Затянувшийся экзамен фильм 1986 актеры

Затянувшийся экзамен — актеры и роли

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    • Актеры и создатели
    • Кадры 4
  • О фильме
  • Рецензии
  • Актеры и создатели
  • Кадры 4
  • Обои
  • Трейлеры
  • Саундтреки
  • Постеры
  • Награды


Юрий Гребенщиков

Yuri Grebenshchikov

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Управление папками

Нина Дробышева

  • Роль — Нина Николаевна  
  • 1986

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Управление папками

Елена Самсонова

Yelena Samsonova

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В избранное

Управление папками

Лев Борисов

Lev Borisov

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Управление папками

Михаил Брылкин

Mikhail Brylkin

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Управление папками

Валентина Березуцкая

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Управление папками

Владимир Зайцев

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Управление папками

Юрий Гусев

Yuri Gusev

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Управление папками

Виктор Шульгин

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Земфира Галимуллина

Zemfira Galimullina

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Управление папками

Роман Хомятов

Roman Khomyatov

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В избранное

Управление папками

Татьяна Агафонова

  • Роль — гостья на свадьбе  

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Управление папками

В этом списке представлены все создатели и актеры фильма Затянувшийся экзамен. В перечне актеров и актрис, снявшихся в фильме Затянувшийся экзамен 1986 года, также имеется информация о ролях и героях, которых они сыграли.
Главные мужские роли в фильме сыграли актеры Лев Борисов, сыгравший роль ««Фунтик»», Юрий Гребенщиков, сыгравший роль «Виктор Иванович», Анатолий Голик. Главных женских персонажей в фильме исполнили актрисы Римма Маркова, Людмила Купина, Нина Дробышева, исполнившая роль «Нина Николаевна». Создатели и авторы фильма: режиссер — Владимир Шамшурин, художник — Ирина Шляпникова (постановщик).

Списки других фильмов и проектов всех актрис, актеров и авторов фильма Затянувшийся экзамен (1986) можно найти по соответствующим ссылкам (фото актера).


    Актеры фильма «Затянувшийся экзамен»

    • фото Лев Борисов

      Лев Борисов


    • фото Юрий Гребенщиков

      Юрий Гребенщиков

      Виктор Иванович

    • фото Анатолий Голик

      Анатолий Голик

    • фото Михаил Брылкин

      Михаил Брылкин


    • фото Юрий Гусев

      Юрий Гусев

      секретарь райкома

    • фото Виктор Шульгин

      Виктор Шульгин


    • фото Владимир Гуляев

      Владимир Гуляев

    • фото Николай Сморчков

      Николай Сморчков

      дирктор школы

    • фото Роман Хомятов

      Роман Хомятов

    • фото Владимир Ферапонтов

      Владимир Ферапонтов


    Актрисы фильма «Затянувшийся экзамен»

    • фото Римма Маркова

      Римма Маркова

    • фото Людмила Купина

      Людмила Купина

    • фото Нина Дробышева

      Нина Дробышева

      Нина Николаевна

    • фото Инна Выходцева

      Инна Выходцева

    • фото Клавдия Хабарова

      Клавдия Хабарова


    • фото Татьяна Агафонова

      Татьяна Агафонова

    • фото Елена Самсонова

      Елена Самсонова


    Режиссер фильма «Затянувшийся экзамен»

    • фото Владимир Шамшурин

      Владимир Шамшурин

    Художник фильма «Затянувшийся экзамен»

    • фото Ирина Шляпникова

      Ирина Шляпникова


    Композитор фильма «Затянувшийся экзамен»

    • фото Евгений Дога

      Евгений Дога

    Directed by 

    Alan Johnson

    Writing Credits

    Walon Green (screenplay) and
    D.A. Metrov (screenplay) (as Douglas Anthony Metrov)

    (in credits order)
    verified as complete

    Richard Jordan Richard Jordan Grock

    Jami Gertz Jami Gertz Terra

    Jason Patric Jason Patric Jason

    Lukas Haas Lukas Haas Daniel

    James Le Gros James Le Gros Metron

    Claude Brooks Claude Brooks Rabbit

    Peter DeLuise Peter DeLuise Tug

    Peter Kowanko Peter Kowanko Gavial

    (as Pete Kowanko)

