mother (to work) in the bank?

Task 5

Put the verbs into the present simple and present continuous.

  1. She (to eat) it every day.

  2. The climate here (to become) colder.

  3. Your friend (not feel) well. Can you call him?

  4. She (not go) out very often.

  5. My granny’s hair (to get) grey.

  6. What a noise! What you (to do) here?

  7. Listen! Anyone (to follow) us?

  8. This train (not arrive) at 9 o’clock.

  9. I (to visit) a doctor tomorrow morning.

  10. Kate (not know) English very well. She (to want) to know it better.

  11. I can’t play the guitar but I (to learn) it now.

  12. Kurt (live) very far from school but he (to be) never late.

  13. The river (to flow) very fast today. It usually (flow) slower.

  14. His mother is worried because the number of his poor marks (to increase).

  15. Hurry! The bus (to come) and I (not want) to miss it.

  16. I (get) thirsty! Let’s have a drink!

  17. Tom and James (to have) a conversation. Do not disturb them!

  18. Housewives (to have) to work very hard.

  19. The sun (to rise) in the east and (to set) in the west.

  20. Can you hear? Someone (to knock) at the door?

  21. These workers are never satisfied. They always (complain).

  22. This dress (not fit) you anymore.

  23. You (to look) wonderful today.

  24. I am sorry but I (not understand) what he (to mean).

  25. What you (to look) at?

  26. She (to seem) to be very busy right now.

  27. Rubbish! I (not believe) you!

  28. Wow! The soup (to taste) delicious!

  29. How many chapters the book (to consist) of?

  30. Your mother (to work) in the bank?

1.5. Present Perfect Simple is used: for actions which happened at an unstated time in the past;

to express actions which have finished so recently that there is evidence in the present;

for actions which started in the past and continue up to the present;

for a past action whose time is not mentioned but it is connected with the present.

Has/have + past participle

Adverbs of frequency: just, yet, never, already, ever, so far, up to now, recently, lately, always, since, for

1.6. Present Perfect Continuous Tense is used: for actions which started in the past and continue up to the present;

for past actions of certain duration which have visible results or effect in the present;

to express irritation, anger , annoyance, explanation or criticism;

to put emphasis on duration, usually with for, since, how long.

Has/have + been + Ving

Adverbs of frequency: all day, the whole day, since, for Questions with how long

1.7. Grammar exercises (All Present Tenses)

Task 1

Put the verbs into the Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. The company is huge. It (create) a thousand new jobs so far.

  2. We already (learn) a lot of English words.

  3. Who (write) this article?

  4. We (produce) this product since the beginning of the year.

  5. I (have) this car for 20 years and it’s as reliable as ever.

  6. I’m afraid the company is going bankrupt. It (have) problems lately.

  7. So, what you (do) since I last saw you? What’s new?

  8. Now many of these questions you (manage) to get right?

  9. I’m a little bit worried about Mike. He (act) strange.

  10. He’s an awful driver. He (have) four accidents in the last three months.

  11. You (send) us a price list? We need it as soon as possible.

  12. I (try) to fix the lock for the last two hours without any success.

  13. You (find) the book yet?

  14. He just (do) something for us.

  15. How long you (learn) English?

Task 2

Put the verbs into the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple, and Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. What you just (talk) about?

  2. We (talk) about it right now.

  3. He just (to say) something about it.

  4. She (to tell) them some interesting story.

  5. He (tell) us nothing about it yet.

  6. She has (to tell) them some stories about dogs.

  7. We (have) two lessons today.

  8. They (have) a meeting at the moment.

  9. She (not speak) yet.

  10. They already (ask) me several questions.

  11. He already (learn) the rule.

  12. I (write) an exercise now.

  13. What he (do) right now? , — He (read) a newspaper.

  14. You (read) any stories by Jack London?

  15. What you (do) here? — I (write) a letter to my friends now.

  16. What language you (study) at the moment?

  17. What she (teach) them at school?

  18. Who (teach) you to do it?

  19. Listen! What are you (to look) for? 

  20. He (do) his task since morning, but he (not finish) it yet.

Task 3

Put the verbs into the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple, and Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. The plane (to leave) at 5 o’clock tomorrow morning.

  2. They (to have) the cat since last year.

  3. I (to see) my cousin next Monday.

  4. How long you (to know) Mary Brown?

  5. My friend (to look) for a new job at the moment.

  6. My friend is upset because he (not find) a new job yet.

  7. What a mess! What you (to do) with the kitchen?

  8. The population on the planet (to grow) very fast.

  9. I to wait) for you for an hour. Where you (to be)?

  10. I can’t (to find) my passport. I am afraid I (to lose) it.

  11. It’s time for them to be back. I’m afraid they (to lose) their way.

  12. The Richards (live) here for 5 years.

  13. You (to have) a lunch today?

  14. How long it (to take) you to get to the office?

  15. How often she (to go) to the Fitness Club?

  16. He already (to type) three letters today.

  17. She (not like) coffee.

  18. She (not drink) coffee since she was a child.

  19. How long he (to study) English? He is perfect at it.

  20. Look at them! They (to play) very badly.

  21. The fabric (to feel) like silk.

  22. Why you (to feel) the radiator?

  23. I just (to begin) doing my homework.

  24. What perfume you (to smell)?

  25. How long he (know) you?

  26. Your hands are so dirty. What you (to do)?

  27. Listen! What the kids (to do)?

  28. Why you (to shout)? I am very angry with you.

  29. I can’t visit her tomorrow. I (to have) an exam.

  30. I’ve bought the tickets. On Sunday I (fly) to London.

  31. The plane (to leave) at 5 o’clock tomorrow morning.

  32. They (to have) the cat since last year.

  33. I (to see) my cousin next Monday.

  34. How long you (to know) Mary Brown?

  35. Why you (smell) the flowers?

Task 4

Put the verbs into the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple, and Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. The plane (to leave) at 5 o’clock tomorrow morning.

  2. They (to have) the cat since last year.

  3. I (to see) my cousin next Monday.

  4. How long you (to know) Mary Brown?

  5. My friend (to look) for a new job at the moment.

  6. My friend is upset because he (not find) a new job yet.

  7. What a mess! What you (to do) with the kitchen?

  8. The population on the planet (to grow) very fast.

  9. I to wait) for you for an hour. Where you (to be)?

  10. I can’t (to find) my passport. I am afraid I (to lose) it.

  11. It’s time for them to be back. I’m afraid they (to lose) their way.

  12. The Richards (live) here for 5 years.

  13. You (to have) a lunch today?

  14. How long it (to take) you to get to the office?

  15. How often she (to go) to the Fitness Club?

  16. He already (to type) three letters today.

  17. She (not like) coffee.

  18. She (not drink) coffee since she was a child.

  19. How long he (to study) English? He is perfect at it.

  20. Look at them! They (to play) very badly.

  21. The fabric (to feel) like silk.

  22. Why you (to feel) the radiator?

  23. I just (to begin) doing my homework.

  24. What perfume you (to smell)?

  25. How long he (know) you?

  26. Your hands are so dirty. What you (to do)?

  27. Listen! What the kids (to do)?

  28. Why you (to shout)? I am very angry with you.

  29. I can’t visit her tomorrow. I (to have) an exam.

  30. I’ve bought the tickets. On Sunday I (fly) to London

2. Past Tenses

2.1. Use of Past Simple Tense

1). Action finished in the past 2). Series of completed actions in the past 3). Together with the Past Progressive/Continuous — The Simple Past interrupted an action which was in progress in the past.

4). Wishes

5). Talking about people who are not alive

Adverbs of frequency: yesterday, last week, a month ago, in 2002

2.2. Grammar Exercises (Past Simple and Present Perfect Simple)

Task 1

Put the verbs into the Past Simple and Present Perfect Simple , Present Simple

  1. He (go) to school when he was 6.

  2. Look at the man! You (know) him?

  3. You (have) your lunch yet?

  4. I (not go) to the office last week because of my illness.

  5. You ever (be) to Paris?

  6. We (know) each other since we (be) children.

  7. My parents (not go) on holiday this year.

  8. Alexander Pushkin is a famous Russian poet. He also (write) novels and stories.

  9. What were you doing when I (call) you?

  10. I’m busy, I still (work) on my project.

  11. How long he (have) this dog?

  12. Marilyn Monroe (star) in a lot of Hollywood films.

  13. My sister (come) to visit me last week.

  14. I (be) in the hospital before.

  15. It (rain) a lot last summer.

Task 2

Put the verbs into the Past Simple and Present Perfect Simple

  1. How many chapters of the book you (read) so far?

  2. I’m really nervous. Where you (be)?

  3. We have nothing to eat. My brother (eat) everything.

  4. You (eat) anything today?

  5. When she (get) home last night she was very tired.

  6. I’m looking for my key. You (see) it?

  7. Mary (earn) a lot of money this year.

  8. When she (leave) for London?

  9. I (not do) my homework yesterday.

  10. What books you (read) recently?

  11. Look! There (be) a fire!

  12. He is not at home. He just (go).

  13. You ever (drive) a car?

  14. I (see) Mary yesterday but I (not see) her today.

  15. When he (start) studying at university?

Task 3

Put the verbs into the Past Simple and Present Perfect Simple

(Each sentence or group of sentences contains one mistake. Find the mistake and correct it).