    Adrian Pasdar Adrian Pasdar Darstar

    Sarah Douglas Sarah Douglas Shandray

    Charles Durning Charles Durning The Warden

    Frank Converse Frank Converse Greentree

    Terrence Mann Terrence Mann Ivor

    Alexei Sayle Alexei Sayle Malice

    Bruce Payne Bruce Payne Dogger

    Willoughby Gray Willoughby Gray Canis

    Kelly Bishop Kelly Bishop Tutor Nover

    Sam Hamann Sam Hamann Technician

    Vin Burnham Vin Burnham Vendor

    Carlin Andersen Carlin Andersen Hooker

    Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
    Eva Ramirez Eva Ramirez Skater


    Jimmy Star Jimmy Star Skater


    Produced by 

    Mel Brooks executive producer
    Francisco Molero co-producer
    Jack Frost Sanders producer
    Irene Walzer producer

    Music by 

    Maurice Jarre

    Cinematography by 

    Peter MacDonald

    Film Editing by 

    Conrad Buff IV (as Conrad Buff)

    Casting By 

    Pennie DuPont (as Pennie Du Pont)
    Fran Kumin
    Meg Simon

    Production Design by 

    Anthony Pratt

    Art Direction by 

    José María Alarcón (as Jose Maria Alarcon)
    Don Dossett supervising art director
    Fernando González
    Raul Paton
    Francisco Prósper (as Paco Prosper)
    Leslie Tomkins (as Les Tomkins)

    Set Decoration by 

    Graham Sumner

    Costume Design by 

    Bob Ringwood

    Makeup Department 

    Eric Fiedler makeup effects technician
    Steve Johnson makeup effects designer
    Makio Kida makeup effects
    Paquita Núñez hair stylist
    Richard Ruiz makeup effects
    José Antonio Sánchez makeup supervisor
    Adam Hill makeup effects moldmaker/puppeteer: Boss Films (uncredited)

    Production Management 

    Francisco Molero unit manager
    Paco Molero unit manager
    Dennis J. Parrish production supervisor

    Second Unit Director or Assistant Director 

    Víctor Albarrán second assistant director (as Victor Albarran)
    Kuki López Rodero first assistant director (as Juan Carlos L. Rodero)
    Salvador Pons third assistant director
    Ian Woolf second assistant director

    Art Department 

    Brent Boates production illustrator
    Eddie Fowlie property manager
    Ron Gress head painter
    Ramón Moya construction manager
    Michael Ross property manager
    Martín Sánchez Fernández painter
    Tadeo Villalba hijo assistant property manager (as Teddy Villalba)
    John Alvin poster artist (uncredited)
    Gerardo Diéguez art department (uncredited)
    José García Donado painter (uncredited)
    Jacinto Soria plasterer (uncredited)

    Sound Department 

    Richard L. Anderson supervising sound effects editor
    Mary Andrews adr editor
    James Christopher sound effects editor (as Jim Christopher)
    Carlos Delarios re-recording mixer
    Manuel Ferreiro boom operator
    Stephen Hunter Flick sound effects editor
    Warren Hamilton Jr. sound effects editor
    Ellen Heuer foley artist
    Laja Holland adr assistant
    Michael J. Kohut re-recording mixer
    Mark A. Mangini supervising sound editor
    Andrew Patterson supervising adr editor
    John Pospisil assistant sound editor
    Aaron Rochin re-recording mixer
    John Roesch foley artist
    Solange S. Schwalbe foley supervisor
    David E. Stone sound effects editor
    David Williams foley editor
    Jim Willis sound mixer
    Robin Haskins re-recordist (uncredited)

    Special Effects by 

    Carl Aldana special effects illustrator
    Nick Allder special effects supervisor
    Antonio Balandín special effects assistant
    Alan Bryce special effects technician
    Adam Gelbart modelmaker
    James Hale special effects auditor
    Daniel Hutten special effects technician
    Herikberto Muela special effects illustrator (as Herikbuerto Muela)
    Richard Parker special effects engineer (as Dick Parker)
    Antonio Parra special effects assistant
    George Trimmer model maker: dam designer
    Antonio Bueno special effects technician (uncredited)
    Juan Antonio Gómez special effects technician (uncredited)
    Manolo Gómez special effects assistant (uncredited)
    Robh Ruppel model builder (uncredited)
    Mark Yuricich special effects (uncredited)