  1. Did you finish that job yet? I haven’t seen the finished product.

  2. Tom worked in our company for 10 years. He started in 2000.

  3. They’ve lived in New York for 10 years before they moved in 1987.

  4. I saw that film three times in my life.

  5. How long did you have your current car? When did you buy it?

  6. She has known Tom for fifteen years. They have met in Paris.

  7. Jason has wanted to go to Disneyland since he has been a child.

  8. I have gone to San Francisco in 1993. I’ve been there a total of three times.

  9. He went to lunch but should be back soon.

  10. The criminals have committed three crimes. The have committed the first crime at 10 p.m.

2.3. Use of Past Continuous Tense was/were + Ving

1). Actions were in progress at special time in the past 2). Two actions were happening at the same time (the actions do not influence each other) 3). Together with the Simple Past 4). Repeated actions irritating the speaker (with always, constantly, forever) Adverbs of frequency: While, when , as

2.4. Use of Past Perfect Tense had + past participle

1).When two things happen in the past, we have to mark which one happened first. 2). The past equivalent of the Present Perfect Adverbs of frequency: no unambiguous ones

2.5. Use of Past Perfect Continuous had + been + Ving

1).Something started in the past and continued up until another time in the past

2). A long action before another action in the past to show cause or effect.

Signal words

no unambiguous one

2.6. Grammar Exercises

Task 1

Put the verbs into Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect Simple, and Past Perfect Continuous.

  1. While he (wash) a car it (start) to rain.

  2. He (wait) for 20 minutes when he (realize) that it was the wrong café.

  3. My Mom (cook) when I came back.

  4. I could tell that she (cry) because her eyes were red.

  5. The students (not finish) the project by two o’clock yesterday.

  6. As soon as she (get) off the plane she (see) her husband.

  7. It was very cold yesterday; a cold wind (blow) and it (rain) heavily.

  8. What you (do) when you saw the accident?

  9. When they (save) enough money, they (buy) a flat.

  10. My grandfather (work) for the company for forty years before he (retire).

  11. Mary (smile) while she (read) a letter from her friend.

  12. How long you (study) English when you were a child?

  13. Granny (cook) breakfast before we (wake) up.

  14. We were tired as we (walk) for four hours.

  15. Jim (open) a letter and (read) it.

  16. I realized that I (watch) that film before.

  17. I was angry because I (wait) for my sister for an hour.

  18. They (sleep) for an hour when an alarm clock (ring).

  19. She was very good at teaching because she (do) it for 20 years.

  20. They (climb) for two hours before they realized it was dangerous.

  21. They (live) here from 1990 to 1999.

  22. When you (go) to the theatre last?

  23. You (do) your homework by 6 o’clock yesterday?

  24. When I tried to finish my project I realized that I (not save) the information.

  25. I was glad because I sold a bike which I (have) for 5 years.

  26. I came to the party after almost all the guests (leave).

  27. You (not see) me when you were crossing the road yesterday?

  28. When I looked out of the window yesterday morning, the ground was wet. It (rain) all night.

  29. She was happy as she (pass) her exam.

  30. They (not move) to London last year.

Task 2

Put the verbs into Past Tenses.

I go to the Gorgeous Body Health Club four times a week. When I 1) ….. (begin) going there I 2) ….. (be) in a terrible shape. I 3) ….. (not ever go) to a health club before and I 4) ….. (not eat) right for years. On the day I 5) ….. (join) the club), I 6) ….. (be) thirty pounds overweight and my girlfriend 7) ….. (worry) about my health for a long time. On the first day of my new exercise programme, I .8) ….. (run) a mile, 9)……(swim) twenty laps, 10) ….. (take) a half-hour exercise class and 11) ….. (sweat) in the sauna. I 12) ….. (think) I was going to die! While I 13) ….. (sweat) in the sauna, I 14) ….. (dream) about going home to an enormous sandwich, French fries, a Coke and a huge hot fudge sundae! But at that time, nobody 15) ….. (tell) me about the diet programme at the health club. I 160 ….. (change) clothes in the locker room and 17) ….. (think) about my food when my exercise instructor 18) ….. (come) up and 19) ….. (tell) me that the diet class 20) ….. (just begin) and that I 21) ….. (be) five minutes late. “Diet class?’ I 22) ….. (say), horrified. I 23) ….. (tell) him that nobody 24) ….. (mention) such a thing to me. Well, I reluctantly 25) ….. (go) over to the diet class.

Task 3

Put the verbs into Past Simple, Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect.

1. Can you help me? I _____ a post office.

a. Am looking for b. look for c. am look for d. looking for

2. Tomorrow the Queen _____ open a new hospital.

a. Is going b. will going to c. is going to d. will to

3. What _____? I work in a book shop.

a. Are you doing b. do you c. are you do d. do you do

4. Where _____ yesterday?

a. You were b. are you c. were you d. have you been

5. _____ John last week? 

a. Did you see b. have you seen c. did you seen d. did see you

6. Last month he _____ three large fish.

a. Catch b. catched c. caught d. did catch

7. When we went in, they _____ to the radio.

a. Listened b. listening c. were listening d. were have been listening

8. Do you like Paris? I don’t know. I _____there.

a. Never went b. didn’t go c. never gone d. haven’t been

9. I’m a teacher. I _____ a teacher for twelve years.

a. Was b. have been c. am d. am being

10. She can drive; she _____ drive for fifteen years.

a. Can b. is able to c. could d. has been able to

11. He _____ drink whisky, but he does now.

a. Used to b. wasn’t used to c. hadn’t use to d. didn’t use to

12. When is he coming? I _____ for over an hour. 

a. Am coming b. have waited c. was waiting d. have been waiting

13. We’ll phone as soon as we _____ the information.

a. Will have b. have c. are going to have d. are having

14. When the police arrived, the criminals _____ escaped.

a. Were already b. already c. had already d. have already

25. This room _____ seven times.

a. Is painted b. has painted c. has been painted d. they have painted

3. Future Tenses

3.1. Use of Future Simple Tense will + Verb

1). Future actions happen without the speaker’s intention

2). Predictions, assumptions, promises, threatens

3). Spontaneous actions

4). After the phrases or words I think…, He is sure…, Of course…, Probably…, etc

Adverbs of frequency: tomorrow, next week, in a month

3.2. Use of Future Continuous will + be + Ving

1). An action will be in progress at a specific time in the future.

2). To predict the present.

Adverbs of frequency: no unambiguous ones

3.3. Use of Future Perfect Simple will + have + past participle

1). An action in the future before another action in the future. This is the past in the future.

2). An action will have been completed (finished or «perfected») at some point in the future.

3.4. Use of Future Perfect Continuous will + have + been + Ving

1). An action that will continue up until a particular event or time in the future.

3.5. Use of Going to — Future

1). Planned actions in the future 2). You are certain that something is going to happen in the future.

3.6. Grammar exercises

Task 1

Put the verbs into the Future Simple Going to Present Continuous Present Simple

  1. Wow! I have left my wallet at home! Do not worry. I (lent) money to you.

  2. What time the match (start) on Monday?

  3. Why are you switching the TV? I (watch) the news.

  4. Let’s have a party! Great idea! I (invite) my classmates.

  5. What time you (finish) your work tomorrow?

  6. Look at the footballers, they are playing terribly! They (lose) the game!

  7. If you are thirsty, I (bring) you some water.

  8. What would you like to drink — tea or coffee? I (drink) tea, please.

  9. Everything is settled! We (fly) to London tomorrow.

  10. Did you post the letter? Oh, no, I (do) it immediately.

  11. Can you help me? My bike has a flat tire. Ok, I will do it for you.

  12. You know, Kate is ill. I know. I (visit) her tomorrow.

  13. The roof of the house (not look) safe. I’m afraid, it (fall) down.

  14. We have received a letter, Mark (get) married in May.

  15. Tom hurt his leg. He (not play) football on Sunday with us.

Task 2

Put the verbs into Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Simple, Future Perfect Continuous, to be going to

  1. I (call) him if you remind me.

  2. I (meet) my girlfriend at the airport at 6 p.m. tomorrow.

  3. How long you (learn) English by the end of the year?

  4. At this time tomorrow he (sit) his first exam.

  5. A new fitness club (open) in three days.

  6. My parents think I (be) a lawyer one day.

  7. By the time my grandfather retires, he (work) for the company for 40 years.

  8. I want to study at university after I (finish) school.

  9. Can you give this massage to Tom? OK, I (try) if I see him.

  10. I hope I (pass) my exams successfully.

Task 3

Put the verbs into Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Simple, Future Perfect Continuous, to be going to