    Visual Effects by 

    Jim Aupperle matte camera assistant
    Michael Backauskas visual effects optical line-up
    David Bartholomew visual effects assistant editor
    Mat Beck visual effects cameraman
    Peter Berman visual effects first assistant photographer
    Glenn Chaika visual effects animator
    Craig Clark special effects animator
    Ed Coffey visual effects animator
    Charles Cowles visual effects optical camera operator
    Margaret Craig-Chang visual effects assistant animator
    Mike Dornfield visual effects optical line-up
    Richard Edlund visual effects producer
    Robert Eyslee visual effects lighting technician
    Donald Fly visual effects chief financial officer
    James Garrett visual effects assistant editor
    Deborah Gaydos visual effects assistant animator (as Deborah Ann Gaydos)
    Michael Griffin visual effects optical camera operator
    David R. Hardberger visual effects first assistant photographer
    Alan Harding visual effects optical camera operator
    Rebecca Heskes visual effects technical animator (as Rebecca Petrulli)
    Renee Holt visual effects animation coordinator
    Neil Krepela visual effects matte supervisor
    Brad Kuehn visual effects optical camera operator
    Mauro Maressa visual effects animator
    Mary Mason visual effects optical coordinator
    George E. Mather visual effects production supervisor
    Dennis Michelson visual effects editor
    Henry Minski matte camera assistant
    Virgil Mirano visual effects still photographer
    Michele Moen visual effects matte artist (as Michelle Moen)
    Ronald B. Moore visual effects editorial consultant
    Thaine Morris visual effects foreman
    Bill Neil visual effects director of photography: USA
    James Nelson visual effects production advisor
    Clint Palmer visual effects first assistant photographer
    Samuel E. Recinos visual effects technical animator
    Chris Regan visual effects optical co-supervisor
    Peggy Regan visual effects animator
    Pat Repola visual effects lab technician
    Steve Ritchie visual effects lighting technician
    Scott Santoro visual effects animator
    Mark Stetson visual effects action props and miniatures supervisor
    David K. Stewart visual effects director of photography: Spain
    Wes Takahashi animation crew
    Annick Therrien visual effects technical animation supervisor
    Lynda Thompson visual effects production coordinator
    Eusebio Torres visual effects assistant animator
    George Trimmer model maker
    Patrick Van Auken visual effects grip
    Paul Van Camp software programmer
    Garry Waller visual effects special projects supervisor
    Mary E. Walter visual effects optical supervisor
    Gene Whiteman visual effects chief engineer
    Bess Wiley matte camera assistant
    Terry Windell visual effects art director
    Stefanie Wiseman visual effects film loader
    Matthew Yuricich visual effects supervising matte artist
    Randy Algoe visual effects (uncredited)


    Rémy Julienne stunt coordinator: vehicle stunts
    Juan Maján stunt coordinator (as Juan Majan)
    Salvador Martos Manson stunts (as Salvador Martos)
    Nicolás Martín stunt performer
    Anna Montalvo stunts
    Robert Seaquist stunts
    José Ignacio Álvarez stunts (as Jose Ignacio Alvarez)
    Juan Manuel Torres Gómez stunt performer (uncredited)

    Camera and Electrical Department 

    Eric D. Andersen camera operator (as Eric Andersen)
    Frank Batt dolly grip
    Nobby Clark assistant rigging electrician (as Roy T. Clark)
    Ira Curtis-Coleman video technician
    Fermin Estebranz video playback operator
    Rafa García assistant camera (as Raphael Garcia)
    Federico G. Grau still photographer
    Alec King rigging electrician
    Juan Leiva assistant camera (as Juan Martín Leiva)
    Domingo Martín assistant camera
    José Luis Martínez gaffer
    Ricardo Navarrete camera operator: second unit
    Fernando Perrote assistant camera (as Fernando Perrole)
    Ray Potter gaffer
    Francisco Ramos key grip
    Stefan Stankowski first assistant camera

    Animation Department 

    Harry J. Alpert animation crew
    Maura Alvarez animation crew
    Meg Freeman animation crew
    Lisa Krepela animation crew
    Kevin Kutchaver animation crew
    Angie Russell animation crew (as Anjelica Casillas)
    Marianne Tucker animation crew (as Mary Ann Tucker)

    Casting Department 

    Debbie McWilliams casting: London
    Pedro Sopeña extras casting

    Costume and Wardrobe Department 

    Vin Burnham costumer
    Agustín Jiménez costumer
    Patrick Wheatley costume supervisor

    Editorial Department 

    Peter Amundson associate editor
    Dennis McNeill color timer
    Magdalena Paradell assistant editor
    María Luisa Pino assistant editor
    Clarinda Wong first assistant editor