  1. Have you just moved here? No, we Live) here for three years next month.

  2. Next Monday Kate (start) working.

  3. They (finish) doing the project by the beginning of the year.

  4. Has he tidied his room yet? No, but he promises he (do) it tonight.

  5. On weekend I probably (stay) at home.

  6. It is too late; I (take) a taxi.

  7. Look at him! He (win)!

  8. I believe life (change) in 20 years.

  9. We are having a party on Saturday. Great, I (bring) some sweets.

  10. You’d better hurry up. The concert (start) in 15 minutes.

Task 4

Put the verbs into Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Simple, Future Perfect Continuous, to be going to

  1. This time next week we (fly) to the USA.

  2. The winter (set) early this winter.

  3. By 9 p.m. I (work) for four hours.

  4. Stop talking! Or I 9send) you out of the class.

  5. What you (do) this time tomorrow?

  6. The children (perform) in the school play next week.

  7. When we go to Paris we (climb) the Eiffel Tower.

  8. We (go) to London in a week. We have already bought tickets.

  9. I (complete) the task by 6 o’clock tonight.

  10. The baby keeps closing her eyes. She (fall) asleep soon.

  1. When we go to Paris, we (climb) the Eiffel Tower.

  2. Kim (perform) in the school concert next week.

13 Sam (work) her for two years on Monday.

  1. They (go) on holiday next week. They have already bought tickets.

  2. The baby keeps closing his eyes. He (fall) asleep soon.

  3. By 3 o’clock she (study) for six hours.

  4. Have you just moved here? No, I (live) here for two years next month.

  5. We (return) home by Sunday afternoon,

  6. This time next week I (fly) to Morocco.

  7. The winter (set) early this year.

  8. Stop talking! Or I (send) you out of the class!

  9. Someone (fall) over this box if you do not move it.

  10. Next Monday Amanda (start) work.

  11. The film (start) by the time they get to the cinema.

  12. I (met) Nick at the airport at 6 o’clock tonight.

  13. The football match (begin) in a few minutes. We’d better hurry up.

  14. I (help) you to carry these bags? They are too heavy.

  15. We’re having a party tonight. Really? I (bring) a cake.

  16. Could I speak to Jim, please?

30 My parents think I (be) a doctor one day.

Table of Grammar Tenses






I You We They write a letter

He She It writes a letter

I You We They

have written a letter

He She It has written a letter

I am writing a letter

He She It is writing

We You They

are writing a letter

I You We They

have been writing a letter

He She It

has been writing

a letter


I You We They

He She It

wrote a letter

I You We They

had written a letter

You We They

were writing

I He She It

was writing a letter

I You We They

He She It

had been writing

a letter


I You We They

He She It

will write a letter

I You We They

He She It

will have written a letter

I You We They

He She It

will be writing

a letter

I You We They

He She It

will have been writing a letter

4. Conditionals — Wishes

Type 1


main clause (result)

Real present

If + Present Simple

unless(= if not)



can/must/may + bare infinitive Present Simple

Type 2

Unreal present

If + Past Simple

Would/could/might + bare infinitive

Type 3

Unreal past

If + Past Perfect

Would/could/might + have + past participle

4.1. Grammar exercises

Task 1

Put the verbs into the correct tense using the first conditional.

  1. If Mary _____ (have) enough money, she’ll come with us on vacation.

  2. I _____ (make) some coffee if you boil some water.

  3. If you _____ (work) hard, you’ll finish the project in time.

  4. Unless he _____ (be) late, we’ll meet at six o’clock.

  5. If I tell you a secret, ______ (you promise) not to tell anyone?

  6. She _____ (not attend) unless he makes the presentation.

  7. If Joe cooks dinner, I _____ (make) dessert.

  8. Jane _____ (play) the violin if you ask her nicely.

  9. Our children won’t eat vegetables if they _____ (not have) orange juice.

  10. If David _____ (not be) late, we will make the decision soon.

Task 2

Put the verbs into the correct tense using the second conditional.

  1. If he _____ (work) more, he would finish in time.

  2. They would do well on the test if they _____ (study) more.

  3. If I _____ (be) you, I would run for president!

  4. Mary _____ (buy) a new jacket if she had enough money.

  5. If Jason flew to New York, he _____ (visit) the Empire State Building.

  6. We _____ (take) a break, if our boss weren’t so nervous today.

  7. If Sally _____ (go), she wouldn’t return!

  8. Alan wouldn’t know if you _____ (ask) him.

  9. Jennifer _____ (refer) you for the position if she thought you were qualified.

  10. Alison wouldn’t help them if they _____ (not ask) for help.

Task 3

Put the verbs into the correct tense using the first and second conditional.

  1. If she knows the time, she _____ (come) to the meeting.

  2. She _____ (attend) the meeting if she had the time.

  3. Peter _____ (say) yes if you ask him.

  4. Unless he _____ (finish) soon, we won’t be able to come.

  5. If he _____ (be) president, he would invest more in education.

  6. What _____ (you do) if you were president?

  7. She _____ (fly) Northwest Airlines if she has a choice.

  8. If I _____ (think) I could do it, I would do it!

  9. Alan would invite Mary if it _____ (be) his party.

  10. She won’t marry Peter if he _____ (ask) her.

Task 4

Put the verbs into the correct tense

  1. If you (touch) that plate, you will burn your fingers.

  2. Shall I invite John to the party? If I were you? I (invite) him.

  3. When water boils, it (produce) steam.

  4. Can you help me? Well, if I wasn’t studying I (help) you.

  5. If we were very rich, we (afford) very expensive clothes.

  6. If Jane (be) older, she could live by herself.

  7. I am exhausted. I wish I (do) some of the homework yesterday.

  8. If you like chocolate, you (like) this cake.

  9. I wish I (can play) a musical instrument.

  10. I’d rather you (not say) anything about it yesterday.

Task 5

Put the verbs into the correct tense

  1. If I had a toothache, I (go) to the dentist.

  2. If she (hear) the news, she would have called us by now.

  3. If you (know) what she did yesterday, you would be surprised.

  4. I wish I (have) more spare time in the evenings.

  5. If you hadn’t been ill, you (not miss) a lot of lessons last week.

  6. I wish I (go) on the school trip next week.

  7. I wish I (study) more when I was at school.

  8. Paul, I wish you (stop) making so much noise.

  9. I wish you (not speak) to her like that.

  10. It’s time they (do) anything about it, or it will be too late.

Task 6

Put the verbs into the correct tense

  1. Tom speaks to everyone as if he (know) everything.

  2. I’d rather Mary (spend) the night with us. It’s snowing heavily.

  3. We’d better (not take) taxi to bring us home tonight.

  4. Did you enjoy the film? No, I would rather we (see) a comedy instead.

  5. They would have opened the door if (know) who was there.

  6. Shall I dust the computer, Tom? I’d rather you (not touch) it actually.

  7. If only I (buy) the tickets earlier. They are all sold out now.

  8. I wish this evening (not end). I am having a really lovely time.

  9. Don’t you think it’s time you (get) a haircut?

  10. If only I (eat) so much cake at lunchtime. I feel awful now.

  11. I wish you (not do) that when people are watching. It’s really embarrassing.

  12. I would rather (eat) sweet than salty food.

  13. If only this recipe (be) easier. I’d make it more often.

  14. I wish you (not smoke). It’s unhealthy.

  15. If only we (not have) so much homework every day.

5. The Passive Voice

5.1. Grammar Table






am written


was written

I HE She IT WE You They

will be written

He She IT

is written

We You They

are written

We You They

were written



am being written


was being written

He She IT

is being written

We You They

are being written

We You They

were being written


I WE You They

have been written

I WE You They He She It

I WE You They He She It

I WE You They He She It

will have been written

He She IT

has been written

5.2. Grammar Exercises

Task 1

Put the verbs into the correct form using Passive Voice

  1. I’m going to the party tonight. I (invite) by my friend.

  2. Tim didn’t go to the meeting yesterday. It (cancel).

  3. After (rescue) from the river, the boys went to hospital.

  4. They (take) to hospital by ambulance.

  5. The car (serve) now.

  6. Are you going to pick up the children? No, they (pick up) by Jack.

  7. Has the new furniture arrived? No, it (deliver) yet.

  8. The garden fence (repair) at the moment.

  9. The poem must (learn) by heart.

  10. Have you arranged the party yet? Yes, the invitations already (send).

Task 2

Put the verbs into the correct form using Passive Voice

  1. Kevin’s car (steal) last night and he is very upset.

  2. Do your cats eat a lot? No, they (feed) twice a day.

  3. Can you swim? Yes, I (teach) when I was 5.

  4. What is happening over here? A new cinema (build).

  5. Doctors have to do a lot of work, but they (pay) well.

  6. The new bridge (build) already.

  7. Chinese (speak) by more than one billion people.

  8. A lot of food (eat) at the party yesterday.

  9. Basketball (play) all over the world.

  10. The experiment (do) by the scientists at this time 2 days ago.

Task 3

Put the verbs into the correct form using Passive Voice

  1. He (consider) to be a very good musician.

  2. The instructions should (follow) very carefully.

  3. Trousers (wear) by both men and women.

  4. We (delay) because there was a lot of traffic this morning.

  5. Don’t stay up late tonight or you (be) tired.

  6. This piece of music (not record) yet. I have just composed it.

  7. Breakfast (serve) from 7 to 10 a.m. every day.

  8. The tables (set) before the restaurant opens tonight.

  9. I have a beautiful sweater which (knit) by my granny.

  10. The reports (write) by 5 o’clock tomorrow.

  11. The cake (decorate) with icing.

  12. Wine (make) from grapes.

  13. Who a camera (invent) by?

  14. A lot of people (ask) before the documentary was made.

  15. The windows (close) before she left the house.

Task 4

Turn the following into reported speech.

  1. ‘Where do you live?’ I asked her.

  2. “We went to the supermarket yesterday,” they said.

  3. “Where are you from” they asked me.

  4. ‘He showed me his photographs last Friday,” she said.

  5. “Don’t open the door” he asked me.

  6. ‘Could you open your suitcase, please?’ I asked her.

  7. ‘Don’t worry – it’ll be fine’ they said.

  8. ‘Don’t forget to buy some bread on your way home’ she asked me.

  9. “Who borrowed my book?’ he asked.

  10. “It was me who broke the window,” he admitted.

Task 5

Turn the following into reported speech.

  1. “I will come with you tomorrow,” she said.

  2. ‘I must work harder,’ he said.

  3. ‘I didn’t understand the meaning of the film’ he said.

  4. ‘I’m afraid I can’t come this evening,’ she said

  5. ‘I’m going to Spain with my sister next week,’ she said.

  6. ‘I saw him yesterday but he didn’t recognize me’ he said.

  7. ‘Did you pay the electricity bill?» she asked her husband.

  8. ‘Why did you leave the party so early? “she asked.

  9. ‘Tell me the truth’ he demanded.

  10. ‘You mustn’t come home after eleven’ he forbade us.

6. Reported Speech

6.1. Table for changing Tenses

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

Present Simple

Past Simple

Present Continuous

Past Continuous

Present Perfect Simple

Past Perfect Simple

Present Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect Continuous

Past Simple

Past Perfect Simple

Past Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous







Have to/ Has to/ Must

Had to



These Those





That day


The next/ following day

The next week

The next/ following week


The day before

Last week

The previous week/ The week before



6.2. Grammar exercises

Task 1

Turn the following into reported speech.

  1. ‘Where do you live?’ I asked her.

  2. “We went to the supermarket yesterday,” they said.

  3. “Where are you from” they asked me.

  4. ‘He showed me his photographs last Friday,” she said.

  5. “Don’t open the door” he asked me.

  6. ‘Could you open your suitcase, please?’ I asked her.

  7. ‘Don’t worry – it’ll be fine’ they said.

  8. ‘Don’t forget to buy some bread on your way home’ she asked me.

  9. “Who borrowed my book?’ he asked.

  10. “It was me who broke the window,” he admitted.

Task 2

Turn the following into reported speech.

  1. “I will come with you tomorrow,” she said.

  2. ‘I must work harder,’ he said.

  3. ‘I didn’t understand the meaning of the film’ he said.

  4. ‘I’m afraid I can’t come this evening,’ she said

  5. ‘I’m going to Spain with my sister next week,’ she said.

  6. ‘I saw him yesterday but he didn’t recognize me’ he said.

  7. ‘Did you pay the electricity bill?’ she asked her husband.

  8. ‘Why did you leave the party so early? “she asked.

  9. ‘Tell me the truth’ he demanded.

  10. ‘You mustn’t come home after eleven’ he forbade us.

Task 3

Turn the following into reported speech.

  1. ‘I’m the fastest runner of all’ he boasted.

  2. ‘Let’s order a pizza’ he suggested.

  3. ‘You must wear this blouse’ he insisted.

  4. ‘I’d like you to come to the party’ she invited us.

  5. ‘Don’t forget to turn the lights off’ he reminded me.

  6. ‘The exam papers are still being marked, ’ the teacher informed Jane.

  7. ‘You should talk about your problem.’ He advised me.

  8. ‘Don’t Open the door’, she asked me.

  9. ‘Do you want to go shopping? ‘he asked them.

  10. ‘Why did you do it?’ she asked the kids.

Task 4

Put the verb into the correct tense by moving the reported verb one step back into the past when necessary.

1. I’m working in Dallas today. / He said he _____ (work) in Dallas that day.

2. I think he will win the election. / She said she _____ (think) he _____ (win) the election.

3. Anna lives in London. / Peter says Anna _____ (live) in London.

4. My father is going to visit us next week. / Frank said his father ______ (visit) them the following week.

5. They bought a brand new Mercedes! / She said they _____ (buy) a brand new Mercedes.

6. I have worked at the company since 1997. / She said she _____ (work) at the company since 1997.

7. They are watching TV at the moment. / She said they _____ (watch) TV at that moment.

8. Francis drives to work every day. / He said Francis _____ (drive) to work every day.

9. Alan thought about changing his job last year. / Alan said that he _____ (thought) about changing his job the previous year.

10. Susan is flying to Chicago tomorrow. / Susan said she _____ (fly) to Chicago the next day.

11. George went to the hospital last night. / Peter said that George _____ (go) to the hospital the preceding night.

12. I enjoy playing golf on Saturdays. / Ken says that he _____ (enjoy) playing golf on Saturdays.

13. I will change jobs soon. / Jennifer told me she _____ (change) jobs soon.

14. Frank is getting married in July. / Anna tells me that Frank ______ (get married) in July.

15. October is the best month of the year. / The teacher says that October _____ (be) the best month of the year.

16. Sarah wants to buy a new house. / Jack told me that his sister ______ (want) to buy a new house.

17. They are working hard on the new project. / The boss told me that they _____ (work) hard on the new project.

18. We’ve lived here for ten years. / Frank told me that they _____ (live) there for ten years.

19. I take the subway to work every day. / Ken tells me he _____ (take) the subway to work every day.

20. Angela prepared lamb for dinner yesterday. / Peter told us that Angela ______ (prepare) lamb for dinner the day before.

Task 5

Turn the following into reported speech.

1. John said, ‘ I love this city!’ John said ……..

2. ‘Do you like soccer?” he asked me. He asked me …….

3. ‘I can’t drive a car, “she said. She said ……

4. ‘Be nice to your sister,” he said. He asked me …….

5. ‘Don’t be nasty,” she said. She urged me……

6. ‘Don’t waste your money,” she said. She told the girls…..

7. ‘What have you decided to do?” she asked him. She asked him…..

8. ‘I always wake up early,” he said. He said…..

9. ‘You should revise your lessons,’ the teacher said. She advised the students

10. ‘Where were you born?” he asked me. He wanted to know……

7. Gerund and Infinitive

Reference Lists — Gerund and Infinitive

Verbs Followed by a Gerund

Admit advise appreciate avoid complete consider delay deny detest dislike enjoy excuse finish forbid imagine mind miss permit practice report resist resume risk spend/ waste time suggest

Verbs Followed by an Infinitive

agree aim appear arrange ask attempt be able beg choose continue decide expect forget remember hope hurry like fail get happen have hesitate mean neglect offer plan prefer prepare promise propose start stop threaten try use want wish


Task 1

Put the verbs into the correct form.

1. He gave up (gamble).

2. This is for you (decide).

3. The children prefer (watch) TV to (reading)

4. I am against (make) any complaints.

5. This writer is said (write) a new novel.

6. H e was fined for (drive) without lights.

7. It is difficult to get used (eat) with chopsticks.

8. They don’t allowed (smoke) in here.

9. She seems to (have) a good time at the seaside.

10. We are looking forward (see) you soon.

11. If a thing is worth (do) at all it is worth (do) well.

12. Would you mind (write) your name here?

13. He proved (be) one of the cleverest students at our school.

14. I don’t enjoy (go) to the dentist.

15. She stopped (smoke).

Task 2

Put the verbs into the correct form.