    Location Management 

    Miguel Ángel González on-set location manager

    Music Department 

    John Arrias score mixer
    Michael Boddicker musician: synthesizer
    Stephen Keator music supervisor
    William Saracino music editor

    Script and Continuity Department 

    Carmen Soriano script supervisor

    Additional Crew 

    Lucía Abril García production secretary
    Ludy Camacho assistant accountant
    Allen Cappuccilli assistant: Mr. Moore
    Craig Caton creature crew
    Raúl de la Morena medical service
    Santiago DeBenito assistant accountant
    Quinn Donoghue unit publicist
    Ken Dudderar production cinetechnician
    Leslie Ekker bodhi crew chief
    Ira Friedlander assistant production controller
    Deborah Hakim production coordinator
    Sam Hamann assistant: Mr. Johnson
    Leslie Hewitt purchasing agent (as Leslie Falkinburg)
    Michael Hosch robot sculptor
    Robin Dean Leyden electronics
    Fernando Marquerie production assistant
    Steven Marr chief electronics engineer
    Mark Matthews production cinetechnician
    Norma Paulsen liaison: London
    Alicia Peribanez production assistant
    Susana Prieto production coordinator
    Mindy Rothstein production administrator
    Alejandro Ruiz production assistant
    Adele Sanders unit accountant
    Alberto Sanz skate instructor
    Dana Miller Schornstein assistant production coordinator
    Jon Schreiber special projects assistant (as Jon Screiber)
    David Shwartz breakaway moldmaker
    Robert Spurlock robot crew chief
    Richard Stutsman dam crew chief
    Steve Warner production controller
    Mark West dam design engineer
    Claire Wilson assistant: Mr. Edlund
    Juanito Fernández production runner (uncredited)
    Burke Mattsson title designer (uncredited)

    Crew verified as complete

    Directed by 

    Alan Johnson

    Writing Credits

    Walon Green (screenplay) and
    D.A. Metrov (screenplay) (as Douglas Anthony Metrov)

    (in credits order)
    verified as complete

    Richard Jordan Richard Jordan Grock

    Jami Gertz Jami Gertz Terra

    Jason Patric Jason Patric Jason

    Lukas Haas Lukas Haas Daniel

    James Le Gros James Le Gros Metron

    Claude Brooks Claude Brooks Rabbit

    Peter DeLuise Peter DeLuise Tug

    Peter Kowanko Peter Kowanko Gavial

    (as Pete Kowanko)

    Adrian Pasdar Adrian Pasdar Darstar

    Sarah Douglas Sarah Douglas Shandray

    Charles Durning Charles Durning The Warden

    Frank Converse Frank Converse Greentree

    Terrence Mann Terrence Mann Ivor

    Alexei Sayle Alexei Sayle Malice

    Bruce Payne Bruce Payne Dogger

    Willoughby Gray Willoughby Gray Canis

    Kelly Bishop Kelly Bishop Tutor Nover

    Sam Hamann Sam Hamann Technician

    Vin Burnham Vin Burnham Vendor

    Carlin Andersen Carlin Andersen Hooker

    Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
    Eva Ramirez Eva Ramirez Skater


    Jimmy Star Jimmy Star Skater


    Produced by 

    Mel Brooks executive producer
    Francisco Molero co-producer
    Jack Frost Sanders producer
    Irene Walzer producer

    Music by 

    Maurice Jarre

    Cinematography by 

    Peter MacDonald

    Film Editing by 

    Conrad Buff IV (as Conrad Buff)

    Casting By 

    Pennie DuPont (as Pennie Du Pont)
    Fran Kumin
    Meg Simon

    Production Design by 

    Anthony Pratt

    Art Direction by 

    José María Alarcón (as Jose Maria Alarcon)
    Don Dossett supervising art director
    Fernando González
    Raul Paton
    Francisco Prósper (as Paco Prosper)
    Leslie Tomkins (as Les Tomkins)

    Set Decoration by 

    Graham Sumner

    Costume Design by 

    Bob Ringwood

    Makeup Department 

    Eric Fiedler makeup effects technician
    Steve Johnson makeup effects designer
    Makio Kida makeup effects
    Paquita Núñez hair stylist
    Richard Ruiz makeup effects
    José Antonio Sánchez makeup supervisor
    Adam Hill makeup effects moldmaker/puppeteer: Boss Films (uncredited)

    Production Management 

    Francisco Molero unit manager
    Paco Molero unit manager
    Dennis J. Parrish production supervisor