  1. He gave up (gamble).

  2. This is for you (decide).

  3. The children prefer (watch) TV to (reading)

  4. I am against (make) any complaints.

  5. This writer is said (write) a new novel.

  6. H e was fined for (drive) without lights.

  7. It is difficult to get used (eat) with chopsticks.

  8. They don’t allowed (smoke) in here.

  9. She seems to (have) a good time at the seaside.

  10. We are looking forward (see) you soon.

  11. If a thing is worth (do) at all it is worth (do) well.

  12. Would you mind (write) your name here?

  13. He proved (be) one of the cleverest students at our school.

  14. I don’t enjoy (go) to the dentist.

  15. She stopped (smoke).

  16. They suggested (not keep) the luggage.

Task 3

Put the verbs into the correct form.

  1. Alan can’t stand _________ on trains. (riding / to ride)

  2. Mr. Harris enjoys _________ people out to dinner. (inviting / to invite)

  3. In the old days, gentlemen challenged their rivals _______. (fighting / to fight)

  4. As the famous saying goes, there’s no use ______ over spilt milk. (crying / to cry)

  5. Jim stopped _________ his shoelace. Wait for him. (tying / to tie)

  6. My wife always volunteers ___________ cakes PTA meetings. (baking / to bake)

  7. Don’t waste my time ___________ about your salary. (complaining/ to complain)

  8. Eva is having trouble _________ on the exam. (concentrating / to concentrate)

  9. Please allow me ____________ your Facebook page. (joining / to join)

  10. You won’t forget _________milk on your way home, will you? (picking up /to pick up)

Task 4

Put the verbs into the correct form.

1. Do you mind ….here?

a. I sit b. My sitting c. I sitting

2. I can hardly imagine Tony …. across the Baltic Sea all by himself.

a. Sail b. To sail c. Sailing

3. I would appreciate …. back this afternoon.

a. You to call b. You call c. Your calling

4. No one enjoys … in public.

a. To be made fun of b. Making fun of c. Being made fun of

5. If you keep .… in English, it will improve.

a. To talk b. Talking c. Talk

6. Don’t you remember …. him before?

a. To see b. Saw c. Seeing

7. I don’t feel like …. out for a walk.

a. Going b. To go c. Go

8. People couldn’t help …. at the funny man.

a. To laugh b. Laughing c. Laughed

9. Do you mind …. the door?

a. To close b. Close c. Closing

10. He tried to avoid …. my questions.

a. Answering b. To answer c. Answer

8. Articles

8.1. Grammar Exercises

Task 1

Complete the sentences with a the an zero article

  1. How did you travel to ….1. Russia? By…..2. plane or by …3. train?

  2. We are going on a climbing holiday in …4. Alps, in …5. Italy.

  3. He is not going to …6. work today. He has …7. cold and …8. terrible headache.

  4. ….9. Danube flows from …10. Germany, through …11. Central Europe to ….12. Black Sea.

  5. I am really tired. I am going to go …13. home, go to …14. bed and listen to …15. radio.

  6. Could you pass me …16. remote control for …17. TV please?

  7. I like listening to …18. music.

  8. He is going to buy …19. car.

  9. She drives …20 old Skoda Favorite.

  10. …21. Moscow is ….22. capital of …23. Russian Federation.

Task 2

Choose the correct answer from four options

1. …..school will be closed for the Easter holidays.

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

2. Is Chinese ….. difficult language?

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

3. Do you see how blue …..sky is?

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

4. …..Lion is considered to be ….. king of the jungle.

a. The b. The – The c. The – A d. A -A

5. She is ….. honour of the school.

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

6. The world is ….. beautiful place.

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

7. The Adams have …. .elegant house.

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

8. It is ….. most interesting book I’ve ever read.

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

9. Even though she‘s studied….English for 10 years, it is not very good .

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

10. Is …..Nile ……longest river in the world?

a. A– The b. The – The c. The – A d. A –A

Task 3

Choose the correct answer from four options

11. She bought ….. new car. …..car is very fast.

a. A – The b. The – The c. The – A d. A –A

12. My father reads …..newspapers every morning.

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

13. Can you turn on …..heater? It’s getting cold here.

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

14. Look! There is …..bird on ….. window.

a. A – The b. The – The c C. The – A d. A –A

15. Does Columbus cross …. Atlantic ocean?

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

16. He is ….. very successful person.

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

17. Would you like to be …English teacher?

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

18. I know a lot of people. Many of them are ….. students.

a . A b. An c. The d. zero article

19. Giraffes are …. .animals.

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

20 . Susan doesn’t feel good. She went to …..doctor.

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

Task 4

Choose the correct answer from four options

1. We haven’t been to …… cinema for ages.

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

2. I often watch ….. television in the evening.

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

Every term parents are invited to school to meet ….. teachers.

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

3. It’s late. Let’s go ….. home!

a . A b. An c. The d. zero article

4. He has gone to ….. hospital to visit his Granny.

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

5. This morning I had breakfast in ….. bed.

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

6. ….. homeless need more help from the government.

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

7. …..Chinese invented painting.

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

8. Last year we visited ….. USA and ….. Great Britain.

a. A– The b. The – The c. The – A d. A –A

9. ……Tower of London is one of ….. most famous sightseeing.

a. A– The b. The – The c. The – A d. A –A

10. Have you ever been to …… Saint Isaac Cathedral?

a. A b. An c. The d. zero article

Task 5

Complete the sentences with a the an zero article

  1. Please, wait for ….hour for the test results.

  2. India is the second most populous country in …. world.

  3. Ken is …student at Harvard University.

  4. Is this ….pen given by your teacher?

  5. How can I get to … Mariinskiy Opera House?

  6. Mr. Green is wearing …..blue shirt today.

  7. It is very important to have …..varied diet and not eat ….unhealthy food.

  8. ……time is … money.

  9. We had …fun at the party.

  10. Here is ….book I told you about.

  11. They have …passion for ….football.

  12. I made ….terrible mistake.

  13. …money they earn is well-deserved.

  14. I try to keep out of …trouble.

  15. ….psychologists study …human behavior.

  16. They left …quarter of …hour ago.

  17. I went home to get …book I told them about.

  18. He bought …new car and he drove it home.

  19. Ann is …only child in the family.

  20. Her husband, who is …doctor, works in the hospital

9. Miscellaneous

9.1. Grammar and Vocabulary exercises

Task 1

Put the verbs into the correct form.

  1. I (learn) English for seven years now.

  2. But last year I (not / work) hard enough for English, that’s why my marks (not / be) really that good then.

  3. As I (pass / want) my English exam successfully next year, I (study) harder this term.

  4. During my last summer holidays, my parents (send) me on a language course to London.

  5. It (be) great and I (think) I (learn) a lot.

  6. Before I (go) to London, I (not / enjoy) learning English.

  7. But while I (do) the language course, I (meet) lots of young people from all over the world.

  8. There I (notice) how important it (be) to speak foreign languages nowadays.

  9. Now I (have) much more fun learning English than I (have) before the course.

  10. At the moment I (revise) English grammar.

  11. And I (begin / already) to read the texts in my English textbooks again.

  12. I (think) I (do) one unit every week.

  13. My exam (be) on 15 May, so there (not / be) any time to be lost.

  14. If I (pass) my exams successfully, I (start) an apprenticeship in September.

  15. And after my apprenticeship, maybe I (go) back to London to work there for a while.

Task 2

Put the verbs into the correct form.

  1. When he (wake up) his mother (already /prepare)breakfast

  2. Next summer we (go) to London because our friends (invite) us

  3. He (hear)the news, (go) to the telephone and (call) a friend.

  4. When she (start) learning English she (already /learn) French.

  5. Jane (already / type) three pages when her computer (crash)

  6. By the time the doctor (arrive) at the house the patient ( die)

  7. Before that day we (never / think) of traveling to Japan.

  8. I (know) him a long time before I (meet) his family.

  9. They (not / know) where to meet because nobody (tell) them.

  10. It (be) cloudy for days before it (begin) to rain.

  11. I (just / finish) my homework.

  12. Mary (already / write) five letters.

  13. Tom (move) to his home town in 1994.

  14. My friend (be) in Canada two years ago.

  15. I (not / be) to Canada so far.

  16. But I (already / travel) to London a couple of times.

  17. Last week, Mary and Paul (go) to the cinema.

  18. I can’t take any pictures because I (not /buy) a new film yet.

  19. (they / spend) their holidays in Paris last summer?

  20. (you / ever / see ) a whale

Task 3

Put the verbs into the correct form.

1. I was exhausted at the end of the exam. I ….. (write) for over two hours.

2. Yesterday by 9 o’clock, we (finish) our homework.

3. When thieves stole my favourite leather jacket, I was really upset. I… (have) it for over ten years.

4. Please step out of the car, Mr. Jones. Do you realise you (drive) at over 90mph?

5. They (leave) the classroom by the end of the hour next lesson.

6. We didn’t really want to go and see the musical again. We already (see) it twice — so we said «no» and we went to a restaurant instead!