    Second Unit Director or Assistant Director 

    Víctor Albarrán second assistant director (as Victor Albarran)
    Kuki López Rodero first assistant director (as Juan Carlos L. Rodero)
    Salvador Pons third assistant director
    Ian Woolf second assistant director

    Art Department 

    Brent Boates production illustrator
    Eddie Fowlie property manager
    Ron Gress head painter
    Ramón Moya construction manager
    Michael Ross property manager
    Martín Sánchez Fernández painter
    Tadeo Villalba hijo assistant property manager (as Teddy Villalba)
    John Alvin poster artist (uncredited)
    Gerardo Diéguez art department (uncredited)
    José García Donado painter (uncredited)
    Jacinto Soria plasterer (uncredited)

    Sound Department 

    Richard L. Anderson supervising sound effects editor
    Mary Andrews adr editor
    James Christopher sound effects editor (as Jim Christopher)
    Carlos Delarios re-recording mixer
    Manuel Ferreiro boom operator
    Stephen Hunter Flick sound effects editor
    Warren Hamilton Jr. sound effects editor
    Ellen Heuer foley artist
    Laja Holland adr assistant
    Michael J. Kohut re-recording mixer
    Mark A. Mangini supervising sound editor
    Andrew Patterson supervising adr editor
    John Pospisil assistant sound editor
    Aaron Rochin re-recording mixer
    John Roesch foley artist
    Solange S. Schwalbe foley supervisor
    David E. Stone sound effects editor
    David Williams foley editor
    Jim Willis sound mixer
    Robin Haskins re-recordist (uncredited)

    Special Effects by 

    Carl Aldana special effects illustrator
    Nick Allder special effects supervisor
    Antonio Balandín special effects assistant
    Alan Bryce special effects technician
    Adam Gelbart modelmaker
    James Hale special effects auditor
    Daniel Hutten special effects technician
    Herikberto Muela special effects illustrator (as Herikbuerto Muela)
    Richard Parker special effects engineer (as Dick Parker)
    Antonio Parra special effects assistant
    George Trimmer model maker: dam designer
    Antonio Bueno special effects technician (uncredited)
    Juan Antonio Gómez special effects technician (uncredited)
    Manolo Gómez special effects assistant (uncredited)
    Robh Ruppel model builder (uncredited)
    Mark Yuricich special effects (uncredited)

    Visual Effects by 

    Jim Aupperle matte camera assistant
    Michael Backauskas visual effects optical line-up
    David Bartholomew visual effects assistant editor
    Mat Beck visual effects cameraman
    Peter Berman visual effects first assistant photographer
    Glenn Chaika visual effects animator
    Craig Clark special effects animator
    Ed Coffey visual effects animator
    Charles Cowles visual effects optical camera operator
    Margaret Craig-Chang visual effects assistant animator
    Mike Dornfield visual effects optical line-up
    Richard Edlund visual effects producer
    Robert Eyslee visual effects lighting technician
    Donald Fly visual effects chief financial officer
    James Garrett visual effects assistant editor
    Deborah Gaydos visual effects assistant animator (as Deborah Ann Gaydos)
    Michael Griffin visual effects optical camera operator
    David R. Hardberger visual effects first assistant photographer
    Alan Harding visual effects optical camera operator
    Rebecca Heskes visual effects technical animator (as Rebecca Petrulli)
    Renee Holt visual effects animation coordinator
    Neil Krepela visual effects matte supervisor
    Brad Kuehn visual effects optical camera operator
    Mauro Maressa visual effects animator
    Mary Mason visual effects optical coordinator
    George E. Mather visual effects production supervisor
    Dennis Michelson visual effects editor
    Henry Minski matte camera assistant
    Virgil Mirano visual effects still photographer
    Michele Moen visual effects matte artist (as Michelle Moen)
    Ronald B. Moore visual effects editorial consultant
    Thaine Morris visual effects foreman
    Bill Neil visual effects director of photography: USA
    James Nelson visual effects production advisor
    Clint Palmer visual effects first assistant photographer
    Samuel E. Recinos visual effects technical animator
    Chris Regan visual effects optical co-supervisor
    Peggy Regan visual effects animator
    Pat Repola visual effects lab technician
    Steve Ritchie visual effects lighting technician
    Scott Santoro visual effects animator
    Mark Stetson visual effects action props and miniatures supervisor
    David K. Stewart visual effects director of photography: Spain
    Wes Takahashi animation crew
    Annick Therrien visual effects technical animation supervisor
    Lynda Thompson visual effects production coordinator
    Eusebio Torres visual effects assistant animator
    George Trimmer model maker
    Patrick Van Auken visual effects grip
    Paul Van Camp software programmer
    Garry Waller visual effects special projects supervisor
    Mary E. Walter visual effects optical supervisor
    Gene Whiteman visual effects chief engineer
    Bess Wiley matte camera assistant
    Terry Windell visual effects art director
    Stefanie Wiseman visual effects film loader
    Matthew Yuricich visual effects supervising matte artist
    Randy Algoe visual effects (uncredited)