7. I think I (start) my trip on Sunday

8. I arrived over an hour late to the office and everyone was working. Actually, they (work) for over two hours on the new project and I felt really guilty.

9. The kitchen was full of steam when we arrived. Joan was in the kitchen and she (cook) a huge meal for everyone at the party.

10. It was a bit embarrassing to arrive at their house and find Mary looking so sad. I think she (cry) before we got there.

Task 4

Put the verbs into the correct form.

Tomorrow I think I 1….. (start) my new project.

I 2…. (finish) it by the end of this month.

The teacher 3…… (probably/assign) a test to his students next Monday.

He 4….. (correct) it by the end of next week.

My friend 5…….(certainly/get) a good mark tomorrow.

Look! Sara 6….. (go) to the movies.

On her right hand, Sara 7……. (carry) her handbag.

The handbag 8…… (be) very beautiful.

Sara usually 9…… (put) on black shoes but now she 10…… (wear) white trainers.

And look, she 11…… (take) an umbrella because it 12….. (rain)

Task 5

Choose the correct option.

1. Animated movies _____ a lot over the last 100 years.

a. has changed b. have changed c. had changed d. will change

2. Winsor McKay _____ the father of animation.

a. are considered b. is considered c. has considered d. will be considered

3. In the early 1900s, Mclay _____ his films by himself.

a. animated b. is animating c. will be animating d. were animating

4. He _____ every picture separately one at a time, in the early 1900s.

a. draw b. drew c. draws d. is drawing

5. Hundreds of photographs _____ to make a one-minute film everyday in 1900s

a. was needed b. were needed c. is needed d. are needed

6. The drawing of the background _____ motionless always.

a. remains b. remaining c. remained d. will remain

7. The characters will always _____.

a. moving b. move c. moved d. moves

8. Walt Disney _____ animation to a new level since he started in the animation business.

a. takes b. taken c. took d. taking

9. He created Mickey Mouse, added sound and music to his movies, and ____ the first full-length film.

a. produced b. produce c. produces d. will produce

10. An image is put on the computer and then quickly _____ by a similar image with a small change.

a. are put b. will put c. is put d. put

Task 6

Choose the correct option.

1. … . the favourable conditions of the late 1990s, when stocks seemed to rise constantly, a lot of people made money on the stock market.

a. Despite b. So that c. Whereas d. As though e. Owing to

2. Charlotte Bronte, …. wrote the famous novel “Jane Eyre”, was one of three sisters, all of …… were novelists.

a. that/which b. who/whom c. whose/that d. which/whose e. whom/who

3. Of all the inventions of Thomas Edison, the electric light bulb has probably had ……. impact on daily life ……. any other.

a. so much/that b. enough/for c. a lot more/than d. so many/as e. such a lot/that

4. ……. we learn about our universe, ……. likely it seems that extra-terrestrial life must exist somewhere.

a. Whether/or b. The more/the more c. Not only/but also d. Rather than/so e. As much as/when

5. It is not possible even to attempt to read anything in Japanese ……. you have learnt two separate alphabets and more than a thousand characters.

a. until b. while c. thus d. as if e. in case

6. According to both Christianity and Islam, “paradise” is the place ……. good people will go after they die, although just ……. makes a “good person” differs somewhat between the two faiths.

a. that/whose b. which/who c. when/why d. where/what e. how/whom

7. Young people are usually faced with the choice of……. they should do a worthwhile job, such as social work, for a small salary, ……. go into something basically worthless, such as advertising, in order to get rich.

a. so much/as b. no sooner/than c. both/and d. rather/than e. whether/or

8. Although there is more wealth in the world than ever before, the age-old problem remains that not ……. people are able to share in this wealth.

a. every b. each c. all d. whole e. some

9. Since it ……. independence from Britain in 1957, Malaysia ……. remarkable economic progress.

a. has gained/is making b. gained/has made c. would gain/will make d. was gaining/made

e. had gained/makes

10. There are ……. people in China ……. there are in the entire continent of Africa.

a. so many/as b. more/than c. the most/like d. enough/for e. too many/that

11. The film we saw last night had a gripping plot and plenty of exciting stunts; …….. the acting was terrible.

a. no matter b. similarly c. as a consequence d. on the other hand e. furthermore

12. If only this rain …….. we could go outside and have some fun.

a. would stop b. will be stopping c. has stopped d. is stopping e. stops

13. The combination of one oxygen atom with two hydrogen atoms ……. a water molecule.

a. is formed b. have formed c. forms d. are forming e. was formed

14. My friends living here assure me that once I ……. some Arabic, I ……. living in the Middle East a lot more.

a. will have learnt/enjoyed b. learnt/should enjoy c. will learn/am enjoying

d. am learning/enjoy e. have learnt/will enjoy

15. Seeing how worried she was, I promised my mother that I ……… her a ring as soon as I ……. at my destination.

a. will give/am arriving b. have given/will arrive c. gave/had arrived d. would give/arrived

e. was giving/have arrived

16. As a child, I used to believe that something bad ……. to my family if I ……… each of them before going to bed.

a. had happened/wouldn’t kiss b. was happening/hadn’t kissed c. has happened/wasn’t kissing d. would happen/didn’t kiss e. happened/wouldn’t have kissed

17. An opossum is a small mammal ……. the habit of rolling on its side and pretending to be dead when …….. .

a. to have/disturbs b. having/disturbed c. has/to be disturbed c. having had/disturbing

e. had/being disturbed

18. ……. I enjoy symphonies and concertos, I have never been able to appreciate opera.

a. Even though b. No matter c. As if D} As long as e. Therefore

19. The UN, at American and British insistence, refuses to allow medicines for children to be sent to Iraq just ……. they are used to make “weapons of mass destruction”.

a. in case b. for c. as though d. in addition e. despite

20. It took the police so long to respond that by the time they …….. the robbers

a. had arrived/have escaped b. would arrive/were escaping c. arrive/will escape

d. have arrived/escaped e.) arrived/had escaped

Task 7

Choose the correct option.

1. Omar Khayyam, ……. poems are still read and appreciated in the English-speaking world, is better remembered in the Islamic world as an astronomer and mathematician.

a. that b. whom c. which d. what e. whose

2. At present, Moscow’s traffic problem ……. at all, and at this rate, traffic will soon come to a complete standstill.

a. is not tackling b. does not tackle c. will not be tackled d. is not being tackled e. has not tackled

3. People living abroad ……. with their embassy or consulate so that they ……. in an emergency.

a. have registered/were assisted b. should register/can be assisted c. can register/have assisted d. have to be registered/had assisted e. used to register/may be assisted

4. Geoff …….. from holiday yet because no one I have talked to has seen him.

a. would not have returned b. doesn’t have to return c. must not have returned

d. ought not to return e. didn’t use to return

5. ……. I know, this is the last boat, so I think we had better hurry.

a. Provided b. No matter c. So long as d. As far as e. Because of

6. Both chemical and biological agents have been used in past wars because they are often ……. insidious and ……. easily detected than conventional weapons.

a. more/less b. so/as much c. the most/the least d. the same/as e. too/so much

7. Although people have been taking photographs …… well over a hundred years now, the basic principles of cameras and photography are ……. almost the same.

a. since/yet b. as/as c. for/still d. during/already e. yet/any more

8. I’m afraid I have to make an important presentation tomorrow in front of the managing director around your arrival time; …….. I would meet you at the airport.

a. provided b. otherwise c. whereas d. unless e. on the contrary

9. ……. you arrive before midnight, after which the rates go up, it is not very expensive to get a taxi from the airport into town.

a. By the time b. As long as c. While d. As a result e. Until

10. Judy’s mother warned her against marrying Phil, and sure enough, ……. had they got married ……. they began to have serious money problems due to his drinking and gambling.

a. no sooner/than b. whether/or c. neither/nor d. not only/and e. barely/despite

11. Two men were seen fleeing the scene of the crime, but ……. of them has been caught yet.

a. both b. all c. either d. neither e. none

12. The sergeant was sure that we could take the enemy position, and …….. so we decided to attack immediately.

a. nor was I b. so did I c. so was I d. I could too e. I couldn’t either

13. Just a few years ago, there were ……. elephants in East Africa ……. there was serious concern about their becoming extinct.

a. much less/so b. such a few/as c. too few/than d. so little/that e. so few/that

14. The postal service is so bad; I hope ……. letter gets to ……. before Christmas.

a. us/they b. ourselves/theirs c. we/themselves d. ours/their e. our/them

15. Sally has been seeing Erie for some time now: she says she loves ……. and wants to become ……. wife.

a. his/herself b. him/his c. herself/himself d. himself/him e. his own/hers

16. ……. of southeastern Turkey suffers from lack of proper schools and teaching materials, so it is no wonder that ……. students from there are able to attend university

a. Plenty/much less b. Many/just a little c. Most/far fewer d. Any/many more

e. The whole/most

17. Since the traffic and smog of Istanbul get me down, I try to get out of the city ……. I can.

a. whatever b. no more c. no matter d. whenever e. elsewhere

18. Southern Spain is a popular holiday destination because ……… month of the year you go there, you are likely to have good weather.

a. every time b. whenever c. everywhere d. everyone e. whichever

19. In Ethiopia, the Christians of the highlands and the Muslims of the lowlands have fought …….. for centuries.

a. who else b. whomever c.) one another d. every other e. any longer

20. New York, ……. skyline is instantly recognisable, is one of the best-known cities in the world.

a. where b. that c. whose d. which e. what

Task 8

Choose the correct option.

1. The river known ……. the Blue Nile is the shorter of the two branches of the Nile which join at Khartoum.

a. as b. much c. like d. just as e. such as

2. But although it is not ……. the White Nile, the Blue Nile carries ……. water.

a. longer than/the less b. too long/as much as c. the longest/too much

d. long enough/so much e. as long as/far more

3. It was the silt in the Blue Nile that …….. the farmland of Egypt every year until the construction of the Aswan High Dam.

a. has fertilised b. should be fertilizing c. is fertilising d. used to fertilise e. has to fertilise

4. Ever since the Aswan High Dam…. Egyptian farmers . dependent on artificial fertilisers.

a. has been built/are becoming b. was building/became c. would have built/become

d. was built/have become e.) had been built/will become

5. There isn’t……. water in the reservoirs this year because there was ……. rain over the winter.

a. some/too few b. too much/enough c. any/plenty d. a lot of/several e. much/so little

6. In the end, the jury did not believe that the defendant had committed the crime, ……. .

a. but the judge didn’t b. and neither did the judge c. and the judge hadn’t either

d. and so did the judge e. but the judge had too

7 You wouldn’t mind if I brought along someone to your party, …….?

a. would you b. didn’t I c. did you d. would I e. wouldn’t you

8. Lanolin, which ……. from sheep’s wool, ……. in medicines, ointments and cosmetics since ancient times.

a. has obtained/was being used b. is obtaining/is used c.) has been obtained/uses

d. is obtained/has been used e. obtains/is using

9. Anyone who ……. the Golden Horn on a hot summer’s day ……. to go near it again for a long time.

a. was smelling/does not want b. smells/has not wanted c. smelt/had not been wanting

d. is smelling/did not want e. has smelt/will not want

10. In Latin America slavery ……… gradually, on a country-by-country basis.

a. should have abolished b. could abolish c. would have abolished d. was abolished

e. has been abolishing

11. Steve has told me that he is moving to Samoa, ……. he hopes his ex-wife will never be able to find him.

a. that b. when c. where d. which e. how

12. Smithing, one of the oldest crafts, …….. with the first use of metal, and became increasingly important after iron ……. .

a. was begun/had discovered b. began/was discovered c. was beginning/discovered

d. has begun/would be discovered e. had begun/has been discovered

13. Lemmings are small Scandinavian animals ……. periodically commit mass suicide, although no one knows ……. they do it.

a. which/why b. that/which c. where/how d. who/what e. how/where

14. Although I am happy with my life, sometimes I cannot help but wish that I ……. a little more money.

a. am earning b. have earned c.) can earn d. could earn e.) would be earning

15. The “polygraph” is a machine used to discover ……. people are lying …….. not by detecting changes in their pulse rate and respiration.

a. when/as b. both/and c. if/or d. either/than e. such /as

16. Today plastic seems to be …….. widely used material all over the world.

a. too much b. enough c.) more than d. such as e. the most

17. There have been so many negative effects from nuclear power and so few benefits that most people probably wish it ……. never …….. .

a. has/been discovered b.) would/be discovered c. is/discovered d. had/been discovered

e. was/being discovered

18. The electric eel, belonging to a group of fishes that is different from the other eels, can generate ……. electricity to stun an adult human being.

a. any b. enough c. a little d. the most e. a few

19. You made a big mistake by buying a car from that dodgy salesman; I’m sure you ……. it more cheaply elsewhere.

a. were buying b. could have bought c. must have bought d. might buy e. used to buy

20. Princess Diana was one of the ……. frequently photographed women in the world until her death in 1998.

a. such b. too c. most d. more e. much

Task 9

Choose the correct option.

1. ……. Turkey is an official candidate for EU membership, it must be a little more careful of international opinion.

a. Even though b. Rather than c. In contrast to d. Now that e. No matter

2. You ……. home today if you are not feeling well; otherwise, you ……. even worse tomorrow.

a. ought to stay/might feel b. must stay/have to feel c. have stayed/will have felt

d. might stay/have been feeling e. had to stay/are feeling

3. In spite of the many studies the experts have done, no one is sure ……… there will be another earthquake in the region soon or not.

a. how b. though c. where d. if e. when

4. Since you don’t know ……… to use the computer, you should ask someone to help you.

a. where b. how c. which d. what e. that

5. Frogs and toads are known …….. a strong sense of location, and when …….. from their territories or breeding grounds, they can find their way back by smell and instinctively by the position of the stars.

a. having/taking b. to be having/to take c.) having had/being taken

d. have/having taken e. to have/taken

6. I have decided to sue the builder of these flats for unsafe building practices, ……. who lives here.

a. but no one else does b. as does everyone else c. and so has everyone else

d. and neither has anyone else e.) but no one else did

7. A long queue of people ……. for bread when I ……. at the bakery.

a. was waiting/arrived b. has waited/arrive c. had been waiting/have arrived

d. waited/was arriving e. has been waiting/am arriving

8. There has never been another footballer ……. entertaining to watch as Pele.

a. such b) as c. rather d. much e. more

9. You ……. crazy to buy a house when prices were at an all-time high.

a. have been b. ought to have been c. have to be d. must have been e. are going to be

10. …….. there are no last-minute problems, the deal should go ahead and we will sign the contract tomorrow.

a. Despite b. However c. Until d. Furthermore e.) Provided that

11. At the firm’s annual party, Julie and I were both unhappy because her dress was ……. mine.

a. rather than b. such as c. each other d. the same e. just like

12. My uncle finally ……. last year after he ……. for the same firm for 45 years.

a. had retired/was working b.) has retired/has been working c. was retiring/has worked d. retired/had worked e. used to retire/would work

13. We can go by bus, by train or by hydrofoil, but……. we go, we had better make reservations in advance because it will be the holiday season.

a. whenever b. whichever c. however d. whatever e.) whomever

14. “Ivanhoe” is ……. famous novel by Sir Walter Scott describing ……. time when England was ruled by the Normans.

a. —/a b. some/— c. a/the d. any/some e. the/any

15. You can tell that George has been doing a lot of work in his garden recently, …….?

a. can’t you b. doesn’t he c. can you d. has he e. can’t he

16. I wouldn’t mind ……. in the city over the holiday if you have to work; shall we invite some Mends …….. round?

a. to stay/to be coming b. staying/to come c. to be staying/coming

d. to have stayed/come e. stay/having come

17. If you ……. bungee jumping in your life, you ……. what you are missing.

a. aren’t trying/haven’t known b. wouldn’t try/hadn’t known c. won’t try/didn’t know

d. haven’t tried/don’t know e. hadn’t tried/shouldn’t know

18. The famous Catholic missionary St Francis Xavier claimed that the Japanese language was created by Satan to he ……. for Christian missionaries to learn.

a. as difficult b. more difficult c.) such a difficult d. so difficult that e. too difficult

19. You ……. a decent job until after you ……. your military service.

a. haven’t got/will complete b. don’t get/will be completing c. won’t get/have completed

d. aren’t getting/had completed e. didn’t get/are completing

20. The phrase, “It’s not what you know, but who you know,” means that it is impossible to get anything done ……. you know the right people.

a. for b. unless c. whether d. since e. which


Choose the correct option.