    Rémy Julienne stunt coordinator: vehicle stunts
    Juan Maján stunt coordinator (as Juan Majan)
    Salvador Martos Manson stunts (as Salvador Martos)
    Nicolás Martín stunt performer
    Anna Montalvo stunts
    Robert Seaquist stunts
    José Ignacio Álvarez stunts (as Jose Ignacio Alvarez)
    Juan Manuel Torres Gómez stunt performer (uncredited)

    Camera and Electrical Department 

    Eric D. Andersen camera operator (as Eric Andersen)
    Frank Batt dolly grip
    Nobby Clark assistant rigging electrician (as Roy T. Clark)
    Ira Curtis-Coleman video technician
    Fermin Estebranz video playback operator
    Rafa García assistant camera (as Raphael Garcia)
    Federico G. Grau still photographer
    Alec King rigging electrician
    Juan Leiva assistant camera (as Juan Martín Leiva)
    Domingo Martín assistant camera
    José Luis Martínez gaffer
    Ricardo Navarrete camera operator: second unit
    Fernando Perrote assistant camera (as Fernando Perrole)
    Ray Potter gaffer
    Francisco Ramos key grip
    Stefan Stankowski first assistant camera

    Animation Department 

    Harry J. Alpert animation crew
    Maura Alvarez animation crew
    Meg Freeman animation crew
    Lisa Krepela animation crew
    Kevin Kutchaver animation crew
    Angie Russell animation crew (as Anjelica Casillas)
    Marianne Tucker animation crew (as Mary Ann Tucker)

    Casting Department 

    Debbie McWilliams casting: London
    Pedro Sopeña extras casting

    Costume and Wardrobe Department 

    Vin Burnham costumer
    Agustín Jiménez costumer
    Patrick Wheatley costume supervisor

    Editorial Department 

    Peter Amundson associate editor
    Dennis McNeill color timer
    Magdalena Paradell assistant editor
    María Luisa Pino assistant editor
    Clarinda Wong first assistant editor

    Location Management 

    Miguel Ángel González on-set location manager

    Music Department 

    John Arrias score mixer
    Michael Boddicker musician: synthesizer
    Stephen Keator music supervisor
    William Saracino music editor

    Script and Continuity Department 

    Carmen Soriano script supervisor

    Additional Crew 

    Lucía Abril García production secretary
    Ludy Camacho assistant accountant
    Allen Cappuccilli assistant: Mr. Moore
    Craig Caton creature crew
    Raúl de la Morena medical service
    Santiago DeBenito assistant accountant
    Quinn Donoghue unit publicist
    Ken Dudderar production cinetechnician
    Leslie Ekker bodhi crew chief
    Ira Friedlander assistant production controller
    Deborah Hakim production coordinator
    Sam Hamann assistant: Mr. Johnson
    Leslie Hewitt purchasing agent (as Leslie Falkinburg)
    Michael Hosch robot sculptor
    Robin Dean Leyden electronics
    Fernando Marquerie production assistant
    Steven Marr chief electronics engineer
    Mark Matthews production cinetechnician
    Norma Paulsen liaison: London
    Alicia Peribanez production assistant
    Susana Prieto production coordinator
    Mindy Rothstein production administrator
    Alejandro Ruiz production assistant
    Adele Sanders unit accountant
    Alberto Sanz skate instructor
    Dana Miller Schornstein assistant production coordinator
    Jon Schreiber special projects assistant (as Jon Screiber)
    David Shwartz breakaway moldmaker
    Robert Spurlock robot crew chief
    Richard Stutsman dam crew chief
    Steve Warner production controller
    Mark West dam design engineer
    Claire Wilson assistant: Mr. Edlund
    Juanito Fernández production runner (uncredited)
    Burke Mattsson title designer (uncredited)

    Crew verified as complete

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  • Затмевать подарочек усидчивый ненавидели егэ

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