1. Penicillin was first isolated by three chemists, among ……. the best known was Sir Alexander Fleming.

a. which b. what c. that d. whose e. whom

2. When the tomb of Tutankhamun …….. it was the most spectacular Egyptian discovery in the history of archaeology, and nothing since ……. it.

a. was discovered/has surpassed b. had discovered/could surpass c. discovered/has been surpassing d. has been discovered/is surpassing e. had been discovered/can surpass

3. I always do all my shopping at Harrod’s ……. I happen to be in London.

a. whenever b. wherever c. however d. whichever e. whomever

4. Apparently, ……. the whole family was asleep last night, a thief came into their flat and stole their new computer and mobile phone.

a. during b. despite c. for d. while e. however

5. I couldn’t finish ……. the report last night because my daughter refused to let me ……. her computer.

a. having written/using b. writing/use c. to write/to use d. to be written/used

e. being written/having used

6. Johannes Kepler ……. mathematically that the paths of the planets were elliptical and not circular as ……. previously.

a. was proving/has been believed b. had proved/was believing c. proved/had been believed

d. was proved/is believed e. proves/was going to believe

7. Mount Fuji, a volcano ……… base is 126 kilometres in circumference, last erupted in 1707.

a. when b. where c, which d. whose e. that

8. Frank ……. by 8 o’clock, so if you want to see him, you ……. earlier.

a. will have left/must come b. must have left/could come c. might be leaving/have come

d. ought to have left/come e. has to leave/would come

9. Though the kangaroo was hunted in the past, it is now protected in some areas ……. keep it from becoming extinct.

a. in contrast to b. in order to c. thanks to d. in addition to e. owing to

10. They have completed ……. the film, and it is ……. next month.

a. to shoot/editing b. having shot/to have edited c. to be shot/to edit

d. shooting/to be edited e. being shot/edited

11. The League of Nations was created after World War I with the object of preserving world peace; …….. the United States refused to join and it failed to prevent aggression by Mussolini, Hitler and Japan.

a. furthermore b. however c. whereas d. otherwise e. no matter

12. Potatoes and tobacco ……. to Britain as a result of expeditions which Sir Walter Raleigh ……. in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.

a. introduced/was organizing b. have been introduced/had organized c. were introducing/was organized d. have introduced/had been organized e. were introduced/organized

13. If only the authorities ……. to alleviate the problems of the poor in the country, the uprisings ……. place.

a. attempted/are not going to take b. would have attempted/did not take

c. had attempted/might not have taken d. have attempted/weren’t taking e. might attempt/didn’t use to take

14. ……. Sahara Desert has ……. area of about 8 million square kilometers.

a. A/any b. —/the c. The/an d. The/— e. -/—

15. Some documentaries show people in their normal environment going about their daily lives, while …….. show how an industry works or portray social conditions and their causes.

a. the other b. another c. one another d. others e. some other

16. The students were ……… anxious because they hadn’t expected the teacher to include …….. units in the exam.

a. such/the same b. rather/so many c. so/too much d. more/enough e. less/fewer

17. If air pollution is to be eliminated in Istanbul, a new heating source …….. coal must be used.

a. other than b. another c.) any more d. the other e. no longer

18. After his team lost the biggest match of the season, my son was ……. upset to go to class for two days.

a. such b. even c. so d. too e. already

19 I wouldn’t have asked ……. for help if I had thought I could do it ……..

a. your/my own b. your own/me c. yours/mine d. you/myself e .ourselves/my

20. Though my parents usually go ……. interesting during their winter vacation, they said that this year they just didn’t have the energy.

a. anyhow b. everywhere c. somewhat d. somehow e. somewhere

Task 11

Choose the correct option.

1. The dog is …………….. twice a day.

a. feed b. feeding c. fed d. feeds

2. Put plants …………… a window so that they will get enough light.

a. near to b. near of c. next to d. nearly

3. Employers often require that candidates have not only a degree …………..

a. but two years experience b. also two years experience

c. but also two-year experience d. but more two years experience

4. Richard Nixon had been a lawyer and …………… before he entered politics.

a. served in the Navy as an officer b. an officer in the Navy

c. the Navy had him as an officer d. did service in the Navy as an officer

5. If one of the participants in a conversation wonders …………… no real communication has taken place.

a. what said the other person b. what the other person said

c. what did the other person say  d. what was the other person saying

6. The salary of a bus driver is much higher ……………..

a. in comparison with the salary of a teacher b. than a teacher

c. than that of a teacher d. to compare as a teacher

7. Professional people expect …………… when it is necessary to cancel an appointment.

a. you to call them b. that you would call them

c. your calling them d. that you are calling them

8. Sedimentary rocks are formed below the surface of the earth …………… very high temperatures and pressures.

a. where there are b. there are c. where are there d. there are where

9. Farmers look forward to …………… every summer.

a. participating in the county fairs b. participate in the county fairs

c. be participating in the county fairs d. have participated in the county fairs

10. Clipper ships were the swiftest sailing ships that …………………. to sea and the most beautiful.

a. ever were put b. were ever putted c. were ever put d. ever were putted

11. The ships had their days of …………………. in the 1840s and 1850s.

a. glorious b. glory c. glorify d. gloriously

12. Tea loses its flavor quickly …………………… in the hold of a vessel.

a. when storing b. stored c. when stored d. storing

13. Earl was one of the first American artists …………………. landscapes.

a. painting b. painted c. for painting d. to paint

14. The crime rate has continued to rise in American cities despite efforts on the part of both government and private citizens to curb ……………..

a. them b. him c. its d. it

15. In 1778, he ……………… to London to study with Benjamin West for four years.

a. has gone b. had gone c. would go d. went

Task 12

Choose the correct option.

1. …………. every child in the school passed the swimming test.

a. Near to b. Near by c. Next to d. Nearly

2. She can look back on her career with great …………….

a. satisfied b. satisfaction c. satisfactory d. satisfactorily

3. The captain as well as the passengers …………….. frightened.

a. be b.. been c. was d. were

4. Ann has got two sisters. Both of them …………….. married.

a. have b. has c. is d. are

5. Each learner of English …………….. a good dictionary.

a. needs b. need c. is d. are

6. Money, nor fame, nor wealth …………….. brought happiness to everybody.

a. has b. have c. is d. are

7. They …………………….. at this school before they became interpreters.

a. have taught b. had taught c. taught d. were taught

8. The salary of a bus driver is much higher …………….

a. in comparison with the salary of a teacher b. than a teacher

c. than that of a teacher d. to compare as a teacher

9. Professional people expect you to call them when it is necessary … an appointment.

a. to cancel b. canceling c. cancel d.. canceled

10. A computer is usually chosen because of its simplicity of operation and ease of maintenance ……… its capacity to store information.

a. the same as b. the same c. as well as d. as well

11. In a new culture, many embarrassing situations occur ……………. a misunderstanding.

a. for b. because of c. because d. of

12. Neptune is an extremely cold planet, and …………….

a. so does Uranus b. so has Uranus c. so is Uranus d. Uranus so

13. …………… that gold was discovered at Sutter’s Mill and that the California Gold Rush began.

a. Because in 1848 b. That in 1848 c. In 1848 that it was d. It was in 1848

14. The job has no …………….

a. prospectively b. prospects c. prospector d. prospective

15. Frost occurs in valleys and on low grounds ……………on adjacent hills.

a. more frequently as b. as frequently than c. more frequently than d. frequently than

Task 13

Choose the correct option.

1. The consistency of protoplasm and that of glue …………….

a. they are alike b. are similar to c. are similar d. the same

2. The lights and appliances in most homes use alternating current ………

a. instead direct current b. instead of direct current c. that instead direct current d. for direct current instead

3. When Franklin Roosevelt decided to run for a fourth term, the opposition said that he was…

a. so old b. too old c. oldest d. very older

4. The decomposition of microscopic animals at the bottom of the sea results in an accumulation of ……………. in porous rocks. a. the oil b. oil c. an oil d. oils

5. They discussed the matter calmly and ……………..

a. reason b. reasoned b.. reasonable d. reasonably

6. I saw a sample ……………… her work and it was quite impressed.

a. of b. in c. on d. about

7. The U.S. postal service policy for check approval includes a requirement that two pieces of identification ………………

a. must present b. presented c. be presented d. for presentation

8. Nerve impulses ……………. to the brain at a speed of about one hundred yards per second.

a. sending sensations b. to send sensations c. send sensations d.. be send sensations

9. Although exact statistics vary because of political changes, ……………. separate nation states are included in the official lists at any one time.

a. more than two hundred b. as much as two hundred

c. many as two hundred d. most that two hundred

10. ……………. owe much of their success as a group to their unusual powers of migration.

a. That birds b. bird c. The bird d. Birds

11. I believe …………….. things openly.

a. of discussing b. for discussing c. in discussing d. on discussing

12. Research in the work place reveals that people work for many reasons

a. money beside b. money besides c. beside money d. besides money

13. Seals can ……………. because they have a thick layer of blubber under their fur.

a. keep them warm b. keep themselves warm c. they keep warm d. keep their warm

14. Both liquids and gases flow freely from a container because they have ……………..

a. not definite shape b. none definite shape c. nothing definite shape d. no definite shape

15. One of Shaw’s ……………., “Pygmalion”, was the story that formed the basis for the musical play “My Fair Lady».

a. greatest work b. greatest works c. the greatest work d. the greatest works

Список литературы:

1. Round Grammar Practice 3-5. Longman Pearson, 2006.

2. Essential Grammar in Use. R. Murphy. Cambridge University Press. 2006.

3. Grammar and Vocabulary. M. Mann, S. Taylore-Knowles. Macmillan. 2012.

4. KET Practice Test. Longman Pearson, 2004.


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